Working Behind a Network Proxy

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This page lists some configuration tips for working behind a proxy.


Set the following environment variables in your ~/.bashrc file. This example uses the same proxy server and port number for all three protocols.

export http_proxy=''
export https_proxy=''
export ftp_proxy=''
export no_proxy = ''

Git Setup (with socat)

First make sure you have the socat utility installed on your host (in Ubuntu, this should be a simple command "sudo apt-get install socat")

Create a script named git-proxy and put it in /usr/local/bin:

# $1 = hostname, $2 = port
exec socat STDIO SOCKS4:$proxy:$1:$2 

Then run the following command:

git config  --global   core.gitProxy git-proxy

Git Setup (with nc)

First make sure you have the netcat utility (nc) installed on your host.

Create a script named git-proxy and put it in /usr/local/bin:


case $1 in
       # list internal git servers here that you do not want to use
       # the proxy with, separated by a pipe character '|' as below:|
        METHOD="-X connect"
        METHOD="-X 5 -x ${PROXY}:${PORT}"

/usr/bin/nc $METHOD $*

Note that on some Linux distros, the nc binary is in /bin. You can also change the '5' in the second METHOD line to '4' if your proxy server only supports SOCKS v4.

Then set the environment variable GIT_PROXY_COMMAND in your ~/.bashrc file and point it to this script:

export GIT_PROXY_COMMAND=/usr/local/bin/git-proxy

Subversion Setup

You'll need to have the following in your ~/.subversion/servers file:

http-proxy-exceptions = *,
http-proxy-host =
http-proxy-port = 1080

You can also set http-proxy-username and http-proxy-password if your proxy requires authentication.

CVS Setup

For CVS checkouts to work correctly, you need to add some options in your Poky local.conf file.