Qa owned features

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QA Future Work

IDAssigneeSummary (24 tasks) DependsMilestoneBlocksRequesterStatusSeverityP
5614Stefan StanacarAutomated testing master image generation / operation 1.6 M5 Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementHigh
4114Lucian MusatAdd ptest integration 1.7 M3 Björn StenbergVERIFIEDenhancementHigh
2415Jussi Kukkonenconnman doesn't provide a 3g configuration utility Future Darren HartRESOLVEDenhancementLow
2082UnassignedAdditional test case: shared sstate-cache between users 5.99 Mark HatleNEWenhancementMedium
3887UnassignedMerge buildstats into build history and have one data collection mechanism5709Future Laurentiu SerbanRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4525UnassignedUse buildhistory to log key values and track regression Future Stoicescu CornelRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4731Lucian MusatImage verification for downloadable BSP images 1.8 M4 Tom ZanussiRESOLVEDnormalMedium
3276Juan RamosPulseAudio isn't tested 2.3 M2 Ross BurtonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
3593Ionut ChisanoviciFish River Island 2 - should support 3G / 4G 1.7 Dave StewartRESOLVEDnormalMedium
5747Lucian MusatCreate a test to look for most issues reports in logs 1.7 M3 Stoicescu CornelRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5790Lucian MusatAutomate test results logging in Testopia using XMLRPC interface 1.9 M1 Stoicescu COrnelVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
5371Lucian MusatWe should add test cases to cover all bitbake modes(like dry run) 1.7 Stoicescu CornelVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
3922Lucian MusatAdd sanity checks for Build appliance Future Stefan StanacarVERIFIEDenhancementMedium
4304UnassignedDo automated upgrade path testing 5.99 Ross BurtonNEWenhancementMedium+
5369Humberto IbarraCreate test plan to do performance analysis of x32 runtime 2.3 M2 Saul WoldRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+
5477Humberto IbarraCheck for any performance degradations with gcc security flags enabled 2.3 M2 Alexandru GeorgescuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+
5434Alexandru Palalau[QA] Add test plan for testing uClibc Builds 1.6.1 Saul WoldRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+
4528Humberto Ibarraboot time should be tracked for systemd and SysVinit 2.3 M2 Stoicescu CornelRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+
5478Humberto Ibarratest build time performance degradations with gcc security flags enabled 2.3 M2 Alexandru GeorgescuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium+
5319Francisco PedrazaNeed a test to verify firstboot postinst script order 2.3 M1 Mark HatleRESOLVEDnormalMedium+
5418Ionut Chisanoviciverify the quality of the data collected through the simple UI 1.8 Andreea Brandusa ProcaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5432Alexandru GeorgescuAdd tests to verify on-target package upgrades work as intended 1.6 Mark HatleVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5419Andreea Brandusa ProcaCreate a script for calculating the data collection rate. 1.6 Andreea Brandusa ProcaVERIFIEDenhancementMedium+
5948Paul Eggleton[1.4.3] crosstap doesn't work on qemuppc --- Yi ZhaoRESOLVEDnormalUndecided

Resolved High and Medium+ features

5551Stuart3.10.9 Kernel hanging on fsl-image-gui when using U-Boot mainline (2013.10)  1.6Otavio SalvadorRESOLVEDmajorMedium+

Resolved Medium features

IDRequesterSummary (84 tasks) DependsBlocksMilestoneAssigneeStatusSeverityP
6173Armin KusterUpdate kexec-tools to 2.0.6  1.7Armin KusterRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6605Farrell Wymorecreate an extension point in bitbake/buildinfohelper  1.7Alexandru DamianRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5563Alexandru Damiantoaster change REST API implementation to use Django REST framework  1.7Alexandru DamianRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5820Belen Barros PenaLink warnings to their corresponding tasks (when applicable)  1.6 M5Alexandru DamianRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5324Alexandru Palalau[distro] Consider providing distro testing solution  1.6Alexandru PalalauRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4943Belen Barros PenaProvide help information  1.6 M4Belen Barros PenaRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5358Paul EggletonAvoid buildhistory changing do_package checksums  1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5286Paul Eggletonpackage_rpm handling of MULTILIB_PREFIX_LIST needs refactoring  1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4856mulhernImprove usability of bitbake -c listtasks  1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5410Paul EggletonWrite installed package list to deploy dir  1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
2424Paul EggletonRename core images  1.6Paul EggletonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6360Darren Hartlinux-yocto: Maintain meta history  1.7Bruce AshfieldRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5689Robert Yangneed a tool to verify to HOMEPAGE  1.7Chong LuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5118Cristiana Voicu[HOB] meta-hob layer should dissapear  1.6 M1Cristiana VoicuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
3345Dave Stewart[HOB] Add a target for adt-installer  1.7Cristiana VoicuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
1691Matthew McClintock[HOB] make IMAGES_TYPE a per recipe setting  1.7Cristiana VoicuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6354Beth FlanaganPublishArtifacts needs md5sums as an artifact.  1.7Beth FlanaganRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
3140Ross BurtonAutobuilder should build an image with each packaging format  1.7Beth FlanaganRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
3743Martin JansaPackaging license texts  1.7Beth FlanaganRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5450Paul Eggleton[Autobuilder] Deferred deletion of builds  1.6 M2Beth FlanaganRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4780Laurentiu PalcuRefactor rootfs_rpm.bbclass  1.6 M3Hongxu JiaRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6228Belen Barros Pena[Usage Flow] Improve the application development workflow  1.7JessicaRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6229Belen Barros Pena[Usage Flow] Improve support for Yocto Project enablers  1.7JessicaRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6225Belen Barros Pena[Usage Flow] Improve the Yocto Project development workflow  1.7JessicaRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6226Belen Barros Pena[Usage Flow] Improve the kernel development workflow  1.7JessicaRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6227Belen Barros Pena[Usage Flow] Improve the system development workflow  1.7JessicaRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5704Laurentiu PalcuWrite manifest creation python class/routine  1.6Laurentiu PalcuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4779Laurentiu PalcuRefactor rootfs_ipk.bbclass  1.6Laurentiu PalcuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5663Ross BurtonHard to debug failing intercepts  1.6Laurentiu PalcuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4781Laurentiu PalcuRefactor rootfs_deb.bbclass  1.6Laurentiu PalcuRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6013Robert Yanggenext2fs: remove it  1.6 M5Robert YangRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5442Robert Yangsanity.bbclass: check TMPDIR is not on nfs  1.6 M1Robert YangRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5113Robert Yangarchive*.bbclass: need refactor  1.6 M4Robert YangRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5436Mark HatleAdd the ability to specify static uid / gid pairs to be used by packages at build time for post install scripts  1.6Mark HatleRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5893Paul EggletonRationalise bootchart support  1.7Max EliaserRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
3885Nitin Kambledefine site macros for x32 in the x32-linux site config file  1.6Nitin KambleRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5297Nitin KambleSupport 2013Q3 Intel Graphics Stack Release in Yocto Project  1.6Nitin KambleRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
2465Tom Zanussiadd/enable more jasperforest drivers (NTB and Crystal Beach 3 DMA/DCA drivers)  1.6Nitin KambleRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
545Joshua Lock - DisabledImprove SDK sysroot extensibility and workflow  1.7Chen QiRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4075Mark HatleImprove the installer user experience  1.7Chen QiRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5006Jeffrey HonigAllow package management to update sysroot components of the SDK  1.7Chen QiRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
3821Bogdan MarinescuAdd Python 3.x recipe  1.6 M5Khem RajRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5748Belen Barros PenaBring in tasks descriptions from documentation.conf into Toaster  1.6 M4Ravi ChintakuntaRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4278Belen Barros Penatasks: Filter the content of the tasks table  1.6 M3Ravi ChintakuntaRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
1511Koen KooiSupport versioned scm snapshots for mirroring  1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4425Martin JansaPrevent including the same file twice  1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5717Rudolf J StreifGITSM fetcher should use ud.basecmd  1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5301Ross BurtonAbility to track DISTRO_FEATURE use  1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6262Volkerbitbake debug does not show .bbappend and .inc files  1.7Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5724Gary Thomasbitbake -e sometimes is not useful  1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5281Ross BurtonServer mode should generate port number if not set  1.6Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6574Marek Vasutqt4: Avoid duplicate flags in the g++-unix.conf  1.7Richard PurdieRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5479Ross BurtonUse gstreamer-vaapi instead of MiX  1.7Ross BurtonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4782Ross BurtonRemove meta-toolchain-gmae  1.6Ross BurtonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6217Ross Burtonbitbake.conf should set defaults for BB_NUMBER_THREADS  1.7Ross BurtonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5591Ross Burtoncmake.bbclass should support separate build directories  1.6Ross BurtonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6097Nitin KambleSupport 2014Q1 Intel Graphics Stack Release in Yocto Project  1.7Ross BurtonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5665Ross Burtonrun-postinsts should have native systemd support  1.6Ross BurtonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5480Ross BurtonIntegrate Wayland 1.2+  1.6Ross BurtonRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6320Richard PurdieDrop *-config binconfig scripts  1.7Saul WoldRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6621Laszlo PappDocument debug-without-src  1.7Scott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
1973Joshua Lock - DisabledEnhance BitBake manual  1.6Scott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5770Laszlo PappDocument the default for BB_NUMBER_THREADS and PARALLEL_MAKE  1.6Scott RifenbarkRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5072Stefan StanacarTests need a better way of determining if a package it's installed  1.6Stefan StanacarRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5495Tom Zanussiyocto-bsp 1.6 upgrade and automation enhancements  1.6 M5Tom ZanussiRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
6513Phlip Balisterwic needs to support creating FAT partitions  1.7Tom ZanussiRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
641Kevin Tian[DOC] need a doc for qemu usage  1.7Trevor WoernerRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5705Nitin KambleSupport 2013Q4 Intel Graphics Stack Release in Yocto Project  1.7valentinRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
5583Ross BurtonTest Weston on qemu  1.6valentinRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4394Terence ChiangIntel Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) support  1.7Wei Sern ChanRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4709Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Filter the content of the build time table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4702Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Filter the content of the tasks table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4720Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Sort the content of the bitbake variables table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4704Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Search the content of the tasks table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4721Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Sort the content of the tasks table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4697Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Search the content of the builds table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4710Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Search the content of the build time table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4706Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Search the content of the recipes table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4722Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Sort the content of the recipes table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4698Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Filter the content of the builds table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4711Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Sort the content of the build time table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4708Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Search the content of the packages table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4701Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Filter the content of the bitbake variables table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium
4719Alexandru Georgescu[QA] - verify - Sort the content of the builds table  1.7Yuan SunRESOLVEDenhancementMedium