Accessing Autobuilders

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Connecting to Autobuilders

We use an ssh jumphost called to connect to the autobuilders. Jumphosts enhance security by removing the threat of hijacked ssh-agents and limiting the services running on Internet exposed hosts.

Generate keys

In order to access any of the autobuilders your ssh public keys must first be installed. The preferred key type is ECC. RSA with 4096 bits is also acceptable. Please put your e-mail, the date of generation, and the host the key lives on in the comment. Please set a passphrase even if it's a simple one! Ideally your private key will never leave the host it is generated on - so if you have multiple machines please generate multiple keys. E-mail your public key named ~/.ssh/ or to Keep id_ed25519 or id_rsa(the private key) super safe. Please never share it with anyone or copy it onto the Internet. Don't e-mail it to yourself either.

 ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com_2012-05-30_localhostname"

Substitute your own e-mail and your computer's hostname in the command above. Setting these helps with troubleshooting in the future.

Configure ssh

Edit ~/.ssh/config on your local machine and add:

   # Make sure your username matches your account on the autobuilder
   #User [username]
   # Give the full path to the proper public key if needed
   #IdentityFile /home/[username]/.ssh/id_rsa
   # If your network requires you to use a SOCKS proxy enable it here
   # ProxyCommand nc -X5 -x [] %h %p
   # If your system uses 'ncat', rather than 'netcat', use these options to enable a SOCKS proxy
   # ProxyCommand nc --proxy-type socks5 --proxy [] %h %p
# Valkyrie proxy through a bastion to simplify key management.
# SSH host keys should be verified automatically via DNS for the bastion
# If you don't have native IPv6 you must proxy through
Host *-vk-*
   #User [username]
   #IdentityFile /home/[username]/.ssh/id_rsa
   # We don't need strict checking on the private network.
   StrictHostKeyChecking no
   VisualHostKey no
   # Don't bother saving hostkeys we don't check
   UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

Verify Fingerprints

Now actually ssh to and verify that the fingerprint you receive matches a fingerprint below.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:eDGzlYP3G+io9ylXmE6HMwtLMJ3eV82DveBnbM2mgJo.


Now that you've added to your known hosts you don't need to worry about fingerprints anymore. Time to connect to a builder. Run:


If all worked correctly you are now logged in. Build workers are listed on the controller. Append to the name to ssh.

Need to work on the build scripts?

If you are on the SWAT team you can access pokybuild using this sudo command:

 sudo -iu pokybuild

keywords: ssh access auto builder accessing autobuilders