Yocto Project v2.1 Status

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Yocto Project 2.1 release Status

Project Dashboard


Feature/Task Board


Scheduled Design Design Complete Development Patch Review Testing Done Blocked
7575Alex Franco2.1
5582Alexander Kanavin2.1
7339Paul Eggleton2.1
7624Paul Eggleton2.1
7634Paul Eggleton2.1
7635Paul Eggleton2.1
7676Paul Eggleton2.1
7908Paul Eggleton2.1
8658Paul Eggleton2.1
8855Paul Eggleton2.1
8978Paul Eggleton2.1
8982Paul Eggleton2.1
5046Paul Eggleton2.1
8852Daniel Istrate2.1
6204Ed Bartosh2.1
6841Lucian Musat2.1
8920Humberto Ibarra2.1
7278Jussi Kukkonen2.1
8815Jussi Kukkonen2.1
9022Kai Kang2.1
8099Christopher Larson2.1
7797Michael Wood2.1
7580Khem Raj2.1
7443Randy Witt2.1
8032Richard Purdie2.1
8990Richard Purdie2.1
3505Richard Purdie2.1
5044Richard Purdie2.1
8559Ross Burton2.1
6297Scott Rifenbark2.1
8422Sujith H2.1
8120Aníbal Limón2.1 M1
8390Aníbal Limón2.1 M1
8427Aníbal Limón2.1 M1
7491Aníbal Limón2.1 M1
7576Aníbal Limón2.1 M1
7809Aníbal Limón2.1 M1
7655Jose Lamego2.1 M1
5407Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.1 M1
8728Mariano Lopez2.1 M1
7812Alexander Kanavin2.1 M2
8600Alexandru Georgescu2.1 M2
8662Paul Eggleton2.1 M2
5953Daniel Istrate2.1 M2
8498Ed Bartosh2.1 M2
8691Ed Bartosh2.1 M2
8949Beth Flanagan2.1 M2
8820Joshua Lock2.1 M2
8679Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.1 M2
8622Robert Yang2.1 M2
7427Mariano Lopez2.1 M2
8468Chen Qi2.1 M2
6651Randy Witt2.1 M2
8723Randy Witt2.1 M2
6018Ross Burton2.1 M2
8410Alex Franco2.1 M3
9089Aníbal Limón2.1 M3
7601Aníbal Limón2.1 M3
8892Paul Eggleton2.1 M3
8979Paul Eggleton2.1 M3
8981Paul Eggleton2.1 M3
8690Paul Eggleton2.1 M3
8772California Sullivan2.1 M3
8499Daniel Istrate2.1 M3
8706Daniel Istrate2.1 M3
9091Beth Flanagan2.1 M3
6421Beth Flanagan2.1 M3
8842Elliot Smith2.1 M3
9039Joshua Lock2.1 M3
9040Joshua Lock2.1 M3
8847Robert Yang2.1 M3
8881Robert Yang2.1 M3
9161Robert Yang2.1 M3
8436Robert Yang2.1 M3
8437Robert Yang2.1 M3
8999Markus Lehtonen2.1 M3
6658Markus Lehtonen2.1 M3
7553Maxin B. John (inactive)2.1 M3
7499Richard Purdie2.1 M3
8816Saul Wold2.1 M3
9148Scott Rifenbark2.1 M3
9003Mihail Stanciu2.1 M3
8469Alexander Kanavin2.1 M4
7894Aníbal Limón2.1 M4
8585Bill Randle2.1 M4
5517Paul Eggleton2.1 M4
6404Paul Eggleton2.1 M4
9320Joshua Lock2.1 M4
8073Juro Bystricky2.1 M4
9168Robert Yang2.1 M4
8975Ross Burton2.1 M4
7675Scott Rifenbark2.1 M4
7753Scott Rifenbark2.1 M4
9147Scott Rifenbark2.1 M4
9283Scott Rifenbark2.1 M4
8201Alejandro Hernandez2.1
8279Ed Bartosh2.1
8079Scott Rifenbark2.1
6787Sujith H2.1
7474Bruce Ashfield2.1 M1
8485Daniel Istrate2.1 M1
8750Daniel Istrate2.1 M1
5433Beth Flanagan2.1 M1
8757Beth Flanagan2.1 M1
8615jia,fang2.1 M1
8638Robert Yang2.1 M1
8081Michael Wood2.1 M1
8117Michael Wood2.1 M1
8411Richard Purdie2.1 M1
5417Valentin Hangan2.1 M1
8495Alexandru Georgescu2.1 M2
5880Daniel Istrate2.1 M2
8868Daniel Istrate2.1 M2
8050Humberto Ibarra2.1 M2
8119Mariano Lopez2.1 M2
8628Maxin B. John2.1 M2
8876Richard Purdie2.1 M2
6398Ross Burton2.1 M2
5875Daniel Istrate2.1 M3
8848Ed Bartosh2.1 M3
8184Beth Flanagan2.1 M3
7687Beth Flanagan2.1 M3
7700Beth Flanagan2.1 M3
9006Markus Lehtonen2.1 M3
8091Michael Wood2.1 M3
8103Michael Wood2.1 M3
8104Michael Wood2.1 M3
8128Michael Wood2.1 M3
8056Michael Wood2.1 M3
8070Michael Wood2.1 M3
8082Michael Wood2.1 M3
8856Ross Burton2.1 M3
8496Alexandru Georgescu2.1 M4
8569Beth Flanagan2.1 M4
8494Mihail Stanciu2.1 M4

List View









Design Complete




Patch Review



IDAssigneePESummary (96 tasks) WhiteboardMilestoneStatus
7575Alex FrancoMedium8Identify image recipesGUI design available2.1RESOLVED
5582Alexander KanavinMedium5Start Weston with systemd2.1RESOLVED
5046Paul EggletonLowDocument that CPPFLAGS override behavior and possible workaround2.1RESOLVED
7339Paul EggletonMedium2Performance issue in do_rootfs (buildhistory_list_installed_image)2.1RESOLVED
7624Paul EggletonLowdevtool: extract: fall back to metadata git history to get patch author/date2.1RESOLVED
7634Paul EggletonMedium5recipetool: extend autotools recipe creation2.1RESOLVED
7635Paul EggletonMedium3recipetool: extend cmake recipe creation2.1RESOLVED
7676Paul EggletonLowrecipetool: add ability to update variable value in recipe2.1RESOLVED
7908Paul EggletonLowdevtool: deploy-target: write deployed file list to target instead of host2.1RESOLVED
8658Paul EggletonMedium0.5extensible SDK: make it more obvious when SDK installation fails2.1RESOLVED
8855Paul EggletonMedium3devtool: build-image: allow specifying packages to include2.1RESOLVED
8978Paul EggletonMedium2devtool: deploy-target: preserve old files so we can restore them later2.1RESOLVED
8982Paul EggletonMedium5devtool: add: support out-of-tree kernel modules2.1RESOLVED
7865CostinMedium1oe-selftest to detect test cases in other layers else than OE-Core2.1RESOLVED
8852Daniel IstrateMedium0.5Test that layer git revisions are displayed and do not fail without git repository2.1RESOLVED
6204Ed BartoshMediumWIC does not check presence of e2fsprogs-native2.1RESOLVED
6841Lucian MusatMedium2'-v' switch and testimage2.1RESOLVED
8920Humberto IbarraMedium2oe-selftest: users should be able to specify those folders that 'coverage' should look into2.1RESOLVED
7278Jussi KukkonenMedium1Default core-image-x11 has X server with screen blanking active2.1RESOLVED
8815Jussi KukkonenMediumAdd possibility to choose audio output2.1RESOLVED
9022Kai KangMedium5Replace retry logic in useradd with flocks2.1RESOLVED
8099Christopher LarsonMediumSuggestion: prefix task log messages with recipe+task2.1RESOLVED
7797Michael WoodMedium4Clarify what will happen to errors submitted to errors.yoctoproject.org2.1RESOLVED
7580Khem RajMediumAdd musl as a system C library option2.1RESOLVED
7443Randy WittMedium1runqemu should allow using kvm in absence of vhost-net2.1RESOLVED
3505Richard PurdieMedium5world-image as bitbake build target2.1RESOLVED
5044Richard PurdieMedium3bitbake does not take into consideration some forms of PREFERRED_PROVIDERS2.1RESOLVED
8032Richard PurdieMedium5bitbake: improve messages when multiple providers are being built2.1RESOLVED
8990Richard PurdieMedium0.5makeinfo should be included in build-tools2.1RESOLVED
8559Ross BurtonMedium1Signing to sstate archives and signature verification should allow to use a custom GPG keys directory2.1RESOLVED
6297Scott RifenbarkMedium+5Define install target scope18 Feb 2016: RESOLVED2.1RESOLVED
8422Sujith HMediumwe currently don't allow setting of sstate_dir or dl_dirGUI design available2.1RESOLVED
7491Aníbal LimónMedium10AUH: Add support for boot qemu images2.1 M1RESOLVED
7576Aníbal LimónMedium5AUH: Add ptest support2.1 M1RESOLVED
7809Aníbal LimónLow2RRS: have the url reflect the current search2.1 M1RESOLVED
8120Aníbal LimónMedium+0.5AUH: Add support for test if patch was already applied in upstream2.1 M1RESOLVED
8390Aníbal LimónMedium1AUH: Validate if git is configured2.1 M1RESOLVED
8427Aníbal LimónMedium+2qemu machines enable usage of virtio drivers2.1 M1RESOLVED
7655Jose LamegoMedium1patchwork: proper support for series2.1 M1RESOLVED
5407Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium2Create standard method for adding package feeds2.1 M1RESOLVED
8728Mariano LopezMedium3wic: Allow to use custom bootloader configuration2.1 M1RESOLVED
7812Alexander KanavinMedium2qt4 will be supported until the end of 2015; what to do then?2.1 M2RESOLVED
8600Alexandru GeorgescuMedium+2extensible SDK: add a means of easily adding pkgdata for a wide set of packages2.1 M2RESOLVED
8662Paul EggletonLowextensible SDK: replace "SDK-Fixed" NATIVELSBSTRING usage with "universal"2.1 M2RESOLVED
5953Daniel IstrateMedium3Add a test to ensure buildhistory does not change signaturesTC needed2.1 M2RESOLVED
8498Ed BartoshMedium4QemuRunner fails to start the wic created image2.1 M2RESOLVED
8691Ed BartoshMedium4Allow runqemu to start with a raw disk2.1 M2RESOLVED
8949Beth FlanaganHighBuild extensible SDK on autobuilder2.1 M2RESOLVED
8820Joshua LockMedium0.5Would like to be able to specify partitions be created but not mounted in a wks2.1 M2RESOLVED
8679Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium3oe-selftest: measure test coverage2.1 M2RESOLVED
8622Robert YangMedium5e2fsprogs: support xattr2.1 M2RESOLVED
7427Mariano LopezMedium5Image manifest file lacking newline char in last line2.1 M2RESOLVED
8468Chen QiMedium3bitbake: remove stamp-base support2.1 M2RESOLVED
6651Randy WittMedium+5Trim size of extensible SDK2.1 M2RESOLVED
8723Randy WittMedium+extensible SDK: remove limitation to 64-bit x86 machines2.1 M2RESOLVED
6018Ross BurtonMedium+2Replace obsolete wireless-tools with iw tool2.1 M2RESOLVED
8410Alex FrancoMedium+2TEST_SUITES="auto" is not specified for all images regularly built by the autobuilders2.1 M3RESOLVED
7601Aníbal LimónMedium+4Add a test for the extensible SDK2.1 M3RESOLVED
9089Aníbal LimónMedium+5Extensible SDK add tests for sdk-update2.1 M3RESOLVED
8690Paul EggletonMedium+3make npm style packages something devtool can also build/recipeize on the fly2.1 M3RESOLVED
8892Paul EggletonMedium+5Extensible SDK: allow building a modified extensible SDK from the extensible SDK2.1 M3RESOLVED
8979Paul EggletonMedium+devtool: provide an easy way to get to the workdir/logs2.1 M3RESOLVED
8981Paul EggletonMedium+3devtool: add: support kernel source trees2.1 M3RESOLVED
8772California SullivanMedium+review, audit and restructure the kytpes available in the yocto-kernel-cache2.1 M3RESOLVED
8499Daniel IstrateMedium10Add specific WIC tests2.1 M3RESOLVED
8706Daniel IstrateMedium+1Add oe-selftest test for locked signatures2.1 M3RESOLVED
6421Beth FlanaganMedium3Create a build that installs all ptests2.1 M3RESOLVED
9091Beth FlanaganMedium+1Add extensible SDK testing on autobuilder2.1 M3RESOLVED
8842Elliot SmithMedium8Update Toaster's build performance data2.1 M3RESOLVED
9039Joshua LockHigh3Integrate swupd tools from Clear Linux into OE Core2.1 M3RESOLVED
9040Joshua LockHigh1Implement a mechanism to support generating swupd bundles2.1 M3RESOLVED
8436Robert YangMedium+3insane.bbclass: make package_qa_walk() can print all the messages2.1 M3RESOLVED
8437Robert YangMedium+3autotools.bbclass: use relative path to run configure2.1 M3RESOLVED
8847Robert YangMedium3QA warnings can be improved2.1 M3RESOLVED
8881Robert YangMedium5print recipe name as a error promotion when bitbake PACKAGE2.1 M3RESOLVED
9161Robert YangMedium5make vm and live image can build together2.1 M3RESOLVED
6658Markus LehtonenMedium+7devtool: enable kernel development2.1 M3RESOLVED
8999Markus LehtonenHigh3Extensible SDK: allow basic kernel config customisation2.1 M3RESOLVED
7553Maxin B. John (inactive)Medium+2avahi should be kept up to date with bugfixes2.1 M3RESOLVED
7499Richard PurdieMedium5Automate -dbg package construction2.1 M3RESOLVED
8816Saul WoldMedium+4Add support for paravirtualized hardware random number generator for qemu machines2.1 M3RESOLVED
9148Scott RifenbarkMedium+1Cover variable references not being expanded in python functions3 March 2016: RESOLVED2.1 M3RESOLVED
9003Mihail StanciuMedium+2Set up QA infrastructure for testing production setup of Toaster2.1 M3RESOLVED
8469Alexander KanavinMedium+10Add gobject-introspection support directly to oe-core2.1 M4RESOLVED
7894Aníbal LimónMedium0.5Properly document distrodata.bbclass21 March 2016: IN PROGRESS REVIEW2.1 M4RESOLVED
8585Bill RandleMedium+2Improve detection of missing host dependencies2.1 M4RESOLVED
5517Paul EggletonMedium0.5Merge multilib wiki page into dev manual section2.1 M4RESOLVED
6404Paul EggletonMedium+0.5Remove the ADT installer in favour of the SDK2.1 M4RESOLVED
9320Joshua LockMedium+1.5[meta-swupd] Inconsistency in bundles when bundles add alternatives with a higher priority2.1 M4RESOLVED
8073Juro BystrickyMedium+2Support VirtualBox guest additions in Build Appliance VM2.1 M4RESOLVED
9168Robert YangMedium3runqemu: make it can boot qcow22.1 M4RESOLVED
8975Ross BurtonMedium+1Improved sstate consistency selftests2.1 M4RESOLVED
7675Scott RifenbarkMedium+15Rework application development guide01 April 2016: RESLOVED2.1 M4RESOLVED
7753Scott RifenbarkMedium3Undocumented kernel variables01 April 2016: RESLOVED2.1 M4RESOLVED
9147Scott RifenbarkUndecided1Add expand() function to python datastore variable function list23 Feb 2016: RESOLVED2.1 M4RESOLVED
9283Scott RifenbarkMedium+1Document conditional inherits21 March 2016: RESOLVED2.1 M4RESOLVED


IDAssigneePESummary (40 tasks) WhiteboardMilestoneStatus
8201Alejandro HernandezMediumMigrate from python-distribute to python-setuptools2.1VERIFIED
8279Ed BartoshMedium+Provide a single way of starting Toaster2.1VERIFIED
8079Scott RifenbarkMedium1Improve migration guide18 Jan 2016: RESOLVED2.1VERIFIED
6787Sujith HMedium4Cancelling builds at any point in the build processGUI design available2.1VERIFIED
7474Bruce AshfieldMedium+Changes to configuration of kernel defconfig and Yocto kernel fragments19 May 2015: Documentation added and needs review2.1 M1VERIFIED
8485Daniel IstrateMedium2Add test suite for "Signing packages in the package feeds"2.1 M1VERIFIED
8750Daniel IstrateMedium+2Allow oe-selftest to run custom test suites based on different criteria2.1 M1VERIFIED
5433Beth FlanaganMedium1Add nightly uClibc build target2.1 M1VERIFIED
8757Beth FlanaganMediumAutomate the process of checking for dead links in recipes2.1 M1VERIFIED
8615jia,fangMedium2strange errors on SDK2.1 M1VERIFIED
8638Robert YangMedium+3make aarch64 support mutilib2.1 M1VERIFIED
8081Michael WoodMedium+4Implement the 'new custom image' pageGUI design available2.1 M1VERIFIED
8117Michael WoodMedium+4Implementing adding and removing packages to / from custom imagesGUI design available2.1 M1VERIFIED
8411Richard PurdieMedium+Build name and log path don't match real log file path2.1 M1VERIFIED
5417Valentin HanganMedium+10automate Weekly tests for Eclipse plugin2.1 M1VERIFIED
8495Alexandru GeorgescuMedium+4Create current testing plan for Toaster2.1 M2VERIFIED
5880Daniel IstrateLow3oe-selftest : add an option for random arch2.1 M2VERIFIED
8868Daniel IstrateMedium0.5Add option to oe-selftest to list all tests in a comprehensive manner2.1 M2VERIFIED
8050Humberto IbarraLow2scripts/yocto-layer creates meta-meta-example if meta-example passed as the name2.1 M2VERIFIED
8119Mariano LopezMedium+2Define a format to mark Upstream CVE patches2.1 M2VERIFIED
8628Maxin B. JohnMedium+3Use libjpeg-turbo in place of libjpeg2.1 M2VERIFIED
8876Richard PurdieMedium+0.5Allow limiting to restoring from sstate only2.1 M2VERIFIED
6398Ross BurtonMedium+3libexecdir should be set to follow FHS recommendation2 Feb 2016: IN PROGRESS REVIEW2.1 M2VERIFIED
5875Daniel IstrateMediumTests for forcing a task2.1 M3VERIFIED
8848Ed BartoshMedium+2Would like to be able to share a single Kickstart partition layout definition (.wks) between several images2.1 M3VERIFIED
7687Beth FlanaganMedium+3distro-alias buildset2.1 M3VERIFIED
7700Beth FlanaganMedium10meta-autobuilder layer2.1 M3VERIFIED
8184Beth FlanaganMedium+3add non-x86 pTest images to AB2.1 M3VERIFIED
9006Markus LehtonenMedium1sstate: use oe.gpg_sign module for signing2.1 M3VERIFIED
8056Michael WoodHigh4Image customisation front end implementation2.1 M3VERIFIED
8070Michael WoodMedium+4Implement image recipe details pageGUI design available2.1 M3VERIFIED
8082Michael WoodMedium+4Implement the 'custom image details' pageGUI design available2.1 M3VERIFIED
8091Michael WoodMedium+4Implement the 'custom images' pageGUI design available2.1 M3VERIFIED
8103Michael WoodMedium+4Implement creating a custom imageGUI design available2.1 M3VERIFIED
8104Michael WoodMedium+4Implement building a custom imageGUI design available2.1 M3VERIFIED
8128Michael WoodMedium+4Implement downloading custom image recipe filesGUI design available2.1 M3VERIFIED
8856Ross BurtonMedium+1autoconf errors pasting output of config.log isn't always helpful2.1 M3VERIFIED
8496Alexandru GeorgescuHigh4Create YP 2.1 Release Overall Testing plan2.1 M4VERIFIED
8569Beth FlanaganMedium+1Make yocto autobuilder submitter id configurable2.1 M4VERIFIED
8494Mihail StanciuMedium+3Automate Toaster UI Build test cases2.1 M4VERIFIED

Yocto Project v2.1 Release Criteria

Milestone 1 - Target Dec. 24, 2015

Release Criteria Milestone 1 Target Milestone 1 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [1] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW50_-_2015-12-10_-_Full_Pass_2.1_M1.rc1
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit, Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, Fedora 21 64bit, Fedora 22 64bit, Opensuse 13.2 64bit, CentOS 7 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW50_-_2015-12-10_-_Full_Pass_2.1_M1.rc1
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done
Package Update 70% Done - 74%
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Done - 95%
Publication The release is announced Release

Milestone 2 - Target Feb. 12, 2016

Release Criteria Milestone 2 Target Milestone 2 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [2] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW05_-_2016-01-28_-_Full_Pass_2.1_M2.rc1
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit, Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, Fedora 21 64bit, Fedora 22 64bit, Opensuse 13.2 64bit, CentOS 7 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done
Package Update 70% 81% - Done - http://recipes.yoctoproject.org/rrs/recipes/2.1/M2/
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) 96% - Done
Publication The release is announced Released

Milestone 3 - Target Mar. 18, 2016

Release Criteria Milestone 3 Target Milestone 3 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [3] - Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=WW15_-_2016-03-28_-_Full_Pass_2.1_M3.rc2
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 15.10 x86_64, Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit, Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, Fedora 23 64bit, Fedora 21 64bit, Fedora 22 64bit, Opensuse 13.2 64bit, CentOS 7 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=WW15_-_2016-03-28_-_Full_Pass_2.1_M3.rc2
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done
Package Update 70% Done - 84% - http://recipes.yoctoproject.org/rrs/recipes/2.1/M3/
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Done - 94%
Publication The release is announced Released

Milestone 4/Final - Target April 29, 2016

Release Criteria Milestone 4/Final Target Milestone 4/Final Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [4] Done
Bug Trend Downward trend in bug tracking during the stabilization period. Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW17_-_2016-04-20_-_Full_Pass_2.1_M4.rc2
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 15.10 x86_64, Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit, Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, Fedora 23 64bit, Fedora 21 64bit, Fedora 22 64bit, Opensuse 13.2 64bit, CentOS 7 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW17_-_2016-04-20_-_Full_Pass_2.1_M4.rc2
Documentation All examples are tested to be functional. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW17_-_2016-04-20_-_Full_Pass_2.1_M4.rc2#Build_Performance_Test
Package Update 70% Done - 79% - http://recipes.yoctoproject.org/rrs/recipes/2.1/M4/
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Done - 94%
Wiki/Web Site Updated Have reviewed the Wiki and Web site to insure all is current. Done
Publication The release is announced Released

Yocto Project 2.1.1 release

Release Criteria 2.1.1 release 2.1.1 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [5] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW32_-_2016-08-01_-_Test_Cycle_2.1.1_rc2
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. rc1 was tested and found the same
Publication The release is announced Released

Yocto Project 2.1.2 release

Release Criteria 2.1.2 release 2.1.2 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [6] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW46_-_2016-11-10_-_Test_Cycle_2.1.2_rc1
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Centos 7, Debian 8, Fedora 23, Fedora 24, OpenSuse132, OpenSuse421, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW46_-_2016-11-10_-_Test_Cycle_2.1.2_rc1
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW46_-_2016-11-10_-_Test_Cycle_2.1.2_rc1
Publication The release is announced Released

Yocto Project 2.1.3 release

Release Criteria 2.1.3 release 2.1.3 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [7] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW24_-_2017-14-06_-_Full_Pass_2.1.3_rc1 and https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW26_-_2017-30-06_-_Full_Pass_2.1.3_rc2
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done -CentOS 7.1, Debian 8, Fedora 24, Fedora 25, OpenSuse 421, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 14.04
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW24_-_2017-14-06_-_Full_Pass_2.1.3_rc1 and https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW26_-_2017-30-06_-_Full_Pass_2.1.3_rc2
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW24_-_2017-14-06_-_Full_Pass_2.1.3_rc1 and https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW26_-_2017-30-06_-_Full_Pass_2.1.3_rc2
Publication The release is announced