Kernel Development Test Cases
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Common Prerequisites
- 1. Have a clone of poky:
$ git clone git://
- 2. Check out the required commit using git:
$ git checkout [COMMIT_HASH]
- 3. Source the build environment to create the configuration files:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]
$ . oe-init-build-env
- 4. Open the conf/local.conf file:
$ vi conf/local.conf
- Establish the machine to qemux86-64 by setting the line:
MACHINE = "qemux86-64"
- 5. Compile a minimal image:
$ bitbake core-image-minimal
- 6. Get and take note of the linux-yocto kernel version (only the first two numbers, for example: 4.10):
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -e | grep LINUX_VERSION
- 7. Create a layer to store kernel test metadata. For this task, you could use the yocto-layer script and its default recipe values:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]
$ yocto-layer create [LAYER-NAME]
- Note: In the rest of this document "meta-kerneltest" is used as the [LAYER-NAME].
- 8. Create the recipe directory structure inside the created layer:
$ mkdir -p meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/
- 9. Create a recipe append file inside the directory:
$ touch meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4%.bbappend
- 10. Copy the recipe file corresponding to the linux-yocto version inside the directory:
$ cp meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_[VERSION].bb meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom_[VERSION].bb
- 11. Edit the linux-yocto-custom recipe:
$ vi meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom_[VERSION].bb
- Set the PV variable with the LINUX_VERSION variable value:
- 12. Create directory "linux-yocto":
$ mkdir meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/
- 13. Create directory "linux-yocto-custom":
$ mkdir meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/
- 14. Add the created layer to bblayers.conf. For this task, you could use the bitbake-layers script from inside the build directory:
$ cd build
$ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-kerneltest
General Remarks
- 1. As a suggestion, open another terminal in order to perform git commands.
- 2. Remember to source the environment and ensure your current work directory is [POKY_PATH]/build before using bitbake scripts and tools.
- 3. You can edit any required file with vim, emacs, or your preferred text editor.
- 4. If there is not a proper response after building an image, be sure to clean the shared state, and try again. To clean it, you can use:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -c cleansstate
- 5. Be careful with the information added to recipe and recipe append files, using the same values -- including spaces-- to set a recipe variable value.
- To ensure all the sources are correctly downloaded and the required taks are executed, ensure no shared states proxies are set on conf/local.conf.
- 6. Make sure to point to the correct linux-yocto version.
TC_KD_01 – Applying Patches
Use Case
As a developer, I want to be able to apply a single patch to the Linux kernel source.
- 1. Generate the patch:
- 1.1. Go to kernel source directory:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]/build/tmp/work-shared/qemux86-64/kernel-source
- 1.2. Add some information at the end of the README file:
$ echo This is a test to apply a patch to the kernel. >> README
- 1.3. Add the modified file to the patch:
$ git add README
- 1.4. Commit the change:
$ git commit -s -m "KERNEL DEV TEST CASE"
- 1.5. Format the patch:
$ git format-patch -1
- 1.1. Go to kernel source directory:
- 1. Move the generated patch to the "linux-yocto" directory :
$ mv 0001-KERNEL-DEV-TEST-CASE.patch [POKY_PATH]/meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/
- 2. Add the SRC_URI var with the patch to the linux-yocto_4%.bbappend file:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]
$ vi meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4%.bbappend
- Add the following lines and save and close the file:
SRC_URI += "file://0001-KERNEL-DEV-TEST-CASE.patch"
- 3. Delete the README file:
$ rm build/tmp/work-shared/qemux86-64/kernel-source/README
- 4. Clean the shared state:
$ cd build
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -c cleansstate
- 5. Build the patch:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -c patch
- 6. Verify the patch is applied properly:
$ tail tmp/work-shared/qemux86-64/kernel-source/README
Expected results
- 1. Bitbake should complete the build without errors.
- 2. The README file should exist.
- 3. The patch changes should be displayed at the end of the file.
TC_KD_02 – linux-yocto Local Source
Use Case
As a developer, I want to to be able to work with my own Linux kernel sources.
- 1. Have a recipe append file for linux-yocto (created previously).
- 2. Clone in a specific directory (different of poky):
$ git clone git://
$ git clone git://[VERSION]
- 3. Go to the cloned yocto-kernel-cache directory:
$ cd [KERNEL_REPOS_PATH]/yocto-kernel-cache
- Checkout the required yocto-version branch:
$ git checkout [yocto-version] # For example: $ git checkout yocto-4.8
- 4. Go to the linux-yocto-[VERSION] directory:
$ cd [KERNEL_REPOS_PATH]/linux-yocto-[VERSION]
- Checkout the standard/base branch:
$ git checkout standard/base
- 5. Edit the conf/local.conf file in the repository where you are working for execution:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]
$ vi build/conf/local.conf
- Set the following line:
- 1. Edit the linux-yocto recipe append file previously created at your "meta-kerneltest" directory:
$ vi meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4%.bbappend
- Set the SRC_URI variable with the following information:
SRC_URI = "git://[KERNEL_REPOS_PATH]/linux-yocto-[VERSION];protocol=file;name=machine;branch=${KBRANCH}; \
- 2. Clean the shared state:
$ cd build
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -c cleansstate
- 3. Build the kernel:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel
- 4. Verify the changes by executing:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -e | grep "name=machine;branch"
Expected Results
- 1. The changes should be performed successfully.
- 2. The build should be completed successfully.
- 3. The bitbake variables output should display that the SRC_URI variable is now:
SRC_URI = "git://[KERNEL_REPOS_PATH]/linux-yocto-[VERSION];protocol=file;name=machine;branch=${KBRANCH}; \
TC_KD_03 – linux-yocto Custom Local Source
Use Case
As a developer, I want to be able to work with my own local sources for a customized linux-yocto kernel.
- 1. Make sure you have the custom recipe file corresponding to the latest linux-yocto version:
- This file should originate from [POKY_PATH]/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_[VERSION].bb
- 2. Edit the linux-yocto-custom recipe file:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]
$ vi meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom_[VERSION].bb
- Set the SRC_URI variable with the following information:
SRC_URI = "git://[KERNEL_REPOS_PATH]/linux-yocto-[VERSION];protocol=file;name=machine;branch=${KBRANCH}; \
- 1. Go to the poky build directory:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]/build
- 2. At conf/local.conf add the following variable:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-yocto-custom"
- 3. Clean the shared state:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -c cleansstate
- 4. Compile the kernel:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel
- 5. Verify the changes by executing:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -e | grep PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel
Expected Results
- 1. The variable "PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel" should be set successfully.
- 2. Compilation process should be performed successfully.
TC_KD_04 – Local Parallel Meta
Use Case
As a developer, I want to be able to work with local source with parallel meta.
- 1. Edit the linux-yocto-custom recipe file:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]
$ vi meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom_[VERSION].bb
- Set the SRC_URI variable with the following information:
SRC_URI = "git://[KERNEL_REPOS_PATH]/linux-yocto-[VERSION];protocol=file;name=machine;branch=${KBRANCH}; \
- 2. Go to the poky build directory:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]/build
- 3. At conf/local.conf add the following variable:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-yocto-custom"
- 4. Clean the shared state:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -c cleansstate
- 5. Execute the kernel configuration task:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -c kernel_configme
- 6. Verify that CONFIG_WIMAX option is not set at:
- 7. Set parallel-meta for linux-yocto-custom, adding a specific fragment:
- 7.1. Create four directories --"files", "parallel-kmeta","features" and "wimax"-- to work with parallel meta:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]/meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/
$ mkdir -p files/parallel-kmeta/features/wimax
- 7.2. Inside "wimax" directory create two files: wimax.cfg and wimax.scc:
$ cd files/parallel-kmeta/features/wimax
$ touch wimax.cfg wimax.scc
- 7.3. Inside wimax.cfg add the following configuration:
- 7.4. Inside wimax.scc add the following lines:
define KFEATURE_DESCRIPTION "WiMAX Wireless Broadband support"
kconf hardware wimax.cfg
- 7.1. Create four directories --"files", "parallel-kmeta","features" and "wimax"-- to work with parallel meta:
- 1. Edit the linux-yocto-custom recipe file:
$ vi [POKY_PATH]/meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom_[VERSION].bb
- Set the SRC_URI variable with the following information:
SRC_URI = "git://[KERNEL_REPOS_PATH]/linux-yocto-[VERSION];protocol=file;name=machine;branch=${KBRANCH}; \
- Add the fragment by setting the next line:
KERNEL_FEATURES_append = " features/wimax/wimax.scc"
- 2. Edit conf/local.conf
$ cd [POKY_PATH]/build/
$ vi conf/local.conf
- Set the following variable:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-yocto-custom"
- 3. Clean the shared state:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -c cleansstate
- 4. Execute the kernel configuration task:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -c kernel_configme
- Note: The build should fail at this step with an error indicating the "wimax.scc" fragment is not found.
- 4. Edit the linux-yocto-custom recipe file:
$ vi [POKY_PATH]/meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom_[VERSION].bb
- Set the SRC_URI variable with the following information:
SRC_URI = "git://[KERNEL_REPOS_PATH]/linux-yocto-[VERSION];protocol=file;name=machine;branch=${KBRANCH}; \
git://[KERNEL_REPOS_PATH]/yocto-kernel-cache;protocol=file;type=kmeta;name=meta;branch=yocto-[VERSION];destsuffix=${KMETA}; \
- 4. Execute the kernel configuration task:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -c kernel_configme
- 6. Verify that CONFIG_WIMAX=y option was set properly at:
- 7. Verify the variables are set succesfully using:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -e | grep -E "PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel|SRC_URI"
Expected Results
- 1. The variables should be set successfully.
- 2. The fragment should be added properly.
- 3. Compilation process should be performed successfully.
- 4. CONFIG_WIMAX=y option should be set properly in the .config file after executing the kernel configuration task.
TC_KD_05 – Recipe-space Meta
Use Case
As a developer, I want to be able to work with recipe-space meta.
- 1. Edit the linux-yocto-custom recipe file:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]
$ vi meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom_[VERSION].bb
- Set the SRC_URI variable with the following information:
SRC_URI = "git://[KERNEL_REPOS_PATH]/linux-yocto-[VERSION];protocol=file;name=machine;branch=${KBRANCH}; \
- Ensure the following value is not set:
SRC_URI_append = " file://pwm-test.scc"
- 2. At build/conf/local.conf add the following variable:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-yocto-custom"
- 3. Clean the shared state:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]/build
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -c cleansstate
- 4. Compile the kernel:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel
- 5. Verify that CONFIG_PWM option is not set at:
- 6. Create the files pwm-test.cfg and pwm-test.scc on meta-kerneltest in the linux-yocto-custom directory:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]/meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom
$ touch pwm-test.cfg pwm-test.scc
- 6.1. Inside pwm-test.cfg include the line:
- 6.2. Inside pwm-test.scc include the following information:
define KFEATURE_DESCRIPTION "Enable core options for PWM support - TC_KD_recipe-space_meta"
kconf hardware pwm-test.cfg
- 1. Edit the linux-yocto-custom recipe:
$ vi [POKY_PATH]/meta-kerneltest/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom_[VERSION].bb
- Add the following variable:
SRC_URI_append = " file://pwm-test.scc"
- 2. Edit local.conf:
$ cd [POKY_PATH]/build
$ vi conf/local.conf
- Set the following variables:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-yocto-custom"
- 3. Clean the shared state:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel -c cleansstate
- 4. Compile the kernel:
$ bitbake virtual/kernel
- 5. Verify that CONFIG_PWM=y option was set properly at:
Expected Results
- 1. The variables should be set successfully.
- 2. Compilation process should be performed successfully.
- 3. CONFIG_PWM=y option should be set properly in the .config file.
- 1. If the PWM feature is included on a build by default, verify on the following link a feature that is not included, and use it instead, updating the test case for future reference: