Yocto Project v1.9 Status

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Yocto Project 1.9 and 2.0 release Status (Note YP 1.9 was released as YP 2.0)

Project Dashboard


Feature/Task Board


Scheduled Design Design Complete Development Patch Review Testing Done Blocked
7475Paul Eggleton1.9
7839Paul Eggleton1.9
7964Paul Eggleton1.9
6744Brendan Le Foll1.9
7441Bruce Ashfield1.9
7340Beth Flanagan1.9
4421Chen Qi1.9
6646Richard Purdie1.9
6791Richard Purdie1.9
7667Richard Purdie1.9
7860Stephen K Jolley1.9
7069Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7489Aníbal Limón1.9 M1
7479Cristian Iorga1.9 M1
7485Beth Flanagan1.9 M1
7508Beth Flanagan1.9 M1
7685Beth Flanagan1.9 M1
7688Beth Flanagan1.9 M1
1971Juro Bystricky1.9 M1
7668Richard Purdie1.9 M1
7630Scott Rifenbark1.9 M1
5275Paul Eggleton1.9 M2
6202Bruce Ashfield1.9 M2
7652Jose Lamego1.9 M2
6667Bruce Ashfield1.9 M3
7282Bruce Ashfield1.9 M3
7348Bruce Ashfield1.9 M3
7720Robert Yang1.9 M3
6559Chen Qi1.9 M3
6560Chen Qi1.9 M3
8169Ross Burton1.9 M3
7493Aníbal Limón2.0
7591California Sullivan2.0
7653Jose Lamego2.0
6505Robert Yang2.0
8389Robert Yang2.0
8404Robert Yang2.0
7602Markus Lehtonen2.0
6659Chen Qi2.0
7271Alexandru Damian1.9
6835Alexandru Damian1.9
7966Paul Eggleton1.9
6447Paul Eggleton1.9
7028Paul Eggleton1.9
7118Ed Bartosh1.9
7593Ed Bartosh1.9
7716Ed Bartosh1.9
7912Ed Bartosh1.9
7938Ed Bartosh1.9
6068Ed Bartosh1.9
5524Beth Flanagan1.9
7978Beth Flanagan1.9
7672Igor Stoppa1.9
7374Juro Bystricky1.9
7625Christopher Larson1.9
6988Robert Yang1.9
7907Markus Lehtonen1.9
6874Michael Wood1.9
8255Khem Raj1.9
5970Richard Purdie1.9
8066Scott Rifenbark1.9
8067Scott Rifenbark1.9
7380Mihail Stanciu1.9
7261Tracy Graydon1.9
6385Tracy Graydon1.9
7062Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7063Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7064Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7065Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7066Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7068Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7070Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7071Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7072Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7073Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7074Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7075Vaduva Alexandru1.9
7762Alejandro Hernandez1.9 M1
7763Alejandro Hernandez1.9 M1
6294Alexander Kanavin1.9 M1
7587Paul Eggleton1.9 M1
7644Paul Eggleton1.9 M1
7723Paul Eggleton1.9 M1
7834Costin1.9 M1
7848Costin1.9 M1
7451Cristian Iorga1.9 M1
7835Lucian Musat1.9 M1
5790Lucian Musat1.9 M1
7086Robert Yang1.9 M1
7585Mariano Lopez1.9 M1
7495Mariano Lopez1.9 M1
7790Michael Wood1.9 M1
7798Michael Wood1.9 M1
7706Michael Wood1.9 M1
7709Michael Wood1.9 M1
7741Michael Wood1.9 M1
7755Scott Rifenbark1.9 M1
7803Scott Rifenbark1.9 M1
7745Scott Rifenbark1.9 M1
7377Mihail Stanciu1.9 M1
7517Tanu Kaskinen1.9 M1
7725Alexandru Damian1.9 M2
7796Aníbal Limón1.9 M2
6879Belen Barros Pena1.9 M2
7994Paul Eggleton1.9 M2
7833Costin1.9 M2
7571Ed Bartosh1.9 M2
6355Beth Flanagan1.9 M2
7679Beth Flanagan1.9 M2
7836Beth Flanagan1.9 M2
7560Jussi Kukkonen1.9 M2
7657Jose Lamego1.9 M2
5870Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez1.9 M2
7481Robert Yang1.9 M2
6929Mariano Lopez1.9 M2
7496Mariano Lopez1.9 M2
7890Mariano Lopez1.9 M2
7922Mariano Lopez1.9 M2
6984Michael Wood1.9 M2
7581Khem Raj1.9 M2
7886Randy Witt1.9 M2
6006Richard Purdie1.9 M2
7822Todor Minchev1.9 M2
7895Aníbal Limón1.9 M3
7154Belen Barros Pena1.9 M3
7740Belen Barros Pena1.9 M3
7743Belen Barros Pena1.9 M3
8136Brendan Le Foll1.9 M3
6942Bruce Ashfield1.9 M3
7133Costin1.9 M3
7849Costin1.9 M3
8084Beth Flanagan1.9 M3
7853Lucian Musat1.9 M3
8096Juro Bystricky1.9 M3
7589Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez1.9 M3
7642Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez1.9 M3
8020Mariano Lopez1.9 M3
8118Mariano Lopez1.9 M3
8134Markus Lehtonen1.9 M3
7582Khem Raj1.9 M3
8182Ross Burton1.9 M3
7916Todor Minchev1.9 M3
7703Tracy Graydon1.9 M3
7669Alex Franco2.0
7175Aníbal Limón2.0
7488Aníbal Limón2.0
6655Paul Eggleton2.0
6657Paul Eggleton2.0
7590Paul Eggleton2.0
8137Paul Eggleton2.0
7726brian avery2.0
8075Ed Bartosh2.0
8135Ed Bartosh2.0
6285Beth Flanagan2.0
6286Beth Flanagan2.0
7692Beth Flanagan2.0
7567Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.0
8039Michael Wood2.0
8049Michael Wood2.0
7697Naomi Dickerson2.0
8168Ross Burton2.0
7702Tracy Graydon2.0

List View









Design Complete




Patch Review



IDAssigneePESummary (39 tasks) WhiteboardMilestoneStatus
7475Paul EggletonMedium0.5bitbake-layers show-recipes filtered by classes inherited?1.9RESOLVED
7839Paul EggletonLowbitbake-layers: remove-layer: accept just layer directory1.9RESOLVED
7964Paul EggletonLowrecipetool: add sub-command to just create a bbappend1.9RESOLVED
6744Brendan Le FollMedium1extensible SDK: handle path restrictions imposed by build system1.9RESOLVED
7441Bruce AshfieldMediumdo_kernel_configme fails when patches create directories1.9RESOLVED
7340Beth FlanaganMediumPerformance issue in do_rootfs (license_create_manifest)1.9RESOLVED
4421Chen QiMedium5systemd performance improvements1.9RESOLVED
6646Richard PurdieMedium1Implement rm_old_work1.9RESOLVED
6791Richard PurdieMediumIntegrate the fetcher with a gitexternalsrc class for large team development1.9RESOLVED
7667Richard PurdieMedium1Feature request: include expanded_data in the ConfigParsed event1.9RESOLVED
7860Stephen K JolleyMediumYP 1.9 Autobuilder Enhancements (part 2)1.9RESOLVED
7069Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'makedumpfile' package inside meta-cgl1.9RESOLVED
7489Aníbal LimónMedium3AUH: Improve installation/usage1.9 M1RESOLVED
7479Cristian IorgaMedium3BlueZ 5.xx should be the default stack for Bluetooth support1.9 M1RESOLVED
7485Beth FlanaganMedium2Add SRC_URI and SRCREV selection to kernel builders1.9 M1RESOLVED
7508Beth FlanaganMedium1package_deb: Run AB in Debian and non-debian based hosts1.9 M1RESOLVED
7685Beth FlanaganMedium1KMETA/KBRANCH split for kernel override buildsets1.9 M1RESOLVED
7688Beth FlanaganMedium2Kernel props need to build SRC_URI automatically1.9 M1RESOLVED
1971Juro BystrickyMedium5Enhance BA to run in VirtualBox02 April 2014: Some web page adjustments made.1.9 M1RESOLVED
7668Richard PurdieMedium1Feature request: inject 'd' as well as 'e' into event handlers1.9 M1RESOLVED
7630Scott RifenbarkUndecided1Provide some hint for the "textrel" QA issue27 April 2015: RESOLVED1.9 M1RESOLVED
5275Paul EggletonMedium1bbnote etc just use echo1.9 M2RESOLVED
6202Bruce AshfieldMedium1Linux-yocto.bb suggests running bitbake -c devshell on do_patch failure1.9 M2RESOLVED
7652Jose LamegoMedium+10patchwork: ensure that merged patches get properly marked as such1.9 M2RESOLVED
6667Bruce AshfieldMedium1Enable DRM_CIRRUS_QEMU1.9 M3RESOLVED
7282Bruce AshfieldMedium2linux-yocto: accidentally skips patches1.9 M3RESOLVED
7348Bruce AshfieldMedium1We should use the ext4 driver for ext2/31.9 M3RESOLVED
7720Robert YangMedium10make the world build work without x11 in DISTRO_FEATURES1.9 M3RESOLVED
6559Chen QiMedium+6Construct the SDK using sstate archives1.9 M3RESOLVED
6560Chen QiMedium+5Add script to update installed SDK based on sstate manifests1.9 M3RESOLVED
8169Ross BurtonMediumbinconfig-disabled class should make config scripts print a human-readable error1.9 M3RESOLVED
7493Aníbal LimónMedium0.3AUH: Documentation changes for 1.9 work2.0RESOLVED
7591California SullivanMedium3More reliable external kernel module selection2.0RESOLVED
7653Jose LamegoMedium10patchwork: make update git hook run asynchronously2.0RESOLVED
6505Robert YangMediumMultilib Support for meta-toolchain (missing rpm support, ipk fixed)2.0RESOLVED
8389Robert YangMedium5smart: make it faster2.0RESOLVED
8404Robert YangUndecided2toolchain-shar-relocate.sh: make it faster2.0RESOLVED
7602Markus LehtonenMedium5devtool: improve handling for recipes that point to local source next to recipe2.0RESOLVED
6659Chen QiMedium+6Add new SDK publishing tool2.0RESOLVED


IDAssigneePESummary (123 tasks) WhiteboardMilestoneStatus
6835Alexandru DamianMedium+Save failed builds cooker / task logs1.9VERIFIED
7271Alexandru DamianMediumbitbake should be able to run the toasterui in daemon mode29 May 2015: Marking doc flag "done"1.9VERIFIED
6447Paul EggletonMedium3Add ability to find a target file and create a bbappend to replace it1.9VERIFIED
7028Paul EggletonMedium1Upgrade CMake to version
7966Paul EggletonLowbuildhistory should write git SHAs1.9VERIFIED
6068Ed BartoshMedium10Create wic test suite1.9VERIFIED
7118Ed BartoshMedium2wic: Add mechanism to automatically incorporate plugin help1.9VERIFIED
7593Ed BartoshMedium2wic: add a way to compact directdisk images1.9VERIFIED
7716Ed BartoshMedium10wic should support UUIDs1.9VERIFIED
7912Ed BartoshMedium0.2Improvement request for Wic error message1.9VERIFIED
7938Ed BartoshMedium0.1wic help is inconsistent1.9VERIFIED
5524Beth FlanaganMediumBuild overview should show duration for running tasks1.9VERIFIED
7978Beth FlanaganMediumAdd a "don't publish" button1.9VERIFIED
7672Igor StoppaMedium4Allow automating running wic from the build system1.9VERIFIED
7374Juro BystrickyMedium3Add support for VirtualBox VDI images1.9VERIFIED
7625Christopher LarsonMedium2Add support for devtool/recipetool plugins in additional layers1.9VERIFIED
6988Robert YangMedium5Add a populate_sdk_test task1.9VERIFIED
7907Markus LehtonenMediumdevtool: update-recipe: only update SRCREV in auto mode when changes already pushed1.9VERIFIED
6874Michael WoodMedium4Mechanism to manage size of errors database1.9VERIFIED
8255Khem RajUndecidedUse gcc 5.x as default for YP 1.91.9VERIFIED
5970Richard PurdieMedium5sstate signature generator issues1.9VERIFIED
8066Scott RifenbarkMediumAdd EXCLUDE_FROM_SHLIBS to variable reference22 Sept 2015 - RESOLVED/FIXED1.9VERIFIED
8067Scott RifenbarkMediumAdd SKIP_FILEDEPS to variable reference17 Sept 2015 - RESOLVED/FIXED1.9VERIFIED
7380Mihail StanciuMedium2UI Automation: Add IDs to toaster buttons1.9VERIFIED
6385Tracy GraydonMedium2meta-intel world1.9VERIFIED
7261Tracy GraydonMediumDo world builds for poky-lsb1.9VERIFIED
7062Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'ifenslave' package inside meta-cgl1.9VERIFIED
7063Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'mipv6-daemon-umip' package inside meta-cgl1.9VERIFIED
7064Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'openl2tp' package inside meta-cgl1.9VERIFIED
7065Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'crash' package inside meta-cgl1.9VERIFIED
7066Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'drbd' package inside meta-cgl1.9VERIFIED
7068Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'logcheck' package inside meta-cgl1.9VERIFIED
7070Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'numactl' package inside meta-cgl1.9VERIFIED
7071Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'ocfs2-tools' package inside meta-cgl1.9VERIFIED
7072Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'pam_passwdqc' package inside meta-cgl1.9VERIFIED
7073Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'samhain' package inside meta-cgl1.9VERIFIED
7074Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'ftrace' package inside meta-cgl1.9VERIFIED
7075Vaduva AlexandruMedium2Integrate 'ltt-userspace' package inside meta-cgl1.9VERIFIED
7762Alejandro HernandezMediumAdd support for Python3 pip1.9 M1VERIFIED
7763Alejandro HernandezMedium2Add support for setuptools on Python31.9 M1VERIFIED
6294Alexander KanavinMedium+7Move GStreamer 0.10 to meta-multimedia1.9 M1VERIFIED
7587Paul EggletonHigh4devtool: add ability to turn changes into a bbappend1.9 M1VERIFIED
7644Paul EggletonMediumdevtool: add should support downloading a URL1.9 M1VERIFIED
7723Paul EggletonMedium+0.5Needed a way to identify layer name in bbclass to be able to filter out packages in specific layer.1.9 M1VERIFIED
7834CostinMedium+1Support TCs under sub-folders of /lib/oeqa/1.9 M1VERIFIED
7848CostinMedium+Support external TC manifest as the input of TEST_SUITES1.9 M1VERIFIED
7451Cristian IorgaMedium+5meta-yocto BSPs don't enable NFC1.9 M1VERIFIED
5790Lucian MusatMedium10Automate test results logging in Testopia using XMLRPC interface17 June 2015: Set the documentation flag to "No"1.9 M1VERIFIED
7835Lucian MusatMedium0.5Error handling during testing -- set timeout for test case1.9 M1VERIFIED
7086Robert YangMedium0.5packagegroup-core-full-cmdline should not contain lighttpd1.9 M1VERIFIED
7585Mariano LopezMedium6RRS: Improve database queries1.9 M1VERIFIED
7495Mariano LopezMedium2RRS: Add totals in Maintainer statistics page1.9 M1VERIFIED
7706Michael WoodMedium4rename django application from orm to bitbakecollector1.9 M1VERIFIED
7709Michael WoodMedium1delete bldviewer application1.9 M1VERIFIED
7741Michael WoodMedium3Improve how we handle the no toasterconf.json files found situation1.9 M1VERIFIED
7790Michael WoodMedium1Progress/activity indicator needed for slow ajax calls1.9 M1VERIFIED
7798Michael WoodMedium2Intelligent matching of new error report to existing reports1.9 M1VERIFIED
7745Scott RifenbarkMedium1Provide a sample URL for the Django admin interface in the Toaster manual19 May 2015: RESOLVED1.9 M1VERIFIED
7803Scott RifenbarkMediumDeleting a Task section should note dependency handling01 June 2015: RESOLOVED1.9 M1VERIFIED
7377Mihail StanciuMediumUI Automation: Assign classes to table columns1.9 M1VERIFIED
7517Tanu KaskinenHigh7Proper PulseAudio integration into core-image-sato1.9 M1VERIFIED
7725Alexandru DamianMedium+2manage.py buildlist doesn't list failed builds1.9 M2VERIFIED
7796Aníbal LimónMedium+5SState: wget improvements1.9 M2VERIFIED
6879Belen Barros PenaMedium8Design image recipe customisationGUI design pending1.9 M2VERIFIED
7994Paul EggletonHighUse QemuRunner in image feature tests1.9 M2VERIFIED
7833CostinMedium+2tc.filesdir can't handle ./files/ folder under other layers1.9 M2VERIFIED
7571Ed BartoshMedium4identify and store extra-data about image-generating recipesGUI design available1.9 M2VERIFIED
6355Beth FlanaganMedium3Sync public AB builds start with RO QA team AB machines automatically1.9 M2VERIFIED
7679Beth FlanaganMedium+1Need a standard for release build names on AB1.9 M2VERIFIED
7836Beth FlanaganHigh1DISTRO_VERSION check on release builds1.9 M2VERIFIED
7560Jussi KukkonenMedium+5Remove xf86-video-modesettings driver1.9 M2VERIFIED
7657Jose LamegoMedium+5patchwork: some patches sent to the mailing list don't show up1.9 M2VERIFIED
5870Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium5buildhistory: provide files-in-package.txt report1.9 M2VERIFIED
7481Robert YangMedium5Uniq the -dev package1.9 M2VERIFIED
6929Mariano LopezMedium3Enhance archiver to allow filter on recipe name1.9 M2VERIFIED
7496Mariano LopezMedium5RRS: Upstream statistics bar improvements1.9 M2VERIFIED
7890Mariano LopezMedium2Should show how long a recipe has been "not updated"1.9 M2VERIFIED
7922Mariano LopezMedium2Sanity test that files can be created in TMPDIR1.9 M2VERIFIED
6984Michael WoodMedium4Refactoring general1.9 M2VERIFIED
7581Khem RajMedium+Add gcc 5.x as an option for 1.91.9 M2VERIFIED
7886Randy WittMedium+tcf-agent: need uprev for eclipse mars compatibility1.9 M2VERIFIED
6006Richard PurdieMedium+1Add new sstate test1.9 M2VERIFIED
7822Todor MinchevMedium5Remove local bitbake build functionality and improve recipe editor1.9 M2VERIFIED
7895Aníbal LimónLow2Tidy up recipe maintenance include files1.9 M3VERIFIED
7154Belen Barros PenaMedium5In target and machine suggestions, the layer name should be searchableproject configuration page1.9 M3VERIFIED
7740Belen Barros PenaMedium1Explain better what Toaster does in the layer checkout directory1.9 M3VERIFIED
7743Belen Barros PenaMedium1Improve the Toaster image shown in the Toaster landing page1.9 M3VERIFIED
8136Brendan Le FollHighExtensible SDK: ability to generate target packages in SDK1.9 M3VERIFIED
6942Bruce AshfieldMedium+5kernel-dev: iterative development1.9 M3VERIFIED
7133CostinMedium+1Document environment file usage15 June 2015: Checking documentation changes1.9 M3VERIFIED
7849CostinMedium+Filter proper test cases from the test case manifest file and run the filtered ones1.9 M3VERIFIED
8084Beth FlanaganMedium+We should run testsdk after populate_sdk1.9 M3VERIFIED
7853Lucian MusatMedium+Error handling during testing -- fail-safe to handle exception of DUT hang1.9 M3CLOSED
8096Juro BystrickyMedium+1Build Appliance: use ext4 instead of ext31.9 M3VERIFIED
7589Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium2devtool: add ability to disable parallelism when building1.9 M3VERIFIED
7642Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezHigh10devtool: add recipe upgrade functionality1.9 M3VERIFIED
8020Mariano LopezMedium1Display both % of work completed over planned and % of work completed over total recipes to be updatedGUI design available1.9 M3VERIFIED
8118Mariano LopezMedium+10Add support for retrieve target system status when test fails1.9 M3VERIFIED
8134Markus LehtonenHighSigning packages in the package feeds1.9 M3VERIFIED
7582Khem RajMedium+Update to glibc 2.221.9 M3VERIFIED
8182Ross BurtonHighAdd optional signing to sstate archives and signature verification1.9 M3VERIFIED
7916Todor MinchevMedium+2.5Add Eclipse Mars support1.9 M3VERIFIED
7703Tracy GraydonHigh4meta-intel-iot-devkit buildsets1.9 M3VERIFIED
7669Alex FrancoMedium1Proposal: automatically fix g+s on TMPDIR when creating TMPDIR2.0VERIFIED
7175Aníbal LimónMedium+10AUH needs buildhistory support2.0VERIFIED
7488Aníbal LimónMedium+8AUH: Use new upstream version detection2.0VERIFIED
6655Paul EggletonMedium2devtool: add ability to rebuild an image with recipe changes2.0VERIFIED
6657Paul EggletonMedium2devtool: add runqemu wrapper2.0VERIFIED
7590Paul EggletonMedium+1Avoid running do_rootfs within extensible SDK installation2.0VERIFIED
8137Paul EggletonHighExtensible SDK: ability to install needed development libraries and headers from published package feeds.2.0VERIFIED
7726brian averyLow0.5Allow "manage.py builddelete" to accept multiple buildids2.0VERIFIED
8075Ed BartoshMedium+5implement writing out custom recipe and layer files2.0VERIFIED
8135Ed BartoshHigh10Extensible SDK: ability to generate images out of binary package feeds2.0VERIFIED
6285Beth FlanaganMedium5Buildset that lets you select auto.conf vars2.0VERIFIED
6286Beth FlanaganMedium2Autobuilder developers manual2.0VERIFIED
7692Beth FlanaganMedium+3Large scale AB documentation2.0VERIFIED
7567Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium2distrodata/distro_check don't take into account proxies2.0VERIFIED
8039Michael WoodMediumBreak down the recipes table into image recipes and software recipesGUI design available2.0VERIFIED
8049Michael WoodMedium+5Make changes to orm to enable image customisation2.0VERIFIED
7697Naomi DickersonHigh14Need something to translate y-ab config files to jenkins config2.0VERIFIED
8168Ross BurtonMedium1Be clearer about using pkg-config instead of *-config scripts15 Oct 2015: IN PROGRESS REVIEW2.0VERIFIED
7702Tracy GraydonMedium+2Multibranch-git poller2.0VERIFIED

Yocto Project v1.9 and v2.0 Release Criteria

YP 1.9 Milestone 1 - Target July 10, 2015

Release Criteria Milestone 1 Target Milestone 1 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. Done [1]
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done
Package Update 70% Done - 72%
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Done - 94%
Publication The release is announced Published

YP 1.9 Milestone 2 - Target Aug. 14, 2015

Release Criteria Milestone 2 Target Milestone 2 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [2] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - Full report at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW33_-_2015-08-10_-_Full_Pass_1.9_M2.rc2
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit, Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, Fedora 21 64bit, Fedora 22 64bit, Opensuse 13.2 64bit, CentOS 7 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done
Package Update 70% Done - 78%
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Done - 94%
Publication The release is announced Published

YP 1.9 Milestone 3 - Target Sept. 11, 2015

Release Criteria Milestone 3 Target Milestone 3 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [3] Done in Triage meeting.
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW38_-_2015-09-15_-_Full_Pass_1.9_M3.rc1
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit, Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, Fedora 21 64bit, Fedora 22 64bit, Opensuse 13.2 64bit, CentOS 7 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done
Package Update 70% Done - 73%
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Done - 95%
Publication The release is announced Published

YP 2.0 / Final - Target Oct. 30, 2015

Release Criteria Milestone 4/Final Target Milestone 4/Final Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [4] Done
Bug Trend Downward trend in bug tracking during the stabilization period. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW44_-_2015-11-04_-_Full_Pass_2.0.rc3
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit, Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, Fedora 21 64bit, Fedora 22 64bit, Opensuse 13.2 64bit, CentOS 7 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW44_-_2015-11-04_-_Full_Pass_2.0.rc3
Documentation All examples are tested to be functional. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW44_-_2015-11-04_-_Full_Pass_2.0.rc3#Build_Performance_Test
Package Update 70% Done - 69%
Upstream Commits Have upstream status updated on 100% of patches (so that we can have a status update) Done - 95%
Wiki/Web Site Updated Have reviewed the Wiki and Web site to insure all is current. Done
Publication The release is announced Done

Yocto Project 2.0.1 release

Release Criteria 2.0.1 release 2.0.1 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [5] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW09_-_2016-02-24_-_Full_Pass_2.0.1.rc7
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit, Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, Fedora 21 64bit, Fedora 22 64bit, Opensuse 13.2 64bit, CentOS 7 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done
Publication The release is announced Released

Yocto Project 2.0.2 release

Release Criteria 2.0.2 release 2.0.2 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [6] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW23_-_2016-05-24_-_Full_Pass_2.0.2.rc1
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit, Fedora 23 64 bit, OpenSuse 13.2 64bit, CentOS 7 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done
Publication The release is announced Released

Yocto Project 2.0.3 release

Release Criteria 2.0.3 release 2.0.3 release
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [7] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW50_-_2016-12-09_-_QA_Cycle_2.0.3.rc6
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit, Fedora 23 64 bit, OpenSuse 13.2 64bit, CentOS 7 64 bit
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done
Publication The release is announced Released