Weekly Status
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Yocto Project Weekly Status Mar. 4th, 2025
Current Dev Position: YP 5.2 M3
Next Deadline: YP 5.2 M3 Build date 2025-03-03 - Feature Freeze
Next Team Meetings:
- Bug Triage meeting Thursday Mar. 6th at 7:30 am PST (https://zoom.us/j/454367603?pwd=ZGxoa2ZXL3FkM3Y0bFd5aVpHVVZ6dz09)
- Weekly Project Engineering Sync Tuesday Mar. 4th at 8 am PST (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Twitch - See https://www.twitch.tv/theyoctojester
Key Status/Updates:
- YP 4.0.25 was released
- YP 5.1.3 is pending review
- We are now at feature freeze for YP 5.2
- Go was upgraded to 1.24, thanks to Jose and Hongxu for their work in making that happen and identifying the remaining reproducibility issue
- Rust upgrades to 1.83 and possibly 1.84 are close and we are aiming to include them in the release if possible
- The CVE/NVD situation is concerning enough we may delay the release build in the hope some improvements and process changes can be made.
- A cause of intermittent failures resulting in bitbake hangs was identified after 3 days of work from Richard (recursive events deadlocking)
- Bitbake-setup patches have been submitted but merging remains unlikely simply due to lack of participation in the review/testing process.
- The gomod mirror issue in meta-openembedded continues to give failed builds on the autobuilder. There would be ways to add short term fixes. The better fixes likely involve rewriting mirror url handling, which can’t be rushed into and discussions on that are stalling anyway.
- A new version of uninative compatible with glibc 2.41 was released.
- The newcomer bug list has been triaged and has a number of new issues added.
Ways to contribute:
- As people are likely aware, the project has a number of components which are either unmaintained, or have people with little to no time trying to keep them alive. These components include: devtool, toaster, wic, oeqa, autobuilder, CROPs containers, pseudo and more. Many have open bugs. Help is welcome in trying to better look after these components!
- There is an issue open upstream with the openssl project related to making path relocation of openssl easier (as used in our buildtools tarball and SDK). We’d love assistance in moving this forward and getting some kind of upstream feature merged to make this easier: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/19260
- There are bugs identified as possible for newcomers to the project: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Newcomers
- There are bugs that are currently unassigned for YP 5.2. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Bug_Triage#Medium+_5.2_Unassigned_Enhancements/Bugs
- We’d welcome new maintainers for recipes in OE-Core. Please see the list at: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/conf/distro/include/maintainers.inc and discuss with the existing maintainer, or ask on the OE-Core mailing list. We will likely move a chunk of these to “Unassigned” soon to help facilitate this.
- Help is very much welcome in trying to resolve our autobuilder intermittent issues. You can see the list of failures we’re continuing to see by searching for the “AB-INT” tag in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=AB-INT.
- Help us resolve CVE issues: CVE metrics
- We have a growing number of bugs in bugzilla, any help with them is appreciated.
- Ongoing project development plans are being developed in this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xsnN_HcaMhqg6Dn1P_19AnumDaUMQSdFZ_I4rjD830A/edit?usp=sharing We need to continue to develop this as it will allow us to potentially find ways to fund specific work items.
Tracking Metrics:
- WDD 2771 (last week 2761) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
- OE-Core/Poky Patch Metrics
- Total patches found: 1024 (last week 1023)
- Patches in the Pending State: 170 (17%) [last week 171 (17%)]
- https://autobuilder.yocto.io/-release/patchmetrics/
YP 5.2 Milestone Dates:
- YP 5.2 M3 Build Date 2025-03-03
- YP 5.2 M3 Release Date 2025-03-14
- YP 5.2 M4 Build Date 2025-03-31
- YP 5.2 M4 Release Date 2025-04-25
Upcoming dot releases:
- YP 4.0.25 was released.
- YP 5.1.3 is in review.
- YP 5.0.8 Build Date 2025-03-10
- YP 5.0.8 Release Date 2025-03-21
- YP 5.1.4 Build Date 2025-03-24
- YP 5.1.4 Release Date 2025-04-04
- YP 4.0.26 Build Date 2025-04-07
- YP 4.0.26 Release Date 2025-04-18
- YP 5.0.9 Build Date 2025-04-21
- YP 5.0.9 Release Date 2025-05-02
- YP 4.0.27 Build Date 2025-05-19
- YP 4.0.27 Release Date 2025-05-30
- YP 5.0.10 Build Date 2025-06-02
- YP 5.0.10 Release Date 2025-06-13
- YP 4.0.28 Build Date 2025-06-30
- YP 4.0.28 Release Date 2025-07-11
The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering Committee, more information is available at:
- 2025 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive
- 2024 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive
- 2023 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive
- 2022 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive
- 2021 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive
- 2020 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive
- 2019 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive
- 2018 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive