Webhob REST API Builds

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Nr. Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
1 GET /builds JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of builds from the data base -
2 GET /builds_count JSON Returns the total amount of builds from the data base -
3 GET /builds/{id} JSON Returns single build from the data base according to it's id -


Affected Endpoint Name Type Description Comments
1 limit number The amout of builds to be displayed in one page -
1 offset number Represents the position of the first record in the page -
1 filter string Consists of a string used to filter results -
3 id number Path parameter that passes the build id -


Endpoint 1 ( /builds )

The information retrieved from this endpoint is actualy a list of same tructure objects. The following table describes a generic element of the list.

Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] Object - YES - The object root (will not be literaly be used in the coding). Used only here to describe the container for the actual properties. -
[Object Root].outcome number 2 YES - Signals successful or failed build 0 - the build has failed,
1 - successful build
[Object Root].target string - YES - The name of the build target(s -
[Object Root].machine string array - YES - The selected hardware -
[Object Root].startedOn number representation of date - YES - Marks the moment the process is started -
[Object Root].completedOn number representation of date - YES - Marks the moment the process is completed -
[Object Root].errors number - YES - Number of errors thrown by the build -
[Object Root].warnings number - YES - Number of warnings thrown by the build -
[Object Root].log string - YES - Path to log file -
[Object Root].output string array - YES - The extensions of the root file systems produced by the build -