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| [Object Root].<span style="color:#FF9900">list[]</span>.<span style="color:#0066FF">fields</span>.<span style="color:#006600">size</span> || number || - || YES || - || The size of the package, in bytes || -
| [Object Root].<span style="color:#FF9900">list[]</span>.<span style="color:#0066FF">fields</span>.<span style="color:#006600">size</span> || number || - || YES || - || The size of the package, in bytes || -
| [Object Root].<span style="color:#FF9900">list[]</span>.<span style="color:#0066FF">fields</span>.<span style="color:#006600">section</span> || string || - || YES || - || The section in which this package belongs || -
| [Object Root].<span style="color:#FF9900">list[]</span>.<span style="color:#0066FF">fields</span>.<span style="color:#006600">license</span> || string || - || YES || - || The license of the package || -

Revision as of 12:01, 9 September 2013

Valid at 15/08/2013.

WebHob is accessible through REST APIs, which make the backend available to any client. The data collected during the build is available on no-restrictions, anonymous, read-only API running on the local host machine.


The data interface is available as a search query returning a list of typed objects. The request method must be GET. The answers are always returned as JSON.

API version

The REST API is versioned as to allow further upgrades without having to maintain backward compatibility through changing the major version number. Minor version numbers are inteded to signify a capability level while maintaining compatibility.

This is the API version 1.0. All API requests are grouped under URL:

GET /api/1.0/

Object types

The API can return Build, Task, Package, Layer, Layerversion, Recipe, Variable, Recipe Dependencies, Package Dependencies, Configuration Variables and Log Messages. Each object is described below.

Search operation

The primary operation of the API is to retrieve a set of objects from the backend based on a search operation. The result will also contain all the data for the objects being returned, as to avoid separate connections to further bring the objects of the type queried.

The search operation can also specify the ordering of the results by key.

The search parameters are the same for all object types.


All the search endpoints follow the same URI pattern

GET /api/1.0/{on}s/?{parameters}

  • The on is the object name, one the endpoints described below.
  • The parameters are described in the next section, and are the same for all search queries


Name Type Description Comments
limit number The number of objects to be returned -
offset number Offset into the search result index. -
search string Search string for all fields The argument is the string to searched in the database. The backend MUST return only records that match the string.
filter string String used to specify result filter function The general form: "<FIELD>:<VALUE>[,<FIELD>:<VALUE>]*". The backend MUST only return records that have FIELD matching to the VALUE specified. The <FIELD> names for each object type are the property names of the object.
orderby string the name of the field that determens the sorting of the resuls. "<FIELD>:<ORDER_DIRECTION>". The results are ordered by the <FIELD> values in the <ORDER_DIRECTION> order. <ORDER_DIRECTION> values may be "asc" or "desc".


All the responses are in JSON format. The response contains a set of fields describing the content of the data, and an array with the object data inside it.


Returns information about the builds recorded by Webhob.


Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /api/1.0/builds JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of builds from the data base -


Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - - -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds returned in the array -
[Object Root].list object array - YES - - To describe a generic object element of the array,
the refference to it's root is "list[]"
[Object Root].list[].pk number - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].model string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields object - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.outcome number 2 YES - Signals successful or failed build 0 - the build has failed,
1 - successful build
[Object Root].list[] string - YES - The name of the build target(s) -
[Object Root].list[].fields.machine string array - YES - The selected hardware -
[Object Root].list[].fields.started_on number representation of date - YES - Marks the moment the process is started -
[Object Root].list[].fields.completed_on number representation of date - YES - Marks the moment the process is completed -
[Object Root].list[].fields.errors_no number - YES - Number of errors thrown by the build -
[Object Root].list[].fields.warnings_no number - YES - Number of warnings thrown by the build -
[Object Root].list[].fields.cooker_log_path string - YES - Path to log file -
[Object Root].list[].fields.image_fstypes string array - YES - The extensions of the root file systems produced by the build -


Returns information about the layers that Webhob discovered during the builds it recorded.


Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /api/1.0/layers JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of layers from the data base -


Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - - -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds to be displayed (according to filter parameter) -
[Object Root].list object array - YES - - To describe a generic object element of the array,
the refference to it's root is "list[]"
[Object Root].list[].pk number - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].model string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields object - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[] number 2 YES - The local name under which the layer is known -
[Object Root].list[].fields.local_path number 2 YES - Path to the layer on local machine -
[Object Root].list[].fields.layer_index_url number 2 No - URL to the layer index application Possibly not available


Contains information about specific version (branch:commit in GIT) of a layer used in a certain build.


Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /api/1.0/layerversions JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of builds from the data base -


Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - - -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds to be displayed (according to filter parameter) -
[Object Root].list object array - YES - - To describe a generic object element of the array,
the refference to it's root is "list[]"
[Object Root].list[].pk number - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].model string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields object - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.layer_id number - YES - pk of the layer object -
[Object Root].list[].fields.branch string - YES - the branch name of the layer -
[Object Root].list[].fields.commit string - YES - the current commit of the layer -
[Object Root].list[].fields.priority string - NO - priority of the layer, currently unavailable -


Each build consists of a series of tasks. This is the endpoint for searching the task table.


Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /api/1.0/tasks JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of builds from the data base -


Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - - -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds to be displayed (according to filter parameter) -
[Object Root].list object array - YES - - To describe a generic object element of the array,
the refference to it's root is "list[]"
[Object Root].list[].pk number - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].model string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields object - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.build_id number - YES - Identifies the build in which the task occured -
[Object Root].list[].fields.order number - YES - The sequence ID of the task in launch order May be NULL if never executed
[Object Root].list[].fields.task_executed boolean - YES - True if task actually executed -
[Object Root].list[].fields.outcome number - YES - 0 succeeeded
1 covered by another task
2 restored from sstate
3 artifacts already existing
4 fail during execution
5 N/A (something borked)
[Object Root].list[].fields.sstate_checksum boolean - YES - sstate checksum of the task -
[Object Root].list[].fields.path_to_sstate_obj boolean - NO - The path to the sstate file, if it's the case -
[Object Root].list[].fields.recipe_id number - YES - Id of the recipe generating the task -
[Object Root].list[].fields.task_name string - YES - Name of the task e.g. "do_fetch"
[Object Root].list[].fields.source_url string - NO - Path to script source file Yes, it's misnamed.
[Object Root].list[].fields.log_file string - YES - Path to log file -
[Object Root].list[].fields.work_directory string - YES - cwd during task execution -
[Object Root].list[].fields.script_type number - NO - See if we executed a shell or python 0 python
1 shell
[Object Root].list[].fields.line_number number - NO - starting number of the line in the source file -
[Object Root].list[].fields.py_stack_trace string - NO - The stack trace if a python task failed Not collected
[Object Root].list[].fields.disk_io number - NO - how much disk io the task consumed; unit-less -
[Object Root].list[].fields.cpu_usage number - NO - percent of the CPU used during the task -
[Object Root].list[].fields.sstate_result number - NO - outcome of the sstate task 0 N/A
1 missing
2 failed
3 restored succesfully
[Object Root].list[].message.message string - NO - any message from the system regarding the task -

Task Dependencies

Returns the package dependency data


Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /api/1.0/task_dependencies JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of builds from the data base -


Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - - -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds to be displayed (according to filter parameter) -
[Object Root].list object array - YES - - To describe a generic object element of the array,
the refference to it's root is "list[]"
[Object Root].list[].pk number - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].model string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields object - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.task_id number - YES - The pk of the target task -
[Object Root].list[].fields.depends_on_id number - YES - The pk of the task that the target task depends on -



Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /api/1.0/recipes JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of builds from the data base -


Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - - -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds to be displayed (according to filter parameter) -
[Object Root].list object array - YES - - To describe a generic object element of the array,
the refference to it's root is "list[]"
[Object Root].list[].pk number - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].model string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields object - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[] string - YES - The name of the recipe -
[Object Root].list[].fields.version string - YES - The version of the recipe -
[Object Root].list[].fields.layer_version_id number - YES - The version of the layer in which the recipe existed at the task building time -
[Object Root].list[].fields.summary string - YES - - may be empty
[Object Root].list[].fields.description string - YES - - may be empty
[Object Root].list[].fields.section string - YES - - may be empty
[Object Root].list[].fields.license string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.licensing_info string - YES - - may be empty
[Object Root].list[].fields.homepage string - YES - - may be empty
[Object Root].list[].fields.bugtracker string - YES - - may be empty
[Object Root].list[] string - YES - - may be empty
[Object Root].list[].fields.file_path string - YES - - -

Recipe Dependencies

Returns the package dependency data


Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /api/1.0/recipe_dependencies JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of builds from the data base -


Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - - -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds to be displayed (according to filter parameter) -
[Object Root].list object array - YES - - To describe a generic object element of the array,
the refference to it's root is "list[]"
[Object Root].list[].pk number - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].model string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields object - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.recipe_id number - YES - The pk of the target recipe -
[Object Root].list[].fields.depends_on_id number - YES - The pk of the recipe that the target recipe depends on -

Build Packages

  • the installed package information will not be collected unless buildhistory is enabled


Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /api/1.0/packages JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of builds from the data base -


Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - - -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds to be displayed (according to filter parameter) -
[Object Root].list object array - YES - - To describe a generic object element of the array,
the refference to it's root is "list[]"
[Object Root].list[].pk number - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].model string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields object - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.build_id number - YES - The pk of the build that generated this package -
[Object Root].list[].fields.recipe_id number - YES - The pk of the recipe that generated this package -
[Object Root].list[] string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.version string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.size number - YES - The size of the package, in bytes -
[Object Root].list[].fields.section string - YES - The section in which this package belongs -
[Object Root].list[].fields.license string - YES - The license of the package -

Package Dependencies

Returns the package dependency data


Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /api/1.0/package_dependencies JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of builds from the data base -


Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - - -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds to be displayed (according to filter parameter) -
[Object Root].list object array - YES - - To describe a generic object element of the array,
the refference to it's root is "list[]"
[Object Root].list[].pk number - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].model string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields object - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.package_id number - YES - The pk of the target package -
[Object Root].list[].fields.depends_on_id number - YES - The pk of the package that the target package depends on -

Package Files

Returns the package dependency data


Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /api/1.0/package_files JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of files for a package from the data base -


Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - - -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds to be displayed (according to filter parameter) -
[Object Root].list object array - YES - - To describe a generic object element of the array,
the refference to it's root is "list[]"
[Object Root].list[].pk number - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].model string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields object - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.package_id number - YES - The pk of the package which this file belogs to -
[Object Root].list[].fields.path String - YES - Full path of the file -
[Object Root].list[].fields.size number - YES - The size of the file in bytes -



Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /api/1.0/variables JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of builds from the data base -


Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - - -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds to be displayed (according to filter parameter) -
[Object Root].list object array - YES - - To describe a generic object element of the array,
the refference to it's root is "list[]"
[Object Root].list[].pk number - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].model string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields object - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.build_id number - YES - The pk of the build that generated this variable -
[Object Root].list[].fields.variable_name string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.variable_value string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.file string - YES - Path to the file that defines the variable Not currently available
[Object Root].list[].fields.changed boolean - YES - Not defined Not currently available
[Object Root].list[].fields.file string - YES - Path to the file that defines the variable Not currently available
[Object Root].list[].fields.human_readable_name boolean - YES - Not defined Not currently available
[Object Root].list[].fields.description string - YES - Variable documentation in documentation.conf



Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /api/1.0/logmessages JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of builds from the data base -


Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - - -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds to be displayed (according to filter parameter) -
[Object Root].list object array - YES - - To describe a generic object element of the array,
the refference to it's root is "list[]"
[Object Root].list[].pk number - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].model string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields object - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.build_id number - YES - The pk of the build that generated this variable -
[Object Root].list[].fields.level number - YES - 0 - INFO
[Object Root].list[].fields.message string - YES - - -
[Object Root].list[].fields.pathname string - YES - Path to the file that defines the variable Not currently available
[Object Root].list[].fields.lineno number - YES - Not defined Not currently available