Yocto Project v1.4 Status

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Yocto Project 1.4 release Status

Project Dashboard


Feature/Task Board


Scheduled Design Design Complete Development Patch Review Testing Done Blocked
874Beth Flanagan1.4
806Joshua Lock - Disabled1.4
823Joshua Lock - Disabled1.4
3435Radu Moisan1.4
3621Ross Burton1.4
1618Saul Wold1.4
1632Saul Wold1.4
1613Song Liu1.4
1650Scott Rifenbark1.4
2645Scott Rifenbark1.4
3925Andrei Dinu1.4
2248Andrei Dinu1.4
2871Paul Eggleton1.4
2578Paul Eggleton1.4
3041Paul Eggleton1.4
3576Bogdan Marinescu1.4
3692Bogdan Marinescu1.4
3438Constantin Musca1.4
3744Constantin Musca1.4
2569Cristiana Voicu1.4
3270Cristiana Voicu1.4
2997Cristiana Voicu1.4
3282Cristiana Voicu1.4
3431Emilia Ciobanu1.4
4008Ioana Grigoropol1.4
3602Laurentiu Palcu1.4
2923Laurentiu Palcu1.4
3603Laurentiu Palcu1.4
3716Laurentiu Palcu1.4
3598Laurentiu Palcu1.4
3600Laurentiu Palcu1.4
3385Laurentiu Palcu1.4
188Lianhao Lu1.4
821Mark Hatle1.4
3275Martin Jansa1.4
3712Michael Halstead1.4
3541Nitin Kamble1.4
3675Chen Qi1.4
1963Radu Moisan1.4
3890Richard Purdie1.4
3328Richard Purdie1.4
3120Richard Purdie1.4
2801Richard Purdie1.4
3327Ross Burton1.4
3192Ross Burton1.4
3221Saul Wold1.4
3436Saul Wold1.4
1594Song Liu1.4
1597Song Liu1.4
3364Scott Rifenbark1.4
3366Scott Rifenbark1.4
1548Scott Rifenbark1.4
3363Scott Rifenbark1.4
1941Scott Rifenbark1.4
635Scott Rifenbark1.4
3380Stefan Stanacar1.4
3094Tom Zanussi1.4
1640Tom Zanussi1.4
2392Tom Zanussi1.4
3372Cristiana Voicu1.4 M1
3296Kai Kang1.4 M1
1656Kai Kang1.4 M1
3264Laurentiu Palcu1.4 M1
3297Robert Yang1.4 M1
3323Saul Wold1.4 M1
3349Paul Eggleton1.4 M2
3350Paul Eggleton1.4 M2
3351Paul Eggleton1.4 M2
3346Paul Eggleton1.4 M2
3407Paul Eggleton1.4 M2
3182Paul Eggleton1.4 M2
2565Constantin Musca1.4 M2
3071Constantin Musca1.4 M2
3153Hongxu Jia1.4 M2
3309Hongxu Jia1.4 M2
3542Jessica1.4 M2
2683Kai Kang1.4 M2
1621Laurentiu Palcu1.4 M2
3155Chen Qi1.4 M2
1625Radu Moisan1.4 M2
3310Richard Purdie1.4 M2
3166Tom Zanussi1.4 M2
2938Alexandru Damian1.4 M3
3516Darren Hart1.4 M3
3439Darren Hart1.4 M3
3298Hongxu Jia1.4 M3
3672Ioana Grigoropol1.4 M3
3391Paul Eggleton1.4 M4
3430Paul Eggleton1.4 M4
3272Paul Eggleton1.4 M4
3519Bruce Ashfield1.4 M4
2396Bruce Ashfield1.4 M4
2686Bruce Ashfield1.4 M4
2180Cristiana Voicu1.4 M4
2935Cristiana Voicu1.4 M4
3007Cristiana Voicu1.4 M4
3696Cristiana Voicu1.4 M4
2934Cristiana Voicu1.4 M4
3414Darren Hart1.4 M4
3416Beth Flanagan1.4 M4
3417Beth Flanagan1.4 M4
1628Beth Flanagan1.4 M4
3006Kai Kang1.4 M4
3599Laurentiu Palcu1.4 M4
3434Laurentiu Palcu1.4 M4
3387Robert Yang1.4 M4
3824Robert Yang1.4 M4
3809Nitin Kamble1.4 M4
3718Nitin Kamble1.4 M4
3807Nitin Kamble1.4 M4
3179Chen Qi1.4 M4
3181Chen Qi1.4 M4
3774Ross Burton1.4 M4
3274Scott Rifenbark1.4 M4
3964Paul Eggleton1.4 M5
3352Bogdan Marinescu1.4 M5
3517Bruce Ashfield1.4 M5
3569Cristiana Voicu1.4 M5
3578Ioana Grigoropol1.4 M5
1659Robert Yang1.4 M5
3931Nitin Kamble1.4 M5
3406Chen Qi1.4 M5
3379Chen Qi1.4 M5
3374Richard Purdie1.4 M5
1622Scott Rifenbark1.4 M5
3886Stefan Stanacar1.4 M5
2393Tom Zanussi1.4 M5

List View







Design Complete




Patch Review



IDAssigneeESummary (10 tasks) WhiteboardMilestoneStatus
874Beth Flanagan1[AutoBuilder/FEAT] Set Bug to Fixed automatically when building in AutoBuilder1.4RESOLVED
806Joshua Lock - Disabled4Consider using PatchELF rather than chrpath for modifying the RPATH1.4RESOLVED
823Joshua Lock - DisabledEnsure Poky can be run on non-Linux Unices1.4RESOLVED
3435Radu Moisan10Investigate fast boot optimization options for non-SystemD init system.1.4RESOLVED
3621Ross BurtonSource in -dbg packages is wasteful and not massively useful1.4RESOLVED
1618Saul Wold4MeeGo / Tizen GPLv2 Sync1.4RESOLVED
1632Saul Wold3Eval Patch management tools1.4RESOLVED
1613Song LiuEmbedded java environment or even JDK support1.4RESOLVED
1650Scott RifenbarkNeed documentation on contributing patches and code17-Nov-2011: Resolved Fixed with 3.8 of dev manual.1.4RESOLVED
2645Scott Rifenbark[DOC] The ADT documentation should be improved to include additional command line instructions1 March 2013: In Progress Review1.4RESOLVED


IDAssigneeESummary (119 tasks) WhiteboardMilestoneStatus
2248Andrei Dinu10[HOB] Replace persistent tooltips with property windows and information alerts1.4VERIFIED
3925Andrei DinuAdd file information to package information window1.4VERIFIED
2578Paul Eggleton1Allow dropbear no-password configuration at image assembly time1.4VERIFIED
2871Paul Eggleton2[Performance] Improve RPM rootfs generation performance1.4VERIFIED
3041Paul EggletonLog all real SRCREVs, including deferencing AUTOREVsAdditional patch posted for review1.4VERIFIED
3576Bogdan Marinescu10clean up hob and bitbake interaction via well-defined APIs/abstractions1.4VERIFIED
3692Bogdan MarinescuFreeze after after selecting machine and base image1.4VERIFIED
3438Constantin Musca3multilib: verify full world build and fix issuese5a2702653db082203455e3739d7838863c859ba1.4VERIFIED
3744Constantin MuscaPR Server variables could be more concise2f1aba504c592b5983d09e84cba71f86e8cea02a1.4VERIFIED
2569Cristiana Voicu[HOB] When you do a build, you see the config, not the progressmerged1.4VERIFIED
2997Cristiana Voicu2[HOB] We need some progress indicator when you select 'view log'1.4VERIFIED
3270Cristiana Voicu[HOB] I should be able to reorder the layers in the Hob Layers dialogmerged1.4VERIFIED
3282Cristiana Voicu[HOB] During recipe parsing, progress bar text should provide details about the process statemerged1.4VERIFIED
3431Emilia Ciobanumeta-web-kiosk - create layer and document usage1.4VERIFIED
4008Ioana GrigoropolError text should be changed when creating projects with invalid titles1.4VERIFIED
1588Jessica5Hob v2 - Interface updates?Umbrella Bug For Tracking Only1.4VERIFIED
2170Jessica5[HOB2]Switch to flexible gtk layout1.4VERIFIED
2923Laurentiu Palcu5Create font class1.4VERIFIED
3385Laurentiu Palcu10mesa-dri: rename to just 'mesa'1.4VERIFIED
3598Laurentiu Palcu2run update-modules postinstall at do_rootfs time1.4VERIFIED
3600Laurentiu Palcu2run pango postinstalls at do_rootfs time1.4VERIFIED
3602Laurentiu Palcu2run matchbox-keyboard postinstalls at do_rootfs time1.4VERIFIED
3603Laurentiu Palcu2run matchbox-session-sato postinstalls at do_rootfs time1.4VERIFIED
3716Laurentiu Palcurun busybox-syslog postinstall at do_rootfs time1.4VERIFIED
188Lianhao Lucdt.launch.remote issues on a non-canonical terminal1.4VERIFIED
821Mark Hatle30Zypper: Package dependency resolution does not know about hinting1.4VERIFIED
3275Martin Jansainefficient PACKAGES_DYNAMIC expressions1.4VERIFIED
3712Michael HalsteadTestopia mediawiki extension1.4VERIFIED
3541Nitin Kamble3create a new BSP for NUC1.4VERIFIED
3675Chen Qi5inhibit rm_work per recipe1.4VERIFIED
1963Radu Moisan5Consider adopting systemd interfaces in Poky core OS distro configuration1.4VERIFIED
2801Richard Purdie[Performance] do_package should be PACKAGE_ARCH specific, not MACHINE1.4VERIFIED
3120Richard Purdieadd multiarch to DISTRO_FEATURES1.4VERIFIED
3328Richard Purdiesstate: show some progress when downloading lots of packages from SSTATE_MIRROR1.4VERIFIED
3890Richard Purdie@contains does not create vardep automatically1.4VERIFIED
3192Ross BurtonXorg server and drivers should declare ABI dependencies1.4VERIFIED
3327Ross Burton0.2[DOC] No documentation for PACKAGECONFIG03 Dec 2012 - Review edits applied1.4VERIFIED
3221Saul WoldSave more space in WORKDIR with rm_work1.4VERIFIED
3436Saul Wold5Investigate and reduce buildsystem disk footprint1.4VERIFIED
1594Song LiuAdd a test framework1.4VERIFIED
1597Song LiuSecurity Layer1.4VERIFIED
635Scott Rifenbarkadd documentation for swabber24 April 2012: Note added1.4VERIFIED
1548Scott RifenbarkDocument handling multiple/parallel library versions22 March 2013 - Resolved1.4VERIFIED
1941Scott RifenbarkUpdate BSP example appendix to use a more recent BSP suited for cheaper available hw11 Feb 2013: resolved/obsolete1.4VERIFIED
3363Scott Rifenbark[DOC] Document buildhistory feature15 Nov 2012 - RESOLVED1.4VERIFIED
3364Scott Rifenbark[DOC] Document disk space monitoring14 Nov 2012 - Resolved1.4VERIFIED
3366Scott Rifenbark[DOC] Document optional module packaging12 Nov 2012 - Resolved1.4VERIFIED
3380Stefan Stanacar[QA/Test] Integrated Automation framework catering to All automation needs1.4VERIFIED
1640Tom Zanussi15[DOC] Tracing/profiling HOWTOs(10D+5D)1.4VERIFIED
2392Tom Zanussi5Yocto BSP Tools: template enhancements1.4VERIFIED
3094Tom ZanussiAdd a layer generation toolv1 patchset re-submitted to poky list1.4VERIFIED
3372Cristiana Voicu[HOB] Add a new variable in bblayer.conf file to prevent certain layers to be removedmerged1.4 M1VERIFIED
1656Kai Kang15Recipe creation/import script(P3) (Test Case Ready)(Patch Merged)1.4 M1VERIFIED
3296Kai Kang3[QA/Test] Add a perl-test recipe to test perl(D3)(Patch Merged)1.4 M1VERIFIED
3264Laurentiu Palcu1Fix the breakage that binutils 2.23 caused to SDK installer1.4 M1VERIFIED
3297Robert Yang5replace the virtclass-* with class-* in the metadata1.4 M1VERIFIED
3323Saul Wold1Build appliance changes for supporting openssh and sftp by defaultpatch pending1.4 M1VERIFIED
3182Paul Eggleton0.1Replace Zypper/RPM integration with a smaller/better package resolver/manager - I.E. SMART/RPM1.4 M2VERIFIED
3346Paul Eggleton5Smart package feed handling1.4 M2VERIFIED
3349Paul EggletonRemove zypper in favour of smart1.4 M2VERIFIED
3350Paul Eggleton5Ensure smart supports hinting for RRECOMMENDSPatches sent for review (4 Dec)1.4 M2VERIFIED
3351Paul Eggleton10Reimplement RPM rootfs generation using smartPatches sent for review (4 Dec)1.4 M2VERIFIED
3407Paul Eggleton1Check for postinsts in read-only rootfs (in deb/rpm)1.4 M2VERIFIED
2565Constantin Musca3[HOB] Limit the list of build profiles to the ones which are sensiblea0a265e352b074b54928cf50563561c92aa2f8141.4 M2VERIFIED
3071Constantin Musca3sstate-cache cannot be shared between builders with different cache/bb_persist_data.sqlite359a704679c825d01f417a303a49be7ef34134c4e, d0f35207f9e19b440393a79ebf621649c495738d, 8d6e55bf2192524bda84138b5356a2791adbbe611.4 M2VERIFIED
3153Hongxu Jia5toolchain installation should prompt for sudo passwd on permission denied locations1.4 M2VERIFIED
3309Hongxu Jia5Add non-interactive option for toolchain installation1.4 M2VERIFIED
3542Jessica5Make Bitbake Commander plug-in a separate feature1.4 M2VERIFIED
2683Kai Kang5Add a way to dynamically specify the root user's home directory(D5)(Patch Merged)1.4 M2VERIFIED
1621Laurentiu Palcu5[Performance] Running post installs at rootfs gen time1.4 M2VERIFIED
3155Chen Qi5init-live.sh should clean up temporary mounts1.4 M2VERIFIED
1625Radu Moisan10Support use of alternative init systemsin development1.4 M2VERIFIED
3310Richard Purdie0.1Switch to a PR server model with no more PR bumps1.4 M2VERIFIED
3166Tom Zanussi5yocto-bsp: add support for linux-yocto-custom kernelsDevelopment [90%]1.4 M2VERIFIED
2938Alexandru Damian15Enable Wayland support1.4 M3VERIFIED
3439Darren Hart3Investigate options for creating a genext4fs to enable a true EXT4 Filesystem1.4 M3VERIFIED
3516Darren Hart20ext2fsprogs: Add initial directory support to mke2fs ext41.4 M3VERIFIED
3298Hongxu Jia5Add a 'world native' targetDesign1.4 M3VERIFIED
3672Ioana GrigoropolAdopt crosstap script for systemtap1.4 M3VERIFIED
3272Paul Eggleton8Implement web interface for indexing OpenEmbedded layers1.4 M4VERIFIED
3391Paul Eggletonbuildhistory.bbclass should track more runtime variables1.4 M4VERIFIED
3430Paul Eggleton0.25Deprecate the demo layer - save any good bits to appropriate layers1.4 M4VERIFIED
2396Bruce Ashfield10Integrate LTSI into linux-yocto-dev1.4 M4VERIFIED
2686Bruce Ashfield5linux-yocto/linux-yocto-custom: support low bandwidth optionsIn design (revival of old code). 1.4 M21.4 M4VERIFIED
3519Bruce AshfieldCould enable GPIO_SYSFS1.4 M4VERIFIED
2180Cristiana Voicu5[HOB] Eliminate the by recipe grouping in the packages table1.4 M4VERIFIED
2934Cristiana Voicu7[HOB] Hob should save any customizations into the project's configuration1.4 M4VERIFIED
2935Cristiana Voicu3[HOB] Hob "Save As Template" is confusing1.4 M4VERIFIED
3007Cristiana Voicu7[HOB] Improve bblayers-hob.conf1.4 M4VERIFIED
3696Cristiana Voicu2Remove 'templates' functionality from Hob1.4 M4VERIFIED
3414Darren Hart10Task-based Linux kernel development and configuraiton documentation1.4 M4VERIFIED
1628Beth Flanagan5Autobuilder layer support(No QA Needed) 1.4 M4VERIFIED
3416Beth Flanagan10Update autobuilder to latest version1.4 M4VERIFIED
3417Beth Flanagan10Refactor / Re-Structure ABConfig and other autobuilder scripts1.4 M4VERIFIED
3006Kai Kang6external-python-tarball: Rewrite to use correct package installation1.4 M4VERIFIED
3434Laurentiu Palcu10Ensure that all postinstall scripts are able to run at install time1.4 M4VERIFIED
3599Laurentiu Palcu2run liberation-fonts postinstall at do_rootfs time1.4 M4VERIFIED
3387Robert Yang10bitbake-layers: figure out the LAYERDEPENDS1.4 M4VERIFIED
3824Robert Yang2bitbake-layers: let show-cross-depends avoid long path1.4 M4VERIFIED
3718Nitin Kamble5upgrade emgd to 1.161.4 M4VERIFIED
3807Nitin Kamble2sugarbay, chiefriver, nuc BSPS: replace the VA_FEATURES method by new HWCODEC method1.4 M4VERIFIED
3809Nitin Kamble2Update fri2 & sys940x BSPs to use emgd-1.161.4 M4VERIFIED
3179Chen Qi4Modification for udev to use /var/run must be removed.1.4 M4VERIFIED
3181Chen Qi8runtime directory /run not properly created1.4 M4VERIFIED
3774Ross Burton10Enable systemd booting of core-image-sato1.4 M4VERIFIED
3274Scott Rifenbark3[DOC] Documenting development best practices using the Yocto Project14 Feb 20131.4 M4VERIFIED
3964Paul Eggletonbuildhistory should support the populate_sdk task1.4 M5VERIFIED
3352Bogdan Marinescu7Improve smart error/status reporting1.4 M5VERIFIED
3517Bruce Ashfieldkernel: reduce packaging and build system overhead1.4 M5VERIFIED
3569Cristiana Voicu7Use a GtkTreeView to present and configure the sstate mirrors1.4 M5VERIFIED
3578Ioana GrigoropolAllow build appliance to share its filesystem with local host1.4 M5VERIFIED
1659Robert Yang7[Usability] Way to determine what is about to happen (similar to a dry-run)1.4 M5VERIFIED
3931Nitin Kamble3create linux-yocto-dev kernel recipes for meta-intel bsps1.4 M5VERIFIED
3379Chen QiAdd config fragment support to busybox1.4 M5VERIFIED
3406Chen QiRead-only rootfs supportPatch Review1.4 M5VERIFIED
3374Richard PurdieMake image devshell environment more like do_rootfs1.4 M5VERIFIED
1622Scott Rifenbark10[DOC] Document multilib setup and usage1 March 2013: Resolved/Fixed1.4 M5VERIFIED
3886Stefan StanacarScript to automatically run the performance tests and consolidates the data1.4 M5VERIFIED
2393Tom Zanussi10[Usablility] Yocto BSP Tools: add support for kernel features1.4 M5VERIFIED

Yocto Project SWAT team

Chairperson of the current week: Please see here for the details of the SWAT team: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_Build_Failure_Swat_Team

Yocto Project 1.4 Release Criteria

Milestone 1

Release Criteria Milestone 1 Target Milestone 1 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. M1 does not have high features scheduled for delivery, we have quite some other new features integrated [1]. One important improvement we have is for performance of some specific use cases. When we building from scratch, we use the sstate cache. The improvement we integrated in M1 makes the sstate cache use more efficient and we are able to cut the build time in this case in half.
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. RC1 build is done successfully
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. All core BSPs are built along with RC1 successfully
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. M1 High issues have been fixed. [2] No high bugs for M1
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Full pass testing report is out in the public mailing list.
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse current version Fedora 16/17, Ubuntu 12.04/12.10, CentOS 6.3
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. All core BSPs tested in the full pass testing for RC1
Documentation No target n/a
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. 88 minutes (core-image-sato), no degradation compared with what we have at the end of 1.3 release.
Package Update None update/upstreaming is on going, package report system is mostly fixed. In M2 we should have a target set and check against the target by the end of M2.
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Ongoing, pass
Publication Yocto 1.4, Milestone 1 release is announced

Milestone 2&3

Release Criteria Milestone 3 Target Milestone 3 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Completed
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. M3 RC2 generated, build is green.
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. All core BSPs are built successfully
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. M3 High issues have been fixed. [3] All high bugs have been addressed.
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Full pass test has been done.
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse current version used Fedora 17 64 bit, 32bit, Ubuntu 12.10 64bit, Ubuntu 12.04 64bit, Opensuse 12.1 64bit, Opensuse 12.2 64bit, CentOS 6.3 64bit.
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. All core BSPs have been tested.
Documentation No target n/a
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. 88 minutes 31 seconds, improved
Package Update 70% of the target Complete
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Complete
Publication Yocto 1.4, Milestone 3 release is announced Complete

Milestone 4

Release Criteria Milestone 4 Target Milestone 4 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. All high features completed.
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. M4 RC1 build generated successfully
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. All core BSPs generated
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. M4 High issues have been fixed. [4] No high bugs open for M4
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Full_Pass_Test_Report_for_Yocto_1.4_M4_RC1_201302202_Build
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse current version Ubuntu 12.04 x86-64, Ubuntu 12.10 x86-64, Fedora 17, Fedora 18, OpenSUSE 12.1, OpenSUSE 12.2
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Full_Pass_Test_Report_for_Yocto_1.4_M4_RC1_201302202_Build
Documentation No target No issues. On track
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Performance_Test
12% improvement compared with M3
Package Update 70% of the target 72%
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Complete
Publication Yocto 1.4, Milestone 4 release is announced complete

Milestone 5

Release Criteria Milestone 5 Target Milestone 5 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. All high features are completed. All medium+ features except (2308, 2510, 3672) are completed.
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. M5 RC3 have been built successfully.
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. All core BSPs are built successfully.
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. M5 High issues have been fixed. [5]
No high bugs against M5. There was a blocking issue in RC2 (4124, 4130), it's been resolved and verified in RC3.
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_1.4_Milestone_Test_Report#Yocto_1.4_M5_RC3_Build_Test_Report
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse current version Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Fedora 17, Fedora 18, OpenSUse 12.1, OpenSuse 12.2, CentOS 6.3
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Completed
Documentation No target Pass
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. About 10% kernel build time improvement, Over 30% storage usage reduction for the tmp directory
Package Update 70% of the target Complete
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Complete
Publication Yocto 1.4, Milestone 5 release is announced Complete

Milestone 6, 1.4 release

Release Criteria 1.4 release Target 1.4 Release Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. All high features completed; most of the medium+ features (2 left, one goes to 1.5, one moved to future).
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. All features merged, verified and built successfully
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. All core BSPs built successfully: http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/nightly/20130418-1/
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. All high issues have been fixed. [6]
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_1.4_Milestone_Test_Report#Yocto_1.4_M6_RC2_Build_Test_Report
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse current version Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Fedora 17, Fedora 18, OpenSUse 12.1, OpenSuse 12.2, CentOS 6.3
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/1.4_QA_Status#BSP
Documentation All docs updated Completed
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. The overall build time has been reduced by more than 10%.
Kernel build time is reduced by about 25%.
With rm_work enabled, 40% less storage will be used for the tmp directory
Package Update 70% of the target Completed
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Completed
Publication Yocto 1.4 release is announced Complete

Milestone 1.4.3 release

Release Criteria 1.4.3 release Target 1.4.3 Release Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. All Features completed
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Pass - YP 1.4.3 rc4 build has been through QA and was approved.
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Pass
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [7] Pass - No high bugs open for 1.4.3
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Pass
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Ubuntu 13.10 64bit, Fedora 19 64bit, Fedora 20 32bit, Opensuse 12.3 64bit, CentOS 6.5 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW12_-_2014-03-18_-_Full_Pass_Release_1.4.3.rc4
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. 1.4.3 shows similar build performance times see: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Performance_Test#1.4.1_.26_1.4.2_.26_1.4.3_Build_Time_results
Publication The release is announced Done

Milestone 1.4.4 release

Release Criteria 1.4.4 release Target 1.4.4 Release Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. All Features completed
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW20_-_2014-05-12_-_Dylan_1.4.4
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [8] Pass - No high bugs open for 1.4.4
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, Fedora 20 32bit, Opensuse 13.1 64bit, CentOS 6.5 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW20_-_2014-05-12_-_Dylan_1.4.4
Publication The release is announced