2021 Yocto Project Weekly Status Archive
Yocto Project Weekly Status Feb. 9, 2021
Current Dev Position: YP 3.3 M3 development
Next Deadline: 1st March 2021 YP 3.3 M3 build
Next Team Meetings:
- Bug Triage meeting Thursday Feb. 11th at 7:30am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/454367603?pwd=ZGxoa2ZXL3FkM3Y0bFd5aVpHVVZ6dz09)
- Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday Mar. 2nd at 8am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday Feb. 9th at 8am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Twitch - See https://www.twitch.tv/theyoctojester
Key Status/Updates:
- We’ve merged a number of key upgrades to glibc, binutils and autoconf in particular which has caused some issues in other layers. Thanks to everyone helping work through those issues.
- We’ve upgraded uninative, with a final 2.32 version containing an upstream fix and then a version with 2.33. There are early reports there may be a build issue with kernels and 2.33.
- Intermittent autobuilder issues continue to occur. You can see the list of failures we’re continuing to see by searching for the “AB-INT” tag in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=AB-INT
- There are some interesting insights from the SWAT status reports that are now being generated, in particular they show the frequency that some bugs are occurring which should help us try and target the most problematic failures: https://lists.yoctoproject.org/g/swat/topic/swat_statistics_for_week_05/80466229 The reports can be seen on the swat mailing list (which anyone can join).
Ways to contribute:
- There are bugs identified as possible for newcomers to the project: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Newcomers
- There are bugs that are currently unassigned for YP 3.3. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Bug_Triage#Medium.2B_3.3_Unassigned_Enhancements.2FBugs
- We’d welcome new maintainers for recipes in OE-Core. Please see the list at: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/conf/distro/include/maintainers.inc and discuss with the existing maintainer, or ask on the OE-Core mailing list. We will likely move a chunk of these to “Unassigned” soon to help facilitate this.
YP 3.3 Milestone Dates:
- YP 3.3 M3 build date 2021/03/01
- YP 3.3 M3 Release date 2021/03/12
- YP 3.3 M4 build date 2021/04/05
- YP 3.3 M4 Release date 2021/04/30
Planned upcoming dot releases:
- YP 3.2.2 build date 2021/02/08
- YP 3.2.2 release date 2021/02/19
- YP 3.1.6 build date 2021/02/22
- YP 3.1.6 release date 2021/03/05
- YP 3.2.3 build date 2021/03/08
- YP 3.2.3 release date 2021/03/19
- YP 3.1.7 build date 2021/03/29
- YP 3.1.7 release date 2021/04/09
Tracking Metrics:
- WDD 2639 (last week 2597) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
- Poky Patch Metrics
- Total patches found: 1278 (last week 1290)
- Patches in the Pending State: 495 (39%) [last week 504 (39%)]
The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering Committee, more information is available at:
Yocto Project Weekly Status Feb. 2, 2021
Current Dev Position: YP 3.3 M3 development
Next Deadline: 1st March 2021 YP 3.3 M3 build
Next Team Meetings:
- Bug Triage meeting Thursday Feb. 4th at 7:30am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/454367603?pwd=ZGxoa2ZXL3FkM3Y0bFd5aVpHVVZ6dz09)
- Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday Feb. 2nd at 8am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday Feb. 9th at 8am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Twitch - See https://www.twitch.tv/theyoctojester
Key Status/Updates:
- YP 3.3 M2 was released
- We have a new simple system to help with the SWAT process, “SwatBot”, https://swatbot.yoctoproject.org/ which has quickly evolved over the last week and is now taking over from the wiki BuildLog for the SWAT process.
- We’re due to merge autoconf 2.71 which is now working for the core layers and automated tests but will need work to make meta-openembedded work with it.
- We managed a small performance improvement to builds over the last week (5-7% overall) which appears to be from some of the GL native tools changes rather surprisingly
- There were also significant reductions in the numbers of files being installed into the recipe sysroots (around 14,000 fewer files for some recipes for each workdir) which should aid overall build performance (and e.g. ease of build directory deletion)
- There was a fix for pseudo to improve handling of renamed files which may account for some of the pseudo issues we’ve seen recently, it certainly caused problems with the new binutils release (not yet merged).
Intermittent autobuilder issues continue to occur. You can see the list of failures we’re continuing to see by searching for the “AB-INT” tag in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=AB-INT
Ways to contribute:
- There are bugs identified as possible for newcomers to the project: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Newcomers
- There are bugs that are currently unassigned for YP 3.3. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Bug_Triage#Medium.2B_3.3_Unassigned_Enhancements.2FBugs
- We’d welcome new maintainers for recipes in OE-Core. Please see the list at: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/conf/distro/include/maintainers.inc and discuss with the existing maintainer, or ask on the OE-Core mailing list. We will likely move a chunk of these to “Unassigned” soon to help facilitate this.
YP 3.3 Milestone Dates:
- YP 3.3 M2 was released.
- YP 3.3 M3 build date 2021/03/01
- YP 3.3 M3 Release date 2021/03/12
- YP 3.3 M4 build date 2021/04/05
- YP 3.3 M4 Release date 2021/04/30
Planned upcoming dot releases:
- YP 3.2.2 build date 2021/02/08
- YP 3.2.2 release date 2021/02/19
- YP 3.1.6 build date 2021/02/22
- YP 3.1.6 release date 2021/03/05
- YP 3.2.3 build date 2021/03/08
- YP 3.2.3 release date 2021/03/19
- YP 3.1.7 build date 2021/03/29
- YP 3.1.7 release date 2021/04/09
Tracking Metrics:
- WDD 2597 (last week 2627) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
- Poky Patch Metrics
- Total patches found: 1290 (last week 1290)
- Patches in the Pending State: 504 (39%) [last week 502 (39%)]
The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering Committee, more information is available at:
Yocto Project Weekly Status Jan. 26, 2021
Current Dev Position: YP 3.3 M3 development
Next Deadline: 1st March 2021 YP 3.3 M3 build
Next Team Meetings:
- Bug Triage meeting Thursday Jan. 28th at 7:30am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/454367603?pwd=ZGxoa2ZXL3FkM3Y0bFd5aVpHVVZ6dz09)
- Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday Feb. 2nd at 8am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday Jan. 26th at 8am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Twitch - See https://www.twitch.tv/theyoctojester
Key Status/Updates:
- YP 3.3 M2 is currently in QA and we are now in the final development milestone M3 for 3.3
- YP 3.1.5 was released.
- We have a new simple system to help with the SWAT process, “SwatBot”, https://swatbot.yoctoproject.org/ . This aims to simplify the SWAT process by listing the exact list of issues which need to be triaged and tracks the resolutions. *It will mainly be of use to anyone participating in the SWAT process but mentioned here as people may see mention of it.
- Intermittent autobuilder issues continue to occur and with more invasive changes and higher rebuild rates, the numbers are increasing again. You can see the list of failures we’re continuing to see by searching for the “AB-INT” tag in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=AB-INT
- An interesting idea came up in discussion with Kernel CI about potentially sharing YP autobuilder results into their system. There is an open bug for anyone interested in helping with or tracking this: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14196. It could also be an interesting use case for generating an SBOM with our output artefacts.
Ways to contribute:
- There are bugs identified as possible for newcomers to the project: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Newcomers
- There are bugs that are currently unassigned for YP 3.3. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Bug_Triage#Medium.2B_3.3_Unassigned_Enhancements.2FBugs
- We’d welcome new maintainers for recipes in OE-Core. Please see the list at: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/conf/distro/include/maintainers.inc and discuss with the existing maintainer, or ask on the OE-Core mailing list. We will likely move a chunk of these to “Unassigned” soon to help facilitate this.
YP 3.3 Milestone Dates:
- YP 3.3 M2 was built and is in QA.
- YP 3.3 M2 Release date 2021/01/29
- YP 3.3 M3 build date 2021/03/01
- YP 3.3 M3 Release date 2021/03/12
- YP 3.3 M4 build date 2021/04/05
- YP 3.3 M4 Release date 2021/04/30
Planned upcoming dot releases:
- YP 3.1.5 was released.
- YP 3.2.2 build date 2021/02/08
- YP 3.2.2 release date 2021/02/19
- YP 3.1.6 build date 2021/02/22
- YP 3.1.6 release date 2021/03/05
- YP 3.1.7 build date 2021/03/22
- YP 3.1.7 release date 2021/04/02
Tracking Metrics:
- WDD 2627 (last week 2634) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
- Poky Patch Metrics
- Total patches found: 1290 (last week 1292)
- Patches in the Pending State: 502 (39%) [last week 503 (39%)]
The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering Committee, more information is available at:
Yocto Project Weekly Status Jan. 19, 2021
Current Dev Position: YP 3.3 M2 development
Next Deadline: 18th January 2021 YP 3.3 M2 build
Next Team Meetings:
- Bug Triage meeting Thursday Jan. 21st at 7:30am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/454367603?pwd=ZGxoa2ZXL3FkM3Y0bFd5aVpHVVZ6dz09)
- Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday Feb. 2nd at 8am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday Jan. 19th at 8am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Twitch - See https://www.twitch.tv/theyoctojester
Key Status/Updates:
- YP 3.3 M2 is due to be built once the currently queued patches are stalised.
- YP 3.1.5 has been built and is through QA and likely to be released imminently after TSC review.
- We’re pleased to announce that Bootlin are going to be helping with the build and integration work for the project, we’d like to welcome them on board and also thank the projects member companies for making this possible.
- Builds are continuing to show some intermittent instability. Unfortunately we also suffered NAS issues and whilst there has been no data loss, recovery of the system is slowing the autobuilder temporarily.
- Intermittent autobuilder issues continue to occur and with more invasive changes and higher rebuild rates, the numbers are increasing again. You can see the list of failures we’re continuing to see by searching for the “AB-INT” tag in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=AB-INT
Ways to contribute:
- There are bugs identified as possible for newcomers to the project: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Newcomers
- There are bugs that are currently unassigned for YP 3.3. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Bug_Triage#Medium.2B_3.3_Unassigned_Enhancements.2FBugs
- We’d welcome new maintainers for recipes in OE-Core. Please see the list at: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/conf/distro/include/maintainers.inc and discuss with the existing maintainer, or ask on the OE-Core mailing list. We will likely move a chunk of these to “Unassigned” soon to help facilitate this.
YP 3.3 Milestone Dates:
- YP 3.3 M2 build date 2021/01/18
- YP 3.3 M2 Release date 2021/01/29
- YP 3.3 M3 build date 2021/03/01
- YP 3.3 M3 Release date 2021/03/12
- YP 3.3 M4 build date 2021/04/05
- YP 3.3 M4 Release date 2021/04/30
Planned upcoming dot releases:
- YP 3.1.5 is out of QA
- YP 3.2.2 build date 2021/02/08
- YP 3.2.2 release date 2021/02/19
- YP 3.1.6 build date 2021/02/22
- YP 3.1.6 release date 2021/03/05
- YP 3.1.7 build date 2021/03/22
- YP 3.1.7 release date 2021/04/02
Tracking Metrics:
- WDD 2634 (last week 2587) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
- Poky Patch Metrics
- Total patches found: 1292 (last week 1298)
- Patches in the Pending State: 503 (39%) [last week 503 (39%)]
The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering Committee, more information is available at:
Yocto Project Weekly Status Jan. 12, 2021
Current Dev Position: YP 3.3 M2 development
Next Deadline: 18th January 2021 YP 3.3 M2 build
Next Team Meetings:
- Bug Triage meeting Thursday Jan. 14th at 7:30am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/454367603?pwd=ZGxoa2ZXL3FkM3Y0bFd5aVpHVVZ6dz09)
- Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday Feb. 2nd at 8am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday Jan. 12th at 8am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Twitch - See https://www.twitch.tv/theyoctojester
Key Status/Updates:
- Patches for 3.3 M2 development are being tested and merged. We have one week left before M2 is due to be built.
- It was a mixed week for builds and patches, several reproducibility issues appeared and issues also appeared after patches had merged in the second or third build after that due to state reuse and differences between worker distros. This makes merging the patches challenging.
- In particular, an upgrade to qemu 5.2.0 did merge. That upgrade includes a change to the underlying build system and the patchset was significantly rationalised which may cause issues. In particular, issues on centos hosts were eventually traced to the mmap_min_addr setting being too low (65536 now seems to be the useful minimum).
- We are now tracking intermittent ptest failures and a number of bugs have been opened for these, we don’t as yet have people able to work on them though.
- CVE metrics are starting to trend down again but we still have 56 “open” CVEs against master and more in gatesgath/dunfell so help in further reducing the number would be appreciated.
- Intermittent autobuilder issues continue to occur and with more invasive changes and higher rebuild rates, the numbers are increasing again. You can see the list of failures we’re continuing to see by searching for the “AB-INT” tag in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=AB-INT
Ways to contribute:
- There are bugs identified as possible for newcomers to the project: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Newcomers
- There are bugs that are currently unassigned for YP 3.3. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Bug_Triage#Medium.2B_3.3_Unassigned_Enhancements.2FBugs
- We’d welcome new maintainers for recipes in OE-Core. Please see the list at: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/conf/distro/include/maintainers.inc and discuss with the existing maintainer, or ask on the OE-Core mailing list. We will likely move a chunk of these to “Unassigned” soon to help facilitate this.
YP 3.3 Milestone Dates:
- YP 3.3 M2 build date 2021/01/18
- YP 3.3 M2 Release date 2021/01/29
- YP 3.3 M3 build date 2021/03/01
- YP 3.3 M3 Release date 2021/03/12
- YP 3.3 M4 build date 2021/04/05
- YP 3.3 M4 Release date 2021/04/30
Planned upcoming dot releases:
- YP 3.1.5 build date 2021/01/11
- YP 3.1.5 release date 2021/01/22
- YP 3.2.2 build date 2021/02/08
- YP 3.2.2 release date 2021/02/19
- YP 3.1.6 build date 2021/02/22
- YP 3.1.6 release date 2021/03/05
- YP 3.1.7 build date 2021/03/22
- YP 3.1.7 release date 2021/04/02
Tracking Metrics:
- WDD 2587 (last week 2598) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
- Poky Patch Metrics
- Total patches found: 1298 (last week 1311)
- Patches in the Pending State: 503 (39%) [last week 507 (39%)]
The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering Committee, more information is available at:
Yocto Project Weekly Status Jan. 5, 2021
Current Dev Position: YP 3.3 M2 development
Next Deadline: 18th January 2021 YP 3.3 M2 build
Next Team Meetings:
- Bug Triage meeting Thursday Jan. 7th at 7:30am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/454367603?pwd=ZGxoa2ZXL3FkM3Y0bFd5aVpHVVZ6dz09)
- Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday Jan. 5th at 8am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday Jan. 12th at 8am PDT (https://zoom.us/j/990892712?pwd=cHU1MjhoM2x6ck81bkcrYjRrcmJsUT09)
- Twitch - See https://www.twitch.tv/theyoctojester
Key Status/Updates:
- YP 3.2.1 and YP 3.3 M1 were released
- Patches for 3.3 M2 development are being tested and merged. We have two weeks before M2 is due to be built.
- Many version upgrades have been merged and the project has worked closely with the upcoming autoconf and ppp releases to reduce our patch deficit and ensure we’re ready for them.
- We have seen a number of reproducibility failures from the increased test coverage on the autobuilder, several of the issues have had fixes.
- We are now tracking intermittent ptest failures and a number of bugs have been opened for these, we don’t as yet have people able to work on them though.
- CVE metrics have trended slowly downwards, thanks to everyone sending patches and quietly improving things either through patches or better CVE definitions upstream.
- Intermittent autobuilder issues continue to occur. You can see the list of failures we’re continuing to see by searching for the “AB-INT” tag in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=AB-INT
- The LTS release has changed documentation format from docbook over to sphinx to match master as it should be more maintainable and consistent with the project over the planned life of the LTS.
- For the LTS, there is also discussion on whether the wider reproducibility testing should be enabled as recently done in master due to the number of potential issues which may need to be fixed (master isn’t 100% working yet) as well as whether the pseudo path filtering should be backported. Please do give input to discussions on these topics on the mailing lists.
Ways to contribute:
- There are bugs identified as possible for newcomers to the project: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Newcomers
- There are bugs that are currently unassigned for YP 3.3. See: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Bug_Triage#Medium.2B_3.3_Unassigned_Enhancements.2FBugs
- We’d welcome new maintainers for recipes in OE-Core. Please see the list at: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/conf/distro/include/maintainers.inc and discuss with the existing maintainer, or ask on the OE-Core mailing list. We will likely move a chunk of these to “Unassigned” soon to help facilitate this.
YP 3.3 Milestone Dates:
- YP 3.3 M1 is released
- YP 3.3 M2 build date 2021/01/18
- YP 3.3 M2 Release date 2021/01/29
- YP 3.3 M3 build date 2021/03/01
- YP 3.3 M3 Release date 2021/03/12
- YP 3.3 M4 build date 2021/04/05
- YP 3.3 M4 Release date 2021/04/30
Planned upcoming dot releases:
- YP 3.2.1 is released
- YP 3.1.5 build date 2021/01/11
- YP 3.1.5 release date 2021/01/22
- YP 3.2.2 build date 2021/02/08
- YP 3.2.2 release date 2021/02/19
- YP 3.1.6 build date 2021/02/22
- YP 3.1.6 release date 2021/03/05
- YP 3.1.7 build date 2021/03/22
- YP 3.1.7 release date 2021/04/02
Tracking Metrics:
- WDD 2598 (last week 2523) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
- Poky Patch Metrics
- Total patches found: 1311 (last week 1310)
- Patches in the Pending State: 507 (39%) [last week 507 (39%)]
The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering Committee, more information is available at: