Weekly b74ea963cefffad9fbd91d4eb9b240f6a8c86cd0
Package Name | Tests ran | Passed | Failed | Passrate | Last Passrate | Run difference |
qemux86 | 57 | 57 | 0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | No |
genericx86-64_minnowmax | 57 | 55 | 2 | 96.0 | 97.0 | Yes
Results for genericx86-64_minnowmax weekly runtime 2015-09-30: Tests that failed now and worked last time: 1 testcase-test_parselogsTests that passed now and and failed last time: 0 Tests that were skipped now and worked last time: 20 testcase-1142testcase-961 testcase-962 testcase-1141 testcase-964 testcase-1144 testcase-1145 testcase-968 testcase-969 testcase-1149 testcase-1146 testcase-223 testcase-1143 testcase-960 testcase-1059 testcase-1151 testcase-1150 testcase-971 testcase-970 testcase-195 Tests that were skipped last time and worked now: 19 testcase-test_connmand_helptestcase-test_syslog_restart testcase-test_perl_exists testcase-test_smart_version testcase-test_parselogs testcase-test_ldd_exists testcase-test_syslog_logger testcase-test_smart_channel_help testcase-test_gpp2_compile testcase-test_python_testfile testcase-test_syslog_help testcase-test_xorg_running testcase-test_smart_channel_show testcase-test_ping testcase-test_rpm_help testcase-test_smart_channel testcase-test_smart_channel_list testcase-test_smart_install testcase-test_python_exists |
qemux86_64 | 57 | 57 | 0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | No |
genericx86-64_nuc | 57 | 55 | 2 | 96.0 | 81.0 | Yes
Results for genericx86-64_nuc weekly runtime 2015-09-30: Tests that failed now and worked last time: 1 testcase-test_parselogsTests that passed now and and failed last time: 7 testcase-731testcase-723 testcase-726 testcase-725 testcase-728 testcase-727 testcase-729 Tests that were skipped now and worked last time: 19 testcase-1142testcase-961 testcase-962 testcase-1141 testcase-964 testcase-1144 testcase-1145 testcase-968 testcase-969 testcase-1149 testcase-1146 testcase-223 testcase-1143 testcase-960 testcase-1059 testcase-1151 testcase-1150 testcase-971 testcase-970 Tests that were skipped last time and worked now: 23 testcase-test_connmand_helptestcase-1096 testcase-test_syslog_restart testcase-test_perl_exists testcase-test_smart_version testcase-test_parselogs testcase-test_ldd_exists testcase-719 testcase-194 testcase-test_syslog_logger testcase-test_smart_channel_help testcase-test_gpp2_compile testcase-test_python_testfile testcase-test_syslog_help testcase-test_xorg_running testcase-test_smart_channel_show testcase-test_ping testcase-test_rpm_help testcase-192 testcase-test_smart_channel testcase-test_smart_channel_list testcase-test_smart_install testcase-test_python_exists |
genericx86-64-lsb_nuc | 57 | 50 | 7 | 88.0 | 91.0 | Yes
Results for genericx86-64-lsb_nuc weekly runtime 2015-09-30: Tests that failed now and worked last time: 4 testcase-test_parselogstestcase-test_syslog_help testcase-test_xorg_running testcase-316 Tests that passed now and and failed last time: 0 Tests that were skipped now and worked last time: 20 testcase-1142testcase-961 testcase-962 testcase-1141 testcase-964 testcase-1144 testcase-1145 testcase-968 testcase-969 testcase-1149 testcase-1146 testcase-223 testcase-1143 testcase-960 testcase-1059 testcase-1151 testcase-1150 testcase-971 testcase-970 testcase-195 Tests that were skipped last time and worked now: 19 testcase-test_connmand_helptestcase-test_syslog_restart testcase-test_perl_exists testcase-test_smart_version testcase-test_parselogs testcase-test_ldd_exists testcase-test_syslog_logger testcase-test_smart_channel_help testcase-test_gpp2_compile testcase-test_python_testfile testcase-test_syslog_help testcase-test_xorg_running testcase-test_smart_channel_show testcase-test_ping testcase-test_rpm_help testcase-test_smart_channel testcase-test_smart_channel_list testcase-test_smart_install testcase-test_python_exists |