Yocto 1.6 Features

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Yocto Project 1.6 Feature Planning

Yocto Project 1.6 release planning has been underway since Oct. 2013. We are now inviting the community to enter new features and ideas about 1.6 release in our Bugzilla. Yocto Project 1.6 is targeted to release in April, 2014. Detailed schedule of the release will be published around mid-Nov., 2013.

Yocto Project 1.6 Themes

  • Enhanced Testing and test automation
- OE-Selftest
- Automated Hardware testing
- ptest integration
- migration of Sato into hardware test interface
  • Developer Experience Improvements
- Continued development of Webhob including integrating into the core
- Autobuilder Enhancements (extended coverage, usability improvements, performance improvements)
- Commandline Bitbake improvements

Process for Entering New Feature Requests

We have been using the same Bugzilla where we manage bugs to manage all features. Features in Bugzilla should have their severity set to 'enhancement'. If you have a feature request or even an idea about something for 1.6 or future releases, please feel free to file an 'enhancement' feature in Bugzilla:

  • Set the severity of bug to be 'enhancement'. Please put as much detail as possible in the 'description' field and give it a concise and meaningful 'summary'. You can always add/edit as you have more thoughts and information about the feature. Others can also use the feature entry to ask questions or provide feedback.
  • If you know which functional category the feature belongs to, please put the bug # in appropriate category such as usability, performance, kernel, core build system, etc.
  • Set the priority you would like this to be or indicate this in the description field. We may adjust the priority when we have a better view of the whole release later on.
  • Preview your Entry to make sure it looks ok and then save it


High = Must have for the target release
Medium+ = Very important, needs special attention compared with other medium features
Medium = Important
Low = Nice to have, no defined plan

Unsorted Features (by priority)


IDRequesterSummary (12 tasks) EMilestoneAssigneeStatusSeverityPWhiteboard
5471Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Automate BSP Testing1.6Alexandru GeorgescuRESOLVEDenhancementHigh
1562Richard Purdiekernel oops style error collection server41.6Andreea Brandusa ProcaVERIFIEDenhancementHigh28 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."
1596Richard PurdieAutomate BSP Testing101.6Paul EggletonVERIFIEDenhancementHighCo-Assign with Michael
4740Stefan StanacarConsider providing an oe-selftest script to run automated tests against bitbake tools1.6Stoicescu CornelVERIFIEDenhancementHigh27 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."
5616Paul EggletonHard reset capability31.6Cristian IorgaRESOLVEDenhancementHigh18 April 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done".
5444Richard Purdie1.6 Autobuilder Enhancement Tracking bug41.6 M4Beth FlanaganRESOLVEDenhancementHigh
5441Saul WoldComplete systemd integration into OE-Core1.6 M3Chen QiVERIFIEDenhancementHigh
4137Stefan Stanacar1.6 Test Automation Tracking Bug1.6Stefan StanacarRESOLVEDenhancementHigh
4691Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - 1.6 Test Automation Tracking Bug1.6Stefan StanacarRESOLVEDenhancementHigh
5613Paul EggletonAdd ability to export tests to decouple them from the build system51.6 M3Stefan StanacarVERIFIEDenhancementHigh
5475Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Complete systemd integration into OE-Core1.6 M4Stefan StanacarVERIFIEDenhancementHigh
5614Paul EggletonAutomated testing master image generation / operation51.6 M5Stefan StanacarRESOLVEDenhancementHigh17 April 2014: Marked documentation flag to "Done".


IDRequesterSummary (61 tasks) EMilestoneAssigneeStatusSeverityPWhiteboard
4804Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify create new layer for meta-tpm that includes open-atestation1.6Alexandru GeorgescuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+
4805Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify Consider providing an oe-selftest script to run automated tests against bitbake tools1.6Alexandru GeorgescuVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+27 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."
4249Belen Barros Penabuilds: View a table of all the builds run for a certain build directory51.6 M2Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+GUI design available
3894Darren HartPiglit 3D testing1.6 M2Alexandru PalalauVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4684Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Piglit 3D testing1.6 M3Alexandru PalalauVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5464Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Create a mechanism to allow .bbappend files to use a wildcard to match version numbers1.6 M3Alexandru PalalauVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5518Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Drop Grub for Syslinux/Gummiboot1.6 M4Alexandru PalalauVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4639Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - Verify - Replace grub-efi with gummiboot11.6 M5Alexandru PalalauVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4283Belen Barros PenaDisplay the content of error messages and warnings31.6 M5Amit Kumar ChaudharyVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+GUI design available
5419Andreea Brandusa ProcaCreate a script for calculating the data collection rate.1.6Andreea Brandusa ProcaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5439Saul WoldAdd support for Qt51.6Paul EggletonVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5443Paul EggletonClean up serialisation of package file listing in pkgdata1.6Paul EggletonVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4687Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Create Interactive bitbake commandline mode1.6Stoicescu CornelRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+
4662Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Avoid circular dependencies when building initramfs that includes kernel modules11.6 M4Stoicescu CornelVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5469Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Consolidate meta-intel BSPs where possible1.6 M4Stoicescu CornelVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4328Belen Barros Penapackages: View detailed information about a package51.6 M3Dave LernerVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+GUI design available
4346Belen Barros PenaView and navigate the full directory structure of built images81.6 M4Dave LernerVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+GUI design available
4300Belen Barros PenaView detailed information about a layer51.6 M2David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4318Belen Barros Penapackages: View a table with all the packages built for an image recipe51.6 M2David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+GUI design available
4294Belen Barros Penarecipes: View a table with all the recipes included in an image recipe51.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+GUI design available
4299Belen Barros Penarecipes: View detailed information about a recipe51.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+GUI design available
4378Belen Barros Penabuildtime: View a table with build time information for tasks51.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+GUI design available
4259Belen Barros PenaView detailed configuration information for a build51.6 M4David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+GUI design available
1635Song LiuAdd gummiboot as a grub-efi alternative (was Drop Grub for Syslinux/Gummiboot)51.6 M4Darren HartVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+(Test Case Completed) Development
4082Darren HartReplace grub-efi with gummiboot21.6 M4Darren HartVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5456Darren HartConsolidate meta-intel BSPs where possible51.6 M4Darren HartVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+10 April 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."
5454Paul Eggleton[Autobuilder] Package index performance improvement1.6Beth FlanaganRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+
4258Belen Barros PenaView a summary of all the information available for a build51.6 M4Farrell WymoreVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+GUI design available
4653Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Create a custom error message to deal with missing layer directories1.6Lucian MusatRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+
4104Jason WesselNeed a method for install/update of bzImage321.6Hongxu JiaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5468Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Add support for Qt51.6Ionut ChisanoviciVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5598Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Bitbake resident server autoloading/unloading1.6Ionut ChisanoviciRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+
4641Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - Verify - Add EFI support to ISO images11.6 M1Ionut ChisanoviciVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4694Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Need a method for install/update of bzImage11.6 M1Ionut ChisanoviciVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4661Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - e2fsprogs: Integrate initial directory into mke2fs11.6 M4Ionut ChisanoviciVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4100Jason WesselAdd EFI support to ISO images31.6Jason WesselVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+(1.4.2 also)
4778Laurentiu PalcuRefactor image.bbclass101.6Laurentiu PalcuVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5666Ross Burtonopkg doesn't use run-postinsts1.6Laurentiu PalcuVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4083Darren Harte2fsprogs: Integrate initial directory into mke2fs201.6 M4Robert YangVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4275Belen Barros PenaView a table with all the tasks run for a build51.6 M2Ravi ChintakuntaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+GUI design available
4282Belen Barros PenaView detailed information about a task51.6 M3Ravi ChintakuntaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+GUI design available
5357Richard PurdieEnhance signature handling1.6 M5Richard PurdieVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+27 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."
5411Saul WoldCreate a mechanism to allow .bbappend files to use a wildcard to match version numbers1.6 M2Saul WoldVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5368Richard PurdieStop using release tarballs for main metadata releases1.6Scott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+11 March 2014: RESOLVED
5472Paul EggletonBitBake manual: copy / adjust BitBake variables1.6Scott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+22 April 2014: RESOLVED/FIXED
4682Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - kernel oops style error collection server1.6Stefan StanacarVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5467Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Enhance signature handling1.6Stefan StanacarVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5554Paul EggletonAdd abstraction for running tests on real hardware1.6 M1Stefan StanacarVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+18 April 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done".
4302Belen Barros PenaCreate a custom error message to deal with missing layer directories1.6valentinRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+
4652Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - Verify - View a table with all the recipes included in an image recipe1.6Yuan SunVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4665Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - View a table of all the builds run for a certain build directory1.6Yuan SunVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4667Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Select the number of table rows displayed per page1.6Yuan SunVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4668Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - View log files1.6Yuan SunVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4673Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - View a table with all the packages built for an image recipe1.6Yuan SunVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4666Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - View a summary of all the information available for a build1.6 M5Yuan SunVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4669Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - View detailed information about a task1.6 M5Yuan SunVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4670Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Display the content of error messages and warnings1.6 M5Yuan SunVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4671Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - View detailed information about a recipe1.6 M5Yuan SunVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4672Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - View detailed information about a layer1.6 M5Yuan SunVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4675Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - View a table with build time information for tasks1.6 M5Yuan SunVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
4699Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - View detailed configuration information for a build1.6 M5Yuan SunVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+


IDRequesterSummary (94 tasks) EMilestoneAssigneeStatusSeverityPWhiteboard
5298Belen Barros PenaAdd 'paths searched to sstate object' to the data collected about tasks1.6Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5326Belen Barros PenaShow covering tasks1.6Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5661Belen Barros Pena"Task covered by" information should include all end points1.6Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5662Belen Barros PenaAdd reverse dependency information for tasks1.6Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5366Belen Barros Pena[webhob-poky/master] in the Builds page of the simple interface, targets that are not image recipes should not be links1.6 M1Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMediumsimple
5558Alexandru Damiantoaster migrate to Django M1Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5559Alexandru Damiantoaster integrate Django South support1.6 M1Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5565Alexandru Damiantoaster packages change database tables and data collection hooks1.6 M1Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
4261Belen Barros PenaSelect the number of table rows displayed per page31.6 M3Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4255Belen Barros Penabuilds: Sort the content of the builds table31.6 M4Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4256Belen Barros Penabuilds: Search the content of the builds table41.6 M4Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4257Belen Barros Penabuilds: Filter the content of the builds table31.6 M4Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
5647Belen Barros PenaRemove the licensing_info field from the recipes table1.6 M4Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5739Belen Barros PenaMatch RDEPENDS package names to target RDEPENDS package names when packages are renamed during packaging1.6 M4Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
4625Belen Barros PenaDelete build information1.6 M5Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5812Belen Barros PenaFile information should include permissions, owner and group1.6 M5Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI; needs data completion test
5820Belen Barros PenaLink warnings to their corresponding tasks (when applicable)1.6 M5Alexandru DamianRESOLVEDenhancementMediumGUI design available; needs data completion test
5324Alexandru Palalau[distro] Consider providing distro testing solution1.6Alexandru PalalauRESOLVEDenhancementMedium08 April 2014: Setting documentation flag to "No."
5691Belen Barros PenaTask descriptions needed for Toaster1.6 M3Belen Barros PenaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium03 January 2014: Some edits
4943Belen Barros PenaProvide help information1.6 M4Belen Barros PenaRESOLVEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
2424Paul EggletonRename core images11.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium20 March 2014: Doc flag reset
4856mulhernImprove usability of bitbake -c listtasks1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium20 March 2014: Doc flag reset
5286Paul Eggletonpackage_rpm handling of MULTILIB_PREFIX_LIST needs refactoring1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5358Paul EggletonAvoid buildhistory changing do_package checksums1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5410Paul EggletonWrite installed package list to deploy dir1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium20 March 2014: Doc flag reset
2081Richard Purdie[QA/Test] We need to add scripts to stress test sstate package relocatability1.6Stoicescu CornelVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5118Cristiana Voicu[HOB] meta-hob layer should dissapear41.6 M1Cristiana VoicuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5453Belen Barros PenaRemove the image_fstypes field from the builds table1.6 M4Cristiana VoicuVERIFIEDenhancementMediumneeds test fixtures update
5649Belen Barros PenaAdd the path to the license.manifest.txt file to the build information1.6 M4Cristiana VoicuVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5778Dave LernerEnable package file table sorts by file size in the package detail views1.6 M4Dave LernerVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4254Belen Barros Penabuilds: Customise the columns of the builds table31.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI
4277Belen Barros Penatasks: Customise the columns of the tasks table31.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI
4279Belen Barros Penatasks: Search the content of the tasks table31.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4280Belen Barros Penatasks: Sort the content of the tasks table51.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4295Belen Barros Penarecipes: Customise the columns of the recipes table51.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
4296Belen Barros Penarecipes: Filter the content of the recipes table31.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
4297Belen Barros Penarecipes: Search the content of the recipes table31.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4298Belen Barros Penarecipes: Sort the content of the recipes table31.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4323Belen Barros Penapackages: Customise the columns of the packages table51.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI
4324Belen Barros Penapackages: Filter the content of the packages table31.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design pending
4326Belen Barros Penapackages: Search the content of the packages table31.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4327Belen Barros Penapackages: Sort the content of the packages table31.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4380Belen Barros Penabuildtime: Customise the columns of the build time table31.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI
4381Belen Barros Penabuildtime: Filter the content of the build time table31.6 M3David ReynaRESOLVEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4382Belen Barros Penabuildtime: Search the content of the build time table41.6 M3David ReynaRESOLVEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4383Belen Barros Penabuildtime: Sort the content of the build time table31.6 M3David ReynaRESOLVEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4387Belen Barros PenaVisualising CPU usage and disk I/O51.6 M3David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4260Belen Barros Penavariables: Customise the columns of the bitbake variables table31.6 M4David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI
4264Belen Barros Penavariables: Sort the content of the bitbake variables table51.6 M4David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4265Belen Barros Penavariables: Search the content of the bitbake variables table31.6 M4David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4266Belen Barros Penavariables: Filter the content of the bitbake variables table31.6 M4David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4865Belen Barros PenaWe need empty states for the different pages1.6 M4David ReynaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
4514Stoicescu Cornelautobuilder should create repodata folder for all branches1.6Beth FlanaganVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5450Paul Eggleton[Autobuilder] Deferred deletion of builds1.6 M2Beth FlanaganRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4404Belen Barros PenaBuild summary information fully implemented51.6 M4Farrell WymoreVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
5936Belen Barros PenaAdd license manifest path to the image dashboard page1.6 M5Farrell WymoreVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
4780Laurentiu PalcuRefactor rootfs_rpm.bbclass51.6 M3Hongxu JiaRESOLVEDenhancementMediumThe Rpm Image Creation has finished and been tested, start the incremental development.
4700Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Search the content of the bitbake variables table1.6Ionut ChisanoviciVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5337Stoicescu Cornel[QA] Optimize test case for better use of time and resources1.6Ionut ChisanoviciVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5552Ada SolcanUser should be able to edit yocto-bsp metadata location without clicking Browse1.6JessicaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
3958Stoicescu Cornelnew app needed to test directfb1.6Kai KangVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
4779Laurentiu PalcuRefactor rootfs_ipk.bbclass51.6Laurentiu PalcuRESOLVEDenhancementMediumImplementation finished, waiting after dependencies
4781Laurentiu PalcuRefactor rootfs_deb.bbclass51.6Laurentiu PalcuRESOLVEDenhancementMediumImplementation finished, waiting after dependencies
5663Ross BurtonHard to debug failing intercepts1.6Laurentiu PalcuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5704Laurentiu PalcuWrite manifest creation python class/routine1.6Laurentiu PalcuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium08 April 2014: Setting documentation flag to "No."
5442Robert Yangsanity.bbclass: check TMPDIR is not on nfs21.6 M1Robert YangRESOLVEDenhancementMedium26 March 2014: Setting documentation flag to "Done."
5113Robert Yangarchive*.bbclass: need refactor101.6 M4Robert YangRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6013Robert Yanggenext2fs: remove it11.6 M5Robert YangRESOLVEDenhancementMedium24 March 2014: Set Documentation flag to "No".
5436Mark HatleAdd the ability to specify static uid / gid pairs to be used by packages at build time for post install scripts1.6Mark HatleRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
2465Tom Zanussiadd/enable more jasperforest drivers (NTB and Crystal Beach 3 DMA/DCA drivers)51.6Nitin KambleRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
3885Nitin Kambledefine site macros for x32 in the x32-linux site config file31.6Nitin KambleRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5297Nitin KambleSupport 2013Q3 Intel Graphics Stack Release in Yocto Project1.6Nitin KambleRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5365Jack Mitchellability to set root password in cleartext51.6 M1Chen QiVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
3821Bogdan MarinescuAdd Python 3.x recipe1.6 M5Khem RajRESOLVEDenhancementMedium09 April 2014: Set documentation flag to "Done."
4278Belen Barros Penatasks: Filter the content of the tasks table41.6 M3Ravi ChintakuntaRESOLVEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
5748Belen Barros PenaBring in tasks descriptions from documentation.conf into Toaster1.6 M4Ravi ChintakuntaRESOLVEDenhancementMediumGUI
5821Belen Barros PenaAdd counters to filters1.6 M4Ravi ChintakuntaVERIFIEDenhancementMediumGUI design available
1511Koen KooiSupport versioned scm snapshots for mirroring1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4425Martin JansaPrevent including the same file twice1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5281Ross BurtonServer mode should generate port number if not set1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5301Ross BurtonAbility to track DISTRO_FEATURE use1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5717Rudolf J StreifGITSM fetcher should use ud.basecmd1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5724Gary Thomasbitbake -e sometimes is not useful1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4782Ross BurtonRemove meta-toolchain-gmae31.6Ross BurtonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium21 March 2014: Reset documentation flag to "No"
5480Ross BurtonIntegrate Wayland 1.2+1.6Ross BurtonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5591Ross Burtoncmake.bbclass should support separate build directories1.6Ross BurtonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5665Ross Burtonrun-postinsts should have native systemd support1.6Ross BurtonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5676Alexandru Georgescuremove meta-toolchain-sdk from common targets1.6Saul WoldVERIFIEDenhancementMedium23 December 2013: Updated doc flag to "Done"
1973Joshua Lock - DisabledEnhance BitBake manual1.6Scott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancementMedium10 April 2014: RESOLVED
5315Stoicescu CornelAdd documentation about what each generic task does in Yocto1.6Scott RifenbarkVERIFIEDenhancementMedium31 October 2013: RESOLVED
5770Laszlo PappDocument the default for BB_NUMBER_THREADS and PARALLEL_MAKE1.6Scott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancementMedium31 January 2014: Marked the "Documentation change" field to "Done"
5072Stefan StanacarTests need a better way of determining if a package it's installed1.6Stefan StanacarRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5495Tom Zanussiyocto-bsp 1.6 upgrade and automation enhancements101.6 M5Tom ZanussiRESOLVEDenhancementMedium11 April 2014: Documentation flag set to "Done."
5583Ross BurtonTest Weston on qemu1.6valentinRESOLVEDenhancementMedium


IDRequesterSummary (7 tasks) EMilestoneAssigneeStatusSeverityPWhiteboard
4685Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Add method to configure preferred ABI when using RPM11.6Alexandru GeorgescuRESOLVEDenhancementLow
4679Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - create infrastructure to support direct image upgarding1.6Alexandru PalalauRESOLVEDenhancementLow
1829Richard PurdieDeveloper Patch Submission Template Improvements1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementLow
3441Alexandru Georgescustaticdev-pkgs should be added to meta-toolchain-sdk too1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementLow
5406Paul Eggletondo_split_packages should set SUMMARY instead of DESCRIPTION1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementLow20 March 2014: Doc flag reset
1894Robert YangIncremental ipk image generation101.6 M4Hongxu JiaRESOLVEDenhancementLow(Test Case Ready)
5486Tom ZanussiUpdate kernel lab to 1.5 (dora)1.6 M3Tom ZanussiRESOLVEDenhancementLow


IDRequesterSummary (4 tasks) EMilestoneAssigneeStatusSeverityPWhiteboard
5847Belen Barros Penalink orm_logmessage entries to a task when applicable1.6 M3Alexandru DamianVERIFIEDenhancementUndecidedneeds data completion test
5529Robert YangSplit PACKAGES into PACKAGES_DEV, PACKAGES_DBG and so on51.6 M3Robert YangRESOLVEDenhancementUndecided
5556Robert YangA way to force all the recipes rebuild51.6 M4Robert YangRESOLVEDenhancementUndecided
5557Robert YangAn easy way to build recipe from source51.6 M4Robert YangRESOLVEDenhancementUndecided


IDRequesterSummary (176 tasks) EMilestoneAssigneeStatusSeverityPWhiteboard
12912Leon WoestenbergRe-architect fit-image.bbclass rather than continue with wrong kernel-fitimage.bbclass approachFutureAdrianNEWenhancementMedium
14805Behan WebsterA web based playground for experimenting with bitbake variable expansionFutureBehan WebsterNEWenhancementMedium+
1525Matthew McClintock[multilib] Triggering building a 64 bit kernel with a 32 bit userspace10FutureBruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS DESIGNenhancementMedium
2267Darren HartIntegrate DISTRO_FEATURES with KERNEL_FEATURES25FutureBruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS DESIGN COMPLETEenhancementMedium
2348Mark HatleCleanup package.bbclass - runstrip and split_and_strip_files checks for kernel modulesFutureBruce AshfieldACCEPTEDenhancementLow
6022Darren Hartkernel-dev: How do I know which features are available for KERNEL_FEATURES ?2FutureBruce AshfieldIN PROGRESS DESIGN COMPLETEenhancementMedium
9480Robert Yanglinux-yocto: make it work with arm big endian7FutureBruce AshfieldACCEPTEDenhancementMedium
11807California Sullivankernel tooling should support building in firmware3.5FutureBruce AshfieldNEWenhancementMedium
4402Belen Barros PenaCustomise the summary of all the information available for one build + image recipe combination10FutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementLow
6095Belen Barros PenaRetrieve full build information independently of task execution4FutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementMedium
6670Alexandru Damianall compatible recipes page should link to layer source recipe with the layer nameFutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementLow
6778Belen Barros PenaAdd "import layer" to layer suggestions drop downFutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementLowproject configuration page
6794Belen Barros PenaAdd last commit information to Toaster4FutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementMediumGUI design available, layer details page
6978Belen Barros PenaFor the local release in Toaster, show local path to layer directory instead of Git URLFutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementLowproject configuration page
7457Belen Barros PenaSplit "Previous Build" tasksFutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementLow
7588Paul Eggletondevtool: improve devtool build output5FutureDavid ReynaIN PROGRESS DESIGNenhancementMedium
7637Paul Eggletondevtool: add: interactive recipe creation5FutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementMedium
8769Belen Barros PenaIntegrating wic into ToasterFutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementLow
9895brian averyProvide UI to allow local layers to be published to layerindex.FutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementMedium
9918brian averyUse bitbakes fetcher code to grab layers, do checkouts, etc.FutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementMedium
10633David ReynaAdd optional layers selection toolFutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementMedium
13245David ReynaToaster visualization proposalsFutureDavid ReynaNEWenhancementMedium
14846Jacob KroonAdd possibility of dumping depsig.* from sstate-cacheFutureJacob KroonNEWenhancementLow
4091Jeff PolkAdd support to bitbake fetcher to fetch files from bare repos for PREMIRRORSFutureRobert YangNEWenhancementMedium
11314Patrick Ohlyshell parser: support $(( ))2FutureMarkNEWenhancementMedium
11975Joshua LockScript to validate tap devices3FutureNew Comer BugsNEWenhancementMedium
14062Randy MacLeodShould we support native builds and ptest for all/most packagesFutureRandy MacLeodNEWenhancementLow
2872Paul Eggletonfetch/git: Implement gitpkgv functionality in fetcherFutureRichard PurdieNEWenhancementLow
3433Saul WoldCreate Interactive bitbake commandline mode15FutureRichard PurdieNEWenhancementMedium
3498Martin JansaRDEPENDS of packages created by PACKAGES_DYNAMIC not built before image rootfsFutureRichard PurdieNEWenhancementLow
4143Jason WesselSupport real-time logging when using bitbake interactively5FutureRichard PurdieNEWenhancementMedium
4836Chen QiMake update-alternatives mechanism in OE/Yocto more robust10FutureRichard PurdieNEWenhancementMedium
5709Stoicescu CornelAdd possibility to control event handlers orderFutureRichard PurdieNEWenhancementMedium
5799Trevor Woerneradd standardized MAINTAINERS infrastructureFutureRichard PurdieNEWenhancementLow
5839Stoicescu CornelAdd automated tests for hard dependencies and setscene tasks.FutureRichard PurdieNEWenhancementMedium
6370Stoicescu CornelQA/oe-selftest: add test suite for recipe testingFutureRichard PurdieNEWenhancementMedium
7985Paul EggletonVariable typing support within BitBake15FutureRichard PurdieNEWenhancementMedium
9643Paul EggletonAdd a means of showing which variables triggered confighash changeFutureRichard PurdieNEWenhancementMedium
12634Richard PurdieImplement new bitbake shell functionalityFutureRichard PurdieNEWenhancementMedium
7327Michael WoodAdd git hook to update bug status4FutureRoss BurtonNEWenhancementMedium
8606Jussi KukkonenEvaluate using connman-gtk instead of connman-gnome3FutureRoss BurtonNEWenhancementMedium
14072Yann Dirsonmodification to BB_BASEHASH_IGNORE_VARS from within recipe should trigger a warningFutureSimone WeißIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATIONenhancementMedium
9005Belen Barros PenaProvide build cancellation functionality for command line buildsFutureSujith HACCEPTEDenhancementMedium
7037Paul EggletonSupport for perl in "recipetool create"4FutureTim OrlingIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATIONenhancementMedium
9651Aníbal LimónError report web: Optimize searching times3FutureTim OrlingNEWenhancementMedium
5255Belen Barros PenaProvide access to tasks executable output in Toaster5FutureToaster default assigneeACCEPTEDenhancementMediumGUI design pending
5648Belen Barros PenaAdd a field license_files to package information3FutureToaster default assigneeACCEPTEDenhancementMedium
5811Belen Barros Penathe variable history should collect and display the variable value for each modification sequence5FutureToaster default assigneeACCEPTEDenhancementLowGUI design available; needs data completion test
6234David ReynaImplement model for project owner / user2FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
6603Belen Barros PenaExport / Import Toaster projectsFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
6604Belen Barros PenaClone a Toaster projectFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementLowGUI design pending
6712Belen Barros PenaModify the default Bootstrap behaviour of tooltips and popovers triggered on hover4FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
6898Belen Barros PenaDesign Toaster configuration interfaceFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
6910Michael WoodUse sticky headers for long tables4FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
6915Paul EggletonToaster should handle ASSUME_PROVIDEDFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
6916Paul EggletonToaster should turn QA check names in warnings / errors into linksFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
6953JohnBranding SupportFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
7110Bill MillsBuilds of "world" are pretty ugly in toaster UIFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
7235Alexandru Damianwarn the user about unexpected configuration changes in variable historyFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
7240Paul EggletonAdd declaration of image output file globs for Toaster1FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
7596Alexandru Damianvariable type support in project configuration pages4FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
7747Belen Barros PenaImprove messaging when Toaster is launched with no releases set4FutureToaster default assigneeACCEPTEDenhancementMediumGUI design pending
8036brian averyRequest to allow people to set pagination to all4.5FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementLow
8095Tiago RamosTable results should be sorted in alphabetical order and other secondary criterias.4FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementLowGUI design available
8218Belen Barros PenaProvide a way to update layer information from the Toaster GUI5FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
8366Michael WoodBuild the specific recipe versionFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
8424Alexandru RomanToaster: Compatible recipes tab should display the machine compatible recipes3FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
8425Alexandru RomanToaster: A warning should be displayed when you delete a layer dependency4FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementLowGUI design pending
8434Alexandru RomanToaster: package classes (rpm, ipk or deb) should be display in the build configuration page4FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementLowGUI design pending
8488Belen Barros PenaCollect variable information for the image scopeFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
8705Belen Barros PenaStore valid values for variables in the Toaster databaseFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
8857Belen Barros PenaDisplay number of search / filter results consistently across tables3FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementLow
8858Belen Barros PenaWe should keep sorting state in our tables3FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementLow
8859Belen Barros PenaProvide a way of specifying the default sort direction in ToasterTable4FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementLow
8866Elliot SmithHome-brew JSON encoding is ad hoc and incompleteFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
8896Belen Barros PenaEnable sorting by number of dependenciesFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
8955Igor StoppaRecipe explorerFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
8959Mirela RabuleaAllow Toaster to run images on simulator, even a custom oneFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
9297Henry BruceToaster: Simplify building extensible SDK5FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
9518Belen Barros PenaRationalise the directory structure generated by Toaster3FutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
9519Belen Barros PenaConsolidate used API into it's own view10FutureToaster default assigneeIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATIONenhancementMedium
9856Elliot SmithMigrate remaining tables to ToasterTableFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementLow
9914Belen Barros PenaFor imported layers, remember the value of the last directory and the last Git repositoryFutureToaster default assigneeNEWenhancementMedium
1598Richard PurdieAdd remote layer support5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
1795Darren HartSimplify core-image-minimal-initramfs and reduce dependencies3FutureUnassignedACCEPTEDenhancementLow
1953Beth FlanaganLicense Compliance: Create License Responsibility File2FutureUnassignedACCEPTEDenhancementLow
2549Ross Burton[USE CASE] Support live images on emulated targets (hddimg for kvm)3FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
3059Ross Burtonpsplash doesn't blend if image contains alpha channelFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
4011Richard PurdieMerge machine specific config recipes into one recipe to rule them allFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
4063Seebspseudo's logging and diagnostics are not very clearFutureUnassignedIN PROGRESS DESIGNenhancementMedium
4120Ross Burtonrootfs_deb doesn't support BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS10FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
4331Belen Barros PenaVisualising single package size5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
4517Beth FlanaganSPDX license calculation tool10FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
4976Bryan EvensonAdd flag for package to signal reboot is required after installationFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
5399Martin JansaAnalyze Sharing PR server between builders with different metadata1FutureUnassignedACCEPTEDenhancementMedium
5421Martin DonnellySupport multiple MACHINE installs per SDK10FutureUnassignedACCEPTEDenhancementLow
5429Paul EggletonAdd ability for SDK-from-image to pick up additional host/target tools automaticallyFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
5574Paul EggletonAdd kernel configuration check mechanismFutureUnassignedIN PROGRESS DESIGNenhancementLow
5605Paul EggletonAdd ptest for ffmpegFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
5883Paul EggletonAdd ability to specify locale base directoryFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
5955Jonathan LiuEnhance PATCHTOOL = "git" to be able to pop off patch seriesFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
6372Christopher LarsonFeature request: recipe hook for source tree preparationFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
6434VolkerAdd option to package .py/.pyc/both in Python packagesFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
6649Paul EggletonAbility to report locked sigs delta5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
6764Jonathan LiuEnforce a specific allowed list of Licenses3FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
6840Belen Barros PenaSeeing builds delta in ToasterFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
6855Paul EggletonAdd comprehensive regression tests for shared state functionality5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
6862Darren Hartinput subsystem testing5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
6897Belen Barros PenaCustomise the Django admin interfaceFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
7038Belen Barros PenaFor cached tasks, indicate in which URL the sstate object was foundFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
7219Belen Barros PenaShow the file size of the license manifest when available for download in the build dashboardFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLowbuild dashboard page
7234Alexandru Damianwarn the user if the project configuration settings aren't reflected in the build10FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending, still (2021)
7294Ionut ChisanoviciFor QA Issues errors and warnings, toaster should recognize the error and provide suggestions to the user on how the error can be repairedFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLowGUI design pending
7636Paul Eggletonrecipetool: basic spec file conversion5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
7710Paul Eggletondevtool: deploy-target: interact with target packaging where available5FutureUnassignedIN PROGRESS DESIGNenhancementMedium
7727Paul Eggletontoaster: show bbappend information for recipes4FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
7742Belen Barros PenaToaster: Remove constraints when setting the layers checkout directoryFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
7748Belen Barros PenaProvide a way to do a Toaster cleanup and start again if you get the initial set up wrongFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
7792Paul EggletonLayer compatible branches expansion (parse LAYERSERIES_COMPAT)5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
7794Tiago RamosDesign Toaster First UseFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
7800Pau Espin Pedrolsystemd.bbclass doesn't check for services in systemd/user/ directory3FutureUnassignedACCEPTEDenhancementMedium
7827Paul EggletonHandle if bitbake server code changes when memory residentFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
8426Belen Barros PenaImprove how we display layer dependencies6FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
8577Michael WoodAdd a global UI widget to show progress of buildsFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLowGUI design pending
8677Paul EggletonLayer index: allow searching the metadataFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
8714Paul EggletonPatchwork: display notification in series view when a build is started using the series5FutureUnassignedIN PROGRESS DESIGNenhancementMedium
8715Paul EggletonUpdate patchwork / build status page on patch test build completion2FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
8729Mariano Lopezgrub: create a script to boot between rootfs and a maintenance partition3FutureUnassignedIN PROGRESS REVIEWenhancementMedium
8760Benjamin EsquivelAutobuilder additional task log availability2FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
8789Paul EggletoneSDK: allow disabling devtool subcommands based on capabilities2FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
8928Randy WitteSDK: add a way to prepare the sdk for offline usage3FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
9153Belen Barros PenaEnhance build performance data4FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMediumGUI design pending
9242Ross BurtonRelocate segments in native binaries when restoring from sstate4FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
9387Paul EggletoneSDK: add image customisation functionality5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
9391Robert Yangrefactor syslinux.bbclass, grub-efi-cfg.bbclass and systemd-boot-cfg.bbclass5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
9588Randy WittCreate a method for describing builds and desired output. aka a build descriptor5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
9589Randy WittCreate a script for consuming a "build descriptor"5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
9760Paul EggletonMake it easier to set up your own derivative layer index10FutureUnassignedIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATIONenhancementMedium
9821Benjamin Esquivelcreate a configuration for a deployable autobuilder cluster5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
10203Patrick Ohlyprefer specialized image creation methods over chainingFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
10422Stephano Cetoladevtool: reusing sources/patches from Fedora public repos requires changes to rpm & lua5FutureUnassignedACCEPTEDenhancementLow
10452brian averyallow the samba container to host multiple volumes2FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
10453brian averyadd .inputrc file for the default users so the up arrow history works0.5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
10505Paul EggletoneSDK: make it easier to track changes to the metadata2FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
10600Paul EggletoneSDK: add a more practical means of adding components at build time1FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
10622Markus Lehtonenbuildstats: use JSON format3FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
10728Jose Perez CCreate Test Plan to verify functionallity of the combo-layer script5FutureUnassignedACCEPTEDenhancementLow
10790Ross BurtonRun SDK tests inside container5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
10847Benjamin Esquiveltestimage: add the ability to test dynamic IP addr targetsFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
11196Paul EggletonLayerIndex: Opt-in email notifications on parse errors5FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
11350Paul EggletoneSDK: should handle SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}"2FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
11397Markus Lehtonenoe-build-perf-report: show blocking tasks4FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
11398Markus Lehtonenoe-build-perf-report: interactive timeline selection in the html report3FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
11458Markus Lehtonenoe-build-perf-report: improve tooltips of html report2FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
11466Patrick OhlyTPM 2.0 support (under qemu)3FutureUnassignedIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATIONenhancementMedium
11504Paul EggletoneSDK: allow rolling back to a previous version3FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
11505Paul EggletoneSDK: move SDK subcommands out to a separate command3FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
11546Markus Lehtonenoe-build-perf-report: implement thresholds for measurement results3FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
11677Henry BruceeSDK: add layer management functionality6FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
12046Ross BurtonAllow shared-mime-info to just install the cache2FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
12296Robert Bergerstandalone wic in "classic" SDKFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
12599Paul EggletonShow layer dependencies recursivelyFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium+
12716Ross BurtonReplace unfs3 with nfs-ganesha?FutureUnassignedIN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATIONenhancementMedium
12971Robert Bergerexpose poky package metadataFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
13025 WIC image install support2FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium+
13303Adrian Bunkgit fetcher should verify tags for releasesFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
13343Robert YangMake INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP_FILES support wildcard2FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
13362alicefeSDK adding packages layerFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
13643Richard PurdieFind a way to support containers on the existing autobuilder workers8FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
14409Randy MacLeodMake some or most python exceptions ask the user to open a bugFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
14881Frans Meulenbroeksautomatic package-indexFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementLow
15013Ross BurtonSDK archiving should reuse image_types logicFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
15219Khem RajSubmit Toolchain testsuite results to upstream projects e.g. gccFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
15248Chris LaplanteConsider migrating oe-selftest to pytestFutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
15305Jeremy A. PuhlmanImplementation of packaging tools CVE reporting.FutureUnassignedNEWenhancementMedium
15249Yoann CongalNotify the maintainers of unimplemented ptestsFutureYoann CongalNEWenhancementMedium