Toaster travis testing: Difference between revisions

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When a patch comes in on the mailing list a bot monitoring patchwork using git-pw checks out poky-contrib toaster-next and applies the patches it also applies a patch to add a .travis.yml file to the root of the repository. These then get pushed to a github repository and the travis CI system then triggers these tests.
When a patch comes in on the mailing list a bot monitoring patchwork using [ git-pw] checks out poky-contrib toaster-next and applies the patches it also applies a patch to add a .travis.yml file to the root of the repository. These then get pushed to a [ github] repository and the travis CI system then triggers these tests.


Latest revision as of 15:08, 6 July 2016

When a patch comes in on the mailing list a bot monitoring patchwork using git-pw checks out poky-contrib toaster-next and applies the patches it also applies a patch to add a .travis.yml file to the root of the repository. These then get pushed to a github repository and the travis CI system then triggers these tests.


language: python
python: "3.5"

sudo: required # We don't actually need sudo but this forces the selection of the trusty beta image
dist: trusty # We have to use trusty for the newer glibc that is needed by geckodriver

  firefox: "47.0"

cache: pip

  depth: 3

  - virtualenv --python=python3 $HOME/virtualenv/
  - virtualenv --python=python2 $HOME/virtualenv/
  - source $HOME/virtualenv/bin/activate
  - pip3 install -r ./bitbake/toaster-requirements.txt
  - pip3 install -r ./bitbake/lib/toaster/tests/toaster-tests-requirements.txt
  - pip3 install flake8
  - export DISPLAY=:99.0
  - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
  - sleep 3 # give xvfb some time to start
  - mkdir $HOME/bin/
  - curl -L | zcat > $HOME/bin/wires
  - chmod +x $HOME/bin/wires

  - export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin/
  - export TOASTER_TESTS_BROWSER=marionette
  - firefox --version
  - env
  - wires --help # verify binary runs OK

  - ./bitbake/lib/toaster/ test tests.browser
  - ./bitbake/lib/toaster/ test toastergui
  - flake8 ./bitbake/lib/toaster/ --select F --exit-zero # We have too many errors at the moment