Webhob REST API Builds

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Method Endpoint Body Description Comments
GET /builds JSON Returns page size limited and search criteria filtered amount of builds from the data base -


Name Type Description Comments
limit number The amout of builds to be displayed in one page -
offset number Represents the position of the first record in the page If limit is 1, end point will target the findOne functionality and the offset will act as the actual build id
filter string Consists of a string used to filter results Generic parameter sent from front-end application. If


If the "limit" parameter has the value 1, the information retrieved from this endpoint consists of a single object (Builds DTO).

Build DTO

Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - The object root (will not be literaly be used in the coding). Used only here to describe the container for the actual properties. -
[Object Root].outcome number 2 YES - Signals successful or failed build 0 - the build has failed,
1 - successful build
[Object Root].target string - YES - The name of the build target(s) -
[Object Root].machine string array - YES - The selected hardware -
[Object Root].startedOn number representation of date - YES - Marks the moment the process is started -
[Object Root].completedOn number representation of date - YES - Marks the moment the process is completed -
[Object Root].errors number - YES - Number of errors thrown by the build -
[Object Root].warnings number - YES - Number of warnings thrown by the build -
[Object Root].log string - YES - Path to log file -
[Object Root].output string array - YES - The extensions of the root file systems produced by the build -

Returning Multiple Builds

If the "limit" parameter is greater than 1 then the information retrieved from this endpoint consists of an object that has two properties: count (the total amount of items for pagination purposes)and the actual list of builds (objects with same structure as the Build DTO explained earlier).

Name Type Dimension Required Default value(s) Description Comments
[Object Root] object - YES - The object root (will not be literaly be used in the coding). Used only here to describe the container for the actual properties. -
[Object Root].count number - YES - Total amount of builds -
[Object Root].list object(Build DTO) array - YES - The list of Build DTOs within the given limit Reffer to Build DTO for object description