YoctoProject Summit yps2022.05
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The organizing committee consists of (alphabetical by first name):
- Armin Kuster
- Behan Webster
- David Reyna
- Josef Holzmayr-Khosh Amoz
- Nicolas Dechesne (YP Community Manager)
- Trevor Woerner
The papers committee consists of:
- (the organizing committee)
In terms of platforms we're using:
- pretalx for the CfP and schedule
- the LF's cvent for registration
- Zoom for the conference video
- irc for the conference chat (channel #yocto-summit-2022.05 on Libera.Chat)
For more information:
- https://www.yoctoproject.org/yocto-project-summit-2022-05/
- https://pretalx.com/yocto-project-summit-2022-05/
Slide template for presenters:
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Z6FSvgyaDBZtPC1GtT6iQiMflArKl0BvNMP6rSHqnEg/
- keep the first and last slides
- edit the first slide to include your name, presentation title, and (optionally) your company
- the rest of the slides are examples and can be duplicated, edited, and/or removed
- please upload your finished slides to your specific event in TBD