Yocto Project v1.6 Status

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Yocto Project 1.6 release Status

Project Dashboard


Feature/Task Board


Scheduled Design Design Complete Development Patch Review Testing Done Blocked
5324Alexandru Palalau1.6
4856Paul Eggleton1.6
5286Paul Eggleton1.6
5358Paul Eggleton1.6
5406Paul Eggleton1.6
5410Paul Eggleton1.6
2424Paul Eggleton1.6
5616Cristian Iorga1.6
5454Beth Flanagan1.6
4779Laurentiu Palcu1.6
4781Laurentiu Palcu1.6
5663Laurentiu Palcu1.6
5704Laurentiu Palcu1.6
5436Mark Hatle1.6
5297Nitin Kamble1.6
5281Richard Purdie1.6
5301Richard Purdie1.6
5717Richard Purdie1.6
5724Richard Purdie1.6
1511Richard Purdie1.6
4425Richard Purdie1.6
4782Ross Burton1.6
5480Ross Burton1.6
5591Ross Burton1.6
5665Ross Burton1.6
5368Scott Rifenbark1.6
5472Scott Rifenbark1.6
5770Scott Rifenbark1.6
1973Scott Rifenbark1.6
4691Stefan Stanacar1.6
5072Stefan Stanacar1.6
4137Stefan Stanacar1.6
5118Cristiana Voicu1.6 M1
5442Robert Yang1.6 M1
5450Beth Flanagan1.6 M2
4381David Reyna1.6 M3
4382David Reyna1.6 M3
4383David Reyna1.6 M3
4780Hongxu Jia1.6 M3
4278Ravi Chintakunta1.6 M3
5486Tom Zanussi1.6 M3
4943Belen Barros Pena1.6 M4
5444Beth Flanagan1.6 M4
1894Hongxu Jia1.6 M4
5113Robert Yang1.6 M4
5748Ravi Chintakunta1.6 M4
6013Robert Yang1.6 M5
3821Khem Raj1.6 M5
5614Stefan Stanacar1.6 M5
5495Tom Zanussi1.6 M5
4805Alexandru Georgescu1.6
5326Alexandru Damian1.6
5419Andreea Brandusa Proca1.6
1562Andreea Brandusa Proca1.6
5443Paul Eggleton1.6
1596Paul Eggleton1.6
4740Stoicescu Cornel1.6
2081Stoicescu Cornel1.6
4104Hongxu Jia1.6
5337Ionut Chisanovici1.6
4700Ionut Chisanovici1.6
4100Jason Wessel1.6
3958Kai Kang1.6
4778Laurentiu Palcu1.6
5666Laurentiu Palcu1.6
5676Saul Wold1.6
5315Scott Rifenbark1.6
5467Stefan Stanacar1.6
4682Stefan Stanacar1.6
4652Yuan Sun1.6
4665Yuan Sun1.6
4667Yuan Sun1.6
4668Yuan Sun1.6
4673Yuan Sun1.6
5366Alexandru Damian1.6 M1
5558Alexandru Damian1.6 M1
5559Alexandru Damian1.6 M1
5565Alexandru Damian1.6 M1
4641Ionut Chisanovici1.6 M1
4694Ionut Chisanovici1.6 M1
5365Chen Qi1.6 M1
5554Stefan Stanacar1.6 M1
4249Alexandru Damian1.6 M2
3894Alexandru Palalau1.6 M2
4300David Reyna1.6 M2
4318David Reyna1.6 M2
4275Ravi Chintakunta1.6 M2
5411Saul Wold1.6 M2
4261Alexandru Damian1.6 M3
4684Alexandru Palalau1.6 M3
5464Alexandru Palalau1.6 M3
5691Belen Barros Pena1.6 M3
4328Dave Lerner1.6 M3
4294David Reyna1.6 M3
4295David Reyna1.6 M3
4297David Reyna1.6 M3
4298David Reyna1.6 M3
4299David Reyna1.6 M3
4323David Reyna1.6 M3
4326David Reyna1.6 M3
4327David Reyna1.6 M3
4378David Reyna1.6 M3
4380David Reyna1.6 M3
4387David Reyna1.6 M3
4254David Reyna1.6 M3
4277David Reyna1.6 M3
4279David Reyna1.6 M3
4280David Reyna1.6 M3
5441Chen Qi1.6 M3
4282Ravi Chintakunta1.6 M3
5613Stefan Stanacar1.6 M3
5647Alexandru Damian1.6 M4
5739Alexandru Damian1.6 M4
4255Alexandru Damian1.6 M4
4256Alexandru Damian1.6 M4
4257Alexandru Damian1.6 M4
5518Alexandru Palalau1.6 M4
4662Stoicescu Cornel1.6 M4
5469Stoicescu Cornel1.6 M4
5453Cristiana Voicu1.6 M4
5649Cristiana Voicu1.6 M4
5778Dave Lerner1.6 M4
4346Dave Lerner1.6 M4
4865David Reyna1.6 M4
4259David Reyna1.6 M4
4260David Reyna1.6 M4
4264David Reyna1.6 M4
4265David Reyna1.6 M4
4266David Reyna1.6 M4
5456Darren Hart1.6 M4
1635Darren Hart1.6 M4
4082Darren Hart1.6 M4
4258Farrell Wymore1.6 M4
4404Farrell Wymore1.6 M4
4661Ionut Chisanovici1.6 M4
4083Robert Yang1.6 M4
5821Ravi Chintakunta1.6 M4
5475Stefan Stanacar1.6 M4
5812Alexandru Damian1.6 M5
4625Alexandru Damian1.6 M5
4639Alexandru Palalau1.6 M5
4283Amit Kumar Chaudhary1.6 M5
5936Farrell Wymore1.6 M5
5357Richard Purdie1.6 M5
4675Yuan Sun1.6 M5
4699Yuan Sun1.6 M5
4666Yuan Sun1.6 M5
4669Yuan Sun1.6 M5
4670Yuan Sun1.6 M5
4671Yuan Sun1.6 M5
4672Yuan Sun1.6 M5

List View







Design Complete




Patch Review



IDAssigneeESummary (51 tasks) WhiteboardMilestoneStatus
5324Alexandru Palalau[distro] Consider providing distro testing solution08 April 2014: Setting documentation flag to "No."1.6RESOLVED
2424Paul Eggleton1Rename core images20 March 2014: Doc flag reset1.6RESOLVED
4856Paul EggletonImprove usability of bitbake -c listtasks20 March 2014: Doc flag reset1.6RESOLVED
5286Paul Eggletonpackage_rpm handling of MULTILIB_PREFIX_LIST needs refactoring1.6RESOLVED
5358Paul EggletonAvoid buildhistory changing do_package checksums1.6RESOLVED
5406Paul Eggletondo_split_packages should set SUMMARY instead of DESCRIPTION20 March 2014: Doc flag reset1.6RESOLVED
5410Paul EggletonWrite installed package list to deploy dir20 March 2014: Doc flag reset1.6RESOLVED
5616Cristian Iorga3Hard reset capability18 April 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done".1.6RESOLVED
5454Beth Flanagan[Autobuilder] Package index performance improvement1.6RESOLVED
4779Laurentiu Palcu5Refactor rootfs_ipk.bbclassImplementation finished, waiting after dependencies1.6RESOLVED
4781Laurentiu Palcu5Refactor rootfs_deb.bbclassImplementation finished, waiting after dependencies1.6RESOLVED
5663Laurentiu PalcuHard to debug failing intercepts1.6RESOLVED
5704Laurentiu PalcuWrite manifest creation python class/routine08 April 2014: Setting documentation flag to "No."1.6RESOLVED
5436Mark HatleAdd the ability to specify static uid / gid pairs to be used by packages at build time for post install scripts1.6RESOLVED
5297Nitin KambleSupport 2013Q3 Intel Graphics Stack Release in Yocto Project1.6RESOLVED
1511Richard PurdieSupport versioned scm snapshots for mirroring1.6RESOLVED
4425Richard PurdiePrevent including the same file twice1.6RESOLVED
5281Richard PurdieServer mode should generate port number if not set1.6RESOLVED
5301Richard PurdieAbility to track DISTRO_FEATURE use1.6RESOLVED
5717Richard PurdieGITSM fetcher should use ud.basecmd1.6RESOLVED
5724Richard Purdiebitbake -e sometimes is not useful1.6RESOLVED
4782Ross Burton3Remove meta-toolchain-gmae21 March 2014: Reset documentation flag to "No"1.6RESOLVED
5480Ross BurtonIntegrate Wayland 1.2+1.6RESOLVED
5591Ross Burtoncmake.bbclass should support separate build directories1.6RESOLVED
5665Ross Burtonrun-postinsts should have native systemd support1.6RESOLVED
1973Scott RifenbarkEnhance BitBake manual10 April 2014: RESOLVED1.6RESOLVED
5368Scott RifenbarkStop using release tarballs for main metadata releases11 March 2014: RESOLVED1.6RESOLVED
5472Scott RifenbarkBitBake manual: copy / adjust BitBake variables22 April 2014: RESOLVED/FIXED1.6RESOLVED
5770Scott RifenbarkDocument the default for BB_NUMBER_THREADS and PARALLEL_MAKE31 January 2014: Marked the "Documentation change" field to "Done"1.6RESOLVED
4137Stefan Stanacar1.6 Test Automation Tracking Bug1.6RESOLVED
4691Stefan Stanacar[QA] - verify - 1.6 Test Automation Tracking Bug1.6RESOLVED
5072Stefan StanacarTests need a better way of determining if a package it's installed1.6RESOLVED
5583valentinTest Weston on qemu1.6RESOLVED
5118Cristiana Voicu4[HOB] meta-hob layer should dissapear1.6 M1RESOLVED
5442Robert Yang2sanity.bbclass: check TMPDIR is not on nfs26 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."1.6 M1RESOLVED
5450Beth Flanagan[Autobuilder] Deferred deletion of builds1.6 M2RESOLVED
4381David Reyna3buildtime: Filter the content of the build time tableGUI design available1.6 M3RESOLVED
4382David Reyna4buildtime: Search the content of the build time tableGUI design available1.6 M3RESOLVED
4383David Reyna3buildtime: Sort the content of the build time tableGUI design available1.6 M3RESOLVED
4780Hongxu Jia5Refactor rootfs_rpm.bbclassThe Rpm Image Creation has finished and been tested, start the incremental development.1.6 M3RESOLVED
4278Ravi Chintakunta4tasks: Filter the content of the tasks tableGUI design available1.6 M3RESOLVED
5486Tom ZanussiUpdate kernel lab to 1.5 (dora)1.6 M3RESOLVED
4943Belen Barros PenaProvide help informationGUI design available1.6 M4RESOLVED
5444Beth Flanagan41.6 Autobuilder Enhancement Tracking bug1.6 M4RESOLVED
1894Hongxu Jia10Incremental ipk image generation(Test Case Ready)1.6 M4RESOLVED
5113Robert Yang10archive*.bbclass: need refactor1.6 M4RESOLVED
5748Ravi ChintakuntaBring in tasks descriptions from documentation.conf into ToasterGUI1.6 M4RESOLVED
6013Robert Yang1genext2fs: remove it24 March 2014: Set Documentation flag to "No".1.6 M5RESOLVED
3821Khem RajAdd Python 3.x recipe09 April 2014: Set documentation flag to "Done."1.6 M5RESOLVED
5614Stefan Stanacar5Automated testing master image generation / operation17 April 2014: Marked documentation flag to "Done".1.6 M5RESOLVED
5495Tom Zanussi10yocto-bsp 1.6 upgrade and automation enhancements11 April 2014: Documentation flag set to "Done."1.6 M5RESOLVED


IDAssigneeESummary (102 tasks) WhiteboardMilestoneStatus
4805Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify Consider providing an oe-selftest script to run automated tests against bitbake tools27 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."1.6VERIFIED
5326Alexandru DamianShow covering tasks1.6VERIFIED
1562Andreea Brandusa Proca4kernel oops style error collection server28 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."1.6VERIFIED
5419Andreea Brandusa ProcaCreate a script for calculating the data collection rate.1.6VERIFIED
1596Paul Eggleton10Automate BSP TestingCo-Assign with Michael1.6VERIFIED
5443Paul EggletonClean up serialisation of package file listing in pkgdata1.6VERIFIED
2081Stoicescu Cornel[QA/Test] We need to add scripts to stress test sstate package relocatability1.6VERIFIED
4740Stoicescu CornelConsider providing an oe-selftest script to run automated tests against bitbake tools27 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."1.6VERIFIED
4104Hongxu Jia32Need a method for install/update of bzImage1.6VERIFIED
4700Ionut Chisanovici[QA] - verify - Search the content of the bitbake variables table1.6VERIFIED
5337Ionut Chisanovici[QA] Optimize test case for better use of time and resources1.6VERIFIED
4100Jason Wessel3Add EFI support to ISO images(1.4.2 also)1.6VERIFIED
5552JessicaUser should be able to edit yocto-bsp metadata location without clicking Browse1.6VERIFIED
3958Kai Kangnew app needed to test directfb1.6VERIFIED
4778Laurentiu Palcu10Refactor image.bbclass1.6VERIFIED
5666Laurentiu Palcuopkg doesn't use run-postinsts1.6VERIFIED
5676Saul Woldremove meta-toolchain-sdk from common targets23 December 2013: Updated doc flag to "Done"1.6VERIFIED
5315Scott RifenbarkAdd documentation about what each generic task does in Yocto31 October 2013: RESOLVED1.6VERIFIED
4682Stefan Stanacar[QA] - verify - kernel oops style error collection server1.6VERIFIED
5467Stefan Stanacar[QA] - verify - Enhance signature handling1.6VERIFIED
4652Yuan Sun[QA] - Verify - View a table with all the recipes included in an image recipe1.6VERIFIED
4665Yuan Sun[QA] - verify - View a table of all the builds run for a certain build directory1.6VERIFIED
4667Yuan Sun[QA] - verify - Select the number of table rows displayed per page1.6VERIFIED
4668Yuan Sun[QA] - verify - View log files1.6VERIFIED
4673Yuan Sun[QA] - verify - View a table with all the packages built for an image recipe1.6VERIFIED
5366Alexandru Damian[webhob-poky/master] in the Builds page of the simple interface, targets that are not image recipes should not be linkssimple1.6 M1VERIFIED
5558Alexandru Damiantoaster migrate to Django M1VERIFIED
5559Alexandru Damiantoaster integrate Django South support1.6 M1VERIFIED
5565Alexandru Damiantoaster packages change database tables and data collection hooks1.6 M1VERIFIED
4641Ionut Chisanovici1[QA] - Verify - Add EFI support to ISO images1.6 M1VERIFIED
4694Ionut Chisanovici1[QA] - verify - Need a method for install/update of bzImage1.6 M1VERIFIED
5365Chen Qi5ability to set root password in cleartext1.6 M1VERIFIED
5554Stefan StanacarAdd abstraction for running tests on real hardware18 April 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done".1.6 M1VERIFIED
4249Alexandru Damian5builds: View a table of all the builds run for a certain build directoryGUI design available1.6 M2VERIFIED
3894Alexandru PalalauPiglit 3D testing1.6 M2VERIFIED
4300David Reyna5View detailed information about a layer1.6 M2VERIFIED
4318David Reyna5packages: View a table with all the packages built for an image recipeGUI design available1.6 M2VERIFIED
4275Ravi Chintakunta5View a table with all the tasks run for a buildGUI design available1.6 M2VERIFIED
5411Saul WoldCreate a mechanism to allow .bbappend files to use a wildcard to match version numbers1.6 M2VERIFIED
4261Alexandru Damian3Select the number of table rows displayed per pageGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
4684Alexandru Palalau[QA] - verify - Piglit 3D testing1.6 M3VERIFIED
5464Alexandru Palalau[QA] - verify - Create a mechanism to allow .bbappend files to use a wildcard to match version numbers1.6 M3VERIFIED
5691Belen Barros PenaTask descriptions needed for Toaster03 January 2014: Some edits1.6 M3VERIFIED
4328Dave Lerner5packages: View detailed information about a packageGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
4254David Reyna3builds: Customise the columns of the builds tableGUI1.6 M3VERIFIED
4277David Reyna3tasks: Customise the columns of the tasks tableGUI1.6 M3VERIFIED
4279David Reyna3tasks: Search the content of the tasks tableGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
4280David Reyna5tasks: Sort the content of the tasks tableGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
4294David Reyna5recipes: View a table with all the recipes included in an image recipeGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
4295David Reyna5recipes: Customise the columns of the recipes table1.6 M3VERIFIED
4297David Reyna3recipes: Search the content of the recipes tableGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
4298David Reyna3recipes: Sort the content of the recipes tableGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
4299David Reyna5recipes: View detailed information about a recipeGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
4323David Reyna5packages: Customise the columns of the packages tableGUI1.6 M3VERIFIED
4326David Reyna3packages: Search the content of the packages tableGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
4327David Reyna3packages: Sort the content of the packages tableGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
4378David Reyna5buildtime: View a table with build time information for tasksGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
4380David Reyna3buildtime: Customise the columns of the build time tableGUI1.6 M3VERIFIED
4387David Reyna5Visualising CPU usage and disk I/OGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
5441Chen QiComplete systemd integration into OE-Core1.6 M3VERIFIED
4282Ravi Chintakunta5View detailed information about a taskGUI design available1.6 M3VERIFIED
5613Stefan Stanacar5Add ability to export tests to decouple them from the build system1.6 M3VERIFIED
4255Alexandru Damian3builds: Sort the content of the builds tableGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
4256Alexandru Damian4builds: Search the content of the builds tableGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
4257Alexandru Damian3builds: Filter the content of the builds tableGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
5647Alexandru DamianRemove the licensing_info field from the recipes table1.6 M4VERIFIED
5739Alexandru DamianMatch RDEPENDS package names to target RDEPENDS package names when packages are renamed during packaging1.6 M4VERIFIED
5518Alexandru Palalau[QA] - verify - Drop Grub for Syslinux/Gummiboot1.6 M4VERIFIED
4662Stoicescu Cornel1[QA] - verify - Avoid circular dependencies when building initramfs that includes kernel modules1.6 M4VERIFIED
5469Stoicescu Cornel[QA] - verify - Consolidate meta-intel BSPs where possible1.6 M4VERIFIED
5453Cristiana VoicuRemove the image_fstypes field from the builds tableneeds test fixtures update1.6 M4VERIFIED
5649Cristiana VoicuAdd the path to the license.manifest.txt file to the build information1.6 M4VERIFIED
4346Dave Lerner8View and navigate the full directory structure of built imagesGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
5778Dave LernerEnable package file table sorts by file size in the package detail viewsGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
4259David Reyna5View detailed configuration information for a buildGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
4260David Reyna3variables: Customise the columns of the bitbake variables tableGUI1.6 M4VERIFIED
4264David Reyna5variables: Sort the content of the bitbake variables tableGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
4265David Reyna3variables: Search the content of the bitbake variables tableGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
4266David Reyna3variables: Filter the content of the bitbake variables tableGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
4865David ReynaWe need empty states for the different pagesGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
1635Darren Hart5Add gummiboot as a grub-efi alternative (was Drop Grub for Syslinux/Gummiboot)(Test Case Completed) Development1.6 M4VERIFIED
4082Darren Hart2Replace grub-efi with gummiboot1.6 M4VERIFIED
5456Darren Hart5Consolidate meta-intel BSPs where possible10 April 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."1.6 M4VERIFIED
4258Farrell Wymore5View a summary of all the information available for a buildGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
4404Farrell Wymore5Build summary information fully implementedGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
4661Ionut Chisanovici1[QA] - verify - e2fsprogs: Integrate initial directory into mke2fs1.6 M4VERIFIED
4083Robert Yang20e2fsprogs: Integrate initial directory into mke2fs1.6 M4VERIFIED
5821Ravi ChintakuntaAdd counters to filtersGUI design available1.6 M4VERIFIED
5475Stefan Stanacar[QA] - verify - Complete systemd integration into OE-Core1.6 M4VERIFIED
4625Alexandru DamianDelete build information1.6 M5VERIFIED
5812Alexandru DamianFile information should include permissions, owner and groupGUI; needs data completion test1.6 M5VERIFIED
4639Alexandru Palalau1[QA] - Verify - Replace grub-efi with gummiboot1.6 M5VERIFIED
4283Amit Kumar Chaudhary3Display the content of error messages and warningsGUI design available1.6 M5VERIFIED
5936Farrell WymoreAdd license manifest path to the image dashboard page1.6 M5VERIFIED
5357Richard PurdieEnhance signature handling27 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."1.6 M5VERIFIED
4666Yuan Sun[QA] - verify - View a summary of all the information available for a build1.6 M5VERIFIED
4669Yuan Sun[QA] - verify - View detailed information about a task1.6 M5VERIFIED
4670Yuan Sun[QA] - verify - Display the content of error messages and warnings1.6 M5VERIFIED
4671Yuan Sun[QA] - verify - View detailed information about a recipe1.6 M5VERIFIED
4672Yuan Sun[QA] - verify - View detailed information about a layer1.6 M5VERIFIED
4675Yuan Sun[QA] - verify - View a table with build time information for tasks1.6 M5VERIFIED
4699Yuan Sun[QA] - verify - View detailed configuration information for a build1.6 M5VERIFIED

Yocto Project 1.6 Release Criteria

Milestone 1

Release Criteria Milestone 1 Target Milestone 1 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. All high features are completed.
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. M1 RC1 build has been through QA. Systemd failed to build, but not a release blocking issue.
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Pass
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [1] No high bugs for M1. The number of medium+ bugs is concerning the team
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW49_-_2013-12-03_-_Full_Pass_Release_1.6_M1.rc1. Pass
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Ubuntu 13.10 64bit, Fedora 19 64bit, Fedora 19 32bit, Fedora 19 64bit, Opensuse 12.3 64bit, CentOS 6.5 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Pass
Documentation No target Pass
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Pass
Package Update 70% 60% monthly rate. Pass
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Pass
Publication The release is announced Done

Milestone 2

Release Criteria Milestone 2 Target Milestone 2 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. All high features are completed.
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. M1 RC2 build has been through QA and was approved.
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Pass
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [2] Pass - No high bugs open for 1.6 M2
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW04_-_2014-01-23_-_Full_Pass_Release_1.6_M2.rc2 Pass
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Ubuntu 13.10 64bit, Fedora 19 64bit, Fedora 20 32bit, Opensuse 12.3 64bit, CentOS 6.5 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Pass
Documentation No target Pass - No Targets for this release
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. OK'ed to Pass
Package Update 70% Just under 50% but OK'ed to Pass
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) 35 of 1350 patches need tags but OK'ed to Pass
Publication The release is announced Done

Milestone 3

Release Criteria Milestone 3 Target Milestone 3 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. All high features are completed except bug 5827 which is does not block the release.
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Pass, M3 RC2 build has been through QA.
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Pass
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [3] Pass, No high bugs open for 1.6 M3 which are without known fixes.
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW08_-_2014-02-18_-_Full_Pass_Release_1.6_M3.rc2
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Fedora 20, Ubuntu 13.10, OpenSuse 13.1, CentOS 6.5
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Pass
Documentation No target Pass
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Small performance deguation due to p-test being added.
Package Update 70% Under 50%, but Oked to Pass.
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) 31 of 1400 patches need tags but OK'ed to Pass .
Publication The release is announced Done

Milestone Final Release

Release Criteria Milestone Final Target Milestone Final Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Pass
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Pass
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Pass
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. YP 1.6 high issues have been fixed. [4] None major or critical
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW15_-_2014-04-11_-_Full_Pass_Release_1.6_M5.rc4 Done
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Ubuntu 14.04 64bit (BETA), Ubuntu 13.10 64bit, Fedora 20 64bit, Opensuse 13.1 64bit, CentOS 6.5 64 bit Done
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW15_-_2014-04-11_-_Full_Pass_Release_1.6_M5.rc4 Pass
Documentation No target Completed and examples tested
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Performance_Test Pass
Package Update 70% 85% - Pass
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) 97% (37 of ~1400) still need upstream status
Publication The release is announced

1.6.1 release

Release Criteria 1.6.1 release 1.6.1 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [5] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW24_-_2014-06-12_-_Full_Pass_Release_1.6.1 & https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW25_-_2014-06-12_-_meta-intel_-_Full_Pass_Release_1.6.1 Done
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, Ubuntu 13.10 64bit, Fedora 20 64bit, Opensuse 13.1 64bit, CentOS 6.5 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW25_-_2014-06-12_-_meta-intel_-_Full_Pass_Release_1.6.1 Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done
Publication The release is announced Done

1.6.2 release

Release Criteria 1.6.2 release 1.6.2 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [6] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW46_-_2014-11-10_-_Full_Pass_Release_1.6.2_rc2 Done
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, Fedora 20 64bit, Opensuse 13.1 64bit, CentOS 7 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW46_-_2014-11-10_-_Full_Pass_Release_1.6.2_rc2#Performance_Testing Done
Publication The release is announced Released

1.6.3 release

Release Criteria 1.6.3 release 1.6.2 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [7] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW20_-_2015-05-14_-_Full_Pass_1.6.3.rc4 Done
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 14.10 64bit, Fedora 21 64bit, Opensuse 13.2 64bit, CentOS 7 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW20_-_2015-05-14_-_Full_Pass_1.6.3.rc4#Build_Performance_Test Done
Publication The release is announced