Yocto Project v2.3 Status

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Yocto Project 2.3 release Status - Work in progress

Project Dashboard


Feature/Task Board


Scheduled Design Design Complete Development Patch Review Testing Done Blocked
5520Alejandro Hernandez2.3
9879Paul Eggleton2.3
3420Bruce Ashfield2.3
10637Ed Bartosh2.3
10125Jianxun Zhang2.3
7202Jose Perez C2.3
11056Joshua Lock2.3
10743Markus Lehtonen2.3
10584Patrick Ohly2.3
5654Patrick Ohly2.3
9078Ross Burton2.3
9591Todor Minchev2.3
10750Todor Minchev2.3
10404Zubair Lutfullah Kakakhel2.3
10413Paul Eggleton2.3 M1
10327brian avery2.3 M1
10064Daniela Plascencia2.3 M1
9852Ed Bartosh2.3 M1
9088Francisco Pedraza2.3 M1
10394Jair Gonzalez2.3 M1
10086Jianxun Zhang2.3 M1
5546Jussi Kukkonen2.3 M1
10195Jussi Kukkonen2.3 M1
10625Jose Lamego2.3 M1
9390Jose Lamego2.3 M1
8433Jose Perez C2.3 M1
10679Joshua Lock2.3 M1
10466Joshua Lock2.3 M1
10655Juro Bystricky2.3 M1
10059Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.3 M1
10078Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.3 M1
10112Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.3 M1
10469Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.3 M1
9954Mariano Lopez2.3 M1
10511Michael Halstead2.3 M1
10509Michael Halstead2.3 M1
9418Michael Wood2.3 M1
10583Patrick Ohly2.3 M1
10702Patrick Ohly2.3 M1
9189Patrick Ohly2.3 M1
8880Chen Qi2.3 M1
10359Richard Purdie2.3 M1
10533Tim Orling2.3 M1
10527Todor Minchev2.3 M1
9570Todor Minchev2.3 M1
9689+Benjamin Esquivel2.3 M2
6607brian avery2.3 M2
7096California Sullivan2.3 M2
10691Ed Bartosh2.3 M2
10751Ed Bartosh2.3 M2
8719Ed Bartosh2.3 M2
4527Humberto Ibarra2.3 M2
10704Ismo Puustinen2.3 M2
10352Jianxun Zhang2.3 M2
10762Jose Lamego2.3 M2
10627Jose Lamego2.3 M2
10489Jose Perez C2.3 M2
10778Joshua Lock2.3 M2
10467Joshua Lock2.3 M2
3276Juan Ramos2.3 M2
10656Juro Bystricky2.3 M2
10658Juro Bystricky2.3 M2
10659Juro Bystricky2.3 M2
10660Juro Bystricky2.3 M2
10662Juro Bystricky2.3 M2
7887Robert Yang2.3 M2
9468Mariano Lopez2.3 M2
10233Mariano Lopez2.3 M2
10235Mariano Lopez2.3 M2
10236Mariano Lopez2.3 M2
10353Mariano Lopez2.3 M2
9481Mark Hatle2.3 M2
10590Markus Lehtonen2.3 M2
9449Patrick Ohly2.3 M2
10530Randy Witt2.3 M2
1560Richard Purdie2.3 M2
7546Scott Rifenbark2.3 M2
9166Scott Rifenbark2.3 M2
8724Todor Minchev2.3 M2
10747Yi Zhao2.3 M2
10325Aníbal Limón2.3 M3
10789Daniela Plascencia2.3 M3
10619Ed Bartosh2.3 M3
11065Ismo Puustinen2.3 M3
10819Jose Lamego2.3 M3
10822Jose Lamego2.3 M3
10823Jose Lamego2.3 M3
10624Jose Lamego2.3 M3
10678Joshua Lock2.3 M3
9460Joshua Lock2.3 M3
9596Joshua Lock2.3 M3
11088Joshua Lock2.3 M3
10661Juro Bystricky2.3 M3
11074Jussi Laako2.3 M3
11075Jussi Laako2.3 M3
10688Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.3 M3
10626Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.3 M3
10703Mariano Lopez2.3 M3
11037Mariano Lopez2.3 M3
10924Mikko Ylinen2.3 M3
9502Randy Witt2.3 M3
8200Ross Burton2.3 M3
10215Ross Burton2.3 M3
10905Scott Rifenbark2.3 M3
9597Tim Orling2.3 M3
10092Todor Minchev2.3 M3
11080Amaranth Valluri2.3 M4
11068Dmitry Rozhkov2.3 M4
10618Ed Bartosh2.3 M4
11205Francisco Pedraza2.3 M4
11206Francisco Pedraza2.3 M4
11250Francisco Pedraza2.3 M4
9962Diana Thayer2.3 M4
11083Ismo Puustinen2.3 M4
11084Ismo Puustinen2.3 M4
11085Ismo Puustinen2.3 M4
11081Jaska Uimonen2.3 M4
11027Jose Lamego2.3 M4
11076Jussi Laako2.3 M4
11129Jussi Laako2.3 M4
10878Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.3 M4
9423Robert Yang2.3 M4
11066Mikko Ylinen2.3 M4
11070Patrick Ohly2.3 M4
11071Patrick Ohly2.3 M4
11072Patrick Ohly2.3 M4
8314Chen Qi2.3 M4
9037Richard Purdie2.3 M4
10596Richard Purdie2.3 M4
10692Scott Rifenbark2.3 M4
11021Scott Rifenbark2.3 M4
9675Scott Rifenbark2.3 M4
11079Tim Orling2.3 M4
10396Benjamin Esquivel2.3 M1
10395Plauchu Edwin2.3 M1
7376Jose Perez C2.3 M1
9727Joshua Lock2.3 M1
8584Juan Ramos2.3 M1
10701Patrick Ohly2.3 M1
10351Scott Rifenbark2.3 M1
9342Stephano Cetola2.3 M1
10421Stephano Cetola2.3 M1
10472Stephano Cetola2.3 M1
10532Tim Orling2.3 M1
10231Aníbal Limón2.3 M2
10232Aníbal Limón2.3 M2
10263Aníbal Limón2.3 M2
10621Ed Bartosh2.3 M2
10200Jose Perez C2.3 M2
10593Jose Perez C2.3 M2
10724Jose Perez C2.3 M2
10657Juro Bystricky2.3 M2
10917Juro Bystricky2.3 M2
10927Tim Orling2.3 M2
6359Francisco Pedraza2.3 M3
10754Francisco Pedraza2.3 M3
10727Humberto Ibarra2.3 M3
10872Humberto Ibarra2.3 M3
10810Juro Bystricky2.3 M3
11049Juro Bystricky2.3 M3
8497Libertad2.3 M3
11204Jair Gonzalez2.3 M4
10249Robert Yang2.3 M4

List View









Design Complete




Patch Review



IDAssigneePESummary (133 tasks) WhiteboardMilestoneStatus
5520Alejandro HernandezMedium40poky-tiny enhancementsOn Track for Initial Impl2.3RESOLVED
9879Paul EggletonMedium1Enable search for recipes that inherit a specific class2.3RESOLVED
3420Bruce AshfieldMedium6Audit *-standard.scc and move non-hardware items up into standard.scc2.3RESOLVED
10637Ed BartoshMedium1WIC image dependencies are not included in the build2.3RESOLVED
10125Jianxun ZhangMediumRMC: RMC Project - Provide test suites to run on host and targets2.3RESOLVED
7202Jose Perez CMedium1Test for linux-dummy2.3RESOLVED
11056Joshua LockMediumyocto-autobuilder-setup fails on openSUSE clean install2.3RESOLVED
10743Markus LehtonenMediumbuild-perf-test: Add test to verify if parsing time is improved with a hot codeparser cache2.3RESOLVED
5654Patrick OhlyMedium5Add EFI to qemux86 and qemux86-642.3RESOLVED
10584Patrick OhlyMedium3rm_work.bbclass: reduce maximum amount of disk space required for a build2.3RESOLVED
9078Ross BurtonLowWhen changing SDKIMAGE_FEATURES to "dev-pkgs", some -dbg packages are still installed2.3RESOLVED
9591Todor MinchevMedium0.5Zephyr project configuration should allow kernel and app to be in different folder hierachies2.3RESOLVED
10750Todor MinchevMediumadd some useful host tools to crops/poky2.3RESOLVED
10404Zubair Lutfullah KakakhelMedium1MIPS: Use MACHINEOVERRIDES and reduce duplication in various recipes due to mips variants2.3RESOLVED
10413Paul EggletonMedium0.25recipetool: use & to split licenses in LICENSE value2.3 M1RESOLVED
10327brian averyMediumsstate mirror does not serve up the (contents of ) the uninative tarball2.3 M1RESOLVED
10064Daniela PlascenciaMedium+1patchtest: Series Details must contain the revision2.3 M1RESOLVED
9852Ed BartoshMedium3Use the eventreplay mechanism for testing2.3 M1RESOLVED
9088Francisco PedrazaMedium+3Extensible SDK add tests for devtool2.3 M1RESOLVED
10394Jair GonzalezHigh2Creation of component to emulate keyboard with USB-KM2322.3 M1RESOLVED
10086Jianxun ZhangMedium+3RMC: RMC Project - single library, single API2.3 M1RESOLVED
5546Jussi KukkonenHigh2Optimise away meta-oe X init mechanism2.3 M1RESOLVED
10195Jussi KukkonenMedium+1Move to libinput as default x input driver2.3 M1RESOLVED
9390Jose LamegoMedium10oeqa: don't write anything to local.conf or bblayers.conf2.3 M1RESOLVED
10625Jose LamegoMedium+2Don't show "Series without cover letter" for series without cover letter2.3 M1RESOLVED
8433Jose Perez CMedium+4Add test for package postinsts2.3 M1RESOLVED
10466Joshua LockMedium+3Update BuildLog with build progress2.3 M1RESOLVED
10679Joshua LockMedium+0.5Drop unneeded expansion parameter to getVar and getVarFlag2.3 M1RESOLVED
10655Juro BystrickyHigh3Add support for Zephyr2.3 M1RESOLVED
10059Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium+2patchtest-oe: check bitbake datastore variables on classes or includes2.3 M1RESOLVED
10078Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium1patchtest-oe: check patch author2.3 M1RESOLVED
10112Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium+5Patchtest-oe: tests summary must provide patch name2.3 M1RESOLVED
10469Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium+2Install package dependencies for patchtest image (poky) development2.3 M1RESOLVED
9954Mariano LopezHigh4report tool: a communication mechanism for sending results2.3 M1RESOLVED
10509Michael HalsteadHighInclude patchwork repository into git.yp.org2.3 M1RESOLVED
10511Michael HalsteadHighPatchwork production instance code base must point to git.yp.org repo2.3 M1RESOLVED
9418Michael WoodMediumSupport using existing OE setups2.3 M1RESOLVED
9189Patrick OhlyMedium1[meta-swupd] Creates a lot of duplicate files2.3 M1RESOLVED
10583Patrick OhlyMedium+3buildstats.bbclass + pybootchart: record and render system utilization statistics2.3 M1RESOLVED
10702Patrick OhlyMedium1add meta-swupd to update mechanism overview2.3 M1RESOLVED
8880Chen QiMedium+5Need better allarch multilib sanity or automated QA tests2.3 M1RESOLVED
10359Richard PurdieMedium+Improve taskhash mismatch diagnostics2.3 M1RESOLVED
10533Tim OrlingMedium+1Enable Maven/Tycho Command line build for Eclipse CROPS plugin2.3 M1RESOLVED
9570Todor MinchevMedium2Zephyr Container for Windows/Mac/Linux2.3 M1RESOLVED
10527Todor MinchevMedium2Travis test for the build of an out of kernel app for Zephyr container2.3 M1RESOLVED
9689+Benjamin EsquivelMedium+Create a python library for automatic device manipulation2.3 M2RESOLVED
6607brian averyLowAuto-detect client locale and use for date formatting2.3 M2RESOLVED
7096California SullivanMedium2Document how to use initramfs features25 Jan 2017: RESOLVED2.3 M2RESOLVED
8719Ed BartoshMedium10Ensure bootable images can be supported by wic for all reference BSPsLET2.3 M2RESOLVED
10691Ed BartoshMedium+2buildhistory-diff should detect directory renames2.3 M2RESOLVED
10751Ed BartoshMedium3Add help on all oe scripts exported to the path and display it when no required arguments are specified2.3 M2RESOLVED
4527Humberto IbarraMedium+3create a Runtime performance test layer to enable runtime performance tests2.3 M2RESOLVED
10704Ismo PuustinenMediumadd OSTree to update mechanism overview2.3 M2RESOLVED
10352Jianxun ZhangHigh15Performance of bitbake -S is horrible2.3 M2RESOLVED
10627Jose LamegoMedium+3Way to navigate through patches in a series2.3 M2RESOLVED
10762Jose LamegoMedium+1patchwork: Enable automatic status update when patches are merged for all projects2.3 M2RESOLVED
10489Jose Perez CMedium1"test_1_logrotate_setup" fails on second run of test image due existing files2.3 M2RESOLVED
10467Joshua LockMedium+2Link to BuildLog entries from autobuilder UI2.3 M2RESOLVED
10778Joshua LockMedium2Adopt skipStep() throughout the codebase2.3 M2RESOLVED
3276Juan RamosMedium3PulseAudio isn't tested2.3 M2RESOLVED
10656Juro BystrickyMedium+1.5Support for out-of-tree development of Zephyr images2.3 M2RESOLVED
10658Juro BystrickyMedium+1Support for IAMCU baremetal toolchain for Zephyr images2.3 M2RESOLVED
10659Juro BystrickyMedium+1.5Support for ARC baremetal toolchain for Zephyr images2.3 M2RESOLVED
10660Juro BystrickyMedium+2Support for Nios2 baremetal toolchain for Zephyr images2.3 M2RESOLVED
10662Juro BystrickyMedium+3Provide "newlib" for Zephyr images2.3 M2RESOLVED
7887Robert YangHigh3Add support for user networking to runqemu2.3 M2RESOLVED
9468Mariano LopezMedium3Export Tests execution (Runexport.py) execution log needs improvements2.3 M2RESOLVED
10233Mariano LopezMedium+2oeqa: Runner add the ability to output XML test results2.3 M2RESOLVED
10235Mariano LopezMedium+2oeqa: Implement OETiemout decorator2.3 M2RESOLVED
10236Mariano LopezMedium+2oeqa: Implement OETag decorator.2.3 M2RESOLVED
10353Mariano LopezMedium+3oeqa allow to filter tests based on different criteria2.3 M2RESOLVED
9481Mark HatleMedium+2Add example to "5.23. Debugging With the GNU Project Debugger (GDB) Remotely"18 Jan 2017: RESOLVED2.3 M2RESOLVED
10590Markus LehtonenMedium+3build-perf-test: suitable test report format2.3 M2RESOLVED
9449Patrick OhlyMedium+5[meta-swupd] Reduce runtime of do_swupd_update2.3 M2RESOLVED
10530Randy WittMediumadd dumbinit as entry point for crops containers2.3 M2RESOLVED
1560Richard PurdieHigh5Enable recipe specific sysroots2.3 M2RESOLVED
7546Scott RifenbarkMedium5Streamline application development manual08 Nov 2016: RESOLVED2.3 M2RESOLVED
9166Scott RifenbarkMedium1Need to document the do_devpyshell task that is in the devshell.bbclass08 Nov 2016: RESOLVED2.3 M2RESOLVED
8724Todor MinchevMedium+3Automate information collection for runtime errors42.3 M2RESOLVED
10747Yi ZhaoMedium+Add support for testing wic images on non x86 platforms2.3 M2RESOLVED
10325Aníbal LimónMedium1.5license.bbclass should only copy licenses for packages actually installed2.3 M3RESOLVED
10789Daniela PlascenciaMedium+5patchtest-oe: Include a test case that fails in case pylint issues are found on new patch changes2.3 M3RESOLVED
10619Ed BartoshMedium10Refactor wic codebaseLET2.3 M3RESOLVED
11065Ismo PuustinenHighReference Kit RealSense Support2.3 M3RESOLVED
10624Jose LamegoMedium+1Ability to set patch metadata from a mail2.3 M3RESOLVED
10819Jose LamegoMedium+0.5Support range select in patch list2.3 M3RESOLVED
10822Jose LamegoMedium+3Multiple select/change state controls in series view2.3 M3RESOLVED
10823Jose LamegoMedium+0.5A V2 series wasn't detected as such2.3 M3RESOLVED
9460Joshua LockMedium+1Provide a way to automate testing of meta-mingw2.3 M3RESOLVED
9596Joshua LockMedium+0.5Build "minimal" extensible SDK installers instead of "full" ones2.3 M3RESOLVED
10678Joshua LockMedium+0.5Drop usage/support of bb.data.expand() and replace with d.expand()2.3 M3RESOLVED
11088Joshua LockMedium+1wikilog must handle non-Latin characters in wiki page content2.3 M3RESOLVED
10661Juro BystrickyMedium+2Provide support to run Zephyr images in QEMU2.3 M3RESOLVED
11074Jussi LaakoHighReference Kit must support MinnowBoard Turbot platform2.3 M3RESOLVED
11075Jussi LaakoMedium+Reference Kit must support 570x platform2.3 M3RESOLVED
10626Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium+3git-pw needs bundle support2.3 M3RESOLVED
10688Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium+2Add a test looking for common paths that indicate patch is for the wrong layer2.3 M3RESOLVED
10703Mariano LopezMediumadd mender.io to update mechanism overview2.3 M3RESOLVED
11037Mariano LopezMedium+5selftest: Optimize use of get_bb_var2.3 M3RESOLVED
10924Mikko YlinenMedium+5RMC: Bring supported RMC functions to systemd-boot efi stub2.3 M3RESOLVED
9502Randy WittHigh5Add a way to build container images using oe-core2.3 M3RESOLVED
8200Ross BurtonMedium1Add acl to default DISTRO_FEATURES?2.3 M3RESOLVED
10215Ross BurtonMedium+4Add a class which allows buiding git upstream versions of code using BBCLASSEXTEND2.3 M3RESOLVED
10905Scott RifenbarkMedium+2Difficult to find status of patch18 Jan 2017: IN PROGRESS REVIEW2.3 M3RESOLVED
9597Tim OrlingMedium2RCPTT initial implementation so that we can automate testing of the plugin2.3 M3RESOLVED
10092Todor MinchevMedium+5RMC: RMC Project - Provide dumpers for fingerprint and database file2.3 M3RESOLVED
11080Amaranth ValluriMediumEnabling testing TPM(v1.2) Support on QEMU2.3 M4RESOLVED
11068Dmitry RozhkovMedium2QEMU as a supported platform2.3 M4RESOLVED
10618Ed BartoshMedium+3Increase oe-selftest coverage of wic codebase2.3 M4RESOLVED
11205Francisco PedrazaMedium5QA: Validate Reference kit supports whole disk encryption2.3 M4RESOLVED
11206Francisco PedrazaMedium5QA: Validate Reference kit supports integrity protection2.3 M4RESOLVED
11250Francisco PedrazaMedium5QA: Validate Secure Boot is enabled on Reference kit2.3 M4RESOLVED
9962Diana ThayerMedium1Suggested additions to the --help output re. -v and -D2.3 M4RESOLVED
11083Ismo PuustinenMediumGPLv3 free computer vision profile2.3 M4RESOLVED
11084Ismo PuustinenHighReference kit OpenCL support2.3 M4RESOLVED
11085Ismo PuustinenLowComputer vision demo/testing setup2.3 M4RESOLVED
11081Jaska UimonenMediumBT Audio Support2.3 M4RESOLVED
11027Jose LamegoMedium0.5patchwork: Notify if status-change-through-email was attempted without required privileges2.3 M4RESOLVED
11076Jussi LaakoMediumSupported hardware definition2.3 M4RESOLVED
11129Jussi LaakoMediumthermald should be included in images without explicit pull-in2.3 M4RESOLVED
10878Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium+1source code lines should not exceed more than 80 characters2.3 M4RESOLVED
9423Robert YangMedium5devshell: export CONFIGUREOPTS to env2.3 M4RESOLVED
11066Mikko YlinenMedium4Reference Kit Secure Boot2.3 M4RESOLVED
11070Patrick OhlyMedium2whole-disk encryption2.3 M4RESOLVED
11071Patrick OhlyMedium2installer image2.3 M4RESOLVED
11072Patrick OhlyMedium2integrity protection2.3 M4RESOLVED
8314Chen QiMedium5warn when ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY are the same2.3 M4RESOLVED
9037Richard PurdieMedium+1Consider alternate methods for maintain Yocto releases after 1yr2.3 M4RESOLVED
10596Richard PurdieHigh5Enable tests of layers for compatibility (YP Compatible v2)27 March 2017: Setting to 2.3 M42.3 M4RESOLVED
9675Scott RifenbarkMedium+30Replacing/updating smartpm/createrepo10 April 2017: RESOLVED2.3 M4RESOLVED
10692Scott RifenbarkMedium1Add references to SYSROOT_DIRS18 Nov 2016: IN PROGRESS REVIEW2.3 M4RESOLVED
11021Scott RifenbarkMedium2Section on source archiving needs to discuss filtering options10 April 2017: RESOLVED2.3 M4RESOLVED
11079Tim OrlingMedium0.5devtool deploy.py should allow for changing the port for ssh/scp2.3 M4RESOLVED


IDAssigneePESummary (30 tasks) WhiteboardMilestoneStatus
10396Benjamin EsquivelHigh7Creation of component to control USB multiplexer (Cleware1x8)2.3 M1VERIFIED
10395Plauchu EdwinHigh7Creation of component to control remote power switch (NP-0801DT)2.3 M1VERIFIED
7376Jose Perez CMedium+3oe-selftest doesn't run lib/oe/tests/*2.3 M1VERIFIED
9727Joshua LockHigh3Add autobuilder support to publish sstate objects for releases2.3 M1VERIFIED
8584Juan RamosMedium+3Enable building API documentation21 Nov 2016: RESOLVED2.3 M1VERIFIED
10701Patrick OhlyMedium+0.5create overview of update mechanisms2.3 M1VERIFIED
10351Scott RifenbarkMedium+1Add documentation regarding RPM postinstall failures on the host29 Nov 2016: RESOLVED2.3 M1VERIFIED
9342Stephano CetolaMedium+2Vet subprocess calls2.3 M1VERIFIED
10421Stephano CetolaMedium+1recipetool: add pre/post install/rm to the recipe after importing .deb packages2.3 M1VERIFIED
10472Stephano CetolaMedium+1devshell: list options when showing "no available terminal" error2.3 M1VERIFIED
10532Tim OrlingHigh2Create Target file definition for Eclipse CROPS Plugin2.3 M1VERIFIED
10231Aníbal LimónMedium+4oeqa: Refactor code to avoid dependencies on bitbake datastore2.3 M2VERIFIED
10232Aníbal LimónMedium+4oeqa.utils: Audit/merge modules to avoid code duplicity and dependencies on bitbake2.3 M2VERIFIED
10263Aníbal LimónMedium+4oeqa: Refactor oetest module2.3 M2VERIFIED
10621Ed BartoshMedium+5make bmaptool a recommended tool for flashing images05 Jan 2017: IN PROGRESS REVIEW2.3 M2VERIFIED
10200Jose Perez CMedium+10Create Test Plan for Tinfoil verification2.3 M2VERIFIED
10593Jose Perez CMedium+1Add support for testing wic images on all reference hardware2.3 M2VERIFIED
10724Jose Perez CMedium+3extend bitbake testing for YP-2.32.3 M2VERIFIED
10657Juro BystrickyMedium+1.5Provide support for menuconfig2.3 M2VERIFIED
10917Juro BystrickyMedium+BBMULTICONFIG: print error when entry has no corresponding config file2.3 M2VERIFIED
10927Tim OrlingMedium1[eclipse-poky][neon] Update to Eclipse Neon.2 (4.6.2) release2.3 M2VERIFIED
6359Francisco PedrazaMedium+5Include QA tests for kernel-dev manual tasks2.3 M3VERIFIED
10754Francisco PedrazaMedium+5QA Kernel-dev test cases for changing configuration2.3 M3VERIFIED
10727Humberto IbarraMedium+4selftest: create unit test for buildhistory_analysis.py2.3 M3VERIFIED
10872Humberto IbarraMedium+3Test for PACKAGE_FEED_URIS needed2.3 M3VERIFIED
10810Juro BystrickyMedium+1.5sanity checks also need to run for multiconfigs2.3 M3VERIFIED
11049Juro BystrickyMedium+Add recipe for python3-pip-native2.3 M3VERIFIED
8497LibertadMedium1Continuous Toaster exploratory testing2.3 M3VERIFIED
11204Jair GonzalezHighQA: Validate OpenCL support in Reference kit2.3 M4VERIFIED
10249Robert YangMedium+5runqemu: add test cases2.3 M4VERIFIED

Yocto Project v2.3 Release Criteria

Milestone 1 - Target Dec. 23, 2016

Release Criteria Milestone 1 Target Milestone 1 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [1] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW52_-_2016-12-19_-_Full_Test_Cycle_2.3_M1_rc1
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14 04, OpenSuse 421, Opensuse 13.2, Debian 8, Centos 7, Fedora 23, Fedora 24
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW52_-_2016-12-19_-_Full_Test_Cycle_2.3_M1_rc1
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Mostly flat to no improvement. - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/perf_milestone_GDC/performance_test.html
Package Update Plan to have 70% or greater packages updated. Done at 79% - http://recipes.yoctoproject.org/rrs/recipes/2.3/M1/
Upstream Commits Have upstream status reviewed on 100% of patches. Greater than 90% upstreamed. Done at 94%
Publication The release is announced Released

Milestone 2 - Target Feb. 3, 2017

Release Criteria Milestone 2 Target Milestone 2 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. Done - [2]
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW06_-_2017-02-03_-_Full_Test_Cycle_2.3_M2_rc3
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14 04, OpenSuse 421, Opensuse 13.2, Debian 8, Centos 7, Fedora 23, Fedora 24
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW06_-_2017-02-03_-_Full_Test_Cycle_2.3_M2_rc3
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Worse due to Recipe specific sysroots (RSS) - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/perf_milestone_GDC/performance_test.html
Package Update Plan to have 70% or greater packages updated. Done 82% - http://recipes.yoctoproject.org/rrs/recipes/2.3/M2/
Upstream Commits Have upstream status reviewed on 100% of patches. Greater than 90% upstreamed. Done 94%
Publication The release is announced Released

Milestone 3 - Target March 10, 2017

Release Criteria Milestone 3 Target Milestone 3 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [3] - Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW14_-_2017-03-28_-_Full_Test_Cycle_2.3_M3_rc2
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14 04, OpenSuse 421, Opensuse 13.2, Debian 8, Centos 7, Fedora 23, Fedora 24
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW14_-_2017-03-28_-_Full_Test_Cycle_2.3_M3_rc2
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW14_-_2017-03-28_-_Full_Test_Cycle_2.3_M3_rc2#Build_Performance_Test
Package Update Plan to have 70% or greater packages updated. Done 82% - http://recipes.yoctoproject.org/rrs/recipes/2.3/M3/
Upstream Commits Have upstream status reviewed on 100% of patches. Greater than 90% upstreamed. Done - 95%
Publication The release is announced Released

Milestone 4/Final - Target May 5, 2017

Release Criteria Milestone 4/Final Target Milestone 4/Final Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [4] Done (#11448 is a BSP specific bug which will be fixed/dispositioned before the BSP release).
Bug Trend Downward trend in bug tracking during the stabilization period. Done - WDD down from 575 (WW13) to 520 (WW17)
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW19_-_2017-05-02_-_Full_Test_Cycle_2.3_rc4
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, OpenSuse 42.2, Opensuse 13.2, Debian 8, Centos 7, Fedora 24, Fedora 25
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW19_-_2017-05-02_-_Full_Test_Cycle_2.3_rc4
Documentation All examples are tested to be functional. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done - Minimal performance regression, as expected, due to the switch to recipe specific sysroots.
Package Update Plan to have 70% or greater packages updated. Done - 80% - http://recipes.yoctoproject.org/rrs/recipes/2.3/All/
Upstream Commits Have upstream status reviewed on 100% of patches. Greater than 90% upstreamed. Done - 95%
Wiki/Web Site Updated Have reviewed the Wiki and Web site to insure all is current. Done
Code scan completed Have reviewed the results of a Protex scan of all code being released. Done
Publication The release is announced Released

Yocto Project 2.3.1 release

Release Criteria 2.3.1 release 2.3.1 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [5] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW29_-_2017-07-18-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.1_rc2
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - CentOS 7.1, Debian 8, Fedora 24, Fedora 25, Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 16.04, OpenSuse 422
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW29_-_2017-07-18-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.1_rc2
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW29_-_2017-07-18-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.1_rc2
Publication The release is announced Released

Yocto Project 2.3.2 release

Release Criteria 2.3.2 release 2.3.2 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [6] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW38_-_2017-09-20-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.2_rc1
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - CentOS 7.1, Debian 8, Fedora 24, Fedora 25, OpenSuse 422, Ubuntu 16.04
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW38_-_2017-09-20-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.2_rc1
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW38_-_2017-09-20-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.2_rc1
Publication The release is announced Done

Yocto Project 2.3.3 release

Release Criteria 2.3.3 release 2.3.3 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [7] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW51_-_2017-12-20-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.3_rc1
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - CentOS 7.1 x86_64, Debian 8 x86_64, Fedora 25 x86_64, Fedora 26 x86_64, OpenSuse 42.3 x86_64, OpenSuse 422 x86_64, Ubuntu 16.04 x86_64, Ubuntu 17.04 x86-64
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW51_-_2017-12-20-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.3_rc1
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW51_-_2017-12-20-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.3_rc1 - Note: Performance issues found were identified as a testing environment issue, not a YP 2.3.3 issue.
Publication The release is announced Released

Yocto Project 2.3.4 release

Release Criteria 2.3.4 release 2.3.4 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [8] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW25_-_2018-06-22-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.4_rc1
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - CentOs 7, Debian 9, Fedora 26, Fedora 27, OpenSuse 42.3, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.10
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW25_-_2018-06-22-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.4_rc1
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW25_-_2018-06-22-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.3.4_rc1
Publication The release is announced Released