Bug Product Triage

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Yocto Bug Triage AutoBuilder Searches

High AutoBuilder Bugs


Medimun+ AutoBuilder Bugs

IDSummary (3 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
14835Need autobuilder to build docs with at least Sphinx 4.0normalMedium+5.2 M4Antonin GodardNEW
15612Dead link in https://www.yoctoproject.org/reproducible-build-results/normalMedium+5.2 M1Mathieu Dubois-BriandACCEPTED
15615Builds schedule unevenly across the clusternormalMedium+5.2 M2Richard PurdieNEW

Medium AutoBuilder Bugs

IDSummary (6 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
13470Autobuilder NFS loses open deleted filesnormalMedium5.99Michael HalsteadNEW
13930Port the CROPS toaster-container selenium tests to the AutobuildernormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
13979yocto-autobuilder-helper repository value appears to be ignored in a-full builds.normalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
14345Autobuilder rebuild button doesn't always work when using shared reposnormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
15098AB-INT-NET: network failure when fetching repositoriesnormalMedium5.2UnassignedNEWAB-INT AB-INT-NET
15639Odd login failure on initial login to valkyrie.yoctoproject.orgnormalMedium5.2Randy MacLeodNEW

Low AutoBuilder Bugs


Yocto Bug Triage BitBake Searches

High BitBake Bugs


Medimun+ BitBake Bugs

IDSummary (22 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
10061Ctrl+C during BB_HASHCHECK_FUNCTION execution does not interrupt processing nicelyminorMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW3
10731bitbake --observe-only doesn't work with memresnormalMedium+5.2Pavel ZhukovNEW5
11781bitbake --observe-only may get KeyErrornormalMedium+5.2Richard PurdieACCEPTED3
11899broken 'bitbake --status-only' and 'bitbake -m' for multiple connectionsnormalMedium+5.2Richard PurdieNEW2
12066Locked signature change triggers taskhash mismatch errornormalMedium+5.99Richard PurdieNEW2
12090bitbake memory resident server reconnect handling needednormalMedium+5.99Richard PurdieNEW 1
13181persist_data sqlite database mixed with forking is irreparably brokennormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
13306bitbake starts up to n^2 processes with n cpusnormalMedium+5.99Randy MacLeodNEW
13464Argument list too long when do rootfs when install too many packagesnormalMedium+5.99Changqing LiNEW
13808do_task[noexec] = "" marks task noexec, which is inconsistent with docsnormalMedium+5.2Richard PurdieIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION
14157git fetcher: consider using different git commands for repo packing, eliminating "git pack-redundant"normalMedium+5.99New Comer BugsNEWbackports perhaps, NEWCOMER
14512bitbake-diffsigs -t does not worknormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
14513bitbake-diffsigs does not work recursivelynormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
14693cmake-native do_configure fails when rebuilding without sstate on NIS hostsnormalMedium+5.99Randy MacLeodNEW
15218Using SSTATE_MIRRORS does not work with https and basic authenticationnormalMedium+5.2 M4Antonin GodardNEW
15333bitbake/lib/hashserv/sqlite.py:294: DeprecationWarning: The default datetime adapter is deprecated as of Python 3.12normalMedium+5.2 M2Joshua WattNEW
15470Leading space before } silently breaks parsenormalMedium+5.99Sawas EtairidisIN PROGRESS REVIEWNEWCOMER
15473Source MIRROR not work for svn when change the hostmajorMedium+5.2 M1Richard PurdieIN PROGRESS REVIEW
15558SRCREV is ignored when using subpath with git fetchermajorMedium+5.2 M1Richard PurdieNEW
15587Processing of LAYERDIR during layer parsing causes loss of datanormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
15591layer paths referenced via symlinks confuse bitbakenormalMedium+5.2 M1Richard PurdieNEW
15648"bitbake: server/process: Decrease idle/main loop frequency" doesn't sync properlynormalMedium+5.2 M1Richard PurdieNEW

Medium BitBake Bugs

IDSummary (23 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
5395Nativesdk postinstalls directory issues.normalMedium5.99Richard PurdieNEW 5
7852bitbake-layers layerindex-fetch doesn't respect branch (-b|--branch) optionnormalMedium5.99UnassignedIN PROGRESS DESIGN1
7879Similar recipe names cause problems with PN auto setting (usability issue)normalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW 3
9279Issue with PREFERRED_PROVIDER interaction with overridesnormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW 1
9504knotty doesn't delete lines if the number of output lines is larger than then number of lines in the terminal (tmux specific?)normalMedium5.99Randy MacLeodACCEPTED 2
11199Fetch.checkstatus() should work on git URIsnormalMedium5.99Maia XiaoNEW3
13995\ without a newline passes the parsernormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
14156fetch/gitsm: submodules are checked out as mirrors with altered origin informationnormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
14355Conditional append to distro feature causes infinite recursion parsing errornormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
14701convert-overrides.py breaks file links containing _normalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
14758Toaster: add overrides to UI and parameter generationmajorMedium5.2 M1David ReynaIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION2
14867key expansion in conditional override doesn't worknormalMedium5.99UnassignedIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION
15012crate fetcher doesn't verify checksum of primary artefactnormalMedium5.2Harish SadineniNEW
15069ParseError exception raised when recipe is indirectly using PLYminorMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
15126Github Mirror does not work if SRC_URI contains downloadfilenamenormalMedium5.99Ross BurtonNEW
15197bitbake does not recognize that git-lfs is not installed when usehead=1 is usednormalMedium5.2Richard PurdieACCEPTED
15299Unable to fetch sstate from Azure blob while SAS token is needednormalMedium5.2UnassignedNEW
15375Define what a valid layer name can contain (and what it cannot)normalMedium5.2Richard PurdieNEW
15405support git's safe.bareRepository=explicitnormalMedium5.2UnassignedNEW
15596Dramatic fetcher failure if source files in DL_DIR have permissions that cannot be created (maybe)normalMedium5.2Richard PurdieIN PROGRESS REVIEW
15597bitbake-layers show-recipes doesn't show devupstreamed versionsnormalMedium5.2UnassignedNEW
15641BB_CONSOLELOG is overwritten on 2nd+ runs when using memory resident BitBakenormalMedium5.2Antonin GodardNEW
15652"bitbake -e" and bitbake-getvar display different variable historynormalMedium5.2Yoann CongalNEW

Low BitBake Bugs

IDSummary (5 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
5389bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2: filename too longnormalLowFutureUnassignedNEW4
7355Strange outcome in Toaster 'covered' tasks queriesnormalLowFutureDavid ReynaNEW
10782git fetch has multiple progress barsminorLowFutureUnassignedNEW 2
10834fetch progress bar doesn't account for multiple URLsminorLowFutureUnassignedNEW 1
15480vardepsexclude doesn't work when the value is used in d.setVarnormalLowFutureRichard PurdieNEW

Yocto Bug Triage BSPs Searches

High BSPs Bugs


Medimun+ BSPs Bugs

IDSummary (4 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
12755Separate boot config recipes are at odds with setting APPEND at the image levelnormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
14804busybox and dpkg versions of start-stop-daemon disagree on symlink locationnormalMedium+5.2 M1Alexander van GesselNEW
14963qemuarm64 doesn't have a wks filenormalMedium+5.2Ross BurtonNEW
15624parselogs failures on beaglebone-yoctonormalMedium+5.1.1Kevin HaoNEW

Medium BSPs Bugs

IDSummary (3 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
12584Generic EFI booting needs to support random UUIDsnormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
13548meta-intel do_testimage tasks failednormalMedium5.99Chee YangIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION
15346qemuloongarch64 fails to build binutilsnormalMedium5.2UnassignedNEW

Low BSPs Bugs


Yocto Bug Triage Eclipse Plugin Searches

High Eclipse Plugin Bugs


Medimun+ Eclipse Plugin Bugs


Medium Eclipse Plugin Bugs


Low Eclipse Plugin Bugs


Yocto Bug Triage Hob Searches

High Hob Bugs


Medimun+ Hob Bugs


Medium Hob Bugs


Low Hob Bugs


Yocto Bug Triage Kernel Searches

High Kernel Bugs


Medimun+ Kernel Bugs

IDSummary (13 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
12290cross recipe kernel module dependency generation stopped workingnormalMedium+5.99UnassignedACCEPTEDBackport 2
12927Cannot strip and sign kernel modulesnormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
13251Symlinks overridden when building multitple kernelsnormalMedium+5.2 M2Bruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS DESIGN2
13613KERNEL_IMAGEDEST variable not taken into accountnormalMedium+5.2 M2Bruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS DESIGN3
13909Intermittent kernel reproducibility failurenormalMedium+5.2 M1Bruce AshfieldACCEPTED5
14044STAGING_KERNEL_DIR symlink has been broken if externalsrccriticalMedium+5.2Bruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS DESIGNBackport to 3.1.x
14681Different .config files between linux-yocto and kernel-devsrcnormalMedium+5.2Bruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION2
14760linux-yocto fails to build for qemuppc64normalMedium+FutureBruce AshfieldACCEPTED
14885We need to rebuild all modules when the kernel is rebuildnormalMedium+5.2 M2Bruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS DESIGN
15424Can use fragments with no defaults if previous build had defconfignormalMedium+5.2 M3Bruce AshfieldACCEPTED
154636.6.23 qemux86 boot hang [qemu, not kernel]normalMedium+5.2 M3Bruce AshfieldNEWAB-INT
15478do_menuconfig for linux-yocto fails with kernel-fitimage and UBOOT_CONFIGnormalMedium+5.2 M3Bruce AshfieldNEW
15526kernel serial interrupt issues with 6.6.32 kernelnormalMedium+5.2 M3Bruce AshfieldACCEPTED

Medium Kernel Bugs

IDSummary (7 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
8743configme --allnoconfig breaks defconfig generated with kconfig / make savedefconfignormalMedium5.99Bruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION 3
12283Building a fitImage including INITRAMFS_IMAGE (wo/ BUNDLE) cause the kernel to depend on rootfs which is badnormalMediumFutureUnassignedACCEPTED3
13928KERNEL_FEATURES_append vs. "classic" kernel meta datanormalMedium5.2 M1Bruce AshfieldACCEPTED
15325kernel: do_symlink_kernsrc is not reentrant when S is overridennormalMedium5.2Etienne CordonnierIN PROGRESS REVIEW
15453BSPs have repeating configuration patterns that should be consolidatednormalMedium5.2 M2Bruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS DESIGN4
15471SState corruption of kernel modules recipes with LOCALVERSION_AUTOminorMedium5.99Bruce AshfieldACCEPTED
15476linux-yocto-dev build error: modpost: vmlinux: local symbol 'security_path_rmdir' was exportednormalMedium5.2Bruce AshfieldACCEPTED

Low Kernel Bugs


Yocto Bug Triage Meta-yocto Searches

High Meta-yocto Bugs


Medimun+ Meta-yocto Bugs


Medium Meta-yocto Bugs

IDSummary (2 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
15145module conf files missing when KERNEL_SPLIT_MODULES=0normalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
15603u-boot recipe cannot be used with devtool due to a bug in poky/meta/classes-recipe/uboot-config.bbclassnormalMedium5.2Tim OrlingACCEPTED

Low Meta-yocto Bugs


Yocto Bug Triage OE-Core Searches

High OE-Core Bugs

15647glibc 2.35 causes meson configure failuresmajorHigh4.0.23Anuj MittalNEEDINFO

Medimun+ OE-Core Bugs

IDSummary (36 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
9883curl-native: invalid builtin ca-bundle path when restoring from sstatenormalMedium+FutureUnassignedNEW1
11839buildhistory + multiconfignormalMedium+5.99Joshua WattNEW 1
12273Shlibs should only be public if they're in $libdir etcnormalMedium+5.99Ross BurtonNEW 2
12323automake does not support buildtest-TESTS in parallel modenormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW 3
12963nativesdk-opkg prefixes all internal paths with $SDKPATH and won't worknormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW3
13378native programs from RSS that alias hosttools can cause non-reproducible buildsnormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
13407Enable PGO for python when reproducible builds are enablednormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
13424devupstream doesn't work with mutilibnormalMedium+5.2Richard PurdieNEW
13567Add QA check for recipes that use AUTOREV by defaultnormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
13674master dnf failures on qemumipsnormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
13679Buildtools tarball python performance degraded by reproducibile buildsnormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
13868Python cache files get lost in packagesnormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
13910Intermittent host UID contamination highlighted by devtool testsnormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
13919Multi License GPLv3 -lic cannot be installed into the image because it has incompatible licensenormalMedium+5.99Anil Kumar RathNEW
13920uninative tarball license compliance in ESDKnormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
14020environment-setup script in multilib eSDK doesn't work for multilib variantmajorMedium+5.99UnassignedIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION
14066bitbake core-image-base -c populate_sdk fails when image contains bash, core-utils and package_deb is usednormalMedium+5.2Pavel ZhukovIN PROGRESS REVIEW
14118systemd services not enabled when using package feednormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
14126resolvconf incompatible with busybox flocknormalMedium+5.99New Comer BugsNEWbackport to 3.2, 3.1 NEWCOMER
14139systemd user/groups different on opkg vs rpm imagesnormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
14146Post-patch hook fails with submodules and PATCHTOOL=git and PATCH_COMMIT_FUNCTIONS=1normalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
14206oe-selftest perl errors on rpm based distrosnormalMedium+5.2 M1Randy MacLeodNEW
14218Recipe rebuilds can contaminate buildsnormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
14403Qemu error messages not clear when command line is corrupted.normalMedium+5.2 M2Randy MacLeodNEW
14492Error when installing split kernel modules on rootfsnormalMedium+FutureUnassignedNEW
14520A qemuboot.conf file isn't generated if the rootfs wasn't modifiednormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEW
14723patches not applied by devtool when using overrides in SRC_URInormalMedium+5.99Chris LaplanteIN PROGRESS DESIGN
14930connman - sysvinit - nfs/dhcp hangs in langdale/masternormalMedium+5.99UnassignedNEWbackports
14995do_populate_sdk: target-sdk-provides-dummy fails to provide perl for postgresqlnormalMedium+5.2Pavel ZhukovIN PROGRESS DESIGN
15213?Using icecream leads to error during parsingnormalMedium+5.2Richard PurdieACCEPTED
15337SERIAL_CONSOLES_CHECK removed, but behavior changednormalMedium+5.2 M1Ross BurtonNEW
15442do_create_spdx failures if DISTRO changes PV of the packagenormalMedium+5.2 M2Joshua WattNEW
15595Respect .note.dlopen ELF metadatamajorMedium+5.2 M1Ross BurtonIN PROGRESS REVIEW
15601The image_qa task hides unexpected exceptionsnormalMedium+5.2 M1Peter KjellerstedtIN PROGRESS REVIEW
15614oe-selftest fails with output: Disk fullnormalMedium+5.2 M1Richard PurdieIN PROGRESS REVIEW
15627PermissionError in systemd_preset_all when using systemdmajorMedium+5.2 M2Ross BurtonNEW

Medium OE-Core Bugs

IDSummary (33 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
6044EFI_PROVIDER recipes deploy collisionsnormalMediumFutureUnassignedACCEPTED
8879opkg-utils is built when build lib32-imagemajorMedium5.99Gregor ZatkoIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION 5
9171Consider limiting the scope of depchains to runtime depsnormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW 5
9233As a developer, I want initramfs bundled kernel could be installed into rootfsnormalMedium5.2Bruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS REVIEW2
9692QA check for #! interpreter should handle '/usr/bin/env something'normalMediumFutureNew Comer BugsNEWNEWCOMER 5
9789systemd rootfs-postprocess command should check staticidsnormalMedium5.99UnassignedACCEPTED2
9982Move patches directory to WORKDIR/patches from S/patchesnormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW 3
10130Excessive warnings for incorrectly formatted LICENSEminorMedium5.99UnassignedACCEPTED1
10308rpm installs bad signature package with option --nodigest --nosignature failednormalMedium5.2UnassignedNEW5
10737binconfig-disabled should install non-broken files to packagesnormalMedium5.2Ross BurtonNEW2
11683sanity.bbclass: bblayers.conf upgrade broken for versions 5 to 7normalMedium5.99Richard PurdieNEW 5
11686sanity.bbclass: bblayers.conf upgrade not happening on base config parse errorsnormalMedium5.99Richard PurdieNEW 5
12925add test for devtool fails because of missing ca-certificates.crtnormalMedium5.2UnassignedNEW
13120mandb fails in qemumips64-usernormalMediumFutureUnassignedNEW
13864archiver class incompatible with dos2unix classnormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
14018efibootpartition.GenericEFITest.test_boot_efi selftest failednormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEWAB-INT AB-FREQUENT
14145pylibmount PACKAGECONFIG in util-linux causes circular dependencynormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
14176Random do_ar_patched failure due to race condition with do_configure autoconfmajorMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
14259AB-INT: NFS mounting issue on qemu oe-selftest glibc.GlibcSelfTestSystemEmulated.test_glibcnormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEWAB-INT
14268ruby-ri-docs is not reproduciblenormalMedium5.2Thomas PerrotACCEPTED
14401Test unable to login to serial consolenormalMedium5.99UnassignedACCEPTEDAB-INT
14698valgrind xmllint might be depending on build host installationnormalMedium5.2Randy MacLeodNEW
14806AB-INT: psplash segfaultnormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEWAB-INT
14957AB-INT: inode mismatch in oeqa.buildperf.test_basic.Test1P3 (pseudo issue)normalMedium5.99UnassignedNEWAB-INT AB-HAVE-PLAN
15291Non identical glib 2.0 schemas with multlibnormalMedium5.2Ross BurtonNEW
15298AB-INt: Bitbake timeout error in SDK preparationnormalMedium5.2UnassignedNEW
15302icu / icu-native: icudata file being disabled breaks nodejs / npmnormalMedium4.0.26UnassignedNEW
15385deb package feed: all packages upgraded!normalMedium5.2 M4Antonin GodardNEW
15386Package version for package libsolv went backwards which would break package feedsnormalMedium5.2 M4Antonin GodardNEW
15455logind packageconfig flag in shadow causes circular dependendencynormalMedium5.99UnassignedNEW
15469oe-init-build-env uses unbound shell variablesnormalMedium5.2Ross BurtonNEW
15525Sometimes wrong kernel selected on QEmu when bundling an InitRamFSnormalMedium5.2pasweistorzNEW
15579nativesdk: glibc 2.39 private symbol look up errornormalMedium5.2Yash ShindeNEW

Low OE-Core Bugs

IDSummary (3 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
12862do_package_setscene is unwillingly skippednormalLowFutureRichard PurdieNEW
14375serial-getty@.service fails on gadget serial port ttyGS0normalLow5.2UnassignedNEW
15576e2fsprogs calls not fully capable makeinfominorLow5.2AdrianNEW

Yocto Bug Triage Sato Searches

High Sato Bugs


Medimun+ Sato Bugs

IDSummary (2 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
15426dbus-wait timeout uses a 'success' exit codenormalMedium+5.2 M2Ross BurtonNEW
15427qemuriscv64 images show mouse cursornormalMedium+5.2Khem RajNEW

Medium Sato Bugs


Low Sato Bugs


Yocto Bug Triage Toaster Searches

High Toaster Bugs


Medimun+ Toaster Bugs

IDSummary (3 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
12262[Toaster] Layer details page: optional layers cant be blank when importing a layernormalMedium+5.99David ReynaNEW 3
12723mysql requires unicode and char length filteringnormalMedium+5.2 M1David ReynaIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION2
13103[Bug][QA 2.7 M1 rc1][Toaster] "Recipes" table  and  "machines" table are not getting populated after clicking on imported layer as well as after clicking Machines Tab on project pagenormalMedium+5.2 M1David ReynaIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION3

Medium Toaster Bugs

IDSummary (36 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
7502Show image information if rootfs files are generatednormalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 2
7751Toaster allows me to build when no machine is set in the default configurationnormalMediumFutureToaster default assigneeNEWGUI design available 4
8051Importing layer fails silently if the layer name already existsnormalMedium5.99David ReynaACCEPTED 2
8189Variable history shows full paths to files inside the /bitbake directorynormalMediumFutureToaster default assigneeNEW 2
8790Boostrapping package information for image customisation purposesnormalMediumFutureToaster default assigneeNEW
8806Refactor localhostbecontrollernormalMediumFutureToaster default assigneeACCEPTED 20
9109Apply sleep 0.5 to other database operationsnormalMediumFutureToaster default assigneeNEW
9164The toaster-custom-images layer should not show like any other layer, and should not be removablenormalMediumFutureToaster default assigneeNEWGUI design available 4
9485Fix typeaheads for Bootstrap 3normalMediumFutureToaster default assigneeNEW 4
9494Custom images created from the build history pages fail to buildnormalMedium5.99David ReynaACCEPTED 5
9530Arrows in directory structure do not expand directoriesnormalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 2
9586document and verify production setup for jenkins ci interactionnormalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 1
9617Create Toaster Docker production containernormalMediumFutureDavid ReynaNEW 3
9684"Edit Columns" Button on the Compatible layers view is missingnormalMediumFutureToaster default assigneeNEW
9743builds: The search result of the content of the builds table is incorrectnormalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 4
9812Add hints to project configuration page that recipes may overwrite or modify settings during the buildnormalMediumFutureDavid ReynaNEW
9969Display target:task correctly on build dashboard (and elsewhere)normalMediumFutureToaster default assigneeACCEPTEDGUI design available 3
10283Consume TaskArtifacts metadata event created in bitbakenormalMedium5.99David ReynaIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION 3
10488Changing Git revision in Toaster has no effectnormalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 3
10943buildinfohelper does not consider IMAGE_EXTENSION while saving build artifactsnormalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 2
12003Incorrect performance tables if Edit Column drop down is usednormalMedium5.99David ReynaACCEPTED 3
12005Cant download other artifacts when modifying built recipenormalMedium5.99David ReynaACCEPTED 3
12133The search results for numbers are incorrect.normalMedium5.99David ReynaACCEPTED 2
12140The link and the x button from the search's result did not work as expectednormalMedium5.99David ReynaACCEPTED 1
12200The button from New custom image is not working as expectednormalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 1
12201The button from New custom image is letting you press it and its supposed to be disabled.normalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 1
12208on the import layer page, the "add layer" button for dependent layers is active, when emptynormalMedium5.99David ReynaACCEPTED 1
12259[toaster] when building 3 or more images left hand summary is not shown correctlynormalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 1
12260[toaster]why arent the meta-qt3 and meta-qt4 present in the compatible layers for pokynormalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 2
12263[Toaster] project layers can be duplicatednormalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 2
12436[Test Case 1958] Project names cannot be blanknormalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 1
12437[Test Case 1958] Toaster exploratory testingnormalMedium5.99David ReynaNEW 1
13173postgresql complain about long field name, the max is 200majorMedium5.2 M1David ReynaACCEPTED4
14370Toaster fails to start in CentOS 8 because it can't detect the timezonenormalMedium5.2 M1David ReynaNEW
15267Error Importing 'Command Line' ProjectnormalMedium5.2 M1David ReynaACCEPTED4
15307Fail to display license manifest from a command line buildnormalMedium5.2 M1David ReynaNEW

Low Toaster Bugs

IDSummary (23 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
8190The 'set in file' filters in the BitBake variables table seem to return the wrong informationnormalLow5.99David ReynaACCEPTED 2
8248Toaster recipe page: missing empty statenormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW 4
8326Build time counts the time a build spent queuedminorLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW 4
8685Enter button doesn't apply your modification to bitbake variablesnormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW
8807local cached layers don't get the branch checked outnormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW 2
8860The 'clear search' icon in ToasterTable tables should clear any applied filternormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW 4
8865The project "updated" field shows the last time a project was saved, not its last activityminorLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW 2
9115Added packages filter seems to show the wrong package listnormalLow5.99David ReynaNEW 1
9117Allow "project builds" and "all builds" to be sorted by time and recipe namenormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW
9118Dead paths for meta-toaster-custom layer left behind in bblayers.confnormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW
9141toaster when xmlrpc/cooker dies the web didn't tell the user about itnormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEWGUI design pending 6
9209The unique name validation for custom images happens across projectsnormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeACCEPTED 1
9435Toaster throws an exception for images that have files on the / levelnormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW 4
9645The image recipe details does not show "Last build" informationnormalLow5.99David ReynaACCEPTED 2
9657Saving an added variable seems to save all other added variablesnormalLow5.99David ReynaACCEPTED 2
9670Toaster does not set a correct MIME type for tasks' logs filesnormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW 1
9839The "clear search" button on the – "Add | Remove packages table" - does not clearnormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW
9977Time, CPU and Disk I/O tables have the wrong core columnsminorLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW
10205The layer typeahead shows the project release branch for non-git layersnormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW
10206The add layer dependencies type ahead shows layers already in the list of dependenciesnormalLowFutureDavid ReynaNEW 3
10281Configuration variables: I can set a value for standard shell environment variable http_proxynormalLowFutureToaster default assigneeNEW
12142The color from the table from the project build changed when you use an special character.normalLow5.99David ReynaACCEPTED 1
12261[Toaster] Importing layers, confirmation label is misleadingnormalLow5.99David ReynaNEW 1

Yocto Bug Triage Website Searches

High Website Bugs


Medimun+ Website Bugs

IDSummary (3 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
14447404 on https://www.yoctoproject.org/software-item/poky/normalMedium+Q3Nicolas DechesneNEW
14950Wrong script referenced in yocto registration web page.normalMedium+Q2Michael HalsteadACCEPTED
15339https://www.yoctoproject.org/development/releases/#full misleadingnormalMedium+Q1Antonin GodardNEW

Medium Website Bugs


Low Website Bugs


Yocto Bug Triage Other Searches

High Other Bugs


Medimun+ Other Bugs

IDSummary (3 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
14447404 on https://www.yoctoproject.org/software-item/poky/normalMedium+Q3Nicolas DechesneNEW
14950Wrong script referenced in yocto registration web page.normalMedium+Q2Michael HalsteadACCEPTED
15339https://www.yoctoproject.org/development/releases/#full misleadingnormalMedium+Q1Antonin GodardNEW

Medium Other Bugs


Low Other Bugs
