Yocto Project v2.5 Status: Difference between revisions

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| Functional Tests || 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. ||  bgcolor=""  |
| Functional Tests || 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. ||  bgcolor=""  |
| Distros Tested || Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version ||  bgcolor=""  |
| Distros Tested || Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version ||  bgcolor="#39FF14"  | Done: CentOs 7, Debian 9, Fedora 26, Fedora 27, OpenSuse 42.3, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.10
| BSP Testing || 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. ||  bgcolor=""  |
| BSP Testing || 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. ||  bgcolor=""  |

Revision as of 15:51, 9 April 2018

Yocto Project 2.5 release Status - Work in progress

Project Dashboard


Feature/Task Board


Scheduled Design Design Complete Development Patch Review Testing Done Blocked
11740Alejandro Hernandez2.5
9602Alexander Kanavin2.5
10672Alexander Kanavin2.5
11615Alexander Kanavin2.5
11207Amanda Brindle2.5
11208Amanda Brindle2.5
11415Amanda Brindle2.5
12129Amanda Brindle2.5
3343Anuj Mittal2.5
12118Anuj Mittal2.5
12119Anuj Mittal2.5
12120Anuj Mittal2.5
12121Anuj Mittal2.5
12122Anuj Mittal2.5
12123Anuj Mittal2.5
11948Paul Eggleton2.5
2273Ed Bartosh2.5
11891Ed Bartosh2.5
11765Jair Gonzalez2.5
12463Joshua Lock2.5
7698Joshua Lock2.5
10437Joshua Lock2.5
10503Joshua Lock2.5
10779Joshua Lock2.5
11825Joshua Lock2.5
10415Juan Manuel Cruz Alcaraz2.5
9946Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.5
12258Ross Burton2.5
4349Ross Burton2.5
10801Alexander Kanavin2.5 M1
11596Cinly Ooi2.5 M1
10805Daniela Plascencia2.5 M1
11518Daniela Plascencia2.5 M1
10874Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.5 M1
11780Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.5 M1
12196Ross Burton2.5 M1
12167Stephano Cetola2.5 M1
12126Todor Minchev2.5 M1
12348Alexander Kanavin2.5 M2
12425Alexander Kanavin2.5 M2
11943Amanda Brindle2.5 M2
10773yeoh ee peng2.5 M2
11363Haris Okanovic2.5 M2
9787Jose Perez C2.5 M2
12327Joshua Lock2.5 M2
10956Leonardo Sandoval Gonzalez2.5 M2
12177Rebecca Chang2.5 M2
8730Ross Burton2.5 M2
11510Ross Burton2.5 M2
11694Ross Burton2.5 M2
11695Ross Burton2.5 M2
10598Alexander Kanavin2.5 M3
12027Bruce Ashfield2.5 M3
12188California Sullivan2.5 M3
10987California Sullivan2.5 M3
12193David Reyna2.5 M3
10063yeoh ee peng2.5 M3
12104Joshua Lock2.5 M3
11178Juro Bystricky2.5 M3
11179Juro Bystricky2.5 M3
10230+Stephen K Jolley2.5 M3
12128Stephano Cetola2.5 M3
10147yeoh ee peng2.5 M4
11176Juro Bystricky2.5 M4
12422Juro Bystricky2.5 M4
11525Kristi2.5 M4
12371Scott Rifenbark2.5 M4
no bugzilla tickets were found

List View









Design Complete




Patch Review



IDAssigneePESummary (69 tasks) WhiteboardMilestoneStatus
11740Alejandro HernandezMedium2DAFT: Enable BeagleBone OTG Ethernet interface on genericx86 images.2.5RESOLVED
9602Alexander KanavinMedium2AUH: Run automated tests on alternative C libraries2.5RESOLVED
10672Alexander KanavinMedium1AUH log's tarball should have relative path starting at the timestamp2.5RESOLVED
11615Alexander KanavinMedium1auh: Send summary to maintainers when upgrade fails2.5RESOLVED
11207Amanda BrindleMedium1Add bbclass search2.5RESOLVED
11208Amanda BrindleMedium1Email notification on publication2.5RESOLVED
11415Amanda BrindleMedium1layerindex: gather available PACKAGECONFIG options2.5RESOLVED
12129Amanda BrindleMedium5Show recipe dependencies in layer index2.5RESOLVED
3343Anuj MittalLow2perf script: install audit-libs-python to get syscall name for syscall-displaying scripts2.5RESOLVED
12118Anuj MittalMediummuslx32: webkitgtk compilation error2.5RESOLVED
12119Anuj MittalMediummuslx32: boost compilation error2.5RESOLVED
12120Anuj MittalMediummuslx32: gdb compilation error2.5RESOLVED
12121Anuj MittalMediummuslx32: qat16 compilation error2.5RESOLVED
12122Anuj MittalMediummuslx32: systemd-boot compilation error2.5RESOLVED
12123Anuj MittalMediummuslx32: acpica compilation error2.5RESOLVED
11948Paul EggletonMedium1devtool upgrade walks the file tree and execs a git add for each file2.5RESOLVED
2273Ed BartoshLow4Evaluate current image space settings2.5RESOLVED
11891Ed BartoshMedium4Port bmaptools to Python 32.5RESOLVED
11765Jair GonzalezMedium5Create DAFT test fixture for BSP QA cycles2.5RESOLVED
7698Joshua LockMedium5Update to latest version of buildbot2.5RESOLVED
10437Joshua LockMedium5Improve PublishArtifacts (remove hard-coded paths & assumptions)2.5RESOLVED
10503Joshua LockMedium1Enable the capability to check the details of an image when is already booted2.5RESOLVED
10779Joshua LockMedium3Ensure auto.conf is restored at the end of build steps which modify it2.5RESOLVED
11825Joshua LockMedium4A "Let's try that again" button2.5RESOLVED
12463Joshua LockMediumSplit buildhistory repo creation into separate build step2.5RESOLVED
10415Juan Manuel Cruz AlcarazMedium+1devtool: add: override preferred kernel when a new one is added2.5RESOLVED
9946Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium5patchtest: must be able to test the series on every branch specified on mbox summary2.5RESOLVED
4349Ross BurtonMedium5An easy way to find out why a recipe is built and installed (RDEPENDS)2.5RESOLVED
12258Ross BurtonMediumLICENSE in packagegroup?2.5RESOLVED
11381UnassignedMedium+4oe-build-perf-report: show task summary2.5RESOLVED
11382UnassignedMedium+4oe-build-perf-report: display changes in build content2.5RESOLVED
10801Alexander KanavinMedium3devtool: upgrade: report diff for changed files referred to by LIC_FILES_CHKSUM2.5 M1RESOLVED
11596Cinly OoiMedium5bzip2-ptest: improve reproducible build2.5 M1RESOLVED
10805Daniela PlascenciaMedium+3Tinfoil usage in the test-suite2.5 M1RESOLVED
11518Daniela PlascenciaMedium+1Upstream-Status Submitted and Inappropriate check for where/reason info2.5 M1RESOLVED
10874Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium+3oe-selftest: 35% of the testing time is concentrated in 5 tests (out of ~200)2.5 M1RESOLVED
11780Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium1Commit message failures should link to commit patch guidelines2.5 M1RESOLVED
12196Ross BurtonMedium1Update GStreamer to M1RESOLVED
12167Stephano CetolaMedium+1Remove yocto-layer now that bitbake-layers has been merged2.5 M1RESOLVED
12126Todor MinchevMediumupgrade meta-intel-clear-containers to 3.02.5 M1RESOLVED
12348Alexander KanavinMedium+5Integration Meson build system2.5 M2RESOLVED
12425Alexander KanavinMedium+1Upgrade rpm to 4.14.0+ to support binary reproducibility2.5 M2RESOLVED
11943Amanda BrindleMedium+1oe-pkgdata-util should support RPROVIDES2.5 M2RESOLVED
10773yeoh ee pengMedium+3QA Bitbake: extend coverage for event unit test2.5 M2RESOLVED
11363Haris OkanovicMedium+15Support building and deploying multiple kernels for a single imageLET2.5 M2RESOLVED
9787Jose Perez CMedium4create selftest for useradd-staticids2.5 M2RESOLVED
12327Joshua LockMedium+5Split embedded shell commands out into callable scripts2.5 M2RESOLVED
10956Leonardo Sandoval GonzalezMedium1selftest: sstatetessts should use world instead of image targets, making it distro agnostic2.5 M2RESOLVED
12177Rebecca ChangMedium+2Support wic in the esdk2.5 M2RESOLVED
8730Ross BurtonMedium8separate code generating python manifest file from manifest information and improve the manifest generation2.5 M2RESOLVED
11510Ross BurtonMedium6Improve the way we handle python's packaging (autopackaging)LET2.5 M2RESOLVED
11694Ross BurtonMedium7Python JSON manifest should be parsed directly by bitbakeLET2.5 M2RESOLVED
11695Ross BurtonMedium7Add task to create python manifest(s) automaticallyLET2.5 M2RESOLVED
10598Alexander KanavinMedium5AUH: make use of devtool upgrade (or at least share code)2.5 M3RESOLVED
12027Bruce AshfieldMedium+4Merge linux-yocto git trees to a single one to reduce download times and mirror sizes2.5 M3RESOLVED
10987California SullivanMedium+5Use initramfs-framework for initialization by default in OE-Core2.5 M3RESOLVED
12188California SullivanMedium4Make wic the default image type for genericx86 and genericx86-642.5 M3RESOLVED
12193David ReynaMedium1Add env for shell calls in localhostbecontroller2.5 M3RESOLVED
10063yeoh ee pengMedium5testimage: Add tests for apt/dpkg like smart/rpm ones2.5 M3RESOLVED
12104Joshua LockMedium+2Reduce the number of exported environment variables2.5 M3RESOLVED
11178Juro BystrickyMedium+2Use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH2.5 M3RESOLVED
11179Juro BystrickyMedium+1Ensure TZ is also set to a consistent value2.5 M3RESOLVED
10230+Stephen K JolleyMedium+oeqa refactor and improvements (master bug)2.5 M3RESOLVED
12128Stephano CetolaMedium20Rework the Quickstart and intro to the manuals2.5 M3RESOLVED
10147yeoh ee pengMedium4Create a tool to compare the automated test list against the Testopia Test list DB2.5 M4RESOLVED
11176Juro BystrickyMedium+3Add optional command to rootfs-postprocess to remove non-determinism from rootfs2.5 M4RESOLVED
12422Juro BystrickyMedium+2Support reproducible build for core-image-minimal images2.5 M4RESOLVED
11525KristiMedium3wic: /etc/fstab to mount partitions with UUID instead of kernel name descriptors23 February 2018: RESOLVED2.5 M4RESOLVED
12371Scott RifenbarkMedium5Purge concepts from YP Reference Manual09 February 2018: RESOLVED2.5 M4RESOLVED



Yocto Project v2.5 Release Criteria

Milestone 1 - Target Dec. 15, 2017

Release Criteria Milestone 1 Target Milestone 1 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [1] Done
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW03_-_2018-1-18-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.5_M1_rc3
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done - CentOs 7, Debian 9, Fedora 26, Fedora 27, OpenSuse 42.3, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.10
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done - https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW03_-_2018-1-18-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.5_M1_rc3
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done
Package Update Plan to have 70% or greater packages updated. Done - 78% - http://recipes.yoctoproject.org/rrs/recipes/2.5/M1/
Upstream Commits Have upstream status reviewed on 100% of patches. Greater than 90% upstreamed. Done - 99.9%
Publication The release is announced Released

Milestone 2 - Target Jan. 26, 2018

Release Criteria Milestone 2 Target Milestone 2 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors. Done
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors. Done
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [2] Will be triaged in the weekly triage meeting.
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW07_-_2018-02-14-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.5_M2_rc1
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done CentOs 7, Debian 9, Fedora 26, Fedora 27, OpenSuse 42.3, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.10
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla. Done https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW07_-_2018-02-14-_Full_Test_Cycle_-_2.5_M2_rc1
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible. Done
Package Update Plan to have 70% or greater packages updated. Done: 80% http://recipes.yoctoproject.org/rrs/recipes/2.5/M2/
Upstream Commits Have upstream status reviewed on 100% of patches. Greater than 90% upstreamed. Done: 99.9%
Publication The release is announced Released

Milestone 3 - Target Mar. 2, 2018

Release Criteria Milestone 3 Target Milestone 3 Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed. Done
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors.
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors.
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [3] Proposal to push High bugs to M4
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla.
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version Done: CentOs 7, Debian 9, Fedora 26, Fedora 27, OpenSuse 42.3, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.10
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla.
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible.
Package Update Plan to have 70% or greater packages updated.
Upstream Commits Have upstream status reviewed on 100% of patches. Greater than 90% upstreamed.
Publication The release is announced

Milestone 4/Final - Target Apr. 27, 2018

Release Criteria Milestone 4/Final Target Milestone 4/Final Status
Functional Completion All high features are completed.
Build and Release (Yocto) All completed features can be built with no errors.
Build and Release (BSPs) Core BSPs can be built with no errors.
Open Bugs All bugs have been dispositioned. Milestone high issues have been fixed. [4]
Bug Trend Downward trend in bug tracking during the stabilization period.
Functional Tests 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla.
Distros Tested Fedora, Ubuntu, Opensuse, Centos current version
BSP Testing 100% of planned tests are executed and results are logged in bugzilla.
Documentation All examples are tested to be functional.
Build Performance Try to at least maintain the current performance and improve if possible.
Package Update Plan to have 70% or greater packages updated.
Upstream Commits Have upstream status reviewed on 100% of patches. Greater than 90% upstreamed.
Wiki/Web Site Updated Have reviewed the Wiki and Web site to insure all is current.
Code scan completed Have reviewed the results of a Protex scan of all code being released.
Publication The release is announced