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| {{#vardefine:1_BitBake_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64| 11147}} | | {{#vardefine:1_Package Management Issues_Any_Supported_Distro| 11293}} |
| {{#vardefine:2_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7| 11148}} | | {{#vardefine:2_BitBake_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64| 11294}} |
| {{#vardefine:3_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64| 11149}} | | {{#vardefine:3_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7| 11295}} |
| {{#vardefine:4_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black| 11150}} | | {{#vardefine:4_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64| 11296}} |
| {{#vardefine:5_BSPs_EdgeRouter| 11151}} | | {{#vardefine:5_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black| 11297}} |
| {{#vardefine:6_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb| 11152}} | | {{#vardefine:6_BSPs_EdgeRouter| 11298}} |
| {{#vardefine:7_BSPs_qemu-x86| 11153}} | | {{#vardefine:7_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb| 11299}} |
| {{#vardefine:8_BSPs_qemu-x86-64| 11154}} | | {{#vardefine:8_BSPs_qemu-x86| 11300}} |
| {{#vardefine:9_BSPs_qemuarm| 11155}} | | {{#vardefine:9_BSPs_qemu-x86-64| 11301}} |
| {{#vardefine:10_BSPs_qemuarm64| 11156}} | | {{#vardefine:10_BSPs_qemuarm| 11302}} |
| {{#vardefine:11_BSPs_qemumips| 11157}} | | {{#vardefine:11_BSPs_qemuarm64| 11303}} |
| {{#vardefine:12_BSPs_qemumips64| 11158}} | | {{#vardefine:12_BSPs_qemumips| 11304}} |
| {{#vardefine:13_BSPs_qemuppc| 11159}} | | {{#vardefine:13_BSPs_qemumips64| 11305}} |
| {{#vardefine:14_BSPs_qemu-x86| 11160}} | | {{#vardefine:14_BSPs_qemuppc| 11306}} |
| {{#vardefine:15_BSPs_qemu-x86-64| 11161}} | | {{#vardefine:15_BSPs_qemu-x86| 11307}} |
| {{#vardefine:16_BSPs_qemuarm| 11162}} | | {{#vardefine:16_BSPs_qemu-x86-64| 11308}} |
| {{#vardefine:17_BSPs_qemuarm64| 11163}} | | {{#vardefine:17_BSPs_qemuarm| 11309}} |
| {{#vardefine:18_BSPs_qemumips| 11164}} | | {{#vardefine:18_BSPs_qemuarm64| 11310}} |
| {{#vardefine:19_BSPs_qemumips64| 11165}} | | {{#vardefine:19_BSPs_qemumips| 11311}} |
| {{#vardefine:20_BSPs_qemuppc| 11166}} | | {{#vardefine:20_BSPs_qemumips64| 11312}} |
| {{#vardefine:21_BSPs_genericx86_on_MTURBOT32| 11167}} | | {{#vardefine:21_BSPs_qemuppc| 11313}} |
| {{#vardefine:22_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64| 11168}} | | {{#vardefine:22_BSPs_genericx86_on_MTURBOT32| 11314}} |
| {{#vardefine:23_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC6| 11169}} | | {{#vardefine:23_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64| 11315}} |
| {{#vardefine:24_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7| 11170}} | | {{#vardefine:24_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC6| 11316}} |
| {{#vardefine:25_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black| 11171}} | | {{#vardefine:25_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7| 11317}} |
| {{#vardefine:26_BSPs_EdgeRouter| 11172}} | | {{#vardefine:26_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black| 11318}} |
| {{#vardefine:27_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb| 11173}} | | {{#vardefine:27_BSPs_EdgeRouter| 11319}} |
| {{#vardefine:28_BSPs_genericx86-WIC_on_MTURBOT32| 11174}} | | {{#vardefine:28_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb| 11320}} |
| {{#vardefine:29_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_MTURBOT64| 11175}} | | {{#vardefine:29_BSPs_genericx86-WIC_on_MTURBOT32| 11321}} |
| {{#vardefine:30_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC6| 11176}} | | {{#vardefine:30_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_MTURBOT64| 11322}} |
| {{#vardefine:31_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC7| 11177}} | | {{#vardefine:31_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC6| 11323}} |
| {{#vardefine:32_BSPs_qemu-x86-WIC| 11178}} | | {{#vardefine:32_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC7| 11324}} |
| {{#vardefine:33_BSPs_qemu-x86-64-WIC| 11179}} | | {{#vardefine:33_BSPs_qemu-x86-WIC| 11325}} |
| {{#vardefine:34_BSPs_qemu-x86| 11180}} | | {{#vardefine:34_BSPs_qemu-x86-64-WIC| 11326}} |
| {{#vardefine:35_BSPs_qemu-x86-64| 11181}} | | {{#vardefine:35_BSPs_qemu-x86| 11327}} |
| {{#vardefine:36_BSPs_qemuarm| 11182}} | | {{#vardefine:36_BSPs_qemu-x86-64| 11328}} |
| {{#vardefine:37_BSPs_qemuarm64| 11183}} | | {{#vardefine:37_BSPs_qemuarm| 11329}} |
| {{#vardefine:38_BSPs_qemumips| 11184}} | | {{#vardefine:38_BSPs_qemuarm64| 11330}} |
| {{#vardefine:39_BSPs_qemumips64| 11185}} | | {{#vardefine:39_BSPs_qemumips| 11331}} |
| {{#vardefine:40_BSPs_qemuppc| 11186}} | | {{#vardefine:40_BSPs_qemumips64| 11332}} |
| {{#vardefine:41_BSPs_qemu-x86| 11187}} | | {{#vardefine:41_BSPs_qemuppc| 11333}} |
| {{#vardefine:42_OE-Core_CentOS_7_x86_64| 11188}} | | {{#vardefine:42_BSPs_qemu-x86| 11334}} |
| {{#vardefine:43_OE-Core_Debian_9_x86_64| 11189}} | | {{#vardefine:43_OE-Core_CentOS_7_x86_64| 11335}} |
| {{#vardefine:44_OE-Core_Fedora_26_x86_64| 11190}} | | {{#vardefine:44_OE-Core_Debian_9_x86_64| 11336}} |
| {{#vardefine:45_OE-Core_Fedora_27_x86_64| 11191}} | | {{#vardefine:45_OE-Core_Fedora_26_x86_64| 11337}} |
| {{#vardefine:46_OE-Core_OpenSuse_42.3_x86_64| 11192}} | | {{#vardefine:46_OE-Core_Fedora_27_x86_64| 11338}} |
| {{#vardefine:47_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64| 11193}} | | {{#vardefine:47_OE-Core_OpenSuse_42.3_x86_64| 11339}} |
| {{#vardefine:48_OE-Core_Ubuntu_17.10_x86_64| 11194}} | | {{#vardefine:48_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64| 11340}} |
| {{#vardefine:49_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64| 11195}} | | {{#vardefine:49_OE-Core_Ubuntu_17.10_x86_64| 11341}} |
| {{#vardefine:50_Runtime_VMWare_Player_on_Ubuntu| 11196}} | | {{#vardefine:50_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64| 11342}} |
| {{#vardefine:51_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64| 11197}} | | {{#vardefine:51_Runtime_VMWare_Player_on_Ubuntu| 11343}} |
| {{#vardefine:52_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64| 11198}} | | {{#vardefine:52_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64| 11344}} |
| {{#vardefine:53_ADT_qemu-x86| 11199}} | | {{#vardefine:53_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64| 11345}} |
| {{#vardefine:54_ADT_qemu-x86-64| 11200}} | | {{#vardefine:54_ADT_qemu-x86| 11346}} |
| {{#vardefine:55_ADT_qemuarm| 11201}} | | {{#vardefine:55_ADT_qemu-x86-64| 11347}} |
| {{#vardefine:56_ADT_qemuarm64| 11202}} | | {{#vardefine:56_ADT_qemuarm| 11348}} |
| {{#vardefine:57_ADT_qemumips| 11203}} | | {{#vardefine:57_ADT_qemuarm64| 11349}} |
| {{#vardefine:58_ADT_qemumips64| 11204}} | | {{#vardefine:58_ADT_qemumips| 11350}} |
| {{#vardefine:59_ADT_qemuppc| 11205}} | | {{#vardefine:59_ADT_qemumips64| 11351}} |
| {{#vardefine:60_ADT_Fedora_26_i686| 11206}} | | {{#vardefine:60_ADT_qemuppc| 11352}} |
| {{#vardefine:61_ADT_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64| 11207}} | | {{#vardefine:61_ADT_Fedora_26_i686| 11353}} |
| {{#vardefine:62_ADT_qemu-x86| 11208}} | | {{#vardefine:62_ADT_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64| 11354}} |
| {{#vardefine:63_ADT_qemuarm| 11209}} | | {{#vardefine:63_ADT_qemu-x86| 11355}} |
| {{#vardefine:64_ADT_qemumips| 11210}} | | {{#vardefine:64_ADT_qemuarm| 11356}} |
| {{#vardefine:65_ADT_qemuppc| 11211}} | | {{#vardefine:65_ADT_qemumips| 11357}} |
| {{#vardefine:66_CROPS_Ubuntu_16.04| 11212}} | | {{#vardefine:66_ADT_qemuppc| 11358}} |
| {{#vardefine:67_Eclipse Plugin_Oxygen_-_Fedora26| 11213}} | | {{#vardefine:67_CROPS_Ubuntu_16.04| 11359}} |
| {{#vardefine:68_Eclipse Plugin_Neon_-_Fedora_24| 11214}} | | {{#vardefine:68_Eclipse Plugin_Oxygen_-_Fedora26| 11360}} |
| {{#vardefine:69_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04| 11215}} | | {{#vardefine:69_Eclipse Plugin_Neon_-_Fedora_24| 11361}} |
| {{#vardefine:70_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04| 11216}} | | {{#vardefine:70_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04| 11362}} |
| {{#vardefine:71_Kernel_Ubuntu_16.04| 11217}} | | {{#vardefine:71_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04| 11363}} |
| {{#vardefine:72_General Runtime_user-preference_(any_supported_environment)| 11218}} | | {{#vardefine:72_Kernel_Ubuntu_16.04| 11364}} |
| {{#vardefine:73_Package Management Issues_Any_Supported_Distro| 11219}}
| | {{#vardefine:73_General Runtime_user-preference_(any_supported_environment)| 11365}} |
| |} | | |} |
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| Ubuntu 17.10 | | Ubuntu 17.10 |
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| |run_id=0, {{#var:1_BitBake_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:2_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:3_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:4_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}, {{#var:5_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}, {{#var:6_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}, {{#var:7_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:8_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:9_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:10_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:11_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:12_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:13_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:14_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:15_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:16_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:17_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:18_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:19_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:20_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:21_BSPs_genericx86_on_MTURBOT32}}, {{#var:22_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:23_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC6}}, {{#var:24_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:25_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}, {{#var:26_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}, {{#var:27_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}, {{#var:28_BSPs_genericx86-WIC_on_MTURBOT32}}, {{#var:29_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:30_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC6}}, {{#var:31_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:32_BSPs_qemu-x86-WIC}}, {{#var:33_BSPs_qemu-x86-64-WIC}}, {{#var:34_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:35_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:36_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:37_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:38_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:39_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:40_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:41_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:42_OE-Core_CentOS_7_x86_64}}, {{#var:43_OE-Core_Debian_9_x86_64}}, {{#var:44_OE-Core_Fedora_26_x86_64}}, {{#var:45_OE-Core_Fedora_27_x86_64}}, {{#var:46_OE-Core_OpenSuse_42.3_x86_64}}, {{#var:47_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:48_OE-Core_Ubuntu_17.10_x86_64}}, {{#var:49_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:50_Runtime_VMWare_Player_on_Ubuntu}}, {{#var:51_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:52_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:53_ADT_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:54_ADT_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:55_ADT_qemuarm}}, {{#var:56_ADT_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:57_ADT_qemumips}}, {{#var:58_ADT_qemumips64}}, {{#var:59_ADT_qemuppc}}, {{#var:60_ADT_Fedora_26_i686}}, {{#var:61_ADT_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:62_ADT_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:63_ADT_qemuarm}}, {{#var:64_ADT_qemumips}}, {{#var:65_ADT_qemuppc}}, {{#var:66_CROPS_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:67_Eclipse Plugin_Oxygen_-_Fedora26}}, {{#var:68_Eclipse Plugin_Neon_-_Fedora_24}}, {{#var:69_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:70_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:71_Kernel_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:72_General Runtime_user-preference_(any_supported_environment)}}, {{#var:73_Package Management Issues_Any_Supported_Distro}} | | |run_id=0, {{#var:1_Package Management Issues_Any_Supported_Distro}}, {{#var:2_BitBake_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:3_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:4_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:5_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}, {{#var:6_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}, {{#var:7_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}, {{#var:8_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:9_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:10_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:11_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:12_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:13_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:14_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:15_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:16_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:17_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:18_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:19_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:20_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:21_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:22_BSPs_genericx86_on_MTURBOT32}}, {{#var:23_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:24_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC6}}, {{#var:25_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:26_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}, {{#var:27_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}, {{#var:28_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}, {{#var:29_BSPs_genericx86-WIC_on_MTURBOT32}}, {{#var:30_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:31_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC6}}, {{#var:32_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:33_BSPs_qemu-x86-WIC}}, {{#var:34_BSPs_qemu-x86-64-WIC}}, {{#var:35_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:36_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:37_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:38_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:39_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:40_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:41_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:42_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:43_OE-Core_CentOS_7_x86_64}}, {{#var:44_OE-Core_Debian_9_x86_64}}, {{#var:45_OE-Core_Fedora_26_x86_64}}, {{#var:46_OE-Core_Fedora_27_x86_64}}, {{#var:47_OE-Core_OpenSuse_42.3_x86_64}}, {{#var:48_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:49_OE-Core_Ubuntu_17.10_x86_64}}, {{#var:50_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:51_Runtime_VMWare_Player_on_Ubuntu}}, {{#var:52_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:53_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:54_ADT_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:55_ADT_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:56_ADT_qemuarm}}, {{#var:57_ADT_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:58_ADT_qemumips}}, {{#var:59_ADT_qemumips64}}, {{#var:60_ADT_qemuppc}}, {{#var:61_ADT_Fedora_26_i686}}, {{#var:62_ADT_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:63_ADT_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:64_ADT_qemuarm}}, {{#var:65_ADT_qemumips}}, {{#var:66_ADT_qemuppc}}, {{#var:67_CROPS_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:68_Eclipse Plugin_Oxygen_-_Fedora26}}, {{#var:69_Eclipse Plugin_Neon_-_Fedora_24}}, {{#var:70_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:71_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:72_Kernel_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:73_General Runtime_user-preference_(any_supported_environment)}} |
| ||report_id=concatstats}} | | ||report_id=concatstats}} |
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| {| | | {| |
| |{{#testopia: | | |{{#testopia: |
| |run_id=0, {{#var:1_BitBake_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:2_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:3_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:4_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}, {{#var:5_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}, {{#var:6_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}, {{#var:7_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:8_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:9_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:10_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:11_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:12_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:13_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:14_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:15_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:16_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:17_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:18_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:19_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:20_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:21_BSPs_genericx86_on_MTURBOT32}}, {{#var:22_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:23_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC6}}, {{#var:24_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:25_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}, {{#var:26_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}, {{#var:27_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}, {{#var:28_BSPs_genericx86-WIC_on_MTURBOT32}}, {{#var:29_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:30_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC6}}, {{#var:31_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:32_BSPs_qemu-x86-WIC}}, {{#var:33_BSPs_qemu-x86-64-WIC}}, {{#var:34_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:35_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:36_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:37_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:38_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:39_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:40_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:41_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:42_OE-Core_CentOS_7_x86_64}}, {{#var:43_OE-Core_Debian_9_x86_64}}, {{#var:44_OE-Core_Fedora_26_x86_64}}, {{#var:45_OE-Core_Fedora_27_x86_64}}, {{#var:46_OE-Core_OpenSuse_42.3_x86_64}}, {{#var:47_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:48_OE-Core_Ubuntu_17.10_x86_64}}, {{#var:49_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:50_Runtime_VMWare_Player_on_Ubuntu}}, {{#var:51_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:52_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:53_ADT_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:54_ADT_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:55_ADT_qemuarm}}, {{#var:56_ADT_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:57_ADT_qemumips}}, {{#var:58_ADT_qemumips64}}, {{#var:59_ADT_qemuppc}}, {{#var:60_ADT_Fedora_26_i686}}, {{#var:61_ADT_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:62_ADT_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:63_ADT_qemuarm}}, {{#var:64_ADT_qemumips}}, {{#var:65_ADT_qemuppc}}, {{#var:66_CROPS_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:67_Eclipse Plugin_Oxygen_-_Fedora26}}, {{#var:68_Eclipse Plugin_Neon_-_Fedora_24}}, {{#var:69_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:70_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:71_Kernel_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:72_General Runtime_user-preference_(any_supported_environment)}}, {{#var:73_Package Management Issues_Any_Supported_Distro}} | | |run_id=0, {{#var:1_Package Management Issues_Any_Supported_Distro}}, {{#var:2_BitBake_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:3_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:4_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:5_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}, {{#var:6_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}, {{#var:7_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}, {{#var:8_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:9_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:10_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:11_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:12_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:13_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:14_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:15_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:16_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:17_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:18_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:19_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:20_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:21_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:22_BSPs_genericx86_on_MTURBOT32}}, {{#var:23_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:24_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC6}}, {{#var:25_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:26_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}, {{#var:27_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}, {{#var:28_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}, {{#var:29_BSPs_genericx86-WIC_on_MTURBOT32}}, {{#var:30_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:31_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC6}}, {{#var:32_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:33_BSPs_qemu-x86-WIC}}, {{#var:34_BSPs_qemu-x86-64-WIC}}, {{#var:35_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:36_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:37_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:38_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:39_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:40_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:41_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:42_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:43_OE-Core_CentOS_7_x86_64}}, {{#var:44_OE-Core_Debian_9_x86_64}}, {{#var:45_OE-Core_Fedora_26_x86_64}}, {{#var:46_OE-Core_Fedora_27_x86_64}}, {{#var:47_OE-Core_OpenSuse_42.3_x86_64}}, {{#var:48_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:49_OE-Core_Ubuntu_17.10_x86_64}}, {{#var:50_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:51_Runtime_VMWare_Player_on_Ubuntu}}, {{#var:52_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:53_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:54_ADT_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:55_ADT_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:56_ADT_qemuarm}}, {{#var:57_ADT_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:58_ADT_qemumips}}, {{#var:59_ADT_qemumips64}}, {{#var:60_ADT_qemuppc}}, {{#var:61_ADT_Fedora_26_i686}}, {{#var:62_ADT_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:63_ADT_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:64_ADT_qemuarm}}, {{#var:65_ADT_qemumips}}, {{#var:66_ADT_qemuppc}}, {{#var:67_CROPS_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:68_Eclipse Plugin_Oxygen_-_Fedora26}}, {{#var:69_Eclipse Plugin_Neon_-_Fedora_24}}, {{#var:70_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:71_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:72_Kernel_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:73_General Runtime_user-preference_(any_supported_environment)}} |
| |chart=bstatus | | |chart=bstatus |
| |report_id=bugs | | |report_id=bugs |
Line 111: |
Line 112: |
| {| | | {| |
| |{{#testopia: | | |{{#testopia: |
| |run_id=0, {{#var:1_BitBake_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:2_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:3_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:4_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}, {{#var:5_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}, {{#var:6_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}, {{#var:7_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:8_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:9_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:10_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:11_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:12_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:13_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:14_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:15_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:16_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:17_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:18_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:19_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:20_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:21_BSPs_genericx86_on_MTURBOT32}}, {{#var:22_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:23_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC6}}, {{#var:24_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:25_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}, {{#var:26_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}, {{#var:27_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}, {{#var:28_BSPs_genericx86-WIC_on_MTURBOT32}}, {{#var:29_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:30_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC6}}, {{#var:31_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:32_BSPs_qemu-x86-WIC}}, {{#var:33_BSPs_qemu-x86-64-WIC}}, {{#var:34_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:35_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:36_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:37_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:38_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:39_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:40_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:41_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:42_OE-Core_CentOS_7_x86_64}}, {{#var:43_OE-Core_Debian_9_x86_64}}, {{#var:44_OE-Core_Fedora_26_x86_64}}, {{#var:45_OE-Core_Fedora_27_x86_64}}, {{#var:46_OE-Core_OpenSuse_42.3_x86_64}}, {{#var:47_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:48_OE-Core_Ubuntu_17.10_x86_64}}, {{#var:49_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:50_Runtime_VMWare_Player_on_Ubuntu}}, {{#var:51_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:52_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:53_ADT_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:54_ADT_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:55_ADT_qemuarm}}, {{#var:56_ADT_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:57_ADT_qemumips}}, {{#var:58_ADT_qemumips64}}, {{#var:59_ADT_qemuppc}}, {{#var:60_ADT_Fedora_26_i686}}, {{#var:61_ADT_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:62_ADT_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:63_ADT_qemuarm}}, {{#var:64_ADT_qemumips}}, {{#var:65_ADT_qemuppc}}, {{#var:66_CROPS_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:67_Eclipse Plugin_Oxygen_-_Fedora26}}, {{#var:68_Eclipse Plugin_Neon_-_Fedora_24}}, {{#var:69_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:70_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:71_Kernel_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:72_General Runtime_user-preference_(any_supported_environment)}}, {{#var:73_Package Management Issues_Any_Supported_Distro}} | | |run_id=0, {{#var:1_Package Management Issues_Any_Supported_Distro}}, {{#var:2_BitBake_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:3_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:4_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:5_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}, {{#var:6_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}, {{#var:7_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}, {{#var:8_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:9_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:10_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:11_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:12_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:13_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:14_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:15_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:16_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:17_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:18_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:19_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:20_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:21_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:22_BSPs_genericx86_on_MTURBOT32}}, {{#var:23_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:24_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC6}}, {{#var:25_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:26_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}, {{#var:27_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}, {{#var:28_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}, {{#var:29_BSPs_genericx86-WIC_on_MTURBOT32}}, {{#var:30_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_MTURBOT64}}, {{#var:31_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC6}}, {{#var:32_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC7}}, {{#var:33_BSPs_qemu-x86-WIC}}, {{#var:34_BSPs_qemu-x86-64-WIC}}, {{#var:35_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:36_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:37_BSPs_qemuarm}}, {{#var:38_BSPs_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:39_BSPs_qemumips}}, {{#var:40_BSPs_qemumips64}}, {{#var:41_BSPs_qemuppc}}, {{#var:42_BSPs_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:43_OE-Core_CentOS_7_x86_64}}, {{#var:44_OE-Core_Debian_9_x86_64}}, {{#var:45_OE-Core_Fedora_26_x86_64}}, {{#var:46_OE-Core_Fedora_27_x86_64}}, {{#var:47_OE-Core_OpenSuse_42.3_x86_64}}, {{#var:48_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:49_OE-Core_Ubuntu_17.10_x86_64}}, {{#var:50_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:51_Runtime_VMWare_Player_on_Ubuntu}}, {{#var:52_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:53_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:54_ADT_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:55_ADT_qemu-x86-64}}, {{#var:56_ADT_qemuarm}}, {{#var:57_ADT_qemuarm64}}, {{#var:58_ADT_qemumips}}, {{#var:59_ADT_qemumips64}}, {{#var:60_ADT_qemuppc}}, {{#var:61_ADT_Fedora_26_i686}}, {{#var:62_ADT_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}, {{#var:63_ADT_qemu-x86}}, {{#var:64_ADT_qemuarm}}, {{#var:65_ADT_qemumips}}, {{#var:66_ADT_qemuppc}}, {{#var:67_CROPS_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:68_Eclipse Plugin_Oxygen_-_Fedora26}}, {{#var:69_Eclipse Plugin_Neon_-_Fedora_24}}, {{#var:70_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:71_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:72_Kernel_Ubuntu_16.04}}, {{#var:73_General Runtime_user-preference_(any_supported_environment)}} |
| |charttype=bar | | |charttype=bar |
| |report_id=status}} | | |report_id=status}} |
| |} | | |} |
| |
| = Bugs Found during QA Test =
| |
| == <span style="color:blue; "> New issues Found during QA Test & Community </span>==
| |
| {{#bugzilla:
| |
| |columns=id,summary,priority,to,qa,milestone,status,resolution,cf_regression_type,created
| |
| |noresultsmessage="None"
| |
| |sort=ID
| |
| |group=product
| |
| |id=13102,13103,13104
| |
| }}
| |
| <br>
| |
| |
| == <span style="color: red; "> High and M+ issuesFound during QA Test (NOT NEW) </span>==
| |
| {{#bugzilla:
| |
| |columns=id,summary,priority,to,qa,milestone,status,resolution,cf_regression_type,created
| |
| |noresultsmessage="None"
| |
| |sort=priority
| |
| |group=product
| |
| |id=12991,11288
| |
| }}<br>
| |
| |
| == Other Bugs found during QA Test (NOT NEW) ==
| |
| {{#bugzilla:
| |
| |columns=id,summary,priority,to,qa,milestone,status,resolution,cf_regression_type,created
| |
| |noresultsmessage="None"
| |
| |sort=priority
| |
| |group=cf_regression_type,product
| |
| |id=12974,12499
| |
| }}
| |
| |
| = Current community Open Bugs - Medium+/High =
| |
| Overview of the open bugs opened against current milestoneor release which are Medium+ or High and are not targetedfor the next milestones
| |
| |
| {{#bugzilla:
| |
| |columns=id,priority,summary,to,qa,milestone,status,cf_regression_type,created
| |
| |noresultsmessage="None"
| |
| |priority=high,Medium%2B
| |
| |severity=!enhancement
| |
| |sort=cf_regression_type
| |
| |group=product
| |
| |total=summary
| |
| |
| |milestone=2.4
| |
| }}
| |
| |
| == Bug Trend ==
| |
| An overview of thisweek's [[Yocto Bug Trend]] charts can be accessed on thefollowing [https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.htmlpage]
| |
| |
| = Build Performance Test =
| |
| Detailed description on how performance test is run canbe found on the [[Performance Test]] wiki.
| |
| The belowcharts are displaying the build performance trend for 2.1M4 to 2.3 M3. Performance execution has had 2 stages, one executed from 1.6 to 2.1 in RO and executed from 1.6 to 2.1in RO and are differences between HW used in bothlocations, hence the numbers are different.
| |
| |
| * [https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/perf_milestone/performance_test.html RO Charts]
| |
| * [https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/perf_milestone_GDC/performance_test.html GDC Charts]
| |
| |
| Below chars are showing the latestperformance results taken from the current milestone.
| |
| |
| == Performance Charts==
| |
| |
| For Bitbake core-image-sato withrm_work
| |
| |
| [[File:Ww##-2k17 - rmwork.png | 1280px | link=https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/perf_milestone_GDC/bitbake-core-image-sato-rmwork.html ]]
| |
| |
| Building the Virtual kernel
| |
| |
| [[File:WwXX-2k17 - kernel.png | 1280px | link=https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/perf_milestone_GDC/bitbake-virtual-kernel.html]]
| |
| |
| Building the rootfs
| |
| |
| [[File:WwXX-2k17_-_rootfs.png | 1280px | link=https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/perf_milestone_GDC/bitbake-core-image-sato-rootfs.html]]
| |
| |
| Building core-image-sato
| |
| |
| [[File:WwXX-2k17_-_sato.png | 1280px | link=https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/perf_milestone_GDC/bitbake-core-image-sato.html]]
| |
| |
| eSDK Deploy time
| |
| |
| [[File:WwXX-2k17_-_esdk.png | 1280px | link=https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/perf_milestone_GDC/bitbake-eSDK.html]]
| |
| |
| =pTest for genericx86-64 on NUC=
| |
| |
| == open bugs ==
| |
| |
| {{#bugzilla:
| |
| |columns=id,summary,priority,to,qa,milestone,status,resolution,cf_regression_type,created
| |
| |noresultsmessage="None"
| |
| |sort=status
| |
| |group=product
| |
| |id=0000
| |
| }}
| |
| |
| == results ==
| |
| |
| |
| =Detailed Report=
| |
| |
| ==BitBake==
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:1_BitBake_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:1_BitBake_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:1_BitBake_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| ==BSPs==
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:2_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:2_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:2_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:3_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:3_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:3_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:4_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:4_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:4_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:5_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:5_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:5_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:6_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:6_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:6_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:7_BSPs_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:7_BSPs_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:7_BSPs_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:8_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:8_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:8_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:9_BSPs_qemuarm}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:9_BSPs_qemuarm}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:9_BSPs_qemuarm}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:10_BSPs_qemuarm64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:10_BSPs_qemuarm64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:10_BSPs_qemuarm64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:11_BSPs_qemumips}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:11_BSPs_qemumips}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:11_BSPs_qemumips}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:12_BSPs_qemumips64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:12_BSPs_qemumips64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:12_BSPs_qemumips64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:13_BSPs_qemuppc}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:13_BSPs_qemuppc}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:13_BSPs_qemuppc}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:14_BSPs_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:14_BSPs_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:14_BSPs_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:15_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:15_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:15_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:16_BSPs_qemuarm}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:16_BSPs_qemuarm}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:16_BSPs_qemuarm}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:17_BSPs_qemuarm64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:17_BSPs_qemuarm64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:17_BSPs_qemuarm64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:18_BSPs_qemumips}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:18_BSPs_qemumips}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:18_BSPs_qemumips}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:19_BSPs_qemumips64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:19_BSPs_qemumips64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:19_BSPs_qemumips64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:20_BSPs_qemuppc}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:20_BSPs_qemuppc}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:20_BSPs_qemuppc}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:21_BSPs_genericx86_on_MTURBOT32}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:21_BSPs_genericx86_on_MTURBOT32}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:21_BSPs_genericx86_on_MTURBOT32}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:22_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:22_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:22_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_MTURBOT64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:23_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC6}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:23_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC6}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:23_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC6}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:24_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:24_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:24_BSPs_genericx86-64_on_NUC7}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:25_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:25_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:25_BSPs_Beaglebone_Black}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:26_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:26_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:26_BSPs_EdgeRouter}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:27_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:27_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:27_BSPs_MPC8315e-rdb}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:28_BSPs_genericx86-WIC_on_MTURBOT32}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:28_BSPs_genericx86-WIC_on_MTURBOT32}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:28_BSPs_genericx86-WIC_on_MTURBOT32}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:29_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_MTURBOT64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:29_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_MTURBOT64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:29_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_MTURBOT64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:30_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC6}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:30_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC6}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:30_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC6}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:31_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC7}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:31_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC7}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:31_BSPs_genericx86-64-WIC_on_NUC7}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:32_BSPs_qemu-x86-WIC}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:32_BSPs_qemu-x86-WIC}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:32_BSPs_qemu-x86-WIC}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:33_BSPs_qemu-x86-64-WIC}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:33_BSPs_qemu-x86-64-WIC}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:33_BSPs_qemu-x86-64-WIC}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:34_BSPs_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:34_BSPs_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:34_BSPs_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:35_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:35_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:35_BSPs_qemu-x86-64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:36_BSPs_qemuarm}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:36_BSPs_qemuarm}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:36_BSPs_qemuarm}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:37_BSPs_qemuarm64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:37_BSPs_qemuarm64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:37_BSPs_qemuarm64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:38_BSPs_qemumips}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:38_BSPs_qemumips}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:38_BSPs_qemumips}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:39_BSPs_qemumips64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:39_BSPs_qemumips64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:39_BSPs_qemumips64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:40_BSPs_qemuppc}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:40_BSPs_qemuppc}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:40_BSPs_qemuppc}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:41_BSPs_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:41_BSPs_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:41_BSPs_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| ==OE-Core==
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:42_OE-Core_CentOS_7_x86_64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:42_OE-Core_CentOS_7_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:42_OE-Core_CentOS_7_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:43_OE-Core_Debian_9_x86_64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:43_OE-Core_Debian_9_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:43_OE-Core_Debian_9_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:44_OE-Core_Fedora_26_x86_64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:44_OE-Core_Fedora_26_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:44_OE-Core_Fedora_26_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:45_OE-Core_Fedora_27_x86_64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:45_OE-Core_Fedora_27_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:45_OE-Core_Fedora_27_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:46_OE-Core_OpenSuse_42.3_x86_64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:46_OE-Core_OpenSuse_42.3_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:46_OE-Core_OpenSuse_42.3_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:47_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:47_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:47_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:48_OE-Core_Ubuntu_17.10_x86_64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:48_OE-Core_Ubuntu_17.10_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:48_OE-Core_Ubuntu_17.10_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:49_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:49_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:49_OE-Core_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| ==Runtime==
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:50_Runtime_VMWare_Player_on_Ubuntu}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:50_Runtime_VMWare_Player_on_Ubuntu}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:50_Runtime_VMWare_Player_on_Ubuntu}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| ==Toaster==
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:51_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:51_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:51_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:52_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:52_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:52_Toaster_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| ==ADT==
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:53_ADT_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:53_ADT_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:53_ADT_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:54_ADT_qemu-x86-64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:54_ADT_qemu-x86-64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:54_ADT_qemu-x86-64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:55_ADT_qemuarm}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:55_ADT_qemuarm}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:55_ADT_qemuarm}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:56_ADT_qemuarm64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:56_ADT_qemuarm64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:56_ADT_qemuarm64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:57_ADT_qemumips}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:57_ADT_qemumips}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:57_ADT_qemumips}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:58_ADT_qemumips64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:58_ADT_qemumips64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:58_ADT_qemumips64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:59_ADT_qemuppc}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:59_ADT_qemuppc}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:59_ADT_qemuppc}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:60_ADT_Fedora_26_i686}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:60_ADT_Fedora_26_i686}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:60_ADT_Fedora_26_i686}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:61_ADT_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:61_ADT_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:61_ADT_Ubuntu_16.04_x86_64}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:62_ADT_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:62_ADT_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:62_ADT_qemu-x86}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:63_ADT_qemuarm}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:63_ADT_qemuarm}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:63_ADT_qemuarm}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:64_ADT_qemumips}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:64_ADT_qemumips}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:64_ADT_qemumips}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:65_ADT_qemuppc}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:65_ADT_qemuppc}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:65_ADT_qemuppc}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| ==CROPS==
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:66_CROPS_Ubuntu_16.04}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:66_CROPS_Ubuntu_16.04}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:66_CROPS_Ubuntu_16.04}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| ==Eclipse Plugin==
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:67_Eclipse Plugin_Oxygen_-_Fedora26}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:67_Eclipse Plugin_Oxygen_-_Fedora26}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:67_Eclipse Plugin_Oxygen_-_Fedora26}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:68_Eclipse Plugin_Neon_-_Fedora_24}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:68_Eclipse Plugin_Neon_-_Fedora_24}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:68_Eclipse Plugin_Neon_-_Fedora_24}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| ==eSDK==
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:69_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:69_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:69_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:70_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:70_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:70_eSDK_Ubuntu_16.04}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| ==Kernel==
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:71_Kernel_Ubuntu_16.04}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:71_Kernel_Ubuntu_16.04}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:71_Kernel_Ubuntu_16.04}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| ==General Runtime==
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:72_General Runtime_user-preference_(any_supported_environment)}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:72_General Runtime_user-preference_(any_supported_environment)}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:72_General Runtime_user-preference_(any_supported_environment)}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |
| |
| ==Package Management Issues==
| |
| Status
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:73_Package Management Issues_Any_Supported_Distro}}
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |report_id=status
| |
| |charttype=pie3}}
| |
| |
| Bugs
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:73_Package Management Issues_Any_Supported_Distro}}
| |
| |report_id=bugs
| |
| |chart=bstatus,prio,severity
| |
| |charttype=pie,pie,pie
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true}}
| |
| |
| Agenda
| |
| {{#testopia:
| |
| |run_id={{#var:73_Package Management Issues_Any_Supported_Distro}}
| |
| |report_id=agenda
| |
| |showhide=true
| |
| |hidden=true
| |
| |reportoptions=withdependency=false}}
| |