Performance is an essential point for measuring the quality of a build system.
We are continously improving poky/bitbake performance, including major parts of build time, disk footprint, and file parsing speed.
Here are some performance measurement results:
File parsing time | Green-3.3.1 | Yocto-0.9 | Optimization A | Optimization B | Current |
BB file number | 925 | 844 | 757 | 757 | 769 |
time (s) | 17 | 45 | 29 | 26 | 16 |
Optimization A: Exclude variables in from normal parsing. (Already in master tree)
Optimization B: "??=" re-implementation. (Pending for review)
Current: Latest master with parallel parsing mechanism
Build time | Green-3.3.1 | Yocto-0.9 | Exec (before pseudo wrapper) | Fork (after pseudo wrapper) | Current |
Recipe number | 88 | 147 | 147 | 147 | 147 |
time (s) | 32m57s | 88m50s | 114m6s | 99m52s | 134m39s |
Using fork way in bitbake will gain about 10% build time for poky-image-minimal.
The current build time is somewhat long, which we will look at.
Disk Space | Green-3.3.1 | Yocto-0.9 | Optimization A | Optimization B | Current |
Recipe number | 88 | 147 | 147 | 147 | 147 |
Disk size (GB) | 7.6 | 29 | 24 | 19 | 24 |
Optimization A: Remove the temp files in sstate-build-* (Already in master tree).
Optimization B: Using hardlink to replace copy between "package-->packages-split", "image-->sysroot-destdir", and "sysroot-destdir-->/tmp/sysroots" (Pending for review).
There are some other data we may add later.
1) Using socket data accessing approach to avoid data re-parsing when fork/exec new bitbake processes. (Qing)