Yocto 1.2 Milestone Test Report

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This page is to hold Milestone Test Report for Yocto 1.2

Yocto 1.2 M4 RC5 Fullpass Test Report

This is the Fullpass test result for 1.2 M4 RC5. In last test circle, the 2 critical bugs(pseudo-nativesdk issue and Hob can’t launch when sanity network check fail) in RC4 are got fixed. There are only 3 new minor issues reported, one for Hob(bug 2371), which is exceptional situation such as out of memory, we should handle the internal state for hob, one is for ADT that users can't import or create Bitbake Commander Project if sanity network check fail(bug 2372), another is for Build Appliance that no xdg-open in self-hosted image(bug 2370).

All features on BPSs and QEMUs work well, with 4 old open bugs, they are i2c_transfer error on e-Menlow; Xorg eats lots of CPU time after standby on Crownbay-emgd; Fotowall doesn't run on qemumips and Glib-Gobject-warning when launch connman-properties on qemux86-64.

For ADT, most features perform well, except that clutter run failed on qemux86/x86-64, 32bit kernel generated oprofile data file can’t be read by remote 64bit operation and can't import or create BC Project if sanity network check fail.

For Hob, QA test it against latest poky/denzil branch with commit d20a24310eb43fed9a3f3e75752c9ad45a18cbe4, with only one minor issue found that we should handle the exception out of memory.

For Core build features, the only new issue reported is that no xdg-open in Build Appliance. For the other features(including x32, non-GPLv3, multilib, yocto-bsp/kernel tools, etc), their status are same as RC4 test result - the major issue is that multilib could not work with -sdk and ipk build.

For Distribution testing, N+1 testing is performed against CentOS/Ubuntu/Opensuse/Fedora. The build issues on Opensuse 12.2 Milestone 2 and Fedora 17 Alpha still exist, world build on all distributions is still on-going. We will double check bug 2363 against Fedora 17 Beta. For Build performance, one qemux86 sato build on a Core i7 machine costs 111 minutes, which is almost the same as the result in 1.2 M4 RC4 build(110 minutes)

Test Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC5 Test Result Summary.JPG

Test detail Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC5 Detailed Test Result.JPG

  • You can check the detailed test result in attachment for each target.
  • The failed/blocked case number is listed with failed cases’ bug number.

Distribution Test:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC5 Test Distribution Test.JPG

Commit Information:

Tree/Branch: denzil

Commit id: 35196ff703726addf7f4051ee09d70bf9ee0c5d0

Meta branch :master

Commit id: 8024d571900fb1244316ec96dd867fcb4cedfc89

For Hob

Tree/Branch: denzil

Commit id: d20a24310eb43fed9a3f3e75752c9ad45a18cbe4

Issue Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC5 Issue Summary.JPG

Yocto 1.2 M4 RC4 Fullpass Test Report

Here is the Fullpass Test Report for Yocto 1.2 M4 RC4 build.There are 7 new bugs found. The two critical bugs are pseudo-nativesdk not working correctly on FC16 32bit or OpenSuse 12.1 64bit(bug 2351), and another for hob that is could not launch Hob or run bitbake if sanity network check fail(bug 2361); 3 bugs for Core build system include 2 for multilib, which could not work with -sdk image and ipk buildl, PACKAGE_ARCHS cause wrong packages installed into image. Two new bugs for distribution testing, pseudo-native failed to compile on opensuse12.1 64bit and core-image-sato-sdk failed to do do_rootfs on fedora17 64bit. All BSPs and QEMU targets work well without major issue, there are 3 open bugs, CPU utilization is high level after standby on crownbay; I2C_transfer error on eMenlow and connman-property launch with Glib-Gobject-warning on qemux86-64 image. For ADT, except clutter and the new issue of pseudo-nativesdk , all features work well except the old bug 32bit kernel generated oprofile data file can’t be read by remote 64bit operation.For Hob, the only issue is bug 2361, which may cause Hob launch fail. For Core build system, all functions could work well except for Multilib. For Distribution testing, N+1 testing is performed against CentOS/Ubuntu/Opensuse/Fedora. The build issue on Opensuse 12.2 Milestone 2 still exist. so until now, poky build fail on three distributions, they are opensuse12.1 64bit, Opensuse 12.2 Milestone 2 and Fedora 17 Alpha.For Build performance, one qemux86 sato build on a Core i7 machine costs 111 minutes, which is almost the same as the result in 1.2 M4 RC3 build(110 minutes)

Test Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC4 Test Result Summary1.png Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC4 Test Result Summary2.png

Test detail Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC4 Detailed Test Result.png

  • You can check the detailed test result in attachment for each target.
  • The failed/blocked case number is listed with failed cases’ bug number.

Distribution Test:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC4 Test Distribution Test.png

Commit Information:

Tree/Branch: denzil Commit id: 2c3d4f5beee8f57a74244495511b9294df1085ea

Meta branch: master Commit id: f75f9b6f68473eb0efac802409608f8389be0030

Issue Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC4 Issue Summary.png

Yocto 1.2 M4 RC3 Fullpass Test Report

Here is the Fullpass Test Report for Yocto 1.2 M4 RC3 build. There are 6 new bugs found. The most critical one is for routerstationpro which blocked all cases on routerstationpro , reported as bug 2292; There are 3 new minor bugs reported for build appliance, x32 and Hob, as bug 2324, 2300 and 2325; 2 bugs are new reported for ADT that libpseudo.so can’t find GLIBC_2.14 and glxgears fail in qemux86/x86-64. Except routerstationpro , all BSPs and QEMU targets work well without major issue, there are 4 open bugs , they are: unable to set the static IP on all BSPs and qemu target, CPU utilization is high level after standby on crownbay; I2C_transfer error on eMenlow and connman-property launch with Glib-Gobject-warning on qemux86-64 image. For Hob testing, it is based on master with commit 720fe9e371eef16da19df0885188aa0341ad2090, there is only minor issue found with it that “View files” does not work on Ubuntu 11.04. All the other functions could work well.For ADT, except clutter, all features work well except the old bug 32bit kernel generated oprofile data file can’t be read by remote 64bit operation.For distribution testing, N+1 testing is performed against CentOS/Ubuntu/Opensuse/Fedora. The build issues on Fedora 17 Alpha and Opensuse 12.2 Milestone 2 still exist.For Core build feature, most functions could work, except for multilib. There are some new failures with multilib, which we do not submit bugs for them since developers already have fixing patches. Except for build appliance, all the other components are based on RC3. Build appliance is based on master with commit 720fe9e371eef16da19df0885188aa0341ad2090. Yocto-bsp tool fails to create layer against json file since Tom’s fixing patch is not in RC3 yet. For build performance, one qemux86 sato build on a Core i7 machine costs 110 minutes, which is almost the same as the result in 1.2 M4 RC2 build(112 minutes)

Test Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC3 Test Result Summary1.png Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC3 Test Result Summary2.png

Test detail Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC3 Detailed Test Result.png

  • You can check the detailed test result in attachment for each target.
  • The failed/blocked case number is listed with failed cases’ bug number.

Distribution Test:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC3 Test Distribution Test.png

Commit Information:

For Blacksand/Crownbay/Sugarbay/Jasperforest/eMenlow Tree/Branch: Poky/1.2_M4 Commit id: 14286fe71e037ce895f01b51ac66a8986100b18f Meta branch: master Commit id: b669b9363197a6af2014c5d54b2c651894e62a5e

For qemuarm/qemumips/qemuppc/qemux86/qemux86-64/ADT/eclipse-plugin/toolchain/Beagleboard/ Routerstationpro/Mpc8315e-rdb Tree/Branch: Poky/1.2_M4 Commit id: fae1c7a5fdcea199338b5f91efaafd7c72aec5dd

For HOB/Build appliance: Tree/Branch: Poky/master Commit id: 720fe9e371eef16da19df0885188aa0341ad2090

Issue Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC3 Issue Summary.png

Yocto 1.2 M4 RC3 Weekly Test Report

Here is the weekly Test Report for Yocto 1.2 M4 RC3 build. Only 3 bug found, one for routerstationpro which blocked all cases on routerstationpro , reported as bug 2292. One is for hob which failing to add meta-yocto layer, one minor issue for ADT repo setup for 1.2_M4 rc3 testing circle. Except routerstationpro, all BSPs and QEMU targets work well without major issue, there are 4 open bugs , they are: unable to set the static IP on all BSPs and qemu target, CPU utilization is high level after standby on crownbay; I2C_transfer error on eMenlow and connman-property launch with Glib-Gobject-warning on For Hob testing against poky/master branch with commint 2ddf7d3e8326e8cb07101ddb2d6e5dc6866371e2, there are one new bugs reported that fail to add meta-yocto layer in hob and poky tree. Most functions could work well in Hob. For ADT, until now only found one minor issue about the new repo setup for this test circle. For distribution testing, N+1 testing is performed against CentOS/Ubuntu/Opensuse/Fedora. Fedora 16,Opensuse 12.1,Centos 5.6 and Centos 5.6 build pass, Fedora 17 Alpha and Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 1 are still running.

Test Summary:

Weekly Yocto1.2 M4 RC3 Test Result Summary.png Weekly Yocto1.2 M4 RC3 Test Result Summary2.png

Test detail Summary:

Weekly Yocto1.2 M4 RC3 Detailed Test Result.png

  • You can check the detailed test result in attachment for each target.
  • The failed/blocked case number is listed with failed cases’ bug number.

Distribution Test:

Weekly Yocto1.2 M4 RC3 Test Distribution Test.png

Commit Information:

For Blacksand/Crownbay/Sugarbay/Jasperforest/eMenlow Tree/Branch: Poky/1.2_M4 Commit id: 14286fe71e037ce895f01b51ac66a8986100b18f Meta branch: master Commit id: b669b9363197a6af2014c5d54b2c651894e62a5e

For qemuarm/qemumips/qemuppc/qemux86/qemux86-64/ADT/eclipse-plugin/toolchain/Beagleboard/ Routerstationpro/ Mpc8315e-rdb Tree/Branch: Poky/1.2_M4 Commit id: fae1c7a5fdcea199338b5f91efaafd7c72aec5dd

For HOB: Tree/Branch: Poky/master Commit id: 2ddf7d3e8326e8cb07101ddb2d6e5dc6866371e2

Issue Summary:

Weekly Yocto1.2 M4 RC3 Issue Summary.png

Yocto 1.2 M4 RC2 Fullpass Test Report

Here is the Fullpass Test Report for Yocto 1.2 M4 RC2 build. There are totally 46 bugs found in this testing, with 9 new bugs reported. All M4 testable features in 1.2 are covered in M4 RC2 testing, including yocto-bsp/kernel, multilib, Hob, etc. BSP and QEMU targets work well without major issue. The only 2 new issues on BSPs are connman-property launch failure and and Glib-Gobject-warning, no login via serial console on beagleboard. For Hob testing against poky/master branch with commint 190f6d791d51aaa4cfb9f1cf932bc205ff674fb5, there are 3 new bugs reported. Most functions could work well in Hob, hob-toochain may build pass but it depends on image profile. Inconformity recipes when change machine; uses can’t remove meta-yocto layer. For Core build system, there are 1 new bugs reported, Archive source failed when build image. Other issues like disk monitor and image build with PAM could not work, Multilib build appliance could not work at all.For ADT, except for Clutter template creation, most functions could work well and glxgears can work well on most host machine. A new minor issue is reported for ADT installer with ppc kernel. For distribution testing, N+1 testing is performed against CentOS/Ubuntu/Opensuse/Fedora. Two new bugs are CentOS 5.6 x86 failed to compile gdb and Fedora 17 alpha x86-64 failed to compile mklibs-native. For build performance, one qemux86 sato build on a Core i7 machine costs 112 minutes, which saves 13.8% time than the result in 1.2 M4 RC1 build(130 minutes)

Test Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC2 Test Result Summary1.png Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC2 Test Result Summary2.png

Test detail Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC2 Detailed Test Result.png

  • You can check the detailed test result in attachment for each target.
  • The failed/blocked case number is listed with failed cases’ bug number.

Distribution Test:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC2 Test Distribution Test.png

Commit Information:

Tree/Branch:1.2_M4 Commit id: 27aa5489fb40d99c58bb2a4bbf2311e2c502a091

Meta branch: master Commit id: f89405e115d73426c8a6450b6e795b5885d6bdf3

HOB Information: Tree/Branch: Poky/master Commint id: 190f6d791d51aaa4cfb9f1cf932bc205ff674fb5

Issue Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC2 Issue Summary1.png Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC2 Issue Summary2.png

Yocto 1.2 M4 RC2 Weekly Test Report

Here is the weekly test result for 1.2 M4 RC2, included some fullpass cases. Only 3 new bugs found, 2 for hob, removing meta-yocto layer meet with OE-core's error and Inconformity recipes when change machine, 1 minor bug for autobuilder, wrong kernel version information for some BSPs. All features on BPSs and qemu work well, expect no connman icon on top bar which blocked setting static IP address. For Hob, except for the 2 new bugs, there are 3 old open bugs, BB_NUMBER_THREADS and PARALLEL_MAKE do not work, template file and hob-image.bb file still has incomplete package information. For Core build system, there is no new bug met also. self-hosted testing is still blocked due to incorrect path of sudoers when generating self-hosted image. The bug should be fixed in master and QA will test it in RC3. Multilib still could not work. For yocto-bsp/kernel tools, basic function could work but there are 2 minor issues found. Up to now, we verify 3 old bugs, for multilib bug 2215 - [multilib] core-image-sato build pass but X not up, which seems a duplicated bug of 1538. For ADT, the bug 2055 ADT-installer failed to install PPC Target architectures is fixed.

Test Summary:

Weekly Yocto1.2 M4 RC2 Test Result Summary.png Weekly Yocto1.2 M4 RC2 Test Result Summary2.png

Test detail Summary:

Weekly Yocto1.2 M4 RC2 Detailed Test Result.png

  • You can check the detailed test result in attachment for each target.
  • The failed/blocked case number is listed with failed cases’ bug number.

Commit Information:

Tree/Branch:1.2_M4 Commit id: 27aa5489fb40d99c58bb2a4bbf2311e2c502a091

Meta branch: master Commit id: f89405e115d73426c8a6450b6e795b5885d6bdf3

Issue Summary:

Weekly Yocto1.2 M4 RC2 Issue Summary 1.png

Yocto 1.2 M4 RC1 Fullpass Test Report

This is the Fullpass Test Report for Yocto 1.2 M4 RC1 build. There are totally 36 bugs found in this testing, with 20 new bugs reported. All M4 testable features in 1.2 are covered in M4 RC1 testing, including yocto-bsp/kernel, multilib, Hob, etc. More distributions are added into distro testing. BSP and QEMU targets work well without major issue. The only 2 new issues on BSPs are connman-property launch failure and no login via serial console on beagleboard. For Hob, there are 4 new bugs reported. Most functions could work well in Hob, except that toolchain build could not work; BB_NUMBER_THREADS and PARALLEL_MAKE could not work; template file and hob-image .bb file has incomplete package information. For Core build system, there are 10 new bugs reported. Disk monitor and image build with PAM could not work. multilib, x32 and build appliance could not work at all. For ADT, except for Clutter template creation, most functions could work well. A new minor issue is reported for ADT installer with ppc. For distribution testing, N+1 testing is performed against CentOS/Ubuntu/Opensuse/Fedora. CentOS 5.x could not run bitbake due to old version of python. Opensuse 12.2 M2 failed to compile m4-native. For build performance, one qemux86 sato build on a Core i7 machine costs 130 minutes, which saves 2% time than the result in 1.2 M3 RC1 build(133 minutes).

Test Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC1 Test Result Summary-1.JPG Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC1 Test Result Summary-2.JPG

Test detail Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC1 Detailed Test Result.JPG

  • You can check the detailed test result in attachment for each target.
  • The failed/blocked case number is listed with failed cases’ bug number.

Commit Information:


Commit id: 4d9f4d6ac25f39fe6d5491d05c7a26195bab648b

Meta branch: master

Commit id:f89405e115d73426c8a6450b6e795b5885d6bdf3

Distribution test summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC1 Distro Test Result.JPG

Issue Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC1 Issue Summary-1.JPG Fullpass Yocto1.2 M4 RC1 Issue Summary-2.JPG

Yocto 1.2 M3 RC1 Fullpass Test Report

This is the current fullpass test status for Yocto 1.2-M3 RC1 build. There are 10 new bugs found and 4 bugs fixed for this build. Crownbay testing is blocked due to build failure. Multilib and meta-x32 could not work. build nonGPLv3 image failed for util-linux-native-2.21-r0 (There is fixing patch on master for the issue). There is no distribution specific issue found against Fedora, Opensuse, Ubuntu and Centos.

Some of ADT test cases blocked due to Glxgears failed, testing is against ubuntux86-64 OS and FC16-x86 OS and 3 bugs found. ADT-installer failed to install PPC Target architectures. Fail to build project based on Clutter with target arch arm/mips/ppc. the version of lttng mismatch between qemu target and eclipse.

For HOB,the testing is against master(a439d32dd84…).since there are some patches not in master, some bugs still exist. There are 2 new bugs found. Sato build has no X related packages. parsing could not return with Server/Client mode.

QEMU target and BSPS could work well without issue. Both Crashme/Helltest testing on Jasperforest and LTP testing on Beagleboard could pass 24 hours stress testing. Core build testing shows 133 minutes for a qemux86 core-image-sato build on a Core i7 860 machine.

Test Summary: Yocto 1.2M3-RC1 Test Result Summary.png

Test detail Summary: Yocto 1.2M3-RC1 Detail Test Result.png

  • You can check the detailed test result in attachment for each target.
  • The failed/blocked case number is listed with failed cases’ bug number.

Commit Information: Tree/Branch:Poky/1.2_M3 Commit id: 320558f494c618f53e0c773db3ea0109476e8359

Meta branch: 1.2_M3 Commit id:df18b721f86f0737c0f302e49b27ea232c70e683

Distribution test summary: Yocto 1.2M3-RC1 Distribution Test summary.png

Issue Summary: Yocto 1.2M3-RC1 Issue Summary Result.png

Yocto 1.2 M2 RC1 Fullpass Test Report

This is the fullpass test report for Yocto 1.2 M2 RC1 build. There are 9 new bugs found for this build. A new crownbay image has been built out with Tom’s fixing patches. QA has finished testing against the new image and included the test result for it in this report. There are 3 bugs found for HOB2 – non-GPLv3 could not work; build will fail with a clean working dir; git based recipes could not show up in “package view”. X server can not start up on beagleboard with kernel 3.0. x32 build is blocked by inconsistent architecture reported by insane.bbclass. non-GPLv3 image fails to boot up with no root filesystem found. Mulitilb could not work with ipk format while rpm could work. All BSPS and QEMU target could work well without major issue. For build performance, one qemux86 sato build on a Core i7 machine costs 124 minutes, which costs 19% time than the result in 1.2 M1 RC2 build(104 minutes).

Test Summary

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M2 RC1 Test Result Summary.JPG

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M2 RC1 Detailed Test Result.JPG

  • You can check the detailed test result in attachment for each target.
  • The failed/blocked case number is listed with failed cases’ bug number.

Commit Information:

Tree/Branch: Poky/1.2_M2<br\> Commit id: 0f4d99d207b224bb9ce23de00a48f795ae20b3a0<br\> Meta branch: 1.2_M2<br\> Commit id: 9016be4d8005cfff3fedf4aded4600c6e110263a(The new crownbay is build with commit:4b6657ce65e3b15118c663f7b03249560d282cbd)

Issue Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M2 RC1 Issue Summary.JPG

Yocto 1.2 M1 RC2 Fullpass Test Report

This is the fullpass test report for Yocto 1.2 M1 RC2 build. There are 5 new bugs found with fullpass testing, while there are 15 open bugs for this build. All BSP and QEMU targets work well with some minor bugs. toolchain build has one failure with mpc8315e-rdb. For core build feature - hob2 could work with only one minor issue with layer selection. Multilib, x32 and non-GPLv3 build are found not workable with RC2 commit. For build performance, one qemux86 sato build on a Core i7 machine costs 104 minutes, which save 18% time compared with 1.1 M4 RC4 build(127 minutes).

Test Summary

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M1 RC2 Test Result Summary.JPG

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M1 RC2 Detailed Test Result.JPG

  • You can check the detailed test result in attachment for each target.
  • The failed/blocked case number is listed with failed cases’ bug number.

Commit Information:

Tree/Branch: Poky/1.2_M1<br\> Commit id: b806f726b1db2cb605869c1022ef727c1110255b<br\> Meta branch: Master<br\> Commit id: b6d5d9a3b06caf578103a04dc5fcf5e476343205

Issue Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M1 RC2 Issue Summary.JPG

Yocto 1.2 M1 RC1 Weekly Test Report

This is the weekly test report for Yocto 1.2 M1 RC1 build. Test cases for new M1 features are included. HuronRiver is also added into BSP testing. There are 6 new bugs found in this testing, 3 of them are critical. Crownbay testing is blocked due to build failure. Blacksand fails to start X window. Multilib could not work due to no provider for lib32-shadow-sysroot. Since there have been some new builds on autobuilder, QA will use them for RC2 testing, which will be a fullpass testing.

Test Summary

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M1 RC1 Test Result Summary.JPG

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M1 RC1 Detailed Test Result.JPG

  • You can check the detailed test result in attachment for each target.
  • The failed/blocked case number is listed with failed cases’ bug number.

Commit Information:

Tree/Branch: Poky/1.2_M1<br\> Commit id: b9d3a5224c7f76f273d5919a88b7460d35ad2574<br\> Meta branch: Master<br\> Commit id: 3d5574efe623923b24f78d77f1d4bd8ef8432698

Issue Summary:

Fullpass Yocto1.2 M1 RC1 Issue Summary.JPG