AutoBuilder Cluster Setup
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While the instructions below are targeted at setting up a new AutoBuilder cluster, they are equally valid for an single machine with combined controller and worker, except you probably won't use a NAS for storage. The controller portion requires only 2 GB of local disk space; the worker requires 2+ TB to hold all the build temp files and git repos. If build artifacts and a local sstate mirror are included, additional worker space is required.
As root
- Install base OS with minimal target
- Install the requirements from
- (Note: if you plan to build the poky-eclipse-neon plugin, openjdk-headless 1.8 is required.)
- If you plan to run the sanity tests (which is typical for an AB), the following additional packages need to be installed:
- GitPython for Python2 and Python3
- xsltproc
- gnupg
- vncserver (whichever one is provided by the distro is fine)
- Add pokybuild user (uid=6000, or for older clusters 1006)
- Add pokybuild user to "users" group (gid 100) (if "users" group does not exist, create it)
- Following the instructions from, give /dev/kvm permissions to the pokybuild user.
- If a "kvm" group does not exist, add it to /etc/group and ensure /dev/kvm gid is set to "kvm" and is mode 660. Add pokybuild user to the "kvm" group.
- git clone --single-branch /root/poky (in /root for historical reasons, should change in the future)
- Install{latest_release}/toolchain/x86_64/poky-glibc-x86_64-core-image-sato-core2-64-toolchain-{relver}.sh to /opt/poky.
- Add startup scripts to create tap devs and start vncserver, in /etc/rc.local, /etc/init.d/boot.local, or as systemd unit files, which should perform the following:
- cd /root/poky/scripts/; ./runqemu-gen-tapdevs 6000 100 32 /opt/poky/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/
- /bin/su - pokybuild -c "/usr/bin/vncserver"
- Disable or edit firewall rules to allow all connections to the tap devices. This allows sanity tests to connect to booted images.
- Install nfs-utils or nfs-common, add Domain to /etc/idmapd.conf, fstab entry, mount NAS under /srv/autobuilder.
As pokybuild
- Set up buildset-config, either:
- Add ssh key to clone production yocto-autobuilder
- git clone && cd yocto-autobuilder && git remote add prod && git fetch prod && git checkout -b yoctoio prod/yoctoio
- or:
- edit one of the several examples included in repo e.g. cp -r buildset-config.controller buildset-config
- update config/autobuilder.conf and yocto-worker/buildbot.tac
- Start the worker
- touch ~/yocto-autobuilder/.setupdone
- . yocto-autobuilder-setup
- ./yocto-start-autobuilder worker