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== Yocto Project Weekly Status August 7, 2018 ==
== Yocto Project Weekly Status Sept. 17th, 2024 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M2.<br/>
Current Dev Position: YP 5.1 Feature Freeze and Bug Fixing<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M2 Release Target was July 27, 2018<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 5.1 M4 Build 30 Sept. 2024<br/>

'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
'''Next Team Meetings:'''<br/>
*Bug Triage meeting Thursday Sept. 19th at 7:30 am PST (https://zoom.us/j/454367603?pwd=ZGxoa2ZXL3FkM3Y0bFd5aVpHVVZ6dz09)
*SWAT lead is currently: Armin
*Weekly Project Engineering Sync Tuesday Sept. 17th at 8 am PST (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
*SWAT team rotation: Armin -> Maxin on Aug. 10, 2018
*Twitch -  See https://www.twitch.tv/theyoctojester
*SWAT team rotation: Maxin -> Chen on Aug. 17, 2018
'''Project Announcements:'''<br/>
*There has been various changes in the project recently which have caused concern for some users and contributors. It is worth highlighting the recent news that:
**The Yocto Project recently welcomed two new platinum members, Facebook and Arm to the advisory board
**Richard Purdie is being funded by the project to continue in his role as the overall project architect, currently for a three month period whilst governance is discussed.
**Nicolas Dechesne (Linaro) has taken over the community manager role from Jefro
**Lieu Ta (WindRiver) has taken over the advisory board chairperson role from Jefro
**Andreea Volosincu (WindRiver) has taken on the advocacy lead role from Tracey Erway
**Discussions about the future governance of the project with a view to modernisation and clarification are now ongoing but are based upon the strong foundations above.
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M2 is in QA. See https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.6_QA_Status.  It is 98% complete and should complete this week.
*YP 2.2.4  has been released.  This is the final release of the YP 2.2 (morty) series.
*We are about to build 2.5.1 (sumo) after M2 completes QA.
*The races in oe-selftest parallelisation are now mostly resolved and we will be able to use it by default with master. We had a record 30 minute oe-selftest run with hot sstate  (compared with 13 hours at its worst with cold sstate and no parallelism).
*Multiconfig dependencies looks ready to merge (thanks Alejandro/Xlinx).
*The layerindex library code from Mark/Windriver needs close review as it builds API any setup tool would rely upon.
*The sstate equivalency server work from Joshua/Garmin needs review
*The kernel-devsrc rework from Bruce/Windriver is hopefully ready to go in now multilib issues that were stopping it have been resolved.
*Uninative 2.2 was released. There was a critical bug found in the first attempt and a patch was reverted to allow the release. This releases fixes build issues with newer distros.
'''Planned Releases for YP 2.6:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M2 Build is in QA
*YP 2.6 M2 Release Target was July 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.5.1 (Sumo) is in QA.
*YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M4 is done.
*YP 2.5.2 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.4.4 is done.
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2590 (last week 2620) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
*Poky Patch Metrics 
**Total patches found: 1608 (last week 1619)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 730 (45%) [last week 740 (46%)]
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status July 31, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M2.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M2 Release Target was July 27, 2018<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Tracy
*SWAT team rotation: Tracy -> Armin on Aug. 3, 2018
*SWAT team rotation: Armin -> Maxin on Aug. 10, 2018
'''Project Announcements:'''<br/>
*There has been various changes in the project recently which have caused concern for some users and contributors. It is worth highlighting the recent news that:
**The Yocto Project recently welcomed two new platinum members, Facebook and Arm to the advisory board
**Richard Purdie is being funded by the project to continue in his role as the overall project architect, currently for a three month period whilst governance is discussed.
**Nicolas Dechesne (Linaro) has taken over the community manager role from Jefro
**Lieu Ta (WindRiver) has taken over the advisory board chairperson role from Jefro
**Andreea Volosincu (WindRiver) has taken on the advocacy lead role from Tracey Erway
**Discussions about the future governance of the project with a view to modernisation and clarification are now ongoing but are based upon the strong foundations above.
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M2 is in QA. See https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.6_QA_Status.  It is 98% complete and should complete this week.
*YP 2.2.4  has been released.  This is the final release of the YP 2.2 (morty) series.
*We are about to build 2.5.1 (sumo) after M2 completes QA.
*The races in oe-selftest parallelisation are now mostly resolved and we will be able to use it by default with master. We had a record 30 minute oe-selftest run with hot sstate  (compared with 13 hours at its worst with cold sstate and no parallelism).
*Multiconfig dependencies looks ready to merge (thanks Alejandro/Xlinx).
*The layerindex library code from Mark/Windriver needs close review as it builds API any setup tool would rely upon.
*The sstate equivalency server work from Joshua/Garmin needs review
*The kernel-devsrc rework from Bruce/Windriver is hopefully ready to go in now multilib issues that were stopping it have been resolved.
*Uninative 2.2 was released. There was a critical bug found in the first attempt and a patch was reverted to allow the release. This releases fixes build issues with newer distros.
'''Planned Releases for YP 2.6:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M2 Build is in QA
*YP 2.6 M2 Release Target was July 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.5.1 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M2 is done.
*YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M4 is done.
*YP 2.5.2 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.4.4 is done.
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2620 (last week 2618) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
*Poky Patch Metrics 
**Total patches found: 1619 (last week 1619)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 740 (46%) [last week 762 (46%)]
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status July 24, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M2.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M2 Release Target is July 27, 2018<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Amanda
*SWAT team rotation: Amanda -> Tracy on July 27, 2018
*SWAT team rotation: Tracy -> Armin on Aug. 3, 2018
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M2 is in QA. See https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.6_QA_Status.  It is 84% complete.
*YP 2.3.4 has been released.  This is the final release of the YP 2.3 (pyro) series.
*YP 2.2.4 is out of QA and will release this week. This will be the final release of the YP 2.2 (morty) series.
*A new version of uninative-tarball will be released this week to fix issues sharing sstate from newer distros.
*Oe-selftest patches have merged however there are race issues in the test cases, particularly where the modify metadata as part of the test. This has meant we’ve not enabled parallelisation by default yet.
*RP is compiling a list of broken selftests so we can figure out fixing them by monitoring the repository for changes as the tests run. If anyone is interested in helping let us know! Faster oe-selftest times mean faster patch testing and merging.
*We lack a good mechanism for flagging work which someone new to the project who wants to help could take on. Richard posted one such task onto the OE-Core mailing list last week (“OE-core] Request for help - Simple cleanup/optimisation task”)
*Master now has significant parallelism improvements for do_package which take the wall clock time for ltp from 605s to 163s. Some of that was through parallel execution of tasks, removal of the use of subprocess shells also helped.
'''Planned Releases for YP 2.6:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M2 Build is in QA
*YP 2.6 M2 Release Target is July 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.5.1 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M2 is done.
*YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M4 is done.
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2618 (last week 2646) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
*Poky Patch Metrics 
**Total patches found: 1619 (last week 1628)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 762 (46%) [last week 761 (47%)]
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status July 17, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M2.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M2 Build Target is July 16, 2018<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Paul
*SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Tracy on July 20, 2018
*SWAT team rotation: Tracy -> Amanda on July 27, 2018
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M1 was released on July 9th.
*YP 2.3.4 should release shortly.
*QA reports for 2.2.4 should be due this week.
*Patch merging for 2.6 M2 is in progress. We’ll likely aim to get oe-selftest parallelisation merged and most of the current -next patchset.
*Master took ~30 patches over the past week with patch review/testing pending on around 50 more.
*The feature list for 2.6 is becoming more specific now and at a high level the current intent is:
**Gcc 8.X
**oe-selfest paralelisation
**Autobuilder rework to new buildbot with testing efficiency improvements
**Automation of current manual QA testing
**Python profile guided optimisation (pgo)
**Inter-multiconfig dependencies
**Sstate hash equivalence server/implementation for improved sstate reuse
**Standardised OE Layer index client library in bitbake
**Toaster for use as a configuration tool extension/enhancements
*Patches for oe-selftest are on the mailing list. There was a longer discussion of the different options and implementation details which was sent to the openembedded-architecture mailing list.
*Thanks to the few people who took on unassigned bugs. There are still plenty there if anyone else is interested in helping!
'''Planned Releases for YP 2.6:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M2 Build Target is July 16, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Release Target is July 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.2.4 (Morty) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status it is at 100% complete, the final report should be published shortly.
*YP 2.5.1 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M2 is done.
*YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M4 is done.
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2646 (last week 2646) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
*Poky Patch Metrics 
**Total patches found: 1628 (last week 1628)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 762 (47%) [last week 761 (47%)]
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status July 9, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M2.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M2 Build Target is July 16, 2018<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Ross
*SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Paul on July 13, 2018
*SWAT team rotation: Paul-> Tracy on July 20, 2018
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*2.6 M1 is out of QA and due for release this week, See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW27_-_2018-07-02_-_Full_Test_Cycle_2.6_M1_rc1.
*QA reports for 2.3.4 and 2.2.4 should be due this week.
*2.6 M2’s deadline is a week today.
*Master took ~100 patches over the past week with patch review remaining roughly stable.
*Tweaks the new autobuilder codebase mean we should have more reliable buildhistory data for master and for test branches such as -next and mut. Analysis of that data may become the problematic issue now.
*Delays in oe-selftest execution mean we’ve started looking into solutions for increasing its parallelism once again.
*The triage team decided to start sending out a list of the unassigned bugs once a week in the hope more people may be able to help with bugs that aren’t being actively worked on.
'''Planned Releases for YP 2.6:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M1 Release Target is June 22, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Build Target is July 16, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Release Target is July 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.3_QA_Status it is at 97% complete.
*YP 2.2.4 (Morty) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status it is at 98% complete.
*YP 2.5.1 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M2 is done.
*YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M4 is done.
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2646 (last week 2654) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
*Poky Patch Metrics 
**Total patches found: 1628 (last week 1640)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 764 (47%) [last week 754 (46%)]
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status July 2, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M1 is accepting patches.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M1 release was June 22, 2018 (See update)<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Chen
*SWAT team rotation: Chen -> Ross on July 6, 2018
*SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Paul on July 13, 2018
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*2.6 M1 is still in QA with the report due imminently.
*2.3.4 and 2.2.4 are also both going through the QA process, queued behind 2.6 M1.
*Master took ~85 patches over the past week and the patch queue is pretty much up to date with further rounds of patches queued in -next and mut.
*2.6 planning has effectively stalled, we have a number of bugs in the “2.99” state but commitment to either complete them or defer them to a later release is proving tricky to establish. Development continues and patches are being reviewed on a case by case basis but this is making a “known feature list” for 2.6 hard to predict in advance.
'''Planned Releases for YP 2.6:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M1 Build Target is in QA. See https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.6_QA_Status it is 99% complete.
*YP 2.6 M1 Release Target is June 22, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Build Target is July 16, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Release Target is July 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.3_QA_Status it is at 97% complete.
*YP 2.2.4 (Morty) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status it is at 97% complete.
*YP 2.5.1 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M2 is done.
*YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M4 is done.
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2654 (last week 2591) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
*Poky Patch Metrics 
**Total patches found: 1640 (last week 1638)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 754 (46%) [last week 756(46%)]
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status June 25, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M1 is accepting patches.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M1 release was June 22, 2018 (See update)<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Maxin
*SWAT team rotation: Maxin -> Chen on June 29, 2018
*SWAT team rotation: Chen -> Rosson July 6, 2018
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*2.6 M1 is still in QA, we’re had a number of bug reports and some key fixed have merged into master for some of the issues uncovered, particularly around gcc 8.
*2.3.4 and 2.2.4 are also both going through the QA process, queued behind 2.6 M1.
*The autobuilder infrastructure is undergoing changes to the new codebase with a new controller being brought up and new workers being connected to it, before we then transfer the current ones over too.
*We’re hopefully keeping roughly up to date on the patch queue. Unfortunately some changes are taking quite a bit of debugging to build correctly in all the test configurations but we’re slowly getting some of the key issues resolved.
'''Planned Releases for YP 2.6:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M1 Build Target is in QA. See https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.6_QA_Status it is 93% complete.
*YP 2.6 M1 Release Target is June 22, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Build Target is July 16, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Release Target is July 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.3_QA_Status it is at 92% complete.
*YP 2.2.4 (Morty) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status it is at 49% complete.
*YP 2.5.1 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M2 is done.
*YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M4 is done.
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2591 (last week 2568) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
*Poky Patch Metrics   
**Total patches found: 1638 (last week 1651)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 756(46%) [last week 765(46%)]
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status June 18, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M1 is accepting patches.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M1 release is June 22, 2018 (See update)<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Armin
*SWAT team rotation: Armin -> Maxin on June 22, 2018
*SWAT team rotation: Maxin -> Ross on June 29, 2018
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*2.4.3 was released
*2.6 M1 was built and passed to QA.
*2.3.4 and 2.2.4 are also both going through the QA process
*gcc 8.1 was merged into master, thanks to everyone involved for the testing and fixes, I know some of the patches had some back and forth but believe we ended up with the right fixes.
*Good news on the autobuilder front, we believe we now have enough feature equivalence between the old buildbot code and the new buildbot code to be able to switch all the infrastructure over to the new codebase. This marks the point where we get out of “catch up” mode and can start enhancing the functionality.
*With M1 built, we believe we’ve merged a good portion of the patch backlog and been able to give feedback about a number of patches which were in an indeterminate state. We’ve tried hard to ensure patches are getting feedback, if anything has been missed, please let us know.
'''Planned Releases for YP 2.6:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M1 Build Target is in QA.
*YP 2.6 M1 Release Target is June 22, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Build Target is July 16, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Release Target is July 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.3_QA_Status it is at 92% complete.
*YP 2.2.4 (Morty) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status it is at 24% complete.
*YP 2.5.1 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M2 is done.
*YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M4 is done.
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2568 (last week 2551) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
*Poky Patch Metrics   
**Total patches found: 1651 (last week 1597)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 765(46%) [last week 741 (47%)]
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status June 11, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M1 is accepting patches.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M1 release is June 11, 2018 (See update)<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Stephano
*SWAT team rotation: Stephano -> Armin on June 15, 2018
*SWAT team rotation: Armin -> Maxin on June 22, 2018
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*2.4.3 is in QA
*2.3.4 and 2.2.4 are also both queued ready for QA after 2.4.3.
*The gcc 8.1 update is nearly ready for merge once the final edgerouter build issues are addressed. Once that merges, we’ll be ready for 2.6 M1 testing.
*Due to the milestone, patch merging is slowing to stabilize.
*There has been some good progress on the autobuilder2 work. Thanks to some help from upstream we figured out how to create the build controls we need to run our testing which was a major blocker on updating our infrastructure. Once we have the wiki reporting fixed from the autobuilder we should be able to complete the update. Some of the improvements we need were merged upstream too.
'''Planned Releases for YP 2.6:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M1 Build Target is June 11, 2018 (See update)
*YP 2.6 M1 Release Target is June 22, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Build Target is July 16, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Release Target is July 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) rc2 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.4_QA_Status it is 94% complete.
*YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.3_QA_Status it is at 86% complete.
*YP 2.2.4 (Morty) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status it is at 19% complete.
*YP 2.5.1 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M2 is done.
*YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M4 is done.
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2551 (last week 2523) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
*Poky Patch Metrics   
**Total patches found: 1597 (last week 1592)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 741 (47%) [last week 742 (47%)]
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status June 4, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M1 is accepting patches.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M1 release is June 11, 2018<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Tracy
*SWAT team rotation: Tracy -> Amanda on June 8, 2018
*SWAT team rotation: Amanda -> Stephano on June 15, 2018
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*2.4.3 is in QA
*2.3.4 and 2.2.4 are also both queued ready for QA after 2.4.3.
*Patch review/merging was slow over the past week due to Ross being on vacation and changes in Richard’s employment/hardware situation but at least some of the backlog was resolved over the weekend and the hardware issues should be worked around now.
*Gcc 8 is nearly ready to merge but there are some concerns about some of the patches breaking qemupcc sdk toolchains and potentially problems with arm tunes which need to be resolved first.
*Patch merging continues to struggle due to root causing testsuite failures to patches, thanks to everyone who’s promptly fixed issues we found with patches.
*Alex Kanavin is looking at the perl recipe with a view to trying to improve it, anyone else with interest/ideas should talk to Alex.
'''Planned Releases for YP 2.6:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M1 Build Target is June 11, 2018
*YP 2.6 M1 Release Target is June 22, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Build Target is July 16, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Release Target is July 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) rc2 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.4_QA_Status it is 93% complete.
*YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.3_QA_Status it is at 9% complete.
*YP 2.2.4 (Morty) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status it is at 10% complete.
*YP 2.5.1 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M2 is done.
*YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M4 is done.
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2523 (last week 2508) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
*Poky Patch Metrics   
**Total patches found: 1592 (last week 1601)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 742 (47%) [last week 746 (47%)]
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status May 29, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M1 is accepting patches.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M1 release is June 11, 2018<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Paul
*SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Tracy on June 1, 2018
*SWAT team rotation: Tracy -> Amanda on June 8, 2018
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*2.4.3 is in QA
*2.3.4 and 2.2.4 are also both queued ready for QA after 2.4.3.
*Khem has been doing great work in heading off gcc 8.x issues and several patches have merged in this area
*We continue to struggle to get green builds for patch merging, there are a lot of patches being posted and we’re doing the best we can to get these tested, the good ones merged and feedback given on the problematic ones.
*We could do with getting a feel for who is using/interested in mips/powerpc support and which areas of those architectures they may be using. We could do with rationalizing the test matrix and those are some of the slowest emulated platforms we have, there are also questions about how long support will be maintained in glibc/gcc.
'''Planned Releases for YP 2.6:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M1 Build Target is June 11, 2018
*YP 2.6 M1 Release Target is June 22, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Build Target is July 16, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Release Target is July 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) rc2 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.4_QA_Status it is 62% complete.
*YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.3_QA_Status it is at 7% complete.
*YP 2.2.4 (Morty) rc1 is built and in QA see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status it hasn’t started yet.
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2508 (last week 2510) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
**Total patches found: 1601 (last week 1599)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 47% (last week 47%)
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status May 21, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M1 is accepting patches.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M1 release is June 11, 2018<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Ross
*SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Paul on May 25, 2018
*SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Tracy on June 1, 2018
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*We thought 2.4.3 had built and gone into QA however it seems something wasn’t configured correctly and this didn’t happen. We’ll requeue it again today.
*There was a second 2.6 planning technical call on 15th where some further topics for 2.6 were discussed and some people/companies showed interest in those areas.
*The next discussion on 2.6 planning will happen on June 5, 2018 at 8am PDT.
*There were blocking issues with the new buildbot/autobuilder codebase which were preventing feature parity between the old and new codebases but after discussion with upstream we now have a plan on how to move forward. This unblocks progress on the new infrastructure.
'''Planned Releases for YP 2.6:'''<br/>
*YP 2.6 M1 Build Target is June 11, 2018
*YP 2.6 M1 Release Target is June 22, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Build Target is July 16, 2018
*YP 2.6 M2 Release Target is July 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018
*YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018
*YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built this week
*YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) is planned for after 2.3.4
*YP 2.2.4 (Morty) is planned for after 2.4.3
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2510 (last week 2515) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
**Total patches found: 1599 (last week 1591)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 47% (last week 47%)
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status May 14, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M1 is accepting patches.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M1 release is TBD<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Armin
*SWAT team rotation: Armin -> Ross on May 18, 2018
*SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Paul on May 25, 2018
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*Yocto Project 2.5 (sumo) released.
*The technical call on 1st May started discussions on 2.6 planning. Some threads were started on the openembedded-architecture mailing list for some of the topics which need discussion. The email linked to below details the planning process we will be following along with some of the possible ideas for 2.6: http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2018-April/150040.html
*A further 2.6 planning meeting will be scheduled at the same time as the original meeting on 15th May to continue the discussion (8am PST, 4pm GMT).
*Patches are merging into master but as ever, there are challenges in identifying the root cause of regressions and ensuring the patches causing them don’t merge.
*We are noticing some a minor issues with uninative, an issue with non-IA statically linked security flags and a few other misc issues.
*The number of “unowned” bugs in bugzilla is substantially increasing
*The number of attendees at the bug triage meeting is very low compared to normal
*The number of committed features for 2.6 is currently significantly lower than previous releases
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built this week
*YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) is planned for after 2.3.4
*YP 2.2.4 (Morty) is planned for after 2.4.3
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2515 (last week 2550) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
**Total patches found: 1591 (last week 1590)
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 47% (last week 47%)
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status May 7, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 is in QA.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M4 release is 4/27/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
*SWAT lead is currently: Stephano<br/>
*SWAT team rotation: Stephano -> Maxin on May 11, 2018<br/>
*SWAT team rotation: Maxin-> Armin on May 18, 2018<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*2.5 rc1 should be due from QA early this week. It is 96% complete. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.5_QA_Status
*The need for any rc2 is still to be determined when the report is complete.
*The technical call on 1st May started discussions on 2.6 planning. Some threads were started on the openembedded-architecture mailing list for some of the topics which need discussion. The email linked to below details the planning process we will be following along with some of the possible ideas for 2.6: http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2018-April/150040.html
*A further 2.6 planning meeting will be scheduled at the same time as the original meeting on 15th May to continue the discussion (8am PST, 4pm GMT).
*We have started merging patches into master again to clear some of the backlog, particularly the recipe upgrades. This improved the overall patch count in metrics below.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built after 2.5<br/>
*YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built after 2.5<br/>
*YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) is planned for post YP 2.5<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
*YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2550 (last week 2508) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)<br/>
*Patches  <br/>
**Total patches found: 1590 (last week 1635)<br/>
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 47% (last week 46%)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status April 30, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 is in QA.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M4 release is 4/27/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
SWAT lead is currently: Stephano<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Stephano -> Stephano on May 4, 2018<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Stephano -> Armin  on May 11, 2018<br/>

'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*2.5 rc1 is in QA
*YP 5.1 M3 has been released
*As things stand we are aware of some minor issues in rc1 such as the bitbake version not having been updated and a fix for the eclipse plugin being missing. A workaround is available for the latter. We will let QA run its course before deciding on whether an rc2 makes sense.
*YP 4.0.21 has been released
*The monthly technical call is tomorrow (1st May) and will focus on 2.6 planning discussion (https://www.yoctoproject.org/monthly-technical-call/). The email linked to below details the planning process we will be following along with some of the possible ideas for 2.6: http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2018-April/150040.html
*YP 5.1 rc1 (final release) is being built
*There are YP 5.2 proposed milestone dates https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TDrD9nFjosvLHa7EfL_Y1-1slK7u5Am6NZV6QRF2P6s/edit - please review and let us know if there are any concerns.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
*The final pieces of the release were merged:
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built after 2.5<br/>
**sanity test for Ubuntu 24.04 userns/apparmor issue added
YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built after 2.5<br/>
**TCLIBCAPPEND properly deprecated
YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) is planned for post YP 2.5<br/>
**toaster fixtures tweaked
**buildtools updated
**non-deterministic libsdl2 configure issue fixed
**gitsm configparser change reverted
**many other varied and useful fixes
*Since there is now an rc build heading to QA, master and styhead will diverge. There are some patches in master-next which were deemed too late/risky for the release (including the gomod class changes)
*The new autobuilder has had NAS problems when scaled to final size, those are being worked on but it will delay switching to the new system a little.
*There is discussion around configuration file markup/syntax related to fragment management on the architecture list, targeting 5.2.

'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
'''Ways to contribute:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
*As people are likely aware, the project has a number of components which are either unmaintained, or have people with little to no time trying to keep them alive. These components include: devtool, toaster, wic, oeqa, autobuilder, CROPs containers, pseudo and more. Many have open bugs. Help is welcome in trying to better look after these components!
*There is an issue open upstream with the openssl project related to making path relocation of openssl easier (as used in our buildtools tarball and SDK). We’d love assistance in moving this forward and getting some kind of upstream feature merged to make this easier: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/19260
*There are bugs identified as possible for newcomers to the project: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Newcomers
*There are bugs that are currently unassigned for YP 5.1. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Bug_Triage#Medium+_5.1_Unassigned_Enhancements/Bugs
*We’d welcome new maintainers for recipes in OE-Core. Please see the list at: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/conf/distro/include/maintainers.inc and discuss with the existing maintainer, or ask on the OE-Core mailing list. We will likely move a chunk of these to “Unassigned” soon to help facilitate this.
*Help is very much welcome in trying to resolve our autobuilder intermittent issues. You can see the list of failures we’re continuing to see by searching for the “AB-INT” tag in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=AB-INT.
*Help us resolve CVE issues: CVE metrics
*We have a growing number of bugs in bugzilla, any help with them is appreciated.

'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2508 (last week 2486) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
*WDD 2739 (last week 2734) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
*OE-Core/Poky Patch Metrics
**Same as last week as nothing has merged. 
**Total patches found: 1067 (last week 1067)
**Total patches found: 1635
**Patches in the Pending State: 176 (16%) [last week 176 (16%)]
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 46%
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status<br/>
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status April 23, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M4 final close out.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M4 release is 4/27/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
SWAT lead is currently: Tracy.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Stephano -> Maxin on April 27, 2018<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Maxin -> Rebecca on May 4, 2018<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*Several key uninative issues were identified and fixed which should mean uninative is much more reliable than previously as there were some rare but problematic corner cases which are now fixed.
*Other potentially 2.5 blocking changes such as timezone issues were fixed.
*We have documented sstate mirror setup for poky as opt-in, not by default and will monitor the usage of this to see how sustainable it is.
*Assuming the current test build succeeds, 2.5 rc1 will be built today.
*An email about 2.6 planning was sent out and people are invited to the next monthly technical call (https://www.yoctoproject.org/monthly-technical-call/). The email details the planning process we will be following along with some of the possible ideas for 2.6. The email is: http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2018-April/150040.html
*We are now tracking patch status in the tracking metrics below. The percentage of patches with Upstream-Status should stay at 100% now with our monitoring. Over time we want to reduce the percentage in the “Pending” state and the overall number of patches.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built after 2.5<br/>
YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built after 2.5<br/>
YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) is planned for post YP 2.5<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
*WDD 2486 (last week 2573) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
**Total patches found: 1635
**Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 46%
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status<br/>
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status April 16, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M4 final close out.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M4 release is 4/27/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
SWAT lead is currently: Tracy.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Tracy -> Stephano on April 20, 2018<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Stephano -> Maxin on April 27, 2018<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*2.5 M3 was released. There were some issues but we have decided to target these for the final release rather than respinning M3.
*Our automated testing shows problems but only on machines in Asia. This was root caused to the timezone settings of the builds. We have therefore moved some of the reproducibility code to be the default (TZ setting) in order to have consistent builds.
*Fedora28 has necessitated a late uninative upgrade which is due to merge for 2.5 but may have an issue still to resolve (rpm-native popt issue).
*The final 2.5 build is blocked on the fedora28 issue above and the two remaining build issues we are seeing on debian9 machine the QA team has. Our main autobuilder debian9 builds are ok.
*Master-next still has a number of recipe upgrades queued which are being rebased continually. We still want to discourage people from sending recipe upgrades until we start 2.6; however, there were simply too many patches to ignore. This has meant various people and build resources have ended up distracted from 2.5 work.
*For 2.6 we are looking at a slightly different planning process. In the next monthly team call we will discuss the plans for 2.6. The agenda will be seeded with some high level ideas/goals about what we may be able to do in 2.6. It will then be up to the Yocto Project members and community to decide if they can contribute the time and resources to make them happen (or add to the list). If you are able to work on something in 2.6 please let us know or come to the meeting and discuss it with us so that we can ensure we have an accurate plan! A separate announcement email will be sent out about this in the next few days.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built after 2.5<br/>
YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built after 2.5<br/>
YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) is planned for post YP 2.5.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2573 (last week 2570)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status<br/>
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status April 9, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M4 final close out.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M4 release is 4/27/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
SWAT lead is currently: Paul.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Tracy on April 13, 2018<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Tracy -> Stephano on April 20, 2018<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*The M3 rc1 QA report has been completed: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW15_-_2018-04-09-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.5_M3_rc1  There are a number of selftest failures and a known SRCREV related issue with the build-appliance. We will look into these, but at this point we don’t foresee these blocking M3 and will aim to start testing release candidates for the final 2.5 release this week. 
*A problem was spotted with fedora28 which has worryingly decided to merge extra patches ahead of glibc and “break” ABI over the split of libcrypt out of glibc into libxcrypt. Since we will have to handle this, we have decided to change nativesdk-glibc for the 2.5 release but keep on target as is until the situation with upstream glibc becomes clearer.
*We realised late in the cycle that we needed to change the LAYERSERIES_COMPAT variable in the core layers. We have also added warnings to make this variable more obvious and required it for Yocto Project Compatible v2 status. It seemed best to make these changes for 2.5 rather than wait until 2.6.
*We are considering a final late change to 2.5 to allow poky to use the Yocto Project sstate mirrors by default. Feedback welcome on whether we should do this. It is late in the cycle but would make a good speedup for users potentially.
*Armin fixed the SDK locale issues with morty, thanks! We are aware of a related locale  build regression on morty sadly.
*We were able to upgrade pseudo and have hopefully resolved our fedora27/coreutils issues. Thanks to all who helped!
*Master-next has a number of recipe upgrades queued. We still want to discourage people from sending recipe upgrades until we start 2.6; however, there were simply too many patches to ignore. This has meant various people and build resources have ended up distracted from 2.5 work.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built after 2.5 M3<br/>
YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built after 2.5 M3 once the glibc 2.27 issue is fixed<br/>
YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) is planned for post YP 2.5.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 is in QA.  See status above.<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 was scheduled for release 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2570 (last week 2594)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status<br/>
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status April 2, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M3 final close out.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M4 stabilization is 4/2/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
SWAT lead is currently Juro.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Juro -> Paul on April 6, 2018<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Tracy on April 13, 2018<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*Two issues have so far been identified in the M3 rc1 build. One is due to differences in build-appliance srcrev between the new and old buildbot autobuilder codebases. The second is an issue with the particular stable kernel version causing problems on 32bit IA which we believe is fixed in current master due to kernel version changes there.
*We continue to be blocked with morty on the glibc 2.27 and the sdk locale issues.  Armin has been looking into it.
*The pseudo issue with newer versions of coreutils as used in fedora27 continues to cause problems, but thanks to some work by several people we do look close to a solution.  The help from everyone is much appreciated.
*We are now well into the stabilization period and are seeing a number of good patches both to fix current issues and future proof the release, foreseeing potential problems with versions and heading those issues off.  Thanks to everyone helping with these.
*The codename for 2.6 (after sumo) will be ‘thud’.
*As a reminder, general recipe upgrades will not be merged during this period unless there is a pressing reason.  Those will be held for 2.6.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built after 2.5 M3<br/>
YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built after 2.5 M3 once the glibc 2.27 issue is fixed<br/>
YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) is planned for post YP 2.5.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 is in QA.  See status above.<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 was scheduled for release 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2594 (last week 2673)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status<br/>
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status March 26, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M3 final close out.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M4 stabilization is 4/2/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
SWAT lead is currently Ross.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Juro on March 30, 2018<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Juro -> Paul on April 6, 2018<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*YP 2.5 M3 rc1 was built and went into QA. This release was built on with the ‘new’ autobuilder codebase. Some issues were found with artefact publication but nothing to block the rc1 as yet.
*We are still blocked with morty on the glibc 2.27 and the sdk locale issues
*Code has been added to uninative to ensure the glibc corruption that occurred with the newer glibc cannot happen again.
*We have found a new issue where fedora 27’s version of coreutils is using syscall() to call a syscall directly and hence corrupting permissions of some files from pseudo’s perspective. We’re currently discussing this with upstream as its looking problematic to fix and we’d much prefer they use the glibc wrappers.
*We have a fix for the qemuarm64 hangs during early boot, thanks to everyone who’s helped fix that, its much appreciated and will help our automated tests.
*A significant win in opkg compression speed was found (thanks Ross!)
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built after 2.5 M3<br/>
YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built after 2.5 M3 once the glibc 2.27 issue is fixed<br/>
YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) is planned for post YP 2.5.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 is in QA.  See status above.<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 was scheduled for release 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2673 (last week 2673)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status<br/>
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status March 19, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M3 final close out.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M3 cut off was 2/19/18<br/>
''' FEATURE FREEZE for 2.5 has passed '''<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
SWAT lead is currently Ross.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Armin -> Ross on March 23, 2018<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Juro on March 30, 2018<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*YP 2.4.2 was released: https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/yocto/2018-March/040282.html
*Meta-intel 8.1 was released: https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/meta-intel/2018-March/005261.html
*We’ve realised we were going to run into problems with distros adopting glibc 2.27, if not now, during the next release cycle. We therefore decided to head off this problem and try and fix the issues now. Unfortunately, due to locale changes in 2.27, it also breaks our eSDK in the current and all previous releases. We have fixes in master for this (thanks Ross!) and backports ready for rocko and pyro in the -next branches. Morty is proving harder to fix. We believe it is likely better to fix these issue even if the changes are invasive (they are at least mostly contained to the SDKs).
*The gcc 6.x changes were merged into rocko/pyro/morty which means point releases are now unblocked by that issue.
*The performance issue reported last week was tracked down to a kernel change which was reverted.
*The new buildbot autobuilder instance is working with basic functionality. We therefore plan to run the M3 release build on that infrastructure with a view to using it for the main 2.5 release. It was great to be able to report an issue upstream and be using their latest code! The autobuilder functionality is improved in at least two significant ways already which benefit the maintainers.
*We really do need to roll M3 now, our current plan is to test the final changes in mut and then run M3 with this. It is not a perfect set of features, many things simply haven’t made it in as the people doing review are overloaded. We’re too far past the freeze deadline to realistically make any further progress with this though.
*ELC was productive and there was a lot of good discussion between the people there about many different things. In particular we have some ideas for improving the project’s build infrastructure to allow more builds including other layers. More info will follow as we build the plans to make that happen.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built after 2.5 M3<br/>
YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built after 2.5 M3 once the glibc 2.27 issue is fixed<br/>
YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) is planned for post YP 2.5.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 is in feature freeze.  See status above.<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 was scheduled for release 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2673 (last week 2673)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status<br/>
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status March 12, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M3 final close out.<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M3 cut off was 2/19/18<br/>
''' FEATURE FREEZE for 2.5 has passed '''<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation:'''<br/>
SWAT lead is currently Cal.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Cal -> Armin on March 16, 2018<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Armin -> Ross on March 23, 2018<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*The Embedded Linux Conference is in Portland this week!
*YP 2.4.2 RC2 QA report is being discussed and is expected to be released this week. (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW10_-_2018-03-05-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.4.2_rc2). 
*We are changing the planning process and Milestone tracking in Bugzilla.  More details can be found here:  https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/yocto/2018-March/040226.html
*A new uninative release was made (1.8) because distributions are moving to glibc 2.27 and this broke the old uninative. People using uninative should upgrade to this.
*GCC 6.x with the latest security fixes is currently in rocko/pyro/morty -next thanks to Martin and Juro. They are undergoing autobuilder testing now but we hope they’ll be merged soon.
*Performance metrics indicate that a recent merge has caused a slowdown in build times.  It is suspected that the glibc upgrade is the cause of this although help would be appreciated to verify and possibly mitigate this.
*Flood of last-minute upgrades continuing to be reviewed and merged if high reward or low impact.
*Go upgrade/improvements were merged.  For 2.5 we will be shipping both 1.9.4 and 1.10, but plan to drop 1.9.x from master once 1.10 doesn’t present compatibility problems.
*EFI image refactoring patches were merged. The gist of these are that /boot is now under package manager control instead of injected at image creation.
*A number of patch refresh patches were merged. These are to solve problems with patches applied with “fuzz”, where patch will note that the context isn’t correct anymore but the differences are hopefully small enough to apply anyway.  Sometimes this is useful (other changes causing the target lines to move), sometimes it’s actively harmful (patch applied incorrectly, silently breaking behaviour). We hope to warn when fuzz is detected during the 2.6 cycle so these patches are removing fuzz from oe-core.  Expect a mail to the lists soon explaining how to find and remove fuzz.
*We are continuing to work on the autobuilder changes and for various reasons (inc. changes in people).  We would be in much better shape to switch to the new codebase before release, rather than waiting until early 2.6 to pick this work up again by which time we would have lost people and context. If we are to switch, we need to build M3 with the new infrastructure. We plan to make this switch for M3.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built when GCC backports are merged.<br/>
YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built when GCC backports are merged.<br/>
YP 2.4.3 (Roko) is planned for post YP 2.5.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 is in feature freeze.  See status above.<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 was scheduled for release 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2673 (last week 2663)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status<br/>
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]<br/>
== Yocto Project Weekly Status March 5, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M3 final close out. <br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M3 cut off was 2/19/18<br/>
''' FEATURE FREEZE for 2.5 has passed '''<br/>
'''SWAT team rotation'''<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Rebecca -> Cal on March 9, 2018 <br/>
SWAT team rotation: Cal -> Armin on March 16, 2018 <br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:''' <br/>
*YP 2.5 M2 was released February 27. 
**This milestone release includes CVE fixes and 60 recipe upgrades.  It incorporates security fixes with upgrades to gcc and kernels to all current stable versions.  Headline changes include reproducibility improvements, gettext build performance, image generation, and cmake using Ninja by default.  This release added gobject-introspection tests to testimage, integrated support for the Meson build system, Python build/packaging refactoring, and redesigned postinstall script handling.
*YP 2.2.3 was released February 27. 
**A total of 97 CVE fixes and other fixes to work with GCC 7 on newer host OSs. 
**We have committed to a 2.2.4 release to integrate all remaining security fixes.
*YP 2.4.2 RC2 came out of QA today (report at https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW10_-_2018-03-05-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.4.2_rc2)
*YP 2.5 M3 is in final feature freeze. Reviewing last week’s required features:
**2.27 glibc upgrade has been merged. This meant making SDK changes so they’re all ~50M larger now thanks to the need to ship locales. However the same underlying code could be reused to generate locale archives in images, which will make those smaller.
**kernel-devsrc size reduction: the blocking issue has been resolved so waiting for an updated patch.
**pseudo upgrade has been merged which should solve many issues, and Peter is investigating the long-standing host contamination issue.
**Still need to resolve the multilib SDK patch series.
**Package feed filtering has been merged.
**Image EFI configuration rework under review now.
*Performance metrics indicate that a recent merge has caused a slowdown in build times.  It is suspected that the glibc upgrade is the cause of this although help would be appreciated to verify this.
*Flood of last-minute upgrades continuing to be reviewed and merged if low-impact.
*Go upgrade/improvements are under review, possibly we’ll ship both Go 1.9.4 and 1.10 in 2.5 but do plan to drop 1.9.4 from master as soon as 1.10 doesn’t present compatibility problems.
*We’re continuing to work on the autobuilder changes and for various reasons (inc. changes in people).  We would be in much better shape to switch to the new codebase before release, rather than waiting until early 2.6 to pick this work up again by which time we’d have lost people and context. If we are to switch, we need to build M3 with the new infrastructure. We plan to make this switch for M3.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built when we figure out gcc backports.<br/>
YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built when we figure out gcc backports.<br/>
YP 2.4.3 (Roko) is planned for post YP 2.5.
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 is in feature freeze.  See status above.<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 was scheduled for release 3/2/18 <br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2663 (last week 2646)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status Feb. 26, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M3 development <br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M3 cut off was 2/19/18 <br/>
''' FEATURE FREEZE for 2.5 has passed '''
'''SWAT team rotation'''<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Stephano -> Maxin John on Feb. 23, 2018<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Maxin -> Rebecca on March 2, 2018<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*YP 2.5 M2 is through QA and likely to be released early this week.
*YP 2.2.3 is through QA and likely to be released early this week.
*YP 2.4.2 rc2 was successfully built and is undergoing QA.
*YP 2.5 M3 is feature freeze. After discussions with various people we concluded that we need:
**the 2.27 glibc upgrade
**kernel-devsrc size changes
**to resolve some of the outstanding pseudo bugs
**to resolve the multilib SDK patch series
**the package feed filtering patch series (the multilib SDK series depends on it)
**image EFI configuration rework
*We plan to defer:
**pkg-conf vs. pkgconfig issues/discussion
**profile guided optimisation for python (patch series)
**oe-selftest parallelization
*We’re continuing to work on the autobuilder changes and for various reasons (inc. changes in people).  We would be in much better shape to switch to the new codebase before release, rather than waiting until early 2.6 to pick this work up again by which time we’d have lost people and context. If we are to switch, we need to build M3 with the new infrastructure. We’ll have to make a decision on whether we do this during this week.<br/>
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.4.2 (Rocko) is currently in QA 82% complete.  See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.4_QA_Status<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built when we figure out gcc backports.<br/>
YP 2.2.3 (Morty) rc2 has passed QA and is being prepared for release<br/>
YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built when we figure out gcc backports.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''
YP 2.5 M2 has passed QA and is being prepared for release.<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 is in feature freeze.  See status above.<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 release of 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''
WDD 2646 (last week   2648)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status Feb. 20, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M3 development<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M3 cut off was 2/19/18<br/>
'''FEATURE FREEZE for 2.5 is imminent!'''
'''SWAT team rotation'''<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Tracy -> Stephano on Feb. 16, 2018.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Stephano -> Maxin John on Feb. 23, 2018<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*YP 2.5 M2 is 97% through QA. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.5_QA_Status
*YP 2.2.3 is also mostly through QA. See https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status
*We build 2.4.2 rc1 however rapidly moving kernel updates combined with QA not having started on rc1 yet meant we decided to build rc2, pulling in further kernel security fixes (as well as others like openssl). rc2 is currently being built and should enter QA today assuming a successful build.
*autobuilder.yoctoproject.org continues to be unavailable as we continue to develop the new autobuilder codebase to replace the current heavily customized buildbot one.
*We managed to shrink the ltp package size which unblocked some patch merging. Bruce has been working on changes to kernel-devsrc to significantly reduce its size.
*The glibc change continues to be blocked on locale issues which may prove tricky to resolve and will block M3 as we need the glibc upgrade for various reasons.
*We have some key decisions to make about the conflicting native of pkg-conf and pkgconfig. Maxin has a patch series which exposes the issues.
*There are problems with the changes to pseudo’s master branch verses the patches we have against the recipe.
*Please note that we are very close to M3 which is feature freeze, technically, feature freeze was yesterday. We’re not in a position to build M3 yet but if there are features you expect to see in 2.5, please highlight those patches ASAP. We are drawing up a list of “must haves” for the release and if we don’t know about it, it likely won’t be on it.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.4.2 (Rocko) is currently being built and should enter QA today. <br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built when we figure out gcc backports.<br/>
YP 2.2.3 (Morty) rc2 is in QA.<br/>
YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built when we figure out gcc backports.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 cut off is past, it is in QA.<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 release of 1/26/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 cut off of 2/19/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 release of 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2648 (last week  2610)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status Feb. 12, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M3 development<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M3 cut off is 2/19/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation'''<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Tracy on Feb. 9, 2018.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Tracy -> Stephano on Feb. 16, 2018.<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*YP 2.5 M2 is currently undergoing QA and nearly complete. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.5_QA_Status
*YP 2.2.3 is also mostly through QA. See https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status.
*Holidays mean that QA is slowed, we will QA 2.4.2 as soon as they return.
*autobuilder.yoctoproject.org continues to be unavailable as we continue to develop the new autobuilder codebase to replace the current heavily customized buildbot one.
*Some positive performance news is that by removing the “fetchall” and “checkuriall” tasks, we were able to take “bitbake core-image-sato -g” from 20s to around 8s. The speedup comes from the runqueue calculation so most builds will benefit from this speedup. The tasks are replaced by a dedicated bitbake option, --runall=<taskname>.
*Kernel updates have been blocked as some image sizes have overflowed the maximum allowed image sizes. We’re working on figuring out how to resolve that, likely by stripping ltp and/or optimising the kernel-devsrc recipe if possible.
*The glibc change is blocked on various build failures the code seems to trigger as well as issues with gplv2 vs gplv3 patches for meta-gplv2.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.4.2 (Rocko) will be built shortly, once there is QA bandwidth available.<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built when we figure out gcc backports.<br/>
YP 2.2.3 (Morty) rc2 is in QA.<br/>
YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built when we figure out gcc backports.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 cut off is past, it is in QA.<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 release of 1/26/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 cut off of 2/19/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 release of 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2610 (last week 2638)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status Feb. 5, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M3 development<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M3 cut off was 2/19/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation'''<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Juro -> Paul on Feb. 2, 2018.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Tracy on Feb. 9, 2018.<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*YP 2.5 M2 has been built and is pending QA. The M2 milestone contains the linux-yocto kernel backports and gcc upgrade for the spectre and meltdown security issues.
*YP 2.2.3 is mostly through QA, some issues have been identified with newer host distro releases; however, these are likely something we’d address with 2.2.4.
*autobuilder.yoctoproject.org continues to be unavailable as we continue to develop the new autobuilder codebase to replace the current heavily customized buildbot one.
*There are some changes to runqueue in bitbake about to land (currently in -next) which bring some risk of dependency problems in recrdeptask and recideptask handling, it's worth keeping in mind if task dependencies issues appear shortly after those merge.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.4.2 (Rocko) will be built shortly, once there is QA bandwidth available.<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built when a stable version of the spectre/meltdown patches are ready.<br/>
YP 2.2.3 (Morty) rc2 is in QA, see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status.  This will not contain the spectre/meltdown patches as they’re not ready yet.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 cut off is past, it is in QA.<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 release of 1/26/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 cut off of 2/19/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 release of 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2638 (last week 2630)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status Jan. 29, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M2 development<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M2 cut off was 1/15/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation'''<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Juro on Jan. 26, 2018.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Juro -> Tracy on Feb. 2, 2018.<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*YP 2.5 M1 rc3 was released.
*Fixes for spectre and meltdown are in master and also in the rocko branches for both gcc (updated to 7.3) and linux-yocto.
*We will likely consolidate a few further patches (such as genericx86 and other meta-yotcto-bsp updates) and then build and QA both 2.5 M2 and 2.4.2.
*Work on the autobuilder changes continues but means autobuilder.yoctoproject.org is not being used in production (autobuilder.yocto.io aka ‘the new cluster’) is.
*There were a number of lock related issues with the yocto.io builder over the weekend which are being investigated.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.4.2 (Rocko) will be built shortly.<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built when a stable version of the spectre/meltdown patches are ready.<br/>
YP 2.2.3 (Morty) rc1 is in QA, see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status.  This will not contain the spectre/meltdown patches as they’re not ready yet.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 cut off is past, it should be built shortly.<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 release of 1/26/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 cut off of 2/19/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 release of 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2630 (last week 2657)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status Jan. 22, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M2 development<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M2 cut off was 1/15/18<br/>
'''SWAT team rotation'''<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Armin -> Ross on Jan. 19, 2018.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Juro on Jan. 26, 2018.<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*YP 2.5 M1 rc3 is out of QA and should be released imminently. There were some minor issues but we’ll address these as part of M2.
**See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW03_-_2018-1-18-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.5_M1_rc3
**See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_Project_v2.5_Status#Milestone_1_-_Target_Dec._15.2C_2017
*With a round of security released fixes likely to land shortly, we’ll likely wait for these before we roll M2.
*The Automatic Upgrade Helper (AUH) ran, now based on devtool functionality and testing against a wider set of architectures and build options. This looks likely to easy recipe maintenance and increase productivity for people and I’d like to thank Alex for his work on this. There is much it could do better but it is continuing to evolve and become easier to use which is great to see.
*The AUH emails have triggered a good batch of recipe upgrades. QEMU was also upgraded (which can often cause problems).
*I sent out a separate summary of changes which are happening to the Autobuilder, people on the SWAT team need to be especially aware of this http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-architecture/2018-January/000694.html
*The long queued python recipe changes including its manifest have landed. We tested this as far as we could in core and I know there is some fall out in other layers, help and patience to work through the issues is appreciated. Patches pending against the python recipes will need to be rebased and resent.
*There have been some significant changes to cmake, ninja and meson and meson is now the default for some recipes. There were some significant gettext cleanups.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.4.2 (Rocko) will be built when a stable version of the spectre/meltdown patches are ready.<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built when a stable version of the spectre/meltdown patches are ready.<br/>
YP 2.2.3 (Morty) rc1 is in QA, see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status.  This will not contain the spectre/meltdown patches as they’re not ready yet.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 cut off is past, it should be built as soon as a decision on the spectre/meltdown patches is made.<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 release of 1/26/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 cut off of 2/19/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 release of 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2657 (last week 2672)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status Jan. 16, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M2 development<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M2 cut off was 1/15/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation'''<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Joshua -> Armin on Jan. 12, 2018.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Armin -> Ross on Jan. 19, 2018.<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*2.3.3 and 2.4.1 were released. These releases do not contain spectre/meltdown patches/fixes as those are still being worked on and haven’t merged yet.
*We are mostly up to date with patch queues although there are some bigger series which are still being tested/reviewed and are still pending
*Due to testing problems with 2.5 M1 rc3, it is still undergoing QA testing and is 90% complete. We are continuing to have some QA transition/infrastructure issues. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.5_QA_Status.
*A separate update on the spectre/meltdown status and the project has been sent out to the oe-core mailing list.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.4.2 (Rocko) will be built when a stable version of the spectre/meltdown patches has been proven ready.<br/>
YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built when a stable version of the spectre/meltdown patches has been proven ready.<br/>
YP 2.2.3 (Morty) rc1 is in QA, see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status.  We are considering holding this release candidate and building another when a stable version of the spectre/meltdown patches has been proven ready.<br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M1 rc3 is in QA, see above link.<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 cut off is past, it should be built as soon as the spectre/meltdown patches are ready and have been proven ready.<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 release of 1/26/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 cut off of 2/19/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 release of 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics:'''<br/>
WDD 2672 (last week 2700)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status Jan. 8, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M2 development<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M2 cut off of 1/15/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation'''<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Cal -> Joshua on Jan. 5, 2018.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Joshua -> Armin on Jan. 12, 2018.<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*2.3.3 and 2.4.1 are likely due to imminently release, we tracked down the performance regressions to some kind of infrastructure issue which is still being investigated.
*The automated testing issues have mostly been resolved now and this has meant we’ve run a series of builds for master and the stable release branches. As such, the backlog of patches against morty, pyro, rocko and master are substantially reduced after this weekend.
*Armin’s help with the stable patch queues is much appreciated.
*Due to testing problems with 2.5 M1 rc1, particular from the qemu APIC hangs, we have put a new build, rc3 into QA. The QA of YP 2.5 M1 rc3 is about 2% complete.  See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.5_QA_Status
*We’re aware there are some serious security issues around at the moment. We’ve been stalled partly as maintainers are returning from vacation, partly as fixes are only now becoming available. As fixes are available we will waterfall these into the branches. One of the reasons we’ve focused on clearing the other patches queued is so we can quickly test and merge these and then proceed with another set of point releases.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.4.1 (Rocko) rc1 is out of QA, and should be released this week.<br/>
YP 2.3.3 (Pyro) rc1 is out of QA, and should be released this week.<br/>
YP 2.2.3 (Morty) rc1 is in QA, see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status. <br/>
'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M1 rc1 is in QA, see above link.<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 cut off of 1/15/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M2 release of 1/26/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 cut off of 2/19/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 release of 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>
'''Tracking Metrics: '''<br/>
WDD 2700 (last week 2764)<br/>
'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Yocto Project Weekly Status Jan. 2, 2018 ==
Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M2 development<br/>
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M2 cut off of 1/15/18<br/>
'''SWAT Team Rotation'''<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Maxin -> Rebecca on Dec. 22, 2017.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Rebecca -> Cal on Dec. 29, 2017.<br/>
SWAT team rotation: Cal -> Joshua on Jan. 5, 2018.<br/>
'''Key Status/Updates:'''<br/>
*Things have been slow over the holiday season but things should be back to normal by the end of this week.
*The QA of YP 2.4.1 rc1 is complete.  See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW51_-_2017-12-21-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.4.1_rc1.
*The QA of YP 2.3.3 rc1 is complete. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW51_-_2017-12-20-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.3_rc1.
*For 2.3.3 and 2.4.1 we have some questions about performance issues which the QA process potentially identified and we need to investigate these before any release can be made.
*The QA of YP 2.5 M1 rc1 is about 68% complete.  See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.5_QA_Status
*The QA of YP 2.2.3 rc1 is about 24% complete. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/2.2_QA_Status.
*The kvm apic hang is resolved for qemux86-64 with a workaround. The workaround doesn’t work for qemux86 but there is another patch pending to address this.
*We keep seeing phantom “inode space” issues with the NFS setup on the autobuilder across all releases. I think we’re likely to give in and change the disk space monitoring on the infrastructure to ignore this as its breaking too many builds and likely not worth tracking down further.
*There are other suspected repository concurrency issues on the infrastructure causing failures and we’ve disabled buildhistory to allow builds to work until that is resolved.
*We’re hopeful with these changes in place we can get some kind of build stability back and have a better chance at merging patches again.
'''Planned upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
YP 2.4.1 (Rocko) rc1 is out of QA, see above link.  <br/>
YP 2.3.3 (Pyro) rc1 is out of QA, see above link.<br/>
YP 2.2.3 (Morty) rc1 is in QA, see above link.<br/>

'''Key YP 2.5 Dates are:'''<br/>
'''YP 5.1 Milestone Dates:'''<br/>
YP 2.5 M1 rc1 is in QA, see above link.<br/>
*YP 5.1 M3 is released.
YP 2.5 M2 cut off of 1/15/18<br/>
*YP 5.1 M4 Build date 2024-09-30
YP 2.5 M2 release of 1/26/18<br/>
*YP 5.1 M4 Release date 2024-10-25
YP 2.5 M3 cut off of 2/19/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M3 release of 3/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18<br/>
YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18<br/>

'''Tracking Metrics: '''
'''Upcoming dot releases:'''<br/>
WDD 2764 (last week 2719)<br/>
*YP 4.0.21 is released.
*YP 5.0.4 Build Date 2024-09-23
*YP 5.0.4 Release Date 2024-10-04
*YP 4.0.22 Build Date 2024-10-14
*YP 4.0.22 Release Date 2024-10-25
*YP 5.0.5 Build Date 2024-11-11
*YP 5.0.5 Release Date 2024-11-22
*YP 4.0.23 Build Date 2024-11-18
*YP 4.0.23 Release Date 2024-11-29

'''Key Status Links for YP:'''<br/>
'''The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering Committee, more information is available at:'''<br/>

[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]
== Archives ==
*[[2024 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive]]
*[[2023 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive]]
*[[2022 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive]]
*[[2021 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive]]
*[[2020 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive]]
*[[2019 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive]]
*[[2018 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive]]

Latest revision as of 14:49, 17 September 2024

Yocto Project Weekly Status Sept. 17th, 2024

Current Dev Position: YP 5.1 Feature Freeze and Bug Fixing
Next Deadline: YP 5.1 M4 Build 30 Sept. 2024

Next Team Meetings:

Key Status/Updates:

  • YP 5.1 M3 has been released
  • YP 4.0.21 has been released
  • YP 5.1 rc1 (final release) is being built
  • There are YP 5.2 proposed milestone dates https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TDrD9nFjosvLHa7EfL_Y1-1slK7u5Am6NZV6QRF2P6s/edit - please review and let us know if there are any concerns.
  • The final pieces of the release were merged:
    • sanity test for Ubuntu 24.04 userns/apparmor issue added
    • TCLIBCAPPEND properly deprecated
    • toaster fixtures tweaked
    • buildtools updated
    • non-deterministic libsdl2 configure issue fixed
    • gitsm configparser change reverted
    • many other varied and useful fixes
  • Since there is now an rc build heading to QA, master and styhead will diverge. There are some patches in master-next which were deemed too late/risky for the release (including the gomod class changes)
  • The new autobuilder has had NAS problems when scaled to final size, those are being worked on but it will delay switching to the new system a little.
  • There is discussion around configuration file markup/syntax related to fragment management on the architecture list, targeting 5.2.

Ways to contribute:

  • As people are likely aware, the project has a number of components which are either unmaintained, or have people with little to no time trying to keep them alive. These components include: devtool, toaster, wic, oeqa, autobuilder, CROPs containers, pseudo and more. Many have open bugs. Help is welcome in trying to better look after these components!
  • There is an issue open upstream with the openssl project related to making path relocation of openssl easier (as used in our buildtools tarball and SDK). We’d love assistance in moving this forward and getting some kind of upstream feature merged to make this easier: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/19260
  • There are bugs identified as possible for newcomers to the project: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Newcomers
  • There are bugs that are currently unassigned for YP 5.1. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Bug_Triage#Medium+_5.1_Unassigned_Enhancements/Bugs
  • We’d welcome new maintainers for recipes in OE-Core. Please see the list at: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/conf/distro/include/maintainers.inc and discuss with the existing maintainer, or ask on the OE-Core mailing list. We will likely move a chunk of these to “Unassigned” soon to help facilitate this.
  • Help is very much welcome in trying to resolve our autobuilder intermittent issues. You can see the list of failures we’re continuing to see by searching for the “AB-INT” tag in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=AB-INT.
  • Help us resolve CVE issues: CVE metrics
  • We have a growing number of bugs in bugzilla, any help with them is appreciated.

Tracking Metrics:

YP 5.1 Milestone Dates:

  • YP 5.1 M3 is released.
  • YP 5.1 M4 Build date 2024-09-30
  • YP 5.1 M4 Release date 2024-10-25

Upcoming dot releases:

  • YP 4.0.21 is released.
  • YP 5.0.4 Build Date 2024-09-23
  • YP 5.0.4 Release Date 2024-10-04
  • YP 4.0.22 Build Date 2024-10-14
  • YP 4.0.22 Release Date 2024-10-25
  • YP 5.0.5 Build Date 2024-11-11
  • YP 5.0.5 Release Date 2024-11-22
  • YP 4.0.23 Build Date 2024-11-18
  • YP 4.0.23 Release Date 2024-11-29

The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering Committee, more information is available at:
