Bug Product Triage

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Revision as of 17:13, 6 February 2015 by Stephen K. Jolley (talk | contribs)
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High AutoBuilder Bugs/Enhancement


Medimun+ AutoBuilder Bugs/Enhancement

IDSummary (4 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
11791Reduce the amount and storage space required of image artefacts published from buildsenhancementMedium+5.99Richard PurdieNEW 2
13980Investigate replacements for PhantomJS for buildperf outputenhancementMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
14835Need autobuilder to build docs with at least Sphinx 4.0normalMedium+5.1 M2Michael OpdenackerNEW
15503AB-INT: send QA email failure: Generating regression report between None and NonenormalMedium+5.1 M2Alexis LothoréNEWAB-INT

Medium AutoBuilder Bugs/Enhancement

IDSummary (11 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
8715Update patchwork / build status page on patch test build completionenhancementMediumFutureUnassignedNEW2
8760Autobuilder additional task log availabilityenhancementMediumFutureUnassignedNEW 2
9821create a configuration for a deployable autobuilder clusterenhancementMediumFutureUnassignedNEW 5
12328Move configuration to fragments in core layerenhancementMedium5.99Richard PurdieNEW 5
13470Autobuilder NFS loses open deleted filesnormalMedium5.99Michael HalsteadNEW
13643Find a way to support containers on the existing autobuilder workersenhancementMediumFutureUnassignedNEW 8
13831Add information about buildtools-extended-tarball to yocto-autobuilder-helper READMEenhancementMedium5.1UnassignedNEW
13930Port the CROPS toaster-container selenium tests to the AutobuildernormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
13979yocto-autobuilder-helper repository value appears to be ignored in a-full builds.normalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
14345Autobuilder rebuild button doesn't always work when using shared reposnormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
15098AB-INT-NET: network failure when fetching repositoriesnormalMedium5.1UnassignedNEWAB-INT AB-INT-NET