1.9 qa owned features

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Feature Verification

1.8 UNRESOLVED Features

7853CostinError handling during testing -- fail-safe to handle exception of DUT hangMedium+Lucian Musat1.9 M3CLOSEDFIXED


IDQAESummary (3 tasks) PAssigneeMilestoneStatusResolutionWhiteboard
Alexandru Georgescu
7652Alexandru Georgescu10patchwork: ensure that merged patches get properly marked as suchMedium+Jose Lamego1.9 M2RESOLVEDFIXED
6559Alexandru Georgescu6Construct the SDK using sstate archivesMedium+Chen Qi1.9 M3RESOLVEDFIXED
6560Alexandru Georgescu5Add script to update installed SDK based on sstate manifestsMedium+Chen Qi1.9 M3RESOLVEDFIXED


IDQAESummary (55 tasks) PAssigneeMilestoneStatusResolutionWhiteboard
7964 recipetool: add sub-command to just create a bbappendLowPaul Eggleton1.9RESOLVEDFIXED
6744 1extensible SDK: handle path restrictions imposed by build systemMediumBrendan Le Foll1.9RESOLVEDFIXED
7441 do_kernel_configme fails when patches create directoriesMediumBruce Ashfield1.9RESOLVEDFIXED
6202 1Linux-yocto.bb suggests running bitbake -c devshell on do_patch failureMediumBruce Ashfield1.9 M2RESOLVEDFIXED
6667 1Enable DRM_CIRRUS_QEMUMediumBruce Ashfield1.9 M3RESOLVEDFIXED
7282 2linux-yocto: accidentally skips patchesMediumBruce Ashfield1.9 M3RESOLVEDFIXED
4146 5Allow a layer to include another layerMediumJason Wessel1.9 M3RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7720 10make the world build work without x11 in DISTRO_FEATURESMediumRobert Yang1.9 M3RESOLVEDFIXED
8169 binconfig-disabled class should make config scripts print a human-readable errorMediumRoss Burton1.9 M3RESOLVEDFIXED
Alexandru Georgescu
7489Alexandru Georgescu3AUH: Improve installation/usageMediumAníbal Limón1.9 M1RESOLVEDFIXED
7348Alexandru Georgescu1We should use the ext4 driver for ext2/3MediumBruce Ashfield1.9 M3RESOLVEDFIXED
7783Alexandru GeorgescuYP 1.9 Dev. Tools EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
Catalin Scrieciu
7069Catalin Scrieciu2Integrate 'makedumpfile' package inside meta-cglMediumVaduva Alexandru1.9RESOLVEDFIXED
Cristina Agurida
7475Cristina Agurida0.5bitbake-layers show-recipes filtered by classes inherited?MediumPaul Eggleton1.9RESOLVEDFIXED
7839Cristina Aguridabitbake-layers: remove-layer: accept just layer directoryLowPaul Eggleton1.9RESOLVEDFIXED
7479Cristina Agurida3BlueZ 5.xx should be the default stack for Bluetooth supportMediumCristian Iorga1.9 M1RESOLVEDFIXED
1971Cristina Agurida5Enhance BA to run in VirtualBoxMediumJuro Bystricky1.9 M1RESOLVEDFIXED02 April 2014: Some web page adjustments made.
4421Cristina Agurida5systemd performance improvementsMediumChen Qi1.9RESOLVEDFIXED
Lucian Musat
5275Lucian Musat1bbnote etc just use echoMediumPaul Eggleton1.9 M2RESOLVEDFIXED
6791Lucian MusatIntegrate the fetcher with a gitexternalsrc class for large team developmentMediumRichard Purdie1.9RESOLVEDFIXED
7667Lucian Musat1Feature request: include expanded_data in the ConfigParsed eventMediumRichard Purdie1.9RESOLVEDFIXED
7668Lucian Musat1Feature request: inject 'd' as well as 'e' into event handlersMediumRichard Purdie1.9 M1RESOLVEDFIXED
Stephen K Jolley
7778Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Autobuilder EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7779Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Overall EnhacementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7780Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Toaster EnhancmentsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7781Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 OS ToolingMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7782Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Meta-Intel EnhancementMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7784Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Bitbake EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7785Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Documentation EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7786Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Testing EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7808Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Error reporting system improvementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7815Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Package updates required enhacementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7816Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Recipe Upgrades, AUH, & RRS EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7817Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Optimizations and Misc. EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7826Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Eclipse plug-in enhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7838Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Deployment ImprovementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7841Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Dev. Tools (patchwork) EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7860Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Autobuilder Enhancements (part 2)MediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDFIXED
7861Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Dev. Tools (devtool:) EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7862Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Dev. Tools (SDK) EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7863Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Optimizations and Misc. Enhancements (part 2)MediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7867Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Toaster Enhancements (Part 2)MediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7881Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 Testing Enhancements (part 2)MediumStephen K Jolley1.9RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7842Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 M1 Overall EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9 M1RESOLVEDOBSOLETE
7859Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 M1 Overall Enhancements (part 2)MediumStephen K Jolley1.9 M1RESOLVEDOBSOLETE
7843Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 M2 Overall EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9 M2RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7858Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 M2 Overall Enhancement (part 2)MediumStephen K Jolley1.9 M2RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7844Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 M3 Overall EnhancementsMediumStephen K Jolley1.9 M3RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
7857Stephen K JolleyYP 1.9 M3 Overall Enhancements (part 2)MediumStephen K Jolley1.9 M3RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
Mihail Stanciu
7340Mihail StanciuPerformance issue in do_rootfs (license_create_manifest)MediumBeth Flanagan1.9RESOLVEDFIXED
7485Mihail Stanciu2Add SRC_URI and SRCREV selection to kernel buildersMediumBeth Flanagan1.9 M1RESOLVEDFIXED
7508Mihail Stanciu1package_deb: Run AB in Debian and non-debian based hostsMediumBeth Flanagan1.9 M1RESOLVEDFIXED
7685Mihail Stanciu1KMETA/KBRANCH split for kernel override buildsetsMediumBeth Flanagan1.9 M1RESOLVEDFIXED
7688Mihail Stanciu2Kernel props need to build SRC_URI automaticallyMediumBeth Flanagan1.9 M1RESOLVEDFIXED
6646Mihail Stanciu1Implement rm_old_workMediumRichard Purdie1.9RESOLVEDFIXED

1.9 Feature Implemtation by QA

1.9 QA Assigned Features TO IMPLEMENT

IDAssigneeESummary (73 tasks) PQAMilestoneStatusResolutionWhiteboard
Alexandru Georgescu
3468Alexandru Georgescucreate new layer for meta-tpm that includes open-atestationUndecidedAlexandru Georgescu1.7VERIFIEDOBSOLETE
4559Alexandru GeorgescuCreate Yocto 1.5 Testing PlanHigh 1.5 M1VERIFIEDFIXED
4560Alexandru GeorgescuCreate a 1.5 QA history run wiki pageMedium 1.5VERIFIEDFIXED
4637Alexandru Georgescu[QA] Verify remote project support for the bitbake commander type project and run build using hob via build applianceMedium+ FutureRESOLVEDWORKSFORME
4638Alexandru Georgescu[QA] Verify eclipse headless build for windowsMedium+ FutureRESOLVEDWORKSFORME
4642Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Refactor plug-in code to create a common remote communication util plug-inMedium+ 1.6.1RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
4677Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Improve bitbake commander plugin for supporting remote projects for system developmentMedium+ 1.5 M2VERIFIEDDUPLICATE
4678Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Port YP Plug-in to Kepler releaseMedium+ 1.5 M4VERIFIEDFIXED
4685Alexandru Georgescu1[QA] - verify - Add method to configure preferred ABI when using RPMLow 1.6RESOLVEDWONTFIX
4696Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Fork YP CDT plug-in to use URI based file location format to support remote file interactionMedium+ FutureRESOLVEDWORKSFORME
4712Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Add remote support for ADT projects templatesMedium+ FutureRESOLVEDWORKSFORME
4714Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify -Extend our developer experience to enable system and app development on Windows or MacOSMedium+ FutureRESOLVEDWORKSFORME
4715Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Enhance YP ADT plug-in to support remote project creation and compilation from a non-Linux platformMedium+ FutureRESOLVEDWORKSFORME
4804Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify create new layer for meta-tpm that includes open-atestationMedium+ 1.6RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
4805Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify Consider providing an oe-selftest script to run automated tests against bitbake toolsMedium+ 1.6VERIFIEDFIXED27 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."
4808Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify Ability to remove a packageHigh 1.5.1RESOLVEDFIXED
5352Alexandru Georgescuautomated ADT testing on ABMediumAlexandru GeorgescuFutureVERIFIEDOBSOLETE
5432Alexandru GeorgescuAdd tests to verify on-target package upgrades work as intendedMedium+ 1.6VERIFIEDDUPLICATE
5471Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Automate BSP TestingHigh 1.6RESOLVEDWONTFIX
5599Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Optimise away meta-oe X init mechanismMedium+ 1.6.1RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
6027Alexandru Georgescu2add Build configuration info to BSPMedium 2.1 M3RESOLVEDDUPLICATE
6375Alexandru GeorgescuAutomated Hardware testing: add support for more rootfs compression formatsMedium+Lucian Musat1.7 M1VERIFIEDFIXED
8495Alexandru Georgescu4Create current testing plan for ToasterMedium+Belen Barros Pena2.1 M2VERIFIEDFIXED
8496Alexandru Georgescu4Create YP 2.1 Release Overall Testing planHighBenjamin Esquivel2.1 M4VERIFIEDFIXED
8600Alexandru Georgescu2extensible SDK: add a means of easily adding pkgdata for a wide set of packagesMedium+Aníbal Limón2.1 M2RESOLVEDFIXED
Stoicescu Cornel
2081Stoicescu Cornel[QA/Test] We need to add scripts to stress test sstate package relocatabilityMediumLucian Musat1.6VERIFIEDFIXED
4118Stoicescu CornelAttachment option with a Test case in the Test Run should be added.Low 1.5VERIFIEDWONTFIX
4428Stoicescu CornelCreate a wiki page populated dynamically with the TC's from TestopiaMedium 1.5 M1VERIFIEDFIXED
4660Stoicescu Cornel[QA] - verify - Add Bastille Linux Support to YoctoHigh 1.5 M5VERIFIEDOBSOLETE
4662Stoicescu Cornel1[QA] - verify - Avoid circular dependencies when building initramfs that includes kernel modulesMedium+ 1.6 M4VERIFIEDFIXED
4681Stoicescu Cornel[QA] - Verify - Adopt the Fenrus updater in the developer workflowLow FutureRESOLVEDWORKSFORME
4687Stoicescu Cornel[QA] - verify - Create Interactive bitbake commandline modeMedium+ 1.6RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
4688Stoicescu Cornel[QA] - verify - Remove the double exec of bitbake via the bitbake startup shell scriptMedium+ 1.5VERIFIEDFIXED
4689Stoicescu Cornel[QA] - verify - Avoid cache reload for incremental development using a backgrounded bitbake serverMedium+ 1.5 M4VERIFIEDFIXED
4692Stoicescu Cornel[QA] - verify - Security Tools - consider fedora/gentoo runtime security toolsHigh 1.5 M3VERIFIEDFIXED
4693Stoicescu Cornel[QA] - verify - A small common BSP with graphics for as many platforms as possible (x86)High 1.5 M5VERIFIEDFIXED
4717Stoicescu Cornel[QA] - verify - Bitbake event handlers recieve all eventsMedium+ 1.5 M4VERIFIEDFIXED
4724Stoicescu Cornel[QA] - verify - Deployment user experience enhancementMedium+ 1.6.1RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
4740Stoicescu CornelConsider providing an oe-selftest script to run automated tests against bitbake toolsHigh 1.6VERIFIEDFIXED27 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."
5466Stoicescu Cornel[QA] - verify - Sharing PR server between builders with different metadataMedium+ 1.6.1RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
5469Stoicescu Cornel[QA] - verify - Consolidate meta-intel BSPs where possibleMedium+ 1.6 M4VERIFIEDFIXED
6254Stoicescu CornelSet up automated testing of autobuilder images on real hardwareHighLucian Musat1.7 M1VERIFIEDFIXED
6336Stoicescu Cornelparse ptest output and other runtime tests into a common formatMedium+Lucian Musat1.7 M4VERIFIEDFIXED
6453Stoicescu CornelImprove oe-selftest command-line handlingMediumCostin1.7VERIFIEDFIXED
Lucian Musat
3922Lucian MusatAdd sanity checks for Build applianceMediumAlexandru GeorgescuFutureVERIFIEDOBSOLETE
4114Lucian MusatAdd ptest integrationHighAndra Necula1.7 M3VERIFIEDFIXED
4653Lucian Musat[QA] - verify - Create a custom error message to deal with missing layer directoriesMedium+ 1.6RESOLVEDWONTFIX
5371Lucian MusatWe should add test cases to cover all bitbake modes(like dry run)MediumStoicescu Cornel1.7VERIFIEDFIXED
5747Lucian MusatCreate a test to look for most issues reports in logsMedium 1.7 M3RESOLVEDFIXED
5790Lucian Musat10Automate test results logging in Testopia using XMLRPC interfaceMediumAlexandru Georgescu1.9 M1VERIFIEDFIXED17 June 2015: Set the documentation flag to "No"
6335Lucian MusatAdd support for installing test/ptest from a package feedMedium+Andra Necula1.7 M3VERIFIEDFIXED
6705Lucian Musat2poky-tiny images should be boot-testedMedium+Cristina Agurida1.8VERIFIEDFIXED
6841Lucian Musat2'-v' switch and testimageMediumCostin2.1RESOLVEDFIXED
6933Lucian Musat2Need a test to verify INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSEHighCostin1.8 M3VERIFIEDFIXEDTC needed
7835Lucian Musat0.5Error handling during testing -- set timeout for test caseMediumCathy Shen1.9 M1VERIFIEDFIXED
Ionut Chisanovici
4641Ionut Chisanovici1[QA] - Verify - Add EFI support to ISO imagesMedium+ 1.6 M1VERIFIEDFIXED
4661Ionut Chisanovici1[QA] - verify - e2fsprogs: Integrate initial directory into mke2fsMedium+ 1.6 M4VERIFIEDFIXED
4694Ionut Chisanovici1[QA] - verify - Need a method for install/update of bzImageMedium+ 1.6 M1VERIFIEDFIXED
4700Ionut Chisanovici[QA] - verify - Search the content of the bitbake variables tableMedium 1.6VERIFIEDFIXED
4723Ionut Chisanovici[QA] - verify - Sort the content of the packages tableMedium 1.5.1RESOLVEDFIXED
5325Ionut Chisanovici[QA] - verify - New partitioning description and toolingHigh 1.5.1VERIFIEDFIXED
5337Ionut Chisanovici[QA] Optimize test case for better use of time and resourcesMedium 1.6VERIFIEDFIXED
5418Ionut Chisanoviciverify the quality of the data collected through the simple UIMedium+Mihail Stanciu1.8VERIFIEDOBSOLETE
5468Ionut Chisanovici[QA] - verify - Add support for Qt5Medium+ 1.6VERIFIEDWORKSFORME
5519Ionut Chisanovici[QA] - verify - wic updatesMedium+ 1.6.1RESOLVEDWONTFIX
5598Ionut Chisanovici[QA] - verify - Bitbake resident server autoloading/unloadingMedium+ 1.6RESOLVEDWORKSFORME
6009Ionut ChisanoviciCarry out performance testing for ToasterMediumIonut Chisanovici1.7 M1VERIFIEDFIXED
6214Ionut ChisanoviciToaster selftest - integrate toaster backend testing into oe-selftest - fully automatedMedium+Ionut Chisanovici1.7 M1VERIFIEDFIXED
Mihail Stanciu
4948Mihail Stanciu4create tests for Toaster APIMediumMihail Stanciu2.1VERIFIEDOBSOLETE
7377Mihail StanciuUI Automation: Assign classes to table columnsMediumBogdan Alexandru Voiculescu1.9 M1VERIFIEDFIXED
7380Mihail Stanciu2UI Automation: Add IDs to toaster buttonsMediumMihail Stanciu1.9VERIFIEDFIXED
8494Mihail Stanciu3Automate Toaster UI Build test casesMedium+Valentin Hangan2.1 M4VERIFIEDFIXED
9003Mihail Stanciu2Set up QA infrastructure for testing production setup of ToasterMedium+Francisco Pedraza2.1 M3RESOLVEDFIXED