Toaster future release planning
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2.1 Planning
Wish lists
- Finish image-customisation 8070, 8081, 8082, 8103, 8104, 8117, 8128, 8132, 8091
- Remove pseudo API cruft / template context to json response stuff
- Consolidate used API into it's own view
- Finish toaster tables porting
- Get selenium test wrapper
- Create a to interact with toaster to avoid need for 'command line builds'
- This would use toaster's API as the entry point to using bitbake
- It could be called by CI systems
- It could be used by auto builders etc
- Means that there are no two modes anywhere in Toaster
- Allows project configuration to be changed in toaster from the command line
This is *not* ordered! This is more of a brain dump :)
- Collapse analysis and managed mode
- Working CI for each commit into toaster-next as well as for project peoples testME branches on poky-contrib:
- run django tests
- run selenium tests
- leverage sstate to make runs generally shorter
- remove git assumptions from code
- rationalize/simplify the configuration scripts
- if bitbake-memres comes out, interact with it gracefully (this is my preferred method of collapsing analysis and managed)
- fix the tmpdir/release build issue &/or discuss the need to support building old releases with a UI rather than limiting toaster to build the release it is part of. This is inherently fragile.
- ask bb to parse any layer added to a project and such as imported layers, and layers specified in the configuration file to give us recipe information.
- improve our build event following:
- note parse events
- update/retrieve ui so that we can tell something is happening before the first build event comes
- eliminate the remaining random tracebacks from try/except failures.
- allow configuration in addition to the addition/removal of layers/packages
- kernel config
- add user control/authentication
- update to Django 1.8. Always stay on Django LTS versions
- add layer update from to the UI
- add Django tests for building e.g. we should be able to build core-image-sato from a django test and validate the db
- add mysql script to simplify setup with mysql/apache
- pull in new look and feel
- add django tests to validate all artifacts - if we say they can download it and it appears on a page anywhere, it should have a test
- improve docs of code on wiki. We have a nice start (ty E & M); I'd like to improve it.
- events - more info and list types supported
- what logic is in jscript , what is in python
- database schema definition and description esp interrelationships.
- list django tests, mostly so we can see what we are missing.
- build mode triggerred off of database entry, not autonomous process.
- add asynchronicity. I have noted a number of places where commands result in a sluggish ui. I'm nervous about this one.
- for example, starting a build that requires us to clone layers has a noticeable delay as compared to starting a local only project build.
- verify we can stop builds cleanly.
- get the rest of our logs into our local toaster dir
- allow us to run and stop 2 toasters on the same machine without them interfering with each other
- (2.2 or later for sure) discuss how to support multiple back end bb servers.
- probably will need to be able to add servers/remove servers/see server status/build state
- be able to see more details about build. For example, see the "jobs" being processed like you can in knotty
- revisit what variables we let people change. sstate_dir and dl_dir should certainly be allowed to change
- discuss way we do migrations. possibly change. thoughts:
- only support migrations from last release to current. (e.g. if you were running toaster jethro you could update to jethro++, but could not from fido to jethro)
- take migration from the startup script. it's only for releasetorelease.
- allow it to be in for master and ease of development w/in a release and pull at end as we do with moving releases.
- whatever we decide, add a test set for it so we know it works
- Be able to delete things from the ui
- old builds
- old projects
- imported layers we no longer want
- Be able to set from the ui a policy to delete all builds/recipes/packages that are older than XXX &/or be able to set maximum size on db and delete everything older than XXX when we near that size
- update the builds on the web page so we dont have to hit refresh to see the build progress.
- Make sure all files lint properly
- Include lint in CI builds
- Improve test coverage of all areas of the UI and back-end
- Clean up so it's easier to see what's going on in there
- Fix localhostbecontroller so it doesn't rely on what's in the log file when figuring out whether the bitbake server has started
All bugs for 2.1+
ID | Milestone | Summary (188 tasks) ⇒ | Status | P |
8669 | 2.1 M1 | Wrong password encoding syntax error in "bash -c" | VERIFIED | High |
8056 | 2.1 M3 | Image customisation front end implementation | VERIFIED | High |
8364 | 2.1 M1 | Upgrade Toaster to use Django 1.8 | VERIFIED | High |
9101 | 2.1 M4 | Dependencies dialog when adding packages to an image does not always work | VERIFIED | High |
8910 | 2.1 M2 | Toaster builds fail at the rootfs stage | VERIFIED | High |
9240 | 2.1 M4 | builds don't start in production setup mode | VERIFIED | High |
10206 | Future | The add layer dependencies type ahead shows layers already in the list of dependencies | NEW | Low |
8865 | Future | The project "updated" field shows the last time a project was saved, not its last activity | NEW | Low |
8247 | 2.1 | The build form in the project page does not interact with adding / removing layers | VERIFIED | Low |
7297 | Future | need Toaster icon | VERIFIED | Low |
8250 | 2.1 | In the 'new build' button, the project name link does not work | VERIFIED | Low |
9670 | Future | Toaster does not set a correct MIME type for tasks' logs files | NEW | Low |
8326 | Future | Build time counts the time a build spent queued | NEW | Low |
7457 | Future | Split "Previous Build" tasks | NEW | Low |
9165 | 2.1 M4 | Replace 'delete' with 'remove' in the context of project layer manipulation | VERIFIED | Low |
5811 | Future | the variable history should collect and display the variable value for each modification sequence | ACCEPTED | Low |
8905 | 2.1 M3 | Toaster: add layer button from project configuration page remains sensitive | VERIFIED | Low |
8546 | 2.1 | Toaster: add layer button from project configuration page remains sensitive if you select a layer with dependencies | VERIFIED | Low |
8095 | Future | Table results should be sorted in alphabetical order and other secondary criterias. | NEW | Low |
9856 | Future | Migrate remaining tables to ToasterTable | NEW | Low |
8577 | Future | Add a global UI widget to show progress of builds | NEW | Low |
9117 | Future | Allow "project builds" and "all builds" to be sorted by time and recipe name | NEW | Low |
8807 | Future | local cached layers don't get the branch checked out | NEW | Low |
6604 | Future | Clone a Toaster project | NEW | Low |
7161 | 2.1 | Inconsistent presentation of builds with more than one target | VERIFIED | Low |
4402 | Future | Customise the summary of all the information available for one build + image recipe combination | NEW | Low |
8695 | 2.1 | No default sorting applied in recipes and machines layer details tables | VERIFIED | Low |
8858 | Future | We should keep sorting state in our tables | NEW | Low |
9326 | 2.1 M4 | 'type the recipe you want to build' help says use semicolon but shows colon | VERIFIED | Low |
10205 | Future | The layer typeahead shows the project release branch for non-git layers | NEW | Low |
8860 | Future | The 'clear search' icon in ToasterTable tables should clear any applied filter | NEW | Low |
9435 | Future | Toaster throws an exception for images that have files on the / level | NEW | Low |
6778 | Future | Add "import layer" to layer suggestions drop down | NEW | Low |
8769 | Future | Integrating wic into Toaster | NEW | Low |
10281 | Future | Configuration variables: I can set a value for standard shell environment variable http_proxy | NEW | Low |
7294 | Future | For QA Issues errors and warnings, toaster should recognize the error and provide suggestions to the user on how the error can be repaired | NEW | Low |
9141 | Future | toaster when xmlrpc/cooker dies the web didn't tell the user about it | NEW | Low |
8476 | 2.1 | mysql port must be specified in even though marked as optional | VERIFIED | Low |
8036 | Future | Request to allow people to set pagination to all | NEW | Low |
8248 | Future | Toaster recipe page: missing empty state | NEW | Low |
7318 | 2.1 | Managed mode must use sessions to remember user search/orderby preferences | VERIFIED | Low |
8511 | 2.1 | Import layer page, "Add layer" button remains enabled when layer text input is empty | VERIFIED | Low |
8791 | 2.1 M3 | Software recipes table is not sort by any column by default | VERIFIED | Low |
9839 | Future | The "clear search" button on the – "Add | Remove packages table" - does not clear | NEW | Low |
9209 | Future | The unique name validation for custom images happens across projects | ACCEPTED | Low |
6978 | Future | For the local release in Toaster, show local path to layer directory instead of Git URL | NEW | Low |
8651 | 2.1 | Toaster: Loading icon remains on screen and nothing appears in the project page | VERIFIED | Low |
8421 | 2.1 | Configure default columns for the image image recipes and software recipes tables | VERIFIED | Low |
8685 | Future | Enter button doesn't apply your modification to bitbake variables | NEW | Low |
9118 | Future | Dead paths for meta-toaster-custom layer left behind in bblayers.conf | NEW | Low |
8857 | Future | Display number of search / filter results consistently across tables | NEW | Low |
8425 | Future | Toaster: A warning should be displayed when you delete a layer dependency | NEW | Low |
6670 | Future | all compatible recipes page should link to layer source recipe with the layer name | NEW | Low |
9977 | Future | Time, CPU and Disk I/O tables have the wrong core columns | NEW | Low |
7219 | Future | Show the file size of the license manifest when available for download in the build dashboard | NEW | Low |
9122 | 2.1 M3 | Name your custom image text box not showing properly | VERIFIED | Low |
8859 | Future | Provide a way of specifying the default sort direction in ToasterTable | NEW | Low |
8434 | Future | Toaster: package classes (rpm, ipk or deb) should be display in the build configuration page | NEW | Low |
8189 | Future | Variable history shows full paths to files inside the /bitbake directory | NEW | Medium |
7235 | Future | warn the user about unexpected configuration changes in variable history | NEW | Medium |
5192 | Future | non-existent URLs listed in the "Layer index URL" column | VERIFIED | Medium |
8958 | 2.1 M4 | Toaster does not build with the Jethro release | VERIFIED | Medium |
9137 | 2.1 M4 | Improve handling of builds without package data | VERIFIED | Medium |
8450 | 2.1 | Toaster: Build more recipes from Most build recipes fails | VERIFIED | Medium |
9485 | Future | Fix typeaheads for Bootstrap 3 | NEW | Medium |
6787 | 2.1 | Cancelling builds at any point in the build process | VERIFIED | Medium |
8775 | 2.1 | check to see if port is in use early and exit | VERIFIED | Medium |
10633 | Future | Add optional layers selection tool | NEW | Medium |
5385 | Future | Create users data model. | VERIFIED | Medium |
9005 | Future | Provide build cancellation functionality for command line builds | ACCEPTED | Medium |
6840 | Future | Seeing builds delta in Toaster | NEW | Medium |
9142 | 2.1 M4 | ca-certificates have non ascii characters in filenames which causes toaster to be unhappy | VERIFIED | Medium |
8488 | Future | Collect variable information for the image scope | NEW | Medium |
8042 | 2.1 | Layerdetails/layers to show full dependency tree | VERIFIED | Medium |
9519 | Future | Consolidate used API into it's own view | IN PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION | Medium |
8781 | 2.1 | Cannot build lsb images | VERIFIED | Medium |
7334 | 2.1 | The 'machine' information is not searchable in the all builds, all projects and project builds tables | VERIFIED | Medium |
9163 | 2.1 M4 | Add reverse dependencies column to the image details pages | VERIFIED | Medium |
5564 | Future | toaster document REST APIs dynamically using Swagger | VERIFIED | Medium |
6898 | Future | Design Toaster configuration interface | NEW | Medium |
8899 | 2.1 | Change project release not working | VERIFIED | Medium |
8527 | 2.1 | Sorting in layer details page jumps back to the default tab (layer details) | VERIFIED | Medium |
8790 | Future | Boostrapping package information for image customisation purposes | NEW | Medium |
9087 | 2.1 M4 | Toaster hangs when you start a build specifying an invalid task | VERIFIED | Medium |
9812 | Future | Add hints to project configuration page that recipes may overwrite or modify settings during the build | NEW | Medium |
6915 | Future | Toaster should handle ASSUME_PROVIDED | NEW | Medium |
8792 | 2.1 M3 | Errors column and project column does not disappear when unchecked from edit columns menu | VERIFIED | Medium |
8366 | Future | Build the specific recipe version | NEW | Medium |
9206 | 2.1 M4 | Building custom images based on custom images fails | VERIFIED | Medium |
6166 | Future | Toaster collects no information about builds | VERIFIED | Medium |
6953 | Future | Branding Support | NEW | Medium |
9111 | 2.1 M4 | Custom images should not be listed in the image recipes table | VERIFIED | Medium |
8796 | 2.1 M3 | Remove all manual transaction management | VERIFIED | Medium |
8379 | 2.1 | "sorting" doesn't work well on "Recipe file" column | VERIFIED | Medium |
7742 | Future | Toaster: Remove constraints when setting the layers checkout directory | NEW | Medium |
9229 | 2.1 M4 | Layers from layer index not available when using local Yocto release | VERIFIED | Medium |
6239 | Future | Toaster utility commands for shared databases | VERIFIED | Medium |
9914 | Future | For imported layers, remember the value of the last directory and the last Git repository | NEW | Medium |
7038 | Future | For cached tasks, indicate in which URL the sstate object was found | NEW | Medium |
8424 | Future | Toaster: Compatible recipes tab should display the machine compatible recipes | NEW | Medium |
7748 | Future | Provide a way to do a Toaster cleanup and start again if you get the initial set up wrong | NEW | Medium |
9969 | Future | Display target:task correctly on build dashboard (and elsewhere) | ACCEPTED | Medium |
8944 | 2.1 M3 | Compatible metadata is shared across projects using the local release | VERIFIED | Medium |
8426 | Future | Improve how we display layer dependencies | NEW | Medium |
7794 | Future | Design Toaster First Use | NEW | Medium |
6706 | Future | Include maintainers list for layers | CLOSED | Medium |
7234 | Future | warn the user if the project configuration settings aren't reflected in the build | NEW | Medium |
4948 | 2.1 | create tests for Toaster API | VERIFIED | Medium |
8449 | 2.1 | Toaster: add layer button from project configuration page remains sensitive after you delete from text box | VERIFIED | Medium |
7977 | 2.1 | Toaster fails to start with Django 1.7 | VERIFIED | Medium |
8218 | Future | Provide a way to update layer information from the Toaster GUI | NEW | Medium |
5255 | Future | Provide access to tasks executable output in Toaster | ACCEPTED | Medium |
8959 | Future | Allow Toaster to run images on simulator, even a custom one | NEW | Medium |
6794 | Future | Add last commit information to Toaster | NEW | Medium |
8866 | Future | Home-brew JSON encoding is ad hoc and incomplete | NEW | Medium |
9518 | Future | Rationalise the directory structure generated by Toaster | NEW | Medium |
8776 | 2.1 | We need to catch the error: WARNING: Could not connect to server at (Could not register UI event handler) ERROR: Could not connect to server : Could not register UI event handler | VERIFIED | Medium |
13245 | Future | Toaster visualization proposals | NEW | Medium |
9156 | 2.1 M4 | Adding a package that was a dependency doesn't always look right | VERIFIED | Medium |
5539 | Future | Design Project Management REST API | VERIFIED | Medium |
6897 | Future | Customise the Django admin interface | NEW | Medium |
9153 | Future | Enhance build performance data | NEW | Medium |
8896 | Future | Enable sorting by number of dependencies | NEW | Medium |
9617 | Future | Create Toaster Docker production container | NEW | Medium |
8782 | 2.1 | toastermain hardcoded filecache location | VERIFIED | Medium |
7452 | Future | build mode path fields in the analysis pages should be a link to the specific details page | VERIFIED | Medium |
9164 | Future | The toaster-custom-images layer should not show like any other layer, and should not be removable | NEW | Medium |
5648 | Future | Add a field license_files to package information | ACCEPTED | Medium |
9058 | 2.1 | Bad project MACHINE setting in conf/toaster.conf causes command line builds to fail | VERIFIED | Medium |
9684 | Future | "Edit Columns" Button on the Compatible layers view is missing | NEW | Medium |
6910 | Future | Use sticky headers for long tables | NEW | Medium |
8528 | 2.1 | Toaster does not recognize image recipes when it builds them on local project | VERIFIED | Medium |
7596 | Future | variable type support in project configuration pages | NEW | Medium |
9200 | 2.1 M4 | we are disabling file based git urls in imported (actually all) layers | VERIFIED | Medium |
6095 | Future | Retrieve full build information independently of task execution | NEW | Medium |
6916 | Future | Toaster should turn QA check names in warnings / errors into links | NEW | Medium |
8572 | 2.1 | Json import error: Openembedded branches include local branch | VERIFIED | Medium |
9109 | Future | Apply sleep 0.5 to other database operations | NEW | Medium |
8795 | 2.1 | In the build history information, layer names equal their directory name, not the layer name | VERIFIED | Medium |
7727 | Future | toaster: show bbappend information for recipes | NEW | Medium |
6234 | Future | Implement model for project owner / user | NEW | Medium |
9895 | Future | Provide UI to allow local layers to be published to layerindex. | NEW | Medium |
8806 | Future | Refactor localhostbecontroller | ACCEPTED | Medium |
7747 | Future | Improve messaging when Toaster is launched with no releases set | ACCEPTED | Medium |
6603 | Future | Export / Import Toaster projects | NEW | Medium |
9918 | Future | Use bitbakes fetcher code to grab layers, do checkouts, etc. | NEW | Medium |
7110 | Future | Builds of "world" are pretty ugly in toaster UI | NEW | Medium |
4331 | Future | Visualising single package size | NEW | Medium |
7751 | Future | Toaster allows me to build when no machine is set in the default configuration | NEW | Medium |
9297 | Future | Toaster: Simplify building extensible SDK | NEW | Medium |
8148 | 2.1 | Sorting the content of the Layer/Machines table doesn't work | VERIFIED | Medium |
4624 | Future | Show the content of the run files in the task information pages | VERIFIED | Medium |
8955 | Future | Recipe explorer | NEW | Medium |
8705 | Future | Store valid values for variables in the Toaster database | NEW | Medium |
6712 | Future | Modify the default Bootstrap behaviour of tooltips and popovers triggered on hover | NEW | Medium |
8738 | 2.1 M3 | Build and Projects tables not using ToasterTables | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8026 | 2.1 | Toaster start up directories incorrect | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8895 | 2.1 M3 | Lsupdates throw error using mysql | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
9051 | 2.1 M3 | IDs missing from toaster main page | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
9154 | 2.1 M4 | The custom image details page needs a custom 'no search results' page | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8070 | 2.1 M3 | Implement image recipe details page | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8082 | 2.1 M3 | Implement the 'custom image details' page | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
9108 | 2.1 M4 | The image recipe details page show the list of packages built, instead of the list of packages installed | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
7603 | 2.1 M3 | Toaster is not storing in its database information about SDK artifacts | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8917 | 2.1 M3 | Remove the ability to change the project release | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8104 | 2.1 M3 | Implement building a custom image | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
4315 | Future | Create a local bitbake run manager | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8927 | 2.1 M3 | Custom image package list does not show packages installed via IMAGE_LINGUAS | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
9266 | 2.1 M4 | Image builds aren't identified as images | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8128 | 2.1 M3 | Implement downloading custom image recipe files | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
9121 | 2.1 M4 | Remove reverse dependencies when removing packages from custom images | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8154 | 2.1 M1 | Remove the master release from fido | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8956 | 2.1 M4 | Toaster doesn't display build artifacts | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8725 | 2.1 M3 | Impossible to access the command line builds project page (project 1) | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
9123 | 2.1 M4 | Build history pages are missing the image customisation links | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
9021 | 2.1 M3 | Toaster merges builds started from its web UI with builds started from CLI | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8279 | 2.1 | Provide a single way of starting Toaster | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8901 | 2.1 M3 | Split package groups from all other packages in build information | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8081 | 2.1 M1 | Implement the 'new custom image' page | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8091 | 2.1 M3 | Implement the 'custom images' page | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8373 | 2.1 M1 | Toaster in analysis mode downloads the wrong cooker logs | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8103 | 2.1 M3 | Implement creating a custom image | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8925 | 2.1 M3 | Custom image package list does not show kernel-related packages | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
9116 | 2.1 M3 | migrations fail to apply on mysql | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8117 | 2.1 M1 | Implementing adding and removing packages to / from custom images | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
8933 | 2.1 M3 | Image customisation package list does not show packages installed via dependencies | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
7880 | 2.1 M4 | Toaster uses the same /tmp dir across releases | VERIFIED | Medium+ |
9385 | 2.1 M4 | After a project's initial image build of sato, building a custom minimal never shows packages | VERIFIED | Medium+ |