Contribute to Toaster

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This page summarises the Toaster development process. We hope this will help you start contributing to the project.

Set up the local repository

   $ sudo apt-get install pip
   $ sudo pip uninstall django
   $ sudo pip install django==1.5
   $ sudo pip install South==0.8.4

  • Setup a local repository for the development branch

   $ cd <installdir>
   $ git clone git://
   $ cd poky
   $ git remote add contrib
   $ git fetch contrib
   $ git checkout contrib/toaster/master -b toaster-master

   $ git remote set-url contrib

Set up the project and Toaster interface

  • Create a project, with oaster database capture enabled

   $ cd <installdir>
   $ source poky/oe-init-build-env
   $ source toaster start
   $ bitbake core-image-minimal

NOTE: Toaster MUST be started before the project's build, else no data will be captured. You can recover a working (if sparse) database if you do this to execute a quick re-build.

   $ source toaster start
   $ bitbake -c cleansstate base-files
   $ bitbake core-image-minimal

  • Run the Toaster interface

   $ xdg-open http://localhost:8000/

NOTE: You can alternatively open your browser manually to http://localhost:8000/

Edit and submit content for review

  • Create a local branch. The branch name is generally of the form <username>/<a_name_for_the_branch>. For example: dreyna/recipe-detail-view. You can choose any user name and send it to Michael Halstead (mhalstead at linuxfoundation dot org), together with your SSL public key to enable your pushes to the Yocto Project poky-contrib repository