ID | Assignee | E | Summary (12 tasks) ⇒ | P | Requester | QA | Milestone | Status | Resolution | Whiteboard |
| | | 0 | | | | | | | |
Benjamin Esquivel |
8480 | Benjamin Esquivel | 7 | Support image flash methods and communication methods with DUT | Medium+ | Cathy Shen | Jose Perez C | 2.3 M1 | VERIFIED | OBSOLETE | |
| | | 1 | | | | | | | |
Cathy Shen |
8479 | Cathy Shen | 1 | Single Test case can be self-executed without test runner | Medium+ | Cathy Shen | Bogdan Alexandru Voiculescu | 2.1 M2 | VERIFIED | OBSOLETE | |
| | | 1 | | | | | | | |
jingwang |
8483 | jingwang | | Compatible to run generic pyunit test cases by test runner | Medium | Cathy Shen | | Future | RESOLVED | OBSOLETE | |
| | | 1 | | | | | | | |
Mariano Lopez |
8478 | Mariano Lopez | 5 | Decoupling export test with Yocto build environment | Medium+ | Cathy Shen | Cathy Shen | 2.2 M1 | RESOLVED | FIXED | |
8481 | Mariano Lopez | 5 | Generate test tar balls for export test | Medium+ | Cathy Shen | Cathy Shen | 2.2 M1 | RESOLVED | FIXED | |
8532 | Mariano Lopez | 3 | parameter support for: -a <tag> | Medium+ | Cathy Shen | | 2.2 M3 | RESOLVED | FIXED | |
8535 | Mariano Lopez | 15 | export the test scripts under all layers' ./lib/oeqa | Medium+ | Cathy Shen | Cathy Shen | 2.2 M3 | RESOLVED | FIXED | |
8536 | Mariano Lopez | 5 | support un-extracted package (e.g. rpm) as one type of test binaries | Medium+ | Cathy Shen | Cathy Shen | 2.2 M1 | RESOLVED | FIXED | |
| | | 5 | | | | | | | |
Unassigned |
8482 | Unassigned | | Support multi-nodes interoperability testing | Medium | Cathy Shen | | Future | RESOLVED | OBSOLETE | |
8531 | Unassigned | | parameter support for: -f <manifest> | Medium | Cathy Shen | | Future | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | |
8533 | Unassigned | | parameter support for: -x <xunit> | Medium | Cathy Shen | | Future | RESOLVED | OBSOLETE | OB REVIEW |
8534 | Unassigned | 15 | need export manifest files to SDK package under /conf/test/ folders of every layer | Medium | Cathy Shen | | Future | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | |
| | | 4 | | | | | | | |