Feb22th IRC LOG: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with 'Hi All, we are going to do a bit of a bug scrub here to try and get a handle on the 1.0 readiness. (09:31:44 AM) XorA is now known as XorA|gone (09:31:51 AM) RP__: sgw: yes (09…')
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 20:32, 22 February 2011

Hi All, we are going to do a bit of a bug scrub here to try and get a handle on the 1.0 readiness. (09:31:44 AM) XorA is now known as XorA|gone (09:31:51 AM) RP__: sgw: yes (09:32:12 AM) sgw: One moment and I will post a URL for the list (09:32:26 AM) RP__: fray: cpio might be another option, worth thinking about that (09:33:01 AM) fray: cpio keeps track of hard links, symlinks, etc.. and doesn't suffer from some of the problems of the tar format.. (09:33:13 AM) sgw: We have 156 total open bugs, but will focus on the one targeted to 1.0 (133 bugs). (09:33:20 AM) sgw: http://bugzilla.pokylinux.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ACCEPTED&bug_status=REOPENED&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=WaitForUpstream&target_milestone=---&target_milestone=0.9%20M1&target_milestone=0.9%20M2&target_milestone=0.9%20M3&target_milestone=0.9%20M4&target_milestone=0.9.1&target_milestone=0.9.2&target_milestone=1.0%20M1&target_milestone=1.0%20M2&target_milestone=1.0%20M3&target_milestone=1.0%20M4&known_name=All%20Open%20Bugs&query_based_on=All%20Open%20Bugs (09:33:21 AM) RP__: fray: Is it always installed on systems? (09:33:44 AM) sgw: There are currently 2 criticals: 745 and 748 (09:33:49 AM) RP__: sgw: What do I need to do when moving New -> Accepted? anything special? (09:33:58 AM) sgw: fray: any comment on 745? (09:34:13 AM) florian left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection). (09:34:29 AM) sgw: RP__: if accepting for 1.0 just mark it accepted, if you have evaluation please add that as a comment. (09:34:44 AM) RP__: sgw: ok (09:34:52 AM) sgw: zenlinux: any input on 748, I know you just saw it this morning. (09:35:14 AM) zenlinux: sgw, I'm looking into it (09:35:18 AM) zenlinux: no new status (09:35:53 AM) sgw: RP__: I know you ahve a load and it looks like you are closing some, can we reassign some to other team member (or if there are folks in the community that want to help out). (09:36:07 AM) sgw: zenlinux: any timeline? (09:36:12 AM) RP__: sgw: I'm open to ideas on any reassignments... (09:36:23 AM) zenlinux: sgw, today I should have it fixed (09:36:42 AM) RP__: sgw: I do ensure most of mine are at least valid, I'm just going through and making sure the status reflects that (09:36:50 AM) sgw: RP__: let's step through them. (09:38:43 AM) sgw: RP__: 653, you marked as a bug still, can this be fixed for 1.0? (09:39:37 AM) nitink: sgw: I have cycles to take some more load (09:40:34 AM) RP__: sgw: potentially, yes (09:41:03 AM) sgw: Ok, 709 ncurses, should be moved to Qing or is Juile correct that you fixed this? (09:41:58 AM) sgw: RP__: same with 710 (09:42:36 AM) RP__: sgw: I fixed it to ensure it sees the file on the mirror (09:42:39 AM) sgw: nitink: so have you resolved all your bugs, and are able to take on additional bugs? (09:42:49 AM) RP__: sgw: The urls need updating though, maybe just to use our mirror directly (09:43:10 AM) sgw: RP__: Ok, I will assign those bugs to the recipe owner to fix the URLs (09:43:12 AM) nitink: I have 1 bug waitig for upstream and one need to implement a gcc cflags feature (09:43:31 AM) nitink: sgw: those are not high priority now (09:43:38 AM) sgw: RP__: moving on to 729, is that fixed now? (09:43:58 AM) nitink: seeone more new bug assinged to me #477 (09:44:38 AM) RP__: sgw: Did you reassign 710? (09:44:52 AM) sgw: nitink: looks like RP__ did that. (09:45:14 AM) sgw: RP__: I am working on it. (09:45:20 AM) RP__: nitink: Its a python one so its something in your scope, I'm not saying its a high priority but it does look like a valid problem (09:46:35 AM) sgw: RP__: 729? (09:47:46 AM) RP__: sgw: still valid RP RP__ rphillips (09:48:36 AM) sgw: RP__: Ok, will 729 be fixed for RC or later? (09:49:23 AM) nitink: RP_: np I will look into it (09:49:41 AM) RP__: sgw: we need to fix it really in the rc (09:49:49 AM) nitink: if somebody is overloaded, I can help out with some load (09:50:25 AM) sgw: RP__: OK, next one for you 304, is it fixed, if not is it 1.0 or beyond? (09:50:38 AM) sgw: nitink: understood, we will assign stuff as appropriate. (09:50:47 AM) nitink: sgw: ok (09:50:59 AM) fray: sorry -- back now.. as for cpio, AFAIk it's available on all systems.. 745 - this is the fix from Friday.. 745 should be resolved now (09:51:09 AM) RP__: sgw: no, its not (09:51:24 AM) RP__: sgw: might still be possible for rc, its not a difficult fix in theory (09:51:43 AM) fray: actually poky requires cpio -- because it's used in the SRPM unpack step.. so it has to be there (09:51:55 AM) sgw: fray: can you look at your other current bugs (09:51:58 AM) RP__: confirmed that 745 should be fixed (09:52:08 AM) RP__: fray: Its not in ASSUMED_PROVIDED ;-) (09:52:22 AM) fray: :) (09:52:24 AM) sgw: fray: please add the commit url to the bug and marked it fixed (09:52:55 AM) RP__: sgw: 717 should be mine (09:52:57 AM) sgw: RP__: next 543 mmap_min (09:53:00 AM) RP__: er, shouldn't (09:53:22 AM) sgw: I am trying to go in an order of some sort! Let me look at 717 (09:53:31 AM) fray: 282 is the thing under CCB review.. otherwise.. 745 is it and I'll get it resolved (09:53:52 AM) RP__: sgw: Well, I was going through mine too, I'm trying to sort them out for you ;-) (09:53:59 AM) sgw: 717, agreed, needs to change product and component (09:54:29 AM) Crofton [~balister@pool-74-107-167-114.ronkva.east.verizon.net] entered the room. (09:54:33 AM) RP__: sgw: likewise 718 (09:55:10 AM) RP__: Which means my only NEW one is 747 and that is likely to go to resolved as WORKSFORME (09:56:01 AM) ant_work left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014]). (09:56:19 AM) sgw: Ok, I will move 717 and 718 to Qing, (09:56:49 AM) sgw: Will you be able to address your list for RC and/or 1.0 or do some need to be moved to 1.1 or to other people to help? (09:57:22 AM) sgw: RP__: can 653 be moved to nitink for example to implement the check in sanity check? (09:58:13 AM) RP__: sgw: 653 sounds like a good one for nitin (09:58:32 AM) RP__: The two qemu mmap address ones are also good ones for someone to invetigate (09:58:42 AM) sgw: fray: you have 3 open bugs marked NEW currently, will you be able to address any or all for 1.0? RP RP__ rphillips (09:59:25 AM) sgw: RP__: the mmap are dups, so we can close one, correct? (09:59:45 AM) RP__: sgw: yes (10:00:09 AM) sgw: Ok, I will also re-assign to edwin as qemu person to verify this (10:02:04 AM) fray: sgw - done (10:02:11 AM) bluelightning: sgw: 280, 348 & 349 can be moved to 1.1 (10:03:38 AM) Jay7 left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). (10:03:50 AM) sgw: bluelightning: ack (10:03:54 AM) nitink: RP__: which check needs to be implemented for #653 (10:03:58 AM) Jay7 [jay@95-29-186-125.broadband.corbina.ru] entered the room. (10:05:28 AM) sgw: nitink: the check is for running outside the scripts/bitbake script (ie running bitbake directly from bitbake/bin/bitbake) which means that pseudo is not activitated correctly. This can cause permissions problems. (10:05:34 AM) sgw: fray: thanks (10:06:12 AM) nitink: sgw: is i a warning, or fetal error ? (10:07:08 AM) nitink: sgw: we can sync up on it later (10:07:11 AM) sgw: bluelightning: what about 336? (10:07:55 AM) bluelightning: sgw: I will attempt to test 336 here either tomorrow or thursday (10:08:17 AM) sgw: bluelightning: Ok, just checking. (10:09:01 AM) Jay7 left the room (quit: Quit: Conversation terminated). (10:09:04 AM) sgw: zeddii: ping on your bugs (10:09:22 AM) RP__: sorry, need to step afk, back shortly (10:09:22 AM) sgw: jmpdelos__: ping pn 270 (10:09:31 AM) Jay7 [jay@78-106-50-15.broadband.corbina.ru] entered the room. (10:10:14 AM) agafken left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.). (10:10:19 AM) sgw: incandescant: I note you have no bugs currently, are you helping RP with his or what is on your plate now that you are back? (10:12:39 AM) puffin_ [~puffin@] entered the room. (10:12:50 AM) puffin left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). (10:15:25 AM) jmpdelos__: sgw: definitely not for 1.0 at this point, but still something worthwhile at some point -- what state do you want it in? (10:15:28 AM) puffin_ left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). (10:15:39 AM) puffin [~puffin@] entered the room. (10:16:49 AM) sgw: jmpdelos__: Can you add any additional evaluation? I will move it to 1.1 or is it needed for a point release to support your tooling? (10:17:20 AM) sgw: tomz1: ping (10:17:30 AM) jmpdelos__: it's a (relatively minor) performance enhancement for native builds, no functionality is affected by it (10:17:32 AM) tomz1: sgw: pong (10:17:38 AM) incandescant: sgw: currently I'm prepping demo and working on talk (10:17:51 AM) sgw: incandescant: can you take on any bugs? (10:18:08 AM) jmpdelos__ is now known as jmpdelos (10:18:33 AM) sgw: tomz1: can you review your bugs and let me know if you can resolve them for 1.0 or 1.1 and move them to accept state if you can resolve for 1.0 (10:19:12 AM) tomz1: sgw: question about dates - what is the cutoff date for fixing bugs for 1.0? (10:19:56 AM) incandescant: sgw: yeah, probably - I'm still a bit uncertain where I am (10:20:01 AM) incandescant: sgw: any you have in mind? (10:20:48 AM) sgw: incandescant: balancing act! Seeing if we can off load RP a little maybe pick up a couple of easy ones from qing (URL fixing) (10:22:53 AM) sgw: tomz1: looks like 3/18, but we will be racthing down the change control as we get closer to that date! (10:23:54 AM) tomz1: sgw: ok, I can probably devote some time that week to fixing bugs, but nothing before then (10:24:03 AM) sgw: I am going to close out this session of bug scrub and memorialize it in the wiki! I will also send a summary around. (10:24:08 AM) agafken [~agafken@] entered the room. (10:24:46 AM) sgw: tomz1: if you are talking about spending time the week of the 18, it will be too late then, that will be for citicals, you have no time between now and then? (10:25:22 AM) tomz1: sgw: no, between crownbay and preparing for osts, I'm wondering if I even have time for those 2 things (10:25:36 AM) sgw: Ok thanks for the heads up. (10:26:23 AM) incandescant: sgw: sure, balancing is the name of the game (10:26:24 AM) tomz1: sgw: so if the week of the 18th is only for critical bugs, I don't have any of those (10:26:28 AM) sgw: tomz1: so you are saying I should move these all to 1.1 (or a point release)? (10:26:36 AM) incandescant: sgw: feel free to assign some easy bugs :-) (10:27:20 AM) tomz1: sgw: I guess so, I don't see many other options, do you? (10:27:21 AM) sgw: incandescant: thanks, will look at what's out there and figure it out. (10:27:31 AM) Jay7 left the room (quit: Quit: Conversation terminated). (10:27:43 AM) sgw: tomz1: including the sugarbay one? (10:28:02 AM) Jay7 [jay@78-106-52-78.broadband.corbina.ru] entered the room. (10:28:34 AM) tomz1: sgw: can you be more specific? (10:29:53 AM) sgw: tomz1: 711 (10:30:16 AM) incandescant: thanks sgw, sorry I'm being useless - trying to book flights ;-) (10:30:38 AM) sgw: tomz1: also what about 250, is that resolved for the emgd stuff? (10:30:39 AM) tomz1: sgw: yeah, that doesn't look too important to me - who builds on 32 bit machine? (10:31:03 AM) Jay7 left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). (10:31:32 AM) Jay7 [jay@78-106-50-16.broadband.corbina.ru] entered the room. (10:32:20 AM) tomz1: sgw: re 250, for the crownbay we'll have a click-through page, but 250 is talking about adding code to the build system for that, won't happen before 1.1 (10:32:50 AM) sgw: tomz1: I guess I am not getting humor this morning, sorry, you are joking about 711 I hope and just forgot a smiley ;-) (10:33:41 AM) ***sgw -> afk for 30min (10:33:47 AM) tomz1: sgw: no, is 711 important? (10:36:36 AM) dvhart left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection). (10:40:53 AM) dvhart [~dvhart@pool-98-108-155-204.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] entered the room. (10:41:13 AM) dvhart left the room (quit: Client Quit). (10:55:03 AM) florian [~fuchs@sign-4db60e4c.pool.mediaWays.net] entered the room. (10:55:03 AM) florian left the room (quit: Changing host). (10:55:03 AM) florian [~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian] entered the room. (11:00:25 AM) sgw: tomz1: yes, I think that 711 is important, not everyone has 64 bit machines, but may still build for a 64bit target, so having an native host executable should be build corretly. I would consider this a blocker. (11:10:05 AM) tomz1 left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds). (11:10:55 AM) scottrif is now known as scottrif-away (11:12:09 AM) ***RP__ is back (11:12:27 AM) ***RP__ tries to figure out where his email has gone (11:12:34 AM) Jay7 left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). (11:12:51 AM) 20QAATKAP [~trz@] entered the room. (11:13:23 AM) 20QAATKAP: sgw: hmm, I was surprised to see this at all i.e. someone building yocto on a 32-bit machine, much less building\ (11:13:23 AM) 20QAATKAP: for a 64-bit target. So I agree it's not great that you get a compile error for a corner case like this, but I\ (11:13:24 AM) 20QAATKAP: have a hard time seeing it being a blocker (11:13:35 AM) Jay7 [jay@78-106-50-15.broadband.corbina.ru] entered the room. (11:14:06 AM) dvhart [~dvhart@] entered the room. (11:14:17 AM) 20QAATKAP is now known as tomz (11:14:51 AM) RP__: tomz: Half the PRC run 32 bit machines for a start... (11:15:46 AM) ***RP__ kicks his imap server (11:16:40 AM) tomz: RP__: hmm, I didn't realize the PRC team was using 32 bit machines - I assumed everyone would had 64-bit as standard issue (11:17:48 AM) tomz: sgw: ok, so I'll look into it (711) (11:17:59 AM) sgw: tomz: thanks (11:19:24 AM) RP__: tomz: Usually some kind of incantation of "$BUILD_CC gentrigtables.c -o gentrigtables-cross" and a patch can help (11:19:34 AM) RP__: Assuming that generator app is simple (11:19:56 AM) sgw: tomz: what about 418? (11:20:04 AM) tomz: RP__: thanks for the tip - will try something like that (11:20:32 AM) tomz: sgw: is that a critical too? (11:37:03 AM) incandescant left the room (quit: Quit: Lost terminal). (11:57:28 AM) czr left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds). (11:57:50 AM) bluelightning left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection). (12:09:06 PM) scottrif-away is now known as scottrif (12:09:46 PM) czr [~czr@ebi0.eke.fi] entered the room.