Bugzilla feature list
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ID | Summary (48 tasks) ⇒ | Milestone | Assignee | Status | Whiteboard |
5921 | Task outcomes are sorted by database value, instead of alphabetically | 1.6.1 | David Reyna | RESOLVED | |
6079 | The license manifest link in the build dashboard is going to the wrong page | 1.6.1 | Farrell Wymore | VERIFIED | |
6094 | If do_rootfs does not execute, license manifest and image files are empty | 1.6.1 | Farrell Wymore | RESOLVED | |
6109 | Failed to dismiss filter modal dialogs by clicking anywhere outside the modal dialog. | 1.6.1 | Farrell Wymore | VERIFIED | |
6114 | Elapsed_time value null for tasks with outcome=0 | 1.6.1 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
6145 | Wrong "Total number of tasks" in build dashboard page | 1.6.1 | Belen Barros Pena | VERIFIED | |
6146 | Empty tasks filter not working | 1.6.1 | Belen Barros Pena | VERIFIED | |
6147 | "Size over total" column displays when not selected | 1.6.1 | David Reyna | RESOLVED | |
6148 | "Started on" and "Completed on" filters in builds table wrong counts | 1.6.1 | David Reyna | VERIFIED | |
6152 | Wrong data for "layer branch" and "layer commit" in a recipes detail page. | 1.6.1 | Belen Barros Pena | VERIFIED | |
6326 | Covered tasks with cache attempt "File not in cache" | 1.6.2 | Alexandru Damian | RESOLVED | |
6445 | The value of the revision field from Package table doesn't start with 'r' | 1.6.2 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
6899 | cpu_usage value for some tasks doesn't match the value in the stats file | 1.6.2 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
5540 | Implement Toaster Project Manager | 1.7 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
5542 | Implement ToasterMasterUI | 1.7 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
5563 | toaster change REST API implementation to use Django REST framework | 1.7 | Alexandru Damian | RESOLVED | |
6379 | RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField received a naive datetime while time zone support is active | 1.7 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
6452 | "Size" column can't be hid by Edit columns. | 1.7 | David Reyna | VERIFIED | |
5490 | Support multiple Bitbake server backends for each Toaster webserver | 1.7 M1 | Alexandru Damian | RESOLVED | |
5491 | Toaster must be able to create a build environment and launch the Bitbake server (local use case) | 1.7 M1 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
5492 | Toaster web must connect to a Bitbake server as controlling client | 1.7 M1 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | TC done |
5493 | Toaster must be able to stop a bitbake server, and clean all artifacts | 1.7 M1 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | TC done |
5494 | Toaster must be able to start a build command | 1.7 M1 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
5536 | design Toaster Backend API | 1.7 M1 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
5537 | Implement Backend API controller for localhost | 1.7 M1 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
5541 | design Build REST API | 1.7 M1 | Alexandru Damian | RESOLVED | |
6009 | Carry out performance testing for Toaster | 1.7 M1 | Ionut Chisanovici | VERIFIED | |
6214 | Toaster selftest - integrate toaster backend testing into oe-selftest - fully automated | 1.7 M1 | Ionut Chisanovici | VERIFIED | |
6232 | Design the ability to create new projects | 1.7 M2 | Belen Barros Pena | RESOLVED | GUI design in progress |
6504 | ToasterUI adds 'ready' message in log for scripts embedding builds with ToasterUI startup to prevent event loss | 1.7 M2 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
6506 | Toasters reports 0 packages included for uhd-dev-image (meta-sdr) | 1.7 M2 | Alexandru Damian | RESOLVED | |
5489 | Launch Toaster in webserver-only mode | 1.7 M3 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
5919 | Interaction between sorting and "Edit columns" menu not working as designed | 1.7 M3 | Farrell Wymore | RESOLVED | |
6126 | Keep "Show rows" and sorting state in Toaster tables | 1.7 M3 | Marius Avram | VERIFIED | |
6137 | excessive load time for All Recipes page | 1.7 M3 | David Reyna | VERIFIED | |
6223 | Add kernel image information. | 1.7 M3 | Belen Barros Pena | VERIFIED | GUI design pending |
6235 | New project backend support | 1.7 M3 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
6236 | New project GUI support | 1.7 M3 | David Reyna | VERIFIED | |
6237 | Ability to identify build host and build directory | 1.7 M3 | Alexandru Damian | RESOLVED | GUI design pending |
6240 | Toaster must be able to create a build environment and launch the Bitbake server (remote use case) | 1.7 M3 | Alexandru Damian | RESOLVED | |
6291 | refactor target display | 1.7 M3 | Farrell Wymore | VERIFIED | |
6586 | create extension point in toaster | 1.7 M3 | Farrell Wymore | RESOLVED | |
5878 | We should keep some state of Toaster tables | 1.7 M4 | Alexandru Damian | RESOLVED | |
6134 | Wrong information of images. | 1.7 M4 | Belen Barros Pena | RESOLVED | |
6508 | Toaster reports errors even though build succeeded | 1.7 M4 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
6594 | Develop Toaster All distros page | 1.7 M4 | Belen Barros Pena | VERIFIED | |
6612 | Auto toaster app discovery broken | 1.7 M4 | Alexandru Damian | VERIFIED | |
6713 | Toaster Completed-on column always displays date on DD/MM/YYYY | 1.7 M4 | David Reyna | VERIFIED | |
48 |