
From Yocto Project
Revision as of 04:29, 22 November 2019 by MichaelHalstead (talk | contribs)
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The Yocto Project has moved from self-managed Mailman to, which provides mailing list services in a simple but modern interface. offers all of the capabilities of our existing Mailman mailing service plus additional community tools that make it an exceptional service solution.


How do I set up my account?

If you were a subscriber before the migration visit and enter the e-mail you receive list mail at to receive a login link and set a password.

What are the key differences between Mailman and

  • has a modern interface, robust user security model, and interactive, searchable archives
  • provides advanced features including muting threads and integrations with modern tools like GitHub, Slack, and Trello
  • also has optional extras like a shared calendar, polling, chat, a wiki, and more
  • uses a concept of subgroups, where members first join the project “group” (a master list, normally called "main", in our case called "yocto"), then they choose the specific “subgroup” lists they want to subscribe to

How is the experience different for me as a list moderator or participant?

In many ways, it is very much the same. You will still find the main group at your existing URL and sub-groups equate to the more focused mailing lists based on the community’s needs. The most important change is the domain. We are moving from to for all list addresses. Here is an example of main group and sub-group URL patterns, and their respective emails:

What if I e-mail after the migration?

We've added rules to redirect the e-mail to the new address so it should still be delivered. There will be a delay introduced so we recommend updating your addressbook right away.

Where do I find the settings and owner/moderator tools?

To change settings while in a group or subgroup, left click “Admin” from the side menu.

Then from “Admin” you can select:

“Settings” to change overall settings for a group, including privacy and message policy settings.

“Members” to manage people within a group, including adjusting their role and privileges

“Pending” to view messages pending moderation

If you’d like to learn more about using , please reference their help documentation.

What about outstanding messages and subscriptions in the moderation queue?

Pending memberships or posts (and similar pending moderation actions) in Mailman were not preserved in this migration. Most list owners cleaned up their queues shortly before the migration so very little was discarded.

I sent a message during the migration. Will is arrive?

Messages sent to the mailing lists during the migration window will take one to several hours to arrive depending on your mail server configuration. No messages were accepted by the mail server that did not make it into the migration.

What about outstanding links to the pipermail archives?

Edit the link to change "" to "" like this is going to add an automatic redirect in short order.

Will the migration also impact mailing lists on

No, at this time , only lists from are moved to and mailing lists will be moved at a later time.

Who can help in case of issue? / My question isn't answered here. What should I do?

If you are facing any issue related to the migration or have an unaddressed question, please e-mail