Yocto 1.3 Features

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Potential Yocto Project 1.3 Features

Yocto Project 1.3 - Target release = Oct. 2012

Yocto Project 1.3 Themes

The Yocto Project 1.3 Themes include:

  1. Continuity / Refresh:
    1. The usual keeping up to date with various upstream project, continue to work on the quality of the metadata and keeping up to date with bug fixing.
  2. Stabilization & Adoption:
    1. We've introduced a lot of changes. I think now may be a good time to catch our breath so to speak and ensure everything is complete, functional, well tested and has the right level of polish.
    2. We also need to encourage adoption of the project by OSV and Silicon Vendors and look at ways we can advance and integrate Shoeleather-type board labs (from semis and OSVs).
  3. Usability:
    1. Introduce WebHob?
    2. Continue improving error messages
    3. Reserve time to jump on usability issues as they come up

Areas to improve for 1.3 release

  1. SState improvements (file urls, overwriting files checks)
  2. Init system overhaul (optional systemd support?)
  3. Performance improvements (postinstall handling, rootfs generation speedups)
  4. Multilib bug fixes
  5. Complete multilib recipe enablement and automated sanity tests
  6. Bitbake test suite
  7. Build history web UI
  8. Autobuilder Improvements

Process for Entering New Feature Requests

  • Open a bug in the Yocto bugzilla setting the type of bug to be an "enhancement" request. The detail about the request should be included in the bugzilla report.
  • Create a new entry in the appropriate feature table below (Poky, SDK, Hardware)
    • Suggestion: start by copying an existing request as a template
  • Give the feature a short, descriptive name
  • Set the priority as appropriate (see the legend below)
  • Set the Status to "Review"
  • In the Source field, enter your name along with the origination of the request (e.g. OSV, OEM, Community) if applicable; provide as much detail here as you can
  • In the Comments / Bugzilla field, provide any additional information for the request includind a link to a bugzilla entry
  • Preview your Entry to make sure it looks ok and then save it


Priority: 1 = Must have, 2 = Nice to have but wouldn't block a release, 3 = Lower priority, desired, defined plan, 4 = Worthwhile ideas, no defined plan

Status: Accept = Engineering agreement to include in release, Review = Under Review for Inclusion in this release, Reject = Will not be included in this release



IDRequesterSummary (13 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
1625Song LiuSupport use of alternative init systems1.4 M2in developmentRadu MoisanVERIFIEDenhancement10
1570Gary ThomasICU fails if target endian != build host endianFutureTested on qemuppc, ask for Gary to have a try. May24, 2012Ross BurtonRESOLVEDnormal1
1465Martin Jansabitbake cannot fetch local files from SRC_URI when -b is used1.2.1(P1) Patches sent for some issues, adding a sanity test remains.Laurentiu PalcuRESOLVEDnormal
2044Paul Eggletonsstate needs a mechanism to detect changes to local files1.3(P1) ImplementedPaul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancement10
2289Mark HatlePackages providing "ALTERNATIVES" do not have provides specified1.3(P1)Mark HatleRESOLVEDnormal10
2311Gary ThomasSRC checksums are not being checked1.2.1(P1)Richard PurdieRESOLVEDmajor
2369tfUpdate site/arm-common to allow building recent version of glib-2.01.3(P1)Saul WoldRESOLVEDnormal1
1938Richard PurdieDetect Host system changes when using sstate1.3 M3(P1)(Scheduled) Patches out for reviewRichard PurdieVERIFIEDenhancement
2319Darren Hartgthumb: do_install hangs on highly parallel builds1.3 M3(P1)(Patch Review)Ross BurtonVERIFIEDnormal3
2360Jiajun XuPACKAGE_ARCHS cause wrong packages installed into image1.2.1(P1) Patch Review 20%Robert YangVERIFIEDnormal5
238Richard Purdiesstate code doesn't detect overwriting files1.3 M4(Scheduled)Richard PurdieVERIFIEDenhancement
1192niqingliang2003mpc8315's tune file: "tune-ppc603e.inc"1.3 M4Bruce AshfieldVERIFIEDenhancement
2379Khem RajUse xorg-xserver and remove xserver-kdrive1.3 M4Ross BurtonVERIFIEDenhancement


IDRequesterSummary (15 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
139Joshua Lock - DisabledSet default gcc instruction generation to TARGET_ARCH on targetFutureKhem RajRESOLVEDenhancement5
2312Paul EggletonExamine changes after repeated perl do_compile1.3(P2)Nitin KambleRESOLVEDenhancement5
256Richard PurdieSync up RPM version policy with rest of system (including support '~' in version strings)FutureMoved from Laurentiu to UnassignedUnassignedRESOLVEDenhancement10
1870Dexuan Cui[DEB] meta-toolchain-gmae: do_populate_sdk failed with package_deb1.4Saul WoldRESOLVEDmajor5
2241tfgnomebase.bbclass fetcher url needs to be fixed1.3patch pendingSaul WoldRESOLVEDnormal4
2245Saul Woldgthumb fails to install configration files correctly1.3(P2)Saul WoldRESOLVEDnormal5
2246Ross BurtonDoesn't build genext2fs when making core-image-minimal1.1.2patch submitted (May 4)Saul WoldRESOLVEDnormal1
2297Richard Purdiefotowall parallel make race1.2.1Andrei GherzanRESOLVEDnormal
2314Martin Jansaeglibc-2.15 failing with shlib.lds:127: syntax error1.3Martin JansaRESOLVEDnormal5
2358Saul Woldeglibc-nativesdk (2.15) has packaging issues1.3(P2)Xiaofeng YanRESOLVEDnormal3
2256Richard Purdiekernel menuconfig confusion with sstate1.3 M2(P1) (fixed) - 25 June 2012Paul EggletonVERIFIEDnormal
2261tfdbus-launch should be included in main dbus package1.3 M3http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky/commit/?id=f8d40ab395ffb8ed12731e318354fb3d30447e84Radu MoisanVERIFIEDnormal3
2357tfconnman has hard build time dependency on ofono1.3 M3(P2)Cristian IorgaVERIFIEDnormal1
2367Adrien Bustanylibpcap recipe does package pcap-config in libpcap instead of libpcap-dev1.3 M2(M1)(merged)Saul WoldVERIFIEDnormal
2373Ross BurtonNo virtual/egl provider on Mesa1.3 M4patch ready for test, May2, 2012Edwin ZhaiVERIFIEDnormal1



IDRequesterSummary (2 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
2321SeebsTUNECONFLICT is neither documented nor used consistently1.3(P1)Mark HatleRESOLVEDnormal1
1179Darren HartSpecify paths searched when failing to find a SRC_URI1.3 M3(P1)(Scheduled) Two patches out for review on bitbake-develRichard PurdieVERIFIEDenhancement


1659Mark Hatle[Usability] Way to determine what is about to happen (similar to a dry-run)1.4 M5Robert YangVERIFIEDenhancement7



IDRequesterSummary (2 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
1621Song Liu[Performance] Running post installs at rootfs gen time1.4 M2Laurentiu PalcuVERIFIEDenhancement5
61Ross Burton - Disabled[Performance] Generate fontconfig cache when building image1.3 M3(P1)(Scheduled)Laurentiu PalcuVERIFIEDnormal3


IDRequesterSummary (2 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
1677Paul Eggleton[Performance] Improve speed of packaging for all-arch recipesFuturePaul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancement
1718Shane Wang[Performance] can the task to find dependency be multi-threading?FutureRichard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancement



IDRequesterSummary (4 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
2356Jiajun Xu[multilib] fonts corrupted with ipk build for 32bit connman against qemux86-641.2.1(P1) patch in master, May9, 2012Edwin ZhaiRESOLVEDnormal1
1488Mark Hatle[Multilib] settings need a sanity check1.3 M3(P1)SeebsVERIFIEDnormal2
1622Song Liu[DOC] Document multilib setup and usage1.4 M51 March 2013: Resolved/FixedScott RifenbarkVERIFIEDenhancement10
2038Shane Wang[multilib] Add scripts to sanity check for multilib libraries in the build directory1.3 M4Radu MoisanVERIFIEDenhancement4


IDRequesterSummary (9 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
1525Matthew McClintock[multilib] Triggering building a 64 bit kernel with a 32 bit userspaceFutureBruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS DESIGNenhancement10
1508Richard Purdie[Multilib] Drop PKGSUFFIX and have nativesdk use multilib technology1.3Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancement
1538Dongxiao Xu[multilib]: X window doesn't startup in multilib image randomly1.2.1works for me. May 10, 2012Edwin ZhaiRESOLVEDnormal4
2355Jiajun Xu[multilib] lib64 core-sato-sdk build against qemux86 fails at qt4-x11-free1.2.1Dongxiao XuVERIFIEDnormal3
1731Dongxiao Xu[multilib] Finish rest recipes in world multilib enabling1.3 M4(Scheduled)Bogdan MarinescuRESOLVEDenhancement20
1369Ke Yu[Multilib] On-target gcc enhancementFuture703b70c98a86771a891b46382f3ee20c4ef93f39Michael HalsteadVERIFIEDcritical10
1563Richard Purdie[Multilib] Complete recipe enablement1.3 M4(scheduled)Bogdan MarinescuVERIFIEDenhancement
1729Dongxiao Xu[multilib] Finish core-image-sato-sdk multilib enabling1.3 M4(scheduled) Depends on Jiajun's full testBogdan MarinescuVERIFIEDnormal10
1730Dongxiao Xu[multilib] Finish core-image-lsb multilib enabling1.3 M4(Already covered by QA)(scheduled)Constantin MuscaVERIFIEDnormal10


1502Jiajun Xu[multilib] No support for multilibs and deb package backendFuture(Test Plan Ready)Aníbal LimónRESOLVEDenhancement10



IDRequesterSummary (6 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
1766Beth FlanaganSanity test fail after reboot.Future(P1) Status: PlannedBeth FlanaganRESOLVEDnormal0.5
2034Darren HartTail first failing log in yocto-build email summaries1.3 M2(P1)(Done)Beth FlanaganVERIFIEDenhancement1
1850Richard PurdieAdd new nightly-misc target to test other combinations1.3 M1(P1)(No QA needed)(Scheduled) Fixed in contrib. Once AB lockdown is complete will be implemented in production.Beth FlanaganVERIFIEDnormal0.25
2028Darren HartAdd a poky-tiny DISTRO target1.3 M1(P1)(No QA needed)(Scheduled)Status: Pending commit to repoBeth FlanaganVERIFIEDnormal0.2
2191Yi Zhao[autobuilder] i686-x86_64 toolchain is copied to the incorrect sharing directory1.3 M2(P1)(No QA needed)(Done)Beth FlanaganVERIFIEDnormal0.1
2010Hongna XuSome unnecessary packages installed cause AutoBuilder built failed1.4(Development) Status: Tested. Estimate: 4 hours Michael HalsteadRESOLVEDnormal0.5


IDRequesterSummary (8 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
1596Richard PurdieAutomate BSP Testing1.6Co-Assign with MichaelPaul EggletonVERIFIEDenhancement10
874Yongkang You[AutoBuilder/FEAT] Set Bug to Fixed automatically when building in AutoBuilder1.4Beth FlanaganRESOLVEDenhancement1
1612Song LiuBuild statistics reporting1.5Beth FlanaganRESOLVEDenhancement1
1673Beth FlanaganMore work to meta-target (lsb images)FutureBeth FlanaganRESOLVEDenhancement1
1628Song LiuAutobuilder layer support1.4 M4(No QA Needed) Beth FlanaganVERIFIEDenhancement5
1877Lianhao Lupopulate ipks/qemu images/eclipse plugin for QA test1.3 M4(1.3) Status: Patch PendingBeth FlanaganVERIFIEDnormal1
1958Jim Amissing package at source and not in Yocto mirror1.3 M4(1.3) Status: Design Phase. Needs to be in bbBeth FlanaganVERIFIEDnormal0.5
2029Darren HartAdd a core-image-rt DISTRO target1.3 M1(No QA needed)(Design) Estimate: 4 hours.Beth FlanaganVERIFIEDnormal0.5



IDRequesterSummary (2 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
1975Joshua Lock - DisabledBitBake test suite1.3Richard PurdieVERIFIEDenhancement
1890Paul EggletonBuild history analysis web interface1.3 M4Paul EggletonVERIFIEDenhancement5



IDRequesterSummary (4 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
2389JessicaAdopt latest TCF refactor for 1.01.3 M2(P1)(Covered by current QA Test Plan)Lianhao LuVERIFIEDenhancement10
2390JessicaAdopt Eclipse Juno changes, esp. for LinuxTools1.3 M2(P1)(done)JessicaVERIFIEDenhancement12
2400JessicaUpdate lttng-ust to 2.01.3 M3JessicaVERIFIEDenhancement5
2401JessicaExisting ADT based auto-tool project migration plan between Indigo and Juno releases1.3 M2(P1)(done)JessicaVERIFIEDenhancement6


IDRequesterSummary (7 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
2079Lianhao Luvalidate required field in new recipe wizard1.3 M1(Covered by current QA Test Plan)JessicaVERIFIEDminor2
2116Hongna XuSetting Kernel Module as a required field for SystemTap1.3 M1(QA Testing Completed)JessicaVERIFIEDminor1
545Joshua Lock - DisabledImprove SDK sysroot extensibility and workflow1.7Chen QiRESOLVEDenhancement3
1915Hongna XuCan't change C/C++ Yocto Project settings1.3 M3(Covered by current QA Test Plan)Lianhao LuVERIFIEDnormal2
2288Jessicaunable to create new Bitbake Commander project due to too many files under project root directory1.3 M2(P2)Lianhao LuVERIFIEDnormal6
2342Reinette ChatreToolchain archive contains DISTRO_VERSION instead of SDK_VERSION1.5JessicaVERIFIEDenhancement3
2372Hongna Xu[eclipse]Can't import or create Bitbake Commander Project if sanity network check fail1.2.1JessicaVERIFIEDnormal2


IDRequesterSummary (5 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
166Lianhao Luwrong include directories listed in Yocto SDK project templateFutureJessicaRESOLVEDminor3
191JessicaProvide interface for user the install Yocto SDK through IDEFutureJessicaRESOLVEDenhancement5
1193liping KeGNU autotools project build function disabled by Yocto Project1.3JessicaRESOLVEDminor
2383Khem RajRelocatable SDK1.3 M3(P2)(Scheduled)Laurentiu PalcuVERIFIEDenhancement
1489Jessicatcf-agent segmentaion fault cause the re-running remote debug fail in Eclipse1.3 M2(P3)need to test the latest tcf 1.0 upstream whether the problem still existsLianhao LuVERIFIEDnormal

Sato issues


IDRequesterSummary (2 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
110Joshua Lock - DisabledReview GTK+ on VGAFutureJussi KukkonenRESOLVEDnormal
149Jiajun Xu[All] There is no way to exit matchbox-keyboard in XFutureRoss BurtonRESOLVEDnormal4



IDRequesterSummary (13 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
1138Jiajun Xu[LTP] Some growfiles cases failed with Yocto 1.1 M1 build1.4suggestion is post 1.1. test cases still fail with eglibc 4.5.1(June 16)Darren HartRESOLVEDnormal
2087Darren HartFix or otherwise address existing failing LTP and POSIX compliance tests2.5 M2Yi ZhaoRESOLVEDminor3
172Jiajun Xu[POSIX] POSIX default test suite cannot fully pass1.3 M5Kai KangVERIFIEDnormal10
927Jiajun Xu[POSIX] case pthread_cond_broadcast does not kill itself after finished1.3Kai KangVERIFIEDnormal
1115Xiaofeng YanLSB 4.1 error from wide character1.5 M3Hongxu JiaRESOLVEDnormal3
1924Yi Zhao[LTP] 'vma01' case failed on non-x86 platforms with Yocto 1.2 M2 rc1FutureBruce AshfieldRESOLVEDnormal
1959Xiaofeng Yan(YOCTO 1.2)LSB 4.1: /gobject-t2c/tests/gobject_value_arrays/gobject_value_arrays 24FutureHongxu JiaRESOLVEDnormal3
1116Xiaofeng YanLSB 4.1: GHashTable error1.3Kai KangVERIFIEDnormal
1121Xiaofeng YanLSB 4.1: error from "abs" of math function1.4 M4Kai KangVERIFIEDnormal3
1122Xiaofeng YanLSB 4.1: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'1.3Kai KangVERIFIEDnormal
1124Xiaofeng YanLSB 4.1: kllclnt error1.3Kai KangVERIFIEDnormal
2284Xiaofeng Yan(YOCTO 1.2)LSB 4.1: LSB Test Suite complain that there is no library "libgdk_pixbuf_xlib-2.0.so.0" in lsb image1.3 M1(p2) (Covered by current QA Test Plan) testXiaofeng YanVERIFIEDnormal2
2332Song LiuPOSIX support: Fixes bugs for every milestone - 1.31.3 M5Kai KangVERIFIEDenhancement5

Hob v2

IDRequesterSummary (41 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
2162Giulia[Hob2] Implement 'Settings' dialogue as designed1.3 M4Merged (db7d98569117b7a75262eb555e1c7ae9a421bdf8)Bogdan MarinescuVERIFIEDmajor5
2165Giulia[Hob2] Change actions in the 'Recipes' screen to: 'Build image' (primary action) and 'Build packages' (secondary action).1.3 M4JessicaVERIFIEDenhancement15
1303JessicaAllow customize the dev packages when building a toolchain1.3(P3)Dongxiao XuRESOLVEDenhancement5
1577Matthew McClintockconfigure users and default passwords from hob guiFutureBelen Barros PenaRESOLVEDenhancement5
1688Matthew McClintock[HOB] add multilib support to hobFutureBelen Barros PenaRESOLVEDenhancement10
1701T OCallaghan[HOB] Hob does not work well in high contrast desktops.FutureCristian IorgaRESOLVEDenhancement2
1788Dongxiao Xu[Hob2] Build pseudo-native within HobFutureRichard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancement15
1955Koen Kooikiosk mode for hobFutureJessicaRESOLVEDenhancement10
2173Shane Wang[Hob2] Hob needs documentation for the release.1.2.1Shane WangRESOLVEDenhancement0.1
2345Belen Barros Pena[HOB] Review the UI mechanism used for selecting base imagesFutureBelen Barros PenaRESOLVEDenhancement7
2371Hongna Xu[Hob]Handle out of memory exception in HOB1.2.1Dongxiao XuRESOLVEDnormal
1581Joshua Lock - Disabled[HOB] Enable customisation of image drop down1.3 M2(P1)(Patch In the master)Dongxiao XuVERIFIEDenhancement2
1588Richard PurdieHob v2 - Interface updates?1.4Umbrella Bug For Tracking OnlyJessicaVERIFIEDenhancement5
1991JessicaDefine the flow after user finish a build, still able to retrieve the build log1.3 M3(P1)(QA Test Plan Ready)(development) 80% doneanlimingVERIFIEDenhancement5
2142anlimingbitbake not be stoped when force exit hob in early parising recipes after selected a new arch1.2.1(QA testing completed) Done Kai KangVERIFIEDnormal5
2168Eric BénardHOB should check for available disk space1.3 M3(P2)(QA Testing Completed)(Done) Kai KangVERIFIEDenhancement7
2170Joshua Lock - Disabled[HOB2]Switch to flexible gtk layout1.4JessicaVERIFIEDenhancement5
2310Belen Barros Pena[Hob2] Line length for base image descriptions changes between images1.3 M1(P1)(Scheduled)anlimingVERIFIEDminor2
2338Dave Stewart[Hob2] Hob should report that it's running sanity checks when it is1.3Cristian IorgaVERIFIEDenhancement5
1578Matthew McClintockSSTATE_MIRROR needs a trailing '/' character to work1.2Final patch out for review on bitbake-develRichard PurdieRESOLVEDnormal
1691Matthew McClintock[HOB] make IMAGES_TYPE a per recipe setting1.7Cristiana VoicuRESOLVEDenhancement5
1972Joshua Lock - Disabled[HOB] Enhance hob to guide users through creating custom images which boot into a specific appFutureBelen Barros PenaRESOLVEDenhancement10
2335Dave Stewart[Hob2] The "working" animated gif appears to have mis-ordered images1.2.1(P1)anlimingRESOLVEDnormal3
2336Dave StewartProxy sanity check message is getting burried1.2.1Fix now in master and denzil branchPaul EggletonRESOLVEDnormal
2340Dave Stewart[Hob2] Top screen (i) doesn't work on Hob in the Build Appliance1.2.1(P1)anlimingRESOLVEDnormal2
2341Dave Stewart[Hob2] weird 18 second delay when parsing recipes1.2.1(P2) Patch inShane WangRESOLVEDnormal3
1245Joshua Lock - DisabledBitBake proceeds unhindered when unrecognised commands are called1.38202e49c5fa03822adf3a4d75bc87d33b23a7f65;8d019a77d7c6ded1cff66094bfb9effa38c75c98Constantin MuscaVERIFIEDnormal2
2155Giulia[Hob2] In the 'Image details' screen, it should not be necessary to select images whenever the build process outputs more than one file1.3 M2(testing)anlimingVERIFIEDnormal3
2175Shane Wang[Hob2] Implement "-- select a machine --" and "-- select a base image --" on the GUI.1.3 M2(P2)anlimingVERIFIEDnormal5
2180Shane Wang[HOB] Eliminate the by recipe grouping in the packages table1.4 M4Cristiana VoicuVERIFIEDenhancement5
2183Giulia[Hob2]Build failure scenario1.3 M4anlimingVERIFIEDenhancement5
2195Giulia[Hob2] 'Recipes' and 'Packages' tables design1.3 M54a3b0d7287ba7ce223021d33895bf5c953f1e4dcCristian IorgaVERIFIEDnormal5
2238Giulia[Hob2] My Images selection1.3 M2(P1)(scheduled)anlimingVERIFIEDnormal3
2247Giulia[Hob2] Proxy Setting1.3 M2(P1) Patch In the masterShane WangVERIFIEDnormal3
2248Giulia[HOB] Replace persistent tooltips with property windows and information alerts1.4Andrei DinuVERIFIEDenhancement10
2276Joshua Lock - DisabledReplace custom HobNoteBook with gtk.Notebook1.3Joshua Lock - DisabledVERIFIEDnormal4
2322Joshua Lock - DisabledIn 'Recipes' and 'Packages' the tooltips for 'All recipes', 'Tasks', 'All packages' are missing.1.3Cristiana VoicuVERIFIEDnormal3
2323Joshua Lock - DisabledIncluded recipes/packages information is included within a button that opens the 'Included' tab1.3 M3(P3)Cristian IorgaVERIFIEDnormal5
2326Belen Barros Pena[Hob2] All 'Image details' screens must contain a primary action1.3 M1(P1)(QA Testing Completed)anlimingVERIFIEDenhancement2
2334Dave Stewart[Hob2] BB_NUMBER_THREADS not getting set in Hob?1.2.1Dexuan CuiVERIFIEDnormal2
2346Belen Barros Pena[HOB] Review and refine sorting mechanisms in Hob1.4Cristiana VoicuVERIFIEDnormal7


IDRequesterSummary (23 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
1992lvchunhua[Web Hob] configure web development environment1.3 M2(P3)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement2
1993lvchunhua[Web Hob] design web database table1.3 M3(P3) lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement3
1994lvchunhua[Web Hob] Initialization data to database1.3(P3) lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement1
1995lvchunhua[Web Hob] add feature to listen bitbake server status1.3(P3)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement3
1996lvchunhua[Web Hob] add feature to get users build configuration1.3 M2(P3)(Scheduled)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement3
1997lvchunhua[Web Hob] add feature to get layer and machine information1.3 M2(P3)(Scheduled)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement3
1998lvchunhua[Web Hob] add feature to get recipe build progress and logs1.3 M3(P3)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement3
1999lvchunhua[Web Hob] add feature to get base image list and store data into DB1.3 M3(P3)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement3
2000lvchunhua[Web Hob] add feature to get recipe and package user selected and send to bitbakeserver1.3 M3(P3)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement2
2001lvchunhua[Web Hob] add feature to get package build progress and logs1.3 M3(P3)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement3
2002lvchunhua[Web Hob] add feature to store package successful build information into DB1.3 M3(P3)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement2
2003lvchunhua[Web Hob] add feature to get image build progress and logs1.3 M3(P3)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement3
2004lvchunhua[Web Hob] add feature to store image url into DB1.3 M3(P3)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement2
2005lvchunhua[Web Hob] add feature to check bitbake server status frequently.1.3 M3(P3)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement1
2006lvchunhua[Web Hob] amended some fatal error in the system1.3 M3(P3)lvchunhuaVERIFIEDenhancement3
2008xiaotongx.lv@intel.com1.[Helper API] Understand bitbake server build mechanism to implement bitbake server helper (rest API) for web UI1.3(P3)xiaotongx.lv@intel.comVERIFIEDenhancement3
2009xiaotongx.lv@intel.com2.[Helper API] Implement configuration APIs in helper side based on bitbake server runCommand() method via synchronous way1.3 M2(P1)(Scheduled)xiaotongx.lv@intel.comVERIFIEDenhancement2
2011xiaotongx.lv@intel.com[WEB HOB ] finish webhob front and back end UI html , JS and some python codes1.3 M3(P1)xiaotongx.lv@intel.comVERIFIEDenhancement5
2014xiaotongx.lv@intel.com[Helper API] Finish configurations infos API via asynchronous way to generate events, such as machine, package formats, distro lists1.3 M2(P1)(Scheduled)xiaotongx.lv@intel.comVERIFIEDenhancement2
2016xiaotongx.lv@intel.com[Helper API]Finish these APIs of parsing recipe1.3 M2(P1)(Scheduled)xiaotongx.lv@intel.comVERIFIEDenhancement3
2017xiaotongx.lv@intel.com[Helper API]Finish these APIs to build packages for helper1.3 M2(P1)(Scheduled)xiaotongx.lv@intel.comVERIFIEDenhancement4
2018xiaotongx.lv@intel.com[Helper API]Finish these APIs to build images for helper1.3 M2(P1)(Scheduled)xiaotongx.lv@intel.comVERIFIEDenhancement4
2019xiaotongx.lv@intel.com[Helper API]Finish these APIs to control bitbake states for helper, such as initialize, reset, shutdown and so on.1.3 M2(P1)(Scheduled)xiaotongx.lv@intel.comVERIFIEDenhancement1


IDRequesterSummary (186 tasks) MilestoneWhiteboardAssigneeStatusSeverityE
1446Jiajun Xuwrong version of libclutter-glx-1.0-0 picked up for core-sato-sdk image after world build1.3 M4Richard PurdieVERIFIEDnormal30
1562Richard Purdiekernel oops style error collection server1.628 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."Andreea Brandusa ProcaVERIFIEDenhancement4
1584Richard PurdieSecurity Tools - consider fedora/gentoo runtime security tools1.5 M2Andrei DinuVERIFIEDenhancement5
1606Song LiuInvestigate New UI1.3 M4(Scheduled)Ross BurtonVERIFIEDenhancement2
1649Song LiuDefine Kernel policy1.3 M3(scheduled)Bruce AshfieldVERIFIEDenhancement5
1919Darren HartAccommodate EFI via the live image "install" label1.3 M3(P1)(done)Darren HartVERIFIEDmajor5
2308Song LiuA small common BSP with graphics for as many platforms as possible (x86)1.5 M4Ross BurtonVERIFIEDenhancement10
1795Darren HartSimplify core-image-minimal-initramfs and reduce dependenciesFuture UnassignedACCEPTEDenhancement3
1953Beth FlanaganLicense Compliance: Create License Responsibility FileFuture UnassignedACCEPTEDenhancement2
2348Mark HatleCleanup package.bbclass - runstrip and split_and_strip_files checks for kernel modulesFuture Bruce AshfieldACCEPTEDenhancement
824Mark HatleUsability: Improve RRECOMMENDS warning messages for -dbg packages5.99 UnassignedNEWenhancement
1598Richard PurdieAdd remote layer supportFuture UnassignedNEWenhancement5
270Jeff Polknative packages should use siteinfo filesFutureJeff PolkRESOLVEDenhancement
418Kevin Tianuvesafb is required to be a module on qemux86/qemux86-64 target4.99Anuj MittalRESOLVEDnormal2
580Scott Garmanpoky-qemu does not make proper use of CROSSPATH (breaking distcc)1.4Scott GarmanRESOLVEDnormal5
701Wolfgang Denkxserver: keyboard input not working1.3Pending info from reporter... (11-Aug-2011) Needs Owner.Saul WoldRESOLVEDnormal
760Qing He[script] no options to use kernel nfs server as nfsrootFutureUnassignedRESOLVEDenhancement7
806Joshua Lock - DisabledConsider using PatchELF rather than chrpath for modifying the RPATH1.4Joshua Lock - DisabledRESOLVEDenhancement4
822Joshua Lock - DisabledEnable swabber to be run for only specific recipesFutureDesignSaul WoldRESOLVEDenhancement2
823Joshua Lock - DisabledEnsure Poky can be run on non-Linux Unices1.4Joshua Lock - DisabledRESOLVEDenhancement
842Saul Woldautomake does not handle the --warnings=cross option1.33668a2de732b61f916464e921e6b31f2552edad8Constantin MuscaRESOLVEDnormal3
917Darren Hartmediatomb fails to start, can't find libjs.so1.5Demo layer, needs owner (30-Jun-2011)Ross BurtonRESOLVEDnormal1
922Dexuan Cui"rpm -qa" can not run for non-root user: Permission deniedFutureAlexander KanavinRESOLVEDnormal4
1018Scott Garmanrunqemu script has bugs with the audio option2.2 M3Robert YangRESOLVEDnormal3
1033Darren HartCreate a power users tips and tricks document1.3Scott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancement
1088Gary ThomasMore fully document packaging systems1.5 M5Paul EggletonRESOLVEDnormal
1094Darren Hartmodule.bbclass is well out of sync with the version in openembedded1.4 M4Darren HartRESOLVEDnormal2
1238Mark HatleMan pages (and other documentation) are not compressed1.7 M3Hongxu JiaRESOLVEDenhancement7
1258Jiajun Xu[crownbay] Xorg eats lots of CPU time after standbyFutureSaul WoldRESOLVEDnormal3
1402Nitin Kamblex32: valgrind fails to compileFuturesweeaunRESOLVEDminor
1467Scott GarmanSync class header comments with reference manualFuture Michael OpdenackerRESOLVEDenhancement1
1474Mark HatleQEMU won't run on a system that does not support tunctl1.5Andrei DinuRESOLVEDenhancement12
1487Bruce Ashfieldqemu: when booting from live CD, X cannot be started needs unionfs1.5 M3Chen QiRESOLVEDenhancement
1574Matthew McClintockadd additional dialogs/config for u-boot/kernelFutureBelen Barros PenaRESOLVEDenhancement15
1575Matthew McClintockconfigure runtime services from guiFutureBelen Barros PenaRESOLVEDenhancement10
1591Richard PurdieAbility to build SRPM files1.2Saul WoldRESOLVEDenhancement
1617Song Liu'perf scripts' integrationFutureJessicaRESOLVEDenhancement5
1618Song LiuMeeGo / Tizen GPLv2 Sync1.4Saul WoldRESOLVEDenhancement4
1619Song LiuPackage Documentation Audit: All recipes buildFutureTime estimate not possible - this is an ongoing taskRoss BurtonRESOLVEDenhancement
1624Song LiuQEMU GL EnhancementsFutureSaul WoldRESOLVEDenhancement60
1629Song LiuBuildstats memory measurementsFuture(1.3)UnassignedRESOLVEDenhancement2
1631Song LiuBugzilla to WikiQ2Scott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancement
1632Song LiuEval Patch management tools1.4Saul WoldRESOLVEDenhancement3
1639Song LiuTracing: tuna, oscilloscope recipesFuture(Scheduled)UnassignedRESOLVEDminor5
1646Song LiuFast boot time documentationFutureDocs remainingUnassignedRESOLVEDenhancement3
1648Song LiuReal-time process-executed timers1.3(P4)Darren HartRESOLVEDenhancement20
1650Mark HatleNeed documentation on contributing patches and code1.417-Nov-2011: Resolved Fixed with 3.8 of dev manual.Scott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancement
1654Mark HatleLayer tooling: Tool to combine layersFuture(Test Case Ready) Implemented feature, still one more issue to addressPaul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancement1
1681Gary ThomasAllow meta-toolchain to be used instead of building tools dynamicallyFutureRichard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancement
1719Shane Wang[NAS] NFS 4.0 doesn't work but NFS 3.0 does in meta-baryon.1.3(P3)Kevin StrasserRESOLVEDminor
1736Edwin Zhai[Build Appliance] Tune Self-Hosted Image Size1.3(P2) lower priority. we might want to close the bug? (Apr 03, 2012)Dexuan CuiRESOLVEDenhancement1
1768Joshua Lock - Disabledqt-mobility-x11-1.2.0-r0: task do_compile: Failed1.3Paul EggletonRESOLVEDnormal
1780Frans Meulenbroeksmulti partition images (split images)FutureJessicaRESOLVEDenhancement15
1800Frans Meulenbroeksu-boot env missing1.2Frans MeulenbroeksRESOLVEDenhancement
1826Jiajun Xu[HuronRiver] only 3/4 screen is used when psplash loading1.7 M2Nitin KambleRESOLVEDminor1
1829Richard PurdieDeveloper Patch Submission Template Improvements1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancement
1830Darren HartAdd bluetooth config fragment and add to yocto/standard or appropriate BSPsFutureMax EliaserRESOLVEDminor1
1913Dexuan Cuineed to abstract building msdos images into an msdosfs.bbclass to share the code1.5Darren HartRESOLVEDminor1
1914Liming Wangmodify the tune files of ppc targets1.5Khem RajRESOLVEDnormal
1928Koen KooiRPM unusably slow on target1.3Mark HatleRESOLVEDminor
1943Scott RifenbarkNeed information on how to optimally set up a development workstationFuture04 June 2014: RESOLVEDScott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancement
1949Scott RifenbarkNeed information on the various "clean" tasks and when to use themFuture5 Sept 2014: RESOLVEDScott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancement
1952Beth FlanaganLicense Compliance: Add GPL-2.0 written offer.Future(Development)Eilís Ní FhlannagáinRESOLVEDenhancement1
1974Joshua Lock - DisabledBitBake Contributor documentationFuture Michael OpdenackerRESOLVEDenhancement1
2025Darren Hartrunqemu scripts should attempt sane defaults for unknown machinesFuture UnassignedRESOLVEDenhancement3
2064Dexuan Cui[BSP] mount shows "/dev/sda4 on /media/sda4" but /media/sda4 doesn't exist1.5 M2Hongxu JiaRESOLVEDminor4
2085Darren HartDocument undocumented variables according to bbvars.pyFuture29 May 2015: RESOLVEDScott RifenbarkRESOLVEDminor
2086Darren HartRewrite bbvars.py to use bitbake to find variablesFutureAmanda BrindleRESOLVEDenhancement
2088Darren HartWrite a friendly IRC bot for the #yocto channelQ3Michael HalsteadRESOLVEDjanitors
2273Paul EggletonEvaluate current image space settings2.5Ed BartoshRESOLVEDenhancement4
2275Bill MillsLicense compliance: failure to detect new license files1.5Beth FlanaganRESOLVEDenhancement3
2287Saul WoldCreate target that will download all versions required for all target builds1.3Saul WoldRESOLVEDenhancement2
2365Tom Zanussicrownbay|fri2: __ioremap_caller WARNING with BLDK2 boot1.2Bruce AshfieldRESOLVEDminor2
2375Darren Hart[yocto-kernel,yocto-bsp] Use python logging module for errors, debug, info, etcFutureBruce AshfieldRESOLVEDenhancement1
2377Khem RajAdd mips64 supportFutureKhem RajRESOLVEDenhancement
2381Khem RajAdd ARM hard float support1.3Khem RajRESOLVEDenhancement5
2386yilong, sun[Crownbay]The system can resume from S3 standby mode automatically1.3(P3)(No QA needed)Tom ZanussiRESOLVEDminor3
757Qing He[rpm] platform mismatch reported as warning instead of error1.1verifiedMark HatleVERIFIEDminor
821Mark HatleZypper: Package dependency resolution does not know about hinting1.4Mark HatleVERIFIEDenhancement30
843Bruce Ashfieldkernel: support standalone kernel builds1.3 M3(P3)(QA Testing Completed)(Done)Bruce AshfieldVERIFIEDenhancement3
1260Darren Hartcolor ghosting on BeagleBoard xM rev C1.4waiting for hardware (Mar 9, 2012)Bruce AshfieldVERIFIEDminor3
1548Richard PurdieDocument handling multiple/parallel library versions1.422 March 2013 - ResolvedScott RifenbarkVERIFIEDenhancement
1552Richard PurdieTracing: create separate recipe for perf1.3 M2(P2)(Scheduled)Bruce AshfieldVERIFIEDenhancement5
1553Richard PurdieTracing: perf trace scripting support1.3 M3Tom ZanussiVERIFIEDenhancement5
1592Richard Purdiebinary package install class1.3 M4(Patch Review)Robert YangVERIFIEDenhancement5
1656Mark HatleRecipe creation/import script1.4 M1(P3) (Test Case Ready)(Patch Merged)Kai KangVERIFIEDenhancement15
1715Shane Wang[NAS] poky needs user-friendly error messages1.3 M4Paul EggletonVERIFIEDenhancement4
1941Scott RifenbarkUpdate BSP example appendix to use a more recent BSP suited for cheaper available hw1.411 Feb 2013: resolved/obsoleteScott RifenbarkVERIFIEDenhancement
2075Robert Yangbitbake: replace older functions with the subprocess module1.3 M1(P2)(No QA needed)(Patch Review) 20%Robert YangVERIFIEDenhancement10
2123Richard PurdieAdd in tests for re-execution of tasks1.3 M1(P2)(No QA needed)(patch checked in)Jiajun XuVERIFIEDenhancement3
2171Y_JWbuild image error1.3No reproducible: need more info from the reporter;we may have to close this bug or make this post-1.2 (May 08, 2012)Dexuan CuiVERIFIEDminor1
2268Darren HartSpecify emgd feature in recipe-space1.4 M3Nitin KambleVERIFIEDminor5
405Mark HatleAdd a mechanism to do pre-build sanity based on specific configurations5.99 UnassignedACCEPTEDenhancement20
2267Darren HartIntegrate DISTRO_FEATURES with KERNEL_FEATURESFuture Bruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS DESIGN COMPLETEenhancement25
2082Mark HatleAdditional test case: shared sstate-cache between users5.99 UnassignedNEWenhancement2
256Richard PurdieSync up RPM version policy with rest of system (including support '~' in version strings)FutureMoved from Laurentiu to UnassignedUnassignedRESOLVEDenhancement10
557Dave StewartYocto website should include a glossaryQ426-aug-2011: enhancementJeff Osier-MixonRESOLVEDenhancement
558Dave StewartYocto project website should include a simplified walk-throughQ4Scott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancement
641Kevin Tian[DOC] need a doc for qemu usage1.731 July: IN PROGRESS REVIEWTrevor WoernerRESOLVEDenhancement
684Liang WangOn qemuarm, the command 'poweroff/shutdown' can't close the qemu completely and exit to host console with Laverne build 201101211.7(Scheduled)Chen QiRESOLVEDnormal10
852Darren HartMost component descriptions are duplicates of the component nameQ3Pending Re-classificationBeth FlanaganRESOLVEDnormal1
937Richard PurdieAdding -feliminate-dwarf2-dups to compiler flags for libnfsidmap causes prelink to segfault1.3Mark HatleRESOLVEDnormal2
970Robert Bergeryocto 1.0 sato-sdk 336 errors from zypper verify1.4Mark HatleRESOLVEDnormal14
1139Michael LippautzSearch all layers when directory/wildcard specified instead of stopping at first matchFuture Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancement
1331Kumar GalaPrelink: doesn't work on ppc64Future UnassignedRESOLVEDnormal
1443Lianhao Lusegfault of lttng-ust applications in qemuarm: caused by prelink: on x86-64 Ubuntu host1.3Mark HatleRESOLVEDnormal7
1452Lianhao Lu32bit kernel generated oprofile data file can not be read by remote 64bit opreport1.3Saul WoldRESOLVEDnormal7
1462Saul WoldRunning postinstalls under qemu user mode emulation (such as pango)FutureMark HatleRESOLVEDenhancement14
1477Joshua Lock - DisabledFotowall doesn't run on qemumips1.2.1Andrei GherzanRESOLVEDnormal
1511Koen KooiSupport versioned scm snapshots for mirroring1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancement
1526kishoreIntel DPDK layer build for yocto1.4No estimate yet - wind river has volunteered to help with this, let's let kishore and wind river decide on a priority and time estimate for thisNitin KambleRESOLVEDnormal
1569Richard Purdie[QA/Test] Add recipe for rt tests and automate test (ptest)1.8Maxin B. John (inactive)RESOLVEDenhancement6
1609Song Liuselinux patch integration1.4Xin OuyangRESOLVEDnormal20
1633Song LiuAMT driver integration1.5 M2Nitin KambleRESOLVEDenhancement4
1690Paul EggletonBuilding an image for qemu* machines always builds X111.3Paul EggletonRESOLVEDnormal
1706Frans Meulenbroeksdisabling package management is not described1.58 May 2013Scott RifenbarkRESOLVEDnormal
1713Shane Wang[NAS] Oprofile will cause kernel hang when profiling.1.3(P3)Lianhao LuRESOLVEDnormal
1763Damien Lespiau[USE CASE] More universally bootable live images1.5(Waiting on EFI/SYSLINUX/HYBRID Patches)Darren HartRESOLVEDenhancement10
1778Beth FlanaganLicense wrangling, stage 31.5(1.3)Beth FlanaganRESOLVEDenhancement2
1789Joshua Lock - Disabled[Autobuilder] Optionally generate a HTML logFutureUnassignedRESOLVEDenhancement2
1823Yi Zhao[Bealgeboard C4] keyboard could not work with 20111207 build1.4.1Needs to be reproducedPaul EggletonRESOLVEDnormal2
1866MatiasFetch failure for icon-naming-utils, possibly a fetch mirror issue1.1.2Joshua Lock - DisabledRESOLVEDnormal
1881Joshua Lock - Disabled[DEB] Fix Debian package feeds1.5Saul WoldRESOLVEDnormal3
1882Joshua Lock - DisabledVerify and document package feed creation for each package management backend2.2 M216 June 2016: Set doc flag to done.Joshua LockRESOLVEDnormal5
1929Koen Kooizypper hangs in a futex early on1.3Mark HatleRESOLVEDmajor
1939Lauri HintsalaFully document SRC_URI and its various parameters1.319 Sept 2012: Fixed/ResolvedScott RifenbarkRESOLVEDnormal
1950Darren HartEFI only live images are not bootable1.5 M4Darren HartRESOLVEDnormal2
1965Paul EggletonReplace ffmpeg in meta-baryonFuturePaul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancement
1971Scott GarmanEnhance BA to run in VirtualBox1.9 M102 April 2014: Some web page adjustments made.Juro BystrickyRESOLVEDenhancement5
1973Joshua Lock - DisabledEnhance BitBake manual1.610 April 2014: RESOLVEDScott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancement
1983Joshua Immanuelzlib does not install its pkg-config file (zlib.pc)1.1.2Joshua Lock - DisabledRESOLVEDnormal
1985Paul Eggletonmatchbox-panel doesn't build battery status applet2.2Jussi KukkonenRESOLVEDenhancement5
2015Hongna Xu[emenlow]X is black when resume from S3 standby mode.1.3(P2)Tom ZanussiRESOLVEDnormal3
2022Beth FlanaganAdd one time download module for EULA required downloads.Q2Michael HalsteadRESOLVEDminor
2037yilong, sun[fri2] system cannot enter S3 standby mode1.2Darren HartRESOLVEDnormal3
2041Mark Hatlesstate relocation problem1.3Joshua Lock - DisabledRESOLVEDnormal
2045Dave StewartBegin to regularly retire variablesFutureAlexandru GeorgescuRESOLVEDnormal
2047Darren HartMake linux-yocto branches reflect strictly source changes1.3(P1) Done.Bruce AshfieldRESOLVEDnormal1
2056Christopher LarsonPKGV_<package> change doesn't change the package_write checksum1.3Patch on mailing list for reviewRichard PurdieRESOLVEDnormal
2063Dexuan Cuimatchbox-desktop exits abnormally when we press Alt+F42.1Jussi KukkonenRESOLVEDnormal1
2068Hongna XuClutter run failed in qemux86/x86-64 using toolchain.1.3(Test Case Completed)Constantin MuscaRESOLVEDnormal4
2073Nitin Kamblen450 machine need to be of arch x86_64 instead of i5861.3(P2)Darren HartRESOLVEDnormal3
2092Nitin Kamblerpm fails to create rootfs for x321.3Saul WoldRESOLVEDnormal5
2112Tom RiniThe 'build appliance' installable should contain / have access to sstate caches for all targets1.7 M308 August 2014 - RESOLVEDScott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancement2
2213Jiajun Xu[baryon] samba needs python 2.6 to pass do_configure1.3Kevin StrasserRESOLVEDnormal2
2230Björn StenbergSeveral license files are wrong in edison 6.0.1 release1.1.2(1.1.2)Beth FlanaganRESOLVEDnormal0.5
2237michael foxncurses build failure1.1.2Saul WoldRESOLVEDnormal
2318Jim AWeb is really quite bad1.521 March 2014: Reset documentation flag to "No"Ross BurtonRESOLVEDnormal4
2329Paul EggletonForwarding only sometimes works from qemu connman-based images1.2.1Under patch review on oe-core MLScott GarmanRESOLVEDnormal3
2330Tom ZanussiYocto BSP Tools: add doc and error message for meta-intel BSPs1.2.1Tom ZanussiRESOLVEDnormal
2339Dave StewartBuild appliance shows a shell prompt for many seconds before Hob starts1.3Saul WoldRESOLVEDnormal
2343Tom Zanussisugarbay/huronriver/crownbay: abnormal filesystem-related messages in dmesg1.3(P2)Yang ShiRESOLVEDnormal
2349Scott GarmanFix rpm-based image generation to enforce sensible package install ordering1.4Mark HatleRESOLVEDnormal
2364Tom Zanussicrownbay: bad_page_state with BLDK2 boot1.6Tom ZanussiRESOLVEDnormal3
2374Saul Wold[eglibc] mtrace should be packaged on it's own1.2.1need to refix previous commitBogdan MarinescuRESOLVEDnormal1
2378Khem RajUse kmod1.3(P2)Khem RajRESOLVEDenhancement5
2384Scott GarmanUpdate distro version warning to not warn about new Ubuntu/Fedora/OpenSUSE releases1.2.1Scott GarmanRESOLVEDnormal1
2385Darren Hartlive image install doesn't work with mmcblk devices1.2.1Patch sent to oe-core (May 1, 2012)Darren HartRESOLVEDnormal
636Kevin Tianno doc about sanity test process and case developmentFuture16 June 2014: RESOLVEDScott RifenbarkVERIFIEDnormal
943Darren HartNeed a functional u-boot for mpc8315e-rdb (using factory now)1.3(P4) O2 solves build, PRC hardware bricked (12-May-2011)Paul GortmakerVERIFIEDnormal
1159Scott GarmanNeed to change numeric user/groupids to names in device_table-minimal.txt1.5 M5Chen QiVERIFIEDenhancement4
1551Richard PurdieTracing: Systemtap usability in Yocto1.3 M4Tom ZanussiVERIFIEDenhancement5
1614Song LiuTarget module build1.3 M2(P1)(patch review) (Jun 28)Darren HartVERIFIEDenhancement5
1676Paul Eggletonpackage.bbclass does not handle files with wildcards in their names well1.6 M1Paul EggletonVERIFIEDnormal
1963Joshua Lock - DisabledConsider adopting systemd interfaces in Poky core OS distro configuration1.4Radu MoisanVERIFIEDenhancement5
1969Hongna XuCan't launch multiple qemu using nfs1.3 M4Scott GarmanVERIFIEDenhancement7
2026Zhenhua Luobusybox build failed after enable CONFIG_TCPSVD1.1.2Saul WoldVERIFIEDnormal
2046Darren HartMake KBRANCH default to a valid branch (not KMACHINE)1.3 M1(Development)Mostly done, needs to be verified and closed.Bruce AshfieldVERIFIEDnormal
2069Hongna XuClutter run failed in qemux86/qemux86_64 on ubuntu/Opensuse/Fedora.1.3 M2Saul WoldVERIFIEDnormal5
2081Richard Purdie[QA/Test] We need to add scripts to stress test sstate package relocatability1.6Stoicescu CornelVERIFIEDenhancement
2122Sophie LennonN450 route table adds in a duplicate gateway address1.3Saul WoldVERIFIEDnormal
2133niqingliang2003can't find the daemon/failure/warning... functions needed by lsb.1.3 M2(QA testing completed) DoneKai KangVERIFIEDnormal7
2149Joshua Lock - DisabledUnify progress bar implementations1.3 M2(QA testing completed) Done Kai KangVERIFIEDminor1
2219Jiajun Xu[yocto-kernel] fail to find bblayers if TOPDIR is not "build"1.2.1Tom ZanussiVERIFIEDnormal
2298Richard Purdiencurses failure non-gplv3 build (race issue)1.2.1(QA testing completed) DoneXiaofeng YanVERIFIEDnormal3
2328Dongxiao XuSome RPM package file format is not correct on Beagleboard platform1.3 M4Robert YangVERIFIEDnormal5
2331Tom Zanussisugarbay: problem with getcwd in terminal1.3(P1)Yang ShiVERIFIEDnormal
2370Jiajun Xu[Build Appliance] no xdg-open for "View Files"1.5 M3Cristian IorgaVERIFIEDenhancement3
2382Reinette Chatredropbear does not work with poky-tiny1.3 M3(P2)(done)Darren HartVERIFIEDcritical3
1989Paul EggletonDefault module selections need attention2.2 M4Bruce AshfieldRESOLVEDminor4
2150Scott Garman[DOC] Develop a video screencast sequel to "Getting Started with the Yocto Project"FutureStephen K JolleyRESOLVEDenhancement15
1635Song LiuAdd gummiboot as a grub-efi alternative (was Drop Grub for Syslinux/Gummiboot)1.6 M4(Test Case Completed) DevelopmentDarren HartVERIFIEDenhancement5
1640Song Liu[DOC] Tracing/profiling HOWTOs1.4(10D+5D)Tom ZanussiVERIFIEDenhancement15
1804Joshua Lock - DisabledBKM for DESCRIPTION fields and 100% coverage in meta/ and meta-yocto/1.631 March 2014: Resetting documentation flag to "No."Saul WoldVERIFIEDnormal5
1813Mei Leimerge fetch like functionality from distrodata into fetch21.8 M1Aníbal LimónVERIFIEDenhancement10
1945Dave StewartDeveloper's Guide needs to give guidance about making source available1.621 March 2013 - NEEDINFOBeth FlanaganVERIFIEDnormal