START: ptest-runner 2018-02-13T01:30 BEGIN: /usr/lib/acl/ptest PASS: dump ext3.img Discarding device blocks: done Creating filesystem with 1024 1k blocks and 128 inodes Allocating group tables: 0/1 done Writing inode tables: 0/1 done Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: 0/1 done PASS: mkfs.ext3 -F ext3.img PASS: mount ext3.img *** malformed-restore.test *** PASS: $ cp malformed-restore-double-owner.acl tmp.acl PASS: $ sed -i "s/USER/root/g" tmp.acl PASS: $ sed -i "s/GROUP/root/g" tmp.acl PASS: $ touch tmp PASS: $ setfacl --restore tmp.acl PASS: $ rm tmp.acl tmp PASS: $ mkdir tmp PASS: $ chmod 1777 tmp PASS: $ getfacl tmp > tmp.acl PASS: $ sed -i 's/--t/--x/g' tmp.acl PASS: $ setfacl --restore tmp.acl PASS: $ rmdir tmp PASS: $ rm tmp.acl 13 commands (13 passed, 0 failed) *** sbits-restore.test *** PASS: $ umask 022 PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ touch d/g PASS: $ touch d/u PASS: $ chmod u+s d/u PASS: $ chmod g+s d/g PASS: $ chmod +t d PASS: $ getfacl -R d > d.acl PASS: $ rm -R d PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ touch d/g PASS: $ touch d/u PASS: $ setfacl --restore d.acl PASS: $ ls -dl d | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\.$//g' PASS: $ ls -dl d/u | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\.$//g' PASS: $ ls -dl d/g | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\.$//g' PASS: $ rm -Rf d 17 commands (17 passed, 0 failed) *** utf8-filenames.test *** PASS: $ export UPATH="官官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話官話話官話官話官話>官話官話話官話官" PASS: $ mkdir -p $UPATH/$UPATH/$UPATH PASS: $ touch $UPATH/$UPATH/$UPATH/$UPATH PASS: $ getfacl $UPATH/$UPATH/$UPATH/$UPATH > utf8-filenames.acl PASS: $ setfacl --restore=utf8-filenames.acl PASS: $ rm -R $UPATH PASS: $ rm utf8-filenames.acl 7 commands (7 passed, 0 failed) *** setfacl-X.test *** PASS: $ umask 022 PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ cd d PASS: $ setfacl -dm u:bin:rwx . PASS: $ touch f g PASS: $ chmod ugo+x f PASS: $ setfacl -m u:bin:rw,g::r g PASS: $ setfacl -m u:root:rwX f g PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header --no-effective f g PASS: $ rm f g PASS: $ touch f g PASS: $ mkdir d e PASS: $ setfacl -n -m u:root:rwX d f e g PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header --no-effective d e f g PASS: $ rm f g PASS: $ rmdir d e PASS: $ touch f g PASS: $ mkdir d e PASS: $ setfacl -n -m u:root:rwX f d g e PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header --no-effective d e f g PASS: $ rm f g PASS: $ rmdir d e PASS: $ cd .. PASS: $ rm -rf d 24 commands (24 passed, 0 failed) *** getfacl-noacl.test *** PASS: $ mkdir test PASS: $ cd test PASS: $ umask 027 PASS: $ touch x PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header x PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header --access x PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header -d x PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header -d . PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header -d / PASS: $ getfacl --skip-base x PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header --all-effective x PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header --no-effective x PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ touch d/y PASS: $ ln -s d l PASS: $ getfacl -dR . | grep file | sort PASS: $ ln -s l ll PASS: $ getfacl -dLR ll | grep file | sort PASS: $ rm l ll x PASS: $ rm -rf d PASS: $ cd .. PASS: $ rmdir test 22 commands (22 passed, 0 failed) *** getfacl-recursive.test *** PASS: $ umask 022 PASS: $ mkdir -p 1/2/3 PASS: $ mkdir 1/link PASS: $ touch 1/link/file PASS: $ ln -s `pwd`/1/link 1/2/link PASS: $ getfacl -P -R 1/2 | ./sort-getfacl-output PASS: $ getfacl -R 1/2 | ./sort-getfacl-output PASS: $ getfacl -R -L 1/2 | ./sort-getfacl-output PASS: $ getfacl -P -R 1 | ./sort-getfacl-output PASS: $ getfacl -R 1 | ./sort-getfacl-output PASS: $ getfacl -R -L 1 | ./sort-getfacl-output PASS: $ rm -R 1/ 12 commands (12 passed, 0 failed) *** cp.test *** PASS: $ umask 022 PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ cd d PASS: $ touch f PASS: $ setfacl -m u:bin:rw f PASS: $ ls -l f | awk -- '{ print $1 }' PASS: $ cp f g PASS: $ ls -l g | awk -- '{ print $1 }' | sed 's/\.$//g' PASS: $ rm g PASS: $ cp -p f g PASS: $ ls -l f | awk -- '{ print $1 }' PASS: $ mkdir h PASS: $ echo blubb > h/x PASS: $ cp -rp h i PASS: $ cat i/x PASS: $ rm -r i PASS: $ setfacl -R -m u:bin:rwx h PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header h/x PASS: $ cp -rp h i PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header i/x PASS: $ cd .. PASS: $ rm -r d 22 commands (22 passed, 0 failed) *** misc.test *** PASS: $ rm -f f PASS: $ umask 027 PASS: $ touch f PASS: $ setfacl -m u::r f PASS: $ setfacl -m u::rw,u:bin:rw f PASS: $ ls -dl f | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header f PASS: $ rm f PASS: $ umask 022 PASS: $ touch f PASS: $ setfacl -m u:bin:rw f PASS: $ ls -dl f | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header f PASS: $ rm f PASS: $ umask 027 PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ setfacl -m u:bin:rwx d PASS: $ ls -dl d | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d PASS: $ rmdir d PASS: $ umask 022 PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ setfacl -m u:bin:rwx d PASS: $ ls -dl d | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d PASS: $ rmdir d PASS: $ umask 022 PASS: $ touch f PASS: $ setfacl -m u:bin:rw,u:daemon:r f PASS: $ ls -dl f | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header f PASS: $ setfacl -m g:users:rw,g:daemon:r f PASS: $ ls -dl f | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header f PASS: $ setfacl -x g:users f PASS: $ ls -dl f | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header f PASS: $ setfacl -x u:daemon f PASS: $ ls -dl f | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header f PASS: $ rm f PASS: $ umask 027 PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ setfacl -m u:bin:rwx,u:daemon:rw,d:u:bin:rwx,d:m:rx d PASS: $ ls -dl d | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d PASS: $ umask 027 PASS: $ touch d/f PASS: $ ls -dl d/f | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d/f PASS: $ rm d/f PASS: $ umask 022 PASS: $ touch d/f PASS: $ ls -dl d/f | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d/f PASS: $ rm d/f PASS: $ umask 000 PASS: $ mkdir d/d PASS: $ ls -dl d/d | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d/d PASS: $ rmdir d/d PASS: $ umask 022 PASS: $ mkdir d/d PASS: $ ls -dl d/d | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d/d PASS: $ setfacl -nm u:daemon:rx,d:u:daemon:rx,g:users:rx,g:daemon:rwx d/d PASS: $ ls -dl d/d | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d/d PASS: $ ln -s d d/l PASS: $ ls -dl d/l | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\.$//g' PASS: $ ls -dl -L d/l | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d/l PASS: $ rm d/l PASS: $ setfacl -m g:daemon:rx,u:bin:rx d/d PASS: $ ls -dl d/d | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d/d PASS: $ setfacl -m d:u:bin:rwx d/d PASS: $ ls -dl d/d | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d/d PASS: $ rmdir d/d PASS: $ setfacl -k d PASS: $ ls -dl d | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d PASS: $ setfacl -b d PASS: $ ls -dl d | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\.$//g' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d PASS: $ chmod 775 d PASS: $ ls -dl d | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\.$//g' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d PASS: $ rmdir d PASS: $ umask 002 PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ setfacl -m u:daemon:rwx,u:bin:rx,d:u:daemon:rwx,d:u:bin:rx d PASS: $ ls -dl d | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d PASS: $ chmod 750 d PASS: $ ls -dl d | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d PASS: $ chmod 750 d PASS: $ ls -dl d | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header d PASS: $ rmdir d PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ ln -s d/a d/b PASS: $ getfacl -R d PASS: $ setfacl -R -m u:bin:rw d PASS: $ getfacl -RL d PASS: $ setfacl -RL -m u:bin:rw d PASS: $ rm -R d PASS: $ echo "# owner: root" > f PASS: $ setfacl --restore=f 2>&1 111 commands (111 passed, 0 failed) Note: Tests must run as root *** root/restore.test *** PASS: $ touch passwd PASS: $ chmod 755 passwd PASS: $ chmod u+s passwd PASS: $ getfacl passwd > passwd.acl PASS: $ cat passwd.acl PASS: $ chown bin passwd PASS: $ chmod u+s passwd PASS: $ setfacl --restore passwd.acl PASS: $ ls -dl passwd | awk '{print $1 " " $3 " " $4}' | sed 's/\.//g' PASS: $ rm passwd passwd.acl 10 commands (10 passed, 0 failed) Note: Tests must run as root *** root/setfacl.test *** PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ chown bin:bin d PASS: $ cd d PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ sg bin PASS: $ umask 027 PASS: $ touch g PASS: $ ls -dl g | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\.//g' PASS: $ setfacl -m m:- g PASS: $ ls -dl g | awk '{print $1}' PASS: $ getfacl g PASS: $ setfacl -x m g PASS: $ getfacl g PASS: $ setfacl -m u:daemon:rw g PASS: $ getfacl g PASS: $ setfacl -m u::rwx,g::r-x,o:- g PASS: $ getfacl g PASS: $ setfacl -m u::rwx,g::r-x,o:-,m:- g PASS: $ getfacl g PASS: $ setfacl -m u::rwx,g::r-x,o:-,u:root:-,m:- g PASS: $ getfacl g PASS: $ setfacl -m u::rwx,g::r-x,o:-,u:root:-,m:- g PASS: $ getfacl g PASS: $ setfacl -m u::rwx,g::r-x,o:-,u:root:- g PASS: $ getfacl g PASS: $ setfacl --test -x u: g PASS: $ setfacl --test -x u:x PASS: $ setfacl -m d:u:root:rwx g PASS: $ setfacl -x m g PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ setfacl --test -m u::rwx,u:bin:rwx,g::r-x,o::--- d PASS: $ setfacl --test -m u::rwx,u:bin:rwx,g::r-x,m::---,o::--- d PASS: $ setfacl --test -d -m u::rwx,u:bin:rwx,g::r-x,o::--- d PASS: $ setfacl --test -d -m u::rwx,u:bin:rwx,g::r-x,m::---,o::--- d PASS: $ su PASS: $ cd .. PASS: $ rm -r d 37 commands (37 passed, 0 failed) Note: Tests must run as root *** root/permissions.test *** PASS: $ id -u PASS: $ umask 022 PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ cd d PASS: $ umask 027 PASS: $ touch f PASS: $ ls -l f | awk -- '{ print $1, $3, $4 }' | sed 's/\.//g' PASS: $ echo root > f PASS: $ su daemon PASS: $ echo daemon >> f PASS: $ su PASS: $ chown bin:bin f PASS: $ ls -l f | awk -- '{ print $1, $3, $4 }' | sed 's/\.//g' PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ echo bin >> f PASS: $ su daemon PASS: $ cat f PASS: $ echo daemon >> f PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ setfacl -m u:daemon:rw f PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header f PASS: $ su daemon PASS: $ echo daemon >> f PASS: $ cat f PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ chmod g-w f PASS: $ getfacl --omit-header f PASS: $ su daemon PASS: $ echo daemon >> f PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ setfacl -m u:daemon:r,g:daemon:rw-,o::rw- f PASS: $ su daemon PASS: $ echo daemon >> f PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ setfacl -x u:daemon f PASS: $ su daemon PASS: $ echo daemon2 >> f PASS: $ cat f PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ setfacl -m g:daemon:r f PASS: $ su daemon PASS: $ echo daemon3 >> f PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ setfacl -x g:daemon f PASS: $ su daemon PASS: $ echo daemon4 >> f PASS: $ su PASS: $ chgrp root f PASS: $ su daemon PASS: $ echo daemon5 >> f PASS: $ cat f PASS: $ su PASS: $ setfacl -m g:bin:r,g:daemon:w f PASS: $ su daemon PASS: $ : < f PASS: $ : > f PASS: $ : <> f PASS: $ su PASS: $ mkdir -m 750 e PASS: $ touch e/h PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ shopt -s nullglob ; echo e/* PASS: $ echo i > e/i PASS: $ su PASS: $ setfacl -m u:bin:rx e PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ echo e/* PASS: $ echo i > e/i PASS: $ su PASS: $ setfacl -m u:bin:rwx e PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ echo i > e/i PASS: $ su PASS: $ touch g PASS: $ ln -s g l PASS: $ setfacl -m u:bin:rw l PASS: $ ls -l g | awk -- '{ print $1, $3, $4 }' PASS: $ mknod -m 0660 hdt b 91 64 PASS: $ mknod -m 0660 null c 1 3 PASS: $ mkfifo -m 0660 fifo PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ : < hdt PASS: $ : < null PASS: $ : < fifo PASS: $ su PASS: $ setfacl -m u:bin:rw hdt null fifo PASS: $ su bin PASS: $ : < hdt PASS: $ : < null PASS: $ ( echo blah > fifo & ) ; cat fifo PASS: $ su PASS: $ mkdir -m 600 x PASS: $ chown daemon:daemon x PASS: $ echo j > x/j PASS: $ ls -l x/j | awk -- '{ print $1, $3, $4 }' | sed 's/\.//g' PASS: $ setfacl -m u:daemon:r x PASS: $ ls -l x/j | awk -- '{ print $1, $3, $4 }' | sed 's/\.//g' PASS: $ echo k > x/k PASS: $ chmod 750 x PASS: $ su PASS: $ cd .. PASS: $ rm -rf d 102 commands (102 passed, 0 failed) /usr/lib/acl/ptest END: /usr/lib/acl/ptest 2018-02-13T01:30 2018-02-13T01:30 BEGIN: /usr/lib/attr/ptest make: Entering directory '/usr/lib/attr/ptest/test' *** attr.test *** PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ cd d PASS: $ touch f PASS: $ setfattr -n user -v value f PASS: $ setfattr -n user. -v value f PASS: $ setfattr -n f PASS: $ getfattr -d f PASS: $ setfattr -x f PASS: $ sh -c 'getfattr -n f && echo zero exit code' PASS: $ setfattr -n user.n -v value f PASS: $ rm f PASS: $ touch f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.vvvvvvvvvvvv -v vvvvvvvvvvvv f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.wwwwwwww -v wwwwwwww f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.xxxx -v xxxx f PASS: $ getfattr -d f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.wwwwwwww -v wwww f PASS: $ getfattr -d f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.xxxx -v xxxxxxxx f PASS: $ getfattr -d f PASS: $ rm f PASS: $ touch f PASS: $ setfattr -n -v 0xbabe f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.name2 -v 0s3q2+7w== f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.name3 -v 0xdeface f PASS: $ getfattr -d -e hex f PASS: $ getfattr -d -e base64 f PASS: $ rm f PASS: $ touch f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.novalue f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.somename -v somevalue f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.somename -v somevalue f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.longername -v longervalue f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.short -v value f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.novalue-yet f PASS: $ ls -s f PASS: $ getfattr -d f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.novalue-yet -v avalue-now f PASS: $ getfattr -d f PASS: $ setfattr -x user.noname f PASS: $ setfattr -x user.somename f PASS: $ setfattr -x user.short f PASS: $ getfattr -d f PASS: $ setfattr -x user.longername f PASS: $ setfattr -x user.novalue f PASS: $ setfattr -x user.novalue-yet f PASS: $ getfattr -d f PASS: $ ls -s f PASS: $ rm f PASS: $ touch f g h PASS: $ setfattr -n user.novalue f g h PASS: $ getfattr f g h | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ setfattr -n -v value f PASS: $ getfattr f g h | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ getfattr -d f g h | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ setfattr -n -v value g PASS: $ getfattr f g h | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ setfattr -x user.novalue h PASS: $ getfattr f g h | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ rm f g h PASS: $ touch f PASS: $ ln -s f l PASS: $ setfattr -n user.filename -v f l PASS: $ setfattr -n user.filename -v l l PASS: $ setfattr -h -n user.filename -v l l PASS: $ getfattr -d f l | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ rm f PASS: $ mkdir src PASS: $ touch src/target PASS: $ setfattr -n user.color -v blue src/target PASS: $ ln -s src symlink PASS: $ getfattr -n user.color -h symlink 2>/dev/null PASS: $ touch "f " PASS: $ setfattr -n -v value "f " PASS: $ getfattr -d "f " PASS: $ rm "f " PASS: $ touch f PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.sp ace" -v value f PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.special " -v value f PASS: $ getfattr f PASS: $ getfattr -d f PASS: $ setfattr -x "user.sp ace" f PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.sp ace" -v value f PASS: $ setfattr -x "user.sp ace" f PASS: $ setfattr -x "user.special " f PASS: $ rm f PASS: $ cd .. PASS: $ rm -rf d PASS: $ mkdir -p 1/2/3 PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.9" 1 PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.a" 1 PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.9" 1/2 PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.a" 1/2 PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.9" 1/2/3 PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.a" 1/2/3 PASS: $ getfattr -h -L -R -m '.' -e hex 1 | grep -v selinux | ./sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ getfattr -h -P -R -m '.' -e hex 1/2 | grep -v selinux | ./sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ rm -R 1 PASS: $ mkdir -p 1/sub PASS: $ mkdir 1/link PASS: $ touch 1/link/link-file PASS: $ touch 1/sub/sub-file PASS: $ ln -s `pwd`/1/link 1/sub/link PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.a" 1 PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.a" 1/link/link-file PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.a" 1/link PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.a" 1/sub/sub-file PASS: $ setfattr -n "user.a" 1/sub PASS: $ getfattr -P -R 1 | ./sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ getfattr -R -P 1/sub | ./sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ getfattr -L -R 1 | ./sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ getfattr -R 1/sub/link | ./sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ getfattr -L -R 1/sub/link | ./sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ rm -R 1 114 commands (114 passed, 0 failed) Note: Tests must run as root *** root/getfattr.test *** PASS: $ mkdir d PASS: $ cd d PASS: $ touch f PASS: $ setfattr -n user.test -v test f PASS: $ ln -s f l PASS: $ setfattr -h -n trusted.test -v test l PASS: $ getfattr -m- -d f PASS: $ getfattr -m- -d l PASS: $ getfattr -m- -hd l PASS: $ getfattr -m- -Rd . | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ getfattr -m- -Rhd . | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ ln -s . here PASS: $ getfattr -m- -Rd here | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ getfattr -m- -Rhd here PASS: $ getfattr -m- -RLhd here | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ getfattr -m- -RPhd here PASS: $ mkdir sub PASS: $ mv f l sub PASS: $ getfattr -m- -Rd . | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ getfattr -m- -Rhd . | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ mkdir sub2 PASS: $ ln -s ../sub sub2/to-sub PASS: $ getfattr -m- -Rhd sub2 PASS: $ getfattr -m- -RLhd sub2 | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ getfattr -m- -RPhd sub2 PASS: $ ln -s .. sub/up PASS: $ getfattr -m- -RLhd . | ../sort-getfattr-output PASS: $ cd .. PASS: $ rm -rf d 29 commands (29 passed, 0 failed) make: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/attr/ptest/test' END: /usr/lib/attr/ptest 2018-02-13T01:30 2018-02-13T01:30 BEGIN: /usr/lib/bash/ptest Testing /bin/bash version: 4.4.12(1)-release versinfo: 4 4 12 1 release x86_64-poky-linux-gnu HOSTTYPE = x86_64 OSTYPE = linux-gnu MACHTYPE = x86_64-poky-linux-gnu Any output from any test, unless otherwise noted, indicates a possible anomaly run-alias PASS: run-alias run-appendop PASS: run-appendop run-arith PASS: run-arith run-arith-for PASS: run-arith-for run-array PASS: run-array run-array2 PASS: run-array2 run-assoc PASS: run-assoc run-attr PASS: run-attr run-braces PASS: run-braces run-builtins PASS: run-builtins run-case PASS: run-case run-casemod PASS: run-casemod run-comsub PASS: run-comsub run-comsub-eof PASS: run-comsub-eof run-comsub-posix PASS: run-comsub-posix run-cond PASS: run-cond run-coproc PASS: run-coproc run-cprint PASS: run-cprint run-dbg-support PASS: run-dbg-support run-dbg-support2 PASS: run-dbg-support2 run-dirstack PASS: run-dirstack run-dollars PASS: run-dollars run-errors PASS: run-errors run-execscript PASS: run-execscript run-exp-tests PASS: run-exp-tests run-exportfunc PASS: run-exportfunc run-extglob PASS: run-extglob run-extglob2 PASS: run-extglob2 run-extglob3 PASS: run-extglob3 run-func PASS: run-func run-getopts PASS: run-getopts run-glob-test PASS: run-glob-test run-globstar PASS: run-globstar run-heredoc PASS: run-heredoc run-herestr PASS: run-herestr run-histexpand PASS: run-histexpand run-history PASS: run-history run-ifs PASS: run-ifs run-ifs-posix PASS: run-ifs-posix run-input-test PASS: run-input-test run-intl PASS: run-intl run-invert PASS: run-invert run-iquote PASS: run-iquote run-jobs PASS: run-jobs run-lastpipe 5,7c5 < ./lastpipe.tests: line 41: 13697 Exit 142 exit 142 < 13692 Hangup | false < 129 -- 142 129 --- > 1 -- 142 1 9,16c7,8 < ./lastpipe.tests: line 47: 13701 Done true < 13702 | $bintrue < 13692 Hangup | false < 129 -- 0 0 129 < ./lastpipe.tests: line 51: 13703 Done true < 13704 | $bintrue < 13692 Hangup | false < 129 -- 0 0 129 --- > 1 -- 0 0 1 > 1 -- 0 0 1 28,30c20 < ./lastpipe2.sub: line 28: 13733 Done echo HI < 13710 Real-time signal 8 | return 42 < HI -- 42 -- 0 170 --- > HI -- 42 -- 0 42 FAIL: run-lastpipe run-mapfile PASS: run-mapfile run-more-exp PASS: run-more-exp run-nameref PASS: run-nameref run-new-exp 627c627 < argv[1] = --- > argv[1] = FAIL: run-new-exp run-nquote PASS: run-nquote run-nquote1 PASS: run-nquote1 run-nquote2 PASS: run-nquote2 run-nquote3 PASS: run-nquote3 run-nquote4 PASS: run-nquote4 run-nquote5 PASS: run-nquote5 run-parser PASS: run-parser run-posix2 PASS: run-posix2 run-posixexp PASS: run-posixexp run-posixexp2 PASS: run-posixexp2 run-posixpat PASS: run-posixpat run-posixpipe PASS: run-posixpipe run-precedence PASS: run-precedence run-printf PASS: run-printf run-quote PASS: run-quote run-read PASS: run-read run-redir PASS: run-redir run-rhs-exp PASS: run-rhs-exp run-rsh PASS: run-rsh run-set-e PASS: run-set-e run-set-x PASS: run-set-x run-shopt PASS: run-shopt run-strip PASS: run-strip run-test PASS: run-test run-tilde PASS: run-tilde run-tilde2 PASS: run-tilde2 run-trap PASS: run-trap run-type PASS: run-type run-varenv PASS: run-varenv run-vredir 90,91c90,91 < ./vredir6.sub: line 10: /dev/null: Too many open files < ./vredir6.sub: line 13: /dev/null: Too many open files --- > ./vredir6.sub: redirection error: cannot duplicate fd: Invalid argument > ./vredir6.sub: line 13: /dev/null: Invalid argument FAIL: run-vredir END: /usr/lib/bash/ptest 2018-02-13T01:33 2018-02-13T01:33 BEGIN: /usr/lib/bluez5/ptest /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - init /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - setup /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - run /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - done /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - init /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - setup /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - run /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - done /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - init /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - setup /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - run /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - done /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - init /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - setup /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - run /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - done /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - init /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - setup /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - run /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - done /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - init /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - setup /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - run /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - done /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - init /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - setup /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - run /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - done /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - init /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - setup /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - run /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - done /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - init /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - setup /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - run /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - done  Test Summary ------------ /TP/CCM/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CCM/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CCM/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CCM/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFR/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFR/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFR/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFR/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFR/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds Total: 9, Passed: 9 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.00143 seconds PASS: test-avctp /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - done /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - init /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - setup /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - run /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - done /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - init /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - setup /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - run /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - done /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - init /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - setup /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - run /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - done /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - init /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - setup /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - run /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - done /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - init /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - setup /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - run /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - done /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - init /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - setup /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - run /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - done /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - init /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - setup /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - run /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - done /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - init /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - setup /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - run /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - done  Test Summary ------------ /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C Passed  1.399 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds Total: 62, Passed: 62 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 1.43 seconds PASS: test-avdtp /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - done /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - init /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - setup /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - run /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - done /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - init /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - setup /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - run /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - done /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - init /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - setup /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - run /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - done /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - init /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - setup /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - run /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - done /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - init /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - setup /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - run /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - done /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - init /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - setup /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - run /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - done /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - init /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - setup /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - run /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - done /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - init /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - setup /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - run /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - init /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - setup /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - run /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - done /TP/CON/BV-01-C - init /TP/CON/BV-01-C - setup /TP/CON/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/CON/BV-01-C - run /TP/CON/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/CON/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/CON/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/CON/BV-01-C - done /TP/CON/BV-02-C - init /TP/CON/BV-02-C - setup /TP/CON/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/CON/BV-02-C - run /TP/CON/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/CON/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/CON/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/CON/BV-02-C - done /TP/CON/BV-03-C - init /TP/CON/BV-03-C - setup /TP/CON/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/CON/BV-03-C - run /TP/CON/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/CON/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/CON/BV-03-C - 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done /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - init /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - setup /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - run /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - done /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - init /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - setup /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - run /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - done /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - init /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - setup /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - run /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - done /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - init /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - setup /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - run /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - done /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - init /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - setup /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - run /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - done /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - init /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - setup /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - run /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - done /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - init /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - setup /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - run /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - done /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - init /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - setup /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - run /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - done /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - init /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - setup /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - run /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - done /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - init /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - setup /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - run /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - done /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - init /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - setup /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - run /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - done  Test Summary ------------ /TP/MPS/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-07-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-08-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-09-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CON/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CON/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CON/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CON/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CON/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CEC/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CEC/BV-02-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CRC/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CRC/BV-02-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/ICC/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/ICC/BV-02-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PTT/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PTT/BV-02-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PTT/BV-03-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PTT/BV-04-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PTT/BV-05-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CFG/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CFG/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CFG/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-07-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-08-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-09-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-10-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-11-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BI-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BI-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BI-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MDI/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MDI/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MDI/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MDI/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MDI/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BV-08-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/INV/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/INV/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/BGN/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/BGN/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/BGN/BV-02-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/BGN/BV-02-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BI-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BI-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PTH/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PTH/BV-02-C Passed  1.985 seconds /TP/RCR/BV-02-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/RCR/BV-04-C Passed  0.001 seconds Total: 110, Passed: 110 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 1.99 seconds PASS: test-avrcp /crc/1 - init /crc/1 - setup /crc/1 - setup complete /crc/1 - run /crc/1 - test passed /crc/1 - teardown /crc/1 - teardown complete /crc/1 - done /crc/2 - init /crc/2 - setup /crc/2 - setup complete /crc/2 - run /crc/2 - test passed /crc/2 - teardown /crc/2 - teardown complete /crc/2 - done /crc/3 - init /crc/3 - setup /crc/3 - setup complete /crc/3 - run /crc/3 - test passed /crc/3 - teardown /crc/3 - teardown complete /crc/3 - done /crc/4 - init /crc/4 - setup /crc/4 - setup complete /crc/4 - run /crc/4 - test passed /crc/4 - teardown /crc/4 - teardown complete /crc/4 - done /crc/5 - init /crc/5 - setup /crc/5 - setup complete /crc/5 - run /crc/5 - test passed /crc/5 - teardown /crc/5 - teardown complete /crc/5 - done /crc/6 - init /crc/6 - setup /crc/6 - setup complete /crc/6 - run /crc/6 - test passed /crc/6 - teardown /crc/6 - teardown complete /crc/6 - done /crc/7 - init /crc/7 - setup /crc/7 - setup complete /crc/7 - run /crc/7 - test passed /crc/7 - teardown /crc/7 - teardown complete /crc/7 - done /crc/8 - init /crc/8 - setup /crc/8 - setup complete /crc/8 - run /crc/8 - test passed /crc/8 - teardown /crc/8 - teardown complete /crc/8 - done /crc/9 - init /crc/9 - setup /crc/9 - setup complete /crc/9 - run /crc/9 - test passed /crc/9 - teardown /crc/9 - teardown complete /crc/9 - done  Test Summary ------------ /crc/1 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/2 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/3 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/4 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/5 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/6 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/7 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/8 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/9 Passed  0.000 seconds Total: 9, Passed: 9 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.00024 seconds PASS: test-crc PASS: test-crypto /ecdh/multi - init /ecdh/multi - setup /ecdh/multi - setup complete /ecdh/multi - run /ecdh/multi - test passed /ecdh/multi - teardown /ecdh/multi - teardown complete /ecdh/multi - done /ecdh/sample/1 - init /ecdh/sample/1 - setup /ecdh/sample/1 - setup complete /ecdh/sample/1 - run /ecdh/sample/1 - test passed /ecdh/sample/1 - teardown /ecdh/sample/1 - teardown complete /ecdh/sample/1 - done /ecdh/sample/2 - init /ecdh/sample/2 - setup /ecdh/sample/2 - setup complete /ecdh/sample/2 - run /ecdh/sample/2 - test passed /ecdh/sample/2 - teardown /ecdh/sample/2 - teardown complete /ecdh/sample/2 - done /ecdh/sample/3 - init /ecdh/sample/3 - setup /ecdh/sample/3 - setup complete /ecdh/sample/3 - run /ecdh/sample/3 - test passed /ecdh/sample/3 - teardown /ecdh/sample/3 - teardown complete /ecdh/sample/3 - done  Test Summary ------------ /ecdh/multi Passed  0.359 seconds /ecdh/sample/1 Passed  0.001 seconds /ecdh/sample/2 Passed  0.001 seconds /ecdh/sample/3 Passed  0.001 seconds Total: 4, Passed: 4 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.362 seconds PASS: test-ecc /eir/basic - init /eir/basic - setup /eir/basic - setup complete /eir/basic - run /eir/basic - test passed /eir/basic - teardown /eir/basic - teardown complete /eir/basic - done /eir/macbookair - init /eir/macbookair - setup /eir/macbookair - setup complete /eir/macbookair - run /eir/macbookair - test passed /eir/macbookair - teardown /eir/macbookair - teardown complete /eir/macbookair - done /eir/iphone5 - init /eir/iphone5 - setup /eir/iphone5 - setup complete /eir/iphone5 - run /eir/iphone5 - test passed /eir/iphone5 - teardown /eir/iphone5 - teardown complete /eir/iphone5 - done /eir/ipadmini - init /eir/ipadmini - setup /eir/ipadmini - setup complete /eir/ipadmini - run /eir/ipadmini - test passed /eir/ipadmini - teardown /eir/ipadmini - teardown complete /eir/ipadmini - done /eir/sl400h - init /eir/sl400h - setup /eir/sl400h - setup complete /eir/sl400h - run /eir/sl400h - test passed /eir/sl400h - teardown /eir/sl400h - teardown complete /eir/sl400h - done /eir/sl910 - init /eir/sl910 - setup /eir/sl910 - setup complete /eir/sl910 - run /eir/sl910 - test passed /eir/sl910 - teardown /eir/sl910 - teardown complete /eir/sl910 - done /eir/bh907 - init /eir/bh907 - setup /eir/bh907 - setup complete /eir/bh907 - run /eir/bh907 - test passed /eir/bh907 - teardown /eir/bh907 - teardown complete /eir/bh907 - done /eir/fuelband - init /eir/fuelband - setup /eir/fuelband - setup complete /eir/fuelband - run /eir/fuelband - test passed /eir/fuelband - teardown /eir/fuelband - teardown complete /eir/fuelband - done /ad/bluesc - init /ad/bluesc - setup /ad/bluesc - setup complete /ad/bluesc - run /ad/bluesc - test passed /ad/bluesc - teardown /ad/bluesc - teardown complete /ad/bluesc - done /ad/wahooscale - init /ad/wahooscale - setup /ad/wahooscale - setup complete /ad/wahooscale - run /ad/wahooscale - test passed /ad/wahooscale - teardown /ad/wahooscale - teardown complete /ad/wahooscale - done /ad/mioalpha - init /ad/mioalpha - setup /ad/mioalpha - setup complete /ad/mioalpha - run /ad/mioalpha - test passed /ad/mioalpha - teardown /ad/mioalpha - teardown complete /ad/mioalpha - done /ad/cookoo - init /ad/cookoo - setup /ad/cookoo - setup complete /ad/cookoo - run /ad/cookoo - test passed /ad/cookoo - teardown /ad/cookoo - teardown complete /ad/cookoo - done /ad/citizen1 - init /ad/citizen1 - setup /ad/citizen1 - setup complete /ad/citizen1 - run /ad/citizen1 - test passed /ad/citizen1 - teardown /ad/citizen1 - teardown complete /ad/citizen1 - done /ad/citizen2 - init /ad/citizen2 - setup /ad/citizen2 - setup complete /ad/citizen2 - run /ad/citizen2 - test passed /ad/citizen2 - teardown /ad/citizen2 - teardown complete /ad/citizen2 - done ad/g-tag - init ad/g-tag - setup ad/g-tag - setup complete ad/g-tag - run ad/g-tag - test passed ad/g-tag - teardown ad/g-tag - teardown complete ad/g-tag - done ad/uri-beacon - init ad/uri-beacon - setup ad/uri-beacon - setup complete ad/uri-beacon - run ad/uri-beacon - test passed ad/uri-beacon - teardown ad/uri-beacon - teardown complete ad/uri-beacon - done  Test Summary ------------ /eir/basic Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/macbookair Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/iphone5 Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/ipadmini Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/sl400h Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/sl910 Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/bh907 Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/fuelband Passed  0.000 seconds /ad/bluesc Passed  0.000 seconds /ad/wahooscale Passed  0.000 seconds /ad/mioalpha Passed  0.000 seconds /ad/cookoo Passed  0.000 seconds /ad/citizen1 Passed  0.000 seconds /ad/citizen2 Passed  0.000 seconds ad/g-tag Passed  0.000 seconds ad/uri-beacon Passed  0.000 seconds Total: 16, Passed: 16 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.000244 seconds PASS: test-eir /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - init /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - setup /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - run /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - done /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - init /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - setup /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - run /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - done /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - init /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - setup /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - run /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - done /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - init /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - setup /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - setup complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - run /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - test passed /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - teardown /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - teardown complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - done /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - init /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - setup /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - setup complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - run /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - test passed /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - teardown /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - done /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - init /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - setup /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - setup complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - run /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - test passed /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - teardown /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - teardown complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - done /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - init /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - setup /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - setup complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - run /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - test passed /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - teardown /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - teardown complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - 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teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-14-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-15-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-15-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-15-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-15-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-15-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-15-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-15-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-15-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-17-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-17-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-17-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-17-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-17-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-17-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-17-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-17-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - done /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - init /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - setup /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - setup complete /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - run /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - test passed /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - teardown /robustness/no-reliable-cha ERROR: Exit status is 9 TIMEOUT: /usr/lib/bluez5/ptest END: /usr/lib/bluez5/ptest 2018-02-13T01:38 2018-02-13T01:38 BEGIN: /usr/lib/busybox/ptest ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | ./unknown 2>&1 PASS: busybox as unknown name SKIP: busybox --help ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk -F '[#]' '{ print NF }' PASS: awk -F case 0 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '\n' | awk -F '[#]' '{ print NF }' PASS: awk -F case 1 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '#\n' | awk -F '[#]' '{ print NF }' PASS: awk -F case 2 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '#abc#\n' | awk -F '[#]' '{ print NF }' PASS: awk -F case 3 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '#abc#zz\n' | awk -F '[#]' '{ print NF }' PASS: awk -F case 4 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '#abc##zz\n' | awk -F '[#]' '{ print NF }' PASS: awk -F case 5 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'z#abc##zz\n' | awk -F '[#]' '{ print NF }' PASS: awk -F case 6 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'z##abc##zz\n' | awk -F '[#]' '{ print NF }' PASS: awk -F case 7 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk 'BEGIN{if(23==23) print "foo"}' PASS: awk if operator == ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk 'BEGIN{if(23!=23) print "bar"}' PASS: awk if operator != ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk 'BEGIN{if(23>=23) print "foo"}' PASS: awk if operator >= ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk 'BEGIN{if(2 < 13) print "foo"}' PASS: awk if operator < ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk 'BEGIN{if("a"=="ab") print "bar"}' PASS: awk if string == ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '\n' | awk '{ print or(4294967295,1) }' PASS: awk bitwise op ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk ' function empty_fun(count) { # empty } END { i=1 print "L" i "\n" empty_fun(i + i + ++i) print "L" i "\n" }' PASS: awk handles empty function f(arg){} ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk ' function outer_fun() { return 1 } END { i=1 print "L" i "\n" i += outer_fun() print "L" i "\n" }' PASS: awk properly handles function from other scope ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk ' END { i=1 print "L" i "\n" i + trigger_error_fun() print "L" i "\n" }' 2>&1 PASS: awk properly handles undefined function SKIP: awk hex const 1 SKIP: awk hex const 2 SKIP: awk oct const ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '\n' | awk '{ printf "%f %f\n", "000.123", "009.123" }' PASS: awk floating const with leading zeroes ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a--\na--b--\na--b--c--\na--b--c--d--' | awk -F-- '{ print NF, length($NF), $NF }' PASS: awk long field sep ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a!b\n' | awk -F'\x21' '{print $1}' PASS: awk -F handles escapes ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'Hi\n' | awk 'gsub("@(samp|code|file)\{","");'; echo $? PASS: awk gsub falls back to non-extended-regex ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk -f awk_t1_opt-functions.awk -f awk_t1_opth-gen.awk input echo -ne '' | awk 'BEGIN { print ":" NF ":" $0 ":" $1 ":" $2 ":" }' PASS: awk NF in BEGIN ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk ' function b(tmp) { tmp = 0; print "" tmp; #this line causes the bug return tmp; } function c(tmpc) { tmpc = b(); return tmpc; } BEGIN { print (c() ? "string" : "number"); }' PASS: awk string cast (bug 725) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk 'BEGIN { arr [3] = 1; print arr [3] }' PASS: awk handles whitespace before array subscript ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk 'BEGIN { getline line <"doesnt_exist"; print ERRNO; ERRNO=0; close("doesnt_exist"); print ERRNO; print "Ok" }' PASS: awk handles non-existing file correctly ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk ' BEGIN { u["a"]=1 u["b"]=1 u["c"]=1 v["d"]=1 v["e"]=1 v["f"]=1 for (l in u) { print "outer1", l; for (l in v) { print " inner", l; } print "outer2", l; } print "end", l; l="a" exit; }' PASS: awk nested loops with the same variable ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk 'BEGIN {print()}' 2>&1 PASS: awk handles empty () ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a:b c:d\ne:f g:h' | awk '{FS=":"; print $1}' PASS: awk FS assignment ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk 'BEGIN{n=(2^31)-1; print n, int(n), n%1, ++n, int(n), n%1}' PASS: awk large integer ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk 'BEGIN{ A[1]=2; A["qwe"]="asd"; print length(A)}' PASS: awk length(array) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'qwe' | awk '{print length; print length(); print length("qwe"); print length(99+9)}' PASS: awk length() ====================== echo -ne 'do re mi\n' >input echo -ne '{print $2; print ARGC;}' | awk -f - input PASS: awk -f and ARGC ====================== echo -ne 'do re mi\n' >input echo -ne '' | awk -e '{print $2; print ARGC;}' input PASS: awk -e and ARGC ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'BEGIN { if (1) break; else a = 1 }' | awk -f - 2>&1; echo $? PASS: awk break ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'BEGIN { if (1) continue; else a = 1 }' | awk -f - 2>&1; echo $? PASS: awk continue ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | awk '{ for() }' 2>&1 PASS: awk handles invalid for loop PASS: basename-does-not-remove-identical-extension PASS: basename-works PASS: bunzip2-reads-from-standard-input PASS: bunzip2-removes-compressed-file PASS: bunzip2: doesnt exist PASS: bunzip2: unknown suffix PASS: bunzip2: already exists PASS: bunzip2: stream unpack PASS: bunzip2: delete src PASS: bunzip2: test_bz2 file PASS: bunzip2: pbzip_4m_zeros file PASS: bzcat-does-not-remove-compressed-file ====================== echo -ne '\x42\x5a\x68\x39\x31\x41\x59\x26\x53\x59\x63\x3e\xd6\xe2\x00\x00\x00\xc1\x00\x00\x10\x20\x00\x20\x00\x21\x00\x82\xb1\x77\x24\x53\x85\x09\x06\x33\xed\x6e\x20' >input echo -ne '' | echo -ne '' | bzcat input input; echo $? PASS: bzcat can print many files ====================== echo -ne '\x42\x5a\x68\x39\x17\x72\x45\x38\x50\x90\x00\x00\x00\x00' >input echo -ne '' | echo -ne '' | bzcat input input; echo $? PASS: bzcat can handle compressed zero-length bzip2 files PASS: cat-prints-a-file PASS: cat-prints-a-file-and-standard-input PASS: cmp-detects-difference PASS: cp-RHL-does_not_preserve-links PASS: cp-a-files-to-dir PASS: cp-a-preserves-links PASS: cp-copies-empty-file PASS: cp-copies-large-file PASS: cp-copies-small-file PASS: cp-d-files-to-dir PASS: cp-dev-file PASS: cp-dir-create-dir PASS: cp-dir-existing-dir PASS: cp-does-not-copy-unreadable-file PASS: cp-files-to-dir PASS: cp-follows-links SKIP: cp-parents SKIP: cp-preserves-hard-links PASS: cp-preserves-links PASS: cp-preserves-source-file ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test ! -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test ! -e dir || echo BAD: dir test ! -L dir_symlink && test ! -e dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink PASS: cp ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp -d * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test ! -e dir || echo BAD: dir test -L dir_symlink && test ! -e dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink PASS: cp -d ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp -P * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test ! -e dir || echo BAD: dir test -L dir_symlink && test ! -e dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink PASS: cp -P ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp -L * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test ! -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test ! -e dir || echo BAD: dir test ! -L dir_symlink && test ! -e dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink PASS: cp -L ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp -H * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test ! -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test ! -e dir || echo BAD: dir test ! -L dir_symlink && test ! -e dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink PASS: cp -H ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp -R * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test -d dir || echo BAD: dir test -L dir_symlink && test -d dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink test ! -L dir/file && test -f dir/file || echo BAD: dir/file test -L dir/file_symlink && test -f dir/file_symlink || echo BAD: dir/file_symlink PASS: cp -R ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp -Rd * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test -d dir || echo BAD: dir test -L dir_symlink && test -d dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink test ! -L dir/file && test -f dir/file || echo BAD: dir/file test -L dir/file_symlink && test -f dir/file_symlink || echo BAD: dir/file_symlink PASS: cp -Rd ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp -RP * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test -d dir || echo BAD: dir test -L dir_symlink && test -d dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink test ! -L dir/file && test -f dir/file || echo BAD: dir/file test -L dir/file_symlink && test -f dir/file_symlink || echo BAD: dir/file_symlink PASS: cp -RP ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp -RL * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test ! -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test -d dir || echo BAD: dir test ! -L dir_symlink && test -d dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink test ! -L dir/file && test -f dir/file || echo BAD: dir/file test ! -L dir/file_symlink && test -f dir/file_symlink || echo BAD: dir/file_symlink PASS: cp -RL ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp -RH * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test ! -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test -d dir || echo BAD: dir test ! -L dir_symlink && test -d dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink test ! -L dir/file && test -f dir/file || echo BAD: dir/file test -L dir/file_symlink && test -f dir/file_symlink || echo BAD: dir/file_symlink PASS: cp -RH ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp -RHP * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test ! -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test -d dir || echo BAD: dir test ! -L dir_symlink && test -d dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink test ! -L dir/file && test -f dir/file || echo BAD: dir/file test -L dir/file_symlink && test -f dir/file_symlink || echo BAD: dir/file_symlink PASS: cp -RHP ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp -RHL * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test ! -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test -d dir || echo BAD: dir test ! -L dir_symlink && test -d dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink test ! -L dir/file && test -f dir/file || echo BAD: dir/file test ! -L dir/file_symlink && test -f dir/file_symlink || echo BAD: dir/file_symlink PASS: cp -RHL ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ cd cp.testdir || exit 1; cp -RLH * ../cp.testdir2 2>&1; echo $?; cd ../cp.testdir2 || exit 1 test ! -L file && test -f file || echo BAD: file test ! -L file_symlink && test -f file_symlink || echo BAD: file_symlink test ! -L dir && test -d dir || echo BAD: dir test ! -L dir_symlink && test -d dir_symlink || echo BAD: dir_symlink test ! -L dir/file && test -f dir/file || echo BAD: dir/file test ! -L dir/file_symlink && test -f dir/file_symlink || echo BAD: dir/file_symlink PASS: cp -RLH ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | echo -ne '\x42\x5a\x68\x39\x31\x41\x59\x26\x53\x59\x64\x1e\x91\x8c\x00\x00\x48\x7f\x80\x4c\x48\x08\x00\x28\x01\xff\xe0\x3f\x24\x14\x00\x0e\x20\xdc\x60\x20\x00\x92\x11\xea\xa0\x1a\x00\x00\x00\x03\x20\x8a\x93\xd4\x9a\x68\x1a\x0d\x1e\x91\xa1\xa0\x06\x98\xe3\x5c\x2f\xd9\x26\xa1\x25\x24\x20\xed\x47\xc7\x21\x40\x2b\x6e\xf2\xe6\xfe\x98\x13\x68\xa8\xbd\x82\xb2\x4f\x26\x02\x24\x16\x5b\x22\x16\x72\x74\x15\xcd\xc1\xa6\x9e\xa6\x5e\x6c\x16\x37\x35\x01\x99\xc4\x81\x21\x29\x28\x4b\x69\x51\xa9\x3c\x1a\x9b\x0a\xe1\xe4\xb4\xaf\x85\x73\xba\x23\x10\x59\xe8\xb3\xe1\xa1\x63\x05\x8c\x4f\xc5\xdc\x91\x4e\x14\x24\x19\x07\xa4\x63\x00' | bzcat | cpio -i 2>&1; echo $?; ls -ln cpio.testdir | sed 's/ */ /g' | cut -d' ' -f 1-5,9- | grep -v '^total ' PASS: cpio extracts zero-sized hardlinks ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | echo -ne '\x42\x5a\x68\x39\x31\x41\x59\x26\x53\x59\x64\x1e\x91\x8c\x00\x00\x48\x7f\x80\x4c\x48\x08\x00\x28\x01\xff\xe0\x3f\x24\x14\x00\x0e\x20\xdc\x60\x20\x00\x92\x11\xea\xa0\x1a\x00\x00\x00\x03\x20\x8a\x93\xd4\x9a\x68\x1a\x0d\x1e\x91\xa1\xa0\x06\x98\xe3\x5c\x2f\xd9\x26\xa1\x25\x24\x20\xed\x47\xc7\x21\x40\x2b\x6e\xf2\xe6\xfe\x98\x13\x68\xa8\xbd\x82\xb2\x4f\x26\x02\x24\x16\x5b\x22\x16\x72\x74\x15\xcd\xc1\xa6\x9e\xa6\x5e\x6c\x16\x37\x35\x01\x99\xc4\x81\x21\x29\x28\x4b\x69\x51\xa9\x3c\x1a\x9b\x0a\xe1\xe4\xb4\xaf\x85\x73\xba\x23\x10\x59\xe8\xb3\xe1\xa1\x63\x05\x8c\x4f\xc5\xdc\x91\x4e\x14\x24\x19\x07\xa4\x63\x00' | bzcat | cpio -t 2>&1; echo $? FAIL: cpio lists hardlinks --- expected +++ actual @@ -1,5 +1,3 @@ -cpio.testdir -cpio.testdir/x -cpio.testdir/y 1 blocks +cpio.testdir 0 SKIP: cpio extracts zero-sized hardlinks 2 SKIP: cpio -p with absolute paths SKIP: cpio restores suid/sgid bits ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | echo -ne '\x42\x5a\x68\x39\x31\x41\x59\x26\x53\x59\x64\x1e\x91\x8c\x00\x00\x48\x7f\x80\x4c\x48\x08\x00\x28\x01\xff\xe0\x3f\x24\x14\x00\x0e\x20\xdc\x60\x20\x00\x92\x11\xea\xa0\x1a\x00\x00\x00\x03\x20\x8a\x93\xd4\x9a\x68\x1a\x0d\x1e\x91\xa1\xa0\x06\x98\xe3\x5c\x2f\xd9\x26\xa1\x25\x24\x20\xed\x47\xc7\x21\x40\x2b\x6e\xf2\xe6\xfe\x98\x13\x68\xa8\xbd\x82\xb2\x4f\x26\x02\x24\x16\x5b\x22\x16\x72\x74\x15\xcd\xc1\xa6\x9e\xa6\x5e\x6c\x16\x37\x35\x01\x99\xc4\x81\x21\x29\x28\x4b\x69\x51\xa9\x3c\x1a\x9b\x0a\xe1\xe4\xb4\xaf\x85\x73\xba\x23\x10\x59\xe8\xb3\xe1\xa1\x63\x05\x8c\x4f\xc5\xdc\x91\x4e\x14\x24\x19\x07\xa4\x63\x00' | bzcat | cpio -id 2>&1; echo $? PASS: cpio extracts in existing directory SKIP: cpio uses by default uid/gid SKIP: cpio -R with create SKIP: cpio -R with extract PASS: cut-cuts-a-character PASS: cut-cuts-a-closed-range PASS: cut-cuts-a-field PASS: cut-cuts-an-open-range PASS: cut-cuts-an-unclosed-range ====================== echo -ne 'the quick brown fox\n' >input echo -ne 'jumps over the lazy dog\n' | cut -d' ' -f2 - input PASS: cut '-' (stdin) and multi file handling PASS: date-@-works PASS: date-R-works PASS: date-format-works PASS: date-u-works PASS: date-works PASS: date-works-1 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '10 20+p' | dc PASS: dc basic syntax (stdin, multiple args) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | dc '10 20+p' PASS: dc basic syntax (argv, single arg) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | dc 10 20+p PASS: dc basic syntax (argv, multiple args) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | dc '8 8 * 2 2 + / p' PASS: dc complex with spaces (single arg) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | dc '8 8*2 2+/p' PASS: dc complex without spaces (single arg) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | dc 8 8 \* 2 2 + / p PASS: dc complex with spaces (multiple args) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | dc 8 8\*2 2+/p PASS: dc complex without spaces (multiple args) PASS: dd-accepts-if PASS: dd-accepts-of PASS: dd-copies-from-standard-input-to-standard-output PASS: dd-prints-count-to-standard-error PASS: dd-reports-write-errors ====================== echo -ne 'qwe\nasd\nzxc\n' >input echo -ne 'asd\n' | diff -u - input | sed 's/ .*//' PASS: diff of stdin ====================== echo -ne 'qwe\nasd\nzxc' >input echo -ne 'asd\n' | diff -u - input | sed 's/ .*//' PASS: diff of stdin, no newline in the file ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'stdin' | diff - -; echo $?; wc -c PASS: diff of stdin, twice ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\n' | diff -u - input | sed 's/ .*//' PASS: diff of empty file against stdin ====================== echo -ne 'a\n' >input echo -ne '' | diff -u - input | sed 's/ .*//' PASS: diff of empty file against nonempty one ====================== echo -ne 'abc' >input echo -ne 'abc ' | diff -ub - input; echo $? PASS: diff -b treats EOF as whitespace ====================== echo -ne 'a \t c\n' >input echo -ne 'a\t \tc\n' | diff -ub - input; echo $? PASS: diff -b treats all spaces as equal ====================== echo -ne 'a\n' >input echo -ne '\na\n\n' | diff -uB - input; echo $? PASS: diff -B ignores changes whose lines are all blank ====================== echo -ne 'a\n' >input echo -ne '\nb\n\n' | diff -uB - input | sed 's/ .*//' PASS: diff -B does not ignore changes whose lines are not all blank ====================== echo -ne '\n1\n' >input echo -ne '1\n' | diff -qB - input; echo $? PASS: diff -B ignores blank single line change ====================== echo -ne '0\n' >input echo -ne '1\n' | diff -qB - input; echo $? PASS: diff -B does not ignore non-blank single line change ====================== echo -ne 'abc\na c\ndef\n' >input echo -ne 'a c\n' | diff -ub - input | sed 's/ .*//' PASS: diff always takes context from old file ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | diff -ur diff1 diff2/subdir | sed 's/ .*//' PASS: diff diff1 diff2/subdir ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | diff -ur diff1 diff2/subdir/- | sed 's/ .*//' PASS: diff dir dir2/file/- ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | diff -ur diff1 diff2/subdir | sed 's/ .*//' PASS: diff of dir and fifo ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | diff -ur diff1 diff2/subdir | sed 's/ .*//' PASS: diff of file and fifo ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | diff -urN diff1 diff2/subdir | sed 's/ .*//' PASS: diff -rN does not read non-regular files ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | diff -ur diff1 diff2/ | sed 's/ .*//'; diff -ur .///diff1 diff2//// | sed 's/ .*//' PASS: diff diff1 diff2/ PASS: dirname-handles-absolute-path PASS: dirname-handles-empty-path PASS: dirname-handles-multiple-slashes PASS: dirname-handles-relative-path PASS: dirname-handles-root PASS: dirname-handles-single-component PASS: dirname-works PASS: du-h-works PASS: du-k-works PASS: du-l-works PASS: du-m-works PASS: du-s-works PASS: du-works PASS: echo-does-not-print-newline PASS: echo-prints-argument PASS: echo-prints-arguments PASS: echo-prints-dash PASS: echo-prints-newline PASS: echo-prints-non-opts PASS: echo-prints-slash-zero PASS: echo-prints-slash_00041 PASS: echo-prints-slash_0041 PASS: echo-prints-slash_041 PASS: echo-prints-slash_41 PASS: expr-big PASS: expr-works PASS: false-is-silent PASS: false-returns-failure PASS: find-supports-minus-xdev ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | cd find.tempdir && find -type f 2>&1 PASS: find -type f ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | cd find.tempdir && find testfile -exec true {} \; 2>&1; echo $? PASS: find -exec exitcode 1 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | cd find.tempdir && find testfile -exec true {} + 2>&1; echo $? PASS: find -exec exitcode 2 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | cd find.tempdir && find testfile -exec false {} \; 2>&1; echo $? PASS: find -exec exitcode 3 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | cd find.tempdir && find testfile -exec false {} + 2>&1; echo $? PASS: find -exec exitcode 4 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | find / -maxdepth 0 -name / PASS: find / -maxdepth 0 -name / ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | find // -maxdepth 0 -name / PASS: find // -maxdepth 0 -name / ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | find / -maxdepth 0 -name // PASS: find / -maxdepth 0 -name // ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | find // -maxdepth 0 -name // PASS: find // -maxdepth 0 -name // ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | find ./// -name . PASS: find ./// -name . ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | find ./// -name ./// PASS: find ./// -name ./// ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | grep nonexistent 2> /dev/null ; echo $? PASS: grep (exit with error) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | grep grep /usr/lib/busybox/ptest/testsuite/grep.tests > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $? PASS: grep (exit success) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' | grep two PASS: grep (default to stdin) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' | grep two - PASS: grep - (specify stdin) ====================== echo -ne 'one\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep two input PASS: grep input (specify file) ====================== echo -ne 'bug' >input echo -ne '' | grep bug input PASS: grep (no newline at EOL) ====================== echo -ne 'one\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep two input empty 2>/dev/null PASS: grep two files ====================== echo -ne 'one\ntwo\nthree\n' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntoo\nthree\nthree\n' | grep two - input PASS: grep - infile (specify stdin and file) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' | grep two - nonexistent 2> /dev/null ; echo $? PASS: grep - nofile (specify stdin and nonexisting file) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' | grep -q nomatch - nonexistent 2> /dev/null ; echo $? PASS: grep -q - nofile (specify stdin and nonexisting file, no match) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' | grep -q two - nonexistent ; echo $? PASS: grep -q - nofile (specify stdin and nonexisting file, match) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | grep -s nomatch nonexistent ; echo $? PASS: grep -s nofile (nonexisting file, no match) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'nomatch\ndomatch\nend\n' | grep -s domatch nonexistent - ; echo $? PASS: grep -s nofile - (stdin and nonexisting file, match) SKIP: grep handles NUL in files SKIP: grep handles NUL on stdin SKIP: grep matches NUL ====================== echo -ne 'one\ntwo\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -e one -e two input ; echo $? PASS: grep handles multiple regexps ====================== echo -ne 'one\ntwo\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -F -e one -e two input ; echo $? PASS: grep -F handles multiple expessions ====================== echo -ne 'FOO\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -F -i foo input ; echo $? PASS: grep -F handles -i ====================== echo -ne 'tw\ntwo\nthree\n' >input echo -ne 'tw.\nthr\n' | grep -f - input ; echo $? PASS: grep can read regexps from stdin ====================== echo -ne 'foo\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -x foo input ; echo $? PASS: grep -x (full match) ====================== echo -ne 'foo bar\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -x foo input ; echo $? PASS: grep -x (partial match 1) ====================== echo -ne 'bar foo\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -x foo input ; echo $? PASS: grep -x (partial match 2) ====================== echo -ne 'foo\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -x -F foo input ; echo $? PASS: grep -x -F (full match) ====================== echo -ne 'foo bar\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -x -F foo input ; echo $? PASS: grep -x -F (partial match 1) ====================== echo -ne 'bar foo\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -x -F foo input ; echo $? PASS: grep -x -F (partial match 2) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'b\ar\nfoo\nbaz' | grep -E fo+ PASS: grep -E supports extended regexps ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'foo\nbar\n' | egrep foo PASS: grep is also egrep ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'FOO\n' | egrep foo ; [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo yes PASS: egrep is not case insensitive ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '00:19:3E:00:AA:5E 00:1D:60:3D:3A:FB 00:22:43:49:FB:AA\n' | grep -E -o '([[:xdigit:]]{2}[:-]){5}[[:xdigit:]]{2}' PASS: grep -E -o prints all matches ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '/var/test\n' | grep -o "[^/]*$" PASS: grep -o does not loop forever ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'test\n' | grep -o "" | head -n1 PASS: grep -o does not loop forever on zero-length match ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'test\n' | grep -f input PASS: grep -f EMPTY_FILE ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'test\n' | grep -v -f input PASS: grep -v -f EMPTY_FILE ====================== echo -ne 'foop\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -Fw foo input PASS: grep -Fw matches only words ====================== echo -ne 'foop foo\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -Fw foo input PASS: grep -Fw doesn't stop on 1st mismatch ====================== echo -ne 'foop foo\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -w foo input PASS: grep -w doesn't stop on 1st mismatch ====================== echo -ne 'strstr\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -w ^str input PASS: grep -w ^str doesn't match str not at the beginning ====================== echo -ne 'anything\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -w ^ input PASS: grep -w ^ doesn't hang ====================== echo -ne 'wordword\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -w word input PASS: grep -w word doesn't match wordword ====================== echo -ne 'bword,word\nwordb,word\nbwordb,word\n' >input echo -ne '' | grep -w word input PASS: grep -w word match second word ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | grep -r . grep.testdir/symfoo PASS: grep -r on symlink to dir ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | grep -r . grep.testdir PASS: grep -r on dir/symlink to dir PASS: gunzip-reads-from-standard-input PASS: gunzip: doesnt exist PASS: gunzip: unknown suffix PASS: gunzip: already exists PASS: gunzip: stream unpack PASS: gunzip: delete src PASS: gzip-accepts-multiple-files PASS: gzip-accepts-single-minus SKIP: gzip-compression-levels PASS: gzip-removes-original-file PASS: head-n-works PASS: head-works PASS: hostname-d-works FAIL: hostname-i-works + test x '!=' x ++ hostname -i hostname: invalid option -- 'i' Try 'hostname --help' for more information. ++ busybox hostname -i + test x = x172.30.199.112 FAIL: hostname-s-works ++ hostname -s hostname: invalid option -- 's' Try 'hostname --help' for more information. ++ busybox hostname -s + test x = xgenericx86-64 PASS: hostname-works PASS: id-g-works PASS: id-u-works PASS: id-un-works PASS: id-ur-works PASS: ln-creates-hard-links PASS: ln-creates-soft-links PASS: ln-force-creates-hard-links PASS: ln-force-creates-soft-links PASS: ln-preserves-hard-links PASS: ln-preserves-soft-links PASS: ls-1-works PASS: ls-h-works FAIL: ls-l-works + test x '!=' x + '[' -n /usr/lib/busybox/ptest/testsuite ']' + LC_ALL=C + ls -l /usr/lib/busybox/ptest/testsuite + LC_ALL=C + busybox ls -l /usr/lib/busybox/ptest/testsuite + diff -ubw logfile.gnu --- logfile.gnu 2018-02-13 01:38:22.965201959 +0000 +++ 2018-02-13 01:38:22.966201886 +0000 @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -total 564 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2052 Jan 30 02:08 README -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 983 Jan 30 02:08 TODO -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2703 Jan 30 02:08 all_sourcecode.tests FAIL: ls-s-works + test x '!=' x + '[' -n /usr/lib/busybox/ptest/testsuite ']' + LC_ALL=C + ls -1s /usr/lib/busybox/ptest/testsuite + LC_ALL=C + busybox ls -1s /usr/lib/busybox/ptest/testsuite + diff -ubw logfile.gnu --- logfile.gnu 2018-02-13 01:38:22.970201590 +0000 +++ 2018-02-13 01:38:22.971201516 +0000 @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -total 564 4 README 4 TODO 4 all_sourcecode.tests ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | touch ls.testdir/A ls.testdir/B; ln -s ls.testdir; ls; ls -1; ls -1; rm -f PASS: ls symlink_to_dir PASS: md5sum-verifies-non-binary-file SKIP: md5sum PASS: mkdir-makes-a-directory PASS: mkdir-makes-parent-directories SKIP: mount PASS: mv-files-to-dir PASS: mv-follows-links PASS: mv-moves-empty-file PASS: mv-moves-file PASS: mv-moves-hardlinks PASS: mv-moves-large-file PASS: mv-moves-small-file PASS: mv-moves-symlinks PASS: mv-moves-unreadable-files SKIP: mv-preserves-hard-links PASS: mv-preserves-links PASS: mv-refuses-mv-dir-to-subdir PASS: mv-removes-source-file SKIP: od -b SKIP: od -b --traditional SKIP: od -b --traditional FILE ====================== echo -ne 'qwe zxc ' >input echo -ne '--- input Jan 01 01:01:01 2000 +++ input Jan 01 01:01:01 2000 @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ qwe +asd zxc ' | patch 2>&1; echo $?; cat input PASS: patch with old_file == new_file ====================== echo -ne 'qwe zxc ' >input echo -ne '--- input.doesnt_exist Jan 01 01:01:01 2000 +++ input Jan 01 01:01:01 2000 @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ qwe +asd zxc ' | patch 2>&1; echo $?; cat input PASS: patch with nonexistent old_file ====================== echo -ne 'qwe asd zxc ' >input echo -ne '--- input.doesnt_exist Jan 01 01:01:01 2000 +++ input Jan 01 01:01:01 2000 @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ qwe +asd zxc ' | patch -R 2>&1; echo $?; cat input PASS: patch -R with nonexistent old_file ====================== echo -ne 'abc def 123 ' >input echo -ne '--- input.old Jan 01 01:01:01 2000 +++ input Jan 01 01:01:01 2000 @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ abc +def 123 ' | patch 2>&1; echo $?; cat input PASS: patch detects already applied hunk ====================== echo -ne 'abc 123 456 ' >input echo -ne '--- input.old Jan 01 01:01:01 2000 +++ input Jan 01 01:01:01 2000 @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ abc 123 +456 ' | patch 2>&1; echo $?; cat input PASS: patch detects already applied hunk at the EOF ====================== echo -ne 'abc def 123 ' >input echo -ne '--- input +++ input @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ abc +def 123 ' | patch -N 2>&1; echo $?; cat input PASS: patch -N ignores already applied hunk ====================== echo -ne 'abc 123 ' >input echo -ne '--- foo.old +++ foo @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ abc +def 123 ' | cat >a.patch; patch input a.patch 2>&1; echo $?; cat input; rm a.patch PASS: patch FILE PATCH ====================== echo -ne '111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 ' >input echo -ne '--- input +++ input @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ -111 -222 -333 +111changed 444 555 666 ' | patch 2>&1; cat input PASS: patch at the beginning ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '--- /dev/null +++ testfile @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +qwerty ' | patch 2>&1; echo $?; cat testfile; rm testfile PASS: patch creates new file ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '--- bogus_dir///dir2///file +++ bogus_dir///dir2///file @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ qwe +asd zxc ' | patch -p1 2>&1; echo $? PASS: patch understands ...dir///dir... ====================== echo -ne 'foo bar ' >input echo -ne '--- a/input.orig +++ b/input @@ -5,5 +5,8 @@ foo +1 +2 +3 bar -- 2.9.2 ' | patch -p1 2>&1; echo $?; cat input PASS: patch internal buffering bug? ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | pidof veryunlikelyoccuringbinaryname ; echo $? PASS: pidof (exit with error) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | pidof pidof > /dev/null; echo $? PASS: pidof (exit with success) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | pidof pidof.tests | grep -o -w 18446 PASS: pidof this SKIP: pidof -s SKIP: pidof -o %PPID NOP SKIP: pidof -o init ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '\c' foo PASS: printf produces no further output 1 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '%s\c' foo bar PASS: printf produces no further output 2 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '%s\n' foo $HOME PASS: printf repeatedly uses pattern for each argv ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '%b' 'a\tb' 'c\d\n' 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf understands %b escaped_string ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '%d\n' '"x' "'y" "'zTAIL" 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf understands %d '"x' "'y" "'zTAIL" ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '%s\n' '"x' "'y" "'zTAIL" 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf understands %s '"x' "'y" "'zTAIL" ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '|%23.12f|\n' 5.25 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf understands %23.12f ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '|%*.*f|\n' 23 12 5.25 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf understands %*.*f ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '|%*f|\n' -23 5.25 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf understands %*f with negative width ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '|%.*f|\n' -12 5.25 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf understands %.*f with negative precision ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '|%*.*f|\n' -23 -12 5.25 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf understands %*.*f with negative width/precision ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '%zd\n' -5 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf understands %zd ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '%ld\n' -5 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf understands %ld ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '%Ld\n' -5 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf understands %Ld ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '%d\n' 1 - 2 bad 3 123bad 4 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf handles %d bad_input ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '%' a b c 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf aborts on bare % ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox printf '%r' a b c 2>&1; echo $? PASS: printf aborts on %r PASS: pwd-prints-working-directory ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | readlink ./readlink_testdir/testfile PASS: readlink on a file ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | readlink ./testlink PASS: readlink on a link ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | readlink -f ./readlink_testdir/testfile PASS: readlink -f on a file ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | readlink -f ./testlink PASS: readlink -f on a link ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | readlink -f ./readlink_testdir/readlink_testdir/testlink PASS: readlink -f on an invalid link ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | readlink -f readlink_testdir/../readlink_testdir/testfile PASS: readlink -f on a weird dir PASS: rm-removes-file PASS: rmdir-removes-parent-directories ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'hello\n' | sed "" PASS: sed no files (stdin) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'hello\n' | sed "" - PASS: sed explicit stdin ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '\n' | sed -e 's/$/@/' PASS: sed handles empty lines ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'hello' | sed "" - - PASS: sed stdin twice ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | sed -e '1 d' PASS: sed accepts blanks before command ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '2\n' | sed -e 'i1 a3' PASS: sed accepts newlines in -e ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '2\n' | sed -e 'i\' -e '1' -e 'a\' -e '3' PASS: sed accepts multiple -e ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'foo\n' | sed -n -e s/foo/bar/ -e s/bar/baz/ PASS: sed -n ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'string\n' | sed 's/z*//g' PASS: sed with empty match ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'foo\n' | sed -e s/foo/bar/p -e s/bar/baz/p PASS: sed s//p ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'abc\n' | sed -ne s/abc/def/p PASS: sed -n s//p ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '12345\n' | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*/,/g' PASS: sed s//g (exhaustive) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'woo\n' | sed -e 's woo boing ' PASS: sed s arbitrary delimiter ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'foo\n' | sed -e s/foo/bar/ -e s/bar/baz/ PASS: sed s chains ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'foo\n' | sed -e s/foo/bar/ -e s/baz/nee/ PASS: sed s chains2 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one@two' | sed -e 's@[@]@@' PASS: sed s [delimiter] ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ttwo' | sed 's/\t/ /' PASS: sed s with \t (GNU ext) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'foo\n' | sed -e 'b one;p;: one' PASS: sed b (branch) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'foo\n' | sed -e 'b;p' PASS: sed b (branch with no label jumps to end) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\nb\nc\n' | sed -e 's/a/1/;t one;p;: one;p' PASS: sed t (test/branch) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\nb\nc\n' | sed -e 's/a/b/;:loop;t loop' PASS: sed t (test/branch clears test bit) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\nb\nc\n' | sed -e 's/a/1/;T notone;p;: notone;p' PASS: sed T (!test/branch) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\nb\nc\n' | sed -e 'n;p' PASS: sed n (flushes pattern space, terminates early) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\nb\nc\n' | sed -e 'N;p' PASS: sed N (flushes pattern space (GNU behavior)) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\nb\nc\n' | sed ':a;N;s/\n/ /;ta' PASS: sed N test2 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\nb\nc\n' | sed 'N;s/\n/ /' PASS: sed N test3 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\nb\nc\nd\n' | sed "/b/N;/b\\nc/i woo" PASS: sed address match newline ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\nb\nc\n' | sed -n 'N;P;p' PASS: sed N (stops at end of input) and P (prints to first newline only) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\nb\nc\n' | sed G PASS: sed G (append hold space to pattern space) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'ook\n' | sed -e '/ook/d;s/ook/ping/p;i woot' PASS: sed d ends script iteration ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'ook\nwoot\n' | sed -e '/ook/d;a\' -e 'bang' PASS: sed d ends script iteration (2) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '\0woo\0woo\0' | sed -e 's/woo/bang/' FAIL: sed embedded NUL Files expected and actual differ ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'woo\0woo\0' | sed -e 's/woo/bang/g' PASS: sed embedded NUL g ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'woo' | sed -f sed.commands FAIL: sed NUL in command --- expected +++ actual @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -woo -hello ====================== echo -ne 'woo\n' >input echo -ne 'woo\n' | sed -e 's/woo/bang/' input - PASS: sed normal newlines ====================== echo -ne 'woo\n' >input echo -ne 'woo' | sed -e 's/woo/bang/' input - PASS: sed leave off trailing newline ====================== echo -ne 'woo' >input echo -ne 'woo' | sed -e 's/woo/bang/' input - PASS: sed autoinsert newline ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo' | sed -e 's/nohit//' input - PASS: sed empty file plus cat ====================== echo -ne 'one\ntwo' >input echo -ne '' | sed -e 's/nohit//' input - PASS: sed cat plus empty file ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'woot' | sed -e '/woot/a woo' - PASS: sed append autoinserts newline ====================== echo -ne 'boot' >input echo -ne 'woot' | sed -e '/oot/a woo' - input PASS: sed append autoinserts newline 2 ====================== echo -ne 'boot' >input echo -ne '' | sed -e '/oot/a woo' -i input && cat input PASS: sed append autoinserts newline 3 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'woot' | sed -e '/woot/i woo' - PASS: sed insert doesn't autoinsert newline ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one' | sed -e 'p' - PASS: sed print autoinsert newlines ====================== echo -ne 'one' >input echo -ne 'two' | sed -e 'p' input - PASS: sed print autoinsert newlines two files ====================== echo -ne 'no\n' >input echo -ne '' | sed -ne 's/woo/bang/' input PASS: sed noprint, no match, no newline ====================== echo -ne 'a woo\nb no' >input echo -ne 'c woo\nd no' | sed -ne 's/woo/bang/p' input - PASS: sed selective matches with one nl ====================== echo -ne 'a woo\nb woo' >input echo -ne 'c no\nd woo' | sed -ne 's/woo/bang/p' input - PASS: sed selective matches insert newline ====================== echo -ne 'a woo\nb woo' >input echo -ne 'c no\nd no' | sed -ne 's/woo/bang/p' input - PASS: sed selective matches noinsert newline ====================== echo -ne 'one' >input echo -ne 'two' | sed -e '/one/a 111' -e '/two/i 222' -e p input - PASS: sed clusternewline ====================== echo -ne 'thingy' >input echo -ne 'again' | sed -e 's/i/z/' -e 'woutputw' input -; echo -n X; cat outputw PASS: sed subst+write ====================== echo -ne 'a\0b\0' >input echo -ne 'c' | sed 's/i/z/' input - PASS: sed trailing NUL ====================== echo -ne 'a' >input echo -ne '' | sed 's/a/z\ z/' input PASS: sed escaped newline in command ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'hello\nthere' | sed -e '$p' PASS: sed match EOF ====================== echo -ne 'one\ntwo' >input echo -ne 'three\nfour' | sed -e '$p' input - PASS: sed match EOF two files ====================== echo -ne 'one\ntwo' >input echo -ne '' | sed -e '$i ook' -i input input2 && cat input input2 PASS: sed match EOF inline ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | sed --version | grep -o 'GNU sed version ' PASS: sed lie-to-autoconf ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | sed -e 'b walrus' 2>/dev/null || echo yes FAIL: sed nonexistent label --- expected +++ actual @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -yes ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'woot' | sed -e '/woot/s//eep \0 eep/' PASS: sed backref from empty s uses range regex ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'woot\n' | sed -e '/woot/s//eep \0 eep/' PASS: sed backref from empty s uses range regex with newline ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | sed -e '' -i 2> /dev/null || echo yes PASS: sed -i with no arg [GNUFAIL] ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'xxx\n' | sed -e 's/xxx/[/' PASS: sed s/xxx/[/ ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '0\n1\n2\n3\n' | sed 's/1/x/;T;n;: next;s/3/y/;t quit;n;b next;: quit;q' PASS: sed n command must reset 'substituted' bit ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'first\nsecond\nthird\nfourth\n' | sed -n '1d;1,3p' PASS: sed d does not break n,m matching ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'first\nsecond\nthird\nfourth\n' | sed -n '1d;1,/hir/p' PASS: sed d does not break n,regex matching ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'first\nsecond\nthird\nfourth\nfirst2\nsecond2\nthird2\nfourth2\n' | sed -n '1,5d;1,/hir/p' PASS: sed d does not break n,regex matching #2 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'first\nsecond\nthird\nfourth\n' | sed -n '2d;2,1p' PASS: sed 2d;2,1p (gnu compat) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '/usr/lib\n' | sed 's,\(^/\|\)[^/][^/]*,>\0<,g' PASS: sed beginning (^) matches only once ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'first\nsecond\n' | sed 'crepl' PASS: sed c ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'qwe\nasd\nzxc\n' | sed '/asd/ { p; /s/ { s/s/c/ }; p; q }' PASS: sed nested {}s ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne ' | one \\ | two \\ ' | sed -e '/| one /a \ | three \\' -e '/| one-/a \ | three-* \\' PASS: sed a cmd ended by double backslash ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'line1\n' | sed '/1/a\\t\rzero\none\\ntwo\\\nthree' PASS: sed a cmd understands \n,\t,\r ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'line1\n' | sed '/1/i\\t\rzero\none\\ntwo\\\nthree' PASS: sed i cmd understands \n,\t,\r ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '1\n2\n3\n4\n' | sed -n '1{N;N;d};1p;2,3p;3p;4p' PASS: sed with N skipping lines past ranges on next cmds ====================== echo -ne 'foo\n' >input echo -ne '' | cp input input2; sed -i -e '1s/foo/bar/' input input2 && cat input input2; rm input2 PASS: sed -i with address modifies all files, not only first ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'rrr\n' | sed 's/r/\r/' PASS: sed understands \r ====================== echo -ne '1\n2\n3\n4\n' >input echo -ne '' | sed '1,2d' -i input; echo $?; cat input PASS: sed -i finishes ranges correctly ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'helllo\n' | sed 's/l*/@/g' PASS: sed zero chars match/replace advances correctly 1 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne ' a.b\n' | sed 's [^ .]* x g' PASS: sed zero chars match/replace advances correctly 2 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '_aaa1aa\n' | sed 's/a/A/g' PASS: sed zero chars match/replace logic must not falsely trigger here 1 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'qwerty\n' | sed 's/ *$/_/g' PASS: sed zero chars match/replace logic must not falsely trigger here 2 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'this is a regular line line with \ continuation more regular lines line with \ continuation ' | sed ': testcont; /\\$/{ =; N; b testcont }' PASS: sed /$_in_regex/ should not match newlines, only end-of-line ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'aa\n' | sed -e 's/a/b/2; s/a/c/g' PASS: sed s///NUM test ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n' | sed /^2/,2{d} PASS: sed /regex/,N{...} addresses work ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n' | sed /^2/,+2{d} PASS: sed /regex/,+N{...} addresses work ====================== echo -ne '1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n' >input echo -ne '1\n2\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n' | cat - >input2; sed /^4/,+2{d} -i input input2; echo $?; cat input input2; rm input2 PASS: sed /regex/,+N{...} -i works ====================== echo -ne '1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n' >input echo -ne '1\n2\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n' | cat - >input2; sed /^4/,+0{d} -i input input2; echo $?; cat input input2; rm input2 PASS: sed /regex/,+0{...} -i works ====================== echo -ne '1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n' >input echo -ne '1\n2\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n' | cat - >input2; sed /^4/,+0d -i input input2; echo $?; cat input input2; rm input2 PASS: sed /regex/,+0 -i works ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '123\nqwe\nasd\n' | sed 's/qwe/ZZZ/wz'; cat z; rm z PASS: sed 's///w FILE' ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 2> /dev/null || echo yes PASS: seq (exit with error) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 1 2 3 4 2> /dev/null || echo yes PASS: seq (exit with error) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 3 PASS: seq one argument ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 5 7 PASS: seq two arguments ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 7 5 PASS: seq two arguments reversed ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 3 3 PASS: seq two arguments equal ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 1 -15 1 PASS: seq two arguments equal, arbitrary negative step ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 1 +15 1 PASS: seq two arguments equal, arbitrary positive step ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 4 2 8 PASS: seq count up by 2 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 8 -2 4 PASS: seq count down by 2 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 4 -2 8 PASS: seq count wrong way #1 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 8 2 4 PASS: seq count wrong way #2 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 3 .3 4 PASS: seq count by .3 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 3 .30 4 PASS: seq count by .30 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 3 .30 4.000 PASS: seq count by .30 to 4.000 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq .7 -.9 -2.2 PASS: seq count by -.9 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq 4 0 8 | head -n 10 PASS: seq count by zero ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq -w 003 PASS: seq one argument with padding ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq -w 005 7 PASS: seq two arguments with padding ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq -w 8 -3 04 PASS: seq count down by 3 with padding ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq -w 09 .3 11 PASS: seq count by .3 with padding 1 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | seq -w 03 .3 0004 PASS: seq count by .3 with padding 2 SKIP: sha1sum SKIP: sha256sum ====================== echo -ne 'c\na\nb\n' >input echo -ne '' | sort input PASS: sort ====================== echo -ne '3\n1\n010\n' >input echo -ne '' | sort input PASS: sort #2 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'b\na\nc\n' | sort PASS: sort stdin ====================== echo -ne '3\n1\n010\n' >input echo -ne '' | sort -n input PASS: sort numeric ====================== echo -ne 'point\nwook\npabst\naargh\nwalrus\n' >input echo -ne '' | sort -r input PASS: sort reverse ====================== echo -ne '42 1 3 woot 42 1 010 zoology egg 1 2 papyrus 7 3 42 soup 999 3 0 algebra ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -k4,4 input PASS: sort one key ====================== echo -ne '42 1 3 woot 42 1 010 zoology egg 1 2 papyrus 7 3 42 soup 999 3 0 algebra ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -k2,3n input PASS: sort key range with numeric option ====================== echo -ne '42 1 3 woot 42 1 010 zoology egg 1 2 papyrus 7 3 42 soup 999 3 0 algebra ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -k2,3n -r input PASS: sort key range with numeric option and global reverse ====================== echo -ne '42 1 3 woot 42 1 010 zoology egg 1 2 papyrus 7 3 42 soup 999 3 0 algebra ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -k2,3rn input PASS: sort key range with multiple options ====================== echo -ne 'c 3 b 2 d 2 ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -k 2,2n -k 1,1r input PASS: sort key range with two -k options ====================== echo -ne '/a/2 /b/1 ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -n -k2 -t/ input PASS: sort with non-default leading delim 1 ====================== echo -ne '/b/1 /a/2 ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -n -k3 -t/ input PASS: sort with non-default leading delim 2 ====================== echo -ne '//a/2 //b/1 ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -n -k3 -t/ input PASS: sort with non-default leading delim 3 ====================== echo -ne 'a/a:a a:b ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -t: -k1,1 input PASS: sort with non-default leading delim 4 ====================== echo -ne 'aa.2 ab.1 ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -t. -k1,1.1 -k2 input PASS: sort with ENDCHAR ====================== echo -ne 'GLIBC_2.21 GLIBC_2.1.1 GLIBC_2.2.1 GLIBC_2.2 GLIBC_2.20 GLIBC_2.10 GLIBC_2.1 ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -t. -k 1,1 -k 2n,2n -k 3 input PASS: glibc build sort ====================== echo -ne 'GLIBC_2.10 GLIBC_2.2.1 GLIBC_2.1.1 GLIBC_2.20 GLIBC_2.2 GLIBC_2.1 GLIBC_2.21 ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -u -t. -k 1,1 -k 2n,2n -k 3 input PASS: glibc build sort unique ====================== echo -ne 'a c b c ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -u -k2 input PASS: sort -u should consider field only when discarding ====================== echo -ne 'one\0two\0three\0' >input echo -ne '' | sort -z input PASS: sort -z outputs NUL terminated lines ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne ' 2 \n 1 \n a \n' | sort -n -k2 -t ' ' PASS: sort key doesn't strip leading blanks, disables fallback global sort ====================== echo -ne '222 111 ' >input echo -ne '' | sort -o input input && cat input PASS: sort file in place ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | start-stop-daemon -S -x true 2>&1; echo $? PASS: start-stop-daemon -x without -a ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | start-stop-daemon -S -a false 2>&1; echo $? PASS: start-stop-daemon -a without -x PASS: strings-works-like-GNU PASS: tail-n-works SKIP: tail-works ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'qw' | tail -c +55 2>&1; echo $? PASS: tail: +N with N > file length ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | dd if=/dev/zero bs=16k count=1 2>/dev/null | tail -c +8200 | wc -c; dd if=/dev/zero bs=16k count=1 2>/dev/null | tail -c +8208 | wc -c; PASS: tail: -c +N with largish N PASS: tar-archives-multiple-files PASS: tar-complains-about-missing-file PASS: tar-demands-at-least-one-ctx PASS: tar-demands-at-most-one-ctx PASS: tar-extracts-all-subdirs PASS: tar-extracts-file PASS: tar-extracts-from-standard-input PASS: tar-extracts-multiple-files PASS: tar-extracts-to-standard-output PASS: tar-handles-cz-options PASS: tar-handles-empty-include-and-non-empty-exclude-list PASS: tar-handles-exclude-and-extract-lists PASS: tar-handles-multiple-X-options PASS: tar-handles-nested-exclude SKIP: tar_with_link_with_size SKIP: tar_with_prefix_fields ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ tar xvf - 2>&1; echo $? PASS: Empty file is not a tarball ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ { tar xvzf - 2>&1; echo $?; } | grep -Fv "invalid magic" PASS: Empty file is not a tarball.tar.gz ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=2 2>/dev/null | tar xvf - 2>&1; echo $? PASS: Two zeroed blocks is a ('truncated') empty tarball ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=20 2>/dev/null | tar xvf - 2>&1; echo $? PASS: Twenty zeroed blocks is an empty tarball ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ >input_hard1 ln input_hard1 input_hard2 mkdir input_dir >input_dir/file chmod -R 644 * chmod 755 input_dir tar cf test.tar input input_dir/ input_hard1 input_hard2 input_hard1 input_dir/ input tar tvf test.tar | sed "s/.*[0-9] input/input/" rm -rf input_dir tar xf test.tar 2>&1 echo Ok: $? ls -l . input_dir/* | grep input_ | sed "s/\\(^[^ ]*\\) .* input/\\1 input/" PASS: tar hardlinks and repeated files ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ >input_hard1 chmod 741 input_hard1 ln input_hard1 input_hard2 mkdir input_dir ln input_hard1 input_dir ln input_hard2 input_dir chmod 550 input_dir # On some filesystems, input_dir/input_hard2 is returned by readdir # BEFORE input_dir/input_hard1! Thats why we cant just "tar cf ... input_*": tar cf test.tar input_dir/input_hard* input_hard* tar tvf test.tar | sed "s/.*[0-9] input/input/" chmod 770 input_dir rm -rf input_* tar xf test.tar 2>&1 echo Ok: $? ls -l . input_dir/* | grep "input.*hard" | sed "s/\\(^[^ ]*\\) .* input/\\1 input/" PASS: tar hardlinks mode ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ >input_file chmod 741 input_file ln -s input_file input_soft mkdir input_dir ln input_file input_dir ln input_soft input_dir chmod 550 input_dir tar cf test.tar input_dir/* input_[fs]* tar tvf test.tar | sed "s/.*[0-9] input/input/" | sort chmod 770 input_dir rm -rf input_* tar xf test.tar 2>&1 echo Ok: $? ls -l . input_dir/* | grep "input_[fs]" | sed "s/\\(^[^ ]*\\) .* input/\\1 input/" PASS: tar symlinks mode SKIP: tar --overwrite ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | \ mkdir input_dir >input_dir/input_file chmod 550 input_dir tar cf test.tar input_dir tar tvf test.tar | sed "s/.*[0-9] input/input/" chmod 770 input_dir rm -rf input_* tar xf test.tar 2>&1 echo Ok: $? ls -l input_dir/* . | grep input_ | sed "s/\\(^[^ ]*\\) .* input/\\1 input/" chmod 770 input_dir PASS: tar writing into read-only dir ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | dd count=1 bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=F0 2>/dev/null tar -czf F0.tgz F0 rm F0 tar -xzvf F0.tgz && echo Ok rm F0 || echo BAD PASS: tar extract tgz SKIP: tar extract txz ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | rm -rf input_* test.tar 2>/dev/null mkdir input_dir echo Ok >input_dir/file tar cf test.tar ./../tar.tempdir/input_dir/../input_dir 2>&1 rm -rf input_* 2>/dev/null tar -vxf test.tar 2>&1 cat input_dir/file 2>&1 PASS: tar strips /../ on extract SKIP: tar does not extract into symlinks SKIP: tar -k does not extract into symlinks SKIP: Pax-encoded UTF8 names and symlinks SKIP: Symlink attack: create symlink and then write through it PASS: tee-appends-input PASS: tee-tees-input ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test; echo $? PASS: test: should be false (1) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test ''; echo $? PASS: test '': should be false (1) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test !; echo $? PASS: test !: should be true (0) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test a; echo $? PASS: test a: should be true (0) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test --help; echo $? PASS: test --help: should be true (0) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test -f; echo $? PASS: test -f: should be true (0) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test ! -f; echo $? PASS: test ! -f: should be false (1) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test a = a; echo $? PASS: test a = a: should be true (0) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test -lt = -gt; echo $? PASS: test -lt = -gt: should be false (1) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test a -a !; echo $? PASS: test a -a !: should be true (0) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test -f = a -o b; echo $? PASS: test -f = a -o b: should be true (0) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test ! a = b -a ! c = c; echo $? PASS: test ! a = b -a ! c = c: should be false (1) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test ! a = b -a ! c = d; echo $? PASS: test ! a = b -a ! c = d: should be true (0) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test '!' = '!'; echo $? PASS: test '!' = '!': should be true (0) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test '(' = '('; echo $? PASS: test '(' = '(': should be true (0) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test '!' '!' = '!'; echo $? PASS: test '!' '!' = '!': should be false (1) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | busybox test '!' '(' = '('; echo $? PASS: test '!' '(' = '(': should be false (1) PASS: touch-creates-file PASS: touch-does-not-create-file PASS: touch-touches-files-after-non-existent-file PASS: tr-d-alnum-works PASS: tr-d-works PASS: tr-non-gnu PASS: tr-rejects-wrong-class PASS: tr-works ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '[qwe]' | tr '[q-z]' '_Q-Z+' PASS: tr does not treat [] in [a-z] as special ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '19AFH\n' | tr -cd '[0-9A-F]' PASS: tr understands 0-9A-F ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '19AFH\n' | tr -cd '[:xdigit:]' PASS: tr understands [:xdigit:] ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '789abcxyz\n' | tr '[:digit:]y-z' 111111111123 PASS: tr does not stop after [:digit:] ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '#0123456789ABCDEFGabcdefg\n' | tr '[:xdigit:]Gg' 1111111151242222333330xX PASS: tr has correct xdigit sequence PASS: true-is-silent PASS: true-returns-success ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | uniq nonexistent 2> /dev/null || echo yes PASS: uniq (exit with error) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | uniq /dev/null && echo yes PASS: uniq (exit success) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' | uniq PASS: uniq (default to stdin) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' | uniq - PASS: uniq - (specify stdin) ====================== echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' >input echo -ne '' | uniq input PASS: uniq input (specify file) ====================== echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' >input echo -ne '' | uniq input actual > /dev/null PASS: uniq input outfile (two files) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' | uniq - actual PASS: uniq (stdin) outfile ====================== echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' >input echo -ne '' | uniq input - PASS: uniq input - (specify stdout) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' | uniq -c | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' PASS: uniq -c (occurrence count) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' | uniq -d PASS: uniq -d (dups only) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'cc dd ee8 bb cc dd8 aa bb cc9 ' | uniq -f2 -s 3 PASS: uniq -f -s (skip fields and chars) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'cc1 cc2 cc3 ' | uniq -w 2 PASS: uniq -w (compare max characters) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'aaccaa aaccbb bbccaa ' | uniq -s 2 -w 2 PASS: uniq -s -w (skip fields and compare max chars) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n' | uniq -d -u PASS: uniq -u and -d produce no output ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '' | unzip -q foo/ && test -d foo && test ! -f foo/bar && echo yes FAIL: unzip (subdir only) --- expected +++ actual @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -yes ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'begin-base64 644 UEsDBBQAAgkIAAAAIQA5AAAANwAAADwAAAAQAAcAXTNqwr1ywqtJGxJLLSVJ eCkBD0AdKBk8JzQsIj01JC0/ORJQSwMEFAECCAAAAAAhADoAAAAPAAAANgAA AAwAAQASw73Ct1DCokohPXQiNjoUNTUiHRwgLT4WHlBLAQIQABQAAggIAAAA oQA5AAAANwAAADwAAAAQQAcADAAAACwAMgCAAAAAAABdM2rCvXLCq0kbEkst JUl4KQEPQB0oGSY4Cz4QNgEnJSYIPVBLAQIAABQAAggAAAAAIQAqAAAADwAA BDYAAAAMAAEADQAAADIADQAAAEEAAAASw73Ct1DKokohPXQiNzA+FAI1HCcW NzITNFBLBQUKAC4JAA04Cw0EOhZQSwUGAQAABAIAAgCZAAAAeQAAAAIALhM= ==== ' | uudecode; unzip 2>&1; echo $? FAIL: unzip (bad archive) --- expected +++ actual @@ -1,5 +1,2 @@ -Archive: - inflating: ]3j½r«IK-%Ix -unzip: corrupted data -unzip: inflate error +unzip: can't open[.zip] 1 PASS: uptime-works PASS: wc-counts-all PASS: wc-counts-characters PASS: wc-counts-lines PASS: wc-counts-words PASS: wc-prints-longest-line-length PASS: wget--O-overrides--P PASS: wget-handles-empty-path PASS: wget-retrieves-google-index PASS: wget-supports--P PASS: which-uses-default-path PASS: xargs-works ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\n_\nb\n' | xargs -E _ PASS: xargs -E _ stops on underscore ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\n_\nb\n' | xargs -E '' PASS: xargs -E '' ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\n_\nb\n' | xargs -e PASS: xargs -e without param ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\n_\nb\n' | xargs PASS: xargs does not stop on underscore ('new' GNU behavior) ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne 'a\n' | xargs -s7 echo PASS: xargs -s7 can take one-char input ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 00\n' | xargs -ts25 echo 2>&1 >/dev/null PASS: xargs -sNUM test 1 ====================== echo -ne '' >input echo -ne '2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 00\n' | xargs -ts25 echo 1 2>&1 >/dev/null PASS: xargs -sNUM test 2 END: /usr/lib/busybox/ptest 2018-02-13T01:38 2018-02-13T01:38 BEGIN: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest ./bzip2 -1 < sample1.ref > sample1.rb2 ./bzip2 -2 < sample2.ref > sample2.rb2 ./bzip2 -3 < sample3.ref > sample3.rb2 ./bzip2 -d < sample1.bz2 > sample1.tst ./bzip2 -d < sample2.bz2 > sample2.tst ./bzip2 -ds < sample3.bz2 > sample3.tst PASS: sample1 compress PASS: sample2 compress PASS: sample3 compress PASS: sample1 decompress PASS: sample2 decompress PASS: sample3 decompress END: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest 2018-02-13T01:38 2018-02-13T01:38 BEGIN: /usr/lib/dbus-test/ptest FAIL: test/test-bus FAIL: test/test-bus-launch-helper FAIL: test/test-bus-system FAIL: test/test-corrupt FAIL: test/test-dbus FAIL: test/test-dbus-daemon FAIL: test/test-dbus-daemon-eavesdrop FAIL: test/test-loopback PASS: test/test-marshal PASS: test/test-printf FAIL: test/test-refs FAIL: test/test-relay FAIL: test/test-shell PASS: test/test-syntax PASS: test/test-syslog END: /usr/lib/dbus-test/ptest 2018-02-13T01:38 2018-02-13T01:38 BEGIN: /usr/lib/diffstat/ptest Checking /usr/bin/diffstat testing case01 PASS: case01 PASS: case01p1 PASS: case01p9 PASS: case01f0 PASS: case01u PASS: case01k PASS: case01r1 PASS: case01r2 PASS: case01b PASS: case01R PASS: case01Rp0 testing case02 PASS: case02 PASS: case02p1 PASS: case02p9 PASS: case02f0 PASS: case02u PASS: case02k PASS: case02r1 PASS: case02r2 PASS: case02b PASS: case02R PASS: case02Rp0 testing case03 PASS: case03 PASS: case03p1 PASS: case03p9 PASS: case03f0 PASS: case03u PASS: case03k PASS: case03r1 PASS: case03r2 PASS: case03b PASS: case03R PASS: case03Rp0 testing case04 PASS: case04 PASS: case04p1 PASS: case04p9 PASS: case04f0 PASS: case04u PASS: case04k PASS: case04r1 PASS: case04r2 PASS: case04b PASS: case04R PASS: case04Rp0 testing case05 PASS: case05 PASS: case05p1 PASS: case05p9 PASS: case05f0 PASS: case05u PASS: case05k PASS: case05r1 PASS: case05r2 PASS: case05b PASS: case05R PASS: case05Rp0 testing case06 PASS: case06 PASS: case06p1 PASS: case06p9 PASS: case06f0 PASS: case06u PASS: case06k PASS: case06r1 PASS: case06r2 PASS: case06b PASS: case06R PASS: case06Rp0 testing case07 PASS: case07 PASS: case07p1 PASS: case07p9 PASS: case07f0 PASS: case07u PASS: case07k PASS: case07r1 PASS: case07r2 PASS: case07b PASS: case07R PASS: case07Rp0 testing case08 PASS: case08 PASS: case08p1 PASS: case08p9 PASS: case08f0 PASS: case08u PASS: case08k PASS: case08r1 PASS: case08r2 PASS: case08b PASS: case08R PASS: case08Rp0 testing case09 PASS: case09 PASS: case09p1 PASS: case09p9 PASS: case09f0 PASS: case09u PASS: case09k PASS: case09r1 PASS: case09r2 PASS: case09b PASS: case09R PASS: case09Rp0 testing case10 PASS: case10 PASS: case10p1 PASS: case10p9 PASS: case10f0 PASS: case10u PASS: case10k PASS: case10r1 PASS: case10r2 PASS: case10b PASS: case10R PASS: case10Rp0 testing case11 PASS: case11 PASS: case11p1 PASS: case11p9 PASS: case11f0 PASS: case11u PASS: case11k PASS: case11r1 PASS: case11r2 PASS: case11b PASS: case11R PASS: case11Rp0 testing case12 PASS: case12 PASS: case12p1 PASS: case12p9 PASS: case12f0 PASS: case12u PASS: case12k PASS: case12r1 PASS: case12r2 PASS: case12b PASS: case12R PASS: case12Rp0 testing case13 PASS: case13 PASS: case13p1 PASS: case13p9 PASS: case13f0 PASS: case13u PASS: case13k PASS: case13r1 PASS: case13r2 PASS: case13b PASS: case13R PASS: case13Rp0 testing case14 PASS: case14 PASS: case14p1 PASS: case14p9 PASS: case14f0 PASS: case14u PASS: case14k PASS: case14r1 PASS: case14r2 PASS: case14b PASS: case14R PASS: case14Rp0 testing case15 PASS: case15 PASS: case15p1 PASS: case15p9 PASS: case15f0 PASS: case15u PASS: case15k PASS: case15r1 PASS: case15r2 PASS: case15b PASS: case15R PASS: case15Rp0 testing case16 PASS: case16 PASS: case16p1 PASS: case16p9 PASS: case16f0 PASS: case16u PASS: case16k PASS: case16r1 PASS: case16r2 PASS: case16b PASS: case16R PASS: case16Rp0 testing case17 PASS: case17 PASS: case17p1 PASS: case17p9 PASS: case17f0 PASS: case17u PASS: case17k PASS: case17r1 PASS: case17r2 PASS: case17b PASS: case17R PASS: case17Rp0 testing case18 PASS: case18 PASS: case18p1 PASS: case18p9 PASS: case18f0 PASS: case18u PASS: case18k PASS: case18r1 PASS: case18r2 PASS: case18b PASS: case18R PASS: case18Rp0 testing case19 PASS: case19 PASS: case19p1 PASS: case19p9 PASS: case19f0 PASS: case19u PASS: case19k PASS: case19r1 PASS: case19r2 PASS: case19b PASS: case19R PASS: case19Rp0 testing case20 PASS: case20 PASS: case20p1 PASS: case20p9 PASS: case20f0 PASS: case20u PASS: case20k PASS: case20r1 PASS: case20r2 PASS: case20b PASS: case20R PASS: case20Rp0 testing case21 PASS: case21 PASS: case21p1 PASS: case21p9 PASS: case21f0 PASS: case21u PASS: case21k PASS: case21r1 PASS: case21r2 PASS: case21b PASS: case21R PASS: case21Rp0 testing case22 PASS: case22 PASS: case22p1 PASS: case22p9 PASS: case22f0 PASS: case22u PASS: case22k PASS: case22r1 PASS: case22r2 PASS: case22b PASS: case22R PASS: case22Rp0 testing case23 PASS: case23 PASS: case23p1 PASS: case23p9 PASS: case23f0 PASS: case23u PASS: case23k PASS: case23r1 PASS: case23r2 PASS: case23b PASS: case23R PASS: case23Rp0 testing case24 PASS: case24 PASS: case24p1 PASS: case24p9 PASS: case24f0 PASS: case24u PASS: case24k PASS: case24r1 PASS: case24r2 PASS: case24b PASS: case24R PASS: case24Rp0 testing case25 PASS: case25 PASS: case25p1 PASS: case25p9 PASS: case25f0 PASS: case25u PASS: case25k PASS: case25r1 PASS: case25r2 PASS: case25b PASS: case25R PASS: case25Rp0 testing case26 PASS: case26 PASS: case26p1 PASS: case26p9 PASS: case26f0 PASS: case26u PASS: case26k PASS: case26r1 PASS: case26r2 PASS: case26b PASS: case26R PASS: case26Rp0 testing case27 PASS: case27 PASS: case27p1 PASS: case27p9 PASS: case27f0 PASS: case27u PASS: case27k PASS: case27r1 PASS: case27r2 PASS: case27b PASS: case27R PASS: case27Rp0 testing case28 PASS: case28 PASS: case28p1 PASS: case28p9 PASS: case28f0 PASS: case28u PASS: case28k PASS: case28r1 PASS: case28r2 PASS: case28b PASS: case28R PASS: case28Rp0 testing case29 PASS: case29 PASS: case29p1 PASS: case29p9 PASS: case29f0 PASS: case29u PASS: case29k PASS: case29r1 PASS: case29r2 PASS: case29b PASS: case29R PASS: case29Rp0 testing case31 PASS: case31 PASS: case31p1 PASS: case31p9 PASS: case31f0 PASS: case31u PASS: case31k PASS: case31r1 PASS: case31r2 PASS: case31b PASS: case31R PASS: case31Rp0 testing case31l PASS: case31l PASS: case31lp1 PASS: case31lp9 PASS: case31lf0 PASS: case31lu PASS: case31lk PASS: case31lr1 PASS: case31lr2 PASS: case31lb PASS: case31lR PASS: case31lRp0 testing case31u PASS: case31u PASS: case31up1 PASS: case31up9 PASS: case31uf0 PASS: case31uu PASS: case31uk PASS: case31ur1 PASS: case31ur2 PASS: case31ub PASS: case31uR PASS: case31uRp0 testing case32 PASS: case32 PASS: case32p1 PASS: case32p9 PASS: case32f0 PASS: case32u PASS: case32k PASS: case32r1 PASS: case32r2 PASS: case32b PASS: case32R PASS: case32Rp0 testing case33 PASS: case33 PASS: case33p1 PASS: case33p9 PASS: case33f0 PASS: case33u PASS: case33k PASS: case33r1 PASS: case33r2 PASS: case33b PASS: case33R PASS: case33Rp0 testing case34 PASS: case34 PASS: case34p1 PASS: case34p9 PASS: case34f0 PASS: case34u PASS: case34k PASS: case34r1 PASS: case34r2 PASS: case34b PASS: case34R PASS: case34Rp0 testing case35 PASS: case35 PASS: case35p1 PASS: case35p9 PASS: case35f0 PASS: case35u PASS: case35k PASS: case35r1 PASS: case35r2 PASS: case35b PASS: case35R PASS: case35Rp0 testing case36 PASS: case36 PASS: case36p1 PASS: case36p9 PASS: case36f0 PASS: case36u PASS: case36k PASS: case36r1 PASS: case36r2 PASS: case36b PASS: case36R PASS: case36Rp0 testing case37 PASS: case37 PASS: case37p1 PASS: case37p9 PASS: case37f0 PASS: case37u PASS: case37k PASS: case37r1 PASS: case37r2 PASS: case37b PASS: case37R PASS: case37Rp0 testing case38l PASS: case38l PASS: case38lp1 PASS: case38lp9 PASS: case38lf0 PASS: case38lu PASS: case38lk PASS: case38lr1 PASS: case38lr2 PASS: case38lb PASS: case38lR PASS: case38lRp0 testing case38r PASS: case38r PASS: case38rp1 PASS: case38rp9 PASS: case38rf0 PASS: case38ru PASS: case38rk PASS: case38rr1 PASS: case38rr2 PASS: case38rb PASS: case38rR PASS: case38rRp0 END: /usr/lib/diffstat/ptest 2018-02-13T01:38 2018-02-13T01:38 BEGIN: /usr/lib/diffutils/ptest make: Entering directory '/usr/lib/diffutils/ptest/tests' make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/diffutils/ptest/tests' PASS: basic PASS: bignum PASS: binary PASS: brief-vs-stat-zero-kernel-lies PASS: cmp PASS: colliding-file-names PASS: diff3 PASS: excess-slash PASS: help-version PASS: invalid-re PASS: function-line-vs-leading-space PASS: ignore-matching-lines PASS: label-vs-func PASS: new-file PASS: no-dereference PASS: no-newline-at-eof PASS: stdin PASS: strcoll-0-names PASS: filename-quoting PASS: colors ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for GNU diffutils 3.6 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 20 # PASS: 20 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/diffutils/ptest/tests' make: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/diffutils/ptest/tests' END: /usr/lib/diffutils/ptest 2018-02-13T01:38 2018-02-13T01:38 BEGIN: /usr/lib/e2fsprogs/ptest PASS: d_bad_ostype: handle bad (negative) os_type: ok PASS: d_dumpe2fs_group_only: dumpe2fs group only mode: ok FAIL: d_fallocate: fallocate sparse files and big files: failed FAIL: d_fallocate_bigalloc: fallocate sparse files and big files with bigalloc: failed FAIL: d_fallocate_blkmap: fallocate sparse files and big files on a blockmap fs: failed PASS: d_inline_dump: debugfs dump inline data test: ok PASS: d_loaddump: debugfs load/dump test: ok FAIL: d_punch: punch sparse files and big files: failed FAIL: d_punch_bigalloc: punch sparse files and big files with bigalloc: failed PASS: d_special_files: create special files in debugfs: ok PASS: d_xattr_edits: edit extended attributes in debugfs: ok PASS: d_xattr_sorting: sort extended attributes in debugfs: ok SKIP: e_brel_bma: block relocation table using memory array implementation: skipped PASS: e_icount_normal: inode counting structure optimized for low counts: ok PASS: e_icount_opt: inode counting abstraction optimized for counting: ok SKIP: e_irel_ima: inode relocation table using memory array implementation: skipped PASS: f_16384_block: 16384 byte blocksize: ok PASS: f_8192_block: 8192 byte blocksize: ok PASS: f_bad_bbitmap: corrupt block bitmap (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_bad_bmap_csum: bad block/inode bitmap csum (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_bad_disconnected_inode: Disconnected inode with bad fields: ok PASS: f_bad_gdt_csum: bad group descriptor csum (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_bad_ibitmap: corrupt inode bitmap (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_bad_inode_csum: inode table corruption (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_bad_local_jnl: test for corrupt local journal (bad V1->V2 journal upgrade): ok PASS: f_badbblocks: illegal blocks in bad block inode: ok FAIL: f_badcluster: test alignment problems with bigalloc clusters: failed PASS: f_baddir: corrupted directory entries: ok PASS: f_baddir2: salvage last directory entry: ok PASS: f_baddotdir: bad '.' and '..' entries: ok PASS: f_badinode: corrupted inode entries: ok PASS: f_badjour_indblks: corruption in journal inode's indirect blocks: ok PASS: f_badjourblks: Illegal blocks in journal inode (and backup in superblock): ok PASS: f_badorphan: corrupted orphan list: ok PASS: f_badprimary: bad blocks in the primary superblock and group descriptors: ok PASS: f_badroot: file in root directory inode: ok PASS: f_badsymlinks: corrupted symlinks: ok PASS: f_badtable: bad blocks in bitmaps and inode table: ok PASS: f_bb_in_bb: bad block inode table block in bad block list: ok PASS: f_bbfile: bad blocks in files: ok PASS: f_bbinode: bad blocks in inode table: ok PASS: f_big_sparse: big sparse file: ok PASS: f_bigalloc_symlink_with_xattr: fast symlink + xattr block on bigalloc fs: ok PASS: f_bitmaps: corrupted inode and block bitmaps: ok PASS: f_boundscheck: infinite loop when finding table free space: ok PASS: f_clear_xattr: clearing i_file_acl when !ext_attr feature: ok PASS: f_cloneblock_alloc_error: decrement badcount after remapping duplicate block: ok FAIL: f_collapse_extent_tree: extent tree can be collapsed one level: failed FAIL: f_compress_extent_tree_level: compress an extent tree level: failed FAIL: f_convert_bmap: convert blockmap file to extents file: failed FAIL: f_convert_bmap_and_extent: convert blockmap to extents files: failed FAIL: f_convert_bmap_sparse: convert sparse blockmap file to extents file: failed PASS: f_corrupt_dirent_tail: rebuild a directory with corrupt dirent tail: ok PASS: f_crashdisk: Superblock with illegal values: ok PASS: f_create_symlinks: create fast, inlinedata, and regular symlinks: ok PASS: f_del_dup_quota: delete file containing multiply claimed blocks with quota: ok PASS: f_deleted_inode_bad_csum: deleted inode with bad metadata_csum wasn't fixed: ok PASS: f_desc_size_128: 128-byte group descriptors: ok PASS: f_desc_size_bad: bad superblock s_desc_size: ok SKIP: f_detect_junk: detect non-fs file data: skipped FAIL: f_detect_xfs: detect xfs filesystem: failed PASS: f_dir_bad_csum: dir block w/ missing/bad csum/tail or block corruption: ok PASS: f_dir_bad_mode: directory with corrupted i_mode: ok PASS: f_dirlink: directory hard links: ok PASS: f_dup: blocks claimed by two different files: ok PASS: f_dup2: blocks claimed by three different files: ok PASS: f_dup3: blocks claimed by one file multiple times: ok PASS: f_dup4: find all directory pathnames: ok PASS: f_dup_ba: multiply claimed blocks with bigalloc: ok PASS: f_dup_de: duplicate directory entries: ok PASS: f_dup_de2: duplicate directory entries for non-indexed dirs: ok PASS: f_dup_resize: blocks claimed by the resize inode and another inode: ok PASS: f_dupdot: duplicate '.' and '..' entries: ok PASS: f_dupfsblks: blocks claimed by a file and bitmaps or inode tables: ok PASS: f_dupsuper: blocks claimed by a file and superblock or group descriptors: ok PASS: f_ea_bad_csum: EA block with bad checksum (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_ea_checks: extended attribute block checks: ok PASS: f_ea_value_crash: extended attribute value conflicts with key: ok PASS: f_emptydir: always iterate dir block 0 or e2fsck goes into infinite loop: ok PASS: f_encrypted_lpf: encrypted lost+found directory: ok PASS: f_end-bitmap: corruption at end of block bitmap: ok PASS: f_eofblocks: blocks after i_size: ok PASS: f_expand: expanding lost+found: ok PASS: f_expandroot_create_lnf: no space in root to create lost+found entry: ok PASS: f_ext_journal: test external journal device: ok PASS: f_ext_zero_len: extent with zero length: ok PASS: f_extent_bad_node: bad interior node in extent tree (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_extent_htree: htree extent compression: ok PASS: f_extent_int_bad_csum: bad csum in internal extent (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_extent_int_bad_extent: bad extent in internal extent (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_extent_int_bad_magic: bad magic number in internal extent (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_extent_interior_start_lblk: incorrect starting lblk in an interior node: ok PASS: f_extent_leaf_bad_csum: bad csum in leaf extent (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_extent_leaf_bad_extent: bad extent in leaf extent (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_extent_leaf_bad_magic: bad magic number in leaf extent (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_extent_oobounds: ok FAIL: f_extent_too_deep: extent tree is deeper than it needs to be: failed PASS: f_extents: basic extents support: ok PASS: f_extents2: multiply claimed blocks in extents and other illegal extents: ok PASS: f_extra_journal: Valid journal inode, but has_journal feature not present: ok PASS: f_fast_symlink_extents: fast symlink with extents flag set: ok PASS: f_file_acl_high: i_file_acl_high should be zero: ok PASS: f_filetype: set filetype information and illegal special files: ok PASS: f_first_meta_bg_too_big: s_first_meta_bg is too large: ok PASS: f_full_bg: inode table in last block of first bg: ok PASS: f_h_badnode: hash directory with bad HTREE nodes: ok PASS: f_h_badroot: bad htree root nodes: ok PASS: f_h_normal: Normal (signed) HTREE directory: ok PASS: f_h_reindex: reindex HTREE Directory with different hash seed: ok PASS: f_h_unsigned: Unsigned HTREE directory: ok PASS: f_holedir: directory with holes and illegal blocks: ok PASS: f_holedir2: directories with holes and zero i_size: ok PASS: f_holedir3: real directories with holes and zero i_size: ok PASS: f_holedir4: bigalloc directory with hole and misaligned extent after hole: ok PASS: f_htree_bad_csum: htree block bad csum/tail dirent/htree index corruption: ok PASS: f_htree_leaf_csum: bad csum in htree leaf block: ok PASS: f_hugedir_blocks: dir crashes e2fsck with impossible logical blk offset: ok PASS: f_hurd: GNU/Hurd specific tests: ok PASS: f_idata_and_extents: conflicting extents and inline_data inode flags: ok PASS: f_illbbitmap: illegal block bitmap: ok PASS: f_illibitmap: illegal inode bitmap: ok PASS: f_illitable: illegal inode table: ok PASS: f_illitable_flexbg: illegal inode table with FLEX_BG: ok PASS: f_imagic: non-imagic filesystem with imagic inodes: ok PASS: f_imagic_fs: imagic filesystem with imagic inodes: ok PASS: f_ind_inode_collision: multiple *ind collisions with critical metadata: ok PASS: f_inlinedata_dirblocks: check inline dir as two dirent blocks: ok PASS: f_inlinedata_repair: repair corrupt inline data files: ok PASS: f_inlinedir_detector: detect inline dirs correctly: ok PASS: f_inode_ea_collision: collisions in the inode ea area: ok PASS: f_invalid_bad_inode: check for bogus bad inode: ok PASS: f_invalid_extent_symlink: extent-mapped symlink with two blocks: ok PASS: f_itable_collision: collision between IND/extent tree blocks and inode table: ok PASS: f_jnl_32bit: on-disk 32-bit journal format: ok PASS: f_jnl_64bit: on-disk 64-bit journal format: ok PASS: f_jnl_errno: journal s_errno handling: ok PASS: f_jnl_etb_alloc_fail: can't allocate extent tree block recreating journal: ok PASS: f_journal: recover journal from corrupted inode table: ok PASS: f_lotsbad: too many illegal blocks in inode: ok PASS: f_lpf: missing lost+found: ok PASS: f_lpf2: create lost+found and reconnect lost directory: ok PASS: f_lpffile: lost+found is not a directory: ok PASS: f_messy_inode: bad file and directory acl pointers: ok PASS: f_miss_blk_bmap: missing block bitmap: ok PASS: f_miss_journal: Non-existent journal inode: ok PASS: f_misstable: missing inode table: ok PASS: f_mke2fs2b: mke2fs version 0.2b created filesystem: ok f_mke2fs_baddisk: mke2fs /dev/mapper/bad_disk should fail: skip PASS: f_mmp: disable MMP with tune2fs after e2fsck killed: ok PASS: f_mmp_garbage: repair MMP when it is corrupted: ok PASS: f_no: e2fsck with repeated no: ok PASS: f_no_cache_corrupt_inode: don't cache inodes that fail checksum verification: ok PASS: f_noroot: missing root directory: ok PASS: f_nospc_create_lnf: no space to create lost+found: ok PASS: f_okgroup: 8193 block long filesystem: ok PASS: f_opt_extent: optimize extent tree: ok PASS: f_opt_extent_ext3: convert ext3 to extent tree: ok PASS: f_orphan: clearing orphan inodes: ok PASS: f_orphan_dotdot_ft: filetype of .. in orphaned directories: ok PASS: f_orphan_extents_inode: truncating an orphaned extent-mapped inode: ok PASS: f_orphan_indirect_inode: truncating an orphaned inode in preen mode: ok PASS: f_overfsblks: overlapping inode and block bitmaps: ok PASS: f_pre_1970_date_encoding: correct mis-encoded pre-1970 dates: ok PASS: f_preen: preen shouldn't destroy backup superblocks: ok FAIL: f_quota: fix incorrect usage stats in quota: failed PASS: f_quota_extent_opt: extent optimization with quota: ok PASS: f_quota_invalid_inum: invalid quota inode numbers: ok PASS: f_readonly_fsck: ensure that a readonly check doesn't modify the fs: ok PASS: f_rebuild_csum_rootdir: force rebuild corrupted rootdir w/ metadata_csum: ok PASS: f_recnect_bad: Reconnecting bad inode: ok PASS: f_reconnect: simple disconnected file inode: ok PASS: f_rehash_dir: optimize htree directories: ok PASS: f_resize_inode: e2fsck with resize_inode: ok PASS: f_salvage_dir: salvage corrupted directories: ok PASS: f_sb_extra_isize: check invalid extra_isize fields in superblock: ok PASS: f_selinux: SE Linux generated symlinks with EA data: ok PASS: f_short_encrypted_dirent: short encrypted directory entry: ok PASS: f_special_ea: Special files with extended attributes: ok PASS: f_summary_counts: incorrect inode/block free counts: ok PASS: f_super_bad_csum: bad csum in superblock (metadata_csum): ok PASS: f_toobig_extent_dir: directory with a very large lblk in extent: ok PASS: f_trunc_dirent_header: no space for dirent header at end of buf: ok FAIL: f_uninit_cat: cat a file with uninit blocks: failed PASS: f_uninit_dir: fix uninit flag on directory extents and check the dir blocks: ok PASS: f_uninit_ext_past_eof: fallocated extents after i_size: ok PASS: f_uninit_ext_past_eof2: fallocate extents w/ nonzero i_size and extents > 4: ok PASS: f_uninit_last_uninit: last group has BLOCK_UNINIT set: ok PASS: f_unsorted_EAs: unsorted EAs in inode should not be deleted: ok PASS: f_unused_itable: Don't move files to lost+found for bg_unused_itable: ok PASS: f_valid_ea_in_inode: valid ea-in-inode examplars: ok PASS: f_write_ea_no_extra_isize: write EA when i_extra_size is zero: ok PASS: f_write_ea_toobig_extra_isize: write EA when i_extra_size is too big for EA: ok PASS: f_write_ea_toosmall_extra_isize: write EA when i_extra_size is too small: ok PASS: f_yes: e2fsck with repeated yes: ok PASS: f_yesall: e2fsck with yes-to-all: ok PASS: f_yesthenall: e2fsck with yes then yes-to-all: ok PASS: f_yesthenno: e2fsck with yes then no: ok PASS: f_zero_group: fallback for damaged group descriptors: ok PASS: f_zero_inode_size: superblock with a zero inode size: ok PASS: f_zero_super: fallback for damaged superblock: ok PASS: f_zero_xattr: zero length extended attribute in in-inode xattr: ok PASS: f_zeroed_ext_header: zap inode with zeroed extent header: ok PASS: i_bad_csum: e2image corrupt fs: ok PASS: i_qcow: create/convert raw/qcow2 images: ok FAIL: j_corrupt_commit_csum: corrupt commit csum (csum v3): failed FAIL: j_corrupt_commit_tid: corrupt commit tid (csum v3): failed FAIL: j_corrupt_descr_csum: corrupt descr csum (csum v3): failed FAIL: j_corrupt_descr_tid: corrupt descr tid (csum v3): failed PASS: j_corrupt_ext_jnl_sb_block: corrupt mcsum ext jnl fs superblock block: ok PASS: j_corrupt_ext_jnl_sb_csum: corrupt external journal superblock metadata_csum: ok FAIL: j_corrupt_journal_block: corrupt journal block (csum v3): failed FAIL: j_corrupt_revoke_block: corrupt revoke block (csum v3): failed FAIL: j_corrupt_revoke_csum: corrupt revoke csum (csum v3): failed PASS: j_corrupt_revoke_rcount: corrupt revoke r_count buffer overflow: ok FAIL: j_corrupt_sb_csum: corrupt sb csum (csum v3): failed FAIL: j_corrupt_sb_magic: corrupt sb magic (csum v3): failed PASS: j_ext_dumpe2fs: dumpe2fs of external journal device: ok FAIL: j_ext_long_revoke_trans: revoke trans nuking free space w/ ext. journal: failed FAIL: j_ext_long_trans: transaction nuking free space w/ ext. journal: failed FAIL: j_long_revoke_trans: revoked transaction nuking free space: failed FAIL: j_long_revoke_trans_mcsum_32bit: revoked trans nuking free space 32bit,mcsum: failed FAIL: j_long_revoke_trans_mcsum_64bit: revoke trans nuking free space 64bit,mcsum: failed FAIL: j_long_trans: transaction nuking free space: failed FAIL: j_long_trans_mcsum_32bit: trans nuking free space 32bit,meta_csum: failed FAIL: j_long_trans_mcsum_64bit: trans nuking free space 64bit,meta_csum: failed PASS: j_recover_csum2_32bit: recover 32-bit journal checksum v2: ok PASS: j_recover_csum2_64bit: recover 64-bit journal checksum v2: ok PASS: j_recover_csum3_64bit: recover 64-bit journal checksum v3: ok FAIL: j_short_revoke_trans: revoke blocks of transaction nuking bitmaps: failed FAIL: j_short_revoke_trans_mcsum_64bit: revoke trans nuking bmap 64bit,meta_csum: failed FAIL: j_short_trans: transaction nuking the bitmaps: failed FAIL: j_short_trans_64bit: transaction nuking the bitmaps on 64bit: failed FAIL: j_short_trans_mcsum_64bit: trans nuking bitmaps 64bit,meta_csum: failed FAIL: j_short_trans_old_csum: trans nuking bitmaps v1 journal csum: failed FAIL: j_short_trans_open_recover: don't recover open journal: failed FAIL: j_short_trans_recover: transaction nuking the bitmaps (debugfs recovery): failed FAIL: j_short_trans_recover_mcsum_64bit: uncommitted trans nuking bmap 64bit,mcsum: failed FAIL: j_short_uncommitted_trans: uncommitted transaction nuking bitmaps: failed FAIL: j_short_uncommitted_trans_mcsum_64bit: uncommitted trans nuking bmap 64b,mcsum: failed PASS: m_64bit_flexbg: mkfs with 64bit and flex_bg: ok PASS: m_bigjournal: journal over 4GB in size: ok PASS: m_dasd_bs: 2048 byte sector devices: ok PASS: m_desc_size_128: enable 128-byte group descriptor on mkfs: ok PASS: m_devdir: create fs image from /dev: ok PASS: m_error_behavior: mke2fs with error behavior: ok PASS: m_extent_journal: extent-mapped journal: ok PASS: m_hugefile: create a hugefile fs with a single huge file: ok PASS: m_hugefile_slack: mke2fs create hugefile fs with slack: ok PASS: m_large_file: largefile fs type: ok PASS: m_mcsum_extjournal: create external journal with sb checksum (metadata_csum): ok PASS: m_meta_bg: meta blockgroup feature: ok SKIP: m_minrootdir: : skipped PASS: m_mkfs_overhead: test bg overhead calculation: ok PASS: m_mmp: enable MMP during mke2fs: ok PASS: m_mmp_bad_csum: mmp with bad csum (metadata_csum): ok PASS: m_mmp_bad_magic: mmp with bad magic (metadata_csum): ok PASS: m_no_opt: no filesystem extensions: ok PASS: m_offset: mke2fs with offset option (-E offset=N): ok PASS: m_quota: enable quota feature on mkfs: ok PASS: m_raid_opt: raid options: ok PASS: m_root_owner: root directory owner: ok FAIL: m_rootdir: create fs image from dir: failed PASS: m_std: standard filesystem options: ok PASS: m_uninit: uninitialized group feature: ok SKIP: r_1024_small_bg: : skipped SKIP: r_32to64bit: convert flex_bg 32bit fs to 64bit fs: skipped SKIP: r_32to64bit_expand_full: convert+expand full fs to 64bit: skipped SKIP: r_32to64bit_meta: convert meta_bg 32bit fs to 64bit fs: skipped SKIP: r_32to64bit_move_itable: convert 32 to 64bit w/ itable move: skipped SKIP: r_64bit_big_expand: : skipped SKIP: r_64to32bit: convert flex_bg 64bit fs to 32bit fs: skipped SKIP: r_64to32bit_meta: convert meta_bg 64bit fs to 32bit fs: skipped SKIP: r_bigalloc_big_expand: : skipped SKIP: r_expand_full: expand a totally full filesystem: skipped SKIP: r_ext4_big_expand: : skipped SKIP: r_ext4_small_bg: : skipped SKIP: r_fixup_lastbg: : skipped SKIP: r_fixup_lastbg_big: : skipped SKIP: r_inline_xattr: shrinking filesystem with in-inode extended attributes: skipped SKIP: r_meta_bg_shrink: : skipped SKIP: r_min_itable: resize2fs -M with inode table in middle of last block group: skipped SKIP: r_move_itable: filesystem resize which requires moving the inode table: skipped SKIP: r_move_itable_nostride: resize with flex_bg and stride value set: skipped SKIP: r_move_itable_realloc: don't allocate inode table from in-use blocks: skipped SKIP: r_resize_inode: filesystem resize with a resize_inode present: skipped PASS: t_change_uuid: change uuid on a pre-metadata-csum: ok PASS: t_change_uuid_mcsum: change uuid on a metadata-csum: ok PASS: t_change_uuid_mcsum_mounted: change uuid on a metadata-csum: ok PASS: t_change_uuid_mcsum_seed_mounted: change meta-csum uuid with mcsum-seed: ok PASS: t_change_uuid_mounted: change uuid on a mounted pre-metadata-csum: ok PASS: t_dangerous: dangerous tune2fs operation prompts: ok PASS: t_disable_changed_csum_seed: tune2fs disable csum seed after uuid change: ok PASS: t_disable_changed_csum_seed_mounted: mounted tune2fs disable csum+uuid: ok PASS: t_disable_csum_seed: disable csum seed via tune2fs: ok PASS: t_disable_mcsum: disable metadata_csum: ok PASS: t_disable_mcsum_noinitbg: disable metadata_csum and uninit_bg: ok PASS: t_disable_mcsum_yesinitbg: disable metadata_csum and enable uninit_bg: ok PASS: t_disable_meta_csum_and_seed: disable csum seed and csums via tune2fs: ok PASS: t_enable_csum_seed: enable csum seed via tune2fs: ok PASS: t_enable_mcsum: enable metadata_csum: ok PASS: t_enable_mcsum_ext3: enable metadata_csum on ext3 fs: ok PASS: t_enable_mcsum_initbg: enable metadata_csum when ^uninit_bg: ok PASS: t_ext_jnl_fail: tune2fs fail external journal: ok PASS: t_ext_jnl_rm: remove missing external journal device: ok PASS: t_format_csum_seed: format with csum_seed: ok SKIP: t_iexpand_full: expand inodes on a totally full filesystem: skipped SKIP: t_iexpand_mcsum: expand inodes and turn on metadata_csum: skipped PASS: t_mmp_1on: enable MMP using tune2fs: ok PASS: t_mmp_2off: disable MMP using tune2fs: ok PASS: t_project_1on: enable project using tune2fs -O option: ok PASS: t_project_2off: disable project using tune2fs: ok PASS: t_project_3on: enable project using tune2fs -Q option: ok PASS: t_project_4off: disable project using tune2fs -Q option: ok PASS: t_quota_1on: enable quota using tune2fs: ok PASS: t_quota_2off: disable quota using tune2fs: ok PASS: t_replay_and_set: recover journal and clear features: ok PASS: t_uninit_bg_rm: remove uninit_bg: ok PASS: u_corrupt_blk_csum: corrupt e2undo block data: ok PASS: u_corrupt_blk_csum_force: force replay of corrupt e2undo block data: ok PASS: u_corrupt_hdr_csum: corrupt e2undo header: ok PASS: u_corrupt_key_csum: corrupt e2undo key data: ok PASS: u_debugfs_opt: e2undo with debugfs -z: ok PASS: u_dryrun: e2undo dry run: ok PASS: u_e2fsck_opt: e2undo with e2fsck -z: ok PASS: u_force: e2undo force: ok PASS: u_force_dryrun: force dry-run replay of corrupt e2undo block data: ok PASS: u_incomplete: e2undo with incomplete undo file: ok PASS: u_mke2fs: e2undo with mke2fs: ok PASS: u_mke2fs_opt: e2undo with mke2fs -z: ok PASS: u_mke2fs_opt_oddsize: e2undo with mke2fs -z and non-32k-aligned bdev size: ok PASS: u_mke2fs_opt_offset: e2undo and mke2fs with offset option: ok PASS: u_not_undo: e2undo a non-undo file: ok PASS: u_offset: e2undo with the offset option (-o offset): ok PASS: u_tune2fs: e2undo with tune2fs: ok PASS: u_tune2fs_opt: e2undo with tune2fs -z: ok PASS: u_undo_undo: undo e2undo: ok PASS: u_wrong_fs: e2undo on the wrong fs: ok 265 tests succeeded 44 tests failed Tests failed: d_fallocate d_fallocate_bigalloc d_fallocate_blkmap d_punch d_punch_bigalloc f_badcluster f_collapse_extent_tree f_compress_extent_tree_level f_convert_bmap f_convert_bmap_and_extent f_convert_bmap_sparse f_detect_xfs f_extent_too_deep f_quota f_uninit_cat j_corrupt_commit_csum j_corrupt_commit_tid j_corrupt_descr_csum j_corrupt_descr_tid j_corrupt_journal_block j_corrupt_revoke_block j_corrupt_revoke_csum j_corrupt_sb_csum j_corrupt_sb_magic j_ext_long_revoke_trans j_ext_long_trans j_long_revoke_trans j_long_revoke_trans_mcsum_32bit j_long_revoke_trans_mcsum_64bit j_long_trans j_long_trans_mcsum_32bit j_long_trans_mcsum_64bit j_short_revoke_trans j_short_revoke_trans_mcsum_64bit j_short_trans j_short_trans_64bit j_short_trans_mcsum_64bit j_short_trans_old_csum j_short_trans_open_recover j_short_trans_recover j_short_trans_recover_mcsum_64bit j_short_uncommitted_trans j_short_uncommitted_trans_mcsum_64bit m_rootdir END: /usr/lib/e2fsprogs/ptest 2018-02-13T01:40 2018-02-13T01:40 BEGIN: /usr/lib/flex/ptest make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/flex/ptest' make[1]: 'test-suite.log' is up to date. make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/flex/ptest' make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/flex/ptest' PASS: alloc_extra PASS: array_nr PASS: array_r PASS: basic_nr PASS: basic_r PASS: bison_nr PASS: bison_yylloc PASS: bison_yylval PASS: c_cxx_nr PASS: c_cxx_r PASS: ccl PASS: cxx_basic PASS: cxx_multiple_scanners PASS: debug_nr PASS: debug_r PASS: extended PASS: header_nr PASS: header_r PASS: mem_nr PASS: mem_r PASS: multiple_scanners_nr PASS: multiple_scanners_r PASS: noansi_nr PASS: noansi_r PASS: posix PASS: posixly_correct PASS: prefix_nr PASS: prefix_r PASS: quotes PASS: string_nr PASS: string_r PASS: top PASS: yyextra PASS: reject_nr.reject PASS: reject_r.reject PASS: reject_ver.table PASS: reject_ser.table PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: cxx_yywrap.i3 PASS: pthread.pthread PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Ca.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Ce.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Cf.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-CF.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Cm.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Cem.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Cae.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Caef.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-CaeF.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Cam.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Caem.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Ca.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Ce.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Cf.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-CF.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Cm.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Cem.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Cae.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Caef.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-CaeF.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Cam.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Caem.opt PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Ca.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Ce.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Cf.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-CF.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Cm.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Cem.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Cae.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Caef.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-CaeF.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Cam.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Caem.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Ca.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Ce.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Cf.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-CF.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Cm.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Cem.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Cae.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Caef.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-CaeF.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Cam.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Caem.ser PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Ca.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Ce.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Cf.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-CF.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Cm.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Cem.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Cae.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Caef.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-CaeF.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Cam.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Caem.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Ca.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Ce.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Cf.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-CF.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Cm.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Cem.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Cae.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Caef.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-CaeF.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Cam.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Caem.ver PASS: ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for the fast lexical analyser generator 2.6.0 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 114 # PASS: 114 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/flex/ptest' END: /usr/lib/flex/ptest 2018-02-13T01:40 2018-02-13T01:40 BEGIN: /usr/lib/gawk/ptest PASS: addcomma PASS: anchgsub PASS: anchor PASS: arrayind1 PASS: arrayind2 PASS: arrayind3 PASS: arrayparm PASS: arrayprm2 PASS: arrayprm3 PASS: arrayref PASS: arrymem1 PASS: arryref2 PASS: arryref3 PASS: arryref4 PASS: arryref5 PASS: arynasty PASS: aryprm1 PASS: aryprm2 PASS: aryprm3 PASS: aryprm4 PASS: aryprm5 PASS: aryprm6 PASS: aryprm7 PASS: aryprm8 PASS: aryprm9 PASS: arysubnm PASS: aryunasgn PASS: asgext PASS: back89 PASS: backgsub PASS: badassign1 PASS: badbuild PASS: callparam PASS: childin PASS: closebad PASS: clsflnam PASS: compare2 PASS: concat1 PASS: concat2 PASS: concat3 PASS: concat5 PASS: convfmt PASS: datanonl PASS: defref PASS: delargv PASS: delarpm2 PASS: delarprm PASS: delfunc PASS: dfastress PASS: dynlj PASS: eofsplit PASS: exit2 PASS: exitval2 PASS: exitval3 PASS: fcall_exit PASS: fcall_exit2 PASS: fldchg PASS: fldchgnf PASS: fldterm PASS: fnamedat PASS: fnarray PASS: fnarray2 PASS: fnaryscl PASS: fnasgnm PASS: fnmisc PASS: fordel PASS: forref PASS: forsimp PASS: fsbs PASS: fsnul1 PASS: fsrs PASS: fstabplus PASS: funsemnl PASS: funsmnam PASS: funstack PASS: getline PASS: getline3 PASS: getline4 PASS: getline5 PASS: getnr2tb PASS: getnr2tm PASS: gsubasgn PASS: gsubtest PASS: gsubtst2 PASS: gsubtst4 PASS: gsubtst5 PASS: gsubtst7 PASS: gsubtst8 PASS: hex PASS: hex2 PASS: hsprint PASS: inpref PASS: inputred PASS: intest PASS: intprec PASS: iobug1 PASS: leadnl PASS: longsub PASS: longwrds PASS: manglprm PASS: math PASS: membug1 PASS: memleak PASS: minusstr PASS: nasty PASS: nasty2 PASS: negexp PASS: negrange PASS: nested PASS: nfldstr PASS: nfloop PASS: nfneg PASS: nfset PASS: nlfldsep PASS: nlinstr PASS: nlstrina PASS: noeffect PASS: nofmtch PASS: noloop1 PASS: noloop2 PASS: noparms PASS: nulinsrc PASS: nulrsend PASS: numindex PASS: numsubstr PASS: octsub PASS: ofmt PASS: ofmta PASS: ofmtbig PASS: ofmtfidl PASS: ofmts PASS: ofmtstrnum PASS: ofs1 PASS: onlynl PASS: opasnidx PASS: opasnslf PASS: paramdup PASS: paramres PASS: paramtyp PASS: paramuninitglobal PASS: parse1 PASS: parsefld PASS: parseme PASS: pcntplus PASS: prdupval PASS: prec PASS: printf1 PASS: printfchar PASS: prmarscl PASS: prmreuse PASS: prt1eval PASS: prtoeval PASS: rand PASS: fi PASS: range1 PASS: readbuf PASS: rebrackloc PASS: rebt8b1 PASS: rebuild PASS: regeq PASS: regexpbrack PASS: regexpbrack2 PASS: regexprange PASS: regrange PASS: reindops PASS: reparse PASS: resplit PASS: rs PASS: rsnul1nl PASS: rstest1 PASS: rstest2 PASS: rstest3 PASS: rstest4 PASS: rstest5 PASS: rswhite PASS: scalar PASS: sclforin PASS: sclifin PASS: sigpipe1 PASS: sortempty PASS: sortglos PASS: splitargv PASS: splitarr PASS: splitdef PASS: splitvar PASS: splitwht PASS: status-close PASS: strcat1 PASS: strnum1 PASS: strnum2 PASS: strtod PASS: subback PASS: subsepnm PASS: subslash PASS: substr PASS: swaplns PASS: synerr1 PASS: synerr2 PASS: uninit2 PASS: uninit3 PASS: uninit4 PASS: uninit5 PASS: uninitialized PASS: unterm PASS: uparrfs PASS: wjposer1 PASS: zero2 PASS: zeroe0 PASS: zeroflag PASS: getlnhd PASS: aadelete1 PASS: aadelete2 PASS: aarray1 PASS: aasort PASS: aasorti PASS: arraysort PASS: backw PASS: clos1way2 PASS: clos1way3 PASS: clos1way4 PASS: clos1way5 PASS: clos1way6 PASS: crlf PASS: delsub PASS: fieldwdth PASS: fpat1 PASS: fpat2 PASS: fpat3 PASS: fpat4 PASS: fpat5 PASS: fpat6 PASS: fpatnull PASS: fsfwfs PASS: funlen PASS: functab1 PASS: functab2 PASS: functab3 PASS: fwtest PASS: fwtest2 PASS: fwtest4 PASS: fwtest5 PASS: fwtest6 PASS: fwtest7 PASS: fwtest8 PASS: gensub PASS: gensub2 PASS: gensub3 PASS: getlndir PASS: gnuops2 PASS: gnuops3 PASS: gnureops PASS: gsubind PASS: icasefs PASS: icasers PASS: id PASS: igncdym PASS: igncfs PASS: ignrcas4 PASS: ignrcase PASS: include PASS: indirectbuiltin PASS: indirectcall PASS: indirectcall2 PASS: lint PASS: lintexp PASS: lintindex PASS: lintint PASS: lintlength PASS: lintold PASS: lintset PASS: lintwarn PASS: mktime PASS: match1 PASS: match2 PASS: match3 PASS: nastyparm PASS: nondec PASS: nonfatal2 PASS: nonfatal3 PASS: patsplit PASS: posix PASS: printfbad1 PASS: printfbad3 PASS: printfbad4 PASS: procinfs PASS: regnul1 PASS: regnul2 PASS: regx8bit PASS: rsgetline PASS: rstest6 PASS: shadow PASS: shadowbuiltin PASS: sortfor PASS: sortfor2 PASS: sortu PASS: split_after_fpat PASS: splitarg4 PASS: strftfld PASS: strtonum PASS: strtonum1 PASS: switch2 PASS: symtab1 PASS: symtab2 PASS: symtab3 PASS: symtab4 PASS: symtab5 PASS: symtab7 PASS: typedregex1 PASS: typedregex2 PASS: typedregex3 PASS: typeof1 PASS: typeof2 PASS: typeof3 PASS: typeof4 PASS: typeof5 PASS: timeout PASS: double1 PASS: double2 PASS: intformat PASS: asort PASS: asorti PASS: fmttest PASS: fnarydel PASS: fi PASS: fnparydl PASS: fi PASS: rebt8b2 PASS: sort1 PASS: sprintfc PASS: apiterm PASS: fnmatch PASS: fork PASS: fork2 PASS: functab4 PASS: ordchr PASS: revout PASS: revtwoway PASS: rwarray PASS: time END: /usr/lib/gawk/ptest 2018-02-13T01:40 2018-02-13T01:40 BEGIN: /usr/lib/gdbm/ptest ## ----------------------- ## ## gdbm 1.14.1 test suite. ## ## ----------------------- ## PASS: gdbm version GDBM interface PASS: create database PASS: fetch a record PASS: fetch: nonexisting record PASS: delete a record PASS: delete: non existing record PASS: delete: all records Block size selection PASS: block size adjustment PASS: exact blocksize PASS: incorrect blocksize Compatibility library (dbm/ndbm) PASS: create database PASS: converting a 1.8-style database PASS: fetch a record PASS: fetch: nonexisting record PASS: fetch from a read-only database PASS: fetch from a read-only 1.8-style database PASS: delete a record PASS: delete: non existing record PASS: delete: all records DB options PASS: setopt PASS: setopt: mmap options Cloexec PASS: cloexec: gdbm_open PASS: cloexec: gdbm_reorganize PASS: cloexec: dbm_open PASS: cloexec: dbm_open -creat ## ------------- ## ## Test results. ## ## ------------- ## All 25 tests were successful. END: /usr/lib/gdbm/ptest 2018-02-13T01:40 2018-02-13T01:40 BEGIN: /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf/ptest Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-reftest.test # random seed: R02S79307a7906607d3a02969e577f76f6f6 1..52 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of reftest tests ok 1 /pixbuf/reftest/bug696331.png ok 2 /pixbuf/reftest/bug785447.ico ok 3 /pixbuf/reftest/cat.jpg ok 4 /pixbuf/reftest/colormap-too-small.tga ok 5 /pixbuf/reftest/mandatory-bitmasks.bmp ok 6 /pixbuf/reftest/rle-too-many-pixels-2.tga ok 7 /pixbuf/reftest/rle-too-many-pixels.tga ok 8 /pixbuf/reftest/squares.ico # Start of tga tests ok 9 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 10 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 11 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-top-left.tga ok 12 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-top-right.tga ok 13 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 14 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 15 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-top-left.tga ok 16 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-top-right.tga ok 17 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 18 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 19 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-top-left.tga ok 20 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-top-right.tga ok 21 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 22 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 23 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-top-left.tga ok 24 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-top-right.tga ok 25 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 26 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 27 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-top-left.tga ok 28 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-top-right.tga ok 29 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 30 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 31 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-top-left.tga ok 32 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-top-right.tga ok 33 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 34 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 35 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-top-left.tga ok 36 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-top-right.tga ok 37 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 38 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 39 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-top-left.tga ok 40 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-top-right.tga ok 41 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 42 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 43 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-top-left.tga ok 44 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-top-right.tga ok 45 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 46 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 47 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-top-left.tga ok 48 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-top-right.tga ok 49 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 50 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 51 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-top-left.tga ok 52 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-top-right.tga # End of tga tests # End of reftest tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-reftest.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-scale.test # random seed: R02S563062bda3df8ff175c31f79e9f0e46a 1..18 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of scale tests ok 1 /pixbuf/scale/png ok 2 /pixbuf/scale/bmp ok 3 /pixbuf/scale/gif ok 4 /pixbuf/scale/jpeg ok 5 /pixbuf/scale/tga ok 6 /pixbuf/scale/xpm ok 7 /pixbuf/scale/xbm # Start of halve-checkerboard tests ok 8 /pixbuf/scale/halve-checkerboard/nearest ok 9 /pixbuf/scale/halve-checkerboard/tiles ok 10 /pixbuf/scale/halve-checkerboard/bilinear ok 11 /pixbuf/scale/halve-checkerboard/hyper # End of halve-checkerboard tests # Start of offset tests ok 12 /pixbuf/scale/offset/nearest ok 13 /pixbuf/scale/offset/tiles ok 14 /pixbuf/scale/offset/bilinear ok 15 /pixbuf/scale/offset/hyper # End of offset tests # Start of dest tests ok 16 /pixbuf/scale/dest/nearest ok 17 /pixbuf/scale/dest/tiles ok 18 /pixbuf/scale/dest/bilinear # End of dest tests # End of scale tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-scale.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-short-gif-write.test # random seed: R02S819da651d9296b1d9590ebace4e4f31c 1..2 # Start of animation tests ok 1 /animation/short_gif_write ok 2 /animation/load_first_frame # End of animation tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-short-gif-write.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-composite.test # random seed: R02Sd3a85d0f0fa014d93f8637d759bac0c3 1..2 # Start of pixbuf tests ok 1 /pixbuf/composite1 ok 2 /pixbuf/composite2 # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-composite.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-icon-serialize.test # random seed: R02S0fe5c27d791f531840ed193c130c7217 1..1 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of icon tests ok 1 /pixbuf/icon/serialize # End of icon tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-icon-serialize.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-pixdata.test # random seed: R02S93174d58fae70a7738f17c2f2dd3d942 1..3 # Start of pixbuf tests # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 48 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 192, Length: 9240 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 48 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 192, Length: 9240 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 1 /pixbuf/pixdata # Start of pixdata tests # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 89 x 96 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 356, Length: 34200 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding rle # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 89 x 96 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 356, Length: 8406 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 2 /pixbuf/pixdata/success # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 4144 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 256, Length: 80 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == true # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 4144 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 256, Length: 80 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 3 /pixbuf/pixdata/bug775693 # End of pixdata tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-pixdata.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-readonly-to-mutable.test # random seed: R02S39d318f29f9d5172853ec827eec46209 1..2 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of readonly tests ok 1 /pixbuf/readonly/mutate ok 2 /pixbuf/readonly/readpixelbytes # End of readonly tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-readonly-to-mutable.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-threads.test # random seed: R02S16227ad14aeef6b059d629c5a749058a 1..1 # Start of pixbuf tests # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.gif # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.png # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.bmp # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.xpm # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.tga # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.2.jpeg # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.jpeg ok 1 /pixbuf/threads # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-threads.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-randomly-modified.test # random seed: R02S991ebfe75aae2879f05a358cab3fbc8c # Modified image is written to pixbuf-randomly-modified-image 1..57 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of randomly-modified tests ok 1 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/bad-header.ico ok 2 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/bmp-line-overflow.bmp ok 3 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/bug775232.pnm ok 4 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/bug775242.bmp ok 5 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/bug775648.qtif ok 6 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/bug776040.ico ok 7 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/crash.ico ok 8 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/decodecolormap.bmp ok 9 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/invalid.1.xpm ok 10 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/invalid.2.ico ok 11 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/invalid.4.ppm ok 12 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.bmp ok 13 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.gif ok 14 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.jp2 ok 15 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.jpeg ok 16 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.png ok 17 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.ppm ok 18 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.tga ok 19 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.tiff ok 20 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.xbm ok 21 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.xpm ok 22 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.2.jpeg ok 23 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.2.ppm ok 24 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.2.tga ok 25 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.3.ppm ok 26 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.4.ppm # Start of fail tests ok 27 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/CVE-2017-2862.jpg ok 28 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/DoS.tga ok 29 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/androstanRezeptor.tga ok 30 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/bug776694.bmp ok 31 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/bug777315.bmp ok 32 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/bug778204.ico ok 33 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/bug780269.tif ok 34 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/bug784903-overflow-dimensions.tiff ok 35 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/bug785973.gif ok 36 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/colormap-image-without-colormap.tga ok 37 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/empty-file.tga ok 38 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/file3.jp2 ok 39 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.1.bmp ok 40 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.1.gif ok 41 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.1.ico ok 42 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.1.png ok 43 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.1.ppm ok 44 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.2.gif ok 45 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.2.png ok 46 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.2.ppm ok 47 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.3.gif ok 48 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.3.ico ok 49 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.3.png ok 50 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.3.ppm ok 51 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.4.gif ok 52 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.4.png ok 53 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.5.ppm ok 54 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.6.ppm ok 55 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.7.ppm ok 56 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.8.ppm ok 57 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/overflow.tga # End of fail tests # End of randomly-modified tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-randomly-modified.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-save.test # random seed: R02Sc1474794aaa1b3d4b0e081e33ca7eca7 1..3 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of save tests ok 1 /pixbuf/save/roundtrip ok 2 /pixbuf/save/options ok 3 /pixbuf/save/ico # End of save tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-save.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-scale-two-step.test # random seed: R02S885544427eaed4c6de79f57157f90183 1..9 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of scale tests # Start of two-step tests ok 1 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/tiles ok 2 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/bilinear ok 3 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/hyper # Start of offset tests ok 4 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/offset/tiles ok 5 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/offset/bilinear ok 6 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/offset/hyper # End of offset tests # Start of dest tests ok 7 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/dest/tiles ok 8 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/dest/bilinear ok 9 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/dest/hyper # End of dest tests # End of two-step tests # End of scale tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-scale-two-step.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/cve-2015-4491.test # random seed: R02S3b62049bc74f4a3be9d640893cda51e2 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of cve-2015-4491 tests ok 1 /pixbuf/cve-2015-4491/original ok 2 /pixbuf/cve-2015-4491/scale-overflow ok 3 /pixbuf/cve-2015-4491/scale-x-overflow ok 4 /pixbuf/cve-2015-4491/scale-y-overflow # End of cve-2015-4491 tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/cve-2015-4491.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-stream.test # random seed: R02Sd9fc8d9c2c586d35677b0745c4f823e1 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests ok 1 /pixbuf/stream # Start of stream tests ok 2 /pixbuf/stream/async ok 3 /pixbuf/stream/scale # Start of scale tests ok 4 /pixbuf/stream/scale/async # End of scale tests # End of stream tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-stream.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-resource.test # random seed: R02S4507ebaeb7857fd8c92f76546c028fed 1..2 # Start of pixbuf tests # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 48 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 192, Length: 9240 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 1 /pixbuf/resource # Start of resource tests ok 2 /pixbuf/resource/at-scale # End of resource tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-resource.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/animation.test # random seed: R02S84c9e526261ea76e8dfe38f28c859422 1..2 # Start of animation tests ok 1 /animation/gif ok 2 /animation/ani # End of animation tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/animation.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-dpi.test # random seed: R02S84532cca6f32634e80949fcce1b94ace 1..6 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of dpi tests ok 1 /pixbuf/dpi/png ok 2 /pixbuf/dpi/png-incremental ok 3 /pixbuf/dpi/jpeg ok 4 /pixbuf/dpi/jpeg-incremental ok 5 /pixbuf/dpi/tiff # SKIP format not supported ok 6 /pixbuf/dpi/tiff-incremental # SKIP format not supported # End of dpi tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-dpi.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-area-updated.test # random seed: R02Sc01647079d0a3b299b94bf1e8d1a6b7e 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of area-updated tests ok 1 /pixbuf/area-updated/ico ok 2 /pixbuf/area-updated/gif ok 3 /pixbuf/area-updated/gif2 ok 4 /pixbuf/area-updated/gif3 # End of area-updated tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-area-updated.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-fail.test # random seed: R02Sa6f3ba7cebf0c2455204aa5cbfe242c3 1..62 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of fail_tiny tests ok 1 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/CVE-2017-2862.jpg ok 2 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/DoS.tga ok 3 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/androstanRezeptor.tga ok 4 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug776694.bmp ok 5 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug777315.bmp ok 6 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug778204.ico ok 7 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug780269.tif # SKIP format not supported ok 8 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug784903-overflow-dimensions.tiff # SKIP format not supported ok 9 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug785973.gif ok 10 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/colormap-image-without-colormap.tga ok 11 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/empty-file.tga ok 12 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/file3.jp2 # SKIP format not supported ok 13 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.bmp ok 14 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.gif ok 15 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.ico ok 16 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.png ok 17 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.ppm ok 18 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.2.gif ok 19 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.2.png ok 20 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.2.ppm ok 21 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.3.gif ok 22 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.3.ico ok 23 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.3.png ok 24 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.3.ppm ok 25 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.4.gif ok 26 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.4.png ok 27 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.5.ppm ok 28 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.6.ppm ok 29 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.7.ppm ok 30 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.8.ppm ok 31 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/overflow.tga # End of fail_tiny tests # Start of fail_huge tests ok 32 /pixbuf/fail_huge/CVE-2017-2862.jpg ok 33 /pixbuf/fail_huge/DoS.tga ok 34 /pixbuf/fail_huge/androstanRezeptor.tga ok 35 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug776694.bmp ok 36 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug777315.bmp ok 37 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug778204.ico ok 38 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug780269.tif # SKIP format not supported ok 39 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug784903-overflow-dimensions.tiff # SKIP format not supported ok 40 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug785973.gif ok 41 /pixbuf/fail_huge/colormap-image-without-colormap.tga ok 42 /pixbuf/fail_huge/empty-file.tga ok 43 /pixbuf/fail_huge/file3.jp2 # SKIP format not supported ok 44 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.bmp ok 45 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.gif ok 46 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.ico ok 47 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.png ok 48 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.ppm ok 49 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.2.gif ok 50 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.2.png ok 51 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.2.ppm ok 52 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.3.gif ok 53 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.3.ico ok 54 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.3.png ok 55 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.3.ppm ok 56 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.4.gif ok 57 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.4.png ok 58 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.5.ppm ok 59 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.6.ppm ok 60 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.7.ppm ok 61 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.8.ppm ok 62 /pixbuf/fail_huge/overflow.tga # End of fail_huge tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-fail.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-icc.test # random seed: R02S8fd4c0ffa71d871d734a5a3a87146173 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of icc tests ok 1 /pixbuf/icc/png ok 2 /pixbuf/icc/jpeg # Start of png tests ok 3 /pixbuf/icc/png/incremental # End of png tests # Start of jpeg tests ok 4 /pixbuf/icc/jpeg/incremental # End of jpeg tests # End of icc tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-icc.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-jpeg.test # random seed: R02Scda346a417f13acf508b0a223b9184ac 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of jpeg tests ok 1 /pixbuf/jpeg/inverted_cmyk_jpeg ok 2 /pixbuf/jpeg/type9_rotation_exif_tag ok 3 /pixbuf/jpeg/bug775218 ok 4 /pixbuf/jpeg/comment # End of jpeg tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-jpeg.test SUMMARY: total=20; passed=20; skipped=0; failed=0; user=22.5s; system=0.1s; maxrss=19912 END: /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf/ptest 2018-02-13T01:41 2018-02-13T01:41 BEGIN: /usr/lib/glib-2.0/ptest Running test: glib/mainloop.test # random seed: R02S227f55cba1e0db845a2c7cb3de0f39ed 1..21 # Start of maincontext tests ok 1 /maincontext/basic # End of maincontext tests # Start of mainloop tests ok 2 /mainloop/basic ok 3 /mainloop/timeouts ok 4 /mainloop/priorities ok 5 /mainloop/invoke ok 6 /mainloop/child_sources ok 7 /mainloop/recursive_child_sources ok 8 /mainloop/swapping_child_sources # Bug Reference: ok 9 /mainloop/blocked_child_sources ok 10 /mainloop/source_time # Bug Reference: ok 11 /mainloop/overflow ok 12 /mainloop/ready-time ok 13 /mainloop/wakeup ok 14 /mainloop/remove-invalid ok 15 /mainloop/unref-while-pending ok 16 /mainloop/unix-fd ok 17 /mainloop/unix-fd-source ok 18 /mainloop/source-unix-fd-api ok 19 /mainloop/wait ok 20 /mainloop/unix-file-poll ok 21 /mainloop/nfds # End of mainloop tests PASS: glib/mainloop.test Running test: glib/datetime.test 02/13/18 01:41:19 PASS: glib/datetime.test Running test: glib/gdatetime.test # random seed: R02Sf8f550c38af08b72c225fb7a13b7a9dd 1..47 # Start of GDateTime tests # Bug Reference: ok 1 /GDateTime/invalid ok 2 /GDateTime/add_days ok 3 /GDateTime/add_full ok 4 /GDateTime/add_hours ok 5 /GDateTime/add_minutes ok 6 /GDateTime/add_months ok 7 /GDateTime/add_seconds ok 8 /GDateTime/add_weeks ok 9 /GDateTime/add_years ok 10 /GDateTime/compare ok 11 /GDateTime/diff ok 12 /GDateTime/equal ok 13 /GDateTime/get_day_of_week ok 14 /GDateTime/get_day_of_month ok 15 /GDateTime/get_day_of_year ok 16 /GDateTime/get_hour ok 17 /GDateTime/get_microsecond ok 18 /GDateTime/get_minute ok 19 /GDateTime/get_month ok 20 /GDateTime/get_second ok 21 /GDateTime/get_utc_offset ok 22 /GDateTime/get_year ok 23 /GDateTime/hash ok 24 /GDateTime/new_from_unix ok 25 /GDateTime/new_from_unix_utc ok 26 /GDateTime/new_from_timeval ok 27 /GDateTime/new_from_timeval_utc ok 28 /GDateTime/new_full ok 29 /GDateTime/now ok 30 /GDateTime/printf # locale ja_JP.eucjp not available, skipping non-UTF8 tests ok 31 /GDateTime/non_utf8_printf ok 32 /GDateTime/strftime # locale fa_IR not available, skipping O modifier tests ok 33 /GDateTime/modifiers ok 34 /GDateTime/to_local ok 35 /GDateTime/to_unix ok 36 /GDateTime/to_timeval ok 37 /GDateTime/to_utc ok 38 /GDateTime/now_utc ok 39 /GDateTime/dst # Bug Reference: ok 40 /GDateTime/test_z ok 41 /GDateTime/test-all-dates # Start of new_from_unix tests # Bug Reference: ok 42 /GDateTime/new_from_unix/overflow # End of new_from_unix tests # Start of new_from_timeval tests # Bug Reference: # Maximum supported GTimeVal.tv_sec = 253402300799 ok 43 /GDateTime/new_from_timeval/overflow # End of new_from_timeval tests # End of GDateTime tests # Start of GTimeZone tests ok 44 /GTimeZone/find-interval ok 45 /GTimeZone/adjust-time ok 46 /GTimeZone/no-header ok 47 /GTimeZone/posix-parse # End of GTimeZone tests PASS: glib/gdatetime.test Running test: glib/sleepy-stream.test # random seed: R02Sdbe534448abd761eee21e57eb37e51ab 1..2 # Start of filter-stream tests ok 1 /filter-stream/input ok 2 /filter-stream/async # End of filter-stream tests PASS: glib/sleepy-stream.test Running test: glib/dirname-test.test PASS: glib/dirname-test.test Running test: glib/hash.test # random seed: R02Sc71ca21eee4dd39d9e0e498a25776d03 1..24 # Start of hash tests ok 1 /hash/misc ok 2 /hash/one ok 3 /hash/honeyman ok 4 /hash/direct ok 5 /hash/direct2 ok 6 /hash/int ok 7 /hash/int64 ok 8 /hash/double ok 9 /hash/string ok 10 /hash/set ok 11 /hash/set-ref ok 12 /hash/ref ok 13 /hash/remove-all ok 14 /hash/recursive-remove-all ok 15 /hash/find ok 16 /hash/foreach ok 17 /hash/foreach-steal # Bug Reference: ok 18 /hash/lookup-null-key # Bug Reference: ok 19 /hash/destroy-modify ok 20 /hash/consistency # Bug Reference: ok 21 /hash/iter-replace # Bug Reference: ok 22 /hash/set-insert-corruption ok 23 /hash/set-to-strv ok 24 /hash/primes # Start of recursive-remove-all tests # End of recursive-remove-all tests # End of hash tests PASS: glib/hash.test Running test: glib/override.test PASS: glib/override.test Running test: glib/module-test.test PASS: glib/module-test.test Running test: glib/async-splice-output-stream.test # random seed: R02S0f30fb1ce6243e13272a36f26b263355 1..4 # Start of async-splice tests ok 1 /async-splice/copy-chunks ok 2 /async-splice/copy-chunks-threaded-input ok 3 /async-splice/copy-chunks-threaded-output ok 4 /async-splice/copy-chunks-threaded # End of async-splice tests PASS: glib/async-splice-output-stream.test Running test: glib/option-context.test # random seed: R02Se873ca49d832a378c6c663bb11fe2654 1..55 # Start of option tests ok 1 /option/basic ok 2 /option/translate ok 3 /option/strict-posix # Start of help tests ok 4 /option/help/options ok 5 /option/help/no-options # Bug Reference: ok 6 /option/help/no-help-options # End of help tests # Start of group tests # Bug Reference: ok 7 /option/group/captions ok 8 /option/group/main ok 9 /option/group/error-hook ok 10 /option/group/parse # Start of captions tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of captions tests # End of group tests # Start of restoration tests ok 11 /option/restoration/int ok 12 /option/restoration/string ok 13 /option/restoration/boolean # End of restoration tests # Start of arg tests ok 14 /option/arg/reverse-string ok 15 /option/arg/optional-int # Start of repetition tests ok 16 /option/arg/repetition/int ok 17 /option/arg/repetition/string ok 18 /option/arg/repetition/filename ok 19 /option/arg/repetition/double ok 20 /option/arg/repetition/locale ok 21 /option/arg/repetition/int64 # End of repetition tests # Start of array tests ok 22 /option/arg/array/string # End of array tests # Start of callback tests ok 23 /option/arg/callback/string ok 24 /option/arg/callback/count ok 25 /option/arg/callback/optional1 ok 26 /option/arg/callback/optional2 ok 27 /option/arg/callback/optional3 ok 28 /option/arg/callback/optional4 ok 29 /option/arg/callback/optional5 ok 30 /option/arg/callback/optional6 ok 31 /option/arg/callback/optional7 ok 32 /option/arg/callback/optional8 # End of callback tests # Start of remaining tests ok 33 /option/arg/remaining/callback ok 34 /option/arg/remaining/callback-false ok 35 /option/arg/remaining/non-option ok 36 /option/arg/remaining/separator ok 37 /option/arg/remaining/array # End of remaining tests # Start of ignore tests ok 38 /option/arg/ignore/long ok 39 /option/arg/ignore/short ok 40 /option/arg/ignore/arg # End of ignore tests # Start of rest tests ok 41 /option/arg/rest/non-option ok 42 /option/arg/rest/separator1 ok 43 /option/arg/rest/separator2 ok 44 /option/arg/rest/separator3 ok 45 /option/arg/rest/separator4 ok 46 /option/arg/rest/separator5 # End of rest tests # End of arg tests # Start of context tests ok 47 /option/context/add ok 48 /option/context/empty2 ok 49 /option/context/empty3 # End of context tests # Start of bug tests # Bug Reference: ok 50 /option/bug/unknown-short # Bug Reference: ok 51 /option/bug/lonely-dash # Bug Reference: ok 52 /option/bug/missing-arg # Bug Reference: ok 53 /option/bug/dash-arg # Bug Reference: ok 54 /option/bug/short-remaining # Bug Reference: ok 55 /option/bug/double-free # End of bug tests # End of option tests PASS: glib/option-context.test Running test: glib/thumbnail-verification.test # random seed: R02S8c075edb8cda5de47f017e545d7aecec 1..1 # Start of png-thumbs tests ok 1 /png-thumbs/validity # End of png-thumbs tests PASS: glib/thumbnail-verification.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-jpeg.test # random seed: R02Sc8eeecd1bafafff98ad0081e5f6b401c 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of jpeg tests ok 1 /pixbuf/jpeg/inverted_cmyk_jpeg ok 2 /pixbuf/jpeg/type9_rotation_exif_tag ok 3 /pixbuf/jpeg/bug775218 ok 4 /pixbuf/jpeg/comment # End of jpeg tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-jpeg.test Running test: glib/threadtests.test # random seed: R02S1caca81debf5151617e8d1081c49d2d1 1..2 # Start of GObject tests ok 1 /GObject/threaded-object-init ok 2 /GObject/threaded-weak-ref # End of GObject tests PASS: glib/threadtests.test Running test: glib/list.test # random seed: R02Sc3029c06cee424c47861e411ea2f8988 1..18 # Start of list tests ok 1 /list/sort ok 2 /list/sort-with-data ok 3 /list/insert-sorted ok 4 /list/insert-sorted-with-data ok 5 /list/reverse ok 6 /list/nth ok 7 /list/concat ok 8 /list/remove ok 9 /list/remove-all ok 10 /list/first-last ok 11 /list/insert ok 12 /list/free-full ok 13 /list/copy ok 14 /list/copy-deep ok 15 /list/delete-link ok 16 /list/prepend ok 17 /list/position ok 18 /list/double-free # End of list tests PASS: glib/list.test Running test: glib/file.test # random seed: R02S0fbb9a46b25701c6cc1dd87333db3582 1..16 # Start of file tests ok 1 /file/basic ok 2 /file/parent ok 3 /file/child ok 4 /file/type ok 5 /file/parse-name ok 6 /file/replace-load # Bug Reference: ok 7 /file/replace-cancel ok 8 /file/async-delete ok 9 /file/copy-preserve-mode ok 10 /file/measure ok 11 /file/measure-async # Start of async-create-delete tests ok 12 /file/async-create-delete/0 ok 13 /file/async-create-delete/1 ok 14 /file/async-create-delete/10 ok 15 /file/async-create-delete/25 ok 16 /file/async-create-delete/4096 # End of async-create-delete tests # End of file tests PASS: glib/file.test Running test: pango/markup-parse.test /markup/parse/fail-4.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-7.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-3.markup: OK /markup/parse/fail-2.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-8.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-9.markup: OK /markup/parse/fail-5.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-6.markup: OK /markup/parse/fail-1.markup: OK /markup/parse/fail-3.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-1.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-2.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-4.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-5.markup: OK PASS: pango/markup-parse.test Running test: glib/utf8-pointer.test # random seed: R02Saf5710e50c0d631388ec81f90b086a68 1..3 # Start of utf8 tests ok 1 /utf8/offsets ok 2 /utf8/lengths ok 3 /utf8/find # End of utf8 tests PASS: glib/utf8-pointer.test Running test: glib/bit-test.test PASS: glib/bit-test.test Running test: glib/g-icon.test # random seed: R02S818195075c8e1d6579c4dc41c314daa0 1..6 # Start of icons tests ok 1 /icons/to-string ok 2 /icons/serialize ok 3 /icons/themed ok 4 /icons/emblemed ok 5 /icons/file ok 6 /icons/bytes # End of icons tests PASS: glib/g-icon.test Running test: glib/gdbus-close-pending.test # random seed: R02S6244b822954a06c02bd765d2dd9f4654 1..2 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/close-pending ok 2 /gdbus/unref-pending # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-close-pending.test Running test: glib/testing.test # random seed: R02S552c082b1eae6fa9aa24d8e193736c93 1..25 # Start of random-generator tests ok 1 /random-generator/rand-1 ok 2 /random-generator/rand-2 ok 3 /random-generator/random-conversions # End of random-generator tests # Start of misc tests ok 4 /misc/assertions ok 5 /misc/test-data ok 6 /misc/primetoul ok 7 /misc/fatal-log-handler ok 8 /misc/expected-messages ok 9 /misc/dash-p ok 10 /misc/nonfatal ok 11 /misc/skip # SKIP Skipped should count as passed, not failed ok 12 /misc/skip-all ok 13 /misc/fail ok 14 /misc/incomplete ok 15 /misc/timeout # Start of assertions tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of assertions tests # Start of fatal-log-handler tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of fatal-log-handler tests # Start of expected-messages tests ok 16 /misc/expected-messages/expect-error # Test-DEBUG: should be ignored ok 17 /misc/expected-messages/skip-debug # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of expected-messages tests # Start of dash-p tests ok 18 /misc/dash-p/child # Start of child tests ok 19 /misc/dash-p/child/sub ok 20 /misc/dash-p/child/sub2 # Start of sub tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of sub tests # End of child tests # Start of subprocess tests # Start of hidden tests # End of hidden tests # End of subprocess tests # End of dash-p tests # Start of skip-all tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of skip-all tests # End of misc tests # Start of forking tests # testing:ERROR:../../../glib-2.54.2/glib/tests/testing.c:127:test_fork_fail: code should not be reached ok 21 /forking/fail assertion ok 22 /forking/patterns # End of forking tests # Start of trap_subprocess tests ok 23 /trap_subprocess/fail ok 24 /trap_subprocess/no-such-test ok 25 /trap_subprocess/patterns # End of trap_subprocess tests PASS: glib/testing.test Running test: glib/deftype.test PASS: glib/deftype.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-readonly-to-mutable.test # random seed: R02Sf08328d4e311d06f7af718e97564f7f7 1..2 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of readonly tests ok 1 /pixbuf/readonly/mutate ok 2 /pixbuf/readonly/readpixelbytes # End of readonly tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-readonly-to-mutable.test Running test: glib/glistmodel.test # random seed: R02S08318052d6e058d162d20bf6521477c2 1..3 # Start of glistmodel tests # Start of store tests ok 1 /glistmodel/store/boundaries ok 2 /glistmodel/store/refcounts ok 3 /glistmodel/store/sorted # End of store tests # End of glistmodel tests PASS: glib/glistmodel.test Running test: glib/rwlock.test # random seed: R02S496988e127807b05f439d25f1a5f5c7c 1..8 # Start of thread tests ok 1 /thread/rwlock1 ok 2 /thread/rwlock2 ok 3 /thread/rwlock3 ok 4 /thread/rwlock4 ok 5 /thread/rwlock5 ok 6 /thread/rwlock6 ok 7 /thread/rwlock7 ok 8 /thread/rwlock8 # End of thread tests PASS: glib/rwlock.test Running test: glib/appmonitor.test # random seed: R02S5697359212d4c3ef617eb481abc8467a 1..1 # Start of monitor tests # Using data directory: /tmp/gio-test-app-monitor_PAZQEZ ok 1 /monitor/app # End of monitor tests PASS: glib/appmonitor.test Running test: pango/test-ot-tags.test /tags/script: OK /tags/language: OK PASS: pango/test-ot-tags.test Running test: glib/error.test # random seed: R02Sc68c4afdc1f20015f06dde1831a7e473 1..4 # Start of error tests ok 1 /error/overwrite ok 2 /error/prefix ok 3 /error/literal ok 4 /error/copy # End of error tests PASS: glib/error.test Running test: glib/logging.test # random seed: R02S1f4a5d37cc46e0093691938991d7b3ba 1..16 # Start of logging tests ok 1 /logging/default-handler ok 2 /logging/warnings ok 3 /logging/fatal-log-mask # bu-DEBUG: message # ba-DEBUG: message # ba-INFO: message ok 4 /logging/set-handler ok 5 /logging/print-handler ok 6 /logging/printerr-handler # Bug Reference: # The Log Message Handler # The Good Fail Message Handler ok 7 /logging/653052 ok 8 /logging/gibberish # Start of default-handler tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of default-handler tests # End of logging tests # Start of structured-logging tests ok 9 /structured-logging/no-state ok 10 /structured-logging/some-state # The Log Message Handler ok 11 /structured-logging/robustness ok 12 /structured-logging/roundtrip1 ok 13 /structured-logging/roundtrip2 ok 14 /structured-logging/roundtrip3 ok 15 /structured-logging/variant1 ok 16 /structured-logging/variant2 # End of structured-logging tests PASS: glib/logging.test Running test: glib/fileutils.test # random seed: R02Scad58d83dab8cadc318b3e143748e426 1..15 # Start of fileutils tests ok 1 /fileutils/build-path ok 2 /fileutils/build-pathv ok 3 /fileutils/build-filename ok 4 /fileutils/build-filenamev ok 5 /fileutils/mkdir-with-parents ok 6 /fileutils/format-size-for-display ok 7 /fileutils/errors ok 8 /fileutils/basename ok 9 /fileutils/dir-make-tmp ok 10 /fileutils/file-open-tmp ok 11 /fileutils/mkstemp ok 12 /fileutils/mkdtemp ok 13 /fileutils/set-contents ok 14 /fileutils/read-link ok 15 /fileutils/stdio-wrappers # End of fileutils tests PASS: glib/fileutils.test Running test: glib/dynamictests.test # random seed: R02S993aae13aca92296c432fbc4e645df56 1..2 # Start of GObject tests ok 1 /GObject/threaded-dynamic-ref-unref-init ok 2 /GObject/dynamic-interface-properties # End of GObject tests PASS: glib/dynamictests.test Running test: pango/test-pangocairo-threads.test PASS: pango/test-pangocairo-threads.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-icon-serialize.test # random seed: R02Sd79dd97f81ca390e66f0fb01e58257ac 1..1 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of icon tests ok 1 /pixbuf/icon/serialize # End of icon tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-icon-serialize.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-icc.test # random seed: R02S221396ce979e8db91cb74d8fd9685e49 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of icc tests ok 1 /pixbuf/icc/png ok 2 /pixbuf/icc/jpeg # Start of png tests ok 3 /pixbuf/icc/png/incremental # End of png tests # Start of jpeg tests ok 4 /pixbuf/icc/jpeg/incremental # End of jpeg tests # End of icc tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-icc.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-reftest.test # random seed: R02S9c695935ee8bd8293745adc227c9e0e1 1..52 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of reftest tests ok 1 /pixbuf/reftest/bug696331.png ok 2 /pixbuf/reftest/bug785447.ico ok 3 /pixbuf/reftest/cat.jpg ok 4 /pixbuf/reftest/colormap-too-small.tga ok 5 /pixbuf/reftest/mandatory-bitmasks.bmp ok 6 /pixbuf/reftest/rle-too-many-pixels-2.tga ok 7 /pixbuf/reftest/rle-too-many-pixels.tga ok 8 /pixbuf/reftest/squares.ico # Start of tga tests ok 9 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 10 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 11 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-top-left.tga ok 12 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-top-right.tga ok 13 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 14 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 15 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-top-left.tga ok 16 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-top-right.tga ok 17 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 18 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 19 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-top-left.tga ok 20 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-top-right.tga ok 21 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 22 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 23 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-top-left.tga ok 24 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-top-right.tga ok 25 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 26 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 27 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-top-left.tga ok 28 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-top-right.tga ok 29 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 30 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 31 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-top-left.tga ok 32 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-top-right.tga ok 33 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 34 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 35 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-top-left.tga ok 36 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-top-right.tga ok 37 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 38 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 39 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-top-left.tga ok 40 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-top-right.tga ok 41 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 42 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 43 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-top-left.tga ok 44 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-top-right.tga ok 45 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 46 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 47 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-top-left.tga ok 48 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-top-right.tga ok 49 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-bottom-left.tga ok 50 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-bottom-right.tga ok 51 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-top-left.tga ok 52 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-top-right.tga # End of tga tests # End of reftest tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-reftest.test Running test: glib/gdbus-proxy-well-known-name.test # random seed: R02S5a9dc4d685c7c2567a9a9837fec81a95 1..1 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/proxy-well-known-name # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-proxy-well-known-name.test Running test: glib/mutex.test # random seed: R02Sbf74b5cd1fd82de773b1fdd036572924 1..5 # Start of thread tests ok 1 /thread/mutex1 ok 2 /thread/mutex2 ok 3 /thread/mutex3 ok 4 /thread/mutex4 ok 5 /thread/mutex5 # End of thread tests PASS: glib/mutex.test Running test: glib/markup-collect.test # random seed: R02Sebb95911631bf7dcdf3542f9b4e156fe 1..21 # Start of markup tests # Start of collect tests ok 1 /markup/collect/0 ok 2 /markup/collect/1 ok 3 /markup/collect/2 ok 4 /markup/collect/3 ok 5 /markup/collect/4 ok 6 /markup/collect/5 ok 7 /markup/collect/6 ok 8 /markup/collect/7 ok 9 /markup/collect/8 ok 10 /markup/collect/9 ok 11 /markup/collect/10 ok 12 /markup/collect/11 ok 13 /markup/collect/12 ok 14 /markup/collect/13 ok 15 /markup/collect/14 ok 16 /markup/collect/15 ok 17 /markup/collect/16 ok 18 /markup/collect/17 ok 19 /markup/collect/18 ok 20 /markup/collect/19 ok 21 /markup/collect/cleanup # End of collect tests # End of markup tests PASS: glib/markup-collect.test Running test: glib/mappedfile.test # random seed: R02S14ece1fd339d723a9301e1687d24882b 1..7 # Start of mappedfile tests ok 1 /mappedfile/basic ok 2 /mappedfile/empty ok 3 /mappedfile/device ok 4 /mappedfile/nonexisting ok 5 /mappedfile/writable ok 6 /mappedfile/writable_fd ok 7 /mappedfile/gbytes # End of mappedfile tests PASS: glib/mappedfile.test Running test: glib/buffered-output-stream.test # random seed: R02Sf78da2d3075ef3a9bd44d2d601795bb4 1..5 # Start of buffered-output-stream tests ok 1 /buffered-output-stream/write ok 2 /buffered-output-stream/grow ok 3 /buffered-output-stream/seek ok 4 /buffered-output-stream/truncate # End of buffered-output-stream tests # Start of filter-output-stream tests ok 5 /filter-output-stream/close # End of filter-output-stream tests PASS: glib/buffered-output-stream.test Running test: glib/gdbus-connection-flush.test # random seed: R02Sd43bb1fa1ae097b3196df25f5fc02b0e 1..2 # Start of gdbus tests # Start of connection tests # Start of flush tests ok 1 /gdbus/connection/flush/busy ok 2 /gdbus/connection/flush/idle # End of flush tests # End of connection tests # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-connection-flush.test Running test: glib/memory-output-stream.test # random seed: R02S7987c1435aa68d59e2f83ac71d69b3fe 1..7 # Start of memory-output-stream tests # Bug Reference: # Bug Reference: ok 1 /memory-output-stream/truncate # Bug Reference: # Bug Reference: ok 2 /memory-output-stream/get-data-size # Bug Reference: ok 3 /memory-output-stream/properties ok 4 /memory-output-stream/write-bytes ok 5 /memory-output-stream/steal_as_bytes # Start of seek tests ok 6 /memory-output-stream/seek/fixed ok 7 /memory-output-stream/seek/resizable # End of seek tests # End of memory-output-stream tests PASS: glib/memory-output-stream.test Running test: glib/data-input-stream.test # random seed: R02S34d7ba36af9f6450ba028fa573258519 1..10 # Start of data-input-stream tests ok 1 /data-input-stream/basic ok 2 /data-input-stream/read-lines-LF ok 3 /data-input-stream/read-lines-LF-valid-utf8 ok 4 /data-input-stream/read-lines-LF-invalid-utf8 ok 5 /data-input-stream/read-lines-CR ok 6 /data-input-stream/read-lines-CR-LF ok 7 /data-input-stream/read-lines-any ok 8 /data-input-stream/read-until ok 9 /data-input-stream/read-upto ok 10 /data-input-stream/read-int # End of data-input-stream tests PASS: glib/data-input-stream.test Running test: glib/closure.test # random seed: R02Sf8eb76e47a48ed7f9e4b49a25e61588d 1..6 # Start of closure tests ok 1 /closure/idle ok 2 /closure/timeout ok 3 /closure/iochannel ok 4 /closure/child ok 5 /closure/fd ok 6 /closure/signal # End of closure tests PASS: glib/closure.test Running test: pango/testscript.test /script/iter: OK PASS: pango/testscript.test Running test: glib/boxed.test # random seed: R02S439bcee15c864500f3ee11bb4d12667e 1..24 # Start of boxed tests ok 1 /boxed/define ok 2 /boxed/ownership ok 3 /boxed/closure ok 4 /boxed/date ok 5 /boxed/value ok 6 /boxed/string ok 7 /boxed/hashtable ok 8 /boxed/array ok 9 /boxed/ptrarray ok 10 /boxed/regex ok 11 /boxed/varianttype ok 12 /boxed/error ok 13 /boxed/datetime ok 14 /boxed/matchinfo ok 15 /boxed/keyfile ok 16 /boxed/mainloop ok 17 /boxed/maincontext ok 18 /boxed/source ok 19 /boxed/variantbuilder ok 20 /boxed/timezone ok 21 /boxed/pollfd ok 22 /boxed/markup ok 23 /boxed/thread ok 24 /boxed/checksum # End of boxed tests PASS: glib/boxed.test Running test: glib/unix-streams.test # random seed: R02S5645dd50f88d0252c28d0027ccc74a51 1..3 # Start of unix-streams tests ok 1 /unix-streams/basic ok 2 /unix-streams/pipe-io-test ok 3 /unix-streams/nonblocking-io-test # End of unix-streams tests PASS: glib/unix-streams.test Running test: glib/checksum.test # random seed: R02S0c0040eeb48bb9bd1e322fc0ae53f021 1..1851 # Start of checksum tests ok 1 /checksum/unsupported # Start of MD5 tests ok 2 /checksum/MD5/0 ok 3 /checksum/MD5/1 ok 4 /checksum/MD5/2 ok 5 /checksum/MD5/3 ok 6 /checksum/MD5/4 ok 7 /checksum/MD5/5 ok 8 /checksum/MD5/6 ok 9 /checksum/MD5/7 ok 10 /checksum/MD5/8 ok 11 /checksum/MD5/9 ok 12 /checksum/MD5/10 ok 13 /checksum/MD5/11 ok 14 /checksum/MD5/12 ok 15 /checksum/MD5/13 ok 16 /checksum/MD5/14 ok 17 /checksum/MD5/15 ok 18 /checksum/MD5/16 ok 19 /checksum/MD5/17 ok 20 /checksum/MD5/18 ok 21 /checksum/MD5/19 ok 22 /checksum/MD5/20 ok 23 /checksum/MD5/21 ok 24 /checksum/MD5/22 ok 25 /checksum/MD5/23 ok 26 /checksum/MD5/24 ok 27 /checksum/MD5/25 ok 28 /checksum/MD5/26 ok 29 /checksum/MD5/27 ok 30 /checksum/MD5/28 ok 31 /checksum/MD5/29 ok 32 /checksum/MD5/30 ok 33 /checksum/MD5/31 ok 34 /checksum/MD5/32 ok 35 /checksum/MD5/33 ok 36 /checksum/MD5/34 ok 37 /checksum/MD5/35 ok 38 /checksum/MD5/36 ok 39 /checksum/MD5/37 ok 40 /checksum/MD5/38 ok 41 /checksum/MD5/39 ok 42 /checksum/MD5/40 ok 43 /checksum/MD5/41 ok 44 /checksum/MD5/42 ok 45 /checksum/MD5/43 ok 46 /checksum/MD5/44 ok 47 /checksum/MD5/45 ok 48 /checksum/MD5/46 ok 49 /checksum/MD5/47 ok 50 /checksum/MD5/48 ok 51 /checksum/MD5/49 ok 52 /checksum/MD5/50 ok 53 /checksum/MD5/51 ok 54 /checksum/MD5/52 ok 55 /checksum/MD5/53 ok 56 /checksum/MD5/54 ok 57 /checksum/MD5/55 ok 58 /checksum/MD5/56 ok 59 /checksum/MD5/57 ok 60 /checksum/MD5/58 ok 61 /checksum/MD5/59 ok 62 /checksum/MD5/60 ok 63 /checksum/MD5/61 ok 64 /checksum/MD5/62 ok 65 /checksum/MD5/63 ok 66 /checksum/MD5/64 ok 67 /checksum/MD5/65 ok 68 /checksum/MD5/66 ok 69 /checksum/MD5/67 ok 70 /checksum/MD5/68 ok 71 /checksum/MD5/69 ok 72 /checksum/MD5/70 ok 73 /checksum/MD5/71 ok 74 /checksum/MD5/72 ok 75 /checksum/MD5/73 ok 76 /checksum/MD5/74 ok 77 /checksum/MD5/75 ok 78 /checksum/MD5/76 ok 79 /checksum/MD5/77 ok 80 /checksum/MD5/78 ok 81 /checksum/MD5/79 ok 82 /checksum/MD5/80 ok 83 /checksum/MD5/81 ok 84 /checksum/MD5/82 ok 85 /checksum/MD5/83 ok 86 /checksum/MD5/84 ok 87 /checksum/MD5/85 ok 88 /checksum/MD5/86 ok 89 /checksum/MD5/87 ok 90 /checksum/MD5/88 ok 91 /checksum/MD5/89 ok 92 /checksum/MD5/90 ok 93 /checksum/MD5/91 ok 94 /checksum/MD5/92 ok 95 /checksum/MD5/93 ok 96 /checksum/MD5/94 ok 97 /checksum/MD5/95 ok 98 /checksum/MD5/96 ok 99 /checksum/MD5/97 ok 100 /checksum/MD5/98 ok 101 /checksum/MD5/99 ok 102 /checksum/MD5/100 ok 103 /checksum/MD5/101 ok 104 /checksum/MD5/102 ok 105 /checksum/MD5/103 ok 106 /checksum/MD5/104 ok 107 /checksum/MD5/105 ok 108 /checksum/MD5/106 ok 109 /checksum/MD5/107 ok 110 /checksum/MD5/108 ok 111 /checksum/MD5/109 ok 112 /checksum/MD5/110 ok 113 /checksum/MD5/111 ok 114 /checksum/MD5/112 ok 115 /checksum/MD5/113 ok 116 /checksum/MD5/114 ok 117 /checksum/MD5/115 ok 118 /checksum/MD5/116 ok 119 /checksum/MD5/117 ok 120 /checksum/MD5/118 ok 121 /checksum/MD5/119 ok 122 /checksum/MD5/120 ok 123 /checksum/MD5/121 ok 124 /checksum/MD5/122 ok 125 /checksum/MD5/123 ok 126 /checksum/MD5/124 ok 127 /checksum/MD5/125 ok 128 /checksum/MD5/126 ok 129 /checksum/MD5/127 ok 130 /checksum/MD5/128 ok 131 /checksum/MD5/129 ok 132 /checksum/MD5/130 ok 133 /checksum/MD5/131 ok 134 /checksum/MD5/132 ok 135 /checksum/MD5/133 ok 136 /checksum/MD5/134 ok 137 /checksum/MD5/135 ok 138 /checksum/MD5/136 ok 139 /checksum/MD5/137 ok 140 /checksum/MD5/138 ok 141 /checksum/MD5/139 ok 142 /checksum/MD5/140 ok 143 /checksum/MD5/141 ok 144 /checksum/MD5/142 ok 145 /checksum/MD5/143 ok 146 /checksum/MD5/144 ok 147 /checksum/MD5/145 ok 148 /checksum/MD5/146 ok 149 /checksum/MD5/147 ok 150 /checksum/MD5/148 ok 151 /checksum/MD5/149 ok 152 /checksum/MD5/150 ok 153 /checksum/MD5/151 ok 154 /checksum/MD5/152 ok 155 /checksum/MD5/153 ok 156 /checksum/MD5/154 ok 157 /checksum/MD5/155 ok 158 /checksum/MD5/156 ok 159 /checksum/MD5/157 ok 160 /checksum/MD5/158 ok 161 /checksum/MD5/159 ok 162 /checksum/MD5/160 ok 163 /checksum/MD5/161 ok 164 /checksum/MD5/162 ok 165 /checksum/MD5/163 ok 166 /checksum/MD5/164 ok 167 /checksum/MD5/165 ok 168 /checksum/MD5/166 ok 169 /checksum/MD5/167 ok 170 /checksum/MD5/168 ok 171 /checksum/MD5/169 ok 172 /checksum/MD5/170 ok 173 /checksum/MD5/171 ok 174 /checksum/MD5/172 ok 175 /checksum/MD5/173 ok 176 /checksum/MD5/174 ok 177 /checksum/MD5/175 ok 178 /checksum/MD5/176 ok 179 /checksum/MD5/177 ok 180 /checksum/MD5/178 ok 181 /checksum/MD5/179 ok 182 /checksum/MD5/180 ok 183 /checksum/MD5/181 ok 184 /checksum/MD5/182 ok 185 /checksum/MD5/183 ok 186 /checksum/MD5/string ok 187 /checksum/MD5/bytes # Start of reset tests ok 188 /checksum/MD5/reset/0 ok 189 /checksum/MD5/reset/1 ok 190 /checksum/MD5/reset/2 ok 191 /checksum/MD5/reset/3 ok 192 /checksum/MD5/reset/4 ok 193 /checksum/MD5/reset/5 ok 194 /checksum/MD5/reset/6 ok 195 /checksum/MD5/reset/7 ok 196 /checksum/MD5/reset/8 ok 197 /checksum/MD5/reset/9 ok 198 /checksum/MD5/reset/10 ok 199 /checksum/MD5/reset/11 ok 200 /checksum/MD5/reset/12 ok 201 /checksum/MD5/reset/13 ok 202 /checksum/MD5/reset/14 ok 203 /checksum/MD5/reset/15 ok 204 /checksum/MD5/reset/16 ok 205 /checksum/MD5/reset/17 ok 206 /checksum/MD5/reset/18 ok 207 /checksum/MD5/reset/19 ok 208 /checksum/MD5/reset/20 ok 209 /checksum/MD5/reset/21 ok 210 /checksum/MD5/reset/22 ok 211 /checksum/MD5/reset/23 ok 212 /checksum/MD5/reset/24 ok 213 /checksum/MD5/reset/25 ok 214 /checksum/MD5/reset/26 ok 215 /checksum/MD5/reset/27 ok 216 /checksum/MD5/reset/28 ok 217 /checksum/MD5/reset/29 ok 218 /checksum/MD5/reset/30 ok 219 /checksum/MD5/reset/31 ok 220 /checksum/MD5/reset/32 ok 221 /checksum/MD5/reset/33 ok 222 /checksum/MD5/reset/34 ok 223 /checksum/MD5/reset/35 ok 224 /checksum/MD5/reset/36 ok 225 /checksum/MD5/reset/37 ok 226 /checksum/MD5/reset/38 ok 227 /checksum/MD5/reset/39 ok 228 /checksum/MD5/reset/40 ok 229 /checksum/MD5/reset/41 ok 230 /checksum/MD5/reset/42 ok 231 /checksum/MD5/reset/43 ok 232 /checksum/MD5/reset/44 ok 233 /checksum/MD5/reset/45 ok 234 /checksum/MD5/reset/46 ok 235 /checksum/MD5/reset/47 ok 236 /checksum/MD5/reset/48 ok 237 /checksum/MD5/reset/49 ok 238 /checksum/MD5/reset/50 ok 239 /checksum/MD5/reset/51 ok 240 /checksum/MD5/reset/52 ok 241 /checksum/MD5/reset/53 ok 242 /checksum/MD5/reset/54 ok 243 /checksum/MD5/reset/55 ok 244 /checksum/MD5/reset/56 ok 245 /checksum/MD5/reset/57 ok 246 /checksum/MD5/reset/58 ok 247 /checksum/MD5/reset/59 ok 248 /checksum/MD5/reset/60 ok 249 /checksum/MD5/reset/61 ok 250 /checksum/MD5/reset/62 ok 251 /checksum/MD5/reset/63 ok 252 /checksum/MD5/reset/64 ok 253 /checksum/MD5/reset/65 ok 254 /checksum/MD5/reset/66 ok 255 /checksum/MD5/reset/67 ok 256 /checksum/MD5/reset/68 ok 257 /checksum/MD5/reset/69 ok 258 /checksum/MD5/reset/70 ok 259 /checksum/MD5/reset/71 ok 260 /checksum/MD5/reset/72 ok 261 /checksum/MD5/reset/73 ok 262 /checksum/MD5/reset/74 ok 263 /checksum/MD5/reset/75 ok 264 /checksum/MD5/reset/76 ok 265 /checksum/MD5/reset/77 ok 266 /checksum/MD5/reset/78 ok 267 /checksum/MD5/reset/79 ok 268 /checksum/MD5/reset/80 ok 269 /checksum/MD5/reset/81 ok 270 /checksum/MD5/reset/82 ok 271 /checksum/MD5/reset/83 ok 272 /checksum/MD5/reset/84 ok 273 /checksum/MD5/reset/85 ok 274 /checksum/MD5/reset/86 ok 275 /checksum/MD5/reset/87 ok 276 /checksum/MD5/reset/88 ok 277 /checksum/MD5/reset/89 ok 278 /checksum/MD5/reset/90 ok 279 /checksum/MD5/reset/91 ok 280 /checksum/MD5/reset/92 ok 281 /checksum/MD5/reset/93 ok 282 /checksum/MD5/reset/94 ok 283 /checksum/MD5/reset/95 ok 284 /checksum/MD5/reset/96 ok 285 /checksum/MD5/reset/97 ok 286 /checksum/MD5/reset/98 ok 287 /checksum/MD5/reset/99 ok 288 /checksum/MD5/reset/100 ok 289 /checksum/MD5/reset/101 ok 290 /checksum/MD5/reset/102 ok 291 /checksum/MD5/reset/103 ok 292 /checksum/MD5/reset/104 ok 293 /checksum/MD5/reset/105 ok 294 /checksum/MD5/reset/106 ok 295 /checksum/MD5/reset/107 ok 296 /checksum/MD5/reset/108 ok 297 /checksum/MD5/reset/109 ok 298 /checksum/MD5/reset/110 ok 299 /checksum/MD5/reset/111 ok 300 /checksum/MD5/reset/112 ok 301 /checksum/MD5/reset/113 ok 302 /checksum/MD5/reset/114 ok 303 /checksum/MD5/reset/115 ok 304 /checksum/MD5/reset/116 ok 305 /checksum/MD5/reset/117 ok 306 /checksum/MD5/reset/118 ok 307 /checksum/MD5/reset/119 ok 308 /checksum/MD5/reset/120 ok 309 /checksum/MD5/reset/121 ok 310 /checksum/MD5/reset/122 ok 311 /checksum/MD5/reset/123 ok 312 /checksum/MD5/reset/124 ok 313 /checksum/MD5/reset/125 ok 314 /checksum/MD5/reset/126 ok 315 /checksum/MD5/reset/127 ok 316 /checksum/MD5/reset/128 ok 317 /checksum/MD5/reset/129 ok 318 /checksum/MD5/reset/130 ok 319 /checksum/MD5/reset/131 ok 320 /checksum/MD5/reset/132 ok 321 /checksum/MD5/reset/133 ok 322 /checksum/MD5/reset/134 ok 323 /checksum/MD5/reset/135 ok 324 /checksum/MD5/reset/136 ok 325 /checksum/MD5/reset/137 ok 326 /checksum/MD5/reset/138 ok 327 /checksum/MD5/reset/139 ok 328 /checksum/MD5/reset/140 ok 329 /checksum/MD5/reset/141 ok 330 /checksum/MD5/reset/142 ok 331 /checksum/MD5/reset/143 ok 332 /checksum/MD5/reset/144 ok 333 /checksum/MD5/reset/145 ok 334 /checksum/MD5/reset/146 ok 335 /checksum/MD5/reset/147 ok 336 /checksum/MD5/reset/148 ok 337 /checksum/MD5/reset/149 ok 338 /checksum/MD5/reset/150 ok 339 /checksum/MD5/reset/151 ok 340 /checksum/MD5/reset/152 ok 341 /checksum/MD5/reset/153 ok 342 /checksum/MD5/reset/154 ok 343 /checksum/MD5/reset/155 ok 344 /checksum/MD5/reset/156 ok 345 /checksum/MD5/reset/157 ok 346 /checksum/MD5/reset/158 ok 347 /checksum/MD5/reset/159 ok 348 /checksum/MD5/reset/160 ok 349 /checksum/MD5/reset/161 ok 350 /checksum/MD5/reset/162 ok 351 /checksum/MD5/reset/163 ok 352 /checksum/MD5/reset/164 ok 353 /checksum/MD5/reset/165 ok 354 /checksum/MD5/reset/166 ok 355 /checksum/MD5/reset/167 ok 356 /checksum/MD5/reset/168 ok 357 /checksum/MD5/reset/169 ok 358 /checksum/MD5/reset/170 ok 359 /checksum/MD5/reset/171 ok 360 /checksum/MD5/reset/172 ok 361 /checksum/MD5/reset/173 ok 362 /checksum/MD5/reset/174 ok 363 /checksum/MD5/reset/175 ok 364 /checksum/MD5/reset/176 ok 365 /checksum/MD5/reset/177 ok 366 /checksum/MD5/reset/178 ok 367 /checksum/MD5/reset/179 ok 368 /checksum/MD5/reset/180 ok 369 /checksum/MD5/reset/181 ok 370 /checksum/MD5/reset/182 ok 371 /checksum/MD5/reset/183 # End of reset tests # End of MD5 tests # Start of SHA1 tests ok 372 /checksum/SHA1/0 ok 373 /checksum/SHA1/1 ok 374 /checksum/SHA1/2 ok 375 /checksum/SHA1/3 ok 376 /checksum/SHA1/4 ok 377 /checksum/SHA1/5 ok 378 /checksum/SHA1/6 ok 379 /checksum/SHA1/7 ok 380 /checksum/SHA1/8 ok 381 /checksum/SHA1/9 ok 382 /checksum/SHA1/10 ok 383 /checksum/SHA1/11 ok 384 /checksum/SHA1/12 ok 385 /checksum/SHA1/13 ok 386 /checksum/SHA1/14 ok 387 /checksum/SHA1/15 ok 388 /checksum/SHA1/16 ok 389 /checksum/SHA1/17 ok 390 /checksum/SHA1/18 ok 391 /checksum/SHA1/19 ok 392 /checksum/SHA1/20 ok 393 /checksum/SHA1/21 ok 394 /checksum/SHA1/22 ok 395 /checksum/SHA1/23 ok 396 /checksum/SHA1/24 ok 397 /checksum/SHA1/25 ok 398 /checksum/SHA1/26 ok 399 /checksum/SHA1/27 ok 400 /checksum/SHA1/28 ok 401 /checksum/SHA1/29 ok 402 /checksum/SHA1/30 ok 403 /checksum/SHA1/31 ok 404 /checksum/SHA1/32 ok 405 /checksum/SHA1/33 ok 406 /checksum/SHA1/34 ok 407 /checksum/SHA1/35 ok 408 /checksum/SHA1/36 ok 409 /checksum/SHA1/37 ok 410 /checksum/SHA1/38 ok 411 /checksum/SHA1/39 ok 412 /checksum/SHA1/40 ok 413 /checksum/SHA1/41 ok 414 /checksum/SHA1/42 ok 415 /checksum/SHA1/43 ok 416 /checksum/SHA1/44 ok 417 /checksum/SHA1/45 ok 418 /checksum/SHA1/46 ok 419 /checksum/SHA1/47 ok 420 /checksum/SHA1/48 ok 421 /checksum/SHA1/49 ok 422 /checksum/SHA1/50 ok 423 /checksum/SHA1/51 ok 424 /checksum/SHA1/52 ok 425 /checksum/SHA1/53 ok 426 /checksum/SHA1/54 ok 427 /checksum/SHA1/55 ok 428 /checksum/SHA1/56 ok 429 /checksum/SHA1/57 ok 430 /checksum/SHA1/58 ok 431 /checksum/SHA1/59 ok 432 /checksum/SHA1/60 ok 433 /checksum/SHA1/61 ok 434 /checksum/SHA1/62 ok 435 /checksum/SHA1/63 ok 436 /checksum/SHA1/64 ok 437 /checksum/SHA1/65 ok 438 /checksum/SHA1/66 ok 439 /checksum/SHA1/67 ok 440 /checksum/SHA1/68 ok 441 /checksum/SHA1/69 ok 442 /checksum/SHA1/70 ok 443 /checksum/SHA1/71 ok 444 /checksum/SHA1/72 ok 445 /checksum/SHA1/73 ok 446 /checksum/SHA1/74 ok 447 /checksum/SHA1/75 ok 448 /checksum/SHA1/76 ok 449 /checksum/SHA1/77 ok 450 /checksum/SHA1/78 ok 451 /checksum/SHA1/79 ok 452 /checksum/SHA1/80 ok 453 /checksum/SHA1/81 ok 454 /checksum/SHA1/82 ok 455 /checksum/SHA1/83 ok 456 /checksum/SHA1/84 ok 457 /checksum/SHA1/85 ok 458 /checksum/SHA1/86 ok 459 /checksum/SHA1/87 ok 460 /checksum/SHA1/88 ok 461 /checksum/SHA1/89 ok 462 /checksum/SHA1/90 ok 463 /checksum/SHA1/91 ok 464 /checksum/SHA1/92 ok 465 /checksum/SHA1/93 ok 466 /checksum/SHA1/94 ok 467 /checksum/SHA1/95 ok 468 /checksum/SHA1/96 ok 469 /checksum/SHA1/97 ok 470 /checksum/SHA1/98 ok 471 /checksum/SHA1/99 ok 472 /checksum/SHA1/100 ok 473 /checksum/SHA1/101 ok 474 /checksum/SHA1/102 ok 475 /checksum/SHA1/103 ok 476 /checksum/SHA1/104 ok 477 /checksum/SHA1/105 ok 478 /checksum/SHA1/106 ok 479 /checksum/SHA1/107 ok 480 /checksum/SHA1/108 ok 481 /checksum/SHA1/109 ok 482 /checksum/SHA1/110 ok 483 /checksum/SHA1/111 ok 484 /checksum/SHA1/112 ok 485 /checksum/SHA1/113 ok 486 /checksum/SHA1/114 ok 487 /checksum/SHA1/115 ok 488 /checksum/SHA1/116 ok 489 /checksum/SHA1/117 ok 490 /checksum/SHA1/118 ok 491 /checksum/SHA1/119 ok 492 /checksum/SHA1/120 ok 493 /checksum/SHA1/121 ok 494 /checksum/SHA1/122 ok 495 /checksum/SHA1/123 ok 496 /checksum/SHA1/124 ok 497 /checksum/SHA1/125 ok 498 /checksum/SHA1/126 ok 499 /checksum/SHA1/127 ok 500 /checksum/SHA1/128 ok 501 /checksum/SHA1/129 ok 502 /checksum/SHA1/130 ok 503 /checksum/SHA1/131 ok 504 /checksum/SHA1/132 ok 505 /checksum/SHA1/133 ok 506 /checksum/SHA1/134 ok 507 /checksum/SHA1/135 ok 508 /checksum/SHA1/136 ok 509 /checksum/SHA1/137 ok 510 /checksum/SHA1/138 ok 511 /checksum/SHA1/139 ok 512 /checksum/SHA1/140 ok 513 /checksum/SHA1/141 ok 514 /checksum/SHA1/142 ok 515 /checksum/SHA1/143 ok 516 /checksum/SHA1/144 ok 517 /checksum/SHA1/145 ok 518 /checksum/SHA1/146 ok 519 /checksum/SHA1/147 ok 520 /checksum/SHA1/148 ok 521 /checksum/SHA1/149 ok 522 /checksum/SHA1/150 ok 523 /checksum/SHA1/151 ok 524 /checksum/SHA1/152 ok 525 /checksum/SHA1/153 ok 526 /checksum/SHA1/154 ok 527 /checksum/SHA1/155 ok 528 /checksum/SHA1/156 ok 529 /checksum/SHA1/157 ok 530 /checksum/SHA1/158 ok 531 /checksum/SHA1/159 ok 532 /checksum/SHA1/160 ok 533 /checksum/SHA1/161 ok 534 /checksum/SHA1/162 ok 535 /checksum/SHA1/163 ok 536 /checksum/SHA1/164 ok 537 /checksum/SHA1/165 ok 538 /checksum/SHA1/166 ok 539 /checksum/SHA1/167 ok 540 /checksum/SHA1/168 ok 541 /checksum/SHA1/169 ok 542 /checksum/SHA1/170 ok 543 /checksum/SHA1/171 ok 544 /checksum/SHA1/172 ok 545 /checksum/SHA1/173 ok 546 /checksum/SHA1/174 ok 547 /checksum/SHA1/175 ok 548 /checksum/SHA1/176 ok 549 /checksum/SHA1/177 ok 550 /checksum/SHA1/178 ok 551 /checksum/SHA1/179 ok 552 /checksum/SHA1/180 ok 553 /checksum/SHA1/181 ok 554 /checksum/SHA1/182 ok 555 /checksum/SHA1/183 ok 556 /checksum/SHA1/string ok 557 /checksum/SHA1/bytes # Start of reset tests ok 558 /checksum/SHA1/reset/0 ok 559 /checksum/SHA1/reset/1 ok 560 /checksum/SHA1/reset/2 ok 561 /checksum/SHA1/reset/3 ok 562 /checksum/SHA1/reset/4 ok 563 /checksum/SHA1/reset/5 ok 564 /checksum/SHA1/reset/6 ok 565 /checksum/SHA1/reset/7 ok 566 /checksum/SHA1/reset/8 ok 567 /checksum/SHA1/reset/9 ok 568 /checksum/SHA1/reset/10 ok 569 /checksum/SHA1/reset/11 ok 570 /checksum/SHA1/reset/12 ok 571 /checksum/SHA1/reset/13 ok 572 /checksum/SHA1/reset/14 ok 573 /checksum/SHA1/reset/15 ok 574 /checksum/SHA1/reset/16 ok 575 /checksum/SHA1/reset/17 ok 576 /checksum/SHA1/reset/18 ok 577 /checksum/SHA1/reset/19 ok 578 /checksum/SHA1/reset/20 ok 579 /checksum/SHA1/reset/21 ok 580 /checksum/SHA1/reset/22 ok 581 /checksum/SHA1/reset/23 ok 582 /checksum/SHA1/reset/24 ok 583 /checksum/SHA1/reset/25 ok 584 /checksum/SHA1/reset/26 ok 585 /checksum/SHA1/reset/27 ok 586 /checksum/SHA1/reset/28 ok 587 /checksum/SHA1/reset/29 ok 588 /checksum/SHA1/reset/30 ok 589 /checksum/SHA1/reset/31 ok 590 /checksum/SHA1/reset/32 ok 591 /checksum/SHA1/reset/33 ok 592 /checksum/SHA1/reset/34 ok 593 /checksum/SHA1/reset/35 ok 594 /checksum/SHA1/reset/36 ok 595 /checksum/SHA1/reset/37 ok 596 /checksum/SHA1/reset/38 ok 597 /checksum/SHA1/reset/39 ok 598 /checksum/SHA1/reset/40 ok 599 /checksum/SHA1/reset/41 ok 600 /checksum/SHA1/reset/42 ok 601 /checksum/SHA1/reset/43 ok 602 /checksum/SHA1/reset/44 ok 603 /checksum/SHA1/reset/45 ok 604 /checksum/SHA1/reset/46 ok 605 /checksum/SHA1/reset/47 ok 606 /checksum/SHA1/reset/48 ok 607 /checksum/SHA1/reset/49 ok 608 /checksum/SHA1/reset/50 ok 609 /checksum/SHA1/reset/51 ok 610 /checksum/SHA1/reset/52 ok 611 /checksum/SHA1/reset/53 ok 612 /checksum/SHA1/reset/54 ok 613 /checksum/SHA1/reset/55 ok 614 /checksum/SHA1/reset/56 ok 615 /checksum/SHA1/reset/57 ok 616 /checksum/SHA1/reset/58 ok 617 /checksum/SHA1/reset/59 ok 618 /checksum/SHA1/reset/60 ok 619 /checksum/SHA1/reset/61 ok 620 /checksum/SHA1/reset/62 ok 621 /checksum/SHA1/reset/63 ok 622 /checksum/SHA1/reset/64 ok 623 /checksum/SHA1/reset/65 ok 624 /checksum/SHA1/reset/66 ok 625 /checksum/SHA1/reset/67 ok 626 /checksum/SHA1/reset/68 ok 627 /checksum/SHA1/reset/69 ok 628 /checksum/SHA1/reset/70 ok 629 /checksum/SHA1/reset/71 ok 630 /checksum/SHA1/reset/72 ok 631 /checksum/SHA1/reset/73 ok 632 /checksum/SHA1/reset/74 ok 633 /checksum/SHA1/reset/75 ok 634 /checksum/SHA1/reset/76 ok 635 /checksum/SHA1/reset/77 ok 636 /checksum/SHA1/reset/78 ok 637 /checksum/SHA1/reset/79 ok 638 /checksum/SHA1/reset/80 ok 639 /checksum/SHA1/reset/81 ok 640 /checksum/SHA1/reset/82 ok 641 /checksum/SHA1/reset/83 ok 642 /checksum/SHA1/reset/84 ok 643 /checksum/SHA1/reset/85 ok 644 /checksum/SHA1/reset/86 ok 645 /checksum/SHA1/reset/87 ok 646 /checksum/SHA1/reset/88 ok 647 /checksum/SHA1/reset/89 ok 648 /checksum/SHA1/reset/90 ok 649 /checksum/SHA1/reset/91 ok 650 /checksum/SHA1/reset/92 ok 651 /checksum/SHA1/reset/93 ok 652 /checksum/SHA1/reset/94 ok 653 /checksum/SHA1/reset/95 ok 654 /checksum/SHA1/reset/96 ok 655 /checksum/SHA1/reset/97 ok 656 /checksum/SHA1/reset/98 ok 657 /checksum/SHA1/reset/99 ok 658 /checksum/SHA1/reset/100 ok 659 /checksum/SHA1/reset/101 ok 660 /checksum/SHA1/reset/102 ok 661 /checksum/SHA1/reset/103 ok 662 /checksum/SHA1/reset/104 ok 663 /checksum/SHA1/reset/105 ok 664 /checksum/SHA1/reset/106 ok 665 /checksum/SHA1/reset/107 ok 666 /checksum/SHA1/reset/108 ok 667 /checksum/SHA1/reset/109 ok 668 /checksum/SHA1/reset/110 ok 669 /checksum/SHA1/reset/111 ok 670 /checksum/SHA1/reset/112 ok 671 /checksum/SHA1/reset/113 ok 672 /checksum/SHA1/reset/114 ok 673 /checksum/SHA1/reset/115 ok 674 /checksum/SHA1/reset/116 ok 675 /checksum/SHA1/reset/117 ok 676 /checksum/SHA1/reset/118 ok 677 /checksum/SHA1/reset/119 ok 678 /checksum/SHA1/reset/120 ok 679 /checksum/SHA1/reset/121 ok 680 /checksum/SHA1/reset/122 ok 681 /checksum/SHA1/reset/123 ok 682 /checksum/SHA1/reset/124 ok 683 /checksum/SHA1/reset/125 ok 684 /checksum/SHA1/reset/126 ok 685 /checksum/SHA1/reset/127 ok 686 /checksum/SHA1/reset/128 ok 687 /checksum/SHA1/reset/129 ok 688 /checksum/SHA1/reset/130 ok 689 /checksum/SHA1/reset/131 ok 690 /checksum/SHA1/reset/132 ok 691 /checksum/SHA1/reset/133 ok 692 /checksum/SHA1/reset/134 ok 693 /checksum/SHA1/reset/135 ok 694 /checksum/SHA1/reset/136 ok 695 /checksum/SHA1/reset/137 ok 696 /checksum/SHA1/reset/138 ok 697 /checksum/SHA1/reset/139 ok 698 /checksum/SHA1/reset/140 ok 699 /checksum/SHA1/reset/141 ok 700 /checksum/SHA1/reset/142 ok 701 /checksum/SHA1/reset/143 ok 702 /checksum/SHA1/reset/144 ok 703 /checksum/SHA1/reset/145 ok 704 /checksum/SHA1/reset/146 ok 705 /checksum/SHA1/reset/147 ok 706 /checksum/SHA1/reset/148 ok 707 /checksum/SHA1/reset/149 ok 708 /checksum/SHA1/reset/150 ok 709 /checksum/SHA1/reset/151 ok 710 /checksum/SHA1/reset/152 ok 711 /checksum/SHA1/reset/153 ok 712 /checksum/SHA1/reset/154 ok 713 /checksum/SHA1/reset/155 ok 714 /checksum/SHA1/reset/156 ok 715 /checksum/SHA1/reset/157 ok 716 /checksum/SHA1/reset/158 ok 717 /checksum/SHA1/reset/159 ok 718 /checksum/SHA1/reset/160 ok 719 /checksum/SHA1/reset/161 ok 720 /checksum/SHA1/reset/162 ok 721 /checksum/SHA1/reset/163 ok 722 /checksum/SHA1/reset/164 ok 723 /checksum/SHA1/reset/165 ok 724 /checksum/SHA1/reset/166 ok 725 /checksum/SHA1/reset/167 ok 726 /checksum/SHA1/reset/168 ok 727 /checksum/SHA1/reset/169 ok 728 /checksum/SHA1/reset/170 ok 729 /checksum/SHA1/reset/171 ok 730 /checksum/SHA1/reset/172 ok 731 /checksum/SHA1/reset/173 ok 732 /checksum/SHA1/reset/174 ok 733 /checksum/SHA1/reset/175 ok 734 /checksum/SHA1/reset/176 ok 735 /checksum/SHA1/reset/177 ok 736 /checksum/SHA1/reset/178 ok 737 /checksum/SHA1/reset/179 ok 738 /checksum/SHA1/reset/180 ok 739 /checksum/SHA1/reset/181 ok 740 /checksum/SHA1/reset/182 ok 741 /checksum/SHA1/reset/183 # End of reset tests # End of SHA1 tests # Start of SHA256 tests ok 742 /checksum/SHA256/0 ok 743 /checksum/SHA256/1 ok 744 /checksum/SHA256/2 ok 745 /checksum/SHA256/3 ok 746 /checksum/SHA256/4 ok 747 /checksum/SHA256/5 ok 748 /checksum/SHA256/6 ok 749 /checksum/SHA256/7 ok 750 /checksum/SHA256/8 ok 751 /checksum/SHA256/9 ok 752 /checksum/SHA256/10 ok 753 /checksum/SHA256/11 ok 754 /checksum/SHA256/12 ok 755 /checksum/SHA256/13 ok 756 /checksum/SHA256/14 ok 757 /checksum/SHA256/15 ok 758 /checksum/SHA256/16 ok 759 /checksum/SHA256/17 ok 760 /checksum/SHA256/18 ok 761 /checksum/SHA256/19 ok 762 /checksum/SHA256/20 ok 763 /checksum/SHA256/21 ok 764 /checksum/SHA256/22 ok 765 /checksum/SHA256/23 ok 766 /checksum/SHA256/24 ok 767 /checksum/SHA256/25 ok 768 /checksum/SHA256/26 ok 769 /checksum/SHA256/27 ok 770 /checksum/SHA256/28 ok 771 /checksum/SHA256/29 ok 772 /checksum/SHA256/30 ok 773 /checksum/SHA256/31 ok 774 /checksum/SHA256/32 ok 775 /checksum/SHA256/33 ok 776 /checksum/SHA256/34 ok 777 /checksum/SHA256/35 ok 778 /checksum/SHA256/36 ok 779 /checksum/SHA256/37 ok 780 /checksum/SHA256/38 ok 781 /checksum/SHA256/39 ok 782 /checksum/SHA256/40 ok 783 /checksum/SHA256/41 ok 784 /checksum/SHA256/42 ok 785 /checksum/SHA256/43 ok 786 /checksum/SHA256/44 ok 787 /checksum/SHA256/45 ok 788 /checksum/SHA256/46 ok 789 /checksum/SHA256/47 ok 790 /checksum/SHA256/48 ok 791 /checksum/SHA256/49 ok 792 /checksum/SHA256/50 ok 793 /checksum/SHA256/51 ok 794 /checksum/SHA256/52 ok 795 /checksum/SHA256/53 ok 796 /checksum/SHA256/54 ok 797 /checksum/SHA256/55 ok 798 /checksum/SHA256/56 ok 799 /checksum/SHA256/57 ok 800 /checksum/SHA256/58 ok 801 /checksum/SHA256/59 ok 802 /checksum/SHA256/60 ok 803 /checksum/SHA256/61 ok 804 /checksum/SHA256/62 ok 805 /checksum/SHA256/63 ok 806 /checksum/SHA256/64 ok 807 /checksum/SHA256/65 ok 808 /checksum/SHA256/66 ok 809 /checksum/SHA256/67 ok 810 /checksum/SHA256/68 ok 811 /checksum/SHA256/69 ok 812 /checksum/SHA256/70 ok 813 /checksum/SHA256/71 ok 814 /checksum/SHA256/72 ok 815 /checksum/SHA256/73 ok 816 /checksum/SHA256/74 ok 817 /checksum/SHA256/75 ok 818 /checksum/SHA256/76 ok 819 /checksum/SHA256/77 ok 820 /checksum/SHA256/78 ok 821 /checksum/SHA256/79 ok 822 /checksum/SHA256/80 ok 823 /checksum/SHA256/81 ok 824 /checksum/SHA256/82 ok 825 /checksum/SHA256/83 ok 826 /checksum/SHA256/84 ok 827 /checksum/SHA256/85 ok 828 /checksum/SHA256/86 ok 829 /checksum/SHA256/87 ok 830 /checksum/SHA256/88 ok 831 /checksum/SHA256/89 ok 832 /checksum/SHA256/90 ok 833 /checksum/SHA256/91 ok 834 /checksum/SHA256/92 ok 835 /checksum/SHA256/93 ok 836 /checksum/SHA256/94 ok 837 /checksum/SHA256/95 ok 838 /checksum/SHA256/96 ok 839 /checksum/SHA256/97 ok 840 /checksum/SHA256/98 ok 841 /checksum/SHA256/99 ok 842 /checksum/SHA256/100 ok 843 /checksum/SHA256/101 ok 844 /checksum/SHA256/102 ok 845 /checksum/SHA256/103 ok 846 /checksum/SHA256/104 ok 847 /checksum/SHA256/105 ok 848 /checksum/SHA256/106 ok 849 /checksum/SHA256/107 ok 850 /checksum/SHA256/108 ok 851 /checksum/SHA256/109 ok 852 /checksum/SHA256/110 ok 853 /checksum/SHA256/111 ok 854 /checksum/SHA256/112 ok 855 /checksum/SHA256/113 ok 856 /checksum/SHA256/114 ok 857 /checksum/SHA256/115 ok 858 /checksum/SHA256/116 ok 859 /checksum/SHA256/117 ok 860 /checksum/SHA256/118 ok 861 /checksum/SHA256/119 ok 862 /checksum/SHA256/120 ok 863 /checksum/SHA256/121 ok 864 /checksum/SHA256/122 ok 865 /checksum/SHA256/123 ok 866 /checksum/SHA256/124 ok 867 /checksum/SHA256/125 ok 868 /checksum/SHA256/126 ok 869 /checksum/SHA256/127 ok 870 /checksum/SHA256/128 ok 871 /checksum/SHA256/129 ok 872 /checksum/SHA256/130 ok 873 /checksum/SHA256/131 ok 874 /checksum/SHA256/132 ok 875 /checksum/SHA256/133 ok 876 /checksum/SHA256/134 ok 877 /checksum/SHA256/135 ok 878 /checksum/SHA256/136 ok 879 /checksum/SHA256/137 ok 880 /checksum/SHA256/138 ok 881 /checksum/SHA256/139 ok 882 /checksum/SHA256/140 ok 883 /checksum/SHA256/141 ok 884 /checksum/SHA256/142 ok 885 /checksum/SHA256/143 ok 886 /checksum/SHA256/144 ok 887 /checksum/SHA256/145 ok 888 /checksum/SHA256/146 ok 889 /checksum/SHA256/147 ok 890 /checksum/SHA256/148 ok 891 /checksum/SHA256/149 ok 892 /checksum/SHA256/150 ok 893 /checksum/SHA256/151 ok 894 /checksum/SHA256/152 ok 895 /checksum/SHA256/153 ok 896 /checksum/SHA256/154 ok 897 /checksum/SHA256/155 ok 898 /checksum/SHA256/156 ok 899 /checksum/SHA256/157 ok 900 /checksum/SHA256/158 ok 901 /checksum/SHA256/159 ok 902 /checksum/SHA256/160 ok 903 /checksum/SHA256/161 ok 904 /checksum/SHA256/162 ok 905 /checksum/SHA256/163 ok 906 /checksum/SHA256/164 ok 907 /checksum/SHA256/165 ok 908 /checksum/SHA256/166 ok 909 /checksum/SHA256/167 ok 910 /checksum/SHA256/168 ok 911 /checksum/SHA256/169 ok 912 /checksum/SHA256/170 ok 913 /checksum/SHA256/171 ok 914 /checksum/SHA256/172 ok 915 /checksum/SHA256/173 ok 916 /checksum/SHA256/174 ok 917 /checksum/SHA256/175 ok 918 /checksum/SHA256/176 ok 919 /checksum/SHA256/177 ok 920 /checksum/SHA256/178 ok 921 /checksum/SHA256/179 ok 922 /checksum/SHA256/180 ok 923 /checksum/SHA256/181 ok 924 /checksum/SHA256/182 ok 925 /checksum/SHA256/183 ok 926 /checksum/SHA256/string ok 927 /checksum/SHA256/bytes # Start of reset tests ok 928 /checksum/SHA256/reset/0 ok 929 /checksum/SHA256/reset/1 ok 930 /checksum/SHA256/reset/2 ok 931 /checksum/SHA256/reset/3 ok 932 /checksum/SHA256/reset/4 ok 933 /checksum/SHA256/reset/5 ok 934 /checksum/SHA256/reset/6 ok 935 /checksum/SHA256/reset/7 ok 936 /checksum/SHA256/reset/8 ok 937 /checksum/SHA256/reset/9 ok 938 /checksum/SHA256/reset/10 ok 939 /checksum/SHA256/reset/11 ok 940 /checksum/SHA256/reset/12 ok 941 /checksum/SHA256/reset/13 ok 942 /checksum/SHA256/reset/14 ok 943 /checksum/SHA256/reset/15 ok 944 /checksum/SHA256/reset/16 ok 945 /checksum/SHA256/reset/17 ok 946 /checksum/SHA256/reset/18 ok 947 /checksum/SHA256/reset/19 ok 948 /checksum/SHA256/reset/20 ok 949 /checksum/SHA256/reset/21 ok 950 /checksum/SHA256/reset/22 ok 951 /checksum/SHA256/reset/23 ok 952 /checksum/SHA256/reset/24 ok 953 /checksum/SHA256/reset/25 ok 954 /checksum/SHA256/reset/26 ok 955 /checksum/SHA256/reset/27 ok 956 /checksum/SHA256/reset/28 ok 957 /checksum/SHA256/reset/29 ok 958 /checksum/SHA256/reset/30 ok 959 /checksum/SHA256/reset/31 ok 960 /checksum/SHA256/reset/32 ok 961 /checksum/SHA256/reset/33 ok 962 /checksum/SHA256/reset/34 ok 963 /checksum/SHA256/reset/35 ok 964 /checksum/SHA256/reset/36 ok 965 /checksum/SHA256/reset/37 ok 966 /checksum/SHA256/reset/38 ok 967 /checksum/SHA256/reset/39 ok 968 /checksum/SHA256/reset/40 ok 969 /checksum/SHA256/reset/41 ok 970 /checksum/SHA256/reset/42 ok 971 /checksum/SHA256/reset/43 ok 972 /checksum/SHA256/reset/44 ok 973 /checksum/SHA256/reset/45 ok 974 /checksum/SHA256/reset/46 ok 975 /checksum/SHA256/reset/47 ok 976 /checksum/SHA256/reset/48 ok 977 /checksum/SHA256/reset/49 ok 978 /checksum/SHA256/reset/50 ok 979 /checksum/SHA256/reset/51 ok 980 /checksum/SHA256/reset/52 ok 981 /checksum/SHA256/reset/53 ok 982 /checksum/SHA256/reset/54 ok 983 /checksum/SHA256/reset/55 ok 984 /checksum/SHA256/reset/56 ok 985 /checksum/SHA256/reset/57 ok 986 /checksum/SHA256/reset/58 ok 987 /checksum/SHA256/reset/59 ok 988 /checksum/SHA256/reset/60 ok 989 /checksum/SHA256/reset/61 ok 990 /checksum/SHA256/reset/62 ok 991 /checksum/SHA256/reset/63 ok 992 /checksum/SHA256/reset/64 ok 993 /checksum/SHA256/reset/65 ok 994 /checksum/SHA256/reset/66 ok 995 /checksum/SHA256/reset/67 ok 996 /checksum/SHA256/reset/68 ok 997 /checksum/SHA256/reset/69 ok 998 /checksum/SHA256/reset/70 ok 999 /checksum/SHA256/reset/71 ok 1000 /checksum/SHA256/reset/72 ok 1001 /checksum/SHA256/reset/73 ok 1002 /checksum/SHA256/reset/74 ok 1003 /checksum/SHA256/reset/75 ok 1004 /checksum/SHA256/reset/76 ok 1005 /checksum/SHA256/reset/77 ok 1006 /checksum/SHA256/reset/78 ok 1007 /checksum/SHA256/reset/79 ok 1008 /checksum/SHA256/reset/80 ok 1009 /checksum/SHA256/reset/81 ok 1010 /checksum/SHA256/reset/82 ok 1011 /checksum/SHA256/reset/83 ok 1012 /checksum/SHA256/reset/84 ok 1013 /checksum/SHA256/reset/85 ok 1014 /checksum/SHA256/reset/86 ok 1015 /checksum/SHA256/reset/87 ok 1016 /checksum/SHA256/reset/88 ok 1017 /checksum/SHA256/reset/89 ok 1018 /checksum/SHA256/reset/90 ok 1019 /checksum/SHA256/reset/91 ok 1020 /checksum/SHA256/reset/92 ok 1021 /checksum/SHA256/reset/93 ok 1022 /checksum/SHA256/reset/94 ok 1023 /checksum/SHA256/reset/95 ok 1024 /checksum/SHA256/reset/96 ok 1025 /checksum/SHA256/reset/97 ok 1026 /checksum/SHA256/reset/98 ok 1027 /checksum/SHA256/reset/99 ok 1028 /checksum/SHA256/reset/100 ok 1029 /checksum/SHA256/reset/101 ok 1030 /checksum/SHA256/reset/102 ok 1031 /checksum/SHA256/reset/103 ok 1032 /checksum/SHA256/reset/104 ok 1033 /checksum/SHA256/reset/105 ok 1034 /checksum/SHA256/reset/106 ok 1035 /checksum/SHA256/reset/107 ok 1036 /checksum/SHA256/reset/108 ok 1037 /checksum/SHA256/reset/109 ok 1038 /checksum/SHA256/reset/110 ok 1039 /checksum/SHA256/reset/111 ok 1040 /checksum/SHA256/reset/112 ok 1041 /checksum/SHA256/reset/113 ok 1042 /checksum/SHA256/reset/114 ok 1043 /checksum/SHA256/reset/115 ok 1044 /checksum/SHA256/reset/116 ok 1045 /checksum/SHA256/reset/117 ok 1046 /checksum/SHA256/reset/118 ok 1047 /checksum/SHA256/reset/119 ok 1048 /checksum/SHA256/reset/120 ok 1049 /checksum/SHA256/reset/121 ok 1050 /checksum/SHA256/reset/122 ok 1051 /checksum/SHA256/reset/123 ok 1052 /checksum/SHA256/reset/124 ok 1053 /checksum/SHA256/reset/125 ok 1054 /checksum/SHA256/reset/126 ok 1055 /checksum/SHA256/reset/127 ok 1056 /checksum/SHA256/reset/128 ok 1057 /checksum/SHA256/reset/129 ok 1058 /checksum/SHA256/reset/130 ok 1059 /checksum/SHA256/reset/131 ok 1060 /checksum/SHA256/reset/132 ok 1061 /checksum/SHA256/reset/133 ok 1062 /checksum/SHA256/reset/134 ok 1063 /checksum/SHA256/reset/135 ok 1064 /checksum/SHA256/reset/136 ok 1065 /checksum/SHA256/reset/137 ok 1066 /checksum/SHA256/reset/138 ok 1067 /checksum/SHA256/reset/139 ok 1068 /checksum/SHA256/reset/140 ok 1069 /checksum/SHA256/reset/141 ok 1070 /checksum/SHA256/reset/142 ok 1071 /checksum/SHA256/reset/143 ok 1072 /checksum/SHA256/reset/144 ok 1073 /checksum/SHA256/reset/145 ok 1074 /checksum/SHA256/reset/146 ok 1075 /checksum/SHA256/reset/147 ok 1076 /checksum/SHA256/reset/148 ok 1077 /checksum/SHA256/reset/149 ok 1078 /checksum/SHA256/reset/150 ok 1079 /checksum/SHA256/reset/151 ok 1080 /checksum/SHA256/reset/152 ok 1081 /checksum/SHA256/reset/153 ok 1082 /checksum/SHA256/reset/154 ok 1083 /checksum/SHA256/reset/155 ok 1084 /checksum/SHA256/reset/156 ok 1085 /checksum/SHA256/reset/157 ok 1086 /checksum/SHA256/reset/158 ok 1087 /checksum/SHA256/reset/159 ok 1088 /checksum/SHA256/reset/160 ok 1089 /checksum/SHA256/reset/161 ok 1090 /checksum/SHA256/reset/162 ok 1091 /checksum/SHA256/reset/163 ok 1092 /checksum/SHA256/reset/164 ok 1093 /checksum/SHA256/reset/165 ok 1094 /checksum/SHA256/reset/166 ok 1095 /checksum/SHA256/reset/167 ok 1096 /checksum/SHA256/reset/168 ok 1097 /checksum/SHA256/reset/169 ok 1098 /checksum/SHA256/reset/170 ok 1099 /checksum/SHA256/reset/171 ok 1100 /checksum/SHA256/reset/172 ok 1101 /checksum/SHA256/reset/173 ok 1102 /checksum/SHA256/reset/174 ok 1103 /checksum/SHA256/reset/175 ok 1104 /checksum/SHA256/reset/176 ok 1105 /checksum/SHA256/reset/177 ok 1106 /checksum/SHA256/reset/178 ok 1107 /checksum/SHA256/reset/179 ok 1108 /checksum/SHA256/reset/180 ok 1109 /checksum/SHA256/reset/181 ok 1110 /checksum/SHA256/reset/182 ok 1111 /checksum/SHA256/reset/183 # End of reset tests # End of SHA256 tests # Start of SHA384 tests ok 1112 /checksum/SHA384/0 ok 1113 /checksum/SHA384/1 ok 1114 /checksum/SHA384/2 ok 1115 /checksum/SHA384/3 ok 1116 /checksum/SHA384/4 ok 1117 /checksum/SHA384/5 ok 1118 /checksum/SHA384/6 ok 1119 /checksum/SHA384/7 ok 1120 /checksum/SHA384/8 ok 1121 /checksum/SHA384/9 ok 1122 /checksum/SHA384/10 ok 1123 /checksum/SHA384/11 ok 1124 /checksum/SHA384/12 ok 1125 /checksum/SHA384/13 ok 1126 /checksum/SHA384/14 ok 1127 /checksum/SHA384/15 ok 1128 /checksum/SHA384/16 ok 1129 /checksum/SHA384/17 ok 1130 /checksum/SHA384/18 ok 1131 /checksum/SHA384/19 ok 1132 /checksum/SHA384/20 ok 1133 /checksum/SHA384/21 ok 1134 /checksum/SHA384/22 ok 1135 /checksum/SHA384/23 ok 1136 /checksum/SHA384/24 ok 1137 /checksum/SHA384/25 ok 1138 /checksum/SHA384/26 ok 1139 /checksum/SHA384/27 ok 1140 /checksum/SHA384/28 ok 1141 /checksum/SHA384/29 ok 1142 /checksum/SHA384/30 ok 1143 /checksum/SHA384/31 ok 1144 /checksum/SHA384/32 ok 1145 /checksum/SHA384/33 ok 1146 /checksum/SHA384/34 ok 1147 /checksum/SHA384/35 ok 1148 /checksum/SHA384/36 ok 1149 /checksum/SHA384/37 ok 1150 /checksum/SHA384/38 ok 1151 /checksum/SHA384/39 ok 1152 /checksum/SHA384/40 ok 1153 /checksum/SHA384/41 ok 1154 /checksum/SHA384/42 ok 1155 /checksum/SHA384/43 ok 1156 /checksum/SHA384/44 ok 1157 /checksum/SHA384/45 ok 1158 /checksum/SHA384/46 ok 1159 /checksum/SHA384/47 ok 1160 /checksum/SHA384/48 ok 1161 /checksum/SHA384/49 ok 1162 /checksum/SHA384/50 ok 1163 /checksum/SHA384/51 ok 1164 /checksum/SHA384/52 ok 1165 /checksum/SHA384/53 ok 1166 /checksum/SHA384/54 ok 1167 /checksum/SHA384/55 ok 1168 /checksum/SHA384/56 ok 1169 /checksum/SHA384/57 ok 1170 /checksum/SHA384/58 ok 1171 /checksum/SHA384/59 ok 1172 /checksum/SHA384/60 ok 1173 /checksum/SHA384/61 ok 1174 /checksum/SHA384/62 ok 1175 /checksum/SHA384/63 ok 1176 /checksum/SHA384/64 ok 1177 /checksum/SHA384/65 ok 1178 /checksum/SHA384/66 ok 1179 /checksum/SHA384/67 ok 1180 /checksum/SHA384/68 ok 1181 /checksum/SHA384/69 ok 1182 /checksum/SHA384/70 ok 1183 /checksum/SHA384/71 ok 1184 /checksum/SHA384/72 ok 1185 /checksum/SHA384/73 ok 1186 /checksum/SHA384/74 ok 1187 /checksum/SHA384/75 ok 1188 /checksum/SHA384/76 ok 1189 /checksum/SHA384/77 ok 1190 /checksum/SHA384/78 ok 1191 /checksum/SHA384/79 ok 1192 /checksum/SHA384/80 ok 1193 /checksum/SHA384/81 ok 1194 /checksum/SHA384/82 ok 1195 /checksum/SHA384/83 ok 1196 /checksum/SHA384/84 ok 1197 /checksum/SHA384/85 ok 1198 /checksum/SHA384/86 ok 1199 /checksum/SHA384/87 ok 1200 /checksum/SHA384/88 ok 1201 /checksum/SHA384/89 ok 1202 /checksum/SHA384/90 ok 1203 /checksum/SHA384/91 ok 1204 /checksum/SHA384/92 ok 1205 /checksum/SHA384/93 ok 1206 /checksum/SHA384/94 ok 1207 /checksum/SHA384/95 ok 1208 /checksum/SHA384/96 ok 1209 /checksum/SHA384/97 ok 1210 /checksum/SHA384/98 ok 1211 /checksum/SHA384/99 ok 1212 /checksum/SHA384/100 ok 1213 /checksum/SHA384/101 ok 1214 /checksum/SHA384/102 ok 1215 /checksum/SHA384/103 ok 1216 /checksum/SHA384/104 ok 1217 /checksum/SHA384/105 ok 1218 /checksum/SHA384/106 ok 1219 /checksum/SHA384/107 ok 1220 /checksum/SHA384/108 ok 1221 /checksum/SHA384/109 ok 1222 /checksum/SHA384/110 ok 1223 /checksum/SHA384/111 ok 1224 /checksum/SHA384/112 ok 1225 /checksum/SHA384/113 ok 1226 /checksum/SHA384/114 ok 1227 /checksum/SHA384/115 ok 1228 /checksum/SHA384/116 ok 1229 /checksum/SHA384/117 ok 1230 /checksum/SHA384/118 ok 1231 /checksum/SHA384/119 ok 1232 /checksum/SHA384/120 ok 1233 /checksum/SHA384/121 ok 1234 /checksum/SHA384/122 ok 1235 /checksum/SHA384/123 ok 1236 /checksum/SHA384/124 ok 1237 /checksum/SHA384/125 ok 1238 /checksum/SHA384/126 ok 1239 /checksum/SHA384/127 ok 1240 /checksum/SHA384/128 ok 1241 /checksum/SHA384/129 ok 1242 /checksum/SHA384/130 ok 1243 /checksum/SHA384/131 ok 1244 /checksum/SHA384/132 ok 1245 /checksum/SHA384/133 ok 1246 /checksum/SHA384/134 ok 1247 /checksum/SHA384/135 ok 1248 /checksum/SHA384/136 ok 1249 /checksum/SHA384/137 ok 1250 /checksum/SHA384/138 ok 1251 /checksum/SHA384/139 ok 1252 /checksum/SHA384/140 ok 1253 /checksum/SHA384/141 ok 1254 /checksum/SHA384/142 ok 1255 /checksum/SHA384/143 ok 1256 /checksum/SHA384/144 ok 1257 /checksum/SHA384/145 ok 1258 /checksum/SHA384/146 ok 1259 /checksum/SHA384/147 ok 1260 /checksum/SHA384/148 ok 1261 /checksum/SHA384/149 ok 1262 /checksum/SHA384/150 ok 1263 /checksum/SHA384/151 ok 1264 /checksum/SHA384/152 ok 1265 /checksum/SHA384/153 ok 1266 /checksum/SHA384/154 ok 1267 /checksum/SHA384/155 ok 1268 /checksum/SHA384/156 ok 1269 /checksum/SHA384/157 ok 1270 /checksum/SHA384/158 ok 1271 /checksum/SHA384/159 ok 1272 /checksum/SHA384/160 ok 1273 /checksum/SHA384/161 ok 1274 /checksum/SHA384/162 ok 1275 /checksum/SHA384/163 ok 1276 /checksum/SHA384/164 ok 1277 /checksum/SHA384/165 ok 1278 /checksum/SHA384/166 ok 1279 /checksum/SHA384/167 ok 1280 /checksum/SHA384/168 ok 1281 /checksum/SHA384/169 ok 1282 /checksum/SHA384/170 ok 1283 /checksum/SHA384/171 ok 1284 /checksum/SHA384/172 ok 1285 /checksum/SHA384/173 ok 1286 /checksum/SHA384/174 ok 1287 /checksum/SHA384/175 ok 1288 /checksum/SHA384/176 ok 1289 /checksum/SHA384/177 ok 1290 /checksum/SHA384/178 ok 1291 /checksum/SHA384/179 ok 1292 /checksum/SHA384/180 ok 1293 /checksum/SHA384/181 ok 1294 /checksum/SHA384/182 ok 1295 /checksum/SHA384/183 ok 1296 /checksum/SHA384/string ok 1297 /checksum/SHA384/bytes # Start of reset tests ok 1298 /checksum/SHA384/reset/0 ok 1299 /checksum/SHA384/reset/1 ok 1300 /checksum/SHA384/reset/2 ok 1301 /checksum/SHA384/reset/3 ok 1302 /checksum/SHA384/reset/4 ok 1303 /checksum/SHA384/reset/5 ok 1304 /checksum/SHA384/reset/6 ok 1305 /checksum/SHA384/reset/7 ok 1306 /checksum/SHA384/reset/8 ok 1307 /checksum/SHA384/reset/9 ok 1308 /checksum/SHA384/reset/10 ok 1309 /checksum/SHA384/reset/11 ok 1310 /checksum/SHA384/reset/12 ok 1311 /checksum/SHA384/reset/13 ok 1312 /checksum/SHA384/reset/14 ok 1313 /checksum/SHA384/reset/15 ok 1314 /checksum/SHA384/reset/16 ok 1315 /checksum/SHA384/reset/17 ok 1316 /checksum/SHA384/reset/18 ok 1317 /checksum/SHA384/reset/19 ok 1318 /checksum/SHA384/reset/20 ok 1319 /checksum/SHA384/reset/21 ok 1320 /checksum/SHA384/reset/22 ok 1321 /checksum/SHA384/reset/23 ok 1322 /checksum/SHA384/reset/24 ok 1323 /checksum/SHA384/reset/25 ok 1324 /checksum/SHA384/reset/26 ok 1325 /checksum/SHA384/reset/27 ok 1326 /checksum/SHA384/reset/28 ok 1327 /checksum/SHA384/reset/29 ok 1328 /checksum/SHA384/reset/30 ok 1329 /checksum/SHA384/reset/31 ok 1330 /checksum/SHA384/reset/32 ok 1331 /checksum/SHA384/reset/33 ok 1332 /checksum/SHA384/reset/34 ok 1333 /checksum/SHA384/reset/35 ok 1334 /checksum/SHA384/reset/36 ok 1335 /checksum/SHA384/reset/37 ok 1336 /checksum/SHA384/reset/38 ok 1337 /checksum/SHA384/reset/39 ok 1338 /checksum/SHA384/reset/40 ok 1339 /checksum/SHA384/reset/41 ok 1340 /checksum/SHA384/reset/42 ok 1341 /checksum/SHA384/reset/43 ok 1342 /checksum/SHA384/reset/44 ok 1343 /checksum/SHA384/reset/45 ok 1344 /checksum/SHA384/reset/46 ok 1345 /checksum/SHA384/reset/47 ok 1346 /checksum/SHA384/reset/48 ok 1347 /checksum/SHA384/reset/49 ok 1348 /checksum/SHA384/reset/50 ok 1349 /checksum/SHA384/reset/51 ok 1350 /checksum/SHA384/reset/52 ok 1351 /checksum/SHA384/reset/53 ok 1352 /checksum/SHA384/reset/54 ok 1353 /checksum/SHA384/reset/55 ok 1354 /checksum/SHA384/reset/56 ok 1355 /checksum/SHA384/reset/57 ok 1356 /checksum/SHA384/reset/58 ok 1357 /checksum/SHA384/reset/59 ok 1358 /checksum/SHA384/reset/60 ok 1359 /checksum/SHA384/reset/61 ok 1360 /checksum/SHA384/reset/62 ok 1361 /checksum/SHA384/reset/63 ok 1362 /checksum/SHA384/reset/64 ok 1363 /checksum/SHA384/reset/65 ok 1364 /checksum/SHA384/reset/66 ok 1365 /checksum/SHA384/reset/67 ok 1366 /checksum/SHA384/reset/68 ok 1367 /checksum/SHA384/reset/69 ok 1368 /checksum/SHA384/reset/70 ok 1369 /checksum/SHA384/reset/71 ok 1370 /checksum/SHA384/reset/72 ok 1371 /checksum/SHA384/reset/73 ok 1372 /checksum/SHA384/reset/74 ok 1373 /checksum/SHA384/reset/75 ok 1374 /checksum/SHA384/reset/76 ok 1375 /checksum/SHA384/reset/77 ok 1376 /checksum/SHA384/reset/78 ok 1377 /checksum/SHA384/reset/79 ok 1378 /checksum/SHA384/reset/80 ok 1379 /checksum/SHA384/reset/81 ok 1380 /checksum/SHA384/reset/82 ok 1381 /checksum/SHA384/reset/83 ok 1382 /checksum/SHA384/reset/84 ok 1383 /checksum/SHA384/reset/85 ok 1384 /checksum/SHA384/reset/86 ok 1385 /checksum/SHA384/reset/87 ok 1386 /checksum/SHA384/reset/88 ok 1387 /checksum/SHA384/reset/89 ok 1388 /checksum/SHA384/reset/90 ok 1389 /checksum/SHA384/reset/91 ok 1390 /checksum/SHA384/reset/92 ok 1391 /checksum/SHA384/reset/93 ok 1392 /checksum/SHA384/reset/94 ok 1393 /checksum/SHA384/reset/95 ok 1394 /checksum/SHA384/reset/96 ok 1395 /checksum/SHA384/reset/97 ok 1396 /checksum/SHA384/reset/98 ok 1397 /checksum/SHA384/reset/99 ok 1398 /checksum/SHA384/reset/100 ok 1399 /checksum/SHA384/reset/101 ok 1400 /checksum/SHA384/reset/102 ok 1401 /checksum/SHA384/reset/103 ok 1402 /checksum/SHA384/reset/104 ok 1403 /checksum/SHA384/reset/105 ok 1404 /checksum/SHA384/reset/106 ok 1405 /checksum/SHA384/reset/107 ok 1406 /checksum/SHA384/reset/108 ok 1407 /checksum/SHA384/reset/109 ok 1408 /checksum/SHA384/reset/110 ok 1409 /checksum/SHA384/reset/111 ok 1410 /checksum/SHA384/reset/112 ok 1411 /checksum/SHA384/reset/113 ok 1412 /checksum/SHA384/reset/114 ok 1413 /checksum/SHA384/reset/115 ok 1414 /checksum/SHA384/reset/116 ok 1415 /checksum/SHA384/reset/117 ok 1416 /checksum/SHA384/reset/118 ok 1417 /checksum/SHA384/reset/119 ok 1418 /checksum/SHA384/reset/120 ok 1419 /checksum/SHA384/reset/121 ok 1420 /checksum/SHA384/reset/122 ok 1421 /checksum/SHA384/reset/123 ok 1422 /checksum/SHA384/reset/124 ok 1423 /checksum/SHA384/reset/125 ok 1424 /checksum/SHA384/reset/126 ok 1425 /checksum/SHA384/reset/127 ok 1426 /checksum/SHA384/reset/128 ok 1427 /checksum/SHA384/reset/129 ok 1428 /checksum/SHA384/reset/130 ok 1429 /checksum/SHA384/reset/131 ok 1430 /checksum/SHA384/reset/132 ok 1431 /checksum/SHA384/reset/133 ok 1432 /checksum/SHA384/reset/134 ok 1433 /checksum/SHA384/reset/135 ok 1434 /checksum/SHA384/reset/136 ok 1435 /checksum/SHA384/reset/137 ok 1436 /checksum/SHA384/reset/138 ok 1437 /checksum/SHA384/reset/139 ok 1438 /checksum/SHA384/reset/140 ok 1439 /checksum/SHA384/reset/141 ok 1440 /checksum/SHA384/reset/142 ok 1441 /checksum/SHA384/reset/143 ok 1442 /checksum/SHA384/reset/144 ok 1443 /checksum/SHA384/reset/145 ok 1444 /checksum/SHA384/reset/146 ok 1445 /checksum/SHA384/reset/147 ok 1446 /checksum/SHA384/reset/148 ok 1447 /checksum/SHA384/reset/149 ok 1448 /checksum/SHA384/reset/150 ok 1449 /checksum/SHA384/reset/151 ok 1450 /checksum/SHA384/reset/152 ok 1451 /checksum/SHA384/reset/153 ok 1452 /checksum/SHA384/reset/154 ok 1453 /checksum/SHA384/reset/155 ok 1454 /checksum/SHA384/reset/156 ok 1455 /checksum/SHA384/reset/157 ok 1456 /checksum/SHA384/reset/158 ok 1457 /checksum/SHA384/reset/159 ok 1458 /checksum/SHA384/reset/160 ok 1459 /checksum/SHA384/reset/161 ok 1460 /checksum/SHA384/reset/162 ok 1461 /checksum/SHA384/reset/163 ok 1462 /checksum/SHA384/reset/164 ok 1463 /checksum/SHA384/reset/165 ok 1464 /checksum/SHA384/reset/166 ok 1465 /checksum/SHA384/reset/167 ok 1466 /checksum/SHA384/reset/168 ok 1467 /checksum/SHA384/reset/169 ok 1468 /checksum/SHA384/reset/170 ok 1469 /checksum/SHA384/reset/171 ok 1470 /checksum/SHA384/reset/172 ok 1471 /checksum/SHA384/reset/173 ok 1472 /checksum/SHA384/reset/174 ok 1473 /checksum/SHA384/reset/175 ok 1474 /checksum/SHA384/reset/176 ok 1475 /checksum/SHA384/reset/177 ok 1476 /checksum/SHA384/reset/178 ok 1477 /checksum/SHA384/reset/179 ok 1478 /checksum/SHA384/reset/180 ok 1479 /checksum/SHA384/reset/181 ok 1480 /checksum/SHA384/reset/182 ok 1481 /checksum/SHA384/reset/183 # End of reset tests # End of SHA384 tests # Start of SHA512 tests ok 1482 /checksum/SHA512/0 ok 1483 /checksum/SHA512/1 ok 1484 /checksum/SHA512/2 ok 1485 /checksum/SHA512/3 ok 1486 /checksum/SHA512/4 ok 1487 /checksum/SHA512/5 ok 1488 /checksum/SHA512/6 ok 1489 /checksum/SHA512/7 ok 1490 /checksum/SHA512/8 ok 1491 /checksum/SHA512/9 ok 1492 /checksum/SHA512/10 ok 1493 /checksum/SHA512/11 ok 1494 /checksum/SHA512/12 ok 1495 /checksum/SHA512/13 ok 1496 /checksum/SHA512/14 ok 1497 /checksum/SHA512/15 ok 1498 /checksum/SHA512/16 ok 1499 /checksum/SHA512/17 ok 1500 /checksum/SHA512/18 ok 1501 /checksum/SHA512/19 ok 1502 /checksum/SHA512/20 ok 1503 /checksum/SHA512/21 ok 1504 /checksum/SHA512/22 ok 1505 /checksum/SHA512/23 ok 1506 /checksum/SHA512/24 ok 1507 /checksum/SHA512/25 ok 1508 /checksum/SHA512/26 ok 1509 /checksum/SHA512/27 ok 1510 /checksum/SHA512/28 ok 1511 /checksum/SHA512/29 ok 1512 /checksum/SHA512/30 ok 1513 /checksum/SHA512/31 ok 1514 /checksum/SHA512/32 ok 1515 /checksum/SHA512/33 ok 1516 /checksum/SHA512/34 ok 1517 /checksum/SHA512/35 ok 1518 /checksum/SHA512/36 ok 1519 /checksum/SHA512/37 ok 1520 /checksum/SHA512/38 ok 1521 /checksum/SHA512/39 ok 1522 /checksum/SHA512/40 ok 1523 /checksum/SHA512/41 ok 1524 /checksum/SHA512/42 ok 1525 /checksum/SHA512/43 ok 1526 /checksum/SHA512/44 ok 1527 /checksum/SHA512/45 ok 1528 /checksum/SHA512/46 ok 1529 /checksum/SHA512/47 ok 1530 /checksum/SHA512/48 ok 1531 /checksum/SHA512/49 ok 1532 /checksum/SHA512/50 ok 1533 /checksum/SHA512/51 ok 1534 /checksum/SHA512/52 ok 1535 /checksum/SHA512/53 ok 1536 /checksum/SHA512/54 ok 1537 /checksum/SHA512/55 ok 1538 /checksum/SHA512/56 ok 1539 /checksum/SHA512/57 ok 1540 /checksum/SHA512/58 ok 1541 /checksum/SHA512/59 ok 1542 /checksum/SHA512/60 ok 1543 /checksum/SHA512/61 ok 1544 /checksum/SHA512/62 ok 1545 /checksum/SHA512/63 ok 1546 /checksum/SHA512/64 ok 1547 /checksum/SHA512/65 ok 1548 /checksum/SHA512/66 ok 1549 /checksum/SHA512/67 ok 1550 /checksum/SHA512/68 ok 1551 /checksum/SHA512/69 ok 1552 /checksum/SHA512/70 ok 1553 /checksum/SHA512/71 ok 1554 /checksum/SHA512/72 ok 1555 /checksum/SHA512/73 ok 1556 /checksum/SHA512/74 ok 1557 /checksum/SHA512/75 ok 1558 /checksum/SHA512/76 ok 1559 /checksum/SHA512/77 ok 1560 /checksum/SHA512/78 ok 1561 /checksum/SHA512/79 ok 1562 /checksum/SHA512/80 ok 1563 /checksum/SHA512/81 ok 1564 /checksum/SHA512/82 ok 1565 /checksum/SHA512/83 ok 1566 /checksum/SHA512/84 ok 1567 /checksum/SHA512/85 ok 1568 /checksum/SHA512/86 ok 1569 /checksum/SHA512/87 ok 1570 /checksum/SHA512/88 ok 1571 /checksum/SHA512/89 ok 1572 /checksum/SHA512/90 ok 1573 /checksum/SHA512/91 ok 1574 /checksum/SHA512/92 ok 1575 /checksum/SHA512/93 ok 1576 /checksum/SHA512/94 ok 1577 /checksum/SHA512/95 ok 1578 /checksum/SHA512/96 ok 1579 /checksum/SHA512/97 ok 1580 /checksum/SHA512/98 ok 1581 /checksum/SHA512/99 ok 1582 /checksum/SHA512/100 ok 1583 /checksum/SHA512/101 ok 1584 /checksum/SHA512/102 ok 1585 /checksum/SHA512/103 ok 1586 /checksum/SHA512/104 ok 1587 /checksum/SHA512/105 ok 1588 /checksum/SHA512/106 ok 1589 /checksum/SHA512/107 ok 1590 /checksum/SHA512/108 ok 1591 /checksum/SHA512/109 ok 1592 /checksum/SHA512/110 ok 1593 /checksum/SHA512/111 ok 1594 /checksum/SHA512/112 ok 1595 /checksum/SHA512/113 ok 1596 /checksum/SHA512/114 ok 1597 /checksum/SHA512/115 ok 1598 /checksum/SHA512/116 ok 1599 /checksum/SHA512/117 ok 1600 /checksum/SHA512/118 ok 1601 /checksum/SHA512/119 ok 1602 /checksum/SHA512/120 ok 1603 /checksum/SHA512/121 ok 1604 /checksum/SHA512/122 ok 1605 /checksum/SHA512/123 ok 1606 /checksum/SHA512/124 ok 1607 /checksum/SHA512/125 ok 1608 /checksum/SHA512/126 ok 1609 /checksum/SHA512/127 ok 1610 /checksum/SHA512/128 ok 1611 /checksum/SHA512/129 ok 1612 /checksum/SHA512/130 ok 1613 /checksum/SHA512/131 ok 1614 /checksum/SHA512/132 ok 1615 /checksum/SHA512/133 ok 1616 /checksum/SHA512/134 ok 1617 /checksum/SHA512/135 ok 1618 /checksum/SHA512/136 ok 1619 /checksum/SHA512/137 ok 1620 /checksum/SHA512/138 ok 1621 /checksum/SHA512/139 ok 1622 /checksum/SHA512/140 ok 1623 /checksum/SHA512/141 ok 1624 /checksum/SHA512/142 ok 1625 /checksum/SHA512/143 ok 1626 /checksum/SHA512/144 ok 1627 /checksum/SHA512/145 ok 1628 /checksum/SHA512/146 ok 1629 /checksum/SHA512/147 ok 1630 /checksum/SHA512/148 ok 1631 /checksum/SHA512/149 ok 1632 /checksum/SHA512/150 ok 1633 /checksum/SHA512/151 ok 1634 /checksum/SHA512/152 ok 1635 /checksum/SHA512/153 ok 1636 /checksum/SHA512/154 ok 1637 /checksum/SHA512/155 ok 1638 /checksum/SHA512/156 ok 1639 /checksum/SHA512/157 ok 1640 /checksum/SHA512/158 ok 1641 /checksum/SHA512/159 ok 1642 /checksum/SHA512/160 ok 1643 /checksum/SHA512/161 ok 1644 /checksum/SHA512/162 ok 1645 /checksum/SHA512/163 ok 1646 /checksum/SHA512/164 ok 1647 /checksum/SHA512/165 ok 1648 /checksum/SHA512/166 ok 1649 /checksum/SHA512/167 ok 1650 /checksum/SHA512/168 ok 1651 /checksum/SHA512/169 ok 1652 /checksum/SHA512/170 ok 1653 /checksum/SHA512/171 ok 1654 /checksum/SHA512/172 ok 1655 /checksum/SHA512/173 ok 1656 /checksum/SHA512/174 ok 1657 /checksum/SHA512/175 ok 1658 /checksum/SHA512/176 ok 1659 /checksum/SHA512/177 ok 1660 /checksum/SHA512/178 ok 1661 /checksum/SHA512/179 ok 1662 /checksum/SHA512/180 ok 1663 /checksum/SHA512/181 ok 1664 /checksum/SHA512/182 ok 1665 /checksum/SHA512/183 ok 1666 /checksum/SHA512/string ok 1667 /checksum/SHA512/bytes # Start of reset tests ok 1668 /checksum/SHA512/reset/0 ok 1669 /checksum/SHA512/reset/1 ok 1670 /checksum/SHA512/reset/2 ok 1671 /checksum/SHA512/reset/3 ok 1672 /checksum/SHA512/reset/4 ok 1673 /checksum/SHA512/reset/5 ok 1674 /checksum/SHA512/reset/6 ok 1675 /checksum/SHA512/reset/7 ok 1676 /checksum/SHA512/reset/8 ok 1677 /checksum/SHA512/reset/9 ok 1678 /checksum/SHA512/reset/10 ok 1679 /checksum/SHA512/reset/11 ok 1680 /checksum/SHA512/reset/12 ok 1681 /checksum/SHA512/reset/13 ok 1682 /checksum/SHA512/reset/14 ok 1683 /checksum/SHA512/reset/15 ok 1684 /checksum/SHA512/reset/16 ok 1685 /checksum/SHA512/reset/17 ok 1686 /checksum/SHA512/reset/18 ok 1687 /checksum/SHA512/reset/19 ok 1688 /checksum/SHA512/reset/20 ok 1689 /checksum/SHA512/reset/21 ok 1690 /checksum/SHA512/reset/22 ok 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/checksum/SHA512/reset/52 ok 1721 /checksum/SHA512/reset/53 ok 1722 /checksum/SHA512/reset/54 ok 1723 /checksum/SHA512/reset/55 ok 1724 /checksum/SHA512/reset/56 ok 1725 /checksum/SHA512/reset/57 ok 1726 /checksum/SHA512/reset/58 ok 1727 /checksum/SHA512/reset/59 ok 1728 /checksum/SHA512/reset/60 ok 1729 /checksum/SHA512/reset/61 ok 1730 /checksum/SHA512/reset/62 ok 1731 /checksum/SHA512/reset/63 ok 1732 /checksum/SHA512/reset/64 ok 1733 /checksum/SHA512/reset/65 ok 1734 /checksum/SHA512/reset/66 ok 1735 /checksum/SHA512/reset/67 ok 1736 /checksum/SHA512/reset/68 ok 1737 /checksum/SHA512/reset/69 ok 1738 /checksum/SHA512/reset/70 ok 1739 /checksum/SHA512/reset/71 ok 1740 /checksum/SHA512/reset/72 ok 1741 /checksum/SHA512/reset/73 ok 1742 /checksum/SHA512/reset/74 ok 1743 /checksum/SHA512/reset/75 ok 1744 /checksum/SHA512/reset/76 ok 1745 /checksum/SHA512/reset/77 ok 1746 /checksum/SHA512/reset/78 ok 1747 /checksum/SHA512/reset/79 ok 1748 /checksum/SHA512/reset/80 ok 1749 /checksum/SHA512/reset/81 ok 1750 /checksum/SHA512/reset/82 ok 1751 /checksum/SHA512/reset/83 ok 1752 /checksum/SHA512/reset/84 ok 1753 /checksum/SHA512/reset/85 ok 1754 /checksum/SHA512/reset/86 ok 1755 /checksum/SHA512/reset/87 ok 1756 /checksum/SHA512/reset/88 ok 1757 /checksum/SHA512/reset/89 ok 1758 /checksum/SHA512/reset/90 ok 1759 /checksum/SHA512/reset/91 ok 1760 /checksum/SHA512/reset/92 ok 1761 /checksum/SHA512/reset/93 ok 1762 /checksum/SHA512/reset/94 ok 1763 /checksum/SHA512/reset/95 ok 1764 /checksum/SHA512/reset/96 ok 1765 /checksum/SHA512/reset/97 ok 1766 /checksum/SHA512/reset/98 ok 1767 /checksum/SHA512/reset/99 ok 1768 /checksum/SHA512/reset/100 ok 1769 /checksum/SHA512/reset/101 ok 1770 /checksum/SHA512/reset/102 ok 1771 /checksum/SHA512/reset/103 ok 1772 /checksum/SHA512/reset/104 ok 1773 /checksum/SHA512/reset/105 ok 1774 /checksum/SHA512/reset/106 ok 1775 /checksum/SHA512/reset/107 ok 1776 /checksum/SHA512/reset/108 ok 1777 /checksum/SHA512/reset/109 ok 1778 /checksum/SHA512/reset/110 ok 1779 /checksum/SHA512/reset/111 ok 1780 /checksum/SHA512/reset/112 ok 1781 /checksum/SHA512/reset/113 ok 1782 /checksum/SHA512/reset/114 ok 1783 /checksum/SHA512/reset/115 ok 1784 /checksum/SHA512/reset/116 ok 1785 /checksum/SHA512/reset/117 ok 1786 /checksum/SHA512/reset/118 ok 1787 /checksum/SHA512/reset/119 ok 1788 /checksum/SHA512/reset/120 ok 1789 /checksum/SHA512/reset/121 ok 1790 /checksum/SHA512/reset/122 ok 1791 /checksum/SHA512/reset/123 ok 1792 /checksum/SHA512/reset/124 ok 1793 /checksum/SHA512/reset/125 ok 1794 /checksum/SHA512/reset/126 ok 1795 /checksum/SHA512/reset/127 ok 1796 /checksum/SHA512/reset/128 ok 1797 /checksum/SHA512/reset/129 ok 1798 /checksum/SHA512/reset/130 ok 1799 /checksum/SHA512/reset/131 ok 1800 /checksum/SHA512/reset/132 ok 1801 /checksum/SHA512/reset/133 ok 1802 /checksum/SHA512/reset/134 ok 1803 /checksum/SHA512/reset/135 ok 1804 /checksum/SHA512/reset/136 ok 1805 /checksum/SHA512/reset/137 ok 1806 /checksum/SHA512/reset/138 ok 1807 /checksum/SHA512/reset/139 ok 1808 /checksum/SHA512/reset/140 ok 1809 /checksum/SHA512/reset/141 ok 1810 /checksum/SHA512/reset/142 ok 1811 /checksum/SHA512/reset/143 ok 1812 /checksum/SHA512/reset/144 ok 1813 /checksum/SHA512/reset/145 ok 1814 /checksum/SHA512/reset/146 ok 1815 /checksum/SHA512/reset/147 ok 1816 /checksum/SHA512/reset/148 ok 1817 /checksum/SHA512/reset/149 ok 1818 /checksum/SHA512/reset/150 ok 1819 /checksum/SHA512/reset/151 ok 1820 /checksum/SHA512/reset/152 ok 1821 /checksum/SHA512/reset/153 ok 1822 /checksum/SHA512/reset/154 ok 1823 /checksum/SHA512/reset/155 ok 1824 /checksum/SHA512/reset/156 ok 1825 /checksum/SHA512/reset/157 ok 1826 /checksum/SHA512/reset/158 ok 1827 /checksum/SHA512/reset/159 ok 1828 /checksum/SHA512/reset/160 ok 1829 /checksum/SHA512/reset/161 ok 1830 /checksum/SHA512/reset/162 ok 1831 /checksum/SHA512/reset/163 ok 1832 /checksum/SHA512/reset/164 ok 1833 /checksum/SHA512/reset/165 ok 1834 /checksum/SHA512/reset/166 ok 1835 /checksum/SHA512/reset/167 ok 1836 /checksum/SHA512/reset/168 ok 1837 /checksum/SHA512/reset/169 ok 1838 /checksum/SHA512/reset/170 ok 1839 /checksum/SHA512/reset/171 ok 1840 /checksum/SHA512/reset/172 ok 1841 /checksum/SHA512/reset/173 ok 1842 /checksum/SHA512/reset/174 ok 1843 /checksum/SHA512/reset/175 ok 1844 /checksum/SHA512/reset/176 ok 1845 /checksum/SHA512/reset/177 ok 1846 /checksum/SHA512/reset/178 ok 1847 /checksum/SHA512/reset/179 ok 1848 /checksum/SHA512/reset/180 ok 1849 /checksum/SHA512/reset/181 ok 1850 /checksum/SHA512/reset/182 ok 1851 /checksum/SHA512/reset/183 # End of reset tests # End of SHA512 tests # End of checksum tests PASS: glib/checksum.test Running test: glib/reference.test # random seed: R02Sa6f4d7c3afc6d052230f4f074837dfad 1..15 # Start of type tests ok 1 /type/fundamentals ok 2 /type/qdata ok 3 /type/query ok 4 /type/class-private # End of type tests # Start of object tests ok 5 /object/clear ok 6 /object/clear-function ok 7 /object/set ok 8 /object/set-function ok 9 /object/value ok 10 /object/initially-unowned ok 11 /object/weak-pointer ok 12 /object/weak-ref ok 13 /object/toggle-ref ok 14 /object/qdata ok 15 /object/qdata2 # End of object tests PASS: glib/reference.test Running test: glib/1bit-mutex.test # random seed: R02Se1c194d07136ea3d745c39e30a353088 1..2 # Start of glib tests # Start of 1bit-mutex tests ok 1 /glib/1bit-mutex/int ok 2 /glib/1bit-mutex/pointer # End of 1bit-mutex tests # End of glib tests PASS: glib/1bit-mutex.test Running test: glib/g-file-info.test # random seed: R02Sa7f19679d478c1bb618f43337f8ff7ea 1..1 # Start of g-file-info tests ok 1 /g-file-info/test_g_file_info # End of g-file-info tests PASS: glib/g-file-info.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-randomly-modified.test # random seed: R02S8ab0c98c2bf539f318deeff872aee834 # Modified image is written to pixbuf-randomly-modified-image 1..57 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of randomly-modified tests ok 1 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/bad-header.ico ok 2 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/bmp-line-overflow.bmp ok 3 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/bug775232.pnm ok 4 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/bug775242.bmp ok 5 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/bug775648.qtif ok 6 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/bug776040.ico ok 7 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/crash.ico ok 8 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/decodecolormap.bmp ok 9 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/invalid.1.xpm ok 10 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/invalid.2.ico ok 11 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/invalid.4.ppm ok 12 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.bmp ok 13 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.gif ok 14 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.jp2 ok 15 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.jpeg ok 16 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.png ok 17 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.ppm ok 18 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.tga ok 19 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.tiff ok 20 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.xbm ok 21 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.1.xpm ok 22 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.2.jpeg ok 23 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.2.ppm ok 24 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.2.tga ok 25 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.3.ppm ok 26 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/valid.4.ppm # Start of fail tests ok 27 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/CVE-2017-2862.jpg ok 28 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/DoS.tga ok 29 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/androstanRezeptor.tga ok 30 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/bug776694.bmp ok 31 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/bug777315.bmp ok 32 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/bug778204.ico ok 33 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/bug780269.tif ok 34 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/bug784903-overflow-dimensions.tiff ok 35 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/bug785973.gif ok 36 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/colormap-image-without-colormap.tga ok 37 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/empty-file.tga ok 38 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/file3.jp2 ok 39 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.1.bmp ok 40 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.1.gif ok 41 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.1.ico ok 42 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.1.png ok 43 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.1.ppm ok 44 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.2.gif ok 45 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.2.png ok 46 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.2.ppm ok 47 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.3.gif ok 48 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.3.ico ok 49 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.3.png ok 50 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.3.ppm ok 51 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.4.gif ok 52 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.4.png ok 53 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.5.ppm ok 54 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.6.ppm ok 55 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.7.ppm ok 56 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/invalid.8.ppm ok 57 /pixbuf/randomly-modified/fail/overflow.tga # End of fail tests # End of randomly-modified tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-randomly-modified.test Running test: glib/gmenumodel.test # random seed: R02Sefe04e08c95452f5138a2712885a36a3 1..11 # Start of gmenu tests ok 1 /gmenu/equality ok 2 /gmenu/random ok 3 /gmenu/attributes ok 4 /gmenu/links ok 5 /gmenu/mutable ok 6 /gmenu/convenience ok 7 /gmenu/menuitem # Start of dbus tests ok 8 /gmenu/dbus/roundtrip ok 9 /gmenu/dbus/subscriptions ok 10 /gmenu/dbus/threaded # End of dbus tests # Start of attributes tests ok 11 /gmenu/attributes/iterate # End of attributes tests # End of gmenu tests PASS: glib/gmenumodel.test Running test: glib/shell.test # random seed: R02Sa91c752badbbc90c6ea347dfb0647ec7 1..51 # Start of shell tests # Start of cmdline tests ok 1 /shell/cmdline/0 ok 2 /shell/cmdline/1 ok 3 /shell/cmdline/2 ok 4 /shell/cmdline/3 ok 5 /shell/cmdline/4 ok 6 /shell/cmdline/5 ok 7 /shell/cmdline/6 ok 8 /shell/cmdline/7 ok 9 /shell/cmdline/8 ok 10 /shell/cmdline/9 ok 11 /shell/cmdline/10 ok 12 /shell/cmdline/11 ok 13 /shell/cmdline/12 ok 14 /shell/cmdline/13 ok 15 /shell/cmdline/14 ok 16 /shell/cmdline/15 ok 17 /shell/cmdline/16 ok 18 /shell/cmdline/17 ok 19 /shell/cmdline/18 ok 20 /shell/cmdline/19 ok 21 /shell/cmdline/20 ok 22 /shell/cmdline/21 ok 23 /shell/cmdline/22 # End of cmdline tests # Start of quote tests ok 24 /shell/quote/0 ok 25 /shell/quote/1 ok 26 /shell/quote/2 ok 27 /shell/quote/3 ok 28 /shell/quote/4 ok 29 /shell/quote/5 ok 30 /shell/quote/6 # End of quote tests # Start of unquote tests ok 31 /shell/unquote/0 ok 32 /shell/unquote/1 ok 33 /shell/unquote/2 ok 34 /shell/unquote/3 ok 35 /shell/unquote/4 ok 36 /shell/unquote/5 ok 37 /shell/unquote/6 ok 38 /shell/unquote/7 ok 39 /shell/unquote/8 ok 40 /shell/unquote/9 ok 41 /shell/unquote/10 ok 42 /shell/unquote/11 ok 43 /shell/unquote/12 ok 44 /shell/unquote/13 ok 45 /shell/unquote/14 ok 46 /shell/unquote/15 ok 47 /shell/unquote/16 ok 48 /shell/unquote/17 ok 49 /shell/unquote/18 ok 50 /shell/unquote/19 ok 51 /shell/unquote/20 # End of unquote tests # End of shell tests PASS: glib/shell.test Running test: glib/scannerapi.test # random seed: R02S1eb9ab20ef71bfe66f133fc2a2a3d8d2 1..4 # Start of scanner tests ok 1 /scanner/warn ok 2 /scanner/error ok 3 /scanner/symbols ok 4 /scanner/tokens # End of scanner tests PASS: glib/scannerapi.test Running test: glib/asyncqueue-test.test PASS: glib/asyncqueue-test.test Running test: glib/gdbus-test-codegen.test # random seed: R02S48c982ac99e5cc331bf5a6ef4f8e0024 1..4 # Start of gdbus tests # Start of codegen tests ok 1 /gdbus/codegen/annotations ok 2 /gdbus/codegen/interface_stability ok 3 /gdbus/codegen/object-manager ok 4 /gdbus/codegen/property-naming # End of codegen tests # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-test-codegen.test Running test: glib/gnotification.test # random seed: R02S47c7a485644b538afb0e9a9225520cf9 1..2 # Start of gnotification tests ok 1 /gnotification/basic ok 2 /gnotification/properties # End of gnotification tests PASS: glib/gnotification.test Running test: glib/converter-stream.test # random seed: R02S69d4899c8f2347ae3f9efbee574b86d0 1..17 # Start of converter tests ok 1 /converter/basics # End of converter tests # Start of converter-input-stream tests ok 2 /converter-input-stream/expander ok 3 /converter-input-stream/compressor # Start of truncation tests ok 4 /converter-input-stream/truncation/zlib ok 5 /converter-input-stream/truncation/gzip ok 6 /converter-input-stream/truncation/raw # End of truncation tests # Start of charset tests ok 7 /converter-input-stream/charset/utf8->latin1 ok 8 /converter-input-stream/charset/latin1->utf8 ok 9 /converter-input-stream/charset/fallbacks # End of charset tests # End of converter-input-stream tests # Start of converter-output-stream tests # Start of roundtrip tests # Bug Reference: ok 10 /converter-output-stream/roundtrip/zlib-0 # Bug Reference: ok 11 /converter-output-stream/roundtrip/zlib-9 # Bug Reference: ok 12 /converter-output-stream/roundtrip/gzip-0 # Bug Reference: ok 13 /converter-output-stream/roundtrip/gzip-9 # Bug Reference: ok 14 /converter-output-stream/roundtrip/raw-0 # Bug Reference: ok 15 /converter-output-stream/roundtrip/raw-9 # End of roundtrip tests # End of converter-output-stream tests # Start of converter-stream tests ok 16 /converter-stream/pollable ok 17 /converter-stream/leftover # End of converter-stream tests PASS: glib/converter-stream.test Running test: pango/testiter.test /layout/iter: OK /layout/glyphitem-iter: OK PASS: pango/testiter.test Running test: glib/utils.test # random seed: R02Saf0e32d9eaae73c5714f29bf84c0e877 1..25 # Start of utils tests ok 1 /utils/language-names ok 2 /utils/locale-variants ok 3 /utils/version ok 4 /utils/appname # Bug Reference: ok 5 /utils/tmpdir ok 6 /utils/bits ok 7 /utils/swap ok 8 /utils/find-program ok 9 /utils/debug ok 10 /utils/codeset ok 11 /utils/codeset2 ok 12 /utils/basename ok 13 /utils/gettext ok 14 /utils/username ok 15 /utils/realname ok 16 /utils/hostname ok 17 /utils/xdgdirs ok 18 /utils/specialdir ok 19 /utils/clear-pointer ok 20 /utils/take-pointer ok 21 /utils/misc-mem ok 22 /utils/nullify ok 23 /utils/atexit ok 24 /utils/check-setuid # Start of specialdir tests ok 25 /utils/specialdir/desktop # End of specialdir tests # End of utils tests PASS: glib/utils.test Running test: glib/gdbus-message.test # random seed: R02Sccad6982c06276a1502c1f48a8d68ef3 1..2 # Start of gdbus tests # Start of message tests ok 1 /gdbus/message/lock ok 2 /gdbus/message/copy # End of message tests # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-message.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/cve-2015-4491.test # random seed: R02Sdcc8669d9668d273cc5d74b3a4ad37b6 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of cve-2015-4491 tests ok 1 /pixbuf/cve-2015-4491/original ok 2 /pixbuf/cve-2015-4491/scale-overflow ok 3 /pixbuf/cve-2015-4491/scale-x-overflow ok 4 /pixbuf/cve-2015-4491/scale-y-overflow # End of cve-2015-4491 tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/cve-2015-4491.test Running test: glib/queue.test # random seed: R02Sb3a560aee3d92716d89a246786cd14be 1..8 # Start of queue tests ok 1 /queue/basic ok 2 /queue/copy ok 3 /queue/off-by-one ok 4 /queue/find-custom ok 5 /queue/static ok 6 /queue/clear ok 7 /queue/free-full # Start of random tests ok 8 /queue/random/seed:1467560337 # End of random tests # End of queue tests PASS: glib/queue.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-resource.test # random seed: R02S482d6d93498a8996137a310921e61691 1..2 # Start of pixbuf tests # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 48 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 192, Length: 9240 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 1 /pixbuf/resource # Start of resource tests ok 2 /pixbuf/resource/at-scale # End of resource tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-resource.test Running test: glib/accumulator.test PASS: glib/accumulator.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-pixdata.test # random seed: R02Sca627b8687cf30c82d4eab0c6b7b326a 1..3 # Start of pixbuf tests # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 48 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 192, Length: 9240 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 48 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 192, Length: 9240 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 1 /pixbuf/pixdata # Start of pixdata tests # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 89 x 96 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 356, Length: 34200 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding rle # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 89 x 96 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 356, Length: 8406 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 2 /pixbuf/pixdata/success # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 4144 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 256, Length: 80 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == true # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 4144 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 256, Length: 80 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 3 /pixbuf/pixdata/bug775693 # End of pixdata tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-pixdata.test Running test: glib/buffered-input-stream.test # random seed: R02S1c54c01149b8da7f7205c16a04da7d34 1..10 # Start of buffered-input-stream tests ok 1 /buffered-input-stream/peek ok 2 /buffered-input-stream/peek-buffer ok 3 /buffered-input-stream/set-buffer-size # Bug Reference: ok 4 /buffered-input-stream/read-byte ok 5 /buffered-input-stream/read ok 6 /buffered-input-stream/read-async ok 7 /buffered-input-stream/skip ok 8 /buffered-input-stream/skip-async ok 9 /buffered-input-stream/seek # End of buffered-input-stream tests # Start of filter-input-stream tests ok 10 /filter-input-stream/close # End of filter-input-stream tests PASS: glib/buffered-input-stream.test Running test: glib/timeloop.test Children: 3 Iters: 10000 Children: 3 Iters: 10000 Children: 3 Iters: 10000 Children: 3 Iters: 10000 Elapsed user: 8 Elapsed system: 31 Elapsed total: 39 total / iteration: 0.0013 PASS: glib/timeloop.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/animation.test # random seed: R02Sfc451c6567e58e144e4e495da5f0fe3b 1..2 # Start of animation tests ok 1 /animation/gif ok 2 /animation/ani # End of animation tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/animation.test Running test: glib/markup-parse.test # random seed: R02S6ae662c43e2797cea33f4456f9d03489 1..65 # Start of markup tests # Start of parse tests ok 1 /markup/parse/valid-16.gmarkup ok 2 /markup/parse/fail-43.gmarkup ok 3 /markup/parse/fail-29.gmarkup ok 4 /markup/parse/valid-7.gmarkup ok 5 /markup/parse/fail-26.gmarkup ok 6 /markup/parse/fail-10.gmarkup ok 7 /markup/parse/valid-8.gmarkup ok 8 /markup/parse/fail-2.gmarkup ok 9 /markup/parse/fail-18.gmarkup ok 10 /markup/parse/fail-4.gmarkup ok 11 /markup/parse/fail-41.gmarkup ok 12 /markup/parse/valid-14.gmarkup ok 13 /markup/parse/fail-22.gmarkup ok 14 /markup/parse/fail-45.gmarkup ok 15 /markup/parse/fail-35.gmarkup ok 16 /markup/parse/fail-28.gmarkup ok 17 /markup/parse/valid-5.gmarkup ok 18 /markup/parse/fail-19.gmarkup ok 19 /markup/parse/valid-2.gmarkup ok 20 /markup/parse/fail-6.gmarkup ok 21 /markup/parse/fail-21.gmarkup ok 22 /markup/parse/fail-11.gmarkup ok 23 /markup/parse/fail-20.gmarkup ok 24 /markup/parse/fail-27.gmarkup ok 25 /markup/parse/fail-7.gmarkup ok 26 /markup/parse/fail-48.gmarkup ok 27 /markup/parse/fail-3.gmarkup ok 28 /markup/parse/valid-12.gmarkup ok 29 /markup/parse/fail-39.gmarkup ok 30 /markup/parse/valid-10.gmarkup ok 31 /markup/parse/fail-31.gmarkup ok 32 /markup/parse/fail-12.gmarkup ok 33 /markup/parse/fail-40.gmarkup ok 34 /markup/parse/fail-25.gmarkup ok 35 /markup/parse/fail-1.gmarkup ok 36 /markup/parse/fail-42.gmarkup ok 37 /markup/parse/valid-13.gmarkup ok 38 /markup/parse/fail-24.gmarkup ok 39 /markup/parse/fail-13.gmarkup ok 40 /markup/parse/fail-17.gmarkup ok 41 /markup/parse/valid-6.gmarkup ok 42 /markup/parse/fail-47.gmarkup ok 43 /markup/parse/fail-46.gmarkup ok 44 /markup/parse/fail-30.gmarkup ok 45 /markup/parse/valid-4.gmarkup ok 46 /markup/parse/fail-8.gmarkup ok 47 /markup/parse/valid-11.gmarkup ok 48 /markup/parse/valid-3.gmarkup ok 49 /markup/parse/fail-38.gmarkup ok 50 /markup/parse/valid-9.gmarkup ok 51 /markup/parse/valid-15.gmarkup ok 52 /markup/parse/fail-14.gmarkup ok 53 /markup/parse/fail-36.gmarkup ok 54 /markup/parse/fail-23.gmarkup ok 55 /markup/parse/valid-1.gmarkup ok 56 /markup/parse/fail-49.gmarkup ok 57 /markup/parse/fail-15.gmarkup ok 58 /markup/parse/fail-37.gmarkup ok 59 /markup/parse/fail-44.gmarkup ok 60 /markup/parse/fail-16.gmarkup ok 61 /markup/parse/fail-32.gmarkup ok 62 /markup/parse/fail-33.gmarkup ok 63 /markup/parse/fail-5.gmarkup ok 64 /markup/parse/fail-34.gmarkup ok 65 /markup/parse/fail-9.gmarkup # End of parse tests # End of markup tests PASS: glib/markup-parse.test Running test: glib/once.test # random seed: R02S0fc83df8f9f566669f671d1cef3b1b56 1..4 # Start of thread tests ok 1 /thread/once1 ok 2 /thread/once2 ok 3 /thread/once3 ok 4 /thread/once4 # End of thread tests PASS: glib/once.test Running test: glib/dir.test # random seed: R02S74e15ab3bf0e609c5664cf66a87bb657 1..2 # Start of dir tests ok 1 /dir/read ok 2 /dir/nonexisting # End of dir tests PASS: glib/dir.test Running test: glib/readwrite.test # random seed: R02S6732f3287ced9c2f6840f3ac846b6cf8 1..3 # Start of readwrite tests ok 1 /readwrite/test_g_file_open_readwrite ok 2 /readwrite/test_g_file_create_readwrite ok 3 /readwrite/test_g_file_replace_readwrite # End of readwrite tests PASS: glib/readwrite.test Running test: glib/gapplication.test # random seed: R02S6e2aea76f99ee9d69e039b3825a06f89 1..14 # Start of gapplication tests ok 1 /gapplication/no-dbus ok 2 /gapplication/no-appid ok 3 /gapplication/properties ok 4 /gapplication/app-id ok 5 /gapplication/quit ok 6 /gapplication/local-actions ok 7 /gapplication/local-command-line ok 8 /gapplication/resource-path ok 9 /gapplication/test-help ok 10 /gapplication/test-busy ok 11 /gapplication/test-handle-local-options1 ok 12 /gapplication/test-handle-local-options2 ok 13 /gapplication/test-handle-local-options3 ok 14 /gapplication/api # End of gapplication tests PASS: glib/gapplication.test Running test: pango/test-font.test /pango/fontdescription/parse: OK /pango/fontdescription/roundtrip: OK PASS: pango/test-font.test Running test: glib/bytes.test # random seed: R02Sfd375a4c8d3ff8f91af29f2d4dba63d4 1..15 # Start of bytes tests ok 1 /bytes/new ok 2 /bytes/new-take ok 3 /bytes/new-static ok 4 /bytes/new-with-free-func ok 5 /bytes/new-from-bytes ok 6 /bytes/hash ok 7 /bytes/equal ok 8 /bytes/compare ok 9 /bytes/null # Start of to-data tests ok 10 /bytes/to-data/transfered ok 11 /bytes/to-data/two-refs ok 12 /bytes/to-data/non-malloc # End of to-data tests # Start of to-array tests ok 13 /bytes/to-array/transfered ok 14 /bytes/to-array/two-refs ok 15 /bytes/to-array/non-malloc # End of to-array tests # End of bytes tests PASS: glib/bytes.test Running test: pango/cxx-test.test PASS: pango/cxx-test.test Running test: glib/qdata.test # random seed: R02Sf120a3a263e84692ba8844c30309f8e2 1..2 # Start of qdata tests ok 1 /qdata/threaded ok 2 /qdata/dup # End of qdata tests PASS: glib/qdata.test Running test: glib/unicode-encoding.test PASS: glib/unicode-encoding.test Running test: glib/simple-proxy.test # random seed: R02S5ee4254913cd78efe66bbc8fb33ab843 1..3 # Start of static-proxy tests ok 1 /static-proxy/uri ok 2 /static-proxy/socks ok 3 /static-proxy/ignore # End of static-proxy tests PASS: glib/simple-proxy.test Running test: glib/simple-async-result.test # random seed: R02S789a6d0cd21d0672bd19b8dd8bbec70d 1..2 # Start of gio tests # Start of simple-async-result tests ok 1 /gio/simple-async-result/test ok 2 /gio/simple-async-result/valid # End of simple-async-result tests # End of gio tests PASS: glib/simple-async-result.test Running test: glib/cxx-test.test PASS: glib/cxx-test.test Running test: glib/overflow.test # random seed: R02Sd52b7a54f099f6afdd76715ddd311ba8 1..6 # Start of glib tests # Start of checked-math tests ok 1 /glib/checked-math/guint-add ok 2 /glib/checked-math/guint-mul ok 3 /glib/checked-math/guint64-add ok 4 /glib/checked-math/guint64-mul ok 5 /glib/checked-math/gsize-add ok 6 /glib/checked-math/gsize-mul # End of checked-math tests # End of glib tests PASS: glib/overflow.test Running test: glib/relation-test.test PASS: glib/relation-test.test Running test: glib/utf8-misc.test # random seed: R02Sd3068ecc1bf2d89535091576c9a804da 1..6 # Start of utf8 tests ok 1 /utf8/strlen ok 2 /utf8/strncpy ok 3 /utf8/strrchr ok 4 /utf8/reverse ok 5 /utf8/substring ok 6 /utf8/make-valid # End of utf8 tests PASS: glib/utf8-misc.test Running test: glib/binding.test # random seed: R02S213ea6b52f66fc452c045d8a65c380d1 1..11 # Start of binding tests ok 1 /binding/default ok 2 /binding/bidirectional ok 3 /binding/transform ok 4 /binding/transform-default ok 5 /binding/transform-closure # Bug Reference: ok 6 /binding/chain ok 7 /binding/sync-create ok 8 /binding/invert-boolean ok 9 /binding/same-object ok 10 /binding/unbind ok 11 /binding/fail # End of binding tests PASS: glib/binding.test Running test: glib/properties.test # random seed: R02S8c76b3172324e38aa4eab5c5190ec339 1..10 # Start of properties tests ok 1 /properties/install ok 2 /properties/notify ok 3 /properties/notify-queue # Bug Reference: ok 4 /properties/construct ok 5 /properties/testv_with_no_properties ok 6 /properties/testv_with_valid_properties ok 7 /properties/testv_with_invalid_property_type ok 8 /properties/testv_with_invalid_property_names ok 9 /properties/testv_getv ok 10 /properties/testv_notify_queue # End of properties tests PASS: glib/properties.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-stream.test # random seed: R02S89bbee2f9c78972c1f8893ae4c567bab 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests ok 1 /pixbuf/stream # Start of stream tests ok 2 /pixbuf/stream/async ok 3 /pixbuf/stream/scale # Start of scale tests ok 4 /pixbuf/stream/scale/async # End of scale tests # End of stream tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-stream.test Running test: glib/unix-fd.test # random seed: R02S6f800d49af4ba94240e01b2e132a4f49 1..1 # Start of unix-streams tests ok 1 /unix-streams/file-descriptors # End of unix-streams tests PASS: glib/unix-fd.test Running test: glib/testglib.test /testglib/Infos: OK /testglib/Types Sizes: OK /testglib/GStrings: OK /testglib/Various Strings: OK /testglib/GList: OK /testglib/GSList: OK /testglib/GNode: OK /testglib/GTree: OK /testglib/Arrays: OK /testglib/GHashTable: OK /testglib/Relation (deprecated): OK /testglib/File Paths: OK /testglib/File Functions: OK /testglib/Parse Debug Strings: OK /testglib/GMemChunk (deprecated): OK /testglib/Warnings & Errors: OK /testglib/Timers (slow): OK PASS: glib/testglib.test Running test: glib/spawn-singlethread.test # random seed: R02S07671740d9f1e93e03d90a387a0b31ab 1..3 # Start of gthread tests ok 1 /gthread/spawn-single-sync ok 2 /gthread/spawn-single-async ok 3 /gthread/spawn-script # End of gthread tests PASS: glib/spawn-singlethread.test Running test: pango/testboundaries_ucd.test /text/break/grapheme: Testing /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/GraphemeBreakTest.txt. OK /text/break/word: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/WordBreakTest.txt not found. Skipping test. OK /text/break/sentence: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/SentenceBreakTest.txt not found. Skipping test. OK /text/break/line: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/LineBreakTest.txt not found. Skipping test. OK /text/break/emoji: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/EmojiBreakTest.txt not found. Skipping test. OK /text/break/char: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/CharBreakTest.txt not found. Skipping test. OK PASS: pango/testboundaries_ucd.test Running test: glib/file-test.test PASS: glib/file-test.test Running test: glib/contenttype.test # random seed: R02S024dd80a554daa8dc1aefb99b7d62fe6 1..10 # Start of contenttype tests ok 1 /contenttype/guess ok 2 /contenttype/unknown ok 3 /contenttype/subtype ok 4 /contenttype/list ok 5 /contenttype/executable ok 6 /contenttype/description ok 7 /contenttype/icon ok 8 /contenttype/symbolic-icon ok 9 /contenttype/tree # Bug Reference: ok 10 /contenttype/test_type_is_a_special_case # End of contenttype tests PASS: glib/contenttype.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-short-gif-write.test # random seed: R02S229e1b79f90aee8ad72ad8e0b26bc591 1..2 # Start of animation tests ok 1 /animation/short_gif_write ok 2 /animation/load_first_frame # End of animation tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-short-gif-write.test Running test: glib/guuid.test # random seed: R02Sb2e422dacad43c1d73ec17c7955e4257 1..2 # Start of uuid tests ok 1 /uuid/string ok 2 /uuid/random # End of uuid tests PASS: glib/guuid.test Running test: pango/testboundaries.test /text/boundaries: sample file: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/boundaries.utf8 testboundaries passed OK PASS: pango/testboundaries.test Running test: glib/socket-service.test # random seed: R02Sc4a6771217d0fb13f81305a6b1ca11d6 1..2 # Start of socket-service tests ok 1 /socket-service/start-stop # Start of threaded tests # Bug Reference: ok 2 /socket-service/threaded/712570 # End of threaded tests # End of socket-service tests PASS: glib/socket-service.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-save.test # random seed: R02S21b09e639b6a63a7060aa8383aa7bde7 1..3 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of save tests ok 1 /pixbuf/save/roundtrip ok 2 /pixbuf/save/options ok 3 /pixbuf/save/ico # End of save tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-save.test Running test: glib/slice-threadinit.test PASS: glib/slice-threadinit.test Running test: glib/sources.test Add same-priority sources: 8 Remove in random order: 18 Add different-priority sources: 16 Remove in random order: 27 Add sources from threads: 81 Remove sources from threads: 68 PASS: glib/sources.test Running test: glib/thread.test # random seed: R02S6075e9dcd9878162e3ded7e8576d91a4 1..6 # Start of thread tests ok 1 /thread/thread1 ok 2 /thread/thread2 ok 3 /thread/thread3 ok 4 /thread/thread4 ok 5 /thread/thread5 ok 6 /thread/thread6 # End of thread tests PASS: glib/thread.test Running test: glib/gdbus-introspection.test # random seed: R02S84202501ad9d405e540c446d92a52d02 1..4 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/introspection-parser ok 2 /gdbus/introspection-generate ok 3 /gdbus/introspection-default-direction ok 4 /gdbus/introspection-extra-data # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-introspection.test Running test: glib/monitor.test # random seed: R02S5ac45b3b035797dc1176687f4c291295 1..1 # Start of monitor tests # Using temporary directory: /tmp/gio-test-file-monitor_MTMOEZ ok 1 /monitor/directory # End of monitor tests PASS: glib/monitor.test Running test: glib/spawn-test.test PASS: glib/spawn-test.test Running test: glib/gdbus-proxy.test # random seed: R02Se98576bf67c5c3510ba23a5810bd4bd1 1..4 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/proxy # Start of proxy tests ok 2 /gdbus/proxy/no-properties ok 3 /gdbus/proxy/wellknown-noauto ok 4 /gdbus/proxy/async # End of proxy tests # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-proxy.test Running test: glib/g-file.test # random seed: R02S6c131879454480a93678e21c11dacf04 1..8 # Start of g-file tests ok 1 /g-file/test_g_file_new_null ok 2 /g-file/test_g_file_new_for_path ok 3 /g-file/test_g_file_new_for_uri ok 4 /g-file/test_g_file_dup ok 5 /g-file/test_g_file_get_parse_name_utf8 ok 6 /g-file/test_g_file_new_for_commandline_arg ok 7 /g-file/test_g_file_has_prefix ok 8 /g-file/test_g_file_get_parent_child # End of g-file tests PASS: glib/g-file.test Running test: glib/642026-ec.test # random seed: R02S04a230473b7dc31f6385a95eeea8b012 1..1 # Start of glib tests # Bug Reference: ok 1 /glib/642026 # End of glib tests PASS: glib/642026-ec.test Running test: glib/filter-streams.test # random seed: R02S895b125ed399abe8e50901633bc7137a 1..4 # Start of filter-stream tests # Bug Reference: ok 1 /filter-stream/input ok 2 /filter-stream/output ok 3 /filter-stream/async-input ok 4 /filter-stream/async-output # End of filter-stream tests PASS: glib/filter-streams.test Running test: glib/gio-test.test PASS: glib/gio-test.test Running test: glib/gdbus-test-codegen-old.test # random seed: R02Sbba3cdd2c61096dcbced1446574e0f34 1..4 # Start of gdbus tests # Start of codegen tests ok 1 /gdbus/codegen/annotations ok 2 /gdbus/codegen/interface_stability ok 3 /gdbus/codegen/object-manager ok 4 /gdbus/codegen/property-naming # End of codegen tests # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-test-codegen-old.test Running test: glib/references.test PASS: glib/references.test Running test: glib/timeout.test # random seed: R02S1a2b038987cb012c397d6e9b3fb00ceb 1..2 # Start of timeout tests ok 1 /timeout/seconds ok 2 /timeout/rounding # End of timeout tests PASS: glib/timeout.test Running test: glib/atomic-test.test PASS: glib/atomic-test.test Running test: glib/credentials.test # random seed: R02Sbaa3c86cb625364656014d3c99c6a787 1..1 # Start of credentials tests # GCredentials:linux-ucred:pid=16185,uid=1000,gid=1001 # GCredentials:linux-ucred:pid=16185,uid=0,gid=1001 ok 1 /credentials/basic # End of credentials tests PASS: glib/credentials.test Running test: glib/asyncqueue.test # random seed: R02S83e2e5e581f6e1caa2dcc9475158ac6d 1..6 # Start of asyncqueue tests ok 1 /asyncqueue/sort ok 2 /asyncqueue/destroy ok 3 /asyncqueue/threads ok 4 /asyncqueue/timed ok 5 /asyncqueue/remove ok 6 /asyncqueue/push_front # End of asyncqueue tests PASS: glib/asyncqueue.test Running test: glib/test-printf.test # random seed: R02Se7f150ea30cf8065b26c8387238e1281 1..20 # Start of snprintf tests ok 1 /snprintf/retval-and-trunc ok 2 /snprintf/%d ok 3 /snprintf/%d-invalid ok 4 /snprintf/%o ok 5 /snprintf/%u ok 6 /snprintf/%x ok 7 /snprintf/%X ok 8 /snprintf/%f ok 9 /snprintf/%e ok 10 /snprintf/%c ok 11 /snprintf/%s ok 12 /snprintf/%n ok 13 /snprintf/test-percent ok 14 /snprintf/test-positional-params ok 15 /snprintf/test-64bit # End of snprintf tests # Start of printf tests ok 16 /printf/test-percent ok 17 /printf/test-positional-params ok 18 /printf/test-64bit # Start of test-64bit tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of test-64bit tests # End of printf tests # Start of sprintf tests ok 19 /sprintf/test-positional-params ok 20 /sprintf/upper-bound # End of sprintf tests PASS: glib/test-printf.test Running test: glib/642026.test # random seed: R02S6af2d91a7e4eaff579029e255acb672f 1..1 # Start of glib tests # Bug Reference: ok 1 /glib/642026 # End of glib tests PASS: glib/642026.test Running test: glib/qsort-test.test PASS: glib/qsort-test.test Running test: glib/gdbus-unix-addresses.test # random seed: R02Sd1a8d77992c232d709fd08181eba5edd 1..2 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/x11-autolaunch ok 2 /gdbus/xdg-runtime # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-unix-addresses.test Running test: glib/value.test # random seed: R02S7341db804caee7fec9c52370a5aefae8 1..2 # Start of value tests ok 1 /value/basic # Start of array tests ok 2 /value/array/basic # End of array tests # End of value tests PASS: glib/value.test Running test: glib/sort.test # random seed: R02Sa86058deedcd6dbaba0657a647dd89bb 1..3 # Start of sort tests ok 1 /sort/basic ok 2 /sort/stable ok 3 /sort/big # End of sort tests PASS: glib/sort.test Running test: glib/string.test # random seed: R02Sfdd297c4a6199374bbcb3866c892ce85 1..18 # Start of string tests ok 1 /string/test-string-chunks ok 2 /string/test-string-chunk-insert ok 3 /string/test-string-new ok 4 /string/test-string-printf ok 5 /string/test-string-assign ok 6 /string/test-string-append-c ok 7 /string/test-string-append ok 8 /string/test-string-prepend-c ok 9 /string/test-string-prepend ok 10 /string/test-string-insert ok 11 /string/test-string-insert-unichar ok 12 /string/test-string-equal ok 13 /string/test-string-truncate ok 14 /string/test-string-overwrite ok 15 /string/test-string-nul-handling ok 16 /string/test-string-up-down ok 17 /string/test-string-set-size ok 18 /string/test-string-to-bytes # End of string tests PASS: glib/string.test Running test: glib/strfuncs.test # random seed: R02S8ecf78e81dc7749d741754f4d87ceacd 1..32 # Start of strfuncs tests ok 1 /strfuncs/test-is-to-digit ok 2 /strfuncs/strdup ok 3 /strfuncs/strndup ok 4 /strfuncs/strdup-printf ok 5 /strfuncs/strdupv ok 6 /strfuncs/strnfill ok 7 /strfuncs/strconcat ok 8 /strfuncs/strjoin ok 9 /strfuncs/strcanon ok 10 /strfuncs/strcompress-strescape ok 11 /strfuncs/ascii-strcasecmp ok 12 /strfuncs/strchug ok 13 /strfuncs/strchomp ok 14 /strfuncs/strreverse ok 15 /strfuncs/strncasecmp ok 16 /strfuncs/strstr ok 17 /strfuncs/has-prefix ok 18 /strfuncs/has-suffix ok 19 /strfuncs/strsplit ok 20 /strfuncs/strsplit-set ok 21 /strfuncs/strv-length ok 22 /strfuncs/strtod ok 23 /strfuncs/strtoull-strtoll ok 24 /strfuncs/bounds-check ok 25 /strfuncs/strip-context ok 26 /strfuncs/strerror ok 27 /strfuncs/strsignal ok 28 /strfuncs/strup ok 29 /strfuncs/transliteration ok 30 /strfuncs/strv-contains # Start of ascii-string-to-num tests ok 31 /strfuncs/ascii-string-to-num/usual ok 32 /strfuncs/ascii-string-to-num/pathological # End of ascii-string-to-num tests # End of strfuncs tests PASS: glib/strfuncs.test Running test: glib/gdbus-bz627724.test # random seed: R02S6faee7172f08ac996ddf4db25eb0be3c 1..1 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/bz627724 # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-bz627724.test Running test: glib/iochannel-test.test PASS: glib/iochannel-test.test Running test: glib/mapping-test.test PASS: glib/mapping-test.test Running test: glib/onceinit.test PASS: glib/onceinit.test Running test: glib/stream-rw_all.test # random seed: R02S00f1dcacac2b4e6be1fc1ea304cc4a20 1..3 # Start of stream tests # Start of read_all_async tests ok 1 /stream/read_all_async/memory # End of read_all_async tests # Start of write_all_async tests ok 2 /stream/write_all_async/memory # End of write_all_async tests # Start of read_write_all_async tests ok 3 /stream/read_write_all_async/pipe # End of read_write_all_async tests # End of stream tests PASS: glib/stream-rw_all.test Running test: glib/enums.test # random seed: R02S95884770d0102aca2e6a86d77f617e79 1..2 # Start of enum tests ok 1 /enum/basic # End of enum tests # Start of flags tests ok 2 /flags/basic # End of flags tests PASS: glib/enums.test Running test: glib/io-stream.test # random seed: R02S76aa673d5fc3a4f7f9251f6a4a75357a 1..3 # Start of io-stream tests ok 1 /io-stream/copy-chunks # Start of close tests # Start of async tests ok 2 /io-stream/close/async/memory ok 3 /io-stream/close/async/file # End of async tests # End of close tests # End of io-stream tests PASS: glib/io-stream.test Running test: glib/inet-address.test # random seed: R02S02cc538fd74aed02d854f3e77ed49a7c 1..11 # Start of inet-address tests ok 1 /inet-address/parse ok 2 /inet-address/any ok 3 /inet-address/loopback ok 4 /inet-address/bytes ok 5 /inet-address/property # End of inet-address tests # Start of socket-address tests ok 6 /socket-address/basic ok 7 /socket-address/to-string # End of socket-address tests # Start of address-mask tests ok 8 /address-mask/parse ok 9 /address-mask/property ok 10 /address-mask/equal ok 11 /address-mask/match # End of address-mask tests PASS: glib/inet-address.test Running test: glib/env-test.test PASS: glib/env-test.test Running test: glib/fileattributematcher.test # random seed: R02Sf266e9afdf72641bf03370f027235f6e 1..3 # Start of fileattributematcher tests ok 1 /fileattributematcher/exact ok 2 /fileattributematcher/equality ok 3 /fileattributematcher/subtract # End of fileattributematcher tests PASS: glib/fileattributematcher.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-composite.test # random seed: R02S3b617c7177446daa4045a86bc788ddcf 1..2 # Start of pixbuf tests ok 1 /pixbuf/composite1 ok 2 /pixbuf/composite2 # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-composite.test Running test: glib/cancellable.test # random seed: R02S264b51f3356fd236716f6edae3d8213e 1..1 # Start of cancellable tests ok 1 /cancellable/multiple-concurrent # End of cancellable tests PASS: glib/cancellable.test Running test: glib/proxy-test.test # random seed: R02Sf14ab181cccb398540aa467c15b38a54 1..9 # Start of proxy tests ok 1 /proxy/direct_sync ok 2 /proxy/direct_async ok 3 /proxy/single_sync ok 4 /proxy/single_async ok 5 /proxy/multiple_sync ok 6 /proxy/multiple_async ok 7 /proxy/dns ok 8 /proxy/override ok 9 /proxy/enumerator-ports # End of proxy tests PASS: glib/proxy-test.test Running test: glib/regex.test # random seed: R02S97c5114c864dc51c77a3d40795c2040e 1..572 # Start of regex tests ok 1 /regex/properties ok 2 /regex/class ok 3 /regex/lookahead ok 4 /regex/lookbehind ok 5 /regex/subpattern ok 6 /regex/condition ok 7 /regex/recursion # Bug Reference: ok 8 /regex/multiline ok 9 /regex/explicit-crlf ok 10 /regex/max-lookbehind # Start of new tests ok 11 /regex/new/1 ok 12 /regex/new/2 ok 13 /regex/new/3 ok 14 /regex/new/4 ok 15 /regex/new/5 ok 16 /regex/new/6 ok 17 /regex/new/7 ok 18 /regex/new/8 ok 19 /regex/new/9 ok 20 /regex/new/10 ok 21 /regex/new/11 ok 22 /regex/new/12 ok 23 /regex/new/13 ok 24 /regex/new/14 ok 25 /regex/new/15 ok 26 /regex/new/16 ok 27 /regex/new/17 ok 28 /regex/new/18 ok 29 /regex/new/19 # End of new tests # Start of new-check-flags tests ok 30 /regex/new-check-flags/20 ok 31 /regex/new-check-flags/21 ok 32 /regex/new-check-flags/22 ok 33 /regex/new-check-flags/23 ok 34 /regex/new-check-flags/24 ok 35 /regex/new-check-flags/25 ok 36 /regex/new-check-flags/26 ok 37 /regex/new-check-flags/27 ok 38 /regex/new-check-flags/28 ok 39 /regex/new-check-flags/29 ok 40 /regex/new-check-flags/30 ok 41 /regex/new-check-flags/31 ok 42 /regex/new-check-flags/32 ok 43 /regex/new-check-flags/33 # End of new-check-flags tests # Start of new-fail tests ok 44 /regex/new-fail/34 ok 45 /regex/new-fail/35 ok 46 /regex/new-fail/36 ok 47 /regex/new-fail/37 ok 48 /regex/new-fail/38 ok 49 /regex/new-fail/39 ok 50 /regex/new-fail/40 ok 51 /regex/new-fail/41 ok 52 /regex/new-fail/42 ok 53 /regex/new-fail/43 ok 54 /regex/new-fail/44 ok 55 /regex/new-fail/45 ok 56 /regex/new-fail/46 ok 57 /regex/new-fail/47 ok 58 /regex/new-fail/48 ok 59 /regex/new-fail/49 ok 60 /regex/new-fail/50 ok 61 /regex/new-fail/51 ok 62 /regex/new-fail/52 ok 63 /regex/new-fail/53 ok 64 /regex/new-fail/54 ok 65 /regex/new-fail/55 ok 66 /regex/new-fail/56 ok 67 /regex/new-fail/57 ok 68 /regex/new-fail/58 ok 69 /regex/new-fail/59 ok 70 /regex/new-fail/60 ok 71 /regex/new-fail/61 ok 72 /regex/new-fail/62 ok 73 /regex/new-fail/63 ok 74 /regex/new-fail/64 ok 75 /regex/new-fail/65 ok 76 /regex/new-fail/66 ok 77 /regex/new-fail/67 ok 78 /regex/new-fail/68 ok 79 /regex/new-fail/69 ok 80 /regex/new-fail/70 ok 81 /regex/new-fail/71 ok 82 /regex/new-fail/72 ok 83 /regex/new-fail/73 ok 84 /regex/new-fail/74 ok 85 /regex/new-fail/75 ok 86 /regex/new-fail/76 ok 87 /regex/new-fail/77 ok 88 /regex/new-fail/78 ok 89 /regex/new-fail/79 ok 90 /regex/new-fail/80 ok 91 /regex/new-fail/81 ok 92 /regex/new-fail/82 ok 93 /regex/new-fail/83 ok 94 /regex/new-fail/84 ok 95 /regex/new-fail/85 ok 96 /regex/new-fail/86 ok 97 /regex/new-fail/87 ok 98 /regex/new-fail/88 # End of new-fail tests # Start of match-simple tests ok 99 /regex/match-simple/89 ok 100 /regex/match-simple/90 ok 101 /regex/match-simple/91 ok 102 /regex/match-simple/92 ok 103 /regex/match-simple/93 ok 104 /regex/match-simple/94 ok 105 /regex/match-simple/95 ok 106 /regex/match-simple/96 ok 107 /regex/match-simple/97 ok 108 /regex/match-simple/98 ok 109 /regex/match-simple/99 ok 110 /regex/match-simple/100 ok 111 /regex/match-simple/101 ok 112 /regex/match-simple/102 ok 113 /regex/match-simple/103 ok 114 /regex/match-simple/104 ok 115 /regex/match-simple/105 ok 116 /regex/match-simple/106 ok 117 /regex/match-simple/107 ok 118 /regex/match-simple/108 ok 119 /regex/match-simple/109 ok 120 /regex/match-simple/110 ok 121 /regex/match-simple/111 ok 122 /regex/match-simple/112 ok 123 /regex/match-simple/113 ok 124 /regex/match-simple/114 ok 125 /regex/match-simple/115 ok 126 /regex/match-simple/116 ok 127 /regex/match-simple/117 ok 128 /regex/match-simple/118 ok 129 /regex/match-simple/119 ok 130 /regex/match-simple/120 ok 131 /regex/match-simple/121 ok 132 /regex/match-simple/122 ok 133 /regex/match-simple/123 ok 134 /regex/match-simple/124 ok 135 /regex/match-simple/125 ok 136 /regex/match-simple/126 ok 137 /regex/match-simple/127 ok 138 /regex/match-simple/128 ok 139 /regex/match-simple/129 ok 140 /regex/match-simple/130 ok 141 /regex/match-simple/131 ok 142 /regex/match-simple/132 ok 143 /regex/match-simple/133 ok 144 /regex/match-simple/134 ok 145 /regex/match-simple/135 ok 146 /regex/match-simple/136 ok 147 /regex/match-simple/137 ok 148 /regex/match-simple/138 ok 149 /regex/match-simple/139 ok 150 /regex/match-simple/140 ok 151 /regex/match-simple/141 ok 152 /regex/match-simple/142 ok 153 /regex/match-simple/143 ok 154 /regex/match-simple/144 ok 155 /regex/match-simple/145 ok 156 /regex/match-simple/146 ok 157 /regex/match-simple/147 ok 158 /regex/match-simple/148 ok 159 /regex/match-simple/149 ok 160 /regex/match-simple/150 ok 161 /regex/match-simple/151 ok 162 /regex/match-simple/152 ok 163 /regex/match-simple/153 ok 164 /regex/match-simple/154 ok 165 /regex/match-simple/155 ok 166 /regex/match-simple/156 ok 167 /regex/match-simple/157 # End of match-simple tests # Start of match tests ok 168 /regex/match/158 ok 169 /regex/match/159 ok 170 /regex/match/160 ok 171 /regex/match/161 ok 172 /regex/match/162 ok 173 /regex/match/163 ok 174 /regex/match/164 ok 175 /regex/match/165 ok 176 /regex/match/166 ok 177 /regex/match/167 ok 178 /regex/match/168 ok 179 /regex/match/169 ok 180 /regex/match/170 ok 181 /regex/match/171 ok 182 /regex/match/172 ok 183 /regex/match/173 ok 184 /regex/match/174 ok 185 /regex/match/175 ok 186 /regex/match/176 ok 187 /regex/match/177 ok 188 /regex/match/178 ok 189 /regex/match/179 ok 190 /regex/match/180 ok 191 /regex/match/181 ok 192 /regex/match/182 ok 193 /regex/match/183 ok 194 /regex/match/184 ok 195 /regex/match/185 ok 196 /regex/match/186 ok 197 /regex/match/187 ok 198 /regex/match/188 ok 199 /regex/match/189 ok 200 /regex/match/190 ok 201 /regex/match/191 ok 202 /regex/match/192 ok 203 /regex/match/193 ok 204 /regex/match/194 ok 205 /regex/match/195 ok 206 /regex/match/196 ok 207 /regex/match/197 ok 208 /regex/match/198 ok 209 /regex/match/199 ok 210 /regex/match/200 ok 211 /regex/match/201 ok 212 /regex/match/202 ok 213 /regex/match/203 ok 214 /regex/match/204 ok 215 /regex/match/205 ok 216 /regex/match/206 ok 217 /regex/match/207 ok 218 /regex/match/208 ok 219 /regex/match/209 ok 220 /regex/match/210 ok 221 /regex/match/211 ok 222 /regex/match/212 ok 223 /regex/match/213 ok 224 /regex/match/214 ok 225 /regex/match/215 ok 226 /regex/match/216 ok 227 /regex/match/217 ok 228 /regex/match/218 ok 229 /regex/match/219 ok 230 /regex/match/220 ok 231 /regex/match/221 ok 232 /regex/match/222 ok 233 /regex/match/223 ok 234 /regex/match/224 ok 235 /regex/match/225 ok 236 /regex/match/226 ok 237 /regex/match/227 ok 238 /regex/match/228 # Start of next0 tests ok 239 /regex/match/next0/229 ok 240 /regex/match/next0/230 ok 241 /regex/match/next0/231 ok 242 /regex/match/next0/232 # End of next0 tests # Start of next1 tests ok 243 /regex/match/next1/233 ok 244 /regex/match/next1/234 ok 245 /regex/match/next1/235 ok 246 /regex/match/next1/236 # End of next1 tests # Start of next2 tests ok 247 /regex/match/next2/237 ok 248 /regex/match/next2/238 ok 249 /regex/match/next2/239 ok 250 /regex/match/next2/240 ok 251 /regex/match/next2/241 ok 252 /regex/match/next2/242 ok 253 /regex/match/next2/243 # End of next2 tests # Start of next3 tests ok 254 /regex/match/next3/244 ok 255 /regex/match/next3/245 ok 256 /regex/match/next3/246 ok 257 /regex/match/next3/247 ok 258 /regex/match/next3/248 ok 259 /regex/match/next3/249 # End of next3 tests # Start of next4 tests ok 260 /regex/match/next4/250 # End of next4 tests # Start of count tests ok 261 /regex/match/count/251 ok 262 /regex/match/count/252 ok 263 /regex/match/count/253 ok 264 /regex/match/count/254 ok 265 /regex/match/count/255 ok 266 /regex/match/count/256 ok 267 /regex/match/count/257 ok 268 /regex/match/count/258 ok 269 /regex/match/count/259 ok 270 /regex/match/count/260 # End of count tests # Start of partial tests ok 271 /regex/match/partial/261 ok 272 /regex/match/partial/262 ok 273 /regex/match/partial/263 ok 274 /regex/match/partial/264 ok 275 /regex/match/partial/265 ok 276 /regex/match/partial/266 ok 277 /regex/match/partial/267 ok 278 /regex/match/partial/268 ok 279 /regex/match/partial/269 # End of partial tests # Start of subpattern tests ok 280 /regex/match/subpattern/270 ok 281 /regex/match/subpattern/271 ok 282 /regex/match/subpattern/272 ok 283 /regex/match/subpattern/273 ok 284 /regex/match/subpattern/274 ok 285 /regex/match/subpattern/275 ok 286 /regex/match/subpattern/276 ok 287 /regex/match/subpattern/277 ok 288 /regex/match/subpattern/278 ok 289 /regex/match/subpattern/279 # Start of named tests # Start of dupnames tests ok 290 /regex/match/subpattern/named/dupnames/289 ok 291 /regex/match/subpattern/named/dupnames/290 ok 292 /regex/match/subpattern/named/dupnames/291 ok 293 /regex/match/subpattern/named/dupnames/292 ok 294 /regex/match/subpattern/named/dupnames/293 # End of dupnames tests # End of named tests # End of subpattern tests # Start of named tests # Start of subpattern tests ok 295 /regex/match/named/subpattern/280 ok 296 /regex/match/named/subpattern/281 ok 297 /regex/match/named/subpattern/282 ok 298 /regex/match/named/subpattern/283 ok 299 /regex/match/named/subpattern/284 ok 300 /regex/match/named/subpattern/285 ok 301 /regex/match/named/subpattern/286 ok 302 /regex/match/named/subpattern/287 ok 303 /regex/match/named/subpattern/288 ok 304 /regex/match/named/subpattern/294 ok 305 /regex/match/named/subpattern/295 ok 306 /regex/match/named/subpattern/296 ok 307 /regex/match/named/subpattern/297 ok 308 /regex/match/named/subpattern/298 # End of subpattern tests # End of named tests # End of match tests # Start of fetch-all0 tests ok 309 /regex/fetch-all0/299 ok 310 /regex/fetch-all0/300 # End of fetch-all0 tests # Start of fetch-all1 tests ok 311 /regex/fetch-all1/301 ok 312 /regex/fetch-all1/302 ok 313 /regex/fetch-all1/303 # End of fetch-all1 tests # Start of fetch-all2 tests ok 314 /regex/fetch-all2/304 ok 315 /regex/fetch-all2/305 ok 316 /regex/fetch-all2/306 # End of fetch-all2 tests # Start of fetch-all3 tests ok 317 /regex/fetch-all3/307 ok 318 /regex/fetch-all3/308 ok 319 /regex/fetch-all3/309 ok 320 /regex/fetch-all3/310 ok 321 /regex/fetch-all3/311 # End of fetch-all3 tests # Start of split tests # Start of simple0 tests ok 322 /regex/split/simple0/312 ok 323 /regex/split/simple0/313 ok 324 /regex/split/simple0/328 ok 325 /regex/split/simple0/329 # End of simple0 tests # Start of simple1 tests ok 326 /regex/split/simple1/314 ok 327 /regex/split/simple1/315 # End of simple1 tests # Start of simple2 tests ok 328 /regex/split/simple2/316 ok 329 /regex/split/simple2/322 ok 330 /regex/split/simple2/324 # End of simple2 tests # Start of simple3 tests ok 331 /regex/split/simple3/317 ok 332 /regex/split/simple3/318 ok 333 /regex/split/simple3/319 ok 334 /regex/split/simple3/320 ok 335 /regex/split/simple3/321 ok 336 /regex/split/simple3/323 ok 337 /regex/split/simple3/325 ok 338 /regex/split/simple3/326 ok 339 /regex/split/simple3/327 # End of simple3 tests # End of split tests # Start of split0 tests ok 340 /regex/split0/330 ok 341 /regex/split0/332 # End of split0 tests # Start of full-split0 tests ok 342 /regex/full-split0/331 ok 343 /regex/full-split0/333 ok 344 /regex/full-split0/334 ok 345 /regex/full-split0/335 ok 346 /regex/full-split0/336 # End of full-split0 tests # Start of split1 tests ok 347 /regex/split1/337 ok 348 /regex/split1/340 # End of split1 tests # Start of full-split1 tests ok 349 /regex/full-split1/338 ok 350 /regex/full-split1/339 ok 351 /regex/full-split1/341 ok 352 /regex/full-split1/342 ok 353 /regex/full-split1/368 # End of full-split1 tests # Start of split2 tests ok 354 /regex/split2/343 ok 355 /regex/split2/347 ok 356 /regex/split2/359 # End of split2 tests # Start of full-split2 tests ok 357 /regex/full-split2/344 ok 358 /regex/full-split2/345 ok 359 /regex/full-split2/346 ok 360 /regex/full-split2/348 ok 361 /regex/full-split2/360 ok 362 /regex/full-split2/363 ok 363 /regex/full-split2/369 # End of full-split2 tests # Start of split3 tests ok 364 /regex/split3/349 ok 365 /regex/split3/351 ok 366 /regex/split3/353 ok 367 /regex/split3/355 ok 368 /regex/split3/357 ok 369 /regex/split3/361 ok 370 /regex/split3/364 ok 371 /regex/split3/366 # End of split3 tests # Start of full-split3 tests ok 372 /regex/full-split3/350 ok 373 /regex/full-split3/352 ok 374 /regex/full-split3/354 ok 375 /regex/full-split3/356 ok 376 /regex/full-split3/358 ok 377 /regex/full-split3/362 ok 378 /regex/full-split3/365 ok 379 /regex/full-split3/367 ok 380 /regex/full-split3/370 ok 381 /regex/full-split3/371 # End of full-split3 tests # Start of check-repacement tests ok 382 /regex/check-repacement/372 ok 383 /regex/check-repacement/373 ok 384 /regex/check-repacement/374 ok 385 /regex/check-repacement/375 ok 386 /regex/check-repacement/376 ok 387 /regex/check-repacement/377 ok 388 /regex/check-repacement/378 ok 389 /regex/check-repacement/379 # End of check-repacement tests # Start of expand tests ok 390 /regex/expand/380 ok 391 /regex/expand/381 ok 392 /regex/expand/382 ok 393 /regex/expand/383 ok 394 /regex/expand/384 ok 395 /regex/expand/385 ok 396 /regex/expand/386 ok 397 /regex/expand/387 ok 398 /regex/expand/388 ok 399 /regex/expand/389 ok 400 /regex/expand/390 ok 401 /regex/expand/391 ok 402 /regex/expand/392 ok 403 /regex/expand/393 ok 404 /regex/expand/394 ok 405 /regex/expand/395 ok 406 /regex/expand/396 ok 407 /regex/expand/397 ok 408 /regex/expand/398 ok 409 /regex/expand/399 ok 410 /regex/expand/400 ok 411 /regex/expand/401 ok 412 /regex/expand/402 ok 413 /regex/expand/403 ok 414 /regex/expand/404 ok 415 /regex/expand/405 ok 416 /regex/expand/406 ok 417 /regex/expand/407 ok 418 /regex/expand/408 ok 419 /regex/expand/409 ok 420 /regex/expand/410 ok 421 /regex/expand/411 ok 422 /regex/expand/412 ok 423 /regex/expand/413 ok 424 /regex/expand/414 ok 425 /regex/expand/415 ok 426 /regex/expand/416 ok 427 /regex/expand/417 ok 428 /regex/expand/418 ok 429 /regex/expand/419 ok 430 /regex/expand/420 ok 431 /regex/expand/421 ok 432 /regex/expand/422 ok 433 /regex/expand/423 ok 434 /regex/expand/424 ok 435 /regex/expand/425 ok 436 /regex/expand/426 ok 437 /regex/expand/427 ok 438 /regex/expand/428 ok 439 /regex/expand/429 ok 440 /regex/expand/430 ok 441 /regex/expand/431 ok 442 /regex/expand/432 ok 443 /regex/expand/433 ok 444 /regex/expand/434 ok 445 /regex/expand/435 ok 446 /regex/expand/436 ok 447 /regex/expand/437 ok 448 /regex/expand/438 ok 449 /regex/expand/439 ok 450 /regex/expand/440 ok 451 /regex/expand/441 ok 452 /regex/expand/442 ok 453 /regex/expand/443 ok 454 /regex/expand/444 ok 455 /regex/expand/445 # End of expand tests # Start of replace tests ok 456 /regex/replace/446 ok 457 /regex/replace/447 ok 458 /regex/replace/448 ok 459 /regex/replace/449 ok 460 /regex/replace/450 ok 461 /regex/replace/451 ok 462 /regex/replace/452 ok 463 /regex/replace/453 ok 464 /regex/replace/454 ok 465 /regex/replace/455 ok 466 /regex/replace/456 ok 467 /regex/replace/457 ok 468 /regex/replace/458 ok 469 /regex/replace/459 ok 470 /regex/replace/460 ok 471 /regex/replace/461 ok 472 /regex/replace/462 ok 473 /regex/replace/463 ok 474 /regex/replace/464 ok 475 /regex/replace/465 ok 476 /regex/replace/466 ok 477 /regex/replace/467 ok 478 /regex/replace/468 ok 479 /regex/replace/469 ok 480 /regex/replace/470 ok 481 /regex/replace/471 # End of replace tests # Start of replace-literally tests ok 482 /regex/replace-literally/472 ok 483 /regex/replace-literally/473 ok 484 /regex/replace-literally/474 ok 485 /regex/replace-literally/475 ok 486 /regex/replace-literally/476 ok 487 /regex/replace-literally/477 ok 488 /regex/replace-literally/478 ok 489 /regex/replace-literally/479 ok 490 /regex/replace-literally/480 ok 491 /regex/replace-literally/481 ok 492 /regex/replace-literally/482 ok 493 /regex/replace-literally/483 ok 494 /regex/replace-literally/484 ok 495 /regex/replace-literally/485 ok 496 /regex/replace-literally/486 ok 497 /regex/replace-literally/487 ok 498 /regex/replace-literally/488 ok 499 /regex/replace-literally/489 ok 500 /regex/replace-literally/490 ok 501 /regex/replace-literally/491 # End of replace-literally tests # Start of string-number tests ok 502 /regex/string-number/492 ok 503 /regex/string-number/493 ok 504 /regex/string-number/494 ok 505 /regex/string-number/495 ok 506 /regex/string-number/496 ok 507 /regex/string-number/497 ok 508 /regex/string-number/498 ok 509 /regex/string-number/499 ok 510 /regex/string-number/500 ok 511 /regex/string-number/501 ok 512 /regex/string-number/502 # End of string-number tests # Start of escape_nul tests ok 513 /regex/escape_nul/503 ok 514 /regex/escape_nul/504 ok 515 /regex/escape_nul/505 ok 516 /regex/escape_nul/506 ok 517 /regex/escape_nul/507 ok 518 /regex/escape_nul/508 ok 519 /regex/escape_nul/509 ok 520 /regex/escape_nul/510 ok 521 /regex/escape_nul/511 ok 522 /regex/escape_nul/512 ok 523 /regex/escape_nul/513 ok 524 /regex/escape_nul/514 ok 525 /regex/escape_nul/515 ok 526 /regex/escape_nul/516 ok 527 /regex/escape_nul/517 # End of escape_nul tests # Start of escape tests ok 528 /regex/escape/518 ok 529 /regex/escape/519 ok 530 /regex/escape/520 ok 531 /regex/escape/521 ok 532 /regex/escape/522 ok 533 /regex/escape/523 ok 534 /regex/escape/524 ok 535 /regex/escape/525 ok 536 /regex/escape/526 ok 537 /regex/escape/527 ok 538 /regex/escape/528 ok 539 /regex/escape/529 ok 540 /regex/escape/530 ok 541 /regex/escape/531 ok 542 /regex/escape/532 ok 543 /regex/escape/533 ok 544 /regex/escape/534 ok 545 /regex/escape/535 # End of escape tests # Start of match-all0 tests ok 546 /regex/match-all0/536 ok 547 /regex/match-all0/538 # End of match-all0 tests # Start of match-all-full0 tests ok 548 /regex/match-all-full0/537 ok 549 /regex/match-all-full0/539 ok 550 /regex/match-all-full0/540 ok 551 /regex/match-all-full0/541 # End of match-all-full0 tests # Start of match-all1 tests ok 552 /regex/match-all1/542 ok 553 /regex/match-all1/544 ok 554 /regex/match-all1/549 # End of match-all1 tests # Start of match-all-full1 tests ok 555 /regex/match-all-full1/543 ok 556 /regex/match-all-full1/545 ok 557 /regex/match-all-full1/546 ok 558 /regex/match-all-full1/547 ok 559 /regex/match-all-full1/548 ok 560 /regex/match-all-full1/550 # End of match-all-full1 tests # Start of match-all2 tests ok 561 /regex/match-all2/551 ok 562 /regex/match-all2/553 ok 563 /regex/match-all2/555 # End of match-all2 tests # Start of match-all-full2 tests ok 564 /regex/match-all-full2/552 ok 565 /regex/match-all-full2/554 ok 566 /regex/match-all-full2/556 # End of match-all-full2 tests # Start of match-all3 tests ok 567 /regex/match-all3/557 ok 568 /regex/match-all3/559 # End of match-all3 tests # Start of match-all-full3 tests ok 569 /regex/match-all-full3/558 ok 570 /regex/match-all-full3/560 # End of match-all-full3 tests # Start of match-notempty tests ok 571 /regex/match-notempty/561 # End of match-notempty tests # Start of match-notempty-atstart tests ok 572 /regex/match-notempty-atstart/562 # End of match-notempty-atstart tests # End of regex tests PASS: glib/regex.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-fail.test # random seed: R02S2b59278f9b50a2eae14afd22fd185f23 1..62 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of fail_tiny tests ok 1 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/CVE-2017-2862.jpg ok 2 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/DoS.tga ok 3 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/androstanRezeptor.tga ok 4 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug776694.bmp ok 5 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug777315.bmp ok 6 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug778204.ico ok 7 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug780269.tif # SKIP format not supported ok 8 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug784903-overflow-dimensions.tiff # SKIP format not supported ok 9 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug785973.gif ok 10 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/colormap-image-without-colormap.tga ok 11 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/empty-file.tga ok 12 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/file3.jp2 # SKIP format not supported ok 13 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.bmp ok 14 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.gif ok 15 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.ico ok 16 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.png ok 17 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.ppm ok 18 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.2.gif ok 19 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.2.png ok 20 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.2.ppm ok 21 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.3.gif ok 22 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.3.ico ok 23 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.3.png ok 24 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.3.ppm ok 25 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.4.gif ok 26 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.4.png ok 27 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.5.ppm ok 28 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.6.ppm ok 29 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.7.ppm ok 30 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.8.ppm ok 31 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/overflow.tga # End of fail_tiny tests # Start of fail_huge tests ok 32 /pixbuf/fail_huge/CVE-2017-2862.jpg ok 33 /pixbuf/fail_huge/DoS.tga ok 34 /pixbuf/fail_huge/androstanRezeptor.tga ok 35 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug776694.bmp ok 36 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug777315.bmp ok 37 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug778204.ico ok 38 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug780269.tif # SKIP format not supported ok 39 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug784903-overflow-dimensions.tiff # SKIP format not supported ok 40 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug785973.gif ok 41 /pixbuf/fail_huge/colormap-image-without-colormap.tga ok 42 /pixbuf/fail_huge/empty-file.tga ok 43 /pixbuf/fail_huge/file3.jp2 # SKIP format not supported ok 44 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.bmp ok 45 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.gif ok 46 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.ico ok 47 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.png ok 48 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.ppm ok 49 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.2.gif ok 50 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.2.png ok 51 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.2.ppm ok 52 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.3.gif ok 53 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.3.ico ok 54 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.3.png ok 55 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.3.ppm ok 56 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.4.gif ok 57 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.4.png ok 58 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.5.ppm ok 59 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.6.ppm ok 60 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.7.ppm ok 61 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.8.ppm ok 62 /pixbuf/fail_huge/overflow.tga # End of fail_huge tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-fail.test Running test: glib/giomodule.test # random seed: R02S72cd7437e846ad64a2d108a5542633bb 1..3 # Start of giomodule tests ok 1 /giomodule/extension-point ok 2 /giomodule/module-scan-all ok 3 /giomodule/module-scan-all-with-scope # End of giomodule tests PASS: glib/giomodule.test Running test: glib/socket-address.test # random seed: R02S845e2fc407cdaca8f7e833a3b91d6b12 1..2 # Start of socket tests # Start of address tests # Start of unix tests ok 1 /socket/address/unix/construct ok 2 /socket/address/unix/to-string # End of unix tests # End of address tests # End of socket tests PASS: glib/socket-address.test Running test: glib/dataset.test # random seed: R02S5df5972ca2de3afc43fa01f297dbd856 1..10 # Start of quark tests ok 1 /quark/basic ok 2 /quark/string # End of quark tests # Start of dataset tests ok 3 /dataset/basic ok 4 /dataset/id ok 5 /dataset/full ok 6 /dataset/foreach ok 7 /dataset/destroy # End of dataset tests # Start of datalist tests ok 8 /datalist/basic ok 9 /datalist/id ok 10 /datalist/recursive-clear # End of datalist tests PASS: glib/dataset.test Running test: glib/testgdate.test checking GDate... Locale set to C Today is a Tuesday, 02/13/18 1 second into the Unix epoch it was a Thursday, in the month of January, 01/01/70 Our "Julian" epoch begins on a Monday, in the month of January, 01/01/01 testing 104 years (Break in sequence of requested years to check) Checking year 1.................. done Checking year 2.................. done Checking year 3................... done Checking year 4.................. done Checking year 5................... done Checking year 6.................. done Checking year 7.................. done Checking year 8................... done Checking year 9.................. done Checking year 10................... done Checking year 11.................. done Checking year 12................... done Checking year 13.................. done Checking year 14.................. done (Break in sequence of requested years to check) Checking year 98................... done Checking year 99.................. done Checking year 100................... done Checking year 101.................. done Checking year 102.................. done Checking year 103................... done (Break in sequence of requested years to check) Checking year 397.................. done Checking year 398................... done Checking year 399.................. done Checking year 400................... done Checking year 401.................. done Checking year 402.................. done Checking year 403................... done Checking year 404.................. done Checking year 405................... done Checking year 406.................. done (Break in sequence of requested years to check) Checking year 1598.................. done Checking year 1599................... done Checking year 1600.................. done Checking year 1601................... done Checking year 1602.................. done (Break in sequence of requested years to check) Checking year 1650................... done Checking year 1651.................. done (Break in sequence of requested years to check) Checking year 1897.................. done Checking year 1898................... done Checking year 1899.................. done Checking year 1900................... done Checking year 1901.................. done Checking year 1902.................. done Checking year 1903................... done (Break in sequence of requested years to check) Checking year 1961.................. done Checking year 1962................... done Checking year 1963.................. done Checking year 1964................... done Checking year 1965.................. done (Break in sequence of requested years to check) Checking year 1967.................. done Checking year 1968................... done Checking year 1969.................. done Checking year 1970................... done Checking year 1971.................. done Checking year 1972................... done Checking year 1973.................. done Checking year 1974.................. done Checking year 1975................... done Checking year 1976.................. done Checking year 1977................... done Checking year 1978.................. done Checking year 1979.................. done Checking year 1980................... done Checking year 1981.................. done Checking year 1982................... done Checking year 1983.................. done Checking year 1984................... done Checking year 1985.................. done Checking year 1986.................. done Checking year 1987................... done Checking year 1988.................. done Checking year 1989................... done Checking year 1990.................. done Checking year 1991................... done Checking year 1992.................. done Checking year 1993.................. done Checking year 1994................... done Checking year 1995.................. done Checking year 1996................... done Checking year 1997.................. done Checking year 1998................... done Checking year 1999.................. done Checking year 2000.................. done Checking year 2001................... done Checking year 2002.................. done Checking year 2003................... done Checking year 2004.................. done Checking year 2005.................. done Checking year 2006................... done Checking year 2007.................. done Checking year 2008................... done Checking year 2009.................. done Checking year 2010................... done Checking year 2011.................. done Checking year 2012.................. done (Break in sequence of requested years to check) Checking year 3000................... done Checking year 3001.................. done Checking year 3002................... done (Break in sequence of requested years to check) Checking year 3998.................. done Checking year 3999................... done Checking year 4000.................. done Checking year 4001.................. done Checking year 4002................... done Checking year 4003.................. done 19156985 tests passed, 0 failed PASS: glib/testgdate.test Running test: glib/option-argv0.test # random seed: R02Se8c5fbdd17fe1bed5974be172f06411a 1..1 # Start of option tests ok 1 /option/argv0 # End of option tests PASS: glib/option-argv0.test Running test: glib/hook.test # random seed: R02S0eac098077cf02ba637e0c8913fac6e2 1..1 # Start of hook tests ok 1 /hook/test1 # End of hook tests PASS: glib/hook.test Running test: glib/gdbus-exit-on-close.test # random seed: R02S97beb30d569aa8a7b8b530ede421630e 1..4 # Start of gdbus tests # Start of exit-on-close tests ok 1 /gdbus/exit-on-close/default ok 2 /gdbus/exit-on-close/true ok 3 /gdbus/exit-on-close/false ok 4 /gdbus/exit-on-close/we-close # Start of default tests # End of default tests # Start of true tests # End of true tests # Start of false tests # End of false tests # Start of we-close tests # End of we-close tests # End of exit-on-close tests # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-exit-on-close.test Running test: glib/gdbus-threading.test # random seed: R02S8064a8ff2d0d4d3710566a4e6736db37 1..3 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/delivery-in-thread ok 2 /gdbus/method-calls-in-thread ok 3 /gdbus/threaded-singleton # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-threading.test Running test: glib/environment.test # random seed: R02Sa2eaed26a0a28bd2d0656cab0829449a 1..4 # Start of environ tests ok 1 /environ/listenv ok 2 /environ/setenv ok 3 /environ/array ok 4 /environ/null # End of environ tests PASS: glib/environment.test Running test: glib/srvtarget.test # random seed: R02S7af654c4c7ad73bd6f2a5afa413caa91 1..1 # Start of srvtarget tests ok 1 /srvtarget/srv-target-ordering # End of srvtarget tests PASS: glib/srvtarget.test Running test: glib/cache.test # random seed: R02S11a1c88d5aa8e702cdbd80ac9bd8ac92 1..1 # Start of cache tests ok 1 /cache/basic # End of cache tests PASS: glib/cache.test Running test: glib/private.test # random seed: R02S85d925063e0933078a167b4cbfdebcf7 1..3 # Start of private tests ok 1 /private/instance ok 2 /private/derived-instance ok 3 /private/mixed-derived-instance # End of private tests PASS: glib/private.test Running test: glib/mainloop-test.test PASS: glib/mainloop-test.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-scale-two-step.test # random seed: R02S984db7fff9c45786e2f5f5c96fdc86c0 1..9 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of scale tests # Start of two-step tests ok 1 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/tiles ok 2 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/bilinear ok 3 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/hyper # Start of offset tests ok 4 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/offset/tiles ok 5 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/offset/bilinear ok 6 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/offset/hyper # End of offset tests # Start of dest tests ok 7 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/dest/tiles ok 8 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/dest/bilinear ok 9 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/dest/hyper # End of dest tests # End of two-step tests # End of scale tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-scale-two-step.test Running test: glib/utf8-validate.test # random seed: R02S2cc61e915022d5ebd13fac3b806ee5f8 1..216 # Start of utf8 tests # Vector 0 # Vector 1 # Vector 2 # Vector 3 # Vector 4 # Vector 5 # Vector 6 # Vector 7 # Vector 8 # Vector 9 # Vector 10 # Vector 11 # Vector 12 # Vector 13 # Vector 14 # Vector 15 # Vector 16 # Vector 17 # Vector 18 # Vector 19 # Vector 20 # Vector 21 ok 1 /utf8/get-char-validated # Start of validate tests ok 2 /utf8/validate/0 ok 3 /utf8/validate/1 ok 4 /utf8/validate/2 ok 5 /utf8/validate/3 ok 6 /utf8/validate/4 ok 7 /utf8/validate/5 ok 8 /utf8/validate/6 ok 9 /utf8/validate/7 ok 10 /utf8/validate/8 ok 11 /utf8/validate/9 ok 12 /utf8/validate/10 ok 13 /utf8/validate/11 ok 14 /utf8/validate/12 ok 15 /utf8/validate/13 ok 16 /utf8/validate/14 ok 17 /utf8/validate/15 ok 18 /utf8/validate/16 ok 19 /utf8/validate/17 ok 20 /utf8/validate/18 ok 21 /utf8/validate/19 ok 22 /utf8/validate/20 ok 23 /utf8/validate/21 ok 24 /utf8/validate/22 ok 25 /utf8/validate/23 ok 26 /utf8/validate/24 ok 27 /utf8/validate/25 ok 28 /utf8/validate/26 ok 29 /utf8/validate/27 ok 30 /utf8/validate/28 ok 31 /utf8/validate/29 ok 32 /utf8/validate/30 ok 33 /utf8/validate/31 ok 34 /utf8/validate/32 ok 35 /utf8/validate/33 ok 36 /utf8/validate/34 ok 37 /utf8/validate/35 ok 38 /utf8/validate/36 ok 39 /utf8/validate/37 ok 40 /utf8/validate/38 ok 41 /utf8/validate/39 ok 42 /utf8/validate/40 ok 43 /utf8/validate/41 ok 44 /utf8/validate/42 ok 45 /utf8/validate/43 ok 46 /utf8/validate/44 ok 47 /utf8/validate/45 ok 48 /utf8/validate/46 ok 49 /utf8/validate/47 ok 50 /utf8/validate/48 ok 51 /utf8/validate/49 ok 52 /utf8/validate/50 ok 53 /utf8/validate/51 ok 54 /utf8/validate/52 ok 55 /utf8/validate/53 ok 56 /utf8/validate/54 ok 57 /utf8/validate/55 ok 58 /utf8/validate/56 ok 59 /utf8/validate/57 ok 60 /utf8/validate/58 ok 61 /utf8/validate/59 ok 62 /utf8/validate/60 ok 63 /utf8/validate/61 ok 64 /utf8/validate/62 ok 65 /utf8/validate/63 ok 66 /utf8/validate/64 ok 67 /utf8/validate/65 ok 68 /utf8/validate/66 ok 69 /utf8/validate/67 ok 70 /utf8/validate/68 ok 71 /utf8/validate/69 ok 72 /utf8/validate/70 ok 73 /utf8/validate/71 ok 74 /utf8/validate/72 ok 75 /utf8/validate/73 ok 76 /utf8/validate/74 ok 77 /utf8/validate/75 ok 78 /utf8/validate/76 ok 79 /utf8/validate/77 ok 80 /utf8/validate/78 ok 81 /utf8/validate/79 ok 82 /utf8/validate/80 ok 83 /utf8/validate/81 ok 84 /utf8/validate/82 ok 85 /utf8/validate/83 ok 86 /utf8/validate/84 ok 87 /utf8/validate/85 ok 88 /utf8/validate/86 ok 89 /utf8/validate/87 ok 90 /utf8/validate/88 ok 91 /utf8/validate/89 ok 92 /utf8/validate/90 ok 93 /utf8/validate/91 ok 94 /utf8/validate/92 ok 95 /utf8/validate/93 ok 96 /utf8/validate/94 ok 97 /utf8/validate/95 ok 98 /utf8/validate/96 ok 99 /utf8/validate/97 ok 100 /utf8/validate/98 ok 101 /utf8/validate/99 ok 102 /utf8/validate/100 ok 103 /utf8/validate/101 ok 104 /utf8/validate/102 ok 105 /utf8/validate/103 ok 106 /utf8/validate/104 ok 107 /utf8/validate/105 ok 108 /utf8/validate/106 ok 109 /utf8/validate/107 ok 110 /utf8/validate/108 ok 111 /utf8/validate/109 ok 112 /utf8/validate/110 ok 113 /utf8/validate/111 ok 114 /utf8/validate/112 ok 115 /utf8/validate/113 ok 116 /utf8/validate/114 ok 117 /utf8/validate/115 ok 118 /utf8/validate/116 ok 119 /utf8/validate/117 ok 120 /utf8/validate/118 ok 121 /utf8/validate/119 ok 122 /utf8/validate/120 ok 123 /utf8/validate/121 ok 124 /utf8/validate/122 ok 125 /utf8/validate/123 ok 126 /utf8/validate/124 ok 127 /utf8/validate/125 ok 128 /utf8/validate/126 ok 129 /utf8/validate/127 ok 130 /utf8/validate/128 ok 131 /utf8/validate/129 ok 132 /utf8/validate/130 ok 133 /utf8/validate/131 ok 134 /utf8/validate/132 ok 135 /utf8/validate/133 ok 136 /utf8/validate/134 ok 137 /utf8/validate/135 ok 138 /utf8/validate/136 ok 139 /utf8/validate/137 ok 140 /utf8/validate/138 ok 141 /utf8/validate/139 ok 142 /utf8/validate/140 ok 143 /utf8/validate/141 ok 144 /utf8/validate/142 ok 145 /utf8/validate/143 ok 146 /utf8/validate/144 ok 147 /utf8/validate/145 ok 148 /utf8/validate/146 ok 149 /utf8/validate/147 ok 150 /utf8/validate/148 ok 151 /utf8/validate/149 ok 152 /utf8/validate/150 ok 153 /utf8/validate/151 ok 154 /utf8/validate/152 ok 155 /utf8/validate/153 ok 156 /utf8/validate/154 ok 157 /utf8/validate/155 ok 158 /utf8/validate/156 ok 159 /utf8/validate/157 ok 160 /utf8/validate/158 ok 161 /utf8/validate/159 ok 162 /utf8/validate/160 ok 163 /utf8/validate/161 ok 164 /utf8/validate/162 ok 165 /utf8/validate/163 ok 166 /utf8/validate/164 ok 167 /utf8/validate/165 ok 168 /utf8/validate/166 ok 169 /utf8/validate/167 ok 170 /utf8/validate/168 ok 171 /utf8/validate/169 ok 172 /utf8/validate/170 ok 173 /utf8/validate/171 ok 174 /utf8/validate/172 ok 175 /utf8/validate/173 ok 176 /utf8/validate/174 ok 177 /utf8/validate/175 ok 178 /utf8/validate/176 ok 179 /utf8/validate/177 ok 180 /utf8/validate/178 ok 181 /utf8/validate/179 ok 182 /utf8/validate/180 ok 183 /utf8/validate/181 ok 184 /utf8/validate/182 ok 185 /utf8/validate/183 ok 186 /utf8/validate/184 ok 187 /utf8/validate/185 ok 188 /utf8/validate/186 ok 189 /utf8/validate/187 ok 190 /utf8/validate/188 ok 191 /utf8/validate/189 ok 192 /utf8/validate/190 ok 193 /utf8/validate/191 ok 194 /utf8/validate/192 ok 195 /utf8/validate/193 ok 196 /utf8/validate/194 ok 197 /utf8/validate/195 ok 198 /utf8/validate/196 ok 199 /utf8/validate/197 ok 200 /utf8/validate/198 ok 201 /utf8/validate/199 ok 202 /utf8/validate/200 ok 203 /utf8/validate/201 ok 204 /utf8/validate/202 ok 205 /utf8/validate/203 ok 206 /utf8/validate/204 ok 207 /utf8/validate/205 ok 208 /utf8/validate/206 ok 209 /utf8/validate/207 ok 210 /utf8/validate/208 ok 211 /utf8/validate/209 ok 212 /utf8/validate/210 ok 213 /utf8/validate/211 ok 214 /utf8/validate/212 ok 215 /utf8/validate/213 ok 216 /utf8/validate/214 # End of validate tests # End of utf8 tests PASS: glib/utf8-validate.test Running test: glib/threadpool-test.test PASS: glib/threadpool-test.test Running test: glib/live-g-file.test # random seed: R02Se4577d2b071733d6353dcaa7f15d410f 1..11 # Start of live-g-file tests ok 1 /live-g-file/prep_clean_structure ok 2 /live-g-file/create_structure ok 3 /live-g-file/test_initial_structure ok 4 /live-g-file/test_traverse_structure ok 5 /live-g-file/test_enumerate ok 6 /live-g-file/test_open ok 7 /live-g-file/test_create ok 8 /live-g-file/test_copy_move ok 9 /live-g-file/test_delete ok 10 /live-g-file/test_make_directory_with_parents ok 11 /live-g-file/final_clean # End of live-g-file tests PASS: glib/live-g-file.test Running test: glib/node.test # random seed: R02S86ad476a16612b8a1d91f5272f07d6d6 1..6 # Start of node tests ok 1 /node/allocation ok 2 /node/construction ok 3 /node/traversal ok 4 /node/misc ok 5 /node/unlink ok 6 /node/copy # End of node tests PASS: glib/node.test Running test: glib/unicode-caseconv.test PASS: glib/unicode-caseconv.test Running test: glib/gdbus-non-socket.test # random seed: R02S5ef71a6c19147b7c2b46dac49ebbb080 1..1 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/non-socket # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-non-socket.test Running test: glib/gdbus-peer-object-manager.test # random seed: R02S3b6ce06f16b368788a09afd60e34f04b 1..2 # Start of gdbus tests # Start of peer-object-manager tests ok 1 /gdbus/peer-object-manager/normal ok 2 /gdbus/peer-object-manager/root # End of peer-object-manager tests # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-peer-object-manager.test Running test: glib/testfilemonitor.test # random seed: R02Sbe2f852e64f51d0b275fc94843547d4d 1..5 # Start of monitor tests ok 1 /monitor/atomic-replace ok 2 /monitor/file-changes ok 3 /monitor/dir-monitor ok 4 /monitor/dir-not-existent ok 5 /monitor/cross-dir-moves # End of monitor tests PASS: glib/testfilemonitor.test Running test: glib/timer.test # random seed: R02S4acfd36f84626126e0ea5017e74403ae 1..7 # Start of timer tests ok 1 /timer/basic ok 2 /timer/stop ok 3 /timer/continue ok 4 /timer/reset # End of timer tests # Start of timeval tests ok 5 /timeval/add ok 6 /timeval/from-iso8601 ok 7 /timeval/to-iso8601 # End of timeval tests PASS: glib/timer.test Running test: glib/async-close-output-stream.test # random seed: R02S8dc83b315eb0707d0433bcca13fa89f1 1..3 # Start of close-async tests # Bug Reference: ok 1 /close-async/without-flush # Bug Reference: ok 2 /close-async/with-flush # Bug Reference: ok 3 /close-async/with-async-flush # End of close-async tests PASS: glib/async-close-output-stream.test Running test: glib/autoptr.test # random seed: R02Sd65469cd82b61f2c7ccd5389bf6d6f33 1..1 # Start of autoptr tests ok 1 /autoptr/autoptr # End of autoptr tests PASS: glib/autoptr.test Running test: glib/gdbus-auth.test # random seed: R02Seca73dc5fe0a43a248760884a7e81534 1..5 # Start of gdbus tests # Start of auth tests # Start of client tests ok 1 /gdbus/auth/client/EXTERNAL ok 2 /gdbus/auth/client/DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1 # End of client tests # Start of server tests ok 3 /gdbus/auth/server/ANONYMOUS ok 4 /gdbus/auth/server/EXTERNAL ok 5 /gdbus/auth/server/DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1 # End of server tests # End of auth tests # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-auth.test Running test: glib/cond.test # random seed: R02S7ac8a76820ec97f8e78838d64bc8e0e5 1..3 # Start of thread tests ok 1 /thread/cond1 ok 2 /thread/cond2 # Start of cond tests ok 3 /thread/cond/wait-until # End of cond tests # End of thread tests PASS: glib/cond.test Running test: glib/protocol.test # random seed: R02S880865de1e3c6959ae0a15573eb8373c 1..9 # Start of glib tests # Start of testing tests # Start of protocol tests ok 1 /glib/testing/protocol/debug ok 2 /glib/testing/protocol/info ok 3 /glib/testing/protocol/message ok 4 /glib/testing/protocol/warning ok 5 /glib/testing/protocol/critical ok 6 /glib/testing/protocol/error ok 7 /glib/testing/protocol/gtest-message ok 8 /glib/testing/protocol/test-message ok 9 /glib/testing/protocol/test-error # End of protocol tests # End of testing tests # End of glib tests PASS: glib/protocol.test Running test: glib/mimeapps.test # random seed: R02Sd192616d8b2cade2f55c130ea0d33697 # setting XDG_CONFIG_HOME to '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgconfighome' # setting XDG_DATA_HOME to '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatahome' # setting XDG_DATA_DIRS to '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatadir' # creating '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatadir/applications' # creating '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatadir/applications/mimeapps.list' # creating '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatahome/applications' # creating '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatahome/applications/myapp.desktop' # creating '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatahome/applications/myapp2.desktop' # creating '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatahome/applications/myapp3.desktop' # creating '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatahome/applications/myapp4.desktop' # creating '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatahome/applications/myapp5.desktop' # creating '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatahome/applications/nosuchapp.desktop' # removing '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatahome/applications/mimeapps.list' # creating '/var/volatile/tmp/test-tmp-glib_mimeapps.test-QHSPEZ/xdgdatahome/applications/mimeinfo.cache' 1..7 # Start of appinfo tests ok 1 /appinfo/all # Start of mime tests ok 2 /appinfo/mime/api ok 3 /appinfo/mime/default ok 4 /appinfo/mime/file ok 5 /appinfo/mime/scheme-handler ok 6 /appinfo/mime/default-last-used ok 7 /appinfo/mime/ignore-nonexisting # End of mime tests # End of appinfo tests PASS: glib/mimeapps.test Running test: glib/slist.test # random seed: R02S9d2adc398d46802dbb8877416975d1ab 1..11 # Start of slist tests ok 1 /slist/sort ok 2 /slist/sort-with-data ok 3 /slist/insert-sorted ok 4 /slist/insert-sorted-with-data ok 5 /slist/reverse ok 6 /slist/nth ok 7 /slist/remove ok 8 /slist/remove-all ok 9 /slist/insert ok 10 /slist/position ok 11 /slist/concat # End of slist tests PASS: glib/slist.test Running test: glib/gdbus-serialization.test # random seed: R02S15b6b5cff58dd5409ac59695f7cfee95 1..6 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/message-serialize-basic ok 2 /gdbus/message-serialize-complex ok 3 /gdbus/message-serialize-invalid ok 4 /gdbus/message-serialize-header-checks # Bug Reference: ok 5 /gdbus/message-parse-empty-arrays-of-arrays # Start of message-serialize tests # Bug Reference: ok 6 /gdbus/message-serialize/double-array # End of message-serialize tests # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-serialization.test Running test: glib/bitlock.test # random seed: R02S28ec290ee9ddbea956ec8ae54d1ef551 1..0 PASS: glib/bitlock.test Running test: glib/type.test # random seed: R02Sdee6aac142b1f423307680c7e457046f 1..4 # Start of type tests ok 1 /type/registration-serial ok 2 /type/interface-prerequisite ok 3 /type/interface-check ok 4 /type/next-base # End of type tests PASS: glib/type.test Running test: glib/unicode.test # random seed: R02S74c052c393281603f126a735455926cb 1..19 # Start of unicode tests ok 1 /unicode/validate ok 2 /unicode/character-type ok 3 /unicode/break-type ok 4 /unicode/script ok 5 /unicode/combining-class ok 6 /unicode/mirror ok 7 /unicode/mark ok 8 /unicode/title ok 9 /unicode/zero-width ok 10 /unicode/defined ok 11 /unicode/wide ok 12 /unicode/compose ok 13 /unicode/decompose ok 14 /unicode/fully-decompose-canonical ok 15 /unicode/canonical-decomposition ok 16 /unicode/decompose-tail ok 17 /unicode/fully-decompose-len ok 18 /unicode/iso15924 ok 19 /unicode/cases # End of unicode tests PASS: glib/unicode.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-dpi.test # random seed: R02S533f70800e1a04c884d976bd3cf14301 1..6 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of dpi tests ok 1 /pixbuf/dpi/png ok 2 /pixbuf/dpi/png-incremental ok 3 /pixbuf/dpi/jpeg ok 4 /pixbuf/dpi/jpeg-incremental ok 5 /pixbuf/dpi/tiff # SKIP format not supported ok 6 /pixbuf/dpi/tiff-incremental # SKIP format not supported # End of dpi tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-dpi.test Running test: glib/task.test # random seed: R02S97655d73f5296370faad80084ac9c983 1..22 # Start of gtask tests ok 1 /gtask/basic ok 2 /gtask/error ok 3 /gtask/return-from-same-iteration ok 4 /gtask/return-from-toplevel ok 5 /gtask/return-from-anon-thread ok 6 /gtask/return-from-wrong-thread ok 7 /gtask/no-callback ok 8 /gtask/report-error ok 9 /gtask/priority ok 10 /gtask/check-cancellable ok 11 /gtask/return-if-cancelled ok 12 /gtask/run-in-thread ok 13 /gtask/run-in-thread-sync ok 14 /gtask/run-in-thread-priority ok 15 /gtask/run-in-thread-nested ok 16 /gtask/run-in-thread-overflow ok 17 /gtask/return-on-cancel ok 18 /gtask/return-on-cancel-sync ok 19 /gtask/return-on-cancel-atomic ok 20 /gtask/return-pointer ok 21 /gtask/object-keepalive ok 22 /gtask/legacy-error # End of gtask tests PASS: glib/task.test Running test: glib/actions.test # random seed: R02Se7c7a4e59c36e12d1924941d18c04176 1..11 # Start of actions tests ok 1 /actions/basic ok 2 /actions/name ok 3 /actions/simplegroup ok 4 /actions/stateful ok 5 /actions/default-activate ok 6 /actions/entries ok 7 /actions/parse-detailed ok 8 /actions/property # Start of dbus tests ok 9 /actions/dbus/export ok 10 /actions/dbus/threaded ok 11 /actions/dbus/bug679509 # End of dbus tests # End of actions tests PASS: glib/actions.test Running test: glib/mem-overflow.test # random seed: R02Sbc0b8db379c8a88ee24107cfca684237 1..2 # Start of mem tests ok 1 /mem/overflow # Bug Reference: ok 2 /mem/empty-alloc # Start of overflow tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of overflow tests # Start of empty-alloc tests # End of empty-alloc tests # End of mem tests PASS: glib/mem-overflow.test Running test: glib/param.test # random seed: R02S1349944ee9b0cdc02da19ae00826480c 1..7 # Start of param tests ok 1 /param/value ok 2 /param/strings ok 3 /param/qdata ok 4 /param/validate ok 5 /param/convert ok 6 /param/default # Start of implement tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of implement tests # End of param tests # Start of value tests ok 7 /value/transform # End of value tests PASS: glib/param.test Running test: glib/singleton.test PASS: glib/singleton.test Running test: glib/collate.test # random seed: R02Sc88736d966fa4beacd07abf5f6a33462 1..9 # Start of unicode tests # Start of collate tests ok 1 /unicode/collate/0 ok 2 /unicode/collate/1 ok 3 /unicode/collate/2 # End of collate tests # Start of collate-key tests ok 4 /unicode/collate-key/0 ok 5 /unicode/collate-key/1 ok 6 /unicode/collate-key/2 # End of collate-key tests # Start of collate-filename tests ok 7 /unicode/collate-filename/0 ok 8 /unicode/collate-filename/1 ok 9 /unicode/collate-filename/2 # End of collate-filename tests # End of unicode tests PASS: glib/collate.test Running test: glib/network-monitor.test # random seed: R02S4cbb575a9d98421270c1d3e7ca6d2a9b 1..4 # Start of network-monitor tests ok 1 /network-monitor/default ok 2 /network-monitor/remove_default ok 3 /network-monitor/add_networks ok 4 /network-monitor/remove_networks # End of network-monitor tests PASS: glib/network-monitor.test Running test: glib/object.test # random seed: R02Sf3ac31e2f462e7094e65b93eb2557a3c 1..2 # Start of object tests # Start of constructor tests ok 1 /object/constructor/singleton # Bug Reference: ok 2 /object/constructor/infanticide # End of constructor tests # End of object tests PASS: glib/object.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-threads.test # random seed: R02S5ba4bc676418a12ef26d3b746e43ae4b 1..1 # Start of pixbuf tests # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.jpeg # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.bmp # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.2.jpeg # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.tga # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.gif # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.xpm # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.png ok 1 /pixbuf/threads # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-threads.test Running test: glib/slice-concurrent.test Starting 8 threads for concurrent GSlice usage... cbhaebcggfecbhcdcdfdbbchahecbdffefghhhacgcehfcbfcebdhhgcafcbchdghcccahhghafbgbafgedebbfgagbbacaacaaafadfagfdhcdcgfbggbebbaeagfecafbdcdfhchcagfcgg Thread 1: 49717 blocks freed, 56 blocks not freed Thread 2: 49430 blocks freed, 825 blocks not freed Thread 3: 49293 blocks freed, 935 blocks not freed Thread 4: 49614 blocks freed, 238 blocks not freed Thread 5: 49230 blocks freed, 290 blocks not freed Thread 6: 49543 blocks freed, 697 blocks not freed Thread 7: 49861 blocks freed, 91 blocks not freed Thread 8: 49230 blocks freed, 950 blocks not freed PASS: glib/slice-concurrent.test Running test: glib/rand.test # random seed: R02Sbab27424670afd6f0a77ae8b34c6d5bb 1..2 # Start of rand tests ok 1 /rand/test-rand # Bug Reference: ok 2 /rand/double-range # End of rand tests PASS: glib/rand.test Running test: glib/dynamictype.test PASS: glib/dynamictype.test Running test: glib/atomic.test # random seed: R02S64efbaecc764b24e94223d4ce3c972f7 1..2 # Start of atomic tests ok 1 /atomic/types ok 2 /atomic/threaded # End of atomic tests PASS: glib/atomic.test Running test: glib/rec-mutex.test # random seed: R02Sfa2f5cde6ea74768ea527a13a8012050 1..4 # Start of thread tests ok 1 /thread/rec-mutex1 ok 2 /thread/rec-mutex2 ok 3 /thread/rec-mutex3 ok 4 /thread/rec-mutex4 # End of thread tests PASS: glib/rec-mutex.test Running test: glib/unix.test # random seed: R02S7f7d4843365ee2ac97d4e566e159240b 1..8 # Start of glib-unix tests ok 1 /glib-unix/pipe ok 2 /glib-unix/error ok 3 /glib-unix/nonblocking ok 4 /glib-unix/sighup ok 5 /glib-unix/sigterm ok 6 /glib-unix/sighup_again ok 7 /glib-unix/sighup_add_remove ok 8 /glib-unix/sighup_nested # End of glib-unix tests PASS: glib/unix.test Running test: glib/child-test.test PASS: glib/child-test.test Running test: glib/gdbus-proxy-threads.test # random seed: R02S05db6c963cd67e9d1a9d7343629c2495 1..1 # Start of gdbus tests # Start of proxy tests ok 1 /gdbus/proxy/vs-threads # End of proxy tests # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-proxy-threads.test Running test: glib/defaultiface.test PASS: glib/defaultiface.test Running test: pango/testattributes.test /attributes/basic: OK /attributes/equal: OK /attributes/list/basic: OK /attributes/list/change: OK /attributes/list/splice: OK /attributes/list/filter: OK /attributes/iter/basic: OK /attributes/iter/get: OK /attributes/iter/get_font: OK /attributes/iter/get_attrs: OK PASS: pango/testattributes.test Running test: glib/resources.test # random seed: R02S45c06fe0e8bf984f08b13a1e47cbdd62 1..9 # Start of resource tests ok 1 /resource/file ok 2 /resource/data ok 3 /resource/registered ok 4 /resource/manual ok 5 /resource/manual2 ok 6 /resource/automatic ok 7 /resource/module # Start of uri tests ok 8 /resource/uri/query-info ok 9 /resource/uri/file # End of uri tests # End of resource tests PASS: glib/resources.test Running test: glib/tls-certificate.test # random seed: R02S623aff2516853e3b80800bb00039bc48 1..6 # Start of tls-certificate tests ok 1 /tls-certificate/pem-parser ok 2 /tls-certificate/pem-parser-handles-chain ok 3 /tls-certificate/from_file ok 4 /tls-certificate/from_files ok 5 /tls-certificate/from_files_pkcs8 ok 6 /tls-certificate/list_from_file # End of tls-certificate tests PASS: glib/tls-certificate.test Running test: pango/test-layout.test /layout/valid-1.markup: OK /layout/valid-2.markup: OK PASS: pango/test-layout.test Running test: glib/markup-escape.test # random seed: R02S2c1959cb0658b41b279f8ec4cb800127 1..34 # Start of markup tests ok 1 /markup/format # Start of escape-text tests ok 2 /markup/escape-text/0 ok 3 /markup/escape-text/1 ok 4 /markup/escape-text/2 ok 5 /markup/escape-text/3 ok 6 /markup/escape-text/4 ok 7 /markup/escape-text/5 ok 8 /markup/escape-text/6 ok 9 /markup/escape-text/7 ok 10 /markup/escape-text/8 ok 11 /markup/escape-text/9 ok 12 /markup/escape-text/10 ok 13 /markup/escape-text/11 ok 14 /markup/escape-text/12 ok 15 /markup/escape-text/13 ok 16 /markup/escape-text/14 ok 17 /markup/escape-text/15 # End of escape-text tests # Start of escape-unichar tests ok 18 /markup/escape-unichar/0 ok 19 /markup/escape-unichar/1 ok 20 /markup/escape-unichar/2 ok 21 /markup/escape-unichar/3 ok 22 /markup/escape-unichar/4 ok 23 /markup/escape-unichar/5 ok 24 /markup/escape-unichar/6 ok 25 /markup/escape-unichar/7 ok 26 /markup/escape-unichar/8 ok 27 /markup/escape-unichar/9 ok 28 /markup/escape-unichar/10 ok 29 /markup/escape-unichar/11 ok 30 /markup/escape-unichar/12 ok 31 /markup/escape-unichar/13 ok 32 /markup/escape-unichar/14 ok 33 /markup/escape-unichar/15 ok 34 /markup/escape-unichar/16 # End of escape-unichar tests # End of markup tests PASS: glib/markup-escape.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-area-updated.test # random seed: R02S3c5f442ceb85b9b4b9bd3d802247de96 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of area-updated tests ok 1 /pixbuf/area-updated/ico ok 2 /pixbuf/area-updated/gif ok 3 /pixbuf/area-updated/gif2 ok 4 /pixbuf/area-updated/gif3 # End of area-updated tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-area-updated.test Running test: glib/keyfile.test # random seed: R02S4043a4eeed02b0f2beae550f8f457c31 1..33 # Start of keyfile tests ok 1 /keyfile/line-ends ok 2 /keyfile/whitespace ok 3 /keyfile/comments ok 4 /keyfile/listing ok 5 /keyfile/string ok 6 /keyfile/boolean ok 7 /keyfile/number ok 8 /keyfile/locale-string ok 9 /keyfile/lists ok 10 /keyfile/lists-set-get # Bug Reference: ok 11 /keyfile/group-remove # Bug Reference: ok 12 /keyfile/key-remove # Bug Reference: ok 13 /keyfile/groups ok 14 /keyfile/duplicate-keys # Bug Reference: ok 15 /keyfile/duplicate-groups # Bug Reference: ok 16 /keyfile/duplicate-groups2 ok 17 /keyfile/group-names ok 18 /keyfile/key-names # Bug Reference: ok 19 /keyfile/reload # Bug Reference: ok 20 /keyfile/int64 ok 21 /keyfile/load ok 22 /keyfile/save ok 23 /keyfile/load-fail ok 24 /keyfile/non-utf8 # Bug Reference: ok 25 /keyfile/page-boundary ok 26 /keyfile/ref ok 27 /keyfile/replace-value ok 28 /keyfile/list-separator ok 29 /keyfile/empty-string ok 30 /keyfile/limbo ok 31 /keyfile/utf8 ok 32 /keyfile/roundtrip ok 33 /keyfile/bytes # End of keyfile tests PASS: glib/keyfile.test Running test: glib/socket.test # random seed: R02S49c52ad2112c1fa0a1986febc1aad315 1..20 # Start of socket tests ok 1 /socket/ipv4_sync ok 2 /socket/ipv4_async ok 3 /socket/ipv6_sync ok 4 /socket/ipv6_async ok 5 /socket/ipv6_v4mapped ok 6 /socket/close_graceful ok 7 /socket/timed_wait # Bug Reference: ok 8 /socket/fd_reuse ok 9 /socket/address ok 10 /socket/unix-from-fd ok 11 /socket/unix-connection ok 12 /socket/unix-connection-ancillary-data # Start of ipv4_sync tests ok 13 /socket/ipv4_sync/datagram # Start of datagram tests ok 14 /socket/ipv4_sync/datagram/timeouts # End of datagram tests # End of ipv4_sync tests # Start of ipv6_sync tests ok 15 /socket/ipv6_sync/datagram # Start of datagram tests ok 16 /socket/ipv6_sync/datagram/timeouts # End of datagram tests # End of ipv6_sync tests # Start of reuse tests ok 17 /socket/reuse/tcp ok 18 /socket/reuse/udp # End of reuse tests # Start of get_available tests ok 19 /socket/get_available/datagram ok 20 /socket/get_available/stream # End of get_available tests # End of socket tests PASS: glib/socket.test Running test: glib/hostutils.test # random seed: R02Sc240d5108bdcd014263d96c8c238adf5 1..3 # Start of hostutils tests ok 1 /hostutils/to_ascii ok 2 /hostutils/to_unicode ok 3 /hostutils/is_ip_addr # End of hostutils tests PASS: glib/hostutils.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-scale.test # random seed: R02S9e49020753ba82e17278c1ff998df9de 1..18 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of scale tests ok 1 /pixbuf/scale/png ok 2 /pixbuf/scale/bmp ok 3 /pixbuf/scale/gif ok 4 /pixbuf/scale/jpeg ok 5 /pixbuf/scale/tga ok 6 /pixbuf/scale/xpm ok 7 /pixbuf/scale/xbm # Start of halve-checkerboard tests ok 8 /pixbuf/scale/halve-checkerboard/nearest ok 9 /pixbuf/scale/halve-checkerboard/tiles ok 10 /pixbuf/scale/halve-checkerboard/bilinear ok 11 /pixbuf/scale/halve-checkerboard/hyper # End of halve-checkerboard tests # Start of offset tests ok 12 /pixbuf/scale/offset/nearest ok 13 /pixbuf/scale/offset/tiles ok 14 /pixbuf/scale/offset/bilinear ok 15 /pixbuf/scale/offset/hyper # End of offset tests # Start of dest tests ok 16 /pixbuf/scale/dest/nearest ok 17 /pixbuf/scale/dest/tiles ok 18 /pixbuf/scale/dest/bilinear # End of dest tests # End of scale tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-scale.test Running test: glib/date.test # random seed: R02Sb9b1a417c8fddf7314103660e50d52fd 1..112 # Start of date tests ok 1 /date/basic ok 2 /date/empty ok 3 /date/dmy ok 4 /date/julian ok 5 /date/dates ok 6 /date/parse ok 7 /date/clamp ok 8 /date/order # Start of year tests ok 9 /date/year/1 ok 10 /date/year/2 ok 11 /date/year/3 ok 12 /date/year/4 ok 13 /date/year/5 ok 14 /date/year/6 ok 15 /date/year/7 ok 16 /date/year/8 ok 17 /date/year/9 ok 18 /date/year/10 ok 19 /date/year/11 ok 20 /date/year/12 ok 21 /date/year/13 ok 22 /date/year/14 ok 23 /date/year/98 ok 24 /date/year/99 ok 25 /date/year/100 ok 26 /date/year/101 ok 27 /date/year/102 ok 28 /date/year/103 ok 29 /date/year/397 ok 30 /date/year/398 ok 31 /date/year/399 ok 32 /date/year/400 ok 33 /date/year/401 ok 34 /date/year/402 ok 35 /date/year/403 ok 36 /date/year/404 ok 37 /date/year/405 ok 38 /date/year/406 ok 39 /date/year/1598 ok 40 /date/year/1599 ok 41 /date/year/1600 ok 42 /date/year/1601 ok 43 /date/year/1602 ok 44 /date/year/1650 ok 45 /date/year/1651 ok 46 /date/year/1897 ok 47 /date/year/1898 ok 48 /date/year/1899 ok 49 /date/year/1900 ok 50 /date/year/1901 ok 51 /date/year/1902 ok 52 /date/year/1903 ok 53 /date/year/1961 ok 54 /date/year/1962 ok 55 /date/year/1963 ok 56 /date/year/1964 ok 57 /date/year/1965 ok 58 /date/year/1967 ok 59 /date/year/1968 ok 60 /date/year/1969 ok 61 /date/year/1970 ok 62 /date/year/1971 ok 63 /date/year/1972 ok 64 /date/year/1973 ok 65 /date/year/1974 ok 66 /date/year/1975 ok 67 /date/year/1976 ok 68 /date/year/1977 ok 69 /date/year/1978 ok 70 /date/year/1979 ok 71 /date/year/1980 ok 72 /date/year/1981 ok 73 /date/year/1982 ok 74 /date/year/1983 ok 75 /date/year/1984 ok 76 /date/year/1985 ok 77 /date/year/1986 ok 78 /date/year/1987 ok 79 /date/year/1988 ok 80 /date/year/1989 ok 81 /date/year/1990 ok 82 /date/year/1991 ok 83 /date/year/1992 ok 84 /date/year/1993 ok 85 /date/year/1994 ok 86 /date/year/1995 ok 87 /date/year/1996 ok 88 /date/year/1997 ok 89 /date/year/1998 ok 90 /date/year/1999 ok 91 /date/year/2000 ok 92 /date/year/2001 ok 93 /date/year/2002 ok 94 /date/year/2003 ok 95 /date/year/2004 ok 96 /date/year/2005 ok 97 /date/year/2006 ok 98 /date/year/2007 ok 99 /date/year/2008 ok 100 /date/year/2009 ok 101 /date/year/2010 ok 102 /date/year/2011 ok 103 /date/year/2012 ok 104 /date/year/3000 ok 105 /date/year/3001 ok 106 /date/year/3002 ok 107 /date/year/3998 ok 108 /date/year/3999 ok 109 /date/year/4000 ok 110 /date/year/4001 ok 111 /date/year/4002 ok 112 /date/year/4003 # End of year tests # End of date tests PASS: glib/date.test Running test: glib/signal-handler.test # random seed: R02S7be76bec5cb17996e9a0666aa3df4a3d 1..0 PASS: glib/signal-handler.test Running test: glib/gdbus-connection-slow.test # random seed: R02S3ee28f897312bb85c93009bd8fa7268d 1..2 # Start of gdbus tests # Start of connection tests ok 1 /gdbus/connection/flush ok 2 /gdbus/connection/large_message # End of connection tests # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-connection-slow.test Running test: glib/spawn-multithreaded.test # random seed: R02Se251522b27f429714fb07e1dd3656ecc 1..2 # Start of gthread tests ok 1 /gthread/spawn-sync ok 2 /gthread/spawn-async # End of gthread tests PASS: glib/spawn-multithreaded.test Running test: glib/slice.test # random seed: R02S015e009fd92da7876268e261c8791ca0 1..3 # Start of slice tests ok 1 /slice/copy ok 2 /slice/chain ok 3 /slice/allocate # End of slice tests PASS: glib/slice.test Running test: glib/network-address.test # random seed: R02S750e58cef3a8f1c3466636c5d165ce09 1..53 # Start of network-address tests ok 1 /network-address/basic ok 2 /network-address/scope-id ok 3 /network-address/uri-scope-id ok 4 /network-address/to-string # Start of parse-host tests ok 5 /network-address/parse-host/0 ok 6 /network-address/parse-host/1 ok 7 /network-address/parse-host/2 ok 8 /network-address/parse-host/3 ok 9 /network-address/parse-host/4 ok 10 /network-address/parse-host/5 ok 11 /network-address/parse-host/6 ok 12 /network-address/parse-host/7 ok 13 /network-address/parse-host/8 ok 14 /network-address/parse-host/9 # End of parse-host tests # Start of parse-uri tests ok 15 /network-address/parse-uri/0 ok 16 /network-address/parse-uri/1 ok 17 /network-address/parse-uri/2 ok 18 /network-address/parse-uri/3 ok 19 /network-address/parse-uri/4 ok 20 /network-address/parse-uri/5 ok 21 /network-address/parse-uri/6 ok 22 /network-address/parse-uri/7 ok 23 /network-address/parse-uri/8 ok 24 /network-address/parse-uri/9 # End of parse-uri tests # Start of resolve-address tests ok 25 /network-address/resolve-address/0 ok 26 /network-address/resolve-address/1 ok 27 /network-address/resolve-address/2 ok 28 /network-address/resolve-address/3 ok 29 /network-address/resolve-address/4 ok 30 /network-address/resolve-address/5 ok 31 /network-address/resolve-address/6 ok 32 /network-address/resolve-address/7 ok 33 /network-address/resolve-address/8 ok 34 /network-address/resolve-address/9 ok 35 /network-address/resolve-address/10 ok 36 /network-address/resolve-address/11 ok 37 /network-address/resolve-address/12 # End of resolve-address tests # Start of loopback tests ok 38 /network-address/loopback/basic ok 39 /network-address/loopback/sync ok 40 /network-address/loopback/async # End of loopback tests # End of network-address tests # Start of gresolver tests # Start of resolve-address tests ok 41 /gresolver/resolve-address/0 ok 42 /gresolver/resolve-address/1 ok 43 /gresolver/resolve-address/2 ok 44 /gresolver/resolve-address/3 ok 45 /gresolver/resolve-address/4 ok 46 /gresolver/resolve-address/5 ok 47 /gresolver/resolve-address/6 ok 48 /gresolver/resolve-address/7 ok 49 /gresolver/resolve-address/8 ok 50 /gresolver/resolve-address/9 ok 51 /gresolver/resolve-address/10 ok 52 /gresolver/resolve-address/11 ok 53 /gresolver/resolve-address/12 # End of resolve-address tests # End of gresolver tests PASS: glib/network-address.test Running test: glib/data-output-stream.test # random seed: R02S5bac247fdc38f1aea3839feb7a4953f0 1..7 # Start of data-output-stream tests ok 1 /data-output-stream/basic ok 2 /data-output-stream/write-lines-LF ok 3 /data-output-stream/write-lines-CR ok 4 /data-output-stream/write-lines-CR-LF ok 5 /data-output-stream/write-int ok 6 /data-output-stream/seek ok 7 /data-output-stream/truncate # End of data-output-stream tests PASS: glib/data-output-stream.test Running test: glib/gvariant.test # random seed: R02S0b83a5f29dd782dc731bdaecaa95bf56 1..41 # Start of gvariant tests ok 1 /gvariant/type ok 2 /gvariant/typeinfo ok 3 /gvariant/string ok 4 /gvariant/utf8 ok 5 /gvariant/containers ok 6 /gvariant/format-strings ok 7 /gvariant/invalid-varargs ok 8 /gvariant/varargs ok 9 /gvariant/valist ok 10 /gvariant/builder-memory ok 11 /gvariant/hashing ok 12 /gvariant/byteswap ok 13 /gvariant/parser ok 14 /gvariant/parse-failures ok 15 /gvariant/parse-positional ok 16 /gvariant/floating ok 17 /gvariant/bytestring ok 18 /gvariant/lookup-value ok 19 /gvariant/lookup ok 20 /gvariant/compare ok 21 /gvariant/equal ok 22 /gvariant/fixed-array ok 23 /gvariant/check-format-string ok 24 /gvariant/checksum-basic ok 25 /gvariant/checksum-nested ok 26 /gvariant/gbytes ok 27 /gvariant/print-context ok 28 /gvariant/error-quark ok 29 /gvariant/stack-builder-init ok 30 /gvariant/stack-dict-init # Start of serialiser tests ok 31 /gvariant/serialiser/maybe ok 32 /gvariant/serialiser/array ok 33 /gvariant/serialiser/tuple ok 34 /gvariant/serialiser/variant ok 35 /gvariant/serialiser/strings ok 36 /gvariant/serialiser/byteswap # Start of fuzz tests ok 37 /gvariant/serialiser/fuzz/1% ok 38 /gvariant/serialiser/fuzz/5% ok 39 /gvariant/serialiser/fuzz/9% ok 40 /gvariant/serialiser/fuzz/13% ok 41 /gvariant/serialiser/fuzz/17% # End of fuzz tests # End of serialiser tests # Start of varargs tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of varargs tests # Start of parse tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of parse tests # End of gvariant tests PASS: glib/gvariant.test Running test: glib/tree.test # random seed: R02S43c6ed2f30884b5773dd5bc386bc6229 1..5 # Start of tree tests ok 1 /tree/search ok 2 /tree/remove ok 3 /tree/destroy ok 4 /tree/traverse ok 5 /tree/insert # End of tree tests PASS: glib/tree.test Running test: glib/gdbus-connection.test # random seed: R02S7d82fd08b32956b7cb2ac48b0345d27e 1..8 # Start of gdbus tests # Start of connection tests ok 1 /gdbus/connection/bus-failure ok 2 /gdbus/connection/basic ok 3 /gdbus/connection/life-cycle ok 4 /gdbus/connection/send ok 5 /gdbus/connection/signals ok 6 /gdbus/connection/signal-match-rules ok 7 /gdbus/connection/filter ok 8 /gdbus/connection/serials # End of connection tests # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-connection.test Running test: glib/type-test.test PASS: glib/type-test.test Running test: glib/volumemonitor.test # random seed: R02Sf360caa144828b4ca4390607c70042b0 1..3 # Start of volumemonitor tests ok 1 /volumemonitor/connected_drives ok 2 /volumemonitor/volumes ok 3 /volumemonitor/mounts # End of volumemonitor tests PASS: glib/volumemonitor.test Running test: glib/paramspec-test.test /paramspec/char: OK /paramspec/string: OK /paramspec/override: OK /paramspec/gtype: OK /paramspec/variant: OK PASS: glib/paramspec-test.test Running test: glib/gdbus-export.test # random seed: R02S8db64e2c496ce3c16b6287508ba9fd0a 1..4 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/object-registration ok 2 /gdbus/object-registration-with-closures ok 3 /gdbus/registered-interfaces ok 4 /gdbus/async-properties # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-export.test Running test: glib/gdbus-error.test # random seed: R02Sad95a07faa7150debaeabeb820dc9984 1..4 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/registered-errors ok 2 /gdbus/unregistered-errors ok 3 /gdbus/transparent-gerror ok 4 /gdbus/register-error # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-error.test Running test: glib/array-test.test # random seed: R02Sc7c5fd2972245dcb11bdd0c4a58ddab2 1..27 # Start of array tests ok 1 /array/append ok 2 /array/prepend ok 3 /array/remove ok 4 /array/remove-fast ok 5 /array/remove-range ok 6 /array/ref-count ok 7 /array/sort ok 8 /array/sort-with-data ok 9 /array/clear-func # End of array tests # Start of pointerarray tests ok 10 /pointerarray/add ok 11 /pointerarray/insert ok 12 /pointerarray/ref-count ok 13 /pointerarray/free-func ok 14 /pointerarray/sort ok 15 /pointerarray/sort-with-data # Start of find tests ok 16 /pointerarray/find/empty ok 17 /pointerarray/find/non-empty # End of find tests # End of pointerarray tests # Start of bytearray tests ok 18 /bytearray/append ok 19 /bytearray/prepend ok 20 /bytearray/remove ok 21 /bytearray/remove-fast ok 22 /bytearray/remove-range ok 23 /bytearray/ref-count ok 24 /bytearray/sort ok 25 /bytearray/sort-with-data ok 26 /bytearray/new-take ok 27 /bytearray/free-to-bytes # End of bytearray tests PASS: glib/array-test.test Running test: glib/gdbus-addresses.test # random seed: R02S935caf5d871a3a30b5e157c16516f817 1..7 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/empty-address ok 2 /gdbus/unix-address ok 3 /gdbus/nonce-tcp-address ok 4 /gdbus/tcp-address ok 5 /gdbus/autolaunch-address ok 6 /gdbus/mixed-address ok 7 /gdbus/escape-address # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-addresses.test Running test: glib/gvalue-test.test /gvalue/enum-transformation: OK /gvalue/gtype: OK /gvalue/collection: OK /gvalue/copying: OK PASS: glib/gvalue-test.test Running test: glib/base64.test # random seed: R02S211f4cd3e207fba568318fff6a4e7125 1..25 # Start of base64 tests ok 1 /base64/encode ok 2 /base64/decode ok 3 /base64/decode-inplace ok 4 /base64/encode-decode # Start of full tests ok 5 /base64/full/1 ok 6 /base64/full/2 ok 7 /base64/full/3 ok 8 /base64/full/4 # End of full tests # Start of encode tests # Start of incremental tests # Start of small-block tests # Bug Reference: ok 9 /base64/encode/incremental/small-block/1 # Bug Reference: ok 10 /base64/encode/incremental/small-block/2 # Bug Reference: ok 11 /base64/encode/incremental/small-block/3 # Bug Reference: ok 12 /base64/encode/incremental/small-block/4 # End of small-block tests # End of incremental tests # End of encode tests # Start of incremental tests # Start of nobreak tests ok 13 /base64/incremental/nobreak/1 ok 14 /base64/incremental/nobreak/2 ok 15 /base64/incremental/nobreak/3 ok 16 /base64/incremental/nobreak/4-a ok 17 /base64/incremental/nobreak/4-b ok 18 /base64/incremental/nobreak/4-c # End of nobreak tests # Start of break tests ok 19 /base64/incremental/break/1 ok 20 /base64/incremental/break/2 ok 21 /base64/incremental/break/3 # End of break tests # Start of smallblock tests ok 22 /base64/incremental/smallblock/1 ok 23 /base64/incremental/smallblock/2 ok 24 /base64/incremental/smallblock/3 ok 25 /base64/incremental/smallblock/4 # End of smallblock tests # End of incremental tests # End of base64 tests PASS: glib/base64.test Running test: glib/timeloop-closure.test Children: 3 Iters: 10000 Children: 3 Iters: 10000 Children: 3 Iters: 10000 Elapsed user: 15 Elapsed system: 32 Elapsed total: 47 total / iteration: 0.00156667 PASS: glib/timeloop-closure.test Running test: glib/memory-input-stream.test # random seed: R02Se8bf35fc37dab94dc153715eada80a19 1..6 # Start of memory-input-stream tests ok 1 /memory-input-stream/read-chunks ok 2 /memory-input-stream/async ok 3 /memory-input-stream/seek ok 4 /memory-input-stream/truncate ok 5 /memory-input-stream/read-bytes ok 6 /memory-input-stream/from-bytes # End of memory-input-stream tests PASS: glib/memory-input-stream.test Running test: glib/overflow-fallback.test # random seed: R02S6324c6eb556933f611bd6c4fdc211072 1..6 # Start of glib tests # Start of checked-math tests ok 1 /glib/checked-math/guint-add ok 2 /glib/checked-math/guint-mul ok 3 /glib/checked-math/guint64-add ok 4 /glib/checked-math/guint64-mul ok 5 /glib/checked-math/gsize-add ok 6 /glib/checked-math/gsize-mul # End of checked-math tests # End of glib tests PASS: glib/overflow-fallback.test Running test: glib/ifaceproperties.test # random seed: R02Sd85f86dd334ba8f9fae7539891431530 1..7 # Start of interface tests # Start of properties tests ok 1 /interface/properties/set ok 2 /interface/properties/notify ok 3 /interface/properties/find-overridden ok 4 /interface/properties/list-overridden ok 5 /interface/properties/find-interface ok 6 /interface/properties/list-interface # Bug Reference: ok 7 /interface/properties/not-overridden # End of properties tests # End of interface tests PASS: glib/ifaceproperties.test Running test: glib/gdbus-connection-loss.test # random seed: R02S95bd8317e5a6ad193cd20aaf1d8af091 1..1 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/connection-loss # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-connection-loss.test Running test: glib/pollable.test # random seed: R02S046b1d52815d8256afb22191815ce078 1..3 # Start of pollable tests ok 1 /pollable/unix ok 2 /pollable/converter ok 3 /pollable/socket # End of pollable tests PASS: glib/pollable.test Running test: glib/thread-test.test PASS: glib/thread-test.test Running test: glib/include.test # random seed: R02Sd26212555c7e0255893bbcdc2353db45 1..1 # Start of include tests ok 1 /include/rwlock # End of include tests PASS: glib/include.test Running test: glib/completion-test.test PASS: glib/completion-test.test Running test: glib/permission.test # random seed: R02Scc944d0623ee61daf7e0ec4e30224950 1..1 # Start of permission tests ok 1 /permission/simple # End of permission tests PASS: glib/permission.test Running test: glib/signals.test PASS: glib/signals.test Running test: glib/defaultvalue.test # random seed: R02Sf58b8c0afc56c77867cce63afa11135a 1..80 # Start of Default Values tests ok 1 /Default Values/GAppInfoMonitor # SKIP singleton ok 2 /Default Values/GAppLaunchContext ok 3 /Default Values/GApplicationCommandLine # skipping GApplication:is-remote ok 4 /Default Values/GApplication ok 5 /Default Values/GBinding # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 6 /Default Values/GBufferedInputStream # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 7 /Default Values/GBufferedOutputStream # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 8 /Default Values/GBytesIcon ok 9 /Default Values/GCancellable ok 10 /Default Values/GCharsetConverter # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 11 /Default Values/GConverterInputStream # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 12 /Default Values/GConverterOutputStream # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 13 /Default Values/GCredentials ok 14 /Default Values/GDataInputStream # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 15 /Default Values/GDataOutputStream # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 16 /Default Values/GDBusActionGroup # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 17 /Default Values/GDBusAuthObserver ok 18 /Default Values/GDBusConnection # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 19 /Default Values/GDBusMenuModel # SKIP crash in finalize ok 20 /Default Values/GDBusMessage ok 21 /Default Values/GDBusMethodInvocation # SKIP crash in finalize ok 22 /Default Values/GDBusObjectManagerClient # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 23 /Default Values/GDBusObjectManagerServer # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 24 /Default Values/GDBusObjectProxy ok 25 /Default Values/GDBusObjectSkeleton ok 26 /Default Values/GDBusProxy # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 27 /Default Values/GDBusServer # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 28 /Default Values/GEmblem ok 29 /Default Values/GEmblemedIcon ok 30 /Default Values/GFileEnumerator # SKIP should be abstract ok 31 /Default Values/GFileIcon ok 32 /Default Values/GFileInfo ok 33 /Default Values/GFileInputStream ok 34 /Default Values/GFileIOStream # SKIP should be abstract ok 35 /Default Values/GFileOutputStream ok 36 /Default Values/GFilenameCompleter ok 37 /Default Values/GInetAddress # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 38 /Default Values/GInetAddressMask # SKIP initialization failed ok 39 /Default Values/GInetSocketAddress # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 40 /Default Values/GInitiallyUnowned ok 41 /Default Values/GIOModule ok 42 /Default Values/GListStore ok 43 /Default Values/GMemoryInputStream ok 44 /Default Values/GMemoryOutputStream ok 45 /Default Values/GMenu ok 46 /Default Values/GMenuItem ok 47 /Default Values/GMountOperation ok 48 /Default Values/GNetworkAddress ok 49 /Default Values/GNetworkService ok 50 /Default Values/GNotification ok 51 /Default Values/GObject ok 52 /Default Values/GPropertyAction # SKIP mandatory construct params # skipping GProxyAddressEnumerator:proxy-resolver ok 53 /Default Values/GProxyAddressEnumerator ok 54 /Default Values/GProxyAddress # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 55 /Default Values/GSettings # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 56 /Default Values/GSimpleAction ok 57 /Default Values/GSimpleActionGroup ok 58 /Default Values/GSimpleAsyncResult ok 59 /Default Values/GSimpleIOStream # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 60 /Default Values/GSimplePermission ok 61 /Default Values/GSimpleProxyResolver # skipping GSocketClient:proxy-resolver ok 62 /Default Values/GSocketClient ok 63 /Default Values/GSocketConnection # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 64 /Default Values/GSocket # SKIP initialization failed ok 65 /Default Values/GSocketListener ok 66 /Default Values/GSocketService ok 67 /Default Values/GSubprocess # SKIP initialization failed ok 68 /Default Values/GSubprocessLauncher ok 69 /Default Values/GTask ok 70 /Default Values/GTcpConnection # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 71 /Default Values/GTcpWrapperConnection # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 72 /Default Values/GTestDBus ok 73 /Default Values/GThemedIcon # SKIP mandatory construct params ok 74 /Default Values/GThreadedSocketService ok 75 /Default Values/GTlsInteraction ok 76 /Default Values/GTlsPassword ok 77 /Default Values/GVfs ok 78 /Default Values/GVolumeMonitor ok 79 /Default Values/GZlibCompressor ok 80 /Default Values/GZlibDecompressor # End of Default Values tests PASS: glib/defaultvalue.test Running test: glib/contexts.test # random seed: R02S84890e720aaa33b6f329288c8bc065cf 1..5 # Start of gio tests # Start of contexts tests ok 1 /gio/contexts/thread-independence ok 2 /gio/contexts/context-independence # Start of context-specific tests ok 3 /gio/contexts/context-specific/identity ok 4 /gio/contexts/context-specific/emit ok 5 /gio/contexts/context-specific/emit-and-unref # End of context-specific tests # End of contexts tests # End of gio tests PASS: glib/contexts.test Running test: glib/markup.test # random seed: R02S1caf35fb38ca73dde6681f07db1437d1 1..1 # Start of markup tests ok 1 /markup/stack # End of markup tests PASS: glib/markup.test Running test: glib/dbus-appinfo.test # random seed: R02Sdd254c40f4cbc75579ab38c1373c9cab 1..1 # Start of appinfo tests ok 1 /appinfo/dbusappinfo # End of appinfo tests PASS: glib/dbus-appinfo.test Running test: glib/tls-interaction.test # random seed: R02S24afcde5456f72cc5372d81c2fe53854 1..42 # Start of tls-interaction tests # Start of ask-password tests # Start of invoke-with-loop tests ok 1 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-with-loop/unhandled-implementation ok 2 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-with-loop/async-implementation-success ok 3 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-with-loop/async-implementation-failure ok 4 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-with-loop/sync-implementation-success ok 5 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-with-loop/sync-implementation-failure # End of invoke-with-loop tests # Start of invoke-without-loop tests ok 6 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-without-loop/unhandled-implementation ok 7 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-without-loop/async-implementation-success ok 8 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-without-loop/async-implementation-failure ok 9 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-without-loop/sync-implementation-success ok 10 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-without-loop/sync-implementation-failure # End of invoke-without-loop tests # Start of invoke-in-loop tests ok 11 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-in-loop/unhandled-implementation ok 12 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-in-loop/async-implementation-success ok 13 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-in-loop/async-implementation-failure ok 14 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-in-loop/sync-implementation-success ok 15 /tls-interaction/ask-password/invoke-in-loop/sync-implementation-failure # End of invoke-in-loop tests # Start of sync tests ok 16 /tls-interaction/ask-password/sync/unhandled-implementation ok 17 /tls-interaction/ask-password/sync/sync-implementation-success ok 18 /tls-interaction/ask-password/sync/sync-implementation-failure # End of sync tests # Start of async tests ok 19 /tls-interaction/ask-password/async/unhandled-implementation ok 20 /tls-interaction/ask-password/async/async-implementation-success ok 21 /tls-interaction/ask-password/async/async-implementation-failure # End of async tests # End of ask-password tests # Start of request-certificate tests # Start of invoke-with-loop tests ok 22 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-with-loop/unhandled-implementation ok 23 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-with-loop/async-implementation-success ok 24 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-with-loop/async-implementation-failure ok 25 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-with-loop/sync-implementation-success ok 26 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-with-loop/sync-implementation-failure # End of invoke-with-loop tests # Start of invoke-without-loop tests ok 27 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-without-loop/unhandled-implementation ok 28 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-without-loop/async-implementation-success ok 29 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-without-loop/async-implementation-failure ok 30 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-without-loop/sync-implementation-success ok 31 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-without-loop/sync-implementation-failure # End of invoke-without-loop tests # Start of invoke-in-loop tests ok 32 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-in-loop/unhandled-implementation ok 33 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-in-loop/async-implementation-success ok 34 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-in-loop/async-implementation-failure ok 35 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-in-loop/sync-implementation-success ok 36 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/invoke-in-loop/sync-implementation-failure # End of invoke-in-loop tests # Start of sync tests ok 37 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/sync/unhandled-implementation ok 38 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/sync/sync-implementation-success ok 39 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/sync/sync-implementation-failure # End of sync tests # Start of async tests ok 40 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/async/unhandled-implementation ok 41 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/async/async-implementation-success ok 42 /tls-interaction/request-certificate/async/async-implementation-failure # End of async tests # End of request-certificate tests # End of tls-interaction tests PASS: glib/tls-interaction.test Running test: glib/markup-subparser.test # random seed: R02Sd1f994f1cdd384c7c73e7ac3e9abfafc 1..14 # Start of glib tests # Start of markup tests # Start of subparser tests # Start of success tests ok 1 /glib/markup/subparser/success/0 ok 2 /glib/markup/subparser/success/1 ok 3 /glib/markup/subparser/success/2 ok 4 /glib/markup/subparser/success/3 ok 5 /glib/markup/subparser/success/4 ok 6 /glib/markup/subparser/success/5 ok 7 /glib/markup/subparser/success/6 # End of success tests # Start of failure tests ok 8 /glib/markup/subparser/failure/0 ok 9 /glib/markup/subparser/failure/1 ok 10 /glib/markup/subparser/failure/2 ok 11 /glib/markup/subparser/failure/3 ok 12 /glib/markup/subparser/failure/4 ok 13 /glib/markup/subparser/failure/5 ok 14 /glib/markup/subparser/failure/6 # End of failure tests # End of subparser tests # End of markup tests # End of glib tests PASS: glib/markup-subparser.test Running test: glib/sequence.test # random seed: R02Sc8fae71593ca734b299c13abff2c039f 1..16 # Start of sequence tests ok 1 /sequence/out-of-range-jump ok 2 /sequence/iter-move ok 3 /sequence/insert-sorted-non-pointer ok 4 /sequence/stable-sort ok 5 /sequence/is_empty # Start of random tests ok 6 /sequence/random/seed:825541564 ok 7 /sequence/random/seed:801678400 ok 8 /sequence/random/seed:1477639090 ok 9 /sequence/random/seed:3369132895 ok 10 /sequence/random/seed:1192944867 ok 11 /sequence/random/seed:770458294 ok 12 /sequence/random/seed:1099575817 ok 13 /sequence/random/seed:590523467 ok 14 /sequence/random/seed:3583571454 ok 15 /sequence/random/seed:579241222 ok 16 /sequence/random/seed:313459807 # End of random tests # End of sequence tests PASS: glib/sequence.test Running test: glib/convert.test # random seed: R02Se61b2770cc1090397f8cb4ca2f4b9662 1..7 # Start of conversion tests ok 1 /conversion/no-conv ok 2 /conversion/iconv-state ok 3 /conversion/illegal-sequence ok 4 /conversion/byte-order ok 5 /conversion/unicode ok 6 /conversion/filename-utf8 ok 7 /conversion/filename-display # End of conversion tests PASS: glib/convert.test Running test: glib/gsubprocess.test # random seed: R02Sc0d11f2987cb6bef2f022c52e1241170 1..29 # Start of gsubprocess tests ok 1 /gsubprocess/noop ok 2 /gsubprocess/noop-all-to-null ok 3 /gsubprocess/noop-no-wait ok 4 /gsubprocess/noop-stdin-inherit ok 5 /gsubprocess/search-path ok 6 /gsubprocess/signal ok 7 /gsubprocess/exit1 ok 8 /gsubprocess/echo1 ok 9 /gsubprocess/echo-merged ok 10 /gsubprocess/cat-utf8 ok 11 /gsubprocess/cat-eof ok 12 /gsubprocess/multi1 ok 13 /gsubprocess/communicate ok 14 /gsubprocess/communicate-async ok 15 /gsubprocess/communicate-utf8 ok 16 /gsubprocess/communicate-utf8-async ok 17 /gsubprocess/communicate-utf8-invalid ok 18 /gsubprocess/communicate-nothing ok 19 /gsubprocess/terminate ok 20 /gsubprocess/env ok 21 /gsubprocess/cwd ok 22 /gsubprocess/stdout-file ok 23 /gsubprocess/stdout-fd ok 24 /gsubprocess/child-setup ok 25 /gsubprocess/pass-fd ok 26 /gsubprocess/launcher-environment # Start of exit1 tests # Bug Reference: ok 27 /gsubprocess/exit1/cancel # Bug Reference: ok 28 /gsubprocess/exit1/cancel_in_cb # End of exit1 tests # Start of env tests ok 29 /gsubprocess/env/inherit # End of env tests # End of gsubprocess tests PASS: glib/gsubprocess.test Running test: glib/uri.test # random seed: R02Se42cd3046fcc89ae1f831e7621296efc 1..7 # Start of uri tests ok 1 /uri/to-uri ok 2 /uri/from-uri ok 3 /uri/roundtrip ok 4 /uri/list ok 5 /uri/unescape ok 6 /uri/escape ok 7 /uri/scheme # End of uri tests PASS: glib/uri.test Running test: glib/utf8-performance.test # random seed: R02Sacaed36755c40dd338e9c991f4795210 1..0 PASS: glib/utf8-performance.test Running test: glib/gdbus-names.test # random seed: R02S05f8f393549c6cdd89f14c345f25c170 1..3 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/validate-names ok 2 /gdbus/bus-own-name ok 3 /gdbus/bus-watch-name # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-names.test Running test: glib/hmac.test # random seed: R02S834d67443dc4b3426e3250b9229d7f30 1..37 # Start of hmac tests ok 1 /hmac/sha1-1 ok 2 /hmac/sha1-2 ok 3 /hmac/sha1-3 ok 4 /hmac/sha1-4 ok 5 /hmac/sha1-5 ok 6 /hmac/sha1-6 ok 7 /hmac/sha1-7 ok 8 /hmac/sha256-1 ok 9 /hmac/sha256-2 ok 10 /hmac/sha256-3 ok 11 /hmac/sha256-4 ok 12 /hmac/sha256-5 ok 13 /hmac/sha256-6 ok 14 /hmac/sha384-1 ok 15 /hmac/sha384-2 ok 16 /hmac/sha384-3 ok 17 /hmac/sha384-4 ok 18 /hmac/sha384-5 ok 19 /hmac/sha384-6 ok 20 /hmac/sha512-1 ok 21 /hmac/sha512-2 ok 22 /hmac/sha512-3 ok 23 /hmac/sha512-4 ok 24 /hmac/sha512-5 ok 25 /hmac/sha512-6 ok 26 /hmac/md5-1 ok 27 /hmac/md5-2 ok 28 /hmac/md5-3 ok 29 /hmac/md5-4 ok 30 /hmac/md5-5 ok 31 /hmac/md5-6 ok 32 /hmac/md5-7 ok 33 /hmac/ref-unref ok 34 /hmac/copy ok 35 /hmac/for-data ok 36 /hmac/for-string ok 37 /hmac/for-bytes # End of hmac tests PASS: glib/hmac.test Running test: glib/bookmarkfile.test # random seed: R02Sf7936ee19ab4c05732d54dd93bbff946 1..24 # Start of bookmarks tests ok 1 /bookmarks/load-from-data-dirs ok 2 /bookmarks/to-file ok 3 /bookmarks/move-item ok 4 /bookmarks/misc # Start of parse tests ok 5 /bookmarks/parse/fail-10.xbel ok 6 /bookmarks/parse/fail-06.xbel ok 7 /bookmarks/parse/fail-17.xbel ok 8 /bookmarks/parse/fail-11.xbel ok 9 /bookmarks/parse/fail-13.xbel ok 10 /bookmarks/parse/valid-01.xbel ok 11 /bookmarks/parse/fail-14.xbel ok 12 /bookmarks/parse/fail-02.xbel ok 13 /bookmarks/parse/fail-08.xbel ok 14 /bookmarks/parse/fail-07.xbel ok 15 /bookmarks/parse/fail-09.xbel ok 16 /bookmarks/parse/fail-05.xbel ok 17 /bookmarks/parse/fail-03.xbel ok 18 /bookmarks/parse/fail-12.xbel ok 19 /bookmarks/parse/valid-03.xbel ok 20 /bookmarks/parse/fail-04.xbel ok 21 /bookmarks/parse/valid-02.xbel ok 22 /bookmarks/parse/fail-15.xbel ok 23 /bookmarks/parse/fail-16.xbel ok 24 /bookmarks/parse/fail-01.xbel # End of parse tests # End of bookmarks tests PASS: glib/bookmarkfile.test Running test: glib/socket-listener.test # random seed: R02S60117d406b3a0b2bb90c16c5adad282e 1..1 # Start of socket-listener tests ok 1 /socket-listener/event-signal # End of socket-listener tests PASS: glib/socket-listener.test Running test: glib/gdbus-peer.test # random seed: R02Sd95750a24082976a957c2265645251b8 1..6 # Start of gdbus tests ok 1 /gdbus/peer-to-peer ok 2 /gdbus/delayed-message-processing ok 3 /gdbus/nonce-tcp ok 4 /gdbus/tcp-anonymous ok 5 /gdbus/credentials ok 6 /gdbus/codegen-peer-to-peer # End of gdbus tests PASS: glib/gdbus-peer.test Running test: glib/search-utils.test # random seed: R02S2a81201b40b9247dca0dc90d828e4bd1 1..1 # GLib-DEBUG: Started # GLib-DEBUG: 'he' - 'Hello World' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'wo' - 'Hello World' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'lo' - 'Hello World' should NOT match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'ld' - 'Hello World' should NOT match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'wo' - 'Hello-World' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'wo' - 'HelloWorld' should NOT match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'jor' - 'J?rgen' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'gaetan' - 'Ga?tan' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'ele' - '?l?ve' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'Aza?s' - 'Azais' should NOT match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'Azais' - 'Aza?s' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'Jo?r' - 'Jorgen' should NOT match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'jor' - 'Jo?rgen' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'ist' - '?stanbul' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'diyarbakir' - 'Diyarbak?r' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'Xav Cla' - 'Xavier Claessens' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'Cla Xav' - 'Xavier Claessens' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: ' b ' - 'Foo Bar Baz' should match: OK # GLib-DEBUG: 'bar bazz' - 'Foo Bar Baz' should NOT match: OK ok 1 /search PASS: glib/search-utils.test Running test: pango/testcolor.test /color/parse: OK PASS: pango/testcolor.test Running test: glib/pattern.test # random seed: R02S33f94fb41c63ccc63e8007c215913658 1..75 # Start of pattern tests # Start of compile tests ok 1 /pattern/compile/0 ok 2 /pattern/compile/1 ok 3 /pattern/compile/2 ok 4 /pattern/compile/3 ok 5 /pattern/compile/4 ok 6 /pattern/compile/5 ok 7 /pattern/compile/6 ok 8 /pattern/compile/7 ok 9 /pattern/compile/8 ok 10 /pattern/compile/9 ok 11 /pattern/compile/10 ok 12 /pattern/compile/11 ok 13 /pattern/compile/12 # End of compile tests # Start of match tests ok 14 /pattern/match/0 ok 15 /pattern/match/1 ok 16 /pattern/match/2 ok 17 /pattern/match/3 ok 18 /pattern/match/4 ok 19 /pattern/match/5 ok 20 /pattern/match/6 ok 21 /pattern/match/7 ok 22 /pattern/match/8 ok 23 /pattern/match/9 ok 24 /pattern/match/10 ok 25 /pattern/match/11 ok 26 /pattern/match/12 ok 27 /pattern/match/13 ok 28 /pattern/match/14 ok 29 /pattern/match/15 ok 30 /pattern/match/16 ok 31 /pattern/match/17 ok 32 /pattern/match/18 ok 33 /pattern/match/19 ok 34 /pattern/match/20 ok 35 /pattern/match/21 ok 36 /pattern/match/22 ok 37 /pattern/match/23 ok 38 /pattern/match/24 ok 39 /pattern/match/25 ok 40 /pattern/match/26 ok 41 /pattern/match/27 ok 42 /pattern/match/28 ok 43 /pattern/match/29 ok 44 /pattern/match/30 ok 45 /pattern/match/31 ok 46 /pattern/match/32 ok 47 /pattern/match/33 ok 48 /pattern/match/34 ok 49 /pattern/match/35 ok 50 /pattern/match/36 ok 51 /pattern/match/37 ok 52 /pattern/match/38 ok 53 /pattern/match/39 ok 54 /pattern/match/40 ok 55 /pattern/match/41 ok 56 /pattern/match/42 ok 57 /pattern/match/43 ok 58 /pattern/match/44 ok 59 /pattern/match/45 ok 60 /pattern/match/46 ok 61 /pattern/match/47 ok 62 /pattern/match/48 ok 63 /pattern/match/49 ok 64 /pattern/match/50 # End of match tests # Start of equal tests ok 65 /pattern/equal/0 ok 66 /pattern/equal/1 ok 67 /pattern/equal/2 ok 68 /pattern/equal/3 ok 69 /pattern/equal/4 ok 70 /pattern/equal/5 ok 71 /pattern/equal/6 ok 72 /pattern/equal/7 ok 73 /pattern/equal/8 ok 74 /pattern/equal/9 ok 75 /pattern/equal/10 # End of equal tests # End of pattern tests PASS: glib/pattern.test Running test: glib/vfs.test # random seed: R02Sa90cf3009654506bcccd2f9dea10f0c2 1..2 # Start of gvfs tests ok 1 /gvfs/local ok 2 /gvfs/register-scheme # End of gvfs tests PASS: glib/vfs.test SUMMARY: total=253; passed=253; skipped=0; failed=0; user=62.7s; system=33.0s; maxrss=151556 END: /usr/lib/glib-2.0/ptest 2018-02-13T01:45 2018-02-13T01:45 BEGIN: /usr/lib/gzip/ptest make check-TESTS make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/gzip/ptest/src/tests' make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/gzip/ptest/src/tests' PASS: gzip-env PASS: helin-segv PASS: help-version PASS: hufts PASS: keep PASS: list PASS: memcpy-abuse PASS: mixed PASS: null-suffix-clobber PASS: stdin PASS: timestamp PASS: trailing-nul PASS: unpack-invalid PASS: unpack-valid PASS: upper-suffix PASS: z-suffix PASS: zdiff PASS: zgrep-f PASS: zgrep-context PASS: zgrep-signal PASS: znew-k ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for gzip 1.9 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 21 # PASS: 21 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/gzip/ptest/src/tests' make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/gzip/ptest/src/tests' END: /usr/lib/gzip/ptest 2018-02-13T01:45 2018-02-13T01:45 BEGIN: /usr/lib/kbd/ptest make: Entering directory '/usr/lib/kbd/ptest/tests' make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/kbd/ptest/tests' PASS: libkeymap-init PASS: libkeymap-kmap PASS: libkeymap-keys PASS: libkeymap-parse PASS: libkeymap-charset PASS: dumpkeys-fulltable PASS: alt-is-meta ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for kbd 2.0.4 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 7 # PASS: 7 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/kbd/ptest/tests' make: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/kbd/ptest/tests' END: /usr/lib/kbd/ptest 2018-02-13T01:45 2018-02-13T01:45 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libpcre/ptest make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/libpcre/ptest' PASS: pcre_stringpiece_unittest FAIL: RunTest PASS: RunGrepTest ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for PCRE 8.36 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 3 # PASS: 2 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 1 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ See ./test-suite.log ============================================================================ make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/libpcre/ptest' ERROR: Exit status is 512 END: /usr/lib/libpcre/ptest 2018-02-13T01:45 2018-02-13T01:45 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libxml2/ptest [ -d test ] || ln -s ../libxml2-2.9.7/test . [ -d result ] || ln -s ../libxml2-2.9.7/result . ./runtest && \ ./testrecurse && \ ASAN_OPTIONS="$ASAN_OPTIONS:detect_leaks=0" ./testapi && \ ./testchar && \ ./testdict && \ ./runxmlconf ## XML regression tests PASS: XML regression tests ## XML regression tests on memory PASS: XML regression tests on memory ## XML entity subst regression tests PASS: XML entity subst regression tests ## XML Namespaces regression tests PASS: XML Namespaces regression tests ## Error cases regression tests PASS: Error cases regression tests ## Error cases regression tests (old 1.0) PASS: Error cases regression tests (old 1.0) ## Error cases stream regression tests PASS: Error cases stream regression tests ## Reader regression tests PASS: Reader regression tests ## Reader entities substitution regression tests PASS: Reader entities substitution regression tests ## Reader on memory regression tests PASS: Reader on memory regression tests ## Walker regression tests PASS: Walker regression tests ## SAX1 callbacks regression tests PASS: SAX1 callbacks regression tests ## SAX2 callbacks regression tests PASS: SAX2 callbacks regression tests ## SAX2 callbacks regression tests with entity substitution PASS: SAX2 callbacks regression tests with entity substitution ## XML push regression tests PASS: XML push regression tests ## HTML regression tests PASS: HTML regression tests ## Push HTML regression tests PASS: Push HTML regression tests ## HTML SAX regression tests PASS: HTML SAX regression tests ## Valid documents regression tests PASS: Valid documents regression tests ## Validity checking regression tests PASS: Validity checking regression tests ## Streaming validity checking regression tests PASS: Streaming validity checking regression tests ## Streaming validity error checking regression tests PASS: Streaming validity error checking regression tests ## General documents valid regression tests PASS: General documents valid regression tests ## XInclude regression tests PASS: XInclude regression tests ## XInclude xmlReader regression tests PASS: XInclude xmlReader regression tests ## XInclude regression tests stripping include nodes PASS: XInclude regression tests stripping include nodes ## XInclude xmlReader regression tests stripping include nodes PASS: XInclude xmlReader regression tests stripping include nodes ## URI parsing tests PASS: URI parsing tests ## URI base composition tests PASS: URI base composition tests ## Path URI conversion tests PASS: Path URI conversion tests ## Schemas regression tests PASS: Schemas regression tests ## Relax-NG regression tests PASS: Relax-NG regression tests ## Relax-NG streaming regression tests PASS: Relax-NG streaming regression tests ## Pattern regression tests PASS: Pattern regression tests ## C14N with comments regression tests PASS: C14N with comments regression tests ## C14N without comments regression tests PASS: C14N without comments regression tests ## C14N exclusive without comments regression tests PASS: C14N exclusive without comments regression tests ## C14N 1.1 without comments regression tests PASS: C14N 1.1 without comments regression tests ## Catalog and Threads regression tests PASS: Catalog and Threads regression tests Total 2781 tests, no errors PASS: runtest ## Parsing recursive test cases PASS: Parsing recursive test cases ## Parsing non-recursive test cases PASS: Parsing non-recursive test cases ## Parsing non-recursive huge case PASS: Parsing non-recursive huge case Total 9 tests, no errors PASS: testrecurse Testing HTMLparser : 32 of 38 functions ... PASS: HTMLparser Testing HTMLtree : 18 of 18 functions ... PASS: HTMLtree Testing SAX2 : 38 of 38 functions ... PASS: SAX2 Testing c14n : 3 of 4 functions ... PASS: c14n Testing catalog : 27 of 36 functions ... PASS: catalog Testing chvalid : 9 of 9 functions ... PASS: chvalid Testing debugXML : 25 of 28 functions ... PASS: debugXML Testing dict : 10 of 13 functions ... PASS: dict Testing encoding : 16 of 19 functions ... PASS: encoding Testing entities : 13 of 17 functions ... PASS: entities Testing hash : 16 of 24 functions ... PASS: hash Testing list : 19 of 26 functions ... PASS: list Testing nanoftp : 14 of 22 functions ... PASS: nanoftp Testing nanohttp : 13 of 17 functions ... PASS: nanohttp Testing parser : 61 of 70 functions ... PASS: parser Testing parserInternals : 33 of 90 functions ... PASS: parserInternals Testing pattern : 10 of 15 functions ... PASS: pattern Testing relaxng : 14 of 24 functions ... PASS: relaxng Testing schemasInternals : 0 of 2 functions ... PASS: schemasInternals Testing schematron : 1 of 10 functions ... PASS: schematron Testing tree : 142 of 164 functions ... PASS: tree Testing uri : 10 of 15 functions ... PASS: uri Testing valid : 50 of 70 functions ... PASS: valid Testing xinclude : 8 of 10 functions ... PASS: xinclude Testing xmlIO : 40 of 50 functions ... PASS: xmlIO Testing xmlautomata : 3 of 19 functions ... PASS: xmlautomata Testing xmlerror : 7 of 15 functions ... PASS: xmlerror Testing xmlmodule : 2 of 4 functions ... PASS: xmlmodule Testing xmlreader : 76 of 86 functions ... PASS: xmlreader Testing xmlregexp : 16 of 30 functions ... PASS: xmlregexp Testing xmlsave : 4 of 10 functions ... PASS: xmlsave Testing xmlschemas : 16 of 27 functions ... PASS: xmlschemas Testing xmlschemastypes : 26 of 34 functions ... PASS: xmlschemastypes Testing xmlstring : 26 of 30 functions ... PASS: xmlstring Testing xmlunicode : 166 of 166 functions ... PASS: xmlunicode Testing xmlwriter : 52 of 80 functions ... PASS: xmlwriter Testing xpath : 32 of 40 functions ... PASS: xpath Testing xpathInternals : 106 of 117 functions ... PASS: xpathInternals Testing xpointer : 17 of 21 functions ... PASS: xpointer Total: 1137 functions, 280556 tests, 0 errors PASS: testapi testing char range: 1 2 3 4 done testing 1 byte char in document: 1 2 3 4 done testing 2 byte char in document: 1 2 3 4 done PASS: testchar dictionary tests succeeded 20000 strings PASS: testdict Test suite: XML 1.0 (2nd edition) W3C Conformance Test Suite, 6 October 2000 Test cases: James Clark XML 1.0 Tests Test cases: Fuji Xerox Japanese Text Tests XML 1.0 Tests Test cases: Sun Microsystems XML Tests Test cases: 159 tests Test cases: OASIS/NIST XML 1.0 Tests Test cases: IBM XML 1.0 Tests Test cases: IBM XML 1.1 Tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML 1.0 2nd edition errata test suite 21 Jul 2003 Test cases: 34 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML 1.1 test suite 13 Feb 2003 Test cases: 57 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML Namespaces 1.0 test suite 14 Feb 2003 Test cases: 46 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML Namespaces 1.1 test suite 14 Feb 2003 Test cases: 6 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML 1.0 3rd edition errata test suite 1 June 2006 Test cases: 13 tests Test cases: University of Edinburgh tests for XML 1.0 5th edition Test cases: 392 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML Namespaces 1.0/1.1 2nd edition test suite 1 June 2006 Test cases: 3 tests Ran 2269 tests, 15 errors, 0 leaks Total 2269 tests, 15 errors, 0 leaks See runxmlconf.log for detailed output 15 errors were expected PASS: runxmlconf make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/libxml2/ptest/python' cd tests && make tests make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/libxml2/ptest/python/tests' ## running Python regression tests PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/libxml2/ptest/python/tests' make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/libxml2/ptest/python' END: /usr/lib/libxml2/ptest 2018-02-13T01:45 2018-02-13T01:45 BEGIN: /usr/lib/lttng-tools/ptest PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 2 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 3 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 4 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 5 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 6 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 7 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 8 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 9 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 10 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 11 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 12 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 13 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 14 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 15 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 16 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 17 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 18 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 19 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 20 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 21 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 22 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 23 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 24 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 25 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 26 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 27 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 28 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 29 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 30 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 31 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 32 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 33 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 34 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 35 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 36 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 37 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 38 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 39 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 40 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 41 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 42 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 43 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 44 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 45 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 46 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 47 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 48 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 49 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 50 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 51 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 52 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 53 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 54 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 55 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 56 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 57 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 58 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 59 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 60 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 61 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 62 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 63 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 64 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 65 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 66 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 67 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 68 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 69 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 70 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 71 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 72 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 73 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 74 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 75 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 76 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 77 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 78 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 79 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 80 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 81 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 82 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 83 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 84 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 85 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 86 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 87 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 88 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 89 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 90 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 91 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 92 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 93 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 94 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 95 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 96 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 97 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 98 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 99 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 100 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 101 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 102 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 103 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 104 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 105 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 106 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 107 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 108 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 109 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 110 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 111 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 112 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 113 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 114 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 115 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 116 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 117 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 118 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 119 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 120 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 121 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 122 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 123 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 124 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 125 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 126 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 127 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 128 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 129 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 130 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 131 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 132 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 133 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 134 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 135 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 136 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 137 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 138 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 139 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 140 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 141 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 142 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 143 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 144 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 145 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 146 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 147 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 148 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 149 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 150 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 151 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 152 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 153 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 154 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 155 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 156 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 157 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 158 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 159 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 160 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 161 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 162 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 163 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 164 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 165 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 166 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 167 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 168 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 169 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 170 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 171 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 172 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 173 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 174 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 175 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 176 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 177 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 178 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 179 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 180 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 181 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 182 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 183 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 184 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 185 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 186 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 187 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 188 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 189 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 190 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 191 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 192 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 193 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 194 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 195 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 196 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 197 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 198 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 199 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 200 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 201 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 202 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 203 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 204 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 205 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 206 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 207 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 208 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 209 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 210 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 211 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 212 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 213 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 214 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 215 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 216 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 217 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 218 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 219 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 220 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 221 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 222 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 223 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 224 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 225 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 226 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 227 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 228 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 229 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 230 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 231 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 232 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 233 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 234 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 235 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 236 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 237 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 238 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 239 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 240 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 241 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 242 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 243 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 244 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 245 - Create session filter-invalid in /tmp/tmp.qvROB3kIeK PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 246 - Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 247 - Destroy session filter-invalid PASS: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter 248 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 2 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 3 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 4 - Unsupported operator test MUL (*) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 5 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 6 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 7 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 8 - Unsupported operator test DIV (/) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 9 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 10 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 11 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 12 - Unsupported operator test MOD (%) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 13 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 14 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 15 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 16 - Unsupported operator test PLUS (+) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 17 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 18 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 19 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 20 - Unsupported operator test MINUS (-) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 21 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 22 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 23 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 24 - Unsupported operator test LSHIFT (<<) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 25 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 26 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 27 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 28 - Unsupported operator test RSHIFT (>>) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 29 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 30 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 31 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 32 - Unsupported operator test BIN_AND (&) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 33 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 34 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 35 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 36 - Unsupported operator test BIN_OR (|) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 37 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 38 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 39 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 40 - Unsupported operator test BIN_XOR (^) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 41 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 42 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 43 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 44 - Unsupported operator test UNARY_BIN_NOT (~) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 45 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 46 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 47 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 48 - Unsupported operator test MUL (*) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 49 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 50 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 51 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 52 - Unsupported operator test DIV (/) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 53 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 54 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 55 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 56 - Unsupported operator test MOD (%) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 57 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 58 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 59 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 60 - Unsupported operator test PLUS (+) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 61 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 62 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 63 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 64 - Unsupported operator test MINUS (-) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 65 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 66 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 67 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 68 - Unsupported operator test LSHIFT (<<) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 69 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 70 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 71 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 72 - Unsupported operator test RSHIFT (>>) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 73 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 74 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 75 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 76 - Unsupported operator test BIN_AND (&) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 77 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 78 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 79 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 80 - Unsupported operator test BIN_OR (|) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 81 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 82 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 83 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 84 - Unsupported operator test BIN_XOR (^) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 85 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 86 - Create session filter-unsupported-ops in /tmp/tmp.WveqxTaelL PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 87 - Enable lttng event with filtering and unsupported operator PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 88 - Unsupported operator test UNARY_BIN_NOT (~) PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 89 - Destroy session filter-unsupported-ops PASS: tools/filtering/test_unsupported_op 90 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 2 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.xDOqQwbxTm PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 3 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 4 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 5 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 6 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 7 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 8 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.LHHGQLXN1F PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 9 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 10 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 11 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 12 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 13 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 14 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.MD7E9jAH09 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 15 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 16 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 17 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 18 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 19 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 20 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.u422rMXSej PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 21 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 22 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 23 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 24 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 25 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 26 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.As1PyGMWdw PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 27 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 28 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 29 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 30 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 31 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 32 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.rSxJStbxCL PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 33 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 34 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 35 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 36 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 37 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 38 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.SLUxKRNd2U PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 39 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 40 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 41 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 42 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 43 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 44 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.O4gX5I6bjh PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 45 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 46 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 47 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 48 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 49 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 50 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.hoyTafTkco PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 51 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 52 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 53 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 54 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 55 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 56 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.ATxD5iQjCj PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 57 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 58 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 59 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 60 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 61 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 62 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.PFsUYUvOwk PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 63 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 64 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 65 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 66 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 67 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 68 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.fs8aCg41MK PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 69 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 70 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 71 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 72 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 73 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 74 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.aW2qId7QYu PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 75 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 76 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 77 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 78 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 79 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 80 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.9r0Fq9mcjX PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 81 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 82 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 83 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 84 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 85 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 86 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.btYQiqIzsU PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 87 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 88 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 89 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 90 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 91 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 92 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.1JBaOEPhl6 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 93 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 94 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 95 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 96 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 97 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 98 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.il4lT9xGzO PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 99 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 100 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 101 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 102 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 103 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 104 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.hIx4r4QVKf PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 105 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 106 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 107 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 108 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 109 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 110 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.eGWCVV3Iog PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 111 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 112 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 113 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 114 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 115 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 116 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.gyWuzVviht PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 117 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 118 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 119 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 120 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 121 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 122 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.z22pHJOXHD PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 123 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 124 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 125 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 126 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 127 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 128 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.sUx8nJ1Hmy PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 129 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 130 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 131 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 132 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 133 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 134 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.YAfedE91No PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 135 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 136 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 137 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 138 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 139 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 140 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.YDcIvBoxN0 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 141 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 142 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 143 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 144 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 145 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 146 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.w7pIxiigDR PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 147 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 148 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 149 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 150 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 151 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 152 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.iAWJKDrqGv PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 153 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 154 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 155 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 156 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 157 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 158 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.7n2elCYzoQ PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 159 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 160 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 161 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 162 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 163 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 164 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.EUmSSUQk1H PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 165 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 166 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 167 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 168 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 169 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 170 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.HoVqCyDhG8 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 171 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 172 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 173 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 174 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 175 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 176 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.9Qq7ZBFNaO PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 177 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 178 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 179 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 180 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 181 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 182 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.fDuUmXOZvZ PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 183 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 184 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 185 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 186 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 187 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 188 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.6CO6Qpkuvh PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 189 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 190 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 191 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 192 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 193 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 194 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.wbYRQLGdrt PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 195 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 196 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 197 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 198 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 199 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 200 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.PTC6ycDeWx PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 201 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 202 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 203 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 204 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 205 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 206 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.3me9hVuZvX PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 207 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 208 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 209 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 210 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 211 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 212 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.OSFHFlIFzF PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 213 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 214 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 215 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 216 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 217 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 218 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.w6swgjOqi7 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 219 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 220 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 221 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 222 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 223 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 224 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.VdtAC66gx8 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 225 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 226 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 227 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 228 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 229 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 230 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.SUhsXGaepI PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 231 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 232 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 233 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 234 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 235 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 236 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.0jjmaE4kjk PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 237 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 238 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 239 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 240 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 241 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 242 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.nVh4LXmaUa PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 243 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 244 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 245 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 246 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 247 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 248 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.NtDaVYtYnC PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 249 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 250 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 251 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 252 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 253 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 254 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.57Xzsnh9OJ PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 255 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 256 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 257 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 258 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 259 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 260 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.2VzEK6JXnJ PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 261 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 262 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 263 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 264 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 265 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 266 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.40JGiJauHl PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 267 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 268 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 269 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 270 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 271 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 272 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.Tyxyu5Ssl8 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 273 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 274 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 275 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 276 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 277 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 278 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.o16bmbDgco PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 279 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 280 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 281 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 282 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 283 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 284 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.RKjav6zI46 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 285 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 286 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 287 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 288 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 289 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 290 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.KAkodkkaaZ PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 291 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 292 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 293 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 294 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 295 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 296 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.ZFvrzbXwV3 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 297 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 298 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 299 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 300 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 301 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 302 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.4CEvhK7kf6 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 303 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 304 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 305 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 306 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 307 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 308 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.y1WAVjhcql PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 309 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 310 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 311 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 312 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 313 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 314 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.QM6b6PSzhg PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 315 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 316 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 317 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 318 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 319 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 320 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.2I9jeh7Ayg PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 321 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 322 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 323 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 324 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 325 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 326 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.OJhHs2zom3 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 327 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 328 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 329 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 330 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 331 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 332 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.dsC8dAK8n1 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 333 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 334 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 335 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 336 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 337 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 338 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.pRTJfSWpWo PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 339 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 340 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 341 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 342 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 343 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 344 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.aJlw0fDT1L PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 345 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 346 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 347 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 348 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 349 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 350 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.7niQuOIYRV PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 351 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 352 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 353 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 354 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 355 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 356 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.jmHn55Ojx5 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 357 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 358 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 359 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 360 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 361 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 362 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.pPguAJeo8k PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 363 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 364 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 365 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 366 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 367 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 368 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.eJX0HWMUx5 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 369 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 370 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 371 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 372 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 373 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 374 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.3dPXnr37qH PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 375 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 376 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 377 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 378 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 379 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 380 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.pdzrTm8ohS PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 381 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 382 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 383 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 384 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 385 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 386 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.xu0XXE87qk PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 387 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 388 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 389 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 390 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 391 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 392 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.ZBSt73fTsa PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 393 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 394 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 395 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 396 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 397 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 398 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.6h4T1H94qd PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 399 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 400 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 401 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 402 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 403 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 404 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.gRyrRXc14E PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 405 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 406 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 407 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 408 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 409 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 410 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.nNTWfOwiIU PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 411 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 412 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 413 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 414 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 415 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 416 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.hdWR13bZAb PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 417 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 418 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 419 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 420 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 421 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 422 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.HugZ4gioWE PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 423 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 424 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 425 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 426 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 427 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 428 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.JROU1vnJbB PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 429 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 430 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 431 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 432 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 433 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 434 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.bHkMYYuSRB PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 435 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 436 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 437 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 438 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 439 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 440 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.OJyark4rjn PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 441 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 442 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 443 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 444 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 445 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 446 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.lqNjbsokEN PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 447 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 448 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 449 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 450 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 451 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 452 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.wjIzwUazOi PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 453 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 454 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 455 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 456 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 457 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 458 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.CYDtiJTgES PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 459 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 460 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 461 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 462 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 463 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 464 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.95WTLmgc1s PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 465 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 466 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 467 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 468 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 469 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 470 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.z427OJOCHd PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 471 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 472 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 473 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 474 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 475 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 476 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.ijiB2NHbsX PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 477 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 478 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 479 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 480 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 481 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 482 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.xHGKkO2gCV PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 483 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 484 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 485 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 486 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 487 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 488 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.Xi1CKSWlW0 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 489 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 490 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 491 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 492 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 493 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 494 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.m7IuSh7Ggg PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 495 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 496 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 497 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 498 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 499 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 500 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.Uue1y1yz1W PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 501 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 502 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 503 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 504 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 505 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 506 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.S1KMNxxZlX PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 507 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 508 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 509 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 510 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 511 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 512 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.E4BsdVNpfW PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 513 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 514 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 515 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 516 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 517 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 518 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.CqTwkwWX9e PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 519 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 520 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 521 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 522 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 523 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 524 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.YTq1OTZinL PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 525 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 526 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 527 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 528 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 529 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 530 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.66mloMKV8Q PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 531 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 532 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 533 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 534 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 535 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 536 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.0AbcAW1T53 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 537 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 538 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 539 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 540 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 541 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 542 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.FemvJK3crj PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 543 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 544 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 545 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 546 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 547 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 548 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.6TAlIHzGkk PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 549 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 550 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 551 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 552 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 553 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 554 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.JveDBP1GBe PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 555 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 556 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 557 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 558 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 559 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 560 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.U472as6jW1 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 561 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 562 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 563 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 564 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 565 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 566 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.8HlGSjgXWl PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 567 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 568 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 569 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 570 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 571 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 572 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.3kA4DpSgEJ PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 573 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 574 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 575 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 576 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 577 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 578 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.QbyVRS679F PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 579 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 580 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 581 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 582 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 583 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 584 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.3I572ButDQ PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 585 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 586 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 587 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 588 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 589 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 590 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.b1xcQGveTH PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 591 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 592 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 593 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 594 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 595 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 596 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.xrnbvEIztR PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 597 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 598 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 599 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 600 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 601 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 602 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.tLtRoYg3OA PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 603 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 604 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 605 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 606 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 607 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 608 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.rAeTlEeZsF PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 609 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 610 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 611 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 612 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 613 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 614 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.E5oIb0gQtg PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 615 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 616 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 617 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 618 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 619 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 620 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.PQH2WJRXEC PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 621 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 622 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 623 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 624 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 625 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 626 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.vPsckMJuOP PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 627 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 628 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 629 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 630 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 631 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 632 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.wcoGNg7eSZ PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 633 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 634 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 635 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 636 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 637 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 638 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.4dHzbfvv0q PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 639 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 640 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 641 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 642 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 643 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 644 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.KzSvLjkRhW PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 645 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 646 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 647 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 648 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 649 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 650 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.sWwt7jzZM2 PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 651 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 652 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 653 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 654 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 655 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 656 - Create session valid_filter in /tmp/tmp.mnfckDxcpK PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 657 - Enable lttng event with filtering PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 658 - Start tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 659 - Stop lttng tracing for session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 660 - Destroy session valid_filter PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 661 - Validate trace filter output PASS: tools/filtering/test_valid_filter 662 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 1 - Start lttng-relayd (opt: -o /tmp/tmp.ZKVpriKzPT) PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 2 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 3 - Create session with default path PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 4 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session 7HxIWCbOtr2ROQTH PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 5 - Start tracing for session 7HxIWCbOtr2ROQTH PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 6 - Stop lttng tracing for session 7HxIWCbOtr2ROQTH PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 7 - Destroy session 7HxIWCbOtr2ROQTH PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 8 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 5 events PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 9 - Create session with default path PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 10 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session 8ZrBBvKFFNOXbxHr PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 11 - Start tracing for session 8ZrBBvKFFNOXbxHr PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 12 - Stop lttng tracing for session 8ZrBBvKFFNOXbxHr PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 13 - Destroy session 8ZrBBvKFFNOXbxHr PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 14 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 5 events PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 15 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/streaming/test_ust 16 - Kill relay daemon PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 2 - Validation OK PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 3 - Create session health_thread_ok in no-output mode PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 4 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session health_thread_ok PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 5 - Start tracing for session health_thread_ok PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 6 - Destroy session health_thread_ok PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 7 - Validation OK PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 8 - Create session health_thread_ok in no-output mode PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 9 - Enable kernel event sched_switch for session health_thread_ok PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 10 - Start tracing for session health_thread_ok PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 11 - Destroy session health_thread_ok PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 12 - Validation OK PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 13 - Start lttng-relayd (opt: -o /tmp/tmp.7pzq5jgTOl) PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 14 - Validation OK PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 15 - Validation OK PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 16 - Kill relay daemon PASS: tools/health/test_thread_ok 17 - Kill session daemon ERROR: tools/live/test_ust - missing test plan ERROR: tools/live/test_ust_tracefile_count - missing test plan PASS: tools/live/test_lttng_ust 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/live/test_lttng_ust 2 - Start lttng-relayd (opt: -o /tmp/tmp.G2q3ZRxBwl) PASS: tools/live/test_lttng_ust 3 - Create session in live mode with delay 2000000 PASS: tools/live/test_lttng_ust 4 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session live PASS: tools/live/test_lttng_ust 5 - Start tracing for session live PASS: tools/live/test_lttng_ust 6 - Stop lttng tracing for session live PASS: tools/live/test_lttng_ust 7 - Destroy session live PASS: tools/live/test_lttng_ust 8 - Trace match with 1 event tp:tptest PASS: tools/live/test_lttng_ust 9 - Kill relay daemon PASS: tools/live/test_lttng_ust 10 - Create session in live mode with delay 2000000 and custom URLs PASS: tools/live/test_lttng_ust 11 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 2 - Create session 49iEDYyMQs8bpOkR in /tmp/tmp.33Gp5pt7r5 PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 3 - Enable channel channel for session 49iEDYyMQs8bpOkR: 1 tracefiles PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 4 - Enable event tp:tptest for session 49iEDYyMQs8bpOkR in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 5 - Start tracing for session 49iEDYyMQs8bpOkR PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 6 - Stop lttng tracing for session 49iEDYyMQs8bpOkR PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 7 - Destroy session 49iEDYyMQs8bpOkR PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 8 - Validate file count: channel_0_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 9 - Validate file count: channel_1_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 10 - Validate file count: channel_2_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 11 - Validate file count: channel_3_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 12 - Trace validation - intfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 13 - Trace validation - netintfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 14 - Trace validation - longfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 15 - Create session HOqfKUYe6jMZi6mS in /tmp/tmp.swnYlJ8cRD PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 16 - Enable channel channel for session HOqfKUYe6jMZi6mS: 2 tracefiles PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 17 - Enable event tp:tptest for session HOqfKUYe6jMZi6mS in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 18 - Start tracing for session HOqfKUYe6jMZi6mS PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 19 - Stop lttng tracing for session HOqfKUYe6jMZi6mS PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 20 - Destroy session HOqfKUYe6jMZi6mS PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 21 - Validate file count: channel_0_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 22 - Validate file count: channel_1_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 23 - Validate file count: channel_2_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 24 - Validate file count: channel_3_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 25 - Trace validation - intfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 26 - Trace validation - netintfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 27 - Trace validation - longfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 28 - Create session qL8RxOccylOSyQsN in /tmp/tmp.41jwGiJrx2 PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 29 - Enable channel channel for session qL8RxOccylOSyQsN: 4 tracefiles PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 30 - Enable event tp:tptest for session qL8RxOccylOSyQsN in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 31 - Start tracing for session qL8RxOccylOSyQsN PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 32 - Stop lttng tracing for session qL8RxOccylOSyQsN PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 33 - Destroy session qL8RxOccylOSyQsN PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 34 - Validate file count: channel_0_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 35 - Validate file count: channel_1_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 36 - Validate file count: channel_2_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 37 - Validate file count: channel_3_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 38 - Trace validation - intfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 39 - Trace validation - netintfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 40 - Trace validation - longfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 41 - Create session Y8m2fwV1moBukbUt in /tmp/tmp.p8uCL0UZc8 PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 42 - Enable channel channel for session Y8m2fwV1moBukbUt: 8 tracefiles PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 43 - Enable event tp:tptest for session Y8m2fwV1moBukbUt in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 44 - Start tracing for session Y8m2fwV1moBukbUt PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 45 - Stop lttng tracing for session Y8m2fwV1moBukbUt PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 46 - Destroy session Y8m2fwV1moBukbUt PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 47 - Validate file count: channel_0_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 48 - Validate file count: channel_1_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 49 - Validate file count: channel_2_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 50 - Validate file count: channel_3_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 51 - Trace validation - intfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 52 - Trace validation - netintfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 53 - Trace validation - longfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 54 - Create session L1uXOOygxCWDLmVD in /tmp/tmp.JP3J4APKsi PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 55 - Enable channel channel for session L1uXOOygxCWDLmVD: 10 tracefiles PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 56 - Enable event tp:tptest for session L1uXOOygxCWDLmVD in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 57 - Start tracing for session L1uXOOygxCWDLmVD PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 58 - Stop lttng tracing for session L1uXOOygxCWDLmVD PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 59 - Destroy session L1uXOOygxCWDLmVD PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 60 - Validate file count: channel_0_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 61 - Validate file count: channel_1_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 62 - Validate file count: channel_2_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 63 - Validate file count: channel_3_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 64 - Trace validation - intfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 65 - Trace validation - netintfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 66 - Trace validation - longfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 67 - Create session XWGNSnth3IWnOqcF in /tmp/tmp.RsWrBZCSP1 PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 68 - Enable channel channel for session XWGNSnth3IWnOqcF: 16 tracefiles PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 69 - Enable event tp:tptest for session XWGNSnth3IWnOqcF in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 70 - Start tracing for session XWGNSnth3IWnOqcF PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 71 - Stop lttng tracing for session XWGNSnth3IWnOqcF PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 72 - Destroy session XWGNSnth3IWnOqcF PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 73 - Validate file count: channel_0_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 74 - Validate file count: channel_1_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 75 - Validate file count: channel_2_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 76 - Validate file count: channel_3_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 77 - Trace validation - intfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 78 - Trace validation - netintfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 79 - Trace validation - longfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 80 - Create session cATsOBOrRkzZh1CP in /tmp/tmp.9RCyQEpfmu PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 81 - Enable channel channel for session cATsOBOrRkzZh1CP: 32 tracefiles PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 82 - Enable event tp:tptest for session cATsOBOrRkzZh1CP in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 83 - Start tracing for session cATsOBOrRkzZh1CP PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 84 - Stop lttng tracing for session cATsOBOrRkzZh1CP PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 85 - Destroy session cATsOBOrRkzZh1CP PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 86 - Validate file count: channel_0_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 87 - Validate file count: channel_1_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 88 - Validate file count: channel_2_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 89 - Validate file count: channel_3_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 90 - Trace validation - intfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 91 - Trace validation - netintfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 92 - Trace validation - longfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 93 - Create session uH1Cl8EArMTMJx0U in /tmp/tmp.20YbYDuS26 PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 94 - Enable channel channel for session uH1Cl8EArMTMJx0U: 64 tracefiles PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 95 - Enable event tp:tptest for session uH1Cl8EArMTMJx0U in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 96 - Start tracing for session uH1Cl8EArMTMJx0U PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 97 - Stop lttng tracing for session uH1Cl8EArMTMJx0U PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 98 - Destroy session uH1Cl8EArMTMJx0U PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 99 - Validate file count: channel_0_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 100 - Validate file count: channel_1_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 101 - Validate file count: channel_2_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 102 - Validate file count: channel_3_* PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 103 - Trace validation - intfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 104 - Trace validation - netintfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 105 - Trace validation - longfield PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_count 106 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 2 - Create session EFhXXg1d1VcjDUNK in /tmp/tmp.JKwLbnMuw9 PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 3 - Enable channel channel for session EFhXXg1d1VcjDUNK: 4096 bytes tracefile limit PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 4 - Enable event tp:tptest for session EFhXXg1d1VcjDUNK in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 5 - Start tracing for session EFhXXg1d1VcjDUNK PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 6 - Stop lttng tracing for session EFhXXg1d1VcjDUNK PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 7 - Destroy session EFhXXg1d1VcjDUNK PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 8 - File size validation PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 9 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 190 events PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 10 - Create session kUrAwghLFuktwoUk in /tmp/tmp.sLqqgBXyXJ PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 11 - Enable channel channel for session kUrAwghLFuktwoUk: 8192 bytes tracefile limit PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 12 - Enable event tp:tptest for session kUrAwghLFuktwoUk in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 13 - Start tracing for session kUrAwghLFuktwoUk PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 14 - Stop lttng tracing for session kUrAwghLFuktwoUk PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 15 - Destroy session kUrAwghLFuktwoUk PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 16 - File size validation PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 17 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 228 events PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 18 - Create session HPmhnug7FrXZuGxk in /tmp/tmp.CIJJ0rRYk5 PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 19 - Enable channel channel for session HPmhnug7FrXZuGxk: 16384 bytes tracefile limit PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 20 - Enable event tp:tptest for session HPmhnug7FrXZuGxk in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 21 - Start tracing for session HPmhnug7FrXZuGxk PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 22 - Stop lttng tracing for session HPmhnug7FrXZuGxk PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 23 - Destroy session HPmhnug7FrXZuGxk PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 24 - File size validation PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 25 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 304 events PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 26 - Create session JfxSbyaffg8kdzCO in /tmp/tmp.NtYCuTuvrY PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 27 - Enable channel channel for session JfxSbyaffg8kdzCO: 32768 bytes tracefile limit PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 28 - Enable event tp:tptest for session JfxSbyaffg8kdzCO in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 29 - Start tracing for session JfxSbyaffg8kdzCO PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 30 - Stop lttng tracing for session JfxSbyaffg8kdzCO PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 31 - Destroy session JfxSbyaffg8kdzCO PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 32 - File size validation PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 33 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 456 events PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 34 - Create session Eo0H4zo4pH5iuiSH in /tmp/tmp.zl5Zh5faOJ PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 35 - Enable channel channel for session Eo0H4zo4pH5iuiSH: 65536 bytes tracefile limit PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 36 - Enable event tp:tptest for session Eo0H4zo4pH5iuiSH in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 37 - Start tracing for session Eo0H4zo4pH5iuiSH PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 38 - Stop lttng tracing for session Eo0H4zo4pH5iuiSH PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 39 - Destroy session Eo0H4zo4pH5iuiSH PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 40 - File size validation PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 41 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 676 events PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 42 - Create session uP0rgprVqfb2Bobk in /tmp/tmp.4bPkikdsJP PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 43 - Enable channel channel for session uP0rgprVqfb2Bobk: 131072 bytes tracefile limit PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 44 - Enable event tp:tptest for session uP0rgprVqfb2Bobk in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 45 - Start tracing for session uP0rgprVqfb2Bobk PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 46 - Stop lttng tracing for session uP0rgprVqfb2Bobk PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 47 - Destroy session uP0rgprVqfb2Bobk PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 48 - File size validation PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 49 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 869 events PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 50 - Create session 6NQYYdJfvYmtPZ4O in /tmp/tmp.SaiMdiJsBj PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 51 - Enable channel channel for session 6NQYYdJfvYmtPZ4O: 5120 bytes tracefile limit PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 52 - Enable event tp:tptest for session 6NQYYdJfvYmtPZ4O in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 53 - Start tracing for session 6NQYYdJfvYmtPZ4O PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 54 - Stop lttng tracing for session 6NQYYdJfvYmtPZ4O PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 55 - Destroy session 6NQYYdJfvYmtPZ4O PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 56 - File size validation PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 57 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 190 events PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 58 - Create session qqO5fBFQKVcwGucV in /tmp/tmp.b0geXEggZo PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 59 - Enable channel channel for session qqO5fBFQKVcwGucV: 4094 bytes tracefile limit PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 60 - Enable event tp:tptest for session qqO5fBFQKVcwGucV in channel channel PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 61 - Start tracing for session qqO5fBFQKVcwGucV PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 62 - Stop lttng tracing for session qqO5fBFQKVcwGucV PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 63 - Destroy session qqO5fBFQKVcwGucV PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 64 - File size validation PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 65 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 190 events PASS: tools/tracefile-limits/test_tracefile_size 66 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/exclusion/test_exclusion 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/exclusion/test_exclusion 2 - Create session test-exclusion in /tmp/tmp.eVBFXRqaMV PASS: tools/exclusion/test_exclusion 3 - Enable lttng event with event tp:tptest2 excluded PASS: tools/exclusion/test_exclusion 4 - Start tracing for session test-exclusion PASS: tools/exclusion/test_exclusion 5 - Stop lttng tracing for session test-exclusion PASS: tools/exclusion/test_exclusion 6 - Destroy session test-exclusion PASS: tools/exclusion/test_exclusion 7 - Validate trace exclusion output PASS: tools/exclusion/test_exclusion 8 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 2 - Create session wwWHSQ7cGDBCqEeC in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 3 - Enable channel snapchan for session wwWHSQ7cGDBCqEeC PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 4 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session wwWHSQ7cGDBCqEeC PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 5 - Start tracing for session wwWHSQ7cGDBCqEeC PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 6 - Added snapshot output file:///tmp/tmp.F0yFYxp6Rs ( -n randomname ) PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 7 - Snapshot named randomname present in list-output listing PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 8 - Deleted snapshot output named randomname PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 9 - Added snapshot output file:///tmp/tmp.F0yFYxp6Rs ( -n somesnapshot ) PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 10 - Snapshot named somesnapshot present in list-output listing PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 11 - Stop lttng tracing for session wwWHSQ7cGDBCqEeC PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 12 - Destroy session wwWHSQ7cGDBCqEeC PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 13 - Create session HelD0QWZdUSwiqpz in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 14 - Enable channel snapchan for session HelD0QWZdUSwiqpz PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 15 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session HelD0QWZdUSwiqpz PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 16 - Start tracing for session HelD0QWZdUSwiqpz PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 17 - Added snapshot output file:///tmp/tmp.F0yFYxp6Rs PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 18 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 19 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 20 - Stop lttng tracing for session HelD0QWZdUSwiqpz PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 21 - Destroy session HelD0QWZdUSwiqpz PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 22 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 3086 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 23 - Create session kqAd0RyEN6sLIDsE in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 24 - Enable channel for session kqAd0RyEN6sLIDsE with subbuf size 8192 PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 25 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session kqAd0RyEN6sLIDsE PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 26 - Start tracing for session kqAd0RyEN6sLIDsE PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 27 - Added snapshot output file:///tmp/tmp.F0yFYxp6Rs ( -m 32768 ) PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 28 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 29 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 30 - Tracefiles size sum validation PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 31 - Stop lttng tracing for session kqAd0RyEN6sLIDsE PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 32 - Destroy session kqAd0RyEN6sLIDsE PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 33 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 34 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 34 - Create session g8sP4Vi95DDyIRrr in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 35 - Enable channel snapchan per UID for session g8sP4Vi95DDyIRrr PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 36 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session g8sP4Vi95DDyIRrr PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 37 - Start tracing for session g8sP4Vi95DDyIRrr PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 38 - Added snapshot output file:///tmp/tmp.F0yFYxp6Rs PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 39 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 40 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 41 - Stop lttng tracing for session g8sP4Vi95DDyIRrr PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 42 - Destroy session g8sP4Vi95DDyIRrr PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 43 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 2976 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 44 - Create session XdspNblhji18Gzvc in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 45 - Enable channel snapchan per UID for session XdspNblhji18Gzvc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 46 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session XdspNblhji18Gzvc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 47 - Start tracing for session XdspNblhji18Gzvc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 48 - Added snapshot output file:///tmp/tmp.F0yFYxp6Rs PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 49 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 50 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 51 - Stop lttng tracing for session XdspNblhji18Gzvc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 52 - Destroy session XdspNblhji18Gzvc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 53 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 2997 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 54 - Create session nNC6AIuequvalbOK in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 55 - Enable channel snapchan for session nNC6AIuequvalbOK PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 56 - Enable ust event tp:tptest1,tp:tptest2,tp:tptest3,tp:tptest4,tp:tptest5 for session nNC6AIuequvalbOK PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 57 - Start tracing for session nNC6AIuequvalbOK PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 58 - Added snapshot output file:///tmp/tmp.F0yFYxp6Rs PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 59 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 60 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 61 - Stop lttng tracing for session nNC6AIuequvalbOK PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 62 - Destroy session nNC6AIuequvalbOK PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 63 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest1, 1 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 64 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest2, 1 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 65 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest3, 1 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 66 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest4, 1 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 67 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest5, 1 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 68 - Create session Z8fwcWSNAKmk1dlr in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 69 - Enable channel snapchan for session Z8fwcWSNAKmk1dlr PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 70 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session Z8fwcWSNAKmk1dlr PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 71 - Start tracing for session Z8fwcWSNAKmk1dlr PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 72 - Added snapshot output file:///tmp/tmp.F0yFYxp6Rs PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 73 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 74 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 75 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 3024 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 76 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 77 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 3231 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 78 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 79 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 3407 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 80 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 81 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 2325 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 82 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 83 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 710 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 84 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 85 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 561 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 86 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 87 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 434 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 88 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 89 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 292 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 90 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 91 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 192 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 92 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 93 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 168 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 94 - Stop lttng tracing for session Z8fwcWSNAKmk1dlr PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 95 - Destroy session Z8fwcWSNAKmk1dlr PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 96 - Create session Pah2Sd6QStf88K3K in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 97 - Enable channel snapchan for session Pah2Sd6QStf88K3K with small discard buffers PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 98 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session Pah2Sd6QStf88K3K PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 99 - Start tracing for session Pah2Sd6QStf88K3K PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 100 - Added snapshot output file:///tmp/tmp.F0yFYxp6Rs PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 101 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 102 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 103 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 104 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 105 - First snapshot event match. PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 106 - Stop lttng tracing for session Pah2Sd6QStf88K3K PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 107 - Destroy session Pah2Sd6QStf88K3K PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 108 - Create session WWgzGg1Kf2U2xewc in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 109 - Enable channel snapchan for session WWgzGg1Kf2U2xewc with small discard buffers PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 110 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session WWgzGg1Kf2U2xewc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 111 - Start tracing for session WWgzGg1Kf2U2xewc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 112 - Added snapshot output file:///tmp/tmp.F0yFYxp6Rs PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 113 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 114 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 115 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 116 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 117 - First snapshot event do not match. PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 118 - Stop lttng tracing for session WWgzGg1Kf2U2xewc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 119 - Destroy session WWgzGg1Kf2U2xewc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_fast 120 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 1 - Start lttng-relayd (opt: -o /tmp/tmp.ZyOlWv7u3v) PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 2 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 3 - Create session wsfqGRpOK0NWFYLi in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 4 - Enable channel chan1 for session wsfqGRpOK0NWFYLi PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 5 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session wsfqGRpOK0NWFYLi PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 6 - Start tracing for session wsfqGRpOK0NWFYLi PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 7 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 8 - Added snapshot output net://localhost PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 9 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 10 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 2989 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 11 - Deleted snapshot output id 1 PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 12 - Added snapshot output net://localhost PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 13 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 14 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 3459 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 15 - Stop lttng tracing for session wsfqGRpOK0NWFYLi PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 16 - Destroy session wsfqGRpOK0NWFYLi PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 17 - Create session 101ZqZumj45xv9Cc in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 18 - Enable channel chan1 for session 101ZqZumj45xv9Cc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 19 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session 101ZqZumj45xv9Cc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 20 - Start tracing for session 101ZqZumj45xv9Cc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 21 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 22 - Added snapshot output net://localhost PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 23 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 24 - Stop lttng tracing for session 101ZqZumj45xv9Cc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 25 - Destroy session 101ZqZumj45xv9Cc PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 26 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 2916 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 27 - Create session gAosW9h3tADGHuC9 in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 28 - Enable channel chan1 for session gAosW9h3tADGHuC9 PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 29 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session gAosW9h3tADGHuC9 PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 30 - Start tracing for session gAosW9h3tADGHuC9 PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 31 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 32 - Added snapshot output net://localhost PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 33 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 34 - Stop lttng tracing for session gAosW9h3tADGHuC9 PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 35 - Destroy session gAosW9h3tADGHuC9 PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 36 - Custom name snapshot exists PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 37 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 3087 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 38 - Create session RfuIQ7egLv39OlQQ in no-output mode PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 39 - Enable channel chan1 for session RfuIQ7egLv39OlQQ PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 40 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session RfuIQ7egLv39OlQQ PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 41 - Start tracing for session RfuIQ7egLv39OlQQ PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 42 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 43 - Added snapshot output -C tcp://localhost:5342 -D tcp://localhost:5343 PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 44 - Snapshot recorded PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 45 - Stop lttng tracing for session RfuIQ7egLv39OlQQ PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 46 - Destroy session RfuIQ7egLv39OlQQ PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 47 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 3051 events PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 48 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/snapshots/test_ust_streaming 49 - Kill relay daemon PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 2 - Create session save-42 in /tmp/tmp.niWi2tCH47 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 3 - Enable channel chan-save for session save-42 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 4 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session save-42 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 5 - Track command with opts: -p 666 -u -s save-42 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 6 - Session saved PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 7 - Session save-42.lttng file found! PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 8 - Destroy session save-42 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 9 - Create session save-42-1 in /tmp/tmp.PrmaIb5wXk PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 10 - Create session save-42-2 in /tmp/tmp.PrmaIb5wXk PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 11 - Create session save-42-3 in /tmp/tmp.PrmaIb5wXk PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 12 - Enable channel chan-save for session save-42-1 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 13 - Enable channel chan-save for session save-42-2 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 14 - Enable channel chan-save for session save-42-3 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 15 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session save-42-1 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 16 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session save-42-2 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 17 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session save-42-3 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 18 - Track command with opts: -p 666 -u -s save-42-1 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 19 - Track command with opts: -p 666 -u -s save-42-2 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 20 - Track command with opts: -p 666 -u -s save-42-3 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 21 - Session saved PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 22 - Session save-42-1.lttng file found! PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 23 - Session save-42-2.lttng file found! PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 24 - Session save-42-3.lttng file found! PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 25 - Destroy session save-42-1 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 26 - Destroy session save-42-2 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 27 - Destroy session save-42-3 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 28 - Create session save-42 in /tmp/tmp.GRlhENpiTv PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 29 - Enable channel chan-save for session save-42 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 30 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session save-42 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 31 - Session saved PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 32 - Session save-42.lttng file found! PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 33 - Destroy session save-42 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 34 - Create session save-42 in /tmp/tmp.GRlhENpiTv PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 35 - Enable channel chan-save for session save-42 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 36 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session save-42 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 37 - Session failed to be saved. Expected! PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 38 - Session saved PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 39 - Session save-42.lttng file found! PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 40 - Destroy session save-42 PASS: tools/save-load/test_save 41 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/save-load/test_load 1 - Start session daemon FAIL: tools/save-load/test_load 2 - Load command with opts: -i ./tools/save-load//load-42.lttng FAIL: tools/save-load/test_load 3 - Destroy session load-42 PASS: tools/save-load/test_load 4 - Kill session daemon ERROR: tools/save-load/test_load - too few tests run (expected 67, got 4) PASS: tools/mi/test_mi 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/mi/test_mi 2 - MI test: Lttng version FAIL: tools/mi/test_mi 3 - MI test: Version xsd validation PASS: tools/mi/test_mi 4 - Kill session daemon ERROR: tools/mi/test_mi - too few tests run (expected 228, got 4) PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 2 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.rZd6Wycrg6 PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 3 - Enable ust event tp:tp* for session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 4 - Start tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 5 - Traced application stopped. PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 6 - Stop lttng tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 7 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 8 - Trace match PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 9 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.DwFVJkNGzJ PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 10 - Enable ust event * for session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 11 - Start tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 12 - Traced application stopped. PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 13 - Stop lttng tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 14 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 15 - Trace match PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 16 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.RD6LUwYbJK PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 17 - Enable ust event tp:tptest* for session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 18 - Start tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 19 - Traced application stopped. PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 20 - Stop lttng tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 21 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 22 - Trace match PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 23 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.NlZ7jEIFGV PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 24 - Enable ust event tp:abc* for session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 25 - Start tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 26 - Traced application stopped. PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 27 - Stop lttng tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 28 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 29 - Validate empty trace PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 30 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.2e5O2gxkCY PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 31 - Enable ust event tp:*tp for session failed as expected PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 32 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 33 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.esx0HGADtS PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 34 - Enable ust event tp:tp** for session failed as expected PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 35 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 36 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.whIHA9W5Ne PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 37 - Enable ust event *tp:tp* for session failed as expected PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 38 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 39 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.ECwDb4g8tH PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 40 - Enable kernel event lttng_test_* for session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 41 - Start tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 42 - Traced application stopped. PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 43 - Stop lttng tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 44 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 45 - Trace match PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 46 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.igvzhfhyTm PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 47 - Enable kernel event lttng_test_filter_event* for session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 48 - Start tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 49 - Traced application stopped. PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 50 - Stop lttng tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 51 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 52 - Trace match PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 53 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.WC5XcN5sqt PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 54 - Enable kernel event lttng_test_asdfasdf* for session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 55 - Start tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 56 - Traced application stopped. PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 57 - Stop lttng tracing for session PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 58 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 59 - Validate empty trace PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 60 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.zhcWUzC5QD PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 61 - Enable kernel event tp_*tp for session on channel failed as expected PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 62 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 63 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.FOHj73Yqix PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 64 - Enable kernel event tp_tp** for session on channel failed as expected PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 65 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 66 - Create session wildcard in /tmp/tmp.V94jyckrqU PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 67 - Enable kernel event *tp_tp* for session on channel failed as expected PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 68 - Destroy session wildcard PASS: tools/wildcard/test_event_wildcard 69 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 2 - Create session shm_path_per_uid in /tmp/tmp.NOSEu3ZRYH PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 3 - Enable channel channel_per_uid for session shm_path_per_uid PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 4 - No files created on set-up PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 5 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 6 - Path /tmp/tmp.Kt9sL0Rdwt/shm_path_per_uid-20180213-014834 created on application creation PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 7 - uid path exist found /tmp/tmp.Kt9sL0Rdwt/shm_path_per_uid-20180213-014834/ust/uid/0 PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 8 - Expect 1 uid registration folder got 1 PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 9 - Expect 1 uid registration folder got 1 PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 10 - Destroy session shm_path_per_uid PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 11 - Full cleanup PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 12 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 13 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 14 - Create session shm_path_per_pid in /tmp/tmp.NOSEu3ZRYH PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 15 - Enable channel channel_per_pid for session shm_path_per_pid PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 16 - No file created on set-up PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 17 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 18 - Path /tmp/tmp.zvFi0BjVa3/shm_path_per_pid-20180213-014839 created on application creation PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 19 - Pid path exists: /tmp/tmp.zvFi0BjVa3/shm_path_per_pid-20180213-014839/ust/pid/gen-ust-events-6702-20180213-014839 PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 20 - Expect 1 pid registration folder got 1 PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 21 - Expect > 0 buffer and metadata files got 5 PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 22 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 23 - Pid path exist found /tmp/tmp.zvFi0BjVa3/shm_path_per_pid-20180213-014839/ust/pid/gen-ust-events-6719-20180213-014839 PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 24 - Expect 2 pid registration folder got 2 PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 25 - First pid cleanup PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 26 - Full cleanup PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 27 - Destroy session shm_path_per_pid PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 28 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 29 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 30 - Create session shm_path_per_pid in /tmp/tmp.NOSEu3ZRYH PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 31 - Enable channel channel_per_pid for session shm_path_per_pid PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 32 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 33 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 34 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 35 - Full cleanup on sigint PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 36 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 37 - Create session shm_path_per_uid_sigint in /tmp/tmp.NOSEu3ZRYH PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 38 - Enable channel channel_per_uid_sigint for session shm_path_per_uid_sigint PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 39 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 40 - Start application to trace PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 41 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 42 - Full cleanup on sigint PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 43 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 44 - Create session crash_test in /tmp/tmp.NOSEu3ZRYH PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 45 - Enable channel channel_crash for session crash_test PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 46 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session crash_test PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 47 - Start tracing for session crash_test PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 48 - Stop lttng tracing for session FAIL: tools/crash/test_crash 49 - Expect 10 recup event from buffers got 0 FAIL: tools/crash/test_crash 50 - Expect 10 recup event from symlink buffers got 0 PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 51 - Destroy session crash_test PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 52 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 53 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 54 - Create session crash_test in /tmp/tmp.NOSEu3ZRYH PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 55 - Enable channel channel_crash for session crash_test PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 56 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session crash_test PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 57 - Start tracing for session crash_test PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 58 - Stop lttng tracing for session FAIL: tools/crash/test_crash 59 - Extraction of crashed buffers to path FAIL: tools/crash/test_crash 60 - Trace match PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 61 - Destroy session crash_test PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 62 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 63 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 64 - Create session crash_test in /tmp/tmp.NOSEu3ZRYH PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 65 - Enable channel channel_crash for session crash_test PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 66 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session crash_test PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 67 - Start tracing for session crash_test PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 68 - Sending SIGSTOP to session daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 69 - Sending SIGSTOP to consumer daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 70 - Kill consumer daemon PASS: tools/crash/test_crash 71 - Kill session daemon FAIL: tools/crash/test_crash 72 - Extraction of crashed buffers to path /tmp/tmp.z1XdAQxjpq/extract FAIL: tools/crash/test_crash 73 - Trace match PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 1 - Start lttng-relayd (opt: -o /tmp/tmp.1bInCZF2dh) PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 2 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 3 - Create session with default path PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 4 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session KAU0OYrbsablENpQ PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 5 - Start tracing for session KAU0OYrbsablENpQ PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 6 - Metadata regenerate KAU0OYrbsablENpQ PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 7 - Stop lttng tracing for session KAU0OYrbsablENpQ PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 8 - Destroy session KAU0OYrbsablENpQ PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 9 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 1 events PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 10 - Create session FdwlEY4Xm5WKchvD in /tmp/tmp.1bInCZF2dh PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 11 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session FdwlEY4Xm5WKchvD PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 12 - Start tracing for session FdwlEY4Xm5WKchvD PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 13 - Metadata regenerate FdwlEY4Xm5WKchvD PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 14 - Stop lttng tracing for session FdwlEY4Xm5WKchvD PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 15 - Destroy session FdwlEY4Xm5WKchvD PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 16 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 1 events PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 17 - Create session 2deqjGp9T0bwWfag in /tmp/tmp.1bInCZF2dh PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 18 - Enable channel channel0 per PID for session 2deqjGp9T0bwWfag PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 19 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session 2deqjGp9T0bwWfag PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 20 - Start tracing for session 2deqjGp9T0bwWfag PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 21 - Expected fail on regenerate metadata 2deqjGp9T0bwWfag PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 22 - Stop lttng tracing for session 2deqjGp9T0bwWfag PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 23 - Destroy session 2deqjGp9T0bwWfag PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 24 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 1 events PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 25 - Create live session PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 26 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session cF768temTzlp4H9j PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 27 - Start tracing for session cF768temTzlp4H9j PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 28 - Expected fail on regenerate metadata cF768temTzlp4H9j PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 29 - Stop lttng tracing for session cF768temTzlp4H9j PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 30 - Destroy session cF768temTzlp4H9j PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 31 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 1 events PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 32 - Kill session daemon PASS: tools/regen-metadata/test_ust 33 - Kill relay daemon PASS: tools/regen-statedump/test_ust 1 - Start session daemon PASS: tools/regen-statedump/test_ust 2 - Create session el3TQou5rSgDhCim in /tmp/tmp.SWACcWGcfH PASS: tools/regen-statedump/test_ust 3 - Enable ust event lttng_ust_statedump:start,lttng_ust_statedump:end for session el3TQou5rSgDhCim PASS: tools/regen-statedump/test_ust 4 - Start tracing for session el3TQou5rSgDhCim PASS: tools/regen-statedump/test_ust 5 - Metadata regenerate el3TQou5rSgDhCim PASS: tools/regen-statedump/test_ust 6 - Stop lttng tracing for session el3TQou5rSgDhCim PASS: tools/regen-statedump/test_ust 7 - Destroy session el3TQou5rSgDhCim PASS: tools/regen-statedump/test_ust 8 - Validate trace for event lttng_ust_statedump:start, 2 events PASS: tools/regen-statedump/test_ust 9 - Validate trace for event lttng_ust_statedump:end, 2 events PASS: tools/regen-statedump/test_ust 10 - Read a total of 4 events, expected 4 PASS: tools/regen-statedump/test_ust 11 - Kill session daemon PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 1 - Start session daemon PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 2 - Create session per-session in /tmp/tmp.H88IeeWqv3 PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 3 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session per-session PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 4 - Start tracing for session per-session PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 5 - Traced application stopped. PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 6 - Stop lttng tracing for session per-session PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 7 - Destroy session per-session PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 8 - Trace match with 100 event tp:tptest PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 9 - Create session per-session in /tmp/tmp.Ri1LSuZGx3 PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 10 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session per-session PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 11 - Application started in background. PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 12 - Start tracing for session per-session PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 13 - Stop lttng tracing for session per-session PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 14 - Destroy session per-session PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 15 - Validate trace for event tp:tptest, 100 events PASS: ust/before-after/test_before_after 16 - Kill session daemon PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 1 - Start session daemon PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 2 - Create session buffers-pid in /tmp/tmp.AWoD2bSv6s PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 3 - Enable channel channel0 per PID for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 4 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 5 - Start application to trace PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 6 - Start tracing for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 7 - Stop lttng tracing for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 8 - Destroy session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 9 - Trace validation PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 10 - Create session buffers-pid in /tmp/tmp.UtC3OxgUaS PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 11 - Enable channel channel0 per PID for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 12 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 13 - Start tracing for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 14 - Start application to trace PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 15 - Stop lttng tracing for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 16 - Destroy session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 17 - Trace match with 100 event tp:tptest PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 18 - Create session buffers-pid in /tmp/tmp.O4xY2UQaju PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 19 - Enable channel channel0 per PID for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 20 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 21 - Start tracing for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 22 - Start application 1 for tracing PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 23 - Start application 2 for tracing PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 24 - Start application 3 for tracing PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 25 - Start application 4 for tracing PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 26 - Start application 5 for tracing PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 27 - Stop lttng tracing for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 28 - Destroy session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 29 - Trace match with 500 event tp:tptest PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 30 - Start application 1 for tracing PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 31 - Start application 2 for tracing PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 32 - Start application 3 for tracing PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 33 - Start application 4 for tracing PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 34 - Start application 5 for tracing PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 35 - Create session buffers-pid in /tmp/tmp.l46bHMpPru PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 36 - Enable channel channel0 per PID for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 37 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 38 - Start tracing for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 39 - Waiting done PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 40 - Stop lttng tracing for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 41 - Destroy session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 42 - Trace validation PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 43 - Create session buffers-pid in /tmp/tmp.EaoIgmShdR PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 44 - Enable channel channel0 per PID for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 45 - Enable channel channel1 per PID for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 46 - Enable channel channel2 per PID for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 47 - Enable channel channel3 per PID for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 48 - Enable channel channel4 per PID for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 49 - Enable event tp:tptest for session buffers-pid in channel0 PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 50 - Enable event tp:tptest for session buffers-pid in channel1 PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 51 - Enable event tp:tptest for session buffers-pid in channel2 PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 52 - Enable event tp:tptest for session buffers-pid in channel3 PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 53 - Enable event tp:tptest for session buffers-pid in channel4 PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 54 - Start tracing for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 55 - Start application to trace PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 56 - Stop lttng tracing for session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 57 - Trace match with 500 event tp:tptest PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 58 - Destroy session buffers-pid PASS: ust/buffers-pid/test_buffers_pid 59 - Kill session daemon PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 1 - Start session daemon PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 2 - Create session multi-session-0 in /tmp/tmp.rydPBi4XBK/0 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 3 - Enable ust event ust_gen_nevents:tptest0 for session multi-session-0 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 4 - Start tracing for session multi-session-0 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 5 - Create session multi-session-1 in /tmp/tmp.rydPBi4XBK/1 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 6 - Enable ust event ust_gen_nevents:tptest1 for session multi-session-1 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 7 - Start tracing for session multi-session-1 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 8 - Create session multi-session-2 in /tmp/tmp.rydPBi4XBK/2 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 9 - Enable ust event ust_gen_nevents:tptest2 for session multi-session-2 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 10 - Start tracing for session multi-session-2 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 11 - Create session multi-session-3 in /tmp/tmp.rydPBi4XBK/3 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 12 - Enable ust event ust_gen_nevents:tptest3 for session multi-session-3 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 13 - Start tracing for session multi-session-3 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 14 - Start application to generate 100 events PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 15 - Wait for events to record PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 16 - Stop lttng tracing for session multi-session-0 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 17 - Destroy session multi-session-0 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 18 - Trace validation of multi-session-0 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 19 - Stop lttng tracing for session multi-session-1 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 20 - Destroy session multi-session-1 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 21 - Trace validation of multi-session-1 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 22 - Stop lttng tracing for session multi-session-2 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 23 - Destroy session multi-session-2 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 24 - Trace validation of multi-session-2 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 25 - Stop lttng tracing for session multi-session-3 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 26 - Destroy session multi-session-3 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 27 - Trace validation of multi-session-3 PASS: ust/multi-session/test_multi_session 28 - Kill session daemon PASS: ust/nprocesses/test_nprocesses 1 - Start session daemon PASS: ust/nprocesses/test_nprocesses 2 - All applications are registered to sessiond PASS: ust/nprocesses/test_nprocesses 3 - Create session ust-nprocesses in /tmp/tmp.hBpiony4uc PASS: ust/nprocesses/test_nprocesses 4 - Enable ust event tp:tptest for session ust-nprocesses PASS: ust/nprocesses/test_nprocesses 5 - Start tracing for session ust-nprocesses PASS: ust/nprocesses/test_nprocesses 6 - Stop lttng tracing for session ust-nprocesses PASS: ust/nprocesses/test_nprocesses 7 - Destroy session ust-nprocesses PASS: ust/nprocesses/test_nprocesses 8 - Stopped all spawned applications PASS: ust/nprocesses/test_nprocesses 9 - Kill session daemon PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 1 - Start session daemon PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 2 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.zfUXdryEUm PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 3 - Enable event us* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 4 - Enable event ust* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 5 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 6 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 7 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 8 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 9 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 10 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 11 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 12 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 13 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.JrNC2ncWgb PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 14 - Enable event us* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 15 - Enable event ust* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 16 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 17 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 18 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 19 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 20 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 21 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 22 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 23 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 24 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.pWygv1bTCL PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 25 - Enable event us* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 26 - Enable event ust* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 27 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 28 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 29 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 30 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 31 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 32 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 33 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 34 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 35 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.Z3DjfRCOnX PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 36 - Enable event us* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 37 - Enable event ust* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 38 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 39 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 40 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 41 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 42 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 43 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 44 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 45 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 46 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.qzVVWVwsXj PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 47 - Enable event us* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 48 - Enable event ust_tests_demo:starting with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 49 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 50 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 51 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 52 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 53 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 54 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 55 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 56 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 57 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.PYIrRmyilS PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 58 - Enable event us* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 59 - Enable event ust_tests_demo:starting with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 60 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 61 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 62 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 63 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 64 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 65 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 66 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 67 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 68 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.spoEKaTsFh PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 69 - Enable event us* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 70 - Enable event ust_tests_demo:starting with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 71 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 72 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 73 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 74 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 75 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 76 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 77 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 78 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 79 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.9tQWaK5koB PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 80 - Enable event us* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 81 - Enable event ust_tests_demo:starting with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 82 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 83 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 84 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 85 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 86 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 87 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 88 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 89 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 90 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.42O3F5E84C PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 91 - Enable event ust* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 92 - Enable event ust* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 93 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 94 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 95 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 96 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 97 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 98 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 99 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 100 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 101 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.xTKlJg6z0w PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 102 - Enable event ust* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 103 - Enable event with filtering for session twice failure detected PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 104 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 105 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 106 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 107 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 108 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 109 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 110 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 111 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 112 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.h9edlSVw9C PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 113 - Enable event ust* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 114 - Enable event ust* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 115 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 116 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 117 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 118 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 119 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 120 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 121 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 122 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 123 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.9i8ZUvVoOA PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 124 - Enable event ust* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 125 - Enable event ust* with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 126 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 127 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 128 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 129 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 130 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 131 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 132 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 133 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 134 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.OnlwpREIEF PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 135 - Enable event ust_tests_demo:starting with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 136 - Enable event ust_tests_demo:starting with filtering for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 137 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 138 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 139 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 140 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 141 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 142 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 143 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 144 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 145 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.0M8H0ruyWR PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 146 - Enable event us* with loglevel TRACE_WARNING PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 147 - Enable event ust* with loglevel-only TRACE_CRIT PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 148 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 149 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 150 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 151 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 152 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 153 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 154 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 155 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 156 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.78MFKVGMor PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 157 - Enable event ust_tests_demo:starting with loglevel TRACE_CRIT PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 158 - Enable event ust_tests_demo:starting with loglevel TRACE_WARNING PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 159 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 160 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 161 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 162 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 163 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 164 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 165 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 166 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 167 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.6vfIFxCOod PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 168 - Enable event ust* with loglevel TRACE_CRIT PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 169 - Enable event ust* with loglevel TRACE_WARNING PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 170 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 171 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 172 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 173 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 174 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 175 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 176 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 177 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 178 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.4L2zfFtuWK PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 179 - Enable ust event ust_tests_demo for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 180 - Enable ust event ust_tests_demo2 for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 181 - Enable ust event ust_tests_demo3 for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 182 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 183 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 184 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 185 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 186 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 187 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 188 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 189 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 190 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.gBf6QVepah PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 191 - Enable event us* with loglevel TRACE_WARNING PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 192 - Enable event ust_tests_demo2:loop with loglevel TRACE_CRIT PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 193 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 194 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 195 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 196 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 197 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 198 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 199 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 200 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 201 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.Z4pinNpKLR PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 202 - Enable ust event us* for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 203 - Enable ust event ust* for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 204 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 205 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 206 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 207 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 208 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 209 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 210 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 211 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 212 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.VcMwdjCMQ8 PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 213 - Enable ust event us* for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 214 - Enable ust event ust_tests_demo:starting for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 215 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 216 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 217 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 218 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 219 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 220 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 221 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 222 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 223 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.xbCzFPAn9K PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 224 - Enable event us* with loglevel TRACE_WARNING PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 225 - Enable event ust* with loglevel TRACE_CRIT PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 226 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 227 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 228 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 229 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 230 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 231 - Trace match FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 232 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 233 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 234 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.KSx5TUjyAr PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 235 - Enable ust event us* for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 236 - Enable ust event ust_tests_demo:starting for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 237 - Disable event us* for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 238 - Disable event ust_tests_demo:starting for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 239 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 240 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 241 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 242 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 243 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 244 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 245 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 246 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 247 - Create session wildcard-overlap in /tmp/tmp.jvYRUqJs80 PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 248 - Enable ust event us* for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 249 - Enable ust event ust_tests_demo:starting for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 250 - Disable event us* for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 251 - Start tracing for session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 252 - Application done PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 253 - Stop lttng tracing for session wildcard-overlap FAIL: ust/overlap/test_overlap 254 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 255 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 256 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 257 - Trace match PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 258 - Destroy session wildcard-overlap PASS: ust/overlap/test_overlap 259 - Kill session daemon SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 1 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 2 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 3 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 4 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 5 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 6 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 7 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 8 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 9 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 10 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 11 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 12 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 13 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 14 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 15 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 16 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 17 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 18 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 19 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 20 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 21 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 22 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 23 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 24 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 25 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 26 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 27 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 28 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 29 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 30 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 31 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 32 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 33 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 34 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 35 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 36 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 37 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 38 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 39 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 40 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 41 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 42 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 43 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 44 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 45 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 46 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 47 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 48 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 49 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 50 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 51 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 52 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 53 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 54 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 55 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 56 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 57 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 58 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 59 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 60 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 61 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 62 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 63 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 64 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 65 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 66 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 67 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 68 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 69 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 70 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 71 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 72 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 73 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 74 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 75 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 76 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 77 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 78 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 79 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 80 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 81 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 82 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 83 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 84 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 85 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 86 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 87 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 88 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 89 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 90 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 91 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 92 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 93 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 94 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 95 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 96 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 97 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 98 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 99 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 100 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 101 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 102 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 103 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 104 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 105 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 106 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 107 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 108 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 109 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 110 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 111 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 112 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 113 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 114 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 115 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 116 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 117 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 118 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 119 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 120 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 121 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 122 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 123 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 124 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 125 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 126 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 127 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 128 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 129 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 130 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 131 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 132 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 133 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 134 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 135 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 136 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 137 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 138 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 139 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 140 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 141 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 142 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 143 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 144 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 145 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 146 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 147 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 148 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 149 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 150 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 151 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 152 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 153 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 154 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-jul/test_java_jul 155 # SKIP : JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 1 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 2 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 3 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 4 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 5 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 6 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 7 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 8 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 9 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 10 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 11 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 12 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 13 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 14 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 15 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 16 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 17 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 18 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 19 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 20 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 21 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 22 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 23 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 24 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 25 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 26 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 27 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 28 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 29 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 30 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 31 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 32 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 33 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 34 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 35 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 36 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 37 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 38 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 39 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 40 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 41 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 42 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 43 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 44 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 45 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 46 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 47 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 48 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 49 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 50 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 51 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 52 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 53 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 54 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 55 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 56 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 57 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 58 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 59 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 60 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 61 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 62 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 63 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 64 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 65 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 66 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 67 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 68 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 69 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 70 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 71 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 72 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 73 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 74 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 75 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 76 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 77 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 78 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 79 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 80 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 81 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 82 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 83 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 84 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 85 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 86 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 87 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 88 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 89 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 90 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 91 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 92 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 93 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 94 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 95 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 96 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 97 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 98 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 99 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 100 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 101 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 102 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 103 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 104 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 105 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 106 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 107 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 108 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 109 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 110 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 111 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 112 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 113 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 114 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 115 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 116 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 117 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 118 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 119 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 120 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 121 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 122 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 123 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 124 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 125 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 126 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 127 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 128 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 129 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 130 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 131 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 132 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 133 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 134 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 135 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 136 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 137 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 138 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 139 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 140 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 141 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 142 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 143 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 144 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 145 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 146 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 147 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 148 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 149 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 150 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 151 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 152 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 153 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 154 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/java-log4j/test_java_log4j 155 # SKIP : LOG4J support is needed. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/python-logging/test_python_logging 1 # SKIP : Python agent test skipped. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 1 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 2 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 3 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 4 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 5 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 6 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 7 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 8 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 9 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 10 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 11 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 12 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 13 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 14 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 15 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 16 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 17 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 18 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 19 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/getcpu-override/test_getcpu_override 20 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 1 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 2 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 3 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 4 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 5 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 6 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 7 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 8 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 9 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 10 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 11 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 12 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 13 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 14 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 15 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 16 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 17 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 18 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 19 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 20 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 21 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 22 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 23 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 24 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 25 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 26 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 27 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 28 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 29 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 30 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 31 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 32 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. SKIP: ust/clock-override/test_clock_override 33 # SKIP : No shared object generated. Skipping all tests. PASS: ust/test_event_basic 1 - Start session daemon PASS: ust/test_event_basic 2 - Create session ust_event_basic in /tmp/tmp.d7pLwxoAXE PASS: ust/test_event_basic 3 - Create session ust_event_basic2 in /tmp/tmp.d7pLwxoAXE PASS: ust/test_event_basic 4 - Enable channel mychan for session ust_event_basic PASS: ust/test_event_basic 5 - Enable channel mychan2 for session ust_event_basic2 PASS: ust/test_event_basic 6 - Enable ust event tp1 for session ust_event_basic PASS: ust/test_event_basic 7 - Enable ust event ev2 for session ust_event_basic PASS: ust/test_event_basic 8 - Enable ust event ev3 for session ust_event_basic2 PASS: ust/test_event_basic 9 - Add context command for type: vpid PASS: ust/test_event_basic 10 - Add context command for type: vtid PASS: ust/test_event_basic 11 - Add context command for type: pthread_id PASS: ust/test_event_basic 12 - Add context command for type: procname PASS: ust/test_event_basic 13 - Add context command for type: procname PASS: ust/test_event_basic 14 - Disable event tp1 for session ust_event_basic PASS: ust/test_event_basic 15 - Disable event ev3 for session ust_event_basic2 PASS: ust/test_event_basic 16 - Enable ust event tp1 for session ust_event_basic PASS: ust/test_event_basic 17 - Enable ust event ev3 for session ust_event_basic2 PASS: ust/test_event_basic 18 - Start tracing for session PASS: ust/test_event_basic 19 - Stop lttng tracing for session PASS: ust/test_event_basic 20 - Start tracing for session PASS: ust/test_event_basic 21 - Stop lttng tracing for session PASS: ust/test_event_basic 22 - Validate trace PASS: ust/test_event_basic 23 - Destroy session ust_event_basic2 PASS: ust/test_event_basic 24 - Destroy session ust_event_basic PASS: ust/test_event_basic 25 - Kill session daemon PASS: ust/test_event_tracef 1 - Start session daemon PASS: ust/test_event_tracef 2 - Create session tracef in /tmp/tmp.gsfkGdrQgb PASS: ust/test_event_tracef 3 - Enable ust event lttng_ust_tracef:event for session tracef PASS: ust/test_event_tracef 4 - Start tracing for session tracef PASS: ust/test_event_tracef 5 - Traced application stopped. PASS: ust/test_event_tracef 6 - Stop lttng tracing for session tracef PASS: ust/test_event_tracef 7 - Destroy session tracef PASS: ust/test_event_tracef 8 - Trace match with 100 event lttng_ust_tracef:event PASS: ust/test_event_tracef 9 - Kill session daemon PASS: ust/test_event_perf 1 - Start session daemon PASS: ust/test_event_perf 2 - Create session ust_event_basic in /tmp/tmp.Klt9NV3xCF PASS: ust/test_event_perf 3 - Enable channel mychan for session ust_event_basic PASS: ust/test_event_perf 4 - Enable event tp:tptest for session ust_event_basic in channel mychan PASS: ust/test_event_perf 5 - Add context command for type: perf:thread:raw:r0110:test PASS: ust/test_event_perf 6 - Add context command failed as expected for type: perf:thread:raw:rZZZ:test PASS: ust/test_event_perf 7 - Add context command failed as expected for type: perf:thread:raw:b0110:test PASS: ust/test_event_perf 8 - Add context command failed as expected for type: perf:thread:raw:r0110: PASS: ust/test_event_perf 9 - Add context command failed as expected for type: perf:thread:raw:r0110:: PASS: ust/test_event_perf 10 - Add context command failed as expected for type: perf:thread:raw:r:test PASS: ust/test_event_perf 11 - Add context command failed as expected for type: perf:thread:raw:r:: PASS: ust/test_event_perf 12 - Add context command failed as expected for type: perf:thread:raw:: PASS: ust/test_event_perf 13 - Add context command failed as expected for type: perf:thread:raw PASS: ust/test_event_perf 14 - Add context command failed as expected for type: perf:thread:raw:r0110:test:wrong PASS: ust/test_event_perf 15 - Destroy session ust_event_basic PASS: ust/test_event_perf 16 - Create session ust_event_basic in /tmp/tmp.xVaN7ujPS7 PASS: ust/test_event_perf 17 - Enable channel mychan for session ust_event_basic PASS: ust/test_event_perf 18 - Enable event tp:tptest for session ust_event_basic in channel mychan PASS: ust/test_event_perf 19 - Add context command for type: perf:thread:page-fault PASS: ust/test_event_perf 20 - Start tracing for session PASS: ust/test_event_perf 21 - Stop lttng tracing for session PASS: ust/test_event_perf 22 - Destroy session ust_event_basic PASS: ust/test_event_perf 23 - Validate trace for event perf_thread_page_fault, 1 events PASS: ust/test_event_perf 24 - Kill session daemon ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for lttng-tools 2.9.5 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 2425 # PASS: 1988 # SKIP: 364 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 69 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 4 ============================================================================ See tests/regression/test-suite.log Please report to ============================================================================ ERROR: Exit status is 512 END: /usr/lib/lttng-tools/ptest 2018-02-13T01:50 2018-02-13T01:50 BEGIN: /usr/lib/lzo/ptest LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-1 | services 19199 1 10899 56.8 39.949 104.702 | LZO1B-2 | services 19199 1 10716 55.8 39.855 112.927 | LZO1B-3 | services 19199 1 10653 55.5 44.534 116.849 | LZO1B-4 | services 19199 1 10544 54.9 32.163 114.559 | LZO1B-5 | services 19199 1 10412 54.2 50.639 186.531 | LZO1B-6 | services 19199 1 10152 52.9 63.483 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | services 19199 1 10281 53.5 56.373 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | services 19199 1 9969 51.9 61.450 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | services 19199 1 9942 51.8 78.699 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | services 19199 1 10775 56.1 150.152 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | services 19199 1 10585 55.1 157.711 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | services 19199 1 10531 54.9 152.792 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | services 19199 1 10429 54.3 120.871 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | services 19199 1 10287 53.6 128.474 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | services 19199 1 10017 52.2 125.799 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | services 19199 1 10128 52.8 97.905 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | services 19199 1 9856 51.3 102.845 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | services 19199 1 9820 51.1 114.204 0.000 | LZO1-1 | services 19199 1 11176 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | services 19199 1 11056 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | services 19199 1 10766 56.1 182.811 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | services 19199 1 10857 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | services 19199 1 10746 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | services 19199 1 11264 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | services 19199 1 11029 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | services 19199 1 10911 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | services 19199 1 9809 51.1 97.767 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | services 19199 1 9320 48.5 40.118 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | services 19199 1 9658 50.3 100.169 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | services 19199 1 9150 47.7 37.402 0.000 | LZO1-99 | services 19199 1 9985 52.0 91.121 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | services 19199 1 9895 51.5 92.109 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | services 19199 1 8746 45.6 33.561 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | services 19199 1 9107 47.4 31.114 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | services 19199 1 8932 46.5 16.210 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | services 19199 1 8814 45.9 16.922 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | services 19199 1 8956 46.6 16.294 0.000 | memcpy() | services 19199 1 19199 100 0.000 0.000 | lzotest: execution time: 0 seconds PASS: lzotest LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1-1 | .pwd.lock 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | .updated 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 64 1 66 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | Xsession 755 1 508 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 550 1 466 84.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 115 1 115 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 27 1 28 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 631 1 400 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 179 1 149 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 181 1 111 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | xinitrc 739 1 434 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 56 1 55 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 78 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | asound.conf 32 1 34 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | at.deny 144 1 130 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1270 72.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | localtime 127 1 63 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | hosts 1121 1 914 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 853 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ssh.service 1071 1 854 79.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | bash_completion 45 1 44 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | perf 5466 1 2730 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | quilt 7117 1 2789 39.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1951 37.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | input.conf 397 1 350 88.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | network.conf 120 1 117 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | build 533 1 289 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1319 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2407 39.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | pap 653 1 552 84.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | logrotate 189 1 160 84.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | cron.deny 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | crontab 653 1 422 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | session.conf 838 1 644 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | system.conf 833 1 641 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 944 12.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 551 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 700 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | connman.conf 642 1 339 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 429 39.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ofono.conf 997 1 584 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | org.neard.conf 686 1 362 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 870 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | devpts 93 1 91 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 80 87.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 112 88.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 6430 1 4099 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | postinst 52 1 53 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rcS 1040 1 798 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | usbd 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | useradd 117 1 120 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 00_core 1628 1 1034 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 34 94.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 41 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 45 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | xserver-nodm 130 1 132 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1379 53.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | dnf.conf 72 1 73 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | dnf.conf 4 1 5 125 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | arch 29 1 30 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | releasever 6 1 7 117 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | filesystems 38 1 37 97.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 230 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | README 978 1 740 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1320 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | config 1032 1 439 42.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | machconfig 95 1 82 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | fstab 1102 1 635 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | path 1448 1 914 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | %gconf.xml 235 1 146 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 586 27.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | %gconf.xml 515 1 313 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1690 30.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1840 25.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | group 595 1 527 88.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | group- 614 1 544 88.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | gshadow 494 1 367 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | gshadow- 509 1 378 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 785 88.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 785 88.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | host.conf 26 1 27 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | hostname 14 1 15 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | hosts 237 1 185 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | acpid 728 1 447 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | alsa-state 811 1 542 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | atd 578 1 398 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2588 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 492 1 305 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | bluetooth 1388 1 855 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1258 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 1922 1 1357 70.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 3591 1 2351 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | connman 1462 1 987 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | crond 1235 1 824 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | dbus-1 2887 1 1831 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 526 1 391 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 352 1 250 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | functions 2141 1 1363 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | halt 510 1 402 78.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 2541 1 1346 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | kdump 2989 1 1432 47.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 348 1 251 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 1223 1 777 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 869 1 662 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 1522 1 912 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | neard 832 1 583 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | networking 1956 1 1021 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ofono 516 1 368 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 6797 1 3074 45.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ppp 1231 1 714 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 647 1 456 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rc 4457 1 2659 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rcS 525 1 445 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 968 1 684 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rpcbind 1827 1 968 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | run-postinsts 25 1 26 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 336 1 273 81.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sendsigs 438 1 302 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | single 578 1 430 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sshd 2061 1 1071 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 907 1 480 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | syslog 1715 1 905 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | tcf-agent 1298 1 749 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | udev 2779 1 1686 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | umountfs 540 1 405 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 711 1 526 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | urandom 1473 1 949 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 1001 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | inittab 1034 1 748 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1100 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | bpf_pinning 85 1 85 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ematch_map 75 1 77 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | group 31 1 32 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | nl_protos 262 1 256 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rt_protos 326 1 277 85.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rt_realms 112 1 111 99.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rt_scopes 92 1 89 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rt_tables 87 1 85 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | issue 58 1 60 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 55 1 57 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 55960 1 20448 36.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | classid 1130 1 643 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | pktloc 1532 1 896 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 522 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | limits 827 1 646 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | login.access 2006 1 1340 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | login.defs 10929 1 6541 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 115 95.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | logrotate.conf 679 1 511 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | dnf 526 1 135 25.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | man.config 4562 1 2840 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | kbdconfig 721 1 545 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | session 613 1 461 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 494 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | motd 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | netconfig 767 1 480 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | nfsroot 809 1 552 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 991 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | interfaces 615 1 460 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 373 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | phonesim.conf 361 1 310 85.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | passwd 925 1 630 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | passwd- 974 1 661 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | cert8.db 65536 1 851 1.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | key3.db 16384 1 400 2.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | secmod.db 16384 1 578 3.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | chap-secrets 78 1 78 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ip-down 1454 1 1034 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 92removedns 118 1 89 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ip-up 1452 1 1029 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 08setupdns 292 1 185 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | options 5 1 6 120 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | pap-secrets 77 1 77 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | provider 1093 1 831 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 462 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | profile 1013 1 812 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 664 1 413 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 288 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 757 1 233 30.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 1941 1 1475 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | protocols 2932 1 2129 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | client.conf 1233 1 970 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 369 82.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1621 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 4929 1 2751 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 2046 1 1344 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 929 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 199 90.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | quotatab 261 1 220 84.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rpc 895 1 680 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 60 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | macros 38 1 40 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | platform 22 1 23 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | securetty 1848 1 1236 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | services 19199 1 11176 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | shadow 576 1 214 37.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | shadow- 608 1 233 38.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | .bashrc 410 1 328 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | .profile 241 1 224 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1063 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | moduli 553185 3 53495 9.7 990.087 751.923 | LZO1-1 | ssh_config 1570 1 1105 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 655 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 608 1 609 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 213 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 180 1 172 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 327 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 100 1 102 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1661 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 400 1 404 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sshd_config 3566 1 2227 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2209 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 194486 83.3 120.329 0.000 | LZO1-1 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5317 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sudoers 3174 1 1949 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1949 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | crond 110 1 108 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | kdump.conf 411 1 339 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1218 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 548 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 67 97.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ansi 1481 1 792 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | linux 1730 1 1083 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rxvt 2293 1 1633 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | screen 1555 1 956 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | screen-256color 1647 1 1006 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sun 1004 1 542 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | vt100 1190 1 786 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | vt102 1184 1 789 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | vt200 1377 1 967 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | vt220 1377 1 967 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | vt52 470 1 249 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2440 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 839 54.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1446 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | timestamp 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | timezone 10 1 11 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | dnf.conf 164 1 131 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2164545 30.0 505.306 627.242 | LZO1-1 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 532890 36.1 362.103 552.866 | LZO1-1 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 46671 32.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 20642 31.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 113 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3075 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 517959 18.4 653.978 627.251 | LZO1-1 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 287 36.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1413 34.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2289 28.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 349408 29.9 426.167 551.652 | LZO1-1 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3333 41.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 16661 30.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1208 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 7062 40.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2380 45.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1129 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | mount.blacklist 60 1 50 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | automount.rules 847 1 581 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | autonet.rules 757 1 552 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | local.rules 885 1 675 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | localextra.rules 843 1 629 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 2469 1 1581 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 1402 1 1049 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | udev.conf 49 1 50 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 50default 2634 1 1194 45.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | version 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1552 26.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2236 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 103 91.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 270 91.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 173 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4756 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2425 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 236 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | libfm.conf 183 1 147 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 281 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | Xserver 652 1 461 70.7 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13898 67.2 334.508 614.254 LZO1-1 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 4141663 29.0 334.508 614.254 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1A-1 | .pwd.lock 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | .updated 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 64 1 66 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | Xsession 755 1 508 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 550 1 464 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 115 1 115 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 27 1 28 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 631 1 400 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 179 1 149 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 181 1 111 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | xinitrc 739 1 434 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 56 1 55 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 78 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | asound.conf 32 1 34 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | at.deny 144 1 130 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1263 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | localtime 127 1 62 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | hosts 1121 1 908 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 848 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ssh.service 1071 1 849 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | bash_completion 45 1 44 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | perf 5466 1 2718 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | quilt 7117 1 2769 38.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1945 37.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | input.conf 397 1 344 86.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | network.conf 120 1 117 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | build 533 1 287 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1318 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2404 39.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | pap 653 1 547 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | logrotate 189 1 160 84.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | cron.deny 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | crontab 653 1 421 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | session.conf 838 1 641 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | system.conf 833 1 638 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 941 12.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 550 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 698 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | connman.conf 642 1 338 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 428 39.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ofono.conf 997 1 580 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | org.neard.conf 686 1 361 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 862 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | devpts 93 1 91 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 80 87.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 112 88.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 6430 1 4055 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | postinst 52 1 53 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rcS 1040 1 795 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | usbd 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | useradd 117 1 120 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 00_core 1628 1 1032 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 34 94.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 41 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 45 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | xserver-nodm 130 1 132 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1369 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | dnf.conf 72 1 73 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | dnf.conf 4 1 5 125 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | arch 29 1 30 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | releasever 6 1 7 117 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | filesystems 38 1 37 97.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 230 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | README 978 1 737 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1313 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | config 1032 1 438 42.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | machconfig 95 1 82 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | fstab 1102 1 632 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | path 1448 1 909 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | %gconf.xml 235 1 146 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 584 27.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | %gconf.xml 515 1 313 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1683 29.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1831 25.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | group 595 1 522 87.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | group- 614 1 539 87.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | gshadow 494 1 367 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | gshadow- 509 1 378 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 782 87.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 782 87.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | host.conf 26 1 27 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | hostname 14 1 15 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | hosts 237 1 185 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | acpid 728 1 446 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | alsa-state 811 1 538 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | atd 578 1 397 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2577 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 492 1 304 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | bluetooth 1388 1 851 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1253 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 1922 1 1349 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 3591 1 2338 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | connman 1462 1 980 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | crond 1235 1 822 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | dbus-1 2887 1 1823 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 526 1 390 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 352 1 250 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | functions 2141 1 1359 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | halt 510 1 401 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 2541 1 1339 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | kdump 2989 1 1428 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 348 1 251 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 1223 1 775 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 869 1 658 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 1522 1 908 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | neard 832 1 583 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | networking 1956 1 1019 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ofono 516 1 368 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 6797 1 3057 45.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ppp 1231 1 714 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 647 1 456 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rc 4457 1 2644 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rcS 525 1 443 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 968 1 679 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | reboot 289 1 220 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rpcbind 1827 1 966 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | run-postinsts 25 1 26 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 336 1 272 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sendsigs 438 1 301 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | single 578 1 427 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sshd 2061 1 1063 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 907 1 480 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | syslog 1715 1 905 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | tcf-agent 1298 1 746 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | udev 2779 1 1679 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | umountfs 540 1 404 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 711 1 525 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | urandom 1473 1 944 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 995 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | inittab 1034 1 745 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1093 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | bpf_pinning 85 1 84 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ematch_map 75 1 77 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | group 31 1 32 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | nl_protos 262 1 255 97.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rt_dsfield 331 1 275 83.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rt_protos 326 1 273 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rt_realms 112 1 111 99.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rt_scopes 92 1 89 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rt_tables 87 1 85 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | issue 58 1 60 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 55 1 57 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 55960 1 19731 35.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | classid 1130 1 640 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | pktloc 1532 1 888 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 521 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | limits 827 1 641 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | login.access 2006 1 1324 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | login.defs 10929 1 6486 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 114 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | logrotate.conf 679 1 510 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | dnf 526 1 135 25.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | man.config 4562 1 2827 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | kbdconfig 721 1 542 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | session 613 1 461 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 490 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | motd 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | netconfig 767 1 479 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | nfsroot 809 1 549 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 987 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | interfaces 615 1 460 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 372 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | phonesim.conf 361 1 308 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | passwd 925 1 623 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | passwd- 974 1 654 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | cert8.db 65536 1 850 1.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | key3.db 16384 1 399 2.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | secmod.db 16384 1 576 3.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | chap-secrets 78 1 78 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ip-down 1454 1 1022 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 92removedns 118 1 89 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ip-up 1452 1 1018 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 08setupdns 292 1 185 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | options 5 1 6 120 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | pap-secrets 77 1 77 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | provider 1093 1 828 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 459 80.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | profile 1013 1 808 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 664 1 411 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 288 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 757 1 233 30.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 1941 1 1466 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | protocols 2932 1 2112 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | client.conf 1233 1 965 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 368 82.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1610 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 4929 1 2726 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 2046 1 1333 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 924 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 199 90.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | quotatab 261 1 220 84.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rpc 895 1 677 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 60 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | macros 38 1 40 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | platform 22 1 23 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rpmrc 73 1 62 84.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | securetty 1848 1 1234 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | services 19199 1 11056 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | shadow 576 1 214 37.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | shadow- 608 1 233 38.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | .bashrc 410 1 327 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | .profile 241 1 224 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1056 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | moduli 553185 3 53007 9.6 999.081 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ssh_config 1570 1 1099 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 655 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 608 1 609 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 213 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 180 1 172 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 327 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 100 1 102 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1661 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 400 1 404 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sshd_config 3566 1 2207 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2189 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 194079 83.2 122.002 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5277 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sudoers 3174 1 1933 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1933 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | crond 110 1 108 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | kdump.conf 411 1 339 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1210 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 547 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 67 97.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ansi 1481 1 767 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | dumb 308 1 70 22.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | linux 1730 1 1065 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rxvt 2293 1 1590 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | screen 1555 1 932 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | screen-256color 1647 1 983 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sun 1004 1 526 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | vt100 1190 1 758 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | vt102 1184 1 765 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | vt200 1377 1 942 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | vt220 1377 1 942 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | vt52 470 1 246 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2405 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 823 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1414 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | timestamp 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | timezone 10 1 11 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | dnf.conf 164 1 131 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2156581 29.9 496.210 865.526 | LZO1A-1 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 528735 35.8 363.706 806.711 | LZO1A-1 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 46362 32.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 20482 31.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 113 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3064 22.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 516618 18.4 661.477 1152.265 | LZO1A-1 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 287 36.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1410 34.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2278 28.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 347660 29.7 424.808 838.393 | LZO1A-1 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3310 40.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 16561 30.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1198 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 7014 40.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2365 45.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1114 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | mount.blacklist 60 1 50 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | automount.rules 847 1 577 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | autonet.rules 757 1 549 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | local.rules 885 1 671 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | localextra.rules 843 1 624 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 2469 1 1571 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 1402 1 1035 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | udev.conf 49 1 50 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 50default 2634 1 1190 45.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | version 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1548 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2216 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 103 91.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 270 91.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 173 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4723 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2415 48.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 236 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | libfm.conf 183 1 147 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 280 87.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | Xserver 652 1 460 70.6 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13834 66.9 336.548 897.750 LZO1A-1 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 4122756 28.9 336.548 897.750 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-1 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | Xsession 755 1 510 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 550 1 472 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 631 1 408 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 179 1 151 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 181 1 110 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | xinitrc 739 1 439 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | powerbtn 58 1 57 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1276 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | localtime 127 1 59 46.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | hosts 1121 1 916 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 852 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ssh.service 1071 1 851 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | perf 5466 1 2695 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | quilt 7117 1 2763 38.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1924 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | input.conf 397 1 351 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | build 533 1 285 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1287 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 71 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2386 39.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | pap 653 1 556 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | logrotate 189 1 156 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | crontab 653 1 427 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | session.conf 838 1 635 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | system.conf 833 1 633 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 976 13.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 549 48.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 707 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | connman.conf 642 1 333 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 436 39.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ofono.conf 997 1 584 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | org.neard.conf 686 1 359 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 863 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 82 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 6430 1 4104 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rcS 1040 1 804 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | useradd 117 1 122 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 00_core 1628 1 1058 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1370 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | filesystems 38 1 40 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 233 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | README 978 1 741 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1342 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | config 1032 1 446 43.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | machconfig 95 1 87 91.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | fstab 1102 1 641 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | path 1448 1 907 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | %gconf.xml 235 1 150 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 608 28.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | %gconf.xml 515 1 315 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1746 31.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1840 25.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | group 595 1 527 88.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | group- 614 1 544 88.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | gshadow 494 1 373 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | gshadow- 509 1 384 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 793 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 793 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | hosts 237 1 189 79.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | acpid 728 1 444 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | alsa-state 811 1 531 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | atd 578 1 401 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2603 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 492 1 310 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | bluetooth 1388 1 862 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1257 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 1922 1 1364 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 3591 1 2347 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | connman 1462 1 976 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | crond 1235 1 828 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | dbus-1 2887 1 1821 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 526 1 394 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 352 1 255 72.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | functions 2141 1 1365 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | halt 510 1 410 80.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 580 1 432 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 2541 1 1357 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | kdump 2989 1 1448 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 348 1 251 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 1223 1 782 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 869 1 671 77.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 1522 1 921 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | neard 832 1 586 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | networking 1956 1 1038 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ofono 516 1 374 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 6797 1 3050 44.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ppp 1231 1 717 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 647 1 458 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rc 4457 1 2655 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rcS 525 1 448 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 968 1 684 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | reboot 289 1 227 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 585 1 384 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rpcbind 1827 1 972 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 336 1 270 80.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sendsigs 438 1 311 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | single 578 1 432 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sshd 2061 1 1072 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 907 1 488 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | syslog 1715 1 907 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | tcf-agent 1298 1 751 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | udev 2779 1 1678 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | umountfs 540 1 410 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 711 1 533 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | urandom 1473 1 960 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 1000 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | inittab 1034 1 754 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1080 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | bpf_pinning 85 1 88 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | nl_protos 262 1 265 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rt_dsfield 331 1 280 84.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rt_protos 326 1 281 86.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rt_realms 112 1 114 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rt_scopes 92 1 92 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rt_tables 87 1 89 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 55960 1 18576 33.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | classid 1130 1 650 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | pktloc 1532 1 875 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 524 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | limits 827 1 643 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | login.access 2006 1 1336 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | login.defs 10929 1 6492 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 118 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | logrotate.conf 679 1 514 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | dnf 526 1 139 26.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | man.config 4562 1 2839 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | kbdconfig 721 1 553 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | session 613 1 468 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 492 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | netconfig 767 1 476 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | nfsroot 809 1 549 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 976 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | interfaces 615 1 469 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 377 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | phonesim.conf 361 1 312 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | passwd 925 1 632 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | passwd- 974 1 664 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | cert8.db 65536 1 376 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | key3.db 16384 1 287 1.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | secmod.db 16384 1 462 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ip-down 1454 1 1042 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ip-up 1452 1 1040 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 08setupdns 292 1 188 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | provider 1093 1 835 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 469 81.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | profile 1013 1 817 80.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 664 1 420 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 757 1 241 31.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 1941 1 1465 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | protocols 2932 1 2138 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | client.conf 1233 1 976 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 375 83.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1631 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 4929 1 2745 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 2046 1 1341 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 935 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 203 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | quotatab 261 1 226 86.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rpc 895 1 687 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rpmrc 73 1 65 89.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | securetty 1848 1 1309 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | services 19199 1 10899 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | shadow 576 1 215 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | shadow- 608 1 234 38.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | .bashrc 410 1 333 81.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | .profile 241 1 226 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1066 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | moduli 553185 3 29981 5.4 1092.711 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ssh_config 1570 1 1114 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 652 97.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 211 93.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 180 1 175 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 324 78.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 100 1 105 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1657 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sshd_config 3566 1 2236 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2212 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 185838 79.6 122.884 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5231 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sudoers 3174 1 1953 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1953 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | crond 110 1 110 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | kdump.conf 411 1 332 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1220 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 548 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ansi 1481 1 779 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | dumb 308 1 76 24.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | linux 1730 1 1057 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rxvt 2293 1 1596 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | screen 1555 1 934 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | screen-256color 1647 1 983 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sun 1004 1 537 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | vt100 1190 1 766 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | vt102 1184 1 769 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | vt200 1377 1 945 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | vt220 1377 1 945 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | vt52 470 1 250 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2459 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 818 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1424 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | dnf.conf 164 1 127 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2104817 29.2 447.023 1125.210 | LZO1B-1 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 486471 33.0 294.093 862.244 | LZO1B-1 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 43106 30.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 19312 29.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3131 22.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 516836 18.4 565.453 1262.254 | LZO1B-1 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 290 37.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1432 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2312 28.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 332821 28.4 355.651 859.352 | LZO1B-1 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3324 41.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15785 28.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1200 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 7054 40.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2397 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1118 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | mount.blacklist 60 1 50 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | automount.rules 847 1 577 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | autonet.rules 757 1 547 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | local.rules 885 1 670 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | localextra.rules 843 1 627 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 2469 1 1598 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 1402 1 1043 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 50default 2634 1 1199 45.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1545 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2235 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 106 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 275 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 177 92.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4735 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2435 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 239 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | libfm.conf 183 1 145 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 284 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | Xserver 652 1 460 70.6 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13346 69.0 311.357 998.904 LZO1B-1 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3977326 27.9 311.357 998.904 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-2 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | Xsession 755 1 514 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 550 1 469 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 631 1 408 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 179 1 151 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 181 1 110 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | xinitrc 739 1 450 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | powerbtn 58 1 57 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1278 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | localtime 127 1 59 46.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | hosts 1121 1 918 81.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 853 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ssh.service 1071 1 852 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | perf 5466 1 2653 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | quilt 7117 1 2780 39.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1936 37.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | input.conf 397 1 353 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | build 533 1 286 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1269 54.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 71 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2375 38.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | pap 653 1 554 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | logrotate 189 1 156 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | crontab 653 1 426 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | session.conf 838 1 636 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | system.conf 833 1 634 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 972 13.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 553 48.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 708 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | connman.conf 642 1 333 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 433 39.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ofono.conf 997 1 585 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | org.neard.conf 686 1 359 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 865 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 82 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 6430 1 4045 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rcS 1040 1 801 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | useradd 117 1 122 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 00_core 1628 1 1046 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1370 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | filesystems 38 1 40 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 233 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | README 978 1 739 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1322 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | config 1032 1 446 43.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | machconfig 95 1 87 91.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | fstab 1102 1 641 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | path 1448 1 903 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | %gconf.xml 235 1 150 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 607 28.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | %gconf.xml 515 1 312 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1709 30.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1822 25.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | group 595 1 526 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | group- 614 1 543 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | gshadow 494 1 371 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | gshadow- 509 1 382 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 792 89.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 792 89.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | hosts 237 1 188 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | acpid 728 1 445 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | alsa-state 811 1 536 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | atd 578 1 401 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2608 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 492 1 304 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | bluetooth 1388 1 851 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | bootlogd 1997 1 1256 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 1922 1 1343 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 3591 1 2341 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | connman 1462 1 976 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | crond 1235 1 825 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | dbus-1 2887 1 1813 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 526 1 395 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 352 1 252 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | functions 2141 1 1356 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | halt 510 1 409 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 580 1 429 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 2541 1 1344 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | kdump 2989 1 1443 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 348 1 251 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 1223 1 784 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 869 1 667 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 1522 1 900 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | neard 832 1 587 70.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | networking 1956 1 1038 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ofono 516 1 377 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 6797 1 3015 44.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ppp 1231 1 707 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 647 1 454 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rc 4457 1 2599 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rcS 525 1 448 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 968 1 680 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | reboot 289 1 226 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 585 1 386 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rpcbind 1827 1 973 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 336 1 271 80.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sendsigs 438 1 307 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | single 578 1 432 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sshd 2061 1 1068 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 907 1 482 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | syslog 1715 1 891 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | tcf-agent 1298 1 750 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | udev 2779 1 1676 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | umountfs 540 1 410 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 711 1 532 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | urandom 1473 1 960 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 1000 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | inittab 1034 1 755 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | inputrc 1633 1 1071 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | bpf_pinning 85 1 88 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | nl_protos 262 1 265 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rt_dsfield 331 1 279 84.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rt_protos 326 1 281 86.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rt_scopes 92 1 92 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rt_tables 87 1 89 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 55960 1 17552 31.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | classid 1130 1 652 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | pktloc 1532 1 872 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 514 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | limits 827 1 642 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | login.access 2006 1 1323 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | login.defs 10929 1 6432 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 118 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | logrotate.conf 679 1 512 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | dnf 526 1 139 26.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | man.config 4562 1 2817 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | kbdconfig 721 1 550 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | session 613 1 468 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 490 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | netconfig 767 1 469 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | nfsroot 809 1 546 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 968 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | interfaces 615 1 467 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 378 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | phonesim.conf 361 1 310 85.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | passwd 925 1 631 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | passwd- 974 1 663 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | cert8.db 65536 1 374 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | key3.db 16384 1 284 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | secmod.db 16384 1 461 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ip-down 1454 1 1037 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ip-up 1452 1 1037 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 08setupdns 292 1 188 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | provider 1093 1 835 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 467 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | profile 1013 1 814 80.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 664 1 415 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 757 1 239 31.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 1941 1 1464 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | protocols 2932 1 2130 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | client.conf 1233 1 975 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 376 84.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1613 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 4929 1 2706 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 2046 1 1332 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 931 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 203 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | quotatab 261 1 225 86.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rpc 895 1 683 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rpmrc 73 1 65 89.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | securetty 1848 1 1306 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | services 19199 1 10716 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | shadow 576 1 213 37.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | shadow- 608 1 232 38.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | .bashrc 410 1 333 81.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | .profile 241 1 226 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1056 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | moduli 553185 3 29783 5.4 1084.668 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ssh_config 1570 1 1102 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 653 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 212 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 180 1 175 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 325 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 100 1 105 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1658 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sshd_config 3566 1 2224 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2204 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 184450 79.0 122.015 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5184 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sudoers 3174 1 1941 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1941 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | kdump.conf 411 1 332 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1197 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 543 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ansi 1481 1 768 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | dumb 308 1 73 23.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | linux 1730 1 1033 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rxvt 2293 1 1594 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | screen 1555 1 923 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | screen-256color 1647 1 970 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sun 1004 1 523 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | vt100 1190 1 755 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | vt102 1184 1 761 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | vt200 1377 1 939 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | vt220 1377 1 939 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | vt52 470 1 239 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2433 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | xterm-color 1551 1 803 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1401 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | dnf.conf 164 1 127 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2098225 29.1 442.671 1149.424 | LZO1B-2 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 478349 32.4 296.436 867.445 | LZO1B-2 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 42305 29.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18960 29.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3117 22.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 505888 18.0 566.862 1285.270 | LZO1B-2 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 288 36.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1420 34.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2309 28.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 326299 27.9 354.272 888.288 | LZO1B-2 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3326 41.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15492 28.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1207 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6967 39.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2366 45.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1122 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | mount.blacklist 60 1 50 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | automount.rules 847 1 577 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | autonet.rules 757 1 547 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | local.rules 885 1 669 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | localextra.rules 843 1 622 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 2469 1 1597 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 1402 1 1046 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 50default 2634 1 1176 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1571 26.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2218 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 106 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 275 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 177 92.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4721 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2443 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 239 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | libfm.conf 183 1 145 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 282 87.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | Xserver 652 1 462 70.9 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13220 68.7 310.289 1018.688 LZO1B-2 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3939727 27.6 310.289 1018.688 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-3 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | Xsession 755 1 514 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 550 1 469 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 631 1 408 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 179 1 151 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 181 1 110 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | xinitrc 739 1 450 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | powerbtn 58 1 57 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1270 72.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | localtime 127 1 59 46.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | hosts 1121 1 913 81.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 848 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ssh.service 1071 1 847 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | perf 5466 1 2646 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | quilt 7117 1 2756 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1927 37.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | input.conf 397 1 353 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | build 533 1 289 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1274 54.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 71 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2377 38.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | pap 653 1 550 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | logrotate 189 1 156 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | crontab 653 1 422 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | session.conf 838 1 633 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | system.conf 833 1 631 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 978 13.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 554 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 707 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | connman.conf 642 1 335 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 436 39.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ofono.conf 997 1 585 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | org.neard.conf 686 1 358 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 860 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 82 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 6430 1 4027 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rcS 1040 1 799 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | useradd 117 1 122 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 00_core 1628 1 1041 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1359 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | filesystems 38 1 40 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 233 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | README 978 1 735 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1317 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | config 1032 1 445 43.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | machconfig 95 1 87 91.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | fstab 1102 1 643 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | path 1448 1 897 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | %gconf.xml 235 1 150 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 609 28.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | %gconf.xml 515 1 312 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1710 30.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1821 25.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | group 595 1 526 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | group- 614 1 543 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | gshadow 494 1 371 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | gshadow- 509 1 382 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 794 89.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 794 89.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | hosts 237 1 188 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | acpid 728 1 444 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | alsa-state 811 1 533 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | atd 578 1 399 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2591 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 492 1 304 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | bluetooth 1388 1 850 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | bootlogd 1997 1 1238 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 1922 1 1348 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 3591 1 2329 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | connman 1462 1 976 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | crond 1235 1 818 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | dbus-1 2887 1 1807 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 526 1 395 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 352 1 252 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | functions 2141 1 1353 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | halt 510 1 409 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 580 1 429 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 2541 1 1344 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | kdump 2989 1 1438 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 348 1 251 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 1223 1 783 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 869 1 665 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 1522 1 899 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | neard 832 1 591 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | networking 1956 1 1038 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ofono 516 1 378 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 6797 1 3003 44.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ppp 1231 1 703 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 647 1 453 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rc 4457 1 2592 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rcS 525 1 448 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 968 1 679 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | reboot 289 1 226 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 585 1 384 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rpcbind 1827 1 979 53.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 336 1 272 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sendsigs 438 1 307 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | single 578 1 430 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sshd 2061 1 1066 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 907 1 477 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | syslog 1715 1 888 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | tcf-agent 1298 1 747 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | udev 2779 1 1662 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | umountfs 540 1 408 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 711 1 529 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | urandom 1473 1 960 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 998 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | inittab 1034 1 753 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | inputrc 1633 1 1065 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | bpf_pinning 85 1 88 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | nl_protos 262 1 265 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rt_dsfield 331 1 279 84.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rt_protos 326 1 281 86.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rt_scopes 92 1 92 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rt_tables 87 1 89 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 55960 1 17667 31.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | classid 1130 1 652 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | pktloc 1532 1 869 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 516 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | limits 827 1 642 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | login.access 2006 1 1318 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | login.defs 10929 1 6387 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 118 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | logrotate.conf 679 1 512 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | dnf 526 1 139 26.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | man.config 4562 1 2803 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | kbdconfig 721 1 548 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | session 613 1 468 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 494 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | netconfig 767 1 471 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | nfsroot 809 1 544 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 962 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | interfaces 615 1 465 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 378 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | phonesim.conf 361 1 310 85.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | passwd 925 1 624 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | passwd- 974 1 656 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | cert8.db 65536 1 369 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | key3.db 16384 1 281 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | secmod.db 16384 1 457 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ip-down 1454 1 1034 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ip-up 1452 1 1035 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 08setupdns 292 1 188 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | provider 1093 1 827 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 467 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | profile 1013 1 810 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 664 1 413 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 757 1 239 31.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 1941 1 1455 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | protocols 2932 1 2126 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | client.conf 1233 1 967 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 371 83.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1601 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 4929 1 2697 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 2046 1 1322 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 929 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 203 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | quotatab 261 1 225 86.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rpc 895 1 683 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rpmrc 73 1 65 89.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | securetty 1848 1 1302 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | services 19199 1 10653 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | shadow 576 1 213 37.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | shadow- 608 1 232 38.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | .bashrc 410 1 332 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | .profile 241 1 226 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1056 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | moduli 553185 3 29741 5.4 1071.713 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ssh_config 1570 1 1097 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 653 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 212 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 180 1 175 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 325 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 100 1 105 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1658 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sshd_config 3566 1 2218 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2202 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 183809 78.8 123.223 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5134 47.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sudoers 3174 1 1929 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1929 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | kdump.conf 411 1 333 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1194 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 543 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ansi 1481 1 767 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | dumb 308 1 73 23.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | linux 1730 1 1029 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rxvt 2293 1 1588 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | screen 1555 1 926 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | screen-256color 1647 1 974 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sun 1004 1 521 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | vt100 1190 1 755 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | vt102 1184 1 760 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | vt200 1377 1 936 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | vt220 1377 1 936 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | vt52 470 1 239 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2431 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | xterm-color 1551 1 803 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1400 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | dnf.conf 164 1 127 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2089976 29.0 424.379 1144.680 | LZO1B-3 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 474708 32.2 293.802 862.954 | LZO1B-3 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 41864 29.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18825 29.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3096 22.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 502495 17.9 560.383 1279.370 | LZO1B-3 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 288 36.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1425 35.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2317 28.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 324002 27.7 350.567 890.886 | LZO1B-3 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3331 41.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15382 27.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1207 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6924 39.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2339 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1119 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | mount.blacklist 60 1 50 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | automount.rules 847 1 577 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | autonet.rules 757 1 547 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | local.rules 885 1 669 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | localextra.rules 843 1 622 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 2469 1 1581 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 1402 1 1043 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 50default 2634 1 1171 44.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1557 26.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2212 65.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 106 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 275 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 177 92.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4696 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2437 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 239 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | libfm.conf 183 1 145 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 282 87.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | Xserver 652 1 461 70.7 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13154 68.7 308.555 1016.124 LZO1B-3 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3920154 27.5 308.555 1016.124 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-4 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | Xsession 755 1 510 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 550 1 462 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 631 1 400 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 179 1 150 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 181 1 108 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | xinitrc 739 1 433 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1257 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | localtime 127 1 56 44.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | hosts 1121 1 904 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 845 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ssh.service 1071 1 844 78.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | perf 5466 1 2601 47.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | quilt 7117 1 2698 37.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1891 36.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | input.conf 397 1 348 87.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | build 533 1 283 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1274 54.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2316 37.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | pap 653 1 548 83.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | logrotate 189 1 155 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | crontab 653 1 425 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | session.conf 838 1 633 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | system.conf 833 1 632 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 972 13.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 552 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 699 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | connman.conf 642 1 331 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 417 38.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ofono.conf 997 1 573 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | org.neard.conf 686 1 357 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 849 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 6430 1 3941 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rcS 1040 1 786 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 00_core 1628 1 1012 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1319 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 220 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | README 978 1 728 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1303 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | config 1032 1 447 43.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | fstab 1102 1 633 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | path 1448 1 885 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | %gconf.xml 235 1 149 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 607 28.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | %gconf.xml 515 1 312 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1635 29.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1810 25.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | group 595 1 520 87.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | group- 614 1 537 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | gshadow 494 1 366 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | gshadow- 509 1 377 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 785 88.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 785 88.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | hosts 237 1 186 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | acpid 728 1 443 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | alsa-state 811 1 541 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | atd 578 1 399 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2524 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 492 1 298 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | bluetooth 1388 1 839 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | bootlogd 1997 1 1243 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 1922 1 1315 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 3591 1 2279 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | connman 1462 1 969 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | crond 1235 1 814 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | dbus-1 2887 1 1782 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 526 1 386 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 352 1 247 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | functions 2141 1 1346 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | halt 510 1 403 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 580 1 427 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 2541 1 1317 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | kdump 2989 1 1432 47.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 348 1 250 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 1223 1 763 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 869 1 658 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 1522 1 890 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | neard 832 1 581 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | networking 1956 1 1018 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ofono 516 1 371 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 6797 1 2987 43.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ppp 1231 1 688 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 647 1 449 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rc 4457 1 2530 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rcS 525 1 445 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 968 1 674 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | reboot 289 1 222 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 585 1 381 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rpcbind 1827 1 962 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 336 1 274 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sendsigs 438 1 301 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | single 578 1 424 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sshd 2061 1 1047 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 907 1 476 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | syslog 1715 1 882 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | tcf-agent 1298 1 743 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | udev 2779 1 1654 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | umountfs 540 1 406 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 711 1 521 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | urandom 1473 1 928 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 977 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | inittab 1034 1 740 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | inputrc 1633 1 1054 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rt_protos 326 1 275 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 55960 1 17591 31.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | classid 1130 1 635 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | pktloc 1532 1 878 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 512 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | limits 827 1 635 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | login.access 2006 1 1303 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | login.defs 10929 1 6167 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | logrotate.conf 679 1 503 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | dnf 526 1 137 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | man.config 4562 1 2728 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | kbdconfig 721 1 538 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | session 613 1 464 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 492 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | netconfig 767 1 457 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | nfsroot 809 1 541 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 945 47.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | interfaces 615 1 452 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 375 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | phonesim.conf 361 1 308 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | passwd 925 1 621 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | passwd- 974 1 651 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | cert8.db 65536 1 370 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | key3.db 16384 1 283 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | secmod.db 16384 1 456 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ip-down 1454 1 1009 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ip-up 1452 1 1007 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 08setupdns 292 1 188 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | provider 1093 1 815 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 457 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | profile 1013 1 805 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 664 1 411 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | gawk.csh 1107 1 289 26.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 757 1 234 30.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 1941 1 1438 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | protocols 2932 1 2078 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | client.conf 1233 1 959 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 367 82.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1570 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 4929 1 2616 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 2046 1 1307 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 916 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 201 91.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | quotatab 261 1 222 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rpc 895 1 672 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | securetty 1848 1 1222 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | services 19199 1 10544 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | shadow 576 1 211 36.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | shadow- 608 1 230 37.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | .bashrc 410 1 329 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1040 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | moduli 553185 3 29039 5.2 908.093 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ssh_config 1570 1 1087 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 652 97.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 608 1 612 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 210 92.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 323 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1660 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 400 1 406 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sshd_config 3566 1 2159 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2143 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 184259 78.9 127.373 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5007 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sudoers 3174 1 1875 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1875 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | kdump.conf 411 1 332 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1183 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 544 83.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ansi 1481 1 752 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | linux 1730 1 1039 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rxvt 2293 1 1566 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | screen 1555 1 923 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | screen-256color 1647 1 965 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sun 1004 1 514 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | vt100 1190 1 732 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | vt102 1184 1 742 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | vt200 1377 1 932 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | vt220 1377 1 932 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | vt52 470 1 235 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2365 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | xterm-color 1551 1 801 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1386 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | dnf.conf 164 1 127 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2059009 28.6 366.211 1139.858 | LZO1B-4 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 471318 32.0 252.298 814.153 | LZO1B-4 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 41739 29.1 284.571 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18789 29.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3131 22.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 512502 18.2 480.491 1224.942 | LZO1B-4 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 289 36.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1387 34.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2285 28.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 323891 27.7 296.153 856.320 | LZO1B-4 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3292 40.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15394 28.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1180 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6860 39.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2305 44.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1085 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | automount.rules 847 1 572 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | autonet.rules 757 1 545 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | local.rules 885 1 667 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | localextra.rules 843 1 616 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 2469 1 1551 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 1402 1 1025 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 50default 2634 1 1144 43.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1528 25.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2163 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4605 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2418 48.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 239 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | libfm.conf 183 1 147 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 281 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | Xserver 652 1 461 70.7 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13059 68.0 284.342 978.061 LZO1B-4 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3891873 27.3 284.342 978.061 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-5 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | Xsession 755 1 517 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 550 1 463 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 631 1 398 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 179 1 150 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 181 1 108 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | xinitrc 739 1 445 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1247 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | localtime 127 1 58 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | hosts 1121 1 903 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 841 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ssh.service 1071 1 846 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | perf 5466 1 2584 47.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | quilt 7117 1 2688 37.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1873 36.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | input.conf 397 1 343 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | build 533 1 283 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1272 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2319 37.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | pap 653 1 538 82.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | logrotate 189 1 153 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | crontab 653 1 427 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | session.conf 838 1 629 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | system.conf 833 1 625 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 962 13.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 549 48.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 694 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | connman.conf 642 1 335 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 430 39.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ofono.conf 997 1 570 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | org.neard.conf 686 1 359 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 845 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 6430 1 3886 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rcS 1040 1 785 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 00_core 1628 1 1006 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1299 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 220 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | README 978 1 723 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1277 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | config 1032 1 443 42.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | fstab 1102 1 638 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | path 1448 1 874 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | %gconf.xml 235 1 149 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 609 28.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | %gconf.xml 515 1 317 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1643 29.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1789 24.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | group 595 1 517 86.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | group- 614 1 534 87.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | gshadow 494 1 368 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | gshadow- 509 1 379 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 781 87.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 781 87.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | hosts 237 1 186 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | acpid 728 1 439 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | alsa-state 811 1 534 65.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | atd 578 1 390 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2490 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 492 1 298 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | bluetooth 1388 1 842 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | bootlogd 1997 1 1224 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 1922 1 1309 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 3591 1 2254 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | connman 1462 1 960 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | crond 1235 1 808 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | dbus-1 2887 1 1762 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 526 1 386 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | functions 2141 1 1322 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | halt 510 1 403 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 2541 1 1297 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | kdump 2989 1 1421 47.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 348 1 250 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 1223 1 772 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 869 1 660 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 1522 1 875 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | neard 832 1 582 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | networking 1956 1 1014 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ofono 516 1 373 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 6797 1 2925 43.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ppp 1231 1 685 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 647 1 448 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rc 4457 1 2515 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rcS 525 1 445 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 968 1 670 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | reboot 289 1 222 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rpcbind 1827 1 961 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 336 1 268 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sendsigs 438 1 301 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | single 578 1 426 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sshd 2061 1 1037 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 907 1 478 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | syslog 1715 1 881 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | tcf-agent 1298 1 729 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | udev 2779 1 1621 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | umountfs 540 1 404 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 711 1 521 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | urandom 1473 1 928 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 974 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | inittab 1034 1 739 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | inputrc 1633 1 1050 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rt_protos 326 1 275 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 55960 1 19216 34.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | classid 1130 1 639 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | pktloc 1532 1 873 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 514 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | limits 827 1 633 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | login.access 2006 1 1275 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | login.defs 10929 1 6050 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | logrotate.conf 679 1 507 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | dnf 526 1 137 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | man.config 4562 1 2704 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | kbdconfig 721 1 537 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | session 613 1 464 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 484 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | netconfig 767 1 457 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | nfsroot 809 1 529 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 955 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | interfaces 615 1 450 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 373 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | phonesim.conf 361 1 308 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | passwd 925 1 608 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | passwd- 974 1 638 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | cert8.db 65536 1 374 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | key3.db 16384 1 287 1.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | secmod.db 16384 1 457 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ip-down 1454 1 1009 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ip-up 1452 1 1006 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 08setupdns 292 1 189 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | provider 1093 1 806 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 457 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | profile 1013 1 794 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 664 1 403 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | gawk.csh 1107 1 300 27.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 757 1 242 32.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 1941 1 1425 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | protocols 2932 1 2063 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | client.conf 1233 1 950 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 365 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1558 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 4929 1 2606 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 2046 1 1294 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 911 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 200 90.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | quotatab 261 1 222 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rpc 895 1 672 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | securetty 1848 1 1211 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | services 19199 1 10412 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | shadow 576 1 209 36.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | shadow- 608 1 228 37.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | .bashrc 410 1 328 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1031 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | moduli 553185 3 28922 5.2 1072.800 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ssh_config 1570 1 1081 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 653 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 211 93.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 323 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1660 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 400 1 406 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sshd_config 3566 1 2146 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2122 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 183605 78.7 128.637 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4920 45.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sudoers 3174 1 1861 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1861 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | kdump.conf 411 1 332 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1156 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 542 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ansi 1481 1 753 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | linux 1730 1 1020 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rxvt 2293 1 1548 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | screen 1555 1 913 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | screen-256color 1647 1 963 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sun 1004 1 501 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | vt100 1190 1 732 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | vt102 1184 1 739 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | vt200 1377 1 923 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | vt220 1377 1 923 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | vt52 470 1 235 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2351 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | xterm-color 1551 1 796 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1371 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | dnf.conf 164 1 127 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2048950 28.4 362.162 1149.851 | LZO1B-5 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 467034 31.7 251.491 819.673 | LZO1B-5 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 41210 28.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18625 28.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3138 22.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 506728 18.0 476.817 1239.257 | LZO1B-5 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 289 36.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1396 34.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2283 28.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 321074 27.4 294.249 862.658 | LZO1B-5 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3245 40.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15185 27.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1183 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6719 38.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2292 43.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1078 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | automount.rules 847 1 570 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | autonet.rules 757 1 543 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | local.rules 885 1 662 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | localextra.rules 843 1 614 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 2469 1 1543 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 1402 1 1019 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 50default 2634 1 1138 43.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1534 25.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2129 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4568 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2396 48.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 239 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | libfm.conf 183 1 144 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 276 86.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | Xserver 652 1 458 70.2 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12977 67.8 286.545 986.237 LZO1B-5 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3867264 27.1 286.545 986.237 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-6 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | Xsession 755 1 510 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 550 1 462 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 631 1 397 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 179 1 150 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 181 1 108 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | xinitrc 739 1 434 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1235 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | localtime 127 1 58 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | hosts 1121 1 894 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 842 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ssh.service 1071 1 845 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | perf 5466 1 2545 46.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | quilt 7117 1 2653 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1863 36.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | input.conf 397 1 343 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | build 533 1 289 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1258 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2319 37.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | pap 653 1 539 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | logrotate 189 1 154 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | crontab 653 1 424 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | session.conf 838 1 625 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | system.conf 833 1 620 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 939 12.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 550 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 694 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | connman.conf 642 1 334 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 436 39.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ofono.conf 997 1 572 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | org.neard.conf 686 1 360 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 845 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 6430 1 3854 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rcS 1040 1 779 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 00_core 1628 1 985 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1307 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 218 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | README 978 1 722 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1264 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | config 1032 1 443 42.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | fstab 1102 1 626 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | path 1448 1 866 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | %gconf.xml 235 1 149 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 604 28.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | %gconf.xml 515 1 313 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1638 29.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1789 24.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | group 595 1 517 86.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | group- 614 1 533 86.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | gshadow 494 1 366 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | gshadow- 509 1 377 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 779 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 779 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | hosts 237 1 184 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | acpid 728 1 436 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | alsa-state 811 1 528 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | atd 578 1 393 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2485 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 492 1 296 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | bluetooth 1388 1 838 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | bootlogd 1997 1 1217 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 1922 1 1305 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 3591 1 2237 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | connman 1462 1 950 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | crond 1235 1 808 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | dbus-1 2887 1 1748 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 526 1 386 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | functions 2141 1 1322 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | halt 510 1 401 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 580 1 424 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 2541 1 1301 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | kdump 2989 1 1406 47.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 348 1 250 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 1223 1 765 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 869 1 650 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 1522 1 861 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | neard 832 1 577 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | networking 1956 1 1001 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ofono 516 1 370 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 6797 1 2892 42.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ppp 1231 1 679 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 647 1 448 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rc 4457 1 2491 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rcS 525 1 445 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 968 1 670 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | reboot 289 1 222 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rpcbind 1827 1 959 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 336 1 267 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sendsigs 438 1 301 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | single 578 1 424 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sshd 2061 1 1037 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 907 1 475 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | syslog 1715 1 870 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | tcf-agent 1298 1 733 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | udev 2779 1 1614 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | umountfs 540 1 404 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 711 1 522 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | urandom 1473 1 924 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 968 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | inittab 1034 1 735 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | inputrc 1633 1 1031 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rt_protos 326 1 275 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 55960 1 18774 33.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | classid 1130 1 636 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | pktloc 1532 1 863 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 512 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | limits 827 1 634 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | login.access 2006 1 1264 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | login.defs 10929 1 6021 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | logrotate.conf 679 1 502 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | dnf 526 1 137 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | man.config 4562 1 2676 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | kbdconfig 721 1 537 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | session 613 1 461 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 482 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | netconfig 767 1 452 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | nfsroot 809 1 534 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 938 46.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | interfaces 615 1 451 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 370 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | phonesim.conf 361 1 306 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | passwd 925 1 589 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | passwd- 974 1 625 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | cert8.db 65536 1 372 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | key3.db 16384 1 281 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | secmod.db 16384 1 457 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ip-down 1454 1 1010 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ip-up 1452 1 1008 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 08setupdns 292 1 189 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | provider 1093 1 796 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 453 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | profile 1013 1 792 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 664 1 403 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | gawk.csh 1107 1 294 26.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 757 1 235 31.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 1941 1 1419 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | protocols 2932 1 2051 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | client.conf 1233 1 944 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 364 81.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1547 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 4929 1 2583 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 2046 1 1301 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 911 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 200 90.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | quotatab 261 1 224 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rpc 895 1 672 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | securetty 1848 1 1205 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | services 19199 1 10152 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | shadow 576 1 208 36.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | shadow- 608 1 227 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | .bashrc 410 1 328 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1031 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | moduli 553185 3 28907 5.2 1025.860 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ssh_config 1570 1 1071 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 652 97.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 211 93.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 322 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1659 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 400 1 406 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sshd_config 3566 1 2118 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2095 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 183239 78.5 126.735 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4859 44.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sudoers 3174 1 1856 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1856 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | kdump.conf 411 1 332 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1161 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 540 82.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ansi 1481 1 751 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | linux 1730 1 1014 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rxvt 2293 1 1546 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | screen 1555 1 917 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | screen-256color 1647 1 958 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sun 1004 1 502 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | vt100 1190 1 731 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | vt102 1184 1 739 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | vt200 1377 1 920 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | vt220 1377 1 920 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | vt52 470 1 235 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2311 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | xterm-color 1551 1 791 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1364 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | dnf.conf 164 1 127 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2031724 28.2 332.503 1164.948 | LZO1B-6 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 461930 31.3 247.341 830.326 | LZO1B-6 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 40670 28.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18409 28.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3082 22.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 501359 17.8 465.333 1235.101 | LZO1B-6 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 289 36.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1376 33.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2291 28.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 316968 27.1 290.316 868.110 | LZO1B-6 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3255 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 14972 27.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1168 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6645 38.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2264 43.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1071 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | automount.rules 847 1 563 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | autonet.rules 757 1 536 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | local.rules 885 1 654 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | localextra.rules 843 1 605 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 2469 1 1535 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 1402 1 1013 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 50default 2634 1 1137 43.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1495 25.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2141 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4535 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2355 47.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 237 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | libfm.conf 183 1 144 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 275 85.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | Xserver 652 1 458 70.2 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12859 67.6 278.949 993.954 LZO1B-6 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3832111 26.9 278.949 993.954 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-7 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | Xsession 755 1 514 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 550 1 463 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 631 1 398 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 179 1 150 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 181 1 108 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | xinitrc 739 1 430 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1237 70.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | localtime 127 1 57 44.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | hosts 1121 1 892 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 840 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ssh.service 1071 1 841 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | perf 5466 1 2515 46.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | quilt 7117 1 2621 36.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1834 35.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | input.conf 397 1 343 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | build 533 1 283 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1255 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2274 37.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | pap 653 1 538 82.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | logrotate 189 1 153 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | crontab 653 1 416 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | session.conf 838 1 625 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | system.conf 833 1 623 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 953 13.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 533 46.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 694 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | connman.conf 642 1 332 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 419 38.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ofono.conf 997 1 570 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | org.neard.conf 686 1 356 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 839 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 6430 1 3852 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rcS 1040 1 779 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 00_core 1628 1 1000 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1282 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 218 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | README 978 1 718 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1265 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | config 1032 1 444 43.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | fstab 1102 1 627 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | path 1448 1 868 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | %gconf.xml 235 1 149 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 605 28.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | %gconf.xml 515 1 311 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1617 28.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1780 24.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | group 595 1 515 86.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | group- 614 1 532 86.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | gshadow 494 1 368 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | gshadow- 509 1 379 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 780 87.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 780 87.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | hosts 237 1 186 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | acpid 728 1 437 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | alsa-state 811 1 530 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | atd 578 1 389 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2481 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 492 1 298 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | bluetooth 1388 1 839 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | bootlogd 1997 1 1215 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 1922 1 1302 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 3591 1 2239 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | connman 1462 1 949 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | crond 1235 1 801 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | dbus-1 2887 1 1740 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 526 1 387 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | functions 2141 1 1331 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | halt 510 1 402 78.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 580 1 429 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 2541 1 1298 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | kdump 2989 1 1411 47.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 348 1 250 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 1223 1 767 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 869 1 655 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 1522 1 873 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | neard 832 1 580 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | networking 1956 1 1011 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ofono 516 1 373 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 6797 1 2901 42.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ppp 1231 1 692 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 647 1 448 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rc 4457 1 2505 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rcS 525 1 445 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 968 1 664 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | reboot 289 1 222 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rpcbind 1827 1 958 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 336 1 265 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sendsigs 438 1 300 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | single 578 1 424 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sshd 2061 1 1025 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 907 1 473 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | syslog 1715 1 868 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | tcf-agent 1298 1 728 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | udev 2779 1 1608 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | umountfs 540 1 406 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 711 1 522 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | urandom 1473 1 921 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 973 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | inittab 1034 1 739 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | inputrc 1633 1 1028 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rt_protos 326 1 275 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 55960 1 17744 31.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | classid 1130 1 636 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | pktloc 1532 1 861 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 513 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | limits 827 1 631 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | login.access 2006 1 1260 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | login.defs 10929 1 5936 54.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | logrotate.conf 679 1 501 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | dnf 526 1 137 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | man.config 4562 1 2659 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | kbdconfig 721 1 535 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | session 613 1 464 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 483 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | netconfig 767 1 458 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | nfsroot 809 1 532 65.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 937 46.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | interfaces 615 1 454 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 373 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | phonesim.conf 361 1 308 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | passwd 925 1 605 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | passwd- 974 1 635 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | cert8.db 65536 1 375 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | key3.db 16384 1 290 1.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | secmod.db 16384 1 461 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ip-down 1454 1 999 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ip-up 1452 1 1001 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 08setupdns 292 1 189 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | provider 1093 1 801 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 454 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | profile 1013 1 794 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 664 1 403 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | gawk.csh 1107 1 291 26.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 757 1 231 30.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 1941 1 1416 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | protocols 2932 1 2054 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | client.conf 1233 1 950 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 363 81.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1557 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 4929 1 2570 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 2046 1 1287 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 906 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 200 90.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | quotatab 261 1 222 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rpc 895 1 672 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | securetty 1848 1 1203 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | services 19199 1 10281 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | shadow 576 1 209 36.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | shadow- 608 1 228 37.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | .bashrc 410 1 328 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1025 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | moduli 553185 3 29018 5.2 700.364 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ssh_config 1570 1 1077 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 651 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 209 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 319 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1657 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sshd_config 3566 1 2124 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2100 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 182902 78.4 96.807 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4854 44.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sudoers 3174 1 1840 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1840 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | kdump.conf 411 1 332 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1156 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 542 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ansi 1481 1 759 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | linux 1730 1 1015 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rxvt 2293 1 1537 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | screen 1555 1 906 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | screen-256color 1647 1 956 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sun 1004 1 505 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | vt100 1190 1 728 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | vt102 1184 1 737 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | vt200 1377 1 917 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | vt220 1377 1 917 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | vt52 470 1 235 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2335 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | xterm-color 1551 1 791 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1363 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | dnf.conf 164 1 127 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2033361 28.2 257.471 1094.756 | LZO1B-7 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 464078 31.5 183.472 833.520 | LZO1B-7 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 41263 28.8 215.094 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18663 28.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3143 22.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 513448 18.3 365.370 1236.092 | LZO1B-7 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 289 36.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1387 34.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2281 28.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 319937 27.3 219.098 861.639 | LZO1B-7 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3226 39.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 14996 27.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1164 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6671 38.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2279 43.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1077 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | automount.rules 847 1 570 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | autonet.rules 757 1 543 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | local.rules 885 1 662 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | localextra.rules 843 1 614 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 2469 1 1548 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 1402 1 1012 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 50default 2634 1 1140 43.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1474 24.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2112 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4534 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2378 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 239 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | libfm.conf 183 1 144 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 276 86.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | Xserver 652 1 456 69.9 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12921 67.6 211.850 979.730 LZO1B-7 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3850473 27.0 211.850 979.730 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-8 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | Xsession 755 1 518 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 550 1 462 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 631 1 395 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 179 1 150 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 181 1 105 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | xinitrc 739 1 434 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1233 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | localtime 127 1 56 44.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | hosts 1121 1 882 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 841 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ssh.service 1071 1 841 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | perf 5466 1 2492 45.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | quilt 7117 1 2605 36.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1809 35.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | input.conf 397 1 343 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | build 533 1 283 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1240 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2265 37.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | pap 653 1 538 82.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | logrotate 189 1 154 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | crontab 653 1 412 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | session.conf 838 1 619 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | system.conf 833 1 614 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 940 12.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 550 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 693 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | connman.conf 642 1 338 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 433 39.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ofono.conf 997 1 571 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | org.neard.conf 686 1 356 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 842 77.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 6430 1 3798 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rcS 1040 1 772 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 00_core 1628 1 990 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1304 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 221 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | README 978 1 716 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1259 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | config 1032 1 445 43.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | fstab 1102 1 625 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | path 1448 1 865 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | %gconf.xml 235 1 149 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 603 27.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | %gconf.xml 515 1 313 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1591 28.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1795 24.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | group 595 1 514 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | group- 614 1 530 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | gshadow 494 1 364 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | gshadow- 509 1 375 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 778 87.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 778 87.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | hosts 237 1 186 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | acpid 728 1 437 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | alsa-state 811 1 522 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | atd 578 1 391 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2467 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 492 1 294 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | bluetooth 1388 1 839 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | bootlogd 1997 1 1211 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 1922 1 1296 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 3591 1 2213 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | connman 1462 1 941 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | crond 1235 1 802 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | dbus-1 2887 1 1732 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 526 1 380 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 352 1 246 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | functions 2141 1 1315 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | halt 510 1 399 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 580 1 425 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 2541 1 1287 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | kdump 2989 1 1397 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 348 1 250 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 1223 1 766 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 869 1 647 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 1522 1 858 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | neard 832 1 581 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | networking 1956 1 1003 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ofono 516 1 370 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 6797 1 2874 42.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ppp 1231 1 675 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 647 1 446 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rc 4457 1 2477 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rcS 525 1 446 85.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 968 1 667 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rpcbind 1827 1 949 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 336 1 265 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sendsigs 438 1 298 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | single 578 1 423 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sshd 2061 1 1027 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 907 1 471 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | syslog 1715 1 867 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | tcf-agent 1298 1 722 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | udev 2779 1 1597 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | umountfs 540 1 405 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 711 1 521 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | urandom 1473 1 925 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 961 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | inittab 1034 1 734 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | inputrc 1633 1 1024 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rt_protos 326 1 275 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 55960 1 19148 34.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | classid 1130 1 634 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | pktloc 1532 1 842 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 508 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | limits 827 1 630 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | login.access 2006 1 1253 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | login.defs 10929 1 5915 54.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | logrotate.conf 679 1 496 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | dnf 526 1 137 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | man.config 4562 1 2625 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | kbdconfig 721 1 535 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | session 613 1 461 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 478 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | netconfig 767 1 444 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | nfsroot 809 1 526 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 935 46.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | interfaces 615 1 451 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 369 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | phonesim.conf 361 1 306 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | passwd 925 1 583 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | passwd- 974 1 619 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | cert8.db 65536 1 371 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | key3.db 16384 1 281 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | secmod.db 16384 1 456 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ip-down 1454 1 998 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ip-up 1452 1 1001 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 08setupdns 292 1 187 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | provider 1093 1 791 72.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 451 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | profile 1013 1 786 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 664 1 402 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | gawk.csh 1107 1 281 25.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 757 1 230 30.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 1941 1 1414 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | protocols 2932 1 2044 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | client.conf 1233 1 936 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 364 81.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1527 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 4929 1 2556 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 2046 1 1280 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 906 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 200 90.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | quotatab 261 1 224 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rpc 895 1 671 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | securetty 1848 1 1204 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | services 19199 1 9969 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | shadow 576 1 210 36.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | shadow- 608 1 229 37.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | .bashrc 410 1 330 80.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1026 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | moduli 553185 3 28894 5.2 811.504 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ssh_config 1570 1 1069 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 653 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 210 92.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 320 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1659 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 400 1 406 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sshd_config 3566 1 2100 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2083 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 181866 77.9 100.678 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4793 44.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sudoers 3174 1 1829 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1829 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | kdump.conf 411 1 332 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1160 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 540 82.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ansi 1481 1 749 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | linux 1730 1 1012 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rxvt 2293 1 1543 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | screen 1555 1 901 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | screen-256color 1647 1 948 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sun 1004 1 500 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | vt100 1190 1 731 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | vt102 1184 1 734 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | vt200 1377 1 915 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | vt220 1377 1 915 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | vt52 470 1 238 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2296 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | xterm-color 1551 1 786 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1360 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | dnf.conf 164 1 127 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2011395 27.9 240.405 1112.273 | LZO1B-8 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 457982 31.1 179.117 836.269 | LZO1B-8 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 40312 28.1 209.438 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18335 28.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3124 22.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 505131 18.0 346.658 1231.438 | LZO1B-8 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 289 36.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1374 33.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2294 28.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 314068 26.8 208.872 874.780 | LZO1B-8 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3251 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 14859 27.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1165 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6593 37.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2250 42.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1059 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | automount.rules 847 1 561 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | autonet.rules 757 1 532 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | local.rules 885 1 652 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | localextra.rules 843 1 603 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 2469 1 1527 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 1402 1 1009 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 50default 2634 1 1116 42.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1501 25.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2095 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4497 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2330 46.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 237 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | libfm.conf 183 1 144 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 275 85.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | Xserver 652 1 455 69.8 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12770 67.4 209.866 987.642 LZO1B-8 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3805506 26.7 209.866 987.642 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-9 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | Xsession 755 1 511 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 550 1 460 83.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 631 1 389 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 179 1 150 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 181 1 105 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | xinitrc 739 1 422 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1227 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | localtime 127 1 52 40.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | hosts 1121 1 881 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 832 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ssh.service 1071 1 835 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | perf 5466 1 2463 45.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | quilt 7117 1 2594 36.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1796 34.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | input.conf 397 1 343 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | build 533 1 284 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1232 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2220 36.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | pap 653 1 535 81.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | logrotate 189 1 152 80.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | crontab 653 1 414 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | session.conf 838 1 617 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | system.conf 833 1 614 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 911 12.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 533 46.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 685 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | connman.conf 642 1 330 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 402 36.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ofono.conf 997 1 567 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | org.neard.conf 686 1 347 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 836 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 6430 1 3778 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rcS 1040 1 772 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 00_core 1628 1 991 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1282 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 217 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | README 978 1 714 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1246 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | config 1032 1 440 42.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | fstab 1102 1 619 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | path 1448 1 850 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | %gconf.xml 235 1 149 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 590 27.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | %gconf.xml 515 1 310 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1580 28.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1756 24.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | group 595 1 514 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | group- 614 1 530 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | gshadow 494 1 361 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | gshadow- 509 1 372 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 778 87.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 778 87.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | hosts 237 1 184 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | acpid 728 1 437 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | alsa-state 811 1 522 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | atd 578 1 390 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2429 54.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 492 1 293 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | bluetooth 1388 1 834 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | bootlogd 1997 1 1202 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 1922 1 1296 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 3591 1 2188 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | connman 1462 1 937 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | crond 1235 1 794 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | dbus-1 2887 1 1727 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 526 1 380 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | functions 2141 1 1308 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | halt 510 1 399 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 580 1 425 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 2541 1 1258 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | kdump 2989 1 1387 46.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 348 1 250 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 1223 1 756 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 869 1 648 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 1522 1 851 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | neard 832 1 577 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | networking 1956 1 992 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ofono 516 1 368 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 6797 1 2850 41.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ppp 1231 1 673 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 647 1 445 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rc 4457 1 2455 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rcS 525 1 444 84.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 968 1 659 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 585 1 377 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rpcbind 1827 1 941 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 336 1 264 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sendsigs 438 1 297 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | single 578 1 423 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sshd 2061 1 1015 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 907 1 465 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | syslog 1715 1 869 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | tcf-agent 1298 1 722 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | udev 2779 1 1580 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | umountfs 540 1 405 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 711 1 519 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | urandom 1473 1 911 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 959 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | inittab 1034 1 731 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | inputrc 1633 1 1006 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rt_protos 326 1 275 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 55960 1 17723 31.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | classid 1130 1 625 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | pktloc 1532 1 840 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 503 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | limits 827 1 629 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | login.access 2006 1 1253 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | login.defs 10929 1 5857 53.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | logrotate.conf 679 1 496 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | dnf 526 1 137 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | man.config 4562 1 2604 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | kbdconfig 721 1 535 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | session 613 1 461 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 481 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | netconfig 767 1 442 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | nfsroot 809 1 523 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 924 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | interfaces 615 1 451 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 369 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | phonesim.conf 361 1 306 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | passwd 925 1 581 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | passwd- 974 1 617 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | cert8.db 65536 1 368 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | key3.db 16384 1 279 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | secmod.db 16384 1 454 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ip-down 1454 1 989 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ip-up 1452 1 990 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 08setupdns 292 1 186 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | provider 1093 1 793 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 450 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | profile 1013 1 786 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 664 1 399 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | gawk.csh 1107 1 279 25.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 757 1 229 30.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 1941 1 1411 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | protocols 2932 1 2046 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | client.conf 1233 1 934 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 364 81.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1522 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 4929 1 2536 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 2046 1 1276 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 898 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 198 90.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | quotatab 261 1 224 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rpc 895 1 670 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | securetty 1848 1 1200 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | services 19199 1 9942 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | shadow 576 1 210 36.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | shadow- 608 1 229 37.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | .bashrc 410 1 328 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1008 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | moduli 553185 3 27283 4.9 520.009 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ssh_config 1570 1 1062 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 652 97.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 210 92.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 320 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1658 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 400 1 406 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sshd_config 3566 1 2078 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2065 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 181794 77.9 118.466 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4741 43.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sudoers 3174 1 1809 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1809 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | kdump.conf 411 1 332 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1143 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 539 82.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ansi 1481 1 738 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | linux 1730 1 1012 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rxvt 2293 1 1533 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | screen 1555 1 891 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | screen-256color 1647 1 939 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sun 1004 1 497 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | vt100 1190 1 723 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | vt102 1184 1 728 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | vt200 1377 1 903 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | vt220 1377 1 903 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | vt52 470 1 233 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2294 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | xterm-color 1551 1 784 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1352 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | dnf.conf 164 1 127 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1986683 27.6 231.716 1127.473 | LZO1B-9 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 452746 30.7 171.559 842.777 | LZO1B-9 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 39610 27.6 195.416 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18005 27.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2982 21.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 468655 16.7 286.138 1325.578 | LZO1B-9 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 287 36.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1347 33.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2205 27.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 302468 25.8 198.561 907.328 | LZO1B-9 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3173 39.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 14442 26.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1158 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6466 37.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2235 42.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1063 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | automount.rules 847 1 563 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | autonet.rules 757 1 534 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | local.rules 885 1 654 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | localextra.rules 843 1 603 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 2469 1 1514 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 1402 1 1011 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 50default 2634 1 1107 42.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1470 24.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2068 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4421 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2323 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 237 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | libfm.conf 183 1 144 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 275 85.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | Xserver 652 1 453 69.5 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12486 67.1 204.935 1017.807 LZO1B-9 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3721034 26.1 204.935 1017.807 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-1 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | Xsession 755 1 505 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 550 1 471 85.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 631 1 407 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 179 1 151 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 181 1 110 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | xinitrc 739 1 433 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | powerbtn 58 1 57 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1271 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | localtime 127 1 59 46.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | hosts 1121 1 913 81.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 848 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ssh.service 1071 1 846 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | perf 5466 1 2667 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | quilt 7117 1 2732 38.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1903 36.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | input.conf 397 1 351 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | build 533 1 285 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1243 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2365 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | pap 653 1 556 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | logrotate 189 1 156 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | crontab 653 1 425 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | session.conf 838 1 634 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | system.conf 833 1 632 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 961 13.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 547 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 706 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | connman.conf 642 1 331 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 430 39.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ofono.conf 997 1 581 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | org.neard.conf 686 1 356 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 859 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 82 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 6430 1 4082 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rcS 1040 1 804 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | useradd 117 1 122 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 00_core 1628 1 1049 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1366 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | filesystems 38 1 40 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 231 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | README 978 1 734 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1337 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | config 1032 1 438 42.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | machconfig 95 1 87 91.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | fstab 1102 1 635 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | path 1448 1 906 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | %gconf.xml 235 1 148 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 602 27.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | %gconf.xml 515 1 315 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1734 30.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1828 25.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | group 595 1 527 88.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | group- 614 1 544 88.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | gshadow 494 1 373 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | gshadow- 509 1 384 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 792 89.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 792 89.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | hosts 237 1 189 79.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | acpid 728 1 440 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | alsa-state 811 1 526 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | atd 578 1 398 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2578 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 492 1 308 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | bluetooth 1388 1 855 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1242 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 1922 1 1345 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 3591 1 2334 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | connman 1462 1 969 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | crond 1235 1 825 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | dbus-1 2887 1 1811 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 526 1 393 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 352 1 254 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | functions 2141 1 1349 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | halt 510 1 407 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 580 1 429 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 2541 1 1348 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | kdump 2989 1 1437 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 348 1 249 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 1223 1 775 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 869 1 669 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 1522 1 912 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | neard 832 1 581 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | networking 1956 1 1036 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ofono 516 1 370 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 6797 1 3015 44.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ppp 1231 1 712 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 647 1 453 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rc 4457 1 2624 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rcS 525 1 447 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 968 1 680 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | reboot 289 1 225 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rpcbind 1827 1 959 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 336 1 269 80.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sendsigs 438 1 310 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | single 578 1 430 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sshd 2061 1 1056 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 907 1 482 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | syslog 1715 1 896 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | tcf-agent 1298 1 741 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | udev 2779 1 1662 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | umountfs 540 1 407 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 711 1 529 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | urandom 1473 1 954 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 991 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | inittab 1034 1 750 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1073 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | bpf_pinning 85 1 88 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | nl_protos 262 1 265 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rt_dsfield 331 1 280 84.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rt_protos 326 1 281 86.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rt_realms 112 1 114 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rt_scopes 92 1 92 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rt_tables 87 1 89 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 55960 1 18169 32.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | classid 1130 1 649 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | pktloc 1532 1 854 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 520 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | limits 827 1 638 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | login.access 2006 1 1329 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | login.defs 10929 1 6457 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 118 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | logrotate.conf 679 1 512 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | dnf 526 1 138 26.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | man.config 4562 1 2828 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | kbdconfig 721 1 553 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | session 613 1 468 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 490 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | netconfig 767 1 475 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | nfsroot 809 1 546 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 968 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | interfaces 615 1 467 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 374 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | phonesim.conf 361 1 311 86.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | passwd 925 1 631 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | passwd- 974 1 663 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | cert8.db 65536 1 370 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | key3.db 16384 1 285 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | secmod.db 16384 1 460 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ip-down 1454 1 1039 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ip-up 1452 1 1038 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 08setupdns 292 1 185 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | provider 1093 1 830 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 466 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | profile 1013 1 816 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 664 1 417 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 291 26.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 757 1 238 31.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 1941 1 1462 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | protocols 2932 1 2130 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | client.conf 1233 1 974 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 375 83.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1620 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 4929 1 2732 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 2046 1 1336 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 931 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 203 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | quotatab 261 1 226 86.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rpc 895 1 684 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rpmrc 73 1 65 89.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | securetty 1848 1 1304 70.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | services 19199 1 10790 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | shadow 576 1 206 35.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | shadow- 608 1 225 37.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | .bashrc 410 1 332 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | .profile 241 1 226 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1052 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | moduli 553185 3 36430 6.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ssh_config 1570 1 1112 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 652 97.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 211 93.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 180 1 175 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 324 78.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 100 1 105 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1657 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sshd_config 3566 1 2221 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2198 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 189070 81.0 105.698 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5180 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sudoers 3174 1 1939 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1939 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | crond 110 1 110 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | kdump.conf 411 1 330 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1211 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 548 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ansi 1481 1 772 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | dumb 308 1 75 24.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | linux 1730 1 1047 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rxvt 2293 1 1591 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | screen 1555 1 928 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | screen-256color 1647 1 975 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sun 1004 1 528 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | vt100 1190 1 762 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | vt102 1184 1 765 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | vt200 1377 1 938 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | vt220 1377 1 938 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | vt52 470 1 247 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2446 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 815 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1416 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | dnf.conf 164 1 126 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2055469 28.5 487.306 1181.283 | LZO1C-1 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 495161 33.6 333.682 878.476 | LZO1C-1 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 43078 30.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18925 29.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3021 22.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 508238 18.1 631.043 1272.155 | LZO1C-1 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 277 35.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1384 34.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2254 27.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 332550 28.4 407.306 876.340 | LZO1C-1 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3250 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15696 28.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1198 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6929 39.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2363 45.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1112 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | mount.blacklist 60 1 50 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | automount.rules 847 1 572 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | autonet.rules 757 1 542 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | local.rules 885 1 665 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | localextra.rules 843 1 619 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 2469 1 1585 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 1402 1 1038 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 50default 2634 1 1184 45.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1531 25.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2226 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 106 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 275 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 177 92.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4692 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2402 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 238 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | libfm.conf 183 1 144 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 284 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | Xserver 652 1 459 70.4 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13203 68.7 269.547 1022.482 LZO1C-1 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3934682 27.6 269.547 1022.482 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-2 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | Xsession 755 1 509 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 550 1 468 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 631 1 407 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 179 1 151 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 181 1 110 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | xinitrc 739 1 444 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | powerbtn 58 1 57 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1273 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | localtime 127 1 59 46.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | hosts 1121 1 915 81.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 849 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ssh.service 1071 1 847 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | perf 5466 1 2630 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | quilt 7117 1 2751 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1913 37.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | input.conf 397 1 353 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | build 533 1 286 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1224 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2353 38.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | pap 653 1 554 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | logrotate 189 1 156 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | crontab 653 1 424 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | session.conf 838 1 635 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | system.conf 833 1 633 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 959 13.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 550 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 707 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | connman.conf 642 1 331 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 428 39.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ofono.conf 997 1 582 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | org.neard.conf 686 1 356 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 861 79.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 82 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 6430 1 4024 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rcS 1040 1 801 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | useradd 117 1 122 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 00_core 1628 1 1038 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1362 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | filesystems 38 1 40 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 231 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | README 978 1 732 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1319 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | config 1032 1 438 42.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | machconfig 95 1 87 91.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | fstab 1102 1 632 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | path 1448 1 902 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | %gconf.xml 235 1 148 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 603 27.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | %gconf.xml 515 1 312 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1696 30.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1809 25.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | group 595 1 526 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | group- 614 1 543 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | gshadow 494 1 371 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | gshadow- 509 1 382 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 791 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 791 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | hosts 237 1 188 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | acpid 728 1 441 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | alsa-state 811 1 532 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | atd 578 1 398 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2585 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 492 1 302 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | bluetooth 1388 1 843 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | bootlogd 1997 1 1240 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 1922 1 1326 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 3591 1 2324 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | connman 1462 1 968 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | crond 1235 1 822 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | dbus-1 2887 1 1802 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 526 1 394 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 352 1 251 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | functions 2141 1 1341 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | halt 510 1 406 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 2541 1 1334 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | kdump 2989 1 1431 47.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 348 1 249 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 1223 1 778 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 869 1 665 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 1522 1 891 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | neard 832 1 582 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | networking 1956 1 1036 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ofono 516 1 373 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 6797 1 2984 43.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ppp 1231 1 702 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 647 1 450 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rc 4457 1 2570 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rcS 525 1 447 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 968 1 676 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | reboot 289 1 224 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 585 1 381 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rpcbind 1827 1 962 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 336 1 270 80.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sendsigs 438 1 306 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | single 578 1 430 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sshd 2061 1 1052 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 907 1 476 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | syslog 1715 1 880 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | tcf-agent 1298 1 741 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | udev 2779 1 1658 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | umountfs 540 1 407 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 711 1 528 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | urandom 1473 1 954 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 992 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | inittab 1034 1 751 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | inputrc 1633 1 1066 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | bpf_pinning 85 1 88 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | nl_protos 262 1 265 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rt_dsfield 331 1 279 84.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rt_protos 326 1 281 86.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rt_scopes 92 1 92 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rt_tables 87 1 89 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 55960 1 17137 30.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | classid 1130 1 650 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | pktloc 1532 1 849 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 511 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | limits 827 1 637 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | login.access 2006 1 1314 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | login.defs 10929 1 6395 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 118 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | logrotate.conf 679 1 510 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | dnf 526 1 138 26.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | man.config 4562 1 2805 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | kbdconfig 721 1 550 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | session 613 1 468 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 488 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | netconfig 767 1 469 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | nfsroot 809 1 543 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 959 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | interfaces 615 1 464 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 374 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | phonesim.conf 361 1 309 85.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | passwd 925 1 629 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | passwd- 974 1 661 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | cert8.db 65536 1 368 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | key3.db 16384 1 282 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | secmod.db 16384 1 459 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ip-down 1454 1 1035 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ip-up 1452 1 1036 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 08setupdns 292 1 185 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | provider 1093 1 830 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 464 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | profile 1013 1 813 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 664 1 412 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | gawk.csh 1107 1 291 26.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 757 1 236 31.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 1941 1 1461 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | protocols 2932 1 2123 72.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | client.conf 1233 1 973 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 376 84.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1601 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 4929 1 2693 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 2046 1 1328 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 928 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 203 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | quotatab 261 1 225 86.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rpc 895 1 680 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rpmrc 73 1 65 89.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | securetty 1848 1 1301 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | services 19199 1 10603 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | shadow 576 1 203 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | shadow- 608 1 222 36.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | .bashrc 410 1 332 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | .profile 241 1 226 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1040 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | moduli 553185 3 29577 5.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ssh_config 1570 1 1100 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 653 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 212 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 180 1 175 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 324 78.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 100 1 105 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1658 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sshd_config 3566 1 2207 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2189 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 187752 80.4 107.833 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5127 47.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sudoers 3174 1 1925 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1925 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | kdump.conf 411 1 330 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1188 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 543 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ansi 1481 1 761 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | linux 1730 1 1024 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rxvt 2293 1 1589 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | screen 1555 1 916 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | screen-256color 1647 1 961 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sun 1004 1 515 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | vt100 1190 1 750 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | vt102 1184 1 756 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | vt200 1377 1 932 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | vt220 1377 1 932 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | vt52 470 1 234 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2421 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | xterm-color 1551 1 797 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1395 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | dnf.conf 164 1 126 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2052559 28.5 468.644 1186.975 | LZO1C-2 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 486416 33.0 323.974 867.524 | LZO1C-2 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 42089 29.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18629 28.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3004 21.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 498587 17.7 612.312 1286.042 | LZO1C-2 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 275 35.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1370 33.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2248 27.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 326375 27.9 394.628 883.566 | LZO1C-2 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3251 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15414 28.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1206 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6832 39.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2334 44.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1116 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | mount.blacklist 60 1 50 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | automount.rules 847 1 572 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | autonet.rules 757 1 542 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | local.rules 885 1 664 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | localextra.rules 843 1 614 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 2469 1 1585 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 1402 1 1041 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 50default 2634 1 1162 44.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1557 26.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2209 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 106 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 275 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 177 92.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4675 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2409 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 238 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | libfm.conf 183 1 144 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 282 87.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | Xserver 652 1 461 70.7 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13070 68.5 267.935 1024.448 LZO1C-2 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3895031 27.3 267.935 1024.448 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-3 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | Xsession 755 1 509 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 550 1 468 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 631 1 407 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 179 1 151 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 181 1 110 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | xinitrc 739 1 444 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | powerbtn 58 1 57 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1264 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | localtime 127 1 59 46.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | hosts 1121 1 910 81.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 844 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ssh.service 1071 1 842 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | perf 5466 1 2622 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | quilt 7117 1 2730 38.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1904 36.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | input.conf 397 1 353 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | build 533 1 289 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1229 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2354 38.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | pap 653 1 549 84.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | logrotate 189 1 156 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | crontab 653 1 420 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | session.conf 838 1 632 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | system.conf 833 1 630 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 966 13.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 552 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 706 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | connman.conf 642 1 333 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 431 39.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ofono.conf 997 1 582 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | org.neard.conf 686 1 356 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 856 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 82 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 6430 1 4005 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rcS 1040 1 798 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | useradd 117 1 122 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 00_core 1628 1 1033 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1352 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | filesystems 38 1 40 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 231 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | README 978 1 728 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1314 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | config 1032 1 437 42.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | machconfig 95 1 87 91.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | fstab 1102 1 634 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | path 1448 1 896 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | %gconf.xml 235 1 148 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 605 28.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | %gconf.xml 515 1 312 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1697 30.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1808 25.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | group 595 1 526 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | group- 614 1 543 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | gshadow 494 1 371 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | gshadow- 509 1 382 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 793 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 793 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | hosts 237 1 188 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | acpid 728 1 439 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | alsa-state 811 1 527 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | atd 578 1 396 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2568 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 492 1 302 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | bluetooth 1388 1 842 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | bootlogd 1997 1 1224 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 1922 1 1331 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 3591 1 2311 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | connman 1462 1 968 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | crond 1235 1 815 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | dbus-1 2887 1 1795 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 526 1 394 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 352 1 251 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | functions 2141 1 1338 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | halt 510 1 406 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 2541 1 1334 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | kdump 2989 1 1426 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 348 1 249 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 1223 1 778 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 869 1 663 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 1522 1 890 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | neard 832 1 586 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | networking 1956 1 1036 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ofono 516 1 374 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 6797 1 2973 43.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ppp 1231 1 698 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 647 1 448 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rc 4457 1 2562 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rcS 525 1 447 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 968 1 675 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | reboot 289 1 224 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rpcbind 1827 1 968 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 336 1 271 80.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sendsigs 438 1 306 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | single 578 1 428 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sshd 2061 1 1050 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 907 1 471 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | syslog 1715 1 877 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | tcf-agent 1298 1 737 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | udev 2779 1 1644 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | umountfs 540 1 405 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 711 1 524 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | urandom 1473 1 954 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 989 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | inittab 1034 1 749 72.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | inputrc 1633 1 1059 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | bpf_pinning 85 1 88 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | nl_protos 262 1 265 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rt_dsfield 331 1 279 84.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rt_protos 326 1 281 86.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rt_scopes 92 1 92 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rt_tables 87 1 89 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 55960 1 17301 30.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | classid 1130 1 650 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | pktloc 1532 1 846 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 513 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | limits 827 1 637 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | login.access 2006 1 1309 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | login.defs 10929 1 6351 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 118 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | logrotate.conf 679 1 510 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | dnf 526 1 138 26.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | man.config 4562 1 2789 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | kbdconfig 721 1 548 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | session 613 1 468 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 492 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | netconfig 767 1 470 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | nfsroot 809 1 541 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 953 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | interfaces 615 1 462 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 374 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | phonesim.conf 361 1 309 85.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | passwd 925 1 622 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | passwd- 974 1 654 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | cert8.db 65536 1 363 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | key3.db 16384 1 279 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | secmod.db 16384 1 455 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ip-down 1454 1 1032 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ip-up 1452 1 1034 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 08setupdns 292 1 185 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | provider 1093 1 822 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 464 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | profile 1013 1 808 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 664 1 410 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | gawk.csh 1107 1 291 26.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 757 1 236 31.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 1941 1 1452 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | protocols 2932 1 2120 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | client.conf 1233 1 965 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 371 83.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1589 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 4929 1 2682 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 2046 1 1318 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 926 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 203 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | quotatab 261 1 225 86.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rpc 895 1 680 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rpmrc 73 1 65 89.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | securetty 1848 1 1297 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | services 19199 1 10541 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | shadow 576 1 203 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | shadow- 608 1 222 36.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | .bashrc 410 1 331 80.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | .profile 241 1 226 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1042 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | moduli 553185 3 29583 5.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ssh_config 1570 1 1095 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 653 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 212 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 180 1 175 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 324 78.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 100 1 105 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1658 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sshd_config 3566 1 2200 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2186 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 187455 80.3 106.338 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5080 46.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sudoers 3174 1 1915 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1915 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | kdump.conf 411 1 332 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1185 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 543 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ansi 1481 1 760 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | linux 1730 1 1020 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rxvt 2293 1 1584 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | screen 1555 1 919 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | screen-256color 1647 1 965 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sun 1004 1 513 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | vt100 1190 1 750 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | vt102 1184 1 755 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | vt200 1377 1 929 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | vt220 1377 1 929 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | vt52 470 1 234 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2419 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | xterm-color 1551 1 797 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1394 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | dnf.conf 164 1 126 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2045854 28.4 442.625 1172.198 | LZO1C-3 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 482560 32.7 317.001 881.499 | LZO1C-3 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 41612 29.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18440 28.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2984 21.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 495929 17.6 600.440 1270.787 | LZO1C-3 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 275 35.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1375 33.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2256 28.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 323965 27.7 381.793 895.524 | LZO1C-3 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3256 40.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15273 27.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1206 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6792 38.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2310 44.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1113 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | mount.blacklist 60 1 50 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | automount.rules 847 1 572 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | autonet.rules 757 1 542 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | local.rules 885 1 664 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | localextra.rules 843 1 614 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 2469 1 1569 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 1402 1 1038 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 50default 2634 1 1158 44.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1542 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2203 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 106 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 275 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 177 92.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4653 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2401 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 238 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | libfm.conf 183 1 144 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 282 87.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | Xserver 652 1 460 70.6 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13012 68.4 261.747 1027.985 LZO1C-3 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3877737 27.2 261.747 1027.985 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-4 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | Xsession 755 1 506 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 550 1 461 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 631 1 400 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 179 1 149 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 181 1 107 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | xinitrc 739 1 428 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1250 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | localtime 127 1 55 43.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | hosts 1121 1 900 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 842 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ssh.service 1071 1 841 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | perf 5466 1 2578 47.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | quilt 7117 1 2671 37.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1869 36.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | input.conf 397 1 348 87.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | build 533 1 282 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1235 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2286 37.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | pap 653 1 548 83.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | logrotate 189 1 155 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | crontab 653 1 423 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | session.conf 838 1 630 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | system.conf 833 1 630 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 960 13.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 549 48.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 696 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | connman.conf 642 1 328 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 413 37.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ofono.conf 997 1 569 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | org.neard.conf 686 1 352 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 846 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 6430 1 3915 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rcS 1040 1 786 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 00_core 1628 1 1005 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1313 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 218 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | README 978 1 717 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1299 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | config 1032 1 441 42.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | fstab 1102 1 623 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | path 1448 1 884 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | %gconf.xml 235 1 147 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 600 27.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | %gconf.xml 515 1 312 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1618 28.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1794 24.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | group 595 1 520 87.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | group- 614 1 537 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | gshadow 494 1 366 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | gshadow- 509 1 377 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 783 88.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 783 88.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | hosts 237 1 186 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | acpid 728 1 440 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | alsa-state 811 1 535 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | atd 578 1 396 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2499 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 492 1 295 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | bluetooth 1388 1 833 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | bootlogd 1997 1 1231 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 1922 1 1296 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 3591 1 2263 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | connman 1462 1 960 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | crond 1235 1 810 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | dbus-1 2887 1 1769 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 526 1 383 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 352 1 246 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | functions 2141 1 1332 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | halt 510 1 401 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 580 1 424 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 2541 1 1308 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | kdump 2989 1 1418 47.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 348 1 247 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 1223 1 754 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 869 1 655 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 1522 1 882 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | neard 832 1 576 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | networking 1956 1 1014 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ofono 516 1 367 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 6797 1 2955 43.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ppp 1231 1 685 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 647 1 445 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rc 4457 1 2504 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rcS 525 1 444 84.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 968 1 671 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 585 1 376 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rpcbind 1827 1 951 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 336 1 273 81.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sendsigs 438 1 300 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | single 578 1 421 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sshd 2061 1 1033 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 907 1 471 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | syslog 1715 1 870 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | tcf-agent 1298 1 734 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | udev 2779 1 1634 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | umountfs 540 1 403 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 711 1 514 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | urandom 1473 1 921 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 972 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | inittab 1034 1 734 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | inputrc 1633 1 1047 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rt_protos 326 1 274 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 55960 1 16825 30.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | classid 1130 1 633 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | pktloc 1532 1 855 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 509 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | limits 827 1 629 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | login.access 2006 1 1295 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | login.defs 10929 1 6140 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | logrotate.conf 679 1 502 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | dnf 526 1 136 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | man.config 4562 1 2717 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | kbdconfig 721 1 538 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | session 613 1 464 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 490 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | netconfig 767 1 456 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | nfsroot 809 1 539 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 934 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | interfaces 615 1 449 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 372 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | phonesim.conf 361 1 306 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | passwd 925 1 617 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | passwd- 974 1 646 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | cert8.db 65536 1 366 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | key3.db 16384 1 281 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | secmod.db 16384 1 453 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ip-down 1454 1 1008 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ip-up 1452 1 1006 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 08setupdns 292 1 185 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | provider 1093 1 808 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 454 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | profile 1013 1 803 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 664 1 408 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | gawk.csh 1107 1 283 25.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 757 1 231 30.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 1941 1 1434 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | protocols 2932 1 2062 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | client.conf 1233 1 955 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 365 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1559 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 4929 1 2594 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 2046 1 1299 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 912 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 201 91.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | quotatab 261 1 222 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rpc 895 1 669 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | securetty 1848 1 1218 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | services 19199 1 10429 54.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | shadow 576 1 201 34.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | shadow- 608 1 220 36.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | .bashrc 410 1 327 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1028 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | moduli 553185 3 28844 5.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ssh_config 1570 1 1084 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 652 97.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 608 1 612 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 210 92.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 322 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1660 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 400 1 406 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sshd_config 3566 1 2144 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2131 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 186652 80.0 86.557 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4958 45.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sudoers 3174 1 1863 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1863 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | kdump.conf 411 1 330 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1172 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 543 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ansi 1481 1 741 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | dumb 308 1 70 22.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | linux 1730 1 1029 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rxvt 2293 1 1561 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | screen 1555 1 914 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | screen-256color 1647 1 953 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sun 1004 1 504 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | vt100 1190 1 726 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | vt102 1184 1 736 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | vt200 1377 1 925 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | vt220 1377 1 925 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | vt52 470 1 230 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2351 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | xterm-color 1551 1 795 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1377 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | dnf.conf 164 1 126 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2002133 27.8 356.152 1125.092 | LZO1C-4 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 473182 32.1 245.665 787.237 | LZO1C-4 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 41171 28.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18165 28.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3021 22.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 503368 17.9 495.845 1210.030 | LZO1C-4 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 276 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1341 33.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2219 27.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 322080 27.5 302.987 851.407 | LZO1C-4 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3222 39.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15287 27.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1178 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6739 38.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2275 43.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1079 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | automount.rules 847 1 566 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | autonet.rules 757 1 539 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | local.rules 885 1 661 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | localextra.rules 843 1 606 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 2469 1 1538 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 1402 1 1019 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 50default 2634 1 1128 42.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1514 25.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2155 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4552 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2378 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 238 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | libfm.conf 183 1 146 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 281 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | Xserver 652 1 461 70.7 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12832 67.7 210.538 961.531 LZO1C-4 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3824063 26.8 210.538 961.531 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-5 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | Xsession 755 1 512 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 550 1 462 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 631 1 398 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 179 1 149 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 181 1 107 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | xinitrc 739 1 440 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1241 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | localtime 127 1 57 44.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | hosts 1121 1 900 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 838 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ssh.service 1071 1 843 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | perf 5466 1 2561 46.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | quilt 7117 1 2660 37.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1852 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | input.conf 397 1 343 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | build 533 1 282 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1229 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2291 37.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | pap 653 1 536 82.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | logrotate 189 1 153 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | crontab 653 1 425 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | session.conf 838 1 627 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | system.conf 833 1 623 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 950 13.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 546 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 691 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | connman.conf 642 1 332 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 424 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ofono.conf 997 1 565 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | org.neard.conf 686 1 353 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 842 77.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 6430 1 3857 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rcS 1040 1 784 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 00_core 1628 1 999 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1292 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 218 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | README 978 1 712 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1271 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | config 1032 1 436 42.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | fstab 1102 1 629 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | path 1448 1 873 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | %gconf.xml 235 1 147 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 603 27.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | %gconf.xml 515 1 317 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1628 28.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1770 24.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | group 595 1 517 86.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | group- 614 1 534 87.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | gshadow 494 1 368 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | gshadow- 509 1 379 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 779 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 779 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | hosts 237 1 186 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | acpid 728 1 435 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | alsa-state 811 1 529 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | atd 578 1 387 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2469 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 492 1 296 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | bluetooth 1388 1 835 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | bootlogd 1997 1 1213 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 1922 1 1291 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 3591 1 2236 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | connman 1462 1 952 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | crond 1235 1 803 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | dbus-1 2887 1 1751 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 526 1 384 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 352 1 244 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | functions 2141 1 1307 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | halt 510 1 401 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 580 1 424 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 2541 1 1284 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | kdump 2989 1 1409 47.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 348 1 247 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 1223 1 763 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 869 1 657 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 1522 1 866 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | neard 832 1 577 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | networking 1956 1 1010 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ofono 516 1 369 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 6797 1 2890 42.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ppp 1231 1 681 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 647 1 444 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rc 4457 1 2490 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rcS 525 1 443 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 968 1 667 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 585 1 374 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rpcbind 1827 1 952 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 336 1 267 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sendsigs 438 1 300 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | single 578 1 423 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sshd 2061 1 1023 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 907 1 473 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | syslog 1715 1 869 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | tcf-agent 1298 1 718 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | udev 2779 1 1601 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | umountfs 540 1 401 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 711 1 514 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | urandom 1473 1 921 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 967 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | inittab 1034 1 733 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | inputrc 1633 1 1042 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rt_protos 326 1 274 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 55960 1 18814 33.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | classid 1130 1 633 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | pktloc 1532 1 849 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 511 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | limits 827 1 627 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | login.access 2006 1 1269 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | login.defs 10929 1 6020 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | logrotate.conf 679 1 506 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | dnf 526 1 136 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | man.config 4562 1 2691 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | kbdconfig 721 1 537 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | session 613 1 464 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 482 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | netconfig 767 1 456 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | nfsroot 809 1 526 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 944 47.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | interfaces 615 1 448 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 371 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | phonesim.conf 361 1 306 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | passwd 925 1 605 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | passwd- 974 1 634 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | cert8.db 65536 1 370 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | key3.db 16384 1 285 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | secmod.db 16384 1 454 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ip-down 1454 1 1007 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ip-up 1452 1 1004 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 08setupdns 292 1 187 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | provider 1093 1 800 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 454 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | profile 1013 1 791 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 664 1 400 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | gawk.csh 1107 1 294 26.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 757 1 239 31.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 1941 1 1423 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | protocols 2932 1 2051 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | client.conf 1233 1 947 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 364 81.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1547 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 4929 1 2585 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 2046 1 1287 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 907 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 200 90.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | quotatab 261 1 222 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rpc 895 1 669 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | securetty 1848 1 1205 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | services 19199 1 10286 53.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | shadow 576 1 198 34.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | shadow- 608 1 217 35.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | .bashrc 410 1 326 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1021 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | moduli 553185 3 28659 5.2 1041.693 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ssh_config 1570 1 1078 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 653 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 211 93.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 322 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1660 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 400 1 406 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sshd_config 3566 1 2132 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2110 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 186335 79.8 89.883 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4875 45.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sudoers 3174 1 1851 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1851 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | kdump.conf 411 1 330 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1146 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 541 83.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ansi 1481 1 743 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | linux 1730 1 1009 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rxvt 2293 1 1544 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | screen 1555 1 904 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | screen-256color 1647 1 951 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sun 1004 1 492 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | vt100 1190 1 726 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | vt102 1184 1 733 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | vt200 1377 1 916 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | vt220 1377 1 916 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | vt52 470 1 229 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2337 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | xterm-color 1551 1 790 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1363 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | dnf.conf 164 1 126 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1992532 27.6 358.559 1162.072 | LZO1C-5 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 467311 31.7 253.757 806.845 | LZO1C-5 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 40687 28.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 18005 27.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3031 22.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 497709 17.7 490.309 1208.565 | LZO1C-5 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 276 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1352 33.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2218 27.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 318430 27.2 303.613 843.694 | LZO1C-5 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3172 39.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 14968 27.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1181 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6586 37.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2260 43.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1072 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | automount.rules 847 1 564 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | autonet.rules 757 1 537 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | local.rules 885 1 656 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | localextra.rules 843 1 604 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 2469 1 1531 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 1402 1 1014 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 50default 2634 1 1121 42.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1517 25.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2123 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4517 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2361 47.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 238 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | libfm.conf 183 1 143 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 275 85.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | Xserver 652 1 458 70.2 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12745 67.5 248.463 972.616 LZO1C-5 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3798161 26.6 248.463 972.616 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-6 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | Xsession 755 1 505 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 550 1 461 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 631 1 397 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 179 1 149 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 181 1 107 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | xinitrc 739 1 429 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1229 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | localtime 127 1 57 44.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | hosts 1121 1 891 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 839 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ssh.service 1071 1 842 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | perf 5466 1 2525 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | quilt 7117 1 2627 36.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1842 35.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | input.conf 397 1 343 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | build 533 1 288 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1211 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2287 37.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | pap 653 1 537 82.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | logrotate 189 1 154 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | crontab 653 1 422 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | session.conf 838 1 622 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | system.conf 833 1 618 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 928 12.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 546 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 691 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | connman.conf 642 1 331 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 432 39.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ofono.conf 997 1 567 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | org.neard.conf 686 1 356 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 843 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 6430 1 3828 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rcS 1040 1 778 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 00_core 1628 1 978 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1300 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 216 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | README 978 1 711 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1259 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | config 1032 1 436 42.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | fstab 1102 1 619 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | path 1448 1 865 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | %gconf.xml 235 1 147 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 598 27.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | %gconf.xml 515 1 313 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1621 28.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1771 24.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | group 595 1 517 86.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | group- 614 1 533 86.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | gshadow 494 1 366 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | gshadow- 509 1 377 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 777 87.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 777 87.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | hosts 237 1 184 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | acpid 728 1 433 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | alsa-state 811 1 525 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | atd 578 1 391 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2459 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 492 1 294 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | bluetooth 1388 1 832 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | bootlogd 1997 1 1206 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 1922 1 1287 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 3591 1 2218 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | connman 1462 1 941 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | crond 1235 1 804 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | dbus-1 2887 1 1735 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 526 1 384 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 352 1 244 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | functions 2141 1 1310 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | halt 510 1 400 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 580 1 422 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 2541 1 1291 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | kdump 2989 1 1397 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 348 1 247 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 1223 1 756 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 869 1 647 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 1522 1 854 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | neard 832 1 572 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | networking 1956 1 998 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ofono 516 1 366 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 6797 1 2867 42.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ppp 1231 1 674 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 647 1 443 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rc 4457 1 2468 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rcS 525 1 443 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 968 1 667 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 585 1 374 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rpcbind 1827 1 949 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 336 1 266 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sendsigs 438 1 300 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | single 578 1 421 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sshd 2061 1 1021 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 907 1 470 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | syslog 1715 1 860 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | tcf-agent 1298 1 724 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | udev 2779 1 1594 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | umountfs 540 1 401 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 711 1 516 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | urandom 1473 1 917 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 959 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | inittab 1034 1 728 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | inputrc 1633 1 1022 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rt_protos 326 1 274 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 55960 1 18518 33.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | classid 1130 1 634 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | pktloc 1532 1 837 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 509 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | limits 827 1 629 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | login.access 2006 1 1258 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | login.defs 10929 1 5990 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | logrotate.conf 679 1 501 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | dnf 526 1 136 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | man.config 4562 1 2665 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | kbdconfig 721 1 537 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | session 613 1 461 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 480 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | netconfig 767 1 451 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | nfsroot 809 1 531 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 928 46.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | interfaces 615 1 449 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 368 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | phonesim.conf 361 1 304 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | passwd 925 1 585 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | passwd- 974 1 620 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | cert8.db 65536 1 368 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | key3.db 16384 1 279 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | secmod.db 16384 1 454 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ip-down 1454 1 1009 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ip-up 1452 1 1007 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 08setupdns 292 1 186 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | provider 1093 1 790 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 450 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | profile 1013 1 789 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 664 1 400 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | gawk.csh 1107 1 288 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 757 1 232 30.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 1941 1 1416 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | protocols 2932 1 2036 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | client.conf 1233 1 941 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 361 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1536 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 4929 1 2562 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 2046 1 1294 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 907 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 200 90.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | quotatab 261 1 224 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rpc 895 1 669 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | securetty 1848 1 1198 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | services 19199 1 10037 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | shadow 576 1 197 34.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | shadow- 608 1 216 35.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | .bashrc 410 1 326 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1020 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | moduli 553185 3 28603 5.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ssh_config 1570 1 1067 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 652 97.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 211 93.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 321 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1659 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 400 1 406 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sshd_config 3566 1 2103 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2082 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 185558 79.5 85.299 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4820 44.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sudoers 3174 1 1843 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1843 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | kdump.conf 411 1 330 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1149 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 539 82.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ansi 1481 1 740 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | linux 1730 1 1002 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rxvt 2293 1 1542 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | screen 1555 1 908 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | screen-256color 1647 1 946 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sun 1004 1 493 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | vt100 1190 1 725 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | vt102 1184 1 733 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | vt200 1377 1 914 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | vt220 1377 1 914 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | vt52 470 1 229 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2298 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | xterm-color 1551 1 785 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1356 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | dnf.conf 164 1 126 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1978596 27.5 315.530 1142.500 | LZO1C-6 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 463397 31.4 232.147 796.522 | LZO1C-6 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 40183 28.0 285.893 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 17817 27.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2969 21.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 493628 17.6 461.410 1221.109 | LZO1C-6 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 276 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1330 32.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2228 27.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 315262 26.9 284.217 858.939 | LZO1C-6 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3183 39.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 14839 27.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1166 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6518 37.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2231 42.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1064 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | automount.rules 847 1 558 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | autonet.rules 757 1 531 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | local.rules 885 1 649 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | localextra.rules 843 1 596 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 2469 1 1522 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 1402 1 1008 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 50default 2634 1 1121 42.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1480 24.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2136 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4493 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2319 46.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 236 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | libfm.conf 183 1 143 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 274 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | Xserver 652 1 457 70.1 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12649 67.3 211.387 972.317 LZO1C-6 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3769596 26.4 211.387 972.317 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-7 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | Xsession 755 1 509 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 550 1 462 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 631 1 398 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 179 1 149 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 181 1 107 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | xinitrc 739 1 425 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1231 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | localtime 127 1 56 44.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | hosts 1121 1 888 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 837 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ssh.service 1071 1 838 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | perf 5466 1 2492 45.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | quilt 7117 1 2595 36.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1814 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | input.conf 397 1 343 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | build 533 1 282 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1208 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2245 36.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | pap 653 1 536 82.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | logrotate 189 1 153 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | crontab 653 1 414 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | session.conf 838 1 624 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | system.conf 833 1 621 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 941 12.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 529 46.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 690 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | connman.conf 642 1 329 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 413 37.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ofono.conf 997 1 564 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | org.neard.conf 686 1 350 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 837 77.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 6430 1 3824 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rcS 1040 1 778 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 00_core 1628 1 993 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1272 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 216 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | README 978 1 707 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1260 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | config 1032 1 437 42.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | fstab 1102 1 619 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | path 1448 1 867 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | %gconf.xml 235 1 147 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 599 27.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | %gconf.xml 515 1 311 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1603 28.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1763 24.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | group 595 1 515 86.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | group- 614 1 532 86.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | gshadow 494 1 368 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | gshadow- 509 1 379 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 778 87.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 778 87.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | hosts 237 1 186 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | acpid 728 1 433 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | alsa-state 811 1 525 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | atd 578 1 386 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2457 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 492 1 296 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | bluetooth 1388 1 833 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | bootlogd 1997 1 1204 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 1922 1 1283 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 3591 1 2217 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | connman 1462 1 942 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | crond 1235 1 795 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | dbus-1 2887 1 1728 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 526 1 385 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 352 1 244 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | functions 2141 1 1316 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | halt 510 1 400 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 2541 1 1286 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | kdump 2989 1 1397 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 348 1 247 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 1223 1 758 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 869 1 652 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 1522 1 864 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | neard 832 1 575 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | networking 1956 1 1007 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ofono 516 1 369 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 6797 1 2865 42.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ppp 1231 1 687 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 647 1 444 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rc 4457 1 2477 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rcS 525 1 444 84.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 968 1 661 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 585 1 374 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rpcbind 1827 1 946 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 336 1 264 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sendsigs 438 1 299 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | single 578 1 421 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sshd 2061 1 1010 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 907 1 468 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | syslog 1715 1 856 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | tcf-agent 1298 1 718 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | udev 2779 1 1586 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | umountfs 540 1 402 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 711 1 515 72.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | urandom 1473 1 914 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 965 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | inittab 1034 1 733 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | inputrc 1633 1 1020 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rt_protos 326 1 274 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 55960 1 16905 30.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | classid 1130 1 633 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | pktloc 1532 1 838 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 510 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | limits 827 1 625 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | login.access 2006 1 1253 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | login.defs 10929 1 5900 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | logrotate.conf 679 1 499 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | dnf 526 1 136 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | man.config 4562 1 2647 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | kbdconfig 721 1 535 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | session 613 1 464 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 481 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | netconfig 767 1 457 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | nfsroot 809 1 529 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 928 46.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | interfaces 615 1 451 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 370 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | phonesim.conf 361 1 306 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | passwd 925 1 602 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | passwd- 974 1 631 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | cert8.db 65536 1 371 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | key3.db 16384 1 288 1.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | secmod.db 16384 1 458 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ip-down 1454 1 998 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ip-up 1452 1 999 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 08setupdns 292 1 187 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | provider 1093 1 795 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 451 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | profile 1013 1 791 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 664 1 400 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | gawk.csh 1107 1 285 25.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 757 1 228 30.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 1941 1 1412 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | protocols 2932 1 2040 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | client.conf 1233 1 947 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 361 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1545 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 4929 1 2550 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 2046 1 1280 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 902 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 200 90.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | quotatab 261 1 222 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rpc 895 1 669 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | securetty 1848 1 1197 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | services 19199 1 10144 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | shadow 576 1 198 34.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | shadow- 608 1 217 35.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | .bashrc 410 1 326 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1017 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | moduli 553185 3 28721 5.2 738.749 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ssh_config 1570 1 1074 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 651 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 209 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 318 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1657 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sshd_config 3566 1 2111 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2088 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 185673 79.6 54.210 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4802 44.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sudoers 3174 1 1829 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1829 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | kdump.conf 411 1 330 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1146 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 541 83.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ansi 1481 1 750 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | linux 1730 1 1003 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rxvt 2293 1 1533 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | screen 1555 1 897 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | screen-256color 1647 1 945 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sun 1004 1 496 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | vt100 1190 1 723 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | vt102 1184 1 732 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | vt200 1377 1 911 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | vt220 1377 1 911 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | vt52 470 1 231 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2321 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | xterm-color 1551 1 783 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1354 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | dnf.conf 164 1 126 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1962711 27.2 223.752 1101.852 | LZO1C-7 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 465064 31.5 172.684 815.487 | LZO1C-7 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 40564 28.3 215.291 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 17891 27.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3032 22.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 504138 17.9 347.756 1202.166 | LZO1C-7 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 276 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1342 33.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2214 27.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 318719 27.2 207.349 857.497 | LZO1C-7 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3161 39.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 14785 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1162 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6543 37.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2248 42.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1069 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | automount.rules 847 1 564 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | autonet.rules 757 1 537 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | local.rules 885 1 656 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | localextra.rules 843 1 604 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 2469 1 1536 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 1402 1 1007 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 50default 2634 1 1122 42.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1456 24.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2107 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4488 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2338 47.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 238 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | libfm.conf 183 1 143 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 275 85.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | Xserver 652 1 456 69.9 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12644 67.2 165.079 968.092 LZO1C-7 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3768192 26.4 165.079 968.092 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-8 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | Xsession 755 1 513 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 550 1 461 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 631 1 395 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 179 1 149 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 181 1 104 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | xinitrc 739 1 429 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1225 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | localtime 127 1 55 43.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | hosts 1121 1 878 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 838 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ssh.service 1071 1 838 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | perf 5466 1 2472 45.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | quilt 7117 1 2579 36.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1788 34.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | input.conf 397 1 343 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | build 533 1 282 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1191 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2237 36.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | pap 653 1 536 82.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | logrotate 189 1 154 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | crontab 653 1 410 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | session.conf 838 1 617 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | system.conf 833 1 612 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 928 12.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 546 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 690 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | connman.conf 642 1 335 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 427 39.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ofono.conf 997 1 565 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | org.neard.conf 686 1 350 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 839 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 6430 1 3774 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rcS 1040 1 771 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 00_core 1628 1 982 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1298 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 219 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | README 978 1 705 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1254 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | config 1032 1 438 42.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | fstab 1102 1 617 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | path 1448 1 864 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | %gconf.xml 235 1 147 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 597 27.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | %gconf.xml 515 1 313 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1575 28.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1778 24.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | group 595 1 514 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | group- 614 1 530 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | gshadow 494 1 364 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | gshadow- 509 1 375 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 776 87.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 776 87.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | hosts 237 1 186 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | acpid 728 1 434 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | alsa-state 811 1 517 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | atd 578 1 388 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2442 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 492 1 291 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | bluetooth 1388 1 833 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | bootlogd 1997 1 1199 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 1922 1 1279 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 3591 1 2197 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | connman 1462 1 933 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | crond 1235 1 797 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | dbus-1 2887 1 1720 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 526 1 378 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | functions 2141 1 1302 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | halt 510 1 398 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 580 1 423 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 2541 1 1277 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | kdump 2989 1 1385 46.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 348 1 247 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 1223 1 759 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 869 1 644 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 1522 1 850 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | neard 832 1 576 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | networking 1956 1 999 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ofono 516 1 366 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 6797 1 2846 41.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ppp 1231 1 670 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 647 1 441 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rc 4457 1 2447 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rcS 525 1 445 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 968 1 664 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | reboot 289 1 220 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 585 1 374 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rpcbind 1827 1 938 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 336 1 264 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sendsigs 438 1 297 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | single 578 1 420 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sshd 2061 1 1013 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 907 1 466 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | syslog 1715 1 857 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | tcf-agent 1298 1 715 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | udev 2779 1 1575 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | umountfs 540 1 401 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 711 1 514 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | urandom 1473 1 917 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 953 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | inittab 1034 1 729 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | inputrc 1633 1 1017 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rt_protos 326 1 274 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 55960 1 18968 33.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | classid 1130 1 631 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | pktloc 1532 1 819 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 505 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | limits 827 1 625 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | login.access 2006 1 1247 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | login.defs 10929 1 5877 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | logrotate.conf 679 1 494 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | dnf 526 1 136 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | man.config 4562 1 2612 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | kbdconfig 721 1 535 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | session 613 1 461 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 476 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | netconfig 767 1 443 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | nfsroot 809 1 523 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 925 46.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | interfaces 615 1 449 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 367 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | phonesim.conf 361 1 304 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | passwd 925 1 579 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | passwd- 974 1 614 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | cert8.db 65536 1 367 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | key3.db 16384 1 279 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | secmod.db 16384 1 453 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ip-down 1454 1 997 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ip-up 1452 1 999 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 08setupdns 292 1 184 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | provider 1093 1 785 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 448 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | profile 1013 1 783 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 664 1 399 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | gawk.csh 1107 1 275 24.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 757 1 226 29.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 1941 1 1411 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | protocols 2932 1 2029 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | client.conf 1233 1 933 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 361 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1516 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 4929 1 2533 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 2046 1 1273 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 902 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 200 90.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | quotatab 261 1 224 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rpc 895 1 668 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | securetty 1848 1 1198 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | services 19199 1 9854 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | shadow 576 1 200 34.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | shadow- 608 1 219 36.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | .bashrc 410 1 329 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1013 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | moduli 553185 3 28656 5.2 831.600 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ssh_config 1570 1 1065 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 653 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 210 92.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 319 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1659 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 400 1 406 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sshd_config 3566 1 2081 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2066 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 184413 79.0 58.560 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4752 43.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sudoers 3174 1 1817 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1817 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | kdump.conf 411 1 330 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1148 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 539 82.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ansi 1481 1 738 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | linux 1730 1 1000 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rxvt 2293 1 1539 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | screen 1555 1 892 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | screen-256color 1647 1 936 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sun 1004 1 491 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | vt100 1190 1 725 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | vt102 1184 1 728 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | vt200 1377 1 909 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | vt220 1377 1 909 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | vt52 470 1 232 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2281 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | xterm-color 1551 1 779 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1352 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | dnf.conf 164 1 126 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1945793 27.0 229.896 1141.627 | LZO1C-8 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 459858 31.2 173.106 815.389 | LZO1C-8 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 39801 27.8 208.314 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 17694 27.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3012 22.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 497512 17.7 342.629 1200.780 | LZO1C-8 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 276 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1328 32.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2231 27.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 313105 26.8 209.108 860.070 | LZO1C-8 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3180 39.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 14675 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1162 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6462 36.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2220 42.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1052 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | automount.rules 847 1 556 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | autonet.rules 757 1 527 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | local.rules 885 1 647 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | localextra.rules 843 1 594 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 2469 1 1514 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 1402 1 1004 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 50default 2634 1 1099 41.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1485 24.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2087 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4456 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2296 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 236 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | libfm.conf 183 1 143 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 274 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | Xserver 652 1 453 69.5 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12523 67.0 171.121 976.124 LZO1C-8 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3731990 26.2 171.121 976.124 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-9 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | Xsession 755 1 505 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 550 1 459 83.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 631 1 389 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 179 1 149 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 181 1 104 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | xinitrc 739 1 417 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1219 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | localtime 127 1 51 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | hosts 1121 1 877 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 832 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ssh.service 1071 1 832 77.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | perf 5466 1 2442 44.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | quilt 7117 1 2573 36.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1769 34.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | input.conf 397 1 343 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | build 533 1 283 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1187 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2193 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | pap 653 1 533 81.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | logrotate 189 1 152 80.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | crontab 653 1 412 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | session.conf 838 1 615 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | system.conf 833 1 612 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 899 12.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 532 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 681 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | connman.conf 642 1 326 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 397 36.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ofono.conf 997 1 562 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | org.neard.conf 686 1 341 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 833 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 6430 1 3758 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rcS 1040 1 771 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 00_core 1628 1 984 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1275 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 215 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | README 978 1 703 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1240 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | config 1032 1 434 42.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | fstab 1102 1 611 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | path 1448 1 848 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | %gconf.xml 235 1 147 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 584 27.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | %gconf.xml 515 1 309 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1570 27.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1742 24.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | group 595 1 514 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | group- 614 1 530 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | gshadow 494 1 361 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | gshadow- 509 1 372 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 776 87.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 776 87.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | hosts 237 1 184 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | acpid 728 1 434 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | alsa-state 811 1 517 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | atd 578 1 387 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2404 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 492 1 290 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | bluetooth 1388 1 828 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | bootlogd 1997 1 1198 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 1922 1 1284 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 3591 1 2177 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | connman 1462 1 928 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | crond 1235 1 788 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | dbus-1 2887 1 1720 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 526 1 378 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 352 1 244 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | functions 2141 1 1294 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | halt 510 1 398 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 580 1 422 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 2541 1 1248 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | kdump 2989 1 1369 45.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 348 1 247 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 1223 1 748 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 869 1 645 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 1522 1 843 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | neard 832 1 572 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | networking 1956 1 987 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ofono 516 1 364 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 6797 1 2850 41.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ppp 1231 1 668 54.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 647 1 441 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rc 4457 1 2431 54.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rcS 525 1 442 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 968 1 655 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | reboot 289 1 220 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 585 1 372 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rpcbind 1827 1 929 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 336 1 263 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sendsigs 438 1 296 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | single 578 1 420 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sshd 2061 1 1000 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 907 1 460 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | syslog 1715 1 858 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | tcf-agent 1298 1 713 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | udev 2779 1 1567 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | umountfs 540 1 401 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 711 1 512 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | urandom 1473 1 903 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 953 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | inittab 1034 1 725 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | inputrc 1633 1 1005 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rt_protos 326 1 274 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 55960 1 17396 31.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | classid 1130 1 621 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | pktloc 1532 1 816 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 500 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | limits 827 1 624 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | login.access 2006 1 1247 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | login.defs 10929 1 5847 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | logrotate.conf 679 1 494 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | dnf 526 1 136 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | man.config 4562 1 2600 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | kbdconfig 721 1 535 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | session 613 1 461 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 479 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | netconfig 767 1 441 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | nfsroot 809 1 520 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 915 45.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | interfaces 615 1 446 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 367 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | phonesim.conf 361 1 304 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | passwd 925 1 576 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | passwd- 974 1 611 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | cert8.db 65536 1 364 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | key3.db 16384 1 277 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | secmod.db 16384 1 451 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ip-down 1454 1 992 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ip-up 1452 1 989 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 08setupdns 292 1 182 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | provider 1093 1 787 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 447 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | profile 1013 1 783 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 664 1 396 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | gawk.csh 1107 1 274 24.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 757 1 225 29.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 1941 1 1407 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | protocols 2932 1 2032 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | client.conf 1233 1 931 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 361 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1513 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 4929 1 2521 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 2046 1 1269 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 894 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 198 90.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | quotatab 261 1 224 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rpc 895 1 667 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | securetty 1848 1 1193 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | services 19199 1 9831 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | shadow 576 1 200 34.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | shadow- 608 1 219 36.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | .bashrc 410 1 326 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | slsh.rc 2030 1 996 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | moduli 553185 3 26925 4.9 540.519 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ssh_config 1570 1 1057 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 652 97.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 210 92.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 319 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1658 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 400 1 406 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sshd_config 3566 1 2065 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2053 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 184049 78.9 82.402 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4694 43.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sudoers 3174 1 1795 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1795 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | kdump.conf 411 1 330 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1129 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 538 82.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ansi 1481 1 725 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | linux 1730 1 1000 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rxvt 2293 1 1533 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | screen 1555 1 885 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | screen-256color 1647 1 926 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sun 1004 1 487 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | vt100 1190 1 717 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | vt102 1184 1 722 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | vt200 1377 1 896 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | vt220 1377 1 896 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | vt52 470 1 228 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2279 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | xterm-color 1551 1 777 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1344 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | dnf.conf 164 1 126 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1920032 26.6 230.171 1159.860 | LZO1C-9 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 455643 30.9 162.594 821.572 | LZO1C-9 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 39265 27.4 185.126 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 17492 27.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2880 21.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 465691 16.6 284.293 1279.358 | LZO1C-9 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 274 35.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1300 32.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2152 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 302898 25.9 190.193 879.744 | LZO1C-9 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3108 38.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 14445 26.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1155 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6386 36.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2205 42.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1057 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | automount.rules 847 1 558 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | autonet.rules 757 1 529 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | local.rules 885 1 649 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | localextra.rules 843 1 594 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 2469 1 1501 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 1402 1 1006 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 50default 2634 1 1090 41.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1462 24.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2066 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4389 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2291 46.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 236 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | libfm.conf 183 1 143 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 274 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | Xserver 652 1 451 69.2 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12260 66.8 181.077 1000.578 LZO1C-9 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3653685 25.6 181.077 1000.578 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1F-1 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | Xsession 755 1 500 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 550 1 466 84.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 631 1 405 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 179 1 151 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 181 1 110 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | xinitrc 739 1 431 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | powerbtn 58 1 56 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | at.deny 144 1 128 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1251 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | localtime 127 1 58 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | hosts 1121 1 902 80.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 836 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ssh.service 1071 1 834 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | bash_completion 45 1 39 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | perf 5466 1 2631 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | quilt 7117 1 2731 38.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1889 36.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | input.conf 397 1 345 86.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | build 533 1 284 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1197 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2358 38.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | pap 653 1 545 83.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | logrotate 189 1 155 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | crontab 653 1 420 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | session.conf 838 1 621 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | system.conf 833 1 619 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 956 13.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 538 47.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 700 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | connman.conf 642 1 330 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 428 39.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ofono.conf 997 1 579 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | org.neard.conf 686 1 355 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 847 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 82 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 6430 1 4072 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rcS 1040 1 787 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | useradd 117 1 122 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 00_core 1628 1 1025 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1323 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | filesystems 38 1 40 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 229 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | README 978 1 713 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1315 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | config 1032 1 437 42.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | machconfig 95 1 87 91.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | fstab 1102 1 625 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | path 1448 1 886 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | %gconf.xml 235 1 147 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 599 27.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | %gconf.xml 515 1 306 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1711 30.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1823 25.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | group 595 1 509 85.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | group- 614 1 526 85.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | gshadow 494 1 357 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | gshadow- 509 1 368 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 783 88.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 783 88.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | hosts 237 1 187 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | acpid 728 1 430 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | alsa-state 811 1 517 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | atd 578 1 388 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2522 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 492 1 305 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | bluetooth 1388 1 843 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1208 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 1922 1 1330 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 3591 1 2267 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | connman 1462 1 950 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | crond 1235 1 801 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | dbus-1 2887 1 1769 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 526 1 388 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 352 1 250 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | functions 2141 1 1325 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | halt 510 1 404 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 2541 1 1322 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | kdump 2989 1 1398 46.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 348 1 248 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 1223 1 768 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 869 1 658 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 1522 1 890 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | neard 832 1 570 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | networking 1956 1 1014 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ofono 516 1 363 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 6797 1 3018 44.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ppp 1231 1 690 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 647 1 451 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rc 4457 1 2582 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rcS 525 1 441 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 968 1 671 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | reboot 289 1 224 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 585 1 377 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rpcbind 1827 1 939 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 336 1 266 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sendsigs 438 1 307 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | single 578 1 424 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sshd 2061 1 1029 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 907 1 476 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | syslog 1715 1 878 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | tcf-agent 1298 1 724 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | udev 2779 1 1619 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | umountfs 540 1 400 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 711 1 525 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | urandom 1473 1 931 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 969 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | inittab 1034 1 743 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1043 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | bpf_pinning 85 1 88 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | nl_protos 262 1 264 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rt_dsfield 331 1 260 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rt_protos 326 1 280 85.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rt_realms 112 1 114 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rt_scopes 92 1 92 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rt_tables 87 1 89 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 55960 1 17958 32.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | classid 1130 1 635 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | pktloc 1532 1 822 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 510 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | limits 827 1 632 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | login.access 2006 1 1287 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | login.defs 10929 1 6495 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | logrotate.conf 679 1 503 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | dnf 526 1 137 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | man.config 4562 1 2783 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | kbdconfig 721 1 546 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | session 613 1 467 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 483 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | netconfig 767 1 467 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | nfsroot 809 1 534 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 944 47.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | interfaces 615 1 462 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 368 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | phonesim.conf 361 1 309 85.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | passwd 925 1 615 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | passwd- 974 1 646 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | cert8.db 65536 1 366 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | key3.db 16384 1 281 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | secmod.db 16384 1 452 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ip-down 1454 1 1015 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ip-up 1452 1 1014 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 08setupdns 292 1 184 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | provider 1093 1 809 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 463 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | profile 1013 1 804 79.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 664 1 405 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 287 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 757 1 237 31.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 1941 1 1440 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | protocols 2932 1 2087 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | client.conf 1233 1 959 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 372 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1578 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 4929 1 2709 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 2046 1 1302 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 910 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 201 91.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | quotatab 261 1 224 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rpc 895 1 660 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rpmrc 73 1 64 87.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | securetty 1848 1 1128 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | services 19199 1 10791 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | shadow 576 1 206 35.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | shadow- 608 1 224 36.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | .bashrc 410 1 330 80.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1025 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | moduli 553185 3 34527 6.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ssh_config 1570 1 1085 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 651 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 210 92.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 320 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 100 1 105 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1655 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 400 1 404 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sshd_config 3566 1 2163 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2142 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 189198 81.1 106.607 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5187 47.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sudoers 3174 1 1899 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1899 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | crond 110 1 110 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | kdump.conf 411 1 326 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1181 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 542 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ansi 1481 1 747 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | dumb 308 1 75 24.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | linux 1730 1 992 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rxvt 2293 1 1497 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | screen 1555 1 895 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | screen-256color 1647 1 939 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sun 1004 1 498 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | vt100 1190 1 735 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | vt102 1184 1 735 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | vt200 1377 1 899 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | vt220 1377 1 899 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | vt52 470 1 239 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2264 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 774 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1322 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | dnf.conf 164 1 126 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1962625 27.2 453.711 958.808 | LZO1F-1 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 501069 34.0 310.721 897.171 | LZO1F-1 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 43395 30.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 19124 29.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3074 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 509621 18.1 588.452 1279.679 | LZO1F-1 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 284 36.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1381 34.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2270 28.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 333803 28.5 378.552 881.265 | LZO1F-1 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3204 39.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15733 28.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1172 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6964 39.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2329 44.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1087 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | mount.blacklist 60 1 48 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | automount.rules 847 1 562 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | autonet.rules 757 1 531 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | local.rules 885 1 649 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | localextra.rules 843 1 607 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 2469 1 1542 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 1402 1 1020 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 50default 2634 1 1166 44.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1517 25.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2179 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 106 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 177 92.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4661 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2388 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 236 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | libfm.conf 183 1 143 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 283 88.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | Xserver 652 1 453 69.5 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12904 67.8 261.184 981.895 LZO1F-1 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3845503 26.9 261.184 981.895 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1X-1 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 64 1 68 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | Xsession 755 1 511 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 550 1 504 91.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 115 1 119 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 631 1 424 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 179 1 159 88.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 181 1 113 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | xinitrc 739 1 436 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 56 1 60 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | powerbtn 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 80 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | asound.conf 32 1 36 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | at.deny 144 1 140 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1278 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | localtime 127 1 68 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | hosts 1121 1 929 82.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 893 83.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ssh.service 1071 1 891 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | bash_completion 45 1 49 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | perf 5466 1 2665 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | quilt 7117 1 2743 38.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1918 37.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | input.conf 397 1 355 89.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | network.conf 120 1 124 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | build 533 1 312 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1199 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2374 38.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | pap 653 1 571 87.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | logrotate 189 1 169 89.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | crontab 653 1 438 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | session.conf 838 1 643 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | system.conf 833 1 644 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 986 13.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 566 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 731 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | connman.conf 642 1 347 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 441 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ofono.conf 997 1 599 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | org.neard.conf 686 1 370 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 877 80.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | devpts 93 1 97 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 90 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 122 96.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 6430 1 4094 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | mountall 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rcS 1040 1 824 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | useradd 117 1 121 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 00_core 1628 1 1137 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 48 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 72 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 93 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1358 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | arch 29 1 33 114 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | filesystems 38 1 42 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 239 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | README 978 1 735 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1341 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | config 1032 1 448 43.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | machconfig 95 1 95 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | fstab 1102 1 656 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | path 1448 1 920 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | %gconf.xml 235 1 151 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 618 28.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | %gconf.xml 515 1 326 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1699 30.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1872 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | group 595 1 529 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | group- 614 1 547 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | gshadow 494 1 365 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | gshadow- 509 1 372 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 806 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 806 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | hosts 237 1 192 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | acpid 728 1 442 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | alsa-state 811 1 540 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | atd 578 1 394 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2561 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 492 1 324 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | bluetooth 1388 1 869 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1218 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 1922 1 1366 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 3591 1 2315 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | connman 1462 1 979 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | crond 1235 1 807 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | dbus-1 2887 1 1797 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 526 1 402 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 352 1 267 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | functions 2141 1 1366 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | halt 510 1 416 81.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 580 1 435 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 2541 1 1337 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | kdump 2989 1 1427 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 348 1 295 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 1223 1 798 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 869 1 670 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 1522 1 905 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | neard 832 1 581 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | networking 1956 1 1028 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ofono 516 1 367 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 6797 1 3048 44.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ppp 1231 1 689 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 647 1 466 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rc 4457 1 2630 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rcS 525 1 472 89.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 968 1 976 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | reboot 289 1 231 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 585 1 390 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rpcbind 1827 1 961 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 336 1 278 82.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sendsigs 438 1 314 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | single 578 1 437 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sshd 2061 1 1065 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 907 1 487 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | syslog 1715 1 886 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | tcf-agent 1298 1 739 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | udev 2779 1 1646 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | umountfs 540 1 408 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 711 1 528 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | urandom 1473 1 943 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 1008 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | inittab 1034 1 776 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1062 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | bpf_pinning 85 1 89 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ematch_map 75 1 79 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | nl_protos 262 1 267 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rt_dsfield 331 1 269 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rt_protos 326 1 307 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rt_realms 112 1 116 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rt_scopes 92 1 96 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | issue 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 55 1 59 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 55960 1 18183 32.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | classid 1130 1 670 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | pktloc 1532 1 859 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 530 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | limits 827 1 653 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | login.access 2006 1 1317 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | login.defs 10929 1 6539 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 119 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | logrotate.conf 679 1 509 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | dnf 526 1 158 30.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | man.config 4562 1 2822 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | kbdconfig 721 1 563 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | session 613 1 479 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 523 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | netconfig 767 1 487 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | nfsroot 809 1 547 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 952 47.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | interfaces 615 1 473 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 403 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | phonesim.conf 361 1 316 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | passwd 925 1 623 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | passwd- 974 1 662 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | cert8.db 65536 1 409 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | key3.db 16384 1 300 1.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | secmod.db 16384 1 477 2.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | chap-secrets 78 1 82 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ip-down 1454 1 1031 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 92removedns 118 1 103 87.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ip-up 1452 1 1040 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 08setupdns 292 1 194 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | pap-secrets 77 1 81 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | provider 1093 1 826 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 487 85.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | profile 1013 1 827 81.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 664 1 420 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 757 1 248 32.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 1941 1 1478 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | protocols 2932 1 2132 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | client.conf 1233 1 986 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 379 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1616 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 4929 1 2733 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 2046 1 1328 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 939 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 205 93.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | quotatab 261 1 230 88.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rpc 895 1 675 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | macros 38 1 42 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rpmrc 73 1 74 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | securetty 1848 1 1145 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | services 19199 1 10857 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | shadow 576 1 217 37.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | shadow- 608 1 235 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | shells 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | .bashrc 410 1 343 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | .profile 241 1 237 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1061 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | moduli 553185 3 49106 8.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ssh_config 1570 1 1094 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 674 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 608 1 615 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 223 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 180 1 176 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 335 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 100 1 105 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1689 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sshd_config 3566 1 2196 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2173 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 197671 84.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5254 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sudoers 3174 1 1930 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1930 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | crond 110 1 113 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | kdump.conf 411 1 355 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1193 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 550 84.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 73 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ansi 1481 1 769 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | dumb 308 1 83 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | linux 1730 1 1022 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rxvt 2293 1 1550 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | screen 1555 1 917 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | screen-256color 1647 1 959 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sun 1004 1 525 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | vt100 1190 1 758 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | vt102 1184 1 767 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | vt200 1377 1 924 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | vt220 1377 1 924 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | vt52 470 1 243 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2275 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 804 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1348 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | dnf.conf 164 1 138 84.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1970575 27.3 808.886 996.919 | LZO1X-1 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 501612 34.0 671.362 853.538 | LZO1X-1 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 43264 30.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 19298 29.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 115 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3101 22.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 516503 18.4 1029.312 1201.589 | LZO1X-1 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 323 41.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1405 34.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2300 28.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 334910 28.6 699.755 836.461 | LZO1X-1 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3240 40.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15724 28.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1204 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 7004 40.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2497 47.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1123 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | mount.blacklist 60 1 55 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | automount.rules 847 1 598 70.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | autonet.rules 757 1 567 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | local.rules 885 1 678 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | localextra.rules 843 1 623 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 2469 1 1578 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 1402 1 1045 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 50default 2634 1 1185 45.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1544 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2199 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 111 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 292 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 185 96.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4716 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2418 48.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 238 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | libfm.conf 183 1 157 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 305 95.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | Xserver 652 1 488 74.8 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13055 70.1 780.279 951.831 LZO1X-1 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3890611 27.3 780.279 951.831 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1Y-1 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 64 1 68 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | Xsession 755 1 499 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 550 1 501 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 115 1 119 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 631 1 420 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 179 1 157 87.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 181 1 111 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | xinitrc 739 1 420 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 56 1 60 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | powerbtn 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 80 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | asound.conf 32 1 36 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | at.deny 144 1 140 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1255 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | localtime 127 1 68 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | hosts 1121 1 919 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 885 82.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ssh.service 1071 1 883 82.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | bash_completion 45 1 49 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | perf 5466 1 2663 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | quilt 7117 1 2737 38.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1922 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | input.conf 397 1 354 89.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | network.conf 120 1 124 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | build 533 1 310 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1151 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 65 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2302 37.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | pap 653 1 569 87.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | logrotate 189 1 165 87.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | crontab 653 1 434 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | session.conf 838 1 635 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | system.conf 833 1 637 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 977 13.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 554 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 721 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | connman.conf 642 1 342 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 432 39.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ofono.conf 997 1 591 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | org.neard.conf 686 1 363 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 868 80.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | devpts 93 1 97 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 89 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 121 95.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 6430 1 4127 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | mountall 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rcS 1040 1 816 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | useradd 117 1 121 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 00_core 1628 1 1113 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 48 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 72 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 93 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1349 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | arch 29 1 33 114 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | filesystems 38 1 42 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 234 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | README 978 1 722 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1340 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | config 1032 1 436 42.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | machconfig 95 1 94 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | fstab 1102 1 644 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | path 1448 1 909 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | %gconf.xml 235 1 149 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 614 28.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | %gconf.xml 515 1 325 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1721 30.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1889 26.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | group 595 1 529 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | group- 614 1 547 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | gshadow 494 1 365 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | gshadow- 509 1 372 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 804 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 804 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | hosts 237 1 189 79.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | acpid 728 1 437 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | alsa-state 811 1 535 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | atd 578 1 392 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2533 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 492 1 316 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | bluetooth 1388 1 856 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1205 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 1922 1 1340 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 3591 1 2328 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | connman 1462 1 965 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | crond 1235 1 800 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | dbus-1 2887 1 1791 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 526 1 398 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 352 1 261 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | functions 2141 1 1341 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | halt 510 1 411 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 580 1 425 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 2541 1 1325 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | kdump 2989 1 1429 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 348 1 292 83.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 1223 1 777 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 869 1 660 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 1522 1 884 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | neard 832 1 572 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | networking 1956 1 1028 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ofono 516 1 364 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 6797 1 3048 44.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ppp 1231 1 681 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 647 1 453 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rc 4457 1 2635 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rcS 525 1 469 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 968 1 976 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | reboot 289 1 226 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 585 1 380 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rpcbind 1827 1 943 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 336 1 274 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sendsigs 438 1 307 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | single 578 1 432 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sshd 2061 1 1043 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 907 1 472 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | syslog 1715 1 860 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | tcf-agent 1298 1 708 54.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | udev 2779 1 1631 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | umountfs 540 1 401 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 711 1 519 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | urandom 1473 1 929 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 987 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | inittab 1034 1 767 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1054 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | bpf_pinning 85 1 89 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ematch_map 75 1 79 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | nl_protos 262 1 267 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rt_dsfield 331 1 269 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rt_protos 326 1 307 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rt_realms 112 1 116 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rt_scopes 92 1 96 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | issue 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 55 1 59 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 55960 1 17324 31.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | classid 1130 1 658 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | pktloc 1532 1 830 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 510 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | limits 827 1 646 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | login.access 2006 1 1310 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | login.defs 10929 1 6654 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 119 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | logrotate.conf 679 1 503 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | dnf 526 1 157 29.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | man.config 4562 1 2866 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | kbdconfig 721 1 560 77.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | session 613 1 471 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 513 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | netconfig 767 1 480 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | nfsroot 809 1 539 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 926 46.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | interfaces 615 1 464 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 394 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | phonesim.conf 361 1 315 87.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | passwd 925 1 613 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | passwd- 974 1 652 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | cert8.db 65536 1 409 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | key3.db 16384 1 300 1.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | secmod.db 16384 1 474 2.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | chap-secrets 78 1 82 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ip-down 1454 1 1026 70.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 92removedns 118 1 102 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ip-up 1452 1 1035 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 08setupdns 292 1 183 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | pap-secrets 77 1 81 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | provider 1093 1 818 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 481 83.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | profile 1013 1 821 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 664 1 414 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 288 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 757 1 244 32.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 1941 1 1469 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | protocols 2932 1 2137 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | client.conf 1233 1 975 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 374 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1596 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 4929 1 2758 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 2046 1 1330 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 932 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 205 93.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | quotatab 261 1 229 87.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rpc 895 1 667 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | macros 38 1 42 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rpmrc 73 1 74 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | securetty 1848 1 1137 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | services 19199 1 10746 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | shadow 576 1 216 37.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | shadow- 608 1 235 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | shells 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | .bashrc 410 1 338 82.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | .profile 241 1 237 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1057 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | moduli 553185 3 49091 8.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ssh_config 1570 1 1086 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 674 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 608 1 615 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 222 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 180 1 175 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 333 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 100 1 105 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1689 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sshd_config 3566 1 2204 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2183 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 197875 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5300 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sudoers 3174 1 1934 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1934 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | crond 110 1 113 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | kdump.conf 411 1 351 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1182 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 548 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 73 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ansi 1481 1 757 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | dumb 308 1 83 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | linux 1730 1 1011 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rxvt 2293 1 1552 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | screen 1555 1 916 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | screen-256color 1647 1 954 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sun 1004 1 518 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | vt100 1190 1 752 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | vt102 1184 1 762 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | vt200 1377 1 918 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | vt220 1377 1 918 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | vt52 470 1 238 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2285 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 801 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1341 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | dnf.conf 164 1 138 84.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1986484 27.6 808.439 1014.267 | LZO1Y-1 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 498920 33.8 684.272 839.517 | LZO1Y-1 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 42903 29.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 19350 29.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 115 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3058 22.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 510979 18.2 1034.828 1191.483 | LZO1Y-1 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 322 41.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1385 34.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2269 28.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 330884 28.3 692.382 826.016 | LZO1Y-1 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3185 39.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15725 28.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1207 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6923 39.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2502 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1118 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | mount.blacklist 60 1 55 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | automount.rules 847 1 592 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | autonet.rules 757 1 561 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | local.rules 885 1 670 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | localextra.rules 843 1 614 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 2469 1 1593 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 1402 1 1032 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 50default 2634 1 1175 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1489 25.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2232 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 110 97.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 292 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 184 96.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4670 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2374 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 236 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | libfm.conf 183 1 153 83.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 304 94.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | Xserver 652 1 482 73.9 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13059 69.6 782.933 946.294 LZO1Y-1 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3891806 27.3 782.933 946.294 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1X-1(11) | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 64 1 68 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | Xsession 755 1 514 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 550 1 513 93.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 115 1 119 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 631 1 424 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 179 1 159 88.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 181 1 113 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | xinitrc 739 1 436 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 56 1 60 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | powerbtn 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 80 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | asound.conf 32 1 36 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | at.deny 144 1 140 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1286 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | localtime 127 1 68 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | hosts 1121 1 938 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 902 83.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ssh.service 1071 1 900 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | bash_completion 45 1 49 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | perf 5466 1 2711 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | quilt 7117 1 2799 39.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1949 37.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | input.conf 397 1 355 89.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | network.conf 120 1 124 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | build 533 1 312 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1205 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2427 39.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | pap 653 1 573 87.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | logrotate 189 1 169 89.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | crontab 653 1 442 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | session.conf 838 1 643 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | system.conf 833 1 644 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 998 13.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 561 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 742 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | connman.conf 642 1 354 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 442 40.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ofono.conf 997 1 603 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | org.neard.conf 686 1 374 54.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 885 81.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | devpts 93 1 97 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 90 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 122 96.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 6430 1 4201 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | mountall 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rcS 1040 1 832 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | useradd 117 1 121 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 00_core 1628 1 1137 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 01_bootlogd 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 99_dbus 48 1 48 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 99_sshd 75 1 72 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 93 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | automatic.conf 2571 1 1372 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | arch 29 1 33 114 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | filesystems 38 1 42 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 239 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | README 978 1 741 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | fonts.conf 2306 1 1347 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | config 1032 1 448 43.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | machconfig 95 1 95 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | fstab 1102 1 661 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | path 1448 1 931 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | %gconf.xml 235 1 151 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | %gconf.xml 2158 1 624 28.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | %gconf.xml 515 1 329 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1731 30.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1889 26.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | group 595 1 529 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | group- 614 1 547 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | gshadow 494 1 365 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | gshadow- 509 1 372 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | im-multipress.conf 890 1 814 91.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | im-multipress.conf 890 1 814 91.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | hosts 237 1 192 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | acpid 728 1 445 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | alsa-state 811 1 540 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | atd 578 1 395 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2591 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 492 1 324 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | bluetooth 1388 1 869 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | bootlogd 1997 1 1230 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 1922 1 1373 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 3591 1 2349 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | connman 1462 1 993 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | crond 1235 1 810 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | dbus-1 2887 1 1817 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 526 1 406 77.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 352 1 267 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | functions 2141 1 1380 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | halt 510 1 418 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 580 1 436 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 2541 1 1351 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | kdump 2989 1 1470 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 348 1 294 84.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 1223 1 809 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 869 1 672 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 1522 1 911 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | neard 832 1 581 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | networking 1956 1 1035 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ofono 516 1 369 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 6797 1 3108 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ppp 1231 1 690 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 647 1 466 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rc 4457 1 2674 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rcS 525 1 472 89.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 968 1 976 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | reboot 289 1 231 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 585 1 390 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rpcbind 1827 1 963 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 336 1 278 82.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sendsigs 438 1 314 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | single 578 1 438 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sshd 2061 1 1087 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 907 1 488 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | syslog 1715 1 888 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | tcf-agent 1298 1 742 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | udev 2779 1 1669 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | umountfs 540 1 408 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 711 1 530 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | urandom 1473 1 945 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | xserver-nodm 1436 1 1014 70.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | inittab 1034 1 780 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | inputrc 1633 1 1074 65.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | bpf_pinning 85 1 89 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ematch_map 75 1 79 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | nl_protos 262 1 267 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rt_dsfield 331 1 269 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rt_protos 326 1 307 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rt_realms 112 1 116 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rt_scopes 92 1 96 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rt_tables 87 1 91 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | issue 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 55 1 59 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 55960 1 18200 32.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | classid 1130 1 670 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | pktloc 1532 1 864 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 533 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | limits 827 1 655 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | login.access 2006 1 1326 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | login.defs 10929 1 6734 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 119 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | logrotate.conf 679 1 510 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | dnf 526 1 159 30.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | man.config 4562 1 2868 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | kbdconfig 721 1 566 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | session 613 1 479 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | mke2fs.conf 828 1 525 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | netconfig 767 1 488 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | nfsroot 809 1 546 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 959 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | interfaces 615 1 476 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | nsswitch.conf 502 1 404 80.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | phonesim.conf 361 1 317 87.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | passwd 925 1 624 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | passwd- 974 1 663 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | cert8.db 65536 1 409 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | key3.db 16384 1 300 1.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | secmod.db 16384 1 478 2.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | chap-secrets 78 1 82 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ip-down 1454 1 1036 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 92removedns 118 1 103 87.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ip-up 1452 1 1047 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 08setupdns 292 1 194 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | pap-secrets 77 1 81 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | provider 1093 1 833 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ppp_on_boot 573 1 489 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | profile 1013 1 831 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 664 1 420 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 757 1 248 32.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 1941 1 1485 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | protocols 2932 1 2168 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | client.conf 1233 1 988 80.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 50-sato.conf 447 1 377 84.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | daemon.conf 2374 1 1622 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 4929 1 2780 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 2046 1 1352 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 948 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | quotagrpadmins 220 1 205 93.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | quotatab 261 1 230 88.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rpc 895 1 678 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rpcbind.conf 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | macros 38 1 42 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rpmrc 73 1 74 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | securetty 1848 1 1148 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | services 19199 1 11264 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | shadow 576 1 217 37.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | shadow- 608 1 235 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | shells 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | .bashrc 410 1 343 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | .profile 241 1 237 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | slsh.rc 2030 1 1076 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | moduli 553185 3 49199 8.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ssh_config 1570 1 1096 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 674 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 608 1 615 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 223 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 180 1 176 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 335 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 100 1 105 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1689 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sshd_config 3566 1 2229 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2203 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 206943 88.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5439 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sudoers 3174 1 1955 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1955 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | crond 110 1 113 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | kdump.conf 411 1 357 86.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1214 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 550 84.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | syslog.conf 69 1 73 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ansi 1481 1 769 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | dumb 308 1 83 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | linux 1730 1 1023 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rxvt 2293 1 1554 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | screen 1555 1 921 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | screen-256color 1647 1 961 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sun 1004 1 525 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | vt100 1190 1 758 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | vt102 1184 1 767 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | vt200 1377 1 926 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | vt220 1377 1 926 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | vt52 470 1 243 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | xterm-256color 3522 1 2291 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | xterm-color 1551 1 805 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1351 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | dnf.conf 164 1 138 84.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 2031055 28.2 838.211 1011.324 | LZO1X-1(11) | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 530810 36.0 723.259 882.714 | LZO1X-1(11) | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 44796 31.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 20199 31.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 115 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3105 22.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 522588 18.6 1058.799 1203.345 | LZO1X-1(11) | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 323 41.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1419 34.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2333 28.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 343347 29.3 721.861 884.631 | LZO1X-1(11) | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3276 40.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 16298 29.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1210 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 7185 41.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2524 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1134 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | mount.blacklist 60 1 55 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | automount.rules 847 1 598 70.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | autonet.rules 757 1 567 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | local.rules 885 1 678 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | localextra.rules 843 1 623 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 2469 1 1616 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 1402 1 1050 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 50default 2634 1 1190 45.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | volatile.cache 5955 1 1554 26.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2243 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 111 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 292 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 185 96.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4834 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2458 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 238 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | libfm.conf 183 1 157 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 305 95.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | Xserver 652 1 491 75.3 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13456 70.4 815.424 979.647 LZO1X-1(11) ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 4009933 28.1 815.424 979.647 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1X-1(12) | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 64 1 68 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | Xsession 755 1 511 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 550 1 513 93.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 115 1 119 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 631 1 424 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 179 1 159 88.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 181 1 113 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | xinitrc 739 1 436 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 56 1 60 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | powerbtn 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 80 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | asound.conf 32 1 36 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | at.deny 144 1 140 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1280 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | localtime 127 1 68 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | hosts 1121 1 933 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 899 83.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ssh.service 1071 1 897 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | bash_completion 45 1 49 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | perf 5466 1 2687 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | quilt 7117 1 2771 38.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1940 37.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | input.conf 397 1 355 89.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | network.conf 120 1 124 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | build 533 1 312 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1202 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2385 39.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | pap 653 1 573 87.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | logrotate 189 1 169 89.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | crontab 653 1 441 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | session.conf 838 1 643 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | system.conf 833 1 644 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 986 13.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 566 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 732 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | connman.conf 642 1 349 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 443 40.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ofono.conf 997 1 599 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | org.neard.conf 686 1 370 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 880 81.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | devpts 93 1 97 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 90 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 122 96.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 6430 1 4129 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | mountall 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rcS 1040 1 828 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | useradd 117 1 121 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 00_core 1628 1 1137 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 01_bootlogd 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 99_dbus 48 1 48 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 99_sshd 75 1 72 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 93 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | automatic.conf 2571 1 1360 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | arch 29 1 33 114 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | filesystems 38 1 42 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 239 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | README 978 1 740 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | fonts.conf 2306 1 1343 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | config 1032 1 448 43.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | machconfig 95 1 95 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | fstab 1102 1 659 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | path 1448 1 921 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | %gconf.xml 235 1 151 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | %gconf.xml 2158 1 624 28.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | %gconf.xml 515 1 327 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1707 30.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1885 26.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | group 595 1 529 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | group- 614 1 547 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | gshadow 494 1 365 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | gshadow- 509 1 372 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | im-multipress.conf 890 1 807 90.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | im-multipress.conf 890 1 807 90.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | hosts 237 1 192 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | acpid 728 1 442 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | alsa-state 811 1 540 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | atd 578 1 394 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2574 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 492 1 324 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | bluetooth 1388 1 869 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | bootlogd 1997 1 1219 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 1922 1 1370 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 3591 1 2329 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | connman 1462 1 986 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | crond 1235 1 807 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | dbus-1 2887 1 1807 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 526 1 404 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 352 1 267 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | functions 2141 1 1368 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | halt 510 1 418 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 580 1 436 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 2541 1 1346 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | kdump 2989 1 1435 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 348 1 295 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 1223 1 800 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 869 1 671 77.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 1522 1 911 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | neard 832 1 581 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | networking 1956 1 1031 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ofono 516 1 367 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 6797 1 3085 45.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ppp 1231 1 689 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 647 1 466 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rc 4457 1 2658 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rcS 525 1 472 89.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 968 1 976 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | reboot 289 1 231 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 585 1 390 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rpcbind 1827 1 961 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 336 1 278 82.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sendsigs 438 1 314 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | single 578 1 437 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sshd 2061 1 1072 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 907 1 488 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | syslog 1715 1 886 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | tcf-agent 1298 1 739 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | udev 2779 1 1660 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | umountfs 540 1 408 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 711 1 528 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | urandom 1473 1 945 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | xserver-nodm 1436 1 1007 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | inittab 1034 1 777 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | inputrc 1633 1 1069 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | bpf_pinning 85 1 89 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ematch_map 75 1 79 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | nl_protos 262 1 267 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rt_dsfield 331 1 269 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rt_protos 326 1 307 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rt_realms 112 1 116 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rt_scopes 92 1 96 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | issue 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 55 1 59 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 55960 1 18212 32.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | classid 1130 1 670 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | pktloc 1532 1 863 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 532 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | limits 827 1 653 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | login.access 2006 1 1328 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | login.defs 10929 1 6621 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 119 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | logrotate.conf 679 1 509 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | dnf 526 1 159 30.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | man.config 4562 1 2854 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | kbdconfig 721 1 563 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | session 613 1 479 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | mke2fs.conf 828 1 525 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | netconfig 767 1 487 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | nfsroot 809 1 547 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 953 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | interfaces 615 1 473 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | nsswitch.conf 502 1 404 80.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | phonesim.conf 361 1 316 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | passwd 925 1 623 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | passwd- 974 1 662 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | cert8.db 65536 1 409 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | key3.db 16384 1 300 1.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | secmod.db 16384 1 477 2.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | chap-secrets 78 1 82 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ip-down 1454 1 1034 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 92removedns 118 1 103 87.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ip-up 1452 1 1045 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 08setupdns 292 1 194 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | pap-secrets 77 1 81 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | provider 1093 1 830 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ppp_on_boot 573 1 489 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | profile 1013 1 830 81.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 664 1 420 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 757 1 248 32.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 1941 1 1483 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | protocols 2932 1 2148 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | client.conf 1233 1 988 80.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 50-sato.conf 447 1 379 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | daemon.conf 2374 1 1621 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 4929 1 2746 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 2046 1 1345 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 945 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | quotagrpadmins 220 1 205 93.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | quotatab 261 1 230 88.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rpc 895 1 675 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rpcbind.conf 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | macros 38 1 42 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rpmrc 73 1 74 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | securetty 1848 1 1147 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | services 19199 1 11029 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | shadow 576 1 217 37.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | shadow- 608 1 235 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | shells 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | .bashrc 410 1 343 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | .profile 241 1 237 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | slsh.rc 2030 1 1063 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | moduli 553185 3 49158 8.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ssh_config 1570 1 1093 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 674 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 608 1 615 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 223 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 180 1 176 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 335 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 100 1 105 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1689 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sshd_config 3566 1 2213 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2188 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 201369 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5349 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sudoers 3174 1 1945 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1945 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | crond 110 1 113 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | kdump.conf 411 1 356 86.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1201 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 550 84.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | syslog.conf 69 1 73 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ansi 1481 1 769 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | dumb 308 1 83 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | linux 1730 1 1022 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rxvt 2293 1 1550 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | screen 1555 1 919 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | screen-256color 1647 1 961 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sun 1004 1 525 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | vt100 1190 1 758 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | vt102 1184 1 767 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | vt200 1377 1 926 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | vt220 1377 1 926 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | vt52 470 1 243 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | xterm-256color 3522 1 2283 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | xterm-color 1551 1 804 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1351 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | dnf.conf 164 1 138 84.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1999851 27.8 813.409 976.312 | LZO1X-1(12) | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 514067 34.9 686.197 858.601 | LZO1X-1(12) | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 44050 30.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 19672 30.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 115 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3109 22.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 519177 18.5 1058.382 1209.409 | LZO1X-1(12) | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 323 41.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1409 34.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2314 28.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 338578 28.9 725.004 868.061 | LZO1X-1(12) | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3258 40.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15983 29.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1205 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 7073 40.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2509 47.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1123 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | mount.blacklist 60 1 55 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | automount.rules 847 1 598 70.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | autonet.rules 757 1 567 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | local.rules 885 1 678 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | localextra.rules 843 1 623 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 2469 1 1594 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 1402 1 1046 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 50default 2634 1 1180 44.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | volatile.cache 5955 1 1545 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2214 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 111 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 292 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 185 96.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4771 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2427 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 238 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | libfm.conf 183 1 157 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 305 95.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | Xserver 652 1 491 75.3 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13238 70.2 798.269 959.741 LZO1X-1(12) ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3945069 27.6 798.269 959.741 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1X-1(15) | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 64 1 68 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | Xsession 755 1 511 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 550 1 508 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 115 1 119 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 631 1 424 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 179 1 159 88.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 181 1 113 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | xinitrc 739 1 436 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 56 1 60 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | powerbtn 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 80 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | asound.conf 32 1 36 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | at.deny 144 1 140 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1278 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | localtime 127 1 68 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | hosts 1121 1 931 83.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 898 83.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ssh.service 1071 1 896 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | bash_completion 45 1 49 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | perf 5466 1 2668 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | quilt 7117 1 2754 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1925 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | input.conf 397 1 355 89.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | network.conf 120 1 124 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | build 533 1 312 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1202 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2379 38.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | pap 653 1 573 87.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | logrotate 189 1 169 89.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | crontab 653 1 438 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | session.conf 838 1 643 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | system.conf 833 1 644 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 986 13.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 566 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 732 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | connman.conf 642 1 349 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 441 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ofono.conf 997 1 599 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | org.neard.conf 686 1 370 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 877 80.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | devpts 93 1 97 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 90 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 122 96.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 6430 1 4100 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | mountall 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rcS 1040 1 824 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | useradd 117 1 121 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 00_core 1628 1 1137 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 01_bootlogd 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 99_dbus 48 1 48 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 99_sshd 75 1 72 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 93 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | automatic.conf 2571 1 1358 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | arch 29 1 33 114 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | filesystems 38 1 42 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 239 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | README 978 1 736 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | fonts.conf 2306 1 1346 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | config 1032 1 448 43.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | machconfig 95 1 95 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | fstab 1102 1 657 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | path 1448 1 921 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | %gconf.xml 235 1 151 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | %gconf.xml 2158 1 624 28.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | %gconf.xml 515 1 327 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1705 30.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1877 26.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | group 595 1 529 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | group- 614 1 547 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | gshadow 494 1 365 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | gshadow- 509 1 372 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | im-multipress.conf 890 1 806 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | im-multipress.conf 890 1 806 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | hosts 237 1 192 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | acpid 728 1 442 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | alsa-state 811 1 540 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | atd 578 1 394 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2565 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 492 1 324 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | bluetooth 1388 1 869 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | bootlogd 1997 1 1218 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 1922 1 1368 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 3591 1 2320 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | connman 1462 1 979 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | crond 1235 1 807 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | dbus-1 2887 1 1800 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 526 1 402 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 352 1 267 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | functions 2141 1 1366 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | halt 510 1 418 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 580 1 435 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 2541 1 1338 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | kdump 2989 1 1429 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 348 1 295 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 1223 1 800 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 869 1 670 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 1522 1 905 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | neard 832 1 581 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | networking 1956 1 1028 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ofono 516 1 367 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 6797 1 3058 45.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ppp 1231 1 689 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 647 1 466 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rc 4457 1 2639 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rcS 525 1 472 89.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 968 1 976 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | reboot 289 1 231 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 585 1 390 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rpcbind 1827 1 961 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 336 1 278 82.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sendsigs 438 1 314 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | single 578 1 437 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sshd 2061 1 1072 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 907 1 487 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | syslog 1715 1 886 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | tcf-agent 1298 1 739 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | udev 2779 1 1658 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | umountfs 540 1 408 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 711 1 528 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | urandom 1473 1 944 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | xserver-nodm 1436 1 1008 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | inittab 1034 1 776 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | inputrc 1633 1 1068 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | bpf_pinning 85 1 89 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ematch_map 75 1 79 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | nl_protos 262 1 267 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rt_dsfield 331 1 269 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rt_protos 326 1 307 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rt_realms 112 1 116 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rt_scopes 92 1 96 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | issue 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 55 1 59 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 55960 1 18193 32.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | classid 1130 1 670 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | pktloc 1532 1 860 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 530 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | limits 827 1 653 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | login.access 2006 1 1322 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | login.defs 10929 1 6571 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 119 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | logrotate.conf 679 1 509 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | dnf 526 1 159 30.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | man.config 4562 1 2826 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | kbdconfig 721 1 563 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | session 613 1 479 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | mke2fs.conf 828 1 524 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | netconfig 767 1 487 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | nfsroot 809 1 547 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 952 47.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | interfaces 615 1 473 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | nsswitch.conf 502 1 403 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | phonesim.conf 361 1 316 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | passwd 925 1 623 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | passwd- 974 1 662 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | cert8.db 65536 1 409 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | key3.db 16384 1 300 1.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | secmod.db 16384 1 477 2.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | chap-secrets 78 1 82 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ip-down 1454 1 1031 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 92removedns 118 1 103 87.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ip-up 1452 1 1041 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 08setupdns 292 1 194 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | pap-secrets 77 1 81 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | provider 1093 1 826 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ppp_on_boot 573 1 487 85.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | profile 1013 1 827 81.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 664 1 420 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 757 1 248 32.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 1941 1 1483 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | protocols 2932 1 2140 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | client.conf 1233 1 986 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 50-sato.conf 447 1 379 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | daemon.conf 2374 1 1616 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 4929 1 2734 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 2046 1 1328 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 942 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | quotagrpadmins 220 1 205 93.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | quotatab 261 1 230 88.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rpc 895 1 675 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rpcbind.conf 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | macros 38 1 42 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rpmrc 73 1 74 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | securetty 1848 1 1145 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | services 19199 1 10911 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | shadow 576 1 217 37.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | shadow- 608 1 235 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | shells 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | .bashrc 410 1 343 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | .profile 241 1 237 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | slsh.rc 2030 1 1062 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | moduli 553185 3 49125 8.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ssh_config 1570 1 1093 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 674 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 608 1 615 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 223 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 180 1 176 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 335 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 100 1 105 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1689 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sshd_config 3566 1 2200 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2177 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 199048 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | openssl.cnf 10835 1 5268 48.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sudoers 3174 1 1942 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1942 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | crond 110 1 113 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | kdump.conf 411 1 356 86.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1194 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 550 84.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | syslog.conf 69 1 73 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ansi 1481 1 769 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | dumb 308 1 83 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | linux 1730 1 1022 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rxvt 2293 1 1551 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | screen 1555 1 917 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | screen-256color 1647 1 959 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sun 1004 1 525 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | vt100 1190 1 758 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | vt102 1184 1 767 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | vt200 1377 1 924 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | vt220 1377 1 924 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | vt52 470 1 243 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | xterm-256color 3522 1 2275 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | xterm-color 1551 1 804 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1348 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | dnf.conf 164 1 138 84.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1981901 27.5 837.618 998.083 | LZO1X-1(15) | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 505790 34.3 709.337 859.687 | LZO1X-1(15) | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 43560 30.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 19455 30.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 115 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 3100 22.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 517347 18.4 1067.106 1213.999 | LZO1X-1(15) | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 323 41.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1408 34.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2302 28.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 336324 28.7 725.313 863.134 | LZO1X-1(15) | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3248 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 15764 28.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1204 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 7028 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2506 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1123 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | mount.blacklist 60 1 55 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | automount.rules 847 1 598 70.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | autonet.rules 757 1 567 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | local.rules 885 1 678 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | localextra.rules 843 1 623 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 2469 1 1579 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 1402 1 1046 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 50default 2634 1 1185 45.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | volatile.cache 5955 1 1544 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2210 65.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 111 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 292 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 185 96.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4749 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2421 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 238 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | libfm.conf 183 1 157 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 305 95.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | Xserver 652 1 488 74.8 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 13123 70.1 813.098 964.453 LZO1X-1(15) ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3910679 27.4 813.098 964.453 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1-99 | .pwd.lock 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | .updated 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 64 1 66 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | Xsession 755 1 508 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 550 1 459 83.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 115 1 115 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 27 1 28 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 631 1 385 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 179 1 147 82.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 181 1 102 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | xinitrc 739 1 420 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 56 1 55 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | powerbtn 58 1 55 94.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 78 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | asound.conf 32 1 34 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | at.deny 144 1 130 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1230 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | localtime 127 1 48 37.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | hosts 1121 1 883 78.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 834 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ssh.service 1071 1 831 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | bash_completion 45 1 38 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | perf 5466 1 2417 44.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | quilt 7117 1 2570 36.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1736 33.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | input.conf 397 1 344 86.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | network.conf 120 1 117 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | build 533 1 280 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1229 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 67 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2156 35.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | pap 653 1 535 81.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | logrotate 189 1 149 78.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | cron.deny 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | crontab 653 1 405 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | session.conf 838 1 614 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | system.conf 833 1 613 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 854 11.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 526 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 676 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | connman.conf 642 1 323 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 395 36.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ofono.conf 997 1 562 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | org.neard.conf 686 1 340 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 842 77.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | devpts 93 1 91 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 80 87.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 112 88.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 6430 1 3779 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | mountall 36 1 35 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | postinst 52 1 53 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rcS 1040 1 769 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | usbd 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | useradd 117 1 120 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 00_core 1628 1 980 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 34 94.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 99_dbus 48 1 41 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 99_sshd 75 1 62 82.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 45 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 84 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | xserver-nodm 130 1 132 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1273 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | dnf.conf 72 1 73 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | dnf.conf 4 1 5 125 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | arch 29 1 29 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | releasever 6 1 7 117 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | filesystems 38 1 37 97.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 212 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | README 978 1 714 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1241 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | config 1032 1 435 42.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | machconfig 95 1 81 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | fstab 1102 1 620 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | path 1448 1 846 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | %gconf.xml 235 1 145 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 571 26.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | %gconf.xml 515 1 300 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1532 27.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1682 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | group 595 1 513 86.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | group- 614 1 529 86.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | gshadow 494 1 358 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | gshadow- 509 1 369 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 780 87.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 780 87.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | host.conf 26 1 27 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | hostname 14 1 15 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | hosts 237 1 181 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | acpid 728 1 434 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | alsa-state 811 1 521 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | atd 578 1 387 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2421 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 492 1 289 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | bluetooth 1388 1 832 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | bootlogd 1997 1 1193 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 1922 1 1293 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 3591 1 2183 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | connman 1462 1 942 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | crond 1235 1 790 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | dbus-1 2887 1 1721 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 526 1 378 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 352 1 242 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | functions 2141 1 1294 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | halt 510 1 397 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 580 1 422 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 2541 1 1250 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | kdump 2989 1 1369 45.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 348 1 247 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 1223 1 750 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 869 1 649 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 1522 1 852 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | neard 832 1 574 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | networking 1956 1 985 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ofono 516 1 365 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 6797 1 2828 41.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ppp 1231 1 659 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 647 1 442 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rc 4457 1 2451 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rcS 525 1 443 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 968 1 657 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | reboot 289 1 219 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 585 1 375 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rpcbind 1827 1 934 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | run-postinsts 25 1 26 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 336 1 262 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sendsigs 438 1 295 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | single 578 1 423 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sshd 2061 1 1015 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 907 1 462 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | syslog 1715 1 865 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | tcf-agent 1298 1 721 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | udev 2779 1 1574 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | umountfs 540 1 400 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 711 1 517 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | urandom 1473 1 912 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 963 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | inittab 1034 1 732 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | inputrc 1633 1 1009 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | bpf_pinning 85 1 85 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ematch_map 75 1 77 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | group 31 1 32 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | nl_protos 262 1 255 97.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rt_protos 326 1 277 85.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rt_realms 112 1 110 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rt_scopes 92 1 88 95.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rt_tables 87 1 84 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | issue 58 1 60 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 55 1 57 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 55960 1 16689 29.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | classid 1130 1 623 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | pktloc 1532 1 835 54.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 497 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | limits 827 1 630 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | login.access 2006 1 1257 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | login.defs 10929 1 5813 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 115 95.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | logrotate.conf 679 1 493 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | dnf 526 1 130 24.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | man.config 4562 1 2592 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | kbdconfig 721 1 535 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | session 613 1 458 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 477 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | motd 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | netconfig 767 1 435 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | nfsroot 809 1 519 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 920 46.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | interfaces 615 1 448 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 367 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | phonesim.conf 361 1 305 84.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | passwd 925 1 583 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | passwd- 974 1 619 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | cert8.db 65536 1 842 1.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | key3.db 16384 1 384 2.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | secmod.db 16384 1 561 3.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | chap-secrets 78 1 78 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ip-down 1454 1 998 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 92removedns 118 1 89 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ip-up 1452 1 993 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 08setupdns 292 1 183 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | options 5 1 6 120 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | pap-secrets 77 1 77 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | provider 1093 1 794 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 450 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | profile 1013 1 786 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 664 1 394 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | gawk.csh 1107 1 273 24.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 757 1 222 29.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 1941 1 1414 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | protocols 2932 1 2053 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | client.conf 1233 1 935 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 364 81.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1524 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 4929 1 2545 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 2046 1 1279 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 901 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 196 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | quotatab 261 1 219 83.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rpc 895 1 670 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 60 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | macros 38 1 40 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | platform 22 1 23 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rpmrc 73 1 60 82.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | securetty 1848 1 1198 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | services 19199 1 9985 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | shadow 576 1 207 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | shadow- 608 1 226 37.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | shells 52 1 46 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | .bashrc 410 1 326 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | .profile 241 1 222 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1005 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | moduli 553185 3 31226 5.6 434.981 729.082 | LZO1-99 | ssh_config 1570 1 1061 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 649 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 608 1 608 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 207 91.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 180 1 171 95.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 316 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 100 1 101 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1655 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 400 1 402 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sshd_config 3566 1 2086 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2069 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 187495 80.3 60.192 0.000 | LZO1-99 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4779 44.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sudoers 3174 1 1812 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1812 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | crond 110 1 102 92.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | kdump.conf 411 1 329 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1139 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 535 82.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | syslog.conf 69 1 67 97.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ansi 1481 1 751 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | dumb 308 1 69 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | linux 1730 1 1019 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rxvt 2293 1 1559 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | screen 1555 1 902 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | screen-256color 1647 1 950 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sun 1004 1 509 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | vt100 1190 1 747 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | vt102 1184 1 749 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | vt200 1377 1 921 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | vt220 1377 1 921 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | vt52 470 1 231 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2307 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | xterm-color 1551 1 788 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1373 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | timestamp 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | timezone 10 1 11 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | dnf.conf 164 1 124 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1986652 27.6 182.607 614.638 | LZO1-99 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 492335 33.4 133.946 550.942 | LZO1-99 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 42370 29.6 145.409 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 19199 29.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 113 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2904 21.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 467667 16.6 227.364 636.122 | LZO1-99 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 283 36.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1341 33.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2169 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 319526 27.3 153.817 558.691 | LZO1-99 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3133 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 14885 27.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1156 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6419 36.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2216 42.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1067 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | mount.blacklist 60 1 46 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | automount.rules 847 1 557 65.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | autonet.rules 757 1 528 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | local.rules 885 1 652 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | localextra.rules 843 1 600 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 2469 1 1517 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 1402 1 1022 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | udev.conf 49 1 50 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 50default 2634 1 1093 41.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | version 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1407 23.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2061 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 102 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 270 91.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 173 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4396 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2294 46.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 234 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | libfm.conf 183 1 141 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 273 85.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | Xserver 652 1 451 69.2 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12715 65.1 141.041 611.579 LZO1-99 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3789189 26.6 141.041 611.579 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1A-99 | .pwd.lock 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | .updated 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 64 1 66 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | Xsession 755 1 508 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 550 1 457 83.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 115 1 115 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 27 1 28 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 631 1 385 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 179 1 147 82.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 181 1 102 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | xinitrc 739 1 419 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 56 1 55 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | powerbtn 58 1 55 94.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 78 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | asound.conf 32 1 34 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | at.deny 144 1 130 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1222 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | localtime 127 1 48 37.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | hosts 1121 1 878 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 829 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ssh.service 1071 1 826 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | bash_completion 45 1 38 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | perf 5466 1 2410 44.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | quilt 7117 1 2551 35.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1733 33.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | input.conf 397 1 340 85.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | network.conf 120 1 117 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | build 533 1 279 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1228 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 67 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2154 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | pap 653 1 532 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | logrotate 189 1 149 78.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | cron.deny 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | crontab 653 1 404 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | session.conf 838 1 612 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | system.conf 833 1 611 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 853 11.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 525 46.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 672 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | connman.conf 642 1 322 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 394 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ofono.conf 997 1 558 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | org.neard.conf 686 1 339 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 833 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | devpts 93 1 91 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 80 87.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 112 88.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 6430 1 3752 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | mountall 36 1 35 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | postinst 52 1 53 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rcS 1040 1 767 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | usbd 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | useradd 117 1 120 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 00_core 1628 1 978 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 34 94.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 99_dbus 48 1 41 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 99_sshd 75 1 62 82.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 45 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 84 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | xserver-nodm 130 1 132 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1267 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | dnf.conf 72 1 73 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | dnf.conf 4 1 5 125 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | arch 29 1 29 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | releasever 6 1 7 117 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | filesystems 38 1 36 94.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 212 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | README 978 1 711 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1234 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | config 1032 1 434 42.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | machconfig 95 1 81 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | fstab 1102 1 615 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | path 1448 1 842 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | %gconf.xml 235 1 145 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 569 26.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | %gconf.xml 515 1 300 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1519 27.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1672 23.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | group 595 1 511 85.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | group- 614 1 527 85.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | gshadow 494 1 358 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | gshadow- 509 1 369 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 775 87.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 775 87.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | host.conf 26 1 27 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | hostname 14 1 15 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | hosts 237 1 181 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | acpid 728 1 433 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | alsa-state 811 1 517 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | atd 578 1 386 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2410 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 492 1 288 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | bluetooth 1388 1 829 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | bootlogd 1997 1 1191 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 1922 1 1286 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 3591 1 2170 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | connman 1462 1 933 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | crond 1235 1 787 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | dbus-1 2887 1 1713 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 526 1 377 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 352 1 242 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | functions 2141 1 1288 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | halt 510 1 396 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 580 1 422 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 2541 1 1243 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | kdump 2989 1 1366 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 348 1 247 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 1223 1 748 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 869 1 645 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 1522 1 846 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | neard 832 1 574 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | networking 1956 1 983 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ofono 516 1 365 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 6797 1 2815 41.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ppp 1231 1 658 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 647 1 442 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rc 4457 1 2437 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rcS 525 1 441 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 968 1 653 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | reboot 289 1 218 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 585 1 374 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rpcbind 1827 1 932 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | run-postinsts 25 1 26 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 336 1 261 77.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sendsigs 438 1 294 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | single 578 1 420 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sshd 2061 1 1011 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 907 1 462 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | syslog 1715 1 864 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | tcf-agent 1298 1 718 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | udev 2779 1 1572 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | umountfs 540 1 399 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 711 1 516 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | urandom 1473 1 906 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 956 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | inittab 1034 1 728 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | inputrc 1633 1 1002 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | bpf_pinning 85 1 83 97.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ematch_map 75 1 77 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | group 31 1 32 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | nl_protos 262 1 254 96.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rt_dsfield 331 1 275 83.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rt_protos 326 1 272 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rt_realms 112 1 110 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rt_scopes 92 1 88 95.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rt_tables 87 1 84 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | issue 58 1 60 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 55 1 57 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 55960 1 15983 28.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | classid 1130 1 619 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | pktloc 1532 1 830 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 496 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | limits 827 1 626 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | login.access 2006 1 1242 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | login.defs 10929 1 5763 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 114 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | logrotate.conf 679 1 492 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | dnf 526 1 130 24.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | man.config 4562 1 2582 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | kbdconfig 721 1 532 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | session 613 1 458 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 475 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | motd 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | netconfig 767 1 432 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | nfsroot 809 1 517 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 916 45.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | interfaces 615 1 448 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 366 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | phonesim.conf 361 1 303 83.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | passwd 925 1 576 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | passwd- 974 1 612 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | cert8.db 65536 1 841 1.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | key3.db 16384 1 383 2.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | secmod.db 16384 1 559 3.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | chap-secrets 78 1 78 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ip-down 1454 1 986 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 92removedns 118 1 89 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ip-up 1452 1 981 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 08setupdns 292 1 183 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | options 5 1 6 120 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | pap-secrets 77 1 77 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | provider 1093 1 787 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 447 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | profile 1013 1 783 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 664 1 394 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | gawk.csh 1107 1 273 24.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 757 1 222 29.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 1941 1 1407 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | protocols 2932 1 2039 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | client.conf 1233 1 929 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 361 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1513 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 4929 1 2525 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 2046 1 1270 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 895 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 195 88.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | quotatab 261 1 219 83.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rpc 895 1 667 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 60 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | macros 38 1 40 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | platform 22 1 23 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rpmrc 73 1 60 82.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | securetty 1848 1 1197 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | services 19199 1 9895 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | shadow 576 1 207 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | shadow- 608 1 226 37.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | shells 52 1 46 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | .bashrc 410 1 325 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | .profile 241 1 222 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1001 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | moduli 553185 3 30716 5.6 380.511 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ssh_config 1570 1 1054 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 649 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 608 1 608 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 207 91.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 180 1 171 95.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 316 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 100 1 101 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1655 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 400 1 402 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sshd_config 3566 1 2072 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2055 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 186975 80.1 62.077 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4744 43.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sudoers 3174 1 1798 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1798 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | crond 110 1 102 92.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | kdump.conf 411 1 329 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1131 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 534 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | syslog.conf 69 1 67 97.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ansi 1481 1 728 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | dumb 308 1 68 22.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | linux 1730 1 1003 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rxvt 2293 1 1521 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | screen 1555 1 881 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | screen-256color 1647 1 929 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sun 1004 1 491 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | vt100 1190 1 719 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | vt102 1184 1 724 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | vt200 1377 1 895 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | vt220 1377 1 895 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | vt52 470 1 229 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2278 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | xterm-color 1551 1 774 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1345 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | timestamp 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | timezone 10 1 11 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | dnf.conf 164 1 124 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1980858 27.5 184.147 915.043 | LZO1A-99 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 488808 33.1 135.881 815.809 | LZO1A-99 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 42151 29.4 147.618 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 19064 29.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 113 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2897 21.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 466420 16.6 227.546 1241.267 | LZO1A-99 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 283 36.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1340 32.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2159 26.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 317892 27.2 155.601 867.081 | LZO1A-99 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3117 38.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 14798 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1150 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6379 36.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2199 41.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1052 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | mount.blacklist 60 1 46 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | automount.rules 847 1 554 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | autonet.rules 757 1 526 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | local.rules 885 1 647 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | localextra.rules 843 1 596 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 2469 1 1507 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 1402 1 1009 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | udev.conf 49 1 50 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 50default 2634 1 1089 41.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | version 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1405 23.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2049 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 102 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 270 91.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 173 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4371 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2287 46.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 234 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | libfm.conf 183 1 141 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 272 84.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | Xserver 652 1 450 69.0 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12662 64.8 142.501 935.116 LZO1A-99 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3773472 26.4 142.501 935.116 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-99 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | Xsession 755 1 499 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 550 1 460 83.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 631 1 389 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 179 1 150 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 181 1 105 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | xinitrc 739 1 422 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1225 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | localtime 127 1 52 40.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | hosts 1121 1 881 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 832 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ssh.service 1071 1 829 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | perf 5466 1 2416 44.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | quilt 7117 1 2456 34.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1745 33.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | input.conf 397 1 343 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | build 533 1 284 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1224 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2158 35.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | pap 653 1 535 81.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | logrotate 189 1 152 80.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | crontab 653 1 410 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | session.conf 838 1 615 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | system.conf 833 1 613 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 895 12.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 525 46.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 685 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | connman.conf 642 1 330 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 393 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ofono.conf 997 1 566 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | org.neard.conf 686 1 347 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 836 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 6430 1 3744 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rcS 1040 1 770 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 00_core 1628 1 975 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1271 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 215 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | README 978 1 714 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1231 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | config 1032 1 440 42.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | fstab 1102 1 607 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | path 1448 1 849 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | %gconf.xml 235 1 149 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 579 26.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | %gconf.xml 515 1 305 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1552 27.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1714 23.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | group 595 1 514 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | group- 614 1 530 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | gshadow 494 1 361 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | gshadow- 509 1 372 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 778 87.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 778 87.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | hosts 237 1 184 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | acpid 728 1 440 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | alsa-state 811 1 522 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | atd 578 1 390 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2407 53.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 492 1 293 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | bluetooth 1388 1 831 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | bootlogd 1997 1 1191 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 1922 1 1285 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 3591 1 2175 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | connman 1462 1 935 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | crond 1235 1 792 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | dbus-1 2887 1 1717 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 526 1 380 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | functions 2141 1 1295 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | halt 510 1 399 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 580 1 425 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 2541 1 1244 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | kdump 2989 1 1358 45.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 348 1 250 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 1223 1 750 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 869 1 647 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 1522 1 848 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | neard 832 1 577 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | networking 1956 1 989 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ofono 516 1 368 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 6797 1 2807 41.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ppp 1231 1 661 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 647 1 445 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rc 4457 1 2433 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rcS 525 1 444 84.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 968 1 656 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 585 1 375 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rpcbind 1827 1 935 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 336 1 264 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sendsigs 438 1 297 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | single 578 1 423 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sshd 2061 1 1009 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 907 1 465 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | syslog 1715 1 861 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | tcf-agent 1298 1 714 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | udev 2779 1 1572 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | umountfs 540 1 402 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 711 1 519 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | urandom 1473 1 910 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 957 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | inittab 1034 1 731 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | inputrc 1633 1 1004 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rt_protos 326 1 275 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 55960 1 15609 27.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | classid 1130 1 623 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | pktloc 1532 1 834 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 498 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | limits 827 1 627 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | login.access 2006 1 1247 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | login.defs 10929 1 5753 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | logrotate.conf 679 1 496 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | dnf 526 1 137 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | man.config 4562 1 2585 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | kbdconfig 721 1 532 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | session 613 1 461 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 479 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | netconfig 767 1 436 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | nfsroot 809 1 520 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 915 45.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | interfaces 615 1 449 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 365 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | phonesim.conf 361 1 306 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | passwd 925 1 576 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | passwd- 974 1 612 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | cert8.db 65536 1 368 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | key3.db 16384 1 279 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | secmod.db 16384 1 452 2.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ip-down 1454 1 987 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ip-up 1452 1 982 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 08setupdns 292 1 186 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | provider 1093 1 790 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 450 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | profile 1013 1 786 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 664 1 399 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | gawk.csh 1107 1 280 25.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 757 1 229 30.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 1941 1 1410 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | protocols 2932 1 2037 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | client.conf 1233 1 932 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 364 81.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1516 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 4929 1 2528 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 2046 1 1273 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 895 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 198 90.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | quotatab 261 1 222 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rpc 895 1 670 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | securetty 1848 1 1200 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | services 19199 1 9809 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | shadow 576 1 209 36.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | shadow- 608 1 228 37.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | .bashrc 410 1 328 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | slsh.rc 2030 1 999 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | moduli 553185 3 26851 4.9 393.654 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ssh_config 1570 1 1055 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 652 97.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 210 92.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 320 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1658 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sshd_config 3566 1 2068 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2056 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 177338 76.0 55.432 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4675 43.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sudoers 3174 1 1801 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1801 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | kdump.conf 411 1 332 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1136 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 537 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ansi 1481 1 733 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | linux 1730 1 1008 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rxvt 2293 1 1526 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | screen 1555 1 888 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | screen-256color 1647 1 935 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sun 1004 1 497 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | vt100 1190 1 723 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | vt102 1184 1 728 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | vt200 1377 1 900 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | vt220 1377 1 900 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | vt52 470 1 232 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2276 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | xterm-color 1551 1 777 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1345 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | dnf.conf 164 1 127 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1926562 26.7 189.956 1154.437 | LZO1B-99 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 436482 29.6 137.044 858.550 | LZO1B-99 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 38693 27.0 155.409 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 17496 27.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2841 20.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 454340 16.2 232.332 1357.289 | LZO1B-99 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 285 36.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1328 32.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2140 26.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 294160 25.1 158.978 924.377 | LZO1B-99 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 3055 37.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 13908 25.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1156 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6227 35.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2209 42.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1055 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | automount.rules 847 1 559 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | autonet.rules 757 1 530 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | local.rules 885 1 650 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | localextra.rules 843 1 599 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 2469 1 1508 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 1402 1 1003 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 50default 2634 1 1095 41.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1315 22.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2053 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4373 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2289 46.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 237 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | libfm.conf 183 1 144 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 275 85.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | Xserver 652 1 453 69.5 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 12116 66.8 139.524 1039.082 LZO1B-99 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3610783 25.3 139.524 1039.082 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-99 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | Xsession 755 1 493 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 550 1 459 83.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 631 1 389 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 179 1 149 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 181 1 104 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | xinitrc 739 1 417 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | powerbtn 58 1 58 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1218 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | localtime 127 1 51 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | hosts 1121 1 877 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 829 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ssh.service 1071 1 826 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | perf 5466 1 2394 43.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | quilt 7117 1 2429 34.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1728 33.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | input.conf 397 1 343 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | build 533 1 283 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1171 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2133 34.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | pap 653 1 533 81.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | logrotate 189 1 152 80.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | crontab 653 1 408 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | session.conf 838 1 613 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | system.conf 833 1 611 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 882 12.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 522 45.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 681 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | connman.conf 642 1 326 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 388 35.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ofono.conf 997 1 560 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | org.neard.conf 686 1 341 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 833 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 83 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 6430 1 3720 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rcS 1040 1 769 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 00_core 1628 1 968 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | xserver-nodm 130 1 135 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1266 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | arch 29 1 32 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 213 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | README 978 1 703 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1225 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | config 1032 1 434 42.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | fstab 1102 1 598 54.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | path 1448 1 847 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | %gconf.xml 235 1 147 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 573 26.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | %gconf.xml 515 1 304 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1538 27.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1700 23.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | group 595 1 514 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | group- 614 1 530 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | gshadow 494 1 361 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | gshadow- 509 1 372 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 776 87.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 776 87.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | hosts 237 1 184 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | acpid 728 1 437 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | alsa-state 811 1 517 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | atd 578 1 387 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2380 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 492 1 290 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | bluetooth 1388 1 825 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | bootlogd 1997 1 1182 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 1922 1 1267 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 3591 1 2165 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | connman 1462 1 926 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | crond 1235 1 786 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | dbus-1 2887 1 1707 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 526 1 378 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 352 1 244 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | functions 2141 1 1280 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | halt 510 1 398 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 580 1 422 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 2541 1 1232 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | kdump 2989 1 1352 45.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 348 1 247 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 1223 1 741 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 869 1 644 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 1522 1 840 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | neard 832 1 572 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | networking 1956 1 986 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ofono 516 1 364 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 6797 1 2778 40.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ppp 1231 1 655 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 647 1 441 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rc 4457 1 2405 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rcS 525 1 442 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 968 1 652 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | reboot 289 1 220 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 585 1 370 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rpcbind 1827 1 921 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 336 1 263 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sendsigs 438 1 296 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | single 578 1 420 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sshd 2061 1 994 48.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 907 1 460 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | syslog 1715 1 850 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | tcf-agent 1298 1 702 54.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | udev 2779 1 1555 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | umountfs 540 1 399 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 711 1 512 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | urandom 1473 1 901 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 951 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | inittab 1034 1 725 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | inputrc 1633 1 996 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | nl_protos 262 1 257 98.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rt_dsfield 331 1 278 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rt_protos 326 1 274 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rt_realms 112 1 113 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rt_scopes 92 1 91 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rt_tables 87 1 87 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 55960 1 14826 26.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | classid 1130 1 620 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | pktloc 1532 1 810 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 495 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | limits 827 1 621 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | login.access 2006 1 1242 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | login.defs 10929 1 5736 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | logrotate.conf 679 1 494 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | dnf 526 1 136 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | man.config 4562 1 2571 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | kbdconfig 721 1 532 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | session 613 1 461 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 477 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | netconfig 767 1 435 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | nfsroot 809 1 517 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 906 45.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | interfaces 615 1 444 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 363 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | phonesim.conf 361 1 304 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | passwd 925 1 571 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | passwd- 974 1 606 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | cert8.db 65536 1 364 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | key3.db 16384 1 277 1.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | secmod.db 16384 1 449 2.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ip-down 1454 1 986 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ip-up 1452 1 981 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 08setupdns 292 1 182 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | provider 1093 1 784 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 447 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | profile 1013 1 783 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 664 1 396 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | gawk.csh 1107 1 275 24.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 757 1 225 29.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 1941 1 1406 72.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | protocols 2932 1 2021 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | client.conf 1233 1 929 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 361 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1505 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 4929 1 2509 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 2046 1 1266 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 891 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 198 90.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | quotatab 261 1 222 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rpc 895 1 667 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | macros 38 1 43 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | securetty 1848 1 1193 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | services 19199 1 9670 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | shadow 576 1 199 34.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | shadow- 608 1 218 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | .bashrc 410 1 326 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | slsh.rc 2030 1 988 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | moduli 553185 3 26475 4.8 422.072 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ssh_config 1570 1 1050 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 652 97.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 210 92.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 319 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1658 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sshd_config 3566 1 2052 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2044 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 182152 78.0 52.669 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4629 42.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sudoers 3174 1 1787 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1787 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | kdump.conf 411 1 330 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1122 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 535 82.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ansi 1481 1 721 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | linux 1730 1 995 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rxvt 2293 1 1523 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | screen 1555 1 879 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | screen-256color 1647 1 922 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sun 1004 1 487 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | vt100 1190 1 717 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | vt102 1184 1 722 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | vt200 1377 1 894 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | vt220 1377 1 894 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | vt52 470 1 227 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2268 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | xterm-color 1551 1 769 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1343 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | dnf.conf 164 1 126 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1856228 25.8 189.774 1130.074 | LZO1C-99 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 442600 30.0 137.723 827.397 | LZO1C-99 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 38421 26.8 156.795 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 17084 26.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2738 20.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 453280 16.1 238.296 1296.809 | LZO1C-99 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 272 34.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1282 31.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2091 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 296842 25.4 162.542 901.338 | LZO1C-99 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 2980 36.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 13854 25.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1154 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 6119 35.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2177 41.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1049 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | automount.rules 847 1 553 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | autonet.rules 757 1 524 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | local.rules 885 1 644 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | localextra.rules 843 1 589 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 2469 1 1496 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 1402 1 996 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 50default 2634 1 1079 41.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1304 21.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2047 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 273 92.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4337 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2259 45.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 236 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | libfm.conf 183 1 143 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 274 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | Xserver 652 1 451 69.2 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 11909 66.5 138.306 1006.519 LZO1C-99 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3549161 24.9 138.306 1006.519 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-999 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | Xsession 755 1 493 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 550 1 458 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 631 1 386 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 179 1 150 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 181 1 105 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | xinitrc 739 1 421 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | powerbtn 58 1 57 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1216 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | localtime 127 1 51 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | hosts 1121 1 870 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 817 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ssh.service 1071 1 816 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | perf 5466 1 2345 42.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | quilt 7117 1 2325 32.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1667 32.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | input.conf 397 1 341 85.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | build 533 1 276 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1171 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 2005 32.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | pap 653 1 531 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | logrotate 189 1 152 80.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | crontab 653 1 406 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | session.conf 838 1 613 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | system.conf 833 1 611 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 862 11.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 512 45.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 679 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | connman.conf 642 1 325 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 387 35.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ofono.conf 997 1 563 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | org.neard.conf 686 1 342 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 831 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 82 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 6430 1 3618 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rcS 1040 1 759 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 00_core 1628 1 961 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 43 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 60 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | xserver-nodm 130 1 131 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1234 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | arch 29 1 27 93.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 215 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | README 978 1 706 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1216 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | config 1032 1 436 42.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | fstab 1102 1 589 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | path 1448 1 829 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | %gconf.xml 235 1 144 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 562 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | %gconf.xml 515 1 298 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1494 26.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1663 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | group 595 1 498 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | group- 614 1 513 83.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | gshadow 494 1 350 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | gshadow- 509 1 363 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 777 87.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 777 87.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | hosts 237 1 184 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | acpid 728 1 423 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | alsa-state 811 1 516 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | atd 578 1 381 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2358 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 492 1 293 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | bluetooth 1388 1 822 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1162 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 1922 1 1269 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 3591 1 2130 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | connman 1462 1 918 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | crond 1235 1 785 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | dbus-1 2887 1 1682 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 526 1 378 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | functions 2141 1 1277 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | halt 510 1 398 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 580 1 421 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 2541 1 1222 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | kdump 2989 1 1318 44.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 348 1 248 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 1223 1 743 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 869 1 643 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 1522 1 831 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | neard 832 1 571 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | networking 1956 1 973 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ofono 516 1 366 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 6797 1 2700 39.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ppp 1231 1 643 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 647 1 444 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rc 4457 1 2352 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rcS 525 1 443 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 968 1 651 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 585 1 374 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rpcbind 1827 1 922 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 336 1 264 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sendsigs 438 1 297 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | single 578 1 423 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sshd 2061 1 985 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 907 1 450 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | syslog 1715 1 841 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | tcf-agent 1298 1 693 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | udev 2779 1 1539 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | umountfs 540 1 399 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 711 1 516 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | urandom 1473 1 899 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 941 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | inittab 1034 1 728 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | inputrc 1633 1 981 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | nl_protos 262 1 253 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rt_dsfield 331 1 276 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rt_protos 326 1 275 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rt_realms 112 1 111 99.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rt_scopes 92 1 90 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rt_tables 87 1 85 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 55960 1 15052 26.9 11.427 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | classid 1130 1 621 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | pktloc 1532 1 820 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 492 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | limits 827 1 623 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | login.access 2006 1 1210 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | login.defs 10929 1 5460 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | logrotate.conf 679 1 493 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | dnf 526 1 137 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | man.config 4562 1 2512 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | kbdconfig 721 1 532 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | session 613 1 461 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 462 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | netconfig 767 1 424 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | nfsroot 809 1 515 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 869 43.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | interfaces 615 1 443 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 365 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | phonesim.conf 361 1 305 84.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | passwd 925 1 567 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | passwd- 974 1 595 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | cert8.db 65536 1 444 0.7 39.956 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | key3.db 16384 1 283 1.7 11.301 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | secmod.db 16384 1 466 2.8 20.347 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ip-down 1454 1 974 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ip-up 1452 1 974 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 08setupdns 292 1 185 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | provider 1093 1 780 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 451 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | profile 1013 1 780 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 664 1 392 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 272 24.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 757 1 220 29.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 1941 1 1387 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | protocols 2932 1 2006 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | client.conf 1233 1 921 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 364 81.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1495 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 4929 1 2447 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 2046 1 1247 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 882 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 198 90.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | quotatab 261 1 222 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rpc 895 1 664 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | macros 38 1 36 94.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | securetty 1848 1 1165 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | services 19199 1 9320 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | shadow 576 1 207 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | shadow- 608 1 226 37.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | shells 52 1 48 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | .bashrc 410 1 325 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 987 48.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | moduli 553185 3 26294 4.8 101.312 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ssh_config 1570 1 1046 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 651 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 209 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 316 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1657 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sshd_config 3566 1 2022 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 2014 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 172743 74.0 27.129 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4465 41.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sudoers 3174 1 1773 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1773 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | kdump.conf 411 1 331 80.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1111 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 531 81.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ansi 1481 1 719 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | linux 1730 1 987 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rxvt 2293 1 1493 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | screen 1555 1 879 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | screen-256color 1647 1 917 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sun 1004 1 490 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | vt100 1190 1 706 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | vt102 1184 1 710 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | vt200 1377 1 888 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | vt220 1377 1 888 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | vt52 470 1 233 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2233 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 763 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1316 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | dnf.conf 164 1 127 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1744536 24.2 9.613 1294.906 | LZO1B-999 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 397640 27.0 15.302 936.528 | LZO1B-999 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 36030 25.1 14.510 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 16614 25.6 32.667 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2772 20.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 427282 15.2 29.785 1457.251 | LZO1B-999 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 285 36.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1300 32.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2080 25.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 275697 23.6 18.036 993.209 | LZO1B-999 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 2984 36.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 12660 23.0 34.412 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1145 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 5861 33.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2148 41.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1037 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | automount.rules 847 1 558 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | autonet.rules 757 1 529 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | local.rules 885 1 649 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | localextra.rules 843 1 597 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 2469 1 1476 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 1402 1 992 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 50default 2634 1 1069 40.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1242 20.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 2008 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 269 90.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4264 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2225 44.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 237 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | libfm.conf 183 1 142 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 274 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | Xserver 652 1 449 68.9 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 11171 66.0 19.009 1132.153 LZO1B-999 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3329008 23.3 19.009 1132.153 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-999 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | Xsession 755 1 487 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 550 1 457 83.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 115 1 118 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 631 1 386 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 179 1 149 83.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 181 1 104 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | xinitrc 739 1 415 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | powerbtn 58 1 57 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 81 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | at.deny 144 1 133 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1207 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | localtime 127 1 49 38.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | hosts 1121 1 866 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 812 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ssh.service 1071 1 810 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | bash_completion 45 1 41 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | perf 5466 1 2316 42.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | quilt 7117 1 2287 32.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1638 31.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | input.conf 397 1 341 85.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | build 533 1 275 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1115 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 1954 32.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | pap 653 1 530 81.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | logrotate 189 1 152 80.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | crontab 653 1 402 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | session.conf 838 1 610 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | system.conf 833 1 608 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 849 11.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 508 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 675 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | connman.conf 642 1 321 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 382 34.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ofono.conf 997 1 557 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | org.neard.conf 686 1 336 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 828 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 82 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 6430 1 3590 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rcS 1040 1 758 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 00_core 1628 1 954 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 43 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 59 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 87 95.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | xserver-nodm 130 1 131 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1229 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | arch 29 1 27 93.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 213 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | README 978 1 695 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1207 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | config 1032 1 429 41.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | fstab 1102 1 579 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | path 1448 1 826 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | %gconf.xml 235 1 141 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 554 25.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | %gconf.xml 515 1 296 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1476 26.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1650 22.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | group 595 1 498 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | group- 614 1 513 83.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | gshadow 494 1 350 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | gshadow- 509 1 363 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 775 87.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 775 87.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | hosts 237 1 184 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | acpid 728 1 417 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | alsa-state 811 1 508 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | atd 578 1 378 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2328 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 492 1 290 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | bluetooth 1388 1 815 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1152 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 1922 1 1252 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 3591 1 2106 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | connman 1462 1 906 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | crond 1235 1 779 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | dbus-1 2887 1 1665 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 526 1 376 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 352 1 243 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | functions 2141 1 1258 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | halt 510 1 397 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 580 1 418 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 2541 1 1212 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | kdump 2989 1 1306 43.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 348 1 245 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 1223 1 733 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 869 1 640 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 1522 1 825 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | neard 832 1 566 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | networking 1956 1 967 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ofono 516 1 362 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 6797 1 2663 39.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ppp 1231 1 633 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 647 1 439 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rc 4457 1 2320 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rcS 525 1 440 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 968 1 646 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | reboot 289 1 220 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 585 1 368 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rpcbind 1827 1 906 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 336 1 263 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sendsigs 438 1 296 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | single 578 1 420 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sshd 2061 1 968 47.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 907 1 445 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | syslog 1715 1 829 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | tcf-agent 1298 1 680 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | udev 2779 1 1514 54.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | umountfs 540 1 396 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 711 1 509 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | urandom 1473 1 889 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 928 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | inittab 1034 1 722 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | inputrc 1633 1 973 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | nl_protos 262 1 253 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rt_dsfield 331 1 276 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rt_protos 326 1 274 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rt_realms 112 1 111 99.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rt_scopes 92 1 90 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rt_tables 87 1 85 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 55960 1 14255 25.5 10.234 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | classid 1130 1 618 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | pktloc 1532 1 789 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 489 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | limits 827 1 617 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | login.access 2006 1 1203 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | login.defs 10929 1 5413 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | logrotate.conf 679 1 490 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | dnf 526 1 136 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | man.config 4562 1 2495 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | kbdconfig 721 1 532 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | session 613 1 461 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 459 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | netconfig 767 1 419 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | nfsroot 809 1 512 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 858 42.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | interfaces 615 1 439 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 363 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | phonesim.conf 361 1 303 83.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | passwd 925 1 561 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | passwd- 974 1 588 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | cert8.db 65536 1 517 0.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | key3.db 16384 1 283 1.7 11.220 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | secmod.db 16384 1 470 2.9 17.709 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ip-down 1454 1 973 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ip-up 1452 1 973 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 08setupdns 292 1 180 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | provider 1093 1 774 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 448 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | profile 1013 1 777 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 664 1 389 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 266 24.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 757 1 216 28.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 1941 1 1383 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | protocols 2932 1 1988 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | client.conf 1233 1 918 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 361 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1483 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 4929 1 2421 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 2046 1 1238 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 876 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 198 90.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | quotatab 261 1 222 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rpc 895 1 661 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | macros 38 1 36 94.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rpmrc 73 1 63 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | securetty 1848 1 1156 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | services 19199 1 9150 47.7 37.241 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | shadow 576 1 196 34.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | shadow- 608 1 215 35.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | shells 52 1 48 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | .bashrc 410 1 322 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 972 47.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | moduli 553185 3 26013 4.7 144.039 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ssh_config 1570 1 1041 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 651 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 209 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 315 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1657 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 400 1 405 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sshd_config 3566 1 2002 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 1996 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 179189 76.8 45.403 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4414 40.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sudoers 3174 1 1756 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1756 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | crond 110 1 105 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | kdump.conf 411 1 329 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1096 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 529 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ansi 1481 1 707 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | dumb 308 1 70 22.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | linux 1730 1 971 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rxvt 2293 1 1485 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | screen 1555 1 869 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | screen-256color 1647 1 903 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sun 1004 1 480 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | vt100 1190 1 701 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | vt102 1184 1 704 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | vt200 1377 1 880 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | vt220 1377 1 880 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | vt52 470 1 228 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2211 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 754 48.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1305 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | dnf.conf 164 1 126 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1666084 23.1 11.236 1267.317 | LZO1C-999 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 408803 27.7 31.657 880.375 | LZO1C-999 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 35806 25.0 27.416 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 16110 24.8 33.628 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2632 19.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 411946 14.7 51.655 1466.543 | LZO1C-999 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 272 34.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1238 30.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 1988 24.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 277051 23.7 32.019 966.006 | LZO1C-999 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 2895 35.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 12678 23.0 36.910 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1143 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 5721 32.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2112 40.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 1030 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | mount.blacklist 60 1 49 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | automount.rules 847 1 552 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | autonet.rules 757 1 523 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | local.rules 885 1 643 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | localextra.rules 843 1 587 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 2469 1 1463 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 1402 1 983 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 50default 2634 1 1051 39.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1227 20.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 1998 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 269 90.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 176 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4212 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2182 43.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 236 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | libfm.conf 183 1 141 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 273 85.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | Xserver 652 1 447 68.6 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 10906 65.6 23.066 1098.294 LZO1C-999 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3250005 22.8 23.066 1098.294 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO2A-999 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 64 1 71 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | Xsession 755 1 461 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 550 1 408 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 115 1 119 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 27 1 32 119 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 631 1 363 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 179 1 145 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 181 1 103 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | xinitrc 739 1 391 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 56 1 57 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | powerbtn 58 1 57 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 83 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | at.deny 144 1 124 86.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1071 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | localtime 127 1 46 36.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | hosts 1121 1 761 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 733 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ssh.service 1071 1 730 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | bash_completion 45 1 40 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | perf 5466 1 2187 40.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | quilt 7117 1 2103 29.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1548 30.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | input.conf 397 1 294 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | network.conf 120 1 115 95.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | build 533 1 271 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1067 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 66 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 1868 30.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | pap 653 1 477 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | logrotate 189 1 153 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | crontab 653 1 364 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | session.conf 838 1 536 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | system.conf 833 1 535 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 759 10.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 466 40.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 617 46.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | connman.conf 642 1 300 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 360 32.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ofono.conf 997 1 511 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | org.neard.conf 686 1 317 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 738 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | devpts 93 1 93 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 85 92.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 115 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 6430 1 3331 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | postinst 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rcS 1040 1 682 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | useradd 117 1 126 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 00_core 1628 1 835 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 43 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 60 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 49 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 83 91.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | xserver-nodm 130 1 129 99.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1090 42.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | dnf.conf 72 1 79 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | dnf.conf 4 1 7 175 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | arch 29 1 28 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | releasever 6 1 9 150 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | filesystems 38 1 38 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 201 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | README 978 1 610 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1068 46.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | config 1032 1 428 41.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | machconfig 95 1 84 88.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | fstab 1102 1 557 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | path 1448 1 728 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | %gconf.xml 235 1 139 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 521 24.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | %gconf.xml 515 1 265 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1322 23.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1504 20.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | group 595 1 403 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | group- 614 1 418 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | gshadow 494 1 308 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | gshadow- 509 1 319 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 676 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 676 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | host.conf 26 1 32 123 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | hosts 237 1 169 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | acpid 728 1 384 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | alsa-state 811 1 468 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | atd 578 1 345 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2138 47.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 492 1 277 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | bluetooth 1388 1 747 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1044 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 1922 1 1138 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 3591 1 1936 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | connman 1462 1 837 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | crond 1235 1 699 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | dbus-1 2887 1 1514 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 526 1 347 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 352 1 234 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | functions 2141 1 1147 53.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | halt 510 1 362 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 580 1 392 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 2541 1 1133 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | kdump 2989 1 1241 41.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 348 1 230 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 1223 1 674 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 869 1 575 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 1522 1 765 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | neard 832 1 527 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | networking 1956 1 890 45.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ofono 516 1 335 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 6797 1 2496 36.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ppp 1231 1 579 47.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 647 1 419 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rc 4457 1 2163 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rcS 525 1 402 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 968 1 594 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | reboot 289 1 208 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 585 1 344 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rpcbind 1827 1 835 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 336 1 251 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sendsigs 438 1 280 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | single 578 1 390 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sshd 2061 1 891 43.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 907 1 420 46.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | syslog 1715 1 774 45.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | tcf-agent 1298 1 640 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | udev 2779 1 1409 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | umountfs 540 1 369 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 711 1 467 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | urandom 1473 1 824 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 853 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | inittab 1034 1 654 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | inputrc 1633 1 860 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | bpf_pinning 85 1 84 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ematch_map 75 1 85 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | group 31 1 37 119 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | nl_protos 262 1 223 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rt_dsfield 331 1 227 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rt_protos 326 1 254 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rt_realms 112 1 105 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rt_scopes 92 1 86 93.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rt_tables 87 1 84 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | issue 58 1 65 112 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 55 1 62 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 55960 1 14448 25.8 13.410 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | classid 1130 1 549 48.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | pktloc 1532 1 737 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 447 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | limits 827 1 554 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | login.access 2006 1 1052 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | login.defs 10929 1 5106 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 113 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | logrotate.conf 679 1 432 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | dnf 526 1 124 23.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | man.config 4562 1 2281 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | kbdconfig 721 1 479 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | session 613 1 434 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 411 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | netconfig 767 1 381 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | nfsroot 809 1 473 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 808 40.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | interfaces 615 1 396 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 331 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | phonesim.conf 361 1 269 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | passwd 925 1 495 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | passwd- 974 1 518 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | cert8.db 65536 1 411 0.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | key3.db 16384 1 277 1.7 9.400 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | secmod.db 16384 1 437 2.7 16.309 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | chap-secrets 78 1 78 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ip-down 1454 1 876 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 92removedns 118 1 96 81.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ip-up 1452 1 878 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 08setupdns 292 1 176 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | options 5 1 8 160 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | pap-secrets 77 1 77 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | provider 1093 1 675 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 387 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | profile 1013 1 698 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 664 1 356 53.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 256 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 757 1 213 28.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 1941 1 1251 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | protocols 2932 1 1793 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | client.conf 1233 1 805 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 314 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1320 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 4929 1 2232 45.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 2046 1 1101 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 801 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 180 81.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | quotatab 261 1 206 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rpc 895 1 581 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 68 117 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | macros 38 1 38 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | platform 22 1 27 123 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rpmrc 73 1 61 83.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | securetty 1848 1 969 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | services 19199 1 8746 45.6 32.762 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | shadow 576 1 200 34.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | shadow- 608 1 216 35.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | shells 52 1 48 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | .bashrc 410 1 298 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | .profile 241 1 216 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 871 42.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | moduli 553185 3 23301 4.2 131.971 686.072 | LZO2A-999 | ssh_config 1570 1 937 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 697 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 608 1 664 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 224 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 180 1 186 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 318 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 100 1 110 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1780 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 400 1 429 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sshd_config 3566 1 1824 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 1805 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 189373 81.1 41.489 437.407 | LZO2A-999 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4192 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sudoers 3174 1 1599 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1599 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | crond 110 1 106 96.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | kdump.conf 411 1 307 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 976 47.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 482 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ansi 1481 1 650 43.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | dumb 308 1 69 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | linux 1730 1 884 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rxvt 2293 1 1309 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | screen 1555 1 783 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | screen-256color 1647 1 808 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sun 1004 1 436 43.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | vt100 1190 1 637 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | vt102 1184 1 634 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | vt200 1377 1 781 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | vt220 1377 1 781 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | vt52 470 1 216 46.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2003 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 667 43.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1177 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | timestamp 15 1 17 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | dnf.conf 164 1 120 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1698445 23.6 12.180 509.860 | LZO2A-999 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 432104 29.3 42.251 434.374 | LZO2A-999 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 36987 25.8 42.530 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 17220 26.6 45.792 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 122 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2548 18.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 403687 14.4 65.815 561.298 | LZO2A-999 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 271 34.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1228 30.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 1952 24.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 284275 24.3 47.133 463.767 | LZO2A-999 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 2699 33.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 12614 22.9 35.021 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 999 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 5456 31.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 1929 36.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 909 54.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | mount.blacklist 60 1 46 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | automount.rules 847 1 496 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | autonet.rules 757 1 467 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | local.rules 885 1 575 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | localextra.rules 843 1 526 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 2469 1 1344 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 1402 1 885 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 50default 2634 1 979 37.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1194 20.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 1812 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 109 96.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 258 87.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 170 89.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 3859 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2017 40.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 226 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | libfm.conf 183 1 136 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 246 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | Xserver 652 1 410 62.9 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 11070 62.1 24.973 502.298 LZO2A-999 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3299144 23.1 24.973 502.298 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1F-999 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | Xsession 755 1 483 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 550 1 446 81.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 115 1 117 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 631 1 377 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 179 1 148 82.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 181 1 102 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | xinitrc 739 1 407 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | powerbtn 58 1 56 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 80 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | asound.conf 32 1 37 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | at.deny 144 1 128 88.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1171 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | localtime 127 1 45 35.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | hosts 1121 1 839 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 789 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ssh.service 1071 1 787 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | bash_completion 45 1 39 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | perf 5466 1 2262 41.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | quilt 7117 1 2247 31.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1608 31.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | input.conf 397 1 333 83.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | build 533 1 273 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1069 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 1928 31.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | pap 653 1 516 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | logrotate 189 1 151 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | crontab 653 1 391 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | session.conf 838 1 587 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | system.conf 833 1 584 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 840 11.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 498 43.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 662 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | connman.conf 642 1 318 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 381 34.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ofono.conf 997 1 547 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | org.neard.conf 686 1 332 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 799 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | devpts 93 1 93 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 82 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 6430 1 3508 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | mountall 36 1 38 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | postinst 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rcS 1040 1 728 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | useradd 117 1 123 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 00_core 1628 1 906 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 43 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 59 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 86 94.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | xserver-nodm 130 1 131 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1167 45.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | dnf.conf 72 1 76 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | arch 29 1 27 93.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 209 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | README 978 1 664 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1164 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | config 1032 1 426 41.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | machconfig 95 1 83 87.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | fstab 1102 1 571 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | path 1448 1 802 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | %gconf.xml 235 1 139 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 549 25.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | %gconf.xml 515 1 285 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1425 25.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1617 22.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | group 595 1 465 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | group- 614 1 480 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | gshadow 494 1 330 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | gshadow- 509 1 343 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 757 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 757 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | hosts 237 1 182 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | acpid 728 1 409 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | alsa-state 811 1 496 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | atd 578 1 370 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2248 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 492 1 285 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | bluetooth 1388 1 792 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1094 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 1922 1 1222 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 3591 1 2033 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | connman 1462 1 872 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | crond 1235 1 757 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | dbus-1 2887 1 1594 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 526 1 370 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 352 1 238 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | functions 2141 1 1221 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | halt 510 1 389 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 580 1 413 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 2541 1 1175 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | kdump 2989 1 1269 42.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 348 1 240 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 1223 1 715 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 869 1 624 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 1522 1 795 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | neard 832 1 552 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | networking 1956 1 934 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ofono 516 1 351 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 6797 1 2631 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ppp 1231 1 611 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 647 1 432 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rc 4457 1 2230 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rcS 525 1 429 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 968 1 626 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | reboot 289 1 216 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 585 1 364 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rpcbind 1827 1 878 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 336 1 261 77.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sendsigs 438 1 292 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | single 578 1 410 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sshd 2061 1 933 45.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 907 1 439 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | syslog 1715 1 803 46.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | tcf-agent 1298 1 664 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | udev 2779 1 1467 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | umountfs 540 1 386 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 711 1 499 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | urandom 1473 1 865 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 898 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | inittab 1034 1 706 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | inputrc 1633 1 925 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | bpf_pinning 85 1 86 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ematch_map 75 1 80 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | nl_protos 262 1 249 95.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rt_dsfield 331 1 249 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rt_protos 326 1 267 81.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rt_realms 112 1 110 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rt_scopes 92 1 90 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rt_tables 87 1 85 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | issue 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 55 1 60 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 55960 1 14117 25.2 9.345 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | classid 1130 1 602 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | pktloc 1532 1 761 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 477 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | limits 827 1 601 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | login.access 2006 1 1136 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | login.defs 10929 1 5398 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 116 95.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | logrotate.conf 679 1 471 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | dnf 526 1 134 25.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | man.config 4562 1 2402 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | kbdconfig 721 1 523 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | session 613 1 458 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 452 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | netconfig 767 1 409 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | nfsroot 809 1 497 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 840 42.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | interfaces 615 1 428 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 357 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | phonesim.conf 361 1 297 82.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | passwd 925 1 531 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | passwd- 974 1 556 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | cert8.db 65536 1 440 0.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | key3.db 16384 1 277 1.7 11.367 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | secmod.db 16384 1 454 2.8 20.506 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | chap-secrets 78 1 81 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ip-down 1454 1 932 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 92removedns 118 1 92 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ip-up 1452 1 932 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 08setupdns 292 1 178 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | pap-secrets 77 1 80 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | provider 1093 1 738 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 433 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | profile 1013 1 752 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 664 1 376 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 259 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 757 1 215 28.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 1941 1 1337 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | protocols 2932 1 1896 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | client.conf 1233 1 891 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 351 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1416 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 4929 1 2346 47.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 2046 1 1190 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 849 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 192 87.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | quotatab 261 1 218 83.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rpc 895 1 624 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 63 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | macros 38 1 36 94.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rpmrc 73 1 61 83.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | securetty 1848 1 1035 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | services 19199 1 9107 47.4 31.269 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | shadow 576 1 196 34.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | shadow- 608 1 214 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | shells 52 1 47 90.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | .bashrc 410 1 320 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | .profile 241 1 224 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 931 45.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | moduli 553185 3 24926 4.5 143.972 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ssh_config 1570 1 998 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 649 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 608 1 611 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 208 91.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 180 1 173 96.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 312 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1654 98.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 400 1 404 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sshd_config 3566 1 1908 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 1903 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 182321 78.1 45.143 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4347 40.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sudoers 3174 1 1695 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1695 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | crond 110 1 104 94.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | kdump.conf 411 1 325 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1055 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 519 79.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ansi 1481 1 662 44.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | dumb 308 1 70 22.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | linux 1730 1 906 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rxvt 2293 1 1361 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | screen 1555 1 815 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | screen-256color 1647 1 848 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sun 1004 1 445 44.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | vt100 1190 1 664 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | vt102 1184 1 663 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | vt200 1377 1 814 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | vt220 1377 1 814 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | vt52 470 1 220 46.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2019 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 696 44.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1194 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | dnf.conf 164 1 125 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1644637 22.8 11.331 1223.405 | LZO1F-999 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 411883 27.9 30.848 847.284 | LZO1F-999 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 36061 25.2 29.818 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 16324 25.2 40.066 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2674 19.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 411863 14.7 52.507 1458.068 | LZO1F-999 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 278 35.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1217 29.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2015 25.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 276762 23.7 32.256 938.089 | LZO1F-999 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 2822 34.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 12656 23.0 32.501 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1090 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 5681 32.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2056 39.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 990 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | mount.blacklist 60 1 47 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | automount.rules 847 1 535 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | autonet.rules 757 1 506 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | local.rules 885 1 616 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | localextra.rules 843 1 563 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 2469 1 1409 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 1402 1 950 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 50default 2634 1 1031 39.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1213 20.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 1914 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 105 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 266 89.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 175 91.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4125 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2121 42.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 231 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | libfm.conf 183 1 141 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 271 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | Xserver 652 1 436 66.9 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 10831 64.3 23.017 1066.818 LZO1F-999 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3227830 22.6 23.017 1066.818 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1X-999 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | Xsession 755 1 475 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 550 1 435 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 115 1 115 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 631 1 374 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 179 1 145 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 181 1 100 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | xinitrc 739 1 403 54.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | powerbtn 58 1 55 94.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 80 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | asound.conf 32 1 36 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | at.deny 144 1 127 88.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1133 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | localtime 127 1 45 35.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | hosts 1121 1 813 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 773 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ssh.service 1071 1 771 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | bash_completion 45 1 39 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | perf 5466 1 2226 40.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | quilt 7117 1 2206 31.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1579 30.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | input.conf 397 1 321 80.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | network.conf 120 1 119 99.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | build 533 1 275 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1050 44.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 66 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 1895 31.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | pap 653 1 505 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | logrotate 189 1 153 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | crontab 653 1 385 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | session.conf 838 1 573 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | system.conf 833 1 571 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 820 11.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 492 43.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 652 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | connman.conf 642 1 314 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 378 34.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ofono.conf 997 1 540 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | org.neard.conf 686 1 330 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 781 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | devpts 93 1 92 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 81 88.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 6430 1 3428 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | mountall 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rcS 1040 1 711 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | useradd 117 1 122 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 00_core 1628 1 883 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 43 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 59 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 86 94.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | xserver-nodm 130 1 130 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1132 44.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | dnf.conf 72 1 75 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | arch 29 1 27 93.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 206 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | README 978 1 641 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1133 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | config 1032 1 427 41.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | machconfig 95 1 82 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | fstab 1102 1 561 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | path 1448 1 778 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | %gconf.xml 235 1 139 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 539 25.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | %gconf.xml 515 1 281 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1386 24.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1595 22.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | group 595 1 445 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | group- 614 1 460 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | gshadow 494 1 318 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | gshadow- 509 1 331 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 743 83.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 743 83.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | hosts 237 1 179 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | acpid 728 1 402 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | alsa-state 811 1 488 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | atd 578 1 363 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2192 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 492 1 284 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | bluetooth 1388 1 776 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1077 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 1922 1 1187 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 3591 1 1979 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | connman 1462 1 858 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | crond 1235 1 745 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | dbus-1 2887 1 1549 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 526 1 363 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 352 1 236 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | functions 2141 1 1186 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | halt 510 1 384 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 580 1 407 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 2541 1 1145 45.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | kdump 2989 1 1248 41.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 348 1 234 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 1223 1 700 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 869 1 606 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 1522 1 782 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | neard 832 1 545 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | networking 1956 1 919 47.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ofono 516 1 347 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 6797 1 2574 37.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ppp 1231 1 595 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 647 1 428 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rc 4457 1 2205 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rcS 525 1 427 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 968 1 617 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | reboot 289 1 216 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 585 1 357 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rpcbind 1827 1 863 47.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 336 1 261 77.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sendsigs 438 1 291 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | single 578 1 404 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sshd 2061 1 918 44.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 907 1 430 47.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | syslog 1715 1 793 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | tcf-agent 1298 1 653 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | udev 2779 1 1431 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | umountfs 540 1 386 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 711 1 492 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | urandom 1473 1 840 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 878 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | inittab 1034 1 688 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | inputrc 1633 1 900 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | bpf_pinning 85 1 85 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ematch_map 75 1 79 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | nl_protos 262 1 245 93.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rt_dsfield 331 1 247 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rt_protos 326 1 260 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rt_realms 112 1 110 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rt_scopes 92 1 88 95.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rt_tables 87 1 86 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | issue 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 55 1 59 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 55960 1 14019 25.1 5.092 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | classid 1130 1 585 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | pktloc 1532 1 747 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 469 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | limits 827 1 585 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | login.access 2006 1 1102 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | login.defs 10929 1 5301 48.5 20.122 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 114 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | logrotate.conf 679 1 454 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | dnf 526 1 133 25.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | man.config 4562 1 2345 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | kbdconfig 721 1 510 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | session 613 1 449 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 438 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | netconfig 767 1 400 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | nfsroot 809 1 486 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 827 41.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | interfaces 615 1 419 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 348 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | phonesim.conf 361 1 292 80.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | passwd 925 1 520 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | passwd- 974 1 544 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | cert8.db 65536 1 437 0.7 38.098 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | key3.db 16384 1 276 1.7 11.050 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | secmod.db 16384 1 455 2.8 20.481 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | chap-secrets 78 1 79 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ip-down 1454 1 908 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 92removedns 118 1 91 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ip-up 1452 1 906 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 08setupdns 292 1 175 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | pap-secrets 77 1 78 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | provider 1093 1 716 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 424 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | profile 1013 1 737 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 664 1 373 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 255 23.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 757 1 213 28.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 1941 1 1299 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | protocols 2932 1 1830 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | client.conf 1233 1 861 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 340 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1376 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 4929 1 2286 46.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 2046 1 1148 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 812 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 191 86.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | quotatab 261 1 218 83.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rpc 895 1 604 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | macros 38 1 36 94.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rpmrc 73 1 59 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | securetty 1848 1 1025 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | services 19199 1 8932 46.5 15.870 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | shadow 576 1 194 33.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | shadow- 608 1 212 34.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | shells 52 1 46 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | .bashrc 410 1 312 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | .profile 241 1 220 91.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 905 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | moduli 553185 3 24210 4.4 97.388 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ssh_config 1570 1 967 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 651 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 608 1 612 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 209 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 315 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1656 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 400 1 403 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sshd_config 3566 1 1857 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 1846 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 172575 73.9 16.035 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4254 39.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sudoers 3174 1 1646 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1646 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | crond 110 1 102 92.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | kdump.conf 411 1 320 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1022 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 512 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 71 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ansi 1481 1 660 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | dumb 308 1 69 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | linux 1730 1 900 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rxvt 2293 1 1352 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | screen 1555 1 804 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | screen-256color 1647 1 835 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sun 1004 1 442 44.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | vt100 1190 1 661 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | vt102 1184 1 657 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | vt200 1377 1 808 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | vt220 1377 1 808 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | vt52 470 1 217 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2014 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 694 44.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1190 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | dnf.conf 164 1 122 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1592696 22.1 5.443 1257.162 | LZO1X-999 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 386453 26.2 7.527 788.478 | LZO1X-999 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 34496 24.1 7.622 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 15697 24.2 10.988 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2645 19.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 395319 14.1 13.873 1430.316 | LZO1X-999 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 275 35.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1202 29.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 1983 24.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 262561 22.4 7.978 885.096 | LZO1X-999 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 2770 34.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 12025 21.8 18.161 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1056 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 5593 32.0 22.362 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2009 38.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 963 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | mount.blacklist 60 1 47 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | automount.rules 847 1 527 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | autonet.rules 757 1 495 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | local.rules 885 1 605 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | localextra.rules 843 1 554 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 2469 1 1368 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 1402 1 920 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | udev.conf 49 1 52 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 50default 2634 1 1016 38.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1210 20.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 1868 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 104 92.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 267 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 174 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4042 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2080 41.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 231 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | libfm.conf 183 1 139 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 269 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | Xserver 652 1 431 66.1 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 10411 63.3 11.567 1027.571 LZO1X-999 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3102547 21.7 11.567 1027.571 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1Y-999 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | Xsession 755 1 462 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 550 1 433 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 115 1 115 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 631 1 368 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 179 1 142 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 181 1 99 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | xinitrc 739 1 389 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | powerbtn 58 1 55 94.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 80 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | asound.conf 32 1 36 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | at.deny 144 1 127 88.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1108 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | localtime 127 1 43 33.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | hosts 1121 1 801 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 764 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ssh.service 1071 1 762 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | bash_completion 45 1 38 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | perf 5466 1 2199 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | quilt 7117 1 2188 30.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1575 30.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | input.conf 397 1 320 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | network.conf 120 1 119 99.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | build 533 1 273 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 969 41.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 63 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 1871 30.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | pap 653 1 503 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | logrotate 189 1 148 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | crontab 653 1 378 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | session.conf 838 1 561 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | system.conf 833 1 559 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 813 11.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 480 42.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 644 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | connman.conf 642 1 307 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 369 33.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ofono.conf 997 1 530 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | org.neard.conf 686 1 321 46.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 769 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | devpts 93 1 92 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 81 88.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 6430 1 3461 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | mountall 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rcS 1040 1 703 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | useradd 117 1 122 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 00_core 1628 1 859 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 42 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 58 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 86 94.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | xserver-nodm 130 1 130 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1120 43.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | dnf.conf 72 1 75 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | arch 29 1 27 93.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | filesystems 38 1 39 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 202 48.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | README 978 1 624 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1124 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | config 1032 1 413 40.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | machconfig 95 1 81 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | fstab 1102 1 553 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | path 1448 1 761 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | %gconf.xml 235 1 137 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 531 24.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | %gconf.xml 515 1 278 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1401 24.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1601 22.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | group 595 1 445 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | group- 614 1 460 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | gshadow 494 1 318 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | gshadow- 509 1 331 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 741 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 741 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | hosts 237 1 175 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | acpid 728 1 394 54.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | alsa-state 811 1 481 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | atd 578 1 359 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2162 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 492 1 275 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | bluetooth 1388 1 763 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1061 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 1922 1 1160 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 3591 1 1981 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | connman 1462 1 840 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | crond 1235 1 735 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | dbus-1 2887 1 1538 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 526 1 357 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 352 1 230 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | functions 2141 1 1159 54.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | halt 510 1 378 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 580 1 393 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 2541 1 1141 44.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | kdump 2989 1 1235 41.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 348 1 226 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 1223 1 679 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 869 1 591 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 1522 1 766 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | neard 832 1 533 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | networking 1956 1 905 46.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ofono 516 1 344 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 6797 1 2537 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ppp 1231 1 585 47.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 647 1 416 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rc 4457 1 2208 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rcS 525 1 423 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 968 1 605 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | reboot 289 1 210 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 585 1 348 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rpcbind 1827 1 840 46.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 336 1 255 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sendsigs 438 1 283 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | single 578 1 398 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sshd 2061 1 909 44.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 907 1 414 45.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | syslog 1715 1 769 44.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | tcf-agent 1298 1 624 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | udev 2779 1 1409 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | umountfs 540 1 378 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 711 1 479 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | urandom 1473 1 824 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 851 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | inittab 1034 1 678 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | inputrc 1633 1 889 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | bpf_pinning 85 1 85 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ematch_map 75 1 79 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | nl_protos 262 1 245 93.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rt_dsfield 331 1 247 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rt_protos 326 1 259 79.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rt_realms 112 1 110 98.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rt_scopes 92 1 88 95.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rt_tables 87 1 86 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | issue 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 55 1 59 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 55960 1 13393 23.9 5.442 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | classid 1130 1 570 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | pktloc 1532 1 713 46.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 448 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | limits 827 1 579 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | login.access 2006 1 1087 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | login.defs 10929 1 5371 49.1 20.649 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 114 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | logrotate.conf 679 1 448 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | dnf 526 1 132 25.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | man.config 4562 1 2373 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | kbdconfig 721 1 507 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | session 613 1 440 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 430 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | netconfig 767 1 393 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | nfsroot 809 1 477 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 802 40.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | interfaces 615 1 408 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 338 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | phonesim.conf 361 1 290 80.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | passwd 925 1 500 54.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | passwd- 974 1 523 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | cert8.db 65536 1 437 0.7 26.081 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | key3.db 16384 1 276 1.7 7.302 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | secmod.db 16384 1 451 2.8 13.748 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | chap-secrets 78 1 79 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ip-down 1454 1 897 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 92removedns 118 1 89 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ip-up 1452 1 896 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 08setupdns 292 1 163 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | pap-secrets 77 1 78 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | provider 1093 1 706 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 417 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | profile 1013 1 728 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 664 1 364 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 248 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 757 1 206 27.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 1941 1 1292 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | protocols 2932 1 1828 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | client.conf 1233 1 848 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 333 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1353 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 4929 1 2329 47.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 2046 1 1151 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 803 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 191 86.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | quotatab 261 1 216 82.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rpc 895 1 595 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | macros 38 1 36 94.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rpmrc 73 1 58 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | securetty 1848 1 1015 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | services 19199 1 8814 45.9 17.011 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | shadow 576 1 194 33.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | shadow- 608 1 211 34.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | shells 52 1 46 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | .bashrc 410 1 306 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | .profile 241 1 219 90.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 900 44.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | moduli 553185 3 25098 4.5 97.165 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ssh_config 1570 1 956 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 651 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 608 1 612 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 209 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 180 1 173 96.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 314 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1657 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 400 1 403 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sshd_config 3566 1 1868 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 1858 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 172762 74.0 16.353 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4295 39.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sudoers 3174 1 1648 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1648 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | crond 110 1 101 91.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | kdump.conf 411 1 314 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1013 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 510 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 71 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ansi 1481 1 648 43.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | dumb 308 1 69 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | linux 1730 1 892 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rxvt 2293 1 1355 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | screen 1555 1 804 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | screen-256color 1647 1 832 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sun 1004 1 439 43.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | vt100 1190 1 651 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | vt102 1184 1 648 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | vt200 1377 1 803 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | vt220 1377 1 803 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | vt52 470 1 215 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | xterm-256color 3522 1 2009 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 692 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1181 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | dnf.conf 164 1 121 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1560830 21.7 6.910 1114.565 | LZO1Y-999 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 385512 26.1 8.148 782.493 | LZO1Y-999 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 33828 23.6 8.329 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 15844 24.4 11.498 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2653 19.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 393534 14.0 14.867 1423.928 | LZO1Y-999 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 274 35.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1192 29.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 2002 24.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 259774 22.2 8.818 879.798 | LZO1Y-999 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 2727 33.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 12056 21.9 18.686 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1053 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 5568 31.8 23.177 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2031 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 952 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | mount.blacklist 60 1 47 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | automount.rules 847 1 522 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | autonet.rules 757 1 490 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | local.rules 885 1 597 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | localextra.rules 843 1 545 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 2469 1 1369 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 1402 1 907 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | udev.conf 49 1 52 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 50default 2634 1 999 37.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1177 19.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 1890 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 103 91.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 266 89.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 174 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4012 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2032 40.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 229 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | libfm.conf 183 1 134 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 266 82.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | Xserver 652 1 421 64.6 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 10279 62.7 11.745 996.491 LZO1Y-999 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3063418 21.5 11.745 996.491 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1Z-999 | .pwd.lock 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | .updated 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 64 1 69 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | Xsession 755 1 475 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 550 1 435 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 115 1 115 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 631 1 373 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 179 1 145 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 181 1 100 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | xinitrc 739 1 400 54.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 56 1 58 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | powerbtn 58 1 55 94.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.rules 76 1 80 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | asound.conf 32 1 36 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | at.deny 144 1 123 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | avahi-daemon.conf 1753 1 1131 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | localtime 127 1 45 35.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | hosts 1121 1 812 72.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sftp-ssh.service 1075 1 772 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ssh.service 1071 1 770 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | bash_completion 45 1 39 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | perf 5466 1 2229 40.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | quilt 7117 1 2203 31.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | trace-cmd.bash 5158 1 1585 30.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | input.conf 397 1 320 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | network.conf 120 1 119 99.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | build 533 1 275 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2337 1 1051 45.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 66 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ca-certificates.conf 6115 1 1895 31.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | pap 653 1 505 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | logrotate 189 1 153 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | cron.deny 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | crontab 653 1 383 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | session.conf 838 1 572 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | system.conf 833 1 570 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ConsoleKit.conf 7305 1 820 11.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | avahi-dbus.conf 1138 1 491 43.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | bluetooth.conf 1315 1 652 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | connman.conf 642 1 314 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf 1096 1 378 34.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ofono.conf 997 1 540 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | org.neard.conf 686 1 330 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | pulseaudio-system.conf 1084 1 780 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | devpts 93 1 92 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.doc-head 92 1 81 88.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | eeepc-acpi-scripts.default.etc-head 127 1 114 89.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 6430 1 3433 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | mountall 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rcS 1040 1 711 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | usbd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | useradd 117 1 122 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 00_core 1628 1 882 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 43 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 58 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 99_wpa_supplicant 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | volatiles.04_pulse 91 1 85 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | xserver-nodm 130 1 130 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | automatic.conf 2571 1 1137 44.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | dnf.conf 72 1 75 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | dnf.conf 4 1 8 200 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | arch 29 1 27 93.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | releasever 6 1 10 167 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | filesystems 38 1 38 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 30-liberation-aliases.conf 419 1 206 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | README 978 1 635 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | fonts.conf 2306 1 1135 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | config 1032 1 427 41.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | machconfig 95 1 82 86.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | fstab 1102 1 561 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | path 1448 1 778 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | %gconf.xml 235 1 139 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | %gconf.xml 2158 1 538 24.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | %gconf.xml 515 1 279 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | %gconf.xml 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | %gconf.xml 5626 1 1385 24.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | settings-daemon.schemas 7202 1 1594 22.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | group 595 1 441 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | group- 614 1 456 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | gshadow 494 1 317 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | gshadow- 509 1 330 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 734 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | im-multipress.conf 890 1 734 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | hostname 14 1 18 129 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | hosts 237 1 178 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | acpid 728 1 401 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | alsa-state 811 1 488 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | atd 578 1 363 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | avahi-daemon 4491 1 2196 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 492 1 284 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | bluetooth 1388 1 776 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1077 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 1922 1 1185 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 3591 1 1985 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | connman 1462 1 858 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | crond 1235 1 743 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | dbus-1 2887 1 1554 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 526 1 363 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 352 1 234 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | functions 2141 1 1185 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | halt 510 1 384 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 580 1 407 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 2541 1 1145 45.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | kdump 2989 1 1250 41.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 348 1 234 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 1223 1 700 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 869 1 606 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 1522 1 781 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | neard 832 1 545 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | networking 1956 1 917 46.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ofono 516 1 347 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 6797 1 2581 38.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ppp 1231 1 593 48.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 647 1 428 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rc 4457 1 2207 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rcS 525 1 427 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 968 1 617 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | reboot 289 1 216 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 585 1 357 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rpcbind 1827 1 863 47.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | run-postinsts 25 1 29 116 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 336 1 261 77.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sendsigs 438 1 291 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | single 578 1 404 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sshd 2061 1 916 44.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 907 1 430 47.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | syslog 1715 1 792 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | tcf-agent 1298 1 653 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | udev 2779 1 1434 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | umountfs 540 1 386 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 711 1 491 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | urandom 1473 1 840 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | xserver-nodm 1436 1 875 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | inittab 1034 1 687 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | inputrc 1633 1 896 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | bpf_pinning 85 1 85 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ematch_map 75 1 79 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | group 31 1 35 113 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | nl_protos 262 1 245 93.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rt_dsfield 331 1 234 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rt_protos 326 1 256 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rt_realms 112 1 109 97.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rt_scopes 92 1 88 95.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rt_tables 87 1 86 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | issue 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 55 1 59 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 55960 1 14021 25.1 5.155 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | classid 1130 1 584 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | pktloc 1532 1 739 48.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | collect_dnf.conf 813 1 469 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | limits 827 1 579 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | login.access 2006 1 1103 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | login.defs 10929 1 5331 48.8 20.062 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 113 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | logrotate.conf 679 1 454 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | dnf 526 1 132 25.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | man.config 4562 1 2360 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | kbdconfig 721 1 510 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | session 613 1 447 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | mke2fs.conf 828 1 437 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | netconfig 767 1 400 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | nfsroot 809 1 486 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | wpa-supplicant 1999 1 826 41.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | interfaces 615 1 419 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | nsswitch.conf 502 1 348 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | phonesim.conf 361 1 291 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | passwd 925 1 518 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | passwd- 974 1 542 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | cert8.db 65536 1 436 0.7 37.933 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | key3.db 16384 1 275 1.7 11.011 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | secmod.db 16384 1 452 2.8 20.391 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | chap-secrets 78 1 79 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ip-down 1454 1 902 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 92removedns 118 1 91 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ip-up 1452 1 900 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 08setupdns 292 1 175 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | options 5 1 9 180 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | pap-secrets 77 1 78 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | provider 1093 1 716 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ppp_on_boot 573 1 424 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | profile 1013 1 737 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 664 1 372 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 255 23.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 757 1 212 28.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 1941 1 1297 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | protocols 2932 1 1828 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | client.conf 1233 1 860 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 50-sato.conf 447 1 340 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | daemon.conf 2374 1 1375 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 4929 1 2294 46.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 2046 1 1144 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | quilt.quiltrc 1347 1 811 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | quotagrpadmins 220 1 190 86.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | quotatab 261 1 217 83.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rpc 895 1 602 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rpcbind.conf 58 1 62 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | macros 38 1 36 94.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | platform 22 1 26 118 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rpmrc 73 1 59 80.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | securetty 1848 1 910 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sedpMbNIZ 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | services 19199 1 8956 46.6 15.851 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | shadow 576 1 194 33.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | shadow- 608 1 212 34.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | shells 52 1 46 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | .bashrc 410 1 311 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | .profile 241 1 220 91.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 906 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | moduli 553185 3 24353 4.4 92.511 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ssh_config 1570 1 964 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ssh_host_dsa_key 668 1 651 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 608 1 612 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 227 1 209 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 180 1 174 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 315 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 100 1 104 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 1679 1 1655 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 400 1 403 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sshd_config 3566 1 1866 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3480 1 1858 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ca-certificates.crt 233394 1 172548 73.9 15.272 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | openssl.cnf 10835 1 4273 39.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sudoers 3174 1 1647 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sudoers.dist 3174 1 1647 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | crond 110 1 102 92.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | kdump.conf 411 1 320 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sysctl.conf 2049 1 1020 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 512 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 71 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ansi 1481 1 638 43.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | dumb 308 1 69 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | linux 1730 1 879 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rxvt 2293 1 1314 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | screen 1555 1 782 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | screen-256color 1647 1 813 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sun 1004 1 424 42.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | vt100 1190 1 636 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | vt102 1184 1 636 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | vt200 1377 1 780 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | vt220 1377 1 780 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | vt52 470 1 216 46.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | xterm-256color 3522 1 1893 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 675 43.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1139 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | timezone 10 1 14 140 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | dnf.conf 164 1 122 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | hwdb.bin 7206342 28 1590118 22.1 5.178 1208.966 | LZO1Z-999 | 20-OUI.hwdb 1474860 6 387182 26.3 6.931 770.477 | LZO1Z-999 | 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb 143348 1 34537 24.1 6.998 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 64856 1 15732 24.3 10.058 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 20-net-ifname.hwdb 111 1 116 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 20-pci-classes.hwdb 13710 1 2645 19.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb 2810099 11 395083 14.1 12.216 1369.028 | LZO1Z-999 | 20-sdio-classes.hwdb 783 1 275 35.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb 4067 1 1204 29.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 20-usb-classes.hwdb 8070 1 1988 24.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb 1170210 5 262696 22.4 7.286 863.123 | LZO1Z-999 | 60-evdev.hwdb 8088 1 2765 34.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 60-keyboard.hwdb 55048 1 12021 21.8 17.363 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 60-sensor.hwdb 1653 1 1054 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 70-mouse.hwdb 17498 1 5595 32.0 21.853 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 70-pointingstick.hwdb 5242 1 2009 38.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 70-touchpad.hwdb 1667 1 961 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | mount.blacklist 60 1 47 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | automount.rules 847 1 527 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | autonet.rules 757 1 495 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | local.rules 885 1 605 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | localextra.rules 843 1 554 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 2469 1 1367 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 1402 1 920 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | udev.conf 49 1 52 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 50default 2634 1 1015 38.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | volatile.cache 5955 1 1210 20.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | warnquota.conf 3360 1 1874 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | wpa_supplicant.conf 113 1 104 92.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop 296 1 267 90.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | connman-applet.desktop 191 1 174 91.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | gsettings-data-convert.desktop 7741 1 4037 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | pulseaudio.desktop 4973 1 2073 41.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | xinput_calibrator.desktop 299 1 231 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | libfm.conf 183 1 139 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | pcmanfm.conf 321 1 268 83.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | Xserver 652 1 431 66.1 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 47884 1.2 10403 63.1 11.022 996.492 LZO1Z-999 ***TOTALS*** 14269721 346 3100221 21.7 11.022 996.492 Done. Align init: 0x7fbba9742010 ( 0x7fbba9742010 ) Alignment test passed. PASS: align Checksum test passed. PASS: chksum LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. compressed 131072 bytes into 593 bytes decompressed 593 bytes back into 131072 bytes Simple compression test passed. PASS: simple LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. compressed 131072 bytes into 593 bytes decompressed 593 bytes back into 131072 bytes miniLZO simple compression test passed. PASS: testmini END: /usr/lib/lzo/ptest 2018-02-13T01:51 2018-02-13T01:51 BEGIN: /usr/lib/nettle/ptest PASS: aes-test PASS: arcfour-test PASS: arctwo-test PASS: base16-test PASS: base64-test PASS: bignum-test PASS: blowfish-test PASS: buffer-test PASS: camellia-test PASS: cast128-test PASS: cbc-test PASS: ccm-test PASS: cfb-test PASS: chacha-poly1305-test PASS: chacha-test PASS: ctr-test PASS: curve25519-dh-test PASS: cxx-test PASS: des-compat-test PASS: des-test PASS: des3-test PASS: dlopen-test PASS: dsa-keygen-test PASS: dsa-test PASS: eax-test PASS: ecc-add-test PASS: ecc-dup-test PASS: ecc-mod-test PASS: ecc-modinv-test PASS: ecc-mul-a-test PASS: ecc-mul-g-test PASS: ecc-redc-test PASS: ecc-sqrt-test PASS: ecdh-test PASS: ecdsa-keygen-test PASS: ecdsa-sign-test PASS: ecdsa-verify-test PASS: ed25519-test PASS: eddsa-compress-test PASS: eddsa-sign-test PASS: eddsa-verify-test PASS: gcm-test PASS: gosthash94-test PASS: hkdf-test PASS: hmac-test PASS: knuth-lfib-test PASS: md2-test PASS: md4-test PASS: md5-compat-test PASS: md5-test PASS: memeql-test PASS: memxor-test PASS: meta-aead-test PASS: meta-armor-test PASS: meta-cipher-test PASS: meta-hash-test PASS: nettle-pbkdf2-test PASS: pbkdf2-test SKIP: pkcs1-conv-test PASS: pkcs1-test PASS: poly1305-test PASS: pss-mgf1-test PASS: pss-test PASS: random-prime-test PASS: ripemd160-test PASS: rsa-encrypt-test PASS: rsa-keygen-test PASS: rsa-pss-sign-tr-test PASS: rsa-sign-tr-test PASS: rsa-test PASS: rsa2sexp-test PASS: salsa20-test PASS: serpent-test PASS: sexp-conv-test PASS: sexp-format-test PASS: sexp-test PASS: sexp2rsa-test SKIP: sha1-huge-test (skipped for ludicrous run time) PASS: sha1-test PASS: sha224-test PASS: sha256-test PASS: sha3-224-test PASS: sha3-256-test PASS: sha3-384-test PASS: sha3-512-test PASS: sha3-permute-test PASS: sha384-test PASS: sha512-224-test PASS: sha512-256-test PASS: sha512-test PASS: symbols-test PASS: twofish-test PASS: umac-test PASS: version-test PASS: yarrow-test All 93 tests passed END: /usr/lib/nettle/ptest 2018-02-13T01:51 2018-02-13T01:51 BEGIN: /usr/lib/openssh/ptest test "x" = "x" || mkdir -p /valgrind-out set -e ; if test -z "" ; then \ V="" ; \ test "x" = "x" || \ V=/usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ ; \ $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/sshbuf/test_sshbuf ; \ $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/sshkey/test_sshkey \ -d /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/sshkey/testdata ; \ $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/bitmap/test_bitmap ; \ $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/conversion/test_conversion ; \ $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/kex/test_kex ; \ $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/hostkeys/test_hostkeys \ -d /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/hostkeys/testdata ; \ $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/match/test_match ; \ if test "x" = "xyes" ; then \ $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/utf8/test_utf8 ; \ fi \ fi ssh-keygen -if /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2.prv | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_openssh.prv tr '\n' '\r' /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2_cr.prv ssh-keygen -if /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2_cr.prv | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_openssh.prv awk '{print $0 "\r"}' /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2.prv > /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2_crnl.prv ssh-keygen -if /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2_crnl.prv | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_openssh.prv cat /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_openssh.prv > /t2.out chmod 600 /t2.out ssh-keygen -yf /t2.out | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ ssh-keygen -ef /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ >/t3.out ssh-keygen -if /t3.out | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ |\ awk '{print $2}' | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/t4.ok ssh-keygen -Bf /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ |\ awk '{print $2}' | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/t5.ok ssh-keygen -if /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/dsa_ssh2.prv > /t6.out1 ssh-keygen -if /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ > /t6.out2 chmod 600 /t6.out1 ssh-keygen -yf /t6.out1 | diff - /t6.out2 ssh-keygen -lf /t7.out > /dev/null ssh-keygen -Bf /t7.out > /dev/null ssh-keygen -lf /t8.out > /dev/null ssh-keygen -Bf /t8.out > /dev/null test "" != yes || \ ssh-keygen -q -t ecdsa -N '' -f /t9.out test "" != yes || \ ssh-keygen -lf /t9.out > /dev/null test "" != yes || \ ssh-keygen -Bf /t9.out > /dev/null ssh-keygen -lf /t10.out > /dev/null ssh-keygen -Bf /t10.out > /dev/null ssh-keygen -E sha256 -lf /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ |\ awk '{print $2}' | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/t11.ok ssh-keygen -lf / | grep test-comment-1234 >/dev/null PASS: simple connect plain username privsep=no comp=no plain username privsep=no comp=yes plain username privsep=yes comp=no plain username privsep=yes comp=yes username with style PASS: proxy connect PASS: proxy connect with privsep PASS: sshd version with different protocol combinations PASS: protocol version mismatch test remote exit status: status 0 test remote exit status: status 1 test remote exit status: status 4 test remote exit status: status 5 test remote exit status: status 44 PASS: remote exit status test environment passing: pass env, don't accept test environment passing: don't pass env, accept test environment passing: pass single env, accept single env test environment passing: pass multiple env, accept multiple env PASS: environment passing PASS: transfer data test banner: missing banner file test banner: size 0 test banner: size 10 test banner: size 100 test banner: size 1000 test banner: size 10000 test banner: size 100000 test banner: suppress banner (-q) PASS: banner client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 client rekey KexAlgorithms=ecdh-sha2-nistp256 client rekey KexAlgorithms=ecdh-sha2-nistp384 client rekey KexAlgorithms=ecdh-sha2-nistp521 client rekey KexAlgorithms=curve25519-sha256 client rekey client rekey Ciphers=3des-cbc client rekey Ciphers=aes128-cbc client rekey Ciphers=aes192-cbc client rekey Ciphers=aes256-cbc client rekey client rekey Ciphers=aes128-ctr client rekey Ciphers=aes192-ctr client rekey Ciphers=aes256-ctr client rekey client rekey client rekey client rekey MACs=hmac-sha1 client rekey MACs=hmac-sha1-96 client rekey MACs=hmac-sha2-256 client rekey MACs=hmac-sha2-512 client rekey MACs=hmac-md5 client rekey MACs=hmac-md5-96 client rekey client rekey client rekey client rekey client rekey client rekey client rekey client rekey client rekey client rekey client rekey diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 client rekey diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 client rekey diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 client rekey diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 client rekey diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 client rekey diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 client rekey diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp256 client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp384 client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp521 client rekey curve25519-sha256 client rekey client rekey diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 client rekey diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 client rekey diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 client rekey diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 client rekey diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 client rekey diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 client rekey diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp256 client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp384 client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp521 client rekey curve25519-sha256 client rekey client rekey diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 client rekey diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 client rekey diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 client rekey diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 client rekey diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 client rekey diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 client rekey diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp256 client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp384 client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp521 client rekey curve25519-sha256 client rekey client rekeylimit 16 client rekeylimit 1k client rekeylimit 128k client rekeylimit 256k client rekeylimit default 5 client rekeylimit default 10 client rekeylimit default 5 no data client rekeylimit default 10 no data server rekeylimit 16 server rekeylimit 1k server rekeylimit 128k server rekeylimit 256k server rekeylimit default 5 no data server rekeylimit default 10 no data rekeylimit parsing PASS: rekey test stderr data transfer: () test stderr data transfer: (-n) PASS: stderr data transfer PASS: stderr data after eof PASS: broken pipe test test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac hmac-sha1 test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac hmac-sha1-96 test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac hmac-sha2-256 test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac hmac-sha2-512 test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac hmac-md5 test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac hmac-md5-96 test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac hmac-sha1 test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac hmac-sha1-96 test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac hmac-sha2-256 test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac hmac-sha2-512 test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac hmac-md5 test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac hmac-md5-96 test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac hmac-sha1 test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac hmac-sha1-96 test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac hmac-sha2-256 test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac hmac-sha2-512 test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac hmac-md5 test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac hmac-md5-96 test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac hmac-sha1 test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac hmac-sha1-96 test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac hmac-sha2-256 test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac hmac-sha2-512 test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac hmac-md5 test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac hmac-md5-96 test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha1 test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha1-96 test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha2-256 test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha2-512 test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-md5 test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-md5-96 test try ciphers: cipher mac test try ciphers: cipher mac test try ciphers: cipher mac test try ciphers: cipher mac test try ciphers: cipher mac test try ciphers: cipher mac test try ciphers: cipher mac test try ciphers: cipher mac test try ciphers: cipher mac test try ciphers: cipher mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac hmac-sha1 test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac hmac-sha1-96 test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac hmac-sha2-256 test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac hmac-sha2-512 test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac hmac-md5 test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac hmac-md5-96 test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac hmac-sha1 test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac hmac-sha1-96 test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac hmac-sha2-256 test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac hmac-sha2-512 test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac hmac-md5 test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac hmac-md5-96 test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac hmac-sha1 test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac hmac-sha1-96 test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac hmac-sha2-256 test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac hmac-sha2-512 test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac hmac-md5 test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac hmac-md5-96 test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha1 test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha1 test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha1 PASS: try ciphers PASS: yes pipe head PASS: connect after login grace timeout PASS: simple agent test SKIP: (not supported on this platform) PASS: agent timeout test PASS: keyscan PASS: change passphrase for key PASS: convert keys PASS: keygen moduli key option command="echo bar" key option no-pty,command="echo bar" key option proto no-pty key option environment key option from="" key option from="" PASS: key options scp: simple copy local file to local file scp: simple copy local file to remote file scp: simple copy remote file to local file scp: simple copy local file to remote dir scp: simple copy local file to local dir scp: simple copy remote file to local dir scp: recursive local dir to remote dir scp: recursive local dir to local dir scp: recursive remote dir to local dir scp: shell metacharacters scp: skipped file after scp -p with failed chown+utimes scp: disallow bad server #0 scp: disallow bad server #1 scp: disallow bad server #2 scp: disallow bad server #3 scp: disallow bad server #4 scp: detect non-directory target PASS: scp test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 5 num_requests 1 test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 5 num_requests 2 test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 5 num_requests 10 test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 1000 num_requests 1 test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 1000 num_requests 2 test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 1000 num_requests 10 test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 32000 num_requests 1 test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 32000 num_requests 2 test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 32000 num_requests 10 test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 64000 num_requests 1 test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 64000 num_requests 2 test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 64000 num_requests 10 PASS: basic sftp put/get SKIP: : /var/run is unsuitable as ChrootDirectory sftp commands: lls sftp commands: lls w/path sftp commands: ls sftp commands: shell sftp commands: pwd sftp commands: lpwd sftp commands: quit sftp commands: help sftp commands: get sftp commands: get quoted sftp commands: get filename with quotes sftp commands: get filename with spaces sftp commands: get filename with glob metacharacters sftp commands: get to directory sftp commands: glob get to directory sftp commands: get to local dir sftp commands: glob get to local dir sftp commands: put sftp commands: put filename with quotes sftp commands: put filename with spaces sftp commands: put to directory sftp commands: glob put to directory sftp commands: put to local dir sftp commands: glob put to local dir sftp commands: rename sftp commands: rename directory sftp commands: ln sftp commands: ln -s sftp commands: mkdir sftp commands: chdir sftp commands: rmdir sftp commands: lmkdir sftp commands: lchdir PASS: sftp commands sftp invalid commands: get nonexistent sftp invalid commands: glob get to nonexistent directory sftp invalid commands: put nonexistent sftp invalid commands: glob put to nonexistent directory sftp invalid commands: rename nonexistent sftp invalid commands: rename target exists (directory) sftp invalid commands: glob put files to local file PASS: sftp invalid commands sftp batchfile: good commands sftp batchfile: bad commands sftp batchfile: comments and blanks sftp batchfile: junk command PASS: sftp batchfile sftp glob: file glob sftp glob: dir glob sftp glob: quoted glob sftp glob: escaped glob sftp glob: escaped quote sftp glob: quoted quote sftp glob: single-quoted quote sftp glob: escaped space sftp glob: quoted space sftp glob: escaped slash sftp glob: quoted slash sftp glob: escaped slash at EOL sftp glob: quoted slash at EOL sftp glob: escaped slash+quote sftp glob: quoted slash+quote PASS: sftp glob sftp permissions: read-only upload sftp permissions: read-only setstat sftp permissions: read-only rm sftp permissions: read-only mkdir sftp permissions: read-only rmdir sftp permissions: read-only posix-rename sftp permissions: read-only oldrename sftp permissions: read-only symlink sftp permissions: read-only hardlink sftp permissions: explicit open sftp permissions: explicit read sftp permissions: explicit write sftp permissions: explicit lstat sftp permissions: explicit opendir sftp permissions: explicit readdir sftp permissions: explicit setstat sftp permissions: explicit remove sftp permissions: explicit mkdir sftp permissions: explicit rmdir sftp permissions: explicit posix-rename sftp permissions: explicit rename sftp permissions: explicit symlink sftp permissions: explicit hardlink sftp permissions: explicit statvfs PASS: sftp permissions PASS: simple connect after reconfigure SKIP: (no suitable ProxyCommand found) PASS: local and remote forwarding test connection multiplexing: envpass test connection multiplexing: transfer test connection multiplexing: forward test connection multiplexing: status 0 test connection multiplexing: status 1 test connection multiplexing: status 4 test connection multiplexing: status 5 test connection multiplexing: status 44 test connection multiplexing: cmd check test connection multiplexing: cmd forward local (TCP) test connection multiplexing: cmd forward remote (TCP) test connection multiplexing: cmd forward local (UNIX) test connection multiplexing: cmd forward remote (UNIX) test connection multiplexing: cmd exit test connection multiplexing: cmd stop PASS: connection multiplexing test config passing test reexec fallback PASS: reexec tests PASS: broken keys reparse minimal config ssh -W opts PASS: ssh config parse reparse minimal config reparse regress config listenaddress order PASS: sshd config parse PASS: sshd_config match test first entry for user somehost test negative match for user somehost test no match for user somehost test list middle for user somehost test faked IP in hostname for user test bare IP4 address for user test localaddress for user somehost test localport for user somehost test bare IP6 address for user ::1 test deny IPv6 for user ::2 test IP6 negated for user ::3 somehost test IP6 no match for user ::4 somehost test IP6 network for user 2000::1 somehost test IP6 network for user 2001::1 somehost test IP6 localaddress for user ::5 somehost test IP6 localport for user ::5 somehost PASS: address match test localcommand: proto localcommand PASS: localcommand PASS: forced command port number parsing: invalid port 0 port number parsing: invalid port 65536 port number parsing: invalid port 131073 port number parsing: invalid port 2000blah port number parsing: invalid port blah2000 port number parsing: valid port 1 port number parsing: valid port 22 port number parsing: valid port 2222 port number parsing: valid port 22222 port number parsing: valid port 65535 PASS: port number parsing keygen dsa, 1024 bits keygen rsa, 2048 bits keygen rsa, 3072 bits keygen ed25519, 512 bits keygen ecdsa, 256 bits keygen ecdsa, 384 bits keygen ecdsa, 521 bits userkey dsa-1024, hostkey dsa-1024 userkey dsa-1024, hostkey dsa-1024 userkey dsa-1024, hostkey dsa-1024 userkey rsa-2048, hostkey rsa-2048 userkey rsa-2048, hostkey rsa-2048 userkey rsa-2048, hostkey rsa-2048 userkey rsa-3072, hostkey rsa-3072 userkey rsa-3072, hostkey rsa-3072 userkey rsa-3072, hostkey rsa-3072 userkey ed25519-512, hostkey ed25519-512 userkey ed25519-512, hostkey ed25519-512 userkey ed25519-512, hostkey ed25519-512 userkey ecdsa-256, hostkey ecdsa-256 userkey ecdsa-256, hostkey ecdsa-256 userkey ecdsa-256, hostkey ecdsa-256 userkey ecdsa-384, hostkey ecdsa-384 userkey ecdsa-384, hostkey ecdsa-384 userkey ecdsa-384, hostkey ecdsa-384 userkey ecdsa-521, hostkey ecdsa-521 userkey ecdsa-521, hostkey ecdsa-521 userkey ecdsa-521, hostkey ecdsa-521 PASS: login with different key types kex diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 kex diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 kex diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 kex diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 kex diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 kex diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 kex diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 kex ecdh-sha2-nistp256 kex ecdh-sha2-nistp384 kex ecdh-sha2-nistp521 kex curve25519-sha256 kex PASS: login with different key exchange algorithms Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ certified host keys: sign host ed25519 cert Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ certified host keys: sign host rsa cert Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ certified host keys: sign host dsa cert Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ certified host keys: sign host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ certified host keys: sign host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ certified host keys: sign host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ certified host keys: sign host rsa-sha2-256 cert Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ certified host keys: sign host rsa-sha2-512 cert Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ certified host keys: host ed25519 cert connect privsep yes certified host keys: ed25519 basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: ed25519 empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: ed25519 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: ed25519 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: ed25519 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: ed25519 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: ed25519 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ed25519 cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ed25519 CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host rsa cert connect privsep yes certified host keys: rsa basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: rsa empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: rsa KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: rsa plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: rsa cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: rsa CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host dsa cert connect privsep yes certified host keys: dsa basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: dsa empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: dsa KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: dsa KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: dsa KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: dsa empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: dsa plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: dsa cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: dsa CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert connect privsep yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert connect privsep yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert connect privsep yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 cert connect privsep yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 cert connect privsep yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host ed25519 cert connect privsep no certified host keys: ed25519 basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: ed25519 empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: ed25519 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: ed25519 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: ed25519 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: ed25519 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: ed25519 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ed25519 cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ed25519 CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host rsa cert connect privsep no certified host keys: rsa basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: rsa empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: rsa KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: rsa plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: rsa cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: rsa CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host dsa cert connect privsep no certified host keys: dsa basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: dsa empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: dsa KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: dsa KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: dsa KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: dsa empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: dsa plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: dsa cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: dsa CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert connect privsep no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert connect privsep no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert connect privsep no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 cert connect privsep no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 cert connect privsep no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 basic connect expect success yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 empty KRL expect success yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 cert plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 CA plaintext revocation expect success no certified host keys: host ed25519 revoked cert privsep yes certified host keys: host rsa revoked cert privsep yes certified host keys: host dsa revoked cert privsep yes certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 revoked cert privsep yes certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 revoked cert privsep yes certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 revoked cert privsep yes certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 revoked cert privsep yes certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 revoked cert privsep yes certified host keys: host ed25519 revoked cert privsep no certified host keys: host rsa revoked cert privsep no certified host keys: host dsa revoked cert privsep no certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 revoked cert privsep no certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 revoked cert privsep no certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 revoked cert privsep no certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 revoked cert privsep no certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 revoked cert privsep no certified host keys: host ed25519 revoked cert certified host keys: host rsa revoked cert certified host keys: host dsa revoked cert certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 revoked cert certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 revoked cert certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 revoked cert certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 revoked cert certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 revoked cert certified host keys: host ed25519 cert downgrade to raw key certified host keys: host rsa cert downgrade to raw key certified host keys: host dsa cert downgrade to raw key certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert downgrade to raw key certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert downgrade to raw key certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert downgrade to raw key certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 cert downgrade to raw key certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 cert downgrade to raw key certified host keys: host ed25519 connect wrong cert certified host keys: host rsa connect wrong cert certified host keys: host dsa connect wrong cert certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 connect wrong cert certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 connect wrong cert certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 connect wrong cert certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 connect wrong cert certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 connect wrong cert PASS: certified host keys certified user keys: sign user ed25519 cert certified user keys: sign user rsa cert certified user keys: sign user dsa cert certified user keys: sign user ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert certified user keys: sign user ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert certified user keys: sign user ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert certified user keys: sign user rsa-sha2-256 cert certified user keys: sign user rsa-sha2-512 cert certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes missing authorized_principals certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes empty authorized_principals certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes correct authorized_principals certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes wrong principals key option certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes correct principals key option certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no missing authorized_principals certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no empty authorized_principals certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no correct authorized_principals certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no wrong principals key option certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no correct principals key option certified user keys: rsa privsep yes missing authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa privsep yes empty authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa privsep yes wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa privsep yes correct authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: rsa privsep yes wrong principals key option certified user keys: rsa privsep yes correct principals key option certified user keys: rsa privsep no missing authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa privsep no empty authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa privsep no wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa privsep no correct authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: rsa privsep no wrong principals key option certified user keys: rsa privsep no correct principals key option certified user keys: dsa privsep yes missing authorized_principals certified user keys: dsa privsep yes empty authorized_principals certified user keys: dsa privsep yes wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: dsa privsep yes correct authorized_principals certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: dsa privsep yes wrong principals key option certified user keys: dsa privsep yes correct principals key option certified user keys: dsa privsep no missing authorized_principals certified user keys: dsa privsep no empty authorized_principals certified user keys: dsa privsep no wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: dsa privsep no correct authorized_principals certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: dsa privsep no wrong principals key option certified user keys: dsa privsep no correct principals key option certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes missing authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes empty authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes correct authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes wrong principals key option certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes correct principals key option certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no missing authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no empty authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no correct authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no wrong principals key option certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no correct principals key option certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes missing authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes empty authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes correct authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes wrong principals key option certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes correct principals key option certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no missing authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no empty authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no correct authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no wrong principals key option certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no correct principals key option certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes missing authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes empty authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes correct authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes wrong principals key option certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes correct principals key option certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no missing authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no empty authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no correct authorized_principals certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no wrong principals key option certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no correct principals key option certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes missing authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes empty authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes correct authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes wrong principals key option certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes correct principals key option certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no missing authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no empty authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no correct authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no wrong principals key option certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no correct principals key option certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes missing authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes empty authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes correct authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes wrong principals key option certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes correct principals key option certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no missing authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no empty authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no wrong authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no correct authorized_principals certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_principals command=false certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_principals command=true certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no wrong principals key option certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no correct principals key option certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_keys connect certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_keys connect certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: ed25519 authorized_keys revoked CA key certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_keys connect certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_keys connect certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: rsa authorized_keys revoked CA key certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_keys connect certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_keys connect certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: dsa authorized_keys revoked CA key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_keys connect certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_keys connect certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 authorized_keys revoked CA key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_keys connect certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_keys connect certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 authorized_keys revoked CA key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_keys connect certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_keys connect certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 authorized_keys revoked CA key certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_keys connect certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_keys connect certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 authorized_keys revoked CA key certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_keys connect certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_keys connect certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_keys revoked key certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 authorized_keys revoked CA key certified user keys: authorized_keys CA does not authenticate certified user keys: ensure CA key does not authenticate user certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: ed25519 TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key certified user keys: rsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: rsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: rsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: rsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: rsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: rsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: rsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: rsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: rsa TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key certified user keys: dsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: dsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: dsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: dsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: dsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: dsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: dsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: dsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: dsa TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key certified user keys: TrustedUserCAKeys CA does not authenticate certified user keys: ensure CA key does not authenticate user certified user keys: correct principal auth authorized_keys expect success rsa certified user keys: correct principal auth authorized_keys expect success ed25519 certified user keys: correct principal auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect success rsa certified user keys: correct principal auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect success ed25519 certified user keys: host-certificate auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa certified user keys: host-certificate auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: host-certificate auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa certified user keys: host-certificate auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: wrong principals auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa certified user keys: wrong principals auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: wrong principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa certified user keys: wrong principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: cert not yet valid auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa certified user keys: cert not yet valid auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: cert not yet valid auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa certified user keys: cert not yet valid auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: cert expired auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa certified user keys: cert expired auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: cert expired auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa certified user keys: cert expired auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: cert valid interval auth authorized_keys expect success rsa certified user keys: cert valid interval auth authorized_keys expect success ed25519 certified user keys: cert valid interval auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect success rsa certified user keys: cert valid interval auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect success ed25519 certified user keys: wrong source-address auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa certified user keys: wrong source-address auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: wrong source-address auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa certified user keys: wrong source-address auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: force-command auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa certified user keys: force-command auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: force-command auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa certified user keys: force-command auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: empty principals auth authorized_keys expect success rsa certified user keys: empty principals auth authorized_keys expect success ed25519 certified user keys: empty principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa certified user keys: empty principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: AuthorizedPrincipalsFile principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect success rsa certified user keys: AuthorizedPrincipalsFile principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect success ed25519 certified user keys: AuthorizedPrincipalsFile no principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa certified user keys: AuthorizedPrincipalsFile no principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: principals key option principals auth authorized_keys expect success rsa certified user keys: principals key option principals auth authorized_keys expect success ed25519 certified user keys: principals key option no principals auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa certified user keys: principals key option no principals auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: force-command match true auth authorized_keys expect success rsa certified user keys: force-command match true auth authorized_keys expect success ed25519 certified user keys: force-command match true auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa certified user keys: force-command match true auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: force-command mismatch 1 auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa certified user keys: force-command mismatch 1 auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: force-command mismatch 2 auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa certified user keys: force-command mismatch 2 auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519 certified user keys: user ed25519 connect wrong cert certified user keys: user rsa connect wrong cert certified user keys: user dsa connect wrong cert certified user keys: user ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 connect wrong cert certified user keys: user ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 connect wrong cert certified user keys: user ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 connect wrong cert certified user keys: user rsa-sha2-256 connect wrong cert certified user keys: user rsa-sha2-512 connect wrong cert PASS: certified user keys PASS: expand %h and %n skipping: /var/run/keycommand_root is unsuitable as AuthorizedKeysCommand check_lfwd done (expecting Y): default configuration check_rfwd done (expecting Y): default configuration check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, !PermitOpen check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, !PermitOpen check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, !permitopen check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, !permitopen check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, permitopen check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, permitopen check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=local check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, !PermitOpen check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, !PermitOpen check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, !permitopen check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, !permitopen check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=local, permitopen check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, permitopen check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=remote check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, !PermitOpen check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, !PermitOpen check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, !permitopen check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, !permitopen check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, permitopen check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, permitopen check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, !PermitOpen check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, !PermitOpen check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, !permitopen check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, !permitopen check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, permitopen check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, permitopen PASS: sshd control of local and remote forwarding test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2900 test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2901 test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2902 test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2903 test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2904 test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2905 test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2906 test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2907 test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2908 test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2900 test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2901 test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2902 test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2903 test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2904 test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2905 test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2906 test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2907 test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2908 test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2900 test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2901 test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2902 test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2903 test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2904 test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2905 test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2906 test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2907 test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2908 test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2900 test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2901 test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2902 test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2903 test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2904 test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2905 test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2906 test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2907 test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2908 test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: hmac-md5 @2900 test integrity: hmac-md5 @2901 test integrity: hmac-md5 @2902 test integrity: hmac-md5 @2903 test integrity: hmac-md5 @2904 test integrity: hmac-md5 @2905 test integrity: hmac-md5 @2906 test integrity: hmac-md5 @2907 test integrity: hmac-md5 @2908 test integrity: hmac-md5 @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2900 test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2901 test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2902 test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2903 test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2904 test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2905 test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2906 test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2907 test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2908 test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 test integrity: @2900 test integrity: @2901 test integrity: @2902 test integrity: @2903 test integrity: @2904 test integrity: @2905 test integrity: @2906 test integrity: @2907 test integrity: @2908 test integrity: @2909 test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0 PASS: integrity key revocation lists: generating test keys key revocation lists: generating KRLs key revocation lists: checking revocations for revoked keys key revocation lists: checking revocations for unrevoked keys key revocation lists: checking revocations for revoked certs key revocation lists: checking revocations for unrevoked certs key revocation lists: testing KRL update key revocation lists: checking revocations for revoked keys key revocation lists: checking revocations for unrevoked keys key revocation lists: checking revocations for revoked certs key revocation lists: checking revocations for unrevoked certs PASS: key revocation lists PASS: multiple pubkey allow rsa,ed25519 allow ed25519 allow cert only match w/ no match match w/ matching PASS: restrict pubkey type key type ssh-ed25519 privsep=no key type ssh-rsa privsep=no key type ssh-dss privsep=no key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep=no key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep=no key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep=no key type ssh-ed25519 privsep=yes key type ssh-rsa privsep=yes key type ssh-dss privsep=yes key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep=yes key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep=yes key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep=yes PASS: hostkey agent /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts updated. Original contents retained as /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts.old /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts updated. Original contents retained as /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts.old /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts updated. Original contents retained as /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts.old /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts updated. Original contents retained as /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts.old /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hashed updated. Original contents retained as /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hashed.old PASS: ssh-keygen known_hosts learn hostkey with StrictHostKeyChecking=no learn additional hostkeys learn additional hostkeys, type=ssh-ed25519 learn additional hostkeys, type=ssh-rsa learn additional hostkeys, type=ssh-dss learn additional hostkeys, type=ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 learn additional hostkeys, type=ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 learn additional hostkeys, type=ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 learn changed non-primary hostkey learn new primary hostkey rotate primary hostkey check rotate primary hostkey PASS: hostkey rotate skipping: /var/run/principals_command_root is unsuitable as AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand identity cert with no plain public file CertificateFile with no plain public file plain keys untrusted cert good cert, bad key single trusted multiple trusted PASS: ssh with certificates PASS: config include PASS: AllowUsers/DenyUsers ExposeAuthInfo=no ExposeAuthInfo=yes PASS: authinfo PASS: ptrace agent END: /usr/lib/openssh/ptest 2018-02-13T01:58 2018-02-13T01:58 BEGIN: /usr/lib/openssl/ptest Makefile is older than, Configure or config. Reconfigure the source tree (via './config' or 'perl Configure'), please. testing... make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./destest Doing cbcm Doing ecb Doing ede ecb Doing cbc Doing desx cbc Doing ede cbc Doing pcbc Doing cfb8 cfb16 cfb32 cfb48 cfb64 cfb64() ede_cfb64() done Doing ofb Doing ofb64 Doing ede_ofb64 Doing cbc_cksum Doing quad_cksum input word alignment test 0 1 2 3 output word alignment test 0 1 2 3 fast crypt test make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_des make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./ideatest ecb idea ok cbc idea ok cfb64 idea ok make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_idea make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./shatest test 1 ok test 2 ok test 3 ok ../util/ ./sha1test test 1 ok test 2 ok test 3 ok ../util/ ./sha256t Testing SHA-256 ... passed. Testing SHA-224 ... passed. ../util/ ./sha512t Testing SHA-512 ... passed. Testing SHA-384 ... passed. make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_sha make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./md4test test 1 ok test 2 ok test 3 ok test 4 ok test 5 ok test 6 ok test 7 ok make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_md4 make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./md5test test 1 ok test 2 ok test 3 ok test 4 ok test 5 ok test 6 ok test 7 ok make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_md5 make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./hmactest test 0 ok test 1 ok test 2 ok test 3 ok test 4 ok test 5 ok test 6 ok make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_hmac make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./md2test No MD2 support make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_md2 make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./mdc2test pad1 - ok pad2 - ok make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_mdc2 make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./wp_test Testing Whirlpool ......... passed. make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_wp make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./rmdtest test 1 ok test 2 ok test 3 ok test 4 ok test 5 ok test 6 ok test 7 ok test 8 ok make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_rmd make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./rc2test ecb RC2 ok make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_rc2 make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./rc4test test 0 ok test 1 ok test 2 ok test 3 ok test 4 ok test 5 ok test end processing ....................done test multi-call ....................done bulk test ok make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_rc4 make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./rc5test No RC5 support make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_rc5 make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./bftest testing blowfish in raw ecb mode testing blowfish in ecb mode testing blowfish set_key testing blowfish in cbc mode testing blowfish in cfb64 mode testing blowfish in ofb64 make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_bf make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./casttest ecb cast5 ok This test will take some time....123456789ABCDEF ok make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_cast make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'test_aes'. make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_aes make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./randtest test 1 done test 2 done test 3 done test 4 done make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_rand make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' starting big number library test, could take a while... running bc test a^b%c implementations ../util/ ./exptest ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ done make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_bn make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' test elliptic curves ../util/ ./ectest Curve defined by Weierstrass equation y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b (mod 0x17) a = 0x1 b = 0x1 A cyclic subgroup: point at infinity x = 0xD, y = 0x7 x = 0x5, y = 0x4 x = 0x11, y = 0x3 x = 0x11, y = 0x14 x = 0x5, y = 0x13 x = 0xD, y = 0x10 Generator as octet string, compressed form: 030D Generator as octet string, uncompressed form: 040D07 Generator as octet string, hybrid form: 070D07 A representation of the inverse of that generator in Jacobian projective coordinates: X = 0xC, Y = 0xF, Z = 0xA SEC2 curve secp160r1 -- Generator: x = 0x4A96B5688EF573284664698968C38BB913CBFC82 y = 0x23A628553168947D59DCC912042351377AC5FB32 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve P-192 -- Generator: x = 0x188DA80EB03090F67CBF20EB43A18800F4FF0AFD82FF1012 y = 0x7192B95FFC8DA78631011ED6B24CDD573F977A11E794811 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve P-224 -- Generator: x = 0xB70E0CBD6BB4BF7F321390B94A03C1D356C21122343280D6115C1D21 y = 0xBD376388B5F723FB4C22DFE6CD4375A05A07476444D5819985007E34 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve P-256 -- Generator: x = 0x6B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296 y = 0x4FE342E2FE1A7F9B8EE7EB4A7C0F9E162BCE33576B315ECECBB6406837BF51F5 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve P-384 -- Generator: x = 0xAA87CA22BE8B05378EB1C71EF320AD746E1D3B628BA79B9859F741E082542A385502F25DBF55296C3A545E3872760AB7 y = 0x3617DE4A96262C6F5D9E98BF9292DC29F8F41DBD289A147CE9DA3113B5F0B8C00A60B1CE1D7E819D7A431D7C90EA0E5F verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve P-521 -- Generator: x = 0xC6858E06B70404E9CD9E3ECB662395B4429C648139053FB521F828AF606B4D3DBAA14B5E77EFE75928FE1DC127A2FFA8DE3348B3C1856A429BF97E7E31C2E5BD66 y = 0x11839296A789A3BC0045C8A5FB42C7D1BD998F54449579B446817AFBD17273E662C97EE72995EF42640C550B9013FAD0761353C7086A272C24088BE94769FD16650 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok combined multiplication ..... ok Curve defined by Weierstrass equation y^2 + x*y = x^3 + a*x^2 + b (mod 0x13) a = 0x3 b = 0x1 (0x... means binary polynomial) A cyclic subgroup: point at infinity x = 0x6, y = 0x8 x = 0x1, y = 0xD x = 0x7, y = 0x2 x = 0x0, y = 0x1 x = 0x7, y = 0x5 x = 0x1, y = 0xC x = 0x6, y = 0xE Generator as octet string, uncompressed form: 040608 NIST curve K-163 -- Generator: x = 0x2FE13C0537BBC11ACAA07D793DE4E6D5E5C94EEE8 y = 0x289070FB05D38FF58321F2E800536D538CCDAA3D9 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve B-163 -- Generator: x = 0x3F0EBA16286A2D57EA0991168D4994637E8343E36 y = 0xD51FBC6C71A0094FA2CDD545B11C5C0C797324F1 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve K-233 -- Generator: x = 0x17232BA853A7E731AF129F22FF4149563A419C26BF50A4C9D6EEFAD6126 y = 0x1DB537DECE819B7F70F555A67C427A8CD9BF18AEB9B56E0C11056FAE6A3 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve B-233 -- Generator: x = 0xFAC9DFCBAC8313BB2139F1BB755FEF65BC391F8B36F8F8EB7371FD558B y = 0x1006A08A41903350678E58528BEBF8A0BEFF867A7CA36716F7E01F81052 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve K-283 -- Generator: x = 0x503213F78CA44883F1A3B8162F188E553CD265F23C1567A16876913B0C2AC2458492836 y = 0x1CCDA380F1C9E318D90F95D07E5426FE87E45C0E8184698E45962364E34116177DD2259 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve B-283 -- Generator: x = 0x5F939258DB7DD90E1934F8C70B0DFEC2EED25B8557EAC9C80E2E198F8CDBECD86B12053 y = 0x3676854FE24141CB98FE6D4B20D02B4516FF702350EDDB0826779C813F0DF45BE8112F4 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve K-409 -- Generator: x = 0x60F05F658F49C1AD3AB1890F7184210EFD0987E307C84C27ACCFB8F9F67CC2C460189EB5AAAA62EE222EB1B35540CFE9023746 y = 0x1E369050B7C4E42ACBA1DACBF04299C3460782F918EA427E6325165E9EA10E3DA5F6C42E9C55215AA9CA27A5863EC48D8E0286B verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve B-409 -- Generator: x = 0x15D4860D088DDB3496B0C6064756260441CDE4AF1771D4DB01FFE5B34E59703DC255A868A1180515603AEAB60794E54BB7996A7 y = 0x61B1CFAB6BE5F32BBFA78324ED106A7636B9C5A7BD198D0158AA4F5488D08F38514F1FDF4B4F40D2181B3681C364BA0273C706 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve K-571 -- Generator: x = 0x26EB7A859923FBC82189631F8103FE4AC9CA2970012D5D46024804801841CA44370958493B205E647DA304DB4CEB08CBBD1BA39494776FB988B47174DCA88C7E2945283A01C8972 y = 0x349DC807F4FBF374F4AEADE3BCA95314DD58CEC9F307A54FFC61EFC006D8A2C9D4979C0AC44AEA74FBEBBB9F772AEDCB620B01A7BA7AF1B320430C8591984F601CD4C143EF1C7A3 verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok NIST curve B-571 -- Generator: x = 0x303001D34B856296C16C0D40D3CD7750A93D1D2955FA80AA5F40FC8DB7B2ABDBDE53950F4C0D293CDD711A35B67FB1499AE60038614F1394ABFA3B4C850D927E1E7769C8EEC2D19 y = 0x37BF27342DA639B6DCCFFFEB73D69D78C6C27A6009CBBCA1980F8533921E8A684423E43BAB08A576291AF8F461BB2A8B3531D2F0485C19B16E2F1516E23DD3C1A4827AF1B8AC15B verify degree ... ok verify group order .... ok long/negative scalar tests allowing precomputation ... without precomputation ... ok combined multiplication ..... ok testing internal curves: ................................................................................. ok make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_ec make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' test ecdsa ../util/ ./ecdsatest some tests from X9.62: testing prime192v1: .... ok testing prime239v1: .... ok testing c2tnb191v1: .... ok testing c2tnb239v1: .... ok testing ECDSA_sign() and ECDSA_verify() with some internal curves: secp160k1: ........ ok secp160r1: ........ ok secp160r2: ........ ok secp192k1: ........ ok secp224k1: ........ ok secp224r1: ........ ok secp256k1: ........ ok secp384r1: ........ ok secp521r1: ........ ok prime192v1: ........ ok prime192v2: ........ ok prime192v3: ........ ok prime239v1: ........ ok prime239v2: ........ ok prime239v3: ........ ok prime256v1: ........ ok sect163k1: ........ ok sect163r1: ........ ok sect163r2: ........ ok sect193r1: ........ ok sect193r2: ........ ok sect233k1: ........ ok sect233r1: ........ ok sect239k1: ........ ok sect283k1: ........ ok sect283r1: ........ ok sect409k1: ........ ok sect409r1: ........ ok sect571k1: ........ ok sect571r1: ........ ok c2pnb163v1: ........ ok c2pnb163v2: ........ ok c2pnb163v3: ........ ok c2pnb176v1: ........ ok c2tnb191v1: ........ ok c2tnb191v2: ........ ok c2tnb191v3: ........ ok c2pnb208w1: ........ ok c2tnb239v1: ........ ok c2tnb239v2: ........ ok c2tnb239v3: ........ ok c2pnb272w1: ........ ok c2pnb304w1: ........ ok c2tnb359v1: ........ ok c2pnb368w1: ........ ok c2tnb431r1: ........ ok wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls3: ........ ok wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls5: ........ ok wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls7: ........ ok wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls9: ........ ok wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls10: ........ ok wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls11: ........ ok wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls12: ........ ok brainpoolP160r1: ........ ok brainpoolP160t1: ........ ok brainpoolP192r1: ........ ok brainpoolP192t1: ........ ok brainpoolP224r1: ........ ok brainpoolP224t1: ........ ok brainpoolP256r1: ........ ok brainpoolP256t1: ........ ok brainpoolP320r1: ........ ok brainpoolP320t1: ........ ok brainpoolP384r1: ........ ok brainpoolP384t1: ........ ok brainpoolP512r1: ........ ok brainpoolP512t1: ........ ok ECDSA test passed make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_ecdsa make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' test ecdh ../util/ ./ecdhtest Testing key generation with NIST Prime-Curve P-192 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Prime-Curve P-224 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Prime-Curve P-256 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Prime-Curve P-384 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Prime-Curve P-521 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Binary-Curve K-163 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Binary-Curve B-163 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Binary-Curve K-233 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Binary-Curve B-233 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Binary-Curve K-283 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Binary-Curve B-283 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Binary-Curve K-409 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Binary-Curve B-409 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Binary-Curve K-571 .... ok Testing key generation with NIST Binary-Curve B-571 .... ok Testing ECDH shared secret with Brainpool Prime-Curve brainpoolP256r1 ok Testing ECDH shared secret with Brainpool Prime-Curve brainpoolP384r1 ok Testing ECDH shared secret with Brainpool Prime-Curve brainpoolP512r1 ok make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_ecdh make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' cat base64 aes-128-cbc aes-128-cbc base64 aes-128-ecb aes-128-ecb base64 aes-192-cbc aes-192-cbc base64 aes-192-ecb aes-192-ecb base64 aes-256-cbc aes-256-cbc base64 aes-256-ecb aes-256-ecb base64 base64 base64 base64 bf bf base64 bf-cbc bf-cbc base64 bf-cfb bf-cfb base64 bf-ecb bf-ecb base64 bf-ofb bf-ofb base64 camellia-128-cbc camellia-128-cbc base64 camellia-128-ecb camellia-128-ecb base64 camellia-192-cbc camellia-192-cbc base64 camellia-192-ecb camellia-192-ecb base64 camellia-256-cbc camellia-256-cbc base64 camellia-256-ecb camellia-256-ecb base64 cast cast base64 cast-cbc cast-cbc base64 cast5-cbc cast5-cbc base64 cast5-cfb cast5-cfb base64 cast5-ecb cast5-ecb base64 cast5-ofb cast5-ofb base64 des des base64 des-cbc des-cbc base64 des-cfb des-cfb base64 des-ecb des-ecb base64 des-ede des-ede base64 des-ede-cbc des-ede-cbc base64 des-ede-cfb des-ede-cfb base64 des-ede-ofb des-ede-ofb base64 des-ede3 des-ede3 base64 des-ede3-cbc des-ede3-cbc base64 des-ede3-cfb des-ede3-cfb base64 des-ede3-ofb des-ede3-ofb base64 des-ofb des-ofb base64 des3 des3 base64 desx desx base64 idea idea base64 idea-cbc idea-cbc base64 idea-cfb idea-cfb base64 idea-ecb idea-ecb base64 idea-ofb idea-ofb base64 rc2 rc2 base64 rc2-40-cbc rc2-40-cbc base64 rc2-64-cbc rc2-64-cbc base64 rc2-cbc rc2-cbc base64 rc2-cfb rc2-cfb base64 rc2-ecb rc2-ecb base64 rc2-ofb rc2-ofb base64 rc4 rc4 base64 rc4-40 rc4-40 base64 seed seed base64 seed-cbc seed-cbc base64 seed-cfb seed-cfb base64 seed-ecb seed-ecb base64 seed-ofb seed-ofb base64 make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_enc make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' echo test normal x509v1 certificate test normal x509v1 certificate sh ./tx509 2>/dev/null testing X509 conversions p -> d p -> n p -> p d -> d n -> d p -> d d -> n n -> n p -> n d -> p n -> p p -> p Parsing test certificates OK echo test first x509v3 certificate test first x509v3 certificate sh ./tx509 v3-cert1.pem 2>/dev/null testing X509 conversions p -> d p -> n p -> p d -> d n -> d p -> d d -> n n -> n p -> n d -> p n -> p p -> p Parsing test certificates OK echo test second x509v3 certificate test second x509v3 certificate sh ./tx509 v3-cert2.pem 2>/dev/null testing X509 conversions p -> d p -> n p -> p d -> d n -> d p -> d d -> n n -> n p -> n d -> p n -> p p -> p Parsing test certificates OK make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_x509 make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' rsa testing rsa conversions p -> d p -> p d -> d p -> d d -> p p -> p ../util/ ./rsa_test PKCS #1 v1.5 encryption/decryption ok OAEP encryption/decryption ok PKCS #1 v1.5 encryption/decryption ok OAEP encryption/decryption ok PKCS #1 v1.5 encryption/decryption ok OAEP encryption/decryption ok PKCS #1 v1.5 encryption/decryption ok OAEP encryption/decryption ok PKCS #1 v1.5 encryption/decryption ok OAEP encryption/decryption ok PKCS #1 v1.5 encryption/decryption ok OAEP encryption/decryption ok make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_rsa make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' testing crl conversions p -> d p -> p d -> d p -> d d -> p p -> p make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_crl make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' testing session-id conversions p -> d p -> p d -> d p -> d d -> p p -> p make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_sid make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' Generate and verify a certificate request generating certificate request rsa There should be a 2 sequences of .'s and some +'s. There should not be more that at most 80 per line This could take some time. make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_gen make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' testing req conversions p -> d p -> p d -> d p -> d d -> p p -> p testing req conversions p -> d p -> p d -> d p -> d d -> p p -> p make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_req make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' testing pkcs7 conversions p -> d p -> p d -> d p -> d d -> p p -> p testing pkcs7 conversions (2) p -> d p -> p d -> d p -> d d -> p p -> p make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_pkcs7 make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' The following command should have some OK's and some failures There are definitly a few expired certificates ../util/ ../apps/openssl verify -CApath ../certs/demo ../certs/demo/*.pem ../certs/demo/ca-cert.pem: C = AU, ST = Queensland, O = CryptSoft Pty Ltd, CN = Test PCA (1024 bit) error 10 at 1 depth lookup:certificate has expired C = AU, ST = Queensland, O = CryptSoft Pty Ltd, CN = Test CA (1024 bit) error 10 at 0 depth lookup:certificate has expired OK ../certs/demo/dsa-ca.pem: C = AU, ST = Some-State, O = Internet Widgits Pty Ltd, CN = PCA error 10 at 1 depth lookup:certificate has expired C = AU, ST = Some-State, O = Internet Widgits Pty Ltd, CN = CA error 10 at 0 depth lookup:certificate has expired OK ../certs/demo/dsa-pca.pem: C = AU, ST = Some-State, O = Internet Widgits Pty Ltd, CN = PCA error 10 at 0 depth lookup:certificate has expired OK ../certs/demo/pca-cert.pem: C = AU, ST = Queensland, O = CryptSoft Pty Ltd, CN = Test PCA (1024 bit) error 10 at 0 depth lookup:certificate has expired OK make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_verify make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' Generate a set of DH parameters ../util/ ./dhtest .....++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++*++* p =F7555F035DEA9F43 g =5 pri 1=69B703332BA521D2 pub 1=7011B3ADC422DB7F pri 2=7B417152DFCDA206 pub 2=95EB628A1ECCB17 key1 =13995EBB84427B53 key2 =13995EBB84427B53 RFC5114 parameter test 1 OK RFC5114 parameter test 2 OK RFC5114 parameter test 3 OK RFC5114 parameter test 4 OK make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_dh make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' Generate a set of DSA parameters ../util/ ./dsatest ../util/ ./dsatest -app2_1 make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_dsa make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' Generate and certify a test certificate make a certificate request using 'req' rsa convert the certificate request into a self signed certificate using 'x509' convert a certificate into a certificate request using 'x509' OK make a user certificate request using 'req' sign user certificate request with the just created CA via 'x509' OK Certificate details subject= /C=AU/O=Dodgy Brothers/CN=Brother 1/CN=Brother 2 issuer= /C=AU/O=Dodgy Brothers/CN=Dodgy CA notBefore=Feb 13 01:58:31 2018 GMT notAfter=Mar 15 01:58:31 2018 GMT make a proxy certificate request using 'req' sign proxy certificate request with the just created user certificate via 'x509' C = AU, O = Dodgy Brothers, CN = Brother 1, CN = Brother 2, CN = Proxy 1 error 40 at 0 depth lookup:proxy certificates not allowed, please set the appropriate flag Certificate details subject= /C=AU/O=Dodgy Brothers/CN=Brother 1/CN=Brother 2/CN=Proxy 1 issuer= /C=AU/O=Dodgy Brothers/CN=Brother 1/CN=Brother 2 notBefore=Feb 13 01:58:31 2018 GMT notAfter=Mar 15 01:58:31 2018 GMT make another proxy certificate request using 'req' sign second proxy certificate request with the first proxy certificate via 'x509' C = AU, O = Dodgy Brothers, CN = Brother 1, CN = Brother 2, CN = Proxy 1, CN = Proxy 2 error 40 at 0 depth lookup:proxy certificates not allowed, please set the appropriate flag Certificate details subject= /C=AU/O=Dodgy Brothers/CN=Brother 1/CN=Brother 2/CN=Proxy 1/CN=Proxy 2 issuer= /C=AU/O=Dodgy Brothers/CN=Brother 1/CN=Brother 2/CN=Proxy 1 notBefore=Feb 13 01:58:31 2018 GMT notAfter=Mar 15 01:58:31 2018 GMT The generated CA certificate is The generated CA private key is The generated user certificate is The generated user private key is The first generated proxy certificate is The first generated proxy private key is The second generated proxy certificate is The second generated proxy private key is make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_ss make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' rsa Generate and certify a test certificate via the 'ca' program CA certificate filename (or enter to create) Making CA certificate ... Request is in newreq.pem, private key is in newkey.pem Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 94:a1:fe:e0:8b:58:ec:77 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=AU, O=Dodgy Brothers, CN=Dodgy CA Validity Not Before: Feb 13 01:58:31 2018 GMT Not After : Feb 13 01:58:31 2019 GMT Subject: C=AU, O=Dodgy Brothers, CN=Brother 1, CN=Brother 2 Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Public-Key: (2048 bit) Modulus: 00:b9:37:81:79:c8:eb:eb:e4:14:1c:4e:cc:7f:d9: 6f:97:f7:e3:5f:d8:35:59:2f:e1:69:5e:f2:70:8b: 65:e0:d3:c0:bf:19:2e:2e:a1:eb:de:57:6d:fa:d1: 26:d4:c1:7f:11:15:bb:3c:f7:71:39:d2:8c:d7:a2: ed:f0:ac:61:70:3f:e3:ba:38:d9:72:75:23:28:16: 92:98:e7:d7:65:07:5a:87:fd:9a:c6:a2:bd:58:e6: cd:2d:aa:28:0d:be:05:45:86:ac:ec:02:24:2d:3b: 8c:89:fb:62:d3:cf:6e:c3:91:dd:5d:e4:fe:66:0e: 57:d5:ce:34:ea:97:aa:d9:6e:b2:7b:d5:86:7d:fe: 25:99:47:43:e4:83:86:f5:c6:a9:3f:3e:1a:56:80: f3:16:11:f2:8d:86:d8:cf:13:19:2b:32:4e:9f:d6: 99:36:e7:d5:f9:74:f6:f9:c2:cb:3c:05:bc:8a:55: 57:03:b2:20:d6:ce:69:6b:88:b0:4c:40:dc:42:70: 3f:e7:5e:2d:b5:c2:0f:6c:31:d4:b3:88:cf:0c:14: 75:6a:45:21:7e:af:6a:0b:66:6a:21:b1:c8:a1:fc: 12:58:b7:95:e9:93:cb:cc:26:23:fa:f9:8a:1d:9f: 61:ba:a2:16:d6:0e:bd:19:ba:2a:b6:a0:d2:71:32: 34:a7 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE Netscape Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: C9:1B:32:7C:5A:E1:2D:ED:98:E9:7E:6C:BE:E5:25:27:72:33:1A:CF X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:65:9F:93:A4:D7:0B:07:4D:0E:CE:95:F4:E2:5A:EC:1B:F6:0C:D4:60 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption 63:5a:6f:d1:84:a0:f0:86:1f:ad:63:24:08:55:1a:78:d2:b8: 29:00:45:38:7c:77:cc:c8:91:78:38:0d:80:18:99:b3:3f:4e: 57:da:ba:df:f6:36:7c:3c:90:dd:dc:eb:50:e0:f5:a8:85:88: b6:4c:8a:f1:cf:79:1a:c6:e5:5c:54:ad:59:a8:53:0d:b5:db: 12:aa:19:38:4e:23:84:00:1c:35:38:8d:a1:ce:53:27:38:15: 9f:24:79:a7:34:86:37:2e:55:d0:5f:f6:61:e8:55:c4:48:0d: 4d:ea:bc:32:36:bf:6b:4b:08:42:4b:3b:57:38:a1:a7:78:ff: e4:71:78:1a:2a:b3:89:24:c0:ec:d0:75:b5:cb:f2:f2:ff:b2: e5:14:5e:26:7a:75:72:f6:a0:46:60:e3:b7:fb:3f:a9:45:d7: dc:4c:fd:b5:14:30:b9:4b:6e:ca:ce:59:db:0a:b4:1e:c6:30: 7a:4d:45:2f:14:d5:11:b7:d5:a8:d2:e5:4c:ba:8f:46:ff:06: 8c:ba:1f:5e:a2:22:ab:30:16:f9:71:5a:5b:11:04:aa:d5:75: 60:96:d1:25:39:da:01:a0:8c:92:cf:77:15:ef:60:60:23:7b: 97:3c:96:50:d8:43:b3:3a:c5:94:94:46:51:66:45:4f:db:7e: ac:48:fc:4d -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDhTCCAm2gAwIBAgIJAJSh/uCLWOx3MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMDkxCzAJBgNV BAYTAkFVMRcwFQYDVQQKDA5Eb2RneSBCcm90aGVyczERMA8GA1UEAwwIRG9kZ3kg Q0EwHhcNMTgwMjEzMDE1ODMxWhcNMTkwMjEzMDE1ODMxWjBOMQswCQYDVQQGEwJB VTEXMBUGA1UECgwORG9kZ3kgQnJvdGhlcnMxEjAQBgNVBAMMCUJyb3RoZXIgMTES MBAGA1UEAwwJQnJvdGhlciAyMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKC AQEAuTeBecjr6+QUHE7Mf9lvl/fjX9g1WS/haV7ycItl4NPAvxkuLqHr3ldt+tEm 1MF/ERW7PPdxOdKM16Lt8KxhcD/jujjZcnUjKBaSmOfXZQdah/2axqK9WObNLaoo Db4FRYas7AIkLTuMifti089uw5HdXeT+Zg5X1c406peq2W6ye9WGff4lmUdD5IOG 9capPz4aVoDzFhHyjYbYzxMZKzJOn9aZNufV+XT2+cLLPAW8ilVXA7Ig1s5pa4iw TEDcQnA/514ttcIPbDHUs4jPDBR1akUhfq9qC2ZqIbHIofwSWLeV6ZPLzCYj+vmK HZ9huqIW1g69GboqtqDScTI0pwIDAQABo3sweTAJBgNVHRMEAjAAMCwGCWCGSAGG +EIBDQQfFh1PcGVuU1NMIEdlbmVyYXRlZCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU yRsyfFrhLe2Y6X5svuUlJ3IzGs8wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUZZ+TpNcLB00OzpX04lrs G/YM1GAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAGNab9GEoPCGH61jJAhVGnjSuCkARTh8 d8zIkXg4DYAYmbM/Tlfaut/2Nnw8kN3c61Dg9aiFiLZMivHPeRrG5VxUrVmoUw21 2xKqGThOI4QAHDU4jaHOUyc4FZ8keac0hjcuVdBf9mHoVcRIDU3qvDI2v2tLCEJL O1c4oad4/+RxeBoqs4kkwOzQdbXL8vL/suUUXiZ6dXL2oEZg47f7P6lF19xM/bUU MLlLbsrOWdsKtB7GMHpNRS8U1RG31ajS5Uy6j0b/Boy6H16iIqswFvlxWlsRBKrV dWCW0SU52gGgjJLPdxXvYGAje5c8llDYQ7M6xZSURlFmRU/bfqxI/E0= -----END CERTIFICATE----- Signed certificate is in newcert.pem newcert.pem: OK make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_ca make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' Manipulate the ENGINE structures ../util/ ./enginetest enginetest beginning listing available engine types end of list listing available engine types engine 0, id = "test_id0", name = "First test item" end of list listing available engine types end of list listing available engine types engine 0, id = "test_id2", name = "Third test item" engine 1, id = "test_id1", name = "Second test item" end of list listing available engine types engine 0, id = "test_id2", name = "Third test item" end of list listing available engine types engine 0, id = "test_id2", name = "Third test item" engine 1, id = "test_id3", name = "Fourth test item" end of list Add that should fail did. Remove that should fail did. listing available engine types engine 0, id = "test_id3", name = "Fourth test item" end of list listing available engine types end of list listing available engine types end of list Successfully added and removed to an empty list! About to beef up the engine-type list ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ About to empty the engine-type list ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Tests completed happily make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_engine make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./evp_test evptests.txt Testing digest SHA1 Plaintext 0000 61 62 63 Digest 0000 a9 99 3e 36 47 06 81 6a ba 3e 25 71 78 50 c2 6c 0010 9c d0 d8 9d Testing digest MD5 Plaintext Digest 0000 d4 1d 8c d9 8f 00 b2 04 e9 80 09 98 ec f8 42 7e Testing digest MD5 Plaintext 0000 61 Digest 0000 0c c1 75 b9 c0 f1 b6 a8 31 c3 99 e2 69 77 26 61 Testing digest MD5 Plaintext 0000 61 62 63 Digest 0000 90 01 50 98 3c d2 4f b0 d6 96 3f 7d 28 e1 7f 72 Testing digest MD5 Plaintext 0000 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 64 69 67 65 73 74 Digest 0000 f9 6b 69 7d 7c b7 93 8d 52 5a 2f 31 aa f1 61 d0 Testing digest MD5 Plaintext 0000 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 0010 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a Digest 0000 c3 fc d3 d7 61 92 e4 00 7d fb 49 6c ca 67 e1 3b Testing digest MD5 Plaintext 0000 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 50 0010 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 61 62 63 64 65 66 0020 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 0030 77 78 79 7a 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Digest 0000 d1 74 ab 98 d2 77 d9 f5 a5 61 1c 2c 9f 41 9d 9f Testing digest MD5 Plaintext 0000 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 0010 37 38 39 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 31 32 0020 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 0030 39 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 31 32 33 34 0040 35 36 37 38 39 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 Digest 0000 57 ed f4 a2 2b e3 c9 55 ac 49 da 2e 21 07 b6 7a Testing cipher AES-128-ECB(encrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff Ciphertext 0000 69 c4 e0 d8 6a 7b 04 30 d8 cd b7 80 70 b4 c5 5a Testing cipher AES-192-ECB(encrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Plaintext 0000 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff Ciphertext 0000 dd a9 7c a4 86 4c df e0 6e af 70 a0 ec 0d 71 91 Testing cipher AES-256-ECB(encrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f Plaintext 0000 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff Ciphertext 0000 8e a2 b7 ca 51 67 45 bf ea fc 49 90 4b 49 60 89 Testing cipher AES-128-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 3a d7 7b b4 0d 7a 36 60 a8 9e ca f3 24 66 ef 97 Testing cipher AES-128-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 f5 d3 d5 85 03 b9 69 9d e7 85 89 5a 96 fd ba af Testing cipher AES-128-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 43 b1 cd 7f 59 8e ce 23 88 1b 00 e3 ed 03 06 88 Testing cipher AES-128-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 7b 0c 78 5e 27 e8 ad 3f 82 23 20 71 04 72 5d d4 Testing cipher AES-192-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 bd 33 4f 1d 6e 45 f2 5f f7 12 a2 14 57 1f a5 cc Testing cipher AES-192-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 97 41 04 84 6d 0a d3 ad 77 34 ec b3 ec ee 4e ef Testing cipher AES-192-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 ef 7a fd 22 70 e2 e6 0a dc e0 ba 2f ac e6 44 4e Testing cipher AES-192-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 9a 4b 41 ba 73 8d 6c 72 fb 16 69 16 03 c1 8e 0e Testing cipher AES-256-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 f3 ee d1 bd b5 d2 a0 3c 06 4b 5a 7e 3d b1 81 f8 Testing cipher AES-256-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 59 1c cb 10 d4 10 ed 26 dc 5b a7 4a 31 36 28 70 Testing cipher AES-256-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 b6 ed 21 b9 9c a6 f4 f9 f1 53 e7 b1 be af ed 1d Testing cipher AES-256-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 23 30 4b 7a 39 f9 f3 ff 06 7d 8d 8f 9e 24 ec c7 Testing cipher AES-128-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 76 49 ab ac 81 19 b2 46 ce e9 8e 9b 12 e9 19 7d Testing cipher AES-128-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 76 49 ab ac 81 19 b2 46 ce e9 8e 9b 12 e9 19 7d Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 50 86 cb 9b 50 72 19 ee 95 db 11 3a 91 76 78 b2 Testing cipher AES-128-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 50 86 cb 9b 50 72 19 ee 95 db 11 3a 91 76 78 b2 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 73 be d6 b8 e3 c1 74 3b 71 16 e6 9e 22 22 95 16 Testing cipher AES-128-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 73 be d6 b8 e3 c1 74 3b 71 16 e6 9e 22 22 95 16 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 3f f1 ca a1 68 1f ac 09 12 0e ca 30 75 86 e1 a7 Testing cipher AES-192-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 4f 02 1d b2 43 bc 63 3d 71 78 18 3a 9f a0 71 e8 Testing cipher AES-192-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 4f 02 1d b2 43 bc 63 3d 71 78 18 3a 9f a0 71 e8 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 b4 d9 ad a9 ad 7d ed f4 e5 e7 38 76 3f 69 14 5a Testing cipher AES-192-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 b4 d9 ad a9 ad 7d ed f4 e5 e7 38 76 3f 69 14 5a Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 57 1b 24 20 12 fb 7a e0 7f a9 ba ac 3d f1 02 e0 Testing cipher AES-192-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 57 1b 24 20 12 fb 7a e0 7f a9 ba ac 3d f1 02 e0 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 08 b0 e2 79 88 59 88 81 d9 20 a9 e6 4f 56 15 cd Testing cipher AES-256-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 f5 8c 4c 04 d6 e5 f1 ba 77 9e ab fb 5f 7b fb d6 Testing cipher AES-256-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 f5 8c 4c 04 d6 e5 f1 ba 77 9e ab fb 5f 7b fb d6 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 9c fc 4e 96 7e db 80 8d 67 9f 77 7b c6 70 2c 7d Testing cipher AES-256-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 9c fc 4e 96 7e db 80 8d 67 9f 77 7b c6 70 2c 7d Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 39 f2 33 69 a9 d9 ba cf a5 30 e2 63 04 23 14 61 Testing cipher AES-256-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 39 f2 33 69 a9 d9 ba cf a5 30 e2 63 04 23 14 61 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 b2 eb 05 e2 c3 9b e9 fc da 6c 19 07 8c 6a 9d 1b Testing cipher AES-128-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 3b 3f d9 2e b7 2d ad 20 33 34 49 f8 e8 3c fb 4a Testing cipher AES-128-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 3b 3f d9 2e b7 2d ad 20 33 34 49 f8 e8 3c fb 4a Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 c8 a6 45 37 a0 b3 a9 3f cd e3 cd ad 9f 1c e5 8b Testing cipher AES-128-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 c8 a6 45 37 a0 b3 a9 3f cd e3 cd ad 9f 1c e5 8b Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 26 75 1f 67 a3 cb b1 40 b1 80 8c f1 87 a4 f4 df Testing cipher AES-128-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 26 75 1f 67 a3 cb b1 40 b1 80 8c f1 87 a4 f4 df Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 c0 4b 05 35 7c 5d 1c 0e ea c4 c6 6f 9f f7 f2 e6 Testing cipher AES-128-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 3b 3f d9 2e b7 2d ad 20 33 34 49 f8 e8 3c fb 4a Testing cipher AES-128-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 3b 3f d9 2e b7 2d ad 20 33 34 49 f8 e8 3c fb 4a Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 c8 a6 45 37 a0 b3 a9 3f cd e3 cd ad 9f 1c e5 8b Testing cipher AES-128-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 c8 a6 45 37 a0 b3 a9 3f cd e3 cd ad 9f 1c e5 8b Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 26 75 1f 67 a3 cb b1 40 b1 80 8c f1 87 a4 f4 df Testing cipher AES-128-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 26 75 1f 67 a3 cb b1 40 b1 80 8c f1 87 a4 f4 df Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 c0 4b 05 35 7c 5d 1c 0e ea c4 c6 6f 9f f7 f2 e6 Testing cipher AES-192-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 cd c8 0d 6f dd f1 8c ab 34 c2 59 09 c9 9a 41 74 Testing cipher AES-192-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 cd c8 0d 6f dd f1 8c ab 34 c2 59 09 c9 9a 41 74 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 67 ce 7f 7f 81 17 36 21 96 1a 2b 70 17 1d 3d 7a Testing cipher AES-192-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 67 ce 7f 7f 81 17 36 21 96 1a 2b 70 17 1d 3d 7a Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 2e 1e 8a 1d d5 9b 88 b1 c8 e6 0f ed 1e fa c4 c9 Testing cipher AES-192-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 2e 1e 8a 1d d5 9b 88 b1 c8 e6 0f ed 1e fa c4 c9 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 c0 5f 9f 9c a9 83 4f a0 42 ae 8f ba 58 4b 09 ff Testing cipher AES-192-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 cd c8 0d 6f dd f1 8c ab 34 c2 59 09 c9 9a 41 74 Testing cipher AES-192-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 cd c8 0d 6f dd f1 8c ab 34 c2 59 09 c9 9a 41 74 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 67 ce 7f 7f 81 17 36 21 96 1a 2b 70 17 1d 3d 7a Testing cipher AES-192-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 67 ce 7f 7f 81 17 36 21 96 1a 2b 70 17 1d 3d 7a Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 2e 1e 8a 1d d5 9b 88 b1 c8 e6 0f ed 1e fa c4 c9 Testing cipher AES-192-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 2e 1e 8a 1d d5 9b 88 b1 c8 e6 0f ed 1e fa c4 c9 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 c0 5f 9f 9c a9 83 4f a0 42 ae 8f ba 58 4b 09 ff Testing cipher AES-256-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 dc 7e 84 bf da 79 16 4b 7e cd 84 86 98 5d 38 60 Testing cipher AES-256-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 dc 7e 84 bf da 79 16 4b 7e cd 84 86 98 5d 38 60 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 39 ff ed 14 3b 28 b1 c8 32 11 3c 63 31 e5 40 7b Testing cipher AES-256-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 39 ff ed 14 3b 28 b1 c8 32 11 3c 63 31 e5 40 7b Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 df 10 13 24 15 e5 4b 92 a1 3e d0 a8 26 7a e2 f9 Testing cipher AES-256-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 df 10 13 24 15 e5 4b 92 a1 3e d0 a8 26 7a e2 f9 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 75 a3 85 74 1a b9 ce f8 20 31 62 3d 55 b1 e4 71 Testing cipher AES-256-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 dc 7e 84 bf da 79 16 4b 7e cd 84 86 98 5d 38 60 Testing cipher AES-256-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 dc 7e 84 bf da 79 16 4b 7e cd 84 86 98 5d 38 60 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 39 ff ed 14 3b 28 b1 c8 32 11 3c 63 31 e5 40 7b Testing cipher AES-256-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 39 ff ed 14 3b 28 b1 c8 32 11 3c 63 31 e5 40 7b Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 df 10 13 24 15 e5 4b 92 a1 3e d0 a8 26 7a e2 f9 Testing cipher AES-256-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 df 10 13 24 15 e5 4b 92 a1 3e d0 a8 26 7a e2 f9 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 75 a3 85 74 1a b9 ce f8 20 31 62 3d 55 b1 e4 71 Testing cipher AES-128-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 3b 3f d9 2e b7 2d ad 20 33 34 49 f8 e8 3c fb 4a Testing cipher AES-128-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 50 fe 67 cc 99 6d 32 b6 da 09 37 e9 9b af ec 60 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 77 89 50 8d 16 91 8f 03 f5 3c 52 da c5 4e d8 25 Testing cipher AES-128-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 d9 a4 da da 08 92 23 9f 6b 8b 3d 76 80 e1 56 74 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 97 40 05 1e 9c 5f ec f6 43 44 f7 a8 22 60 ed cc Testing cipher AES-128-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 a7 88 19 58 3f 03 08 e7 a6 bf 36 b1 38 6a bf 23 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 30 4c 65 28 f6 59 c7 78 66 a5 10 d9 c1 d6 ae 5e Testing cipher AES-128-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 3b 3f d9 2e b7 2d ad 20 33 34 49 f8 e8 3c fb 4a Testing cipher AES-128-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 50 fe 67 cc 99 6d 32 b6 da 09 37 e9 9b af ec 60 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 77 89 50 8d 16 91 8f 03 f5 3c 52 da c5 4e d8 25 Testing cipher AES-128-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 d9 a4 da da 08 92 23 9f 6b 8b 3d 76 80 e1 56 74 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 97 40 05 1e 9c 5f ec f6 43 44 f7 a8 22 60 ed cc Testing cipher AES-128-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 a7 88 19 58 3f 03 08 e7 a6 bf 36 b1 38 6a bf 23 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 30 4c 65 28 f6 59 c7 78 66 a5 10 d9 c1 d6 ae 5e Testing cipher AES-192-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 cd c8 0d 6f dd f1 8c ab 34 c2 59 09 c9 9a 41 74 Testing cipher AES-192-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 a6 09 b3 8d f3 b1 13 3d dd ff 27 18 ba 09 56 5e Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 fc c2 8b 8d 4c 63 83 7c 09 e8 17 00 c1 10 04 01 Testing cipher AES-192-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 52 ef 01 da 52 60 2f e0 97 5f 78 ac 84 bf 8a 50 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 8d 9a 9a ea c0 f6 59 6f 55 9c 6d 4d af 59 a5 f2 Testing cipher AES-192-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 bd 52 86 ac 63 aa bd 7e b0 67 ac 54 b5 53 f7 1d Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 6d 9f 20 08 57 ca 6c 3e 9c ac 52 4b d9 ac c9 2a Testing cipher AES-192-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 cd c8 0d 6f dd f1 8c ab 34 c2 59 09 c9 9a 41 74 Testing cipher AES-192-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 a6 09 b3 8d f3 b1 13 3d dd ff 27 18 ba 09 56 5e Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 fc c2 8b 8d 4c 63 83 7c 09 e8 17 00 c1 10 04 01 Testing cipher AES-192-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 52 ef 01 da 52 60 2f e0 97 5f 78 ac 84 bf 8a 50 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 8d 9a 9a ea c0 f6 59 6f 55 9c 6d 4d af 59 a5 f2 Testing cipher AES-192-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 bd 52 86 ac 63 aa bd 7e b0 67 ac 54 b5 53 f7 1d Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 6d 9f 20 08 57 ca 6c 3e 9c ac 52 4b d9 ac c9 2a Testing cipher AES-256-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 dc 7e 84 bf da 79 16 4b 7e cd 84 86 98 5d 38 60 Testing cipher AES-256-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 b7 bf 3a 5d f4 39 89 dd 97 f0 fa 97 eb ce 2f 4a Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 4f eb dc 67 40 d2 0b 3a c8 8f 6a d8 2a 4f b0 8d Testing cipher AES-256-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 e1 c6 56 30 5e d1 a7 a6 56 38 05 74 6f e0 3e dc Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 71 ab 47 a0 86 e8 6e ed f3 9d 1c 5b ba 97 c4 08 Testing cipher AES-256-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 41 63 5b e6 25 b4 8a fc 16 66 dd 42 a0 9d 96 e7 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 01 26 14 1d 67 f3 7b e8 53 8f 5a 8b e7 40 e4 84 Testing cipher AES-256-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 dc 7e 84 bf da 79 16 4b 7e cd 84 86 98 5d 38 60 Testing cipher AES-256-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 b7 bf 3a 5d f4 39 89 dd 97 f0 fa 97 eb ce 2f 4a Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 4f eb dc 67 40 d2 0b 3a c8 8f 6a d8 2a 4f b0 8d Testing cipher AES-256-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 e1 c6 56 30 5e d1 a7 a6 56 38 05 74 6f e0 3e dc Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 71 ab 47 a0 86 e8 6e ed f3 9d 1c 5b ba 97 c4 08 Testing cipher AES-256-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 41 63 5b e6 25 b4 8a fc 16 66 dd 42 a0 9d 96 e7 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 01 26 14 1d 67 f3 7b e8 53 8f 5a 8b e7 40 e4 84 Testing cipher AES-128-CTR(encrypt) Key 0000 ae 68 52 f8 12 10 67 cc 4b f7 a5 76 55 77 f3 9e IV 0000 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 Plaintext 0000 53 69 6e 67 6c 65 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b 20 6d 73 67 Ciphertext 0000 e4 09 5d 4f b7 a7 b3 79 2d 61 75 a3 26 13 11 b8 Testing cipher AES-128-CTR(encrypt) Key 0000 7e 24 06 78 17 fa e0 d7 43 d6 ce 1f 32 53 91 63 IV 0000 00 6c b6 db c0 54 3b 59 da 48 d9 0b 00 00 00 01 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f Ciphertext 0000 51 04 a1 06 16 8a 72 d9 79 0d 41 ee 8e da d3 88 0010 eb 2e 1e fc 46 da 57 c8 fc e6 30 df 91 41 be 28 Testing cipher AES-128-CTR(encrypt) Key 0000 76 91 be 03 5e 50 20 a8 ac 6e 61 85 29 f9 a0 dc IV 0000 00 e0 01 7b 27 77 7f 3f 4a 17 86 f0 00 00 00 01 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0020 20 21 22 23 Ciphertext 0000 c1 cf 48 a8 9f 2f fd d9 cf 46 52 e9 ef db 72 d7 0010 45 40 a4 2b de 6d 78 36 d5 9a 5c ea ae f3 10 53 0020 25 b2 07 2f Testing cipher AES-192-CTR(encrypt) Key 0000 16 af 5b 14 5f c9 f5 79 c1 75 f9 3e 3b fb 0e ed 0010 86 3d 06 cc fd b7 85 15 IV 0000 00 00 00 48 36 73 3c 14 7d 6d 93 cb 00 00 00 01 Plaintext 0000 53 69 6e 67 6c 65 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b 20 6d 73 67 Ciphertext 0000 4b 55 38 4f e2 59 c9 c8 4e 79 35 a0 03 cb e9 28 Testing cipher AES-192-CTR(encrypt) Key 0000 7c 5c b2 40 1b 3d c3 3c 19 e7 34 08 19 e0 f6 9c 0010 67 8c 3d b8 e6 f6 a9 1a IV 0000 00 96 b0 3b 02 0c 6e ad c2 cb 50 0d 00 00 00 01 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f Ciphertext 0000 45 32 43 fc 60 9b 23 32 7e df aa fa 71 31 cd 9f 0010 84 90 70 1c 5a d4 a7 9c fc 1f e0 ff 42 f4 fb 00 Testing cipher AES-192-CTR(encrypt) Key 0000 02 bf 39 1e e8 ec b1 59 b9 59 61 7b 09 65 27 9b 0010 f5 9b 60 a7 86 d3 e0 fe IV 0000 00 07 bd fd 5c bd 60 27 8d cc 09 12 00 00 00 01 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0020 20 21 22 23 Ciphertext 0000 96 89 3f c5 5e 5c 72 2f 54 0b 7d d1 dd f7 e7 58 0010 d2 88 bc 95 c6 91 65 88 45 36 c8 11 66 2f 21 88 0020 ab ee 09 35 Testing cipher AES-256-CTR(encrypt) Key 0000 77 6b ef f2 85 1d b0 6f 4c 8a 05 42 c8 69 6f 6c 0010 6a 81 af 1e ec 96 b4 d3 7f c1 d6 89 e6 c1 c1 04 IV 0000 00 00 00 60 db 56 72 c9 7a a8 f0 b2 00 00 00 01 Plaintext 0000 53 69 6e 67 6c 65 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b 20 6d 73 67 Ciphertext 0000 14 5a d0 1d bf 82 4e c7 56 08 63 dc 71 e3 e0 c0 Testing cipher AES-256-CTR(encrypt) Key 0000 f6 d6 6d 6b d5 2d 59 bb 07 96 36 58 79 ef f8 86 0010 c6 6d d5 1a 5b 6a 99 74 4b 50 59 0c 87 a2 38 84 IV 0000 00 fa ac 24 c1 58 5e f1 5a 43 d8 75 00 00 00 01 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f Ciphertext 0000 f0 5e 23 1b 38 94 61 2c 49 ee 00 0b 80 4e b2 a9 0010 b8 30 6b 50 8f 83 9d 6a 55 30 83 1d 93 44 af 1c Testing cipher AES-256-CTR(encrypt) Key 0000 ff 7a 61 7c e6 91 48 e4 f1 72 6e 2f 43 58 1d e2 0010 aa 62 d9 f8 05 53 2e df f1 ee d6 87 fb 54 15 3d IV 0000 00 1c c5 b7 51 a5 1d 70 a1 c1 11 48 00 00 00 01 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0020 20 21 22 23 Ciphertext 0000 eb 6c 52 82 1d 0b bb f7 ce 75 94 46 2a ca 4f aa 0010 b4 07 df 86 65 69 fd 07 f4 8c c0 b5 83 d6 07 1f 0020 1e c0 e6 b8 Testing cipher DES-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 8c a6 4d e9 c1 b1 23 a7 Testing cipher DES-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff Plaintext 0000 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff Ciphertext 0000 73 59 b2 16 3e 4e dc 58 Testing cipher DES-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 Ciphertext 0000 95 8e 6e 62 7a 05 55 7b Testing cipher DES-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Plaintext 0000 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Ciphertext 0000 f4 03 79 ab 9e 0e c5 33 Testing cipher DES-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef Plaintext 0000 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Ciphertext 0000 17 66 8d fc 72 92 53 2d Testing cipher DES-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Plaintext 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef Ciphertext 0000 8a 5a e1 f8 1a b8 f2 dd Testing cipher DES-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10 Plaintext 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef Ciphertext 0000 ed 39 d9 50 fa 74 bc c4 Testing cipher DESX-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef f1 e0 d3 c2 b5 a4 97 86 0010 fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10 IV 0000 fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10 Plaintext 0000 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 20 4e 6f 77 20 69 73 20 74 0010 68 65 20 74 69 6d 65 20 66 6f 72 20 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 84 6b 29 14 85 1e 9a 29 54 73 2f 8a a0 a6 11 c1 0010 15 cd c2 d7 95 1b 10 53 a6 3c 5e 03 b2 1a a3 c4 Testing cipher DES-EDE3-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef f1 e0 d3 c2 b5 a4 97 86 0010 fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10 IV 0000 fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10 Plaintext 0000 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 20 4e 6f 77 20 69 73 20 74 0010 68 65 20 74 69 6d 65 20 66 6f 72 20 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 3f e3 01 c9 62 ac 01 d0 22 13 76 3c 1c bd 4c dc 0010 79 96 57 c0 64 ec f5 d4 1c 67 38 12 cf de 96 75 Testing cipher RC4(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef Plaintext 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef Ciphertext 0000 75 b7 87 80 99 e0 c5 96 Testing cipher RC4(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 74 94 c2 e7 10 4b 08 79 Testing cipher RC4(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 de 18 89 41 a3 37 5d 3a Testing cipher RC4(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 ef 01 23 45 ef 01 23 45 ef 01 23 45 ef 01 23 45 Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 d6 a1 41 a7 ec 3c 38 df bd 61 5a 11 62 e1 c7 ba 0010 36 b6 78 58 Testing cipher RC4(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef Plaintext 0000 12 34 56 78 9a bc de f0 12 34 56 78 9a bc de f0 0010 12 34 56 78 9a bc de f0 12 34 56 78 Ciphertext 0000 66 a0 94 9f 8a f7 d6 89 1f 7f 83 2b a8 33 c0 0c 0010 89 2e be 30 14 3c e2 87 40 01 1e cf Testing cipher RC4(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 ef 01 23 45 ef 01 23 45 ef 01 23 45 ef 01 23 45 Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 d6 a1 41 a7 ec 3c 38 df bd 61 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10 Plaintext 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10 Ciphertext 0000 67 67 31 38 54 96 69 73 08 57 06 56 48 ea be 43 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10 0010 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 Plaintext 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10 Ciphertext 0000 b4 99 34 01 b3 e9 96 f8 4e e5 ce e7 d7 9b 09 b9 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10 0010 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff Plaintext 0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10 Ciphertext 0000 9a cc 23 7d ff 16 d7 6c 20 ef 7c 91 9e 3a 75 09 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-ECB(encrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff Ciphertext 0000 77 cf 41 20 67 af 82 70 61 35 29 14 99 19 54 6f Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-ECB(encrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Plaintext 0000 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff Ciphertext 0000 b2 2f 3c 36 b7 2d 31 32 9e ee 8a dd c2 90 6c 68 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-ECB(encrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f Plaintext 0000 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff Ciphertext 0000 2e df 1f 34 18 d5 3b 88 84 1f c8 98 5f b1 ec f2 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 43 2f c5 dc d6 28 11 5b 7c 38 8d 77 0b 27 0c 96 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 0b e1 f1 40 23 78 2a 22 e8 38 4c 5a bb 7f ab 2b Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 a0 a1 ab cd 18 93 ab 6f e0 fe 5b 65 df 5f 86 36 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 e6 19 25 e0 d5 df aa 9b b2 9f 81 5b 30 76 e5 1a Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 cc cc 6c 4e 13 8b 45 84 85 14 d4 8d 0d 34 39 d3 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 57 13 c6 2c 14 b2 ec 0f 83 93 b6 af d6 f5 78 5a Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 b4 0e d2 b6 0e b5 4d 09 d0 30 cf 51 1f ee f3 66 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 90 9d bd 95 79 90 96 74 8c b2 73 57 e7 3e 1d 26 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 be fd 21 9b 11 2f a0 00 98 91 9c d1 01 c9 cc fa Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 c9 1d 3a 8f 1a ea 08 a9 38 6c f4 b6 6c 01 69 ea Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 a6 23 d7 11 dc 5f 25 a5 1b b8 a8 0d 56 39 7d 28 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-ECB(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 79 60 10 9f b6 dc 42 94 7f cf e5 9e a3 c5 eb 6b Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 16 07 cf 49 4b 36 bb f0 0d ae b0 b5 03 c8 31 ab Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 16 07 cf 49 4b 36 bb f0 0d ae b0 b5 03 c8 31 ab Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 a2 f2 cf 67 16 29 ef 78 40 c5 a5 df b5 07 48 87 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 a2 f2 cf 67 16 29 ef 78 40 c5 a5 df b5 07 48 87 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 0f 06 16 50 08 cf 8b 8b 5a 63 58 63 62 54 3e 54 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 36 a8 4c da fd 5f 9a 85 ad a0 f0 a9 93 d6 d5 77 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 74 c6 42 68 cd b8 b8 fa f5 b3 4e 8a f3 73 29 80 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 2a 48 30 ab 5a c4 a1 a2 40 59 55 fd 21 95 cf 93 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 2a 48 30 ab 5a c4 a1 a2 40 59 55 fd 21 95 cf 93 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 5d 5a 86 9b d1 4c e5 42 64 f8 92 a6 dd 2e c3 d5 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 5d 5a 86 9b d1 4c e5 42 64 f8 92 a6 dd 2e c3 d5 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 37 d3 59 c3 34 98 36 d8 84 e3 10 ad df 68 c4 49 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 37 d3 59 c3 34 98 36 d8 84 e3 10 ad df 68 c4 49 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 01 fa aa 93 0b 4a b9 91 6e 96 68 e1 42 8c 6b 08 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 e6 cf a3 5f c0 2b 13 4a 4d 2c 0b 67 37 ac 3e da Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 e6 cf a3 5f c0 2b 13 4a 4d 2c 0b 67 37 ac 3e da Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 36 cb eb 73 bd 50 4b 40 70 b1 b7 de 2b 21 eb 50 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 36 cb eb 73 bd 50 4b 40 70 b1 b7 de 2b 21 eb 50 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 e3 1a 60 55 29 7d 96 ca 33 30 cd f1 b1 86 0a 83 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-CBC(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 e3 1a 60 55 29 7d 96 ca 33 30 cd f1 b1 86 0a 83 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 5d 56 3f 6d 1c cc f2 36 05 1c 0c 5c 1c 58 f2 8f Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 14 f7 64 61 87 81 7e b5 86 59 91 46 b8 2b d7 19 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 14 f7 64 61 87 81 7e b5 86 59 91 46 b8 2b d7 19 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 a5 3d 28 bb 82 df 74 11 03 ea 4f 92 1a 44 88 0b Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 a5 3d 28 bb 82 df 74 11 03 ea 4f 92 1a 44 88 0b Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 9c 21 57 a6 64 62 6d 1d ef 9e a4 20 fd e6 9b 96 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 9c 21 57 a6 64 62 6d 1d ef 9e a4 20 fd e6 9b 96 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 74 2a 25 f0 54 23 40 c7 ba ef 24 ca 84 82 bb 09 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 14 f7 64 61 87 81 7e b5 86 59 91 46 b8 2b d7 19 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 14 f7 64 61 87 81 7e b5 86 59 91 46 b8 2b d7 19 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 a5 3d 28 bb 82 df 74 11 03 ea 4f 92 1a 44 88 0b Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 a5 3d 28 bb 82 df 74 11 03 ea 4f 92 1a 44 88 0b Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 9c 21 57 a6 64 62 6d 1d ef 9e a4 20 fd e6 9b 96 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 9c 21 57 a6 64 62 6d 1d ef 9e a4 20 fd e6 9b 96 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 74 2a 25 f0 54 23 40 c7 ba ef 24 ca 84 82 bb 09 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 c8 32 bb 97 80 67 7d aa 82 d9 b6 86 0d cd 56 5e Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 c8 32 bb 97 80 67 7d aa 82 d9 b6 86 0d cd 56 5e Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 86 f8 49 16 27 90 6d 78 0c 7a 6d 46 ea 33 1f 98 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 86 f8 49 16 27 90 6d 78 0c 7a 6d 46 ea 33 1f 98 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 69 51 1c ce 59 4c f7 10 cb 98 bb 63 d7 22 1f 01 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 69 51 1c ce 59 4c f7 10 cb 98 bb 63 d7 22 1f 01 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 d5 b5 37 8a 3a be d5 58 03 f2 55 65 d8 90 7b 84 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 c8 32 bb 97 80 67 7d aa 82 d9 b6 86 0d cd 56 5e Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 c8 32 bb 97 80 67 7d aa 82 d9 b6 86 0d cd 56 5e Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 86 f8 49 16 27 90 6d 78 0c 7a 6d 46 ea 33 1f 98 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 86 f8 49 16 27 90 6d 78 0c 7a 6d 46 ea 33 1f 98 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 69 51 1c ce 59 4c f7 10 cb 98 bb 63 d7 22 1f 01 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 69 51 1c ce 59 4c f7 10 cb 98 bb 63 d7 22 1f 01 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 d5 b5 37 8a 3a be d5 58 03 f2 55 65 d8 90 7b 84 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 cf 61 07 bb 0c ea 7d 7f b1 bd 31 f5 e7 b0 6c 93 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 cf 61 07 bb 0c ea 7d 7f b1 bd 31 f5 e7 b0 6c 93 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 89 be db 4c cd d8 64 ea 11 ba 4c be 84 9b 5e 2b Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 89 be db 4c cd d8 64 ea 11 ba 4c be 84 9b 5e 2b Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 55 5f c3 f3 4b dd 2d 54 c6 2d 9e 3b f3 38 c1 c4 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-CFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 55 5f c3 f3 4b dd 2d 54 c6 2d 9e 3b f3 38 c1 c4 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 59 53 ad ce 14 db 8c 7f 39 f1 bd 39 f3 59 bf fa Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 cf 61 07 bb 0c ea 7d 7f b1 bd 31 f5 e7 b0 6c 93 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 cf 61 07 bb 0c ea 7d 7f b1 bd 31 f5 e7 b0 6c 93 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 89 be db 4c cd d8 64 ea 11 ba 4c be 84 9b 5e 2b Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 89 be db 4c cd d8 64 ea 11 ba 4c be 84 9b 5e 2b Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 55 5f c3 f3 4b dd 2d 54 c6 2d 9e 3b f3 38 c1 c4 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-CFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 55 5f c3 f3 4b dd 2d 54 c6 2d 9e 3b f3 38 c1 c4 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 59 53 ad ce 14 db 8c 7f 39 f1 bd 39 f3 59 bf fa Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 14 f7 64 61 87 81 7e b5 86 59 91 46 b8 2b d7 19 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 50 fe 67 cc 99 6d 32 b6 da 09 37 e9 9b af ec 60 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 25 62 3d b5 69 ca 51 e0 14 82 64 99 77 e2 8d 84 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 d9 a4 da da 08 92 23 9f 6b 8b 3d 76 80 e1 56 74 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 c7 76 63 4a 60 72 9d c6 57 d1 2b 9f ca 80 1e 98 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 a7 88 19 58 3f 03 08 e7 a6 bf 36 b1 38 6a bf 23 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 d7 76 37 9b e0 e5 08 25 e6 81 da 1a 4c 98 0e 8e Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 14 f7 64 61 87 81 7e b5 86 59 91 46 b8 2b d7 19 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 50 fe 67 cc 99 6d 32 b6 da 09 37 e9 9b af ec 60 Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 25 62 3d b5 69 ca 51 e0 14 82 64 99 77 e2 8d 84 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 d9 a4 da da 08 92 23 9f 6b 8b 3d 76 80 e1 56 74 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 c7 76 63 4a 60 72 9d c6 57 d1 2b 9f ca 80 1e 98 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-128-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c IV 0000 a7 88 19 58 3f 03 08 e7 a6 bf 36 b1 38 6a bf 23 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 d7 76 37 9b e0 e5 08 25 e6 81 da 1a 4c 98 0e 8e Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 c8 32 bb 97 80 67 7d aa 82 d9 b6 86 0d cd 56 5e Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 a6 09 b3 8d f3 b1 13 3d dd ff 27 18 ba 09 56 5e Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 8e ce b7 d0 35 0d 72 c7 f7 85 62 ae bd f9 93 39 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 52 ef 01 da 52 60 2f e0 97 5f 78 ac 84 bf 8a 50 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 bd d6 2d bb b9 70 08 46 c5 3b 50 7f 54 46 96 f0 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 bd 52 86 ac 63 aa bd 7e b0 67 ac 54 b5 53 f7 1d Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 e2 80 14 e0 46 b8 02 f3 85 c4 c2 e1 3e ad 4a 72 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 c8 32 bb 97 80 67 7d aa 82 d9 b6 86 0d cd 56 5e Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 a6 09 b3 8d f3 b1 13 3d dd ff 27 18 ba 09 56 5e Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 8e ce b7 d0 35 0d 72 c7 f7 85 62 ae bd f9 93 39 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 52 ef 01 da 52 60 2f e0 97 5f 78 ac 84 bf 8a 50 Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 bd d6 2d bb b9 70 08 46 c5 3b 50 7f 54 46 96 f0 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-192-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 8e 73 b0 f7 da 0e 64 52 c8 10 f3 2b 80 90 79 e5 0010 62 f8 ea d2 52 2c 6b 7b IV 0000 bd 52 86 ac 63 aa bd 7e b0 67 ac 54 b5 53 f7 1d Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 e2 80 14 e0 46 b8 02 f3 85 c4 c2 e1 3e ad 4a 72 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 cf 61 07 bb 0c ea 7d 7f b1 bd 31 f5 e7 b0 6c 93 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 b7 bf 3a 5d f4 39 89 dd 97 f0 fa 97 eb ce 2f 4a Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 12 7a d9 7e 8e 39 94 e4 82 00 27 d7 ba 10 93 68 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 e1 c6 56 30 5e d1 a7 a6 56 38 05 74 6f e0 3e dc Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 6b ff 62 65 a6 a6 b7 a5 35 bc 65 a8 0b 17 21 4e Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-OFB(encrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 41 63 5b e6 25 b4 8a fc 16 66 dd 42 a0 9d 96 e7 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 0a 4a 04 04 e2 6a a7 8a 27 cb 27 1e 8b f3 cf 20 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 6b c1 be e2 2e 40 9f 96 e9 3d 7e 11 73 93 17 2a Ciphertext 0000 cf 61 07 bb 0c ea 7d 7f b1 bd 31 f5 e7 b0 6c 93 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 b7 bf 3a 5d f4 39 89 dd 97 f0 fa 97 eb ce 2f 4a Plaintext 0000 ae 2d 8a 57 1e 03 ac 9c 9e b7 6f ac 45 af 8e 51 Ciphertext 0000 12 7a d9 7e 8e 39 94 e4 82 00 27 d7 ba 10 93 68 Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 e1 c6 56 30 5e d1 a7 a6 56 38 05 74 6f e0 3e dc Plaintext 0000 30 c8 1c 46 a3 5c e4 11 e5 fb c1 19 1a 0a 52 ef Ciphertext 0000 6b ff 62 65 a6 a6 b7 a5 35 bc 65 a8 0b 17 21 4e Testing cipher CAMELLIA-256-OFB(decrypt) Key 0000 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 0010 1f 35 2c 07 3b 61 08 d7 2d 98 10 a3 09 14 df f4 IV 0000 41 63 5b e6 25 b4 8a fc 16 66 dd 42 a0 9d 96 e7 Plaintext 0000 f6 9f 24 45 df 4f 9b 17 ad 2b 41 7b e6 6c 37 10 Ciphertext 0000 0a 4a 04 04 e2 6a a7 8a 27 cb 27 1e 8b f3 cf 20 Testing cipher SEED-ECB(decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Ciphertext 0000 5e ba c6 e0 05 4e 16 68 19 af f1 cc 6d 34 6c db Testing cipher SEED-ECB(decrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 c1 1f 22 f2 01 40 50 50 84 48 35 97 e4 37 0f 43 Testing cipher SEED-ECB(decrypt) Key 0000 47 06 48 08 51 e6 1b e8 5d 74 bf b3 fd 95 61 85 Plaintext 0000 83 a2 f8 a2 88 64 1f b9 a4 e9 a5 cc 2f 13 1c 7d Ciphertext 0000 ee 54 d1 3e bc ae 70 6d 22 6b c3 14 2c d4 0d 4a Testing cipher SEED-ECB(decrypt) Key 0000 28 db c3 bc 49 ff d8 7d cf a5 09 b1 1d 42 2b e7 Plaintext 0000 b4 1e 6b e2 eb a8 4a 14 8e 2e ed 84 59 3c 5e c7 Ciphertext 0000 9b 9b 7b fc d1 81 3c b9 5d 0b 36 18 f4 0f 51 22 Testing cipher SEED-ECB(encrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Ciphertext 0000 5e ba c6 e0 05 4e 16 68 19 af f1 cc 6d 34 6c db Testing cipher SEED-ECB(encrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 c1 1f 22 f2 01 40 50 50 84 48 35 97 e4 37 0f 43 Testing cipher SEED-ECB(encrypt) Key 0000 47 06 48 08 51 e6 1b e8 5d 74 bf b3 fd 95 61 85 Plaintext 0000 83 a2 f8 a2 88 64 1f b9 a4 e9 a5 cc 2f 13 1c 7d Ciphertext 0000 ee 54 d1 3e bc ae 70 6d 22 6b c3 14 2c d4 0d 4a Testing cipher SEED-ECB(encrypt) Key 0000 28 db c3 bc 49 ff d8 7d cf a5 09 b1 1d 42 2b e7 Plaintext 0000 b4 1e 6b e2 eb a8 4a 14 8e 2e ed 84 59 3c 5e c7 Ciphertext 0000 9b 9b 7b fc d1 81 3c b9 5d 0b 36 18 f4 0f 51 22 Testing cipher id-aes256-CCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 1b de 32 51 d4 1a 8b 5e a0 13 c1 95 ae 12 8b 21 0010 8b 3e 03 06 37 63 57 07 7e f1 c1 c7 85 48 b9 2e IV 0000 5b 8e 40 74 6f 6b 98 e0 0f 1d 13 ff 41 Plaintext 0000 53 bd 72 a9 70 89 e3 12 42 2b f7 2e 24 23 77 b3 0010 c6 ee 3e 20 75 38 9b 99 9c 4e f7 f2 8b d2 b8 0a Ciphertext 0000 9a 5f cc cd b4 cf 04 e7 29 3d 27 75 cc 76 a4 88 0010 f0 42 38 2d 94 9b 43 b7 d6 bb 2b 98 64 78 67 26 AAD 0000 c1 7a 32 51 4e b6 10 3f 32 49 e0 76 d4 c8 71 dc 0010 97 e0 4b 28 66 99 e5 44 91 dc 18 f6 d7 34 d4 c0 Tag 0000 20 24 93 1d 73 bc a4 80 c2 4a 24 ec e6 b6 c2 bf Testing cipher id-aes128-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IV 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext Ciphertext Tag 0000 58 e2 fc ce fa 7e 30 61 36 7f 1d 57 a4 e7 45 5a Testing cipher id-aes128-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IV 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 03 88 da ce 60 b6 a3 92 f3 28 c2 b9 71 b2 fe 78 Tag 0000 ab 6e 47 d4 2c ec 13 bd f5 3a 67 b2 12 57 bd df Testing cipher id-aes128-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 IV 0000 ca fe ba be fa ce db ad de ca f8 88 Plaintext 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 1a af d2 55 Ciphertext 0000 42 83 1e c2 21 77 74 24 4b 72 21 b7 84 d0 d4 9c 0010 e3 aa 21 2f 2c 02 a4 e0 35 c1 7e 23 29 ac a1 2e 0020 21 d5 14 b2 54 66 93 1c 7d 8f 6a 5a ac 84 aa 05 0030 1b a3 0b 39 6a 0a ac 97 3d 58 e0 91 47 3f 59 85 Tag 0000 4d 5c 2a f3 27 cd 64 a6 2c f3 5a bd 2b a6 fa b4 Testing cipher id-aes128-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 IV 0000 ca fe ba be fa ce db ad de ca f8 88 Plaintext 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 Ciphertext 0000 42 83 1e c2 21 77 74 24 4b 72 21 b7 84 d0 d4 9c 0010 e3 aa 21 2f 2c 02 a4 e0 35 c1 7e 23 29 ac a1 2e 0020 21 d5 14 b2 54 66 93 1c 7d 8f 6a 5a ac 84 aa 05 0030 1b a3 0b 39 6a 0a ac 97 3d 58 e0 91 AAD 0000 fe ed fa ce de ad be ef fe ed fa ce de ad be ef 0010 ab ad da d2 Tag 0000 5b c9 4f bc 32 21 a5 db 94 fa e9 5a e7 12 1a 47 Testing cipher id-aes128-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 IV 0000 ca fe ba be fa ce db ad Plaintext 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 Ciphertext 0000 61 35 3b 4c 28 06 93 4a 77 7f f5 1f a2 2a 47 55 0010 69 9b 2a 71 4f cd c6 f8 37 66 e5 f9 7b 6c 74 23 0020 73 80 69 00 e4 9f 24 b2 2b 09 75 44 d4 89 6b 42 0030 49 89 b5 e1 eb ac 0f 07 c2 3f 45 98 AAD 0000 fe ed fa ce de ad be ef fe ed fa ce de ad be ef 0010 ab ad da d2 Tag 0000 36 12 d2 e7 9e 3b 07 85 56 1b e1 4a ac a2 fc cb Testing cipher id-aes128-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 IV 0000 93 13 22 5d f8 84 06 e5 55 90 9c 5a ff 52 69 aa 0010 6a 7a 95 38 53 4f 7d a1 e4 c3 03 d2 a3 18 a7 28 0020 c3 c0 c9 51 56 80 95 39 fc f0 e2 42 9a 6b 52 54 0030 16 ae db f5 a0 de 6a 57 a6 37 b3 9b Plaintext 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 Ciphertext 0000 8c e2 49 98 62 56 15 b6 03 a0 33 ac a1 3f b8 94 0010 be 91 12 a5 c3 a2 11 a8 ba 26 2a 3c ca 7e 2c a7 0020 01 e4 a9 a4 fb a4 3c 90 cc dc b2 81 d4 8c 7c 6f 0030 d6 28 75 d2 ac a4 17 03 4c 34 ae e5 AAD 0000 fe ed fa ce de ad be ef fe ed fa ce de ad be ef 0010 ab ad da d2 Tag 0000 61 9c c5 ae ff fe 0b fa 46 2a f4 3c 16 99 d0 50 Testing cipher id-aes192-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IV 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext Ciphertext Tag 0000 cd 33 b2 8a c7 73 f7 4b a0 0e d1 f3 12 57 24 35 Testing cipher id-aes192-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IV 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 98 e7 24 7c 07 f0 fe 41 1c 26 7e 43 84 b0 f6 00 Tag 0000 2f f5 8d 80 03 39 27 ab 8e f4 d4 58 75 14 f0 fb Testing cipher id-aes192-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 0010 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c IV 0000 ca fe ba be fa ce db ad de ca f8 88 Plaintext 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 1a af d2 55 Ciphertext 0000 39 80 ca 0b 3c 00 e8 41 eb 06 fa c4 87 2a 27 57 0010 85 9e 1c ea a6 ef d9 84 62 85 93 b4 0c a1 e1 9c 0020 7d 77 3d 00 c1 44 c5 25 ac 61 9d 18 c8 4a 3f 47 0030 18 e2 44 8b 2f e3 24 d9 cc da 27 10 ac ad e2 56 Tag 0000 99 24 a7 c8 58 73 36 bf b1 18 02 4d b8 67 4a 14 Testing cipher id-aes192-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 0010 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c IV 0000 ca fe ba be fa ce db ad de ca f8 88 Plaintext 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 Ciphertext 0000 39 80 ca 0b 3c 00 e8 41 eb 06 fa c4 87 2a 27 57 0010 85 9e 1c ea a6 ef d9 84 62 85 93 b4 0c a1 e1 9c 0020 7d 77 3d 00 c1 44 c5 25 ac 61 9d 18 c8 4a 3f 47 0030 18 e2 44 8b 2f e3 24 d9 cc da 27 10 AAD 0000 fe ed fa ce de ad be ef fe ed fa ce de ad be ef 0010 ab ad da d2 Tag 0000 25 19 49 8e 80 f1 47 8f 37 ba 55 bd 6d 27 61 8c Testing cipher id-aes192-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 0010 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c IV 0000 ca fe ba be fa ce db ad Plaintext 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 Ciphertext 0000 0f 10 f5 99 ae 14 a1 54 ed 24 b3 6e 25 32 4d b8 0010 c5 66 63 2e f2 bb b3 4f 83 47 28 0f c4 50 70 57 0020 fd dc 29 df 9a 47 1f 75 c6 65 41 d4 d4 da d1 c9 0030 e9 3a 19 a5 8e 8b 47 3f a0 f0 62 f7 AAD 0000 fe ed fa ce de ad be ef fe ed fa ce de ad be ef 0010 ab ad da d2 Tag 0000 65 dc c5 7f cf 62 3a 24 09 4f cc a4 0d 35 33 f8 Testing cipher id-aes192-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 0010 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c IV 0000 93 13 22 5d f8 84 06 e5 55 90 9c 5a ff 52 69 aa 0010 6a 7a 95 38 53 4f 7d a1 e4 c3 03 d2 a3 18 a7 28 0020 c3 c0 c9 51 56 80 95 39 fc f0 e2 42 9a 6b 52 54 0030 16 ae db f5 a0 de 6a 57 a6 37 b3 9b Plaintext 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 Ciphertext 0000 d2 7e 88 68 1c e3 24 3c 48 30 16 5a 8f dc f9 ff 0010 1d e9 a1 d8 e6 b4 47 ef 6e f7 b7 98 28 66 6e 45 0020 81 e7 90 12 af 34 dd d9 e2 f0 37 58 9b 29 2d b3 0030 e6 7c 03 67 45 fa 22 e7 e9 b7 37 3b AAD 0000 fe ed fa ce de ad be ef fe ed fa ce de ad be ef 0010 ab ad da d2 Tag 0000 dc f5 66 ff 29 1c 25 bb b8 56 8f c3 d3 76 a6 d9 Testing cipher id-aes256-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IV 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext Ciphertext Tag 0000 53 0f 8a fb c7 45 36 b9 a9 63 b4 f1 c4 cb 73 8b Testing cipher id-aes256-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IV 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 ce a7 40 3d 4d 60 6b 6e 07 4e c5 d3 ba f3 9d 18 Tag 0000 d0 d1 c8 a7 99 99 6b f0 26 5b 98 b5 d4 8a b9 19 Testing cipher id-aes256-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 0010 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 IV 0000 ca fe ba be fa ce db ad de ca f8 88 Plaintext 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 1a af d2 55 Ciphertext 0000 52 2d c1 f0 99 56 7d 07 f4 7f 37 a3 2a 84 42 7d 0010 64 3a 8c dc bf e5 c0 c9 75 98 a2 bd 25 55 d1 aa 0020 8c b0 8e 48 59 0d bb 3d a7 b0 8b 10 56 82 88 38 0030 c5 f6 1e 63 93 ba 7a 0a bc c9 f6 62 89 80 15 ad Tag 0000 b0 94 da c5 d9 34 71 bd ec 1a 50 22 70 e3 cc 6c Testing cipher id-aes256-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 0010 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 IV 0000 ca fe ba be fa ce db ad de ca f8 88 Plaintext 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 Ciphertext 0000 52 2d c1 f0 99 56 7d 07 f4 7f 37 a3 2a 84 42 7d 0010 64 3a 8c dc bf e5 c0 c9 75 98 a2 bd 25 55 d1 aa 0020 8c b0 8e 48 59 0d bb 3d a7 b0 8b 10 56 82 88 38 0030 c5 f6 1e 63 93 ba 7a 0a bc c9 f6 62 AAD 0000 fe ed fa ce de ad be ef fe ed fa ce de ad be ef 0010 ab ad da d2 Tag 0000 76 fc 6e ce 0f 4e 17 68 cd df 88 53 bb 2d 55 1b Testing cipher id-aes256-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 0010 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 IV 0000 ca fe ba be fa ce db ad Plaintext 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 Ciphertext 0000 c3 76 2d f1 ca 78 7d 32 ae 47 c1 3b f1 98 44 cb 0010 af 1a e1 4d 0b 97 6a fa c5 2f f7 d7 9b ba 9d e0 0020 fe b5 82 d3 39 34 a4 f0 95 4c c2 36 3b c7 3f 78 0030 62 ac 43 0e 64 ab e4 99 f4 7c 9b 1f AAD 0000 fe ed fa ce de ad be ef fe ed fa ce de ad be ef 0010 ab ad da d2 Tag 0000 3a 33 7d bf 46 a7 92 c4 5e 45 49 13 fe 2e a8 f2 Testing cipher id-aes256-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 0010 fe ff e9 92 86 65 73 1c 6d 6a 8f 94 67 30 83 08 IV 0000 93 13 22 5d f8 84 06 e5 55 90 9c 5a ff 52 69 aa 0010 6a 7a 95 38 53 4f 7d a1 e4 c3 03 d2 a3 18 a7 28 0020 c3 c0 c9 51 56 80 95 39 fc f0 e2 42 9a 6b 52 54 0030 16 ae db f5 a0 de 6a 57 a6 37 b3 9b Plaintext 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 Ciphertext 0000 5a 8d ef 2f 0c 9e 53 f1 f7 5d 78 53 65 9e 2a 20 0010 ee b2 b2 2a af de 64 19 a0 58 ab 4f 6f 74 6b f4 0020 0f c0 c3 b7 80 f2 44 45 2d a3 eb f1 c5 d8 2c de 0030 a2 41 89 97 20 0e f8 2e 44 ae 7e 3f AAD 0000 fe ed fa ce de ad be ef fe ed fa ce de ad be ef 0010 ab ad da d2 Tag 0000 a4 4a 82 66 ee 1c 8e b0 c8 b5 d4 cf 5a e9 f1 9a Testing cipher id-aes128-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IV 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext Ciphertext AAD 0000 d9 31 32 25 f8 84 06 e5 a5 59 09 c5 af f5 26 9a 0010 86 a7 a9 53 15 34 f7 da 2e 4c 30 3d 8a 31 8a 72 0020 1c 3c 0c 95 95 68 09 53 2f cf 0e 24 49 a6 b5 25 0030 b1 6a ed f5 aa 0d e6 57 ba 63 7b 39 1a af d2 55 0040 52 2d c1 f0 99 56 7d 07 f4 7f 37 a3 2a 84 42 7d 0050 64 3a 8c dc bf e5 c0 c9 75 98 a2 bd 25 55 d1 aa 0060 8c b0 8e 48 59 0d bb 3d a7 b0 8b 10 56 82 88 38 0070 c5 f6 1e 63 93 ba 7a 0a bc c9 f6 62 89 80 15 ad Tag 0000 5f ea 79 3a 2d 6f 97 4d 37 e6 8e 0c b8 ff 94 92 Testing cipher id-aes128-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IV 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 03 88 da ce 60 b6 a3 92 f3 28 c2 b9 71 b2 fe 78 0010 f7 95 aa ab 49 4b 59 23 f7 fd 89 ff 94 8b c1 e0 0020 20 02 11 21 4e 73 94 da 20 89 b6 ac d0 93 ab e0 Tag 0000 9d d0 a3 76 b0 8e 40 eb 00 c3 5f 29 f9 ea 61 a4 Testing cipher id-aes128-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IV 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 03 88 da ce 60 b6 a3 92 f3 28 c2 b9 71 b2 fe 78 0010 f7 95 aa ab 49 4b 59 23 f7 fd 89 ff 94 8b c1 e0 0020 20 02 11 21 4e 73 94 da 20 89 b6 ac d0 93 ab e0 0030 c9 4d a2 19 11 8e 29 7d 7b 7e bc bc c9 c3 88 f2 0040 8a de 7d 85 a8 ee 35 61 6f 71 24 a9 d5 27 02 91 Tag 0000 98 88 5a 3a 22 bd 47 42 fe 7b 72 17 21 93 b1 63 Testing cipher id-aes128-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IV 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 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00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0070 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0090 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 56 b3 37 3c a9 ef 6e 4a 2b 64 fe 1e 9a 17 b6 14 0010 25 f1 0d 47 a7 5a 5f ce 13 ef c6 bc 78 4a f2 4f 0020 41 41 bd d4 8c f7 c7 70 88 7a fd 57 3c ca 54 18 0030 a9 ae ff cd 7c 5c ed df c6 a7 83 97 b9 a8 5b 49 0040 9d a5 58 25 72 67 ca ab 2a d0 b2 3c a4 76 a5 3c 0050 b1 7f b4 1c 4b 8b 47 5c b4 f3 f7 16 50 94 c2 29 0060 c9 e8 c4 dc 0a 2a 5f f1 90 3e 50 15 11 22 13 76 0070 a1 cd b8 36 4c 50 61 a2 0c ae 74 bc 4a cd 76 ce 0080 b0 ab c9 fd 32 17 ef 9f 8c 90 be 40 2d df 6d 86 0090 97 f4 f8 80 df f1 5b fb 7a 6b 28 24 1e c8 fe 18 00a0 3c 2d 59 e3 f9 df ff 65 3c 71 26 f0 ac b9 e6 42 00b0 11 f4 2b ae 12 af 46 2b 10 70 be f1 ab 5e 36 06 Tag 0000 56 6f 8e f6 83 07 8b fd ee ff a8 69 d7 51 a0 17 Testing cipher id-aes128-GCM(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 84 3f fc f5 d2 b7 26 94 d1 9e d0 1d 01 24 94 12 IV 0000 db cc a3 2e bf 9b 80 46 17 c3 aa 9e Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0020 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0030 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0040 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f Ciphertext 0000 62 68 c6 fa 2a 80 b2 d1 37 46 7f 09 2f 65 7a c0 0010 4d 89 be 2b ea a6 23 d6 1b 5a 86 8c 8f 03 ff 95 0020 d3 dc ee 23 ad 2f 1a b3 a6 c8 0e af 4b 14 0e b0 0030 5d e3 45 7f 0f bc 11 1a 6b 43 d0 76 3a a4 22 a3 0040 01 3c f1 dc 37 fe 41 7d 1f bf c4 49 b7 5d 4c c5 AAD 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f Tag 0000 3b 62 9c cf bc 11 19 b7 31 9e 1d ce 2c d6 fd 6d Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IV 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ciphertext 0000 91 7c f6 9e bd 68 b2 ec 9b 9f e9 a3 ea dd a6 92 0010 cd 43 d2 f5 95 98 ed 85 8c 02 c2 65 2f bf 92 2e Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 0010 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 IV 0000 33 33 33 33 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 0010 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 Ciphertext 0000 c4 54 18 5e 6a 16 93 6e 39 33 40 38 ac ef 83 8b 0010 fb 18 6f ff 74 80 ad c4 28 93 82 ec d6 d3 94 f0 Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 ff fe fd fc fb fa f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 f0 0010 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 IV 0000 33 33 33 33 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 0010 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 Ciphertext 0000 af 85 33 6b 59 7a fc 1a 90 0b 2e b2 1e c9 49 d2 0010 92 df 4c 04 7e 0b 21 53 21 86 a5 97 1a 22 7a 89 Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 27 18 28 18 28 45 90 45 23 53 60 28 74 71 35 26 0010 31 41 59 26 53 58 97 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 27 95 IV 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0020 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0030 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0040 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0050 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0060 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0070 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0080 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0090 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 00a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 00b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 00c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 00d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 00e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 00f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff 0100 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0110 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0120 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0130 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0140 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0150 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0160 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0170 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0180 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0190 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 01a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 01b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 01c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 01d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 01e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 01f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff Ciphertext 0000 27 a7 47 9b ef a1 d4 76 48 9f 30 8c d4 cf a6 e2 0010 a9 6e 4b be 32 08 ff 25 28 7d d3 81 96 16 e8 9c 0020 c7 8c f7 f5 e5 43 44 5f 83 33 d8 fa 7f 56 00 00 0030 05 27 9f a5 d8 b5 e4 ad 40 e7 36 dd b4 d3 54 12 0040 32 80 63 fd 2a ab 53 e5 ea 1e 0a 9f 33 25 00 a5 0050 df 94 87 d0 7a 5c 92 cc 51 2c 88 66 c7 e8 60 ce 0060 93 fd f1 66 a2 49 12 b4 22 97 61 46 ae 20 ce 84 0070 6b b7 dc 9b a9 4a 76 7a ae f2 0c 0d 61 ad 02 65 0080 5e a9 2d c4 c4 e4 1a 89 52 c6 51 d3 31 74 be 51 0090 a1 0c 42 11 10 e6 d8 15 88 ed e8 21 03 a2 52 d8 00a0 a7 50 e8 76 8d ef ff ed 91 22 81 0a ae b9 9f 91 00b0 72 af 82 b6 04 dc 4b 8e 51 bc b0 82 35 a6 f4 34 00c0 13 32 e4 ca 60 48 2a 4b a1 a0 3b 3e 65 00 8f c5 00d0 da 76 b7 0b f1 69 0d b4 ea e2 9c 5f 1b ad d0 3c 00e0 5c cf 2a 55 d7 05 dd cd 86 d4 49 51 1c eb 7e c3 00f0 0b f1 2b 1f a3 5b 91 3f 9f 74 7a 8a fd 1b 13 0e 0100 94 bf f9 4e ff d0 1a 91 73 5c a1 72 6a cd 0b 19 0110 7c 4e 5b 03 39 36 97 e1 26 82 6f b6 bb de 8e cc 0120 1e 08 29 85 16 e2 c9 ed 03 ff 3c 1b 78 60 f6 de 0130 76 d4 ce cd 94 c8 11 98 55 ef 52 97 ca 67 e9 f3 0140 e7 ff 72 b1 e9 97 85 ca 0a 7e 77 20 c5 b3 6d c6 0150 d7 2c ac 95 74 c8 cb bc 2f 80 1e 23 e5 6f d3 44 0160 b0 7f 22 15 4b eb a0 f0 8c e8 89 1e 64 3e d9 95 0170 c9 4d 9a 69 c9 f1 b5 f4 99 02 7a 78 57 2a ee bd 0180 74 d2 0c c3 98 81 c2 13 ee 77 0b 10 10 e4 be a7 0190 18 84 69 77 ae 11 9f 7a 02 3a b5 8c ca 0a d7 52 01a0 af e6 56 bb 3c 17 25 6a 9f 6e 9b f1 9f dd 5a 38 01b0 fc 82 bb e8 72 c5 53 9e db 60 9e f4 f7 9c 20 3e 01c0 bb 14 0f 2e 58 3c b2 ad 15 b4 aa 5b 65 50 16 a8 01d0 44 92 77 db d4 77 ef 2c 8d 6c 01 7d b7 38 b1 8d 01e0 eb 4a 42 7d 19 23 ce 3f f2 62 73 57 79 a4 18 f2 01f0 0a 28 2d f9 20 14 7b ea be 42 1e e5 31 9d 05 68 Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 27 18 28 18 28 45 90 45 23 53 60 28 74 71 35 26 0010 31 41 59 26 53 58 97 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 27 95 IV 0000 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 27 a7 47 9b ef a1 d4 76 48 9f 30 8c d4 cf a6 e2 0010 a9 6e 4b be 32 08 ff 25 28 7d d3 81 96 16 e8 9c 0020 c7 8c f7 f5 e5 43 44 5f 83 33 d8 fa 7f 56 00 00 0030 05 27 9f a5 d8 b5 e4 ad 40 e7 36 dd b4 d3 54 12 0040 32 80 63 fd 2a ab 53 e5 ea 1e 0a 9f 33 25 00 a5 0050 df 94 87 d0 7a 5c 92 cc 51 2c 88 66 c7 e8 60 ce 0060 93 fd f1 66 a2 49 12 b4 22 97 61 46 ae 20 ce 84 0070 6b b7 dc 9b a9 4a 76 7a ae f2 0c 0d 61 ad 02 65 0080 5e a9 2d c4 c4 e4 1a 89 52 c6 51 d3 31 74 be 51 0090 a1 0c 42 11 10 e6 d8 15 88 ed e8 21 03 a2 52 d8 00a0 a7 50 e8 76 8d ef ff ed 91 22 81 0a ae b9 9f 91 00b0 72 af 82 b6 04 dc 4b 8e 51 bc b0 82 35 a6 f4 34 00c0 13 32 e4 ca 60 48 2a 4b a1 a0 3b 3e 65 00 8f c5 00d0 da 76 b7 0b f1 69 0d b4 ea e2 9c 5f 1b ad d0 3c 00e0 5c cf 2a 55 d7 05 dd cd 86 d4 49 51 1c eb 7e c3 00f0 0b f1 2b 1f a3 5b 91 3f 9f 74 7a 8a fd 1b 13 0e 0100 94 bf f9 4e ff d0 1a 91 73 5c a1 72 6a cd 0b 19 0110 7c 4e 5b 03 39 36 97 e1 26 82 6f b6 bb de 8e cc 0120 1e 08 29 85 16 e2 c9 ed 03 ff 3c 1b 78 60 f6 de 0130 76 d4 ce cd 94 c8 11 98 55 ef 52 97 ca 67 e9 f3 0140 e7 ff 72 b1 e9 97 85 ca 0a 7e 77 20 c5 b3 6d c6 0150 d7 2c ac 95 74 c8 cb bc 2f 80 1e 23 e5 6f d3 44 0160 b0 7f 22 15 4b eb a0 f0 8c e8 89 1e 64 3e d9 95 0170 c9 4d 9a 69 c9 f1 b5 f4 99 02 7a 78 57 2a ee bd 0180 74 d2 0c c3 98 81 c2 13 ee 77 0b 10 10 e4 be a7 0190 18 84 69 77 ae 11 9f 7a 02 3a b5 8c ca 0a d7 52 01a0 af e6 56 bb 3c 17 25 6a 9f 6e 9b f1 9f dd 5a 38 01b0 fc 82 bb e8 72 c5 53 9e db 60 9e f4 f7 9c 20 3e 01c0 bb 14 0f 2e 58 3c b2 ad 15 b4 aa 5b 65 50 16 a8 01d0 44 92 77 db d4 77 ef 2c 8d 6c 01 7d b7 38 b1 8d 01e0 eb 4a 42 7d 19 23 ce 3f f2 62 73 57 79 a4 18 f2 01f0 0a 28 2d f9 20 14 7b ea be 42 1e e5 31 9d 05 68 Ciphertext 0000 26 4d 3c a8 51 21 94 fe c3 12 c8 c9 89 1f 27 9f 0010 ef dd 60 8d 0c 02 7b 60 48 3a 3f a8 11 d6 5e e5 0020 9d 52 d9 e4 0e c5 67 2d 81 53 2b 38 b6 b0 89 ce 0030 95 1f 0f 9c 35 59 0b 8b 97 8d 17 52 13 f3 29 bb 0040 1c 2f d3 0f 2f 7f 30 49 2a 61 a5 32 a7 9f 51 d3 0050 6f 5e 31 a7 c9 a1 2c 28 60 82 ff 7d 23 94 d1 8f 0060 78 3e 1a 8e 72 c7 22 ca aa a5 2d 8f 06 56 57 d2 0070 63 1f d2 5b fd 8e 5b aa d6 e5 27 d7 63 51 75 01 0080 c6 8c 5e dc 3c dd 55 43 5c 53 2d 71 25 c8 61 4d 0090 ee d9 ad aa 3a ca de 58 88 b8 7b ef 64 1c 4c 99 00a0 4c 80 91 b5 bc d3 87 f3 96 3f b5 bc 37 aa 92 2f 00b0 bf e3 df 4e 5b 91 5e 6e b5 14 71 7b dd 2a 74 07 00c0 9a 50 73 f5 c4 bf d4 6a df 7d 28 2e 7a 39 3a 52 00d0 57 9d 11 a0 28 da 4d 9c d9 c7 71 24 f9 64 8e e3 00e0 83 b1 ac 76 39 30 e7 16 2a 8d 37 f3 50 b2 f7 4b 00f0 84 72 cf 09 90 20 63 c6 b3 2e 8c 2d 92 90 ce fb 0100 d7 34 6d 1c 77 9a 0d f5 0e dc de 45 31 da 07 b0 0110 99 c6 38 e8 3a 75 59 44 df 2a ef 1a a3 17 52 fd 0120 32 3d cb 71 0f b4 bf bb 9d 22 b9 25 bc 35 77 e1 0130 b8 94 9e 72 9a 90 bb af ea cf 7f 78 79 e7 b1 14 0140 7e 28 ba 0b ae 94 0d b7 95 a6 1b 15 ec f4 df 8d 0150 b0 7b 82 4b b0 62 80 2c c9 8a 95 45 bb 2a ae ed 0160 77 cb 3f c6 db 15 dc d7 d8 0d 7d 5b c4 06 c4 97 0170 0a 34 78 ad a8 89 9b 32 91 98 eb 61 c1 93 fb 62 0180 75 aa 8c a3 40 34 4a 75 a8 62 ae be 92 ee e1 ce 0190 03 2f d9 50 b4 7d 77 04 a3 87 69 23 b4 ad 62 84 01a0 4b f4 a0 9c 4d be 8b 43 97 18 4b 74 71 36 0c 95 01b0 64 88 0a ed dd b9 ba a4 af 2e 75 39 4b 08 cd 32 01c0 ff 47 9c 57 a0 7d 3e ab 5d 54 de 5f 97 38 b8 d2 01d0 7f 27 a9 f0 ab 11 79 9d 7b 7f fe fb 27 04 c9 5c 01e0 6a d1 2c 39 f1 e8 67 a4 b7 b1 d7 81 8a 4b 75 3d 01f0 fd 2a 89 cc b4 5e 00 1a 03 a8 67 b1 87 f2 25 dd Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 27 18 28 18 28 45 90 45 23 53 60 28 74 71 35 26 0010 31 41 59 26 53 58 97 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 27 95 IV 0000 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 26 4d 3c a8 51 21 94 fe c3 12 c8 c9 89 1f 27 9f 0010 ef dd 60 8d 0c 02 7b 60 48 3a 3f a8 11 d6 5e e5 0020 9d 52 d9 e4 0e c5 67 2d 81 53 2b 38 b6 b0 89 ce 0030 95 1f 0f 9c 35 59 0b 8b 97 8d 17 52 13 f3 29 bb 0040 1c 2f d3 0f 2f 7f 30 49 2a 61 a5 32 a7 9f 51 d3 0050 6f 5e 31 a7 c9 a1 2c 28 60 82 ff 7d 23 94 d1 8f 0060 78 3e 1a 8e 72 c7 22 ca aa a5 2d 8f 06 56 57 d2 0070 63 1f d2 5b fd 8e 5b aa d6 e5 27 d7 63 51 75 01 0080 c6 8c 5e dc 3c dd 55 43 5c 53 2d 71 25 c8 61 4d 0090 ee d9 ad aa 3a ca de 58 88 b8 7b ef 64 1c 4c 99 00a0 4c 80 91 b5 bc d3 87 f3 96 3f b5 bc 37 aa 92 2f 00b0 bf e3 df 4e 5b 91 5e 6e b5 14 71 7b dd 2a 74 07 00c0 9a 50 73 f5 c4 bf d4 6a df 7d 28 2e 7a 39 3a 52 00d0 57 9d 11 a0 28 da 4d 9c d9 c7 71 24 f9 64 8e e3 00e0 83 b1 ac 76 39 30 e7 16 2a 8d 37 f3 50 b2 f7 4b 00f0 84 72 cf 09 90 20 63 c6 b3 2e 8c 2d 92 90 ce fb 0100 d7 34 6d 1c 77 9a 0d f5 0e dc de 45 31 da 07 b0 0110 99 c6 38 e8 3a 75 59 44 df 2a ef 1a a3 17 52 fd 0120 32 3d cb 71 0f b4 bf bb 9d 22 b9 25 bc 35 77 e1 0130 b8 94 9e 72 9a 90 bb af ea cf 7f 78 79 e7 b1 14 0140 7e 28 ba 0b ae 94 0d b7 95 a6 1b 15 ec f4 df 8d 0150 b0 7b 82 4b b0 62 80 2c c9 8a 95 45 bb 2a ae ed 0160 77 cb 3f c6 db 15 dc d7 d8 0d 7d 5b c4 06 c4 97 0170 0a 34 78 ad a8 89 9b 32 91 98 eb 61 c1 93 fb 62 0180 75 aa 8c a3 40 34 4a 75 a8 62 ae be 92 ee e1 ce 0190 03 2f d9 50 b4 7d 77 04 a3 87 69 23 b4 ad 62 84 01a0 4b f4 a0 9c 4d be 8b 43 97 18 4b 74 71 36 0c 95 01b0 64 88 0a ed dd b9 ba a4 af 2e 75 39 4b 08 cd 32 01c0 ff 47 9c 57 a0 7d 3e ab 5d 54 de 5f 97 38 b8 d2 01d0 7f 27 a9 f0 ab 11 79 9d 7b 7f fe fb 27 04 c9 5c 01e0 6a d1 2c 39 f1 e8 67 a4 b7 b1 d7 81 8a 4b 75 3d 01f0 fd 2a 89 cc b4 5e 00 1a 03 a8 67 b1 87 f2 25 dd Ciphertext 0000 fa 76 2a 36 80 b7 60 07 92 8e d4 a4 f4 9a 94 56 0010 03 1b 70 47 82 e6 5e 16 ce cb 54 ed 7d 01 7b 5e 0020 18 ab d6 7b 33 8e 81 07 8f 21 ed b7 86 8d 90 1e 0030 be 9c 73 1a 7c 18 b5 e6 de c1 d6 a7 2e 07 8a c9 0040 a4 26 2f 86 0b ee fa 14 f4 e8 21 01 82 72 e4 11 0050 a9 51 50 2b 6e 79 06 6e 84 25 2c 33 46 f3 aa 62 0060 34 43 51 a2 91 d4 be dc 7a 07 61 8b de a2 af 63 0070 14 5c c7 a4 b8 d4 07 06 91 ae 89 0c d6 57 33 e7 0080 94 6e 90 21 a1 df fc 4c 59 f1 59 42 5e e6 d5 0c 0090 a9 b1 35 fa 61 62 ce a1 8a 93 98 38 dc 00 0f b3 00a0 86 fa d0 86 ac ce 5a c0 7c b2 ec e7 fd 58 0b 00 00b0 cf a5 e9 85 89 63 1d c2 5e 8e 2a 3d af 2f fd ec 00c0 26 53 16 59 91 2c 9d 8f 7a 15 e5 86 5e a8 fb 58 00d0 16 d6 20 70 52 bd 71 28 cd 74 3c 12 c8 11 87 91 00e0 a4 73 68 11 93 5e b9 82 a5 32 34 9e 31 dd 40 1e 00f0 0b 66 0a 56 8c b1 a4 71 1f 55 2f 55 de d5 9f 1f 0100 15 bf 71 96 b3 ca 12 a9 1e 48 8e f5 9d 64 f3 a0 0110 2b f4 52 39 49 9a c6 17 6a e3 21 c4 a2 11 ec 54 0120 53 65 97 1c 5d 3f 4f 09 d4 eb 13 9b fd f2 07 3d 0130 33 18 0b 21 00 2b 65 cc 98 65 e7 6c b2 4c d9 2c 0140 87 4c 24 c1 83 50 39 9a 93 6a b3 63 70 79 29 5d 0150 76 c4 17 77 6b 94 ef ce 3a 0e f7 20 6b 15 11 05 0160 19 65 5c 95 6c bd 8b 24 89 40 5e e2 b0 9a 6b 6e 0170 eb e0 c5 37 90 a1 2a 89 98 37 8b 33 a5 b7 11 59 0180 62 5f 4b a4 9d 2a 2f db a5 9f bf 08 97 bc 7a ab 0190 d8 d7 07 dc 14 0a 80 f0 f3 09 f8 35 d3 da 54 ab 01a0 58 4e 50 1d fa 0e e9 77 fe c5 43 f7 41 86 a8 02 01b0 b9 a3 7a db 3e 82 91 ec a0 4d 66 52 0d 22 9e 60 01c0 40 1e 72 82 be f4 86 ae 05 9a a7 06 96 e0 e3 05 01d0 d7 77 14 0a 7a 88 3e cd cb 69 b9 ff 93 8e 8a 42 01e0 31 86 4c 69 ca 2c 20 43 be d0 07 ff 3e 60 5e 01 01f0 4b cf 51 81 38 dc 3a 25 c5 e2 36 17 1a 2d 01 d6 Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 27 18 28 18 28 45 90 45 23 53 60 28 74 71 35 26 0010 31 41 59 26 53 58 97 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 27 95 IV 0000 fd 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 8e 41 b7 8c 39 0b 5a f9 d7 58 bb 21 4a 67 e9 f6 0010 bf 77 27 b0 9a c6 12 40 84 c3 76 11 39 8f a4 5d 0020 aa d9 48 68 60 0e d3 91 fb 1a cd 48 57 a9 5b 46 0030 6e 62 ef 9f 4b 37 72 44 d1 c1 52 e7 b3 0d 73 1a 0040 ad 30 c7 16 d2 14 b7 07 ae d9 9e b5 b5 e5 80 b3 0050 e8 87 cf 74 97 46 56 51 d4 b6 0e 60 42 05 1d a3 0060 69 3c 3b 78 c1 44 89 54 3b e8 b6 ad 0b a6 29 56 0070 5b ba 20 23 13 ba 7b 0d 0c 94 a3 25 2b 67 6f 46 0080 cc 02 ce 0f 8a 7d 34 c0 ed 22 91 29 67 3c 1f 61 0090 ae d5 79 d0 8a 92 03 a2 5a ac 3a 77 e9 db 60 26 00a0 79 96 db 38 df 63 73 56 d9 dc d1 63 2e 36 99 39 00b0 f2 a2 9d 89 34 5c 66 e0 50 66 f1 a3 67 7a ef 18 00c0 de a4 11 3f ae b6 29 e4 67 21 a6 6d 0a 7e 78 5d 00d0 3e 29 af 25 94 eb 67 df a9 82 af fe 0a ac 05 8f 00e0 6e 15 86 42 69 b1 35 41 82 61 fc 3a fb 08 94 72 00f0 cf 68 c4 5d d7 f2 31 c6 24 9b a0 25 5e 1e 03 38 0100 33 fc 4d 00 a3 fe 02 13 2d 7b c3 87 36 14 b8 ae 0110 e3 42 73 58 1e a0 32 5c 81 f0 27 0a ff a1 36 41 0120 d0 52 d3 6f 07 57 d4 84 01 43 54 d0 2d 68 83 ca 0130 15 c2 4d 8c 39 56 b1 bd 02 7b cf 41 f1 51 fd 80 0140 23 c5 34 0e 56 06 f3 7e 90 fd b8 7c 86 fb 4f a6 0150 34 b3 71 8a 30 ba ce 06 a6 6e af 8f 63 c4 aa 3b 0160 63 78 26 a8 7f e8 cf a4 42 82 e9 2c b1 61 5a f3 0170 a2 8e 53 bc 74 c7 cb a1 a0 97 7b e9 06 5d 0c 1a 0180 5d ec 6c 54 ae 38 d3 7f 37 aa 35 28 3e 04 8e 55 0190 30 a8 5c 4e 7a 29 d7 b9 2e c0 c3 16 9c df 2a 80 01a0 5c 76 04 bc e6 00 49 b9 fb 7b 8e aa c1 0f 51 ae 01b0 23 79 4c eb a6 8b b5 81 12 e2 93 b9 b6 92 ca 72 01c0 1b 37 c6 62 f8 57 4e d4 db a6 f8 8e 17 08 81 c8 01d0 2c dd c1 03 4a 0c a7 e2 84 bf 09 62 b6 b2 62 92 01e0 d8 36 fa 9f 73 c1 ac 77 0e ef 0f 2d 3a 1e af 61 01f0 d3 e0 35 55 fd 42 4e ed d6 7e 18 a1 80 94 f8 88 Ciphertext 0000 d5 5f 68 4f 81 f4 42 6e 9f de 92 a5 ff 02 df 2a 0010 c8 96 af 63 96 28 88 a9 79 10 c1 37 9e 20 b0 a3 0020 b1 db 61 3f b7 fe 2e 07 00 43 29 ea 5c 22 bf d3 0030 3e 3d be 4c f5 8c c6 08 c2 c2 6c 19 a2 e2 fe 22 0040 f9 87 32 c2 b5 cb 84 4c c6 c0 70 2d 91 e1 d5 0f 0050 c4 38 2a 7e ba 56 35 cd 60 24 32 a2 30 6a c4 ce 0060 82 f8 d7 0c 8d 9b c1 5f 91 8f e7 1e 74 c6 22 d5 0070 cf 71 17 8b f6 e0 b9 cc 9f 2b 41 dd 8d be 44 1c 0080 41 cd 0c 73 a6 dc 47 a3 48 f6 70 2f 9d 0e 9b 1b 0090 14 31 e9 48 e2 99 b9 ec 22 72 ab 2c 5f 0c 7b e8 00a0 6a ff a5 de c8 7a 0b ee 81 d3 d5 00 07 ed aa 2b 00b0 cf cc b3 56 05 15 5f f3 6e d8 ed d4 a4 0d cd 4b 00c0 24 3a cd 11 b2 b9 87 bd bf af 91 a7 ca c2 7e 9c 00d0 5a ea 52 5e e5 3d e7 b2 d3 33 2c 86 44 40 2b 82 00e0 3e 94 a7 db 26 27 6d 2d 23 aa 07 18 0f 76 b4 fd 00f0 29 b9 c0 82 30 99 c9 d6 2c 51 98 80 ae e7 e9 69 0100 76 17 c1 49 7d 47 bf 3e 57 19 50 31 14 21 b6 b7 0110 34 d3 8b 0d b9 1e b8 53 31 b9 1e a9 f6 15 30 f5 0120 45 12 a5 a5 2a 4b ad 58 9e b6 97 81 d5 37 f2 32 0130 97 bb 45 9b da d2 94 8a 29 e1 55 0b f4 78 7e 0b 0140 e9 5b b1 73 cf 5f ab 17 da b7 a1 3a 05 2a 63 45 0150 3d 97 cc ec 1a 32 19 54 88 6b 7a 12 99 fa ae ec 0160 ae 35 c6 ea ac a7 53 b0 41 b5 e5 f0 93 bf 83 39 0170 7f d2 1d d6 b3 01 20 66 fc c0 58 cc 32 c3 b0 9d 0180 75 62 de e2 95 09 b5 83 93 92 c9 ff 05 f5 1f 31 0190 66 aa ac 4a c5 f2 38 03 8a 30 45 e6 f7 2e 48 ef 01a0 0f e8 bc 67 5e 82 c3 18 a2 68 e4 39 70 27 1b f1 01b0 19 b8 1b f6 a9 82 74 65 54 f8 4e 72 b9 f0 02 80 01c0 a3 20 a0 81 42 92 3c 23 c8 83 42 3f f9 49 82 7f 01d0 29 bb ac dc 1c cd b0 49 38 ce 60 98 c9 5b a6 b3 01e0 25 28 f4 ef 78 ee d7 78 b2 e1 22 dd fd 1c bd d1 01f0 1d 1c 0a 67 83 e0 11 fc 53 6d 63 d0 53 26 06 37 Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 27 18 28 18 28 45 90 45 23 53 60 28 74 71 35 26 0010 31 41 59 26 53 58 97 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 27 95 IV 0000 fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 d5 5f 68 4f 81 f4 42 6e 9f de 92 a5 ff 02 df 2a 0010 c8 96 af 63 96 28 88 a9 79 10 c1 37 9e 20 b0 a3 0020 b1 db 61 3f b7 fe 2e 07 00 43 29 ea 5c 22 bf d3 0030 3e 3d be 4c f5 8c c6 08 c2 c2 6c 19 a2 e2 fe 22 0040 f9 87 32 c2 b5 cb 84 4c c6 c0 70 2d 91 e1 d5 0f 0050 c4 38 2a 7e ba 56 35 cd 60 24 32 a2 30 6a c4 ce 0060 82 f8 d7 0c 8d 9b c1 5f 91 8f e7 1e 74 c6 22 d5 0070 cf 71 17 8b f6 e0 b9 cc 9f 2b 41 dd 8d be 44 1c 0080 41 cd 0c 73 a6 dc 47 a3 48 f6 70 2f 9d 0e 9b 1b 0090 14 31 e9 48 e2 99 b9 ec 22 72 ab 2c 5f 0c 7b e8 00a0 6a ff a5 de c8 7a 0b ee 81 d3 d5 00 07 ed aa 2b 00b0 cf cc b3 56 05 15 5f f3 6e d8 ed d4 a4 0d cd 4b 00c0 24 3a cd 11 b2 b9 87 bd bf af 91 a7 ca c2 7e 9c 00d0 5a ea 52 5e e5 3d e7 b2 d3 33 2c 86 44 40 2b 82 00e0 3e 94 a7 db 26 27 6d 2d 23 aa 07 18 0f 76 b4 fd 00f0 29 b9 c0 82 30 99 c9 d6 2c 51 98 80 ae e7 e9 69 0100 76 17 c1 49 7d 47 bf 3e 57 19 50 31 14 21 b6 b7 0110 34 d3 8b 0d b9 1e b8 53 31 b9 1e a9 f6 15 30 f5 0120 45 12 a5 a5 2a 4b ad 58 9e b6 97 81 d5 37 f2 32 0130 97 bb 45 9b da d2 94 8a 29 e1 55 0b f4 78 7e 0b 0140 e9 5b b1 73 cf 5f ab 17 da b7 a1 3a 05 2a 63 45 0150 3d 97 cc ec 1a 32 19 54 88 6b 7a 12 99 fa ae ec 0160 ae 35 c6 ea ac a7 53 b0 41 b5 e5 f0 93 bf 83 39 0170 7f d2 1d d6 b3 01 20 66 fc c0 58 cc 32 c3 b0 9d 0180 75 62 de e2 95 09 b5 83 93 92 c9 ff 05 f5 1f 31 0190 66 aa ac 4a c5 f2 38 03 8a 30 45 e6 f7 2e 48 ef 01a0 0f e8 bc 67 5e 82 c3 18 a2 68 e4 39 70 27 1b f1 01b0 19 b8 1b f6 a9 82 74 65 54 f8 4e 72 b9 f0 02 80 01c0 a3 20 a0 81 42 92 3c 23 c8 83 42 3f f9 49 82 7f 01d0 29 bb ac dc 1c cd b0 49 38 ce 60 98 c9 5b a6 b3 01e0 25 28 f4 ef 78 ee d7 78 b2 e1 22 dd fd 1c bd d1 01f0 1d 1c 0a 67 83 e0 11 fc 53 6d 63 d0 53 26 06 37 Ciphertext 0000 72 ef c1 eb fe 1e e2 59 75 a6 eb 3a a8 58 9d da 0010 2b 26 1f 1c 85 bd ab 44 2a 9e 5b 2d d1 d7 c3 95 0020 7a 16 fc 08 e5 26 d4 b1 22 3f 1b 12 32 a1 1a f2 0030 74 c3 d7 0d ac 57 f8 3e 09 83 c4 98 f1 a6 f1 ae 0040 cb 02 1c 3e 70 08 5a 1e 52 7f 1c e4 1e e5 91 1a 0050 82 02 01 61 52 9c d8 27 73 76 2d af 54 59 de 94 0060 a0 a8 2a da e7 e1 70 3c 80 85 43 c2 9e d6 fb 32 0070 d9 e0 04 32 7c 13 55 18 0c 99 5a 07 74 14 93 a0 0080 9c 21 ba 01 a3 87 88 2d a4 f6 25 34 b8 7b b1 5d 0090 60 d1 97 20 1c 0f d3 bf 30 c1 50 0a 3e cf ec dd 00a0 66 d8 72 1f 90 bc c4 c1 7e e9 25 c6 1b 0a 03 72 00b0 7a 9c 0d 5f 5c a4 62 fb fa 0a f1 c2 51 3a 9d 9d 00c0 4b 53 45 bd 27 a5 f6 e6 53 f7 51 69 3e 6b 6a 2b 00d0 8e ad 57 d5 11 e0 0e 58 c4 5b 7b 8d 00 5a f7 92 00e0 88 f5 c7 c2 2f d4 f1 bf 7a 89 8b 03 a5 63 4c 6a 00f0 1a e3 f9 fa e5 de 4f 29 6a 28 96 b2 3e 7e d4 3e 0100 d1 4f a5 a2 80 3f 4d 28 f0 d3 ff cf 24 75 76 77 0110 ae bd b4 7b b3 88 37 87 08 94 8a 8d 41 26 ed 18 0120 39 e0 da 29 a5 37 a8 c1 98 b3 c6 6a b0 07 12 dd 0130 26 16 74 bf 45 a7 3d 67 f7 69 14 f8 30 ca 01 4b 0140 65 59 6f 27 e4 cf 62 de 66 12 5a 55 66 df 99 75 0150 15 56 28 b4 00 fb fb 3a 29 04 0e d5 0f af fd bb 0160 18 ae ce 7c 5c 44 69 32 60 aa b3 86 c0 a3 7b 11 0170 b1 14 f1 c4 15 ae bb 65 3b e4 68 17 94 28 d4 3a 0180 4d 8b c3 ec 38 81 3e ca 30 a1 3c f1 bb 18 d5 24 0190 f1 99 2d 44 d8 b1 a4 2e a3 0b 22 e6 c9 5b 19 9d 01a0 8d 18 2f 88 40 b0 9d 05 95 85 c3 1a d6 91 fa 06 01b0 19 ff 03 8a ca 2c 39 a9 43 42 11 57 36 17 17 c4 01c0 9d 32 20 28 a7 46 48 11 3b d8 c9 d7 ec 77 cf 3c 01d0 89 c1 ec 87 18 ce ff 85 16 d9 6b 34 c3 c6 14 f1 01e0 06 99 c9 ab c4 ed 04 11 50 62 23 be a1 6a f3 5c 01f0 88 3a cc db e1 10 4e ef 0c fd b5 4e 12 fb 23 0a Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 27 18 28 18 28 45 90 45 23 53 60 28 74 71 35 26 0010 31 41 59 26 53 58 97 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 27 95 IV 0000 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 72 ef c1 eb fe 1e e2 59 75 a6 eb 3a a8 58 9d da 0010 2b 26 1f 1c 85 bd ab 44 2a 9e 5b 2d d1 d7 c3 95 0020 7a 16 fc 08 e5 26 d4 b1 22 3f 1b 12 32 a1 1a f2 0030 74 c3 d7 0d ac 57 f8 3e 09 83 c4 98 f1 a6 f1 ae 0040 cb 02 1c 3e 70 08 5a 1e 52 7f 1c e4 1e e5 91 1a 0050 82 02 01 61 52 9c d8 27 73 76 2d af 54 59 de 94 0060 a0 a8 2a da e7 e1 70 3c 80 85 43 c2 9e d6 fb 32 0070 d9 e0 04 32 7c 13 55 18 0c 99 5a 07 74 14 93 a0 0080 9c 21 ba 01 a3 87 88 2d a4 f6 25 34 b8 7b b1 5d 0090 60 d1 97 20 1c 0f d3 bf 30 c1 50 0a 3e cf ec dd 00a0 66 d8 72 1f 90 bc c4 c1 7e e9 25 c6 1b 0a 03 72 00b0 7a 9c 0d 5f 5c a4 62 fb fa 0a f1 c2 51 3a 9d 9d 00c0 4b 53 45 bd 27 a5 f6 e6 53 f7 51 69 3e 6b 6a 2b 00d0 8e ad 57 d5 11 e0 0e 58 c4 5b 7b 8d 00 5a f7 92 00e0 88 f5 c7 c2 2f d4 f1 bf 7a 89 8b 03 a5 63 4c 6a 00f0 1a e3 f9 fa e5 de 4f 29 6a 28 96 b2 3e 7e d4 3e 0100 d1 4f a5 a2 80 3f 4d 28 f0 d3 ff cf 24 75 76 77 0110 ae bd b4 7b b3 88 37 87 08 94 8a 8d 41 26 ed 18 0120 39 e0 da 29 a5 37 a8 c1 98 b3 c6 6a b0 07 12 dd 0130 26 16 74 bf 45 a7 3d 67 f7 69 14 f8 30 ca 01 4b 0140 65 59 6f 27 e4 cf 62 de 66 12 5a 55 66 df 99 75 0150 15 56 28 b4 00 fb fb 3a 29 04 0e d5 0f af fd bb 0160 18 ae ce 7c 5c 44 69 32 60 aa b3 86 c0 a3 7b 11 0170 b1 14 f1 c4 15 ae bb 65 3b e4 68 17 94 28 d4 3a 0180 4d 8b c3 ec 38 81 3e ca 30 a1 3c f1 bb 18 d5 24 0190 f1 99 2d 44 d8 b1 a4 2e a3 0b 22 e6 c9 5b 19 9d 01a0 8d 18 2f 88 40 b0 9d 05 95 85 c3 1a d6 91 fa 06 01b0 19 ff 03 8a ca 2c 39 a9 43 42 11 57 36 17 17 c4 01c0 9d 32 20 28 a7 46 48 11 3b d8 c9 d7 ec 77 cf 3c 01d0 89 c1 ec 87 18 ce ff 85 16 d9 6b 34 c3 c6 14 f1 01e0 06 99 c9 ab c4 ed 04 11 50 62 23 be a1 6a f3 5c 01f0 88 3a cc db e1 10 4e ef 0c fd b5 4e 12 fb 23 0a Ciphertext 0000 32 60 ae 8d ad 1f 4a 32 c5 ca fe 3a b0 eb 95 54 0010 9d 46 1a 67 ce b9 e5 aa 2d 3a fb 62 de ce 05 53 0020 19 3b a5 0c 75 be 25 1e 08 d1 d0 8f 10 88 57 6c 0030 7e fd fa af 3f 45 95 59 57 1e 12 51 17 53 b0 7a 0040 f0 73 f3 5d a0 6a f0 ce 0b bf 6b 8f 5c cc 5c ea 0050 50 0e c1 b2 11 bd 51 f6 3b 60 6b f6 52 87 96 ca 0060 12 17 3b a3 9b 89 35 ee 44 cc ce 64 6f 90 a4 5b 0070 f9 cc c5 67 f0 ac e1 3d c2 d5 3e be ed c8 1f 58 0080 b2 e4 11 79 dd df 0d 5a 5c 42 f5 d8 50 6c 1a 5d 0090 2f 8f 59 f3 ea 87 3c bc d0 ee c1 9a cb f3 25 42 00a0 3b d3 dc b8 c2 b1 bf 1d 1e ae d0 eb a7 f0 69 8e 00b0 43 14 fb eb 2f 15 66 d1 b9 25 30 08 cb cc f4 5a 00c0 2b 0d 9c 5c 9c 21 47 4f 40 76 e0 2b e2 60 50 b9 00d0 9d ee 4f d6 8a 4c f8 90 e4 96 e4 fc ae 7b 70 f9 00e0 4e a5 a9 06 2d a0 da eb a1 99 3d 2c cd 1d d3 c2 00f0 44 b8 42 88 01 49 5a 58 b2 16 54 7e 7e 84 7c 46 0100 d1 d7 56 37 7b 62 42 d2 e5 fb 83 bf 75 2b 54 e0 0110 df 71 e8 89 f3 a2 bb 0f 4c 10 80 5b f3 c5 90 37 0120 6e 3c 24 e2 2f f5 7f 7f a9 65 57 73 75 32 5c ea 0130 5d 92 0d b9 4b 9c 33 6b 45 5f 6e 89 4c 01 86 6f 0140 e9 fb b8 c8 d3 f7 0a 29 57 28 5f 6d fb 5d cd 8c 0150 bf 54 78 2f 8f e7 76 6d 47 23 81 99 13 ac 77 34 0160 21 e3 a3 10 95 86 6b ad 22 c8 6a 60 36 b2 51 8b 0170 20 59 b4 22 9d 18 c8 c2 cc bd f9 06 c6 cc 6e 82 0180 46 4e e5 7b dd b0 be bc b1 dc 64 53 25 bf b3 e6 0190 65 ef 72 51 08 2c 88 eb b1 cf 20 3b d7 79 fd d3 01a0 86 75 71 3c 8d aa dd 17 e1 ca be e4 32 b0 97 87 01b0 b6 dd f3 30 4e 38 b7 31 b4 5d f5 df 51 b7 8f cf 01c0 b3 d3 24 66 02 8d 0b a3 65 55 e7 e1 1a b0 ee 06 01d0 66 06 1d 16 45 d9 62 44 4b c4 7a 38 18 89 30 a8 01e0 4b 4d 56 13 95 c7 3c 08 70 21 92 7c a6 38 b7 af 01f0 c8 a8 67 9c cb 84 c2 65 55 44 0e c7 f1 04 45 cd Testing cipher AES-256-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 27 18 28 18 28 45 90 45 23 53 60 28 74 71 35 26 0010 62 49 77 57 24 70 93 69 99 59 57 49 66 96 76 27 0020 31 41 59 26 53 58 97 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 27 95 0030 02 88 41 97 16 93 99 37 51 05 82 09 74 94 45 92 IV 0000 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0020 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0030 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0040 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0050 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0060 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0070 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0080 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0090 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 00a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 00b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 00c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 00d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 00e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 00f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff 0100 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0110 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0120 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0130 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0140 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0150 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0160 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0170 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0180 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0190 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 01a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 01b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 01c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 01d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 01e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 01f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff Ciphertext 0000 1c 3b 3a 10 2f 77 03 86 e4 83 6c 99 e3 70 cf 9b 0010 ea 00 80 3f 5e 48 23 57 a4 ae 12 d4 14 a3 e6 3b 0020 5d 31 e2 76 f8 fe 4a 8d 66 b3 17 f9 ac 68 3f 44 0030 68 0a 86 ac 35 ad fc 33 45 be fe cb 4b b1 88 fd 0040 57 76 92 6c 49 a3 09 5e b1 08 fd 10 98 ba ec 70 0050 aa a6 69 99 a7 2a 82 f2 7d 84 8b 21 d4 a7 41 b0 0060 c5 cd 4d 5f ff 9d ac 89 ae ba 12 29 61 d0 3a 75 0070 71 23 e9 87 0f 8a cf 10 00 02 08 87 89 14 29 ca 0080 2a 3e 7a 7d 7d f7 b1 03 55 16 5c 8b 9a 6d 0a 7d 0090 e8 b0 62 c4 50 0d c4 cd 12 0c 0f 74 18 da e3 d0 00a0 b5 78 1c 34 80 3f a7 54 21 c7 90 df e1 de 18 34 00b0 f2 80 d7 66 7b 32 7f 6c 8c d7 55 7e 12 ac 3a 0f 00c0 93 ec 05 c5 2e 04 93 ef 31 a1 2d 3d 92 60 f7 9a 00d0 28 9d 6a 37 9b c7 0c 50 84 14 73 d1 a8 cc 81 ec 00e0 58 3e 96 45 e0 7b 8d 96 70 65 5b a5 bb cf ec c6 00f0 dc 39 66 38 0a d8 fe cb 17 b6 ba 02 46 9a 02 0a 0100 84 e1 8e 8f 84 25 20 70 c1 3e 9f 1f 28 9b e5 4f 0110 bc 48 14 57 77 8f 61 60 15 e1 32 7a 02 b1 40 f1 0120 50 5e b3 09 32 6d 68 37 8f 83 74 59 5c 84 9d 84 0130 f4 c3 33 ec 44 23 88 51 43 cb 47 bd 71 c5 ed ae 0140 9b e6 9a 2f fe ce b1 be c9 de 24 4f be 15 99 2b 0150 11 b7 7c 04 0f 12 bd 8f 6a 97 5a 44 a0 f9 0c 29 0160 a9 ab c3 d4 d8 93 92 72 84 c5 87 54 cc e2 94 52 0170 9f 86 14 dc d2 ab a9 91 92 5f ed c4 ae 74 ff ac 0180 6e 33 3b 93 eb 4a ff 04 79 da 9a 41 0e 44 50 e0 0190 dd 7a e4 c6 e2 91 09 00 57 5d a4 01 fc 07 05 9f 01a0 64 5e 8b 7e 9b fd ef 33 94 30 54 ff 84 01 14 93 01b0 c2 7b 34 29 ea ed b4 ed 53 76 44 1a 77 ed 43 85 01c0 1a d7 7f 16 f5 41 df d2 69 d5 0d 6a 5f 14 fb 0a 01d0 ab 1c bb 4c 15 50 be 97 f7 ab 40 66 19 3c 4c aa 01e0 77 3d ad 38 01 4b d2 09 2f a7 55 c8 24 bb 5e 54 01f0 c4 f3 6f fd a9 fc ea 70 b9 c6 e6 93 e1 48 c1 51 Testing cipher AES-256-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 27 18 28 18 28 45 90 45 23 53 60 28 74 71 35 26 0010 62 49 77 57 24 70 93 69 99 59 57 49 66 96 76 27 0020 31 41 59 26 53 58 97 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 27 95 0030 02 88 41 97 16 93 99 37 51 05 82 09 74 94 45 92 IV 0000 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0020 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0030 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0040 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0050 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0060 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0070 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0080 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0090 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 00a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 00b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 00c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 00d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 00e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 00f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff 0100 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0110 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0120 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0130 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0140 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0150 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0160 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0170 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0180 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0190 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 01a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 01b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 01c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 01d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 01e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 01f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff Ciphertext 0000 77 a3 12 51 61 8a 15 e6 b9 2d 1d 66 df fe 7b 50 0010 b5 0b ad 55 23 05 ba 02 17 a6 10 68 8e ff 7e 11 0020 e1 d0 22 54 38 e0 93 24 2d 6d b2 74 fd e8 01 d4 0030 ca e0 6f 20 92 c7 28 b2 47 85 59 df 58 e8 37 c2 0040 46 9e e4 a4 fa 79 4e 4b bc 7f 39 bc 02 6e 3c b7 0050 2c 33 b0 88 8f 25 b4 ac f5 6a 2a 98 04 f1 ce 6d 0060 3d 6e 1d c6 ca 18 1d 4b 54 61 79 d5 55 44 aa 77 0070 60 c4 0d 06 74 15 39 c7 e3 cd 9d 2f 66 50 b2 01 0080 3f d0 ee b8 c2 b8 e3 d8 d2 40 cc ae 2d 4c 98 32 0090 0a 74 42 e1 c8 d7 5a 42 d6 e6 cf a4 c2 ec a1 79 00a0 8d 15 8c 7a ec df 82 49 0f 24 bb 9b 38 e1 08 bc 00b0 da 12 c3 fa f9 a2 11 41 c3 61 3b 58 36 7f 92 2a 00c0 aa 26 cd 22 f2 3d 70 8d ae 69 9a d7 cb 40 a8 ad 00d0 0b 6e 27 84 97 3d cb 60 56 84 c0 8b 8d 69 98 c6 00e0 9a ac 04 99 21 87 1e bb 65 30 1a 46 19 ca 80 ec 00f0 b4 85 a3 1d 74 42 23 ce 8d dc 23 94 82 8d 6a 80 0100 47 0c 09 2f 5b a4 13 c3 37 8f a6 05 42 55 c6 f9 0110 df 44 95 86 2b bb 32 87 68 1f 93 1b 68 7c 88 8a 0120 bf 84 4d fc 8f c2 83 31 e5 79 92 8c d1 2b d2 39 0130 0a e1 23 cf 03 81 8d 14 de dd e5 c0 c2 4c 8a b0 0140 18 bf ca 75 ca 09 6f 2d 53 1f 3d 16 19 e7 85 f1 0150 ad a4 37 ca b9 2e 98 05 58 b3 dc e1 47 4a fb 75 0160 bf ed bf 8f f5 4c b2 61 8e 02 44 c9 ac 0d 3c 66 0170 fb 51 59 8c d2 db 11 f9 be 39 79 1a be 44 7c 63 0180 09 4f 7c 45 3b 7f f8 7c b5 bb 36 b7 c7 9e fb 08 0190 72 d1 70 58 b8 3b 15 ab 08 66 ad 8a 58 65 6c 5a 01a0 7e 20 db df 30 8b 24 61 d9 7c 0e c0 02 4a 27 15 01b0 05 52 49 cf 3b 47 8d dd 47 40 de 65 4f 75 ca 68 01c0 6e 0d 73 45 c6 9e d5 0c dc 2a 8b 33 2b 1f 88 24 01d0 10 8a c9 37 eb 05 05 85 60 8e e7 34 09 7f c0 90 01e0 54 fb ff 89 ee ae ea 79 1f 4a 7a b1 f9 86 82 94 01f0 a4 f9 e2 7b 42 af 81 00 cb 9d 59 ce f9 64 58 03 Testing cipher AES-256-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 27 18 28 18 28 45 90 45 23 53 60 28 74 71 35 26 0010 62 49 77 57 24 70 93 69 99 59 57 49 66 96 76 27 0020 31 41 59 26 53 58 97 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 27 95 0030 02 88 41 97 16 93 99 37 51 05 82 09 74 94 45 92 IV 0000 ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0020 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0030 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0040 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0050 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0060 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0070 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0080 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0090 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 00a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 00b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 00c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 00d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 00e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 00f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff 0100 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0110 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0120 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0130 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0140 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0150 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0160 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0170 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0180 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0190 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 01a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 01b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 01c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 01d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 01e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 01f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff Ciphertext 0000 e3 87 aa a5 8b a4 83 af a7 e8 eb 46 97 78 31 7e 0010 cf 4c f5 73 aa 9d 4e ac 23 f2 cd f9 14 e4 e2 00 0020 a8 b4 90 e4 2e e6 46 80 2d c6 ee 2b 47 1b 27 81 0030 95 d6 09 18 ec ec b4 4b f7 99 66 f8 3f ab a0 49 0040 92 98 eb c6 99 c0 c8 63 47 15 a3 20 bb 4f 07 5d 0050 62 2e 74 c8 c9 32 00 4f 25 b4 1e 36 10 25 b5 a8 0060 78 15 39 1f 61 08 fc 4a fa 6a 05 d9 30 3c 6b a6 0070 8a 12 8a 55 70 5d 41 59 85 83 2f de aa e6 c8 e1 0080 91 10 e8 4d 1b 1f 19 9a 26 92 11 9e dc 96 13 26 0090 58 f0 9d a7 c6 23 ef ce c7 12 53 7a 3d 94 c0 bf 00a0 5d 7e 35 2e c9 4a e5 79 7f db 37 7d c1 55 11 50 00b0 72 1a df 15 bd 26 a8 ef c2 fc aa d5 68 81 fa 9e 00c0 62 46 2c 28 f3 0a e1 ce ac a9 3c 34 5c f2 43 b7 00d0 3f 54 2e 20 74 a7 05 bd 26 43 bb 9f 7c c7 9b b6 00e0 e7 09 1e a6 e2 32 df 0f 9a d0 d6 cf 50 23 27 87 00f0 6d 82 20 7a bf 21 15 cd ac f6 d5 a4 8f 6c 18 79 0100 a6 5b 11 5f 0f 8b 3c b3 c5 9d 15 dd 8c 76 9b c0 0110 14 79 5a 18 37 f3 90 1b 58 45 eb 49 1a df ef e0 0120 97 b1 fa 30 a1 2f c1 f6 5b a2 29 05 03 15 39 97 0130 1a 10 f2 f3 6c 32 1b b5 13 31 cd ef b3 9e 39 64 0140 c7 ef 07 99 94 f5 b6 9b 2e dd 83 a7 1e f5 49 97 0150 1e e9 3f 44 ea c3 93 8f cd d6 1d 01 fa 71 79 9d 0160 a3 a8 09 1c 4c 48 aa 9e d2 63 ff 07 49 df 95 d4 0170 4f ef 6a 0b b5 78 ec 69 45 6a a5 40 8a e3 2c 7a 0180 f0 8a d7 ba 89 21 28 7e 3b be e3 1b 76 7b e0 6a 0190 0e 70 5c 86 4a 76 91 37 df 28 29 22 83 ea 81 a2 01a0 48 02 41 b4 4d 99 21 cd be c1 bc 28 dc 1f da 11 01b0 4b d8 e5 21 7a c9 d8 eb af a7 20 e9 da 4f 9a ce 01c0 23 1c c9 49 e5 b9 6f e7 6f fc 21 06 3f dd c8 3a 01d0 6b 86 79 c0 0d 35 e0 95 76 a8 75 30 5b ed 5f 36 01e0 ed 24 2c 89 00 dd 1f a9 65 bc 95 0d fc e0 9b 13 01f0 22 63 a1 ee f5 2d d6 88 8c 30 9f 5a 7d 71 28 26 Testing cipher AES-256-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 27 18 28 18 28 45 90 45 23 53 60 28 74 71 35 26 0010 62 49 77 57 24 70 93 69 99 59 57 49 66 96 76 27 0020 31 41 59 26 53 58 97 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 27 95 0030 02 88 41 97 16 93 99 37 51 05 82 09 74 94 45 92 IV 0000 ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0020 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0030 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0040 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0050 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0060 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0070 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0080 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0090 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 00a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 00b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 00c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 00d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 00e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 00f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff 0100 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0110 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0120 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0130 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0140 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0150 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0160 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0170 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0180 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0190 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 01a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 01b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 01c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 01d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 01e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 01f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff Ciphertext 0000 bf 53 d2 da de 78 e8 22 a4 d9 49 a9 bc 67 66 b0 0010 1b 06 a8 ef 70 d2 67 48 c6 a7 fc 36 d8 0a e4 c5 0020 52 0f 7c 4a b0 ac 85 44 42 4f a4 05 16 2f ef 5a 0030 6b 7f 22 94 98 06 36 18 d3 9f 00 03 cb 5f b8 d1 0040 c8 6b 64 34 97 da 1f f9 45 c8 d3 be de ca 4f 47 0050 97 02 a7 a7 35 f0 43 dd b1 d6 aa ad e3 c4 a0 ac 0060 7c a7 f3 fa 52 79 be f5 6f 82 cd 7a 2f 38 67 2e 0070 82 48 14 e1 07 00 30 0a 05 5e 16 30 b8 f1 cb 0e 0080 91 9f 5e 94 20 10 a4 16 e2 bf 48 cb 46 99 3d 3c 0090 b6 a5 1c 19 ba cf 86 47 85 a0 0b c2 ec ff 15 d3 00a0 50 87 5b 24 6e d5 3e 68 be 6f 55 bd 7e 05 cf c2 00b0 b2 ed 64 32 19 8a 64 44 b6 d8 c2 47 fa b9 41 f5 00c0 69 76 8b 5c 42 93 66 f1 d3 f0 0f 03 45 b9 61 23 00d0 d5 62 04 c0 1c 63 b2 2c e7 8b af 11 6e 52 5e d9 00e0 0f de a3 9f a4 69 49 4d 38 66 c3 1e 05 f2 95 ff 00f0 21 fe a8 d4 e6 e1 3d 67 e4 7c e7 22 e9 69 8a 1c 0100 10 48 d6 8e bc de 76 b8 6f cf 97 6e ab 8a a9 79 0110 02 68 b7 06 8e 01 7a 8b 9b 74 94 09 51 4f 10 53 0120 02 7f d1 6c 37 86 ea 1b ac 5f 15 cb 79 71 1e e2 0130 ab e8 2f 5c f8 b1 3a e7 30 30 ef 5b 9e 44 57 e7 0140 5d 13 04 f9 88 d6 2d d6 fc 4b 94 ed 38 ba 83 1d 0150 a4 b7 63 49 71 b6 cd 8e c3 25 d9 c6 1c 00 f1 df 0160 73 62 7e d3 74 5a 5e 84 89 f3 a9 5c 69 63 9c 32 0170 cd 6e 1d 53 7a 85 f7 5c c8 44 72 6e 8a 72 fc 00 0180 77 ad 22 00 0f 1d 50 78 f6 b8 66 31 8c 66 8f 1a 0190 d0 3d 5a 5f ce d5 21 9f 2e ab bd 0a a5 c0 f4 60 01a0 d1 83 f0 44 04 a0 d6 f4 69 55 8e 81 fa b2 4a 16 01b0 79 05 ab 4c 78 78 50 2a d3 e3 8f db e6 2a 41 55 01c0 6c ec 37 32 57 59 53 3c e8 f2 5f 36 7c 87 bb 55 01d0 78 d6 67 ae 93 f9 e2 fd 99 bc bc 5f 2f bb a8 8c 01e0 f6 51 61 39 42 0f cf f3 b7 36 1d 86 32 2c 4b d8 01f0 4c 82 f3 35 ab b1 52 c4 a9 34 11 37 3a aa 82 20 Testing cipher AES-256-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 27 18 28 18 28 45 90 45 23 53 60 28 74 71 35 26 0010 62 49 77 57 24 70 93 69 99 59 57 49 66 96 76 27 0020 31 41 59 26 53 58 97 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 27 95 0030 02 88 41 97 16 93 99 37 51 05 82 09 74 94 45 92 IV 0000 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0020 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0030 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0040 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0050 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0060 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0070 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0080 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0090 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 00a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 00b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 00c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 00d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 00e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 00f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff 0100 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0110 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0120 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0130 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0140 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0150 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0160 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0170 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0180 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0190 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 01a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 01b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 01c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 01d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 01e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 01f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff Ciphertext 0000 64 49 7e 5a 83 1e 4a 93 2c 09 be 3e 53 93 37 6d 0010 aa 59 95 48 b8 16 03 1d 22 4b bf 50 a8 18 ed 23 0020 50 ea e7 e9 60 87 c8 a0 db 51 ad 29 0b d0 0c 1a 0030 c1 62 08 57 63 5b f2 46 c1 76 ab 46 3b e3 0b 80 0040 8d a5 48 08 1a c8 47 b1 58 e1 26 4b e2 5b b0 91 0050 0b bc 92 64 71 08 08 94 15 d4 5f ab 1b 3d 26 04 0060 e8 a8 ef f1 ae 40 20 cf a3 99 36 b6 68 27 b2 3f 0070 37 1b 92 20 0b e9 02 51 e6 d7 3c 5f 86 de 5f d4 0080 a9 50 78 19 33 d7 9a 28 27 2b 78 2a 2e c3 13 ef 0090 df cc 06 28 f4 3d 74 4c 2d c2 ff 3d cb 66 99 9b 00a0 50 c7 ca 89 5b 0c 64 79 1e ea a5 f2 94 99 fb 1c 00b0 02 6f 84 ce 5b 5c 72 ba 10 83 cd db 5c e4 54 34 00c0 63 16 65 c3 33 b6 0b 11 59 3f b2 53 c5 17 9a 2c 00d0 8d b8 13 78 2a 00 48 56 a1 65 30 11 e9 3f b6 d8 00e0 76 c1 83 66 dd 86 83 f5 34 12 c0 c1 80 f9 c8 48 00f0 59 2d 59 3f 86 09 ca 73 63 17 d3 56 e1 3e 2b ff 0100 3a 9f 59 cd 9a eb 19 cd 48 25 93 d8 c4 61 28 bb 0110 32 42 3b 37 a9 ad fb 48 2b 99 45 3f be 25 a4 1b 0120 f6 fe b4 aa 0b ef 5e d2 4b f7 3c 76 29 78 02 54 0130 82 c1 31 15 e4 01 5a ac 99 2e 56 13 a3 b5 c2 f6 0140 85 b8 47 95 cb 6e 9b 26 56 d8 c8 81 57 e5 2c 42 0150 f9 78 d8 63 4c 43 d0 6f ea 92 8f 28 22 e4 65 aa 0160 65 76 e9 bf 41 93 84 50 6c c3 ce 3c 54 ac 1a 6f 0170 67 dc 66 f3 b3 01 91 e6 98 38 0b c9 99 b0 5a bc 0180 e1 9d c0 c6 dc c2 dd 00 1e c5 35 ba 18 de b2 df 0190 1a 10 10 23 10 83 18 c7 5d c9 86 11 a0 9d c4 8a 01a0 0a cd ec 67 6f ab df 22 2f 07 e0 26 f0 59 b6 72 01b0 b5 6e 5c bc 8e 1d 21 bb d8 67 dd 92 72 12 05 46 01c0 81 d7 0e a7 37 13 4c df ce 93 b6 f8 2a e2 24 23 01d0 27 4e 58 a0 82 1c c5 50 2e 2d 0a b4 58 5e 94 de 01e0 69 75 be 5e 0b 4e fc e5 1c d3 e7 0c 25 a1 fb bb 01f0 d6 09 d2 73 ad 5b 0d 59 63 1c 53 1f 6a 0a 57 b9 Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 ff fe fd fc fb fa f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 f0 0010 bf be bd bc bb ba b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 IV 0000 9a 78 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 Ciphertext 0000 6c 16 25 db 46 71 52 2d 3d 75 99 60 1d e7 ca 09 0010 ed Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 ff fe fd fc fb fa f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 f0 0010 bf be bd bc bb ba b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 IV 0000 9a 78 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 Ciphertext 0000 d0 69 44 4b 7a 7e 0c ab 09 e2 44 47 d2 4d eb 1f 0010 ed bf Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 ff fe fd fc fb fa f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 f0 0010 bf be bd bc bb ba b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 IV 0000 9a 78 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 Ciphertext 0000 e5 df 13 51 c0 54 4b a1 35 0b 33 63 cd 8e f4 be 0010 ed bf 9d Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 ff fe fd fc fb fa f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 f0 0010 bf be bd bc bb ba b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 IV 0000 9a 78 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 Ciphertext 0000 9d 84 c8 13 f7 19 aa 2c 7b e3 f6 61 71 c7 c5 c2 0010 ed bf 9d ac Testing cipher AES-128-XTS(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 0010 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf IV 0000 21 43 65 87 a9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Plaintext 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0020 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0030 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0040 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0050 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0060 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0070 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0080 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0090 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 00a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 00b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 00c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 00d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 00e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 00f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff 0100 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0110 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 0120 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 0130 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0140 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 0150 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 0160 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 0170 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 0180 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 0190 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 01a0 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af 01b0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf 01c0 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf 01d0 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df 01e0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef 01f0 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff Ciphertext 0000 38 b4 58 12 ef 43 a0 5b d9 57 e5 45 90 7e 22 3b 0010 95 4a b4 aa f0 88 30 3a d9 10 ea df 14 b4 2b e6 0020 8b 24 61 14 9d 8c 8b a8 5f 99 2b e9 70 bc 62 1f 0030 1b 06 57 3f 63 e8 67 bf 58 75 ac af a0 4e 42 cc 0040 bd 7b d3 c2 a0 fb 1f ff 79 1e c5 ec 36 c6 6a e4 0050 ac 1e 80 6d 81 fb f7 09 db e2 9e 47 1f ad 38 54 0060 9c 8e 66 f5 34 5d 7c 1e b9 4f 40 5d 1e c7 85 cc 0070 6f 6a 68 f6 25 4d d8 33 9f 9d 84 05 7e 01 a1 77 0080 41 99 04 82 99 95 16 b5 61 1a 38 f4 1b b6 47 8e 0090 6f 17 3f 32 08 05 dd 71 b1 93 2f c3 33 cb 9e e3 00a0 99 36 be ea 9a d9 6f a1 0f b4 11 2b 90 17 34 dd 00b0 ad 40 bc 18 78 99 5f 8e 11 ae e7 d1 41 a2 f5 d4 00c0 8b 7a 4e 1e 7f 0b 2c 04 83 0e 69 a4 fd 13 78 41 00d0 1c 2f 28 7e df 48 c6 c4 e5 c2 47 a1 96 80 f7 fe 00e0 41 ce fb d4 9b 58 21 06 e3 61 6c bb e4 df b2 34 00f0 4b 2a e9 51 93 91 f3 e0 fb 49 22 25 4b 1d 6d 2d 0100 19 c6 d4 d5 37 b3 a2 6f 3b cc 51 58 8b 32 f3 ec 0110 a0 82 9b 6a 5a c7 25 78 fb 81 4f b4 3c f8 0d 64 0120 a2 33 e3 f9 97 a3 f0 26 83 34 2f 2b 33 d2 5b 49 0130 25 36 b9 3b ec b2 f5 e1 a8 b8 2f 5b 88 33 42 72 0140 9e 8a e0 9d 16 93 88 41 a2 1a 97 fb 54 3e ea 3b 0150 bf f5 9f 13 c1 a1 84 49 e3 98 70 1c 1a d5 16 48 0160 34 6c bc 04 c2 7b b2 da 3b 93 a1 37 2c ca e5 48 0170 fb 53 be e4 76 f9 e9 c9 17 73 b1 bb 19 82 83 94 0180 d5 5d 3e 1a 20 ed 69 11 3a 86 0b 68 29 ff a8 47 0190 22 46 04 43 50 70 22 1b 25 7e 8d ff 78 36 15 d2 01a0 ca e4 80 3a 93 aa 43 34 ab 48 2a 0a fa c9 c0 ae 01b0 da 70 b4 5a 48 1d f5 de c5 df 8c c0 f4 23 c7 7a 01c0 5f d4 6c d3 12 02 1d 4b 43 88 62 41 9a 79 1b e0 01d0 3b b4 d9 7c 0e 59 57 85 42 53 1b a4 66 a8 3b af 01e0 92 ce fc 15 1b 5c c1 61 1a 16 78 93 81 9b 63 fb 01f0 8a 6b 18 e8 6d e6 02 90 fa 72 b7 97 b0 ce 59 f3 Testing cipher id-aes128-wrap(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Plaintext 0000 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff Ciphertext 0000 1f a6 8b 0a 81 12 b4 47 ae f3 4b d8 fb 5a 7b 82 0010 9d 3e 86 23 71 d2 cf e5 Testing cipher id-aes192-wrap(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Plaintext 0000 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff Ciphertext 0000 96 77 8b 25 ae 6c a4 35 f9 2b 5b 97 c0 50 ae d2 0010 46 8a b8 a1 7a d8 4e 5d Testing cipher id-aes256-wrap(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f Plaintext 0000 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff Ciphertext 0000 64 e8 c3 f9 ce 0f 5b a2 63 e9 77 79 05 81 8a 2a 0010 93 c8 19 1e 7d 6e 8a e7 Testing cipher id-aes192-wrap(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Plaintext 0000 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff 0010 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Ciphertext 0000 03 1d 33 26 4e 15 d3 32 68 f2 4e c2 60 74 3e dc 0010 e1 c6 c7 dd ee 72 5a 93 6b a8 14 91 5c 67 62 d2 Testing cipher id-aes256-wrap(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f Plaintext 0000 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff 0010 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Ciphertext 0000 a8 f9 bc 16 12 c6 8b 3f f6 e6 f4 fb e3 0e 71 e4 0010 76 9c 8b 80 a3 2c b8 95 8c d5 d1 7d 6b 25 4d a1 Testing cipher id-aes256-wrap(encrypt/decrypt) Key 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f Plaintext 0000 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff 0010 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f Ciphertext 0000 28 c9 f4 04 c4 b8 10 f4 cb cc b3 5c fb 87 f8 26 0010 3f 57 86 e2 d8 0e d3 26 cb c7 f0 e7 1a 99 f4 3b 0020 fb 98 8b 9b 7a 02 dd 21 make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_evp make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./evp_extra_test PASS make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_evp_extra make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' test SSL protocol ../util/ ./ssltest -test_cipherlist Testing cipherlist order only. Ignoring all other options. test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 via BIO pair test sslv2 with server authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with client authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair test sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with client authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites Testing ciphersuites for TLSv1.2 Testing AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-GCM-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites for SSLv3 Testing AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SEED-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA128-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing IDEA-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 IDEA-CBC-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-MD5, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DES-CBC3-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-MD5, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.00 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s rsa test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s dh test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s test tls1 with PSK TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with custom extensions TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with serverinfo TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done srp test tls1 with SRP TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 8388608 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 8388608 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 via BIO pair test sslv2 with server authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with client authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair test sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with client authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites Testing ciphersuites for TLSv1.2 Testing AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-GCM-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites for SSLv3 Testing AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SEED-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA128-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing IDEA-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 IDEA-CBC-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-MD5, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DES-CBC3-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-MD5, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.00 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s rsa test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s dh test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s test tls1 with PSK TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with custom extensions TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with serverinfo TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done srp test tls1 with SRP TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing a lot of proxy conditions. Some of them may turn out being invalid, which is fine. test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 via BIO pair test sslv2 with server authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with client authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair test sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with client authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites Testing ciphersuites for TLSv1.2 Testing AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites for SSLv3 Testing AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing IDEA-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 IDEA-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.00 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s rsa test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s dh test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s test tls1 with PSK TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with custom extensions TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with serverinfo TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done srp test tls1 with SRP TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 via BIO pair test sslv2 with server authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with client authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair test sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with client authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites Testing ciphersuites for TLSv1.2 Testing AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites for SSLv3 Testing AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing IDEA-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 IDEA-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.00 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s rsa test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s dh test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s test tls1 with PSK TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with custom extensions TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with serverinfo TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done srp test tls1 with SRP TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 via BIO pair test sslv2 with server authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with client authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair test sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with client authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites Testing ciphersuites for TLSv1.2 Testing AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites for SSLv3 Testing AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing IDEA-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 IDEA-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.00 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s rsa test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s dh test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s test tls1 with PSK TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with custom extensions TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with serverinfo TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done srp test tls1 with SRP TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 via BIO pair test sslv2 with server authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with client authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair test sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with client authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites Testing ciphersuites for TLSv1.2 Testing AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites for SSLv3 Testing AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing IDEA-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 IDEA-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.00 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s rsa test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s dh test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s test tls1 with PSK TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with custom extensions TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with serverinfo TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done srp test tls1 with SRP TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 via BIO pair test sslv2 with server authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with client authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair test sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with client authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites Testing ciphersuites for TLSv1.2 Testing AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites for SSLv3 Testing AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing IDEA-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 IDEA-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.00 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s rsa test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s dh test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s test tls1 with PSK TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with custom extensions TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with serverinfo TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done srp test tls1 with SRP TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 via BIO pair test sslv2 with server authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with client authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair test sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with client authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites Testing ciphersuites for TLSv1.2 Testing AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites for SSLv3 Testing AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing IDEA-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 IDEA-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.00 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s rsa test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s dh test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s test tls1 with PSK TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with custom extensions TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with serverinfo TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done srp test tls1 with SRP TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing a lot of proxy conditions. Some of them may turn out being invalid, which is fine. test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 via BIO pair test sslv2 with server authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with client authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair test sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with client authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites Testing ciphersuites for TLSv1.2 Testing AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites for SSLv3 Testing AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing IDEA-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 IDEA-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.00 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s rsa test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s dh test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s test tls1 with PSK TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with custom extensions TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with serverinfo TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done srp test tls1 with SRP TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 via BIO pair test sslv2 with server authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with client authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair test sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with client authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites Testing ciphersuites for TLSv1.2 Testing AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites for SSLv3 Testing AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing IDEA-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 IDEA-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.00 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s rsa test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s dh test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s test tls1 with PSK TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with custom extensions TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with serverinfo TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done srp test tls1 with SRP TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 via BIO pair test sslv2 with server authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with client authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair test sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with client authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites Testing ciphersuites for TLSv1.2 Testing AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites for SSLv3 Testing AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing IDEA-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 IDEA-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s rsa test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s dh test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s test tls1 with PSK TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with custom extensions TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with serverinfo TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done srp test tls1 with SRP TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE) 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 test sslv2 with server authentication test sslv2 with client authentication test sslv2 with both client and server authentication test sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2 via BIO pair test sslv2 with server authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with client authentication via BIO pair test sslv2 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair test sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with client authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication DTLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites Testing ciphersuites for TLSv1.2 Testing AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ciphersuites for SSLv3 Testing AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing IDEA-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 IDEA-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing RC4-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing NULL-MD5 TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 NULL-MD5, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh Testing DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE), 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done ec Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Testing ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done dh test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ADH-AES256-SHA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.00 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s rsa test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s dh test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA DONE via BIO pair: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA 10 handshakes of 256 bytes done Approximate total server time: 0.01 s Approximate total client time: 0.01 s test tls1 with PSK TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with custom extensions TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with serverinfo TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Servername 2 is NULL TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done srp test tls1 with SRP TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 SRP-AES-256-CBC-SHA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done Switching server context. TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 1024 bit RSA 1 handshakes of 256 bytes done make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_ssl make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' rsa Setting up TSA test directory... Creating CA for TSA tests... Creating a new CA for the TSA tests... Creating tsa_cert1.pem TSA server cert... Using extension tsa_cert Creating tsa_cert2.pem non-TSA server cert... Using extension non_tsa_cert Creating req1.req time stamp request for file testtsa... Printing req1.req... Version: 1 Hash Algorithm: sha1 Message data: 0000 - 48 44 c4 76 26 9d e5 5d-9c 67 1e 3b 0c ec b3 cd HD.v&..].g.;.... 0010 - c5 b8 6e 67 Policy OID: tsa_policy1 Nonce: 0xFC28398F776FE554 Certificate required: yes Extensions: Generating valid response for req1.req... Printing response... Status info: Status: Granted. Status description: unspecified Failure info: unspecified TST info: Version: 1 Policy OID: tsa_policy1 Hash Algorithm: sha1 Message data: 0000 - 48 44 c4 76 26 9d e5 5d-9c 67 1e 3b 0c ec b3 cd HD.v&..].g.;.... 0010 - c5 b8 6e 67 Serial number: 0x01 Time stamp: Feb 13 01:58:45 2018 GMT Accuracy: 0x01 seconds, 0x01F4 millis, 0x64 micros Ordering: yes Nonce: 0xFC28398F776FE554 TSA: DirName:/C=HU/ST=Budapest/L=Buda/O=Hun-TSA Ltd./CN=tsa1 Extensions: Verifying valid response... Verification: OK Verification: OK Verifying valid token... Verification: OK Verification: OK Creating req2.req time stamp request for file testtsa... Printing req2.req... Version: 1 Hash Algorithm: sha1 Message data: 0000 - 48 44 c4 76 26 9d e5 5d-9c 67 1e 3b 0c ec b3 cd HD.v&..].g.;.... 0010 - c5 b8 6e 67 Policy OID: tsa_policy2 Nonce: unspecified Certificate required: no Extensions: Generating valid response for req2.req... Checking '-token_in' and '-token_out' options with '-reply'... Version: 1 Policy OID: tsa_policy2 Hash Algorithm: sha1 Message data: 0000 - 48 44 c4 76 26 9d e5 5d-9c 67 1e 3b 0c ec b3 cd HD.v&..].g.;.... 0010 - c5 b8 6e 67 Serial number: 0x02 Time stamp: Feb 13 01:58:45 2018 GMT Accuracy: 0x01 seconds, 0x01F4 millis, 0x64 micros Ordering: yes Nonce: unspecified TSA: DirName:/C=HU/ST=Budapest/L=Buda/O=Hun-TSA Ltd./CN=tsa1 Extensions: Version: 1 Policy OID: tsa_policy2 Hash Algorithm: sha1 Message data: 0000 - 48 44 c4 76 26 9d e5 5d-9c 67 1e 3b 0c ec b3 cd HD.v&..].g.;.... 0010 - c5 b8 6e 67 Serial number: 0x02 Time stamp: Feb 13 01:58:45 2018 GMT Accuracy: 0x01 seconds, 0x01F4 millis, 0x64 micros Ordering: yes Nonce: unspecified TSA: DirName:/C=HU/ST=Budapest/L=Buda/O=Hun-TSA Ltd./CN=tsa1 Extensions: Version: 1 Policy OID: tsa_policy2 Hash Algorithm: sha1 Message data: 0000 - 48 44 c4 76 26 9d e5 5d-9c 67 1e 3b 0c ec b3 cd HD.v&..].g.;.... 0010 - c5 b8 6e 67 Serial number: 0x03 Time stamp: Feb 13 01:58:45 2018 GMT Accuracy: 0x01 seconds, 0x01F4 millis, 0x64 micros Ordering: yes Nonce: unspecified TSA: DirName:/C=HU/ST=Budapest/L=Buda/O=Hun-TSA Ltd./CN=tsa1 Extensions: Printing response... Status info: Status: Granted. Status description: unspecified Failure info: unspecified TST info: Version: 1 Policy OID: tsa_policy2 Hash Algorithm: sha1 Message data: 0000 - 48 44 c4 76 26 9d e5 5d-9c 67 1e 3b 0c ec b3 cd HD.v&..].g.;.... 0010 - c5 b8 6e 67 Serial number: 0x02 Time stamp: Feb 13 01:58:45 2018 GMT Accuracy: 0x01 seconds, 0x01F4 millis, 0x64 micros Ordering: yes Nonce: unspecified TSA: DirName:/C=HU/ST=Budapest/L=Buda/O=Hun-TSA Ltd./CN=tsa1 Extensions: Verifying valid response... Verification: OK Verification: OK Verifying response against wrong request, it should fail... Verification: FAILED Ok Verifying response against wrong request, it should fail... Verification: FAILED Ok Creating req3.req time stamp request for file CAtsa.cnf... Printing req3.req... Version: 1 Hash Algorithm: sha1 Message data: 0000 - 1c b9 52 2b 5c 27 b0 ae-83 b8 b2 c1 6d 82 1a 7f ..R+\'......m... 0010 - db 63 45 e7 .cE. Policy OID: unspecified Nonce: unspecified Certificate required: no Extensions: Verifying response against wrong request, it should fail... Verification: FAILED Ok Cleaning up... make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_tsa make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' Test IGE mode ../util/ ./igetest make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_ige make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' Test JPAKE ../util/ ./jpaketest No JPAKE support make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_jpake make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' Test SRP ../util/ ./srptest N = EEAF0AB9ADB38DD69C33F80AFA8FC5E86072618775FF3C0B9EA2314C9C256576D674DF7496EA81D3383B4813D692C6E0E0D5D8E250B98BE48E495C1D6089DAD15DC7D7B46154D6B6CE8EF4AD69B15D4982559B297BCF1885C529F566660E57EC68EDBC3C05726CC02FD4CBF4976EAA9AFD5138FE8376435B9FC61D2FC0EB06E3 g = 2 Salt = 4B5E25A4DB4A9D8154C4CF43832DFFF889DA1059 Verifier = D2709A1C4E00001F05FDA4392D9BD310662E9373494031BB95720615DC798AD75ECA677A92592789B57A15EE9DD98E7CEB80FD4492ECCD7970D29C24F940908A41A7A9F46285D191DCF7176052AA4F8B77C00FA99129D040E9F1B0E26D0F2FBBDBAA152199A4804187BDD009105F8BE2EDA5C165641DCF37AC0A5CD669F60C96 b = 8D3A752FA3C3FCA0CAEB2A8DBC8D5AB19BCAA24122990CB4559E195731D1FD99 B = 14881B6615CCD6FFC385CCD47BEF257A724CAB41EF6258964657DACD77781FC46EE62F08294311283083A4105E23AC11BA9EAD7C83B1C482215E7A11DA927FA27EF4151A411A26E1FCB129B3519E3D5264FDB5A9F9AE8872A90E8F7774A5FFE250B2D792A5DFCAB14AEE811D3C94C948334D8FDE42E45154A612F4FEF31EF0ED a = 1928097432C2C9040B327A401AA77395D4A44F6E078E4643F4DDFFD5936F466 A = B4B6E090FD4AA4FCBC15B0443C21C2C3DAEA5C890BF671578047EF28E0121912F4A41A7CD71789AB133BA6C917B0E8473C8F6D72525EC49F815C6BD2F1F22F0854158A2813D058B211FB28C5126762C2ABF017846850C25D435F65E136A0B85D129985745BB4C6FEC051453759C9D71DA468664C2BFDBCBEA6E6ED3DF81BBF74 Client's key = CFFDD2696594D7B4C30EC9E6E097E9895191E8B006BFDEA36C571A699AD0D7AEC23419BD09C78192EEDF5EF9778F710018D6F1B2BEF90030A5D780A7E72F31DCFA7CF6D9E3B6034597C6C807BA3885C328B7EAD45AF95429D6BD33539C84A9DF23A41F8628E8DBDE6DC5409949DF5EC514A99235973C723BDB444234EFAE905 Server's key = C7350096B0148B02E545A08BE8693DD2ADF1E29DE8BEE94A3453FC49626347BD101009837DCC8398263640EFF2AF5D264F53EEF174AD6B83FDA618CE34466CAAB1781E34FE7692E189EC5F2658D8B18AA68DDCD5C69A80CE9937FBF299FEC0A6636267C61E9199579AB2CC1F29912FA90B052D1405B362DEE8555577E268CA47 N = EEAF0AB9ADB38DD69C33F80AFA8FC5E86072618775FF3C0B9EA2314C9C256576D674DF7496EA81D3383B4813D692C6E0E0D5D8E250B98BE48E495C1D6089DAD15DC7D7B46154D6B6CE8EF4AD69B15D4982559B297BCF1885C529F566660E57EC68EDBC3C05726CC02FD4CBF4976EAA9AFD5138FE8376435B9FC61D2FC0EB06E3 g = 2 Salt = 920BA8C59320BBD937AD4BE2A4B6AD550E8E3342 Verifier = DDCDB43598DA147A86241C310FFE8E474DA43B54CC85948873B439EF0215A92EB3FD307D3C4CDD7FA56CAB21D0ED1215EC334D439C57C6C508E5901B76E2CEB68684E56A1231DFA85F53D486B836549582A6856762FC91E66C5A143EE0F68C9D475F4A7F3479BE588FEFB601B88A03C6F71E6A388AC541A7C260E4CAD19310 b = C003115129B7AC38E3317158C7F406547101E81AA91CA46CE87575E8E88E99B0 B = 6FE5850CE4F54629681CD0B98EECC92BEBF24FD1FA85CC91FA3ED042A68ECBE5B8E40F7C59D2FAEDD6C1CDE7EE19D0DA6DE1092EF8D096DF7F559A73173A9C45AC5CB9D1D732FBF5B2293AA69910C940D4C6D22DE2CDD0F65C3789A4F4433D249397C5F8CC6C0A7294DF35BFA07EB3A795558D6A5BCE9C6D06547B0A82FD94DC a = 698230641E1BBB5EFE9271CAB5CAB00DD253FF8FE4237894F16DD9936334393C A = 6F20D3F3D6718414324503414F605E548CEA5902372DC10C8FA570A07AA1146C150E16C968293B87D0A720A61E0596AD8F344C13CEBBDDE16D2B04279422D85940D93B50E6CE8A7CFEFDAC6A9218628DEA852A7E2667099B9BC99B91ABA988129D2D29D52B8AFCDB9E022C176DFE16B4B80329371DF744431FA821CE4F11B540 Client's key = E399CB5A8760E81967E914736E0A1D46E13C28AAE5DBC4C1D918F36E6BC1B0E81A4C6EFAA3963A92E84AEA32F423985707694CD19F744E6368333177AF594BC5837F4C23DD9C5137D3587D25E6961BC3A1CA1AE6F37E57A61D73F6F8970321657CB690BAB243491CB087CA6B05ECE707995AC241C3A69F1C2FE06E5F6B54B52D Server's key = E399CB5A8760E81967E914736E0A1D46E13C28AAE5DBC4C1D918F36E6BC1B0E81A4C6EFAA3963A92E84AEA32F423985707694CD19F744E6368333177AF594BC5837F4C23DD9C5137D3587D25E6961BC3A1CA1AE6F37E57A61D73F6F8970321657CB690BAB243491CB087CA6B05ECE707995AC241C3A69F1C2FE06E5F6B54B52D make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_srp make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' CMS consistency test /usr/bin/perl CMS => PKCS#7 compatibility tests signed content DER format, RSA key: OK signed detached content DER format, RSA key: OK signed content test streaming BER format, RSA: OK signed content DER format, DSA key: OK signed detached content DER format, DSA key: OK signed detached content DER format, add RSA signer: OK signed content test streaming BER format, DSA key: OK signed content test streaming BER format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys: OK signed content test streaming BER format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys, no attributes: OK signed content test streaming S/MIME format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys: OK signed content test streaming multipart S/MIME format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients, 3rd used: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients, key only used: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, AES-256 cipher, 3 recipients: OK CMS <= PKCS#7 compatibility tests signed content DER format, RSA key: OK signed detached content DER format, RSA key: OK signed content test streaming BER format, RSA: OK signed content DER format, DSA key: OK signed detached content DER format, DSA key: OK signed detached content DER format, add RSA signer: OK signed content test streaming BER format, DSA key: OK signed content test streaming BER format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys: OK signed content test streaming BER format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys, no attributes: OK signed content test streaming S/MIME format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys: OK signed content test streaming multipart S/MIME format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients, 3rd used: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients, key only used: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, AES-256 cipher, 3 recipients: OK CMS <=> CMS consistency tests signed content DER format, RSA key: OK signed detached content DER format, RSA key: OK signed content test streaming BER format, RSA: OK signed content DER format, DSA key: OK signed detached content DER format, DSA key: OK signed detached content DER format, add RSA signer: OK signed content test streaming BER format, DSA key: OK signed content test streaming BER format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys: OK signed content test streaming BER format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys, no attributes: OK signed content test streaming S/MIME format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys: OK signed content test streaming multipart S/MIME format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients, 3rd used: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients, key only used: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, AES-256 cipher, 3 recipients: OK signed content test streaming BER format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys, keyid: OK signed content test streaming PEM format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys: OK signed content MIME format, RSA key, signed receipt request: OK signed receipt MIME format, RSA key: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients, keyid: OK enveloped content test streaming PEM format, KEK: OK enveloped content test streaming PEM format, KEK, key only: OK data content test streaming PEM format: OK encrypted content test streaming PEM format, 128 bit RC2 key: OK encrypted content test streaming PEM format, 40 bit RC2 key: OK encrypted content test streaming PEM format, triple DES key: OK encrypted content test streaming PEM format, 128 bit AES key: OK CMS <=> CMS consistency tests, modified key parameters signed content test streaming PEM format, RSA keys, PSS signature: OK signed content test streaming PEM format, RSA keys, PSS signature, no attributes: OK signed content test streaming PEM format, RSA keys, PSS signature, SHA384 MGF1: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, OAEP default parameters: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, OAEP SHA256: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, ECDH: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, ECDH, key identifier: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, ECDH, AES128, SHA256 KDF: OK enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, ECDH, K-283, cofactor DH: skipped, EC2M disabled enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, X9.42 DH: OK Zlib not supported: compression tests skipped ALL TESTS SUCCESSFUL. make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_cms make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' Test OCSP === VALID OCSP RESPONSES === NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE === INVALID SIGNATURE on the OCSP RESPONSE === NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE === WRONG RESPONDERID in the OCSP RESPONSE === NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE === WRONG ISSUERNAMEHASH in the OCSP RESPONSE === NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE === WRONG ISSUERKEYHASH in the OCSP RESPONSE === NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE === WRONG KEY in the DELEGATED OCSP SIGNING CERTIFICATE === DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE === INVALID SIGNATURE on the DELEGATED OCSP SIGNING CERTIFICATE === DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE === WRONG SUBJECT NAME in the ISSUER CERTIFICATE === NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE === WRONG KEY in the ISSUER CERTIFICATE === NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE === INVALID SIGNATURE on the ISSUER CERTIFICATE === NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE ALL OCSP TESTS SUCCESSFUL make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_ocsp make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' Test X509v3_check_* ../util/ ./v3nametest make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_v3name make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' ../util/ ./heartbeat_test make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_heartbeat make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' Test constant time utilites ../util/ ./constant_time_test Testing constant time operations... ok (ran 1908 tests) make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_constant_time make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' test_verify_extra ../util/ ./verify_extra_test PASS make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_verify_extra make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' test_clienthello ../util/ ./clienthellotest make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_clienthello make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' test_sslv2conftest ../util/ ./sslv2conftest SSLv2 CONF test: PASSED make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_sslv2conftest make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' test_dtls ../util/ ./dtlstest ../apps/server.pem ../apps/server.pem Starting Test 0 ---- START OF PACKET ---- *---- START OF RECORD ---- ** Record Content-type: 22 ** Record Version: feff ** Record Epoch: 0 ** Record Sequence: 000000000000 ** Record Length: 103 **---- START OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- *** Message Type: 1 *** Message Length: 91 *** Message sequence: 0 *** Message Fragment offset: 0 *** Message Fragment len: 91 **---- END OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- *---- END OF RECORD ---- ---- END OF PACKET ---- ---- START OF PACKET ---- *---- START OF RECORD ---- ** Record Content-type: 22 ** Record Version: fefd ** Record Epoch: 1 ** Record Sequence: 00000000000f ** Record Length: 22 **---- START OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- **---- HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ENCRYPTED ---- *---- END OF RECORD ---- ---- END OF PACKET ---- ---- START OF PACKET ---- *---- START OF RECORD ---- ** Record Content-type: 22 ** Record Version: fefd ** Record Epoch: 0 ** Record Sequence: 000000000001 ** Record Length: 243 **---- START OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- *** Message Type: 16 *** Message Length: 258 *** Message sequence: 1 *** Message Fragment offset: 0 *** Message Fragment len: 231 **---- END OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- *---- END OF RECORD ---- ---- END OF PACKET ---- ---- START OF PACKET ---- *---- START OF RECORD ---- ** Record Content-type: 22 ** Record Version: fefd ** Record Epoch: 0 ** Record Sequence: 000000000002 ** Record Length: 39 **---- START OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- *** Message Type: 16 *** Message Length: 258 *** Message sequence: 1 *** Message Fragment offset: 231 *** Message Fragment len: 27 **---- END OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- *---- END OF RECORD ---- * *---- START OF RECORD ---- ** Record Content-type: 20 ** Record Version: fefd ** Record Epoch: 0 ** Record Sequence: 000000000003 ** Record Length: 1 *---- END OF RECORD ---- * *---- START OF RECORD ---- ** Record Content-type: 22 ** Record Version: fefd ** Record Epoch: 1 ** Record Sequence: 000000000000 ** Record Length: 64 **---- START OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- **---- HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ENCRYPTED ---- *---- END OF RECORD ---- ---- END OF PACKET ---- Starting Test 1 ---- START OF PACKET ---- *---- START OF RECORD ---- ** Record Content-type: 22 ** Record Version: feff ** Record Epoch: 0 ** Record Sequence: 000000000000 ** Record Length: 103 **---- START OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- *** Message Type: 1 *** Message Length: 91 *** Message sequence: 0 *** Message Fragment offset: 0 *** Message Fragment len: 91 **---- END OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- *---- END OF RECORD ---- ---- END OF PACKET ---- ---- START OF PACKET ---- *---- START OF RECORD ---- ** Record Content-type: 22 ** Record Version: fefd ** Record Epoch: 1 ** Record Sequence: 0000000000ff ** Record Length: 22 **---- START OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- **---- HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ENCRYPTED ---- *---- END OF RECORD ---- ---- END OF PACKET ---- ---- START OF PACKET ---- *---- START OF RECORD ---- ** Record Content-type: 22 ** Record Version: fefd ** Record Epoch: 0 ** Record Sequence: 000000000001 ** Record Length: 243 **---- START OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- *** Message Type: 16 *** Message Length: 258 *** Message sequence: 1 *** Message Fragment offset: 0 *** Message Fragment len: 231 **---- END OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- *---- END OF RECORD ---- ---- END OF PACKET ---- ---- START OF PACKET ---- *---- START OF RECORD ---- ** Record Content-type: 22 ** Record Version: fefd ** Record Epoch: 0 ** Record Sequence: 000000000002 ** Record Length: 39 **---- START OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- *** Message Type: 16 *** Message Length: 258 *** Message sequence: 1 *** Message Fragment offset: 231 *** Message Fragment len: 27 **---- END OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- *---- END OF RECORD ---- * *---- START OF RECORD ---- ** Record Content-type: 20 ** Record Version: fefd ** Record Epoch: 0 ** Record Sequence: 000000000003 ** Record Length: 1 *---- END OF RECORD ---- * *---- START OF RECORD ---- ** Record Content-type: 22 ** Record Version: fefd ** Record Epoch: 1 ** Record Sequence: 000000000000 ** Record Length: 64 **---- START OF HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ---- **---- HANDSHAKE MESSAGE FRAGMENT ENCRYPTED ---- *---- END OF RECORD ---- ---- END OF PACKET ---- PASS make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_dtls make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' test_bad_dtls ../util/ ./bad_dtls_test make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' PASS: test_bad_dtls make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/openssl/ptest/test' OPENSSL_CONF=apps/openssl.cnf util/ version -a OpenSSL 1.0.2m 2 Nov 2017 built on: reproducible build, date unspecified platform: linux-x86_64 options: bn(64,64) rc4(16x,int) des(idx,cisc,16,int) idea(int) blowfish(idx) compiler: x86_64-poky-linux-gcc -m64 -march=core2 -mtune=core2 -msse3 -mfpmath=sse --sysroot=/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder/yocto-worker/nightly-no-x11/build/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/openssl/1.0.2m-r0/recipe-sysroot -I. -I.. -I../include -fPIC -DOPENSSL_PIC -DOPENSSL_THREADS -D_REENTRANT -DDSO_DLFCN -DHAVE_DLFCN_H -DL_ENDIAN -DTERMIO -O2 -pipe -g -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fdebug-prefix-map=/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder/yocto-worker/nightly-no-x11/build/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/openssl/1.0.2m-r0=/usr/src/debug/openssl/1.0.2m-r0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder/yocto-worker/nightly-no-x11/build/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/openssl/1.0.2m-r0/recipe-sysroot-native= -fdebug-prefix-map=/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder/yocto-worker/nightly-no-x11/build/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/openssl/1.0.2m-r0/recipe-sysroot= -Wall -Wa,--noexecstack -DHAVE_CRYPTODEV -DUSE_CRYPTODEV_DIGESTS -DOPENSSL_IA32_SSE2 -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT5 -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_GF2m -DRC4_ASM -DSHA1_ASM -DSHA256_ASM -DSHA512_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DAES_ASM -DVPAES_ASM -DBSAES_ASM -DWHIRLPOOL_ASM -DGHASH_ASM -DECP_NISTZ256_ASM OPENSSLDIR: "/usr/lib/ssl" ERROR: Exit status is 512 END: /usr/lib/openssl/ptest 2018-02-13T01:58 2018-02-13T01:58 BEGIN: /usr/lib/pango/ptest Running test: pango/testboundaries_ucd.test /text/break/grapheme: Testing /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/GraphemeBreakTest.txt. OK /text/break/word: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/WordBreakTest.txt not found. Skipping test. OK /text/break/sentence: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/SentenceBreakTest.txt not found. Skipping test. OK /text/break/line: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/LineBreakTest.txt not found. Skipping test. OK /text/break/emoji: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/EmojiBreakTest.txt not found. Skipping test. OK /text/break/char: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/CharBreakTest.txt not found. Skipping test. OK PASS: pango/testboundaries_ucd.test Running test: pango/test-layout.test /layout/valid-1.markup: OK /layout/valid-2.markup: OK PASS: pango/test-layout.test Running test: pango/test-ot-tags.test /tags/script: OK /tags/language: OK PASS: pango/test-ot-tags.test Running test: pango/testscript.test /script/iter: OK PASS: pango/testscript.test Running test: pango/testattributes.test /attributes/basic: OK /attributes/equal: OK /attributes/list/basic: OK /attributes/list/change: OK /attributes/list/splice: OK /attributes/list/filter: OK /attributes/iter/basic: OK /attributes/iter/get: OK /attributes/iter/get_font: OK /attributes/iter/get_attrs: OK PASS: pango/testattributes.test Running test: pango/testboundaries.test /text/boundaries: sample file: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/boundaries.utf8 testboundaries passed OK PASS: pango/testboundaries.test Running test: pango/test-font.test /pango/fontdescription/parse: OK /pango/fontdescription/roundtrip: OK PASS: pango/test-font.test Running test: pango/testcolor.test /color/parse: OK PASS: pango/testcolor.test Running test: pango/testiter.test /layout/iter: OK /layout/glyphitem-iter: OK PASS: pango/testiter.test Running test: pango/cxx-test.test PASS: pango/cxx-test.test Running test: pango/markup-parse.test /markup/parse/fail-4.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-7.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-3.markup: OK /markup/parse/fail-2.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-8.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-9.markup: OK /markup/parse/fail-5.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-6.markup: OK /markup/parse/fail-1.markup: OK /markup/parse/fail-3.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-1.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-2.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-4.markup: OK /markup/parse/valid-5.markup: OK PASS: pango/markup-parse.test Running test: pango/test-pangocairo-threads.test PASS: pango/test-pangocairo-threads.test SUMMARY: total=12; passed=12; skipped=0; failed=0; user=0.4s; system=0.0s; maxrss=19664 END: /usr/lib/pango/ptest 2018-02-13T01:58 2018-02-13T01:58 BEGIN: /usr/lib/perl/ptest PASS: t/base/cond PASS: t/base/if PASS: t/base/lex PASS: t/base/num PASS: t/base/pat PASS: t/base/rs PASS: t/base/term PASS: t/base/translate PASS: t/base/while PASS: t/comp/bproto PASS: t/comp/cmdopt PASS: t/comp/colon PASS: t/comp/decl PASS: t/comp/final_line_num PASS: t/comp/fold PASS: t/comp/form_scope PASS: t/comp/hints PASS: t/comp/line_debug PASS: t/comp/multiline PASS: t/comp/opsubs PASS: t/comp/our PASS: t/comp/package PASS: t/comp/package_block PASS: t/comp/parser PASS: t/comp/proto PASS: t/comp/redef PASS: t/comp/require PASS: t/comp/retainedlines PASS: t/comp/term PASS: t/comp/uproto PASS: t/comp/use PASS: t/comp/utf PASS: t/run/cloexec SKIP: t/run/dtrace PASS: t/run/exit PASS: t/run/fresh_perl PASS: t/run/locale PASS: t/run/noswitch PASS: t/run/runenv PASS: t/run/script PASS: t/run/switch0 PASS: t/run/switchC SKIP: t/run/switchDx PASS: t/run/switchF PASS: t/run/switchF1 PASS: t/run/switchF2 PASS: t/run/switchI PASS: t/run/switchM PASS: t/run/switcha PASS: t/run/switchd-78586 PASS: t/run/switchd PASS: t/run/switches PASS: t/run/switchn PASS: t/run/switchp PASS: t/run/switcht PASS: t/run/switchx PASS: t/cmd/elsif PASS: t/cmd/for PASS: t/cmd/mod PASS: t/cmd/subval PASS: t/cmd/switch PASS: t/io/argv PASS: t/io/binmode PASS: t/io/bom PASS: t/io/closepid PASS: t/io/crlf PASS: t/io/crlf_through PASS: t/io/data PASS: t/io/defout PASS: t/io/dup SKIP: t/io/eintr SKIP: t/io/eintr_print PASS: t/io/errno PASS: t/io/errnosig PASS: t/io/fflush PASS: t/io/fs PASS: t/io/inplace PASS: t/io/iofile PASS: t/io/iprefix PASS: t/io/layers PASS: t/io/nargv PASS: t/io/open PASS: t/io/openpid PASS: t/io/perlio PASS: t/io/perlio_fail PASS: t/io/perlio_leaks PASS: t/io/perlio_open PASS: t/io/pipe PASS: t/io/print PASS: t/io/pvbm PASS: t/io/read PASS: t/io/say PASS: t/io/sem PASS: t/io/semctl PASS: t/io/shm PASS: t/io/socket PASS: t/io/tell PASS: t/io/through PASS: t/io/utf8 PASS: t/re/charset PASS: t/re/fold_grind PASS: t/re/no_utf8_pm 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PASS: t/op/die_keeperr PASS: t/op/die_unwind PASS: t/op/do PASS: t/op/dor SKIP: t/op/dump PASS: t/op/each PASS: t/op/each_array PASS: t/op/eval PASS: t/op/evalbytes PASS: t/op/exec PASS: t/op/exists_sub PASS: t/op/exp PASS: t/op/fh PASS: t/op/filehandle PASS: t/op/filetest PASS: t/op/filetest_stack_ok PASS: t/op/filetest_t PASS: t/op/flip PASS: t/op/for PASS: t/op/fork PASS: t/op/fresh_perl_utf8 PASS: t/op/getpid PASS: t/op/getppid PASS: t/op/glob PASS: t/op/gmagic PASS: t/op/goto PASS: t/op/goto_xs PASS: t/op/grent PASS: t/op/grep PASS: t/op/groups PASS: t/op/gv PASS: t/op/hash-rt85026 PASS: t/op/hash PASS: t/op/hashassign PASS: t/op/hashwarn PASS: t/op/heredoc PASS: t/op/hexfp PASS: t/op/inc PASS: t/op/inccode-tie PASS: t/op/inccode PASS: t/op/incfilter PASS: t/op/index PASS: t/op/index_thr PASS: t/op/infnan PASS: t/op/int PASS: t/op/join PASS: t/op/kill0 PASS: t/op/kvaslice PASS: t/op/kvhslice PASS: t/op/lc PASS: t/op/leaky-magic PASS: t/op/length PASS: t/op/lex PASS: t/op/lex_assign PASS: t/op/lexsub PASS: t/op/lfs PASS: t/op/list PASS: t/op/local PASS: t/op/localref PASS: t/op/lock PASS: t/op/loopctl PASS: t/op/lop PASS: t/op/lvref PASS: t/op/magic-27839 PASS: t/op/magic PASS: t/op/method PASS: t/op/mkdir PASS: t/op/multideref PASS: t/op/my PASS: t/op/my_stash PASS: t/op/mydef PASS: t/op/negate PASS: t/op/not PASS: t/op/numconvert PASS: t/op/oct PASS: t/op/or PASS: t/op/ord PASS: t/op/overload_integer PASS: t/op/override PASS: t/op/pack PASS: t/op/packagev PASS: t/op/pos PASS: t/op/postfixderef PASS: t/op/pow PASS: t/op/print PASS: t/op/protowarn PASS: t/op/push PASS: t/op/pwent PASS: t/op/qr PASS: t/op/quotemeta PASS: t/op/rand PASS: t/op/range PASS: t/op/read PASS: t/op/readdir PASS: t/op/readline PASS: t/op/recurse PASS: t/op/ref PASS: t/op/repeat PASS: t/op/require_37033 PASS: t/op/require_errors PASS: t/op/require_override PASS: t/op/reset PASS: t/op/reverse PASS: t/op/rt119311 PASS: t/op/runlevel PASS: t/op/select PASS: t/op/setpgrpstack 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t/mro/basic_03_c3_utf8 PASS: t/mro/basic_03_dfs PASS: t/mro/basic_03_dfs_utf8 PASS: t/mro/basic_04_c3 PASS: t/mro/basic_04_c3_utf8 PASS: t/mro/basic_04_dfs PASS: t/mro/basic_04_dfs_utf8 PASS: t/mro/basic_05_c3 PASS: t/mro/basic_05_c3_utf8 PASS: t/mro/basic_05_dfs PASS: t/mro/basic_05_dfs_utf8 PASS: t/mro/basic_utf8 PASS: t/mro/c3_with_overload PASS: t/mro/c3_with_overload_utf8 PASS: t/mro/complex_c3 PASS: t/mro/complex_c3_utf8 PASS: t/mro/complex_dfs PASS: t/mro/complex_dfs_utf8 PASS: t/mro/dbic_c3 PASS: t/mro/dbic_c3_utf8 PASS: t/mro/dbic_dfs PASS: t/mro/dbic_dfs_utf8 PASS: t/mro/inconsistent_c3 PASS: t/mro/inconsistent_c3_utf8 PASS: t/mro/isa_aliases PASS: t/mro/isa_aliases_utf8 PASS: t/mro/isa_c3 PASS: t/mro/isa_c3_utf8 PASS: t/mro/isa_dfs PASS: t/mro/isa_dfs_utf8 PASS: t/mro/isarev PASS: t/mro/isarev_utf8 PASS: t/mro/method_caching PASS: t/mro/method_caching_utf8 PASS: t/mro/next_NEXT PASS: t/mro/next_NEXT_utf8 PASS: t/mro/next_edgecases PASS: t/mro/next_edgecases_utf8 PASS: 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cpan/Archive-Tar/t/08_ptargrep SKIP: cpan/Archive-Tar/t/90_symlink SKIP: cpan/Archive-Tar/t/99_pod PASS: cpan/autodie/t/00-load PASS: cpan/autodie/t/args PASS: cpan/autodie/t/autodie PASS: cpan/autodie/t/backcompat PASS: cpan/autodie/t/basic_exceptions PASS: cpan/autodie/t/binmode PASS: cpan/autodie/t/blog_hints PASS: cpan/autodie/t/caller PASS: cpan/autodie/t/chmod PASS: cpan/autodie/t/chown PASS: cpan/autodie/t/context_lexical PASS: cpan/autodie/t/context PASS: cpan/autodie/t/core-trampoline-slurp PASS: cpan/autodie/t/crickey PASS: cpan/autodie/t/dbmopen PASS: cpan/autodie/t/eval_error PASS: cpan/autodie/t/exception_class PASS: cpan/autodie/t/exceptions PASS: cpan/autodie/t/exec PASS: cpan/autodie/t/Fatal PASS: cpan/autodie/t/filehandles PASS: cpan/autodie/t/fileno PASS: cpan/autodie/t/flock PASS: cpan/autodie/t/format-clobber PASS: cpan/autodie/t/hints_insist PASS: cpan/autodie/t/hints_pod_examples PASS: cpan/autodie/t/hints_provider_does PASS: cpan/autodie/t/hints_provider_easy_does_it PASS: cpan/autodie/t/hints_provider_isa PASS: cpan/autodie/t/hints SKIP: cpan/autodie/t/import-into PASS: cpan/autodie/t/internal-backcompat PASS: cpan/autodie/t/internal SKIP: cpan/autodie/t/kill PASS: cpan/autodie/t/lethal PASS: cpan/autodie/t/mkdir PASS: cpan/autodie/t/no_carp PASS: cpan/autodie/t/open PASS: cpan/autodie/t/read PASS: cpan/autodie/t/recv PASS: cpan/autodie/t/repeat PASS: cpan/autodie/t/rt-74246 PASS: cpan/autodie/t/scope_leak PASS: cpan/autodie/t/skip PASS: cpan/autodie/t/string-eval-basic PASS: cpan/autodie/t/string-eval-leak PASS: cpan/autodie/t/sysopen PASS: cpan/autodie/t/truncate PASS: cpan/autodie/t/unlink PASS: cpan/autodie/t/user-context PASS: cpan/autodie/t/usersub PASS: cpan/autodie/t/utf8_open PASS: cpan/autodie/t/utime SKIP: cpan/autodie/t/version PASS: cpan/autodie/t/version_tag PASS: cpan/AutoLoader/t/01AutoLoader PASS: cpan/AutoLoader/t/02AutoSplit PASS: cpan/B-Debug/t/debug PASS: cpan/bignum/t/big_e_pi PASS: 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cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/done_testing_with_no_plan PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/done_testing_with_number PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/done_testing_with_plan PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/fork_with_new_stdout PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/has_plan2 PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/has_plan PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/is_fh PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/is_passing PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/maybe_regex PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/no_diag PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/no_ending PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/no_header PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/no_plan_at_all PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/ok_obj PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/output PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/reset_outputs PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/reset PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/try PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/capture PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/c_flag PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/check_tests PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/circular_data PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/cmp_ok SKIP: 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cpan/Test-Simple/t/overload_threads PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/plan_bad PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/plan_is_noplan PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/plan_no_plan PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/plan_shouldnt_import SKIP: cpan/Test-Simple/t/plan_skip_all PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/plan PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/require_ok PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/run_test PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Simple/load PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/simple PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/skipall PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/skip PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/args PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/bail_out PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/basic PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/die PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/do PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/exceptions PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/fork PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/implicit_done PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/line_numbers PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/plan PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/predicate PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/singleton PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/threads PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/todo PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/wstat PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/tbm_doesnt_set_exported_to PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_01basic PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_02fhrestore PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_03die PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_04line_num PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_05faildiag PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_06errormess PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_07args PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_08subtest PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_09do PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/threads PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/thread_taint PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/todo PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/undef PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/useing PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/use_ok PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/utf8 PASS: cpan/Test-Simple/t/versions PASS: cpan/Text-Balanced/t/01_compile PASS: cpan/Text-Balanced/t/02_extbrk PASS: cpan/Text-Balanced/t/03_extcbk PASS: cpan/Text-Balanced/t/04_extdel PASS: cpan/Text-Balanced/t/05_extmul PASS: cpan/Text-Balanced/t/06_extqlk PASS: cpan/Text-Balanced/t/07_exttag PASS: cpan/Text-Balanced/t/08_extvar PASS: cpan/Text-Balanced/t/09_gentag PASS: cpan/Text-ParseWords/t/ParseWords PASS: cpan/Text-ParseWords/t/taint PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/37000 PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/39548 PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/79766 PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/belg4mit PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/dandv PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/fill PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jacobson2 PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jacobson PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jochen PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/sep2 PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/sep PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Tabs-ElCid PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/tabs PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Wrap-JLB PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/wrap_separator2 PASS: cpan/Text-Tabs/t/wrap PASS: cpan/Tie-RefHash/t/rebless PASS: cpan/Tie-RefHash/t/refhash PASS: cpan/Tie-RefHash/t/storable PASS: cpan/Tie-RefHash/t/threaded PASS: cpan/Time-Local/t/Local PASS: cpan/Time-Piece/t/01base PASS: cpan/Time-Piece/t/02core_dst PASS: cpan/Time-Piece/t/02core PASS: cpan/Time-Piece/t/03compare PASS: cpan/Time-Piece/t/04mjd PASS: cpan/Time-Piece/t/05overload PASS: cpan/Time-Piece/t/06subclass PASS: cpan/Time-Piece/t/07arith PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/altern PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/backwds PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_b5 PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_gb PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_ja PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_ko PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_py PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjkrange PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_st PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_zy PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/compatui PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/contract PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/default PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/hangtype PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/hangul PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/ident PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/iglevel2 PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/ignor PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/illegalp PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/illegal PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/index PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_af PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ar PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_as PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_az PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_be PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_bg PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_bn PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_bscy PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_bs PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ca PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_cjkc PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_cjk PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_cs PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_cyrl PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_cy PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_da PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_deph PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_de PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ee PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_eo PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_es PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_estr PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_et PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_fa PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_fil PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_fiph PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_fi PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_fo PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_fr PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_gu PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ha PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_haw PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_hi PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_hr PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_hu PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_hy PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ig PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_is PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_jait PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_japr PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ja PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_kk PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_kl PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_kn PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_kok PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ko PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ln PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_lt PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_lv PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_mk PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ml PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_mr PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_mt PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_nb PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_nn PASS: cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_nso PASS: 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cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/norm PASS: cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/null PASS: cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/partial1 PASS: cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/partial2 PASS: cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/proto PASS: cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/split PASS: cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/test PASS: cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/tie PASS: cpan/version/t/01base PASS: cpan/version/t/02derived PASS: cpan/version/t/03require PASS: cpan/version/t/04strict_lax PASS: cpan/version/t/05sigdie PASS: cpan/version/t/06noop PASS: cpan/version/t/07locale PASS: cpan/version/t/08_corelist PASS: cpan/version/t/09_list_util PASS: cpan/version/t/10_lyon PASS: dist/Attribute-Handlers/t/constants PASS: dist/Attribute-Handlers/t/data_convert PASS: dist/Attribute-Handlers/t/linerep PASS: dist/Attribute-Handlers/t/multi PASS: dist/autouse/t/autouse PASS: dist/base/t/base-open-chunk PASS: dist/base/t/base-open-line PASS: dist/base/t/base PASS: dist/base/t/compile-time PASS: dist/base/t/core-global SKIP: dist/base/t/fields-5_6_0 SKIP: dist/base/t/fields-5_8_0 PASS: dist/base/t/fields-base PASS: dist/base/t/fields PASS: dist/base/t/isa PASS: dist/base/t/sigdie PASS: dist/base/t/version PASS: dist/base/t/warnings PASS: dist/Carp/t/arg_regexp PASS: dist/Carp/t/arg_string PASS: dist/Carp/t/baduni PASS: dist/Carp/t/baduni_warnings PASS: dist/Carp/t/Carp_overload PASS: dist/Carp/t/Carp PASS: dist/Carp/t/errno PASS: dist/Carp/t/heavy_mismatch PASS: dist/Carp/t/heavy PASS: dist/Carp/t/stash_deletion PASS: dist/Carp/t/swash PASS: dist/Carp/t/vivify_gv PASS: dist/Carp/t/vivify_stash PASS: dist/Carp/t/with_warnings PASS: dist/constant/t/constant PASS: dist/constant/t/utf8 PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/bless PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/bless_var_method PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/bugs PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/deparse PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/dumper PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/dumpperl PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/freezer PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/freezer_useperl SKIP: dist/Data-Dumper/t/huge PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/indent PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/misc PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/names PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/overload PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/pair PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/perl-74170 PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/purity_deepcopy_maxdepth PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/qr PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/quotekeys PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/recurse PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/seen PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/sortkeys PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/sparseseen PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/terse PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/toaster PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/trailing_comma PASS: dist/Data-Dumper/t/values PASS: dist/Devel-SelfStubber/t/Devel-SelfStubber PASS: dist/Dumpvalue/t/Dumpvalue PASS: dist/encoding-warnings/t/1-warning PASS: dist/encoding-warnings/t/2-fatal PASS: dist/encoding-warnings/t/3-normal PASS: dist/encoding-warnings/t/4-lexical PASS: dist/Env/t/array PASS: dist/Env/t/env PASS: dist/Exporter/t/Exporter PASS: dist/Exporter/t/warn PASS: dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/t/00-have-compiler PASS: dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/t/01-basic PASS: dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/t/02-link PASS: dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/t/03-cplusplus PASS: dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/t/04-base PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/001-basic PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/002-more PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/003-usage PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/101-standard_typemap_locations PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/102-trim_whitespace PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/103-tidy_type PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/104-map_type PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/105-valid_proto_string PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/106-process_typemaps PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/108-map_type PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/109-standard_XS_defs PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/110-assign_func_args PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/111-analyze_preprocessor_statements PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/112-set_cond PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/113-check_cond_preproc_statements PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/114-blurt_death_Warn PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/115-avoid-noise PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/501-t-compile PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/510-t-bare PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/511-t-whitespace PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/512-t-file PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/513-t-merge PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/514-t-embed PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/515-t-cmd PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/516-t-clone PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/517-t-targetable PASS: dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/600-t-compat PASS: dist/Filter-Simple/t/code_no_comments PASS: dist/Filter-Simple/t/data PASS: dist/Filter-Simple/t/export PASS: dist/Filter-Simple/t/filter_only PASS: dist/Filter-Simple/t/filter PASS: dist/Filter-Simple/t/import PASS: dist/I18N-Collate/t/I18N-Collate PASS: dist/I18N-LangTags/t/01_about_verbose PASS: dist/I18N-LangTags/t/05_main PASS: dist/I18N-LangTags/t/07_listy PASS: dist/I18N-LangTags/t/10_http PASS: dist/I18N-LangTags/t/20_locales PASS: dist/I18N-LangTags/t/50_super PASS: dist/I18N-LangTags/t/55_supers_strict PASS: dist/I18N-LangTags/t/80_all_env PASS: dist/if/t/if PASS: dist/IO/t/cachepropagate-tcp PASS: dist/IO/t/cachepropagate-udp PASS: dist/IO/t/cachepropagate-unix PASS: dist/IO/t/io_const PASS: dist/IO/t/io_dir PASS: dist/IO/t/io_dup PASS: dist/IO/t/io_file_export PASS: dist/IO/t/io_file PASS: dist/IO/t/io_linenum PASS: dist/IO/t/io_multihomed PASS: dist/IO/t/io_pipe PASS: dist/IO/t/io_poll PASS: dist/IO/t/io_sel PASS: dist/IO/t/io_sock PASS: dist/IO/t/IO PASS: dist/IO/t/io_taint PASS: dist/IO/t/io_tell PASS: dist/IO/t/io_udp PASS: dist/IO/t/io_unix PASS: dist/IO/t/io_utf8argv PASS: dist/IO/t/io_utf8 PASS: dist/IO/t/io_xs PASS: dist/lib/t/01lib PASS: dist/Locale-Maketext/t/01_about_verbose PASS: dist/Locale-Maketext/t/04_use_external_lex_cache PASS: dist/Locale-Maketext/t/09_compile PASS: dist/Locale-Maketext/t/10_make PASS: dist/Locale-Maketext/t/20_get PASS: dist/Locale-Maketext/t/30_eval_dollar_at PASS: dist/Locale-Maketext/t/40_super PASS: dist/Locale-Maketext/t/50_super PASS: dist/Locale-Maketext/t/60_super PASS: dist/Locale-Maketext/t/70_fail_auto PASS: dist/Locale-Maketext/t/90_utf8 PASS: dist/Locale-Maketext/t/91_backslash PASS: dist/Module-CoreList/t/corelist PASS: dist/Module-CoreList/t/deprecated PASS: dist/Module-CoreList/t/find_modules PASS: dist/Module-CoreList/t/is_core SKIP: dist/Module-CoreList/t/pod PASS: dist/Module-CoreList/t/utils PASS: dist/Net-Ping/t/100_load PASS: dist/Net-Ping/t/110_icmp_inst PASS: dist/Net-Ping/t/120_udp_inst PASS: dist/Net-Ping/t/130_tcp_inst PASS: dist/Net-Ping/t/140_stream_inst PASS: dist/Net-Ping/t/150_syn_inst SKIP: dist/Net-Ping/t/190_alarm SKIP: dist/Net-Ping/t/200_ping_tcp SKIP: dist/Net-Ping/t/250_ping_hires SKIP: dist/Net-Ping/t/300_ping_stream SKIP: dist/Net-Ping/t/400_ping_syn SKIP: dist/Net-Ping/t/410_syn_host PASS: dist/Net-Ping/t/450_service PASS: dist/Net-Ping/t/500_ping_icmp PASS: dist/Net-Ping/t/510_ping_udp PASS: dist/Net-Ping/t/520_icmp_ttl PASS: dist/PathTools/t/abs2rel PASS: dist/PathTools/t/crossplatform PASS: dist/PathTools/t/cwd PASS: dist/PathTools/t/Functions PASS: dist/PathTools/t/rel2abs2rel PASS: dist/PathTools/t/Spec PASS: dist/PathTools/t/Spec-taint PASS: dist/PathTools/t/taint PASS: dist/PathTools/t/tmpdir SKIP: dist/PathTools/t/win32 PASS: dist/Safe/t/safe1 PASS: dist/Safe/t/safe2 PASS: dist/Safe/t/safe3 PASS: dist/Safe/t/safeload PASS: dist/Safe/t/safenamedcap PASS: dist/Safe/t/safeops PASS: dist/Safe/t/saferegexp PASS: dist/Safe/t/safesecurity PASS: dist/Safe/t/safesort PASS: dist/Safe/t/safeuniversal PASS: dist/Safe/t/safeutf8 PASS: dist/Safe/t/safewrap PASS: dist/Search-Dict/t/Dict PASS: dist/SelfLoader/t/01SelfLoader PASS: dist/SelfLoader/t/02SelfLoader-buggy PASS: dist/SelfLoader/t/03taint PASS: dist/Storable/t/attach_errors PASS: dist/Storable/t/attach_singleton PASS: dist/Storable/t/attach PASS: dist/Storable/t/blessed PASS: dist/Storable/t/canonical PASS: dist/Storable/t/circular_hook PASS: dist/Storable/t/code SKIP: dist/Storable/t/compat01 PASS: dist/Storable/t/compat06 PASS: dist/Storable/t/croak PASS: dist/Storable/t/dclone PASS: dist/Storable/t/destroy PASS: dist/Storable/t/downgrade PASS: dist/Storable/t/file_magic PASS: dist/Storable/t/forgive PASS: dist/Storable/t/freeze PASS: dist/Storable/t/integer SKIP: dist/Storable/t/interwork56 PASS: dist/Storable/t/just_plain_nasty SKIP: dist/Storable/t/leaks PASS: dist/Storable/t/lock PASS: dist/Storable/t/malice PASS: dist/Storable/t/overload PASS: dist/Storable/t/recurse PASS: dist/Storable/t/restrict PASS: dist/Storable/t/retrieve PASS: dist/Storable/t/robust PASS: dist/Storable/t/sig_die PASS: dist/Storable/t/store PASS: dist/Storable/t/threads PASS: dist/Storable/t/tied_hook PASS: dist/Storable/t/tied_items PASS: dist/Storable/t/tied_store PASS: dist/Storable/t/tied PASS: dist/Storable/t/utf8hash PASS: dist/Storable/t/utf8 PASS: dist/Storable/t/weak PASS: dist/Term-Complete/t/Complete SKIP: dist/Term-ReadLine/t/AE SKIP: dist/Term-ReadLine/t/AETk PASS: dist/Term-ReadLine/t/ReadLine SKIP: dist/Term-ReadLine/t/Tk PASS: dist/Test/t/05_about_verbose PASS: dist/Test/t/fail PASS: dist/Test/t/mix PASS: dist/Test/t/multiline PASS: dist/Test/t/onfail PASS: dist/Test/t/qr PASS: dist/Test/t/skip PASS: dist/Test/t/success PASS: dist/Test/t/todo PASS: dist/Text-Abbrev/t/Abbrev PASS: dist/Thread-Queue/t/01_basic PASS: dist/Thread-Queue/t/02_refs PASS: dist/Thread-Queue/t/03_peek PASS: dist/Thread-Queue/t/04_errs PASS: dist/Thread-Queue/t/05_extract PASS: dist/Thread-Queue/t/06_insert PASS: dist/Thread-Queue/t/07_lock PASS: dist/Thread-Queue/t/08_nothreads PASS: dist/Thread-Queue/t/09_ended PASS: dist/Thread-Queue/t/10_timed PASS: dist/Thread-Queue/t/11_limit PASS: dist/Thread-Semaphore/t/01_basic PASS: dist/Thread-Semaphore/t/02_errs PASS: dist/Thread-Semaphore/t/03_nothreads PASS: dist/Thread-Semaphore/t/04_nonblocking PASS: dist/Thread-Semaphore/t/05_force PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/0nothread PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/av_refs PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/av_simple PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/blessed PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/clone PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/cond PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/disabled PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/dualvar PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/hv_refs PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/hv_simple PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/no_share PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/object2 PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/object PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/shared_attr PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/stress PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/sv_refs PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/sv_simple PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/utf8 PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/waithires PASS: dist/threads-shared/t/wait PASS: dist/threads/t/basic PASS: dist/threads/t/blocks PASS: dist/threads/t/context PASS: dist/threads/t/end PASS: dist/threads/t/err PASS: dist/threads/t/exit PASS: dist/threads/t/free2 PASS: dist/threads/t/free PASS: dist/threads/t/join PASS: dist/threads/t/kill2 PASS: dist/threads/t/kill PASS: dist/threads/t/libc PASS: dist/threads/t/list SKIP: dist/threads/t/no_threads PASS: dist/threads/t/problems PASS: dist/threads/t/stack_env PASS: dist/threads/t/stack PASS: dist/threads/t/state PASS: dist/threads/t/stress_cv PASS: dist/threads/t/stress_re PASS: dist/threads/t/stress_string PASS: dist/threads/t/thread PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/00_version PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/01_gen PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/02_fetchsize PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/03_longfetch PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/04_splice PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/05_size PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/06_fixrec PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/07_rv_splice PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/08_ro PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/09_gen_rs PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/10_splice_rs PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/11_rv_splice_rs PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/12_longfetch_rs PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/13_size_rs PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/14_lock PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/15_pushpop PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/16_handle PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/17_misc_meth PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/18_rs_fixrec PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/19_cache PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/20_cache_full SKIP: dist/Tie-File/t/21_win32 PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/22_autochomp PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/23_rv_ac_splice PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/24_cache_loop PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/25_gen_nocache PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/26_twrite PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/27_iwrite PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/28_mtwrite PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/29a_upcopy PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/29_downcopy PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/30_defer PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/31_autodefer PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/32_defer_misc PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/33_defer_vs PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/40_abs_cache PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/41_heap PASS: dist/Tie-File/t/42_offset PASS: dist/Time-HiRes/t/alarm PASS: dist/Time-HiRes/t/clock PASS: dist/Time-HiRes/t/gettimeofday PASS: dist/Time-HiRes/t/itimer PASS: dist/Time-HiRes/t/nanosleep PASS: dist/Time-HiRes/t/sleep PASS: dist/Time-HiRes/t/stat PASS: dist/Time-HiRes/t/time PASS: dist/Time-HiRes/t/tv_interval PASS: dist/Time-HiRes/t/ualarm PASS: dist/Time-HiRes/t/usleep PASS: dist/XSLoader/t/XSLoader PASS: ext/arybase/t/aeach PASS: ext/arybase/t/aelem PASS: ext/arybase/t/akeys PASS: ext/arybase/t/arybase PASS: ext/arybase/t/aslice PASS: ext/arybase/t/av2arylen PASS: ext/arybase/t/index PASS: ext/arybase/t/lslice PASS: ext/arybase/t/pos PASS: ext/arybase/t/scope PASS: ext/arybase/t/splice PASS: ext/arybase/t/substr PASS: ext/B/t/b PASS: ext/B/t/concise PASS: ext/B/t/concise-xs PASS: ext/B/t/f_map PASS: ext/B/t/f_sort PASS: ext/B/t/optree_check PASS: ext/B/t/optree_concise PASS: ext/B/t/optree_constants PASS: ext/B/t/optree_misc PASS: ext/B/t/optree_samples PASS: ext/B/t/optree_sort PASS: ext/B/t/optree_specials PASS: ext/B/t/optree_varinit PASS: ext/B/t/o PASS: ext/B/t/pragma PASS: ext/B/t/showlex PASS: ext/B/t/sv_stash PASS: ext/B/t/terse PASS: ext/B/t/walkoptree PASS: ext/B/t/xref PASS: ext/Devel-Peek/t/Peek PASS: ext/DynaLoader/t/DynaLoader PASS: ext/Errno/t/Errno PASS: ext/Fcntl/t/autoload PASS: ext/Fcntl/t/fcntl PASS: ext/Fcntl/t/mode PASS: ext/Fcntl/t/syslfs PASS: ext/FileCache/t/01open PASS: ext/FileCache/t/02maxopen PASS: ext/FileCache/t/03append PASS: ext/FileCache/t/04twoarg PASS: ext/FileCache/t/05override PASS: ext/FileCache/t/06export PASS: ext/FileCache/t/07noimport PASS: ext/File-DosGlob/t/DosGlob PASS: ext/File-Find/t/find PASS: ext/File-Find/t/taint PASS: ext/File-Glob/t/basic PASS: ext/File-Glob/t/case PASS: ext/File-Glob/t/global PASS: ext/File-Glob/t/rt114984 PASS: ext/File-Glob/t/taint PASS: ext/File-Glob/t/threads PASS: ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/01_load PASS: ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/02_function PASS: ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/03_class PASS: ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/04_thread PASS: ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/05_perlhook PASS: ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/11_hashassign PASS: ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/12_hashwarn PASS: ext/Hash-Util/t/Util PASS: ext/I18N-Langinfo/t/Langinfo PASS: ext/IPC-Open3/t/fd PASS: ext/IPC-Open3/t/IPC-Open2 PASS: ext/IPC-Open3/t/IPC-Open3 PASS: ext/NDBM_File/t/ndbm PASS: ext/ODBM_File/t/odbm PASS: ext/Opcode/t/Opcode PASS: ext/Opcode/t/ops PASS: ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/encoding PASS: ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/fallback PASS: ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/nolooping PASS: ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/threads PASS: ext/PerlIO-scalar/t/scalar PASS: ext/PerlIO-scalar/t/scalar_ungetc PASS: ext/PerlIO-via/t/via PASS: ext/Pod-Functions/t/Functions PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/anchorify PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/cache PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/crossref2 PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/crossref3 PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/crossref PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/eol PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/feature2 PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/feature PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/htmldir1 PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/htmldir2 PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/htmldir3 PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/htmldir4 PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/htmldir5 PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/htmlescp PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/htmllink PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/htmlview PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/poderr PASS: ext/Pod-Html/t/podnoerr PASS: ext/POSIX/t/export PASS: ext/POSIX/t/math PASS: ext/POSIX/t/posix PASS: ext/POSIX/t/sigaction PASS: ext/POSIX/t/sigset PASS: ext/POSIX/t/strerror_errno PASS: ext/POSIX/t/sysconf PASS: ext/POSIX/t/taint PASS: ext/POSIX/t/termios PASS: ext/POSIX/t/time PASS: ext/POSIX/t/unimplemented PASS: ext/POSIX/t/usage PASS: ext/POSIX/t/waitpid PASS: ext/POSIX/t/wrappers PASS: ext/re/t/lexical_debug PASS: ext/re/t/qr PASS: ext/re/t/reflags PASS: ext/re/t/re_funcs PASS: ext/re/t/re_funcs_u PASS: ext/re/t/regop PASS: ext/re/t/re PASS: ext/re/t/strict PASS: ext/SDBM_File/t/constants PASS: ext/SDBM_File/t/prep PASS: ext/SDBM_File/t/sdbm PASS: ext/Sys-Hostname/t/Hostname PASS: ext/Tie-Hash-NamedCapture/t/tiehash PASS: ext/Tie-Memoize/t/Tie-Memoize PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/addissub PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/arrayexpr PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/autoload PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/blockasexpr PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/blockhooks-csc PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/blockhooks PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/call_checker PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/caller PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/callregexec PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/call PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/check_warnings PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/cleanup PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/clone-with-stack PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/cophh PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/coplabel PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/copstash PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/copyhints PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/customop PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/cv_name PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/eval-filter PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/exception PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/extend PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/fetch_pad_names PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/gotosub PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/grok PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/gv_autoload4 PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/gv_const_sv PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/gv_fetchmeth_autoload PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/gv_fetchmethod_flags PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/gv_fetchmeth PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/gv_init PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/handy PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/hash PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/join_with_space PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/keyword_multiline PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/keyword_plugin PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/labelconst PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/lexsub PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/locale PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/loopblock PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/looprest PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/lvalue PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/magic_chain PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/magic PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/mro PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/multicall PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/my_cxt PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/my_exit PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/newCONSTSUB PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/newDEFSVOP PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/op_contextualize PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/op_list PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/op PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/overload PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/pad_scalar PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/peep PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/pmflag PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/postinc PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/printf PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/ptr_table PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/push PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/refs PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/rmagical PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/rv2cv_op_cv PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/savehints PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/scopelessblock PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/sort PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/stmtasexpr PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/stmtsasexpr PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/stuff_modify_bug PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/stuff_svcur_bug PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/subcall PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/svcatpvf PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/svcat PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/sviscow PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/svpeek PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/svpv_magic PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/svpv PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/svsetsv PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/swaplabel PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/swaptwostmts PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/sym-hook PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/synthetic_scope PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/temp_lv_sub PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/underscore_length PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/utf16_to_utf8 PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/utf8 PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/weaken PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/whichsig SKIP: ext/XS-APItest/t/win32 PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/xs_special_subs_require PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/xs_special_subs PASS: ext/XS-APItest/t/xsub_h PASS: ext/XS-Typemap/t/Typemap PASS: lib/AnyDBM_File PASS: lib/B/Deparse-core PASS: lib/B/Deparse-subclass PASS: lib/B/Deparse PASS: lib/Benchmark PASS: lib/blib PASS: lib/bytes PASS: lib/charnames PASS: lib/Class/Struct PASS: lib/Config/Extensions PASS: lib/Config PASS: lib/DBM_Filter/t/01error PASS: lib/DBM_Filter/t/02core PASS: lib/DBM_Filter/t/compress PASS: lib/DBM_Filter/t/encode PASS: lib/DBM_Filter/t/int32 PASS: lib/DBM_Filter/t/null PASS: lib/DBM_Filter/t/utf8 PASS: lib/DB PASS: lib/diagnostics PASS: lib/DirHandle PASS: lib/dumpvar PASS: lib/English SKIP: lib/ExtUtils/t/Embed PASS: lib/feature PASS: lib/feature/unicode_strings PASS: lib/File/Basename PASS: lib/File/Compare PASS: lib/File/Copy PASS: lib/FileHandle PASS: lib/File/stat-7896 PASS: lib/File/stat PASS: lib/filetest PASS: lib/FindBin PASS: lib/Getopt/Std PASS: lib/h2ph PASS: lib/h2xs PASS: lib/integer PASS: lib/Internals PASS: lib/less PASS: lib/locale PASS: lib/meta_notation PASS: lib/Net/hostent SKIP: lib/Net/netent PASS: lib/Net/protoent PASS: lib/Net/servent PASS: lib/open PASS: lib/overload64 PASS: lib/overloading PASS: lib/overload PASS: lib/perl5db PASS: lib/Pod/t/InputObjects PASS: lib/Pod/t/Select PASS: lib/Pod/t/Usage PASS: lib/Pod/t/utils PASS: lib/SelectSaver PASS: lib/sigtrap PASS: lib/sort PASS: lib/strict PASS: lib/subs PASS: lib/Symbol PASS: lib/Thread PASS: lib/Tie/Array/push PASS: lib/Tie/Array/splice PASS: lib/Tie/Array/stdpush PASS: lib/Tie/Array/std PASS: lib/Tie/ExtraHash PASS: lib/Tie/Handle/stdhandle_from_handle PASS: lib/Tie/Handle/stdhandle PASS: lib/Tie/Hash PASS: lib/Tie/Scalar PASS: lib/Tie/SubstrHash PASS: lib/Time/gmtime PASS: lib/Time/localtime PASS: lib/Unicode/UCD PASS: lib/User/grent PASS: lib/User/pwent PASS: lib/utf8 PASS: lib/vars_carp PASS: lib/vars PASS: lib/vmsish PASS: lib/warnings All tests successful. Elapsed: 604 sec u=3.42 s=0.84 cu=208.95 cs=10.52 scripts=2287 tests=837285 END: /usr/lib/perl/ptest 2018-02-13T02:08 2018-02-13T02:08 BEGIN: /usr/lib/python/ptest find /usr/lib/python2.7 -name '*.py[co]' -print | xargs rm -f python -Wd -3 -E -tt /usr/lib/python2.7/test/ -l -v == CPython 2.7.14 (default, Jan 30 2018, 14:09:17) [GCC 7.3.0] == Linux-4.12.19-yocto-standard-x86_64-with-glibc2.2.5 little-endian == /var/volatile/tmp/test_python_29702 == CPU count: 4 Run tests sequentially 0:00:00 load avg: 0.78 [ 1/403] test_grammar PASS: testBackslash (test.test_grammar.TokenTests) PASS: testFloats (test.test_grammar.TokenTests) PASS: testLongIntegers (test.test_grammar.TokenTests) PASS: testPlainIntegers (test.test_grammar.TokenTests) PASS: testStringLiterals (test.test_grammar.TokenTests) PASS: test_float_exponent_tokenization (test.test_grammar.TokenTests) PASS: testAdditiveOps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testAssert (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testAssert2 (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testAtoms (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testBinaryMaskOps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testBreakStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testClassdef (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testComparison (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testComprehensionSpecials (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testContinueStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testDelStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testDictcomps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testEvalInput (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testExec (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testExprStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testFor (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testFuncdef (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testGenexps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testGlobal (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testIf (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testIfElseExpr (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testImport (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testLambdef (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testListcomps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testMultiplicativeOps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testPassStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testPrintStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testRaise (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testReturn (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testSelectors (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testShiftOps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testSimpleStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testSuite (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testTest (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testTry (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testUnaryOps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testWhile (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testYield (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: test_break_continue_loop (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: test_paren_evaluation (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: test_with_statement (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 47 tests in 0.003s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.78 [ 2/403] test_opcodes PASS: test_compare_function_objects (test.test_opcodes.OpcodeTest) PASS: test_modulo_of_string_subclasses (test.test_opcodes.OpcodeTest) PASS: test_raise_class_exceptions (test.test_opcodes.OpcodeTest) PASS: test_try_inside_for_loop (test.test_opcodes.OpcodeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.78 [ 3/403] test_dict PASS: test_bad_key (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_bool (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_clear (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_dictitems_contains_use_after_free (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_empty_presized_dict_in_freelist (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_equal_operator_modifying_operand (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_fromkeys (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_fromkeys_operator_modifying_dict_operand (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_fromkeys_operator_modifying_set_operand (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_get (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_init_use_after_free (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_items (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_keys (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_le (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_literal_constructor (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_missing (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_mutatingiteration (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_oob_indexing_dictiter_iternextitem (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_resize1 (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_resize2 (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_setdefault_atomic (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_track_dynamic (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_track_literals (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_track_subtypes (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_tuple_keyerror (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_update (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_values (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_bool (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_items (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_keys (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_len (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_pop (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_update (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_values (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_write (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_bool (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_items (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_keys (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_len (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_pop (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_update (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_values (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_write (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 67 tests in 0.106s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.78 [ 4/403] test_builtin PASS: test_execfile (test.test_builtin.TestExecFile) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK PASS: test_abs (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_all (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_any (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_apply (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_bin (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_bytearray_translate (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_callable (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_chr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_coerce (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_compile (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_delattr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_dir (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_divmod (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_eval (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_filter (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_filter_subclasses (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_general_eval (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_getattr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_hasattr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_hex (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_id (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_import (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_input_and_raw_input (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_intern (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_isinstance (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_issubclass (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_iter (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_map (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_max (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_min (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_neg (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_next (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_oct (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_open (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_ord (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_pow (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_range (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_reload (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_round (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_round_large (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_setattr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_sum (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_type (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_unichr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_vars (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_zip (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_baddecorator (test.test_builtin.TestSorted) PASS: test_basic (test.test_builtin.TestSorted) PASS: test_inputtypes (test.test_builtin.TestSorted) PASS: test_bad_args (test.test_builtin.TestType) PASS: test_bad_slots (test.test_builtin.TestType) PASS: test_new_type (test.test_builtin.TestType) PASS: test_type_doc (test.test_builtin.TestType) PASS: test_type_name (test.test_builtin.TestType) PASS: test_type_new_keywords (test.test_builtin.TestType) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 61 tests in 0.009s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.78 [ 5/403] test_exceptions PASS: testAttributes (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testDeprecatedMessageAttribute (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testInfiniteRecursion (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testKeywordArgs (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testPickleMessageAttribute (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testRaising (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testRegularMessageAttribute (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testReload (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) FAIL: testSettingException (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testSlicing (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testSyntaxErrorMessage (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testUnicodeChangeAttributes (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testUnicodeStrUsage (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: test_WindowsError (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: test_assert_with_tuple_arg (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: test_bad_exception_clearing (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: test_badisinstance (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: test_new_returns_invalid_instance (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: test_unicode_errors_no_object (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) test_0_args (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for Exception with 0 args test_0_args_with_overridden___str__ (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for exceptions with 0 args and overridden __str__ test_1_arg (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for Exceptions with 1 arg test_1_arg_with_overridden___str__ (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for exceptions with overridden __str__ and 1 arg test_builtin_exceptions (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for built-in exceptions FAIL: test_exception_with_doc (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) test_many_args (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for Exceptions with many args test_many_args_with_overridden___str__ (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for exceptions with overridden __str__ and many args PASS: test_unhandled (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: test_unraisable (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) ====================================================================== ERROR: testSettingException (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 191, in testSettingException test_capi1() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 165, in test_capi1 import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_exception_with_doc (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 614, in test_exception_with_doc import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 29 tests in 0.009s FAILED (errors=2) 0:00:00 load avg: 0.78 [ 6/403/1] test_types -- test_exceptions failed PASS: test_boolean_ops (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_buffers (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_comparisons (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_float__format__ (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_float__format__locale (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_float_constructor (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_float_to_string (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_floats (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_format_spec_errors (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_int__format__ (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_int__format__locale (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_internal_sizes (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_long__format__ (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_long_integers (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_normal_integers (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_numeric_types (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_strings (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_truth_values (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_type_function (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_zero_division (test.test_types.TypesTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 20 tests in 0.006s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.78 [ 7/403/1] test_unittest PASS: testBufferCatchFailfast (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testCatchBreakInstallsHandler (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testHelpAndUnknown (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testRunTestsOldRunnerClass (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testRunTestsRunnerClass (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testRunTestsRunnerInstance (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testVerbosity (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testNoExit (unittest.test.test_program.Test_TestProgram) PASS: test_Exit (unittest.test.test_program.Test_TestProgram) PASS: test_ExitAsDefault (unittest.test.test_program.Test_TestProgram) PASS: test_NonExit (unittest.test.test_program.Test_TestProgram) PASS: test_discovery_from_dotted_path (unittest.test.test_program.Test_TestProgram) PASS: testCleanUp (unittest.test.test_runner.TestCleanUp) PASS: testCleanUpWithErrors (unittest.test.test_runner.TestCleanUp) PASS: testCleanupInRun (unittest.test.test_runner.TestCleanUp) PASS: testTestCaseDebugExecutesCleanups (unittest.test.test_runner.TestCleanUp) PASS: testBufferAndFailfast (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: testRunnerRegistersResult (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_init (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_multiple_inheritance (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_pickle_unpickle (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_resultclass (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_startTestRun_stopTestRun_called (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_works_with_result_without_startTestRun_stopTestRun (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_decorated_skip (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_expected_failure (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_skip_class (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_skip_doesnt_run_setup (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_skip_non_unittest_class_new_style (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_skip_non_unittest_class_old_style (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_skipping (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_skipping_decorators (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_unexpected_success (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: testAddTypeEqualityFunc (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAsertEqualSingleLine (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertDictContainsSubset (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertDictEqualTruncates (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertEqual (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertEqual_diffThreshold (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertIn (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertIs (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertIsInstance (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertIsNone (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertIsNot (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertItemsEqual (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertMultiLineEqual (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertMultiLineEqualTruncates (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertNotIsInstance (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertNotRaisesRegexp (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRaisesCallable (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRaisesContext (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRaisesExcValue (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRaisesRegexp (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRaisesRegexpInvalidRegexp (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRaisesRegexpMismatch (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRegexpMatches (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertSequenceEqualMaxDiff (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertSetEqual (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testDeepcopy (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testEquality (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testInequality (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testKeyboardInterrupt (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) testPendingDeprecationMethodNames (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: Test fail* methods pending deprecation, they will warn in 3.2. PASS: testPickle (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) testShortDescriptionWithMultiLineDocstring (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: Tests shortDescription() for a method with a longer docstring. testShortDescriptionWithOneLineDocstring (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: Tests shortDescription() for a method with a docstring. PASS: testShortDescriptionWithoutDocstring (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) testSynonymAssertMethodNames (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: Test undocumented method name synonyms. PASS: testSystemExit (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testTruncateMessage (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_countTestCases (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_defaultTestResult (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_eq (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_failureException__default (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_failureException__subclassing__explicit_raise (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_failureException__subclassing__implicit_raise (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_hash (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_id (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_init__no_test_name (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_init__test_name__invalid (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_init__test_name__valid (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_ne (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run__uses_defaultTestResult (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_setUp (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_setUp_default_result (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_tearDown (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_tearDown_default_result (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_test (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_test_default_result (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__failure_in_test (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__failure_in_test_default_result (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order_default_result (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_setUp (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_tearDown (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_addTest__TestCase (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_addTest__TestSuite (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_addTest__casesuiteclass (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_addTest__noncallable (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_addTest__noniterable (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_addTests (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_addTests__string (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_basetestsuite (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_countTestCases_nested (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_countTestCases_simple (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_countTestCases_zero_nested (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_countTestCases_zero_simple (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_eq (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_function_in_suite (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_init__TestSuite_instances_in_tests (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_init__empty_tests (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_init__tests_from_any_iterable (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_init__tests_optional (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_iter (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_ne (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_overriding_call (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_run (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_run__empty_suite (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_run__requires_result (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_command_line_handling_do_discovery_calls_loader (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_command_line_handling_do_discovery_too_many_arguments (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_command_line_handling_do_discovery_uses_default_loader (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_command_line_handling_parseArgs (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_detect_module_clash (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_discover (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_discover_with_modules_that_fail_to_import (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_discovery_from_dotted_path (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_find_tests (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_find_tests_with_package (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_get_name_from_path (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_module_symlink_ok (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: testAlmostEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertDictContainsSubset (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertDictEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertFalse (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertGreater (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertGreaterEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertIn (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertIs (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertIsNone (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertIsNot (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertIsNotNone (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertLess (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertLessEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertMultiLineEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertNotIn (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertSequenceEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertSetEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertTrue (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testDefault (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testNotAlmostEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testNotEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: test_baseAssertEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: test_formatMessage_unicode_error (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: test_formatMsg (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertNotRegexpMatches (unittest.test.test_assertions.Test_Assertions) PASS: test_AlmostEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.Test_Assertions) PASS: test_AmostEqualWithDelta (unittest.test.test_assertions.Test_Assertions) PASS: test_assertRaises (unittest.test.test_assertions.Test_Assertions) PASS: testHandlerReplacedButCalled (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testInstallHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testInterruptCaught (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testMainInstallsHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testRegisterResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testRemoveHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testRemoveHandlerAsDecorator (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testRemoveResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testRunner (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testSecondInterrupt (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testTwoResults (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testWeakReferences (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testHandlerReplacedButCalled (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testInstallHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testInterruptCaught (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testMainInstallsHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testRegisterResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testRemoveHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testRemoveHandlerAsDecorator (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testRemoveResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testRunner (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testSecondInterrupt (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testTwoResults (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testWeakReferences (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testHandlerReplacedButCalled (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testInstallHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testInterruptCaught (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testMainInstallsHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testRegisterResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testRemoveHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testRemoveHandlerAsDecorator (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testRemoveResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testRunner (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testSecondInterrupt (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testTwoResults (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testWeakReferences (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) SKIP: testHandlerReplacedButCalled (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) 'test requires SIGINT to not be ignored' PASS: testInstallHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testInterruptCaught (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testMainInstallsHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testRegisterResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testRemoveHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testRemoveHandlerAsDecorator (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testRemoveResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testRunner (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) SKIP: testSecondInterrupt (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) 'test requires SIGINT to not be ignored' PASS: testTwoResults (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testWeakReferences (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: test_class_not_setup_or_torndown_when_skipped (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_class_not_torndown_when_setup_fails (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_error_in_setup_module (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_error_in_setupclass (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_error_in_teardown_class (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_error_in_teardown_module (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_setup_class (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_setup_module (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_setup_teardown_order_with_pathological_suite (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_skiptest_in_setupclass (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_skiptest_in_setupmodule (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_suite_debug_executes_setups_and_teardowns (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_suite_debug_propagates_exceptions (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_teardown_class (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_teardown_class_two_classes (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_teardown_module (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_testcase_with_missing_module (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_countTestCases (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_id (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_setUp (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_tearDown (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_test (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__failure_in_test (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_shortDescription__no_docstring (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_shortDescription__singleline_docstring (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: testBufferOutputAddErrorOrFailure (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testBufferOutputOff (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testBufferOutputStartTestAddSuccess (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testBufferSetUpModule (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testBufferSetupClass (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testBufferTearDownClass (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testBufferTearDownModule (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testOldResultWithRunner (unittest.test.test_result.Test_OldTestResult) PASS: testOldTestResult (unittest.test.test_result.Test_OldTestResult) PASS: testOldTestResultClass (unittest.test.test_result.Test_OldTestResult) PASS: testOldTestTesultSetup (unittest.test.test_result.Test_OldTestResult) PASS: testFailFast (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: testFailFastSetByRunner (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) testGetDescriptionWithMultiLineDocstring (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: Tests getDescription() for a method with a longer docstring. testGetDescriptionWithOneLineDocstring (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: Tests getDescription() for a method with a docstring. PASS: testGetDescriptionWithoutDocstring (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: testStackFrameTrimming (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_addError (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_addFailure (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_addSuccess (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_init (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_startTest (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_startTestRun_stopTestRun (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_stop (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_stopTest (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_getTestCaseNames (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_getTestCaseNames__inheritance (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_getTestCaseNames__no_tests (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_getTestCaseNames__not_a_TestCase (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromModule__TestCase_subclass (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromModule__faulty_load_tests (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromModule__load_tests (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromModule__no_TestCase_instances (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromModule__no_TestCase_tests (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromModule__not_a_module (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__callable__TestCase_instance (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__callable__TestCase_instance_ProperSuiteClass (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__callable__TestSuite (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__callable__wrong_type (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__empty_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__function_with_different_name_than_method (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__malformed_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__module_not_loaded (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_TestCase_subclass (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_TestSuite (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_bad_object (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_empty_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_invalid_testmethod (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_malformed_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_not_a_module (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_testmethod (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_testmethod_ProperSuiteClass (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_unknown_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__unknown_attr_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__unknown_module_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__callable__TestCase_instance (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__callable__TestSuite (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__callable__call_staticmethod (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__callable__wrong_type (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__empty_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__empty_name_list (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__malformed_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__module_not_loaded (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_TestCase_subclass (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_TestSuite (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_bad_object (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_empty_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_empty_name_list (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_invalid_testmethod (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_malformed_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_not_a_module (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_testmethod (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__unknown_attr_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__unknown_module_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__unknown_name_relative_1 (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__unknown_name_relative_2 (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromTestCase (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromTestCase__TestSuite_subclass (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromTestCase__default_method_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromTestCase__no_matches (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__None (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__default_value (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__getTestCaseNames (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__loadTestsFromModule (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__loadTestsFromName (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__loadTestsFromNames (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__loadTestsFromTestCase (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_suiteClass__default_value (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_suiteClass__loadTestsFromModule (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_suiteClass__loadTestsFromName (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_suiteClass__loadTestsFromNames (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_suiteClass__loadTestsFromTestCase (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_testMethodPrefix__default_value (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_testMethodPrefix__loadTestsFromModule (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_testMethodPrefix__loadTestsFromName (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_testMethodPrefix__loadTestsFromNames (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_testMethodPrefix__loadTestsFromTestCase (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 328 tests in 0.093s OK (skipped=2) 0:00:00 load avg: 0.78 [ 8/403/1] test_doctest Trying: runner = DebugRunner(verbose=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = DocTestParser().get_doctest('>>> raise KeyError\n42', {}, 'foo', '', 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: except UnexpectedException, failure: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: failure.test is test Expecting: True ok Trying: failure.example.want Expecting: '42\n' ok Trying: exc_info = failure.exc_info Expecting nothing ok Trying: raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2] Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError ok Trying: test = DocTestParser().get_doctest(''' >>> x = 1 >>> x 2 ''', {}, 'foo', '', 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: except DocTestFailure, failure: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: failure.test is test Expecting: True ok Trying: failure.example.want Expecting: '2\n' ok Trying: Expecting: '1\n' ok Trying: del test.globs['__builtins__'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: test.globs Expecting: {'x': 1} ok Trying: test = DocTestParser().get_doctest(''' >>> x = 2 >>> raise KeyError ''', {}, 'foo', '', 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnexpectedException: ok Trying: del test.globs['__builtins__'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: test.globs Expecting: {'x': 2} ok Trying: test = DocTestParser().get_doctest(''' >>> x = 2 ''', {}, 'foo', '', 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: test.globs Expecting: {} ok Trying: test = DocTestParser().get_doctest('>>> raise KeyError\n42', {}, 'foo', '', 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: case = DocTestCase(test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: case.debug() except UnexpectedException, failure: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: failure.test is test Expecting: True ok Trying: failure.example.want Expecting: '42\n' ok Trying: exc_info = failure.exc_info Expecting nothing ok Trying: raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2] Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError ok Trying: test = DocTestParser().get_doctest(''' >>> x = 1 >>> x 2 ''', {}, 'foo', '', 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: case = DocTestCase(test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: case.debug() except DocTestFailure, failure: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: failure.test is test Expecting: True ok Trying: failure.example.want Expecting: '2\n' ok Trying: Expecting: '1\n' ok Trying: tests = DocTestFinder().find(_TestClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: runner = DocTestRunner(verbose=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests.sort(key = lambda test: Expecting nothing ok Trying: for test in tests: print, '->', Expecting: _TestClass -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) _TestClass.__init__ -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) _TestClass.get -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) _TestClass.square -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: runner.summarize(verbose=1) Expecting: 4 items passed all tests: 2 tests in _TestClass 2 tests in _TestClass.__init__ 2 tests in _TestClass.get 1 tests in _TestClass.square 7 tests in 4 items. 7 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. TestResults(failed=0, attempted=7) ok Trying: runner.tries Expecting: 7 ok Trying: runner.failures Expecting: 0 ok Trying: _TestClass(13).get() + _TestClass(-12).get() Expecting: 1 ok Trying: hex(_TestClass(13).square().get()) Expecting: '0xa9' ok Trying: t = _TestClass(123) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print t.get() Expecting: 123 ok Trying: x = _TestClass(-42) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x.get() Expecting: -42 ok Trying: _TestClass(13).square().get() Expecting: 169 ok Trying: print 'foo\n\nbar\n' Expecting: foo bar ok Trying: 4 == 4 Expecting: 1 ok Trying: 4 == 4 Expecting: True ok Trying: 4 > 4 Expecting: 0 ok Trying: 4 > 4 Expecting: False ok Trying: print range(1000) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: [0, 1, 2, ..., 999] ok Trying: x = 1; y = 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: x + y, x * y Expecting: (3, 2) ok Trying: print range(30) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29] ok Trying: _ellipsis_match('aa...aa', 'aaa') Expecting: False ok Trying: text = ''' Here are examples of simple math. Python has super accurate integer addition >>> 2 + 2 5 And very friendly error messages: >>> 1/0 To Infinity And Beyond You can use logic if you want: >>> if 0: ... blah ... blah ... Ho hum ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print script_from_examples(text) Expecting: # Here are examples of simple math. # # Python has super accurate integer addition # 2 + 2 # Expected: ## 5 # # And very friendly error messages: # 1/0 # Expected: ## To Infinity ## And ## Beyond # # You can use logic if you want: # if 0: blah blah # # Ho hum ok Trying: import doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: old = doctest._unittest_reportflags Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(REPORT_NDIFF | REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE) == old Expecting: True ok Trying: doctest._unittest_reportflags == (REPORT_NDIFF | REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE) Expecting: True ok Trying: doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(ELLIPSIS) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('Only reporting flags allowed', 8) ok Trying: doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(old) == (REPORT_NDIFF | REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE) Expecting: True ok 115 items had no tests: doctest doctest.DebugRunner.report_failure doctest.DebugRunner.report_unexpected_exception doctest.DocFileCase doctest.DocFileCase.__str__ doctest.DocFileCase.format_failure doctest.DocFileSuite doctest.DocFileTest doctest.DocTest doctest.DocTest.__cmp__ doctest.DocTest.__eq__ doctest.DocTest.__hash__ doctest.DocTest.__init__ doctest.DocTest.__ne__ doctest.DocTest.__repr__ doctest.DocTestCase doctest.DocTestCase.__eq__ doctest.DocTestCase.__hash__ doctest.DocTestCase.__init__ doctest.DocTestCase.__ne__ doctest.DocTestCase.__repr__ doctest.DocTestCase.format_failure doctest.DocTestCase.runTest doctest.DocTestCase.setUp doctest.DocTestCase.shortDescription doctest.DocTestCase.tearDown doctest.DocTestFailure doctest.DocTestFailure.__init__ doctest.DocTestFailure.__str__ doctest.DocTestFinder doctest.DocTestFinder.__init__ doctest.DocTestFinder._find doctest.DocTestFinder._find_lineno doctest.DocTestFinder._from_module doctest.DocTestFinder._get_test doctest.DocTestFinder.find doctest.DocTestParser doctest.DocTestParser._check_prefix doctest.DocTestParser._check_prompt_blank doctest.DocTestParser._find_options doctest.DocTestParser._min_indent doctest.DocTestParser._parse_example doctest.DocTestParser.get_doctest doctest.DocTestParser.get_examples doctest.DocTestParser.parse doctest.DocTestRunner._DocTestRunner__patched_linecache_getlines doctest.DocTestRunner._DocTestRunner__record_outcome doctest.DocTestRunner._DocTestRunner__run doctest.DocTestRunner.__init__ doctest.DocTestRunner._failure_header doctest.DocTestRunner.merge doctest.DocTestRunner.report_failure doctest.DocTestRunner.report_start doctest.DocTestRunner.report_success doctest.DocTestRunner.report_unexpected_exception doctest.DocTestRunner.summarize doctest.DocTestSuite doctest.Example doctest.Example.__eq__ doctest.Example.__hash__ doctest.Example.__init__ doctest.Example.__ne__ doctest.OutputChecker doctest.OutputChecker._do_a_fancy_diff doctest.OutputChecker.check_output doctest.OutputChecker.output_difference doctest.SkipDocTestCase doctest.SkipDocTestCase.__init__ doctest.SkipDocTestCase.setUp doctest.SkipDocTestCase.shortDescription doctest.SkipDocTestCase.test_skip doctest.TestResults doctest.TestResults.__dict__ doctest.TestResults.attempted doctest.TestResults.failed doctest.Tester doctest.Tester.__init__ doctest.Tester.merge doctest.Tester.run__test__ doctest.Tester.rundict doctest.Tester.rundoc doctest.Tester.runstring doctest.Tester.summarize doctest.UnexpectedException doctest.UnexpectedException.__init__ doctest.UnexpectedException.__str__ doctest._OutputRedirectingPdb doctest._OutputRedirectingPdb.__init__ doctest._OutputRedirectingPdb.set_continue doctest._OutputRedirectingPdb.set_trace doctest._OutputRedirectingPdb.trace_dispatch doctest._SpoofOut doctest._SpoofOut.getvalue doctest._SpoofOut.truncate doctest._comment_line doctest._exception_traceback doctest._extract_future_flags doctest._indent doctest._load_testfile doctest._module_relative_path doctest._normalize_module doctest._strip_exception_details doctest._test doctest.debug doctest.debug_script doctest.debug_src doctest.register_optionflag doctest.run_docstring_examples doctest.testfile doctest.testmod doctest.testsource 15 items passed all tests: 21 tests in doctest.DebugRunner 13 tests in doctest.DocTestCase.debug 7 tests in doctest.DocTestRunner 2 tests in doctest._TestClass 2 tests in doctest._TestClass.__init__ 2 tests in doctest._TestClass.get 1 tests in doctest._TestClass.square 1 tests in doctest.__test__.blank lines 4 tests in doctest.__test__.bool-int equivalence 1 tests in doctest.__test__.ellipsis 2 tests in doctest.__test__.string 1 tests in doctest.__test__.whitespace normalization 1 tests in doctest._ellipsis_match 2 tests in doctest.script_from_examples 6 tests in doctest.set_unittest_reportflags 66 tests in 130 items. 66 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (doctest) ... 66 tests with zero failures Trying: print 1 Expecting: 1 ok Trying: sc = SampleClass(3) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in range(10): sc = sc.double() print sc.get(), Expecting: 6 12 24 48 96 192 384 768 1536 3072 ok Trying: x = SampleClass.NestedClass(5) Expecting nothing ok Trying: y = x.square() Expecting nothing ok Trying: print y.get() Expecting: 25 ok Trying: print SampleClass.NestedClass().get() Expecting: 0 ok Trying: print SampleClass(12).get() Expecting: 12 ok Trying: print SampleClass.a_classmethod(10) Expecting: 12 ok Trying: print SampleClass(0).a_classmethod(10) Expecting: 12 ok Trying: print SampleClass(22).a_property Expecting: 22 ok Trying: print SampleClass.a_staticmethod(10) Expecting: 11 ok Trying: print SampleClass(12).double().get() Expecting: 24 ok Trying: print SampleClass(-5).get() Expecting: -5 ok Trying: print '1\n2\n3' Expecting: 1 2 3 ok Trying: print SampleNewStyleClass(12).get() Expecting: 12 ok Trying: print SampleNewStyleClass(12).double().get() Expecting: 24 ok Trying: print SampleNewStyleClass(-5).get() Expecting: -5 ok Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={'x': 42}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.runstring(r''' >>> x = x * 2 >>> print x 42 ''', 'XYZ') Expecting: ********************************************************************** Line 3, in XYZ Failed example: print x Expected: 42 Got: 84 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: t.runstring(">>> x = x * 2\n>>> print x\n84\n", 'example2') Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: t.summarize() Expecting: ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in XYZ ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. TestResults(failed=1, attempted=4) ok Trying: t.summarize(verbose=1) Expecting: 1 items passed all tests: 2 tests in example2 ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in XYZ 4 tests in 2 items. 3 passed and 1 failed. ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. TestResults(failed=1, attempted=4) ok Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=1) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = r''' # just an example >>> x = 1 + 2 >>> x 3 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.runstring(test, "Example") Expecting: Running string Example Trying: x = 1 + 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: x Expecting: 3 ok 0 of 2 examples failed in string Example TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def _f(): '''Trivial docstring example. >>> assert 2 == 2 ''' return 32 Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.rundoc(_f) # expect 0 failures in 1 example Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: import types Expecting nothing ok Trying: m1 = types.ModuleType('_m1') Expecting nothing ok Trying: m2 = types.ModuleType('_m2') Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_data = """ def _f(): '''>>> assert 1 == 1 ''' def g(): '''>>> assert 2 != 1 ''' class H: '''>>> assert 2 > 1 ''' def bar(self): '''>>> assert 1 < 2 ''' """ Expecting nothing ok Trying: exec test_data in m1.__dict__ Expecting nothing ok Trying: exec test_data in m2.__dict__ Expecting nothing ok Trying: m1.__dict__.update({"f2": m2._f, "g2": m2.g, "h2": m2.H}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test", m1) # f2 and g2 and h2 skipped Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4) ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test_pvt") # None are skipped. Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=8) ok Trying: doctest.testmod(m1, verbose=False) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4) ok Trying: print sample_func(22) Expecting: 44 ok Trying: import unittest Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: import unittest Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt', package='test') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: import unittest, pkgutil, test Expecting nothing ok Trying: added_loader = False Expecting nothing ok Trying: if not hasattr(test, '__loader__'): test.__loader__ = pkgutil.get_loader(test) added_loader = True Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt', package='test') finally: if added_loader: del test.__loader__ Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('../test/test_doctest.txt') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: import types, os.path, test.test_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: save_argv = sys.argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.argv = [test.test_doctest.__file__] Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', package=types.ModuleType('__main__')) Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.argv = save_argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_doctest_path = os.path.abspath(test.test_doctest.__file__) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_pkg_path = os.path.split(test_doctest_path)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_file = os.path.join(test_pkg_path, 'test_doctest.txt') Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite(test_file, module_relative=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite(test_file, module_relative=False, package='test') Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Package may only be specified for module-relative paths. ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt', globs={'favorite_color': 'blue'}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt', optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE, globs={'favorite_color': 'blue'}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: def setUp(t): import test.test_doctest test.test_doctest.sillySetup = True Expecting nothing ok Trying: def tearDown(t): import test.test_doctest del test.test_doctest.sillySetup Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt', setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: import test.test_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: test.test_doctest.sillySetup Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sillySetup' ok Trying: def setUp(test): test.globs['favorite_color'] = 'blue' Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', setUp=setUp) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest3.txt') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt', encoding='utf-8') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: docstring = ''' >>> print 12 12 Non-example text. >>> print 'another\example' another example ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: globs = {} # globals to run the test in. Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'some_file', 20) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print test Expecting: ok Trying: len(test.examples) Expecting: 2 ok Trying: e1, e2 = test.examples Expecting nothing ok Trying: (e1.source, e1.want, e1.lineno) Expecting: ('print 12\n', '12\n', 1) ok Trying: (e2.source, e2.want, e2.lineno) Expecting: ("print 'another\\example'\n", 'another\nexample\n', 6) ok Trying: (, test.filename, test.lineno) Expecting: ('some_test', 'some_file', 20) ok Trying: test.lineno + e1.lineno Expecting: 21 ok Trying: test.lineno + e2.lineno Expecting: 26 ok Trying: docstring = r''' >>> print 'bad\nindentation' bad indentation ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 4 of the docstring for some_test has inconsistent leading whitespace: 'indentation' ok Trying: docstring = r''' >>> print ('bad indentation', ... 2) ('bad', 'indentation') ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 2 of the docstring for some_test has inconsistent leading whitespace: '... 2)' ok Trying: docstring = '>>>print 1\n1' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 1 of the docstring for some_test lacks blank after >>>: '>>>print 1' ok Trying: docstring = '>>> if 1:\n...print 1\n1' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 2 of the docstring for some_test lacks blank after ...: '...print 1' ok Trying: docstring = ''' >>> print 12 12 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'some_test', 20) Expecting nothing ok Trying: same_test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'some_test', 20) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test == same_test Expecting: True ok Trying: test != same_test Expecting: False ok Trying: hash(test) == hash(same_test) Expecting: True ok Trying: docstring = ''' >>> print 42 42 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: other_test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'other_test', 'other_file', 10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test == other_test Expecting: False ok Trying: test != other_test Expecting: True ok Trying: DocTestCase = doctest.DocTestCase Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_case = DocTestCase(test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: same_test_case = DocTestCase(same_test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: other_test_case = DocTestCase(other_test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_case == same_test_case Expecting: True ok Trying: test_case != same_test_case Expecting: False ok Trying: hash(test_case) == hash(same_test_case) Expecting: True ok Trying: test == other_test_case Expecting: False ok Trying: test != other_test_case Expecting: True ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() Expecting nothing ok Trying: import test.test_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: old = test.test_doctest.__file__ Expecting nothing ok Trying: test.test_doctest.__file__ = 'test_doctest.pyc' Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = finder.find(sample_func) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print tests # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: [] ok Trying: tests[0].filename # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: '' ok Trying: test.test_doctest.__file__ = old Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = tests[0].examples[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: (e.source, e.want, e.lineno) Expecting: ('print sample_func(22)\n', '44\n', 3) ok Trying: def no_docstring(v): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: finder.find(no_docstring) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def no_docstring(v): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: excl_empty_finder = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=True) Expecting nothing ok Trying: excl_empty_finder.find(no_docstring) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def no_examples(v): ''' no doctest examples ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: finder.find(no_examples) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: [] ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = finder.find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass 3 SampleClass.NestedClass 1 SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 SampleClass.__init__ 2 SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 SampleClass.a_property 1 SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 SampleClass.double 1 SampleClass.get ok Trying: tests = finder.find(SampleNewStyleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 1 SampleNewStyleClass 1 SampleNewStyleClass.__init__ 1 SampleNewStyleClass.double 1 SampleNewStyleClass.get ok Trying: import types Expecting nothing ok Trying: m = types.ModuleType('some_module') Expecting nothing ok Trying: def triple(val): ''' >>> print triple(11) 33 ''' return val*3 Expecting nothing ok Trying: m.__dict__.update({ 'sample_func': sample_func, 'SampleClass': SampleClass, '__doc__': ''' Module docstring. >>> print 'module' module ''', '__test__': { 'd': '>>> print 6\n6\n>>> print 7\n7\n', 'c': triple}}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() Expecting nothing ok Trying: import test.test_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = finder.find(m, module=test.test_doctest) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 1 some_module 3 some_module.SampleClass 3 some_module.SampleClass.NestedClass 1 some_module.SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 some_module.SampleClass.__init__ 2 some_module.SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 some_module.SampleClass.a_property 1 some_module.SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 some_module.SampleClass.double 1 some_module.SampleClass.get 1 some_module.__test__.c 2 some_module.__test__.d 1 some_module.sample_func ok Trying: from test import doctest_aliases Expecting nothing ok Trying: assert doctest_aliases.TwoNames.f Expecting nothing ok Trying: assert doctest_aliases.TwoNames.g Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = excl_empty_finder.find(doctest_aliases) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print len(tests) Expecting: 2 ok Trying: print tests[0].name Expecting: test.doctest_aliases.TwoNames ok Trying: tests[1].name.split('.')[-1] in ['f', 'g'] Expecting: True ok Trying: tests = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass 3 SampleClass.NestedClass 1 SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 SampleClass.__init__ 2 SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 SampleClass.a_property 1 SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 SampleClass.double 1 SampleClass.get ok Trying: tests = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=False).find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass 3 SampleClass.NestedClass 1 SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 0 SampleClass.NestedClass.get 0 SampleClass.NestedClass.square 1 SampleClass.__init__ 2 SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 SampleClass.a_property 1 SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 SampleClass.double 1 SampleClass.get ok Trying: tests = doctest.DocTestFinder(recurse=False).find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 some text >>> # examples are not created for comments & bare prompts. >>> ... >>> for x in range(10): ... print x, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: [e.lineno for e in test.examples] Expecting: [1, 9, 12] ok Trying: s = ''' >>> x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected >>> if 1: ... print x ... print y 2 3 Some text. >>> x+y 5 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: for piece in parser.parse(s): if isinstance(piece, doctest.Example): print 'Example:', (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno) else: print ' Text:', `piece` Expecting: Text: '\n' Example: ('x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected\n', '', 1) Text: '' Example: ('if 1:\n print x\n print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2) Text: '\nSome text.\n' Example: ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9) Text: '' ok Trying: for piece in parser.get_examples(s): print (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno) Expecting: ('x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected\n', '', 1) ('if 1:\n print x\n print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2) ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9) ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(s, {}, 'name', 'filename', lineno=5) Expecting nothing ok Trying: (, test.filename, test.lineno) Expecting: ('name', 'filename', 5) ok Trying: for piece in test.examples: print (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno) Expecting: ('x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected\n', '', 1) ('if 1:\n print x\n print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2) ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9) ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 14 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Trying: x = 12 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x Expecting: 14 ********************************************************************** File ..., line 4, in f Failed example: print x Expected: 14 Got: 12 Trying: x//2 Expecting: 6 ok TestResults(failed=1, attempted=3) ok Trying: import sys Expecting nothing ok Trying: orig_displayhook = sys.displayhook Expecting nothing ok Trying: def my_displayhook(x): print('hi!') Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.displayhook = my_displayhook Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): ''' >>> 3 3 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: r = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: post_displayhook = sys.displayhook Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.displayhook = orig_displayhook Expecting nothing ok Trying: r Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: post_displayhook is my_displayhook Expecting: True ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x//0 Traceback (most recent call last): ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print 'pre-exception output', x//0 pre-exception output Traceback (most recent call last): ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 4, in f Failed example: print 'pre-exception output', x//0 Exception raised: ... ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'multi\nline\nmessage' Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: multi line message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'message' Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: wrong message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: raise ValueError, 'message' Expected: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: wrong message Got: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: message TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: wrong message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') Traceback (most recent call last): httplib.HTTPException: message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 4, in f Failed example: raise HTTPException('message') Expected: Traceback (most recent call last): httplib.HTTPException: message Got: Traceback (most recent call last): ... HTTPException: message TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') Traceback (most recent call last): HTTPException: message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): HTTPException: message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: wrong type ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Expected: Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: wrong type Got: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: message TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from Queue import Empty >>> raise Empty() #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from Queue import Empty >>> raise Empty() #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> 1//0 0 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: 1//0 Exception raised: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # should fail: no ellipsis [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # should fail: no ellipsis Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> # should fail: no ellipsis >>> print range(10) # doctest: -ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 6, in f Failed example: print range(10) # doctest: -ELLIPSIS Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ********************************************************************** File ..., line 8, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=2, attempted=3) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should succeed ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should succeed ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS,+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should succeed ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> for x in range(10): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... print x, 0 1 2 ... 9 >>> for x in range(10): ... print x, # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0 1 2 ... 9 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' Should fail (option directive not on the last line): >>> for x in range(10): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... print x, # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0 1 2...9 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: s = '>>> print 12 #doctest: +BADOPTION' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 1 of the doctest for s has an invalid option: '+BADOPTION' ok Trying: s = '>>> print 12 #doctest: ELLIPSIS' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 1 of the doctest for s has an invalid option: 'ELLIPSIS' ok Trying: s = '>>> # doctest: +ELLIPSIS' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 0 of the doctest for s has an option directive on a line with no example: '# doctest: +ELLIPSIS' ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> True\n1\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: True Expected: 1 Got: True TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> print "a\\n\\nb"\na\n\nb\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print "a\n\nb" Expected: a b Got: a b TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> print 1, 2, 3\n 1 2\n 3' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print 1, 2, 3 Expected: 1 2 3 Got: 1 2 3 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: print range(20) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> print range(15)\n[0, 1, 2, ..., 14]\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(15) Expected: [0, 1, 2, ..., 14] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.ELLIPSIS Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: for i in range(100): print i**2, #doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: 0 1...4...9 16 ... 36 49 64 ... 9801 ok Trying: for i in range(21): #doctest: +ELLIPSIS print i, Expecting: 0 1 2 ...1...2...0 ok Trying: print range(20) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS Expecting: [0, 1, ..., 18, 19] ok Trying: print range(20) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: [0, 1, ..., 18, 19] ok Trying: import random Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print '\n'.join('abcdefg') a B c d f g h ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print '\n'.join('abcdefg') Expected: a B c d f g h Got: a b c d e f g TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_UDIFF Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print '\n'.join('abcdefg') Differences (unified diff with -expected +actual): @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ a -B +b c d +e f g -h TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_CDIFF Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print '\n'.join('abcdefg') Differences (context diff with expected followed by actual): *************** *** 1,7 **** a ! B c d f g - h --- 1,7 ---- a ! b c d + e f g TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print "a b c d e f g h i j k l m" a b c d e f g h i j k 1 m ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_NDIFF Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print "a b c d e f g h i j k l m" Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual): - a b c d e f g h i j k 1 m ? ^ + a b c d e f g h i j k l m ? + ++ ^ TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print 1 # first success 1 >>> print 2 # first failure 200 >>> print 3 # second failure 300 >>> print 4 # second success 4 >>> print 5 # third failure 500 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 5, in f Failed example: print 2 # first failure Expected: 200 Got: 2 TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5) ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Trying: print 1 # first success Expecting: 1 ok Trying: print 2 # first failure Expecting: 200 ********************************************************************** File ..., line 5, in f Failed example: print 2 # first failure Expected: 200 Got: 2 TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print 1 # first success 1 >>> raise ValueError(2) # first failure 200 >>> print 3 # second failure 300 >>> print 4 # second success 4 >>> print 5 # third failure 500 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 5, in f Failed example: raise ValueError(2) # first failure Exception raised: ... ValueError: 2 TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5) ok Trying: unlikely = "UNLIKELY_OPTION_NAME" Expecting nothing ok Trying: unlikely in doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME Expecting: False ok Trying: new_flag_value = doctest.register_optionflag(unlikely) Expecting nothing ok Trying: unlikely in doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME Expecting: True ok Trying: redundant_flag_value = doctest.register_optionflag(unlikely) Expecting nothing ok Trying: redundant_flag_value == new_flag_value Expecting: True ok Trying: del doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME[unlikely] Expecting nothing ok Trying: u'\xe9' Expecting: u'\xe9' ok Trying: print u'abc' Expecting: abc ok Trying: print u'\xe9'.encode('utf-8') Expecting: é ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True).run(test) Expecting: Trying: x = 12 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x Expecting: 12 ok Trying: x//2 Expecting: 6 ok TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: old_argv = sys.argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.argv = ['test'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner().run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: sys.argv = ['test', '-v'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner().run(test) Expecting: Trying: x = 12 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x Expecting: 12 ok Trying: x//2 Expecting: 6 ok TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: sys.argv = old_argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: import unittest Expecting nothing ok Trying: import test.sample_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite(test.sample_doctest) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest_no_doctests') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: try: doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest_no_docstrings') except ValueError as e: error = e Expecting nothing ok Trying: print(error.args[1]) Expecting: has no docstrings ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest_no_docstrings', test_finder=finder) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = test.sample_doctest.test_suite() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', globs={}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', extraglobs={'y': 1}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: def setUp(t): import test.test_doctest test.test_doctest.sillySetup = True Expecting nothing ok Trying: def tearDown(t): import test.test_doctest del test.test_doctest.sillySetup Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: import test.test_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: test.test_doctest.sillySetup Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sillySetup' ok Trying: def setUp(test): test.globs['y'] = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', setUp=setUp) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: (example.source, example.want, example.exc_msg, example.lineno, example.indent, example.options) Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n', None, 0, 0, {}) ok Trying: exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list' Expecting nothing ok Trying: example = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg, lineno=5, indent=4, options={doctest.ELLIPSIS: True}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: (example.source, example.want, example.exc_msg, example.lineno, example.indent, example.options) Expecting: ('[].pop()\n', '', 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n', 5, 4, {8: True}) ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1\n', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1;\nprint 2', '1\n2\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('', '') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('\n', '') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print', '') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print\n', '') ok Trying: exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = 'ValueError: 1\n 2' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('raise ValueError("1\n 2")', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'ValueError: 1\n 2\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = 'ValueError: 1\n 2\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('raise ValueError("1\n 2")', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'ValueError: 1\n 2\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = '' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('raise X()', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: '\n' ok Trying: example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: same_example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: other_example = doctest.Example('print 42', '42\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: example == same_example Expecting: True ok Trying: example != same_example Expecting: False ok Trying: hash(example) == hash(same_example) Expecting: True ok Trying: example == other_example Expecting: False ok Trying: example != other_example Expecting: True ok Trying: s = ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: import tempfile Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput(['next', 'print x', 'continue']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: doctest.debug_src(s) finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: > (1)() (Pdb) next 12 --Return-- > (1)()->None (Pdb) print x 12 (Pdb) continue ok Trying: import tempfile, os Expecting nothing ok Trying: fn = tempfile.mktemp() Expecting nothing ok Trying: with open(fn, 'wb') as f: f.write('Test:\r\n\r\n >>> x = 1 + 1\r\n\r\nDone.\r\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile(fn, module_relative=False, verbose=False) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: os.remove(fn) Expecting nothing ok Trying: fn = tempfile.mktemp() Expecting nothing ok Trying: with open(fn, 'wb') as f: f.write('Test:\n\n >>> x = 1 + 1\n\nDone.\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile(fn, module_relative=False, verbose=False) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: os.remove(fn) Expecting nothing ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> x = 42 >>> raise Exception('clé') Traceback (most recent call last): Exception: clé >>> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, {}, "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: import tempfile Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'print x', # print data defined by the example 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: --Return-- > (1)()->None -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) print x 42 (Pdb) continue TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: def calls_set_trace(): y=2 import pdb; pdb.set_trace() Expecting nothing ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> x=1 >>> calls_set_trace() ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'print y', # print data defined in the function 'up', # out of function 'print x', # print data defined by the example 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: --Return-- > (3)calls_set_trace()->None -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) print y 2 (Pdb) up > (1)() -> calls_set_trace() (Pdb) print x 1 (Pdb) continue TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> def f(x): ... g(x*2) >>> def g(x): ... print x+3 ... import pdb; pdb.set_trace() >>> f(3) ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'list', # list source from example 2 'next', # return from g() 'list', # list source from example 1 'next', # return from f() 'list', # list source from example 3 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: --Return-- > (3)g()->None -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) list 1 def g(x): 2 print x+3 3 -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() [EOF] (Pdb) next --Return-- > (2)f()->None -> g(x*2) (Pdb) list 1 def f(x): 2 -> g(x*2) [EOF] (Pdb) next --Return-- > (1)()->None -> f(3) (Pdb) list 1 -> f(3) [EOF] (Pdb) continue ********************************************************************** File "foo-bä", line 7, in foo-bär@baz Failed example: f(3) Expected nothing Got: 9 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=3) ok Trying: class C(object): def calls_set_trace(self): y = 1 import pdb; pdb.set_trace() self.f1() y = 2 def f1(self): x = 1 self.f2() x = 2 def f2(self): z = 1 z = 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: calls_set_trace = C().calls_set_trace Expecting nothing ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> a = 1 >>> calls_set_trace() ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'print y', # print data defined in the function 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'print z', 'up', 'print x', 'up', 'print y', 'up', 'print foo', 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: > (5)calls_set_trace() -> self.f1() (Pdb) print y 1 (Pdb) step --Call-- > (7)f1() -> def f1(self): (Pdb) step > (8)f1() -> x = 1 (Pdb) step > (9)f1() -> self.f2() (Pdb) step --Call-- > (11)f2() -> def f2(self): (Pdb) step > (12)f2() -> z = 1 (Pdb) step > (13)f2() -> z = 2 (Pdb) print z 1 (Pdb) up > (9)f1() -> self.f2() (Pdb) print x 1 (Pdb) up > (5)calls_set_trace() -> self.f1() (Pdb) print y 1 (Pdb) up > (1)() -> calls_set_trace() (Pdb) print foo *** NameError: name 'foo' is not defined (Pdb) continue TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: save_argv = sys.argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: if '-v' in sys.argv: sys.argv = [arg for arg in save_argv if arg != '-v'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File "...", line 6, in test_doctest.txt Failed example: favorite_color Exception raised: ... NameError: name 'favorite_color' is not defined ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in test_doctest.txt ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: globs = {'favorite_color': 'blue'} Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', globs=globs) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: extraglobs = {'favorite_color': 'red'} Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', globs=globs, extraglobs=extraglobs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File "...", line 6, in test_doctest.txt Failed example: favorite_color Expected: 'blue' Got: 'red' ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in test_doctest.txt ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', globs=globs, module_relative='test') Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', globs=globs, verbose=True) Expecting: Trying: favorite_color Expecting: 'blue' ok Trying: if 1: print 'a' print print 'b' Expecting: a b ok 1 items passed all tests: 2 tests in test_doctest.txt 2 tests in 1 items. 2 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', name='newname') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File "...", line 6, in newname ... TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', report=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File "...", line 6, in test_doctest.txt Failed example: favorite_color Exception raised: ... NameError: name 'favorite_color' is not defined TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', raise_on_error=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): UnexpectedException: ... ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest4.txt') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File "...", line 7, in test_doctest4.txt Failed example: u'...' Expected: u'f\xf6\xf6' Got: u'f\xc3\xb6\xc3\xb6' ********************************************************************** ... ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 2 of 4 in test_doctest4.txt ***Test Failed*** 2 failures. TestResults(failed=2, attempted=4) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest4.txt', encoding='utf-8') Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest._encoding, saved_encoding = 'utf-8', doctest._encoding Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest4.txt', encoding='utf-8', verbose=True) Expecting: Trying: u'föö' Expecting: u'f\xf6\xf6' ok Trying: u'bąr' Expecting: u'b\u0105r' ok Trying: 'föö' Expecting: 'f\xc3\xb6\xc3\xb6' ok Trying: 'bąr' Expecting: 'b\xc4\x85r' ok 1 items passed all tests: 4 tests in test_doctest4.txt 4 tests in 1 items. 4 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4) ok Trying: doctest._encoding = saved_encoding Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.argv = save_argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: import test.test_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: name = 'test.test_doctest.sample_func' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print doctest.testsource(test.test_doctest, name) Expecting: # Blah blah # print sample_func(22) # Expected: ## 44 # # Yee ha! ok Trying: name = 'test.test_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print doctest.testsource(test.test_doctest, name) Expecting: print '1\n2\n3' # Expected: ## 1 ## 2 ## 3 ok Trying: name = 'test.test_doctest.SampleClass.a_classmethod' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print doctest.testsource(test.test_doctest, name) Expecting: print SampleClass.a_classmethod(10) # Expected: ## 12 print SampleClass(0).a_classmethod(10) # Expected: ## 12 ok Trying: x, y = 'foo', '' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x, y Expecting: foo ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE) Expecting nothing ok Trying: import unittest Expecting nothing ok Trying: result = Expecting nothing ok Trying: print result.failures[0][1] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Traceback ... Failed example: favorite_color ... Failed example: if 1: ... ok Trying: old = doctest.set_unittest_reportflags( doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE) Expecting nothing ok Trying: result = Expecting nothing ok Trying: print result.failures[0][1] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Traceback ... Failed example: favorite_color Exception raised: ... NameError: name 'favorite_color' is not defined ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE | doctest.REPORT_NDIFF) Expecting nothing ok Trying: result = Expecting nothing ok Trying: print result.failures[0][1] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Traceback ... Failed example: favorite_color ... Failed example: if 1: print 'a' print print 'b' Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual): a - + b ok Trying: ignored = doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(old) Expecting nothing ok 9 items had no tests: test.test_doctest test.test_doctest.SampleClass.NestedClass.get test.test_doctest.SampleClass.NestedClass.square test.test_doctest._FakeInput test.test_doctest._FakeInput.__init__ test.test_doctest._FakeInput.readline test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner test.test_doctest.test_coverage test.test_doctest.test_main 39 items passed all tests: 3 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass 3 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.NestedClass 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.__init__ 2 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.a_property 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.double 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.get 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass.__init__ 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass.double 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass.get 6 tests in test.test_doctest.old_test1 4 tests in test.test_doctest.old_test2 4 tests in test.test_doctest.old_test3 13 tests in test.test_doctest.old_test4 1 tests in test.test_doctest.sample_func 40 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocFileSuite 39 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTest 46 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestFinder 7 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestParser 6 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.basics 11 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.displayhook 39 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.exceptions 33 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.option_directives 59 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.optionflags 3 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.test_unicode_output 9 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.verbose_flag 30 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestSuite 44 tests in test.test_doctest.test_Example 5 tests in test.test_doctest.test_debug 9 tests in test.test_doctest.test_lineendings 19 tests in test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace 9 tests in test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested 29 tests in test.test_doctest.test_testfile 7 tests in test.test_doctest.test_testsource 2 tests in test.test_doctest.test_trailing_space_in_test 11 tests in test.test_doctest.test_unittest_reportflags 503 tests in 48 items. 503 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_doctest) ... 503 tests with zero failures 0:00:00 load avg: 0.78 [ 9/403/1] test_doctest2 Trying: print 'yup' # 1 Expecting: yup ok Trying: print C() # 2 Expecting: 42 ok Trying: print "In D!" # 5 Expecting: In D! ok Trying: print 3 # 6 Expecting: 3 ok Trying: print C() # 3 Expecting: 42 ok Trying: print C() # 4 Expecting: 42 ok Trying: print C.clsm(22) # 18 Expecting: 22 ok Trying: print C().clsm(23) # 19 Expecting: 23 ok Trying: c = C() # 7 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.x = 12 # 8 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.x # 9 Expecting: -12 ok Trying: c = C() # 10 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.x = 12 # 11 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.x # 12 Expecting: -12 ok Trying: print C.statm() # 16 Expecting: 666 ok Trying: print C().statm() # 17 Expecting: 666 ok Trying: c = C() # 13 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.x = 12 # 14 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.x # 15 Expecting: -12 ok 1 items had no tests: test.test_doctest2.test_main 11 items passed all tests: 1 tests in test.test_doctest2 1 tests in test.test_doctest2.C 1 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.D 1 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.D.nested 1 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.__init__ 1 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.__str__ 2 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.clsm 3 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.getx 3 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.setx 2 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.statm 3 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.x 19 tests in 12 items. 19 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_doctest2) ... 19 tests with zero failures 0:00:00 load avg: 0.78 [ 10/403/1] test_MimeWriter PASS: test (test.test_MimeWriter.MimewriterTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.78 [ 11/403/1] test_SimpleHTTPServer PASS: test_queryArguments (test.test_SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandlerTestCase) PASS: test_startWithDoubleSlash (test.test_SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandlerTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.78 [ 12/403/1] test_StringIO PASS: test_closed_flag (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_reads (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_reads_from_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_writes (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_writes_to_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_array_support (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_closed_flag (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_reads (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_reads_from_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_writes (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_writes_to_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 25 tests in 0.062s OK PASS: test_closed_flag (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_reads (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_reads_from_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_writes (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_writes_to_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_array_support (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_closed_flag (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_reads (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_reads_from_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_writes (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_writes_to_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 25 tests in 0.061s OK PASS: test_array_support (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_closed_flag (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_reads (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_reads_from_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_writes (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_writes_to_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.031s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.80 [ 13/403/1] test___all__ test_all (test.test___all__.AllTest) ... BaseHTTPServer CGIHTTPServer ConfigParser Cookie DocXMLRPCServer HTMLParser MimeWriter Queue SimpleHTTPServer SimpleXMLRPCServer SocketServer StringIO UserDict UserList UserString _LWPCookieJar _MozillaCookieJar _abcoll _pyio _strptime _sysconfigdata _threading_local _weakrefset abc anydbm argparse ast asynchat asyncore atexit audiodev base64 bdb bisect bsddb bsddb.db bsddb.dbobj bsddb.dbrecio bsddb.dbshelve bsddb.dbtables bsddb.dbutils bsddb.test bsddb.test.test_all bsddb.test.test_associate bsddb.test.test_basics bsddb.test.test_compare bsddb.test.test_compat bsddb.test.test_cursor_pget_bug bsddb.test.test_db bsddb.test.test_dbenv bsddb.test.test_dbobj bsddb.test.test_dbshelve bsddb.test.test_dbtables bsddb.test.test_distributed_transactions bsddb.test.test_early_close bsddb.test.test_fileid bsddb.test.test_get_none bsddb.test.test_join bsddb.test.test_lock bsddb.test.test_misc bsddb.test.test_pickle bsddb.test.test_queue bsddb.test.test_recno bsddb.test.test_replication bsddb.test.test_sequence bsddb.test.test_thread cProfile calendar cgi chunk cmd code codecs codeop collections colorsys commands compileall compiler compiler.ast compiler.consts compiler.future compiler.misc compiler.pyassem compiler.pycodegen compiler.symbols compiler.syntax compiler.transformer compiler.visitor contextlib cookielib copy copy_reg csv ctypes ctypes._endian ctypes.macholib ctypes.macholib.dyld ctypes.macholib.dylib ctypes.macholib.framework ctypes.test ctypes.test.runtests ctypes.test.test_anon ctypes.test.test_array_in_pointer ctypes.test.test_arrays ctypes.test.test_as_parameter ctypes.test.test_bitfields ctypes.test.test_buffers ctypes.test.test_byteswap ctypes.test.test_callbacks ctypes.test.test_cast ctypes.test.test_cfuncs ctypes.test.test_checkretval ctypes.test.test_delattr ctypes.test.test_errno ctypes.test.test_find ctypes.test.test_frombuffer ctypes.test.test_funcptr ctypes.test.test_functions ctypes.test.test_incomplete ctypes.test.test_init ctypes.test.test_internals ctypes.test.test_keeprefs ctypes.test.test_libc ctypes.test.test_loading ctypes.test.test_macholib ctypes.test.test_memfunctions ctypes.test.test_numbers ctypes.test.test_objects ctypes.test.test_parameters ctypes.test.test_pep3118 ctypes.test.test_pickling ctypes.test.test_pointers ctypes.test.test_prototypes ctypes.test.test_python_api ctypes.test.test_random_things ctypes.test.test_refcounts ctypes.test.test_repr ctypes.test.test_returnfuncptrs ctypes.test.test_simplesubclasses ctypes.test.test_sizes ctypes.test.test_slicing ctypes.test.test_stringptr ctypes.test.test_strings ctypes.test.test_struct_fields ctypes.test.test_structures ctypes.test.test_unaligned_structures ctypes.test.test_unicode ctypes.test.test_values ctypes.test.test_varsize_struct ctypes.test.test_win32 ctypes.test.test_wintypes ctypes.util ctypes.wintypes curses curses.ascii curses.has_key curses.panel curses.textpad curses.wrapper dbhash decimal difflib dircache dis distutils distutils.archive_util distutils.bcppcompiler distutils.ccompiler distutils.cmd distutils.command distutils.command.bdist distutils.command.bdist_dumb distutils.command.bdist_msi distutils.command.bdist_rpm distutils.command.bdist_wininst distutils.command.build_clib distutils.command.build_ext distutils.command.build_py distutils.command.build_scripts distutils.command.check distutils.command.clean distutils.command.config distutils.command.install distutils.command.install_data distutils.command.install_egg_info distutils.command.install_headers distutils.command.install_lib distutils.command.install_scripts distutils.command.register distutils.command.sdist distutils.command.upload distutils.config distutils.core distutils.cygwinccompiler distutils.debug distutils.dep_util distutils.dir_util distutils.dist distutils.emxccompiler distutils.errors distutils.extension distutils.fancy_getopt distutils.file_util distutils.filelist distutils.log distutils.msvc9compiler distutils.msvccompiler distutils.spawn distutils.sysconfig distutils.tests distutils.tests.setuptools_build_ext distutils.tests.setuptools_extension distutils.tests.test_archive_util distutils.tests.test_bdist distutils.tests.test_bdist_dumb distutils.tests.test_bdist_msi distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm distutils.tests.test_bdist_wininst distutils.tests.test_build distutils.tests.test_build_clib distutils.tests.test_build_ext distutils.tests.test_build_py distutils.tests.test_build_scripts distutils.tests.test_ccompiler distutils.tests.test_check distutils.tests.test_clean distutils.tests.test_cmd distutils.tests.test_config distutils.tests.test_config_cmd distutils.tests.test_core distutils.tests.test_dep_util distutils.tests.test_dir_util distutils.tests.test_dist distutils.tests.test_file_util distutils.tests.test_filelist distutils.tests.test_install distutils.tests.test_install_data distutils.tests.test_install_headers distutils.tests.test_install_lib distutils.tests.test_install_scripts distutils.tests.test_msvc9compiler distutils.tests.test_register distutils.tests.test_sdist distutils.tests.test_spawn distutils.tests.test_sysconfig distutils.tests.test_text_file distutils.tests.test_unixccompiler distutils.tests.test_upload distutils.tests.test_util distutils.tests.test_version distutils.tests.test_versionpredicate distutils.text_file distutils.unixccompiler distutils.util distutils.version distutils.versionpredicate doctest dumbdbm dummy_thread dummy_threading email email._parseaddr email.base64mime email.charset email.encoders email.errors email.feedparser email.generator email.header email.iterators email.message email.mime email.mime.application email.mime.base email.mime.image email.mime.message email.mime.multipart email.mime.nonmultipart email.mime.text email.parser email.quoprimime email.test email.test.test_email email.test.test_email_codecs email.test.test_email_codecs_renamed email.test.test_email_renamed email.test.test_email_torture email.utils encodings encodings.aliases encodings.ascii encodings.base64_codec encodings.big5 encodings.big5hkscs encodings.bz2_codec encodings.charmap encodings.cp037 encodings.cp1006 encodings.cp1026 encodings.cp1140 encodings.cp1250 encodings.cp1251 encodings.cp1252 encodings.cp1253 encodings.cp1254 encodings.cp1255 encodings.cp1256 encodings.cp1257 encodings.cp1258 encodings.cp424 encodings.cp437 encodings.cp500 encodings.cp720 encodings.cp737 encodings.cp775 encodings.cp850 encodings.cp852 encodings.cp855 encodings.cp856 encodings.cp857 encodings.cp858 encodings.cp860 encodings.cp861 encodings.cp862 encodings.cp863 encodings.cp864 encodings.cp865 encodings.cp866 encodings.cp869 encodings.cp874 encodings.cp875 encodings.cp932 encodings.cp949 encodings.cp950 encodings.euc_jis_2004 encodings.euc_jisx0213 encodings.euc_jp encodings.euc_kr encodings.gb18030 encodings.gb2312 encodings.gbk encodings.hex_codec encodings.hp_roman8 encodings.hz encodings.idna encodings.iso2022_jp encodings.iso2022_jp_1 encodings.iso2022_jp_2 encodings.iso2022_jp_2004 encodings.iso2022_jp_3 encodings.iso2022_jp_ext encodings.iso2022_kr encodings.iso8859_1 encodings.iso8859_10 encodings.iso8859_11 encodings.iso8859_13 encodings.iso8859_14 encodings.iso8859_15 encodings.iso8859_16 encodings.iso8859_2 encodings.iso8859_3 encodings.iso8859_4 encodings.iso8859_5 encodings.iso8859_6 encodings.iso8859_7 encodings.iso8859_8 encodings.iso8859_9 encodings.johab encodings.koi8_r encodings.koi8_u encodings.latin_1 encodings.mac_arabic encodings.mac_centeuro encodings.mac_croatian encodings.mac_cyrillic encodings.mac_farsi encodings.mac_greek encodings.mac_iceland encodings.mac_latin2 encodings.mac_roman encodings.mac_romanian encodings.mac_turkish encodings.mbcs encodings.palmos encodings.ptcp154 encodings.punycode encodings.quopri_codec encodings.raw_unicode_escape encodings.rot_13 encodings.shift_jis encodings.shift_jis_2004 encodings.shift_jisx0213 encodings.string_escape encodings.tis_620 encodings.undefined encodings.unicode_escape encodings.unicode_internal encodings.utf_16 encodings.utf_16_be encodings.utf_16_le encodings.utf_32 encodings.utf_32_be encodings.utf_32_le encodings.utf_7 encodings.utf_8 encodings.utf_8_sig encodings.uu_codec encodings.zlib_codec fnmatch formatter fractions ftplib functools genericpath getopt getpass gettext glob gzip hashlib heapq hmac hotshot hotshot.log hotshot.stats hotshot.stones htmlentitydefs htmllib httplib idlelib idlelib.AutoComplete idlelib.AutoCompleteWindow idlelib.AutoExpand idlelib.Bindings idlelib.CallTipWindow idlelib.CallTips idlelib.ClassBrowser idlelib.CodeContext idlelib.ColorDelegator idlelib.Debugger idlelib.Delegator idlelib.EditorWindow idlelib.FileList idlelib.FormatParagraph idlelib.GrepDialog idlelib.HyperParser idlelib.IOBinding idlelib.IdleHistory idlelib.MultiCall idlelib.MultiStatusBar idlelib.ObjectBrowser idlelib.OutputWindow idlelib.ParenMatch idlelib.PathBrowser idlelib.Percolator idlelib.PyParse idlelib.PyShell idlelib.RemoteDebugger idlelib.RemoteObjectBrowser idlelib.ReplaceDialog idlelib.RstripExtension idlelib.ScriptBinding idlelib.ScrolledList idlelib.SearchDialog idlelib.SearchDialogBase idlelib.SearchEngine idlelib.StackViewer idlelib.ToolTip idlelib.TreeWidget idlelib.UndoDelegator idlelib.WidgetRedirector idlelib.WindowList idlelib.ZoomHeight idlelib.aboutDialog idlelib.configDialog idlelib.configHandler idlelib.configHelpSourceEdit idlelib.configSectionNameDialog idlelib.dynOptionMenuWidget idlelib.idle idlelib.idle_test idlelib.idle_test.htest idlelib.idle_test.mock_idle idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk idlelib.idle_test.test_autocomplete idlelib.idle_test.test_autoexpand idlelib.idle_test.test_calltips idlelib.idle_test.test_config_name idlelib.idle_test.test_configdialog idlelib.idle_test.test_delegator idlelib.idle_test.test_editmenu idlelib.idle_test.test_formatparagraph idlelib.idle_test.test_grep idlelib.idle_test.test_helpabout idlelib.idle_test.test_hyperparser idlelib.idle_test.test_idlehistory idlelib.idle_test.test_io idlelib.idle_test.test_parenmatch idlelib.idle_test.test_pathbrowser idlelib.idle_test.test_rstrip idlelib.idle_test.test_searchdialogbase idlelib.idle_test.test_searchengine idlelib.idle_test.test_text idlelib.idle_test.test_textview idlelib.idle_test.test_warning idlelib.idle_test.test_widgetredir idlelib.idlever idlelib.keybindingDialog idlelib.macosxSupport idlelib.rpc idlelib.tabbedpages idlelib.textView imaplib imghdr importlib inspect io json json.decoder json.encoder json.scanner json.tests json.tests.test_check_circular json.tests.test_decode json.tests.test_default json.tests.test_dump json.tests.test_encode_basestring_ascii json.tests.test_fail json.tests.test_float json.tests.test_indent json.tests.test_pass1 json.tests.test_pass2 json.tests.test_pass3 json.tests.test_recursion json.tests.test_scanstring json.tests.test_separators json.tests.test_speedups json.tests.test_tool json.tests.test_unicode json.tool keyword lib2to3 lib2to3.__main__ lib2to3.btm_matcher lib2to3.btm_utils lib2to3.fixer_base lib2to3.fixer_util lib2to3.fixes lib2to3.fixes.fix_apply lib2to3.fixes.fix_asserts lib2to3.fixes.fix_basestring lib2to3.fixes.fix_buffer lib2to3.fixes.fix_dict lib2to3.fixes.fix_except lib2to3.fixes.fix_exec lib2to3.fixes.fix_execfile lib2to3.fixes.fix_exitfunc lib2to3.fixes.fix_filter lib2to3.fixes.fix_funcattrs lib2to3.fixes.fix_future lib2to3.fixes.fix_getcwdu lib2to3.fixes.fix_has_key lib2to3.fixes.fix_idioms lib2to3.fixes.fix_import lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports2 lib2to3.fixes.fix_input lib2to3.fixes.fix_intern lib2to3.fixes.fix_isinstance lib2to3.fixes.fix_itertools lib2to3.fixes.fix_itertools_imports lib2to3.fixes.fix_long lib2to3.fixes.fix_map lib2to3.fixes.fix_metaclass lib2to3.fixes.fix_methodattrs lib2to3.fixes.fix_ne lib2to3.fixes.fix_next lib2to3.fixes.fix_nonzero lib2to3.fixes.fix_numliterals lib2to3.fixes.fix_operator lib2to3.fixes.fix_paren lib2to3.fixes.fix_print lib2to3.fixes.fix_raise lib2to3.fixes.fix_raw_input lib2to3.fixes.fix_reduce lib2to3.fixes.fix_renames lib2to3.fixes.fix_repr lib2to3.fixes.fix_set_literal lib2to3.fixes.fix_standarderror lib2to3.fixes.fix_sys_exc lib2to3.fixes.fix_throw lib2to3.fixes.fix_tuple_params lib2to3.fixes.fix_types lib2to3.fixes.fix_unicode lib2to3.fixes.fix_urllib lib2to3.fixes.fix_ws_comma lib2to3.fixes.fix_xrange lib2to3.fixes.fix_xreadlines lib2to3.fixes.fix_zip lib2to3.main lib2to3.patcomp lib2to3.pgen2 lib2to3.pgen2.conv lib2to3.pgen2.driver lib2to3.pgen2.grammar lib2to3.pgen2.literals lib2to3.pgen2.parse lib2to3.pgen2.pgen lib2to3.pgen2.token lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize lib2to3.pygram lib2to3.pytree lib2to3.refactor lib2to3.tests lib2to3.tests.pytree_idempotency lib2to3.tests.test_all_fixers lib2to3.tests.test_fixers lib2to3.tests.test_main lib2to3.tests.test_parser lib2to3.tests.test_pytree lib2to3.tests.test_refactor lib2to3.tests.test_util linecache locale logging logging.config logging.handlers mailbox markupbase md5 mimetools mimetypes multiprocessing multiprocessing.connection multiprocessing.dummy multiprocessing.dummy.connection multiprocessing.forking multiprocessing.heap multiprocessing.managers multiprocessing.pool multiprocessing.process multiprocessing.queues multiprocessing.reduction multiprocessing.sharedctypes multiprocessing.synchronize multiprocessing.util mutex new nntplib numbers opcode optparse os pdb pickle pickletools pipes pkgutil platform plistlib popen2 poplib posixpath pprint profile pstats pty py_compile pydoc pydoc_data pydoc_data.topics quopri random re repr rfc822 rlcompleter robotparser runpy sets sgmllib sha shelve shlex shutil site sitecustomize smtpd smtplib sndhdr socket sre sre_compile sre_constants sre_parse ssl stat string stringold stringprep struct subprocess sunau sunaudio symbol sysconfig tarfile telnetlib tempfile test test.__main__ test._mock_backport test.audiotests test.autotest test.bad_coding test.bad_coding2 test.bad_coding3 test.badsyntax_future3 test.badsyntax_future4 test.badsyntax_future5 test.badsyntax_future6 test.badsyntax_future7 test.badsyntax_future8 test.badsyntax_future9 test.badsyntax_nocaret test.bisect test.curses_tests test.doctest_aliases test.double_const test.fork_wait test.gdb_sample test.infinite_reload test.inspect_fodder test.inspect_fodder2 test.list_tests test.lock_tests test.make_ssl_certs test.mapping_tests test.mp_fork_bomb test.multibytecodec_support test.outstanding_bugs test.pickletester test.profilee test.pyclbr_input test.pydoc_mod test.pydocfodder test.pystone test.pythoninfo test.re_tests test.regrtest test.relimport test.reperf test.sample_doctest test.sample_doctest_no_docstrings test.sample_doctest_no_doctests test.script_helper test.seq_tests test.sortperf test.ssl_servers test.ssltests test.string_tests test.symlink_support test.test_MimeWriter test.test_SimpleHTTPServer test.test_StringIO test.test___all__ test.test___future__ test.test__locale test.test__osx_support test.test_abc test.test_abstract_numbers test.test_aepack test.test_aifc test.test_al test.test_anydbm test.test_applesingle test.test_argparse test.test_array test.test_ascii_formatd test.test_ast test.test_asynchat test.test_asyncore test.test_atexit test.test_audioop test.test_augassign test.test_base64 test.test_bastion test.test_bigaddrspace test.test_bigmem test.test_binascii test.test_binhex test.test_binop test.test_bisect test.test_bool test.test_bsddb test.test_bsddb185 test.test_bsddb3 test.test_buffer test.test_bufio test.test_builtin test.test_bytes test.test_bz2 test.test_calendar test.test_call test.test_capi test.test_cd test.test_cfgparser test.test_cgi test.test_charmapcodec test.test_cl test.test_class test.test_cmath test.test_cmd test.test_cmd_line test.test_cmd_line_script test.test_code test.test_codeccallbacks test.test_codecencodings_cn test.test_codecencodings_hk test.test_codecencodings_iso2022 test.test_codecencodings_jp test.test_codecencodings_kr test.test_codecencodings_tw test.test_codecmaps_cn test.test_codecmaps_hk test.test_codecmaps_jp test.test_codecmaps_kr test.test_codecmaps_tw test.test_codecs test.test_codeop test.test_coercion test.test_collections test.test_colorsys test.test_commands test.test_compare test.test_compile test.test_compileall test.test_compiler test.test_complex test.test_complex_args test.test_contains test.test_contextlib test.test_cookie test.test_cookielib test.test_copy test.test_copy_reg test.test_cpickle test.test_cprofile test.test_crypt test.test_csv test.test_ctypes test.test_curses test.test_datetime test.test_dbm test.test_decimal test.test_decorators test.test_defaultdict test.test_deque test.test_descr test.test_descrtut test.test_dict test.test_dictcomps test.test_dictviews test.test_difflib test.test_dircache test.test_dis test.test_distutils test.test_dl test.test_doctest test.test_doctest2 test.test_docxmlrpc test.test_dumbdbm test.test_dummy_thread test.test_dummy_threading test.test_email test.test_email_codecs test.test_email_renamed test.test_ensurepip test.test_enumerate test.test_eof test.test_epoll test.test_errno test.test_exception_variations test.test_exceptions test.test_extcall test.test_fcntl test.test_file test.test_file2k test.test_file_eintr test.test_filecmp test.test_fileinput test.test_fileio test.test_float test.test_fnmatch test.test_fork1 test.test_format test.test_fpformat test.test_fractions test.test_frozen test.test_ftplib test.test_funcattrs test.test_functools test.test_future test.test_future1 test.test_future2 test.test_future3 test.test_future4 test.test_future5 test.test_future_builtins test.test_gc test.test_gdb test.test_gdbm test.test_generators test.test_genericpath test.test_genexps test.test_getargs test.test_getargs2 test.test_getopt test.test_gettext test.test_gl test.test_glob test.test_global test.test_grammar test.test_grp test.test_gzip test.test_hash test.test_hashlib test.test_heapq test.test_hmac test.test_hotshot test.test_htmllib test.test_htmlparser test.test_httplib test.test_httpservers test.test_idle test.test_imageop test.test_imaplib test.test_imgfile test.test_imghdr test.test_imp test.test_import test.test_import_magic test.test_importhooks test.test_importlib test.test_index test.test_inspect test.test_int test.test_int_literal test.test_io test.test_ioctl test.test_isinstance test.test_iter test.test_iterlen test.test_itertools test.test_json test.test_kqueue test.test_largefile test.test_lib2to3 test.test_linecache test.test_linuxaudiodev test.test_list test.test_locale test.test_logging test.test_long test.test_long_future test.test_longexp test.test_macos test.test_macostools test.test_macpath test.test_macurl2path test.test_mailbox test.test_marshal test.test_math test.test_md5 test.test_memoryio test.test_memoryview test.test_mhlib test.test_mimetools test.test_mimetypes test.test_minidom test.test_mmap test.test_module test.test_modulefinder test.test_msilib test.test_multibytecodec test.test_multifile test.test_multiprocessing test.test_mutants test.test_mutex test.test_netrc test.test_new test.test_nis test.test_nntplib test.test_normalization test.test_ntpath test.test_old_mailbox test.test_opcodes test.test_openpty test.test_operator test.test_optparse test.test_ordered_dict test.test_os test.test_ossaudiodev test.test_parser test.test_pdb test.test_peepholer test.test_pep247 test.test_pep277 test.test_pep352 test.test_pickle test.test_pickletools test.test_pipes test.test_pkg test.test_pkgimport test.test_pkgutil test.test_platform test.test_plistlib test.test_poll test.test_popen test.test_popen2 test.test_poplib test.test_posix test.test_posixpath test.test_pow test.test_pprint test.test_print test.test_profile test.test_property test.test_pstats test.test_pty test.test_pwd test.test_py3kwarn test.test_py_compile test.test_pyclbr test.test_pydoc test.test_pyexpat test.test_queue test.test_quopri test.test_random test.test_re test.test_readline test.test_regrtest test.test_repr test.test_resource test.test_rfc822 test.test_richcmp test.test_rlcompleter test.test_robotparser test.test_runpy test.test_sax test.test_scope test.test_scriptpackages test.test_select test.test_set test.test_setcomps test.test_sets test.test_sgmllib test.test_sha test.test_shelve test.test_shlex test.test_shutil test.test_signal test.test_site test.test_slice test.test_smtplib test.test_smtpnet test.test_socket test.test_socketserver test.test_softspace test.test_sort test.test_source_encoding test.test_spwd test.test_sqlite test.test_ssl test.test_startfile test.test_stat test.test_str test.test_strftime test.test_string test.test_stringprep test.test_strop test.test_strptime test.test_strtod test.test_struct test.test_structmembers test.test_structseq test.test_subprocess test.test_sunau test.test_sunaudiodev test.test_sundry test.test_support test.test_symtable test.test_syntax test.test_sys test.test_sys_setprofile test.test_sys_settrace test.test_sysconfig test.test_tarfile test.test_tcl test.test_telnetlib test.test_tempfile test.test_test_support test.test_textwrap test.test_thread test.test_threaded_import test.test_threadedtempfile test.test_threading test.test_threading_local test.test_threadsignals test.test_time test.test_timeit test.test_timeout test.test_tk test.test_tokenize test.test_tools test.test_trace test.test_traceback test.test_transformer test.test_ttk_guionly test.test_ttk_textonly test.test_tuple test.test_turtle test.test_typechecks test.test_types test.test_ucn test.test_unary test.test_undocumented_details test.test_unicode test.test_unicode_file test.test_unicodedata test.test_unittest test.test_univnewlines test.test_univnewlines2k test.test_unpack test.test_urllib test.test_urllib2 test.test_urllib2_localnet test.test_urllib2net test.test_urllibnet test.test_urlparse test.test_userdict test.test_userlist test.test_userstring test.test_uu test.test_uuid test.test_wait3 test.test_wait4 test.test_warnings test.test_wave test.test_weakref test.test_weakset test.test_whichdb test.test_winreg test.test_winsound test.test_with test.test_wsgiref test.test_xdrlib test.test_xml_etree test.test_xml_etree_c test.test_xmllib test.test_xmlrpc test.test_xpickle test.test_xrange test.test_zipfile test.test_zipfile64 test.test_zipimport test.test_zipimport_support test.test_zlib test.testall test.testcodec test.tf_inherit_check test.threaded_import_hangers test.time_hashlib test.tracedmodules test.tracedmodules.testmod test.warning_tests test.win_console_handler test.xmltests textwrap threading toaiff token tokenize traceback tty types unittest unittest.__main__ unittest.loader unittest.main unittest.result unittest.runner unittest.signals unittest.suite unittest.test unittest.test.dummy unittest.test.test_assertions unittest.test.test_break unittest.test.test_case unittest.test.test_discovery unittest.test.test_functiontestcase unittest.test.test_loader unittest.test.test_program unittest.test.test_result unittest.test.test_runner unittest.test.test_setups unittest.test.test_skipping unittest.test.test_suite unittest.util urllib urllib2 urlparse uu uuid warnings wave weakref whichdb xdrlib xml xml.dom xml.dom.NodeFilter xml.dom.domreg xml.dom.expatbuilder xml.dom.minicompat xml.dom.minidom xml.dom.pulldom xml.dom.xmlbuilder xml.etree xml.etree.ElementInclude xml.etree.ElementPath xml.etree.ElementTree xml.etree.cElementTree xml.parsers xml.parsers.expat xml.sax xml.sax._exceptions xml.sax.expatreader xml.sax.handler xml.sax.saxutils xml.sax.xmlreader zipfile Following modules have no __all__ and have been ignored: ['DocXMLRPCServer', 'HTMLParser', 'SimpleXMLRPCServer', 'UserDict', 'UserList', '_LWPCookieJar', '_MozillaCookieJar', '_sysconfigdata', 'abc', 'anydbm', 'ast', 'asynchat', 'asyncore', 'bisect', 'bsddb', 'bsddb.db', 'bsddb.dbobj', 'bsddb.dbrecio', 'bsddb.dbshelve', 'bsddb.dbtables', 'bsddb.dbutils', 'bsddb.test', 'bsddb.test.test_all', 'bsddb.test.test_associate', 'bsddb.test.test_basics', 'bsddb.test.test_compare', 'bsddb.test.test_compat', 'bsddb.test.test_cursor_pget_bug', 'bsddb.test.test_db', 'bsddb.test.test_dbenv', 'bsddb.test.test_dbobj', 'bsddb.test.test_dbshelve', 'bsddb.test.test_dbtables', 'bsddb.test.test_distributed_transactions', 'bsddb.test.test_early_close', 'bsddb.test.test_fileid', 'bsddb.test.test_get_none', 'bsddb.test.test_join', 'bsddb.test.test_lock', 'bsddb.test.test_misc', 'bsddb.test.test_pickle', 'bsddb.test.test_queue', 'bsddb.test.test_recno', 'bsddb.test.test_replication', 'bsddb.test.test_sequence', 'bsddb.test.test_thread', 'chunk', 'compiler', 'compiler.ast', 'compiler.consts', 'compiler.future', 'compiler.misc', 'compiler.pyassem', 'compiler.pycodegen', 'compiler.symbols', 'compiler.syntax', 'compiler.transformer', 'compiler.visitor', 'ctypes', 'ctypes._endian', 'ctypes.macholib', 'ctypes.test', 'ctypes.test.runtests', 'ctypes.test.test_anon', 'ctypes.test.test_array_in_pointer', 'ctypes.test.test_arrays', 'ctypes.test.test_as_parameter', 'ctypes.test.test_bitfields', 'ctypes.test.test_buffers', 'ctypes.test.test_byteswap', 'ctypes.test.test_callbacks', 'ctypes.test.test_cast', 'ctypes.test.test_cfuncs', 'ctypes.test.test_checkretval', 'ctypes.test.test_delattr', 'ctypes.test.test_errno', 'ctypes.test.test_find', 'ctypes.test.test_frombuffer', 'ctypes.test.test_funcptr', 'ctypes.test.test_functions', 'ctypes.test.test_incomplete', 'ctypes.test.test_init', 'ctypes.test.test_internals', 'ctypes.test.test_keeprefs', 'ctypes.test.test_libc', 'ctypes.test.test_loading', 'ctypes.test.test_macholib', 'ctypes.test.test_memfunctions', 'ctypes.test.test_numbers', 'ctypes.test.test_objects', 'ctypes.test.test_parameters', 'ctypes.test.test_pep3118', 'ctypes.test.test_pickling', 'ctypes.test.test_pointers', 'ctypes.test.test_prototypes', 'ctypes.test.test_python_api', 'ctypes.test.test_random_things', 'ctypes.test.test_refcounts', 'ctypes.test.test_repr', 'ctypes.test.test_returnfuncptrs', 'ctypes.test.test_simplesubclasses', 'ctypes.test.test_sizes', 'ctypes.test.test_slicing', 'ctypes.test.test_stringptr', 'ctypes.test.test_strings', 'ctypes.test.test_struct_fields', 'ctypes.test.test_structures', 'ctypes.test.test_unaligned_structures', 'ctypes.test.test_unicode', 'ctypes.test.test_values', 'ctypes.test.test_varsize_struct', 'ctypes.test.test_win32', 'ctypes.test.test_wintypes', 'ctypes.util', 'curses', 'curses.ascii', 'curses.has_key', 'curses.panel', 'curses.textpad', 'curses.wrapper', 'distutils', 'distutils.archive_util', 'distutils.bcppcompiler', 'distutils.ccompiler', 'distutils.cmd', 'distutils.command.bdist', 'distutils.command.bdist_dumb', 'distutils.command.bdist_msi', 'distutils.command.bdist_rpm', 'distutils.command.bdist_wininst', '', 'distutils.command.build_clib', 'distutils.command.build_ext', 'distutils.command.build_py', 'distutils.command.build_scripts', 'distutils.command.check', 'distutils.command.clean', 'distutils.command.config', 'distutils.command.install', 'distutils.command.install_data', 'distutils.command.install_egg_info', 'distutils.command.install_headers', 'distutils.command.install_lib', 'distutils.command.install_scripts', 'distutils.command.register', 'distutils.command.sdist', 'distutils.command.upload', 'distutils.config', 'distutils.core', 'distutils.cygwinccompiler', 'distutils.debug', 'distutils.dep_util', 'distutils.dir_util', 'distutils.dist', 'distutils.emxccompiler', 'distutils.errors', 'distutils.extension', 'distutils.fancy_getopt', 'distutils.file_util', 'distutils.filelist', 'distutils.log', 'distutils.msvc9compiler', 'distutils.msvccompiler', 'distutils.spawn', 'distutils.sysconfig', 'distutils.tests', 'distutils.tests.setuptools_build_ext', 'distutils.tests.setuptools_extension', '', 'distutils.tests.test_archive_util', 'distutils.tests.test_bdist', 'distutils.tests.test_bdist_dumb', 'distutils.tests.test_bdist_msi', 'distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm', 'distutils.tests.test_bdist_wininst', 'distutils.tests.test_build', 'distutils.tests.test_build_clib', 'distutils.tests.test_build_ext', 'distutils.tests.test_build_py', 'distutils.tests.test_build_scripts', 'distutils.tests.test_ccompiler', 'distutils.tests.test_check', 'distutils.tests.test_clean', 'distutils.tests.test_cmd', 'distutils.tests.test_config', 'distutils.tests.test_config_cmd', 'distutils.tests.test_core', 'distutils.tests.test_dep_util', 'distutils.tests.test_dir_util', 'distutils.tests.test_dist', 'distutils.tests.test_file_util', 'distutils.tests.test_filelist', 'distutils.tests.test_install', 'distutils.tests.test_install_data', 'distutils.tests.test_install_headers', 'distutils.tests.test_install_lib', 'distutils.tests.test_install_scripts', 'distutils.tests.test_msvc9compiler', 'distutils.tests.test_register', 'distutils.tests.test_sdist', 'distutils.tests.test_spawn', 'distutils.tests.test_sysconfig', 'distutils.tests.test_text_file', 'distutils.tests.test_unixccompiler', 'distutils.tests.test_upload', 'distutils.tests.test_util', 'distutils.tests.test_version', 'distutils.tests.test_versionpredicate', 'distutils.text_file', 'distutils.unixccompiler', 'distutils.util', 'distutils.version', 'distutils.versionpredicate', 'dumbdbm', 'email.errors', 'email.mime', 'email.test', 'email.test.test_email', 'email.test.test_email_codecs', 'email.test.test_email_codecs_renamed', 'email.test.test_email_renamed', 'email.test.test_email_torture', 'encodings', 'encodings.aliases', 'encodings.ascii', 'encodings.base64_codec', 'encodings.big5', 'encodings.big5hkscs', 'encodings.bz2_codec', 'encodings.charmap', 'encodings.cp037', 'encodings.cp1006', 'encodings.cp1026', 'encodings.cp1140', 'encodings.cp1250', 'encodings.cp1251', 'encodings.cp1252', 'encodings.cp1253', 'encodings.cp1254', 'encodings.cp1255', 'encodings.cp1256', 'encodings.cp1257', 'encodings.cp1258', 'encodings.cp424', 'encodings.cp437', 'encodings.cp500', 'encodings.cp720', 'encodings.cp737', 'encodings.cp775', 'encodings.cp850', 'encodings.cp852', 'encodings.cp855', 'encodings.cp856', 'encodings.cp857', 'encodings.cp858', 'encodings.cp860', 'encodings.cp861', 'encodings.cp862', 'encodings.cp863', 'encodings.cp864', 'encodings.cp865', 'encodings.cp866', 'encodings.cp869', 'encodings.cp874', 'encodings.cp875', 'encodings.cp932', 'encodings.cp949', 'encodings.cp950', 'encodings.euc_jis_2004', 'encodings.euc_jisx0213', 'encodings.euc_jp', 'encodings.euc_kr', 'encodings.gb18030', 'encodings.gb2312', 'encodings.gbk', 'encodings.hex_codec', 'encodings.hp_roman8', 'encodings.hz', 'encodings.idna', 'encodings.iso2022_jp', 'encodings.iso2022_jp_1', 'encodings.iso2022_jp_2', 'encodings.iso2022_jp_2004', 'encodings.iso2022_jp_3', 'encodings.iso2022_jp_ext', 'encodings.iso2022_kr', 'encodings.iso8859_1', 'encodings.iso8859_10', 'encodings.iso8859_11', 'encodings.iso8859_13', 'encodings.iso8859_14', 'encodings.iso8859_15', 'encodings.iso8859_16', 'encodings.iso8859_2', 'encodings.iso8859_3', 'encodings.iso8859_4', 'encodings.iso8859_5', 'encodings.iso8859_6', 'encodings.iso8859_7', 'encodings.iso8859_8', 'encodings.iso8859_9', 'encodings.johab', 'encodings.koi8_r', 'encodings.koi8_u', 'encodings.latin_1', 'encodings.mac_arabic', 'encodings.mac_centeuro', 'encodings.mac_croatian', 'encodings.mac_cyrillic', 'encodings.mac_farsi', 'encodings.mac_greek', 'encodings.mac_iceland', 'encodings.mac_latin2', 'encodings.mac_roman', 'encodings.mac_romanian', 'encodings.mac_turkish', 'encodings.mbcs', 'encodings.palmos', 'encodings.ptcp154', 'encodings.punycode', 'encodings.quopri_codec', 'encodings.raw_unicode_escape', 'encodings.rot_13', 'encodings.shift_jis', 'encodings.shift_jis_2004', 'encodings.shift_jisx0213', 'encodings.string_escape', 'encodings.tis_620', 'encodings.undefined', 'encodings.unicode_escape', 'encodings.unicode_internal', 'encodings.utf_16', 'encodings.utf_16_be', 'encodings.utf_16_le', 'encodings.utf_32', 'encodings.utf_32_be', 'encodings.utf_32_le', 'encodings.utf_7', 'encodings.utf_8', 'encodings.utf_8_sig', 'encodings.uu_codec', 'encodings.zlib_codec', 'formatter', 'functools', 'hmac', 'hotshot', 'hotshot.stats', 'hotshot.stones', 'htmlentitydefs', 'idlelib', 'idlelib.AutoCompleteWindow', 'idlelib.AutoExpand', 'idlelib.Bindings', 'idlelib.CallTipWindow', 'idlelib.CallTips', 'idlelib.ClassBrowser', 'idlelib.CodeContext', 'idlelib.ColorDelegator', 'idlelib.Debugger', 'idlelib.Delegator', 'idlelib.EditorWindow', 'idlelib.FileList', 'idlelib.FormatParagraph', 'idlelib.GrepDialog', 'idlelib.HyperParser', 'idlelib.IOBinding', 'idlelib.IdleHistory', 'idlelib.MultiCall', 'idlelib.MultiStatusBar', 'idlelib.ObjectBrowser', 'idlelib.OutputWindow', 'idlelib.ParenMatch', 'idlelib.PathBrowser', 'idlelib.Percolator', 'idlelib.PyParse', 'idlelib.PyShell', 'idlelib.RemoteDebugger', 'idlelib.RemoteObjectBrowser', 'idlelib.ReplaceDialog', 'idlelib.RstripExtension', 'idlelib.ScriptBinding', 'idlelib.ScrolledList', 'idlelib.SearchDialog', 'idlelib.SearchDialogBase', 'idlelib.SearchEngine', 'idlelib.StackViewer', 'idlelib.ToolTip', 'idlelib.TreeWidget', 'idlelib.UndoDelegator', 'idlelib.WidgetRedirector', 'idlelib.WindowList', 'idlelib.ZoomHeight', 'idlelib.aboutDialog', 'idlelib.configDialog', 'idlelib.configHandler', 'idlelib.configHelpSourceEdit', 'idlelib.configSectionNameDialog', 'idlelib.dynOptionMenuWidget', '', 'idlelib.idle', 'idlelib.idle_test', 'idlelib.idle_test.htest', 'idlelib.idle_test.mock_idle', 'idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_autocomplete', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_autoexpand', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_calltips', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_config_name', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_configdialog', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_delegator', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_editmenu', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_formatparagraph', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_grep', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_helpabout', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_hyperparser', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_idlehistory', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_io', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_parenmatch', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_pathbrowser', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_rstrip', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_searchdialogbase', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_searchengine', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_text', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_textview', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_warning', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_widgetredir', 'idlelib.idlever', 'idlelib.keybindingDialog', 'idlelib.macosxSupport', 'idlelib.rpc', '', 'idlelib.tabbedpages', 'idlelib.textView', 'importlib', 'inspect', 'json.encoder', 'json.tests', 'json.tests.test_check_circular', 'json.tests.test_decode', 'json.tests.test_default', 'json.tests.test_dump', 'json.tests.test_encode_basestring_ascii', 'json.tests.test_fail', 'json.tests.test_float', 'json.tests.test_indent', 'json.tests.test_pass1', 'json.tests.test_pass2', 'json.tests.test_pass3', 'json.tests.test_recursion', 'json.tests.test_scanstring', 'json.tests.test_separators', 'json.tests.test_speedups', 'json.tests.test_tool', 'json.tests.test_unicode', 'json.tool', 'lib2to3', 'lib2to3.__main__', 'lib2to3.btm_matcher', 'lib2to3.btm_utils', 'lib2to3.fixer_base', 'lib2to3.fixer_util', 'lib2to3.fixes', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_apply', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_asserts', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_basestring', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_buffer', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_dict', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_except', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_exec', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_execfile', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_exitfunc', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_filter', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_funcattrs', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_future', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_getcwdu', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_has_key', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_idioms', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_import', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports2', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_input', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_intern', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_isinstance', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_itertools', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_itertools_imports', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_long', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_map', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_metaclass', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_methodattrs', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_ne', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_next', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_nonzero', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_numliterals', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_operator', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_paren', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_print', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_raise', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_raw_input', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_reduce', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_renames', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_repr', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_set_literal', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_standarderror', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_sys_exc', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_throw', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_tuple_params', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_types', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_unicode', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_urllib', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_ws_comma', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_xrange', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_xreadlines', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_zip', 'lib2to3.main', 'lib2to3.patcomp', 'lib2to3.pgen2', 'lib2to3.pgen2.conv', 'lib2to3.pgen2.grammar', 'lib2to3.pgen2.literals', 'lib2to3.pgen2.parse', 'lib2to3.pgen2.pgen', 'lib2to3.pgen2.token', 'lib2to3.pygram', 'lib2to3.pytree', 'lib2to3.refactor', 'lib2to3.tests', 'lib2to3.tests.pytree_idempotency', '', 'lib2to3.tests.test_all_fixers', 'lib2to3.tests.test_fixers', 'lib2to3.tests.test_main', 'lib2to3.tests.test_parser', 'lib2to3.tests.test_pytree', 'lib2to3.tests.test_refactor', 'lib2to3.tests.test_util', 'logging.config', 'logging.handlers', 'markupbase', 'md5', 'mutex', 'new', 'platform', 'pydoc', 'pydoc_data', 'pydoc_data.topics', 'sha', 'site', 'sitecustomize', 'sre_compile', 'sre_constants', 'sre_parse', 'ssl', 'stat', 'string', 'stringold', 'stringprep', 'struct', 'sunau', 'sunaudio', 'symbol', 'sysconfig', 'test', 'test.__main__', 'test.audiotests', 'test.autotest', 'test.bad_coding', 'test.bad_coding2', 'test.bad_coding3', 'test.badsyntax_future3', 'test.badsyntax_future4', 'test.badsyntax_future5', 'test.badsyntax_future6', 'test.badsyntax_future7', 'test.badsyntax_future8', 'test.badsyntax_future9', 'test.badsyntax_nocaret', 'test.bisect', 'test.curses_tests', 'test.doctest_aliases', 'test.double_const', 'test.fork_wait', 'test.gdb_sample', 'test.infinite_reload', 'test.inspect_fodder', 'test.inspect_fodder2', 'test.list_tests', 'test.lock_tests', 'test.make_ssl_certs', 'test.mapping_tests', 'test.mp_fork_bomb', 'test.multibytecodec_support', 'test.outstanding_bugs', 'test.pickletester', 'test.profilee', 'test.pyclbr_input', 'test.pydoc_mod', 'test.pydocfodder', 'test.pystone', 'test.pythoninfo', 'test.re_tests', 'test.regrtest', 'test.relimport', 'test.reperf', 'test.sample_doctest', 'test.sample_doctest_no_docstrings', 'test.sample_doctest_no_doctests', 'test.script_helper', 'test.seq_tests', 'test.sortperf', 'test.ssl_servers', 'test.ssltests', 'test.string_tests', '', 'test.symlink_support', 'test.test_MimeWriter', 'test.test_SimpleHTTPServer', 'test.test_StringIO', 'test.test___all__', 'test.test___future__', 'test.test__locale', 'test.test__osx_support', 'test.test_abc', 'test.test_abstract_numbers', 'test.test_aepack', 'test.test_aifc', 'test.test_al', 'test.test_anydbm', 'test.test_applesingle', 'test.test_argparse', 'test.test_array', 'test.test_ascii_formatd', 'test.test_ast', 'test.test_asynchat', 'test.test_asyncore', 'test.test_atexit', 'test.test_audioop', 'test.test_augassign', 'test.test_base64', 'test.test_bastion', 'test.test_bigaddrspace', 'test.test_bigmem', 'test.test_binascii', 'test.test_binhex', 'test.test_binop', 'test.test_bisect', 'test.test_bool', 'test.test_bsddb', 'test.test_bsddb185', 'test.test_bsddb3', 'test.test_buffer', 'test.test_bufio', 'test.test_builtin', 'test.test_bytes', 'test.test_bz2', 'test.test_calendar', 'test.test_call', 'test.test_capi', 'test.test_cd', 'test.test_cfgparser', 'test.test_cgi', 'test.test_charmapcodec', 'test.test_cl', 'test.test_class', 'test.test_cmath', 'test.test_cmd', 'test.test_cmd_line', 'test.test_cmd_line_script', 'test.test_code', 'test.test_codeccallbacks', 'test.test_codecencodings_cn', 'test.test_codecencodings_hk', 'test.test_codecencodings_iso2022', 'test.test_codecencodings_jp', 'test.test_codecencodings_kr', 'test.test_codecencodings_tw', 'test.test_codecmaps_cn', 'test.test_codecmaps_hk', 'test.test_codecmaps_jp', 'test.test_codecmaps_kr', 'test.test_codecmaps_tw', 'test.test_codecs', 'test.test_codeop', 'test.test_coercion', 'test.test_collections', 'test.test_colorsys', 'test.test_commands', 'test.test_compare', 'test.test_compile', 'test.test_compileall', 'test.test_compiler', 'test.test_complex', 'test.test_complex_args', 'test.test_contains', 'test.test_contextlib', 'test.test_cookie', 'test.test_cookielib', 'test.test_copy', 'test.test_copy_reg', 'test.test_cpickle', 'test.test_cprofile', 'test.test_crypt', 'test.test_csv', 'test.test_ctypes', 'test.test_curses', 'test.test_datetime', 'test.test_dbm', 'test.test_decimal', 'test.test_decorators', 'test.test_defaultdict', 'test.test_deque', 'test.test_descr', 'test.test_descrtut', 'test.test_dict', 'test.test_dictcomps', 'test.test_dictviews', 'test.test_difflib', 'test.test_dircache', 'test.test_dis', 'test.test_distutils', 'test.test_dl', 'test.test_doctest', 'test.test_doctest2', 'test.test_docxmlrpc', 'test.test_dumbdbm', 'test.test_dummy_thread', 'test.test_dummy_threading', 'test.test_email', 'test.test_email_codecs', 'test.test_email_renamed', 'test.test_ensurepip', 'test.test_enumerate', 'test.test_eof', 'test.test_epoll', 'test.test_errno', 'test.test_exception_variations', 'test.test_exceptions', 'test.test_extcall', 'test.test_fcntl', 'test.test_file', 'test.test_file2k', 'test.test_file_eintr', 'test.test_filecmp', 'test.test_fileinput', 'test.test_fileio', 'test.test_float', 'test.test_fnmatch', 'test.test_fork1', 'test.test_format', 'test.test_fpformat', 'test.test_fractions', 'test.test_frozen', 'test.test_ftplib', 'test.test_funcattrs', 'test.test_functools', 'test.test_future', 'test.test_future1', 'test.test_future2', 'test.test_future3', 'test.test_future4', 'test.test_future5', 'test.test_future_builtins', 'test.test_gc', 'test.test_gdb', 'test.test_gdbm', 'test.test_generators', 'test.test_genericpath', 'test.test_genexps', 'test.test_getargs', 'test.test_getargs2', 'test.test_getopt', 'test.test_gettext', 'test.test_gl', 'test.test_glob', 'test.test_global', 'test.test_grammar', 'test.test_grp', 'test.test_gzip', 'test.test_hash', 'test.test_hashlib', 'test.test_heapq', 'test.test_hmac', 'test.test_hotshot', 'test.test_htmllib', 'test.test_htmlparser', 'test.test_httplib', 'test.test_httpservers', 'test.test_idle', 'test.test_imageop', 'test.test_imaplib', 'test.test_imgfile', 'test.test_imghdr', 'test.test_imp', 'test.test_import', 'test.test_import_magic', 'test.test_importhooks', 'test.test_importlib', 'test.test_index', 'test.test_inspect', 'test.test_int', 'test.test_int_literal', 'test.test_io', 'test.test_ioctl', 'test.test_isinstance', 'test.test_iter', 'test.test_iterlen', 'test.test_itertools', 'test.test_json', 'test.test_kqueue', 'test.test_largefile', 'test.test_lib2to3', 'test.test_linecache', 'test.test_linuxaudiodev', 'test.test_list', 'test.test_locale', 'test.test_logging', 'test.test_long', 'test.test_long_future', 'test.test_longexp', 'test.test_macos', 'test.test_macostools', 'test.test_macpath', 'test.test_macurl2path', 'test.test_mailbox', 'test.test_marshal', 'test.test_math', 'test.test_md5', 'test.test_memoryio', 'test.test_memoryview', 'test.test_mhlib', 'test.test_mimetools', 'test.test_mimetypes', 'test.test_minidom', 'test.test_mmap', 'test.test_module', 'test.test_modulefinder', 'test.test_msilib', 'test.test_multibytecodec', 'test.test_multifile', 'test.test_multiprocessing', 'test.test_mutants', 'test.test_mutex', 'test.test_netrc', 'test.test_new', 'test.test_nis', 'test.test_nntplib', 'test.test_normalization', 'test.test_ntpath', 'test.test_old_mailbox', 'test.test_opcodes', 'test.test_openpty', 'test.test_operator', 'test.test_optparse', 'test.test_ordered_dict', 'test.test_os', 'test.test_ossaudiodev', 'test.test_parser', 'test.test_pdb', 'test.test_peepholer', 'test.test_pep247', 'test.test_pep277', 'test.test_pep352', 'test.test_pickle', 'test.test_pickletools', 'test.test_pipes', 'test.test_pkg', 'test.test_pkgimport', 'test.test_pkgutil', 'test.test_platform', 'test.test_plistlib', 'test.test_poll', 'test.test_popen', 'test.test_popen2', 'test.test_poplib', 'test.test_posix', 'test.test_posixpath', 'test.test_pow', 'test.test_pprint', 'test.test_print', 'test.test_profile', 'test.test_property', 'test.test_pstats', 'test.test_pty', 'test.test_pwd', 'test.test_py3kwarn', 'test.test_py_compile', 'test.test_pyclbr', 'test.test_pydoc', 'test.test_pyexpat', 'test.test_queue', 'test.test_quopri', 'test.test_random', 'test.test_re', 'test.test_readline', 'test.test_regrtest', 'test.test_repr', 'test.test_resource', 'test.test_rfc822', 'test.test_richcmp', 'test.test_rlcompleter', 'test.test_robotparser', 'test.test_runpy', 'test.test_sax', 'test.test_scope', 'test.test_scriptpackages', 'test.test_select', 'test.test_set', 'test.test_setcomps', 'test.test_sets', 'test.test_sgmllib', 'test.test_sha', 'test.test_shelve', 'test.test_shlex', 'test.test_shutil', 'test.test_signal', 'test.test_site', 'test.test_slice', 'test.test_smtplib', 'test.test_smtpnet', 'test.test_socket', 'test.test_socketserver', 'test.test_softspace', 'test.test_sort', 'test.test_source_encoding', 'test.test_spwd', 'test.test_sqlite', 'test.test_ssl', 'test.test_startfile', 'test.test_stat', 'test.test_str', 'test.test_strftime', 'test.test_string', 'test.test_stringprep', 'test.test_strop', 'test.test_strptime', 'test.test_strtod', 'test.test_struct', 'test.test_structmembers', 'test.test_structseq', 'test.test_subprocess', 'test.test_sunau', 'test.test_sunaudiodev', 'test.test_sundry', 'test.test_support', 'test.test_symtable', 'test.test_syntax', 'test.test_sys', 'test.test_sys_setprofile', 'test.test_sys_settrace', 'test.test_sysconfig', 'test.test_tarfile', 'test.test_tcl', 'test.test_telnetlib', 'test.test_tempfile', 'test.test_test_support', 'test.test_textwrap', 'test.test_thread', 'test.test_threaded_import', 'test.test_threadedtempfile', 'test.test_threading', 'test.test_threading_local', 'test.test_threadsignals', 'test.test_time', 'test.test_timeit', 'test.test_timeout', 'test.test_tk', 'test.test_tokenize', 'test.test_tools', 'test.test_trace', 'test.test_traceback', 'test.test_transformer', 'test.test_ttk_guionly', 'test.test_ttk_textonly', 'test.test_tuple', 'test.test_turtle', 'test.test_typechecks', 'test.test_types', 'test.test_ucn', 'test.test_unary', 'test.test_undocumented_details', 'test.test_unicode', 'test.test_unicode_file', 'test.test_unicodedata', 'test.test_unittest', 'test.test_univnewlines', 'test.test_univnewlines2k', 'test.test_unpack', 'test.test_urllib', 'test.test_urllib2', 'test.test_urllib2_localnet', 'test.test_urllib2net', 'test.test_urllibnet', 'test.test_urlparse', 'test.test_userdict', 'test.test_userlist', 'test.test_userstring', 'test.test_uu', 'test.test_uuid', 'test.test_wait3', 'test.test_wait4', 'test.test_warnings', 'test.test_wave', 'test.test_weakref', 'test.test_weakset', 'test.test_whichdb', 'test.test_winreg', 'test.test_winsound', 'test.test_with', 'test.test_wsgiref', 'test.test_xdrlib', 'test.test_xml_etree', 'test.test_xml_etree_c', 'test.test_xmllib', 'test.test_xmlrpc', 'test.test_xpickle', 'test.test_xrange', 'test.test_zipfile', 'test.test_zipfile64', 'test.test_zipimport', 'test.test_zipimport_support', 'test.test_zlib', 'test.testall', 'test.testcodec', 'test.tf_inherit_check', 'test.threaded_import_hangers', 'test.time_hashlib', 'test.tracedmodules', 'test.tracedmodules.testmod', 'test.warning_tests', 'test.win_console_handler', 'test.xmltests', 'token', 'unittest.__main__', '', 'unittest.loader', 'unittest.main', 'unittest.result', 'unittest.runner', 'unittest.signals', 'unittest.suite', 'unittest.test', 'unittest.test.dummy', '', 'unittest.test.test_assertions', 'unittest.test.test_break', 'unittest.test.test_case', 'unittest.test.test_discovery', 'unittest.test.test_functiontestcase', 'unittest.test.test_loader', 'unittest.test.test_program', 'unittest.test.test_result', 'unittest.test.test_runner', 'unittest.test.test_setups', 'unittest.test.test_skipping', 'unittest.test.test_suite', 'unittest.util', 'urllib2', 'uuid', 'whichdb', 'xml.dom', 'xml.dom.NodeFilter', 'xml.dom.domreg', 'xml.dom.expatbuilder', 'xml.dom.minidom', 'xml.dom.pulldom', 'xml.etree', 'xml.etree.ElementInclude', 'xml.etree.ElementPath', 'xml.etree.cElementTree', 'xml.parsers', 'xml.parsers.expat', 'xml.sax', 'xml.sax._exceptions', 'xml.sax.expatreader', 'xml.sax.handler', 'xml.sax.saxutils', 'xml.sax.xmlreader'] Following modules failed to be imported: ['ctypes.wintypes', 'idlelib.AutoComplete'] ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.684s OK 0:00:01 load avg: 0.80 [ 14/403/1] test___future__ PASS: test_attributes (test.test___future__.FutureTest) PASS: test_names (test.test___future__.FutureTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:01 load avg: 0.80 [ 15/403/1] test__locale PASS: test_float_parsing (test.test__locale._LocaleTests) PASS: test_lc_numeric_basic (test.test__locale._LocaleTests) PASS: test_lc_numeric_localeconv (test.test__locale._LocaleTests) PASS: test_lc_numeric_nl_langinfo (test.test__locale._LocaleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:01 load avg: 0.80 [ 16/403/1] test__osx_support 0:00:01 load avg: 0.80 [ 17/403/2] test_abc -- test__osx_support failed PASS: test_abstractmethod_basics (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_abstractmethod_integration (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_abstractproperty_basics (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_all_new_methods_are_called (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_cache_leak (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_isinstance_class (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_isinstance_invalidation (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_register_non_class (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_registration_basics (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_registration_builtins (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_registration_edge_cases (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_registration_transitiveness (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_subclass_oldstyle_class (test.test_abc.TestABC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.026s OK 0:00:01 load avg: 0.80 [ 18/403/2] test_abstract_numbers PASS: test_complex (test.test_abstract_numbers.TestNumbers) PASS: test_float (test.test_abstract_numbers.TestNumbers) PASS: test_int (test.test_abstract_numbers.TestNumbers) PASS: test_long (test.test_abstract_numbers.TestNumbers) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:01 load avg: 0.80 [ 19/403/2] test_aepack test_aepack skipped -- No module named aetypes 0:00:01 load avg: 0.80 [ 20/403/2] test_aifc -- test_aepack skipped 0:00:01 load avg: 0.80 [ 21/403/3] test_al -- test_aifc failed test_al skipped -- No module named al 0:00:01 load avg: 0.80 [ 22/403/3] test_anydbm -- test_al skipped PASS: test_anydbm_creation (test.test_anydbm.AnyDBMTestCase) PASS: test_anydbm_keys (test.test_anydbm.AnyDBMTestCase) PASS: test_anydbm_modification (test.test_anydbm.AnyDBMTestCase) PASS: test_anydbm_read (test.test_anydbm.AnyDBMTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.006s OK 0:00:01 load avg: 0.80 [ 23/403/3] test_applesingle test_applesingle skipped -- No module named MacOS 0:00:01 load avg: 0.80 [ 24/403/3] test_argparse -- test_applesingle skipped PASS: test (test.test_argparse.TestActionRegistration) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_dest (test.test_argparse.TestActionsReturned) PASS: test_misc (test.test_argparse.TestActionsReturned) PASS: test_nargs_1_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_1_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_1_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_1_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_1_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_2_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_2_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_2_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_2_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_2_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_3_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_3_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_3_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_3_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_3_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_None_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_None_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_None_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_None_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_None_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_oneormore_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_oneormore_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_oneormore_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_oneormore_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_oneormore_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_optional_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_optional_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_optional_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_optional_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_optional_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_parser_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_parser_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_parser_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_parser_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_parser_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_remainder_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_remainder_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_remainder_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_remainder_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_remainder_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_zeroormore_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_zeroormore_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_zeroormore_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_zeroormore_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_zeroormore_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_dest (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_help (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_help_alternate_prefix_chars (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_help_extra_prefix_chars (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_parse_args (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_parse_args_failures (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_parse_known_args (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_parser_command_help (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_subparser1_help (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_subparser2_help (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_subparser_title_help (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_argument_error (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentError) PASS: test_argument_type_error (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentTypeError) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_bad_type (test.test_argparse.TestConflictHandling) PASS: test_conflict_error (test.test_argparse.TestConflictHandling) PASS: test_resolve_error (test.test_argparse.TestConflictHandling) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_argparse_module_encoding (test.test_argparse.TestEncoding) PASS: test_test_argparse_module_encoding (test.test_argparse.TestEncoding) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_r (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRepr) PASS: test_wb_1 (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRepr) SKIP: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_get_default (test.test_argparse.TestGetDefault) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test (test.test_argparse.TestImportStar) PASS: test_all_exports_everything_but_modules (test.test_argparse.TestImportStar) PASS: test_invalid_action (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_invalid_keyword_arguments (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_invalid_option_strings (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_invalid_type (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_missing_destination (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_more_than_one_argument_actions (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_multiple_dest (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_no_argument_actions (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_no_argument_no_const_actions (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_parsers_action_missing_params (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_required_const_actions (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_required_positional (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_user_defined_action (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_help (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrors) PASS: test_invalid_add_argument (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrors) PASS: test_invalid_add_argument_group (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrors) PASS: test_help (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrorsParent) PASS: test_invalid_add_argument (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrorsParent) PASS: test_invalid_add_argument_group (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrorsParent) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_argparse.TestNamespace) PASS: test_equality (test.test_argparse.TestNamespace) PASS: test_equality_returns_notimplemeted (test.test_argparse.TestNamespace) PASS: test_empty (test.test_argparse.TestNamespaceContainsSimple) PASS: test_non_empty (test.test_argparse.TestNamespaceContainsSimple) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_alternate_help_version (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_help_version_extra_arguments (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_no_help (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_version (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_version_action (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_version_format (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_version_no_help (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_conflicting_parents (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_conflicting_parents_mutex (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_groups_parents (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_multiple_parents (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_multiple_parents_mutex (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_parent_help (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_same_argument_name_parents (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_single_granparent_mutex (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_single_parent (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_single_parent_mutex (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_subparser_parents (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_subparser_parents_mutex (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_arguments_list (test.test_argparse.TestParseKnownArgs) PASS: test_arguments_list_positional (test.test_argparse.TestParseKnownArgs) PASS: test_arguments_tuple (test.test_argparse.TestParseKnownArgs) PASS: test_arguments_tuple_positional (test.test_argparse.TestParseKnownArgs) PASS: test_mixed (test.test_argparse.TestParseKnownArgs) PASS: test_optionals (test.test_argparse.TestParseKnownArgs) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_group_first (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsGroups) PASS: test_interleaved_groups (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsGroups) PASS: test_nongroup_first (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsGroups) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_set_defaults_no_args (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_set_defaults_on_parent_and_subparser (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_set_defaults_parents (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_set_defaults_same_as_add_argument (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_set_defaults_same_as_add_argument_group (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_set_defaults_subparsers (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_set_defaults_with_args (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_argument (test.test_argparse.TestStrings) PASS: test_namespace (test.test_argparse.TestStrings) PASS: test_optional (test.test_argparse.TestStrings) PASS: test_parser (test.test_argparse.TestStrings) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_type_function_call_only_once (test.test_argparse.TestTypeFunctionCallOnlyOnce) PASS: test_issue_15906 (test.test_argparse.TestTypeFunctionCalledOnDefault) PASS: test_no_double_type_conversion_of_default (test.test_argparse.TestTypeFunctionCalledOnDefault) PASS: test_type_function_call_with_non_string_default (test.test_argparse.TestTypeFunctionCalledOnDefault) PASS: test_type_function_call_with_string_default (test.test_argparse.TestTypeFunctionCalledOnDefault) PASS: test (test.test_argparse.TestTypeRegistration) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1628 tests in 0.789s OK (skipped=12) 0:00:02 load avg: 0.80 [ 25/403/3] test_array PASS: test_bad_constructor (test.test_array.MiscTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_array.MiscTest) PASS: test_unicode_constructor (test.test_array.MiscTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_nounicode (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_subbclassing (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_unicode_typecode (test.test_array.UnicodeTypecodeTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_alloc_overflow (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.DoubleTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1017, in test_sizeof_with_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize + buffer_size) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1023, in test_sizeof_without_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1017, in test_sizeof_with_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize + buffer_size) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1023, in test_sizeof_without_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1017, in test_sizeof_with_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize + buffer_size) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1023, in test_sizeof_without_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1017, in test_sizeof_with_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize + buffer_size) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1023, in test_sizeof_without_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 554 tests in 0.198s FAILED (errors=8) 0:00:02 load avg: 0.80 [ 26/403/4] test_ascii_formatd -- test_array failed PASS: test_format_deprecation (test.test_ascii_formatd.FormatDeprecationTests) PASS: test_format (test.test_ascii_formatd.FormatTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:02 load avg: 0.80 [ 27/403/4] test_ast PASS: test_AST_objects (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_arguments (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_base_classes (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_classattrs (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_field_attr_existence (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_field_attr_writable (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_from_import (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_invalid_identitifer (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_invalid_string (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_module (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_no_fields (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_nodeclasses (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_non_interned_future_from_ast (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_slice (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_snippets (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_copy_location (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_dump (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_fix_missing_locations (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_get_docstring (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_increment_lineno (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_iter_child_nodes (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_iter_fields (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_literal_eval (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_literal_eval_issue4907 (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_parse (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 0.044s OK 0:00:02 load avg: 0.80 [ 28/403/4] test_asynchat PASS: test_close_when_done (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_empty_line (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_line_terminator1 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_line_terminator2 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_line_terminator3 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_none_terminator (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_numeric_terminator1 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_numeric_terminator2 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_simple_producer (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_string_producer (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_close_when_done (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_empty_line (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_line_terminator1 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_line_terminator2 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_line_terminator3 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_none_terminator (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_numeric_terminator1 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_numeric_terminator2 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_simple_producer (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_string_producer (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_blockingioerror (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchatMocked) PASS: test_find_prefix_at_end (test.test_asynchat.TestHelperFunctions) PASS: test_basic (test.test_asynchat.TestFifo) PASS: test_given_list (test.test_asynchat.TestFifo) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 24 tests in 1.420s OK 0:00:04 load avg: 0.80 [ 29/403/4] test_asyncore PASS: test_closeall (test.test_asyncore.HelperFunctionTests) PASS: test_closeall_default (test.test_asyncore.HelperFunctionTests) PASS: test_compact_traceback (test.test_asyncore.HelperFunctionTests) PASS: test_readwrite (test.test_asyncore.HelperFunctionTests) PASS: test_readwriteexc (test.test_asyncore.HelperFunctionTests) PASS: test_basic (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_issue_8594 (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_log (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_log_info (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_repr (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_strerror (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_unhandled (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_send (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherWithSendTests) PASS: test_send (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherWithSendTests_UsePoll) PASS: test_bind (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_connection_attributes (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_create_socket (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_accept (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_close (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_connect (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_error (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_expt (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_read (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_write (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_quick_connect (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_set_reuse_addr (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_bind (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_connection_attributes (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_create_socket (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_accept (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_close (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_connect (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_error (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_expt (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_read (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_write (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_quick_connect (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_set_reuse_addr (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_close_twice (test.test_asyncore.FileWrapperTest) PASS: test_dispatcher (test.test_asyncore.FileWrapperTest) PASS: test_recv (test.test_asyncore.FileWrapperTest) PASS: test_send (test.test_asyncore.FileWrapperTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 42 tests in 1.285s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.82 [ 30/403/4] test_atexit PASS: test_args (test.test_atexit.TestCase) PASS: test_badargs (test.test_atexit.TestCase) PASS: test_exit (test.test_atexit.TestCase) PASS: test_order (test.test_atexit.TestCase) PASS: test_raise (test.test_atexit.TestCase) PASS: test_sys_override (test.test_atexit.TestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.82 [ 31/403/4] test_audioop PASS: test_add (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_adpcm2lin (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_alaw2lin (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_avg (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_avgpp (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_bias (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_cross (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_findfactor (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_findfit (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_findmax (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_getsample (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_invalid_adpcm_state (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_issue7673 (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_lin2adpcm (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_lin2alaw (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_lin2lin (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_lin2ulaw (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_max (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_maxpp (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_minmax (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_mul (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_negativelen (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_ratecv (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_rms (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_tomono (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_tostereo (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_ulaw2lin (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_wrongsize (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 29 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.82 [ 32/403/4] test_augassign PASS: testBasic (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) PASS: testCustomMethods1 (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) PASS: testCustomMethods2 (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) PASS: testInDict (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) PASS: testInList (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) PASS: testSequences (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) PASS: test_with_unpacking (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.82 [ 33/403/4] test_base64 PASS: test_b16decode (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b16encode (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b32decode (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b32decode_casefold (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b32decode_error (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b32encode (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b64decode (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b64decode_invalid_chars (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b64decode_padding_error (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b64encode (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_decode (test.test_base64.LegacyBase64TestCase) PASS: test_decodestring (test.test_base64.LegacyBase64TestCase) PASS: test_encode (test.test_base64.LegacyBase64TestCase) PASS: test_encodestring (test.test_base64.LegacyBase64TestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 14 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.82 [ 34/403/4] test_bastion 0:00:05 load avg: 0.82 [ 35/403/4] test_bigaddrspace PASS: test_concat (test.test_bigaddrspace.StrTest) PASS: test_optimized_concat (test.test_bigaddrspace.StrTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.82 [ 36/403/4] test_bigmem PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_center (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_center_unicode (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_concat (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_decode (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_decodeascii (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_encode (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_encode_raw_unicode_escape (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_encode_utf32 (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_encode_utf7 (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_endswith (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_isalnum (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_isalpha (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_isdigit (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_islower (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_isspace (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_istitle (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_isupper (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_lower (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_lstrip (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_repr_large (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_repr_small (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_rfind (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_rstrip (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_slice_and_getitem (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_split_large (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_split_small (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_splitlines (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_startswith (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_title (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_translate (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_unicode_repr (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_unicode_repr_oflw (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_upper (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_concat_large (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_concat_small (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_from_2G_generator (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_from_almost_2G_generator (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_index_and_slice (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_repeat_large (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_repeat_large_2 (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_repeat_small (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_repr_large (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_repr_small (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_append (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_concat_large (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_concat_small (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_extend_large (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_extend_small (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_index_and_slice (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_inplace_concat_large (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_inplace_concat_small (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_inplace_repeat_large (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_inplace_repeat_small (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_repeat_large (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_repeat_small (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_repr_large (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_repr_small (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_sort (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_bigmem.BufferTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 89 tests in 0.035s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.82 [ 37/403/4] test_binascii PASS: test_base64invalid (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64valid (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc32 (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc_hqx (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_functions (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_hex (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_hqx (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_qp (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_returned_value (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_uu (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64invalid (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64valid (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc32 (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc_hqx (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_functions (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_hex (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_hqx (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_qp (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_returned_value (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_uu (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64invalid (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64valid (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc32 (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc_hqx (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_functions (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_hex (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_hqx (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_qp (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_returned_value (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_uu (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64invalid (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64valid (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc32 (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc_hqx (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_functions (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_hex (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_hqx (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_qp (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_returned_value (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_uu (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 48 tests in 0.004s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.82 [ 38/403/4] test_binhex 0:00:06 load avg: 0.82 [ 39/403/5] test_binop -- test_binhex failed PASS: test_add (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_div (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_eq (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_floordiv (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_future_div (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_gcd (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_mul (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_sub (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:06 load avg: 0.82 [ 40/403/5] test_bisect PASS: test_backcompatibility (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_keyword_args (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_large_pyrange (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_large_range (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_negative_lo (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_optionalSlicing (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_precomputed (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_random (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_backcompatibility (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_keyword_args (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_large_pyrange (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_large_range (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_negative_lo (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_optionalSlicing (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_precomputed (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_random (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_backcompatibility (test.test_bisect.TestInsortPython) PASS: test_listDerived (test.test_bisect.TestInsortPython) PASS: test_vsBuiltinSort (test.test_bisect.TestInsortPython) PASS: test_backcompatibility (test.test_bisect.TestInsortC) PASS: test_listDerived (test.test_bisect.TestInsortC) PASS: test_vsBuiltinSort (test.test_bisect.TestInsortC) PASS: test_arg_parsing (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_cmp_err (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_get_only (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_len_only (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_non_sequence (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_arg_parsing (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_cmp_err (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_get_only (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_len_only (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_non_sequence (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 32 tests in 0.015s OK Trying: grades = "FEDCBA" Expecting nothing ok Trying: breakpoints = [30, 44, 66, 75, 85] Expecting nothing ok Trying: from bisect import bisect Expecting nothing ok Trying: def grade(total): return grades[bisect(breakpoints, total)] Expecting nothing ok Trying: grade(66) Expecting: 'C' ok Trying: map(grade, [33, 99, 77, 44, 12, 88]) Expecting: ['E', 'A', 'B', 'D', 'F', 'A'] ok 39 items had no tests: test.test_bisect test.test_bisect.CmpErr test.test_bisect.CmpErr.__cmp__ test.test_bisect.GetOnly test.test_bisect.GetOnly.__getitem__ test.test_bisect.LenOnly test.test_bisect.LenOnly.__len__ test.test_bisect.Range test.test_bisect.Range.__getitem__ test.test_bisect.Range.__init__ test.test_bisect.Range.__len__ test.test_bisect.Range.insert test.test_bisect.TestBisect test.test_bisect.TestBisect.setUp test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_backcompatibility test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_keyword_args test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_large_pyrange test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_large_range test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_negative_lo test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_optionalSlicing test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_precomputed test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_random test.test_bisect.TestBisectC test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandling test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandling.test_arg_parsing test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandling.test_cmp_err test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandling.test_get_only test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandling.test_len_only test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandling.test_non_sequence test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingC test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingPython test.test_bisect.TestInsort test.test_bisect.TestInsort.test_backcompatibility test.test_bisect.TestInsort.test_listDerived test.test_bisect.TestInsort.test_vsBuiltinSort test.test_bisect.TestInsortC test.test_bisect.TestInsortPython test.test_bisect.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 6 tests in test.test_bisect.__test__.libreftest 6 tests in 40 items. 6 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_bisect) ... 6 tests with zero failures 0:00:06 load avg: 0.82 [ 41/403/5] test_bool PASS: test_boolean (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_callable (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_convert (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_convert_to_bool (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_cpickle (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_fileclosed (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_float (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_hasattr (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_haskey (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_int (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_isinstance (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_issubclass (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_long (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_marshal (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_math (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_mixedpickle (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_operator (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_picklevalues (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_print (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_string (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_types (test.test_bool.BoolTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:06 load avg: 0.82 [ 42/403/5] test_bsddb PASS: test__no_deadlock_first (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_change (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_clear (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_close_and_reopen (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_first_next_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_first_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_for_cursor_memleak (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_get (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_iter_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_iter_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_iteritems_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_iteritems_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_keyordering (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_last_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_len (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_mapping_iteration_methods (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_previous_last_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_set_location (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_update (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test__no_deadlock_first (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_change (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_clear (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_close_and_reopen (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_first_next_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_first_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_for_cursor_memleak (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_get (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_iter_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_iter_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_iteritems_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_iteritems_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_last_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_len (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_mapping_iteration_methods (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_previous_last_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_set_location (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_update (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test__no_deadlock_first (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_change (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_clear (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_first_next_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_first_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_for_cursor_memleak (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_get (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_iter_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_iter_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_iteritems_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_iteritems_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_keyordering (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_last_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_len (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_mapping_iteration_methods (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_previous_last_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_set_location (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_update (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test__no_deadlock_first (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_change (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_clear (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_first_next_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_first_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_for_cursor_memleak (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_get (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_iter_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_iter_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_iteritems_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_iteritems_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_last_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_len (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_mapping_iteration_methods (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_previous_last_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_set_location (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_update (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test__no_deadlock_first (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_change (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_clear (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_first_next_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_first_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_for_cursor_memleak (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_get (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_iter_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_iter_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_iteritems_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_iteritems_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_keyordering (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_last_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_len (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_mapping_iteration_methods (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_previous_last_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_set_location (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_update (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 120 tests in 0.027s OK 0:00:06 load avg: 0.82 [ 43/403/5] test_bsddb185 test_bsddb185 skipped -- No module named bsddb185 0:00:06 load avg: 0.82 [ 44/403/5] test_bsddb3 -- test_bsddb185 skipped test_bsddb3 skipped -- Use of the `bsddb' resource not enabled 0:00:06 load avg: 0.82 [ 45/403/5] test_buffer -- test_bsddb3 skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_copy (test.test_buffer.BufferTests) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_buffer.BufferTests) PASS: test_large_buffer_size_and_offset (test.test_buffer.BufferTests) PASS: test_newbuffer_interface (test.test_buffer.BufferTests) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_buffer.BufferTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:06 load avg: 0.82 [ 46/403/5] test_bufio PASS: test_nullpat (test.test_bufio.CBufferSizeTest) PASS: test_primepat (test.test_bufio.CBufferSizeTest) PASS: test_nullpat (test.test_bufio.PyBufferSizeTest) PASS: test_primepat (test.test_bufio.PyBufferSizeTest) PASS: test_nullpat (test.test_bufio.BuiltinBufferSizeTest) PASS: test_primepat (test.test_bufio.BuiltinBufferSizeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.208s OK 0:00:06 load avg: 0.82 [ 47/403/5] test_bytes PASS: test_alloc (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_append (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_basics (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_bytearray_api (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_compare_to_str (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_concat (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_constructor_type_errors (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_constructor_value_errors (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_copied (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_decode (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_empty_bytearray (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_empty_sequence (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_endswith (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_exhausted_iterator (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_find_etc_raise_correct_error_messages (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_from_index (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_from_int (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_from_list (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_from_ssize (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_fromhex (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_iconcat (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_init_alloc (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_irepeat (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_irepeat_1char (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_nohash (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_none_arguments (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_nosort (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_ord (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_partition (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_partition_bytearray_doesnt_share_nullstring (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_regexps (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_repeat_1char (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_resize_forbidden (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_reversed (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_rfind (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_rpartition (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_rsplit_string_error (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_rsplit_unicodewhitespace (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_setslice_trap (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_split_string_error (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_split_unicodewhitespace (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_startswith (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_strip_bytearray (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_strip_string_error (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_center (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_fixtype (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_isalnum (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_isalpha (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_isdigit (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_islower (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_isspace (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_istitle (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_isupper (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_lower (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) SKIP: test_replace_overflow (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_rfind (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_rsplit (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_splitlines (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_strip_whitespace (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_title (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_upper (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_bytes.ByteArraySubclassTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_bytes.ByteArraySubclassTest) PASS: test_init_override (test.test_bytes.ByteArraySubclassTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_bytes.ByteArraySubclassTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_bytes.ByteArraySubclassTest) PASS: test_returns_new_copy (test.test_bytes.BytearrayPEP3137Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 105 tests in 0.437s OK (skipped=1) 0:00:06 load avg: 0.82 [ 48/403/5] test_bz2 PASS: testBug1191043 (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testClosedIteratorDeadlock (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testContextProtocol (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testInitNonExistentFile (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testIterator (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testMixedIterationReads (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testModeU (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testOpenDel (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testOpenNonexistent (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testRead (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testRead0 (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testRead100 (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testReadChunk10 (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testReadLine (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testReadLines (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testSeekBackwards (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testSeekBackwardsFromEnd (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testSeekForward (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testSeekPostEnd (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testSeekPostEndTwice (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testSeekPreStart (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testThreading (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testUniversalNewlinesCRLF (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testUniversalNewlinesLF (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testWrite (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testWriteChunks10 (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testWriteLines (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testWriteMethodsOnReadOnlyFile (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testXReadLines (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testBigmem (test.test_bz2.BZ2CompressorTest) PASS: testCompress (test.test_bz2.BZ2CompressorTest) PASS: testCompressChunks10 (test.test_bz2.BZ2CompressorTest) PASS: testCompressEmptyString (test.test_bz2.BZ2CompressorTest) SKIP: testBigmem (test.test_bz2.BZ2DecompressorTest) 'Test needs 5GB of memory to run.' PASS: testDecompress (test.test_bz2.BZ2DecompressorTest) PASS: testDecompressChunks10 (test.test_bz2.BZ2DecompressorTest) PASS: testDecompressUnusedData (test.test_bz2.BZ2DecompressorTest) PASS: testEOFError (test.test_bz2.BZ2DecompressorTest) PASS: test_Constructor (test.test_bz2.BZ2DecompressorTest) PASS: testCompress (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) PASS: testCompressBigmem (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) PASS: testCompressEmptyString (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) PASS: testDecompress (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) SKIP: testDecompressBigmem (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) 'Test needs 5GB of memory to run.' PASS: testDecompressEmpty (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) PASS: testDecompressIncomplete (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) PASS: testDecompressToEmptyString (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 47 tests in 0.396s OK (skipped=2) 0:00:07 load avg: 0.82 [ 49/403/5] test_calendar PASS: test_output (test.test_calendar.OutputTestCase) PASS: test_output_htmlcalendar (test.test_calendar.OutputTestCase) PASS: test_output_textcalendar (test.test_calendar.OutputTestCase) PASS: test_days (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_enumerateweekdays (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_isleap (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_itermonthdates (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_itermonthdays (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_itermonthdays2 (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_localecalendars (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_months (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_setfirstweekday (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_april (test.test_calendar.MondayTestCase) PASS: test_december (test.test_calendar.MondayTestCase) PASS: test_february (test.test_calendar.MondayTestCase) PASS: test_april (test.test_calendar.SundayTestCase) PASS: test_december (test.test_calendar.SundayTestCase) PASS: test_february (test.test_calendar.SundayTestCase) PASS: test_december (test.test_calendar.MonthRangeTestCase) PASS: test_february_leap (test.test_calendar.MonthRangeTestCase) PASS: test_february_nonleap (test.test_calendar.MonthRangeTestCase) PASS: test_january (test.test_calendar.MonthRangeTestCase) PASS: test_thirteenth_month (test.test_calendar.MonthRangeTestCase) PASS: test_zeroth_month (test.test_calendar.MonthRangeTestCase) PASS: test_no_leapdays (test.test_calendar.LeapdaysTestCase) PASS: test_no_leapdays_upper_boundary (test.test_calendar.LeapdaysTestCase) PASS: test_no_range (test.test_calendar.LeapdaysTestCase) PASS: test_one_leapday_lower_boundary (test.test_calendar.LeapdaysTestCase) PASS: test_several_leapyears_in_range (test.test_calendar.LeapdaysTestCase) PASS: test_help (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_html_output_current_year (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_html_output_year_css (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_html_output_year_encoding (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_arguments (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_encoding (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_lines (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_locale (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_months (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_spacing (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_type (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_width (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_output_current_year (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_output_month (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_output_year (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 44 tests in 0.650s OK 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 50/403/5] test_call PASS: test_oldargs0_0 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_0_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_0_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_1 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_1_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_1_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_2 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_2_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_2_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_0 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_0_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_0_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_1 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_1_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_1_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_2 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_2_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_2_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs0 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs0_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs0_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs1 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs1_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs1_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs2 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs2_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs2_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 27 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 51/403/5] test_capi test_capi skipped -- No module named _testcapi 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 52/403/5] test_cd -- test_capi skipped test_cd skipped -- No module named cd 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 53/403/5] test_cfgparser -- test_cd skipped PASS: test_basic (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_boolean (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_default_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_interpolation_missing_value (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_items (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_parse_errors (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_query_errors (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_read_returns_file_list (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_nonstring_types (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_string_types (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_unicode (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_weird_errors (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_basic (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_boolean (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_default_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_dominating_multiline_values (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_parse_errors (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_query_errors (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_read_returns_file_list (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_set_string_types (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_set_unicode (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_weird_errors (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_basic (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_boolean (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_default_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_items (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_parse_errors (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_query_errors (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_read_returns_file_list (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_nonstring_types (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_string_types (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_unicode (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_weird_errors (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_add_section_default_1 (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_add_section_default_2 (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_basic (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_boolean (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_default_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_interpolation_missing_value (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_items (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_parse_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_query_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_read_returns_file_list (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_safe_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_malformatted_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_nonstring_types (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_string_types (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_unicode (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_weird_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_add_section_default_1 (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_add_section_default_2 (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_basic (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_boolean (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_default_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_interpolation_missing_value (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_items (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_parse_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_query_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_read_returns_file_list (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_safe_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_set_malformatted_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_set_nonstring_types (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_set_string_types (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_set_unicode (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_weird_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_write (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_basic (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_boolean (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_default_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_items (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_parse_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_query_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_read_returns_file_list (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_set_nonstring_types (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_set_string_types (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_set_unicode (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_sorted (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_weird_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_none_as_value_stringified (test.test_cfgparser.Issue7005TestCase) PASS: test_none_as_value_stringified_raw (test.test_cfgparser.Issue7005TestCase) PASS: test_issue_12717 (test.test_cfgparser.TestChainMap) PASS: test_duplicatesectionerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_interpolationdeptherror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_interpolationerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_interpolationmissingoptionerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_interpolationsyntaxerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_missingsectionheadererror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_nooptionerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_nosectionerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_parsingerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 107 tests in 0.075s OK 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 54/403/5] test_cgi PASS: testQSAndFormData (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: testQSAndFormDataFile (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: testQSAndUrlEncode (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_deprecated_parse_qs (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_deprecated_parse_qsl (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_escape (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_fieldstorage_invalid (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_fieldstorage_multipart (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_fieldstorage_multipart_maxline (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_fieldstorage_readline (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_log (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_parse_header (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_strict (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_weird_formcontentdict (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 14 tests in 0.010s OK 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 55/403/5] test_charmapcodec PASS: test_constructorx (test.test_charmapcodec.CharmapCodecTest) PASS: test_constructory (test.test_charmapcodec.CharmapCodecTest) PASS: test_encodex (test.test_charmapcodec.CharmapCodecTest) PASS: test_maptoundefined (test.test_charmapcodec.CharmapCodecTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 56/403/5] test_cl test_cl skipped -- No module named cl 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 57/403/5] test_class -- test_cl skipped PASS: testAttrSlots (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testBadTypeReturned (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testBinaryOps (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testDel (test.test_class.ClassTests) FAIL: testDelItem (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testForExceptionsRaisedInInstanceGetattr2 (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testGetSetAndDel (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testHashComparisonOfMethods (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testHashStuff (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testInit (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testListAndDictOps (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testMisc (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testMixIntsAndLongs (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testSFBug532646 (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testSetattrNonStringName (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testSetattrWrapperNameIntern (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testSetattrWrapperNameUnicode (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testUnaryOps (test.test_class.ClassTests) ====================================================================== ERROR: testDelItem (test.test_class.ClassTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 361, in testDelItem from _testcapi import sequence_delitem ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 18 tests in 0.011s FAILED (errors=1) 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 58/403/6] test_cmath -- test_class failed PASS: test_abs (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_cmath_matches_math (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_input_type (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_isinf (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_isnan (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_phase (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_polar (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) FAIL: test_polar_errno (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_rect (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_specific_values (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_user_object (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_polar_errno (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 388, in test_polar_errno from _testcapi import set_errno ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.020s FAILED (errors=1) 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 59/403/7] test_cmd -- test_cmath failed Trying: mycmd = samplecmdclass() Expecting nothing ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("") Expecting: (None, None, '') ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("?") Expecting: ('help', '', 'help ') ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("?help") Expecting: ('help', 'help', 'help help') ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("!") Expecting: ('shell', '', 'shell ') ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("!command") Expecting: ('shell', 'command', 'shell command') ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("func") Expecting: ('func', '', 'func') ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("func arg1") Expecting: ('func', 'arg1', 'func arg1') ok Trying: mycmd.onecmd("") Expecting nothing ok Trying: mycmd.onecmd("add 4 5") Expecting: 9 ok Trying: mycmd.onecmd("") Expecting: 9 ok Trying: mycmd.onecmd("test") Expecting: *** Unknown syntax: test ok Trying: mycmd.emptyline() Expecting: *** Unknown syntax: test ok Trying: mycmd.default("default") Expecting: *** Unknown syntax: default ok Trying: mycmd.completedefault() Expecting: This is the completedefault methode ok Trying: mycmd.completenames("a") Expecting: ['add'] ok Trying: mycmd.completenames("12") Expecting: [] ok Trying: mycmd.completenames("help") Expecting: ['help'] ok Trying: mycmd.complete_help("a") Expecting: ['add'] ok Trying: mycmd.complete_help("he") Expecting: ['help'] ok Trying: mycmd.complete_help("12") Expecting: [] ok Trying: sorted(mycmd.complete_help("")) Expecting: ['add', 'exit', 'help', 'shell'] ok Trying: mycmd.do_help("testet") Expecting: *** No help on testet ok Trying: mycmd.do_help("add") Expecting: help text for add ok Trying: mycmd.onecmd("help add") Expecting: help text for add ok Trying: mycmd.do_help("") Expecting: Documented commands (type help ): ======================================== add help Undocumented commands: ====================== exit shell ok Trying: mycmd.print_topics("header", ["command1", "command2"], 2 ,10) Expecting: header ====== command1 command2 ok Trying: mycmd.columnize([str(i) for i in xrange(20)]) Expecting: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ok Trying: mycmd.columnize([str(i) for i in xrange(20)], 10) Expecting: 0 7 14 1 8 15 2 9 16 3 10 17 4 11 18 5 12 19 6 13 ok Trying: mycmd.use_rawinput=0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: mycmd.cmdqueue=["", "add", "add 4 5", "help", "help add","exit"] Expecting nothing ok Trying: mycmd.cmdloop() Expecting: Hello from preloop help text for add *** invalid number of arguments 9 Documented commands (type help ): ======================================== add help Undocumented commands: ====================== exit shell help text for add Hello from postloop ok 19 items had no tests: test.test_cmd test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.simplecmd test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.simplecmd.do_EOF test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.simplecmd.do_print test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.simplecmd2 test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.simplecmd2.do_EOF test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.test_file_with_missing_final_nl test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.test_input_reset_at_EOF test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.complete_command test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.completedefault test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.do_add test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.do_exit test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.do_shell test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.help_add test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.postloop test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.preloop test.test_cmd.test_coverage test.test_cmd.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 32 tests in test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass 32 tests in 20 items. 32 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_cmd) ... 32 tests with zero failures PASS: test_file_with_missing_final_nl (test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput) PASS: test_input_reset_at_EOF (test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 60/403/7] test_cmd_line PASS: test_del___main__ (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_directories (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_hash_randomization (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_optimize (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_q (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_run_code (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) FAIL: test_run_module (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) FAIL: test_run_module_bug1764407 (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_site_flag (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_unknown_options (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_usage (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_version (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) ====================================================================== FAIL: test_run_module (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 67, in test_run_module 0) AssertionError: 1 != 0 ====================================================================== FAIL: test_run_module_bug1764407 (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 77, in test_run_module_bug1764407 self.assertTrue(data.startswith('1 loop')) AssertionError: False is not true ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.186s FAILED (failures=2) 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 61/403/8] test_cmd_line_script -- test_cmd_line failed FAIL: test_basic_script (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp29HR_N/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp29HR_N/' __package__==None sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp29HR_N/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp29HR_N/' __package__==None sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp29HR_N/' ok PASS: test_dash_m_error_code_is_one (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_dash_m_errors (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_dash_m_init_traceback (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_dash_m_main_traceback (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) FAIL: test_directory (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpujO5Rw': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpujO5Rw/' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpujO5Rw' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpujO5Rw/' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpujO5Rw' ok FAIL: test_directory_compiled (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp2B_WSF': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp2B_WSF/__main__.pyc' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp2B_WSF' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp2B_WSF/__main__.pyc' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp2B_WSF' ok FAIL: test_directory_error (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp6Q0ynj': /usr/bin/python: can't find '__main__' module in '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp6Q0ynj' Expected output: "can't find '__main__' module in '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp6Q0ynj'" ok FAIL: test_module_in_package (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpnTTGfK/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpnTTGfK/test_pkg/' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpnTTGfK/test_pkg/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpnTTGfK/test_pkg/' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpnTTGfK/test_pkg/' ok FAIL: test_module_in_package_in_zipfile (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpN8kDEo/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpN8kDEo/' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpN8kDEo/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpN8kDEo/' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpN8kDEo/' ok FAIL: test_module_in_subpackage_in_zipfile (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpuR_lGG/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpuR_lGG/' __package__=='test_pkg.test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpuR_lGG/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpuR_lGG/' __package__=='test_pkg.test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpuR_lGG/' ok FAIL: test_package (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp4K73bq/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp4K73bq/test_pkg/' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp4K73bq/test_pkg/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp4K73bq/test_pkg/' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp4K73bq/test_pkg/' ok FAIL: test_package_compiled (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmphivesl/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmphivesl/test_pkg/__main__.pyc' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmphivesl/test_pkg/__main__.pyc' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmphivesl/test_pkg/__main__.pyc' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmphivesl/test_pkg/__main__.pyc' ok FAIL: test_package_error (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpsOIXAn/': /usr/bin/python: No module named test_pkg.__main__; 'test_pkg' is a package and cannot be directly executed Expected output: "'test_pkg' is a package and cannot be directly executed" ok FAIL: test_package_recursion (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpZ9IOZM/': /usr/bin/python: Cannot use package as __main__ module; 'test_pkg' is a package and cannot be directly executed Expected output: "Cannot use package as __main__ module; 'test_pkg' is a package and cannot be directly executed" ok FAIL: test_script_compiled (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpVUtKtA/script.pyc': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpVUtKtA/script.pyc' __package__==None sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpVUtKtA/script.pyc' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpVUtKtA/script.pyc' __package__==None sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpVUtKtA/script.pyc' ok FAIL: test_zipfile (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpWqxnJO/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpWqxnJO/' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpWqxnJO/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpWqxnJO/' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpWqxnJO/' ok FAIL: test_zipfile_compiled (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp5rns4N/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp5rns4N/' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp5rns4N/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp5rns4N/' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp5rns4N/' ok FAIL: test_zipfile_error (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp4mDJy1/': /usr/bin/python: can't find '__main__' module in '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp4mDJy1/' Expected output: "can't find '__main__' module in '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp4mDJy1/'" ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 19 tests in 0.221s OK 0:00:08 load avg: 0.82 [ 62/403/8] test_code Trying: def f(x): def g(y): return x + y return g Expecting nothing ok Trying: dump(f.func_code) Expecting: name: f argcount: 1 names: () varnames: ('x', 'g') cellvars: ('x',) freevars: () nlocals: 2 flags: 3 consts: ('None', '') ok Trying: dump(f(4).func_code) Expecting: name: g argcount: 1 names: () varnames: ('y',) cellvars: () freevars: ('x',) nlocals: 1 flags: 19 consts: ('None',) ok Trying: def h(x, y): a = x + y b = x - y c = a * b return c Expecting nothing ok Trying: dump(h.func_code) Expecting: name: h argcount: 2 names: () varnames: ('x', 'y', 'a', 'b', 'c') cellvars: () freevars: () nlocals: 5 flags: 67 consts: ('None',) ok Trying: def attrs(obj): print obj.attr1 print obj.attr2 print obj.attr3 Expecting nothing ok Trying: dump(attrs.func_code) Expecting: name: attrs argcount: 1 names: ('attr1', 'attr2', 'attr3') varnames: ('obj',) cellvars: () freevars: () nlocals: 1 flags: 67 consts: ('None',) ok Trying: def optimize_away(): 'doc string' 'not a docstring' 53 53L Expecting nothing ok Trying: dump(optimize_away.func_code) Expecting: name: optimize_away argcount: 0 names: () varnames: () cellvars: () freevars: () nlocals: 0 flags: 67 consts: ("'doc string'", 'None') ok 16 items had no tests: test.test_code.CodeConstsTest test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.assertIsInterned test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.assertIsNotInterned test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.find_const test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.test_interned_string test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.test_interned_string_default test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.test_interned_string_in_tuple test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.test_interned_string_with_null test.test_code.CodeTest test.test_code.CodeTest.test_newempty test.test_code.CodeWeakRefTest test.test_code.CodeWeakRefTest.test_basic test.test_code.consts test.test_code.dump test.test_code.isinterned test.test_code.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 9 tests in test.test_code 9 tests in 17 items. 9 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_code) ... 9 tests with zero failures FAIL: test_newempty (test.test_code.CodeTest) PASS: test_interned_string (test.test_code.CodeConstsTest) PASS: test_interned_string_default (test.test_code.CodeConstsTest) PASS: test_interned_string_in_tuple (test.test_code.CodeConstsTest) PASS: test_interned_string_with_null (test.test_code.CodeConstsTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_code.CodeWeakRefTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_newempty (test.test_code.CodeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 109, in test_newempty import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s FAILED (errors=1) 0:00:09 load avg: 0.82 [ 63/403/9] test_codeccallbacks -- test_code failed PASS: test_backslashescape (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badandgoodbackslashreplaceexceptions (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badandgoodignoreexceptions (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badandgoodreplaceexceptions (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badandgoodstrictexceptions (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badandgoodxmlcharrefreplaceexceptions (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badhandlerresults (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badlookupcall (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badregistercall (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_bug828737 (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_callbacks (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_charmapencode (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_decodehelper (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_decodeunicodeinternal (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_decoding_callbacks (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_encodehelper (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_fake_error_class (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_longstrings (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_lookup (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_translatehelper (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_unencodablereplacement (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_unicodedecodeerror (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_unicodeencodeerror (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_unicodetranslateerror (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_uninamereplace (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_unknownhandler (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_xmlcharnamereplace (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace_with_surrogates (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_xmlcharrefvalues (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 30 tests in 0.008s OK 0:00:09 load avg: 0.82 [ 64/403/9] test_codecencodings_cn PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) SKIP: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) 'encoding contains full ISO 10646 map' PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) SKIP: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) 'encoding contains full ISO 10646 map' PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 60 tests in 0.166s OK (skipped=2) 0:00:09 load avg: 0.82 [ 65/403/9] test_codecencodings_hk PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.008s OK 0:00:09 load avg: 0.82 [ 66/403/9] test_codecencodings_iso2022 PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) SKIP: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) 'iso2022_kr.txt cannot be used to test "chunk coding"' PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 45 tests in 0.166s OK (skipped=1) 0:00:09 load avg: 0.82 [ 67/403/9] test_codecencodings_jp PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 75 tests in 0.302s OK 0:00:09 load avg: 0.82 [ 68/403/9] test_codecencodings_kr PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 45 tests in 0.097s OK 0:00:09 load avg: 0.82 [ 69/403/9] test_codecencodings_tw PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.037s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.82 [ 70/403/9] test_codecmaps_cn test_codecmaps_cn skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled 0:00:10 load avg: 0.82 [ 71/403/9] test_codecmaps_hk -- test_codecmaps_cn skipped (resource denied) test_codecmaps_hk skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled 0:00:10 load avg: 0.82 [ 72/403/9] test_codecmaps_jp -- test_codecmaps_hk skipped (resource denied) test_codecmaps_jp skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled 0:00:10 load avg: 0.82 [ 73/403/9] test_codecmaps_kr -- test_codecmaps_jp skipped (resource denied) test_codecmaps_kr skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled 0:00:10 load avg: 0.82 [ 74/403/9] test_codecmaps_tw -- test_codecmaps_kr skipped (resource denied) test_codecmaps_tw skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled 0:00:10 load avg: 0.82 [ 75/403/9] test_codecs -- test_codecmaps_tw skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_badbom (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_handlers (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_issue8941 (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_only_one_bom (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_issue8941 (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_simple (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_issue8941 (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_simple (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_badbom (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_bug691291 (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_handlers (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_only_one_bom (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_bom (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_bug1601501 (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_stream_bare (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_stream_bom (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_ascii (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_lone_surrogates (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_nonbmp (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_bad_args (test.test_codecs.UTF16ExTest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF16ExTest) PASS: test_array (test.test_codecs.ReadBufferTest) PASS: test_bad_args (test.test_codecs.ReadBufferTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_codecs.ReadBufferTest) PASS: test_bad_args (test.test_codecs.CharBufferTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_codecs.CharBufferTest) PASS: test_string (test.test_codecs.CharBufferTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_codecs.EscapeDecodeTest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.EscapeDecodeTest) PASS: test_escape (test.test_codecs.EscapeDecodeTest) PASS: test_raw (test.test_codecs.EscapeDecodeTest) PASS: test_recoding (test.test_codecs.RecodingTest) PASS: test_decode (test.test_codecs.PunycodeTest) PASS: test_encode (test.test_codecs.PunycodeTest) PASS: test_bug1251300 (test.test_codecs.UnicodeInternalTest) PASS: test_decode_callback (test.test_codecs.UnicodeInternalTest) PASS: test_decode_error_attributes (test.test_codecs.UnicodeInternalTest) PASS: test_encode_length (test.test_codecs.UnicodeInternalTest) PASS: test_nameprep (test.test_codecs.NameprepTest) PASS: test_builtin_decode (test.test_codecs.IDNACodecTest) PASS: test_builtin_encode (test.test_codecs.IDNACodecTest) PASS: test_incremental_decode (test.test_codecs.IDNACodecTest) PASS: test_incremental_encode (test.test_codecs.IDNACodecTest) PASS: test_stream (test.test_codecs.IDNACodecTest) PASS: test_all (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_decode (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_encode (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_getdecoder (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_getencoder (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_getreader (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_getwriter (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_lookup (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) SKIP: test_lookup_issue1813 (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) 'test needs Turkish locale' PASS: test_register (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_codecs.StreamReaderTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_codecs.EncodedFileTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_codecs.Str2StrTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.Str2StrTest) PASS: test_bad_decode_args (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) PASS: test_bad_encode_args (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) PASS: test_basics (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) FAIL: test_basics_capi (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) PASS: test_encoding_map_type_initialized (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) PASS: test_seek (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) PASS: test_basics (test.test_codecs.BasicStrTest) PASS: test_decode_with_int2int_map (test.test_codecs.CharmapTest) PASS: test_decode_with_int2str_map (test.test_codecs.CharmapTest) PASS: test_decode_with_string_map (test.test_codecs.CharmapTest) PASS: test_encodedfile (test.test_codecs.WithStmtTest) PASS: test_streamreaderwriter (test.test_codecs.WithStmtTest) PASS: test_decode_errors (test.test_codecs.UnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_codecs.UnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_escape_decode (test.test_codecs.UnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_escape_encode (test.test_codecs.UnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_raw_decode (test.test_codecs.UnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_raw_encode (test.test_codecs.UnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_decode_errors (test.test_codecs.RawUnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_codecs.RawUnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_escape_decode (test.test_codecs.RawUnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_escape_encode (test.test_codecs.RawUnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_raw_decode (test.test_codecs.RawUnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_raw_encode (test.test_codecs.RawUnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_seek0 (test.test_codecs.BomTest) PASS: test_quopri_stateless (test.test_codecs.TransformCodecTest) PASS: test_uu_invalid (test.test_codecs.TransformCodecTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_basics_capi (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1717, in test_basics_capi from _testcapi import codec_incrementalencoder, codec_incrementaldecoder ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 155 tests in 0.561s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=1) 0:00:10 load avg: 0.83 [ 76/403/10] test_codeop -- test_codecs failed PASS: test_filename (test.test_codeop.CodeopTests) PASS: test_incomplete (test.test_codeop.CodeopTests) PASS: test_invalid (test.test_codeop.CodeopTests) PASS: test_valid (test.test_codeop.CodeopTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.003s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.83 [ 77/403/10] test_coercion PASS: test_cmptypes (test.test_coercion.CoercionTest) PASS: test_infinite_rec_classic_classes (test.test_coercion.CoercionTest) PASS: test_infix_binops (test.test_coercion.CoercionTest) PASS: test_prefix_binops (test.test_coercion.CoercionTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.015s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.83 [ 78/403/10] test_collections PASS: test_copy (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_factory (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_factory_doc_attr (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_instance (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_name_conflicts (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_name_fixer (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_odd_sizes (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_pickling_bug_18015 (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_tupleness (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) Counter (collections) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter __add__ (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.__add__ __and__ (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.__and__ __init__ (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.__init__ __or__ (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.__or__ __sub__ (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.__sub__ elements (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.elements most_common (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.most_common subtract (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.subtract update (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.update namedtuple (collections) PASS: Doctest: collections.namedtuple PASS: test_Callable (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_Container (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_Hashable (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_Iterable (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_Iterator (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_Sized (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_direct_subclassing (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_registration (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_Mapping (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_MutableMapping (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_MutableSequence (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_MutableSet (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_Sequence (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_Set (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_Set_interoperability_with_real_sets (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_hash_Set (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_issue16373 (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_issue8750 (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_issue_4920 (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_issue_5647 (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_basics (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_conversions (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_copy_subclass (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_copying (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_init (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_invariant_for_the_in_operator (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_multiset_operations (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_subtract (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_update (test.test_collections.TestCounter) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 50 tests in 0.204s OK Trying: c = Counter('abcdeabcdabcaba') # count elements from a string Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.most_common(3) # three most common elements Expecting: [('a', 5), ('b', 4), ('c', 3)] ok Trying: sorted(c) # list all unique elements Expecting: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] ok Trying: ''.join(sorted(c.elements())) # list elements with repetitions Expecting: 'aaaaabbbbcccdde' ok Trying: sum(c.values()) # total of all counts Expecting: 15 ok Trying: c['a'] # count of letter 'a' Expecting: 5 ok Trying: for elem in 'shazam': # update counts from an iterable c[elem] += 1 # by adding 1 to each element's count Expecting nothing ok Trying: c['a'] # now there are seven 'a' Expecting: 7 ok Trying: del c['b'] # remove all 'b' Expecting nothing ok Trying: c['b'] # now there are zero 'b' Expecting: 0 ok Trying: d = Counter('simsalabim') # make another counter Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.update(d) # add in the second counter Expecting nothing ok Trying: c['a'] # now there are nine 'a' Expecting: 9 ok Trying: c.clear() # empty the counter Expecting nothing ok Trying: c Expecting: Counter() ok Trying: c = Counter('aaabbc') Expecting nothing ok Trying: c['b'] -= 2 # reduce the count of 'b' by two Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.most_common() # 'b' is still in, but its count is zero Expecting: [('a', 3), ('c', 1), ('b', 0)] ok Trying: Counter('abbb') + Counter('bcc') Expecting: Counter({'b': 4, 'c': 2, 'a': 1}) ok Trying: Counter('abbb') & Counter('bcc') Expecting: Counter({'b': 1}) ok Trying: c = Counter() # a new, empty counter Expecting nothing ok Trying: c = Counter('gallahad') # a new counter from an iterable Expecting nothing ok Trying: c = Counter({'a': 4, 'b': 2}) # a new counter from a mapping Expecting nothing ok Trying: c = Counter(a=4, b=2) # a new counter from keyword args Expecting nothing ok Trying: Counter('abbb') | Counter('bcc') Expecting: Counter({'b': 3, 'c': 2, 'a': 1}) ok Trying: Counter('abbbc') - Counter('bccd') Expecting: Counter({'b': 2, 'a': 1}) ok Trying: c = Counter('ABCABC') Expecting nothing ok Trying: sorted(c.elements()) Expecting: ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'] ok Trying: prime_factors = Counter({2: 2, 3: 3, 17: 1}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: product = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: for factor in prime_factors.elements(): # loop over factors product *= factor # and multiply them Expecting nothing ok Trying: product Expecting: 1836 ok Trying: Counter('abcdeabcdabcaba').most_common(3) Expecting: [('a', 5), ('b', 4), ('c', 3)] ok Trying: c = Counter('which') Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.subtract('witch') # subtract elements from another iterable Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.subtract(Counter('watch')) # subtract elements from another counter Expecting nothing ok Trying: c['h'] # 2 in which, minus 1 in witch, minus 1 in watch Expecting: 0 ok Trying: c['w'] # 1 in which, minus 1 in witch, minus 1 in watch Expecting: -1 ok Trying: c = Counter('which') Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.update('witch') # add elements from another iterable Expecting nothing ok Trying: d = Counter('watch') Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.update(d) # add elements from another counter Expecting nothing ok Trying: c['h'] # four 'h' in which, witch, and watch Expecting: 4 ok Trying: Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Point.__doc__ # docstring for the new class Expecting: 'Point(x, y)' ok Trying: p = Point(11, y=22) # instantiate with positional args or keywords Expecting nothing ok Trying: p[0] + p[1] # indexable like a plain tuple Expecting: 33 ok Trying: x, y = p # unpack like a regular tuple Expecting nothing ok Trying: x, y Expecting: (11, 22) ok Trying: p.x + p.y # fields also accessible by name Expecting: 33 ok Trying: d = p._asdict() # convert to a dictionary Expecting nothing ok Trying: d['x'] Expecting: 11 ok Trying: Point(**d) # convert from a dictionary Expecting: Point(x=11, y=22) ok Trying: p._replace(x=100) # _replace() is like str.replace() but targets named fields Expecting: Point(x=100, y=22) ok 34 items had no tests: collections collections.Counter.__delitem__ collections.Counter.__missing__ collections.Counter.__reduce__ collections.Counter.__repr__ collections.Counter.copy collections.Counter.fromkeys collections.OrderedDict collections.OrderedDict.__delitem__ collections.OrderedDict.__eq__ collections.OrderedDict.__init__ collections.OrderedDict.__iter__ collections.OrderedDict.__ne__ collections.OrderedDict.__reduce__ collections.OrderedDict.__repr__ collections.OrderedDict.__reversed__ collections.OrderedDict.__setitem__ collections.OrderedDict.clear collections.OrderedDict.copy collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys collections.OrderedDict.items collections.OrderedDict.iteritems collections.OrderedDict.iterkeys collections.OrderedDict.itervalues collections.OrderedDict.keys collections.OrderedDict.pop collections.OrderedDict.popitem collections.OrderedDict.setdefault collections.OrderedDict.values collections.OrderedDict.viewitems collections.OrderedDict.viewkeys collections.OrderedDict.viewvalues collections.defaultdict collections.deque 11 items passed all tests: 18 tests in collections.Counter 1 tests in collections.Counter.__add__ 1 tests in collections.Counter.__and__ 4 tests in collections.Counter.__init__ 1 tests in collections.Counter.__or__ 1 tests in collections.Counter.__sub__ 6 tests in collections.Counter.elements 1 tests in collections.Counter.most_common 5 tests in collections.Counter.subtract 5 tests in collections.Counter.update 11 tests in collections.namedtuple 54 tests in 45 items. 54 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (collections) ... 54 tests with zero failures 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 79/403/10] test_colorsys PASS: test_hls_roundtrip (test.test_colorsys.ColorsysTest) PASS: test_hls_values (test.test_colorsys.ColorsysTest) PASS: test_hsv_roundtrip (test.test_colorsys.ColorsysTest) PASS: test_hsv_values (test.test_colorsys.ColorsysTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.003s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 80/403/10] test_commands PASS: test_getoutput (test.test_commands.CommandTests) PASS: test_getstatus (test.test_commands.CommandTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.008s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 81/403/10] test_compare PASS: test_comparisons (test.test_compare.ComparisonTest) PASS: test_id_comparisons (test.test_compare.ComparisonTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 82/403/10] test_compile PASS: test_32_63_bit_values (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_argument_handling (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_argument_order (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_compile_ast (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_complex_args (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_debug_assignment (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_duplicate_global_local (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_empty (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_exec_functional_style (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_exec_with_general_mapping_for_locals (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_extended_arg (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_float_literals (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_for_distinct_code_objects (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_import (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_indentation (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_lambda_doc (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_leading_newlines (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_literals_with_leading_zeroes (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_mangling (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_nested_qualified_exec (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_no_ending_newline (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_none_assignment (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_none_keyword_arg (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_null_terminated (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_other_newlines (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_sequence_unpacking_error (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_subscripts (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_syntax_error (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_unary_minus (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_yet_more_evil_still_undecodable (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_and (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_and_or (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_binop (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_chained_comparison (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_dont_merge_constants (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_func_and (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_if_else (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_merge_constants (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_or (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 40 tests in 0.042s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 83/403/10] test_compileall PASS: test_compile_files (test.test_compileall.CompileallTests) PASS: test_magic_number (test.test_compileall.CompileallTests) PASS: test_mtime (test.test_compileall.CompileallTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 84/403/10] test_compiler PASS: testCompileLibrary (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testDefaultArgs (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testDictComp (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testDictLiteral (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testDocstrings (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testFlatten (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testGenExp (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testGlobal (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testKeywordAfterStarargs (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testLineNo (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testNestedScope (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testNewClassSyntax (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testPrintFunction (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testSetComp (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testSetLiteral (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testSourceCodeEncodingsError (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testTryExceptFinally (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testWith (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testWithAss (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testWithMult (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testYieldExpr (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 21 tests in 0.025s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 85/403/10] test_complex PASS: test_abs (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_boolcontext (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_coerce (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_conjugate (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_constructor_special_numbers (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_div (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_divmod (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_file (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_floordiv (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_getnewargs (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_mod (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_neg (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_no_implicit_coerce (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_plus_minus_0j (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_pow (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_repr_roundtrip (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_richcompare (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_richcompare_boundaries (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_truediv (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 25 tests in 0.118s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 86/403/10] test_complex_args PASS: test_func_1 (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_func_2 (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_func_3 (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_func_complex (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_func_parens_no_unpacking (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_lambda_1 (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_lambda_2 (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_lambda_3 (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_lambda_complex (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_lambda_parens_no_unpacking (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 87/403/10] test_contains PASS: test_builtin_sequence_types (test.test_contains.TestContains) PASS: test_char_in_unicode (test.test_contains.TestContains) PASS: test_common_tests (test.test_contains.TestContains) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 88/403/10] test_contextlib PASS: test_closing (test.test_contextlib.ClosingTestCase) PASS: test_closing_error (test.test_contextlib.ClosingTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_attribs (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_doc_attrib (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_except (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_finally (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_no_reraise (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_plain (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_trap_yield_after_throw (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_keywords (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: testWithOpen (test.test_contextlib.FileContextTestCase) PASS: testWithBoundedSemaphore (test.test_contextlib.LockContextTestCase) PASS: testWithCondition (test.test_contextlib.LockContextTestCase) PASS: testWithLock (test.test_contextlib.LockContextTestCase) PASS: testWithRLock (test.test_contextlib.LockContextTestCase) PASS: testWithSemaphore (test.test_contextlib.LockContextTestCase) PASS: test_nested (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) PASS: test_nested_b_swallows (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) PASS: test_nested_break (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) PASS: test_nested_cleanup (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) PASS: test_nested_continue (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) PASS: test_nested_return (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) PASS: test_nested_right_exception (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 23 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 89/403/10] test_cookie PASS: test_bad_attrs (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_basic (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_extended_encode (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_extra_spaces (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_invalid_cookies (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_load (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_quoted_meta (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_secure_httponly_false_if_not_present (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_secure_httponly_true_if_have_value (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_secure_httponly_true_if_present (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_set_secure_httponly_attrs (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.002s OK Trying: import Cookie Expecting nothing ok Trying: C = Cookie.SimpleCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C = Cookie.SerialCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["fig"] = "newton" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["sugar"] = "wafer" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C.output() Expecting: 'Set-Cookie: fig=newton\r\nSet-Cookie: sugar=wafer' ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["rocky"] = "road" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["rocky"]["path"] = "/cookie" Expecting nothing ok Trying: print C.output(header="Cookie:") Expecting: Cookie: rocky=road; Path=/cookie ok Trying: print C.output(attrs=[], header="Cookie:") Expecting: Cookie: rocky=road ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C.load("chips=ahoy; vienna=finger") Expecting nothing ok Trying: C.output() Expecting: 'Set-Cookie: chips=ahoy\r\nSet-Cookie: vienna=finger' ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C.load('keebler="E=everybody; L=\\"Loves\\"; fudge=\\012;";') Expecting nothing ok Trying: print C Expecting: Set-Cookie: keebler="E=everybody; L=\"Loves\"; fudge=\012;" ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["oreo"] = "doublestuff" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["oreo"]["path"] = "/" Expecting nothing ok Trying: print C Expecting: Set-Cookie: oreo=doublestuff; Path=/ ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["twix"] = "none for you" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["twix"].value Expecting: 'none for you' ok Trying: C = Cookie.SimpleCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["number"] = 7 Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["string"] = "seven" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["number"].value Expecting: '7' ok Trying: C["string"].value Expecting: 'seven' ok Trying: C.output() Expecting: 'Set-Cookie: number=7\r\nSet-Cookie: string=seven' ok Trying: C = Cookie.SerialCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["number"] = 7 Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["string"] = "seven" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["number"].value Expecting: 7 ok Trying: C["string"].value Expecting: 'seven' ok Trying: C.output() Expecting: 'Set-Cookie: number="I7\\012."\r\nSet-Cookie: string="S\'seven\'\\012p1\\012."' ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["number"] = 7 Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["string"] = "seven" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["number"].value Expecting: 7 ok Trying: C["string"].value Expecting: 'seven' ok Trying: C.output() Expecting: 'Set-Cookie: number="I7\\012."\r\nSet-Cookie: string=seven' ok Trying: C = Cookie.Cookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: print C.__class__.__name__ Expecting: SmartCookie ok 36 items had no tests: Cookie.BaseCookie Cookie.BaseCookie._BaseCookie__ParseString Cookie.BaseCookie._BaseCookie__set Cookie.BaseCookie.__init__ Cookie.BaseCookie.__repr__ Cookie.BaseCookie.__setitem__ Cookie.BaseCookie.__str__ Cookie.BaseCookie.js_output Cookie.BaseCookie.load Cookie.BaseCookie.value_decode Cookie.BaseCookie.value_encode Cookie.CookieError Cookie.Morsel Cookie.Morsel.OutputString Cookie.Morsel.__init__ Cookie.Morsel.__repr__ Cookie.Morsel.__setitem__ Cookie.Morsel.__str__ Cookie.Morsel.isReservedKey Cookie.Morsel.js_output Cookie.Morsel.set Cookie.SerialCookie Cookie.SerialCookie.__init__ Cookie.SerialCookie.value_decode Cookie.SerialCookie.value_encode Cookie.SimpleCookie Cookie.SimpleCookie.value_decode Cookie.SimpleCookie.value_encode Cookie.SmartCookie Cookie.SmartCookie.__init__ Cookie.SmartCookie.value_decode Cookie.SmartCookie.value_encode Cookie._getdate Cookie._quote Cookie._test Cookie._unquote 1 items passed all tests: 46 tests in Cookie 46 tests in 37 items. 46 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (Cookie) ... 46 tests with zero failures 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 90/403/10] test_cookielib PASS: test_http2time (test.test_cookielib.DateTimeTests) PASS: test_http2time_formats (test.test_cookielib.DateTimeTests) PASS: test_http2time_garbage (test.test_cookielib.DateTimeTests) PASS: test_time2isoz (test.test_cookielib.DateTimeTests) PASS: test_time2netscape (test.test_cookielib.DateTimeTests) PASS: test_join_header_words (test.test_cookielib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_parse_ns_headers_expires (test.test_cookielib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_parse_ns_headers_special_names (test.test_cookielib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_parse_ns_headers_version (test.test_cookielib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_cookielib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_split_header_words (test.test_cookielib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_Cookie_iterator (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_bad_cookie_header (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_default_path (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_default_path_with_query (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_domain_allow (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_domain_block (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_domain_match (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_domain_mirror (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_domain_return_ok (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_escape_path (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_expires (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_is_HDN (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_missing_final_slash (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_missing_value (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_no_return_comment (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_ns_parser (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_ns_parser_special_names (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_parse_ns_headers (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_path_mirror (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_port_mirror (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_quote_cookie_value (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_reach (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_request_host (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_request_path (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_request_port (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_rfc2109_handling (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_secure (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_strict_domain (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_two_component_domain_ns (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_two_component_domain_rfc2965 (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_wrong_domain (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_bad_magic (test.test_cookielib.FileCookieJarTests) PASS: test_lwp_valueless_cookie (test.test_cookielib.FileCookieJarTests) PASS: test_empty_path (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_ietf_example_1 (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_ietf_example_2 (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_intranet_domains_2965 (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_intranet_domains_ns (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_mozilla (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_netscape_example_1 (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_netscape_example_2 (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_netscape_misc (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_rejection (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_session_cookies (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_url_encoding (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 56 tests in 0.026s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 91/403/10] test_copy PASS: test_copy_atomic (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_basic (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_bytearray (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_cant (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_copy (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_dict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_frozenset (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_function (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_inst_copy (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_inst_getinitargs (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_inst_getstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_inst_getstate_setstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_inst_setstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_inst_vanilla (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_list (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_list_subclass (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_reduce (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_reduce_ex (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_registry (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_set (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_slots (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_tuple (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_tuple_subclass (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_weakkeydict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_weakref (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_weakvaluedict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_atomic (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_basic (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_bound_method (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_cant (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_deepcopy (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_dict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_dict_subclass (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_function (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_inst_deepcopy (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_inst_getinitargs (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_inst_getstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_inst_getstate_setstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_inst_setstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_inst_vanilla (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_issubclass (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_keepalive (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_list (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_list_subclass (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_memo (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_reduce (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_reduce_ex (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_reflexive_dict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_reflexive_inst (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_reflexive_list (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_reflexive_tuple (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_registry (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_slots (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_tuple (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_tuple_subclass (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_weakkeydict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_weakref (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_weakvaluedict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_getstate_exc (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reconstruct_nostate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reconstruct_reflexive (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reconstruct_state (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reconstruct_state_setstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reconstruct_string (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reduce_4tuple (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reduce_5tuple (test.test_copy.TestCopy) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 67 tests in 0.003s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 92/403/10] test_copy_reg PASS: test_bool (test.test_copy_reg.CopyRegTestCase) PASS: test_class (test.test_copy_reg.CopyRegTestCase) PASS: test_extension_registry (test.test_copy_reg.CopyRegTestCase) PASS: test_noncallable_constructor (test.test_copy_reg.CopyRegTestCase) PASS: test_noncallable_reduce (test.test_copy_reg.CopyRegTestCase) PASS: test_slotnames (test.test_copy_reg.CopyRegTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.83 [ 93/403/10] test_cpickle PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_input (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_mark (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_stack (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_binget (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_callapi (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_correctly_quoted_string (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_dump_closed_file (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_dup (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_garyp (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_highest_protocol (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_incomplete_input (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_insecure_strings (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance_error (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_closed_file (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_from_and_dump_to_file (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_from_canned_string (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_str (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_unicode (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_long_binget (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_maxint64 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_misc_get (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_restricted (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_truncated_data (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_mark (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_stack (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_binget (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_correctly_quoted_string (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_dup (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_garyp (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_insecure_strings (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance_error (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_from_canned_string (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_str (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_unicode (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_long_binget (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_maxint64 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_misc_get (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_truncated_data (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_mark (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_stack (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_binget (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_correctly_quoted_string (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_dup (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_garyp (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_insecure_strings (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance_error (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_from_canned_string (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_str (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_unicode (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_long_binget (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_maxint64 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_misc_get (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_truncated_data (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_mark (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_stack (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_binget (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_correctly_quoted_string (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_dup (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_garyp (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_insecure_strings (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance_error (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_from_canned_string (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_str (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_unicode (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_long_binget (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_maxint64 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_misc_get (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_truncated_data (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_nonrecursive_deep (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_nonrecursive_deep (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_nonrecursive_deep (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_issue2702 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleDeepRecursive) PASS: test_issue3179 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleDeepRecursive) PASS: test_clear_pickler_memo (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_multiple_unpicklings_seekable (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_multiple_unpicklings_unseekable (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_priming_pickler_memo (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_priming_unpickler_memo (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_reusing_unpickler_objects (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_unpickling_buffering_readline (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_huge_strlist (test.test_cpickle.cPickleBigmemPickleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 683 tests in 0.741s OK 0:00:12 load avg: 0.83 [ 94/403/10] test_cprofile PASS: test_bad_counter_during_dealloc (test.test_cprofile.CProfileTest) PASS: test_calling_conventions (test.test_cprofile.CProfileTest) PASS: test_cprofile (test.test_cprofile.CProfileTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:12 load avg: 0.83 [ 95/403/10] test_crypt test_crypt (test.test_crypt.CryptTestCase) ... Test encryption: abeTm2pJKypwA ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:12 load avg: 0.83 [ 96/403/10] test_csv PASS: test_char_write (test.test_csv.TestArrayWrites) PASS: test_double_write (test.test_csv.TestArrayWrites) PASS: test_float_write (test.test_csv.TestArrayWrites) PASS: test_int_write (test.test_csv.TestArrayWrites) PASS: test_blankline (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_dubious_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_empty_fields (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_inline_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_inline_quotes (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_lone_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_newlines (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_null (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quote_and_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quote_fieldsep (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quoted (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quoted_nl (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quoted_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quoted_quotes (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quotes (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quotes_and_more (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_simple (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_simple_writer (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_single (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_single_quoted_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_single_writer (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_singlequoted (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_singlequoted_left_empty (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_singlequoted_right_empty (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_space_and_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_bad_dialect (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_dialect_apply (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_incomplete_dialect (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_register_kwargs (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_registry (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_registry_badargs (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_space_dialect (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_delimiter (test.test_csv.TestDialectValidity) PASS: test_lineterminator (test.test_csv.TestDialectValidity) PASS: test_quoting (test.test_csv.TestDialectValidity) PASS: test_read_dict_fieldnames_chain (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_dict_fieldnames_from_file (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_dict_fields (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_dict_no_fieldnames (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_long (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_long_with_rest (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_long_with_rest_no_fieldnames (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_multi (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_semi_sep (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_short (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_with_blanks (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_write_fields_not_in_fieldnames (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_write_no_fields (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_write_simple_dict (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_escape_fieldsep (test.test_csv.TestEscapedExcel) PASS: test_read_escape_fieldsep (test.test_csv.TestEscapedExcel) SKIP: test_create_read (test.test_csv.TestLeaks) 'requires sys.gettotalrefcount()' SKIP: test_create_write (test.test_csv.TestLeaks) 'requires sys.gettotalrefcount()' SKIP: test_read (test.test_csv.TestLeaks) 'requires sys.gettotalrefcount()' SKIP: test_write (test.test_csv.TestLeaks) 'requires sys.gettotalrefcount()' PASS: test_read_escape_fieldsep (test.test_csv.TestQuotedEscapedExcel) PASS: test_write_escape_fieldsep (test.test_csv.TestQuotedEscapedExcel) PASS: test_delimiters (test.test_csv.TestSniffer) PASS: test_doublequote (test.test_csv.TestSniffer) PASS: test_has_header (test.test_csv.TestSniffer) PASS: test_has_header_regex_special_delimiter (test.test_csv.TestSniffer) PASS: test_sniff (test.test_csv.TestSniffer) PASS: test_read_bigfield (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_read_eof (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_read_eol (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_read_escape (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_read_linenum (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_read_oddinputs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_read_quoting (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_reader_arg_valid (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_reader_attrs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_reader_dialect_attrs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_reader_kw_attrs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_roundtrip_quoteed_newlines (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_write_arg_valid (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_write_bigfield (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_write_escape (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_write_float (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_write_quoting (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_writer_arg_valid (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_writer_attrs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_writer_dialect_attrs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_writer_kw_attrs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_writerows (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 88 tests in 0.013s OK (skipped=4) 0:00:12 load avg: 0.83 [ 97/403/10] test_ctypes 0:00:12 load avg: 0.83 [ 98/403/11] test_curses -- test_ctypes failed test_curses skipped -- Use of the `curses' resource not enabled 0:00:12 load avg: 0.83 [ 99/403/11] test_datetime -- test_curses skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_bug_1028306 (test.test_datetime.Oddballs) PASS: test_backdoor_resistance (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_bad_constructor_arguments (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_basic_attributes (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_bool (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_computations (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_ctime (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_extreme_ordinals (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_extreme_timedelta (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_format (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_harmful_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_harmless_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_hash_equality (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_insane_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_iso_long_years (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_isocalendar (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_isoformat (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_mixed_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_ordinal_conversions (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_date (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_replace (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_resolution_info (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_strftime_out_of_range (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_subclass_date (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_timetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_today (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_weekday (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_delta_non_days_ignored (test.test_datetime.TestDateOnly) PASS: test_astimezone (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_backdoor_resistance (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_bad_constructor_arguments (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_basic_attributes (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_basic_attributes_nonzero (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_bool (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_combine (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_computations (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_ctime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_extract (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_extreme_ordinals (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_extreme_timedelta (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_format (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_harmful_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_harmless_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_hash_equality (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_insane_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_insane_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_iso_long_years (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_isocalendar (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_isoformat (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_microsecond_rounding (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_mixed_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_more_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_more_ctime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_more_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_more_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_more_timetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_negative_float_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_negative_float_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_ordinal_conversions (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_date (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_datetime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_replace (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_resolution_info (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_strftime_out_of_range (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_strftime_with_bad_tzname_replace (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_strptime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_subclass_date (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_subclass_datetime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_timetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_today (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_tz_independent_comparing (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_utcnow (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_weekday (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_argument_passing (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_astimezone (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_aware_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_aware_subtract (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_backdoor_resistance (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_bad_constructor_arguments (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_bad_tzinfo_classes (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_basic_attributes (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_basic_attributes_nonzero (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_bool (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_combine (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_computations (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_ctime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_even_more_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_extract (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_extreme_hashes (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_extreme_ordinals (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_extreme_timedelta (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_format (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_harmful_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_harmless_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_hash_equality (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_insane_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_insane_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_iso_long_years (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_isocalendar (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_isoformat (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_microsecond_rounding (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_mixed_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_astimezone (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_ctime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_timetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_negative_float_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_negative_float_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_ordinal_conversions (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_date (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_datetime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_replace (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_resolution_info (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_strftime_out_of_range (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_strftime_with_bad_tzname_replace (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_strptime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_subclass_date (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_subclass_datetime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_subclass_datetimetz (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_timetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_today (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_trivial (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tz_aware_arithmetic (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tz_independent_comparing (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_classes (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_isoformat (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_now (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_timetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_utcnow (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_utc_offset_out_of_bounds (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_utcnow (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_utctimetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_weekday (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_zones (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_constants (test.test_datetime.TestModule) PASS: test_non_abstractness (test.test_datetime.TestTZInfo) PASS: test_normal (test.test_datetime.TestTZInfo) PASS: test_pickling_base (test.test_datetime.TestTZInfo) PASS: test_pickling_subclass (test.test_datetime.TestTZInfo) PASS: test_subclass_must_override (test.test_datetime.TestTZInfo) PASS: test_1653736 (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_backdoor_resistance (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_bad_constructor_arguments (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_basic_attributes (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_basic_attributes_nonzero (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_bool (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_comparing (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_format (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_harmful_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_harmless_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_hash_equality (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_isoformat (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_time (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_replace (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_repr (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_resolution_info (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_str (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_subclass_time (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_basic_attributes (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_bool (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_carries (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_compare (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_computations (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_disallowed_computations (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_harmful_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_harmless_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_hash_equality (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_massive_normalization (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_microsecond_rounding (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_resolution_info (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_str (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_subclass_timedelta (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_total_seconds (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_1653736 (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_argument_passing (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_aware_compare (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_backdoor_resistance (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_bad_constructor_arguments (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_bad_tzinfo_classes (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_basic_attributes (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_basic_attributes_nonzero (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_bool (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_comparing (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_empty (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_format (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_harmful_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_harmless_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_hash_edge_cases (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_hash_equality (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_isoformat (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_mixed_compare (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_bool (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_time (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_replace (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_repr (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_resolution_info (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_str (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_subclass_time (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_subclass_timetz (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_classes (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_utc_offset_out_of_bounds (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_zones (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_bogus_dst (test.test_datetime.TestTimezoneConversions) PASS: test_easy (test.test_datetime.TestTimezoneConversions) PASS: test_fromutc (test.test_datetime.TestTimezoneConversions) PASS: test_tricky (test.test_datetime.TestTimezoneConversions) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 240 tests in 0.679s OK 0:00:13 load avg: 0.83 [100/403/11] test_dbm PASS: test_keys (test.test_dbm.DbmTestCase) PASS: test_modes (test.test_dbm.DbmTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:13 load avg: 0.83 [101/403/11] test_decimal PASS: test_explicit_context_create_decimal (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_empty (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_Decimal (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_None (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_bool (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_float (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_int (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_string (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_tuples (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_unicode_digits (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_implicit_from_Decimal (test.test_decimal.DecimalImplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_implicit_from_None (test.test_decimal.DecimalImplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_implicit_from_float (test.test_decimal.DecimalImplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_implicit_from_int (test.test_decimal.DecimalImplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_implicit_from_string (test.test_decimal.DecimalImplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_rop (test.test_decimal.DecimalImplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_addition (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_copy_sign (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_division (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_floor_div_module (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_floor_division (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_module (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_multiplication (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_nan_comparisons (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_powering (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_subtraction (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_unary_operators (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_formatting (test.test_decimal.DecimalFormatTest) PASS: test_n_format (test.test_decimal.DecimalFormatTest) SKIP: test_wide_char_separator_decimal_point (test.test_decimal.DecimalFormatTest) "inappropriate decimal point separator('.' not '\\xd9\\xab')" PASS: test_threading (test.test_decimal.DecimalUseOfContextTest) PASS: test_as_nonzero (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_as_tuple (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_comparison_operators (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_conversions_from_int (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_copy_and_deepcopy_methods (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_decimal_float_comparison (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_eval_round_trip (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_hash_method (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_immutability_operations (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_implicit_context (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_min_and_max_methods (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_nan_to_float (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_snan_to_float (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_tonum_methods (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_tostring_methods (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_abc (test.test_decimal.DecimalPythonAPItests) PASS: test_create_decimal_from_float (test.test_decimal.DecimalPythonAPItests) PASS: test_from_float (test.test_decimal.DecimalPythonAPItests) PASS: test_int (test.test_decimal.DecimalPythonAPItests) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_decimal.DecimalPythonAPItests) PASS: test_trunc (test.test_decimal.DecimalPythonAPItests) PASS: test_abs (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_add (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_compare (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_compare_signal (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_compare_total (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_compare_total_mag (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_copy (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_copy_abs (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_copy_decimal (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_copy_negate (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_copy_sign (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_divide (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_divide_int (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_divmod (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_equality_with_other_types (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_exp (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_fma (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_finite (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_infinite (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_nan (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_normal (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_qnan (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_signed (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_snan (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_subnormal (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_zero (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_ln (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_log10 (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_logb (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_logical_and (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_logical_invert (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_logical_or (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_logical_xor (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_max (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_max_mag (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_min (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_min_mag (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_minus (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_multiply (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_next_minus (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_next_plus (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_next_toward (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_normalize (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_number_class (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_plus (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_power (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_quantize (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_remainder (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_remainder_near (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_rotate (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_same_quantum (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_scaleb (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_shift (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_sqrt (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_subtract (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_to_eng_string (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_to_integral_exact (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_to_integral_value (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_to_sci_string (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_abs (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_and (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_base (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_clamp (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_class (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_comparetotal (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_comparetotmag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_copyabs (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_copynegate (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_copysign (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddAbs (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddAdd (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddAnd (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddBase (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCanonical (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddClass (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCompare (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCompareSig (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCompareTotal (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCompareTotalMag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCopy (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCopyAbs (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCopyNegate (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCopySign (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddDivide (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddDivideInt (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddEncode (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddFMA (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddInvert (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddLogB (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddMax (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddMaxMag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddMin (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddMinMag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddMinus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddMultiply (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddNextMinus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddNextPlus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddNextToward (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddOr (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddPlus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddQuantize (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddReduce (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddRemainder (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddRemainderNear (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddRotate (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddSameQuantum (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddScaleB (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddShift (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddSubtract (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddToIntegral (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddXor (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_decDouble (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_decQuad (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_decSingle (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_divide (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_divideint (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqAbs (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqAdd (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqAnd (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqBase (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCanonical (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqClass (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCompare (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCompareSig (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCompareTotal (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCompareTotalMag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCopy (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCopyAbs (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCopyNegate (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCopySign (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqDivide (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqDivideInt (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqEncode (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqFMA (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqInvert (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqLogB (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqMax (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqMaxMag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqMin (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqMinMag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqMinus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqMultiply (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqNextMinus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqNextPlus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqNextToward (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqOr (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqPlus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqQuantize (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqReduce (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqRemainder (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqRemainderNear (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqRotate (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqSameQuantum (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqScaleB (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqShift (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqSubtract (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqToIntegral (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqXor (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dsBase (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dsEncode (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_exp (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_extra (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_fma (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_inexact (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_invert (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ln (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_log10 (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_logb (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_max (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_maxmag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_min (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_minmag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_minus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_multiply (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_nextminus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_nextplus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_nexttoward (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_or (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_plus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_power (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_powersqrt (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_quantize (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_randomBound32 (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_randoms (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_remainder (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_remainderNear (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_rescale (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_rotate (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_rounding (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_samequantum (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_scaleb (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_shift (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_squareroot (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_subtract (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_testall (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_tointegral (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_tointegralx (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_xor (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_localcontext (test.test_decimal.WithStatementTest) PASS: test_localcontextarg (test.test_decimal.WithStatementTest) PASS: test_flags_irrelevant (test.test_decimal.ContextFlags) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 259 tests in 0.693s OK (skipped=1) Trying: from decimal import * Expecting nothing ok Trying: setcontext(ExtendedContext) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Decimal(0) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: Decimal('1') Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: Decimal('-.0123') Expecting: Decimal('-0.0123') ok Trying: Decimal(123456) Expecting: Decimal('123456') ok Trying: Decimal('123.45e12345678901234567890') Expecting: Decimal('1.2345E+12345678901234567892') ok Trying: Decimal('1.33') + Decimal('1.27') Expecting: Decimal('2.60') ok Trying: Decimal('12.34') + Decimal('3.87') - Decimal('18.41') Expecting: Decimal('-2.20') ok Trying: dig = Decimal(1) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print dig / Decimal(3) Expecting: 0.333333333 ok Trying: getcontext().prec = 18 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print dig / Decimal(3) Expecting: 0.333333333333333333 ok Trying: print dig.sqrt() Expecting: 1 ok Trying: print Decimal(3).sqrt() Expecting: 1.73205080756887729 ok Trying: print Decimal(3) ** 123 Expecting: 4.85192780976896427E+58 ok Trying: inf = Decimal(1) / Decimal(0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print inf Expecting: Infinity ok Trying: neginf = Decimal(-1) / Decimal(0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print neginf Expecting: -Infinity ok Trying: print neginf + inf Expecting: NaN ok Trying: print neginf * inf Expecting: -Infinity ok Trying: print dig / 0 Expecting: Infinity ok Trying: getcontext().traps[DivisionByZero] = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print dig / 0 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ... ... DivisionByZero: x / 0 ok Trying: c = Context() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.traps[InvalidOperation] = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 0 ok Trying: c.divide(Decimal(0), Decimal(0)) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: c.traps[InvalidOperation] = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 1 ok Trying: c.flags[InvalidOperation] = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 0 ok Trying: print c.divide(Decimal(0), Decimal(0)) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ... ... InvalidOperation: 0 / 0 ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 1 ok Trying: c.flags[InvalidOperation] = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.traps[InvalidOperation] = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.divide(Decimal(0), Decimal(0)) Expecting: NaN ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 1 ok Trying: ExtendedContext.abs(Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.abs(Decimal('-100')) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.abs(Decimal('101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('101.5') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.abs(Decimal('-101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('101.5') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.abs(-1) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.add(Decimal('12'), Decimal('7.00')) Expecting: Decimal('19.00') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.add(Decimal('1E+2'), Decimal('1.01E+4')) Expecting: Decimal('1.02E+4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.add(1, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.add(Decimal(8), 5) Expecting: Decimal('13') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.add(5, 5) Expecting: Decimal('10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.canonical(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: Decimal('2.50') ok Trying:'2.1'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying:'2.1'), Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying:'2.1'), Decimal('2.10')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying:'3'), Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying:'2.1'), Decimal('-3')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying:'-3'), Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying:, 2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying:, 2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying:, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.compare_signal(Decimal('2.1'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: c.compare_signal(Decimal('2.1'), Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: c.flags[InvalidOperation] = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 0 ok Trying: c.compare_signal(Decimal('NaN'), Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 1 ok Trying: c.flags[InvalidOperation] = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 0 ok Trying: c.compare_signal(Decimal('sNaN'), Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 1 ok Trying: c.compare_signal(-1, 2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: c.compare_signal(Decimal(-1), 2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: c.compare_signal(-1, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal('12.73'), Decimal('127.9')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal('-127'), Decimal('12')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal('12.30'), Decimal('12.3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal('12.30'), Decimal('12.30')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal('12.3'), Decimal('12.300')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal('12.3'), Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(1, 2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal(1), 2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(1, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_abs(Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_abs(Decimal('-100')) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_abs(-1) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_decimal(Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_decimal(Decimal('-1.00')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.00') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_decimal(1) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_negate(Decimal('101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('-101.5') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_negate(Decimal('-101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('101.5') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_negate(1) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(Decimal( '1.50'), Decimal('7.33')) Expecting: Decimal('1.50') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(Decimal('-1.50'), Decimal('7.33')) Expecting: Decimal('1.50') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(Decimal( '1.50'), Decimal('-7.33')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.50') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(Decimal('-1.50'), Decimal('-7.33')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.50') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(1, -2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(Decimal(1), -2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(1, Decimal(-2)) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: context = Context(prec=5, rounding=ROUND_DOWN) Expecting nothing ok Trying: context.create_decimal_from_float(3.1415926535897932) Expecting: Decimal('3.1415') ok Trying: context = Context(prec=5, traps=[Inexact]) Expecting nothing ok Trying: context.create_decimal_from_float(3.1415926535897932) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... Inexact: None ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('1'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('0.333333333') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('2'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('0.666666667') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('5'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('2.5') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('1'), Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('0.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('12'), Decimal('12')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('8.00'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('4.00') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('2.400'), Decimal('2.0')) Expecting: Decimal('1.20') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('1000'), Decimal('100')) Expecting: Decimal('10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('1000'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1000') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('2.40E+6'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('1.20E+6') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(5, 5) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal(5), 5) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(5, Decimal(5)) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide_int(Decimal('2'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide_int(Decimal('10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide_int(Decimal('1'), Decimal('0.3')) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide_int(10, 3) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide_int(Decimal(10), 3) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide_int(10, Decimal(3)) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divmod(Decimal(8), Decimal(3)) Expecting: (Decimal('2'), Decimal('2')) ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divmod(Decimal(8), Decimal(4)) Expecting: (Decimal('2'), Decimal('0')) ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divmod(8, 4) Expecting: (Decimal('2'), Decimal('0')) ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divmod(Decimal(8), 4) Expecting: (Decimal('2'), Decimal('0')) ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divmod(8, Decimal(4)) Expecting: (Decimal('2'), Decimal('0')) ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.exp(Decimal('-Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: c.exp(Decimal('-1')) Expecting: Decimal('0.367879441') ok Trying: c.exp(Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: c.exp(Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.71828183') ok Trying: c.exp(Decimal('0.693147181')) Expecting: Decimal('2.00000000') ok Trying: c.exp(Decimal('+Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('Infinity') ok Trying: c.exp(10) Expecting: Decimal('22026.4658') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.fma(Decimal('3'), Decimal('5'), Decimal('7')) Expecting: Decimal('22') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.fma(Decimal('3'), Decimal('-5'), Decimal('7')) Expecting: Decimal('-8') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.fma(Decimal('888565290'), Decimal('1557.96930'), Decimal('-86087.7578')) Expecting: Decimal('1.38435736E+12') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.fma(1, 3, 4) Expecting: Decimal('7') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.fma(1, Decimal(3), 4) Expecting: Decimal('7') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.fma(1, 3, Decimal(4)) Expecting: Decimal('7') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_canonical(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_finite(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_finite(Decimal('-0.3')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_finite(Decimal('0')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_finite(Decimal('Inf')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_finite(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_finite(1) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_infinite(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_infinite(Decimal('-Inf')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_infinite(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_infinite(1) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_nan(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_nan(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_nan(Decimal('-sNaN')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_nan(1) Expecting: False ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.is_normal(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: True ok Trying: c.is_normal(Decimal('0.1E-999')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_normal(Decimal('0.00')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_normal(Decimal('-Inf')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_normal(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_normal(1) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_qnan(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_qnan(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_qnan(Decimal('sNaN')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_qnan(1) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_signed(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_signed(Decimal('-12')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_signed(Decimal('-0')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_signed(8) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_signed(-8) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_snan(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_snan(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_snan(Decimal('sNaN')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_snan(1) Expecting: False ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.is_subnormal(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_subnormal(Decimal('0.1E-999')) Expecting: True ok Trying: c.is_subnormal(Decimal('0.00')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_subnormal(Decimal('-Inf')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_subnormal(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_subnormal(1) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_zero(Decimal('0')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_zero(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_zero(Decimal('-0E+2')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_zero(1) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_zero(0) Expecting: True ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.ln(Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: c.ln(Decimal('1.000')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: c.ln(Decimal('2.71828183')) Expecting: Decimal('1.00000000') ok Trying: c.ln(Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('2.30258509') ok Trying: c.ln(Decimal('+Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('Infinity') ok Trying: c.ln(1) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('0.001')) Expecting: Decimal('-3') ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('1.000')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('0.301029996') ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('70')) Expecting: Decimal('1.84509804') ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('+Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('Infinity') ok Trying: c.log10(0) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: c.log10(1) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(Decimal('250')) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(Decimal('0.03')) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(1) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(10) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(100) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal('1'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal('1'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal('1100'), Decimal('1010')) Expecting: Decimal('1000') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal('1111'), Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(110, 1101) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal(110), 1101) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(110, Decimal(1101)) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_invert(Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('111111111') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_invert(Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('111111110') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_invert(Decimal('111111111')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_invert(Decimal('101010101')) Expecting: Decimal('10101010') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_invert(1101) Expecting: Decimal('111110010') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal('1'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal('1'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal('1100'), Decimal('1010')) Expecting: Decimal('1110') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal('1110'), Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('1110') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(110, 1101) Expecting: Decimal('1111') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal(110), 1101) Expecting: Decimal('1111') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(110, Decimal(1101)) Expecting: Decimal('1111') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal('1'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal('1'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal('1100'), Decimal('1010')) Expecting: Decimal('110') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal('1111'), Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('1101') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(110, 1101) Expecting: Decimal('1011') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal(110), 1101) Expecting: Decimal('1011') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(110, Decimal(1101)) Expecting: Decimal('1011') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(Decimal('3'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(Decimal('-10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(Decimal('1.0'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(Decimal('7'), Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: Decimal('7') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(1, 2) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(Decimal(1), 2) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(1, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max_mag(Decimal('7'), Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: Decimal('7') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max_mag(Decimal('7'), Decimal('-10')) Expecting: Decimal('-10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max_mag(1, -2) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max_mag(Decimal(1), -2) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max_mag(1, Decimal(-2)) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(Decimal('3'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(Decimal('-10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(Decimal('1.0'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1.0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(Decimal('7'), Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: Decimal('7') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(1, 2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(Decimal(1), 2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(1, Decimal(29)) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min_mag(Decimal('3'), Decimal('-2')) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min_mag(Decimal('-3'), Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: Decimal('-3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min_mag(1, -2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min_mag(Decimal(1), -2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min_mag(1, Decimal(-2)) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.minus(Decimal('1.3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.minus(Decimal('-1.3')) Expecting: Decimal('1.3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.minus(1) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(Decimal('1.20'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('3.60') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(Decimal('7'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('21') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(Decimal('0.9'), Decimal('0.8')) Expecting: Decimal('0.72') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(Decimal('0.9'), Decimal('-0')) Expecting: Decimal('-0.0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(Decimal('654321'), Decimal('654321')) Expecting: Decimal('4.28135971E+11') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(7, 7) Expecting: Decimal('49') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(Decimal(7), 7) Expecting: Decimal('49') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(7, Decimal(7)) Expecting: Decimal('49') ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: ExtendedContext.next_minus(Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('0.999999999') ok Trying: c.next_minus(Decimal('1E-1007')) Expecting: Decimal('0E-1007') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.next_minus(Decimal('-1.00000003')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.00000004') ok Trying: c.next_minus(Decimal('Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('9.99999999E+999') ok Trying: c.next_minus(1) Expecting: Decimal('0.999999999') ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: ExtendedContext.next_plus(Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1.00000001') ok Trying: c.next_plus(Decimal('-1E-1007')) Expecting: Decimal('-0E-1007') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.next_plus(Decimal('-1.00000003')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.00000002') ok Trying: c.next_plus(Decimal('-Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('-9.99999999E+999') ok Trying: c.next_plus(1) Expecting: Decimal('1.00000001') ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('1'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('1.00000001') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('-1E-1007'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('-0E-1007') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('-1.00000003'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.00000002') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('1'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('0.999999999') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('1E-1007'), Decimal('-100')) Expecting: Decimal('0E-1007') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('-1.00000003'), Decimal('-10')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.00000004') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('0.00'), Decimal('-0.0000')) Expecting: Decimal('-0.00') ok Trying: c.next_toward(0, 1) Expecting: Decimal('1E-1007') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal(0), 1) Expecting: Decimal('1E-1007') ok Trying: c.next_toward(0, Decimal(1)) Expecting: Decimal('1E-1007') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(Decimal('-2.0')) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(Decimal('1.200')) Expecting: Decimal('1.2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(Decimal('-120')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.2E+2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(Decimal('120.00')) Expecting: Decimal('1.2E+2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(Decimal('0.00')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(6) Expecting: Decimal('6') ok Trying: c = Context(ExtendedContext) Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('Infinity')) Expecting: '+Infinity' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('1E-10')) Expecting: '+Normal' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: '+Normal' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('0.1E-999')) Expecting: '+Subnormal' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('0')) Expecting: '+Zero' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('-0')) Expecting: '-Zero' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('-0.1E-999')) Expecting: '-Subnormal' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('-1E-10')) Expecting: '-Normal' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('-2.50')) Expecting: '-Normal' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('-Infinity')) Expecting: '-Infinity' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: 'NaN' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('-NaN')) Expecting: 'NaN' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('sNaN')) Expecting: 'sNaN' ok Trying: c.number_class(123) Expecting: '+Normal' ok Trying:'1.3')) Expecting: Decimal('1.3') ok Trying:'-1.3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.3') ok Trying: Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('2'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('8') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-2'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-8') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('2'), Decimal('-3')) Expecting: Decimal('0.125') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('1.7'), Decimal('8')) Expecting: Decimal('69.7575744') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('10'), Decimal('0.301029996')) Expecting: Decimal('2.00000000') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('Infinity'), Decimal('-1')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('Infinity'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('Infinity'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('Infinity') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-Infinity'), Decimal('-1')) Expecting: Decimal('-0') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-Infinity'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-Infinity'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-Infinity'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('Infinity') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('3'), Decimal('7'), Decimal('16')) Expecting: Decimal('11') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-3'), Decimal('7'), Decimal('16')) Expecting: Decimal('-11') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-3'), Decimal('8'), Decimal('16')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('3'), Decimal('7'), Decimal('-16')) Expecting: Decimal('11') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('23E12345'), Decimal('67E189'), Decimal('123456789')) Expecting: Decimal('11729830') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-0'), Decimal('17'), Decimal('1729')) Expecting: Decimal('-0') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-23'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('65537')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.power(7, 7) Expecting: Decimal('823543') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.power(Decimal(7), 7) Expecting: Decimal('823543') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.power(7, Decimal(7), 2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('0.001')) Expecting: Decimal('2.170') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('0.01')) Expecting: Decimal('2.17') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('0.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('1e+0')) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('1e+1')) Expecting: Decimal('0E+1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('-Inf'), Decimal('Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('2'), Decimal('Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('-0.1'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('-0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('-0'), Decimal('1e+5')) Expecting: Decimal('-0E+5') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('+35236450.6'), Decimal('1e-2')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('-35236450.6'), Decimal('1e-2')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('217'), Decimal('1e-1')) Expecting: Decimal('217.0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('217'), Decimal('1e-0')) Expecting: Decimal('217') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('217'), Decimal('1e+1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.2E+2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('217'), Decimal('1e+2')) Expecting: Decimal('2E+2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(1, 2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal(1), 2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(1, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.radix() Expecting: Decimal('10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal('2.1'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('2.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal('10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal('-10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal('10.2'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('0.2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal('10'), Decimal('0.3')) Expecting: Decimal('0.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal('3.6'), Decimal('1.3')) Expecting: Decimal('1.0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(22, 6) Expecting: Decimal('4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal(22), 6) Expecting: Decimal('4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(22, Decimal(6)) Expecting: Decimal('4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('2.1'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-0.9') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('10'), Decimal('6')) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('-10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('10.2'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('0.2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('10'), Decimal('0.3')) Expecting: Decimal('0.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('3.6'), Decimal('1.3')) Expecting: Decimal('-0.3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(3, 11) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal(3), 11) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(3, Decimal(11)) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(Decimal('34'), Decimal('8')) Expecting: Decimal('400000003') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(Decimal('12'), Decimal('9')) Expecting: Decimal('12') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(Decimal('123456789'), Decimal('-2')) Expecting: Decimal('891234567') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(Decimal('123456789'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('123456789') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(Decimal('123456789'), Decimal('+2')) Expecting: Decimal('345678912') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(1333333, 1) Expecting: Decimal('13333330') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(Decimal(1333333), 1) Expecting: Decimal('13333330') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(1333333, Decimal(1)) Expecting: Decimal('13333330') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('0.001')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('0.01')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(Decimal('Inf'), Decimal('-Inf')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(10000, -1) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(Decimal(10000), -1) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(10000, Decimal(-1)) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.scaleb(Decimal('7.50'), Decimal('-2')) Expecting: Decimal('0.0750') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.scaleb(Decimal('7.50'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('7.50') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.scaleb(Decimal('7.50'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('7.50E+3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.scaleb(1, 4) Expecting: Decimal('1E+4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.scaleb(Decimal(1), 4) Expecting: Decimal('1E+4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.scaleb(1, Decimal(4)) Expecting: Decimal('1E+4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(Decimal('34'), Decimal('8')) Expecting: Decimal('400000000') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(Decimal('12'), Decimal('9')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(Decimal('123456789'), Decimal('-2')) Expecting: Decimal('1234567') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(Decimal('123456789'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('123456789') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(Decimal('123456789'), Decimal('+2')) Expecting: Decimal('345678900') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(88888888, 2) Expecting: Decimal('888888800') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(Decimal(88888888), 2) Expecting: Decimal('888888800') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(88888888, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('888888800') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('-0')) Expecting: Decimal('-0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('0.39')) Expecting: Decimal('0.624499800') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('100')) Expecting: Decimal('10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('1.0')) Expecting: Decimal('1.0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('1.00')) Expecting: Decimal('1.0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('7')) Expecting: Decimal('2.64575131') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('3.16227766') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(2) Expecting: Decimal('1.41421356') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.prec Expecting: 9 ok Trying: ExtendedContext.subtract(Decimal('1.3'), Decimal('1.07')) Expecting: Decimal('0.23') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.subtract(Decimal('1.3'), Decimal('1.30')) Expecting: Decimal('0.00') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.subtract(Decimal('1.3'), Decimal('2.07')) Expecting: Decimal('-0.77') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.subtract(8, 5) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.subtract(Decimal(8), 5) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.subtract(8, Decimal(5)) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('123E+1')) Expecting: '1.23E+3' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('123E+3')) Expecting: '123E+3' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('123E-10')) Expecting: '12.3E-9' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('-123E-12')) Expecting: '-123E-12' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('7E-7')) Expecting: '700E-9' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('7E+1')) Expecting: '70' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('0E+1')) Expecting: '0.00E+3' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('100')) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('100.0')) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('102') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('-101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('-102') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('10E+5')) Expecting: Decimal('1.0E+6') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('7.89E+77')) Expecting: Decimal('7.89E+77') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('-Inf')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('100')) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('100.0')) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('102') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('-101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('-102') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('10E+5')) Expecting: Decimal('1.0E+6') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('7.89E+77')) Expecting: Decimal('7.89E+77') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('-Inf')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: Decimal('3.14') # string input Expecting: Decimal('3.14') ok Trying: Decimal((0, (3, 1, 4), -2)) # tuple (sign, digit_tuple, exponent) Expecting: Decimal('3.14') ok Trying: Decimal(314) # int or long Expecting: Decimal('314') ok Trying: Decimal(Decimal(314)) # another decimal instance Expecting: Decimal('314') ok Trying: Decimal(' 3.14 \n') # leading and trailing whitespace okay Expecting: Decimal('3.14') ok Trying: Decimal.from_float(0.1) Expecting: Decimal('0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625') ok Trying: Decimal.from_float(float('nan')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: Decimal.from_float(float('inf')) Expecting: Decimal('Infinity') ok Trying: Decimal.from_float(-float('inf')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: Decimal.from_float(-0.0) Expecting: Decimal('-0') ok Trying: _decimal_lshift_exact(3, 4) Expecting: 30000 ok Trying: _decimal_lshift_exact(300, -999999999) # returns None Expecting nothing ok Trying: setcontext(DefaultContext) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print getcontext().prec Expecting: 28 ok Trying: with localcontext(): ctx = getcontext() ctx.prec += 2 print ctx.prec Expecting: 30 ok Trying: with localcontext(ExtendedContext): print getcontext().prec Expecting: 9 ok Trying: print getcontext().prec Expecting: 28 ok 189 items had no tests: decimal.Clamped decimal.Context decimal.Context.Etiny decimal.Context.Etop decimal.Context.__init__ decimal.Context.__repr__ decimal.Context._apply decimal.Context._ignore_all_flags decimal.Context._ignore_flags decimal.Context._raise_error decimal.Context._regard_flags decimal.Context._set_rounding decimal.Context._shallow_copy decimal.Context.clear_flags decimal.Context.compare_total_mag decimal.Context.copy decimal.Context.create_decimal decimal.Context.to_sci_string decimal.ConversionSyntax decimal.ConversionSyntax.handle decimal.Decimal decimal.Decimal.__abs__ decimal.Decimal.__complex__ decimal.Decimal.__copy__ decimal.Decimal.__deepcopy__ decimal.Decimal.__div__ decimal.Decimal.__divmod__ decimal.Decimal.__eq__ decimal.Decimal.__float__ decimal.Decimal.__floordiv__ decimal.Decimal.__format__ decimal.Decimal.__ge__ decimal.Decimal.__gt__ decimal.Decimal.__hash__ decimal.Decimal.__int__ decimal.Decimal.__le__ decimal.Decimal.__long__ decimal.Decimal.__lt__ decimal.Decimal.__mod__ decimal.Decimal.__ne__ decimal.Decimal.__neg__ decimal.Decimal.__nonzero__ decimal.Decimal.__pos__ decimal.Decimal.__pow__ decimal.Decimal.__radd__ decimal.Decimal.__rdivmod__ decimal.Decimal.__reduce__ decimal.Decimal.__repr__ decimal.Decimal.__rfloordiv__ decimal.Decimal.__rmod__ decimal.Decimal.__rmul__ decimal.Decimal.__rpow__ decimal.Decimal.__rsub__ decimal.Decimal.__rtruediv__ decimal.Decimal.__str__ decimal.Decimal.__sub__ decimal.Decimal._check_nans decimal.Decimal._cmp decimal.Decimal._compare_check_nans decimal.Decimal._divide decimal.Decimal._fill_logical decimal.Decimal._fix decimal.Decimal._fix_nan decimal.Decimal._iseven decimal.Decimal._isinfinity decimal.Decimal._isinteger decimal.Decimal._islogical decimal.Decimal._isnan decimal.Decimal._ln_exp_bound decimal.Decimal._log10_exp_bound decimal.Decimal._power_exact decimal.Decimal._power_modulo decimal.Decimal._rescale decimal.Decimal._round decimal.Decimal._round_05up decimal.Decimal._round_ceiling decimal.Decimal._round_down decimal.Decimal._round_floor decimal.Decimal._round_half_down decimal.Decimal._round_half_even decimal.Decimal._round_half_up decimal.Decimal._round_up decimal.Decimal.adjusted decimal.Decimal.as_tuple decimal.Decimal.canonical decimal.Decimal.compare_signal decimal.Decimal.compare_total decimal.Decimal.compare_total_mag decimal.Decimal.conjugate decimal.Decimal.copy_abs decimal.Decimal.copy_negate decimal.Decimal.copy_sign decimal.Decimal.exp decimal.Decimal.fma decimal.Decimal.imag decimal.Decimal.is_canonical decimal.Decimal.is_finite decimal.Decimal.is_infinite decimal.Decimal.is_nan decimal.Decimal.is_normal decimal.Decimal.is_qnan decimal.Decimal.is_signed decimal.Decimal.is_snan decimal.Decimal.is_subnormal decimal.Decimal.is_zero decimal.Decimal.ln decimal.Decimal.log10 decimal.Decimal.logb decimal.Decimal.logical_and decimal.Decimal.logical_invert decimal.Decimal.logical_or decimal.Decimal.logical_xor decimal.Decimal.max decimal.Decimal.max_mag decimal.Decimal.min decimal.Decimal.min_mag decimal.Decimal.next_minus decimal.Decimal.next_plus decimal.Decimal.next_toward decimal.Decimal.normalize decimal.Decimal.number_class decimal.Decimal.quantize decimal.Decimal.radix decimal.Decimal.real decimal.Decimal.remainder_near decimal.Decimal.rotate decimal.Decimal.same_quantum decimal.Decimal.scaleb decimal.Decimal.shift decimal.Decimal.sqrt decimal.Decimal.to_eng_string decimal.Decimal.to_integral decimal.Decimal.to_integral_exact decimal.DecimalException decimal.DecimalException.handle decimal.DecimalTuple decimal.DecimalTuple.__dict__ decimal.DecimalTuple.digits decimal.DecimalTuple.exponent decimal.DecimalTuple.sign decimal.DivisionByZero decimal.DivisionByZero.handle decimal.DivisionImpossible decimal.DivisionImpossible.handle decimal.DivisionUndefined decimal.DivisionUndefined.handle decimal.Inexact decimal.InvalidContext decimal.InvalidContext.handle decimal.InvalidOperation decimal.InvalidOperation.handle decimal.Overflow decimal.Overflow.handle decimal.Rounded decimal.Subnormal decimal.Underflow decimal._ContextManager decimal._ContextManager.__enter__ decimal._ContextManager.__exit__ decimal._ContextManager.__init__ decimal._Log10Memoize decimal._Log10Memoize.__init__ decimal._Log10Memoize.getdigits decimal._WorkRep decimal._WorkRep.__init__ decimal._WorkRep.__str__ decimal._convert_other decimal._dec_from_triple decimal._dexp decimal._div_nearest decimal._dlog decimal._dlog10 decimal._dpower decimal._format_align decimal._format_number decimal._format_sign decimal._group_lengths decimal._iexp decimal._ilog decimal._insert_thousands_sep decimal._log10_lb decimal._nbits decimal._normalize decimal._parse_format_specifier decimal._rshift_nearest decimal._sqrt_nearest decimal.getcontext decimal.setcontext 64 items passed all tests: 39 tests in decimal 5 tests in decimal.Context.abs 5 tests in decimal.Context.add 1 tests in decimal.Context.canonical 9 tests in 14 tests in decimal.Context.compare_signal 9 tests in decimal.Context.compare_total 3 tests in decimal.Context.copy_abs 3 tests in decimal.Context.copy_decimal 3 tests in decimal.Context.copy_negate 7 tests in decimal.Context.copy_sign 4 tests in decimal.Context.create_decimal_from_float 13 tests in decimal.Context.divide 6 tests in decimal.Context.divide_int 5 tests in decimal.Context.divmod 10 tests in decimal.Context.exp 6 tests in decimal.Context.fma 1 tests in decimal.Context.is_canonical 6 tests in decimal.Context.is_finite 4 tests in decimal.Context.is_infinite 4 tests in decimal.Context.is_nan 9 tests in decimal.Context.is_normal 4 tests in decimal.Context.is_qnan 5 tests in decimal.Context.is_signed 4 tests in decimal.Context.is_snan 9 tests in decimal.Context.is_subnormal 5 tests in decimal.Context.is_zero 9 tests in decimal.Context.ln 12 tests in decimal.Context.log10 7 tests in decimal.Context.logb 9 tests in decimal.Context.logical_and 5 tests in decimal.Context.logical_invert 9 tests in decimal.Context.logical_or 9 tests in decimal.Context.logical_xor 7 tests in decimal.Context.max 5 tests in decimal.Context.max_mag 7 tests in decimal.Context.min 5 tests in decimal.Context.min_mag 3 tests in decimal.Context.minus 8 tests in decimal.Context.multiply 8 tests in decimal.Context.next_minus 8 tests in decimal.Context.next_plus 13 tests in decimal.Context.next_toward 7 tests in decimal.Context.normalize 17 tests in decimal.Context.number_class 3 tests in 26 tests in decimal.Context.power 18 tests in decimal.Context.quantize 1 tests in decimal.Context.radix 9 tests in decimal.Context.remainder 10 tests in decimal.Context.remainder_near 8 tests in decimal.Context.rotate 7 tests in decimal.Context.same_quantum 6 tests in decimal.Context.scaleb 8 tests in decimal.Context.shift 11 tests in decimal.Context.sqrt 6 tests in decimal.Context.subtract 7 tests in decimal.Context.to_eng_string 8 tests in decimal.Context.to_integral 8 tests in decimal.Context.to_integral_exact 5 tests in decimal.Decimal.__new__ 5 tests in decimal.Decimal.from_float 2 tests in decimal._decimal_lshift_exact 5 tests in decimal.localcontext 494 tests in 253 items. 494 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (decimal) ... 494 tests with zero failures 0:00:14 load avg: 0.83 [102/403/11] test_decorators PASS: test_argforms (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_dbcheck (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_dotted (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_double (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_errors (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_eval_order (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_memoize (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_order (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_single (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_staticmethod_function (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.001s OK PASS: test_double (test.test_decorators.TestClassDecorators) PASS: test_order (test.test_decorators.TestClassDecorators) PASS: test_simple (test.test_decorators.TestClassDecorators) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:14 load avg: 0.83 [103/403/11] test_defaultdict PASS: test_basic (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_callable_arg (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_copy (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_keyerror_without_factory (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_missing (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_print (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_recursive_repr (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_repr (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_shallow_copy (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:14 load avg: 0.83 [104/403/11] test_deque PASS: test_basics (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_big_queue_popleft (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_big_queue_popright (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_big_stack_left (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_big_stack_right (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_clear (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_comparisons (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_copy (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_count (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_extend (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_extendleft (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_gc_doesnt_blowup (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_hash (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_init (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_len (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_long_steadystate_queue_popleft (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_long_steadystate_queue_popright (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_maxlen (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_maxlen_attribute (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_maxlen_zero (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_print (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_remove (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_repr (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_reversed (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_rotate (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_roundtrip_iter_init (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_deque.TestBasic) FAIL: test_sizeof (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_underflow (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_deque.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_iter_with_altered_data (test.test_deque.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_runtime_error_on_empty_deque (test.test_deque.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_basics (test.test_deque.TestSubclass) PASS: test_copy_pickle (test.test_deque.TestSubclass) PASS: test_strange_subclass (test.test_deque.TestSubclass) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_deque.TestSubclass) SKIP: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_deque.TestSubclassWithKwargs) "Exhausted deque iterator doesn't free a deque" PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_deque.TestSubclassWithKwargs) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof (test.test_deque.TestBasic) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 530, in test_sizeof check(deque(), basesize + blocksize) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 45 tests in 1.381s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=1) 0:00:15 load avg: 0.84 [105/403/12] test_descr -- test_deque failed PASS: test_pytype_long_ready (test.test_descr.PTypesLongInitTest) PASS: test_complexes (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_dicts (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_floats (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_ints (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_lists (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_longs (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_spam_dicts (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_spam_lists (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_abstractmethods (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_altmro (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_assign_slice (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) test_bad_new (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) ... expected failure PASS: test_basic_inheritance (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_binary_operator_override (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_buffer_inheritance (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_builtin_bases (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_carloverre (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_classic (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_classic_comparisons (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_classmethod_copy_pickle (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_classmethods (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_classmethods_in_c (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_coercions (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_compattr (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_consistency_with_epg (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_copy_setstate (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_cycle_through_dict (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_deepcopy_recursive (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_delete_hook (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_descrdoc (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_diamond_inheritance (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_dict_constructors (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_dir (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_doc_descriptor (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_dynamics (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_errors (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_evil_type_name (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_ex5_from_c3_switch (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_file_fault (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_funny_new (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_getattr_hooks (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_hash_inheritance (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_imul_bug (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_init (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_ipow (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_isinst_isclass (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_keyword_arguments (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_keywords (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_metaclass_cmp (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_meth_class_get (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_method_wrapper (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_methods (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_mixing_slot_wrappers (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_module_subclasses (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_monotonicity (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_mro_disagreement (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_multiple_inheritance (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_mutable_bases (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_mutable_bases_catch_mro_conflict (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_mutable_bases_with_failing_mro (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_mutable_names (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_newslots (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_not_implemented (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_object_class (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_object_new (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_overloading (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_pickle_slots (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_pickles (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_properties (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_properties_doc_attrib (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_properties_plus (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_property_copy_pickle (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_proxy_call (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_proxy_super (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_python_dicts (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_python_lists (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_recursions_1 (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_recursions_2 (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_recursive_call (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_repr_as_str (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) test_restored_object_new (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) ... expected failure PASS: test_rich_comparisons (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_rmul (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_set_and_no_get (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_set_class (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_set_dict (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_slices (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_slots (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_slots_descriptor (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_slots_multiple_inheritance (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_slots_special (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_slots_trash (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_special_method_lookup (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_specials (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_staticmethod_copy_pickle (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_staticmethods (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_staticmethods_in_c (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_str_of_str_subclass (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_str_operations (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_str_subclass_as_dict_key (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_subclass_propagation (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_subclass_right_op (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_subtype_resurrection (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_supers (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_testcapi_no_segfault (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_type___getattribute__ (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_unicode_slots (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_uninitialized_modules (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_unsubclassable_types (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_vicious_descriptor_nonsense (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_weakref_segfault (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_weakrefs (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_wrapper_segfault (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_dict_type_with_metaclass (test.test_descr.DictProxyTests) PASS: test_iter_items (test.test_descr.DictProxyTests) PASS: test_iter_keys (test.test_descr.DictProxyTests) PASS: test_iter_values (test.test_descr.DictProxyTests) PASS: test_repr (test.test_descr.DictProxyTests) PASS: test_issue24097 (test.test_descr.PicklingTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 121 tests in 0.983s OK (expected failures=2) 0:00:17 load avg: 0.84 [106/403/12] test_descrtut Trying: print defaultdict # show our type Expecting: ok Trying: print type(defaultdict) # its metatype Expecting: ok Trying: a = defaultdict(default=0.0) # create an instance Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a # show the instance Expecting: {} ok Trying: print type(a) # show its type Expecting: ok Trying: print a.__class__ # show its class Expecting: ok Trying: print type(a) is a.__class__ # its type is its class Expecting: True ok Trying: a[1] = 3.25 # modify the instance Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a # show the new value Expecting: {1: 3.25} ok Trying: print a[1] # show the new item Expecting: 3.25 ok Trying: print a[0] # a non-existent item Expecting: 0.0 ok Trying: a.merge({1:100, 2:200}) # use a dict method Expecting nothing ok Trying: print sortdict(a) # show the result Expecting: {1: 3.25, 2: 200} ok Trying: def sorted(seq): seq.sort(key=str) return seq Expecting nothing ok Trying: print sorted(a.keys()) Expecting: [1, 2] ok Trying: exec "x = 3; print x" in a Expecting: 3 ok Trying: print sorted(a.keys()) Expecting: [1, 2, '__builtins__', 'x'] ok Trying: print a['x'] Expecting: 3 ok Trying: a.default = -1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a["noway"] Expecting: -1 ok Trying: a.default = -1000 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a["noway"] Expecting: -1000 ok Trying: 'default' in dir(a) Expecting: True ok Trying: a.x1 = 100 Expecting nothing ok Trying: a.x2 = 200 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a.x1 Expecting: 100 ok Trying: d = dir(a) Expecting nothing ok Trying: 'default' in d and 'x1' in d and 'x2' in d Expecting: True ok Trying: print sortdict(a.__dict__) Expecting: {'default': -1000, 'x1': 100, 'x2': 200} ok Trying: a = defaultdict2(default=0.0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: a[1] Expecting: 0.0 ok Trying: a.default = -1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: a[1] Expecting: -1 ok Trying: a.x1 = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? AttributeError: 'defaultdict2' object has no attribute 'x1' ok Trying: type([]) Expecting: ok Trying: [].__class__ Expecting: ok Trying: list Expecting: ok Trying: isinstance([], list) Expecting: True ok Trying: isinstance([], dict) Expecting: False ok Trying: isinstance([], object) Expecting: True ok Trying: [].__methods__ Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute '__methods__' ok Trying: pprint.pprint(dir(list)) # like list.__dict__.keys(), but sorted Expecting: ['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__delslice__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getslice__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__iadd__', '__imul__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__reversed__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__setslice__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove', 'reverse', 'sort'] ok Trying: a = ['tic', 'tac'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: list.__len__(a) # same as len(a) Expecting: 2 ok Trying: a.__len__() # ditto Expecting: 2 ok Trying: list.append(a, 'toe') # same as a.append('toe') Expecting nothing ok Trying: a Expecting: ['tic', 'tac', 'toe'] ok Trying: class C: @staticmethod def foo(x, y): print "staticmethod", x, y Expecting nothing ok Trying:, 2) Expecting: staticmethod 1 2 ok Trying: c = C() Expecting nothing ok Trying:, 2) Expecting: staticmethod 1 2 ok Trying: class C: @classmethod def foo(cls, y): print "classmethod", cls, y Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: classmethod test.test_descrtut.C 1 ok Trying: c = C() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: classmethod test.test_descrtut.C 1 ok Trying: class D(C): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: classmethod test.test_descrtut.D 1 ok Trying: d = D() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: classmethod test.test_descrtut.D 1 ok Trying: class E(C): @classmethod def foo(cls, y): # override print " called" Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: called classmethod test.test_descrtut.C 1 ok Trying: e = E() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: called classmethod test.test_descrtut.C 1 ok Trying: class property(object): def __init__(self, get, set=None): self.__get = get self.__set = set def __get__(self, inst, type=None): return self.__get(inst) def __set__(self, inst, value): if self.__set is None: raise AttributeError, "this attribute is read-only" return self.__set(inst, value) Expecting nothing ok Trying: class C(object): def __init__(self): self.__x = 0 def getx(self): return self.__x def setx(self, x): if x < 0: x = 0 self.__x = x x = property(getx, setx) Expecting nothing ok Trying: a = C() Expecting nothing ok Trying: a.x = 10 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a.x Expecting: 10 ok Trying: a.x = -10 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a.x Expecting: 0 ok Trying: del property # unmask the builtin Expecting nothing ok Trying: property Expecting: ok Trying: class C(object): def __init__(self): self.__x = 0 def getx(self): return self.__x def setx(self, x): if x < 0: x = 0 self.__x = x x = property(getx, setx) Expecting nothing ok Trying: a = C() Expecting nothing ok Trying: a.x = 10 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a.x Expecting: 10 ok Trying: a.x = -10 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a.x Expecting: 0 ok Trying: class A: # classic class def save(self): print "called" Expecting nothing ok Trying: class B(A): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: class C(A): def save(self): print "called" Expecting nothing ok Trying: class D(B, C): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: D().save() Expecting: called ok Trying: class A(object): # new class def save(self): print "called" Expecting nothing ok Trying: class B(A): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: class C(A): def save(self): print "called" Expecting nothing ok Trying: class D(B, C): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: D().save() Expecting: called ok Trying: print D().m() # "DCBA" Expecting: DCBA ok Trying: class A: def foo(self): print "called" Expecting nothing ok Trying: class B(A): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: class C(A): def foo(self): Expecting nothing ok Trying: C().foo() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: unbound method foo() must be called with B instance as first argument (got C instance instead) ok Trying: class C(A): def foo(self): Expecting nothing ok Trying: C().foo() Expecting: called ok 20 items had no tests: test.test_descrtut test.test_descrtut.A test.test_descrtut.A.m test.test_descrtut.B test.test_descrtut.B.m test.test_descrtut.C test.test_descrtut.C.m test.test_descrtut.D test.test_descrtut.D.m test.test_descrtut.defaultdict test.test_descrtut.defaultdict.__getitem__ test.test_descrtut.defaultdict.__init__ test.test_descrtut.defaultdict.get test.test_descrtut.defaultdict.merge test.test_descrtut.defaultdict2 test.test_descrtut.defaultdict2.__getitem__ test.test_descrtut.defaultdict2.__init__ test.test_descrtut.defaultdict2.get test.test_descrtut.defaultdict2.merge test.test_descrtut.test_main 8 items passed all tests: 29 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut1 5 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut2 13 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut3 16 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut4 15 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut5 10 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut6 1 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut7 6 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut8 95 tests in 28 items. 95 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_descrtut) ... 95 tests with zero failures 0:00:17 load avg: 0.84 [107/403/12] test_dictcomps PASS: test_basics (test.test_dictcomps.DictComprehensionTest) PASS: test_global_visibility (test.test_dictcomps.DictComprehensionTest) PASS: test_illegal_assignment (test.test_dictcomps.DictComprehensionTest) PASS: test_local_visibility (test.test_dictcomps.DictComprehensionTest) PASS: test_scope_isolation (test.test_dictcomps.DictComprehensionTest) PASS: test_scope_isolation_from_global (test.test_dictcomps.DictComprehensionTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:17 load avg: 0.84 [108/403/12] test_dictviews PASS: test_abc_registry (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_constructors_not_callable (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_dict_items (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_dict_keys (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_dict_mixed_keys_items (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_dict_repr (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_dict_values (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_items_set_operations (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_keys_set_operations (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_recursive_repr (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:17 load avg: 0.84 [109/403/12] test_difflib PASS: test_one_delete (test.test_difflib.TestWithAscii) PASS: test_one_insert (test.test_difflib.TestWithAscii) PASS: test_one_insert_homogenous_sequence (test.test_difflib.TestAutojunk) PASS: test_html_diff (test.test_difflib.TestSFpatches) PASS: test_recursion_limit (test.test_difflib.TestSFpatches) PASS: test_added_tab_hint (test.test_difflib.TestSFbugs) PASS: test_comparing_empty_lists (test.test_difflib.TestSFbugs) PASS: test_matching_blocks_cache (test.test_difflib.TestSFbugs) PASS: test_ratio_for_null_seqn (test.test_difflib.TestSFbugs) PASS: test_no_trailing_tab_on_empty_filedate (test.test_difflib.TestOutputFormat) PASS: test_range_format_context (test.test_difflib.TestOutputFormat) PASS: test_range_format_unified (test.test_difflib.TestOutputFormat) PASS: test_tab_delimiter (test.test_difflib.TestOutputFormat) Differ (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.Differ _fancy_replace (difflib.Differ) PASS: Doctest: difflib.Differ._fancy_replace _qformat (difflib.Differ) PASS: Doctest: difflib.Differ._qformat compare (difflib.Differ) PASS: Doctest: IS_CHARACTER_JUNK (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.IS_CHARACTER_JUNK IS_LINE_JUNK (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.IS_LINE_JUNK SequenceMatcher (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher find_longest_match (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.find_longest_match get_grouped_opcodes (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.get_grouped_opcodes get_matching_blocks (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.get_matching_blocks get_opcodes (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.get_opcodes ratio (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.ratio set_seq1 (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.set_seq1 set_seq2 (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.set_seq2 set_seqs (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.set_seqs _count_leading (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib._count_leading context_diff (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.context_diff get_close_matches (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.get_close_matches ndiff (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.ndiff restore (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.restore unified_diff (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.unified_diff ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 34 tests in 0.344s OK 0:00:17 load avg: 0.84 [110/403/12] test_dircache PASS: test_annotate (test.test_dircache.DircacheTests) PASS: test_listdir (test.test_dircache.DircacheTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 1.002s OK 0:00:18 load avg: 0.84 [111/403/12] test_dis PASS: test_big_linenos (test.test_dis.DisTests) PASS: test_boundaries (test.test_dis.DisTests) PASS: test_bug_1333982 (test.test_dis.DisTests) PASS: test_bug_708901 (test.test_dis.DisTests) PASS: test_dis (test.test_dis.DisTests) PASS: test_opmap (test.test_dis.DisTests) PASS: test_opname (test.test_dis.DisTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.097s OK 0:00:18 load avg: 0.84 [112/403/12] test_distutils PASS: test_copy_file (distutils.tests.test_file_util.FileUtilTestCase) PASS: test_copy_file_hard_link (distutils.tests.test_file_util.FileUtilTestCase) PASS: test_copy_file_hard_link_failure (distutils.tests.test_file_util.FileUtilTestCase) PASS: test_move_file_verbosity (distutils.tests.test_file_util.FileUtilTestCase) PASS: test_write_file (distutils.tests.test_file_util.FileUtilTestCase) PASS: test_announce (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_command_packages_cmdline (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_command_packages_configfile (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_command_packages_unspecified (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_debug_mode (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_empty_options (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_find_config_files_disable (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_get_command_packages (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_write_pkg_file (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_classifier (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_custom_pydistutils (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_download_url (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_fix_help_options (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_long_description (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_obsoletes (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_obsoletes_illegal (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_provides (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_provides_illegal (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_read_metadata (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_requires (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_requires_illegal (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_show_help (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_simple_metadata (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_cmp (distutils.tests.test_version.VersionTestCase) PASS: test_cmp_strict (distutils.tests.test_version.VersionTestCase) PASS: test_prerelease (distutils.tests.test_version.VersionTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_bdist_dumb.BuildDumbTestCase) PASS: test_simple_built (distutils.tests.test_bdist_dumb.BuildDumbTestCase) PASS: test_copy_tree_skips_nfs_temp_files (distutils.tests.test_dir_util.DirUtilTestCase) PASS: test_copy_tree_verbosity (distutils.tests.test_dir_util.DirUtilTestCase) PASS: test_create_tree_verbosity (distutils.tests.test_dir_util.DirUtilTestCase) PASS: test_ensure_relative (distutils.tests.test_dir_util.DirUtilTestCase) PASS: test_mkpath_remove_tree_verbosity (distutils.tests.test_dir_util.DirUtilTestCase) PASS: test_mkpath_with_custom_mode (distutils.tests.test_dir_util.DirUtilTestCase) PASS: test_class (distutils.tests.test_text_file.TextFileTestCase) PASS: test_byte_compile (distutils.tests.test_install_lib.InstallLibTestCase) PASS: test_dont_write_bytecode (distutils.tests.test_install_lib.InstallLibTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_install_lib.InstallLibTestCase) PASS: test_get_inputs (distutils.tests.test_install_lib.InstallLibTestCase) PASS: test_get_outputs (distutils.tests.test_install_lib.InstallLibTestCase) PASS: test_build (distutils.tests.test_build_scripts.BuildScriptsTestCase) PASS: test_default_settings (distutils.tests.test_build_scripts.BuildScriptsTestCase) PASS: test_version_int (distutils.tests.test_build_scripts.BuildScriptsTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_build.BuildTestCase) PASS: test_build_ext (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_build_ext_inplace (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) SKIP: test_build_ext_path_cross_platform (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) 'these tests require Windows' PASS: test_build_ext_path_with_os_sep (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_check_extensions_list (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_compiler_option (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) SKIP: test_deployment_target_default (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) 'test only relevant for MacOSX' SKIP: test_deployment_target_higher_ok (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) 'test only relevant for MacOSX' SKIP: test_deployment_target_too_low (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) 'test only relevant for MacOSX' PASS: test_ext_fullpath (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_get_outputs (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_get_source_files (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) SKIP: test_setuptools_compat (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) 'No module named setuptools_build_ext' PASS: test_solaris_enable_shared (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_user_site (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_debug_mode (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_handle_extra_path (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_home_installation_scheme (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_record (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_record_extensions (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_user_site (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_debug_mode (distutils.tests.test_core.CoreTestCase) PASS: test_run_setup_provides_file (distutils.tests.test_core.CoreTestCase) PASS: test_run_setup_uses_current_dir (distutils.tests.test_core.CoreTestCase) SKIP: test_no_compiler (distutils.tests.test_msvc9compiler.msvc9compilerTestCase) 'These tests are only for win32' SKIP: test_reg_class (distutils.tests.test_msvc9compiler.msvc9compilerTestCase) 'These tests are only for win32' SKIP: test_remove_entire_manifest (distutils.tests.test_msvc9compiler.msvc9compilerTestCase) 'These tests are only for win32' SKIP: test_remove_visual_c_ref (distutils.tests.test_msvc9compiler.msvc9compilerTestCase) 'These tests are only for win32' PASS: test_simple_run (distutils.tests.test_install_headers.InstallHeadersTestCase) PASS: test_check_metadata_deprecated (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) PASS: test_create_pypirc (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) PASS: test_password_not_in_file (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) PASS: test_password_reset (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) SKIP: test_register_invalid_long_description (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) 'needs docutils' PASS: test_registering (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) PASS: test_server_empty_registration (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) PASS: test_server_registration (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) SKIP: test_strict (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) 'needs docutils' PASS: test_server_empty_registration (distutils.tests.test_config.PyPIRCCommandTestCase) PASS: test_server_registration (distutils.tests.test_config.PyPIRCCommandTestCase) SKIP: test_minimal (distutils.tests.test_bdist_msi.BDistMSITestCase) 'these tests require Windows' FAIL: test_no_optimize_flag (distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm.BuildRpmTestCase) FAIL: test_quiet (distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm.BuildRpmTestCase) PASS: test_clean (distutils.tests.test_config_cmd.ConfigTestCase) PASS: test_dump_file (distutils.tests.test_config_cmd.ConfigTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_config_cmd.ConfigTestCase) PASS: test_search_cpp (distutils.tests.test_config_cmd.ConfigTestCase) PASS: test_customize_compiler (distutils.tests.test_ccompiler.CCompilerTestCase) PASS: test_debug_print (distutils.tests.test_ccompiler.CCompilerTestCase) PASS: test_gen_lib_options (distutils.tests.test_ccompiler.CCompilerTestCase) PASS: test_newer (distutils.tests.test_dep_util.DepUtilTestCase) PASS: test_newer_group (distutils.tests.test_dep_util.DepUtilTestCase) PASS: test_newer_pairwise (distutils.tests.test_dep_util.DepUtilTestCase) PASS: test_simple_run (distutils.tests.test_install_data.InstallDataTestCase) PASS: test_formats (distutils.tests.test_bdist.BuildTestCase) PASS: test_skip_build (distutils.tests.test_bdist.BuildTestCase) PASS: test_build_libraries (distutils.tests.test_build_clib.BuildCLibTestCase) PASS: test_check_library_dist (distutils.tests.test_build_clib.BuildCLibTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_build_clib.BuildCLibTestCase) PASS: test_get_source_files (distutils.tests.test_build_clib.BuildCLibTestCase) PASS: test_run (distutils.tests.test_build_clib.BuildCLibTestCase) PASS: test_dont_write_bytecode (distutils.tests.test_util.UtilTestCase) PASS: test_grok_environment_error (distutils.tests.test_util.UtilTestCase) PASS: test_check_archive_formats (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) SKIP: test_compress_deprecated (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) 'The compress program is required' PASS: test_make_archive (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) PASS: test_make_archive_cwd (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) PASS: test_make_archive_owner_group (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) PASS: test_make_tarball (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) PASS: test_make_tarball_unicode (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) SKIP: test_make_tarball_unicode_extended (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) 'File system cannot handle this filename' SKIP: test_make_tarball_unicode_latin1 (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) 'File system cannot handle this filename' PASS: test_make_zipfile (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) PASS: test_tarfile_root_owner (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) PASS: test_tarfile_vs_tar (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) VersionPredicate (distutils.versionpredicate) PASS: Doctest: distutils.versionpredicate.VersionPredicate split_provision (distutils.versionpredicate) PASS: Doctest: distutils.versionpredicate.split_provision PASS: test_get_exe_bytes (distutils.tests.test_bdist_wininst.BuildWinInstTestCase) PASS: test_debug_print (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_exclude_pattern (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_glob_to_re (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_include_pattern (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_process_template (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_process_template_line (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_remove_duplicates (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_set_allfiles (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_translate_pattern (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_customize_compiler_before_get_config_vars (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_get_python_inc (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_get_python_lib (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_parse_makefile_base (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_parse_makefile_literal_dollar (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_sysconfig_compiler_vars (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_sysconfig_module (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_check_all (distutils.tests.test_check.CheckTestCase) SKIP: test_check_document (distutils.tests.test_check.CheckTestCase) "won't test without docutils" PASS: test_check_metadata (distutils.tests.test_check.CheckTestCase) SKIP: test_check_restructuredtext (distutils.tests.test_check.CheckTestCase) "won't test without docutils" SKIP: test_check_restructuredtext_with_syntax_highlight (distutils.tests.test_check.CheckTestCase) "won't test without docutils" PASS: test_simple_run (distutils.tests.test_clean.cleanTestCase) PASS: test_dir_in_package_data (distutils.tests.test_build_py.BuildPyTestCase) PASS: test_dont_write_bytecode (distutils.tests.test_build_py.BuildPyTestCase) PASS: test_empty_package_dir (distutils.tests.test_build_py.BuildPyTestCase) PASS: test_package_data (distutils.tests.test_build_py.BuildPyTestCase) PASS: test_add_defaults (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_check_metadata_deprecated (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_get_file_list (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_template_unknown_command (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_template_wrong_arguments (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) SKIP: test_invalid_template_wrong_path (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) 'test relevant for Windows only' PASS: test_make_distribution (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_make_distribution_owner_group (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_manifest_comments (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_manifest_marker (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_manual_manifest (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_metadata_check_option (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_prune_file_list (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_server_empty_registration (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_server_registration (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_show_formats (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_unicode_metadata_tgz (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_debug_print (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) PASS: test_dump_options (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) PASS: test_ensure_dirname (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) PASS: test_ensure_filename (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) PASS: test_ensure_string (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) PASS: test_ensure_string_list (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) PASS: test_make_file (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) SKIP: test_osx_cc_overrides_ldshared (distutils.tests.test_unixccompiler.UnixCCompilerTestCase) 'test only relevant for OS X' SKIP: test_osx_explicit_ldshared (distutils.tests.test_unixccompiler.UnixCCompilerTestCase) 'test only relevant for OS X' PASS: test_runtime_libdir_option (distutils.tests.test_unixccompiler.UnixCCompilerTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_upload.uploadTestCase) PASS: test_saved_password (distutils.tests.test_upload.uploadTestCase) PASS: test_server_empty_registration (distutils.tests.test_upload.uploadTestCase) PASS: test_server_registration (distutils.tests.test_upload.uploadTestCase) PASS: test_upload (distutils.tests.test_upload.uploadTestCase) PASS: test_upload_fails (distutils.tests.test_upload.uploadTestCase) PASS: test_nt_quote_args (distutils.tests.test_spawn.SpawnTestCase) PASS: test_spawn (distutils.tests.test_spawn.SpawnTestCase) PASS: test_default_settings (distutils.tests.test_install_scripts.InstallScriptsTestCase) PASS: test_installation (distutils.tests.test_install_scripts.InstallScriptsTestCase) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_no_optimize_flag (distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm.BuildRpmTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/tests/", line 125, in test_no_optimize_flag File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/command/", line 375, in run raise DistutilsExecError("Failed to execute: %s" % repr(q_cmd)) DistutilsExecError: Failed to execute: "rpm -q --qf '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.src.rpm %{arch}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}.rpm\\n' --specfile 'build/bdist.linux-x86_64/rpm/SPECS/foo.spec'" ====================================================================== ERROR: test_quiet (distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm.BuildRpmTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/tests/", line 82, in test_quiet File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/command/", line 375, in run raise DistutilsExecError("Failed to execute: %s" % repr(q_cmd)) DistutilsExecError: Failed to execute: "rpm -q --qf '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.src.rpm %{arch}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}.rpm\\n' --specfile 'build/bdist.linux-x86_64/rpm/SPECS/foo.spec'" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 194 tests in 0.389s FAILED (errors=2, skipped=21) 0:00:19 load avg: 0.84 [113/403/13] test_dl -- test_distutils failed test_dl skipped -- No module named dl 0:00:19 load avg: 0.84 [114/403/13] test_docxmlrpc -- test_dl skipped 0:00:19 load avg: 0.84 [115/403/14] test_dumbdbm -- test_docxmlrpc failed PASS: test_close_twice (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_dumbdbm_creation (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_dumbdbm_creation_mode (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_dumbdbm_keys (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_dumbdbm_modification (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_dumbdbm_read (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_eval (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_line_endings (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_random (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_readonly_files (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_write_write_read (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 11 tests in 0.014s OK 0:00:19 load avg: 0.84 [116/403/14] test_dummy_thread *** Using as _thread module *** PASS: test_cond_acquire_fail (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_cond_acquire_success (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_improper_release (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_initlock (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_release (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) test_uncond_acquire_blocking (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) ... *** Waiting for thread to release the lock (approx. 0 sec.) *** done ok PASS: test_uncond_acquire_return_val (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_uncond_acquire_success (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_LockType (test.test_dummy_thread.MiscTests) PASS: test_exit (test.test_dummy_thread.MiscTests) PASS: test_ident (test.test_dummy_thread.MiscTests) PASS: test_interrupt_in_main (test.test_dummy_thread.MiscTests) PASS: test_interrupt_main (test.test_dummy_thread.MiscTests) PASS: test_arg_passing (test.test_dummy_thread.ThreadTests) test_multi_creation (test.test_dummy_thread.ThreadTests) ... *** Testing multiple thread creation (will take approx. 0 to 5 sec.) *** done ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:19 load avg: 0.84 [117/403/14] test_dummy_threading test_tasks (test.test_dummy_threading.DummyThreadingTestCase) ... task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running waiting for all tasks to complete all tasks done ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.001s OK 0:00:19 load avg: 0.84 [118/403/14] test_email PASS: test_decode (email.test.test_email.TestBase64) PASS: test_encode (email.test.test_email.TestBase64) PASS: test_header_encode (email.test.test_email.TestBase64) PASS: test_len (email.test.test_email.TestBase64) PASS: test_body_encode (email.test.test_email.TestCharset) PASS: test_codecs_aliases_accepted (email.test.test_email.TestCharset) PASS: test_idempotent (email.test.test_email.TestCharset) PASS: test_unicode_charset_name (email.test.test_email.TestCharset) PASS: test_default_cte (email.test.test_email.TestEncoders) PASS: test_encode7or8bit (email.test.test_email.TestEncoders) PASS: test_encode_empty_payload (email.test.test_email.TestEncoders) PASS: test_long_lines (email.test.test_email.TestFeedParsers) PASS: test_newlines (email.test.test_email.TestFeedParsers) PASS: test_dont_mangle_from (email.test.test_email.TestFromMangling) PASS: test_mangle_from_in_preamble_and_epilog (email.test.test_email.TestFromMangling) PASS: test_mangled_from (email.test.test_email.TestFromMangling) PASS: test_ascii_add_header (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_bad_8bit_header (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_broken_base64_header (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_encode_unaliased_charset (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_encoded_adjacent_nonencoded (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_explicit_maxlinelen (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_header_ctor_default_args (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_header_needs_no_decoding (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_long (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_multilingual (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_nonascii_add_header_via_triple (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_simple (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_simple_surprise (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_string_charset (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_us_ascii_header (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_utf8_shortest (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_whitespace_eater (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_MIME_digest (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_MIME_digest_with_part_headers (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_content_type (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_dsn (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_long_header (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_message_external_body_idempotent (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_mixed_with_image (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_more_rfc2231_parameters (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_multipart_no_parts (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_multipart_one_part (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_multipart_report (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_nested_multipart_mixeds (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_no_start_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_parse_text_message (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_parse_untyped_message (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_parser (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_preamble_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_rfc2231_charset (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_simple_multipart (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_text_plain_in_a_multipart_digest (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_body_line_iterator (email.test.test_email.TestIterators) test_pushCR_LF (email.test.test_email.TestIterators) PASS: FeedParser BufferedSubFile.push() assumed it received complete PASS: test_push_random (email.test.test_email.TestIterators) PASS: test_typed_subpart_iterator (email.test.test_email.TestIterators) PASS: test_typed_subpart_iterator_default_type (email.test.test_email.TestIterators) PASS: test_another_long_almost_unsplittable_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_another_long_multiline_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_header_splitter (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_8bit_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_8bit_header_no_charset (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_field_name (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_header_encode (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_header_encode_with_tab_continuation (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_line_after_append (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_lines_with_different_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_nonstring (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_received_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_to_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_unbreakable_lines_with_continuation (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_no_semis_header_splitter (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_no_split_long_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_shorter_line_with_append (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_split_long_continuation (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_splitting_first_line_only_is_long (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_splitting_multiple_long_lines (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_string_headerinst_eq (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) FAIL: test_add_header (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) FAIL: test_checkSetMinor (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) FAIL: test_encoding (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) FAIL: test_guess_minor_type (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) PASS: test_add_header (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_checkSetMinor (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_encoding (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_guess_minor_type (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_bad_multipart (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_multipart_constructor (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_type (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_type_non_parsed (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_type_with_explicit_container_type (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_dsn (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_generate (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_mime_attachments_in_constructor (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_no_nl_preamble (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_parse_message_rfc822 (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_type_error (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_valid_argument (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_7bit_unicode_input (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_7bit_unicode_input_no_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_8bit_unicode_input (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_8bit_unicode_input_no_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_payload (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_types (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test__contains__ (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_as_string (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_bad_param (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_bogus_filename (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_broken_base64_payload (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_decode_bogus_uu_payload_quietly (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_decoded_generator (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_del_param (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_del_param_on_other_header (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_embedded_header_via_Header_rejected (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_embedded_header_via_string_rejected (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_all (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_charsets (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_error (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_explicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_implicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_text_plain_explicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_text_plain_implicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_missing (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_missing_with_default_type (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_error (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_explicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_implicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_text_plain_explicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_text_plain_implicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_missing (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_missing_with_default_type (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_explicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_implicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_text_plain_explicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_text_plain_implicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_missing (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_missing_with_default_type (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_decoded_payload (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_decoded_uu_payload (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_filename (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_filename_with_name_parameter (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_funky_continuation_lines (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_liberal (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_with_quotes (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_with_semis_in_quotes (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_params (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_getset_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_has_key (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_make_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_message_rfc822_only (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_missing_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_missing_filename (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_replace_header (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_charset_from_string (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_param (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_payload_with_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_type (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_type_on_other_header (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test__all__ (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_charset_richcomparisons (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_charsets_case_insensitive (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_escape_backslashes (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_escape_dump (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_fix_eols (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_formatdate (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_formatdate_localtime (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_formatdate_usegmt (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_get_body_encoding_with_bogus_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_get_body_encoding_with_uppercase_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_getaddresses (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) test_getaddresses_embedded_comment (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: Test proper handling of a nested comment PASS: test_getaddresses_nasty (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_make_msgid_collisions (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_file (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_file_with_class (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_string (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_string_with_class (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_mktime_tz (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_multiline_from_comment (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_name_with_dot (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_noquote_dump (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parseaddr_empty (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parseaddr_preserves_quoted_pairs_in_addresses (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_acceptable_to_time_functions (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_compact (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_compact_no_dayofweek (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_no_dayofweek (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_none (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) test_parsedate_y2k (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: Test for parsing a date with a two-digit year. PASS: test_partial_falls_inside_message_delivery_status (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_quote_dump (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_utils_quote_unquote (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_boundary_in_non_multipart (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_boundary_with_leading_space (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_boundary_without_trailing_newline (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_double_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_empty_multipart_idempotent (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_hierarchy (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_message_external_body (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_nested_inner_contains_outer_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_nested_with_same_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_no_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_no_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_one_part_in_a_multipart (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_preamble (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_nl_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_preamble (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_first_line_is_continuation_header (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_invalid_content_type (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_lying_multipart (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_missing_start_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_multipart_no_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_no_separating_blank_line (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_no_start_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_parse_missing_minor_type (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_same_boundary_inner_outer (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_CRLFLF_at_end_of_part (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_crlf_separation (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_header_parser (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_multipart_digest_with_extra_mime_headers (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_rfc2822_header_syntax (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_rfc2822_one_character_header (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_rfc2822_space_not_allowed_in_header (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_strip_line_feed_and_carriage_return_in_headers (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_three_lines (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_whitespace_continuation (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_whitespace_continuation_last_header (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_body_quopri_check (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_body_quopri_len (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_decode (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_encode (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_header_encode (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_header_quopri_check (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_header_quopri_len (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_quote_unquote_idempotent (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_rfc2047_B_bad_padding (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_rfc2047_Q_invalid_digits (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_rfc2047_multiline (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_rfc2047_with_whitespace (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_rfc2047_without_whitespace (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_whitespace_eater_unicode (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_whitespace_eater_unicode_2 (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_del_param (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_get_param (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_character_in_charset (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_character_in_filename (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_encoding_in_charset (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_encoding_in_filename (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_encoded_then_unencoded_segments (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_get_content_charset (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_extended_values (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_charset (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_filename (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_filename_encoded (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_partly_encoded (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_partly_nonencoded (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_single_tick_in_filename (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_single_tick_in_filename_extended (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_tick_attack (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_tick_attack_extended (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_unencoded_then_encoded_segments (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_unknown_encoding (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_set_param (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_long_headers_as_string (email.test.test_email.TestSigned) PASS: test_long_headers_flatten (email.test.test_email.TestSigned) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_add_header (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 995, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ====================================================================== ERROR: test_checkSetMinor (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 995, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ====================================================================== ERROR: test_encoding (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 995, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ====================================================================== ERROR: test_guess_minor_type (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 995, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 276 tests in 5.756s FAILED (errors=4) 0:00:25 load avg: 0.78 [119/403/15] test_email_codecs -- test_email failed PASS: test_japanese_codecs (email.test.test_email_codecs.TestEmailAsianCodecs) PASS: test_payload_encoding (email.test.test_email_codecs.TestEmailAsianCodecs) PASS: test_japanese_codecs (email.test.test_email_codecs_renamed.TestEmailAsianCodecs) PASS: test_payload_encoding (email.test.test_email_codecs_renamed.TestEmailAsianCodecs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:25 load avg: 0.78 [120/403/15] test_email_renamed PASS: test_decode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestBase64) PASS: test_encode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestBase64) PASS: test_header_encode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestBase64) PASS: test_len (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestBase64) PASS: test_body_encode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestCharset) PASS: test_idempotent (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestCharset) PASS: test_unicode_charset_name (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestCharset) PASS: test_default_cte (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestEncoders) PASS: test_encode_empty_payload (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestEncoders) PASS: test_dont_mangle_from (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestFromMangling) PASS: test_mangled_from (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestFromMangling) PASS: test_bad_8bit_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_broken_base64_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_encoded_adjacent_nonencoded (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_explicit_maxlinelen (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_header_ctor_default_args (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_header_needs_no_decoding (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_long (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_multilingual (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_simple (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_simple_surprise (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_string_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_us_ascii_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_utf8_shortest (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_whitespace_eater (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_MIME_digest (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_MIME_digest_with_part_headers (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_content_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_dsn (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_long_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_message_external_body_idempotent (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_mixed_with_image (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_more_rfc2231_parameters (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_multipart_no_parts (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_multipart_one_part (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_multipart_report (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_nested_multipart_mixeds (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_no_start_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_parse_text_message (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_parse_untyped_message (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_parser (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_preamble_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_rfc2231_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_simple_multipart (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_text_plain_in_a_multipart_digest (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_body_line_iterator (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIterators) PASS: test_typed_subpart_iterator (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIterators) PASS: test_typed_subpart_iterator_default_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIterators) PASS: test_another_long_almost_unsplittable_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_another_long_multiline_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_header_splitter (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_8bit_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_8bit_header_no_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_field_name (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_header_encode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_header_encode_with_tab_continuation (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_line_after_append (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_lines_with_different_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_nonstring (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_received_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_to_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_unbreakable_lines_with_continuation (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_no_semis_header_splitter (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_no_split_long_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_shorter_line_with_append (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_split_long_continuation (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_splitting_first_line_only_is_long (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_splitting_multiple_long_lines (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_string_headerinst_eq (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_binary_body_with_encode_7or8bit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEApplication) PASS: test_binary_body_with_encode_noop (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEApplication) PASS: test_body (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEApplication) PASS: test_headers (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEApplication) FAIL: test_add_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) FAIL: test_checkSetMinor (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) FAIL: test_encoding (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) FAIL: test_guess_minor_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) PASS: test_add_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_checkSetMinor (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_encoding (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_guess_minor_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_bad_multipart (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_type_non_parsed (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_type_with_explicit_container_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_dsn (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_generate (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_mime_attachments_in_constructor (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_no_nl_preamble (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_parse_message_rfc822 (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_type_error (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_valid_argument (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_payload (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_types (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEText) PASS: test__contains__ (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_as_string (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_bad_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_bogus_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_broken_base64_payload (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_decoded_generator (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_del_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_del_param_on_other_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_all (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_charsets (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_error (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_explicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_implicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_text_plain_explicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_text_plain_implicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_missing (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_missing_with_default_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_error (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_explicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_implicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_text_plain_explicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_text_plain_implicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_missing (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_missing_with_default_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_explicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_implicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_text_plain_explicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_text_plain_implicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_missing (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_missing_with_default_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_decoded_payload (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_decoded_uu_payload (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_filename_with_name_parameter (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_funky_continuation_lines (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_liberal (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_with_semis_in_quotes (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_params (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_getset_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_has_key (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_missing_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_missing_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_replace_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_charset_from_string (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_payload_with_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_type_on_other_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test__all__ (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_charset_richcomparisons (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_charsets_case_insensitive (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_escape_backslashes (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_escape_dump (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_fix_eols (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_formatdate (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_formatdate_localtime (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_formatdate_usegmt (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_get_body_encoding_with_bogus_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_get_body_encoding_with_uppercase_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_getaddresses (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) test_getaddresses_embedded_comment (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: Test proper handling of a nested comment PASS: test_getaddresses_nasty (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_file (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_file_with_class (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_string (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_string_with_class (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_multiline_from_comment (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_name_with_dot (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_noquote_dump (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parseaddr_empty (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_acceptable_to_time_functions (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_compact (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_compact_no_dayofweek (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_no_dayofweek (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_none (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_partial_falls_inside_message_delivery_status (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_quote_dump (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_utils_quote_unquote (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_boundary_in_non_multipart (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_boundary_with_leading_space (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_boundary_without_trailing_newline (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_double_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_empty_multipart_idempotent (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_hierarchy (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_message_external_body (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_nested_inner_contains_outer_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_nested_with_same_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_no_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_no_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_one_part_in_a_multipart (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_preamble (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_nl_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_preamble (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_first_line_is_continuation_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_invalid_content_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_lying_multipart (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_missing_start_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_multipart_no_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_no_separating_blank_line (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_no_start_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_parse_missing_minor_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_same_boundary_inner_outer (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_crlf_separation (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_header_parser (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_multipart_digest_with_extra_mime_headers (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_rfc2822_header_syntax (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_rfc2822_one_character_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_rfc2822_space_not_allowed_in_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_strip_line_feed_and_carriage_return_in_headers (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_three_lines (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_whitespace_continuation (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_whitespace_continuation_last_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_body_quopri_check (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_body_quopri_len (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_decode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_encode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_header_encode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_header_quopri_check (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_header_quopri_len (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_quote_unquote_idempotent (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_rfc2047_missing_whitespace (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_rfc2047_multiline (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_rfc2047_with_whitespace (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_whitespace_eater_unicode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_whitespace_eater_unicode_2 (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_del_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_get_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_character_in_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_character_in_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_encoding_in_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_encoding_in_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_encoded_then_unencoded_segments (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_get_content_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_extended_values (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_filename_encoded (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_partly_encoded (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_partly_nonencoded (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_single_tick_in_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_single_tick_in_filename_extended (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_tick_attack (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_tick_attack_extended (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_unencoded_then_encoded_segments (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_unknown_encoding (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_set_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_add_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 904, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ====================================================================== ERROR: test_checkSetMinor (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 904, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ====================================================================== ERROR: test_encoding (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 904, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ====================================================================== ERROR: test_guess_minor_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 904, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 249 tests in 0.065s FAILED (errors=4) 0:00:25 load avg: 0.78 [121/403/16] test_ensurepip -- test_email_renamed failed 0:00:25 load avg: 0.78 [122/403/17] test_enumerate -- test_ensurepip failed PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_args (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_bug1229429 (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_classic_class (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_gc (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_len (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_objmethods (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_simple (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_xrange_optimization (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 71 tests in 0.017s OK 0:00:25 load avg: 0.78 [123/403/17] test_eof PASS: test_EOFC (test.test_eof.EOFTestCase) PASS: test_EOFS (test.test_eof.EOFTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:25 load avg: 0.78 [124/403/17] test_epoll PASS: test_add (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) PASS: test_badcreate (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) PASS: test_control_and_wait (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) PASS: test_create (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) PASS: test_errors (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) PASS: test_fromfd (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) PASS: test_unregister_closed (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 2.105s OK 0:00:27 load avg: 0.71 [125/403/17] test_errno PASS: test_for_improper_attributes (test.test_errno.ErrnoAttributeTests) PASS: test_using_errorcode (test.test_errno.ErrnoAttributeTests) PASS: test_attributes_in_errorcode (test.test_errno.ErrorcodeTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:27 load avg: 0.71 [126/403/17] test_exception_variations PASS: test_nested (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_nested_else (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_else (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_else_finally (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_else_finally_no_exception (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_else_no_exception (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_finally (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_finally_no_exception (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_no_exception (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_finally_no_exception (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 11 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:27 load avg: 0.71 [127/403/17] test_extcall Trying: from UserList import UserList Expecting nothing ok Trying: from UserDict import UserDict Expecting nothing ok Trying: def e(a,b): print a, b Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(*a, **k): print a, test_support.sortdict(k) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def g(x, *y, **z): print x, y, test_support.sortdict(z) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def h(j=1, a=2, h=3): print j, a, h Expecting nothing ok Trying: f() Expecting: () {} ok Trying: f(1) Expecting: (1,) {} ok Trying: f(1, 2) Expecting: (1, 2) {} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3) Expecting: (1, 2, 3) {} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, *(4, 5)) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) {} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, *[4, 5]) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) {} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, *UserList([4, 5])) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) {} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, **{'a':4, 'b':5}) Expecting: (1, 2, 3) {'a': 4, 'b': 5} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, *[4, 5], **{'a':6, 'b':7}) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) {'a': 6, 'b': 7} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, x=4, y=5, *(6, 7), **{'a':8, 'b': 9}) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 6, 7) {'a': 8, 'b': 9, 'x': 4, 'y': 5} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, **UserDict(a=4, b=5)) Expecting: (1, 2, 3) {'a': 4, 'b': 5} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, *(4, 5), **UserDict(a=6, b=7)) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) {'a': 6, 'b': 7} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, x=4, y=5, *(6, 7), **UserDict(a=8, b=9)) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 6, 7) {'a': 8, 'b': 9, 'x': 4, 'y': 5} ok Trying: e(c=4) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: e() got an unexpected keyword argument 'c' ok Trying: g() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: g() takes at least 1 argument (0 given) ok Trying: g(*()) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: g() takes at least 1 argument (0 given) ok Trying: g(*(), **{}) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: g() takes at least 1 argument (0 given) ok Trying: g(1) Expecting: 1 () {} ok Trying: g(1, 2) Expecting: 1 (2,) {} ok Trying: g(1, 2, 3) Expecting: 1 (2, 3) {} ok Trying: g(1, 2, 3, *(4, 5)) Expecting: 1 (2, 3, 4, 5) {} ok Trying: class Nothing: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: g(*Nothing()) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: g() argument after * must be an iterable, not instance ok Trying: class Nothing: def __len__(self): return 5 Expecting nothing ok Trying: g(*Nothing()) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: g() argument after * must be an iterable, not instance ok Trying: class Nothing(): def __len__(self): return 5 def __getitem__(self, i): if i<3: return i else: raise IndexError(i) Expecting nothing ok Trying: g(*Nothing()) Expecting: 0 (1, 2) {} ok Trying: class Nothing: def __init__(self): self.c = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self.c == 4: raise StopIteration c = self.c self.c += 1 return c Expecting nothing ok Trying: g(*Nothing()) Expecting: 0 (1, 2, 3) {} ok Trying: def broken(): raise TypeError("myerror") Expecting nothing ok Trying: g(*(broken() for i in range(1))) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: myerror ok Trying: d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} Expecting nothing ok Trying: d2 = d.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: g(1, d=4, **d) Expecting: 1 () {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4} ok Trying: d == d2 Expecting: True ok Trying: def saboteur(**kw): kw['x'] = 'm' return kw Expecting nothing ok Trying: d = {} Expecting nothing ok Trying: kw = saboteur(a=1, **d) Expecting nothing ok Trying: d Expecting: {} ok Trying: g(1, 2, 3, **{'x': 4, 'y': 5}) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: g() got multiple values for keyword argument 'x' ok Trying: f(**{1:2}) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: f() keywords must be strings ok Trying: h(**{'e': 2}) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() got an unexpected keyword argument 'e' ok Trying: h(*h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() argument after * must be an iterable, not function ok Trying: h(1, *h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() argument after * must be an iterable, not function ok Trying: dir(*h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: dir() argument after * must be an iterable, not function ok Trying: None(*h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: NoneType object argument after * must be an iterable, not function ok Trying: h(**h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() argument after ** must be a mapping, not function ok Trying: h(**[]) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() argument after ** must be a mapping, not list ok Trying: h(a=1, **h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() argument after ** must be a mapping, not function ok Trying: h(a=1, **[]) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() argument after ** must be a mapping, not list ok Trying: dir(**h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: dir() argument after ** must be a mapping, not function ok Trying: None(**h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: NoneType object argument after ** must be a mapping, not function ok Trying: dir(b=1, **{'b': 1}) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: dir() got multiple values for keyword argument 'b' ok Trying: def f2(*a, **b): return a, b Expecting nothing ok Trying: d = {} Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in xrange(512): key = 'k%d' % i d[key] = i Expecting nothing ok Trying: a, b = f2(1, *(2,3), **d) Expecting nothing ok Trying: len(a), len(b), b == d Expecting: (3, 512, True) ok Trying: class Foo: def method(self, arg1, arg2): return arg1+arg2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = Foo() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Foo.method(*(x, 1, 2)) Expecting: 3 ok Trying: Foo.method(x, *(1, 2)) Expecting: 3 ok Trying: Foo.method(*(1, 2, 3)) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: unbound method method() must be called with Foo instance as first argument (got int instance instead) ok Trying: Foo.method(1, *[2, 3]) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: unbound method method() must be called with Foo instance as first argument (got int instance instead) ok Trying: try: silence = id(1, *{}) True except: False Expecting: True ok Trying: id(1, **{'foo': 1}) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: id() takes no keyword arguments ok Trying: class Name(str): def __eq__(self, other): try: del x[self] except KeyError: pass return str.__eq__(self, other) def __hash__(self): return str.__hash__(self) Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = {Name("a"):1, Name("b"):2} Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(a, b): print a,b Expecting nothing ok Trying: f(**x) Expecting: 1 2 ok Trying: def f(a, b): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: f(b=1) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: f() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) ok Trying: def f(a): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: f(6, a=4, *(1, 2, 3)) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: f() takes exactly 1 argument (5 given) ok 3 items had no tests: test.test_extcall.ExtCallTest test.test_extcall.ExtCallTest.test_unicode_keywords test.test_extcall.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 80 tests in test.test_extcall 80 tests in 4 items. 80 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_extcall) ... 80 tests with zero failures PASS: test_unicode_keywords (test.test_extcall.ExtCallTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:27 load avg: 0.71 [128/403/17] test_fcntl struct.pack: '\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' PASS: test_fcntl_64_bit (test.test_fcntl.TestFcntl) PASS: test_fcntl_bad_file (test.test_fcntl.TestFcntl) FAIL: test_fcntl_bad_file_overflow (test.test_fcntl.TestFcntl) PASS: test_fcntl_file_descriptor (test.test_fcntl.TestFcntl) test_fcntl_fileno (test.test_fcntl.TestFcntl) ... Status from fcntl with O_NONBLOCK: 0 String from fcntl with F_SETLKW: '\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' ok ====================================================================== ERROR: test_fcntl_bad_file_overflow (test.test_fcntl.TestFcntl) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 102, in test_fcntl_bad_file_overflow from _testcapi import INT_MAX, INT_MIN ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.000s FAILED (errors=1) 0:00:27 load avg: 0.71 [129/403/18] test_file -- test_fcntl failed PASS: testAttributes (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testErrors (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testMethods (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testReadWhenWriting (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testReadinto (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testReadinto_text (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testWeakRefs (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesIntegers (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesIntegersUserList (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesNonString (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesUserList (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testAttributes (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testErrors (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testMethods (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testReadWhenWriting (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testReadinto (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testReadinto_text (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testWeakRefs (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesIntegers (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesIntegersUserList (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesNonString (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesUserList (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testBadModeArgument (test.test_file.COtherFileTests) PASS: testIteration (test.test_file.COtherFileTests) PASS: testModeStrings (test.test_file.COtherFileTests) PASS: testSetBufferSize (test.test_file.COtherFileTests) PASS: testTruncateOnWindows (test.test_file.COtherFileTests) PASS: testBadModeArgument (test.test_file.PyOtherFileTests) PASS: testIteration (test.test_file.PyOtherFileTests) PASS: testModeStrings (test.test_file.PyOtherFileTests) PASS: testSetBufferSize (test.test_file.PyOtherFileTests) PASS: testTruncateOnWindows (test.test_file.PyOtherFileTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 32 tests in 0.048s OK 0:00:27 load avg: 0.71 [130/403/18] test_file2k PASS: testAttributes (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrors (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testIssue5677 (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testMethods (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testNastyWritelinesGenerator (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testReadWhenWriting (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testReadinto (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testRepr (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWeakRefs (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesBuffer (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesIntegers (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesIntegersUserList (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesNonString (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesUserList (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testBadModeArgument (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testIteration (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testModeStrings (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testOpenDir (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testSetBufferSize (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testStdinSeek (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testStdinTruncate (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testTruncateOnWindows (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testUnicodeOpen (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: test_very_long_line (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: test_write_full (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testExit (test.test_file2k.FileSubclassTests) test_close_open (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... 44473 0.0000 ok test_close_open_flush (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 21241 5.3999 ok test_close_open_isatty (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 20854 5.0062 ok test_close_open_iter (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 17534 1.6596 ok test_close_open_print (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 20175 31.2813 ok test_close_open_print_buffered (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 17611 17.0802 ok test_close_open_read (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 20805 3.9510 ok test_close_open_readinto (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 18231 4.9915 ok test_close_open_readline (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 19133 7.1500 ok test_close_open_readlines (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 19539 6.6994 ok test_close_open_seek (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 19703 5.1464 ok test_close_open_tell (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 20765 6.0197 ok test_close_open_truncate (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 21701 49.1821 ok test_close_open_write (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 20938 4.4321 ok test_close_open_writelines (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... 38144 0.0000 ok test_readall (test.test_file2k.TestFileSignalEINTR) PASS: Unbounded must handle signals and not lose data. test_readinto (test.test_file2k.TestFileSignalEINTR) PASS: file.readinto must handle signals and not lose data. test_readline (test.test_file2k.TestFileSignalEINTR) PASS: file.readline must handle signals and not lose data. PASS: test_readline_with_universal_newlines (test.test_file2k.TestFileSignalEINTR) test_readlines (test.test_file2k.TestFileSignalEINTR) PASS: file.readlines must handle signals and not lose data. PASS: test_readlines_with_universal_newlines (test.test_file2k.TestFileSignalEINTR) PASS: test_del_stdout_before_print (test.test_file2k.StdoutTests) PASS: test_move_stdout_on_write (test.test_file2k.StdoutTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_file2k.StdoutTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 50 tests in 5.188s OK 0:00:33 load avg: 0.82 [131/403/18] test_file_eintr test_readall (test.test_file_eintr.TestBufferedIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: must handle signals and not lose data. test_readline (test.test_file_eintr.TestBufferedIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readline() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readlines (test.test_file_eintr.TestBufferedIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readlines() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readall (test.test_file_eintr.TestTextIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: read() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readline (test.test_file_eintr.TestTextIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readline() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readlines (test.test_file_eintr.TestTextIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readlines() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readall (test.test_file_eintr.TestFileIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readall() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readline (test.test_file_eintr.TestFileIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readline() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readlines (test.test_file_eintr.TestFileIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readlines() must handle signals and not lose data. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.763s OK 0:00:33 load avg: 0.82 [132/403/18] test_filecmp 0:00:34 load avg: 0.82 [133/403/19] test_fileinput -- test_filecmp failed 0:00:34 load avg: 0.82 [134/403/20] test_fileio -- test_fileinput failed PASS: testAttributes (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClose (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedFileno (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedIsatty (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedRead (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedReadable (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedReadall (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedReadinto (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedSeek (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedSeekable (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedTell (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedTruncate (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedWritable (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedWrite (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrors (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testMethods (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testOpenDirFD (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testOpendir (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testReadinto (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testRepr (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testSeekTell (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWeakRefs (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesError (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesList (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesUserList (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: test_none_args (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testAbles (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) SKIP: testAblesOnTTY (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) 'need /dev/tty' PASS: testAppend (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testBadModeArgument (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testBytesOpen (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testConstructorHandlesNULChars (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testInvalidFd (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) FAIL: testInvalidFd_overflow (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testInvalidInit (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testInvalidModeStrings (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testModeStrings (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testTruncate (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testTruncateOnWindows (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testUnclosedFDOnException (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testUnicodeOpen (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testWarnings (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: test_surrogates (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) ====================================================================== ERROR: testInvalidFd_overflow (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 379, in testInvalidFd_overflow import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 43 tests in 0.012s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=1) 0:00:34 load avg: 0.82 [135/403/21] test_float -- test_fileio failed PASS: test_conversion_to_int (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_float (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_float_buffer (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_float_mod (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_float_pow (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_float_with_comma (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_floatasratio (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_floatconversion (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_is_integer (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_non_numeric_input_types (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_getformat (test.test_float.FormatFunctionsTestCase) PASS: test_setformat (test.test_float.FormatFunctionsTestCase) PASS: test_double_specials_dont_unpack (test.test_float.UnknownFormatTestCase) PASS: test_float_specials_dont_unpack (test.test_float.UnknownFormatTestCase) PASS: test_double_specials_do_unpack (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_float_specials_do_unpack (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_format (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_format_testfile (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_issue5864 (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_negative_zero (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_underflow_sign (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_repr (test.test_float.ReprTestCase) SKIP: test_short_repr (test.test_float.ReprTestCase) 'applies only when using short float repr style' PASS: test_format_specials (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) SKIP: test_halfway_cases (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) 'test applies only when using short float repr style' PASS: test_inf_nan (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) PASS: test_large_n (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) SKIP: test_previous_round_bugs (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) 'test applies only when using short float repr style' PASS: test_second_argument_type (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) PASS: test_small_n (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) PASS: test_hash_inf (test.test_float.InfNanTest) PASS: test_inf_as_str (test.test_float.InfNanTest) PASS: test_inf_from_str (test.test_float.InfNanTest) PASS: test_nan_as_str (test.test_float.InfNanTest) PASS: test_nan_from_str (test.test_float.InfNanTest) PASS: test_ends (test.test_float.HexFloatTestCase) PASS: test_from_hex (test.test_float.HexFloatTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_inputs (test.test_float.HexFloatTestCase) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_float.HexFloatTestCase) PASS: test_whitespace (test.test_float.HexFloatTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 41 tests in 0.068s OK (skipped=3) 0:00:34 load avg: 0.82 [136/403/21] test_fnmatch PASS: test_cache_clearing (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_case (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_fnmatch (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_fnmatchcase (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_mix_unicode_str (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_sep (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_translate (test.test_fnmatch.TranslateTestCase) PASS: test_case (test.test_fnmatch.FilterTestCase) PASS: test_filter (test.test_fnmatch.FilterTestCase) PASS: test_mix_bytes_str (test.test_fnmatch.FilterTestCase) PASS: test_sep (test.test_fnmatch.FilterTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.015s OK 0:00:34 load avg: 0.82 [137/403/21] test_fork1 PASS: test_import_lock_fork (test.test_fork1.ForkTest) PASS: test_wait (test.test_fork1.ForkTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 7.025s OK 0:00:41 load avg: 0.69 [138/403/21] test_format test_format (test.test_format.FormatTest) ... '%.1d' % (1,) =? '1' ... yes u'%.1d' % (1,) =? '1' ... yes '%.*d' % (9223372036854775807, 1) works? ... overflow (this is fine) u'%.*d' % (9223372036854775807, 1) works? ... overflow (this is fine) '%.100d' % (1,) =? '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ... yes u'%.100d' % (1,) =? '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ... yes '%#.117x' % (1,) =? '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ... overflow (this is fine) u'%#.117x' % (1,) =? '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ... overflow (this is fine) '%#.118x' % (1,) =? '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ... overflow (this is fine) u'%#.118x' % (1,) =? '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ... overflow (this is fine) '%f' % (1.0,) =? '1.000000' ... yes u'%f' % (1.0,) =? '1.000000' ... yes '%#.*g' % (109, -3.3333333333333334e+48) works? ... yes u'%#.*g' % (109, -3.3333333333333334e+48) works? ... yes '%#.*g' % (110, -3.3333333333333334e+48) works? ... yes u'%#.*g' % (110, -3.3333333333333334e+48) works? ... yes '%#.*g' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes u'%#.*g' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes '%12.*f' % (123456, 1.0) works? ... yes u'%12.*f' % (123456, 1.0) works? ... yes '%#.*g' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes u'%#.*g' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes '%#.*G' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes u'%#.*G' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes '%#.*f' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes u'%#.*f' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes '%#.*F' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes u'%#.*F' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes '%x' % 10L =? 'a' ... yes u'%x' % 10L =? 'a' ... yes '%x' % 100000000000L =? '174876e800' ... yes u'%x' % 100000000000L =? '174876e800' ... yes '%o' % 10L =? '12' ... yes u'%o' % 10L =? '12' ... yes '%o' % 100000000000L =? '1351035564000' ... yes u'%o' % 100000000000L =? '1351035564000' ... yes '%d' % 10L =? '10' ... yes u'%d' % 10L =? '10' ... yes '%d' % 100000000000L =? '100000000000' ... yes u'%d' % 100000000000L =? '100000000000' ... yes '%d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%5d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%5d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%31d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%31d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%32d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' -123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%32d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' -123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%-32d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890 ' ... yes u'%-32d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890 ' ... yes '%032d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-0123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%032d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-0123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%-032d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890 ' ... yes u'%-032d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890 ' ... yes '%034d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-000123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%034d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-000123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%034d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '0000123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%034d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '0000123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%0+34d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '+000123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%0+34d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '+000123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%+34d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' +123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%+34d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' +123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%34d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' 123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%34d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' 123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%.2d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%.2d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%.30d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%.30d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%.31d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '0123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%.31d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '0123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%32.31d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' 0123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%32.31d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' 0123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%d' % 1.2345678901234568e+29 =? '123456________________________' ... yes u'%d' % 1.2345678901234568e+29 =? '123456________________________' ... yes '%x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%5x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%5x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%22x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%22x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%23x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? ' -1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%23x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? ' -1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%-23x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345 ' ... yes u'%-23x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345 ' ... yes '%023x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-01234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%023x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-01234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%-023x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345 ' ... yes u'%-023x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345 ' ... yes '%025x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-0001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%025x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-0001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%025x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '00001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%025x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '00001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%0+25x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%0+25x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%+25x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' +1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%+25x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' +1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%25x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' 1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%25x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' 1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%.2x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%.2x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%.21x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%.21x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%.22x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '01234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%.22x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '01234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%23.22x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' 01234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%23.22x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' 01234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%-23.22x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '01234567890abcdef12345 ' ... yes u'%-23.22x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '01234567890abcdef12345 ' ... yes '%X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '0X1234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '0X1234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '0x1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%#x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '0x1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%#x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-0x1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%#x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-0x1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%#.23x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-0x001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%#.23x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-0x001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%#+.23x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0x001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%#+.23x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0x001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%# .23x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' 0x001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%# .23x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' 0x001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%#+.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#+.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#-+.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#-+.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#-+26.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#-+26.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#-+27.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345 ' ... yes u'%#-+27.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345 ' ... yes '%#+27.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' +0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#+27.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' +0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#+027.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X0001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#+027.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X0001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#+27.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' +0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#+27.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' +0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%x' % 1.3754889323622168e+24 =? '123456_______________' ... yes u'%x' % 1.3754889323622168e+24 =? '123456_______________' ... yes '%o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%5o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%5o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%33o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%33o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%34o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' -12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%34o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' -12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%-34o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes u'%-34o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes '%034o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%034o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%-034o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes u'%-034o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes '%036o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-00012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%036o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-00012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%036o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '000012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%036o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '000012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%0+36o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+00012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%0+36o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+00012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%+36o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' +12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%+36o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' +12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%36o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' 12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%36o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' 12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%.2o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%.2o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%.32o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%.32o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%34.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' 012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%34.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' 012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%-34.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes u'%-34.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes '%o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#.34o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#.34o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#+.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#+.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%# .34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' 0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%# .34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' 0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#+.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#+.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#-+.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#-+.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#-+37.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes u'%#-+37.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes '%#+37.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' +0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#+37.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' +0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#.32o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#.32o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%034.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%034.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%0#34.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%0#34.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%o' % 1.2935167030485802e+28 =? '123456__________________________' ... yes u'%o' % 1.2935167030485802e+28 =? '123456__________________________' ... yes '%d' % 42 =? '42' ... yes u'%d' % 42 =? '42' ... yes '%d' % -42 =? '-42' ... yes u'%d' % -42 =? '-42' ... yes '%d' % 42L =? '42' ... yes u'%d' % 42L =? '42' ... yes '%d' % -42L =? '-42' ... yes u'%d' % -42L =? '-42' ... yes '%d' % 42.0 =? '42' ... yes u'%d' % 42.0 =? '42' ... yes '%#x' % 1 =? '0x1' ... yes u'%#x' % 1 =? '0x1' ... yes '%#x' % 1L =? '0x1' ... yes u'%#x' % 1L =? '0x1' ... yes '%#X' % 1 =? '0X1' ... yes u'%#X' % 1 =? '0X1' ... yes '%#X' % 1L =? '0X1' ... yes u'%#X' % 1L =? '0X1' ... yes '%#x' % 1.0 =? '0x1' ... yes u'%#x' % 1.0 =? '0x1' ... yes '%#o' % 1 =? '01' ... yes u'%#o' % 1 =? '01' ... yes '%#o' % 1L =? '01' ... yes u'%#o' % 1L =? '01' ... yes '%#o' % 0 =? '0' ... yes u'%#o' % 0 =? '0' ... yes '%#o' % 0L =? '0' ... yes u'%#o' % 0L =? '0' ... yes '%o' % 0 =? '0' ... yes u'%o' % 0 =? '0' ... yes '%o' % 0L =? '0' ... yes u'%o' % 0L =? '0' ... yes '%d' % 0 =? '0' ... yes u'%d' % 0 =? '0' ... yes '%d' % 0L =? '0' ... yes u'%d' % 0L =? '0' ... yes '%#x' % 0 =? '0x0' ... yes u'%#x' % 0 =? '0x0' ... yes '%#x' % 0L =? '0x0' ... yes u'%#x' % 0L =? '0x0' ... yes '%#X' % 0 =? '0X0' ... yes u'%#X' % 0 =? '0X0' ... yes '%#X' % 0L =? '0X0' ... yes u'%#X' % 0L =? '0X0' ... yes '%x' % 66 =? '42' ... yes u'%x' % 66 =? '42' ... yes '%x' % -66 =? '-42' ... yes u'%x' % -66 =? '-42' ... yes '%x' % 66L =? '42' ... yes u'%x' % 66L =? '42' ... yes '%x' % -66L =? '-42' ... yes u'%x' % -66L =? '-42' ... yes '%x' % 66.0 =? '42' ... yes u'%x' % 66.0 =? '42' ... yes '%o' % 34 =? '42' ... yes u'%o' % 34 =? '42' ... yes '%o' % -34 =? '-42' ... yes u'%o' % -34 =? '-42' ... yes '%o' % 34L =? '42' ... yes u'%o' % 34L =? '42' ... yes '%o' % -34L =? '-42' ... yes u'%o' % -34L =? '-42' ... yes '%o' % 34.0 =? '42' ... yes u'%o' % 34.0 =? '42' ... yes '%g' % 1.1000000000000001 =? '1.1' ... yes '%#g' % 1.1000000000000001 =? '1.10000' ... yes '%x' % =? '0' ... yes u'%x' % =? '0' ... yes Testing exceptions 'abc %a' % 1 works? ... yes u'abc %\u3000' % 1 works? ... yes '%d' % '1' works? ... yes '%g' % '1' works? ... yes 'no format' % '1' works? ... yes 'no format' % u'1' works? ... yes u'no format' % '1' works? ... yes u'no format' % u'1' works? ... yes '%o' % 0L works? ... yes ok PASS: test_invalid_special_methods (test.test_format.FormatTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.003s OK 0:00:41 load avg: 0.69 [139/403/21] test_fpformat test_fpformat skipped -- No module named fpformat 0:00:41 load avg: 0.69 [140/403/21] test_fractions -- test_fpformat skipped PASS: testApproximateCos1 (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testApproximatePi (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testArithmetic (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testBigComplexComparisons (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testBigFloatComparisons (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testComparisons (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testComparisonsDummyFloat (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testComparisonsDummyRational (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testConversions (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testFromDecimal (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testFromFloat (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testFromString (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testHash (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testImmutable (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testInit (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testInitFromDecimal (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testInitFromFloat (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testLimitDenominator (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testMixedArithmetic (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testMixedEqual (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testMixedLess (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testMixedLessEqual (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testMixingWithDecimal (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testStringification (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: test_copy_deepcopy_pickle (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: test_slots (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testMisc (test.test_fractions.GcdTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 27 tests in 0.005s OK 0:00:41 load avg: 0.69 [141/403/21] test_frozen PASS: test_frozen (test.test_frozen.FrozenTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:41 load avg: 0.69 [142/403/21] test_ftplib PASS: test_acct (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_all_errors (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_delete (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_dir (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_getwelcome (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_line_too_long (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_login (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_makepasv (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_makeport (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_mkd (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_nlst (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_pwd (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_quit (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_rename (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_retrbinary (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_retrbinary_rest (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_retrlines (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_retrlines_too_long (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_rmd (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_sanitize (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_set_pasv (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_size (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_storbinary (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_storbinary_rest (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_storlines (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_storlines_too_long (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_voidcmd (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: testTimeoutConnect (test.test_ftplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutDefault (test.test_ftplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutDifferentOrder (test.test_ftplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutDirectAccess (test.test_ftplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutNone (test.test_ftplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutValue (test.test_ftplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: test_af (test.test_ftplib.TestIPv6Environment) PASS: test_makepasv (test.test_ftplib.TestIPv6Environment) PASS: test_makeport (test.test_ftplib.TestIPv6Environment) PASS: test_transfer (test.test_ftplib.TestIPv6Environment) PASS: test_acct (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_all_errors (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_delete (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_dir (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_getwelcome (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_line_too_long (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_login (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_makepasv (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_makeport (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_mkd (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_nlst (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_pwd (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_quit (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_rename (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_retrbinary (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_retrbinary_rest (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_retrlines (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_retrlines_too_long (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_rmd (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_sanitize (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_set_pasv (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_size (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_storbinary (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_storbinary_rest (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_storlines (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_storlines_too_long (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_voidcmd (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_auth_issued_twice (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) PASS: test_auth_ssl (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) PASS: test_check_hostname (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) PASS: test_context (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) PASS: test_control_connection (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) PASS: test_data_connection (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) PASS: test_login (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 75 tests in 2.075s OK 0:00:43 load avg: 0.69 [143/403/21] test_funcattrs PASS: test_blank_func_defaults (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_copying_func_code (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_dir_includes_correct_attrs (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_duplicate_function_equality (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_empty_cell (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_func_closure (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_func_code (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_func_default_args (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_func_globals (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_func_name (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_module (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_im_class (test.test_funcattrs.InstancemethodAttrTest) PASS: test_im_func (test.test_funcattrs.InstancemethodAttrTest) PASS: test_im_func_non_method (test.test_funcattrs.InstancemethodAttrTest) PASS: test_im_self (test.test_funcattrs.InstancemethodAttrTest) PASS: test_implicit_method_properties (test.test_funcattrs.InstancemethodAttrTest) PASS: test_delete_unknown_attr (test.test_funcattrs.ArbitraryFunctionAttrTest) PASS: test_set_attr (test.test_funcattrs.ArbitraryFunctionAttrTest) PASS: test_setting_attrs_duplicates (test.test_funcattrs.ArbitraryFunctionAttrTest) PASS: test_unset_attr (test.test_funcattrs.ArbitraryFunctionAttrTest) PASS: test_delete_func_dict (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDictsTest) PASS: test_func_as_dict_key (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDictsTest) PASS: test_setting_dict_to_invalid (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDictsTest) PASS: test_setting_dict_to_valid (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDictsTest) PASS: test_unassigned_dict (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDictsTest) PASS: test_delete_docstring (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDocstringTest) PASS: test_set_docstring_attr (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDocstringTest) PASS: test_func_attribute (test.test_funcattrs.StaticMethodAttrsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 28 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:43 load avg: 0.69 [144/403/21] test_functools PASS: test_arg_combinations (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_argument_checking (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_attributes (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_basic_examples (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_copy (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_error_propagation (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_keyword (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_kw_combinations (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_no_side_effects (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_positional (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_protection_of_callers_dict_argument (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_recursive_pickle (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_setstate (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_setstate_errors (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_setstate_refcount (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_setstate_subclasses (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_with_bound_and_unbound_methods (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_arg_combinations (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_argument_checking (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_attributes (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_basic_examples (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_copy (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_error_propagation (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_keyword (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_kw_combinations (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_no_side_effects (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_positional (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_protection_of_callers_dict_argument (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_recursive_pickle (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_setstate (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_setstate_errors (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_setstate_refcount (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_setstate_subclasses (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_with_bound_and_unbound_methods (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_arg_combinations (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_argument_checking (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_basic_examples (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_copy (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_error_propagation (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_keyword (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_kw_combinations (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_no_side_effects (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_positional (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_protection_of_callers_dict_argument (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_with_bound_and_unbound_methods (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_builtin_update (test.test_functools.TestUpdateWrapper) PASS: test_default_update (test.test_functools.TestUpdateWrapper) PASS: test_default_update_doc (test.test_functools.TestUpdateWrapper) PASS: test_no_update (test.test_functools.TestUpdateWrapper) PASS: test_selective_update (test.test_functools.TestUpdateWrapper) PASS: test_bug_10042 (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_no_operations_defined (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_total_ordering_ge (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_total_ordering_gt (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_total_ordering_le (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_total_ordering_lt (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_total_ordering_no_overwrite (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_builtin_update (test.test_functools.TestWraps) PASS: test_default_update (test.test_functools.TestWraps) PASS: test_default_update_doc (test.test_functools.TestWraps) PASS: test_no_update (test.test_functools.TestWraps) PASS: test_selective_update (test.test_functools.TestWraps) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_functools.TestReduce) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 70 tests in 0.012s OK 0:00:43 load avg: 0.69 [145/403/21] test_future PASS: test_badfuture3 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_badfuture4 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_badfuture5 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_badfuture6 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_badfuture7 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_badfuture8 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_badfuture9 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_future1 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_future2 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_future3 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_multiple_features (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_parserhack (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_unicode_literals_exec (test.test_future.FutureTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:43 load avg: 0.69 [146/403/21] test_future3 PASS: test_floor_div_operator (test.test_future3.TestFuture) PASS: test_nested_scopes (test.test_future3.TestFuture) PASS: test_true_div_as_default (test.test_future3.TestFuture) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:43 load avg: 0.69 [147/403/21] test_future4 PASS: test_unicode_strings (test.test_future4.TestFuture) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:43 load avg: 0.69 [148/403/21] test_future5 PASS: test_print_function (test.test_future5.TestMultipleFeatures) PASS: test_unicode_literals (test.test_future5.TestMultipleFeatures) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:44 load avg: 0.69 [149/403/21] test_future_builtins 0:00:44 load avg: 0.69 [150/403/22] test_gc -- test_future_builtins failed PASS: test_boom (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_boom2 (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_boom2_new (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_boom_new (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_bug1055820b (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_class (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_collect_generations (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_del (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_del_newclass (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_dict (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_finalizer (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_finalizer_newclass (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_frame (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_function (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_get_count (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_get_referents (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_instance (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_is_tracked (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_list (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_method (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_newinstance (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_newstyleclass (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_saveall (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_trashcan (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_trashcan_threads (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_tuple (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_bug1055820c (test.test_gc.GCTogglingTests) PASS: test_bug1055820d (test.test_gc.GCTogglingTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 28 tests in 2.477s OK restoring automatic collection 0:00:46 load avg: 0.72 [151/403/22] test_gdb test_gdb skipped -- test_gdb only works on source builds at the moment. 0:00:46 load avg: 0.72 [152/403/22] test_gdbm -- test_gdb skipped PASS: test_error_conditions (test.test_gdbm.TestGdbm) PASS: test_flags (test.test_gdbm.TestGdbm) PASS: test_key_methods (test.test_gdbm.TestGdbm) PASS: test_reorganize (test.test_gdbm.TestGdbm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:46 load avg: 0.72 [153/403/22] test_generators Trying: for c in conjoin([lambda: iter((0, 1))] * 3): print c Expecting: [0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 1] [0, 1, 0] [0, 1, 1] [1, 0, 0] [1, 0, 1] [1, 1, 0] [1, 1, 1] ok Trying: def gencopy(iterator): for x in iterator: yield x[:] Expecting nothing ok Trying: for n in range(10): all = list(gencopy(conjoin([lambda: iter((0, 1))] * n))) print n, len(all), all[0] == [0] * n, all[-1] == [1] * n Expecting: 0 1 True True 1 2 True True 2 4 True True 3 8 True True 4 16 True True 5 32 True True 6 64 True True 7 128 True True 8 256 True True 9 512 True True ok Trying: q = Queens(8) Expecting nothing ok Trying: LIMIT = 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: count = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: for row2col in q.solve(): count += 1 if count <= LIMIT: print "Solution", count q.printsolution(row2col) Expecting: Solution 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Q| | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | |Q| | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | |Q| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | |Q| | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | |Q| | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | |Q| | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | |Q| | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | |Q| | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Solution 2 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Q| | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | |Q| | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | |Q| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | |Q| | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | |Q| | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | |Q| | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | |Q| | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | |Q| | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ok Trying: print count, "solutions in all." Expecting: 92 solutions in all. ok Trying: k = Knights(10, 10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: LIMIT = 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: count = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: for x in k.solve(): count += 1 if count <= LIMIT: print "Solution", count k.printsolution(x) else: break Expecting: Solution 1 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 1| 58| 27| 34| 3| 40| 29| 10| 5| 8| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 26| 35| 2| 57| 28| 33| 4| 7| 30| 11| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 59|100| 73| 36| 41| 56| 39| 32| 9| 6| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 74| 25| 60| 55| 72| 37| 42| 49| 12| 31| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 61| 86| 99| 76| 63| 52| 47| 38| 43| 50| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 24| 75| 62| 85| 54| 71| 64| 51| 48| 13| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 87| 98| 91| 80| 77| 84| 53| 46| 65| 44| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 90| 23| 88| 95| 70| 79| 68| 83| 14| 17| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 97| 92| 21| 78| 81| 94| 19| 16| 45| 66| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 22| 89| 96| 93| 20| 69| 82| 67| 18| 15| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Solution 2 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 1| 58| 27| 34| 3| 40| 29| 10| 5| 8| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 26| 35| 2| 57| 28| 33| 4| 7| 30| 11| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 59|100| 73| 36| 41| 56| 39| 32| 9| 6| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 74| 25| 60| 55| 72| 37| 42| 49| 12| 31| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 61| 86| 99| 76| 63| 52| 47| 38| 43| 50| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 24| 75| 62| 85| 54| 71| 64| 51| 48| 13| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 87| 98| 89| 80| 77| 84| 53| 46| 65| 44| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 90| 23| 92| 95| 70| 79| 68| 83| 14| 17| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 97| 88| 21| 78| 81| 94| 19| 16| 45| 66| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 22| 91| 96| 93| 20| 69| 82| 67| 18| 15| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ ok Trying: def f(): print (yield 1) yield 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: g.send(42) Expecting: 42 2 ok Trying: f().send("foo") Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator ok Trying: def f(): yield Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(f()) Expecting: [None] ok Trying: list((yield 21) for i in range(4)) Expecting: [21, None, 21, None, 21, None, 21, None] ok Trying: def f(): list(i for i in [(yield 26)]) Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def coroutine(seq): count = 0 while count < 200: count += yield seq.append(count) Expecting nothing ok Trying: seq = [] Expecting nothing ok Trying: c = coroutine(seq) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: print seq Expecting: [] ok Trying: c.send(10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print seq Expecting: [10] ok Trying: c.send(10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print seq Expecting: [10, 20] ok Trying: c.send(10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print seq Expecting: [10, 20, 30] ok Trying: f=lambda: (yield 1),(yield 2) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: 'yield' outside function ok Trying: def f(): return lambda x=(yield): 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: 'return' with argument inside generator (, line 1) ok Trying: def f(): x = yield = y Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: assignment to yield expression not possible ok Trying: def f(): (yield bar) = y Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to yield expression ok Trying: def f(): (yield bar) += y Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to yield expression ok Trying: def f(): while True: try: print (yield) except ValueError,v: print "caught ValueError (%s)" % (v), Expecting nothing ok Trying: import sys Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError) # type only Expecting: caught ValueError () ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError("xyz")) # value only Expecting: caught ValueError (xyz) ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError, ValueError(1)) # value+matching type Expecting: caught ValueError (1) ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError, TypeError(1)) # mismatched type, rewrapped Expecting: caught ValueError (1) ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError, ValueError(1), None) # explicit None traceback Expecting: caught ValueError (1) ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError(1), "foo") # bad args Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: instance exception may not have a separate value ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError, "foo", 23) # bad args Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: throw() third argument must be a traceback object ok Trying: def throw(g,exc): try: raise exc except: g.throw(*sys.exc_info()) Expecting nothing ok Trying: throw(g,ValueError) # do it with traceback included Expecting: caught ValueError () ok Trying: g.send(1) Expecting: 1 ok Trying: throw(g,TypeError) # terminate the generator Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError ok Trying: print g.gi_frame Expecting: None ok Trying: g.send(2) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... StopIteration ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError,6) # throw on closed generator Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 6 ok Trying: f().throw(ValueError,7) # throw on just-opened generator Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 7 ok Trying: f().throw("abc") # throw on just-opened generator Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: exceptions must be classes, or instances, not str ok Trying: def f(): try: yield except GeneratorExit: print "exiting" Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.close() Expecting: exiting ok Trying: g.close() # should be no-op now Expecting nothing ok Trying: f().close() # close on just-opened generator should be fine Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): yield # an even simpler generator Expecting nothing ok Trying: f().close() # close before opening Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.close() # close normally Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): try: yield finally: print "exiting" Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: del g Expecting: exiting ok Trying: class context(object): def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, *args): print 'exiting' Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): with context(): yield Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: del g Expecting: exiting ok Trying: def f(): try: yield except Exception: print 'except' finally: print 'finally' Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: del g Expecting: finally ok Trying: def f(): try: yield except GeneratorExit: yield "foo!" Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.close() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: generator ignored GeneratorExit ok Trying: g.close() Expecting nothing ok Trying: import sys, StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: old, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, StringIO.StringIO() Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: del g Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stderr.getvalue().startswith( "Exception RuntimeError: 'generator ignored GeneratorExit' in " ) Expecting: True ok Trying: sys.stderr = old Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): try: yield except GeneratorExit: raise TypeError("fie!") Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.close() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: fie! ok Trying: def f(): x += yield Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): x = yield Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): lambda x=(yield): 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): x=(i for i in (yield) if (yield)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(d): d[(yield "a")] = d[(yield "b")] = 27 Expecting nothing ok Trying: data = [1,2] Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f(data) Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(g) Expecting: ok Trying: g.send(None) Expecting: 'a' ok Trying: data Expecting: [1, 2] ok Trying: g.send(0) Expecting: 'b' ok Trying: data Expecting: [27, 2] ok Trying: try: g.send(1) except StopIteration: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: data Expecting: [27, 27] ok Trying: def g(): for i in range(3): yield None yield None return Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g()) Expecting: [None, None, None, None] ok Trying: def g(): yield 1 try: raise StopIteration except: yield 2 yield 3 Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g()) Expecting: [1, 2, 3] ok Trying: def gcomb(x, k): "Generate all combinations of k elements from list x." if k > len(x): return if k == 0: yield [] else: first, rest = x[0], x[1:] # A combination does or doesn't contain first. # If it does, the remainder is a k-1 comb of rest. for c in gcomb(rest, k-1): c.insert(0, first) yield c # If it doesn't contain first, it's a k comb of rest. for c in gcomb(rest, k): yield c Expecting nothing ok Trying: seq = range(1, 5) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for k in range(len(seq) + 2): print "%d-combs of %s:" % (k, seq) for c in gcomb(seq, k): print " ", c Expecting: 0-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]: [] 1-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]: [1] [2] [3] [4] 2-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]: [1, 2] [1, 3] [1, 4] [2, 3] [2, 4] [3, 4] 3-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]: [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 4] [1, 3, 4] [2, 3, 4] 4-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]: [1, 2, 3, 4] 5-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]: ok Trying: def g(): yield 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(g) Expecting: ok Trying: i = g() Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(i) Expecting: ok Trying: [s for s in dir(i) if not s.startswith('_')] Expecting: ['close', 'gi_code', 'gi_frame', 'gi_running', 'next', 'send', 'throw'] ok Trying: from test.test_support import HAVE_DOCSTRINGS Expecting nothing ok Trying: print( if HAVE_DOCSTRINGS else ' -> the next value, or raise StopIteration') Expecting: -> the next value, or raise StopIteration ok Trying: iter(i) is i Expecting: True ok Trying: import types Expecting nothing ok Trying: isinstance(i, types.GeneratorType) Expecting: True ok Trying: i.gi_running Expecting: 0 ok Trying: type(i.gi_frame) Expecting: ok Trying: i.gi_running = 42 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: readonly attribute ok Trying: def g(): yield me.gi_running Expecting nothing ok Trying: me = g() Expecting nothing ok Trying: me.gi_running Expecting: 0 ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: me.gi_running Expecting: 0 ok Trying: class disjointSet: def __init__(self, name): = name self.parent = None self.generator = self.generate() def generate(self): while not self.parent: yield self for x in self.parent.generator: yield x def find(self): return def union(self, parent): if self.parent: raise ValueError("Sorry, I'm not a root!") self.parent = parent def __str__(self): return Expecting nothing ok Trying: names = "ABCDEFGHIJKLM" Expecting nothing ok Trying: sets = [disjointSet(name) for name in names] Expecting nothing ok Trying: roots = sets[:] Expecting nothing ok Trying: import random Expecting nothing ok Trying: gen = random.WichmannHill(42) Expecting nothing ok Trying: while 1: for s in sets: print "%s->%s" % (s, s.find()), print if len(roots) > 1: s1 = gen.choice(roots) roots.remove(s1) s2 = gen.choice(roots) s1.union(s2) print "merged", s1, "into", s2 else: break Expecting: A->A B->B C->C D->D E->E F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->K L->L M->M merged D into G A->A B->B C->C D->G E->E F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->K L->L M->M merged C into F A->A B->B C->F D->G E->E F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->K L->L M->M merged L into A A->A B->B C->F D->G E->E F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->K L->A M->M merged H into E A->A B->B C->F D->G E->E F->F G->G H->E I->I J->J K->K L->A M->M merged B into E A->A B->E C->F D->G E->E F->F G->G H->E I->I J->J K->K L->A M->M merged J into G A->A B->E C->F D->G E->E F->F G->G H->E I->I J->G K->K L->A M->M merged E into G A->A B->G C->F D->G E->G F->F G->G H->G I->I J->G K->K L->A M->M merged M into G A->A B->G C->F D->G E->G F->F G->G H->G I->I J->G K->K L->A M->G merged I into K A->A B->G C->F D->G E->G F->F G->G H->G I->K J->G K->K L->A M->G merged K into A A->A B->G C->F D->G E->G F->F G->G H->G I->A J->G K->A L->A M->G merged F into A A->A B->G C->A D->G E->G F->A G->G H->G I->A J->G K->A L->A M->G merged A into G A->G B->G C->G D->G E->G F->G G->G H->G I->G J->G K->G L->G M->G ok Trying: def firstn(g, n): return [ for i in range(n)] Expecting nothing ok Trying: def intsfrom(i): while 1: yield i i += 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: firstn(intsfrom(5), 7) Expecting: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] ok Trying: def exclude_multiples(n, ints): for i in ints: if i % n: yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: firstn(exclude_multiples(3, intsfrom(1)), 6) Expecting: [1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8] ok Trying: def sieve(ints): prime = yield prime not_divisible_by_prime = exclude_multiples(prime, ints) for p in sieve(not_divisible_by_prime): yield p Expecting nothing ok Trying: primes = sieve(intsfrom(2)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: firstn(primes, 20) Expecting: [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71] ok Trying: def times(n, g): for i in g: yield n * i Expecting nothing ok Trying: firstn(times(10, intsfrom(1)), 10) Expecting: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100] ok Trying: def merge(g, h): ng = nh = while 1: if ng < nh: yield ng ng = elif ng > nh: yield nh nh = else: yield ng ng = nh = Expecting nothing ok Trying: def m235(): yield 1 me_times2 = times(2, m235()) me_times3 = times(3, m235()) me_times5 = times(5, m235()) for i in merge(merge(me_times2, me_times3), me_times5): yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: result = m235() Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in range(3): print firstn(result, 15) Expecting: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24] [25, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 54, 60, 64, 72, 75, 80] [81, 90, 96, 100, 108, 120, 125, 128, 135, 144, 150, 160, 162, 180, 192] ok Trying: class LazyList: def __init__(self, g): self.sofar = [] self.fetch = def __getitem__(self, i): sofar, fetch = self.sofar, self.fetch while i >= len(sofar): sofar.append(fetch()) return sofar[i] Expecting nothing ok Trying: def m235(): yield 1 # Gack: m235 below actually refers to a LazyList. me_times2 = times(2, m235) me_times3 = times(3, m235) me_times5 = times(5, m235) for i in merge(merge(me_times2, me_times3), me_times5): yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: m235 = LazyList(m235()) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in range(5): print [m235[j] for j in range(15*i, 15*(i+1))] Expecting: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24] [25, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 54, 60, 64, 72, 75, 80] [81, 90, 96, 100, 108, 120, 125, 128, 135, 144, 150, 160, 162, 180, 192] [200, 216, 225, 240, 243, 250, 256, 270, 288, 300, 320, 324, 360, 375, 384] [400, 405, 432, 450, 480, 486, 500, 512, 540, 576, 600, 625, 640, 648, 675] ok Trying: def fibgen(a, b): def sum(g, h): while 1: yield + def tail(g): # throw first away for x in g: yield x yield a yield b for s in sum(iter(fib), tail(iter(fib))): yield s Expecting nothing ok Trying: fib = LazyList(fibgen(1, 2)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: firstn(iter(fib), 17) Expecting: [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584] ok Trying: from itertools import tee Expecting nothing ok Trying: def m235(): def _m235(): yield 1 for n in merge(times(2, m2), merge(times(3, m3), times(5, m5))): yield n m1 = _m235() m2, m3, m5, mRes = tee(m1, 4) return mRes Expecting nothing ok Trying: it = m235() Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in range(5): print firstn(it, 15) Expecting: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24] [25, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 54, 60, 64, 72, 75, 80] [81, 90, 96, 100, 108, 120, 125, 128, 135, 144, 150, 160, 162, 180, 192] [200, 216, 225, 240, 243, 250, 256, 270, 288, 300, 320, 324, 360, 375, 384] [400, 405, 432, 450, 480, 486, 500, 512, 540, 576, 600, 625, 640, 648, 675] ok Trying: def fib(): def _isum(g, h): while 1: yield + def _fib(): yield 1 yield 2 # throw first away for res in _isum(fibHead, fibTail): yield res realfib = _fib() fibHead, fibTail, fibRes = tee(realfib, 3) return fibRes Expecting nothing ok Trying: firstn(fib(), 17) Expecting: [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584] ok Trying: def g(): i = yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: me = g() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 2, in g ValueError: generator already executing ok Trying: def f1(): try: return except: yield 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print list(f1()) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def f2(): try: raise StopIteration except: yield 42 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print list(f2()) Expecting: [42] ok Trying: def f(): return 1//0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: def g(): yield f() # the zero division exception propagates yield 42 # and we'll never get here Expecting nothing ok Trying: k = g() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "", line 2, in g File "", line 2, in f ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero ok Trying: # and the generator cannot be resumed Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? StopIteration ok Trying: def f(): try: yield 1 try: yield 2 1//0 yield 3 # never get here except ZeroDivisionError: yield 4 yield 5 raise except: yield 6 yield 7 # the "raise" above stops this except: yield 8 yield 9 try: x = 12 finally: yield 10 yield 11 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print list(f()) Expecting: [1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11] ok Trying: class Tree: def __init__(self, label, left=None, right=None): self.label = label self.left = left self.right = right def __repr__(self, level=0, indent=" "): s = level*indent + repr(self.label) if self.left: s = s + "\n" + self.left.__repr__(level+1, indent) if self.right: s = s + "\n" + self.right.__repr__(level+1, indent) return s def __iter__(self): return inorder(self) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def tree(list): n = len(list) if n == 0: return [] i = n // 2 return Tree(list[i], tree(list[:i]), tree(list[i+1:])) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = tree("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") Expecting nothing ok Trying: def inorder(t): if t: for x in inorder(t.left): yield x yield t.label for x in inorder(t.right): yield x Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = tree("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") Expecting nothing ok Trying: for x in t: print x, Expecting: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ok Trying: def inorder(node): stack = [] while node: while node.left: stack.append(node) node = node.left yield node.label while not node.right: try: node = stack.pop() except IndexError: return yield node.label node = node.right Expecting nothing ok Trying: for x in t: print x, Expecting: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ok Trying: import itertools Expecting nothing ok Trying: def leak(): class gen: def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): return self.item g = gen() head, tail = itertools.tee(g) g.item = head return head Expecting nothing ok Trying: it = leak() Expecting nothing ok Trying: item = Expecting nothing ok Trying: def leak(): def gen(): while True: yield g g = gen() Expecting nothing ok Trying: leak() Expecting nothing ok Trying: import sys, StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: old = sys.stderr Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: sys.stderr = StringIO.StringIO() class Leaker: def __del__(self): raise RuntimeError l = Leaker() del l err = sys.stderr.getvalue().strip() err.startswith( "Exception RuntimeError: RuntimeError() in <" ) err.endswith("> ignored") len(err.splitlines()) finally: sys.stderr = old Expecting: True True 1 ok Trying: def f(): return 22 yield 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): .. SyntaxError: 'return' with argument inside generator (, line 3) ok Trying: def f(): yield 1 return 22 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): .. SyntaxError: 'return' with argument inside generator (, line 3) ok Trying: def f(): yield 1 return None Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): .. SyntaxError: 'return' with argument inside generator (, line 3) ok Trying: def f(): yield 1 return Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): try: yield 1 finally: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): try: try: 1//0 except ZeroDivisionError: yield 666 except: pass finally: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): try: try: yield 12 1//0 except ZeroDivisionError: yield 666 except: try: x = 12 finally: yield 12 except: return Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(f()) Expecting: [12, 666] ok Trying: def f(): yield Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if 0: yield Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if 0: yield 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if "": yield None Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): return try: if x==4: pass elif 0: try: 1//0 except SyntaxError: pass else: if 0: while 12: x += 1 yield 2 # don't blink f(a, b, c, d, e) else: pass except: x = 1 return Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if 0: def g(): yield 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if 0: class C: def __init__(self): yield 1 def f(self): yield 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if 0: return if 0: yield 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if 0: lambda x: x # shouldn't trigger here return # or here def f(i): return 2*i # or here if 0: return 3 # but *this* sucks (line 8) if 0: yield 2 # because it's a generator (line 10) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): SyntaxError: 'return' with argument inside generator (, line 10) ok Trying: def f(): for i in range(3): try: continue finally: yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: print Expecting: 0 ok Trying: print Expecting: 1 ok Trying: print Expecting: 2 ok Trying: print Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): StopIteration ok Trying: def f(): yield 5 Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.gi_code is f.func_code Expecting: True ok Trying: Expecting: 5 ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): StopIteration ok Trying: g.gi_code is f.func_code Expecting: True ok Trying: def f(): yield 5 Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.__name__ Expecting: 'f' ok Trying: repr(g) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: '' ok Trying: x = lambda: (yield 1) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(x()) Expecting: [1] ok Trying: x = lambda: ((yield 1), (yield 2)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(x()) Expecting: [1, 2] ok Trying: def f(): yield 1 yield 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in f(): print i Expecting: 1 2 ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: Expecting: 2 ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "", line 2, in g StopIteration ok Trying: def f(): yield 1 return yield 2 # never reached Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "", line 3, in f StopIteration ok Trying: # once stopped, can't be resumed Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? StopIteration ok Trying: def f(): yield 1 raise StopIteration yield 2 # never reached Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? StopIteration ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? StopIteration ok Trying: def g1(): try: return except: yield 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g1()) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def g2(): try: raise StopIteration except: yield 42 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print list(g2()) Expecting: [42] ok Trying: def g3(): try: return finally: yield 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g3()) Expecting: [1] ok Trying: def yrange(n): for i in range(n): yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(yrange(5)) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] ok Trying: def creator(): r = yrange(5) print "creator", return r Expecting nothing ok Trying: def caller(): r = creator() for i in r: print "caller", i Expecting nothing ok Trying: caller() Expecting: creator 0 caller 1 caller 2 caller 3 caller 4 ok Trying: def zrange(n): for i in yrange(n): yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(zrange(5)) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] ok Trying: import weakref Expecting nothing ok Trying: def gen(): yield 'foo!' Expecting nothing ok Trying: wr = weakref.ref(gen) Expecting nothing ok Trying: wr() is gen Expecting: True ok Trying: p = weakref.proxy(gen) Expecting nothing ok Trying: gi = gen() Expecting nothing ok Trying: wr = weakref.ref(gi) Expecting nothing ok Trying: wr() is gi Expecting: True ok Trying: p = weakref.proxy(gi) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(p) Expecting: ['foo!'] ok 16 items had no tests: test.test_generators test.test_generators.Knights test.test_generators.Knights.__init__ test.test_generators.Knights._init_board test.test_generators.Knights.coords2index test.test_generators.Knights.index2coords test.test_generators.Knights.printsolution test.test_generators.Knights.solve test.test_generators.Queens test.test_generators.Queens.__init__ test.test_generators.Queens.printsolution test.test_generators.Queens.solve test.test_generators.conjoin test.test_generators.flat_conjoin test.test_generators.simple_conjoin test.test_generators.test_main 9 items passed all tests: 12 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.conjoin 104 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.coroutine 32 tests in 27 tests in 22 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.pep 9 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.refleaks 45 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.syntax 29 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.tut 10 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.weakref 290 tests in 25 items. 290 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_generators) ... 290 tests with zero failures 0:00:46 load avg: 0.72 [154/403/22] test_genericpath PASS: test_commonprefix (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) PASS: test_exists (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) PASS: test_getsize (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) PASS: test_isdir (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) PASS: test_isfile (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) PASS: test_no_argument (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) PASS: test_time (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:46 load avg: 0.72 [155/403/22] test_genexps Trying: sum(i*i for i in range(100) if i&1 == 1) Expecting: 166650 ok Trying: list((i,j) for i in range(3) for j in range(4) ) Expecting: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)] ok Trying: list((i,j) for i in range(4) for j in range(i) ) Expecting: [(1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1), (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2)] ok Trying: i = 20 Expecting nothing ok Trying: sum(i*i for i in range(100)) Expecting: 328350 ok Trying: i Expecting: 20 ok Trying: g = (i*i for i in range(4)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(g) Expecting: ok Trying: list(g) Expecting: [0, 1, 4, 9] ok Trying: g = (i*i for i in range(3)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 0 ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: Expecting: 4 ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in -toplevel- StopIteration ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in -toplevel- StopIteration ok Trying: list(g) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def f(n): return (i*i for i in xrange(n)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(f(10)) Expecting: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81] ok Trying: def f(n): return ((i,j) for i in xrange(3) for j in xrange(n)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(f(4)) Expecting: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)] ok Trying: def f(n): return ((i,j) for i in xrange(3) for j in xrange(4) if j in xrange(n)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(f(4)) Expecting: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)] ok Trying: list(f(2)) Expecting: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1)] ok Trying: def f(n): return i*i for i in xrange(n) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: invalid syntax ok Trying: dict(a = i for i in xrange(10)) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: invalid syntax ok Trying: dict(a = (i for i in xrange(10))) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: {'a': at ...>} ok Trying: x=10 Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = (i*i for i in range(x)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = 5 Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g) Expecting: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81] ok Trying: (i for i in 6) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in -toplevel- (i for i in 6) TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable ok Trying: include = (2,4,6,8) Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = (i*i for i in range(10) if i in include) Expecting nothing ok Trying: include = (1,3,5,7,9) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g) Expecting: [1, 9, 25, 49, 81] ok Trying: g = ((i,j) for i in range(3) for j in range(x)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = 4 Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g) Expecting: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)] ok Trying: tupleids = map(id, ((i,i) for i in xrange(10))) Expecting nothing ok Trying: int(max(tupleids) - min(tupleids)) Expecting: 0 ok Trying: (y for y in (1,2)) = 10 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to generator expression ok Trying: (y for y in (1,2)) += 10 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to generator expression ok Trying: yrange = lambda n: (i for i in xrange(n)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(yrange(10)) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ok Trying: def creator(): r = yrange(5) print "creator", return r Expecting nothing ok Trying: def caller(): r = creator() for i in r: print "caller", i Expecting nothing ok Trying: caller() Expecting: creator 0 caller 1 caller 2 caller 3 caller 4 ok Trying: def zrange(n): for i in yrange(n): yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(zrange(5)) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] ok Trying: g = ( for i in xrange(10)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: me = g Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in -toplevel- File "", line 1, in g = ( for i in xrange(10)) ValueError: generator already executing ok Trying: g = (10 // i for i in (5, 0, 2)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 2 ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in -toplevel- File "", line 1, in g = (10 // i for i in (5, 0, 2)) ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in -toplevel- StopIteration ok Trying: list(None for i in xrange(10)) Expecting: [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None] ok Trying: g = (i*i for i in range(3)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: expected = set(['gi_frame', 'gi_running', 'next']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: set(attr for attr in dir(g) if not attr.startswith('__')) >= expected Expecting: True ok Trying: from test.test_support import HAVE_DOCSTRINGS Expecting nothing ok Trying: print( if HAVE_DOCSTRINGS else ' -> the next value, or raise StopIteration') Expecting: -> the next value, or raise StopIteration ok Trying: import types Expecting nothing ok Trying: isinstance(g, types.GeneratorType) Expecting: True ok Trying: iter(g) is g Expecting: True ok Trying: g = (me.gi_running for i in (0,1)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: me = g Expecting nothing ok Trying: me.gi_running Expecting: 0 ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: me.gi_running Expecting: 0 ok Trying: import weakref Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = (i*i for i in range(4)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: wr = weakref.ref(g) Expecting nothing ok Trying: wr() is g Expecting: True ok Trying: p = weakref.proxy(g) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(p) Expecting: [0, 1, 4, 9] ok 2 items had no tests: test.test_genexps test.test_genexps.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 76 tests in test.test_genexps.__test__.doctests 76 tests in 3 items. 76 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_genexps) ... 76 tests with zero failures 0:00:46 load avg: 0.72 [156/403/22] test_getargs PASS: test_with_marshal (test.test_getargs.GetArgsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:46 load avg: 0.72 [157/403/22] test_getargs2 test_getargs2 skipped -- No module named _testcapi 0:00:46 load avg: 0.72 [158/403/22] test_getopt -- test_getargs2 skipped PASS: test_do_longs (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) PASS: test_do_shorts (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) PASS: test_getopt (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) PASS: test_gnu_getopt (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) PASS: test_issue4629 (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) test_libref_examples (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) ... Trying: import getopt Expecting nothing ok Trying: args = '-a -b -cfoo -d bar a1 a2'.split() Expecting nothing ok Trying: args Expecting: ['-a', '-b', '-cfoo', '-d', 'bar', 'a1', 'a2'] ok Trying: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'abc:d:') Expecting nothing ok Trying: optlist Expecting: [('-a', ''), ('-b', ''), ('-c', 'foo'), ('-d', 'bar')] ok Trying: args Expecting: ['a1', 'a2'] ok Trying: s = '--condition=foo --testing --output-file abc.def -x a1 a2' Expecting nothing ok Trying: args = s.split() Expecting nothing ok Trying: args Expecting: ['--condition=foo', '--testing', '--output-file', 'abc.def', '-x', 'a1', 'a2'] ok Trying: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'x', [ 'condition=', 'output-file=', 'testing']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: optlist Expecting: [('--condition', 'foo'), ('--testing', ''), ('--output-file', 'abc.def'), ('-x', '')] ok Trying: args Expecting: ['a1', 'a2'] ok 1 items passed all tests: 12 tests in libreftest 12 tests in 1 items. 12 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (libreftest) ... 12 tests with zero failures ok PASS: test_long_has_args (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) PASS: test_short_has_arg (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.72 [159/403/22] test_gettext PASS: test_plural_form_error_issue17898 (test.test_gettext.GNUTranslationParsingTest) PASS: test_cache (test.test_gettext.GettextCacheTestCase) PASS: test_double_quotes (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase1) PASS: test_multiline_strings (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase1) PASS: test_some_translations (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase1) PASS: test_the_alternative_interface (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase1) PASS: test_triple_double_quotes (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase1) PASS: test_triple_single_quotes (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase1) PASS: test_bindtextdomain (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_double_quotes (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_multiline_strings (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_some_translations (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_textdomain (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_triple_double_quotes (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_triple_single_quotes (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_ar (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_chained_comparison (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_cs (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_de (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_decimal_number (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_division (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_fr (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_gd (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_gd2 (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_syntax (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_ja (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_lt (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_lv (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_nested_condition_operator (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_pl (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_plural_forms1 (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_plural_forms2 (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_plural_number (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_ro (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_ru (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_security (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_sl (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_unicode_msgid (test.test_gettext.UnicodeTranslationsTest) PASS: test_unicode_msgstr (test.test_gettext.UnicodeTranslationsTest) PASS: test_weird_metadata (test.test_gettext.WeirdMetadataTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 40 tests in 0.013s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.72 [160/403/22] test_gl test_gl skipped -- No module named gl 0:00:47 load avg: 0.72 [161/403/22] test_glob -- test_gl skipped PASS: test_glob_broken_symlinks (test.test_glob.GlobTests) PASS: test_glob_directory_names (test.test_glob.GlobTests) PASS: test_glob_directory_with_trailing_slash (test.test_glob.GlobTests) PASS: test_glob_literal (test.test_glob.GlobTests) SKIP: test_glob_magic_in_drive (test.test_glob.GlobTests) 'Win32 specific test' PASS: test_glob_nested_directory (test.test_glob.GlobTests) PASS: test_glob_one_directory (test.test_glob.GlobTests) PASS: test_glob_symlinks (test.test_glob.GlobTests) PASS: test_glob_unicode_directory_with_trailing_slash (test.test_glob.GlobTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.007s OK (skipped=1) 0:00:47 load avg: 0.72 [162/403/22] test_global PASS: test1 (test.test_global.GlobalTests) PASS: test2 (test.test_global.GlobalTests) PASS: test3 (test.test_global.GlobalTests) PASS: test4 (test.test_global.GlobalTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.72 [163/403/22] test_grp PASS: test_errors (test.test_grp.GroupDatabaseTestCase) PASS: test_values (test.test_grp.GroupDatabaseTestCase) PASS: test_values_extended (test.test_grp.GroupDatabaseTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.72 [164/403/22] test_gzip PASS: test_1647484 (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_append (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_buffered_reader (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_fileobj_from_fdopen (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_io_on_closed_object (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_many_append (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_metadata (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_mode (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_mtime (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_read (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_read_universal_newlines (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_read_with_extra (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_readline (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_seek_read (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_seek_whence (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_seek_write (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) SKIP: test_unicode_filename (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) 'Requires unicode filenames support' PASS: test_with_open (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_write (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_write_incompatible_type (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_write_memoryview (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_zero_padded_file (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 23 tests in 0.029s OK (skipped=1) 0:00:47 load avg: 0.72 [165/403/22] test_hash PASS: test_coerced_floats (test.test_hash.HashEqualityTestCase) PASS: test_coerced_integers (test.test_hash.HashEqualityTestCase) PASS: test_numeric_literals (test.test_hash.HashEqualityTestCase) PASS: test_default_hash (test.test_hash.HashInheritanceTestCase) PASS: test_error_hash (test.test_hash.HashInheritanceTestCase) PASS: test_fixed_hash (test.test_hash.HashInheritanceTestCase) PASS: test_hashable (test.test_hash.HashInheritanceTestCase) PASS: test_not_hashable (test.test_hash.HashInheritanceTestCase) PASS: test_hashes (test.test_hash.HashBuiltinsTestCase) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_hash.StrHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_fixed_hash (test.test_hash.StrHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_null_hash (test.test_hash.StrHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_randomized_hash (test.test_hash.StrHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_hash.UnicodeHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_fixed_hash (test.test_hash.UnicodeHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_null_hash (test.test_hash.UnicodeHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_randomized_hash (test.test_hash.UnicodeHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_hash.BufferHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_fixed_hash (test.test_hash.BufferHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_null_hash (test.test_hash.BufferHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_randomized_hash (test.test_hash.BufferHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_randomized_hash (test.test_hash.DatetimeDateTests) PASS: test_randomized_hash (test.test_hash.DatetimeDatetimeTests) PASS: test_randomized_hash (test.test_hash.DatetimeTimeTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 24 tests in 0.169s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.72 [166/403/22] test_hashlib PASS: test_algorithms_attribute (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_algorithms_available (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_algorithms_guaranteed (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_md5_0 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_md5_1 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_md5_2 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_md5_huge (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_md5_huge_update (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_md5_uintmax (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha1_0 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha1_1 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha1_2 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha1_3 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha1_huge (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha1_huge_update (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha224_0 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha224_1 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha224_2 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha224_3 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha256_0 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha256_1 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha256_2 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha256_3 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha384_0 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha384_1 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha384_2 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha384_3 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha512_0 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha512_1 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha512_2 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha512_3 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_get_builtin_constructor (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_hash_array (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_hexdigest (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_large_update (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_threaded_hashing (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_unknown_hash (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_pbkdf2_hmac (test.test_hashlib.KDFTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 39 tests in 0.067s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.72 [167/403/22] test_heapq PASS: test_c_functions (test.test_heapq.TestModules) PASS: test_py_functions (test.test_heapq.TestModules) PASS: test_comparison_operator (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_heapify (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_heappushpop (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_heapsort (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_merge (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_merge_does_not_suppress_index_error (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_merge_stability (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_naive_nbest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_nbest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_nbest_with_pushpop (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_nlargest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_nsmallest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_push_pop (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_comparison_operator (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_heapify (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_heappushpop (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_heapsort (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_merge (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_merge_does_not_suppress_index_error (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_merge_stability (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_naive_nbest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_nbest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_nbest_with_pushpop (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_nlargest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_nsmallest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_push_pop (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_arg_parsing (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_get_only (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_heappop_mutating_heap (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_heappush_mutating_heap (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_iterable_args (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_len_only (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_non_sequence (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_arg_parsing (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_get_only (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_heappop_mutating_heap (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_heappush_mutating_heap (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_iterable_args (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_len_only (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_non_sequence (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 42 tests in 0.351s OK 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [168/403/22] test_hmac PASS: test_legacy_block_size_warnings (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_md5_vectors (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_sha224_rfc4231 (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_sha256_rfc4231 (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_sha384_rfc4231 (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_sha512_rfc4231 (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_sha_vectors (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_normal (test.test_hmac.ConstructorTestCase) PASS: test_withmodule (test.test_hmac.ConstructorTestCase) PASS: test_withtext (test.test_hmac.ConstructorTestCase) PASS: test_default_is_md5 (test.test_hmac.SanityTestCase) PASS: test_exercise_all_methods (test.test_hmac.SanityTestCase) PASS: test_attributes (test.test_hmac.CopyTestCase) PASS: test_equality (test.test_hmac.CopyTestCase) PASS: test_realcopy (test.test_hmac.CopyTestCase) PASS: test_compare_digest (test.test_hmac.CompareDigestTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 16 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [169/403/22] test_hotshot PASS: test_addinfo (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) PASS: test_bad_sys_path (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) PASS: test_large_info (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) PASS: test_line_numbers (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) PASS: test_load_stats (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) PASS: test_logreader_eof_error (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) PASS: test_start_stop (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.015s OK 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [170/403/22] test_htmllib PASS: test_anchor_collection (test.test_htmllib.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_decl_collection (test.test_htmllib.HTMLParserTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [171/403/22] test_htmlparser PASS: test_bad_nesting (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_bare_ampersands (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_bare_pointy_brackets (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_broken_invalid_end_tag (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_buffer_artefacts (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_cdata_content (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_cdata_with_closing_tags (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_declaration_junk_chars (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_get_starttag_text (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_declarations (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_end_tags (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_malformatted_charref (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_processing_instruction_only (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_simple_html (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_slashes_in_starttag (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_startendtag (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_starttag_end_boundary (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_starttag_junk_chars (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_unclosed_entityref (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_unescape_function (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_valid_doctypes (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_adjacent_attributes (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_attr_entity_replacement (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_attr_funky_names (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_attr_nonascii (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_attr_syntax (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_attr_values (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_broken_comments (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_broken_condcoms (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_comments (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_condcoms (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_end_tag_in_attribute_value (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_entities_in_attribute_value (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_entityrefs_in_attributes (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_javascript_attribute_value (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_malformed_adjacent_attributes (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_malformed_attributes (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_missing_attribute_value (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 38 tests in 0.024s OK 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [172/403/22] test_httplib PASS: test_auto_headers (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_blank_line_forms (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_content_length_0 (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_from_line (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_invalid_headers (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_ipv6host_header (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_malformed_headers_coped_with (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_malformed_truncation (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_parse_all_octets (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_putheader (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_responses (test.test_httplib.OfflineTest) PASS: test_bad_status_repr (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_chunked (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_chunked_head (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_early_eof (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_epipe (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_error_leak (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_filenoattr (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_host_port (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_incomplete_read (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_negative_content_length (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_overflowing_chunked_line (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_overflowing_header_line (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) SKIP: test_overflowing_status_line (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) 'disabled for HTTP 0.9 support' PASS: test_partial_reads (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_partial_reads_incomplete_body (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_partial_reads_no_content_length (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_proxy_tunnel_without_status_line (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_read_head (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_response_headers (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_send (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_send_file (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_send_tempfile (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_status_lines (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_too_many_headers (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) testTimeoutAttribute (test.test_httplib.TimeoutTest) PASS: This will prove that the timeout gets through PASS: testHTTPConnection (test.test_httplib.HTTPTest) PASS: testHTTPWithConnectHostPort (test.test_httplib.HTTPTest) PASS: test_attributes (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) PASS: test_host_port (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) test_local_bad_hostname (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) ... server (('', 43689):43689 ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256)): [13/Feb/2018 02:09:40] code 404, message File not found server (('', 43689):43689 ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256)): [13/Feb/2018 02:09:40] "GET /nonexistent HTTP/1.1" 404 - stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread ok test_local_good_hostname (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) ... server (('', 39039):39039 ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256)): [13/Feb/2018 02:09:40] code 404, message File not found server (('', 39039):39039 ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256)): [13/Feb/2018 02:09:40] "GET /nonexistent HTTP/1.1" 404 - stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread ok test_local_unknown_cert (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) ... stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread ok SKIP: test_networked (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_networked_bad_cert (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_networked_good_cert (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_networked_noverification (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_networked_trusted_by_default_cert (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" PASS: testHTTPConnectionSourceAddress (test.test_httplib.SourceAddressTest) PASS: testHTTPSConnectionSourceAddress (test.test_httplib.SourceAddressTest) PASS: test_connect (test.test_httplib.TunnelTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 51 tests in 0.126s OK (skipped=6) 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [173/403/22] test_httpservers 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [174/403/23] test_idle -- test_httpservers failed test_idle skipped -- No module named _tkinter 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [175/403/23] test_imageop -- test_idle skipped test_imageop skipped -- No module named imageop 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [176/403/23] test_imaplib -- test_imageop skipped PASS: test_that_Time2Internaldate_returns_a_result (test.test_imaplib.TestImaplib) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [177/403/23] test_imgfile test_imgfile skipped -- No module named imgfile 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [178/403/23] test_imghdr -- test_imgfile skipped PASS: test_bad_args (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_closed_file (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_data (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_file_pos (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_invalid_headers (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_missing_file (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_output_stream (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_register_test (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_unseekable (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [179/403/23] test_imp PASS: test_builtin (test.test_imp.ReloadTests) PASS: test_extension (test.test_imp.ReloadTests) PASS: test_source (test.test_imp.ReloadTests) PASS: testLock (test.test_imp.LockTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [180/403/23] test_import PASS: test_bug7732 (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_double_const (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_execute_bit_not_copied (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_failing_import_sticks (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_failing_reload (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_fromlist_type (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_imp_module (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_import (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_import_by_filename (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_import_in_del_does_not_crash (test.test_import.ImportTests) FAIL: test_import_initless_directory_warning (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_import_name_binding (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_infinite_reload (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_module_with_large_stack (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_pyc_mtime (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_replace_parent_in_sys_modules (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_rewrite_pyc_with_read_only_source (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_timestamp_overflow (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_basics (test.test_import.PycRewritingTests) PASS: test_foreign_code (test.test_import.PycRewritingTests) PASS: test_incorrect_code_name (test.test_import.PycRewritingTests) PASS: test_module_without_source (test.test_import.PycRewritingTests) PASS: test_trailing_slash (test.test_import.PathsTests) PASS: test_absolute_import_without_future (test.test_import.RelativeImportTests) PASS: test_issue3221 (test.test_import.RelativeImportTests) PASS: test_relimport_star (test.test_import.RelativeImportTests) PASS: test_symlinked_dir_importable (test.test_import.TestSymbolicallyLinkedPackage) ====================================================================== FAIL: test_import_initless_directory_warning (test.test_import.ImportTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 304, in test_import_initless_directory_warning self.assertRaises(ImportError, __import__, "site-packages") File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 24, in __exit__ File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 961, in _filterwarnings missing[0]) AssertionError: filter ('', ImportWarning) did not catch any warning ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 28 tests in 0.084s FAILED (failures=1) 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [181/403/24] test_import_magic -- test_import failed PASS: test_magic_number (test.test_import_magic.MagicNumberTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:48 load avg: 0.72 [182/403/24] test_importhooks PASS: testBlocker (test.test_importhooks.ImportHooksTestCase) PASS: testImpWrapper (test.test_importhooks.ImportHooksTestCase) PASS: testMetaPath (test.test_importhooks.ImportHooksTestCase) PASS: testPathHook (test.test_importhooks.ImportHooksTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.008s OK 0:00:49 load avg: 0.72 [183/403/24] test_importlib PASS: test_absolute_import_with_package (test.test_importlib.ImportModuleTests) PASS: test_absolute_package_import (test.test_importlib.ImportModuleTests) PASS: test_deep_relative_package_import (test.test_importlib.ImportModuleTests) PASS: test_module_import (test.test_importlib.ImportModuleTests) PASS: test_relative_import_wo_package (test.test_importlib.ImportModuleTests) PASS: test_shallow_relative_package_import (test.test_importlib.ImportModuleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:49 load avg: 0.72 [184/403/24] test_index PASS: test_basic (test.test_index.BaseTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.BaseTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.BaseTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.BaseTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.BaseTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_inplace_repeat (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_setdelitem (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) SKIP: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) 'test fails for ClassicSeq' PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_xrange (test.test_index.XRangeTestCase) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_index.OverflowTestCase) PASS: test_getitem_classic (test.test_index.OverflowTestCase) PASS: test_large_longs (test.test_index.OverflowTestCase) PASS: test_sequence_repeat (test.test_index.OverflowTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 68 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=1) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) SKIP: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) 'test fails for ClassicSeq' PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 16 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=1) 0:00:49 load avg: 0.72 [185/403/24] test_inspect PASS: test_replacing_decorator (test.test_inspect.TestDecorators) PASS: test_wrapped_decorator (test.test_inspect.TestDecorators) PASS: test_cleandoc (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getclasses (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getcomments (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getdoc (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getfile (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getfunctions (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getmodule (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getmodule_recursion (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getsource (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getsourcefile (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) test_proceed_with_fake_filename (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: doctest monkeypatches linecache to enable inspection PASS: test_anonymous (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_lambda_in_list (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_manyargs (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_oneline_lambda (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_onelinefunc (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_threeline_lambda (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_twoline_indented_lambda (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_twolinefunc (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_findsource_binary (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_findsource_code_in_linecache (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_findsource_without_filename (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_method_in_dynamic_class (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_multiline_sig (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_nested_class (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_one_liner_dedent_non_name (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_one_liner_followed_by_non_name (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_with_comment (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_with_comment_instead_of_docstring (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_abuse_done (test.test_inspect.TestInterpreterStack) PASS: test_frame (test.test_inspect.TestInterpreterStack) PASS: test_previous_frame (test.test_inspect.TestInterpreterStack) PASS: test_stack (test.test_inspect.TestInterpreterStack) PASS: test_trace (test.test_inspect.TestInterpreterStack) PASS: test_classic_mro (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: test_classify_builtin_types (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) test_classify_newstyle (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: Just like test_classify_oldstyle, but for a new-style class. test_classify_oldstyle (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: classify_class_attrs finds static methods, class methods, PASS: test_getargspec (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: test_getargspec_method (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: test_getargspec_sublistofone (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: test_getmembers_method (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: test_newstyle_mro (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: test_excluding_predicates (test.test_inspect.TestPredicates) PASS: test_get_slot_members (test.test_inspect.TestPredicates) PASS: test_isabstract (test.test_inspect.TestPredicates) PASS: test_isclass (test.test_inspect.TestPredicates) PASS: test_isroutine (test.test_inspect.TestPredicates) PASS: test_sixteen (test.test_inspect.TestPredicates) PASS: test_errors (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_multiple_features (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_plain (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_tupleargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_varargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_varkw (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_varkw_only (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_errors (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_multiple_features (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_plain (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_tupleargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_varargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_varkw (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_varkw_only (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_errors (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_multiple_features (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_plain (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_tupleargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_varargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_varkw (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_varkw_only (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_errors (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) PASS: test_multiple_features (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) PASS: test_plain (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) PASS: test_tupleargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) PASS: test_varargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) PASS: test_varkw (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) PASS: test_varkw_only (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 79 tests in 0.038s OK 0:00:49 load avg: 0.72 [186/403/24] test_int PASS: test_basic (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_bit_length (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_error_on_bytearray_for_x (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_error_on_invalid_int_bases (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_error_on_string_base (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_error_on_string_float_for_x (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_float_conversion (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_int_buffer (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_intconversion (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_keyword_args (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_no_args (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_small_ints (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_valid_non_numeric_input_types_for_x (test.test_int.IntTestCases) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.300s OK 0:00:49 load avg: 0.72 [187/403/24] test_int_literal PASS: test_bin_baseline (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_bin_unsigned (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_hex_baseline (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_hex_unsigned (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_oct_baseline (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_oct_baseline_new (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_oct_unsigned (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_oct_unsigned_new (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:49 load avg: 0.72 [188/403/24] test_io PASS: test_BufferedIOBase_destructor (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_IOBase_destructor (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_IOBase_finalize (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_RawIOBase_destructor (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_RawIOBase_read (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_TextIOBase_destructor (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_append_mode_tell (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_array_writes (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_buffered_file_io (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_buffered_readinto_mixin (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_close_flushes (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_closefd (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_closefd_attr (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_fileio_closefd (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_garbage_collection (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_invalid_newline (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_invalid_operations (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_large_file_ops (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_next_nonsizeable (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_no_closefd_with_filename (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_nonbuffered_textio (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_open_handles_NUL_chars (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_raw_bytes_io (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_raw_file_io (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_read_closed (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_readline_nonsizeable (test.test_io.CIOTest) SKIP: test_unbounded_file (test.test_io.CIOTest) 'test can only run in a 32-bit address space' PASS: test_with_open (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_BufferedIOBase_destructor (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_IOBase_destructor (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_RawIOBase_destructor (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_RawIOBase_read (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_TextIOBase_destructor (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_append_mode_tell (test.test_io.PyIOTest) SKIP: test_array_writes (test.test_io.PyIOTest) u'len(array.array) returns number of elements rather than bytelength' PASS: test_buffered_file_io (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_buffered_readinto_mixin (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_close_flushes (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_closefd (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_closefd_attr (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_fileio_closefd (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_garbage_collection (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_invalid_newline (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_invalid_operations (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_large_file_ops (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_next_nonsizeable (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_no_closefd_with_filename (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_nonbuffered_textio (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_open_handles_NUL_chars (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_raw_bytes_io (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_raw_file_io (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_read_closed (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_readline_nonsizeable (test.test_io.PyIOTest) SKIP: test_unbounded_file (test.test_io.PyIOTest) 'test can only run in a 32-bit address space' PASS: test_with_open (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_args_error (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_buffering (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_garbage_collection (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_initialization (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io_read (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_no_extraneous_read (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read_all (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read_non_blocking (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read_past_eof (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_sizeof (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) SKIP: test_threads (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) "resource u'cpu' is not enabled" PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_buffering (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_no_extraneous_read (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read_all (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read_non_blocking (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read_past_eof (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) SKIP: test_threads (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) "resource u'cpu' is not enabled" PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_args_error (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_detach_flush (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_garbage_collection (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_initialization (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_max_buffer_size_deprecation (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_sizeof (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) SKIP: test_threads (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) "resource u'cpu' is not enabled" PASS: test_truncate (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_and_rewind (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_non_blocking (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_overflow (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writelines_userlist (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes_and_flushes (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes_and_seeks (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes_and_truncates (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_detach_flush (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_max_buffer_size_deprecation (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) SKIP: test_threads (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) "resource u'cpu' is not enabled" PASS: test_truncate (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_and_rewind (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_non_blocking (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_overflow (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writelines_userlist (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes_and_flushes (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes_and_seeks (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes_and_truncates (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_close_and_closed (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor_max_buffer_size_deprecation (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_not_readable (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_not_writeable (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_peek (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_readable (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_reader_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_reader_writer_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_seekable (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_weakref_clearing (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_writeable (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_writer_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_close_and_closed (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor_max_buffer_size_deprecation (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_not_readable (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_not_writeable (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_peek (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_readable (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_reader_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_reader_writer_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_seekable (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_weakref_clearing (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_writeable (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_writer_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_args_error (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_buffering (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_detach_flush (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_peek (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_read (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_readinto (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_garbage_collection (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_initialization (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_interleaved_read_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_interleaved_readline_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_max_buffer_size_deprecation (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io_read (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_no_extraneous_read (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_all (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_and_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_non_blocking (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_past_eof (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_seek_and_tell (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_sizeof (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) SKIP: test_threads (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) "resource u'cpu' is not enabled" PASS: test_truncate (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_truncate_after_read_or_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_after_readahead (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_and_rewind (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_non_blocking (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_overflow (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_rewind_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writelines_userlist (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_flushes (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_peek (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_read1s (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_readintos (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_reads (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_seeks (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_truncates (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_buffering (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_detach_flush (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_peek (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_read (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_readinto (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_interleaved_read_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_interleaved_readline_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_max_buffer_size_deprecation (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_no_extraneous_read (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_all (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_and_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_non_blocking (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_past_eof (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_seek_and_tell (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) SKIP: test_threads (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) "resource u'cpu' is not enabled" PASS: test_truncate (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_truncate_after_read_or_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_after_readahead (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_and_rewind (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_non_blocking (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_overflow (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_rewind_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writelines_userlist (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_flushes (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_peek (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_read1s (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_readintos (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_reads (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_seeks (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_truncates (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_decoder (test.test_io.StatefulIncrementalDecoderTest) PASS: test_newline_bytes (test.test_io.CIncrementalNewlineDecoderTest) PASS: test_newline_decoder (test.test_io.CIncrementalNewlineDecoderTest) PASS: test_newline_bytes (test.test_io.PyIncrementalNewlineDecoderTest) PASS: test_newline_decoder (test.test_io.PyIncrementalNewlineDecoderTest) PASS: test_append_bom (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_basic_io (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoded_writes (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoding_errors_reading (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoding_errors_writing (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_errors_property (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_garbage_collection (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_illegal_decoder (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_initialization (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_1 (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_2 (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_3 (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_4 (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_5 (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue2282 (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_line_buffering (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_newlines (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_newlines_input (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_newlines_output (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_non_text_encoding_codecs_are_rejected (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_read_by_chunk (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_read_nonbytes (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_read_one_by_one (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_rwpair_cleared_before_textio (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seek_and_tell (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seek_bom (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seeking (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seeking_too (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_telling (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_threads_write (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_unreadable (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_writelines_userlist (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_append_bom (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_basic_io (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoded_writes (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoding_errors_reading (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoding_errors_writing (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_errors_property (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_illegal_decoder (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_1 (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_2 (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_3 (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_4 (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_5 (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue2282 (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_line_buffering (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_newlines (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_newlines_input (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_newlines_output (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_non_text_encoding_codecs_are_rejected (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_read_by_chunk (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_read_nonbytes (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_read_one_by_one (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seek_and_tell (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seek_bom (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seeking (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seeking_too (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_telling (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_threads_write (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_unreadable (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_writelines_userlist (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test___all__ (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_abc_inheritance (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_abc_inheritance_official (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_abcs (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_attributes (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_blockingioerror (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_io_after_close (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_nonblock_pipe_write_bigbuf (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_nonblock_pipe_write_smallbuf (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test___all__ (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_abc_inheritance (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_abc_inheritance_official (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_abcs (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_attributes (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_blockingioerror (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_io_after_close (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_nonblock_pipe_write_bigbuf (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_nonblock_pipe_write_smallbuf (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_interrupted_write_buffered (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupted_write_text (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupted_write_unbuffered (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_read_retry_buffered (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_read_retry_text (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_write_retry_buffered (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_write_retry_text (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_reentrant_write_buffered (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_reentrant_write_text (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupted_write_buffered (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupted_write_text (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupted_write_unbuffered (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_read_retry_buffered (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_read_retry_text (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_write_retry_buffered (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_write_retry_text (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 471 tests in 29.259s OK (skipped=9) 0:01:18 load avg: 0.49 [189/403/24] test_ioctl PASS: test_ioctl (test.test_ioctl.IoctlTests) PASS: test_ioctl_mutate (test.test_ioctl.IoctlTests) PASS: test_ioctl_mutate_1024 (test.test_ioctl.IoctlTests) PASS: test_ioctl_mutate_2048 (test.test_ioctl.IoctlTests) PASS: test_ioctl_signed_unsigned_code_param (test.test_ioctl.IoctlTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.000s OK 0:01:19 load avg: 0.49 [190/403/24] test_isinstance PASS: test_bases_raises_other_than_attribute_error (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceExceptions) PASS: test_class_has_no_bases (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceExceptions) PASS: test_dont_mask_non_attribute_error (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceExceptions) PASS: test_mask_attribute_error (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceExceptions) PASS: test_dont_mask_non_attribute_error (test.test_isinstance.TestIsSubclassExceptions) PASS: test_dont_mask_non_attribute_error_in_cls_arg (test.test_isinstance.TestIsSubclassExceptions) PASS: test_mask_attribute_error (test.test_isinstance.TestIsSubclassExceptions) PASS: test_mask_attribute_error_in_cls_arg (test.test_isinstance.TestIsSubclassExceptions) PASS: test_isinstance_abstract (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) PASS: test_isinstance_normal (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) PASS: test_isinstance_recursion_limit (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) PASS: test_subclass_abstract (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) PASS: test_subclass_normal (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) PASS: test_subclass_recursion_limit (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) PASS: test_subclass_tuple (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.008s OK 0:01:19 load avg: 0.49 [191/403/24] test_iter PASS: test_3720 (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_builtin_filter (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_builtin_list (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_builtin_map (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_builtin_max_min (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_builtin_tuple (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_builtin_zip (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_countOf (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_deprecated_builtin_reduce (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_exception_function (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_exception_sequence (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_extending_list_with_iterator_does_not_segfault (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_in_and_not_in (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_indexOf (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_basic (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_big_range (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_callable (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_class_for (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_class_iter (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_dict (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_empty (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_file (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_for_loop (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_function (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_function_stop (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_idempotency (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_independence (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_string (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_tuple (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_unicode (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_xrange (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_mutating_seq_class_exhausted_iter (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_nested_comprehensions_for (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_nested_comprehensions_iter (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_new_style_iter_class (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_ref_counting_behavior (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_seq_class_for (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_seq_class_iter (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_callable (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_dict (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_enumerate (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_list (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_range (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_sequence (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_string (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_tuple (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_yield (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_stop_sequence (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_unicode_join_endcase (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_unpack_iter (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_iter.TestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 52 tests in 0.052s OK 0:01:19 load avg: 0.49 [192/403/24] test_iterlen PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestRepeat) PASS: test_no_len_for_infinite_repeat (test.test_iterlen.TestRepeat) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestXrange) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestXrangeCustomReversed) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestTuple) PASS: test_immutable_during_iteration (test.test_iterlen.TestDeque) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestDeque) PASS: test_immutable_during_iteration (test.test_iterlen.TestDequeReversed) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestDequeReversed) PASS: test_immutable_during_iteration (test.test_iterlen.TestDictKeys) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestDictKeys) PASS: test_immutable_during_iteration (test.test_iterlen.TestDictItems) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestDictItems) PASS: test_immutable_during_iteration (test.test_iterlen.TestDictValues) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestDictValues) PASS: test_immutable_during_iteration (test.test_iterlen.TestSet) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestSet) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestList) PASS: test_mutation (test.test_iterlen.TestList) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestListReversed) PASS: test_mutation (test.test_iterlen.TestListReversed) PASS: test_invalid_hint (test.test_iterlen.TestLengthHintExceptions) PASS: test_issue1242657 (test.test_iterlen.TestLengthHintExceptions) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 23 tests in 0.001s OK 0:01:19 load avg: 0.49 [193/403/24] test_itertools PASS: test_StopIteration (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bug_7244 (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_chain (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_chain_from_iterable (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinations (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinations_overflow (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinations_tuple_reuse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinations_with_replacement (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinations_with_replacement_overflow (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinations_with_replacement_tuple_reuse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinatorics (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_compress (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_count (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_count_with_stride (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_cycle (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_dropwhile (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_groupby (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_ifilter (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_ifilterfalse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_imap (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_islice (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_izip (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_izip_longest_tuple_reuse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_izip_tuple_reuse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_iziplongest (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_permutations (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_permutations_overflow (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_permutations_tuple_reuse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_product (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_product_overflow (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_product_tuple_reuse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_repeat_with_negative_times (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_starmap (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_takewhile (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_tee (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_tee_del_backward (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_chain (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_compress (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_cycle (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_dropwhile (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_groupby (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_ifilter (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_ifilterfalse (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_imap (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_islice (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_izip (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_iziplongest (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_product (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_starmap (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_takewhile (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_tee (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_chain (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_chain_from_iterable (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_combinations (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_combinations_with_replacement (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_compress (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_count (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_cycle (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_dropwhile (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_groupby (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_ifilter (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_ifilterfalse (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_imap (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_islice (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_issue2246 (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_izip (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_izip_longest (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_permutations (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_product (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_starmap (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_takewhile (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_long_chain_of_empty_iterables (test.test_itertools.RegressionTests) PASS: test_sf_793826 (test.test_itertools.RegressionTests) PASS: test_sf_950057 (test.test_itertools.RegressionTests) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_itertools.LengthTransparency) PASS: test_keywords_in_subclass (test.test_itertools.SubclassWithKwargsTest) PASS: test_chain (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_chain_from_iterable (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_combinations (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_combinations_with_replacement (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_compress (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_count (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_cycle (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_dropwhile (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_groupby (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_ifilter (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_ifilterfalse (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_imap (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_islice (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_izip (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_izip_longest (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_permutations (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_product (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_stapmap (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_takewhile (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 98 tests in 1.941s OK Trying: amounts = [120.15, 764.05, 823.14] Expecting nothing ok Trying: for checknum, amount in izip(count(1200), amounts): print 'Check %d is for $%.2f' % (checknum, amount) Expecting: Check 1200 is for $120.15 Check 1201 is for $764.05 Check 1202 is for $823.14 ok Trying: import operator Expecting nothing ok Trying: for cube in imap(operator.pow, xrange(1,4), repeat(3)): print cube Expecting: 1 8 27 ok Trying: reportlines = ['EuroPython', 'Roster', '', 'alex', '', 'laura', '', 'martin', '', 'walter', '', 'samuele'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: for name in islice(reportlines, 3, None, 2): print name.title() Expecting: Alex Laura Martin Walter Samuele ok Trying: from operator import itemgetter Expecting nothing ok Trying: d = dict(a=1, b=2, c=1, d=2, e=1, f=2, g=3) Expecting nothing ok Trying: di = sorted(sorted(d.iteritems()), key=itemgetter(1)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for k, g in groupby(di, itemgetter(1)): print k, map(itemgetter(0), g) Expecting: 1 ['a', 'c', 'e'] 2 ['b', 'd', 'f'] 3 ['g'] ok Trying: data = [ 1, 4,5,6, 10, 15,16,17,18, 22, 25,26,27,28] Expecting nothing ok Trying: for k, g in groupby(enumerate(data), lambda t:t[0]-t[1]): print map(operator.itemgetter(1), g) Expecting: [1] [4, 5, 6] [10] [15, 16, 17, 18] [22] [25, 26, 27, 28] ok Trying: def take(n, iterable): "Return first n items of the iterable as a list" return list(islice(iterable, n)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def enumerate(iterable, start=0): return izip(count(start), iterable) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def tabulate(function, start=0): "Return function(0), function(1), ..." return imap(function, count(start)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def nth(iterable, n, default=None): "Returns the nth item or a default value" return next(islice(iterable, n, None), default) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def all_equal(iterable): "Returns True if all the elements are equal to each other" g = groupby(iterable) return next(g, True) and not next(g, False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def quantify(iterable, pred=bool): "Count how many times the predicate is true" return sum(imap(pred, iterable)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def padnone(iterable): "Returns the sequence elements and then returns None indefinitely" return chain(iterable, repeat(None)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def ncycles(iterable, n): "Returns the sequence elements n times" return chain(*repeat(iterable, n)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def dotproduct(vec1, vec2): return sum(imap(operator.mul, vec1, vec2)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def flatten(listOfLists): return list(chain.from_iterable(listOfLists)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def repeatfunc(func, times=None, *args): "Repeat calls to func with specified arguments." " Example: repeatfunc(random.random)" if times is None: return starmap(func, repeat(args)) else: return starmap(func, repeat(args, times)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def pairwise(iterable): "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..." a, b = tee(iterable) for elem in b: break return izip(a, b) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def grouper(n, iterable, fillvalue=None): "grouper(3, 'ABCDEFG', 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx" args = [iter(iterable)] * n return izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def roundrobin(*iterables): "roundrobin('ABC', 'D', 'EF') --> A D E B F C" # Recipe credited to George Sakkis pending = len(iterables) nexts = cycle(iter(it).next for it in iterables) while pending: try: for next in nexts: yield next() except StopIteration: pending -= 1 nexts = cycle(islice(nexts, pending)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def powerset(iterable): "powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)" s = list(iterable) return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def unique_everseen(iterable, key=None): "List unique elements, preserving order. Remember all elements ever seen." # unique_everseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB') --> A B C D # unique_everseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower) --> A B C D seen = set() seen_add = seen.add if key is None: for element in iterable: if element not in seen: seen_add(element) yield element else: for element in iterable: k = key(element) if k not in seen: seen_add(k) yield element Expecting nothing ok Trying: def unique_justseen(iterable, key=None): "List unique elements, preserving order. Remember only the element just seen." # unique_justseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB') --> A B C D A B # unique_justseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower) --> A B C A D return imap(next, imap(itemgetter(1), groupby(iterable, key))) Expecting nothing ok Trying: take(10, count()) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ok Trying: list(enumerate('abc')) Expecting: [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c')] ok Trying: list(islice(tabulate(lambda x: 2*x), 4)) Expecting: [0, 2, 4, 6] ok Trying: nth('abcde', 3) Expecting: 'd' ok Trying: nth('abcde', 9) is None Expecting: True ok Trying: [all_equal(s) for s in ('', 'A', 'AAAA', 'AAAB', 'AAABA')] Expecting: [True, True, True, False, False] ok Trying: quantify(xrange(99), lambda x: x%2==0) Expecting: 50 ok Trying: a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flatten(a) Expecting: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ok Trying: list(repeatfunc(pow, 5, 2, 3)) Expecting: [8, 8, 8, 8, 8] ok Trying: import random Expecting nothing ok Trying: take(5, imap(int, repeatfunc(random.random))) Expecting: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ok Trying: list(pairwise('abcd')) Expecting: [('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd')] ok Trying: list(pairwise([])) Expecting: [] ok Trying: list(pairwise('a')) Expecting: [] ok Trying: list(islice(padnone('abc'), 0, 6)) Expecting: ['a', 'b', 'c', None, None, None] ok Trying: list(ncycles('abc', 3)) Expecting: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'] ok Trying: dotproduct([1,2,3], [4,5,6]) Expecting: 32 ok Trying: list(grouper(3, 'abcdefg', 'x')) Expecting: [('a', 'b', 'c'), ('d', 'e', 'f'), ('g', 'x', 'x')] ok Trying: list(roundrobin('abc', 'd', 'ef')) Expecting: ['a', 'd', 'e', 'b', 'f', 'c'] ok Trying: list(powerset([1,2,3])) Expecting: [(), (1,), (2,), (3,), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 2, 3)] ok Trying: all(len(list(powerset(range(n)))) == 2**n for n in range(18)) Expecting: True ok Trying: list(powerset('abcde')) == sorted(sorted(set(powerset('abcde'))), key=len) Expecting: True ok Trying: list(unique_everseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB')) Expecting: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] ok Trying: list(unique_everseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower)) Expecting: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] ok Trying: list(unique_justseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB')) Expecting: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'A', 'B'] ok Trying: list(unique_justseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower)) Expecting: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'D'] ok 141 items had no tests: test.test_itertools test.test_itertools.E test.test_itertools.E.__init__ test.test_itertools.E.__iter__ test.test_itertools.G test.test_itertools.G.__getitem__ test.test_itertools.G.__init__ test.test_itertools.I test.test_itertools.I.__init__ test.test_itertools.I.__iter__ test.test_itertools.Ig test.test_itertools.Ig.__init__ test.test_itertools.Ig.__iter__ test.test_itertools.L test.test_itertools.LengthTransparency test.test_itertools.LengthTransparency.test_repeat test.test_itertools.N test.test_itertools.N.__init__ test.test_itertools.N.__iter__ test.test_itertools.R test.test_itertools.RegressionTests test.test_itertools.RegressionTests.test_long_chain_of_empty_iterables test.test_itertools.RegressionTests.test_sf_793826 test.test_itertools.RegressionTests.test_sf_950057 test.test_itertools.S test.test_itertools.S.__init__ test.test_itertools.S.__iter__ test.test_itertools.StopNow test.test_itertools.StopNow.__iter__ test.test_itertools.SubclassWithKwargsTest test.test_itertools.SubclassWithKwargsTest.test_keywords_in_subclass test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_StopIteration test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_bug_7244 test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_chain test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_chain_from_iterable test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_combinations test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_combinations_tuple_reuse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_combinations_with_replacement test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_combinations_with_replacement_tuple_reuse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_combinatorics test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_compress test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_count test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_count_with_stride test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_cycle test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_dropwhile test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_groupby test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_ifilter test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_ifilterfalse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_imap test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_islice test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_izip test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_izip_longest_tuple_reuse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_izip_tuple_reuse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_iziplongest test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_permutations test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_permutations_tuple_reuse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_product test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_product_tuple_reuse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_repeat test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_repeat_with_negative_times test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_starmap test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_takewhile test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_tee test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_tee_del_backward test.test_itertools.TestExamples test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_chain test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_chain_from_iterable test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_combinations test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_combinations_with_replacement test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_compress test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_count test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_cycle test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_dropwhile test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_groupby test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_ifilter test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_ifilterfalse test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_imap test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_islice test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_izip test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_izip_longest test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_permutations test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_product test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_repeat test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_stapmap test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_takewhile test.test_itertools.TestGC test.test_itertools.TestGC.makecycle test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_chain test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_chain_from_iterable test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_combinations test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_combinations_with_replacement test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_compress test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_count test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_cycle test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_dropwhile test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_groupby test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_ifilter test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_ifilterfalse test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_imap test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_islice test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_issue2246 test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_izip test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_izip_longest test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_permutations test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_product test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_repeat test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_starmap test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_takewhile test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_chain test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_compress test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_cycle test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_dropwhile test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_groupby test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_ifilter test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_ifilterfalse test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_imap test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_islice test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_izip test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_iziplongest test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_product test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_starmap test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_takewhile test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_tee test.test_itertools.X test.test_itertools.X.__init__ test.test_itertools.errfunc test.test_itertools.fact test.test_itertools.gen3 test.test_itertools.isEven test.test_itertools.isOdd test.test_itertools.onearg test.test_itertools.take test.test_itertools.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 56 tests in test.test_itertools.__test__.libreftest 56 tests in 142 items. 56 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_itertools) ... 56 tests with zero failures 0:01:21 load avg: 0.53 [194/403/24] test_json json () PASS: Doctest: json encode (json.encoder.JSONEncoder) PASS: Doctest: json.encoder.JSONEncoder.encode PASS: test_pyjson (json.tests.TestPyTest) PASS: test_cjson (json.tests.TestCTest) PASS: test_separators (json.tests.test_separators.TestCSeparators) PASS: test_separators (json.tests.test_separators.TestPySeparators) PASS: test_allow_nan (json.tests.test_float.TestCFloat) PASS: test_float_subclasses_use_float_repr (json.tests.test_float.TestCFloat) PASS: test_floats (json.tests.test_float.TestCFloat) PASS: test_ints (json.tests.test_float.TestCFloat) PASS: test_out_of_range (json.tests.test_float.TestCFloat) PASS: test_allow_nan (json.tests.test_float.TestPyFloat) PASS: test_float_subclasses_use_float_repr (json.tests.test_float.TestPyFloat) PASS: test_floats (json.tests.test_float.TestPyFloat) PASS: test_ints (json.tests.test_float.TestPyFloat) PASS: test_out_of_range (json.tests.test_float.TestPyFloat) PASS: test_parse (json.tests.test_pass1.TestCPass1) PASS: test_parse (json.tests.test_pass1.TestPyPass1) PASS: test_infile_outfile (json.tests.test_tool.TestTool) PASS: test_infile_stdout (json.tests.test_tool.TestTool) PASS: test_stdin_stdout (json.tests.test_tool.TestTool) PASS: test_parse (json.tests.test_pass3.TestCPass3) PASS: test_parse (json.tests.test_pass3.TestPyPass3) PASS: test_dump (json.tests.test_dump.TestCDump) PASS: test_dumps (json.tests.test_dump.TestCDump) PASS: test_encode_mutated (json.tests.test_dump.TestCDump) PASS: test_encode_truefalse (json.tests.test_dump.TestCDump) PASS: test_dump (json.tests.test_dump.TestPyDump) PASS: test_dumps (json.tests.test_dump.TestPyDump) PASS: test_encode_mutated (json.tests.test_dump.TestPyDump) PASS: test_encode_truefalse (json.tests.test_dump.TestPyDump) PASS: test_circular_composite (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestCCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_default (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestCCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_dict (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestCCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_list (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestCCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_off_default (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestCCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_composite (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestPyCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_default (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestPyCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_dict (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestPyCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_list (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestPyCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_off_default (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestPyCheckCircular) PASS: test_failures (json.tests.test_fail.TestCFail) PASS: test_non_string_keys_dict (json.tests.test_fail.TestCFail) PASS: test_failures (json.tests.test_fail.TestPyFail) PASS: test_non_string_keys_dict (json.tests.test_fail.TestPyFail) PASS: test_bad_encoding (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_big_unicode_decode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_big_unicode_encode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_default_encoding (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_encoding1 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_encoding2 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_encoding3 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_encoding4 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_encoding5 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_encoding6 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_object_pairs_hook_with_unicode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_unicode_decode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_unicode_preservation (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_bad_encoding (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_big_unicode_decode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_big_unicode_encode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_default_encoding (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_encoding1 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_encoding2 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_encoding3 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_encoding4 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_encoding5 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_encoding6 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_object_pairs_hook_with_unicode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_unicode_decode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_unicode_preservation (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_decimal (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_decoder_optimizations (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_empty_objects (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_extra_data (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_float (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_invalid_escape (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_negative_index (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_object_pairs_hook (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_decimal (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_decoder_optimizations (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_empty_objects (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_extra_data (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_float (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_invalid_escape (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_negative_index (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_object_pairs_hook (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_bad_bool_args (json.tests.test_speedups.TestDecode) PASS: test_make_scanner (json.tests.test_speedups.TestDecode) PASS: test_bad_bool_args (json.tests.test_speedups.TestEncode) PASS: test_bad_encoding (json.tests.test_speedups.TestEncode) PASS: test_make_encoder (json.tests.test_speedups.TestEncode) PASS: test_encode_basestring_ascii (json.tests.test_speedups.TestSpeedups) PASS: test_scanstring (json.tests.test_speedups.TestSpeedups) PASS: test_defaultrecursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestCRecursion) PASS: test_dictrecursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestCRecursion) PASS: test_endless_recursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestCRecursion) PASS: test_highly_nested_objects_decoding (json.tests.test_recursion.TestCRecursion) PASS: test_highly_nested_objects_encoding (json.tests.test_recursion.TestCRecursion) PASS: test_listrecursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestCRecursion) PASS: test_defaultrecursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestPyRecursion) PASS: test_dictrecursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestPyRecursion) PASS: test_endless_recursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestPyRecursion) PASS: test_highly_nested_objects_decoding (json.tests.test_recursion.TestPyRecursion) PASS: test_highly_nested_objects_encoding (json.tests.test_recursion.TestPyRecursion) PASS: test_listrecursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestPyRecursion) PASS: test_indent (json.tests.test_indent.TestCIndent) PASS: test_indent0 (json.tests.test_indent.TestCIndent) PASS: test_indent (json.tests.test_indent.TestPyIndent) PASS: test_indent0 (json.tests.test_indent.TestPyIndent) PASS: test_encode_basestring_ascii (json.tests.test_encode_basestring_ascii.TestCEncodeBasestringAscii) PASS: test_ordered_dict (json.tests.test_encode_basestring_ascii.TestCEncodeBasestringAscii) PASS: test_encode_basestring_ascii (json.tests.test_encode_basestring_ascii.TestPyEncodeBasestringAscii) PASS: test_ordered_dict (json.tests.test_encode_basestring_ascii.TestPyEncodeBasestringAscii) PASS: test_parse (json.tests.test_pass2.TestCPass2) PASS: test_parse (json.tests.test_pass2.TestPyPass2) PASS: test_bad_escapes (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestCScanstring) PASS: test_issue3623 (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestCScanstring) PASS: test_overflow (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestCScanstring) PASS: test_scanstring (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestCScanstring) PASS: test_surrogates (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestCScanstring) PASS: test_bad_escapes (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestPyScanstring) PASS: test_issue3623 (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestPyScanstring) PASS: test_overflow (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestPyScanstring) PASS: test_scanstring (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestPyScanstring) PASS: test_surrogates (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestPyScanstring) PASS: test_default (json.tests.test_default.TestCDefault) PASS: test_default (json.tests.test_default.TestPyDefault) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 128 tests in 0.877s OK 0:01:22 load avg: 0.53 [195/403/24] test_kqueue test_kqueue skipped -- test works only on BSD 0:01:22 load avg: 0.53 [196/403/24] test_largefile -- test_kqueue skipped test_seek (test.test_largefile.CLargeFileTest) ... create large file via seek (may be sparse file) ... check file size with os.fstat ok test_osstat (test.test_largefile.CLargeFileTest) ... check file size with os.stat ok test_seek_read (test.test_largefile.CLargeFileTest) ... play around with seek() and read() with the built largefile ok test_lseek (test.test_largefile.CLargeFileTest) ... play around with os.lseek() with the built largefile ok test_truncate (test.test_largefile.CLargeFileTest) ... try truncate ok PASS: test_seekable (test.test_largefile.CLargeFileTest) test_seek (test.test_largefile.PyLargeFileTest) ... create large file via seek (may be sparse file) ... check file size with os.fstat ok test_osstat (test.test_largefile.PyLargeFileTest) ... check file size with os.stat ok test_seek_read (test.test_largefile.PyLargeFileTest) ... play around with seek() and read() with the built largefile ok test_lseek (test.test_largefile.PyLargeFileTest) ... play around with os.lseek() with the built largefile ok test_truncate (test.test_largefile.PyLargeFileTest) ... try truncate ok PASS: test_seekable (test.test_largefile.PyLargeFileTest) test_seek (test.test_largefile.BuiltinLargeFileTest) ... create large file via seek (may be sparse file) ... check file size with os.fstat ok test_osstat (test.test_largefile.BuiltinLargeFileTest) ... check file size with os.stat ok test_seek_read (test.test_largefile.BuiltinLargeFileTest) ... play around with seek() and read() with the built largefile ok test_lseek (test.test_largefile.BuiltinLargeFileTest) ... play around with os.lseek() with the built largefile ok test_truncate (test.test_largefile.BuiltinLargeFileTest) ... try truncate ok SKIP: test_seekable (test.test_largefile.BuiltinLargeFileTest) "builtin file doesn't have seekable()" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 18 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=1) 0:01:22 load avg: 0.53 [197/403/24] test_lib2to3 PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_call (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_complex_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_complex_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_complex_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_dotted_name (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_extreme (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_space_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_space_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_subscript (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_6b (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_7 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_8 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_9 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_weird_comments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_deprecated_names (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_asserts) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_asserts) PASS: test_variants (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_asserts) PASS: test_basestring (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_basestring) PASS: test_buffer (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_buffer) PASS: test_slicing (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_buffer) PASS: test_01 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_02 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_03 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_04 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_05 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_06 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_07 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_08 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_09 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_10 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_11 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_12 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_13 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_14 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_15 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_16 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_17 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_18 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_19 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_20 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_21 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_22 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_23 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_24 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_25 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_26 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_27 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_28 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_29 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_30 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_31 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_32 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_trailing_comment (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_bare_except (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_bare_except_and_else_finally (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_list_unpack (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_multi_class (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_multi_fixed_excepts_before_bare_except (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_one_line_suites (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_simple_no_space_before_target (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_tuple_unpack (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_unchanged_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_unchanged_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_unchanged_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_weird_target_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_weird_target_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_weird_target_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_complex_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_complex_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_unchanged_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_unchanged_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_unchanged_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_unchanged_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_with_globals (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_with_globals_locals (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_conversion (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_execfile) PASS: test_spacing (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_execfile) PASS: test_comments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_complex_expression (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_in_a_function (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_names_import (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_no_sys_import (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_filter_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_filter) PASS: test_filter_nochange (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_filter) PASS: test_future_builtins (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_filter) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_filter) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_funcattrs) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_funcattrs) PASS: test_future (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_future) PASS: test_run_order (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_future) PASS: test_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_getcwdu) PASS: test_comment (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_getcwdu) PASS: test_indentation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_getcwdu) PASS: test_multilation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_getcwdu) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_getcwdu) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_10 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_11 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_7 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_8 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_9 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_eq_expression (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_eq_reverse (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_eq_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_is_expression (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_is_not_expression (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_is_not_reverse (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_is_not_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_is_reverse (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_is_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_ne_expression (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_ne_reverse (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_ne_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_sort_list_call (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_sort_simple_expr (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_sort_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_type_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_while (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_while_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_already_relative_import (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_comments_and_indent (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_dotted_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_dotted_import (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_dotted_import_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_files_checked (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_from_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_import (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_import_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_import_from_package (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_in_package (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_local_and_absolute (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_not_in_package (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_prefix (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_with_absolute_import_enabled (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_import_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_import_from_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_import_module (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_import_module_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_import_module_usage (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_multiple_imports (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_multiple_imports_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_star (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_import_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports2) PASS: test_import_from_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports2) PASS: test_import_module (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports2) PASS: test_import_module_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports2) PASS: test_import_module_usage (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports2) PASS: test_star (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports2) PASS: test_after_local_imports_refactoring (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_import_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_import_from_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_import_module (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_import_module_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_import_module_usage (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_star (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test_idempotency (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test_trailing_comment (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_intern) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_intern) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_intern) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_isinstance) PASS: test_remove_multiple_items (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_isinstance) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_isinstance) PASS: test_0 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_qualified (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_run_order (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_space_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_space_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_comments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_ifilter_and_zip_longest (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_import_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_import_star (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_none (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_reduced (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_long) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_long) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_long) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_long) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_long) PASS: test_None_with_multiple_arguments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_map) PASS: test_future_builtins (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_map) PASS: test_map_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_map) PASS: test_map_nochange (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_map) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_map) PASS: test_trailing_comment (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_map) PASS: test_comments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_metaclass) PASS: test_meta (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_metaclass) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_metaclass) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_methodattrs) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_methodattrs) PASS: test_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_ne) PASS: test_chained (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_ne) PASS: test_no_spaces (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_ne) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_assign_to_next (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_assign_to_next_in_list (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_assign_to_next_in_tuple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_builtin_assign (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_builtin_assign_in_list (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_builtin_assign_in_tuple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_method_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_method_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_method_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_method_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_method_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_noncall_access_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_noncall_access_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_noncall_access_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_prefix_preservation_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_prefix_preservation_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_prefix_preservation_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_prefix_preservation_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_prefix_preservation_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_prefix_preservation_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_assign_list_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_assign_list_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_assign_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_assign_tuple_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_assign_tuple_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_for_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_for_tuple_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_for_tuple_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_funcdef_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_funcdef_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_global_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_global_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_from_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_from_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_from_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_from_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_nonzero) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_nonzero) PASS: test_unchanged_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_nonzero) PASS: test_unchanged_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_nonzero) PASS: test_unchanged_func (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_nonzero) PASS: test_comments_and_spacing (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_long_hex (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_long_int_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_long_int_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_octal_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_complex_bare (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_complex_float (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_complex_int (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_exp (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_float (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_hex (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_int (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_octal (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_bare_isCallable (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_bare_operator_irepeat (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_bare_operator_isMappingType (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_bare_operator_isNumberType (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_bare_operator_isSequenceType (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_bare_operator_repeat (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_bare_sequenceIncludes (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_irepeat (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_isCallable (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_isMappingType (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_isNumberType (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_isSequenceType (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_repeat (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_sequenceIncludes (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_0 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_unchanged_0 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_unchanged_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_unchanged_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_unchanged_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_unchanged_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_idempotency (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_idempotency_print_as_function (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_no_trailing_comma (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_spaces_before_file (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_trailing_comma_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_trailing_comma_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_trailing_comma_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_tuple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_vargs_without_trailing_comma (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_with_future_print_function (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_with_trailing_comma (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_None_value (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_string_exc (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_string_exc_val (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_string_exc_val_tb (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tb_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tb_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tb_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tb_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tb_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tb_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tuple_detection (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tuple_exc_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tuple_exc_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tuple_value (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_with_comments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_8 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_bug_7253 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_reduce) PASS: test_call_with_lambda (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_reduce) PASS: test_simple_call (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_reduce) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_reduce) PASS: test_import_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_renames) PASS: test_import_from_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_renames) PASS: test_import_module_usage (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_renames) PASS: test_complex (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_nested_tuples (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_simple_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_simple_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_tuple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_set_literal) PASS: test_comments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_set_literal) PASS: test_listcomps (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_set_literal) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_set_literal) PASS: test_whitespace (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_set_literal) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_standarderror) PASS: test_0 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_sys_exc) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_sys_exc) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_sys_exc) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_sys_exc) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_sys_exc) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_sys_exc) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_7 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_8 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_untouched_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_untouched_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_untouched_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_warn_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_warn_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_warn_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_docstring (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_keywords (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_nested_multi_use (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_no_change (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_one_tuple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_parens_single_arg (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_simple_multi_use (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_simple_reverse (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_multi_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_multi_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_semicolon (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_unchanged_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_unchanged_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_unchanged_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_varargs (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_basic_types_convert (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_types) PASS: test_bytes_literal_escape_u (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_native_literal_escape_u (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_native_unicode_literal_escape_u (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_unichr (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_unicode_call (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_unicode_literal_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_unicode_literal_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_unicode_literal_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_unicode_literal_escape_u (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_whitespace (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_import_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_import_from_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_import_module (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_import_module_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_import_module_usage (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_indented (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_star (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_in_consuming_context (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_in_contains_test (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_range_in_for (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_single_arg (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_three_args (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_two_args (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_wrap_in_list (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_xrange_in_for (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_double_transform (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange_with_reduce) PASS: test_attr_ref (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xreadlines) PASS: test_call (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xreadlines) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xreadlines) PASS: test_future_builtins (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_zip) PASS: test_zip_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_zip) PASS: test_zip_nochange (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_zip) PASS: test_changed (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_deprecated_prefix_methods (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_depth (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_get_suffix (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_instantiate_base (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_constructor_prefix (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_equality (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_next_sibling (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_prefix (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_prev_sibling (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_repr (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_str (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_str_numeric_value (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaves (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_append_child (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_constructor_prefix (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_equality (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_insert_child (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_next_sibling (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_prefix (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_prev_sibling (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_recursive_equality (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_repr (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_set_child (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_str (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_post_order (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_pre_order (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_remove (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_remove_parentless (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_replace (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_replace_with_list (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_basic_patterns (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestPatterns) PASS: test_generate_matches (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestPatterns) PASS: test_has_key_example (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestPatterns) PASS: test_wildcard (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestPatterns) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_Attr) PASS: test_returns (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_Attr) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_Call) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_Name) PASS: test_in_function (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_does_tree_import) PASS: test_class_def (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_for (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_for_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_from_import (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_from_import_as (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_from_import_as_with_package (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_from_import_with_package (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_function_def (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_if (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_if_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_import_as (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_import_as_with_package (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_invalid_assignments (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_list_assignment (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_simple_assignment (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_simple_import (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_simple_import_with_package (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_try_except (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_try_except_finally (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_try_except_finally_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_try_except_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_tuple_assignment (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_while (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_while_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_nothing (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_indentation) PASS: test_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_indentation) PASS: test_invalid (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_is_list) PASS: test_valid (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_is_list) PASS: test_invalid (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_is_tuple) PASS: test_valid (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_is_tuple) PASS: test_after_docstring (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_touch_import) PASS: test_after_imports (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_touch_import) PASS: test_beginning (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_touch_import) PASS: test_from_import (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_touch_import) PASS: test_name_import (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_touch_import) PASS: test_bom (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_crlf_newlines (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_detect_future_features (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_explicit (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_false_file_encoding (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_file_encoding (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_fixer_loading (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_fixer_loading_helpers (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_get_headnode_dict (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_naughty_fixers (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_print_function_option (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_refactor_dir (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_refactor_docstring (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_refactor_file (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_refactor_file_write_unchanged_file (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_refactor_stdin (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_refactor_string (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_write_unchanged_files_option (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_new_syntax (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestClassDef) PASS: test_formfeed (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestDriver) PASS: test_new (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestExcept) PASS: test_old (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestExcept) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_7 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_8 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_multiline_bytes_literals (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestLiterals) PASS: test_multiline_bytes_tripquote_literals (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestLiterals) PASS: test_multiline_str_literals (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestLiterals) PASS: test_matrix_multiplication_operator (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestMatrixMultiplication) PASS: test_new_binary_notation (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestNumericLiterals) PASS: test_new_octal_notation (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestNumericLiterals) PASS: test_all_project_files (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestParserIdempotency) PASS: test_extended_unpacking (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestParserIdempotency) PASS: test_load_grammar_from_pickle (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestPgen2Caching) PASS: test_load_grammar_from_subprocess (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestPgen2Caching) PASS: test_load_grammar_from_txt_file (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestPgen2Caching) PASS: test_2x_style_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_2x_style_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_2x_style_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_2x_style_invalid_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_3x_style (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_3x_style_invalid_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_3x_style_invalid_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_3x_style_invalid_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_3x_style_invalid_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestSetLiteral) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestSetLiteral) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestSetLiteral) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestSetLiteral) PASS: test_argument_unpacking_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_argument_unpacking_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_argument_unpacking_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_dict_display_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_dict_display_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_double_star_dict_literal (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_double_star_dict_literal_after_keywords (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_list_display (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_mid_positional_star (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_set_display (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_matrix_multiplication_operator (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestYieldFrom) test_filename_changing_on_output_single_dir (lib2to3.tests.test_main.TestMain) PASS: 2to3 a single directory with a new output dir and suffix. test_filename_changing_on_output_single_file (lib2to3.tests.test_main.TestMain) PASS: 2to3 a single file with a new output dir. test_filename_changing_on_output_two_files (lib2to3.tests.test_main.TestMain) PASS: 2to3 two files in one directory with a new output dir. PASS: test_unencodable_diff (lib2to3.tests.test_main.TestMain) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 602 tests in 9.436s OK 0:01:32 load avg: 0.60 [198/403/24] test_linecache PASS: test_checkcache (test.test_linecache.LineCacheTests) PASS: test_clearcache (test.test_linecache.LineCacheTests) PASS: test_getline (test.test_linecache.LineCacheTests) PASS: test_memoryerror (test.test_linecache.LineCacheTests) PASS: test_no_ending_newline (test.test_linecache.LineCacheTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.002s OK 0:01:32 load avg: 0.60 [199/403/24] test_linuxaudiodev test_linuxaudiodev skipped -- Use of the `audio' resource not enabled 0:01:32 load avg: 0.60 [200/403/24] test_list -- test_linuxaudiodev skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_addmul (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_append (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_bigrepeat (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_constructor_exception_handling (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_constructors (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_contains_fake (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_contains_order (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_exhausted_iterator (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_extendedslicing (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_getitemoverwriteiter (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_identity (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_minmax (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_print (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_reversed (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_set_subscript (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_slice (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_sort (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_truth (test.test_list.ListTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 42 tests in 0.111s OK 0:01:32 load avg: 0.60 [201/403/24] test_locale PASS: test_getpreferredencoding (test.test_locale.TestMiscellaneous) SKIP: test_getsetlocale_issue1813 (test.test_locale.TestMiscellaneous) 'test needs Turkish locale' PASS: test_normalize_issue12752 (test.test_locale.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_setlocale_category (test.test_locale.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_setlocale_unicode (test.test_locale.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_strcoll_3303 (test.test_locale.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_onlyOnePattern (test.test_locale.TestFormatPatternArg) PASS: test_mapping (test.test_locale.TestLocaleFormatString) PASS: test_percent_escape (test.test_locale.TestLocaleFormatString) PASS: test_complex_formatting (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_currency (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_grouping (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_integer_grouping (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_integer_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_padding (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_simple (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_grouping (test.test_locale.TestCNumberFormatting) PASS: test_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestCNumberFormatting) PASS: test_currency (test.test_locale.TestFrFRNumberFormatting) PASS: test_decimal_point (test.test_locale.TestFrFRNumberFormatting) PASS: test_grouping (test.test_locale.TestFrFRNumberFormatting) PASS: test_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestFrFRNumberFormatting) PASS: test_integer_grouping (test.test_locale.TestFrFRNumberFormatting) PASS: test_integer_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestFrFRNumberFormatting) test_complex_formatting (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_grouping (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_integer_grouping (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_integer_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_padding (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_simple (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_isalnum (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_isalpha (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_islower (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_isspace (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_isupper (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_lower (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_split (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_strip (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_upper (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 41 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=1) 0:01:32 load avg: 0.60 [202/403/24] test_logging PASS: test_flat (test.test_logging.BuiltinLevelsTest) PASS: test_invalid_name (test.test_logging.BuiltinLevelsTest) PASS: test_nested_explicit (test.test_logging.BuiltinLevelsTest) PASS: test_nested_inherited (test.test_logging.BuiltinLevelsTest) PASS: test_nested_with_virtual_parent (test.test_logging.BuiltinLevelsTest) PASS: test_filter (test.test_logging.BasicFilterTest) PASS: test_handler_filter (test.test_logging.CustomLevelsAndFiltersTest) PASS: test_logger_filter (test.test_logging.CustomLevelsAndFiltersTest) PASS: test_specific_filters (test.test_logging.CustomLevelsAndFiltersTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_logging.MemoryHandlerTest) PASS: test_config0_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config1_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config2_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config3_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config4_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config5_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config6_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config7_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_logger_disabling (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_output (test.test_logging.SocketHandlerTest) PASS: test_persistent_loggers (test.test_logging.MemoryTest) PASS: test_encoding_cyrillic_unicode (test.test_logging.EncodingTest) PASS: test_encoding_plain_file (test.test_logging.EncodingTest) PASS: test_encoding_utf16_unicode (test.test_logging.EncodingTest) PASS: test_warnings (test.test_logging.WarningsTest) PASS: test_config0_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config11_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config12_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config13_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config1_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config2_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config2a_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config2b_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config3_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config4_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config4a_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config5_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config6_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config7_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config_10_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config_8_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config_9_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_listen_config_10_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_listen_config_1_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_out_of_order (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_manager_loggerclass (test.test_logging.ManagerTest) PASS: test_child_loggers (test.test_logging.ChildLoggerTest) PASS: test_race (test.test_logging.HandlerTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 48 tests in 10.308s OK 0:01:42 load avg: 0.51 [203/403/24] test_long PASS: test_auto_overflow (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_bit_length (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_bitop_identities (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_conversion (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_division (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_float_conversion (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_float_overflow (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_huge_lshift_of_zero (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_issue9869 (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_karatsuba (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_keyword_args (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_logs (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_long (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_lshift_of_zero (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_misc (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_mixed_compares (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_nan_inf (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_no_args (test.test_long.LongTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 19 tests in 0.642s OK 0:01:43 load avg: 0.51 [204/403/24] test_long_future PASS: test (test.test_long_future.TrueDivisionTests) PASS: test_correctly_rounded_true_division (test.test_long_future.TrueDivisionTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.731s OK 0:01:44 load avg: 0.51 [205/403/24] test_longexp PASS: test_longexp (test.test_longexp.LongExpText) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.054s OK 0:01:44 load avg: 0.51 [206/403/24] test_macos test_macos skipped -- No module named MacOS 0:01:44 load avg: 0.51 [207/403/24] test_macostools -- test_macos skipped test_macostools skipped -- No module named MacOS 0:01:44 load avg: 0.51 [208/403/24] test_macpath -- test_macostools skipped 0:01:44 load avg: 0.51 [209/403/25] test_macurl2path -- test_macpath failed 0:01:44 load avg: 0.51 [210/403/26] test_mailbox -- test_macurl2path failed PASS: test_notimplemented (test.test_mailbox.TestMailboxSuperclass) PASS: test_add (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_add_MM (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_add_StringIO (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_add_and_remove_folders (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_add_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_clean (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_clear (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_consistent_factory (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_contains (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_create_tmp (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_directory_in_folder (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_discard (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_dump_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_file_permissions (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_folder (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_folder_file_perms (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get_MM (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get_file_can_be_closed_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get_folder (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_initialize_existing (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_initialize_new (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_items (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_iter (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_iteritems (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_iterkeys (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_itervalues (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_keys (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_len (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_list_folders (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_lock_unlock (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_lookup (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_pop (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_popitem_and_flush_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_refresh (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_refresh_after_safety_period (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_remove (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_reread (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_set_MM (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_set_item (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_update (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_values (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_add (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add_StringIO (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add_and_close (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add_doesnt_rewrite (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add_from_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add_mbox_or_mmdf_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_clear (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_contains (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_discard (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_dump_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_file_perms (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_get (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_get_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_get_file_can_be_closed_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_get_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_get_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_items (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_iter (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_iteritems (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_iterkeys (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_itervalues (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_keys (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_len (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_lock_conflict (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_lock_unlock (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_message_separator (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_open_close_open (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_permissions_after_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_pop (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_popitem_and_flush_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_relock (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_remove (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_set_item (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_terminating_newline (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_update (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_values (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add_StringIO (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add_and_close (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add_doesnt_rewrite (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add_from_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add_mbox_or_mmdf_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_clear (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_contains (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_discard (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_dump_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_get (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_get_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_get_file_can_be_closed_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_get_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_get_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_items (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_iter (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_iteritems (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_iterkeys (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_itervalues (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_keys (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_len (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_lock_conflict (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_lock_unlock (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_open_close_open (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_permissions_after_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_pop (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_popitem_and_flush_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_relock (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_remove (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_set_item (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_update (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_values (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_add_StringIO (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_add_and_remove_folders (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_add_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_clear (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_contains (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_discard (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_dump_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_get (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_get_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_get_file_can_be_closed_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_get_folder (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_get_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_get_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_issue2625 (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_issue7627 (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_items (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_iter (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_iteritems (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_iterkeys (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_itervalues (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_keys (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_len (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_list_folders (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_lock_unlock (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_pack (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_pop (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_popitem_and_flush_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_remove (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_sequences (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_set_item (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_update (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_values (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_add (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_add_StringIO (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_add_doesnt_rewrite (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_add_file (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_clear (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_contains (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_discard (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_dump_message (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_get (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_get_file (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_get_file_can_be_closed_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_get_message (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_get_string (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_items (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_iter (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_iteritems (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_iterkeys (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_itervalues (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_keys (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_labels (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_len (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_lock_unlock (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_permissions_after_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_pop (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_popitem_and_flush_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_remove (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_set_item (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_update (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_values (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_become_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_explain_to (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_initialize_incorrectly (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_eMM (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_nothing (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_become_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_date (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_explain_to (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_flags (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_info (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_info_and_flags (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_initialize_incorrectly (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_eMM (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_nothing (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_subdir (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_become_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_explain_to (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_flags (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_from (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_initialize_incorrectly (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_eMM (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_nothing (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_unixfrom (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_become_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_explain_to (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_initialize_incorrectly (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_eMM (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_nothing (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_sequences (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_become_message (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_explain_to (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_initialize_incorrectly (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_eMM (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_file (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_nothing (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_string (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_labels (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_visible (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_become_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_explain_to (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_flags (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_from (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_initialize_incorrectly (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_eMM (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_nothing (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_unixfrom (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_babyl_to_babyl (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_babyl_to_maildir (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_babyl_to_mboxmmdf (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_babyl_to_mh (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_maildir_to_babyl (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_maildir_to_maildir (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_maildir_to_mboxmmdf (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_maildir_to_mh (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mboxmmdf_to_babyl (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mboxmmdf_to_maildir (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mboxmmdf_to_mboxmmdf (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mboxmmdf_to_mh (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mh_to_babyl (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mh_to_maildir (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mh_to_mboxmmdf (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mh_to_mh (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_plain_to_x (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_x_to_invalid (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_x_to_plain (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_initialize (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_read (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_readline (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_seek_and_tell (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) PASS: test_initialize (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) PASS: test_read (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) PASS: test_readline (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) PASS: test_seek_and_tell (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) test_empty_maildir (test.test_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: Test an empty maildir mailbox PASS: test_nonempty_maildir_both (test.test_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_nonempty_maildir_cur (test.test_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_nonempty_maildir_new (test.test_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_unix_mbox (test.test_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 303 tests in 0.172s OK 0:01:44 load avg: 0.51 [211/403/26] test_marshal PASS: test_bool (test.test_marshal.IntTestCase) PASS: test_int64 (test.test_marshal.IntTestCase) PASS: test_ints (test.test_marshal.IntTestCase) PASS: test_floats (test.test_marshal.FloatTestCase) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_marshal.StringTestCase) PASS: test_string (test.test_marshal.StringTestCase) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_marshal.StringTestCase) PASS: test_code (test.test_marshal.CodeTestCase) PASS: test_dict (test.test_marshal.ContainerTestCase) PASS: test_list (test.test_marshal.ContainerTestCase) PASS: test_sets (test.test_marshal.ContainerTestCase) PASS: test_tuple (test.test_marshal.ContainerTestCase) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_marshal.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_bug_5888452 (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_exact_type_match (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_fuzz (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_longs (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_large_marshal (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_loads_recursion (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_patch_873224 (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_recursion_limit (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_version_argument (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_bytearray (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) PASS: test_frozenset (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) PASS: test_list (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) PASS: test_set (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) PASS: test_string (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) PASS: test_tuple (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) SKIP: test_read_last_object_from_file (test.test_marshal.CAPI_TestCase) 'requires _testcapi' SKIP: test_read_long_from_file (test.test_marshal.CAPI_TestCase) 'requires _testcapi' SKIP: test_read_object_from_file (test.test_marshal.CAPI_TestCase) 'requires _testcapi' SKIP: test_read_short_from_file (test.test_marshal.CAPI_TestCase) 'requires _testcapi' SKIP: test_write_long_to_file (test.test_marshal.CAPI_TestCase) 'requires _testcapi' SKIP: test_write_object_to_file (test.test_marshal.CAPI_TestCase) 'requires _testcapi' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 35 tests in 0.020s OK (skipped=6) 0:01:45 load avg: 0.51 [212/403/26] test_math PASS: testAcos (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testAcosh (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testAsin (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testAsinh (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testAtan (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testAtan2 (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testAtanh (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testCeil (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testConstants (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testCopysign (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testCos (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testCosh (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testDegrees (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testExp (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testFabs (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testFactorial (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testFloor (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testFmod (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testFrexp (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testFsum (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testHypot (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testIsinf (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testIsnan (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testLdexp (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testLog (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testLog10 (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testLog1p (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testModf (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testPow (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testRadians (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testSin (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testSinh (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testSqrt (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testTan (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testTanh (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: test_mtestfile (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: test_testfile (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: test_trunc (test.test_math.MathTests) /usr/lib/python2.7/test/ieee754.txt PASS: Doctest: ieee754.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 40 tests in 0.518s OK 0:01:45 load avg: 0.51 [213/403/26] test_md5 PASS: test_basics (test.test_md5.MD5_Test) PASS: test_hexdigest (test.test_md5.MD5_Test) PASS: test_large_update (test.test_md5.MD5_Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK 0:01:45 load avg: 0.51 [214/403/26] test_memoryio PASS: testInit (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: testRead (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: testReadNoArgs (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: testSeek (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: testTell (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_bytes_array (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_flags (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_instance_dict_leak (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_issue5449 (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_overseek (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_relative_seek (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_seek (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_tell (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: testInit (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: testRead (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: testReadNoArgs (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: testSeek (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: testTell (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_flags (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_instance_dict_leak (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_issue5265 (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_lone_surrogates (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_cr (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_crlf (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_default (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_empty (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_lf (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_none (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newlines_property (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_overseek (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_relative_seek (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_seek (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_tell (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_textio_properties (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: testInit (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: testRead (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: testReadNoArgs (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: testSeek (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: testTell (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) SKIP: test_bytes_array (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) u'array.array() does not have the new buffer API' PASS: test_detach (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_flags (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_getstate (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_instance_dict_leak (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_issue5449 (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_overseek (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_relative_seek (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_seek (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_setstate (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) FAIL: test_sizeof (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_tell (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: testInit (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: testRead (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: testReadNoArgs (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: testSeek (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: testTell (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_flags (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_getstate (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_instance_dict_leak (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_issue5265 (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_lone_surrogates (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_cr (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_crlf (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_default (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_empty (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_lf (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_none (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newlines_property (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_overseek (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_relative_seek (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_seek (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_setstate (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_tell (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_textio_properties (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_widechar (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_issue5265 (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_cr (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_crlf (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_default (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_empty (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_lf (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_none (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newlines_property (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_relative_seek (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_textio_properties (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_issue5265 (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_cr (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_crlf (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_default (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_empty (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_lf (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_none (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newlines_property (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_relative_seek (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_textio_properties (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 706, in test_sizeof check(io.BytesIO(), basesize ) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 156 tests in 0.022s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=1) 0:01:45 load avg: 0.55 [215/403/27] test_memoryview -- test_memoryio failed PASS: test_attributes_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_attributes_writable (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_gc (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_iter (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_setitem_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_setitem_writable (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_tobytes (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_tolist (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_writable_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_attributes_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_attributes_writable (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_gc (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_iter (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_refs (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_setitem_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_setitem_writable (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_tobytes (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_tolist (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_writable_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_attributes_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_attributes_writable (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_gc (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_iter (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_setitem_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_setitem_writable (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_tobytes (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_tolist (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_writable_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_memoryview.OtherTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_memoryview.OtherTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 43 tests in 0.114s OK 0:01:45 load avg: 0.55 [216/403/27] test_mhlib test_mhlib skipped -- No module named mhlib 0:01:45 load avg: 0.55 [217/403/27] test_mimetools -- test_mhlib skipped PASS: test_boundary (test.test_mimetools.MimeToolsTest) PASS: test_decodeencode (test.test_mimetools.MimeToolsTest) PASS: test_message (test.test_mimetools.MimeToolsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.002s OK 0:01:46 load avg: 0.55 [218/403/27] test_mimetypes PASS: test_data_urls (test.test_mimetypes.MimeTypesTestCase) PASS: test_default_data (test.test_mimetypes.MimeTypesTestCase) PASS: test_file_parsing (test.test_mimetypes.MimeTypesTestCase) PASS: test_guess_all_types (test.test_mimetypes.MimeTypesTestCase) PASS: test_non_standard_types (test.test_mimetypes.MimeTypesTestCase) SKIP: test_non_latin_extension (test.test_mimetypes.Win32MimeTypesTestCase) 'Windows only' SKIP: test_non_latin_type (test.test_mimetypes.Win32MimeTypesTestCase) 'Windows only' SKIP: test_registry_parsing (test.test_mimetypes.Win32MimeTypesTestCase) 'Windows only' SKIP: test_registry_read_error (test.test_mimetypes.Win32MimeTypesTestCase) 'Windows only' SKIP: test_type_map_values (test.test_mimetypes.Win32MimeTypesTestCase) 'Windows only' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=5) 0:01:46 load avg: 0.55 [219/403/27] test_minidom PASS: testAAA (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testAAB (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testAddAttr (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testAltNewline (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testAppendChild (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testAppendChildFragment (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testAttributeRepr (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testBug0777884 (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testBug1433694 (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testChangeAttr (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneAttributeDeep (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneAttributeShallow (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneDocumentDeep (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneDocumentShallow (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneDocumentTypeDeepNotOk (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneDocumentTypeDeepOk (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneDocumentTypeShallowNotOk (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneDocumentTypeShallowOk (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneElementDeep (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneElementShallow (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testClonePIDeep (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testClonePIShallow (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testDeepcopiedDocument (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testDeleteAttr (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testElement (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testElementReprAndStr (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testElementReprAndStrUnicode (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testElementReprAndStrUnicodeNS (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testEmptyXMLNSValue (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testEncodings (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testGetElementsByTagName (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testGetElementsByTagNameNS (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testGetEmptyNodeListFromElementsByTagNameNS (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testImportDocumentDeep (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testImportDocumentShallow (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testImportDocumentTypeDeep (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testImportDocumentTypeShallow (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testInsertBefore (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testInsertBeforeFragment (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testLegalChildren (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNamedNodeMapSetItem (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNodeListItem (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNonZero (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalize (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalizeCombineAndNextSibling (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalizeDeleteAndCombine (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalizeDeleteWithNextSibling (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalizeDeleteWithPrevSibling (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalizeDeleteWithTwoNonTextSiblings (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalizeRecursion (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testParents (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testParseFromFile (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testPatch1094164 (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testPickledDocument (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testProcessingInstruction (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRemoveAttr (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRemoveAttrNS (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRemoveAttributeNode (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRemoveNamedItem (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRemoveNamedItemNS (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRenameAttribute (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRenameElement (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRenameOther (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testReplaceChildFragment (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testReplaceWholeText (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSAX2DOM (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSchemaType (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSerializeCommentNodeWithDoubleHyphen (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSetIdAttribute (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSetIdAttributeNS (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSetIdAttributeNode (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSiblings (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testTooManyDocumentElements (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testUnlink (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testUserData (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testWholeText (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testWriteXML (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: test_toprettyxml_preserves_content_of_text_node (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: test_toprettyxml_with_adjacent_text_nodes (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: test_toprettyxml_with_text_nodes (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 80 tests in 0.021s OK 0:01:46 load avg: 0.55 [220/403/27] test_mmap PASS: test_access_parameter (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_anonymous (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_bad_file_desc (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_basic (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) SKIP: test_crasher_on_windows (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) 'requires Windows' PASS: test_double_close (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_empty_file (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_entire_file (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_error (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_find_end (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) SKIP: test_invalid_descriptor (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) 'requires Windows' PASS: test_io_methods (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_length_0_large_offset (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_length_0_offset (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_move (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_offset (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_prot_readonly (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_resize_past_pos (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_rfind (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) SKIP: test_sizeof (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) 'requires Windows' PASS: test_subclass (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) SKIP: test_tagname (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) 'requires Windows' PASS: test_tougher_find (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_around_2GB (test.test_mmap.LargeMmapTests) PASS: test_around_4GB (test.test_mmap.LargeMmapTests) PASS: test_large_filesize (test.test_mmap.LargeMmapTests) PASS: test_large_offset (test.test_mmap.LargeMmapTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 29 tests in 0.020s OK (skipped=4) 0:01:46 load avg: 0.55 [221/403/27] test_module PASS: test_ascii_docstring (test.test_module.ModuleTests) PASS: test_clear_dict_in_ref_cycle (test.test_module.ModuleTests) test_dont_clear_dict (test.test_module.ModuleTests) ... expected failure PASS: test_no_docstring (test.test_module.ModuleTests) PASS: test_reinit (test.test_module.ModuleTests) PASS: test_unicode_docstring (test.test_module.ModuleTests) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_module.ModuleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.116s OK (expected failures=1) 0:01:46 load avg: 0.55 [222/403/27] test_modulefinder 0:01:46 load avg: 0.55 [223/403/28] test_msilib -- test_modulefinder failed test_msilib skipped -- No module named msilib 0:01:46 load avg: 0.55 [224/403/28] test_multibytecodec -- test_msilib skipped PASS: test_encode (test.test_multibytecodec.TestHZStateful) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_multibytecodec.TestHZStateful) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_final (test.test_multibytecodec.TestHZStateful) PASS: test_encode (test.test_multibytecodec.TestStateful) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_multibytecodec.TestStateful) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_final (test.test_multibytecodec.TestStateful) PASS: test_bug1572832 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_ISO2022) PASS: test_g2 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_ISO2022) PASS: test_iso2022_jp_g0 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_ISO2022) PASS: test_dbcs (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalDecoder) PASS: test_dbcs_keep_buffer (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalDecoder) PASS: test_iso2022 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalDecoder) PASS: test_issue5640 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalEncoder) PASS: test_stateful (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalEncoder) PASS: test_stateful_keep_buffer (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalEncoder) PASS: test_stateless (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalEncoder) PASS: test_codingspec (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_MultibyteCodec) PASS: test_errorcallback_custom_ignore (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_MultibyteCodec) PASS: test_errorcallback_longindex (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_MultibyteCodec) PASS: test_init_segfault (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_MultibyteCodec) PASS: test_nullcoding (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_MultibyteCodec) PASS: test_str_decode (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_MultibyteCodec) PASS: test_bug1728403 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_StreamReader) PASS: test_gb18030 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_StreamWriter) PASS: test_streamwriter_strwrite (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_StreamWriter) PASS: test_utf_8 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_StreamWriter) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 0.809s OK 0:01:47 load avg: 0.55 [225/403/28] test_multifile test_multifile skipped -- No module named multifile 0:01:47 load avg: 0.55 [226/403/28] test_multiprocessing -- test_multifile skipped PASS: test_array (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestArray) PASS: test_array_accepts_long (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestArray) PASS: test_array_from_size (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestArray) PASS: test_getobj_getlock_obj (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestArray) PASS: test_rawarray (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestArray) PASS: test_notify (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestCondition) PASS: test_notify_all (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestCondition) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestCondition) PASS: test_connection (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_duplex_false (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_fd_transfer (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_large_fd_transfer (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_missing_fd_transfer (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_sendbytes (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_spawn_close (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_event (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestEvent) PASS: test_finalize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestFinalize) PASS: test_thread_safety (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestFinalize) PASS: test_free_from_gc (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestHeap) PASS: test_heap (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestHeap) PASS: test_import (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestImportStar) PASS: test_issue14725 (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestListenerClient) PASS: test_listener_client (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestListenerClient) PASS: test_lock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestLock) PASS: test_lock_context (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestLock) PASS: test_rlock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestLock) PASS: test_enable_logging (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestLogging) PASS: test_level (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestLogging) FAIL: test_rapid_restart (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestManagerRestart) PASS: test_poll_eintr (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPollEintr) PASS: test_apply (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_async (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_async_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_empty_iterable (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_imap (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_imap_handle_iterable_exception (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_imap_unordered (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_imap_unordered_handle_iterable_exception (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_make_pool (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_map (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_map_chunksize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_map_unplicklable (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_release_task_refs (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_terminate (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_unpickleable_result (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPoolWorkerErrors) PASS: test_pool_worker_lifetime (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPoolWorkerLifetime) PASS: test_pool_worker_lifetime_early_close (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPoolWorkerLifetime) PASS: test_active_children (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_cpu_count (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_current (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_lose_target_ref (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_process (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_recursion (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_sys_exit (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_terminate (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_fork (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) PASS: test_get (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) PASS: test_no_import_lock_contention (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) PASS: test_put (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) SKIP: test_qsize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) 'qsize method not implemented' PASS: test_queue_feeder_donot_stop_onexc (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) PASS: test_task_done (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) PASS: test_bounded_semaphore (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSemaphore) PASS: test_semaphore (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSemaphore) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSemaphore) PASS: test_copy (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSharedCTypes) PASS: test_sharedctypes (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSharedCTypes) PASS: test_synchronize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSharedCTypes) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSubclassingProcess) PASS: test_getobj_getlock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestValue) PASS: test_rawvalue (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestValue) PASS: test_value (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestValue) PASS: test_notify (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestCondition) PASS: test_notify_all (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestCondition) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestCondition) PASS: test_connection (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) PASS: test_duplex_false (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) SKIP: test_fd_transfer (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) 'only makes sense with processes' SKIP: test_large_fd_transfer (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) 'only makes sense with processes' SKIP: test_missing_fd_transfer (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) 'only makes sense with processes' SKIP: test_sendbytes (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) 'test not appropriate for threads' PASS: test_spawn_close (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) PASS: test_event (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestEvent) PASS: test_issue14725 (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestListenerClient) PASS: test_listener_client (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestListenerClient) PASS: test_lock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestLock) PASS: test_lock_context (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestLock) PASS: test_rlock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestLock) FAIL: test_rapid_restart (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestManagerRestart) PASS: test_apply (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_async (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_async_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_empty_iterable (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_imap (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_imap_handle_iterable_exception (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_imap_unordered (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_imap_unordered_handle_iterable_exception (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_make_pool (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_map (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_map_chunksize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) SKIP: test_map_unplicklable (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) 'test not appropriate for threads' PASS: test_release_task_refs (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_terminate (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_active_children (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) PASS: test_cpu_count (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) SKIP: test_current (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) 'test not appropriate for threads' PASS: test_lose_target_ref (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) PASS: test_process (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) PASS: test_recursion (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) SKIP: test_sys_exit (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) 'test not appropriate for threads' SKIP: test_terminate (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) 'test not appropriate for threads' PASS: test_fork (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) PASS: test_get (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) PASS: test_no_import_lock_contention (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) PASS: test_put (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) PASS: test_qsize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) SKIP: test_queue_feeder_donot_stop_onexc (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) 'test not appropriate for threads' PASS: test_task_done (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) PASS: test_bounded_semaphore (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestSemaphore) PASS: test_semaphore (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestSemaphore) SKIP: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestSemaphore) 'test not appropriate for threads' PASS: test_notify (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestCondition) PASS: test_notify_all (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestCondition) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestCondition) PASS: test_dict (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestContainers) PASS: test_list (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestContainers) PASS: test_namespace (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestContainers) PASS: test_event (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestEvent) PASS: test_lock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestLock) PASS: test_lock_context (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestLock) PASS: test_rlock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestLock) FAIL: test_rapid_restart (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestManagerRestart) PASS: test_mymanager (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestMyManager) PASS: test_apply (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_async (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_async_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_empty_iterable (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_imap (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) SKIP: test_imap_handle_iterable_exception (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) 'test not appropriate for manager' PASS: test_imap_unordered (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) SKIP: test_imap_unordered_handle_iterable_exception (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) 'test not appropriate for manager' PASS: test_make_pool (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_map (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_map_chunksize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_map_unplicklable (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_release_task_refs (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_terminate (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_fork (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) PASS: test_get (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) PASS: test_no_import_lock_contention (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) PASS: test_put (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) PASS: test_qsize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) SKIP: test_queue_feeder_donot_stop_onexc (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) 'test not appropriate for manager' PASS: test_task_done (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) FAIL: test_remote (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestRemoteManager) PASS: test_bounded_semaphore (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestSemaphore) PASS: test_semaphore (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestSemaphore) SKIP: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestSemaphore) 'test not appropriate for manager' PASS: test_number_of_objects (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestZZZNumberOfObjects) PASS: test_answer_challenge_auth_failure (test.test_multiprocessing.OtherTest) PASS: test_deliver_challenge_auth_failure (test.test_multiprocessing.OtherTest) PASS: test_invalid_handles (test.test_multiprocessing.TestInvalidHandle) PASS: test_manager_initializer (test.test_multiprocessing.TestInitializers) PASS: test_pool_initializer (test.test_multiprocessing.TestInitializers) PASS: test_flushing (test.test_multiprocessing.TestStdinBadfiledescriptor) PASS: test_pool_in_process (test.test_multiprocessing.TestStdinBadfiledescriptor) PASS: test_queue_in_process (test.test_multiprocessing.TestStdinBadfiledescriptor) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.TestTimeouts) PASS: test_noforkbomb (test.test_multiprocessing.TestNoForkBomb) PASS: test_flags (test.test_multiprocessing.TestFlags) PASS: test_lock (test.test_multiprocessing.TestForkAwareThreadLock) PASS: test_ignore (test.test_multiprocessing.TestIgnoreEINTR) PASS: test_ignore_listener (test.test_multiprocessing.TestIgnoreEINTR) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_rapid_restart (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestManagerRestart) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1588, in test_rapid_restart queue = manager.get_queue() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 667, in temp token, exp = self._create(typeid, *args, **kwds) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 565, in _create conn = self._Client(self._address, authkey=self._authkey) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 476, in XmlClient import xmlrpclib ImportError: No module named xmlrpclib ====================================================================== ERROR: test_rapid_restart (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestManagerRestart) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1588, in test_rapid_restart queue = manager.get_queue() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 667, in temp token, exp = self._create(typeid, *args, **kwds) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 565, in _create conn = self._Client(self._address, authkey=self._authkey) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 476, in XmlClient import xmlrpclib ImportError: No module named xmlrpclib ====================================================================== ERROR: test_rapid_restart (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestManagerRestart) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1588, in test_rapid_restart queue = manager.get_queue() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 667, in temp token, exp = self._create(typeid, *args, **kwds) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 565, in _create conn = self._Client(self._address, authkey=self._authkey) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 476, in XmlClient import xmlrpclib ImportError: No module named xmlrpclib ====================================================================== ERROR: test_remote (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestRemoteManager) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1551, in test_remote manager2.connect() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 500, in connect conn = Client(self._address, authkey=self._authkey) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 476, in XmlClient import xmlrpclib ImportError: No module named xmlrpclib ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 173 tests in 21.449s FAILED (errors=4, skipped=15) 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [227/403/29] test_mutants -- test_multiprocessing failed trying w/ lengths 50 55 trying w/ lengths 23 22 trying w/ lengths 61 59 trying w/ lengths 16 18 trying w/ lengths 22 24 trying w/ lengths 21 22 trying w/ lengths 38 39 trying w/ lengths 20 14 trying w/ lengths 58 59 trying w/ lengths 30 32 trying w/ lengths 43 41 trying w/ lengths 19 18 trying w/ lengths 54 58 trying w/ lengths 56 55 trying w/ lengths 48 40 trying w/ lengths 62 59 trying w/ lengths 47 41 trying w/ lengths 2 1 trying w/ lengths 52 54 trying w/ lengths 4 4 . trying w/ lengths 41 41 . trying w/ lengths 21 21 . trying w/ lengths 45 50 trying w/ lengths 11 7 trying w/ lengths 9 8 trying w/ lengths 60 57 trying w/ lengths 55 55 . trying w/ lengths 27 25 trying w/ lengths 58 55 trying w/ lengths 60 62 trying w/ lengths 29 29 . trying w/ lengths 21 17 trying w/ lengths 34 30 trying w/ lengths 48 50 trying w/ lengths 47 42 trying w/ lengths 23 23 . trying w/ lengths 53 52 trying w/ lengths 3 3 . trying w/ lengths 9 10 trying w/ lengths 2 3 trying w/ lengths 25 24 trying w/ lengths 13 12 trying w/ lengths 29 20 trying w/ lengths 23 24 trying w/ lengths 1 1 . . trying w/ lengths 10 10 . trying w/ lengths 34 37 trying w/ lengths 38 40 trying w/ lengths 30 31 trying w/ lengths 37 34 trying w/ lengths 25 25 . trying w/ lengths 26 25 trying w/ lengths 57 54 trying w/ lengths 3 2 trying w/ lengths 8 9 trying w/ lengths 10 9 trying w/ lengths 13 13 . . trying w/ lengths 28 30 trying w/ lengths 30 30 . trying w/ lengths 39 42 trying w/ lengths 9 9 . trying w/ lengths 46 49 trying w/ lengths 1 2 trying w/ lengths 7 7 . trying w/ lengths 44 45 trying w/ lengths 11 11 . trying w/ lengths 55 51 trying w/ lengths 40 45 trying w/ lengths 14 14 . trying w/ lengths 39 38 trying w/ lengths 42 36 trying w/ lengths 33 30 trying w/ lengths 29 30 trying w/ lengths 49 46 trying w/ lengths 33 37 trying w/ lengths 47 47 . trying w/ lengths 45 39 trying w/ lengths 66 62 trying w/ lengths 34 34 . trying w/ lengths 38 42 trying w/ lengths 61 61 . trying w/ lengths 43 43 . trying w/ lengths 11 11 . trying w/ lengths 38 33 trying w/ lengths 27 25 trying w/ lengths 63 64 trying w/ lengths 48 48 . trying w/ lengths 48 45 trying w/ lengths 45 45 . trying w/ lengths 51 56 trying w/ lengths 37 38 trying w/ lengths 41 36 trying w/ lengths 52 51 trying w/ lengths 48 43 trying w/ lengths 6 6 . trying w/ lengths 15 14 trying w/ lengths 5 6 trying w/ lengths 53 57 trying w/ lengths 40 40 . . trying w/ lengths 58 57 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [228/403/29] test_mutex PASS: test_lock_and_unlock (test.test_mutex.MutexTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [229/403/29] test_netrc 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [230/403/30] test_new -- test_netrc failed PASS: test_code (test.test_new.NewTest) PASS: test_function (test.test_new.NewTest) PASS: test_scope (test.test_new.NewTest) PASS: test_spam (test.test_new.NewTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.000s OK 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [231/403/30] test_nis SKIP: test_maps (test.test_nis.NisTests) 'No NIS master found for any map' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.001s OK (skipped=1) 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [232/403/30] test_nntplib PASS: test_too_long_line (test.test_nntplib.EvilServerTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.101s OK FAIL: test_basic_connect (test.test_nntplib.ServerTests) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_basic_connect (test.test_nntplib.ServerTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 55, in test_basic_connect nntp = nntplib.NNTP('localhost', self.port) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 146, in __init__ import netrc ImportError: No module named netrc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.103s FAILED (errors=1) 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [233/403/31] test_normalization -- test_nntplib failed PASS: test_bug_834676 (test.test_normalization.NormalizationTest) SKIP: test_main (test.test_normalization.NormalizationTest) "Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK (skipped=1) 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [234/403/31] test_ntpath 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [235/403/32] test_old_mailbox -- test_ntpath failed test_empty_maildir (test.test_old_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: Test an empty maildir mailbox PASS: test_nonempty_maildir_both (test.test_old_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_nonempty_maildir_cur (test.test_old_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_nonempty_maildir_new (test.test_old_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_unix_mbox (test.test_old_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_from_regex (test.test_old_mailbox.MboxTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [236/403/32] test_openpty PASS: test (test.test_openpty.OpenptyTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:02:10 load avg: 0.45 [237/403/32] test_operator PASS: test_abs (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_add (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_attrgetter (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_bitwise_and (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_bitwise_or (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_bitwise_xor (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_concat (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_contains (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_countOf (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_div (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_eq (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_floordiv (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_ge (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_gt (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_indexOf (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_inplace (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_invert (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_is (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_isCallable (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_isMappingType (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_isNumberType (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_isSequenceType (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_is_not (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_itemgetter (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_le (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_lshift (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_lt (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_methodcaller (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_mod (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_mul (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_ne (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_neg (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_pos (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_pow (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_rshift (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_sub (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_truediv (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_truth (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 45 tests in 0.002s OK 0:02:10 load avg: 0.45 [238/403/32] test_optparse PASS: test_bool_default (test.test_optparse.TestBool) PASS: test_bool_false (test.test_optparse.TestBool) PASS: test_bool_flicker_on_and_off (test.test_optparse.TestBool) PASS: test_bool_true (test.test_optparse.TestBool) PASS: test_callback (test.test_optparse.TestCallback) PASS: test_callback_help (test.test_optparse.TestCallback) PASS: test_abbrev_callback_expansion (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackCheckAbbrev) PASS: test_callback_extra_args (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackExtraArgs) PASS: test_many_args (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackManyArgs) PASS: test_callback_meddle_args (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackMeddleArgs) PASS: test_callback_meddle_args_separator (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackMeddleArgs) PASS: test_consume_separator_stop_at_option (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackVarArgs) PASS: test_positional_arg_and_variable_args (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackVarArgs) PASS: test_stop_at_invalid_option (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackVarArgs) PASS: test_stop_at_option (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackVarArgs) PASS: test_variable_args (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackVarArgs) PASS: test_add_choice_option (test.test_optparse.TestChoice) PASS: test_invalid_choice (test.test_optparse.TestChoice) PASS: test_valid_choice (test.test_optparse.TestChoice) PASS: test_conflict_error (test.test_optparse.TestConflict) PASS: test_conflict_error_group (test.test_optparse.TestConflict) PASS: test_no_such_conflict_handler (test.test_optparse.TestConflict) PASS: test_conflict_override_args (test.test_optparse.TestConflictOverride) PASS: test_conflict_override_help (test.test_optparse.TestConflictOverride) PASS: test_conflict_override_opts (test.test_optparse.TestConflictOverride) PASS: test_conflict_resolve (test.test_optparse.TestConflictResolve) PASS: test_conflict_resolve_help (test.test_optparse.TestConflictResolve) PASS: test_conflict_resolve_long_opt (test.test_optparse.TestConflictResolve) PASS: test_conflict_resolve_long_opts (test.test_optparse.TestConflictResolve) PASS: test_conflict_resolve_short_opt (test.test_optparse.TestConflictResolve) PASS: test_conflict_default (test.test_optparse.TestConflictingDefaults) PASS: test_conflict_default_none (test.test_optparse.TestConflictingDefaults) PASS: test_count_interspersed_args (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_no_interspersed_args (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_no_such_option (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_one (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_option_no_value (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_override_amount (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_override_quiet (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_overriding (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_overriding_default (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_three (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_three_apart (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_with_default (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_empty (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_basic_defaults (test.test_optparse.TestDefaultValues) PASS: test_mixed_defaults_post (test.test_optparse.TestDefaultValues) PASS: test_mixed_defaults_pre (test.test_optparse.TestDefaultValues) PASS: test_process_default (test.test_optparse.TestDefaultValues) PASS: test_alt_expand (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_default_none_1 (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_default_none_2 (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_float_default (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_no_default (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_no_expand (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_option_default (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_parser_default_1 (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_parser_default_2 (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_extend_add_action (test.test_optparse.TestExtendAddActions) PASS: test_extend_add_action_normal (test.test_optparse.TestExtendAddActions) PASS: test_filetype_noexist (test.test_optparse.TestExtendAddTypes) PASS: test_filetype_notfile (test.test_optparse.TestExtendAddTypes) PASS: test_filetype_ok (test.test_optparse.TestExtendAddTypes) PASS: test_help (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_help_description_groups (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_help_long_opts_first (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_help_old_usage (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_help_title_formatter (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_help_unicode (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_help_unicode_description (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_wrap_columns (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_match_abbrev (test.test_optparse.TestMatchAbbrev) PASS: test_match_abbrev_error (test.test_optparse.TestMatchAbbrev) PASS: test_nargs_invalid_float_value (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgs) PASS: test_nargs_long_opt (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgs) PASS: test_nargs_required_values (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgs) PASS: test_nargs_with_positional_args (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgs) PASS: test_nargs_append (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgsAppend) PASS: test_nargs_append_const (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgsAppend) PASS: test_nargs_append_required_values (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgsAppend) PASS: test_nargs_append_simple (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgsAppend) PASS: test_action_invalid (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_attr_invalid (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_bad_choices_list (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_callback_args_no_tuple (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_callback_kwargs_no_dict (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_callback_not_callable (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_callback_args_for_action (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_callback_for_action (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_callback_kwargs_for_action (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_choices_for_type (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_choices_list (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_const_for_action (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_nargs_for_action (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_type_for_action (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_opt_string_empty (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_opt_string_long_invalid (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_opt_string_short_invalid (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_opt_string_too_short (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_type_invalid (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_add_group_invalid_arguments (test.test_optparse.TestOptionGroup) PASS: test_add_group_no_group (test.test_optparse.TestOptionGroup) PASS: test_add_group_wrong_parser (test.test_optparse.TestOptionGroup) PASS: test_group_manipulate (test.test_optparse.TestOptionGroup) PASS: test_option_group_create_instance (test.test_optparse.TestOptionGroup) PASS: test_add_option_invalid_arguments (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_add_option_no_Option (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_get_option (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_get_option_equals (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_has_option (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_refleak (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_remove_long_opt (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_remove_nonexistent (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_remove_short_opt (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_basics (test.test_optparse.TestOptionValues) PASS: test_numeric_options (test.test_optparse.TestParseNumber) PASS: test_parse_num_fail (test.test_optparse.TestParseNumber) PASS: test_parse_num_ok (test.test_optparse.TestParseNumber) PASS: test_custom_progname (test.test_optparse.TestProgName) PASS: test_default_progname (test.test_optparse.TestProgName) PASS: test_abbrev_long_option (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_add_option_accepts_unicode (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_ambiguous_option (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_combined_single_invalid_option (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_defaults (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_empty (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_hyphen_becomes_positional_arg (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_invalid_integer (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_long_invalid_integer (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_long_option_append (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_long_option_argument_joined (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_long_option_argument_split (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_long_option_short_option (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_no_append_versus_append (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_no_such_option (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_option_argument_joined (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_option_argument_joined_integer (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_option_argument_split (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_option_argument_split_negative_integer (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_option_consumes_optionlike_string (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_required_value (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_short_and_long_option_split (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_short_option_consumes_separator (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_short_option_joined_and_separator (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_short_option_split_long_option_append (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_short_option_split_one_positional_arg (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_shortopt_empty_longopt_append (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_new_type_object (test.test_optparse.TestTypeAliases) PASS: test_old_type_object (test.test_optparse.TestTypeAliases) PASS: test_str_aliases_string (test.test_optparse.TestTypeAliases) PASS: test_no_version (test.test_optparse.TestVersion) PASS: test_version (test.test_optparse.TestVersion) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 152 tests in 0.021s OK 0:02:10 load avg: 0.45 [239/403/32] test_ordered_dict PASS: test_abc (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_clear (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_copying (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_equality (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_init (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_iterators (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_override_update (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_pop (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_reduce_not_too_fat (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_reinsert (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_repr (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_repr_recursive (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_update (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_views (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_yaml_linkage (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_bool (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_items (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_keys (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_len (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_pop (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_update (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_values (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_write (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_bool (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_items (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_keys (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_len (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_pop (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_update (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_values (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_write (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 48 tests in 0.437s OK 0:02:10 load avg: 0.50 [240/403/32] test_os PASS: test_access (test.test_os.FileTests) PASS: test_closerange (test.test_os.FileTests) PASS: test_rename (test.test_os.FileTests) PASS: test_tempnam (test.test_os.TemporaryFileTests) PASS: test_tmpfile (test.test_os.TemporaryFileTests) PASS: test_tmpnam (test.test_os.TemporaryFileTests) SKIP: test_1565150 (test.test_os.StatAttributeTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_1686475 (test.test_os.StatAttributeTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_large_time (test.test_os.StatAttributeTests) 'Win32 specific tests' PASS: test_stat_attributes (test.test_os.StatAttributeTests) PASS: test_statvfs_attributes (test.test_os.StatAttributeTests) PASS: test_utime_dir (test.test_os.StatAttributeTests) PASS: test_bool (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_items (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_keys (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_len (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_pop (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_unset_error (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_update (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_update2 (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_values (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_write (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_traversal (test.test_os.WalkTests) PASS: test_makedir (test.test_os.MakedirTests) PASS: test_devnull (test.test_os.DevNullTests) PASS: test_urandom_length (test.test_os.URandomTests) PASS: test_urandom_subprocess (test.test_os.URandomTests) PASS: test_urandom_value (test.test_os.URandomTests) SKIP: test_urandom_failure (test.test_os.URandomFDTests) 'getentropy() does not use a file descriptor' PASS: test_execve_invalid_env (test.test_os.ExecTests) PASS: test_execvpe_with_bad_arglist (test.test_os.ExecTests) SKIP: test_chdir (test.test_os.Win32ErrorTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_chmod (test.test_os.Win32ErrorTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_mkdir (test.test_os.Win32ErrorTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_remove (test.test_os.Win32ErrorTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_rename (test.test_os.Win32ErrorTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_utime (test.test_os.Win32ErrorTests) 'Win32 specific tests' PASS: test_closerange (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_dup (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_dup2 (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fchdir (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fchmod (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fchown (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fdatasync (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fdopen (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fpathconf (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fstat (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fstatvfs (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fsync (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_ftruncate (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_lseek (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_read (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_tcgetpgrp (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_tcsetpgrpt (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_ttyname (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_write (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_setegid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_seteuid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_setgid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_setregid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_setregid_neg1 (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_setreuid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_setreuid_neg1 (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_setuid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) SKIP: test_CTRL_BREAK_EVENT (test.test_os.Win32KillTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_CTRL_C_EVENT (test.test_os.Win32KillTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_kill_int (test.test_os.Win32KillTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_kill_sigterm (test.test_os.Win32KillTests) 'Win32 specific tests' PASS: test_spawnve_invalid_env (test.test_os.SpawnTests) PASS: test_spawnvpe_invalid_env (test.test_os.SpawnTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 77 tests in 0.109s OK (skipped=14) 0:02:10 load avg: 0.50 [241/403/32] test_ossaudiodev test_ossaudiodev skipped -- Use of the `audio' resource not enabled 0:02:10 load avg: 0.50 [242/403/32] test_parser -- test_ossaudiodev skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_assert (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_basic_import_statement (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_class_defs (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_except_clause (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_expressions (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_flags_passed (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_function_defs (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_import_from_statement (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_pep263 (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_position (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_print (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_relative_imports (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_simple_assignments (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_simple_augmented_assignments (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_simple_expression (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_try_stmt (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_with (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_yield_statement (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_a_comma_comma_c (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_encoding (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_operator (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_terminal (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_yield_1 (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_yield_2 (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_junk (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_malformed_global (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_missing_import_source (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_print_chevron_comma (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_compile_badunicode (test.test_parser.CompileTestCase) PASS: test_compile_error (test.test_parser.CompileTestCase) PASS: test_compile_expr (test.test_parser.CompileTestCase) PASS: test_compile_suite (test.test_parser.CompileTestCase) PASS: test_issue_9011 (test.test_parser.CompileTestCase) PASS: test_deeply_nested_list (test.test_parser.ParserStackLimitTestCase) PASS: test_trigger_memory_error (test.test_parser.ParserStackLimitTestCase) PASS: test_copy_pickle (test.test_parser.STObjectTestCase) FAIL: test_sizeof (test.test_parser.STObjectTestCase) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof (test.test_parser.STObjectTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 711, in test_sizeof check_st_sizeof(parser.expr('2 + 3')) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 709, in check_st_sizeof sizeofchildren(st.totuple())) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 37 tests in 0.023s FAILED (errors=1) 0:02:11 load avg: 0.50 [243/403/33] test_pdb -- test_parser failed Trying: def test_function(): import pdb; pdb.Pdb().set_trace() print(1) print(2) print(3) print(4) Expecting nothing ok Trying: from bdb import Breakpoint Expecting nothing ok Trying: = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: Breakpoint.bplist = {} Expecting nothing ok Trying: Breakpoint.bpbynumber = [None] Expecting nothing ok Trying: with PdbTestInput([ # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 'break 3', 'disable 1', 'ignore 1 10', 'condition 1 1 < 2', 'break 4', 'break 4', 'break', 'clear 3', 'break', 'condition 1', 'enable 1', 'clear 1', 'commands 2', 'print 42', 'end', 'continue', # will stop at breakpoint 2 (line 4) 'clear', # clear all! 'y', 'tbreak 5', 'continue', # will stop at temporary breakpoint 'break', # make sure breakpoint is gone 'continue', ]): test_function() Expecting: > (3)test_function() -> print(1) (Pdb) break 3 Breakpoint 1 at :3 (Pdb) disable 1 (Pdb) ignore 1 10 Will ignore next 10 crossings of breakpoint 1. (Pdb) condition 1 1 < 2 (Pdb) break 4 Breakpoint 2 at :4 (Pdb) break 4 Breakpoint 3 at :4 (Pdb) break Num Type Disp Enb Where 1 breakpoint keep no at :3 stop only if 1 < 2 ignore next 10 hits 2 breakpoint keep yes at :4 3 breakpoint keep yes at :4 (Pdb) clear 3 Deleted breakpoint 3 (Pdb) break Num Type Disp Enb Where 1 breakpoint keep no at :3 stop only if 1 < 2 ignore next 10 hits 2 breakpoint keep yes at :4 (Pdb) condition 1 Breakpoint 1 is now unconditional. (Pdb) enable 1 (Pdb) clear 1 Deleted breakpoint 1 (Pdb) commands 2 (com) print 42 (com) end (Pdb) continue 1 42 > (4)test_function() -> print(2) (Pdb) clear Clear all breaks? y (Pdb) tbreak 5 Breakpoint 4 at :5 (Pdb) continue 2 Deleted breakpoint 4 > (5)test_function() -> print(3) (Pdb) break (Pdb) continue 3 4 ok Trying: def test_function(): import pdb, sys; inst = pdb.Pdb() inst.set_trace() inst.botframe = sys._getframe() # hackery to get the right botframe print(1) print(2) print(3) print(4) Expecting nothing ok Trying: from bdb import Breakpoint Expecting nothing ok Trying: = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: Breakpoint.bplist = {} Expecting nothing ok Trying: Breakpoint.bpbynumber = [None] Expecting nothing ok Trying: with PdbTestInput([ 'next', 'break 7', 'continue', 'next', 'continue', 'continue', ]): test_function() Expecting: > (4)test_function() -> inst.botframe = sys._getframe() # hackery to get the right botframe (Pdb) next > (5)test_function() -> print(1) (Pdb) break 7 Breakpoint 1 at :7 (Pdb) continue 1 2 > (7)test_function() -> print(3) (Pdb) next 3 > (8)test_function() -> print(4) (Pdb) continue 4 ok Trying: def test_function(foo, bar): import pdb; pdb.Pdb().set_trace() pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: with PdbTestInput([ 'foo', 'bar', 'for i in range(5): write(i)', 'continue', ]): test_function(1, None) Expecting: > (3)test_function() -> pass (Pdb) foo 1 (Pdb) bar (Pdb) for i in range(5): write(i) 0 1 2 3 4 (Pdb) continue ok Trying: def skip_module(): import string import pdb; pdb.Pdb(skip=['string*']).set_trace() string.lower('FOO') Expecting nothing ok Trying: with PdbTestInput([ 'step', 'continue', ]): skip_module() Expecting: > (4)skip_module() -> string.lower('FOO') (Pdb) step --Return-- > (4)skip_module()->None -> string.lower('FOO') (Pdb) continue ok Trying: def skip_module(): def callback(): return None import pdb; pdb.Pdb(skip=['module_to_skip*']).set_trace() mod.foo_pony(callback) Expecting nothing ok Trying: with PdbTestInput([ 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'continue', ]): skip_module() pass # provides something to "step" to Expecting: > (5)skip_module() -> mod.foo_pony(callback) (Pdb) step --Call-- > (2)callback() -> def callback(): (Pdb) step > (3)callback() -> return None (Pdb) step --Return-- > (3)callback()->None -> return None (Pdb) step --Return-- > (5)skip_module()->None -> mod.foo_pony(callback) (Pdb) step > (10)() -> pass # provides something to "step" to (Pdb) continue ok 13 items had no tests: test.test_pdb test.test_pdb.ModuleInitTester test.test_pdb.ModuleInitTester.test_filename_correct test.test_pdb.PdbTestCase test.test_pdb.PdbTestCase.run_pdb test.test_pdb.PdbTestCase.test_issue13183 test.test_pdb.PdbTestCase.test_issue16180 test.test_pdb.PdbTestInput test.test_pdb.PdbTestInput.__enter__ test.test_pdb.PdbTestInput.__exit__ test.test_pdb.PdbTestInput.__init__ test.test_pdb.test_main test.test_pdb.write 5 items passed all tests: 6 tests in test.test_pdb.test_pdb_breakpoint_commands 6 tests in test.test_pdb.test_pdb_continue_in_bottomframe 2 tests in test.test_pdb.test_pdb_displayhook 2 tests in test.test_pdb.test_pdb_skip_modules 2 tests in test.test_pdb.test_pdb_skip_modules_with_callback 18 tests in 18 items. 18 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_pdb) ... 18 tests with zero failures PASS: test_issue13183 (test.test_pdb.PdbTestCase) PASS: test_issue16180 (test.test_pdb.PdbTestCase) PASS: test_filename_correct (test.test_pdb.ModuleInitTester) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.063s OK 0:02:11 load avg: 0.50 [244/403/33] test_peepholer PASS: test_binary_subscr_on_unicode (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_elim_extra_return (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_elim_inversion_of_is_or_in (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_elim_jump_after_return1 (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_elim_jump_after_return2 (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_elim_jump_to_return (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_folding_of_binops_on_constants (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_folding_of_tuples_of_constants (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_folding_of_unaryops_on_constants (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_none_as_constant (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_pack_unpack (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_unot (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_while_one (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.004s OK 0:02:11 load avg: 0.50 [245/403/33] test_pep247 PASS: test_hmac (test.test_pep247.Pep247Test) PASS: test_md5 (test.test_pep247.Pep247Test) PASS: test_sha (test.test_pep247.Pep247Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK 0:02:11 load avg: 0.50 [246/403/33] test_pep277 test_pep277 skipped -- only NT+ and systems with Unicode-friendly filesystem encoding 0:02:11 load avg: 0.50 [247/403/33] test_pep352 -- test_pep277 skipped PASS: test_builtins_new_style (test.test_pep352.ExceptionClassTests) PASS: test_inheritance (test.test_pep352.ExceptionClassTests) PASS: test_interface_multi_arg (test.test_pep352.ExceptionClassTests) PASS: test_interface_no_arg (test.test_pep352.ExceptionClassTests) PASS: test_interface_single_arg (test.test_pep352.ExceptionClassTests) PASS: test_message_deprecation (test.test_pep352.ExceptionClassTests) PASS: test_catch_string (test.test_pep352.UsageTests) PASS: test_raise_classic (test.test_pep352.UsageTests) PASS: test_raise_new_style_non_exception (test.test_pep352.UsageTests) PASS: test_raise_string (test.test_pep352.UsageTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.003s OK 0:02:11 load avg: 0.50 [248/403/33] test_pickle PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_bad_input (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_bad_mark (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_bad_stack (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_binget (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_callapi (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_correctly_quoted_string (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_dump_closed_file (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_dup (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_garyp (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_highest_protocol (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_incomplete_input (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_insecure_strings (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance_error (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_closed_file (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_from_and_dump_to_file (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_from_canned_string (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_str (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_unicode (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_long_binget (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_maxint64 (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_misc_get (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_restricted (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_truncated_data (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_bad_mark (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_stack (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_binget (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_correctly_quoted_string (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_dup (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_garyp (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_insecure_strings (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance_error (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_from_canned_string (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_str (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_unicode (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_long_binget (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_maxint64 (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_misc_get (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_truncated_data (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_persistence (test.test_pickle.PersPicklerTests) PASS: test_clear_pickler_memo (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_multiple_unpicklings_seekable (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_multiple_unpicklings_unseekable (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_priming_pickler_memo (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_priming_unpickler_memo (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_reusing_unpickler_objects (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_unpickling_buffering_readline (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_huge_strlist (test.test_pickle.PickleBigmemPickleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 171 tests in 0.882s OK Trying: decode_long('') Expecting: 0L ok Trying: decode_long("\xff\x00") Expecting: 255L ok Trying: decode_long("\xff\x7f") Expecting: 32767L ok Trying: decode_long("\x00\xff") Expecting: -256L ok Trying: decode_long("\x00\x80") Expecting: -32768L ok Trying: decode_long("\x80") Expecting: -128L ok Trying: decode_long("\x7f") Expecting: 127L ok Trying: encode_long(0L) Expecting: '' ok Trying: encode_long(255L) Expecting: '\xff\x00' ok Trying: encode_long(32767L) Expecting: '\xff\x7f' ok Trying: encode_long(-256L) Expecting: '\x00\xff' ok Trying: encode_long(-32768L) Expecting: '\x00\x80' ok Trying: encode_long(-128L) Expecting: '\x80' ok Trying: encode_long(127L) Expecting: '\x7f' ok 101 items had no tests: pickle pickle.PickleError pickle.Pickler pickle.Pickler.__init__ pickle.Pickler._batch_appends pickle.Pickler._batch_setitems pickle.Pickler.clear_memo pickle.Pickler.dump pickle.Pickler.get pickle.Pickler.memoize pickle.Pickler.persistent_id pickle.Pickler.put pickle.Pickler.save_bool pickle.Pickler.save_dict pickle.Pickler.save_empty_tuple pickle.Pickler.save_float pickle.Pickler.save_global pickle.Pickler.save_inst pickle.Pickler.save_int pickle.Pickler.save_list pickle.Pickler.save_long pickle.Pickler.save_none pickle.Pickler.save_pers pickle.Pickler.save_reduce pickle.Pickler.save_string pickle.Pickler.save_tuple pickle.Pickler.save_unicode pickle.PicklingError pickle.Unpickler pickle.Unpickler.__init__ pickle.Unpickler._instantiate pickle.Unpickler.find_class pickle.Unpickler.get_extension pickle.Unpickler.load pickle.Unpickler.load_append pickle.Unpickler.load_appends pickle.Unpickler.load_binfloat pickle.Unpickler.load_binget pickle.Unpickler.load_binint pickle.Unpickler.load_binint1 pickle.Unpickler.load_binint2 pickle.Unpickler.load_binpersid pickle.Unpickler.load_binput pickle.Unpickler.load_binstring pickle.Unpickler.load_binunicode pickle.Unpickler.load_build pickle.Unpickler.load_dict pickle.Unpickler.load_dup pickle.Unpickler.load_empty_dictionary pickle.Unpickler.load_empty_list pickle.Unpickler.load_empty_tuple pickle.Unpickler.load_eof pickle.Unpickler.load_ext1 pickle.Unpickler.load_ext2 pickle.Unpickler.load_ext4 pickle.Unpickler.load_false pickle.Unpickler.load_float pickle.Unpickler.load_get pickle.Unpickler.load_global pickle.Unpickler.load_inst pickle.Unpickler.load_int pickle.Unpickler.load_list pickle.Unpickler.load_long pickle.Unpickler.load_long1 pickle.Unpickler.load_long4 pickle.Unpickler.load_long_binget pickle.Unpickler.load_long_binput pickle.Unpickler.load_mark pickle.Unpickler.load_newobj pickle.Unpickler.load_none pickle.Unpickler.load_obj pickle.Unpickler.load_persid pickle.Unpickler.load_pop pickle.Unpickler.load_pop_mark pickle.Unpickler.load_proto pickle.Unpickler.load_put pickle.Unpickler.load_reduce pickle.Unpickler.load_setitem pickle.Unpickler.load_setitems pickle.Unpickler.load_short_binstring pickle.Unpickler.load_stop pickle.Unpickler.load_string pickle.Unpickler.load_true pickle.Unpickler.load_tuple pickle.Unpickler.load_tuple1 pickle.Unpickler.load_tuple2 pickle.Unpickler.load_tuple3 pickle.Unpickler.load_unicode pickle.Unpickler.marker pickle.UnpicklingError pickle._EmptyClass pickle._Stop pickle._Stop.__init__ pickle._keep_alive pickle._test pickle.dump pickle.dumps pickle.load pickle.loads pickle.whichmodule 2 items passed all tests: 7 tests in pickle.decode_long 7 tests in pickle.encode_long 14 tests in 103 items. 14 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (pickle) ... 14 tests with zero failures 0:02:12 load avg: 0.50 [249/403/33] test_pickletools PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_input (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_callapi (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_dump_closed_file (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_highest_protocol (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_incomplete_input (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_load_closed_file (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_load_from_and_dump_to_file (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_restricted (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 67 tests in 0.137s OK Trying: import pickle Expecting nothing ok Trying: from StringIO import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: f = StringIO() Expecting nothing ok Trying: p = pickle.Pickler(f, 2) Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = [1, 2, 3] Expecting nothing ok Trying: p.dump(x) Expecting nothing ok Trying: p.dump(x) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: memo = {} Expecting nothing ok Trying: dis(f, memo=memo) Expecting: 0: \x80 PROTO 2 2: ] EMPTY_LIST 3: q BINPUT 0 5: ( MARK 6: K BININT1 1 8: K BININT1 2 10: K BININT1 3 12: e APPENDS (MARK at 5) 13: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 2 ok Trying: dis(f, memo=memo) Expecting: 14: \x80 PROTO 2 16: h BINGET 0 18: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 2 ok Trying: import pickle Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = [1, 2, (3, 4), {'abc': u"def"}] Expecting nothing ok Trying: pkl = pickle.dumps(x, 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: dis(pkl) Expecting: 0: ( MARK 1: l LIST (MARK at 0) 2: p PUT 0 5: I INT 1 8: a APPEND 9: I INT 2 12: a APPEND 13: ( MARK 14: I INT 3 17: I INT 4 20: t TUPLE (MARK at 13) 21: p PUT 1 24: a APPEND 25: ( MARK 26: d DICT (MARK at 25) 27: p PUT 2 30: S STRING 'abc' 37: p PUT 3 40: V UNICODE u'def' 45: p PUT 4 48: s SETITEM 49: a APPEND 50: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 ok Trying: pkl = pickle.dumps(x, 1) Expecting nothing ok Trying: dis(pkl) Expecting: 0: ] EMPTY_LIST 1: q BINPUT 0 3: ( MARK 4: K BININT1 1 6: K BININT1 2 8: ( MARK 9: K BININT1 3 11: K BININT1 4 13: t TUPLE (MARK at 8) 14: q BINPUT 1 16: } EMPTY_DICT 17: q BINPUT 2 19: U SHORT_BINSTRING 'abc' 24: q BINPUT 3 26: X BINUNICODE u'def' 34: q BINPUT 4 36: s SETITEM 37: e APPENDS (MARK at 3) 38: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 1 ok Trying: import pickletools Expecting nothing ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(pickletools.dis, 0)) Expecting: 0: c GLOBAL 'pickletools dis' 17: p PUT 0 20: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 ok Trying: from pickletools import _Example Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = [_Example(42)] * 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(x, 0)) Expecting: 0: ( MARK 1: l LIST (MARK at 0) 2: p PUT 0 5: ( MARK 6: i INST 'pickletools _Example' (MARK at 5) 28: p PUT 1 31: ( MARK 32: d DICT (MARK at 31) 33: p PUT 2 36: S STRING 'value' 45: p PUT 3 48: I INT 42 52: s SETITEM 53: b BUILD 54: a APPEND 55: g GET 1 58: a APPEND 59: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(x, 1)) Expecting: 0: ] EMPTY_LIST 1: q BINPUT 0 3: ( MARK 4: ( MARK 5: c GLOBAL 'pickletools _Example' 27: q BINPUT 1 29: o OBJ (MARK at 4) 30: q BINPUT 2 32: } EMPTY_DICT 33: q BINPUT 3 35: U SHORT_BINSTRING 'value' 42: q BINPUT 4 44: K BININT1 42 46: s SETITEM 47: b BUILD 48: h BINGET 2 50: e APPENDS (MARK at 3) 51: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 1 ok Trying: L = [] Expecting nothing ok Trying: T = L, Expecting nothing ok Trying: L.append(T) Expecting nothing ok Trying: L[0] is T Expecting: True ok Trying: T[0] is L Expecting: True ok Trying: L[0][0] is L Expecting: True ok Trying: T[0][0] is T Expecting: True ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(L, 0)) Expecting: 0: ( MARK 1: l LIST (MARK at 0) 2: p PUT 0 5: ( MARK 6: g GET 0 9: t TUPLE (MARK at 5) 10: p PUT 1 13: a APPEND 14: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(L, 1)) Expecting: 0: ] EMPTY_LIST 1: q BINPUT 0 3: ( MARK 4: h BINGET 0 6: t TUPLE (MARK at 3) 7: q BINPUT 1 9: a APPEND 10: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 1 ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(T, 0)) Expecting: 0: ( MARK 1: ( MARK 2: l LIST (MARK at 1) 3: p PUT 0 6: ( MARK 7: g GET 0 10: t TUPLE (MARK at 6) 11: p PUT 1 14: a APPEND 15: 0 POP 16: 0 POP (MARK at 0) 17: g GET 1 20: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(T, 1)) Expecting: 0: ( MARK 1: ] EMPTY_LIST 2: q BINPUT 0 4: ( MARK 5: h BINGET 0 7: t TUPLE (MARK at 4) 8: q BINPUT 1 10: a APPEND 11: 1 POP_MARK (MARK at 0) 12: h BINGET 1 14: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 1 ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(L, 2)) Expecting: 0: \x80 PROTO 2 2: ] EMPTY_LIST 3: q BINPUT 0 5: h BINGET 0 7: \x85 TUPLE1 8: q BINPUT 1 10: a APPEND 11: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 2 ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(T, 2)) Expecting: 0: \x80 PROTO 2 2: ] EMPTY_LIST 3: q BINPUT 0 5: h BINGET 0 7: \x85 TUPLE1 8: q BINPUT 1 10: a APPEND 11: 0 POP 12: h BINGET 1 14: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 2 ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_decimalnl_long(StringIO.StringIO("1234\n56")) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: trailing 'L' required in '1234' ok Trying: read_decimalnl_long(StringIO.StringIO("1234L\n56")) Expecting: 1234L ok Trying: read_decimalnl_long(StringIO.StringIO("123456789012345678901234L\n6")) Expecting: 123456789012345678901234L ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_decimalnl_short(StringIO.StringIO("1234\n56")) Expecting: 1234 ok Trying: read_decimalnl_short(StringIO.StringIO("1234L\n56")) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: trailing 'L' not allowed in '1234L' ok Trying: import StringIO, struct Expecting nothing ok Trying: raw = struct.pack(">d", -1.25) Expecting nothing ok Trying: raw Expecting: '\xbf\xf4\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' ok Trying: read_float8(StringIO.StringIO(raw + "\n")) Expecting: -1.25 ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_floatnl(StringIO.StringIO("-1.25\n6")) Expecting: -1.25 ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_int4(StringIO.StringIO('\xff\x00\x00\x00')) Expecting: 255 ok Trying: read_int4(StringIO.StringIO('\x00\x00\x00\x80')) == -(2**31) Expecting: True ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x00")) Expecting: 0L ok Trying: read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\xff\x00")) Expecting: 255L ok Trying: read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\xff\x7f")) Expecting: 32767L ok Trying: read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\xff")) Expecting: -256L ok Trying: read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x80")) Expecting: -32768L ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00")) Expecting: 255L ok Trying: read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\xff\x7f")) Expecting: 32767L ok Trying: read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff")) Expecting: -256L ok Trying: read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80")) Expecting: -32768L ok Trying: read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x00\x00\x00\x00")) Expecting: 0L ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_string1(StringIO.StringIO("\x00")) Expecting: '' ok Trying: read_string1(StringIO.StringIO("\x03abcdef")) Expecting: 'abc' ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_string4(StringIO.StringIO("\x00\x00\x00\x00abc")) Expecting: '' ok Trying: read_string4(StringIO.StringIO("\x03\x00\x00\x00abcdef")) Expecting: 'abc' ok Trying: read_string4(StringIO.StringIO("\x00\x00\x00\x03abcdef")) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: expected 50331648 bytes in a string4, but only 6 remain ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("'abcd'\nefg\n")) Expecting: 'abcd' ok Trying: read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("\n")) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: no string quotes around '' ok Trying: read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("\n"), stripquotes=False) Expecting: '' ok Trying: read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("''\n")) Expecting: '' ok Trying: read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO('"abcd"')) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: no newline found when trying to read stringnl ok Trying: read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO(r"'a\n\\b\x00c\td'" + "\n'e'")) Expecting: 'a\n\\b\x00c\td' ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_stringnl_noescape_pair(StringIO.StringIO("Queue\nEmpty\njunk")) Expecting: 'Queue Empty' ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_uint1(StringIO.StringIO('\xff')) Expecting: 255 ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_uint2(StringIO.StringIO('\xff\x00')) Expecting: 255 ok Trying: read_uint2(StringIO.StringIO('\xff\xff')) Expecting: 65535 ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: s = u'abcd\uabcd' Expecting nothing ok Trying: enc = s.encode('utf-8') Expecting nothing ok Trying: enc Expecting: 'abcd\xea\xaf\x8d' ok Trying: n = chr(len(enc)) + chr(0) * 3 # little-endian 4-byte length Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = read_unicodestring4(StringIO.StringIO(n + enc + 'junk')) Expecting nothing ok Trying: s == t Expecting: True ok Trying: read_unicodestring4(StringIO.StringIO(n + enc[:-1])) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: expected 7 bytes in a unicodestring4, but only 6 remain ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_unicodestringnl(StringIO.StringIO("abc\uabcd\njunk")) Expecting: u'abc\uabcd' ok 15 items had no tests: pickletools pickletools.ArgumentDescriptor pickletools.ArgumentDescriptor.__init__ pickletools.OpcodeInfo pickletools.OpcodeInfo.__init__ pickletools.StackObject pickletools.StackObject.__init__ pickletools.StackObject.__repr__ pickletools._Example pickletools._Example.__init__ pickletools._test pickletools.dis pickletools.genops pickletools.optimize pickletools.read_stringnl_noescape 17 items passed all tests: 11 tests in pickletools.__test__.disassembler_memo_test 25 tests in pickletools.__test__.disassembler_test 4 tests in pickletools.read_decimalnl_long 3 tests in pickletools.read_decimalnl_short 4 tests in pickletools.read_float8 2 tests in pickletools.read_floatnl 3 tests in pickletools.read_int4 6 tests in pickletools.read_long1 6 tests in pickletools.read_long4 3 tests in pickletools.read_string1 4 tests in pickletools.read_string4 7 tests in pickletools.read_stringnl 2 tests in pickletools.read_stringnl_noescape_pair 2 tests in pickletools.read_uint1 3 tests in pickletools.read_uint2 8 tests in pickletools.read_unicodestring4 2 tests in pickletools.read_unicodestringnl 95 tests in 32 items. 95 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (pickletools) ... 95 tests with zero failures 0:02:12 load avg: 0.50 [250/403/33] test_pipes PASS: testBadAppendOptions (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testBadOpenMode (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testBadPrependOptions (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testClone (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testEmptyPipeline1 (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testEmptyPipeline2 (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testEmptyPipeline3 (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testQuoting (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testReadOpenSink (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testRepr (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testSetDebug (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testSimplePipe1 (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testSimplePipe2 (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testSimplePipe3 (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testWriteOpenSource (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.023s OK 0:02:12 load avg: 0.50 [251/403/33] test_pkg PASS: test_1 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_2 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_3 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_4 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_5 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_6 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_7 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_8 (test.test_pkg.Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.006s OK 0:02:12 load avg: 0.50 [252/403/33] test_pkgimport PASS: test_package_import__semantics (test.test_pkgimport.TestImport) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:02:12 load avg: 0.50 [253/403/33] test_pkgutil PASS: test_getdata_filesys (test.test_pkgutil.PkgutilTests) PASS: test_getdata_zipfile (test.test_pkgutil.PkgutilTests) PASS: test_unreadable_dir_on_syspath (test.test_pkgutil.PkgutilTests) PASS: test_alreadyloaded (test.test_pkgutil.PkgutilPEP302Tests) PASS: test_getdata_pep302 (test.test_pkgutil.PkgutilPEP302Tests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.001s OK 0:02:12 load avg: 0.50 [254/403/33] test_platform PASS: test_architecture (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_architecture_via_symlink (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_dist (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_java_ver (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_libc_ver (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_mac_ver (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) SKIP: test_mac_ver_with_fork (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) 'OSX only test' PASS: test_machine (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_node (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_parse_release_file (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_platform (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_processor (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_release (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_sys_version (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_system (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_system_alias (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_uname (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) SKIP: test_uname_win32_ARCHITEW6432 (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) 'windows only test' PASS: test_version (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_win32_ver (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 20 tests in 0.049s OK (skipped=2) 0:02:12 load avg: 0.50 [255/403/33] test_plistlib PASS: test_appleformatting (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_appleformattingfromliteral (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_controlcharacters (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_create (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_cstringio (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_indentation_array (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_indentation_dict (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_indentation_dict_mix (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_io (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_nondictroot (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_string (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_stringio (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.006s OK 0:02:13 load avg: 0.50 [256/403/33] test_poll PASS: test_poll1 (test.test_poll.PollTests) PASS: test_poll2 (test.test_poll.PollTests) PASS: test_poll3 (test.test_poll.PollTests) FAIL: test_poll_c_limits (test.test_poll.PollTests) PASS: test_threaded_poll (test.test_poll.PollTests) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_poll_c_limits (test.test_poll.PollTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 169, in test_poll_c_limits from _testcapi import USHRT_MAX, INT_MAX, UINT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 10.531s FAILED (errors=1) 0:02:23 load avg: 0.42 [257/403/34] test_popen -- test_poll failed PASS: test_popen (test.test_popen.PopenTest) PASS: test_return_code (test.test_popen.PopenTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.048s OK 0:02:23 load avg: 0.42 [258/403/34] test_popen2 PASS: test_os_popen2 (test.test_popen2.Popen2Test) PASS: test_os_popen3 (test.test_popen2.Popen2Test) PASS: test_os_popen4 (test.test_popen2.Popen2Test) PASS: test_popen2 (test.test_popen2.Popen2Test) PASS: test_popen3 (test.test_popen2.Popen2Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.071s OK 0:02:23 load avg: 0.42 [259/403/34] test_poplib PASS: test_dele (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_getwelcome (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_list (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_noop (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_pass_ (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_retr (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_rpop (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_stat (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_too_long_lines (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_top (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_uidl (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_user (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: testTimeoutDefault (test.test_poplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutNone (test.test_poplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutValue (test.test_poplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: test__all__ (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_dele (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_getwelcome (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_list (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_noop (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_pass_ (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_retr (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_rpop (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_stat (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_too_long_lines (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_top (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_uidl (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_user (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 30 tests in 2.164s OK 0:02:26 load avg: 0.39 [260/403/34] test_posix PASS: testNoArgFunctions (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_access (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_chdir (test.test_posix.PosixTester) SKIP: test_chflags (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'test needs os.chflags()' PASS: test_chown (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_confstr (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_dup (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_dup2 (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_fchown (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_fdopen (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_fdopen_directory (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_fdopen_keeps_fd_open_on_errors (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_fstat (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_fstatvfs (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_ftruncate (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_getcwd_long_pathnames (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_getgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_getresgid (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_getresuid (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_initgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester) SKIP: test_lchflags_regular_file (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'test needs os.lchflags()' SKIP: test_lchflags_symlink (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'test needs os.lchflags()' PASS: test_lchown (test.test_posix.PosixTester) SKIP: test_lsdir (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'test needs posix.lsdir()' PASS: test_makedev (test.test_posix.PosixTester) SKIP: test_osexlock (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'test needs posix.O_EXLOCK' SKIP: test_osshlock (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'test needs posix.O_SHLOCK' PASS: test_path_with_null_byte (test.test_posix.PosixTester) SKIP: test_path_with_null_unicode (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'Requires unicode filenames support' PASS: test_pipe (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_putenv (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_setresgid (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_setresgid_exception (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_setresuid (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_setresuid_exception (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_stat (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_statvfs (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_strerror (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_tempnam (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_tmpfile (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_umask (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_utime (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_initgroups (test.test_posix.PosixGroupsTester) PASS: test_setgroups (test.test_posix.PosixGroupsTester) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 44 tests in 0.011s OK (skipped=7) 0:02:26 load avg: 0.39 [261/403/34] test_posixpath PASS: test_basename (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_dirname (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_expanduser (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) SKIP: test_expandvars_nonascii_word (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) 'Needs non-ASCII word characters' PASS: test_isabs (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_islink (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_ismount (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_ismount_different_device (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_ismount_directory_not_readable (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_ismount_non_existent (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_ismount_symlinks (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_normpath (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_basic (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_curdir (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_deep_recursion (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_pardir (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_repeated_indirect_symlinks (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_resolve_before_normalizing (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_resolve_first (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_resolve_parents (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_symlink_loops (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_relpath (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_samefile (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_samestat (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_splitext (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_abspath (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_abspath_issue3426 (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_commonprefix (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_exists (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_expandvars (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) SKIP: test_expandvars_nonascii (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) 'need test_support.FS_NONASCII' PASS: test_getsize (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_isdir (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_isfile (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_no_argument (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_nonascii_abspath (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_normcase (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_normpath_issue5827 (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_realpath (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_splitdrive (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_time (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 43 tests in 0.006s OK (skipped=2) 0:02:26 load avg: 0.39 [262/403/34] test_pow PASS: test_bug643260 (test.test_pow.PowTest) PASS: test_bug705231 (test.test_pow.PowTest) PASS: test_other (test.test_pow.PowTest) PASS: test_powfloat (test.test_pow.PowTest) PASS: test_powint (test.test_pow.PowTest) PASS: test_powlong (test.test_pow.PowTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.087s OK 0:02:26 load avg: 0.39 [263/403/34] test_pprint PASS: test_basic (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_basic_line_wrap (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_depth (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_knotted (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_nested_indentations (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_same_as_repr (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_set_of_sets_reprs (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_set_reprs (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_sorted_dict (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_unreadable (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 11 tests in 0.015s OK 0:02:26 load avg: 0.39 [264/403/34] test_print PASS: test_mixed_args (test.test_print.TestPrint) PASS: test_print (test.test_print.TestPrint) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.001s OK 0:02:26 load avg: 0.39 [265/403/34] test_profile PASS: test_calling_conventions (test.test_profile.ProfileTest) PASS: test_cprofile (test.test_profile.ProfileTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.004s OK 0:02:26 load avg: 0.39 [266/403/34] test_property PASS: test_property_decorator_baseclass (test.test_property.PropertyTests) PASS: test_property_decorator_baseclass_doc (test.test_property.PropertyTests) PASS: test_property_decorator_doc (test.test_property.PropertyTests) PASS: test_property_decorator_subclass (test.test_property.PropertyTests) PASS: test_property_decorator_subclass_doc (test.test_property.PropertyTests) PASS: test_property_getter_doc_override (test.test_property.PropertyTests) PASS: test_docstring_copy (test.test_property.PropertySubclassTests) PASS: test_property_new_getter_new_docstring (test.test_property.PropertySubclassTests) PASS: test_property_setter_copies_getter_docstring (test.test_property.PropertySubclassTests) PASS: test_slots_docstring_copy_exception (test.test_property.PropertySubclassTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.001s OK 0:02:26 load avg: 0.39 [267/403/34] test_pstats test_combine_results (test.test_pstats.AddCallersTestCase) PASS: pstats.add_callers should combine the call results of both target ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:02:26 load avg: 0.39 [268/403/34] test_pty test__copy_eof_on_all (test.test_pty.SmallPtyTests) PASS: Test the empty read EOF case on both master_fd and stdin. test__copy_to_each (test.test_pty.SmallPtyTests) PASS: Test the normal data case on both master_fd and stdin. test_basic (test.test_pty.PtyTest) ... Calling master_open() Got master_fd '14', slave_name '/dev/pts/3' Calling slave_open('/dev/pts/3') Got slave_fd '16' Writing to slave_fd Writing chunked output ok test_fork (test.test_pty.PtyTest) ... calling pty.fork() Waiting for child (31186) to finish. Child (31186) exited with status 4 (1024). ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.007s OK 0:02:26 load avg: 0.39 [269/403/34] test_pwd PASS: test_errors (test.test_pwd.PwdTest) PASS: test_values (test.test_pwd.PwdTest) PASS: test_values_extended (test.test_pwd.PwdTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.001s OK 0:02:26 load avg: 0.39 [270/403/34] test_py3kwarn PASS: test_backquote (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_builtin_function_or_method_comparisons (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_cell_inequality_comparisons (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_code_inequality_comparisons (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_dict_inequality_comparisons (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_file_xreadlines (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_forbidden_names (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_frame_attributes (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_hash_inheritance (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_methods_members (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_nonascii_bytes_literals (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_object_inequality_comparisons (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_operator (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_paren_arg_names (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_slice_methods (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_softspace (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_sort_cmp_arg (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_sys_exc_clear (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_tuple_parameter_unpacking (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_type_inequality_comparisons (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_mutablestring_removal (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) PASS: test_optional_module_removals (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) FAIL: test_os_path_walk (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) FAIL: test_platform_independent_removals (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) PASS: test_platform_specific_removals (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) PASS: test_reduce_move (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_os_path_walk (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 417, in test_os_path_walk mod = __import__(path_mod) ImportError: No module named ntpath ====================================================================== FAIL: test_platform_independent_removals (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 401, in test_platform_independent_removals self.check_removal(module_name) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 389, in check_removal "ImportError.".format(module_name)) AssertionError: Non-optional module imputil raised an ImportError. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 27 tests in 0.008s FAILED (failures=1, errors=1) 0:02:27 load avg: 0.39 [271/403/35] test_py_compile -- test_py3kwarn failed PASS: test_absolute_path (test.test_py_compile.PyCompileTests) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_py_compile.PyCompileTests) PASS: test_relative_path (test.test_py_compile.PyCompileTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.001s OK 0:02:27 load avg: 0.39 [272/403/35] test_pyclbr 0:02:27 load avg: 0.39 [273/403/36] test_pydoc -- test_pyclbr failed PASS: test_getpager_with_stdin_none (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_html_doc (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_input_strip (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_issue8225 (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_mixed_case_module_names_are_lower_cased (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_non_str_name (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_not_here (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_stripid (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_synopsis (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_synopsis_sourceless_empty_doc (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_text_doc (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_apropos_with_bad_package (test.test_pydoc.PydocImportTest) PASS: test_apropos_with_unreadable_dir (test.test_pydoc.PydocImportTest) PASS: test_badimport (test.test_pydoc.PydocImportTest) PASS: test_class (test.test_pydoc.TestDescriptions) PASS: test_classic_class (test.test_pydoc.TestDescriptions) PASS: test_module (test.test_pydoc.TestDescriptions) PASS: test_namedtuple_public_underscore (test.test_pydoc.TestDescriptions) PASS: test_encode (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_htmlpage (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_pipepager (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_plainpager (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_render_doc (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_tempfilepager (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_ttypager (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_builtin (test.test_pydoc.TestHelper) PASS: test_keywords (test.test_pydoc.TestHelper) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 27 tests in 0.252s OK 0:02:27 load avg: 0.39 [274/403/36] test_pyexpat PASS: test_buffer_text (test.test_pyexpat.SetAttributeTest) PASS: test_invalid_attributes (test.test_pyexpat.SetAttributeTest) PASS: test_namespace_prefixes (test.test_pyexpat.SetAttributeTest) PASS: test_ordered_attributes (test.test_pyexpat.SetAttributeTest) PASS: test_returns_unicode (test.test_pyexpat.SetAttributeTest) PASS: test_specified_attributes (test.test_pyexpat.SetAttributeTest) PASS: test_parse_again (test.test_pyexpat.ParseTest) PASS: test_parse_file (test.test_pyexpat.ParseTest) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_pyexpat.ParseTest) PASS: test_utf8 (test.test_pyexpat.ParseTest) PASS: test_illegal (test.test_pyexpat.NamespaceSeparatorTest) PASS: test_legal (test.test_pyexpat.NamespaceSeparatorTest) PASS: test_zero_length (test.test_pyexpat.NamespaceSeparatorTest) PASS: test (test.test_pyexpat.InterningTest) PASS: test1 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test2 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test3 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test4 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test5 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test6 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test7 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test_buffering_enabled (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test_default_to_disabled (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test (test.test_pyexpat.HandlerExceptionTest) PASS: test (test.test_pyexpat.PositionTest) PASS: test_parse_only_xml_data (test.test_pyexpat.sf1296433Test) PASS: test_1000_bytes (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test_1025_bytes (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test_change_size_1 (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test_change_size_2 (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test_disabling_buffer (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test_unchanged_size (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test_wrong_size (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test1 (test.test_pyexpat.MalformedInputText) PASS: test2 (test.test_pyexpat.MalformedInputText) PASS: test_ignore_use_foreign_dtd (test.test_pyexpat.ForeignDTDTests) PASS: test_use_foreign_dtd (test.test_pyexpat.ForeignDTDTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 37 tests in 0.002s OK 0:02:27 load avg: 0.39 [275/403/36] test_queue PASS: test_queue_join (test.test_queue.QueueTest) PASS: test_queue_task_done (test.test_queue.QueueTest) PASS: test_simple_queue (test.test_queue.QueueTest) PASS: test_queue_join (test.test_queue.LifoQueueTest) PASS: test_queue_task_done (test.test_queue.LifoQueueTest) PASS: test_simple_queue (test.test_queue.LifoQueueTest) PASS: test_queue_join (test.test_queue.PriorityQueueTest) PASS: test_queue_task_done (test.test_queue.PriorityQueueTest) PASS: test_simple_queue (test.test_queue.PriorityQueueTest) PASS: test_failing_queue (test.test_queue.FailingQueueTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 3.589s OK 0:02:31 load avg: 0.36 [276/403/36] test_quopri PASS: test_decode (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_decode_header (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_decodestring (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_embedded_ws (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_encode (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_encode_header (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_encodestring (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_idempotent_string (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_scriptdecode (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_scriptencode (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.035s OK 0:02:31 load avg: 0.36 [277/403/36] test_random PASS: test_autoseed (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bigrand (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bug_1727780 (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_gauss (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_gauss_with_whseed (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_jumpahead (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_jumpahead_produces_valid_state (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_distribution (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_inputs (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_on_dicts (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_saverestore (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_seedargs (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_setstate_first_arg (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_strong_jumpahead (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_53_bits_per_float (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_autoseed (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bigrand (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bigrand_ranges (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bug_1727780 (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_gauss (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_genrandbits (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_jumpahead (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_jumpahead_produces_valid_state (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_long_seed (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_randbelow_logic (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_randrange_bug_1590891 (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_rangelimits (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_referenceImplementation (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_distribution (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_inputs (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_on_dicts (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_saverestore (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_seedargs (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_setstate_first_arg (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_setstate_middle_arg (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_strong_reference_implementation (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_avg_std (test.test_random.TestDistributions) PASS: test_constant (test.test_random.TestDistributions) PASS: test_von_mises_large_kappa (test.test_random.TestDistributions) PASS: test_von_mises_range (test.test_random.TestDistributions) PASS: test_zeroinputs (test.test_random.TestDistributions) PASS: testMagicConstants (test.test_random.TestModule) PASS: test__all__ (test.test_random.TestModule) PASS: test_random_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_random.TestModule) PASS: test_53_bits_per_float (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_autoseed (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bigrand (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bigrand_ranges (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bug_1727780 (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_gauss (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_genrandbits (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_jumpahead (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_jumpahead_produces_valid_state (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_randbelow_logic (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_rangelimits (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_distribution (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_inputs (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_on_dicts (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_saverestore (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_seedargs (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 66 tests in 0.372s OK 0:02:31 load avg: 0.36 [278/403/36] test_re PASS: test_anyall (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_backref_group_name_in_exception (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_basic_re_sub (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_big_codesize (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bigcharset (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_113254 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_1140 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_114660 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_117612 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_13899 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_1661 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_2537 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_3629 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_418626 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_448951 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_449000 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_449964 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_462270 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_527371 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_545855 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_581080 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_612074 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_6561 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_725106 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_725149 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_764548 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_817234 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_926075 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_931848 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_category (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_compile (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_dealloc (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_debug_flag (test.test_re.ReTests) test_dollar_matches_twice (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: $ matches the end of string, and just before the terminating PASS: test_empty_array (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_expand (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_finditer (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_flags (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_getattr (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_getlower (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_group_name_in_exception (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_groupdict (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_ignore_case (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_ignore_case_range (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_ignore_case_set (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_inline_flags (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_issue17998 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_keyword_parameters (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_large_search (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_large_subn (test.test_re.ReTests) SKIP: test_locale_caching (test.test_re.ReTests) 'test needs en_US.iso88591 locale' PASS: test_lookahead (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_lookbehind (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_match_group_takes_long (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_not_literal (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_other_escapes (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_qualified_re_split (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_qualified_re_sub (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_escape (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_escape_byte (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_escape_non_ascii (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_escape_non_ascii_bytes (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_findall (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_groupref (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_groupref_exists (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_match (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_split (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_subn (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_repeat_minmax (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_repeat_minmax_overflow (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_repeat_minmax_overflow_maxrepeat (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_scanner (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_search_coverage (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_search_star_plus (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_special_escapes (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_sre_character_class_literals (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_sre_character_literals (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_stack_overflow (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_string_boundaries (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_sub_template_numeric_escape (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_symbolic_groups (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_symbolic_refs (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_unlimited_zero_width_repeat (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_re.ReTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 86 tests in 0.194s OK (skipped=1) Running re_tests test suite 0:02:32 load avg: 0.36 [279/403/36] test_readline PASS: testHistoryUpdates (test.test_readline.TestHistoryManipulation) PASS: test_init (test.test_readline.TestReadline) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.014s OK 0:02:32 load avg: 0.36 [280/403/36] test_regrtest PASS: test_module_autotest (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) PASS: test_module_from_test_autotest (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) PASS: test_module_regrtest (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) PASS: test_module_test (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) SKIP: test_pcbuild_rt (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) 'Windows only' PASS: test_script_autotest (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) PASS: test_script_regrtest (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) SKIP: test_tools_buildbot_test (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) 'test.bat script is not installed' FAIL: test_coverage (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_crashed (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_env_changed (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_failing_test (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_forever (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_fromfile (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) SKIP: test_huntrleaks (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) 'need a debug build' PASS: test_interrupted (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_list_cases (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_list_tests (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_matchfile (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_random (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_resources (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_slow_interrupted (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_slowest (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) ====================================================================== FAIL: test_coverage (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 444, in test_coverage output = self.run_tests("--coverage", test) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 317, in run_tests return self.run_python(cmdargs, **kw) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 198, in run_python proc = self.run_command(args, **kw) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 193, in run_command AssertionError: Command ['/usr/bin/python', '-m', 'test', '--testdir=/tmp/tmpdx0UYR', '--coverage', 'test_regrtest_coverage'] failed with exit code 1 stdout: --- --- stderr: --- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 174, in _run_module_as_main "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 72, in _run_code exec code in run_globals File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 3, in regrtest.main_in_temp_cwd() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 2024, in main_in_temp_cwd main() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 595, in main import trace ImportError: No module named trace --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 23 tests in 0.990s FAILED (failures=1, skipped=3) 0:02:33 load avg: 0.36 [281/403/37] test_repr -- test_regrtest failed PASS: test_buffer (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_builtin_function (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_cell (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_container (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_descriptors (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_file (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_instance (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_lambda (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_nesting (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_numbers (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_string (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_tuple (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_unsortable (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_xrange (test.test_repr.ReprTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 14 tests in 0.001s OK SKIP: test_builtin_function (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) 'needs a built-in function with a really long name' PASS: test_class (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) PASS: test_instance (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) PASS: test_method (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) PASS: test_module (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) SKIP: test_object (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) 'need a suitable object' PASS: test_type (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 0:02:33 load avg: 0.36 [282/403/37] test_resource PASS: test_args (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) PASS: test_fsize_enforced (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) PASS: test_fsize_ismax (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) PASS: test_fsize_toobig (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) PASS: test_getrusage (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) PASS: test_setrusage_refcount (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.044s OK 0:02:33 load avg: 0.36 [283/403/37] test_rfc822 PASS: test_2getaddrlist (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_addr_ipquad (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_basic (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_bogus_to_header (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_commas_in_full_name (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_doublecomment (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_get (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_headers (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_iter (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_parseaddr (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_quote_unquote (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_quoted_name (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_rfc2822_phrases (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_twisted (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.002s OK 0:02:33 load avg: 0.36 [284/403/37] test_richcmp PASS: test_mixed (test.test_richcmp.VectorTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_richcmp.NumberTest) PASS: test_values (test.test_richcmp.NumberTest) PASS: test_misbehavin (test.test_richcmp.MiscTest) PASS: test_not (test.test_richcmp.MiscTest) PASS: test_recursion (test.test_richcmp.MiscTest) PASS: test_badentry (test.test_richcmp.ListTest) PASS: test_coverage (test.test_richcmp.ListTest) PASS: test_goodentry (test.test_richcmp.ListTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.004s OK PASS: test_dicts (test.test_richcmp.DictTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:02:33 load avg: 0.36 [285/403/37] test_rlcompleter PASS: test_attr_matches (test.test_rlcompleter.TestRlcompleter) PASS: test_excessive_getattr (test.test_rlcompleter.TestRlcompleter) PASS: test_global_matches (test.test_rlcompleter.TestRlcompleter) PASS: test_namespace (test.test_rlcompleter.TestRlcompleter) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.002s OK 0:02:33 load avg: 0.36 [286/403/37] test_robotparser PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.UserAgentWildcardTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.UserAgentWildcardTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.RejectAllRobotsTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.RejectAllRobotsTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.UserAgentOrderingTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.UserAgentOrderingTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.UserAgentGoogleMobileTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.UserAgentGoogleMobileTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.GoogleURLOrderingTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.GoogleURLOrderingTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.DisallowQueryStringTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.DisallowQueryStringTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.UseFirstUserAgentWildcardTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.UseFirstUserAgentWildcardTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.EmptyQueryStringTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.EmptyQueryStringTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.DefaultEntryTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.DefaultEntryTest) PASS: testPasswordProtectedSite (test.test_robotparser.PasswordProtectedSiteTestCase) skipped "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 19 tests in 75.119s OK (skipped=1) 0:03:48 load avg: 0.18 [287/403/37] test_runpy -- test_robotparser passed in 1 min 15 sec PASS: test_run_code (test.test_runpy.RunModuleCodeTest) PASS: test_run_module_code (test.test_runpy.RunModuleCodeTest) test_explicit_relative_import (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) ... Testing relative imports at depth: 2 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpYJzh9u Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpYJzh9u Next level in: /tmp/tmpYJzh9u/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpYJzh9u/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpYJzh9u/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpYJzh9u/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpYJzh9u/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added sibling module: /tmp/tmpYJzh9u/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added uncle package: /tmp/tmpYJzh9u/__runpy_pkg__/uncle Added cousin package: /tmp/tmpYJzh9u/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin Added nephew module: /tmp/tmpYJzh9u/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing relative imports at depth: 3 Package tree in: /tmp/tmp3byBlf Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmp3byBlf Next level in: /tmp/tmp3byBlf/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp3byBlf/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmp3byBlf/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp3byBlf/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmp3byBlf/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp3byBlf/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmp3byBlf/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added sibling module: /tmp/tmp3byBlf/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added uncle package: /tmp/tmp3byBlf/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle Added cousin package: /tmp/tmp3byBlf/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin Added nephew module: /tmp/tmp3byBlf/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing relative imports at depth: 4 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc Next level in: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added sibling module: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added uncle package: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle Added cousin package: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin Added nephew module: /tmp/tmpd_dyrc/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully ok PASS: test_invalid_names (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) PASS: test_library_module (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) test_main_relative_import (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) ... Testing main relative imports at depth: 2 Package tree in: /tmp/tmptWFYNL Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmptWFYNL Next level in: /tmp/tmptWFYNL/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmptWFYNL/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmptWFYNL/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmptWFYNL/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmptWFYNL/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added sibling module: /tmp/tmptWFYNL/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added uncle package: /tmp/tmptWFYNL/__runpy_pkg__/uncle Added cousin package: /tmp/tmptWFYNL/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin Added nephew module: /tmp/tmptWFYNL/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing main relative imports at depth: 3 Package tree in: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7 Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7 Next level in: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added sibling module: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added uncle package: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle Added cousin package: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin Added nephew module: /tmp/tmp3PxuG7/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing main relative imports at depth: 4 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs Next level in: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added sibling module: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added uncle package: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle Added cousin package: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin Added nephew module: /tmp/tmpDhkpjs/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully ok test_run_module (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) ... Testing package depth: 0 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpZAeMXz Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpZAeMXz Created: /tmp/tmpZAeMXz/ Running from source: runpy_test Running from compiled: runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing package depth: 1 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpT0Ql7L Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpT0Ql7L Next level in: /tmp/tmpT0Ql7L/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpT0Ql7L/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpT0Ql7L/__runpy_pkg__/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing package depth: 2 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpYcBlqb Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpYcBlqb Next level in: /tmp/tmpYcBlqb/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpYcBlqb/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpYcBlqb/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpYcBlqb/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpYcBlqb/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing package depth: 3 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpxtHBAe Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpxtHBAe Next level in: /tmp/tmpxtHBAe/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpxtHBAe/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpxtHBAe/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpxtHBAe/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpxtHBAe/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpxtHBAe/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpxtHBAe/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully ok test_run_package (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) ... Testing package depth: 1 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpeuoLZE Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpeuoLZE Next level in: /tmp/tmpeuoLZE/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpeuoLZE/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpeuoLZE/__runpy_pkg__/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__ Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Package executed successfully Testing package depth: 2 Package tree in: /tmp/tmprN0ptj Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmprN0ptj Next level in: /tmp/tmprN0ptj/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmprN0ptj/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmprN0ptj/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmprN0ptj/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmprN0ptj/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__ Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Package executed successfully Testing package depth: 3 Package tree in: /tmp/tmp1GXKEH Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmp1GXKEH Next level in: /tmp/tmp1GXKEH/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp1GXKEH/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmp1GXKEH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp1GXKEH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmp1GXKEH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp1GXKEH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmp1GXKEH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__ Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Package executed successfully ok test_run_package_init_exceptions (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) ... Package tree in: /tmp/tmpZjCDjt Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpZjCDjt Next level in: /tmp/tmpZjCDjt/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpZjCDjt/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpZjCDjt/__runpy_pkg__/ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Package tree in: /tmp/tmp15EWPx Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmp15EWPx Next level in: /tmp/tmp15EWPx/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp15EWPx/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmp15EWPx/__runpy_pkg__/ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Package tree in: /tmp/tmp7XrjY6 Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmp7XrjY6 Next level in: /tmp/tmp7XrjY6/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp7XrjY6/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmp7XrjY6/__runpy_pkg__/ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Package tree in: /tmp/tmpjqHSju Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpjqHSju Next level in: /tmp/tmpjqHSju/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpjqHSju/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpjqHSju/__runpy_pkg__/ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree ok PASS: test_basic_script (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_directory (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_directory_compiled (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_directory_error (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_main_recursion_error (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_script_compiled (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_zipfile (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_zipfile_compiled (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_zipfile_error (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 18 tests in 1.003s OK 0:03:49 load avg: 0.18 [288/403/37] test_sax PASS: test_make_parser2 (test.test_sax.MakeParserTest) PASS: test_parseString_bytes (test.test_sax.ParseTest) PASS: test_parse_InputSource (test.test_sax.ParseTest) PASS: test_parse_bytes (test.test_sax.ParseTest) PASS: test_parse_close_source (test.test_sax.ParseTest) PASS: test_double_quoteattr (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_escape_all (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_escape_basic (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_escape_extra (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_make_parser (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_quoteattr_basic (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_single_double_quoteattr (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_single_quoteattr (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_unescape_all (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_unescape_amp_extra (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_unescape_basic (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_unescape_extra (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_binary_file (test.test_sax.PrepareInputSourceTest) PASS: test_byte_stream (test.test_sax.PrepareInputSourceTest) PASS: test_string (test.test_sax.PrepareInputSourceTest) PASS: test_system_id (test.test_sax.PrepareInputSourceTest) PASS: test_1463026_1 (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_2 (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_3 (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_5027_1 (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_5027_2 (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_no_close_file (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_attr_escape (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_basic (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_content (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_content_escape (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_encoding (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_encoding_bytes (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_fragment (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_ignorable (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_ns (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_pi (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_unencodable (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_1 (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_2 (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_3 (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_5027_1 (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_5027_2 (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_no_close_file (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_attr_escape (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_basic (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_content (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_content_escape (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_encoding (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_encoding_bytes (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_fragment (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_ignorable (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_ns (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_pi (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_unencodable (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_1 (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_2 (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_3 (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_5027_1 (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_5027_2 (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_no_close_file (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_attr_escape (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_basic (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_content (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_content_escape (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_encoding (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_encoding_bytes (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_fragment (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_ignorable (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_ns (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_pi (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_unencodable (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_expat_attrs_empty (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_attrs_wattr (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_binary_file (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_dtdhandler (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_entityresolver (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) SKIP: test_expat_file_unicode (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) 'Requires unicode filenames support' PASS: test_expat_incremental (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_incremental_reset (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_inpsource_byte_stream (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_inpsource_filename (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_inpsource_sysid (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) SKIP: test_expat_inpsource_sysid_unicode (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) 'Requires unicode filenames support' PASS: test_expat_locator_noinfo (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_locator_withinfo (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) SKIP: test_expat_locator_withinfo_unicode (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) 'Requires unicode filenames support' PASS: test_expat_nsattrs_empty (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_nsattrs_wattr (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_incomplete (test.test_sax.ErrorReportingTest) PASS: test_expat_inpsource_location (test.test_sax.ErrorReportingTest) PASS: test_sax_parse_exception_str (test.test_sax.ErrorReportingTest) PASS: test_attrs_empty (test.test_sax.XmlReaderTest) PASS: test_attrs_wattr (test.test_sax.XmlReaderTest) PASS: test_nsattrs_empty (test.test_sax.XmlReaderTest) PASS: test_nsattrs_wattr (test.test_sax.XmlReaderTest) PASS: test_sf_1511497 (test.test_sax.XmlReaderTest) PASS: test_sf_1513611 (test.test_sax.XmlReaderTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 98 tests in 0.021s OK (skipped=3) 0:03:50 load avg: 0.18 [289/403/37] test_scope PASS: testBoundAndFree (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testClassAndGlobal (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testComplexDefinitions (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testEvalExecFreeVars (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testEvalFreeVars (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testExtraNesting (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testFreeVarInMethod (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testFreeingCell (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testGlobalInParallelNestedFunctions (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testInteractionWithTraceFunc (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testLambdas (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testLeaks (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testListCompLocalVars (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testLocalsClass (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testLocalsClass_WithTrace (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testLocalsFunction (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testMixedFreevarsAndCellvars (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testNearestEnclosingScope (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testNestingGlobalNoFree (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testNestingPlusFreeRefToGlobal (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testNestingThroughClass (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testRecursion (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testScopeOfGlobalStmt (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testSimpleAndRebinding (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testSimpleNesting (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testTopIsNotSignificant (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testUnboundLocal (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testUnoptimizedNamespaces (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 28 tests in 0.002s OK 0:03:50 load avg: 0.18 [290/403/37] test_scriptpackages test_scriptpackages skipped -- No module named aetools 0:03:50 load avg: 0.18 [291/403/37] test_select -- test_scriptpackages skipped PASS: test_error_conditions (test.test_select.SelectTestCase) PASS: test_returned_list_identity (test.test_select.SelectTestCase) test_select (test.test_select.SelectTestCase) ... timeout = 0 timeout = 1 'testing...\n' timeout = 2 'testing...\n' timeout = 4 'testing...\n' timeout = 8 'testing...\n' timeout = 16 'testing...\n' timeout = None 'testing...\n' timeout = None 'testing...\n' timeout = None 'testing...\n' timeout = None 'testing...\n' timeout = None 'testing...\n' timeout = None '' EOF ok PASS: test_select_mutated (test.test_select.SelectTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 11.031s OK 0:04:01 load avg: 0.14 [292/403/37] test_set PASS: test_add (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_and (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_badcmp (test.test_set.TestSet) SKIP: test_c_api (test.test_set.TestSet) 'C API test only available in a debug build' PASS: test_clear (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_compare (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_constructor_identity (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_contains (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_cyclical_print (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_cyclical_repr (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_discard (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_do_not_rehash_dict_keys (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_equality (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_gc (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_hash (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_iand (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_init (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_inplace_on_self (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_ior (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_isub (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_ixor (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_len (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_new_or_init (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_or (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_pop (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_remove (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_remove_keyerror_set (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_remove_keyerror_unpacking (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_setOfFrozensets (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_set_literal_evaluation_order (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_set_literal_insertion_order (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_sub (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_sub_and_super (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_subclass_with_custom_hash (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_symmetric_difference_update (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_uniquification (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_xor (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_add (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_and (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_badcmp (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) SKIP: test_c_api (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) 'C API test only available in a debug build' PASS: test_clear (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_compare (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_constructor_identity (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_contains (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_cyclical_print (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_cyclical_repr (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_discard (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_do_not_rehash_dict_keys (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_equality (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_gc (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_hash (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_iand (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_init (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_inplace_on_self (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_ior (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_isub (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_ixor (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_len (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_new_or_init (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_or (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_pop (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_remove (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_remove_keyerror_set (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_remove_keyerror_unpacking (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_setOfFrozensets (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_set_literal_evaluation_order (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_set_literal_insertion_order (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_sub (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_sub_and_super (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_subclass_with_custom_hash (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_symmetric_difference_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_uniquification (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_xor (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_add (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_and (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_badcmp (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) SKIP: test_c_api (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) 'C API test only available in a debug build' PASS: test_clear (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_compare (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_constructor_identity (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_contains (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_cyclical_print (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_cyclical_repr (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_discard (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_do_not_rehash_dict_keys (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_equality (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_gc (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_hash (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_iand (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_init (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_inplace_on_self (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_ior (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_isub (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_ixor (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) test_keywords_in_subclass (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: SF bug #1486663 -- this used to erroneously raise a TypeError PASS: test_len (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_new_or_init (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_or (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_pop (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_remove (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_remove_keyerror_set (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_remove_keyerror_unpacking (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_setOfFrozensets (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_set_literal_evaluation_order (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_set_literal_insertion_order (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_sub (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_sub_and_super (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_subclass_with_custom_hash (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_symmetric_difference_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_uniquification (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_xor (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_and (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_badcmp (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_compare (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_constructor_identity (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_contains (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_cyclical_print (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_cyclical_repr (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_do_not_rehash_dict_keys (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_equality (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_frozen_as_dictkey (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_gc (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_hash (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_hash_caching (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_hash_effectiveness (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_init (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_len (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_new_or_init (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_or (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_setOfFrozensets (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_singleton_empty_frozenset (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_sub (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_sub_and_super (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_subclass_with_custom_hash (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_uniquification (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_xor (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_and (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_badcmp (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_compare (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_constructor_identity (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_contains (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_cyclical_print (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_cyclical_repr (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_do_not_rehash_dict_keys (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_equality (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_frozen_as_dictkey (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_gc (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_hash (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_hash_caching (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_hash_effectiveness (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_init (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_len (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_nested_empty_constructor (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_new_or_init (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_or (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_setOfFrozensets (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_singleton_empty_frozenset (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_sub (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_sub_and_super (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_subclass_with_custom_hash (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_uniquification (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_xor (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_set.TestSetOfSets) PASS: test_changingSizeWhileIterating (test.test_set.TestExceptionPropagation) PASS: test_instanceWithException (test.test_set.TestExceptionPropagation) PASS: test_instancesWithoutException (test.test_set.TestExceptionPropagation) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_isdisjoint_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_length (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_print (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_repr (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_in (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_isdisjoint_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_length (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_not_in (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_print (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_repr (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_in (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_isdisjoint_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_length (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_not_in (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_print (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_repr (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_isdisjoint_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_length (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_print (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_repr (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_eq (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_subset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_superset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_isdisjoint_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_isdisjoint_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_isdisjoint_subset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_isdisjoint_superset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_subset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_superset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_subset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_superset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_difference_method_call (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_subset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_superset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_method_call (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_subset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_superset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_method_call (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_subset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_superset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_method_call (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_subset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_superset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_add_absent (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_add_present (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_add_until_full (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_clear (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_discard_absent (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_discard_present (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_pop (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_remove_absent (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_remove_present (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_remove_until_empty (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_update_empty_tuple (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_update_unit_tuple_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_update_unit_tuple_overlap (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_set.TestSubsetEqualEmpty) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_set.TestSubsetEqualNonEmpty) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_set.TestSubsetEmptyNonEmpty) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_set.TestSubsetPartial) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_set.TestSubsetNonOverlap) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingEmpty) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingEmpty) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingSingleton) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingSingleton) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingTriple) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingTriple) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingTuple) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingTuple) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingNested) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingNested) PASS: test_binopsVsSubsets (test.test_set.TestIdentities) PASS: test_commutativity (test.test_set.TestIdentities) PASS: test_exclusion (test.test_set.TestIdentities) PASS: test_summations (test.test_set.TestIdentities) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_set.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_inline_methods (test.test_set.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_inplace_methods (test.test_set.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_cube (test.test_set.TestGraphs) PASS: test_cuboctahedron (test.test_set.TestGraphs) PASS: test_8420_set_merge (test.test_set.TestWeirdBugs) PASS: test_iter_and_mutate (test.test_set.TestWeirdBugs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 463 tests in 0.551s OK (skipped=3) 0:04:01 load avg: 0.14 [293/403/37] test_setcomps Trying: sum({i*i for i in range(100) if i&1 == 1}) Expecting: 166650 ok Trying: {2*y + x + 1 for x in (0,) for y in (1,)} Expecting: set([3]) ok Trying: list(sorted({(i,j) for i in range(3) for j in range(4)})) Expecting: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)] ok Trying: list(sorted({(i,j) for i in range(4) for j in range(i)})) Expecting: [(1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1), (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2)] ok Trying: i = 20 Expecting nothing ok Trying: sum({i*i for i in range(100)}) Expecting: 328350 ok Trying: i Expecting: 20 ok Trying: {y for y in (1,2)} = 10 # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: ... ok Trying: {y for y in (1,2)} += 10 # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: ... ok Trying: def srange(n): return {i for i in range(n)} Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(sorted(srange(10))) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ok Trying: lrange = lambda n: {i for i in range(n)} Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(sorted(lrange(10))) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ok Trying: def grange(n): for x in {i for i in range(n)}: yield x Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(sorted(grange(5))) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] ok Trying: {None for i in range(10)} Expecting: set([None]) ok Trying: items = {(lambda i=i: i) for i in range(5)} Expecting nothing ok Trying: {x() for x in items} == set(range(5)) Expecting: True ok Trying: items = {(lambda: i) for i in range(5)} Expecting nothing ok Trying: {x() for x in items} Expecting: set([4]) ok Trying: items = {(lambda: i) for i in range(5)} Expecting nothing ok Trying: i = 20 Expecting nothing ok Trying: {x() for x in items} Expecting: set([4]) ok Trying: items = {(lambda: y) for i in range(5)} Expecting nothing ok Trying: y = 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: {x() for x in items} Expecting: set([2]) ok Trying: def test_func(): items = {(lambda i=i: i) for i in range(5)} return {x() for x in items} Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_func() == set(range(5)) Expecting: True ok Trying: def test_func(): items = {(lambda: i) for i in range(5)} return {x() for x in items} Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_func() Expecting: set([4]) ok Trying: def test_func(): items = {(lambda: i) for i in range(5)} i = 20 return {x() for x in items} Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_func() Expecting: set([4]) ok Trying: def test_func(): items = {(lambda: y) for i in range(5)} y = 2 return {x() for x in items} Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_func() Expecting: set([2]) ok 2 items had no tests: test.test_setcomps test.test_setcomps.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 34 tests in test.test_setcomps.__test__.doctests 34 tests in 3 items. 34 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_setcomps) ... 34 tests with zero failures 0:04:01 load avg: 0.14 [294/403/37] test_sets PASS: test_constructor (test.test_sets.TestSetOfSets) PASS: test_instanceWithException (test.test_sets.TestExceptionPropagation) PASS: test_instancesWithoutException (test.test_sets.TestExceptionPropagation) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_length (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_repr (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_in (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_length (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_not_in (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_repr (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_in (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_length (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_not_in (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_repr (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_length (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_repr (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_eq (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_inplace_on_self (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_overlap (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_subset (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_superset (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_overlap (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_subset (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_superset (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_overlap (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_subset (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_superset (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_difference_method_call (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_subset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_superset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_method_call (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_subset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_superset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_method_call (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_subset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_superset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_method_call (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_subset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_superset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_add_absent (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_add_present (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_add_until_full (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_clear (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_discard_absent (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_discard_present (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_pop (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_remove_absent (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_remove_present (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_remove_until_empty (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_update_empty_tuple (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_update_unit_tuple_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_update_unit_tuple_overlap (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_sets.TestSubsetEqualEmpty) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_sets.TestSubsetEqualNonEmpty) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_sets.TestSubsetEmptyNonEmpty) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_sets.TestSubsetPartial) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_sets.TestSubsetNonOverlap) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingEmpty) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingEmpty) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingSingleton) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingSingleton) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingTriple) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingTriple) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingTuple) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingTuple) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingNested) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingNested) PASS: test_binopsVsSubsets (test.test_sets.TestIdentities) PASS: test_cardinality_relations (test.test_sets.TestIdentities) PASS: test_commutativity (test.test_sets.TestIdentities) PASS: test_exclusion (test.test_sets.TestIdentities) PASS: test_reflexsive_relations (test.test_sets.TestIdentities) PASS: test_summations (test.test_sets.TestIdentities) libreftest (test.test_sets.__test__) PASS: Doctest: test.test_sets.__test__.libreftest ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 243 tests in 0.009s OK 0:04:02 load avg: 0.14 [295/403/37] test_sgmllib PASS: test_attr_funky_names (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_attr_syntax (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_attr_value_ip6_url (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_attr_values (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) test_attr_values_entities (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: Substitution of entities and charrefs in attribute values PASS: test_bad_nesting (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_bare_ampersands (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_bare_pointy_brackets (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_cdata_content (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_convert_overrides (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_declaration_junk_chars (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_doctype_decl_external (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_doctype_decl_internal (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_enumerated_attr_type (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_get_starttag_text (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_declarations (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_only_decode_ascii (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_processing_instruction_only (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) test_quotes_in_unquoted_attrs (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: Be sure quotes in unquoted attributes are made part of the value PASS: test_read_chunks (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) test_underscore_in_attrname (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: Make sure attribute names with underscores are accepted test_underscore_in_tagname (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: Make sure tag names with underscores are accepted PASS: test_weird_starttags (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) test_xhtml_empty_tag (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: Handling of XHTML-style empty start tags ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 24 tests in 0.008s OK 0:04:02 load avg: 0.14 [296/403/37] test_sha PASS: test_case_1 (test.test_sha.SHATestCase) PASS: test_case_2 (test.test_sha.SHATestCase) PASS: test_case_3 (test.test_sha.SHATestCase) PASS: test_case_4 (test.test_sha.SHATestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.002s OK 0:04:02 load avg: 0.14 [297/403/37] test_shelve PASS: test_bool (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_get (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_items (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_keys (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_len (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_pop (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_read (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_update (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_values (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_write (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_bool (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_get (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_items (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_keys (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_len (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_pop (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_read (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_update (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_values (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_write (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_bool (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_get (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_items (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_keys (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_len (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_pop (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_read (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_update (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_values (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_write (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_bool (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_get (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_items (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_keys (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_len (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_pop (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_read (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_update (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_values (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_write (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_bool (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_get (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_items (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_keys (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_len (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_pop (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_read (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_update (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_values (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_write (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_bool (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_get (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_items (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_keys (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_len (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_pop (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_read (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_update (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_values (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_write (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_ascii_file_shelf (test.test_shelve.TestCase) PASS: test_binary_file_shelf (test.test_shelve.TestCase) PASS: test_close (test.test_shelve.TestCase) PASS: test_in_memory_shelf (test.test_shelve.TestCase) PASS: test_mutable_entry (test.test_shelve.TestCase) PASS: test_proto2_file_shelf (test.test_shelve.TestCase) PASS: test_writeback_also_writes_immediately (test.test_shelve.TestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 91 tests in 0.023s OK 0:04:02 load avg: 0.14 [298/403/37] test_shlex testCompat (test.test_shlex.ShlexTest) PASS: Test compatibility interface testEmptyStringHandling (test.test_shlex.ShlexTest) PASS: Test that parsing of empty strings is correctly handled. testSplitPosix (test.test_shlex.ShlexTest) PASS: Test data splitting with posix parser ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.004s OK 0:04:02 load avg: 0.14 [299/403/37] test_shutil PASS: test_copyfile_named_pipe (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) SKIP: test_copystat_handles_harmless_chflags_errors (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) 'requires os.chflags, EOPNOTSUPP & ENOTSUP' PASS: test_copytree_named_pipe (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_copytree_simple (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_copytree_with_exclude (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_dont_copy_file_onto_link_to_itself (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_archive (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_archive_cwd (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_archive_owner_group (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_tarball (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_tarfile_in_curdir (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_zipfile (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_zipfile_in_curdir (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) SKIP: test_on_error (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) "This test can't be run reliably as root (issue #1076467)." PASS: test_register_archive_format (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_rmtree_dont_delete_file (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_rmtree_errors (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_rmtree_on_symlink (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_tarfile_root_owner (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_tarfile_vs_tar (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_unzip_zipfile (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) SKIP: test_zipfile_vs_zip (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) 'Need the zip command to run' PASS: test_destinsrc_false_negative (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_destinsrc_false_positive (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_dont_move_dir_in_itself (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_existing_file_inside_dest_dir (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_dir (test.test_shutil.TestMove) SKIP: test_move_dir_altsep_to_dir (test.test_shutil.TestMove) 'requires os.path.altsep' PASS: test_move_dir_other_fs (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_dir_sep_to_dir (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_dir_to_dir (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_dir_to_dir_other_fs (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_file (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_file_other_fs (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_file_to_dir (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_file_to_dir_other_fs (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_dir_caseinsensitive (test.test_shutil.TestCopyFile) PASS: test_w_dest_close_fails (test.test_shutil.TestCopyFile) PASS: test_w_dest_open_fails (test.test_shutil.TestCopyFile) PASS: test_w_source_close_fails (test.test_shutil.TestCopyFile) PASS: test_w_source_open_fails (test.test_shutil.TestCopyFile) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 41 tests in 0.031s OK (skipped=4) 0:04:02 load avg: 0.14 [300/403/37] test_signal PASS: test_getsignal (test.test_signal.BasicSignalTests) PASS: test_out_of_range_signal_number_raises_error (test.test_signal.BasicSignalTests) PASS: test_setting_signal_handler_to_none_raises_error (test.test_signal.BasicSignalTests) PASS: test_main (test.test_signal.InterProcessSignalTests) PASS: test_invalid_fd (test.test_signal.WakeupFDTests) PASS: test_wakeup_fd_during (test.test_signal.WakeupSignalTests) PASS: test_wakeup_fd_early (test.test_signal.WakeupSignalTests) test_siginterrupt_off (test.test_signal.SiginterruptTest) PASS: If a signal handler is installed and siginterrupt is called with test_siginterrupt_on (test.test_signal.SiginterruptTest) PASS: If a signal handler is installed and siginterrupt is called with test_without_siginterrupt (test.test_signal.SiginterruptTest) PASS: If a signal handler is installed and siginterrupt is not called PASS: test_itimer_exc (test.test_signal.ItimerTest) test_itimer_prof (test.test_signal.ItimerTest) ... ('SIGPROF handler invoked', (27, )) ok test_itimer_real (test.test_signal.ItimerTest) ... call pause()... ('SIGALRM handler invoked', (14, )) ok test_itimer_virtual (test.test_signal.ItimerTest) ... ('SIGVTALRM handler invoked', (26, )) ('SIGVTALRM handler invoked', (26, )) ('SIGVTALRM handler invoked', (26, )) last SIGVTALRM handler call ('SIGVTALRM handler invoked', (26, )) ok test_setitimer_tiny (test.test_signal.ItimerTest) ... ('SIGALRM handler invoked', (14, )) ok SKIP: test_issue9324 (test.test_signal.WindowsSignalTests) 'Windows specific' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 16 tests in 7.300s OK (skipped=1) 0:04:09 load avg: 0.13 [301/403/37] test_site PASS: test_addpackage (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_addpackage_import_bad_exec (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_addpackage_import_bad_pth_file (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_addpackage_import_bad_syntax (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_addsitedir (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_getsitepackages (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_getuserbase (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_getusersitepackages (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_init_pathinfo (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_makepath (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_s_option (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_abs__file__ (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) SKIP: test_add_build_dir (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) 'test not implemented' PASS: test_aliasing_mbcs (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) PASS: test_no_duplicate_paths (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) PASS: test_setdefaultencoding_removed (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) PASS: test_setting_copyright (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) PASS: test_setting_help (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) PASS: test_setting_quit (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) PASS: test_sitecustomize_executed (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 20 tests in 0.056s OK (skipped=1) 0:04:09 load avg: 0.13 [302/403/37] test_slice PASS: test_cmp (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_cycle (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_indices (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_members (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_setslice_without_getslice (test.test_slice.SliceTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.066s OK 0:04:10 load avg: 0.13 [303/403/37] test_smtplib PASS: testBasic1 (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) PASS: testBasic2 (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) PASS: testLocalHostName (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutDefault (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutNone (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutValue (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) PASS: testBasic (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testHELP (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testNOOP (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testNotImplemented (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testRSET (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testSecondHELO (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testSend (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testVRFY (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testNonnumericPort (test.test_smtplib.NonConnectingTests) PASS: testNotConnected (test.test_smtplib.NonConnectingTests) PASS: testFailingHELO (test.test_smtplib.BadHELOServerTests) PASS: testAUTH_CRAM_MD5 (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testAUTH_LOGIN (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testAUTH_PLAIN (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testBasic (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testEHLO (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testEXPN (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testVRFY (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: test_quit_resets_greeting (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testLineTooLong (test.test_smtplib.TooLongLineTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 115.029s OK 0:06:05 load avg: 0.05 [304/403/37] test_smtpnet -- test_smtplib passed in 1 min 55 sec test_smtpnet skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled 0:06:05 load avg: 0.05 [305/403/37] test_socket -- test_smtpnet skipped (resource denied) PASS: testCrucialConstants (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testDefaultTimeout (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testGetServBy (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testGetSockOpt (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testGetaddrinfo (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testHostnameRes (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testIPv4_inet_aton_fourbytes (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testIPv4toString (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testIPv6toString (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testInterpreterCrash (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testNewAttributes (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testNtoH (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testNtoHErrors (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testRefCountGetNameInfo (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testSendAfterClose (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testSendtoErrors (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testSetSockOpt (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testSockName (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testSocketError (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testStringToIPv4 (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testStringToIPv6 (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_csocket_repr (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_flowinfo (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_getsockaddrarg (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_listen_backlog (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) FAIL: test_listen_backlog_overflow (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_sendall_interrupted (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_sendall_interrupted_with_timeout (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) SKIP: test_sock_ioctl (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) 'Windows specific' PASS: test_weakref (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_weakref__sock (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testDup (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testFromFd (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testOverFlowRecv (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testOverFlowRecvFrom (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testRecv (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testRecvFrom (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testSendAll (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testShutdown (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) FAIL: testShutdown_overflow (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) ERROR PASS: testClose (test.test_socket.TCPCloserTest) PASS: testInterruptedTimeout (test.test_socket.TCPTimeoutTest) PASS: testTCPTimeout (test.test_socket.TCPTimeoutTest) PASS: testTimeoutZero (test.test_socket.TCPTimeoutTest) PASS: testExceptionTree (test.test_socket.TestExceptions) PASS: testRecvFromIntoArray (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvFromIntoBytearray (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvFromIntoEmptyBuffer (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvFromIntoMemoryview (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvFromIntoSmallBuffer (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvIntoArray (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvIntoBytearray (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvIntoMemoryview (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testDup (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testFromFd (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testOverFlowRecv (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testOverFlowRecvFrom (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testRecv (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testRecvFrom (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testSendAll (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testShutdown (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) FAIL: testShutdown_overflow (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) ERROR PASS: testRecvFrom (test.test_socket.BasicUDPTest) PASS: testRecvFromNegative (test.test_socket.BasicUDPTest) PASS: testSendtoAndRecv (test.test_socket.BasicUDPTest) PASS: testTimeoutZero (test.test_socket.UDPTimeoutTest) PASS: testUDPTimeout (test.test_socket.UDPTimeoutTest) PASS: testAccept (test.test_socket.NonBlockingTCPTests) PASS: testConnect (test.test_socket.NonBlockingTCPTests) PASS: testRecv (test.test_socket.NonBlockingTCPTests) PASS: testSetBlocking (test.test_socket.NonBlockingTCPTests) FAIL: testSetBlocking_overflow (test.test_socket.NonBlockingTCPTests) PASS: testClosedAttr (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testFullRead (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadline (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterRead (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterReadNoNewline (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testSmallRead (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testUnbufferedRead (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: test_default (test.test_socket.FileObjectInterruptedTestCase) PASS: test_no_buffer (test.test_socket.FileObjectInterruptedTestCase) PASS: test_with_1k_buffer (test.test_socket.FileObjectInterruptedTestCase) PASS: testClosedAttr (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testFullRead (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadline (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterRead (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterReadNoNewline (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testSmallRead (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testUnbufferedRead (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testUnbufferedReadline (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testClosedAttr (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testFullRead (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testLinebufferedWrite (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadline (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterRead (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterReadNoNewline (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testSmallRead (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testUnbufferedRead (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testClosedAttr (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testFullRead (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadline (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterRead (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterReadNoNewline (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testSmallRead (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testUnbufferedRead (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testClose (test.test_socket.Urllib2FileobjectTest) PASS: test_connect (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionNoServer) PASS: test_create_connection (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionNoServer) PASS: test_create_connection_timeout (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionNoServer) PASS: testFamily (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionAttributesTest) PASS: testSourceAddress (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionAttributesTest) PASS: testTimeoutDefault (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionAttributesTest) PASS: testTimeoutNone (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionAttributesTest) PASS: testTimeoutValueNamed (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionAttributesTest) PASS: testTimeoutValueNonamed (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionAttributesTest) PASS: testInsideTimeout (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionBehaviourTest) PASS: testOutsideTimeout (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionBehaviourTest) PASS: testRecv (test.test_socket.BasicSocketPairTest) PASS: testSend (test.test_socket.BasicSocketPairTest) SKIP: testLinuxAbstractNamespace (test.test_socket.TestLinuxAbstractNamespace) 'Linux specific test' SKIP: testMaxName (test.test_socket.TestLinuxAbstractNamespace) 'Linux specific test' SKIP: testNameOverflow (test.test_socket.TestLinuxAbstractNamespace) 'Linux specific test' SKIP: testRDM (test.test_socket.TIPCTest) "TIPC module is not loaded, please 'sudo modprobe tipc'" SKIP: testStream (test.test_socket.TIPCThreadableTest) "TIPC module is not loaded, please 'sudo modprobe tipc'" ====================================================================== ERROR: test_listen_backlog_overflow (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 756, in test_listen_backlog_overflow import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: testShutdown_overflow (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 148, in _tearDown AssertionError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: testShutdown_overflow (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 148, in _tearDown AssertionError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: testSetBlocking_overflow (test.test_socket.NonBlockingTCPTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 971, in testSetBlocking_overflow import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== FAIL: testShutdown_overflow (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 855, in testShutdown self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) AssertionError: '' != 'Michael Gilfix was here\n' ====================================================================== FAIL: testShutdown_overflow (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 855, in testShutdown self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) AssertionError: '' != 'Michael Gilfix was here\n' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 124 tests in 35.925s FAILED (failures=2, errors=4, skipped=6) 0:06:41 load avg: 0.02 [306/403/38] test_socketserver -- test_socket failed in 36 sec test_socketserver skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled 0:06:41 load avg: 0.02 [307/403/38] test_softspace -- test_socketserver skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_bug_480215 (test.test_softspace.SoftspaceTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:06:41 load avg: 0.02 [308/403/38] test_sort testStressfully (test.test_sort.TestBase) ... Testing size 0 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 1 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 2 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 3 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 3 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 4 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 5 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 7 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 8 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 9 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 15 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 16 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 17 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 31 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 32 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 33 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 63 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(19) Complains(28) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 64 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 65 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(1) Complains(31) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 127 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(58) Complains(62) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 128 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(20) Complains(40) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 129 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 255 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 256 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(245) Complains(102) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 257 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 511 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(119) Complains(126) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 512 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(47) Complains(171) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 513 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(505) Complains(477) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 10 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 100 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 1000 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(175) Complains(112) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability ok PASS: test_badcmp_with_key (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_baddecorator (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_cmp_and_key_combination (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_decorated (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_key_with_exception (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_key_with_mutating_del (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_key_with_mutating_del_and_exception (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_key_with_mutation (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_reverse_stability (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_stability (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_bug453523 (test.test_sort.TestBugs) PASS: test_cmpNone (test.test_sort.TestBugs) PASS: test_undetected_mutation (test.test_sort.TestBugs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.047s OK 0:06:41 load avg: 0.02 [309/403/38] test_source_encoding PASS: test_bad_coding (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_bad_coding2 (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_compilestring (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_error_from_string (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_error_message (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_issue3297 (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_issue7820 (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_non_unicode_codec (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_pep263 (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_double_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_double_coding_same_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_first_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_first_non_utf8_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_second_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_second_non_utf8_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_utf8_bom (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_utf8_bom_and_utf8_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_double_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_double_coding_same_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_first_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_first_non_utf8_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_second_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_second_non_utf8_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_utf8_bom (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_utf8_bom_and_utf8_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 25 tests in 0.100s OK 0:06:41 load avg: 0.02 [310/403/38] test_spwd test_spwd skipped -- No module named spwd 0:06:41 load avg: 0.02 [311/403/38] test_sqlite -- test_spwd skipped 0:06:41 load avg: 0.02 [312/403/39] test_ssl -- test_sqlite failed test_ssl: testing with 'OpenSSL 1.0.2m 2 Nov 2017' (1, 0, 2, 13, 15) under 'Linux-4.12.19-yocto-standard-x86_64-with-glibc2.2.5' HAS_SNI = True OP_ALL = 0x800003ff OP_NO_TLSv1_1 = 0x10000000 PASS: test__create_stdlib_context (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test__https_verify_certificates (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test__https_verify_envvar (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_cert_store_stats (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_check_hostname (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_ciphers (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_create_default_context (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_get_ca_certs (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_load_cert_chain (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_load_default_certs (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_load_default_certs_env (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) SKIP: test_load_default_certs_env_windows (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) 'Windows specific' PASS: test_load_dh_params (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_load_verify_cadata (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_load_verify_locations (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_options (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_protocol (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_session_stats (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_set_default_verify_paths (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_set_ecdh_curve (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_sni_callback (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_sni_callback_refcycle (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_verify_flags (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_verify_mode (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_sslwrap_simple (test.test_ssl.BasicTests) PASS: test_DER_to_PEM (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_asn1object (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_cert_time_to_seconds (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) SKIP: test_cert_time_to_seconds_locale (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) 'locale-specific month name needs to be different from C locale' SKIP: test_cert_time_to_seconds_timezone (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) 'local time needs to be different from UTC' PASS: test_constants (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) test_empty_cert (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: Wrapping with an empty cert file SKIP: test_enum_certificates (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) 'Windows specific' SKIP: test_enum_crls (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) 'Windows specific' PASS: test_errors (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_get_default_verify_paths (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) test_malformed_cert (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: Wrapping with a badly formatted certificate (syntax error) test_malformed_key (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: Wrapping with a badly formatted key (syntax error) PASS: test_match_hostname (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_openssl_version (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_parse_all_sans (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) test_parse_cert (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) ... {'issuer': ((('countryName', u'XY'),), (('localityName', u'Castle Anthrax'),), (('organizationName', u'Python Software Foundation'),), (('commonName', u'localhost'),)), 'notAfter': 'Oct 5 23:01:56 2020 GMT', 'notBefore': u'Oct 8 23:01:56 2010 GMT', 'serialNumber': u'D7C7381919AFC24E', 'subject': ((('countryName', u'XY'),), (('localityName', u'Castle Anthrax'),), (('organizationName', u'Python Software Foundation'),), (('commonName', u'localhost'),)), 'subjectAltName': (('DNS', 'localhost'),), 'version': 3L} {'OCSP': (u'',), 'caIssuers': (u'',), 'crlDistributionPoints': (u'',), 'issuer': ((('countryName', u'US'),), (('organizationName', u'VeriSign, Inc.'),), (('organizationalUnitName', u'VeriSign Trust Network'),), (('organizationalUnitName', u'Terms of use at (c)10'),), (('commonName', u'VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3'),)), 'notAfter': 'Sep 20 23:59:59 2012 GMT', 'notBefore': u'Sep 21 00:00:00 2011 GMT', 'serialNumber': u'2EE6EA7640A075CEE5005F4D7C79549A', 'subject': ((('countryName', u'FI'),), (('stateOrProvinceName', u'Espoo'),), (('localityName', u'Espoo'),), (('organizationName', u'Nokia'),), (('organizationalUnitName', u'BI'),), (('commonName', u''),)), 'subjectAltName': (('DNS', ''), ('DNS', '')), 'version': 3L} ok test_parse_cert_CVE_2013_4238 (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) ... {'issuer': ((('countryName', u'US'),), (('stateOrProvinceName', u'Oregon'),), (('localityName', u'Beaverton'),), (('organizationName', u'Python Software Foundation'),), (('organizationalUnitName', u'Python Core Development'),), (('commonName', u'\'),), (('emailAddress', u''),)), 'notAfter': 'Aug 7 13:12:52 2013 GMT', 'notBefore': u'Aug 7 13:11:52 2013 GMT', 'serialNumber': u'00', 'subject': ((('countryName', u'US'),), (('stateOrProvinceName', u'Oregon'),), (('localityName', u'Beaverton'),), (('organizationName', u'Python Software Foundation'),), (('organizationalUnitName', u'Python Core Development'),), (('commonName', u'\'),), (('emailAddress', u''),)), 'subjectAltName': (('DNS', '\'), ('email', '\'), ('URI', '\x00'), ('IP Address', ''), ('IP Address', '2001:DB8:0:0:0:0:0:1\n')), 'version': 3L} ok PASS: test_purpose_enum (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) test_random (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) ... RAND_status is 1 (sufficient randomness) ok PASS: test_refcycle (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_server_side (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_tls_unique_channel_binding (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_unknown_channel_binding (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_unsupported_dtls (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_wrapped_unconnected (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_lib_reason (test.test_ssl.SSLErrorTests) PASS: test_str (test.test_ssl.SSLErrorTests) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_ssl.SSLErrorTests) test_alpn_protocols (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 45194) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 54934) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 57866) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 44412) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok test_asyncore_server (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Check the example asyncore integration. ... server: new connection from client: sending 'FOO\n'... server: read 'FOO\n' from client client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. client: connection closed. cleanup: stopping server. cleanup: joining server thread. server: read 'over\n' from client server: closed connection server: read '' from client cleanup: successfully joined. ok test_check_hostname (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 50202) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None server: new connection from ('', 57692) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None ok test_compression (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 49020) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. got compression: None ok test_compression_disabled (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 55426) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok test_crl_check (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 47658) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None server: new connection from ('', 36980) server: bad connection attempt from ('', 36980): Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1680, in wrap_conn self.sock, server_side=True) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 363, in wrap_socket _context=self) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 611, in __init__ self.do_handshake() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 840, in do_handshake self._sslobj.do_handshake() SSLError: [SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_UNKNOWN_CA] tlsv1 alert unknown ca (_ssl.c:661) server: new connection from ('', 40332) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None ok SKIP: test_default_ciphers (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) 'no DES cipher available' test_default_ecdh_curve (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 58370) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None ok test_dh_params (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 49786) server: connection cipher is now ('DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok PASS: test_do_handshake_enotconn (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) test_echo (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Basic test of an SSL client connecting to a server ... server: new connection from ('', 44328) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 41128) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 54520) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 35602) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok test_getpeercert (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... {'issuer': ((('countryName', u'XY'),), (('localityName', u'Castle Anthrax'),), (('organizationName', u'Python Software Foundation'),), (('commonName', u'localhost'),)), 'notAfter': 'Oct 5 23:01:56 2020 GMT', 'notBefore': u'Oct 8 23:01:56 2010 GMT', 'serialNumber': u'D7C7381919AFC24E', 'subject': ((('countryName', u'XY'),), (('localityName', u'Castle Anthrax'),), (('organizationName', u'Python Software Foundation'),), (('commonName', u'localhost'),)), 'subjectAltName': (('DNS', 'localhost'),), 'version': 3L} Connection cipher is ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256). ok PASS: test_getpeercert_enotconn (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) PASS: test_handshake_timeout (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) test_npn_protocols (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 53820) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now http/1.1 client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 55900) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now http/1.1 client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 33474) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now spdy/2 client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 58134) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now abc client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok test_protocol_sslv2 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) SKIP: Connecting to an SSLv2 server with various client options 'OpenSSL is compiled without SSLv2 support' test_protocol_sslv23 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Connecting to an SSLv23 server with various client options ... PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_NONE PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_NONE PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_OPTIONAL PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_OPTIONAL PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_REQUIRED PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_REQUIRED PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLS} CERT_NONE ok test_protocol_sslv3 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) SKIP: Connecting to an SSLv3 server with various client options 'OpenSSL is compiled without SSLv3 support' test_protocol_tlsv1 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Connecting to a TLSv1 server with various client options ... PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1 CERT_NONE PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1 CERT_OPTIONAL PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1 CERT_REQUIRED {PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLSv1} CERT_NONE ok test_protocol_tlsv1_1 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Connecting to a TLSv1.1 server with various client options. ... PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1 CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1} CERT_NONE PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1} CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1} CERT_NONE ok test_protocol_tlsv1_2 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Connecting to a TLSv1.2 server with various client options. ... PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2} CERT_NONE PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2} CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2->PROTOCOL_TLSv1} CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2} CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1} CERT_NONE ok PASS: test_read_write_after_close_raises_valuerror (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) test_recv_send (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Test recv(), send() and friends. ... server: new connection from ('', 60212) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None ok test_recv_zero (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 58572) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None ok test_rude_shutdown (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) PASS: A brutal shutdown of an SSL server should raise an OSError test_selected_alpn_protocol (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 43506) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok test_selected_alpn_protocol_if_server_uses_alpn (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 58800) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok test_selected_npn_protocol (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 59274) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok PASS: test_server_accept (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) test_sni_callback (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 41656) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None server: new connection from ('', 39278) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None server: new connection from ('', 37020) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None ok PASS: test_sni_callback_alert (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) PASS: test_sni_callback_raising (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) PASS: test_sni_callback_wrong_return_type (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) test_socketserver (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Using a SocketServer to create and manage SSL connections. ... ERROR stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread test_starttls (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Switching from clear text to encrypted and back again. ... client: sending 'msg 1'... server: new connection from ('', 53974) server: read 'msg 1' (unencrypted), sending back 'msg 1' (unencrypted)... client: read 'msg 1' from server client: sending 'MSG 2'... server: read 'MSG 2' (unencrypted), sending back 'msg 2' (unencrypted)... client: read 'msg 2' from server client: sending 'STARTTLS'... server: read STARTTLS from client, sending OK... client: read 'ok' from server, starting TLS... server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'MSG 3'... server: read 'MSG 3' (encrypted), sending back 'msg 3' (encrypted)... client: read 'msg 3' from server client: sending 'msg 4'... server: read 'msg 4' (encrypted), sending back 'msg 4' (encrypted)... client: read 'msg 4' from server client: sending 'ENDTLS'... server: read ENDTLS from client, sending OK... client: read 'ok' from server, ending TLS... server: connection is now unencrypted... client: sending 'msg 5'... server: read 'msg 5' (unencrypted), sending back 'msg 5' (unencrypted)... client: read 'msg 5' from server client: sending 'msg 6'... server: read 'msg 6' (unencrypted), sending back 'msg 6' (unencrypted)... client: read 'msg 6' from server client: closing connection. server: client closed connection ok test_tls_unique_channel_binding (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Test tls-unique channel binding. ... server: new connection from ('', 33042) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None got channel binding data: '\xf6\xb1\xda\xf4sX\xc8\xaaS\x8f\xa8\xbe' server: new connection from ('', 33044) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None got another channel binding data: "\x83\x12\x80(\xab\xa2\x1f\xe4\xa1\x12Q'" ok PASS: test_version_basic (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) test_wrong_cert (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Connecting when the server rejects the client's certificate ... SSLError is SSLError(1, u'[SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_UNKNOWN_CA] tlsv1 alert unknown ca (_ssl.c:661)') ok ====================================================================== ERROR: test_socketserver (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Using a SocketServer to create and manage SSL connections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 2505, in test_socketserver f = urllib2.urlopen(url, context=context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen return, data, timeout) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 429, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 447, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1241, in https_open context=self._context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1198, in do_open raise URLError(err) URLError: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 94 tests in 0.957s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=8) 0:06:42 load avg: 0.02 [313/403/40] test_startfile -- test_ssl failed test_startfile skipped -- module 'os' has no attribute 'startfile' 0:06:42 load avg: 0.02 [314/403/40] test_stat -- test_startfile skipped PASS: test_devices (test.test_stat.TestFilemode) PASS: test_directory (test.test_stat.TestFilemode) PASS: test_fifo (test.test_stat.TestFilemode) PASS: test_link (test.test_stat.TestFilemode) PASS: test_mode (test.test_stat.TestFilemode) PASS: test_module_attributes (test.test_stat.TestFilemode) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s OK 0:06:43 load avg: 0.02 [315/403/40] test_str PASS: test___contains__ (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test__format__ (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_basic_creation (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_buffer_is_readonly (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_bug1001011 (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_center (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_conversion (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_encode_and_decode_kwargs (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_encoding_decoding (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_endswith (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_str.StrTest) SKIP: test_expandtabs_overflows_gracefully (test.test_str.StrTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_find_etc_raise_correct_error_messages (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_fixtype (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_floatformatting (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_format_auto_numbering (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_format_c_overflow (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_format_huge_item_number (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_format_huge_precision (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_format_huge_width (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_formatting (test.test_str.StrTest) FAIL: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_str.StrTest) FAIL: test_formatting_huge_precision (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_formatting_huge_width (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_inplace_rewrites (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_isalnum (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_isalpha (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_isdigit (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_islower (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_isspace (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_issue28598_strsubclass_rhs (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_istitle (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_isupper (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_lower (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_none_arguments (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_partition (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_str.StrTest) SKIP: test_replace_overflow (test.test_str.StrTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_rfind (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_rpartition (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_rsplit (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_slice (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_splitlines (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_startswith (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_startswith_endswith_errors (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_strip_whitespace (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_title (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_upper (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_str.StrTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_str.StrTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1178, in test_formatting_c_limits from _testcapi import PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, INT_MAX, UINT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_formatting_huge_precision (test.test_str.StrTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 43, in test_formatting_huge_precision from _testcapi import INT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 65 tests in 0.364s FAILED (errors=2, skipped=2) 0:06:43 load avg: 0.02 [316/403/41] test_strftime -- test_str failed test_strftime (test.test_strftime.StrftimeTest) ... strftime test for Tue Feb 13 02:15:35 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) Strftime test, platform: linux2, Python version: 2.7.14 strftime test for Fri Oct 21 12:40:35 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Oct 22 11:41:44 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Oct 23 10:42:53 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Oct 24 09:44:02 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Oct 25 08:45:11 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Oct 26 07:46:20 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Oct 27 06:47:29 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Oct 28 05:48:38 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Oct 29 04:49:47 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Oct 30 03:50:56 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Oct 31 02:52:05 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Nov 1 01:53:14 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Nov 01 01:53:14 2016, but got Tue Nov 1 01:53:14 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 2 00:54:23 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Nov 02 00:54:23 2016, but got Wed Nov 2 00:54:23 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 2 23:55:32 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Nov 02 23:55:32 2016, but got Wed Nov 2 23:55:32 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 3 22:56:41 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Nov 03 22:56:41 2016, but got Thu Nov 3 22:56:41 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Nov 4 21:57:50 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Nov 04 21:57:50 2016, but got Fri Nov 4 21:57:50 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Nov 5 20:58:59 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Nov 05 20:58:59 2016, but got Sat Nov 5 20:58:59 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Nov 6 20:00:08 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Nov 06 20:00:08 2016, but got Sun Nov 6 20:00:08 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Nov 7 19:01:17 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Nov 07 19:01:17 2016, but got Mon Nov 7 19:01:17 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Nov 8 18:02:26 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Nov 08 18:02:26 2016, but got Tue Nov 8 18:02:26 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 9 17:03:35 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Nov 09 17:03:35 2016, but got Wed Nov 9 17:03:35 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 10 16:04:44 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Nov 11 15:05:53 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Nov 12 14:07:02 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Nov 13 13:08:11 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Jan 25 10:35:35 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Jan 26 09:36:44 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Jan 27 08:37:53 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Jan 28 07:39:02 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Jan 29 06:40:11 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Jan 30 05:41:20 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Jan 31 04:42:29 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Feb 1 03:43:38 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Feb 01 03:43:38 2017, but got Wed Feb 1 03:43:38 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Feb 2 02:44:47 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Feb 02 02:44:47 2017, but got Thu Feb 2 02:44:47 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Feb 3 01:45:56 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Feb 03 01:45:56 2017, but got Fri Feb 3 01:45:56 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Feb 4 00:47:05 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Feb 04 00:47:05 2017, but got Sat Feb 4 00:47:05 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Feb 4 23:48:14 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Feb 04 23:48:14 2017, but got Sat Feb 4 23:48:14 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Feb 5 22:49:23 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Feb 05 22:49:23 2017, but got Sun Feb 5 22:49:23 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Feb 6 21:50:32 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Feb 06 21:50:32 2017, but got Mon Feb 6 21:50:32 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Feb 7 20:51:41 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Feb 07 20:51:41 2017, but got Tue Feb 7 20:51:41 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Feb 8 19:52:50 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Feb 08 19:52:50 2017, but got Wed Feb 8 19:52:50 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Feb 9 18:53:59 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Feb 09 18:53:59 2017, but got Thu Feb 9 18:53:59 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Feb 10 17:55:08 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Feb 11 16:56:17 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Feb 12 15:57:26 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Feb 13 14:58:35 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Feb 14 13:59:44 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Feb 15 13:00:53 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Feb 16 12:02:02 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Feb 17 11:03:11 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon May 1 08:30:35 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon May 01 08:30:35 2017, but got Mon May 1 08:30:35 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 2 07:31:44 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue May 02 07:31:44 2017, but got Tue May 2 07:31:44 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed May 3 06:32:53 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed May 03 06:32:53 2017, but got Wed May 3 06:32:53 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu May 4 05:34:02 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu May 04 05:34:02 2017, but got Thu May 4 05:34:02 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri May 5 04:35:11 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri May 05 04:35:11 2017, but got Fri May 5 04:35:11 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat May 6 03:36:20 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat May 06 03:36:20 2017, but got Sat May 6 03:36:20 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun May 7 02:37:29 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun May 07 02:37:29 2017, but got Sun May 7 02:37:29 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon May 8 01:38:38 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon May 08 01:38:38 2017, but got Mon May 8 01:38:38 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 9 00:39:47 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue May 09 00:39:47 2017, but got Tue May 9 00:39:47 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 9 23:40:56 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue May 09 23:40:56 2017, but got Tue May 9 23:40:56 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed May 10 22:42:05 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu May 11 21:43:14 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri May 12 20:44:23 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat May 13 19:45:32 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun May 14 18:46:41 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon May 15 17:47:50 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 16 16:48:59 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed May 17 15:50:08 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu May 18 14:51:17 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri May 19 13:52:26 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat May 20 12:53:35 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun May 21 11:54:44 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon May 22 10:55:53 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 23 09:57:02 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed May 24 08:58:11 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Aug 5 06:25:35 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Aug 05 06:25:35 2017, but got Sat Aug 5 06:25:35 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Aug 6 05:26:44 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Aug 06 05:26:44 2017, but got Sun Aug 6 05:26:44 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Aug 7 04:27:53 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Aug 07 04:27:53 2017, but got Mon Aug 7 04:27:53 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Aug 8 03:29:02 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Aug 08 03:29:02 2017, but got Tue Aug 8 03:29:02 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Aug 9 02:30:11 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Aug 09 02:30:11 2017, but got Wed Aug 9 02:30:11 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Aug 10 01:31:20 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Aug 11 00:32:29 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Aug 11 23:33:38 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Aug 12 22:34:47 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Aug 13 21:35:56 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Aug 14 20:37:05 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Aug 15 19:38:14 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Aug 16 18:39:23 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Aug 17 17:40:32 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Aug 18 16:41:41 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Aug 19 15:42:50 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Aug 20 14:43:59 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Aug 21 13:45:08 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Aug 22 12:46:17 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Aug 23 11:47:26 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Aug 24 10:48:35 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Aug 25 09:49:44 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Aug 26 08:50:53 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Aug 27 07:52:02 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Aug 28 06:53:11 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 9 04:20:35 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Nov 09 04:20:35 2017, but got Thu Nov 9 04:20:35 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Nov 10 03:21:44 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Nov 11 02:22:53 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Nov 12 01:24:02 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Nov 13 00:25:11 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Nov 13 23:26:20 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Nov 14 22:27:29 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 15 21:28:38 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 16 20:29:47 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Nov 17 19:30:56 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Nov 18 18:32:05 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Nov 19 17:33:14 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Nov 20 16:34:23 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Nov 21 15:35:32 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 22 14:36:41 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 23 13:37:50 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Nov 24 12:38:59 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Nov 25 11:40:08 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Nov 26 10:41:17 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Nov 27 09:42:26 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Nov 28 08:43:35 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 29 07:44:44 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 30 06:45:53 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Dec 1 05:47:02 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Dec 01 05:47:02 2017, but got Fri Dec 1 05:47:02 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Dec 2 04:48:11 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Dec 02 04:48:11 2017, but got Sat Dec 2 04:48:11 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Feb 13 02:15:35 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Feb 14 01:16:44 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Feb 15 00:17:53 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Feb 15 23:19:02 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Feb 16 22:20:11 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Feb 17 21:21:20 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Feb 18 20:22:29 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Feb 19 19:23:38 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Feb 20 18:24:47 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Feb 21 17:25:56 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Feb 22 16:27:05 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Feb 23 15:28:14 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Feb 24 14:29:23 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Feb 25 13:30:32 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Feb 26 12:31:41 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Feb 27 11:32:50 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Feb 28 10:33:59 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Mar 1 09:35:08 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Mar 01 09:35:08 2018, but got Thu Mar 1 09:35:08 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Mar 2 08:36:17 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Mar 02 08:36:17 2018, but got Fri Mar 2 08:36:17 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Mar 3 07:37:26 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Mar 03 07:37:26 2018, but got Sat Mar 3 07:37:26 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Mar 4 06:38:35 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Mar 04 06:38:35 2018, but got Sun Mar 4 06:38:35 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Mar 5 05:39:44 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Mar 05 05:39:44 2018, but got Mon Mar 5 05:39:44 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Mar 6 04:40:53 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Mar 06 04:40:53 2018, but got Tue Mar 6 04:40:53 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Mar 7 03:42:02 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Mar 07 03:42:02 2018, but got Wed Mar 7 03:42:02 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Mar 8 02:43:11 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Mar 08 02:43:11 2018, but got Thu Mar 8 02:43:11 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun May 20 00:10:35 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun May 20 23:11:44 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon May 21 22:12:53 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 22 21:14:02 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed May 23 20:15:11 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu May 24 19:16:20 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri May 25 18:17:29 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat May 26 17:18:38 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun May 27 16:19:47 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon May 28 15:20:56 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 29 14:22:05 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed May 30 13:23:14 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu May 31 12:24:23 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Jun 1 11:25:32 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Jun 01 11:25:32 2018, but got Fri Jun 1 11:25:32 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Jun 2 10:26:41 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Jun 02 10:26:41 2018, but got Sat Jun 2 10:26:41 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Jun 3 09:27:50 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Jun 03 09:27:50 2018, but got Sun Jun 3 09:27:50 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Jun 4 08:28:59 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Jun 04 08:28:59 2018, but got Mon Jun 4 08:28:59 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Jun 5 07:30:08 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Jun 05 07:30:08 2018, but got Tue Jun 5 07:30:08 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Jun 6 06:31:17 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Jun 06 06:31:17 2018, but got Wed Jun 6 06:31:17 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Jun 7 05:32:26 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Jun 07 05:32:26 2018, but got Thu Jun 7 05:32:26 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Jun 8 04:33:35 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Jun 08 04:33:35 2018, but got Fri Jun 8 04:33:35 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Jun 9 03:34:44 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Jun 09 03:34:44 2018, but got Sat Jun 9 03:34:44 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Jun 10 02:35:53 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Jun 11 01:37:02 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Jun 12 00:38:11 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Aug 23 22:05:35 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Aug 24 21:06:44 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Aug 25 20:07:53 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Aug 26 19:09:02 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Aug 27 18:10:11 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Aug 28 17:11:20 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Aug 29 16:12:29 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Aug 30 15:13:38 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Aug 31 14:14:47 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Sep 1 13:15:56 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Sep 01 13:15:56 2018, but got Sat Sep 1 13:15:56 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Sep 2 12:17:05 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Sep 02 12:17:05 2018, but got Sun Sep 2 12:17:05 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Sep 3 11:18:14 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Sep 03 11:18:14 2018, but got Mon Sep 3 11:18:14 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Sep 4 10:19:23 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Sep 04 10:19:23 2018, but got Tue Sep 4 10:19:23 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Sep 5 09:20:32 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Sep 05 09:20:32 2018, but got Wed Sep 5 09:20:32 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Sep 6 08:21:41 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Sep 06 08:21:41 2018, but got Thu Sep 6 08:21:41 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Sep 7 07:22:50 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Sep 07 07:22:50 2018, but got Fri Sep 7 07:22:50 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Sep 8 06:23:59 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Sep 08 06:23:59 2018, but got Sat Sep 8 06:23:59 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Sep 9 05:25:08 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Sep 09 05:25:08 2018, but got Sun Sep 9 05:25:08 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Sep 10 04:26:17 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Sep 11 03:27:26 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Sep 12 02:28:35 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Sep 13 01:29:44 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Sep 14 00:30:53 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Sep 14 23:32:02 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Sep 15 22:33:11 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Nov 27 20:00:35 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 28 19:01:44 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 29 18:02:53 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Nov 30 17:04:02 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Dec 1 16:05:11 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Dec 01 16:05:11 2018, but got Sat Dec 1 16:05:11 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Dec 2 15:06:20 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Dec 02 15:06:20 2018, but got Sun Dec 2 15:06:20 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Dec 3 14:07:29 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Dec 03 14:07:29 2018, but got Mon Dec 3 14:07:29 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Dec 4 13:08:38 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Dec 04 13:08:38 2018, but got Tue Dec 4 13:08:38 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Dec 5 12:09:47 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Dec 05 12:09:47 2018, but got Wed Dec 5 12:09:47 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Dec 6 11:10:56 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Dec 06 11:10:56 2018, but got Thu Dec 6 11:10:56 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Dec 7 10:12:05 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Dec 07 10:12:05 2018, but got Fri Dec 7 10:12:05 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Dec 8 09:13:14 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Dec 08 09:13:14 2018, but got Sat Dec 8 09:13:14 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Dec 9 08:14:23 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Dec 09 08:14:23 2018, but got Sun Dec 9 08:14:23 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Dec 10 07:15:32 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Dec 11 06:16:41 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Dec 12 05:17:50 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Dec 13 04:18:59 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Dec 14 03:20:08 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Dec 15 02:21:17 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Dec 16 01:22:26 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Dec 17 00:23:35 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Dec 17 23:24:44 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Dec 18 22:25:53 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Dec 19 21:27:02 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Dec 20 20:28:11 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Mar 3 17:55:35 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Mar 03 17:55:35 2019, but got Sun Mar 3 17:55:35 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Mar 4 16:56:44 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Mar 04 16:56:44 2019, but got Mon Mar 4 16:56:44 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Mar 5 15:57:53 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Mar 05 15:57:53 2019, but got Tue Mar 5 15:57:53 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Mar 6 14:59:02 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Mar 06 14:59:02 2019, but got Wed Mar 6 14:59:02 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Mar 7 14:00:11 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Mar 07 14:00:11 2019, but got Thu Mar 7 14:00:11 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Mar 8 13:01:20 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Mar 08 13:01:20 2019, but got Fri Mar 8 13:01:20 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Mar 9 12:02:29 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Mar 09 12:02:29 2019, but got Sat Mar 9 12:02:29 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Mar 10 11:03:38 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Mar 11 10:04:47 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Mar 12 09:05:56 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Mar 13 08:07:05 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Mar 14 07:08:14 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Mar 15 06:09:23 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Mar 16 05:10:32 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Mar 17 04:11:41 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Mar 18 03:12:50 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Mar 19 02:13:59 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Mar 20 01:15:08 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Mar 21 00:16:17 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Mar 21 23:17:26 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Mar 22 22:18:35 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Mar 23 21:19:44 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Mar 24 20:20:53 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Mar 25 19:22:02 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Mar 26 18:23:11 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.198s OK 0:06:43 load avg: 0.02 [317/403/41] test_string PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_center (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_fixtype (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_lower (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_maketrans (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_string.StringTest) SKIP: test_replace_overflow (test.test_string.StringTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_rfind (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_rsplit (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_strip_whitespace (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_translate (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_upper (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_atof (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_atoi (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_atol (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_attrs (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_capwords (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_format_keyword_arguments (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_formatter (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_maketrans (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_builtin (test.test_string.BytesAliasTest) PASS: test_syntax (test.test_string.BytesAliasTest) PASS: test_SafeTemplate (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_braced_override (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_braced_override_safe (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_delimiter_override (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_escapes (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_idpattern_override (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_invalid_placeholders (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_keyword_arguments (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_keyword_arguments_safe (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_pattern_override (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_percents (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_regular_templates (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_regular_templates_with_braces (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_stringification (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_tupleargs (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_unicode_values (test.test_string.TestTemplate) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 51 tests in 0.330s OK (skipped=1) 0:06:44 load avg: 0.02 [318/403/41] test_stringprep PASS: test (test.test_stringprep.StringprepTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:06:44 load avg: 0.02 [319/403/41] test_strop PASS: test_atof (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_atoi (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_atol (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_data_attributes (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) SKIP: test_expandtabs_overflow (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) 'only for 32-bit' PASS: test_find (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_join (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_lower (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_lstrip (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_maketrans (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_replace (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_rfind (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_rstrip (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_split (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_strip (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_stropjoin_huge_list (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_stropjoin_huge_tup (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) SKIP: test_stropreplace_overflow (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) 'only for 32-bit' PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_translate (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_upper (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 22 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 0:06:44 load avg: 0.02 [320/403/41] test_strptime PASS: test_basic (test.test_strptime.getlang_Tests) PASS: test_am_pm (test.test_strptime.LocaleTime_Tests) PASS: test_date_time (test.test_strptime.LocaleTime_Tests) PASS: test_lang (test.test_strptime.LocaleTime_Tests) PASS: test_month (test.test_strptime.LocaleTime_Tests) PASS: test_timezone (test.test_strptime.LocaleTime_Tests) PASS: test_weekday (test.test_strptime.LocaleTime_Tests) PASS: test_blankpattern (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_compile (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_locale_data_w_regex_metacharacters (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_matching_with_escapes (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_pattern (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_pattern_escaping (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_whitespace_substitution (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_ValueError (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) SKIP: test_bad_timezone (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) 'need non-UTC/GMT timezone' PASS: test_caseinsensitive (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_date (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_date_time (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_day (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_defaults (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_escaping (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_feb29_on_leap_year_without_year (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_fraction (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_hour (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_julian (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_mar1_comes_after_feb29_even_when_omitting_the_year (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_minute (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_month (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_percent (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_second (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_time (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_timezone (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_unconverteddata (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_weekday (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_year (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_twelve_noon_midnight (test.test_strptime.Strptime12AMPMTests) PASS: test_all_julian_days (test.test_strptime.JulianTests) PASS: test_day_of_week_calculation (test.test_strptime.CalculationTests) PASS: test_gregorian_calculation (test.test_strptime.CalculationTests) PASS: test_julian_calculation (test.test_strptime.CalculationTests) PASS: test_week_0 (test.test_strptime.CalculationTests) PASS: test_week_of_year_and_day_of_week_calculation (test.test_strptime.CalculationTests) PASS: test_TimeRE_recreation_locale (test.test_strptime.CacheTests) SKIP: test_TimeRE_recreation_timezone (test.test_strptime.CacheTests) 'tzset required' PASS: test_new_localetime (test.test_strptime.CacheTests) PASS: test_regex_cleanup (test.test_strptime.CacheTests) PASS: test_time_re_recreation (test.test_strptime.CacheTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 48 tests in 0.024s OK (skipped=2) 0:06:44 load avg: 0.02 [321/403/41] test_strtod test_strtod skipped -- correctly-rounded string->float conversions not available on this system 0:06:44 load avg: 0.02 [322/403/41] test_struct -- test_strtod skipped PASS: test_1530559 (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_705836 (test.test_struct.StructTest) FAIL: test__sizeof__ (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_bool (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_calcsize (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_consistence (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_count_overflow (test.test_struct.StructTest) SKIP: test_crasher (test.test_struct.StructTest) 'Specific to 32bit machines' PASS: test_integers (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_isbigendian (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_new_features (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_p_code (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_pack_into (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_pack_into_array (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_pack_into_fn (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_pack_into_memoryview (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_transitiveness (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_unicode_format (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_unpack_from (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_unpack_with_buffer (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_unpack_with_memoryview (test.test_struct.StructTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test__sizeof__ (test.test_struct.StructTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 575, in test__sizeof__ self.check_sizeof(code, 1) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 570, in check_sizeof support.check_sizeof(self, struct.Struct(format_str), totalsize) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 21 tests in 0.341s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=1) 0:06:44 load avg: 0.02 [323/403/42] test_structmembers -- test_struct failed test_structmembers skipped -- No module named _testcapi 0:06:44 load avg: 0.02 [324/403/42] test_structseq -- test_structmembers skipped PASS: test_cmp (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_concat (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_eviltuple (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_fields (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_tuple (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.003s OK 0:06:44 load avg: 0.02 [325/403/42] test_subprocess PASS: test_call_kwargs (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_call_seq (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_check_call_nonzero (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_check_call_zero (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_check_output (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_check_output_nonzero (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_check_output_stderr (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_check_output_stdout_arg (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_epipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_epipe_only_stdin (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_pipe_buf (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_pipe_fd_leak (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_returns (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_stderr (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_stdin (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_stdout (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_double_close_on_error (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_env (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_executable_with_cwd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_executable_without_cwd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) test_failed_child_execute_fd_leak (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: Test for the fork() failure fd leak reported in issue16327. PASS: test_handles_closed_on_exception (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_bufsize (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_cmd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_env (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_leaking_fds_on_error (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_list2cmdline (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_no_leaking (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_poll (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stderr_filedes (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stderr_fileobj (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stderr_none (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stderr_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stderr_redirect_with_no_stdout_redirect (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdin_filedes (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdin_fileobj (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdin_none (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdin_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_filedes (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_filedes_of_stdout (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_fileobj (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_none (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_stderr_file (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_stderr_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_universal_newlines (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_universal_newlines_communicate (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_wait (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_writes_before_communicate (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_args_string (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_call_string (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fd_0 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fd_1 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fd_2 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fds_0_1 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fds_0_1_2 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fds_0_2 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fds_1_2 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_kill (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_kill_dead (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_leak_fast_process_del_killed (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_pipe_cloexec (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_preexec (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) test_preexec_errpipe_does_not_double_close_pipes (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: Issue16140: Don't double close pipes on preexec error. PASS: test_run_abort (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_send_signal (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_send_signal_dead (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_shell_sequence (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_shell_string (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_specific_shell (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) test_stopped (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) SKIP: Test wait() behavior when waitpid returns WIFSTOPPED; issue29335. 'need _testcapi.W_STOPCODE' PASS: test_swap_fds (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_terminate (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_terminate_dead (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_wait_when_sigchild_ignored (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_zombie_fast_process_del (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) SKIP: test_call_string (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_close_fds (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_creationflags (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_invalid_args (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_kill (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_kill_dead (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_send_signal (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_send_signal_dead (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_shell_sequence (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_shell_string (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_startupinfo (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_terminate (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_terminate_dead (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' PASS: test_call_kwargs (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_call_seq (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_check_call_nonzero (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_check_call_zero (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_check_output (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_check_output_nonzero (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_check_output_stderr (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_check_output_stdout_arg (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_epipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_epipe_only_stdin (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_pipe_buf (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_pipe_fd_leak (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_returns (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_stderr (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_stdin (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_stdout (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_double_close_on_error (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_env (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_executable_with_cwd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_executable_without_cwd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) test_failed_child_execute_fd_leak (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: Test for the fork() failure fd leak reported in issue16327. PASS: test_handles_closed_on_exception (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_invalid_bufsize (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_invalid_cmd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_invalid_env (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_leaking_fds_on_error (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_list2cmdline (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_no_leaking (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_poll (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stderr_filedes (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stderr_fileobj (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stderr_none (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stderr_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stderr_redirect_with_no_stdout_redirect (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdin_filedes (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdin_fileobj (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdin_none (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdin_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_filedes (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_filedes_of_stdout (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_fileobj (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_none (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_stderr_file (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_stderr_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_universal_newlines (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_universal_newlines_communicate (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_wait (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_writes_before_communicate (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_eintr_retry_call (test.test_subprocess.HelperFunctionTests) SKIP: test_noshell_sequence_with_spaces (test.test_subprocess.CommandsWithSpaces) 'mswindows only' SKIP: test_noshell_string_with_spaces (test.test_subprocess.CommandsWithSpaces) 'mswindows only' SKIP: test_shell_sequence_with_spaces (test.test_subprocess.CommandsWithSpaces) 'mswindows only' SKIP: test_shell_string_with_spaces (test.test_subprocess.CommandsWithSpaces) 'mswindows only' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 151 tests in 26.061s OK (skipped=18) 0:07:11 load avg: 0.09 [326/403/42] test_sunau PASS: test_close (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_unseekable_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_unseekable_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_unseekable_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_unseekable_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_unseekable_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_unseekable_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_unseekable_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_unseekable_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_unseekable_write (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 70 tests in 0.014s OK 0:07:11 load avg: 0.09 [327/403/42] test_sunaudiodev test_sunaudiodev skipped -- No module named sunaudiodev 0:07:11 load avg: 0.09 [328/403/42] test_sundry -- test_sunaudiodev skipped FAIL: test_at_least_import_untested_modules (test.test_sundry.TestUntestedModules) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_at_least_import_untested_modules (test.test_sundry.TestUntestedModules) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 14, in test_at_least_import_untested_modules import cgitb ImportError: No module named cgitb ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s FAILED (errors=1) 0:07:11 load avg: 0.09 [329/403/43] test_symtable -- test_sundry failed 0:07:11 load avg: 0.09 [330/403/44] test_syntax -- test_symtable failed PASS: test_assign_call (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_assign_del (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_bad_outdent (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_break_outside_loop (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_delete_deref (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_global_err_then_warn (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_kwargs_last (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_no_indent (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_paren_arg_with_default (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_unexpected_indent (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.002s OK Trying: def f(x): global x Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): SyntaxError: name 'x' is local and global (, line 1) ok Trying: obj.None = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: None = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: () = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to () ok Trying: f() = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: del f() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't delete function call ok Trying: a + 1 = 2 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to operator ok Trying: (x for x in x) = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to generator expression ok Trying: 1 = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to literal ok Trying: "abc" = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to literal ok Trying: `1` = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to repr ok Trying: (a, "b", c) = (1, 2, 3) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to literal ok Trying: [a, b, c + 1] = [1, 2, 3] Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to operator ok Trying: a if 1 else b = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to conditional expression ok Trying: def f(None=1): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: def f(x, y=1, z): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument ok Trying: def f(x, None): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: def f(*None): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: def f(**None): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: def None(x): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: def f(it, *varargs): return list(it) Expecting nothing ok Trying: L = range(10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: f(x for x in L) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ok Trying: f(x for x in L, 1) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized if not sole argument ok Trying: f((x for x in L), 1) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ok Trying: f(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11, i12, i13, i14, i15, i16, i17, i18, i19, i20, i21, i22, i23, i24, i25, i26, i27, i28, i29, i30, i31, i32, i33, i34, i35, i36, i37, i38, i39, i40, i41, i42, i43, i44, i45, i46, i47, i48, i49, i50, i51, i52, i53, i54, i55, i56, i57, i58, i59, i60, i61, i62, i63, i64, i65, i66, i67, i68, i69, i70, i71, i72, i73, i74, i75, i76, i77, i78, i79, i80, i81, i82, i83, i84, i85, i86, i87, i88, i89, i90, i91, i92, i93, i94, i95, i96, i97, i98, i99, i100, i101, i102, i103, i104, i105, i106, i107, i108, i109, i110, i111, i112, i113, i114, i115, i116, i117, i118, i119, i120, i121, i122, i123, i124, i125, i126, i127, i128, i129, i130, i131, i132, i133, i134, i135, i136, i137, i138, i139, i140, i141, i142, i143, i144, i145, i146, i147, i148, i149, i150, i151, i152, i153, i154, i155, i156, i157, i158, i159, i160, i161, i162, i163, i164, i165, i166, i167, i168, i169, i170, i171, i172, i173, i174, i175, i176, i177, i178, i179, i180, i181, i182, i183, i184, i185, i186, i187, i188, i189, i190, i191, i192, i193, i194, i195, i196, i197, i198, i199, i200, i201, i202, i203, i204, i205, i206, i207, i208, i209, i210, i211, i212, i213, i214, i215, i216, i217, i218, i219, i220, i221, i222, i223, i224, i225, i226, i227, i228, i229, i230, i231, i232, i233, i234, i235, i236, i237, i238, i239, i240, i241, i242, i243, i244, i245, i246, i247, i248, i249, i250, i251, i252, i253, i254, i255) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: more than 255 arguments ok Trying: f(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11, i12, i13, i14, i15, i16, i17, i18, i19, i20, i21, i22, i23, i24, i25, i26, i27, i28, i29, i30, i31, i32, i33, i34, i35, i36, i37, i38, i39, i40, i41, i42, i43, i44, i45, i46, i47, i48, i49, i50, i51, i52, i53, i54, i55, i56, i57, i58, i59, i60, i61, i62, i63, i64, i65, i66, i67, i68, i69, i70, i71, i72, i73, i74, i75, i76, i77, i78, i79, i80, i81, i82, i83, i84, i85, i86, i87, i88, i89, i90, i91, i92, i93, i94, i95, i96, i97, i98, i99, i100, i101, i102, i103, i104, i105, i106, i107, i108, i109, i110, i111, i112, i113, i114, i115, i116, i117, i118, i119, i120, i121, i122, i123, i124, i125, i126, i127, i128, i129, i130, i131, i132, i133, i134, i135, i136, i137, i138, i139, i140, i141, i142, i143, i144, i145, i146, i147, i148, i149, i150, i151, i152, i153, i154, i155, i156, i157, i158, i159, i160, i161, i162, i163, i164, i165, i166, i167, i168, i169, i170, i171, i172, i173, i174, i175, i176, i177, i178, i179, i180, i181, i182, i183, i184, i185, i186, i187, i188, i189, i190, i191, i192, i193, i194, i195, i196, i197, i198, i199, i200, i201, i202, i203, i204, i205, i206, i207, i208, i209, i210, i211, i212, i213, i214, i215, i216, i217, i218, i219, i220, i221, i222, i223, i224, i225, i226, i227, i228, i229, i230, i231, i232, i233, i234, i235, i236, i237, i238, i239, i240, i241, i242, i243, (x for x in i244), i245, i246, i247, i248, i249, i250, i251, i252=1, i253=1, i254=1, i255=1) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: more than 255 arguments ok Trying: f(lambda x: x[0] = 3) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: lambda cannot contain assignment ok Trying: f(x()=2) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression ok Trying: f(a or b=1) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression ok Trying: f(x.y=1) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression ok Trying: (x for x in x) += 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to generator expression ok Trying: None += 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: f() += 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: def test(): try: pass finally: for abc in range(10): continue print abc Expecting nothing ok Trying: test() Expecting: 9 ok Trying: def test(): for abc in range(10): try: pass finally: continue Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 6 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause ok Trying: def test(): for abc in range(10): try: pass finally: try: continue except: pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 6 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause ok Trying: def foo(): try: pass finally: continue Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 5 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause ok Trying: def foo(): for a in (): try: pass finally: continue Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 6 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause ok Trying: def foo(): for a in (): try: pass finally: try: continue finally: pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 7 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause ok Trying: def foo(): for a in (): try: pass finally: try: pass except: continue Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 8 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause ok Trying: try: print 1 break print 2 finally: print 3 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 3 SyntaxError: 'break' outside loop ok Trying: while 1: while 2: while 3: while 4: while 5: while 6: while 8: while 9: while 10: while 11: while 12: while 13: while 14: while 15: while 16: while 17: while 18: while 19: while 20: while 21: while 22: break Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: too many statically nested blocks ok Trying: if 1: x() = 1 elif 1: pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 2 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: if 1: pass elif 1: x() = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 4 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: if 1: x() = 1 elif 1: pass else: pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 2 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: if 1: pass elif 1: x() = 1 else: pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 4 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: if 1: pass elif 1: pass else: x() = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 6 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: f(a=23, a=234) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: keyword argument repeated ok Trying: del () Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't delete () ok Trying: {1, 2, 3} = 42 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to literal ok Trying: def f(*xx, **__debug__): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): SyntaxError: cannot assign to __debug__ ok 13 items had no tests: test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase._check_error test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_assign_call test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_assign_del test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_bad_outdent test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_break_outside_loop test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_delete_deref test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_global_err_then_warn test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_kwargs_last test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_no_indent test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_paren_arg_with_default test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_unexpected_indent test.test_syntax.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 53 tests in test.test_syntax 53 tests in 14 items. 53 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_syntax) ... 53 tests with zero failures 0:07:11 load avg: 0.09 [331/403/44] test_sys SKIP: test_43581 (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) 'stdout/stderr encoding is not set' PASS: test_attributes (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_call_tracing (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_clear_type_cache (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_current_frames (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_custom_displayhook (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_dlopenflags (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_exc_clear (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_executable (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_exit (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_getdefaultencoding (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_getframe (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) SKIP: test_getwindowsversion (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) "module 'sys' has no attribute 'getwindowsversion'" PASS: test_ioencoding (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_lost_displayhook (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_original_displayhook (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_original_excepthook (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_recursionlimit (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_refcount (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_setcheckinterval (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_sys_flags (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) FAIL: test_default (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) FAIL: test_errors (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) FAIL: test_gc_head_size (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) FAIL: test_objecttypes (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) FAIL: test_pythontypes (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) FAIL: test_slots (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_default (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 496, in setUp import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_errors (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 496, in setUp import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_gc_head_size (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 496, in setUp import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_objecttypes (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 496, in setUp import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_pythontypes (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 496, in setUp import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_slots (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 496, in setUp import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 27 tests in 0.122s FAILED (errors=6, skipped=2) 0:07:11 load avg: 0.09 [332/403/45] test_sys_setprofile -- test_sys failed PASS: test_empty (test.test_sys_setprofile.TestGetProfile) PASS: test_setget (test.test_sys_setprofile.TestGetProfile) PASS: test_caught_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_caught_nested_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_distant_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_exception_in_except_clause (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_generator (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_nested_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_raise (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_raise_reraise (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_raise_twice (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_simple (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_stop_iteration (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_basic_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileSimulatorTestCase) PASS: test_caught_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileSimulatorTestCase) PASS: test_distant_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileSimulatorTestCase) PASS: test_simple (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileSimulatorTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 19 tests in 0.001s OK 0:07:11 load avg: 0.09 [333/403/45] test_sys_settrace PASS: test_01_basic (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_02_arigo (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_03_one_instr (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_04_no_pop_blocks (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_05_no_pop_tops (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_06_call (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_07_raise (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_08_settrace_and_return (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_09_settrace_and_raise (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_10_ireturn (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_11_tightloop (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_12_tighterloop (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_13_genexp (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_14_onliner_if (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_15_loops (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_16_blank_lines (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_17_none_f_trace (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_set_and_retrieve_func (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_set_and_retrieve_none (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_call (test.test_sys_settrace.RaisingTraceFuncTestCase) PASS: test_exception (test.test_sys_settrace.RaisingTraceFuncTestCase) PASS: test_line (test.test_sys_settrace.RaisingTraceFuncTestCase) PASS: test_return (test.test_sys_settrace.RaisingTraceFuncTestCase) PASS: test_trash_stack (test.test_sys_settrace.RaisingTraceFuncTestCase) PASS: test_01_jump_simple_forwards (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_02_jump_simple_backwards (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_03_jump_out_of_block_forwards (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_04_jump_out_of_block_backwards (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_05_jump_to_codeless_line (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_06_jump_to_same_line (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_07_jump_in_nested_finally (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_08_no_jump_too_far_forwards (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_09_no_jump_too_far_backwards (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_10_no_jump_to_except_1 (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_11_no_jump_to_except_2 (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_12_no_jump_to_except_3 (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_13_no_jump_to_except_4 (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_14_no_jump_forwards_into_block (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_15_no_jump_backwards_into_block (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_16_no_jump_into_finally_block (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_17_no_jump_out_of_finally_block (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_18_no_jump_to_non_integers (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_19_no_jump_without_trace_function (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_20_large_function (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_jump_across_with (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_jump_infinite_while_loop (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_jump_to_firstlineno (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 47 tests in 0.033s OK 0:07:11 load avg: 0.09 [334/403/45] test_sysconfig 0:07:11 load avg: 0.09 [335/403/46] test_tarfile -- test_sysconfig failed PASS: test_fileobj_iter (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_link1 (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_link2 (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_readlines (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_regular_file (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_seek (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_symlink1 (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_symlink2 (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_issue14160 (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_check_members (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_empty_name_attribute (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_empty_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_extract_hardlink (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_extractall (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) SKIP: test_fail_comp (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) 'needs a gz or bz2 mode' PASS: test_fileobj_with_offset (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_find_members (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_ignore_zeros (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_illegal_mode_arg (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_init_close_fobj (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_no_name_argument (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_no_name_attribute (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_non_existent_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_null_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_parallel_iteration (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_premature_end_of_archive (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_v7_dirtype (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_xstar_type (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_compare_members (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_empty_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_regular_file (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_ignore_zeros (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_non_existent_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_null_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_premature_end_of_archive (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_provoke_stream_error (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_detect_file (test.test_tarfile.DetectReadTest) PASS: test_detect_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.DetectReadTest) PASS: test_detect_stream_bz2 (test.test_tarfile.DetectReadTest) PASS: test_find_blktype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_chrtype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_conttype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_dirtype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_dirtype_with_size (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_fifotype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_lnktype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_pax_umlauts (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_regtype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_regtype_oldv7 (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_sparse (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_symtype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_umlauts (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_ustar_longname (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_header_offset (test.test_tarfile.GNUReadTest) PASS: test_read_longlink (test.test_tarfile.GNUReadTest) PASS: test_read_longname (test.test_tarfile.GNUReadTest) PASS: test_sparse_file (test.test_tarfile.GNUReadTest) PASS: test_truncated_longname (test.test_tarfile.GNUReadTest) PASS: test_header_offset (test.test_tarfile.PaxReadTest) PASS: test_pax_global_headers (test.test_tarfile.PaxReadTest) PASS: test_pax_number_fields (test.test_tarfile.PaxReadTest) PASS: test_read_longlink (test.test_tarfile.PaxReadTest) PASS: test_read_longname (test.test_tarfile.PaxReadTest) PASS: test_truncated_longname (test.test_tarfile.PaxReadTest) PASS: test_list (test.test_tarfile.ListTest) PASS: test_list_verbose (test.test_tarfile.ListTest) PASS: test_100_char_name (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_abs_pathnames (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_add_self (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_directory_size (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_exclude (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_broken_symlinks (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_hardlinks (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_symlinks (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_file_size (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_fileobj_no_close (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_filter (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_link_size (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_open_nonwritable_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_pathnames (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_symlink_size (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_tar_size (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_file_mode (test.test_tarfile.StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_fileobj_no_close (test.test_tarfile.StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_issue13639 (test.test_tarfile.StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_stream_padding (test.test_tarfile.StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_longlink_1023 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longlink_1024 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longlink_1025 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longname_1023 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longname_1024 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longname_1025 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longnamelink_1023 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longnamelink_1024 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longnamelink_1025 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longlink_1023 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longlink_1024 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longlink_1025 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longname_1023 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longname_1024 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longname_1025 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longnamelink_1023 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longnamelink_1024 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longnamelink_1025 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_pax_extended_header (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_pax_global_header (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_iso8859_1_filename (test.test_tarfile.UstarUnicodeTest) PASS: test_uname_unicode (test.test_tarfile.UstarUnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_argument (test.test_tarfile.UstarUnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_filename_error (test.test_tarfile.UstarUnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf7_filename (test.test_tarfile.UstarUnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf8_filename (test.test_tarfile.UstarUnicodeTest) PASS: test_iso8859_1_filename (test.test_tarfile.GNUUnicodeTest) PASS: test_uname_unicode (test.test_tarfile.GNUUnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_argument (test.test_tarfile.GNUUnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_filename_error (test.test_tarfile.GNUUnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf7_filename (test.test_tarfile.GNUUnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf8_filename (test.test_tarfile.GNUUnicodeTest) PASS: test_error_handler_utf8 (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_error_handlers (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_iso8859_1_filename (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_uname_unicode (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_argument (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_filename_error (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf7_filename (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf8_filename (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_append_bz2 (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_append_gz (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_empty_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_existing (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_incomplete (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_invalid (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_non_existing (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_null (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_premature_eof (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_trailing_garbage (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_gnu_limits (test.test_tarfile.LimitsTest) PASS: test_pax_limits (test.test_tarfile.LimitsTest) PASS: test_ustar_limits (test.test_tarfile.LimitsTest) PASS: test_read_number_fields (test.test_tarfile.MiscTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tarfile.ContextManagerTest) PASS: test_closed (test.test_tarfile.ContextManagerTest) PASS: test_eof (test.test_tarfile.ContextManagerTest) PASS: test_exception (test.test_tarfile.ContextManagerTest) PASS: test_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.ContextManagerTest) PASS: test_no_eof (test.test_tarfile.ContextManagerTest) PASS: test_add_hardlink (test.test_tarfile.HardlinkTest) PASS: test_add_twice (test.test_tarfile.HardlinkTest) PASS: test_dereference_hardlink (test.test_tarfile.HardlinkTest) PASS: test_check_members (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_empty_name_attribute (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_empty_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_extract_hardlink (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_extractall (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_fail_comp (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_with_offset (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_find_members (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_ignore_zeros (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_illegal_mode_arg (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_init_close_fobj (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_no_name_argument (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_no_name_attribute (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_non_existent_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_null_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_parallel_iteration (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_premature_end_of_archive (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_v7_dirtype (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_xstar_type (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_iter (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_link1 (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_link2 (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_readlines (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_regular_file (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_seek (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_symlink1 (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_symlink2 (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_issue14160 (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_compare_members (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_empty_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_regular_file (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_ignore_zeros (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_non_existent_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_null_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_premature_end_of_archive (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_provoke_stream_error (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_list (test.test_tarfile.GzipListTest) PASS: test_list_verbose (test.test_tarfile.GzipListTest) PASS: test_100_char_name (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_abs_pathnames (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_add_self (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_directory_size (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_exclude (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_broken_symlinks (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_hardlinks (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_symlinks (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_file_size (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_fileobj_no_close (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_filter (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_link_size (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_open_nonwritable_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_pathnames (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_symlink_size (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_tar_size (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_file_mode (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamWriteTest) PASS: test_fileobj_no_close (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamWriteTest) PASS: test_issue13639 (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamWriteTest) PASS: test_stream_padding (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamWriteTest) PASS: test_check_members (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_empty_name_attribute (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_empty_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_extract_hardlink (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_extractall (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_fail_comp (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_with_offset (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_find_members (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_ignore_zeros (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_illegal_mode_arg (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_init_close_fobj (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_no_name_argument (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_no_name_attribute (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_non_existent_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_null_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_parallel_iteration (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_premature_end_of_archive (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_v7_dirtype (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_xstar_type (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_iter (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_link1 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_link2 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_readlines (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_regular_file (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_seek (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_symlink1 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_symlink2 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_issue14160 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_compare_members (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_empty_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_regular_file (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_ignore_zeros (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_non_existent_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_null_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_premature_end_of_archive (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_provoke_stream_error (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_list (test.test_tarfile.Bz2ListTest) PASS: test_list_verbose (test.test_tarfile.Bz2ListTest) PASS: test_100_char_name (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_abs_pathnames (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_add_self (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_directory_size (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_exclude (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_broken_symlinks (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_hardlinks (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_symlinks (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_file_size (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_fileobj_no_close (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_filter (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_link_size (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_open_nonwritable_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_pathnames (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_symlink_size (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_tar_size (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_file_mode (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_fileobj_no_close (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_issue13639 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_stream_padding (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_partial_input (test.test_tarfile.Bz2PartialReadTest) PASS: test_partial_input_bz2 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2PartialReadTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 272 tests in 0.955s OK (skipped=1) 0:07:13 load avg: 0.09 [336/403/46] test_tcl test_tcl skipped -- No module named _tkinter 0:07:13 load avg: 0.09 [337/403/46] test_telnetlib -- test_tcl skipped PASS: testBasic (test.test_telnetlib.GeneralTests) PASS: testGetters (test.test_telnetlib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutDefault (test.test_telnetlib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutNone (test.test_telnetlib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutOpen (test.test_telnetlib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutValue (test.test_telnetlib.GeneralTests) PASS: test_read_all_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_all_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_all_C (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_eager_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_eager_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_lazy_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_lazy_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_some_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_some_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_some_C (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_until_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_until_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) test_read_until_with_poll (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: Use select.poll() to implement telnet.read_until(). test_read_until_with_select (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: Use to implement telnet.read_until(). PASS: test_read_very_eager_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_very_eager_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_very_lazy_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_very_lazy_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_IAC_commands (test.test_telnetlib.OptionTests) PASS: test_SB_commands (test.test_telnetlib.OptionTests) PASS: test_expect_A (test.test_telnetlib.ExpectTests) PASS: test_expect_B (test.test_telnetlib.ExpectTests) test_expect_with_poll (test.test_telnetlib.ExpectTests) PASS: Use select.poll() to implement telnet.expect(). test_expect_with_select (test.test_telnetlib.ExpectTests) PASS: Use to implement telnet.expect(). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 30 tests in 4.889s OK 0:07:18 load avg: 0.08 [338/403/46] test_tempfile PASS: test_exports (test.test_tempfile.test_exports) PASS: test_get_six_char_str (test.test_tempfile.test__RandomNameSequence) PASS: test_many (test.test_tempfile.test__RandomNameSequence) PASS: test_process_awareness (test.test_tempfile.test__RandomNameSequence) PASS: test_supports_iter (test.test_tempfile.test__RandomNameSequence) PASS: test_nonempty_list (test.test_tempfile.test__candidate_tempdir_list) PASS: test_wanted_dirs (test.test_tempfile.test__candidate_tempdir_list) PASS: test_no_files_left_behind (test.test_tempfile.TestGetDefaultTempdir) PASS: test_retval (test.test_tempfile.test__get_candidate_names) PASS: test_same_thing (test.test_tempfile.test__get_candidate_names) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_basic_many (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_choose_directory (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_collision_with_existing_directory (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_collision_with_existing_file (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_file_mode (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_noinherit (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_non_directory (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_nonexisting_directory (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) SKIP: test_read_only_directory (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) "can't set the directory read-only" SKIP: test_textmode (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) 'text mode not available' PASS: test_sane_template (test.test_tempfile.test_gettempprefix) PASS: test_usable_template (test.test_tempfile.test_gettempprefix) PASS: test_directory_exists (test.test_tempfile.test_gettempdir) PASS: test_directory_writable (test.test_tempfile.test_gettempdir) PASS: test_same_thing (test.test_tempfile.test_gettempdir) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test_mkstemp) PASS: test_choose_directory (test.test_tempfile.test_mkstemp) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_basic_many (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_choose_directory (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_collision_with_existing_directory (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_collision_with_existing_file (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_mode (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_non_directory (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_nonexisting_directory (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) SKIP: test_read_only_directory (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) "can't set the directory read-only" PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test_mktemp) PASS: test_many (test.test_tempfile.test_mktemp) PASS: test_bad_mode (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_creates_named (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_del_on_close (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_dis_del_on_close (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_multiple_close (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_no_leak_fd (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_bound_methods (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_context_manager_after_rollover (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_context_manager_before_rollover (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_context_manager_during_rollover (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_del_on_close (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_multiple_close_after_rollover (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_multiple_close_before_rollover (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_properties (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_rewrite_small (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_sparse (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_write_sequential (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_writelines_sequential (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_xreadlines (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test_TemporaryFile) PASS: test_has_no_name (test.test_tempfile.test_TemporaryFile) PASS: test_multiple_close (test.test_tempfile.test_TemporaryFile) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 66 tests in 0.037s OK (skipped=3) 0:07:18 load avg: 0.08 [339/403/46] test_test_support PASS: test_CleanImport (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_DirsOnSysPath (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_HOST (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_bind_port (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_captured_stderr (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_captured_stdin (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_captured_stdout (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_change_cwd (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) test_change_cwd__chdir_warning (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Check the warning message when os.chdir() fails. test_change_cwd__non_existent_dir (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test passing a non-existent directory. test_change_cwd__non_existent_dir__quiet_true (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test passing a non-existent directory with quiet=True. PASS: test_check_syntax_error (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_find_unused_port (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_forget (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_gc_collect (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_get_attribute (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) SKIP: test_get_original_stdout (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) 'failing buildbots' PASS: test_import_fresh_module (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_import_module (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_make_bad_fd (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_python_is_optimized (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_rmtree (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_sortdict (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_swap_attr (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_swap_item (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_temp_cwd (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) test_temp_cwd__name_none (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test passing None to temp_cwd(). test_temp_dir (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test that temp_dir() creates and destroys its directory. test_temp_dir__existing_dir__quiet_default (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test passing a directory that already exists. test_temp_dir__existing_dir__quiet_true (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test passing a directory that already exists with quiet=True. test_temp_dir__path_none (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test passing no path. PASS: test_unlink (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) FAIL: test_unload (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_unload (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 51, in test_unload import sched ImportError: No module named sched ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 33 tests in 0.075s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=1) 0:07:18 load avg: 0.08 [340/403/47] test_textwrap -- test_test_support failed PASS: test_bad_width (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_break_on_hyphens (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_false (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_false_whitespace_only (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_false_whitespace_only_with_indent (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_leading_whitespace (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_whitespace_indent (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_whitespace_line (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_whitespace_only (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_whitespace_only_with_indent (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_em_dash (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_empty_string_with_initial_indent (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_fix_sentence_endings (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_funky_hyphens (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_funky_parens (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_hyphenated (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_hyphenated_numbers (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_no_split_at_umlaut (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_punct_hyphens (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_simple (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_split (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_umlaut_followed_by_dash (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_unix_options (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_whitespace (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_wrap_short (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_wrap_short_1line (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_break_long (test.test_textwrap.LongWordTestCase) PASS: test_nobreak_long (test.test_textwrap.LongWordTestCase) PASS: test_fill (test.test_textwrap.IndentTestCases) PASS: test_initial_indent (test.test_textwrap.IndentTestCases) PASS: test_subsequent_indent (test.test_textwrap.IndentTestCases) PASS: test_dedent_even (test.test_textwrap.DedentTestCase) PASS: test_dedent_nomargin (test.test_textwrap.DedentTestCase) PASS: test_dedent_preserve_internal_tabs (test.test_textwrap.DedentTestCase) PASS: test_dedent_preserve_margin_tabs (test.test_textwrap.DedentTestCase) PASS: test_dedent_uneven (test.test_textwrap.DedentTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 38 tests in 0.006s OK 0:07:18 load avg: 0.08 [341/403/47] test_thread PASS: test__count (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) test_nt_and_posix_stack_size (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) ... caught expected ValueError setting stack_size(4096) successfully set stack_size(262144) successfully set stack_size(1048576) successfully set stack_size(0) trying stack_size = (262144) creating task 1 creating task 2 creating task 3 creating task 4 creating task 5 task 3 will run for 61.0us creating task 6 task 1 will run for 3.0us task 2 will run for 90.0us task 5 will run for 46.0us task 4 will run for 11.0us creating task 7 creating task 8 task 4 done task 6 will run for 37.0us task 1 done task 7 will run for 22.0us task 3 done creating task 9 task 8 will run for 33.0us task 5 done task 2 done task 9 will run for 74.0us task 7 done task 6 done creating task 10 waiting for all tasks to complete task 10 will run for 78.0us task 8 done task 9 done task 10 done all tasks done trying stack_size = (1048576) creating task 1 creating task 2 creating task 3 creating task 4 task 2 will run for 17.0us task 3 will run for 2.0us creating task 5 task 1 will run for 46.0us task 4 will run for 10.0us creating task 6 task 5 will run for 60.0us creating task 7 task 6 will run for 62.0us task 2 done task 3 done task 4 done creating task 8 task 7 will run for 67.0us task 1 done creating task 9 task 8 will run for 48.0us task 9 will run for 77.0us task 5 done creating task 10 waiting for all tasks to complete task 10 will run for 3.0us task 6 done task 7 done task 10 done task 8 done task 9 done all tasks done ok PASS: test_save_exception_state_on_error (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) PASS: test_stack_size (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) test_starting_threads (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) ... creating task 1 creating task 2 task 1 will run for 2.0us creating task 3 task 2 will run for 86.0us creating task 4 creating task 5 task 3 will run for 77.0us creating task 6 task 4 will run for 56.0us task 1 done task 5 will run for 48.0us task 6 will run for 4.0us creating task 7 creating task 8 creating task 9 task 8 will run for 1.0us task 6 done task 2 done creating task 10 task 7 will run for 5.0us task 9 will run for 38.0us task 3 done task 4 done waiting for tasks to complete... task 10 will run for 78.0us task 5 done task 8 done task 7 done task 9 done task 10 done all tasks done ok test_barrier (test.test_thread.BarrierTest) ... waiting for tasks to end task 1 will run for 3.0us task 0 will run for 0.0us task 5 will run for 57.0us task 4 will run for 11.0us task 8 will run for 10.0us task 0 entering 0 task 9 will run for 82.0us task 2 will run for 85.0us task 6 will run for 70.0us task 1 entering 0 task 7 will run for 39.0us task 3 will run for 4.0us task 4 entering 0 task 8 entering 0 task 5 entering 0 task 3 entering 0 task 7 entering 0 task 2 entering 0 task 9 entering 0 task 6 entering 0 task 6 leaving barrier task 6 will run for 36.0us task 0 leaving barrier task 1 leaving barrier task 0 will run for 0.0us task 1 will run for 99.0us task 4 leaving barrier task 8 leaving barrier task 0 entering 1 task 5 leaving barrier task 3 leaving barrier task 4 will run for 95.0us task 8 will run for 17.0us task 7 leaving barrier task 6 entering 1 task 3 will run for 27.0us task 2 leaving barrier task 5 will run for 100.0us task 9 leaving barrier task 7 will run for 90.0us task 2 will run for 7.0us task 9 will run for 93.0us task 1 entering 1 task 8 entering 1 task 3 entering 1 task 2 entering 1 task 4 entering 1 task 5 entering 1 task 7 entering 1 task 9 entering 1 task 9 leaving barrier task 0 leaving barrier task 6 leaving barrier task 1 leaving barrier task 8 leaving barrier task 3 leaving barrier task 2 leaving barrier task 5 leaving barrier task 4 leaving barrier task 9 will run for 9.0us task 0 will run for 0.0us task 7 leaving barrier task 6 will run for 14.0us task 1 will run for 39.0us task 8 will run for 37.0us task 3 will run for 53.0us task 2 will run for 24.0us task 5 will run for 55.0us task 4 will run for 94.0us task 0 entering 2 task 7 will run for 64.0us task 9 entering 2 task 8 entering 2 task 6 entering 2 task 2 entering 2 task 5 entering 2 task 7 entering 2 task 1 entering 2 task 3 entering 2 task 4 entering 2 task 4 leaving barrier task 0 leaving barrier task 9 leaving barrier task 8 leaving barrier task 6 leaving barrier task 2 leaving barrier task 5 leaving barrier task 1 leaving barrier task 7 leaving barrier task 3 leaving barrier tasks done ok PASS: test_acquire_contended (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_acquire_destroy (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_acquire_release (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_different_thread (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_reacquire (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_thread_leak (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_with (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_forkinthread (test.test_thread.TestForkInThread) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 17 tests in 0.252s OK 0:07:18 load avg: 0.08 [342/403/47] test_threaded_import FAIL: Trying 20 threads ... OK. FAIL: Trying 50 threads ... OK. FAIL: Trying 20 threads ... OK. FAIL: Trying 50 threads ... OK. FAIL: Trying 20 threads ... OK. FAIL: Trying 50 threads ... OK. FAIL: testing import hangers ... OK. 0:07:18 load avg: 0.08 [343/403/47] test_threadedtempfile PASS: test_main (test.test_threadedtempfile.ThreadedTempFileTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.035s OK 0:07:18 load avg: 0.08 [344/403/47] test_threading PASS: test_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_acquire_destroy (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_acquire_release (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_different_thread (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_reacquire (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_thread_leak (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_with (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test__is_owned (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_acquire_destroy (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_acquire_release (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_different_thread (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_reacquire (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_release_unacquired (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_thread_leak (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_with (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_is_set (test.test_threading.EventTests) PASS: test_notify (test.test_threading.EventTests) PASS: test_reset_internal_locks (test.test_threading.EventTests) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_threading.EventTests) PASS: test__is_owned (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_acquire_destroy (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_acquire_release (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_different_thread (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_reacquire (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_release_unacquired (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_thread_leak (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_with (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_acquire (test.test_threading.ConditionTests) PASS: test_notify (test.test_threading.ConditionTests) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_threading.ConditionTests) PASS: test_unacquired_notify (test.test_threading.ConditionTests) PASS: test_unacquired_wait (test.test_threading.ConditionTests) PASS: test_acquire (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_acquire_destroy (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_default_value (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_release_unacquired (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_try_acquire (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_with (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_acquire (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_acquire_destroy (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_default_value (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) SKIP: test_recursion_limit (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) 'test macosx problem' PASS: test_release_unacquired (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_try_acquire (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_with (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_BoundedSemaphore_limit (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) test_PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) ... started worker thread trying nonsensical thread id waiting for worker thread to get started verifying worker hasn't exited attempting to raise asynch exception in worker waiting for worker to say it caught the exception all OK -- joining worker ok PASS: test_dummy_thread_after_fork (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_enumerate_after_join (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_finalize_runnning_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_finalize_with_trace (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_foreign_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_ident_of_no_threading_threads (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_is_alive_after_fork (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_join_nondaemon_on_shutdown (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_limbo_cleanup (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_no_refcycle_through_target (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) test_various_ops (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) ... task will run for 73.8 usec 1 tasks are running task will run for 57.1 usec task 2 tasks are running task will run for 48.8 usec 3 tasktasks are runningdone task will run for 27.6 usec task will run for 75.1 usec done is finished. 2 tasks are running is finished. 1 tasks are running task task will run for 2.0 usec 2 task will run for 77.3 usec done tasks are running 3 tasks are runningtask will run for 45.0 usec task task will run for 73.4 usec task done is finished. 2 tasks are running donetask will run for 15.7 usec waiting for all tasks to complete is finished. 1 tasks are running is finished. 0 tasks are running 1 tasks are running 2 tasks are running 3 tasks are running task done is finished. 2 tasks are running task task 3 tasks are running done is finished. 2 tasks are running done is finished. 1 tasks are running 2 tasks are running task done is finished. 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running all tasks done ok test_various_ops_large_stack (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) ... with 1MB thread stack size... task will run for 14.1 usec 1task will run for 73.4 usec tasks are running 2 tasks are runningtask will run for 94.7 usec task done3 task will run for 42.0 usectasks are running is finished. 2 tasks are running task done3 task task will run for 98.8 usec task will run for 46.0 usec tasks are running done task will run for 21.8 usec is finished. 2 tasks are running task3 donetask will run for 38.8 usec tasks are running task will run for 33.7 usec is finished. 2 tasks are running is finished. 1 tasks are running waiting for all tasks to complete task2 task will run for 15.4 usec tasks are running done 3 tasks are running is finished. 2 tasks are running 3 tasks are running task done is finished. 2 tasks are running 3 tasks are running task donetask is finished. 2 tasks are running done is finished. 1 tasks are running 2 tasktasks are running done is finished. 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running all tasks done ok test_various_ops_small_stack (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) ... with 256kB thread stack size... task will run for 79.4 usec 1 tasks are running task will run for 30.3 usec 2 task tasks are running done is finished. 1 tasks are running task will run for 55.7 usec 2 tasks are runningtask done task will run for 70.9 usec task will run for 32.8 usec is finished. 1 tasks are running tasktask will run for 49.6 usec 2 tasks are running task will run for 40.2 usecdone is finished. 1 tasks are running task task will run for 27.2 usec 2 tasks are running done 3 tasks are running is finished. 2 tasks are running task3 tasks are running task will run for 20.6 usec done task will run for 54.9 usec waiting for all tasks to complete is finished. 2 tasks are running task 3 task donetasks are running done is finished. 2 tasks are running is finished. 1 tasks are running 2 task tasks are running done3 tasks are running is finished. 2 tasks are running task done is finished. 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running all tasks done ok PASS: test_1_join_on_shutdown (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) PASS: test_2_join_in_forked_process (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) PASS: test_3_join_in_forked_from_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) PASS: test_4_joining_across_fork_in_worker_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) PASS: test_5_clear_waiter_locks_to_avoid_crash (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) SKIP: test_frame_tstate_tracing (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) 'need _testcapi module' PASS: test_reinit_tls_after_fork (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) PASS: test_daemonize_active_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) PASS: test_joining_current_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) PASS: test_joining_inactive_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) PASS: test_print_exception (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) PASS: test_print_exception_stderr_is_none_1 (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) PASS: test_print_exception_stderr_is_none_2 (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) PASS: test_start_thread_again (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 91 tests in 2.885s OK (skipped=2) 0:07:21 load avg: 0.07 [345/403/47] test_threading_local _threading_local () PASS: Doctest: _threading_local PASS: test_arguments (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_cycle_collection (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_derived (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_derived_cycle_dealloc (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_dict_attribute (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_dict_attribute_subclass (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_local_refs (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_threading_local (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_threading_local_subclass (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_arguments (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_derived (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_derived_cycle_dealloc (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_dict_attribute (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_dict_attribute_subclass (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_local_refs (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_threading_local (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_threading_local_subclass (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) _threading_local () PASS: Doctest: _threading_local ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 19 tests in 0.557s OK 0:07:22 load avg: 0.07 [346/403/47] test_threadsignals PASS: test_signals (test.test_threadsignals.ThreadSignals) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:07:22 load avg: 0.07 [347/403/47] test_time PASS: test_asctime (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_clock (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_conversions (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_ctime_without_arg (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_data_attributes (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_default_values_for_zero (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_gmtime_without_arg (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_insane_timestamps (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_localtime_without_arg (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_mktime (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_sleep (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_strftime (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_strftime_bounds_checking (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_strptime (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) SKIP: test_tzset (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) 'time module has no attribute tzset' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 1.212s OK (skipped=1) 0:07:23 load avg: 0.07 [348/403/47] test_timeit 0:07:23 load avg: 0.07 [349/403/48] test_timeout -- test_timeit failed test_timeout skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled 0:07:24 load avg: 0.07 [350/403/48] test_tk -- test_timeout skipped (resource denied) test_tk skipped -- No module named _tkinter 0:07:24 load avg: 0.07 [351/403/48] test_tokenize -- test_tk skipped PASS: test_additive (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_comparison (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_float (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_function (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_int (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_long (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_method (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_multiplicative (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_pathological_trailing_whitespace (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_selector (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_shift (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_string (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_tabs (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_unary (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.003s OK PASS: test_backslash_continuation (test.test_tokenize.UntokenizeTest) PASS: test_bad_input_order (test.test_tokenize.UntokenizeTest) PASS: test_iter_compat (test.test_tokenize.UntokenizeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK PASS: test_backslash_continuation (test.test_tokenize.TestRoundtrip) PASS: test_continuation (test.test_tokenize.TestRoundtrip) PASS: test_indentation_semantics_retained (test.test_tokenize.TestRoundtrip) PASS: test_random_files (test.test_tokenize.TestRoundtrip) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_tokenize.TestRoundtrip) PASS: test_string_concatenation (test.test_tokenize.TestRoundtrip) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.111s OK PASS: test_decistmt (test.test_tokenize.TestMisc) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:07:24 load avg: 0.07 [352/403/48] test_tools test_tools skipped -- test irrelevant for an installed Python 0:07:24 load avg: 0.07 [353/403/48] test_trace -- test_tools skipped 0:07:24 load avg: 0.07 [354/403/49] test_traceback -- test_trace failed PASS: test_bad_indentation (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_base_exception (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_bug737473 (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_caret (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_format_exception_only_bad__str__ (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_nocaret (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_string_exception1 (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_string_exception2 (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_without_exception (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_format_stack (test.test_traceback.TracebackFormatTests) PASS: test_print_stack (test.test_traceback.TracebackFormatTests) FAIL: test_traceback_format (test.test_traceback.TracebackFormatTests) PASS: test_extract_stack (test.test_traceback.MiscTracebackCases) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_traceback_format (test.test_traceback.TracebackFormatTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 186, in test_traceback_format from _testcapi import traceback_print ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 14 tests in 4.011s FAILED (errors=1) 0:07:28 load avg: 0.07 [355/403/50] test_transformer -- test_traceback failed testMultipleLHS (test.test_transformer.Tests) PASS: Test multiple targets on the left hand side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.003s OK 0:07:28 load avg: 0.07 [356/403/50] test_ttk_guionly test_ttk_guionly skipped -- No module named _tkinter 0:07:28 load avg: 0.07 [357/403/50] test_ttk_textonly -- test_ttk_guionly skipped test_ttk_textonly skipped -- No module named _tkinter 0:07:28 load avg: 0.07 [358/403/50] test_tuple -- test_ttk_textonly skipped PASS: test_addmul (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_bigrepeat (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_bug7466 (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_constructors (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_contains_fake (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_contains_order (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_getitemoverwriteiter (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_minmax (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_track_dynamic (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_track_literals (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_track_subtypes (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_truth (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_tupleresizebug (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 4.469s OK 0:07:33 load avg: 0.14 [359/403/50] test_turtle test_turtle skipped -- No module named _tkinter 0:07:33 load avg: 0.14 [360/403/50] test_typechecks -- test_turtle skipped PASS: testIsInstanceActual (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) PASS: testIsInstanceBuiltin (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) PASS: testIsSubclassActual (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) PASS: testIsSubclassBuiltin (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) PASS: testIsSubclassInternal (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) PASS: testSubclassBehavior (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) PASS: test_oldstyle (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.000s OK 0:07:33 load avg: 0.14 [361/403/50] test_ucn PASS: test_ascii_letters (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) PASS: test_bmp_characters (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) PASS: test_cjk_unified_ideographs (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) PASS: test_general (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) PASS: test_hangul_syllables (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) SKIP: test_issue16335 (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) 'needs UINT_MAX < SIZE_MAX' PASS: test_misc_symbols (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) PASS: test_strict_eror_handling (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.118s OK (skipped=1) 0:07:33 load avg: 0.14 [362/403/50] test_unary PASS: test_bad_types (test.test_unary.UnaryOpTestCase) PASS: test_invert (test.test_unary.UnaryOpTestCase) PASS: test_negation_of_exponentiation (test.test_unary.UnaryOpTestCase) PASS: test_negative (test.test_unary.UnaryOpTestCase) PASS: test_no_overflow (test.test_unary.UnaryOpTestCase) PASS: test_positive (test.test_unary.UnaryOpTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s OK 0:07:33 load avg: 0.14 [363/403/50] test_undocumented_details PASS: test_cell_comparisons (test.test_undocumented_details.TestImplementationComparisons) PASS: test_type_comparisons (test.test_undocumented_details.TestImplementationComparisons) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:07:33 load avg: 0.14 [364/403/50] test_unicode FAIL: test_encode_decimal (test.test_unicode.CAPITest) FAIL: test_encode_decimal_with_surrogates (test.test_unicode.CAPITest) PASS: test_from_format (test.test_unicode.CAPITest) PASS: test___contains__ (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test__format__ (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_bug1001011 (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_capitalize_wide_build (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_center (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_codecs (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_codecs_charmap (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_codecs_errors (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_codecs_idna (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_codecs_utf7 (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_codecs_utf8 (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_comparison (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_concatenation (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_conversion (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_endswith (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_expandtabs_overflows_gracefully (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_find_etc_raise_correct_error_messages (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_fixtype (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_floatformatting (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format_auto_numbering (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format_float (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format_huge_item_number (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format_huge_precision (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format_huge_width (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format_subclass (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_formatting (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) FAIL: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_formatting_huge_precision (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) FAIL: test_formatting_huge_precision_c_limits (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_formatting_huge_width (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_inplace_rewrites (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_isalnum (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isalnum_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_isalpha (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isalpha_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_isdecimal (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isdecimal_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_isdigit (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isdigit_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_islower (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_islower_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_isnumeric (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isnumeric_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_isspace (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isspace_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_issue8271 (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_istitle (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_istitle_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_isupper (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isupper_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_join (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_literals (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_lower (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_mul (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_none_arguments (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_partition (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_printing (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_raiseMemError (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_replace_overflow (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_repr (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_rfind (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_rpartition (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_rsplit (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_slice (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_splitlines (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_startswith (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_startswith_endswith_errors (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_strip_whitespace (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_surrogates (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' SKIP: test_swapcase (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' SKIP: test_title (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_translate (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_ucs4 (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_repr (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_upper (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_utf8_decode_invalid_sequences (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf8_decode_valid_sequences (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_encode_decimal (test.test_unicode.CAPITest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1829, in test_encode_decimal from _testcapi import unicode_encodedecimal ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_encode_decimal_with_surrogates (test.test_unicode.CAPITest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1855, in test_encode_decimal_with_surrogates from _testcapi import unicode_encodedecimal ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1178, in test_formatting_c_limits from _testcapi import PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, INT_MAX, UINT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_formatting_huge_precision_c_limits (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 657, in test_formatting_huge_precision_c_limits from _testcapi import INT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 99 tests in 0.868s FAILED (errors=4, skipped=17) 0:07:34 load avg: 0.14 [365/403/51] test_unicode_file -- test_unicode failed test_unicode_file skipped -- No Unicode filesystem semantics on this platform. 0:07:34 load avg: 0.14 [366/403/51] test_unicodedata -- test_unicode_file skipped PASS: test_bug_1704793 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_bug_4971 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_bug_5828 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_decimal_numeric_consistent (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_digit_numeric_consistent (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_failed_import_during_compiling (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_linebreak_7643 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_ucd_510 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_method_checksum (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMethodsTest) PASS: test_bidirectional (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_category (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_combining (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_decimal (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_decomposition (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_digit (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_east_asian_width (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_function_checksum (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_issue10254 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_mirrored (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_normalize (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_numeric (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_pr29 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 22 tests in 0.609s OK 0:07:35 load avg: 0.14 [367/403/51] test_univnewlines PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.CTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.CTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.CTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.CTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_tell (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_tell (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.CTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.CTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.CTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.CTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestMixedNewlines) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 34 tests in 0.011s OK 0:07:35 load avg: 0.14 [368/403/51] test_univnewlines2k PASS: test_execfile (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestNativeNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestNativeNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestNativeNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestNativeNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestNativeNewlines) PASS: test_execfile (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRNewlines) PASS: test_execfile (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestLFNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestLFNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestLFNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestLFNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestLFNewlines) PASS: test_execfile (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_tell (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_execfile (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestMixedNewlines) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 0.003s OK 0:07:35 load avg: 0.14 [369/403/51] test_unpack Trying: t = (1, 2, 3) Expecting nothing ok Trying: a, b, c = t Expecting nothing ok Trying: a == 1 and b == 2 and c == 3 Expecting: True ok Trying: l = [4, 5, 6] Expecting nothing ok Trying: a, b, c = l Expecting nothing ok Trying: a == 4 and b == 5 and c == 6 Expecting: True ok Trying: a, b, c = 7, 8, 9 Expecting nothing ok Trying: a == 7 and b == 8 and c == 9 Expecting: True ok Trying: a, b, c = 'one' Expecting nothing ok Trying: a == 'o' and b == 'n' and c == 'e' Expecting: True ok Trying: class Seq: def __getitem__(self, i): if i >= 0 and i < 3: return i raise IndexError Expecting nothing ok Trying: a, b, c = Seq() Expecting nothing ok Trying: a == 0 and b == 1 and c == 2 Expecting: True ok Trying: st = (99,) Expecting nothing ok Trying: sl = [100] Expecting nothing ok Trying: a, = st Expecting nothing ok Trying: a Expecting: 99 ok Trying: b, = sl Expecting nothing ok Trying: b Expecting: 100 ok Trying: a, b, c = 7 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable ok Trying: a, b = t Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: too many values to unpack ok Trying: a, b = l Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: too many values to unpack ok Trying: a, b, c, d = Seq() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: need more than 3 values to unpack ok Trying: a, b = Seq() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: too many values to unpack ok Trying: class BozoError(Exception): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: class BadSeq: def __getitem__(self, i): if i >= 0 and i < 3: return i elif i == 3: raise BozoError else: raise IndexError Expecting nothing ok Trying: a, b, c, d, e = BadSeq() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... BozoError ok Trying: a, b, c = BadSeq() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... BozoError ok 2 items had no tests: test.test_unpack test.test_unpack.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 28 tests in test.test_unpack.__test__.doctests 28 tests in 3 items. 28 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_unpack) ... 28 tests with zero failures 0:07:35 load avg: 0.14 [370/403/51] test_urllib PASS: test_close (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_getcode (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_geturl (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_info (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_interface (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_iter (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_readline (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_relativelocalfile (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_empty_socket (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_ftp_nonexisting (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_invalid_redirect (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_missing_localfile (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_read_bogus (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_redirect_limit_independent (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_url_fragment (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_userpass_inurl (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_userpass_with_spaces_inurl (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_basic (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_FileTests) PASS: test_copy (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_FileTests) PASS: test_reporthook (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_FileTests) PASS: test_reporthook_0_bytes (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_FileTests) PASS: test_reporthook_5_bytes (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_FileTests) PASS: test_reporthook_8193_bytes (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_FileTests) PASS: test_short_content_raises_ContentTooShortError (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_HttpTests) PASS: test_short_content_raises_ContentTooShortError_without_reporthook (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_HttpTests) PASS: test_getproxies_environment_keep_no_proxies (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests) PASS: test_proxy_bypass_environment_host_match (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests) PASS: test_proxy_cgi_ignore (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests) PASS: test_default_quoting (test.test_urllib.QuotingTests) PASS: test_default_safe (test.test_urllib.QuotingTests) PASS: test_never_quote (test.test_urllib.QuotingTests) PASS: test_quoting_plus (test.test_urllib.QuotingTests) PASS: test_quoting_space (test.test_urllib.QuotingTests) PASS: test_safe (test.test_urllib.QuotingTests) PASS: test_unquote_with_unicode (test.test_urllib.UnquotingTests) PASS: test_unquoting (test.test_urllib.UnquotingTests) PASS: test_unquoting_badpercent (test.test_urllib.UnquotingTests) PASS: test_unquoting_mixed_case (test.test_urllib.UnquotingTests) PASS: test_unquoting_parts (test.test_urllib.UnquotingTests) PASS: test_unquoting_plus (test.test_urllib.UnquotingTests) PASS: test_doseq (test.test_urllib.urlencode_Tests) PASS: test_quoting (test.test_urllib.urlencode_Tests) PASS: test_using_mapping (test.test_urllib.urlencode_Tests) PASS: test_using_sequence (test.test_urllib.urlencode_Tests) PASS: test_basic (test.test_urllib.Pathname_Tests) SKIP: test_ntpath (test.test_urllib.Pathname_Tests) 'test specific to the nturl2path library' PASS: test_quoting (test.test_urllib.Pathname_Tests) PASS: test_splitattr (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splithost (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splitnport (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splitpasswd (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splitport (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splitquery (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splittag (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splittype (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splituser (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splitvalue (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_toBytes (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_unwrap (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_quoted_open (test.test_urllib.URLopener_Tests) PASS: test_getproxies_environment_keep_no_proxies (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests) PASS: test_proxy_bypass_environment_host_match (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests) PASS: test_proxy_cgi_ignore (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests) PASS: test_getproxies_environment_prefer_lowercase (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests_withOrderedEnv) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 68 tests in 0.012s OK (skipped=1) 0:07:35 load avg: 0.21 [371/403/51] test_urllib2 Trying: err = urllib2.HTTPError(msg='something bad happened', url=None, code=None, hdrs=None, fp=None) Expecting nothing ok Trying: assert hasattr(err, 'reason') Expecting nothing ok Trying: err.reason Expecting: 'something bad happened' ok Trying: mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr() Expecting nothing ok Trying: add = mgr.add_password Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("Some Realm", "", "joe", "password") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("Some Realm", "", "ni", "ni") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("c", "", "foo", "ni") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("c", "", "bar", "nini") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("b", "", "first", "blah") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("b", "", "second", "spam") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("a", "", "1", "a") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("Some Realm", "", "3", "c") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("Some Realm", "", "4", "d") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("Some Realm", "", "5", "e") Expecting nothing ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('joe', 'password') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('joe', 'password') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('joe', 'password') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('joe', 'password') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('joe', 'password') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("c", "") Expecting: ('foo', 'ni') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("c", "") Expecting: ('bar', 'nini') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("b", "") Expecting: ('second', 'spam') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("a", "") Expecting: ('1', 'a') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("a", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('3', 'c') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('3', 'c') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('4', 'd') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('5', 'e') ok Trying: mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr() Expecting nothing ok Trying: add = mgr.add_password Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("f", "", "10", "j") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("g", "", "11", "k") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("h", "", "12", "l") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("i", "", "13", "m") Expecting nothing ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("f", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("f", "") Expecting: ('10', 'j') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("f", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("f", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("f", "") Expecting: ('10', 'j') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("f", "") Expecting: ('10', 'j') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("g", "") Expecting: ('11', 'k') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("g", "") Expecting: ('11', 'k') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("g", "") Expecting: ('11', 'k') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("h", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("h", "") Expecting: ('12', 'l') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("h", "") Expecting: ('12', 'l') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("i", "") Expecting: ('13', 'm') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("i", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("i", "") Expecting: ('13', 'm') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("i", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: url = "" Expecting nothing ok Trying: Request(url, headers={"Spam-eggs": "blah"}).headers["Spam-eggs"] Expecting: 'blah' ok Trying: Request(url, headers={"spam-EggS": "blah"}).headers["Spam-eggs"] Expecting: 'blah' ok Trying: url = "" Expecting nothing ok Trying: r = Request(url, headers={"Spam-eggs": "blah"}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: r.has_header("Spam-eggs") Expecting: True ok Trying: r.header_items() Expecting: [('Spam-eggs', 'blah')] ok Trying: r.add_header("Foo-Bar", "baz") Expecting nothing ok Trying: items = r.header_items() Expecting nothing ok Trying: items.sort() Expecting nothing ok Trying: items Expecting: [('Foo-bar', 'baz'), ('Spam-eggs', 'blah')] ok Trying: r.has_header("Not-there") Expecting: False ok Trying: print r.get_header("Not-there") Expecting: None ok Trying: r.get_header("Not-there", "default") Expecting: 'default' ok 105 items had no tests: test.test_urllib2 test.test_urllib2.FakeMethod test.test_urllib2.FakeMethod.__call__ test.test_urllib2.FakeMethod.__init__ test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests._test_basic_auth test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_basic_and_digest_auth_handlers test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_basic_auth test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_basic_auth_with_single_quoted_realm test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_basic_auth_with_unquoted_realm test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_cookie_redirect test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_cookies test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_errors test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_file test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_fixpath_in_weirdurls test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_ftp test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_http test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_http_doubleslash test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_invalid_redirect test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_proxy test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_proxy_basic_auth test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_proxy_https test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_proxy_https_proxy_authorization test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_proxy_no_proxy test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_redirect test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_redirect_fragment test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_redirect_no_path test.test_urllib2.MiscTests test.test_urllib2.MiscTests.opener_has_handler test.test_urllib2.MiscTests.test_build_opener test.test_urllib2.MiscTests.test_unsupported_algorithm test.test_urllib2.MockCookieJar test.test_urllib2.MockCookieJar.add_cookie_header test.test_urllib2.MockCookieJar.extract_cookies test.test_urllib2.MockFile test.test_urllib2.MockFile.close test.test_urllib2.MockFile.readline test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.__call__ test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.__init__ test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.close test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.getresponse test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.request test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.set_debuglevel test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.set_tunnel test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPHandler test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPHandler.__init__ test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPHandler.http_open test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPHandler.reset test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPResponse test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPResponse.__init__ test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPSHandler test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPSHandler.__init__ test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPSHandler.https_open test.test_urllib2.MockHandler test.test_urllib2.MockHandler.__init__ test.test_urllib2.MockHandler.__lt__ test.test_urllib2.MockHandler._define_methods test.test_urllib2.MockHandler.add_parent test.test_urllib2.MockHandler.close test.test_urllib2.MockHandler.handle test.test_urllib2.MockHeaders test.test_urllib2.MockHeaders.getheaders test.test_urllib2.MockOpener test.test_urllib2.MockOpener.error test.test_urllib2.MockPasswordManager test.test_urllib2.MockPasswordManager.add_password test.test_urllib2.MockPasswordManager.find_user_password test.test_urllib2.MockResponse test.test_urllib2.MockResponse.__init__ test.test_urllib2.MockResponse.geturl test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_add_non_handler test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_badly_named_methods test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_handled test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_handler_order test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_http_error test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_processors test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_raise test.test_urllib2.RequestTests test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.setUp test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_HTTPError_interface_call test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_add_data test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_get_full_url test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_get_host test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_get_host_unquote test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_get_type test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_method test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_private_attributes test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_proxy test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_selector test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_url_fragment test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_wrapped_url test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests.test_cafile_and_context test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests.test_parse_http_list test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests.test_trivial test.test_urllib2.add_ordered_mock_handlers test.test_urllib2.build_test_opener test.test_urllib2.sanepathname2url test.test_urllib2.test_main 5 items passed all tests: 3 tests in test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_HTTPError_interface 27 tests in test.test_urllib2.test_password_manager 22 tests in test.test_urllib2.test_password_manager_default_port 3 tests in test.test_urllib2.test_request_headers_dict 11 tests in test.test_urllib2.test_request_headers_methods 66 tests in 110 items. 66 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_urllib2) ... 66 tests with zero failures Trying: _parse_proxy('file:/') Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: proxy URL with no authority: 'file:/' ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: (None, None, None, '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: (None, None, None, '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: (None, 'joe', 'password', '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: (None, 'joe', 'password', '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: ('http', None, None, '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: ('http', None, None, '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: ('http', 'joe', 'password', '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: ('http', 'joe', 'password', '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: ('ftp', 'joe', 'password', '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: ('http', 'joe', 'password', '') ok 118 items had no tests: urllib2 urllib2.AbstractBasicAuthHandler urllib2.AbstractBasicAuthHandler.__init__ urllib2.AbstractBasicAuthHandler.http_error_auth_reqed urllib2.AbstractBasicAuthHandler.retry_http_basic_auth urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.__init__ urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.get_algorithm_impls urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.get_authorization urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.get_cnonce urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.get_entity_digest urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.http_error_auth_reqed urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.reset_retry_count urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.retry_http_digest_auth urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler.__init__ urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler.do_open urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler.do_request_ urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler.set_http_debuglevel urllib2.BaseHandler urllib2.BaseHandler.__lt__ urllib2.BaseHandler.add_parent urllib2.BaseHandler.close urllib2.CacheFTPHandler urllib2.CacheFTPHandler.__init__ urllib2.CacheFTPHandler.check_cache urllib2.CacheFTPHandler.clear_cache urllib2.CacheFTPHandler.connect_ftp urllib2.CacheFTPHandler.setMaxConns urllib2.CacheFTPHandler.setTimeout urllib2.FTPHandler urllib2.FTPHandler.connect_ftp urllib2.FTPHandler.ftp_open urllib2.FileHandler urllib2.FileHandler.file_open urllib2.FileHandler.get_names urllib2.FileHandler.open_local_file urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler.http_error_401 urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.__init__ urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.http_request urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.https_response urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler.http_error_default urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler.http_error_401 urllib2.HTTPError urllib2.HTTPError.__init__ urllib2.HTTPError.__str__ urllib2.HTTPError.reason urllib2.HTTPErrorProcessor urllib2.HTTPErrorProcessor.https_response urllib2.HTTPHandler urllib2.HTTPHandler.http_open urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr.__init__ urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr.add_password urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr.find_user_password urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr.is_suburi urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr.reduce_uri urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm.find_user_password urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_307 urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.redirect_request urllib2.HTTPSHandler urllib2.HTTPSHandler.__init__ urllib2.HTTPSHandler.https_open urllib2.OpenerDirector urllib2.OpenerDirector.__init__ urllib2.OpenerDirector._call_chain urllib2.OpenerDirector._open urllib2.OpenerDirector.add_handler urllib2.OpenerDirector.close urllib2.OpenerDirector.error urllib2.ProxyBasicAuthHandler urllib2.ProxyBasicAuthHandler.http_error_407 urllib2.ProxyDigestAuthHandler urllib2.ProxyDigestAuthHandler.http_error_407 urllib2.ProxyHandler urllib2.ProxyHandler.__init__ urllib2.ProxyHandler.proxy_open urllib2.Request urllib2.Request.__getattr__ urllib2.Request.__init__ urllib2.Request.add_data urllib2.Request.add_header urllib2.Request.add_unredirected_header urllib2.Request.get_data urllib2.Request.get_full_url urllib2.Request.get_header urllib2.Request.get_host urllib2.Request.get_method urllib2.Request.get_origin_req_host urllib2.Request.get_selector urllib2.Request.get_type urllib2.Request.has_data urllib2.Request.has_header urllib2.Request.has_proxy urllib2.Request.header_items urllib2.Request.is_unverifiable urllib2.Request.set_proxy urllib2.URLError urllib2.URLError.__init__ urllib2.URLError.__str__ urllib2.UnknownHandler urllib2.UnknownHandler.unknown_open urllib2._safe_gethostbyname urllib2.build_opener urllib2.install_opener urllib2.parse_http_list urllib2.parse_keqv_list urllib2.randombytes urllib2.request_host urllib2.urlopen 1 items passed all tests: 11 tests in urllib2._parse_proxy 11 tests in 119 items. 11 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (urllib2) ... 11 tests with zero failures PASS: test_cafile_and_context (test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests) PASS: test_parse_http_list (test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests) PASS: test_trivial (test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests) PASS: test_add_non_handler (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_badly_named_methods (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_handled (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_handler_order (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_http_error (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_processors (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_raise (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_basic_and_digest_auth_handlers (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_basic_auth (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_basic_auth_with_single_quoted_realm (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_basic_auth_with_unquoted_realm (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_cookie_redirect (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_cookies (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_errors (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_file (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_fixpath_in_weirdurls (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_ftp (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_http (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_http_doubleslash (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_invalid_redirect (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_proxy (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_proxy_basic_auth (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_proxy_https (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_proxy_https_proxy_authorization (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_proxy_no_proxy (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_redirect (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_redirect_fragment (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) FAIL: test_redirect_no_path (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_build_opener (test.test_urllib2.MiscTests) PASS: test_unsupported_algorithm (test.test_urllib2.MiscTests) PASS: test_HTTPError_interface (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_HTTPError_interface_call (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_add_data (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_get_full_url (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_get_host (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_get_host_unquote (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_get_type (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_method (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_private_attributes (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_proxy (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_selector (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_url_fragment (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_wrapped_url (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) ====================================================================== FAIL: test_redirect_no_path (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1054, in test_redirect_no_path fp = urllib2.urlopen("") File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen return, data, timeout) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 429, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 447, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1228, in http_open return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1195, in do_open h.request(req.get_method(), req.get_selector(),, headers) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1049, in request self.assertEqual(url, next(urls)) AssertionError: '' != '/path' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 46 tests in 0.400s FAILED (failures=1) 0:07:36 load avg: 0.21 [372/403/52] test_urllib2_localnet -- test_urllib2 failed PASS: test_basic_auth_httperror (test.test_urllib2_localnet.BasicAuthTests) FAIL: test_basic_auth_success (test.test_urllib2_localnet.BasicAuthTests) PASS: test_proxy_qop_auth_int_works_or_throws_urlerror (test.test_urllib2_localnet.ProxyAuthTests) PASS: test_proxy_qop_auth_works (test.test_urllib2_localnet.ProxyAuthTests) PASS: test_proxy_with_bad_password_raises_httperror (test.test_urllib2_localnet.ProxyAuthTests) PASS: test_proxy_with_no_password_raises_httperror (test.test_urllib2_localnet.ProxyAuthTests) PASS: test_200 (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) PASS: test_200_with_parameters (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) PASS: test_404 (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) SKIP: test_bad_address (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" PASS: test_basic (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) PASS: test_geturl (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) FAIL: test_https (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread FAIL: test_https_sni (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread test_https_with_cadefault (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) ... stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread ok FAIL: test_https_with_cafile (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread PASS: test_info (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) PASS: test_redirection (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) PASS: test_sending_headers (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_https (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 546, in test_https data = self.urlopen("https://localhost:%s/bizarre" % handler.port, context=context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 453, in urlopen f = urllib2.urlopen(url, data, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen return, data, timeout) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 429, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 447, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1241, in https_open context=self._context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1198, in do_open raise URLError(err) URLError: ====================================================================== ERROR: test_https_sni (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 584, in test_https_sni self.urlopen("https://localhost:%s" % handler.port, context=context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 453, in urlopen f = urllib2.urlopen(url, data, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen return, data, timeout) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 429, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 447, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1241, in https_open context=self._context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1198, in do_open raise URLError(err) URLError: ====================================================================== ERROR: test_https_with_cafile (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 553, in test_https_with_cafile cafile=CERT_localhost) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 453, in urlopen f = urllib2.urlopen(url, data, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen return, data, timeout) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 429, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 447, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1241, in https_open context=self._context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1198, in do_open raise URLError(err) URLError: ====================================================================== FAIL: test_basic_auth_success (test.test_urllib2_localnet.BasicAuthTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 309, in test_basic_auth_success"Basic Auth Failed for url: %s" % self.server_url) AssertionError: Basic Auth Failed for url: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 20 tests in 152.806s FAILED (failures=1, errors=3, skipped=1) 0:10:09 load avg: 0.01 [373/403/53] test_urllib2net -- test_urllib2_localnet failed in 2 min 33 sec test_urllib2net skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled 0:10:09 load avg: 0.01 [374/403/53] test_urllibnet -- test_urllib2net skipped (resource denied) test_urllibnet skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled 0:10:09 load avg: 0.01 [375/403/53] test_urlparse -- test_urllibnet skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_RFC1808 (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_RFC2368 (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_RFC2396 (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_RFC2732 (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_RFC3986 (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_anyscheme (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) test_attributes_bad_port (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: Check handling of non-integer ports. PASS: test_attributes_without_netloc (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_caching (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_http_roundtrips (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_issue14072 (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_noslash (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_portseparator (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_qs (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_qsl (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_roundtrips (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_telurl_params (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_unparse_parse (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_urldefrag (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_urljoins (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_urlsplit_attributes (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_withoutscheme (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 22 tests in 0.005s OK 0:10:09 load avg: 0.01 [376/403/53] test_userdict PASS: test_all (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_bool (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_clear (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_fromkeys (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_get (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_items (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_keys (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_le (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_missing (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_mutatingiteration (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_update (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_values (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_all (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_bool (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_clear (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_fromkeys (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_get (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_items (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_keys (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_update (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_values (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 45 tests in 0.284s OK 0:10:09 load avg: 0.01 [377/403/53] test_userlist PASS: test_add_specials (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_addmul (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_append (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_bigrepeat (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_constructor_exception_handling (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_constructors (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_contains_fake (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_contains_order (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_exhausted_iterator (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_extendedslicing (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_getitemoverwriteiter (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_minmax (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_mixedadd (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_mixedcmp (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_print (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_radd_specials (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_reversed (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_set_subscript (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_slice (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_sort (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_truth (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 43 tests in 0.147s OK 0:10:10 load avg: 0.01 [378/403/53] test_userstring PASS: test___contains__ (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_center (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_encoding_decoding (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_endswith (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_find_etc_raise_correct_error_messages (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_fixtype (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_floatformatting (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_formatting (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) FAIL: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_inplace_rewrites (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_isalnum (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_isalpha (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_isdigit (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_islower (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_isspace (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_istitle (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_isupper (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_lower (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_maketrans (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_none_arguments (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_partition (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) SKIP: test_replace_overflow (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_rfind (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_rpartition (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_rsplit (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_slice (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_splitlines (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_startswith (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_strip_whitespace (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_title (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_translate (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_upper (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test___contains__ (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_center (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_encoding_decoding (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_endswith (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_find_etc_raise_correct_error_messages (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_fixtype (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_floatformatting (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_formatting (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) FAIL: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_immutable (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_inplace_rewrites (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_isalnum (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_isalpha (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_isdigit (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_islower (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_isspace (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_istitle (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_isupper (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_lower (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_maketrans (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_none_arguments (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_partition (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) SKIP: test_replace_overflow (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_rfind (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_rpartition (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_rsplit (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_slice (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_splitlines (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_startswith (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_strip_whitespace (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_title (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_translate (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_upper (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1178, in test_formatting_c_limits from _testcapi import PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, INT_MAX, UINT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1178, in test_formatting_c_limits from _testcapi import PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, INT_MAX, UINT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 108 tests in 1.241s FAILED (errors=2, skipped=2) 0:10:11 load avg: 0.09 [379/403/54] test_uu -- test_userstring failed PASS: test_decode (test.test_uu.UUTest) PASS: test_encode (test.test_uu.UUTest) PASS: test_garbage_padding (test.test_uu.UUTest) PASS: test_missingbegin (test.test_uu.UUTest) PASS: test_truncatedinput (test.test_uu.UUTest) PASS: test_decode (test.test_uu.UUStdIOTest) PASS: test_encode (test.test_uu.UUStdIOTest) PASS: test_decode (test.test_uu.UUFileTest) PASS: test_decode_filename (test.test_uu.UUFileTest) PASS: test_decodetwice (test.test_uu.UUFileTest) PASS: test_encode (test.test_uu.UUFileTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 11 tests in 0.001s OK 0:10:11 load avg: 0.09 [380/403/54] test_uuid PASS: testIssue8621 (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_UUID (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_uuid1 (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_uuid3 (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_uuid4 (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_uuid5 (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) SKIP: test_arp_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) 'requires arp' PASS: test_find_mac (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) PASS: test_ifconfig_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) SKIP: test_ipconfig_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) 'requires Windows' SKIP: test_lanscan_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) 'requires lanscan' SKIP: test_netbios_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) 'requires win32wnet' SKIP: test_netstat_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) 'requires netstat' PASS: test_random_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) PASS: test_unixdll_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) SKIP: test_windll_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) 'requires Windows' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 18 tests in 0.048s OK (skipped=6) 0:10:11 load avg: 0.09 [381/403/54] test_wait3 PASS: test_wait (test.test_wait3.Wait3Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 6.015s OK 0:10:17 load avg: 0.09 [382/403/54] test_wait4 PASS: test_wait (test.test_wait4.Wait4Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 6.015s OK 0:10:23 load avg: 0.08 [383/403/54] test_warnings PASS: test_always (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_default (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_error (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_filterwarnings (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_ignore (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_inheritance (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_message_matching (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_module (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_once (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_ordering (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_always (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_default (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_error (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_filterwarnings (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_ignore (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_inheritance (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_message_matching (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_module (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_once (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_ordering (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_accelerated (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_bad_str (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_filename (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_message (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_main_with_argv (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_main_with_argv_empty_string (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_main_without_argv (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_not_main (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_stacklevel (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_warn_explicit_type_errors (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_bad_str (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_filename (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_message (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_main_with_argv (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_main_with_argv_empty_string (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_main_without_argv (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_not_main (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_pure_python (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_stacklevel (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_warn_explicit_type_errors (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_improper_input (test.test_warnings.CWCmdLineTests) PASS: test_improper_option (test.test_warnings.CWCmdLineTests) PASS: test_warnings_bootstrap (test.test_warnings.CWCmdLineTests) PASS: test_improper_input (test.test_warnings.PyWCmdLineTests) PASS: test_improper_option (test.test_warnings.PyWCmdLineTests) PASS: test_warnings_bootstrap (test.test_warnings.PyWCmdLineTests) PASS: test_default_action (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_filename_none (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_filter (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_onceregistry (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_show_warning_output (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_showwarning_missing (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_showwarning_not_callable (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_stderr_none (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_formatwarning (test.test_warnings.CWarningsDisplayTests) PASS: test_formatwarning_unicode_msg (test.test_warnings.CWarningsDisplayTests) PASS: test_formatwarning_unicode_msg_nonascii_fileline (test.test_warnings.CWarningsDisplayTests) SKIP: test_formatwarning_unicode_msg_nonascii_filename (test.test_warnings.CWarningsDisplayTests) 'need test_support.FS_NONASCII' PASS: test_showwarning (test.test_warnings.CWarningsDisplayTests) PASS: test_formatwarning (test.test_warnings.PyWarningsDisplayTests) PASS: test_formatwarning_unicode_msg (test.test_warnings.PyWarningsDisplayTests) PASS: test_formatwarning_unicode_msg_nonascii_fileline (test.test_warnings.PyWarningsDisplayTests) SKIP: test_formatwarning_unicode_msg_nonascii_filename (test.test_warnings.PyWarningsDisplayTests) 'need test_support.FS_NONASCII' PASS: test_showwarning (test.test_warnings.PyWarningsDisplayTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_defaults (test.test_warnings.CCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_recording (test.test_warnings.CCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_reentry_guard (test.test_warnings.CCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_restore (test.test_warnings.CCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_check_warnings (test.test_warnings.CCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_defaults (test.test_warnings.PyCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_recording (test.test_warnings.PyCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_reentry_guard (test.test_warnings.PyCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_restore (test.test_warnings.PyCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_check_warnings (test.test_warnings.PyCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_comma_separated_warnings (test.test_warnings.CEnvironmentVariableTests) PASS: test_envvar_and_command_line (test.test_warnings.CEnvironmentVariableTests) PASS: test_single_warning (test.test_warnings.CEnvironmentVariableTests) PASS: test_comma_separated_warnings (test.test_warnings.PyEnvironmentVariableTests) PASS: test_envvar_and_command_line (test.test_warnings.PyEnvironmentVariableTests) PASS: test_single_warning (test.test_warnings.PyEnvironmentVariableTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 80 tests in 0.138s OK (skipped=2) 0:10:23 load avg: 0.08 [384/403/54] test_wave PASS: test_close (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 44 tests in 0.011s OK 0:10:24 load avg: 0.08 [385/403/54] test_weakref PASS: test_basic_callback (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_basic_proxy (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_basic_ref (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callable_proxy (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callback_in_cycle_1 (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callback_in_cycle_2 (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callback_in_cycle_3 (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callback_in_cycle_4 (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callback_in_cycle_resurrection (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callbacks_on_callback (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callbacks_protected (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_classes (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_constructor_kwargs (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_equality (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_gc_during_proxy_creation (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_gc_during_ref_creation (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_getweakrefcount (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_getweakrefs (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_hashing (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_init (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_multiple_callbacks (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_multiple_selfref_callbacks (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_newstyle_number_ops (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_bool (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_deletion (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_div (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_index (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_ref (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_reuse (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_unicode (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_ref_created_during_del (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_ref_reuse (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_sf_bug_840829 (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_shared_proxy_without_callback (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_shared_ref_without_callback (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_trashcan_16602 (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_make_weak_keyed_dict_from_dict (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_make_weak_keyed_dict_from_weak_keyed_dict (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_make_weak_valued_dict_misc (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_threaded_weak_valued_consistency (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_threaded_weak_valued_pop (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_threaded_weak_valued_setdefault (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_bad_delitem (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_cascading_deletes (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_delitem (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_dict_popitem (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_dict_setdefault (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_dict_update (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_iters (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_len_cycles (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_len_race (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keys (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keys_destroy_while_iterating (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_delitem (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_dict_popitem (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_dict_setdefault (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_dict_update (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_iters (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_len_cycles (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_len_race (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_values (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_values_destroy_while_iterating (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_bool (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_get (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_items (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_keys (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_len (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_pop (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_read (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_update (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_values (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_bool (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_get (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_items (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_keys (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_len (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_pop (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_read (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_update (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_values (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_subclass_refs (test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase) PASS: test_subclass_refs_dont_conflate_callbacks (test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase) PASS: test_subclass_refs_dont_replace_standard_refs (test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase) PASS: test_subclass_refs_with_cycle (test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase) PASS: test_subclass_refs_with_slots (test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 95 tests in 23.448s OK Trying: import weakref Expecting nothing ok Trying: class Dict(dict): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: obj = Dict(red=1, green=2, blue=3) # this object is weak referencable Expecting nothing ok Trying: r = weakref.ref(obj) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print r() is obj Expecting: True ok Trying: import weakref Expecting nothing ok Trying: class Object: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: o = Object() Expecting nothing ok Trying: r = weakref.ref(o) Expecting nothing ok Trying: o2 = r() Expecting nothing ok Trying: o is o2 Expecting: True ok Trying: del o, o2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print r() Expecting: None ok Trying: import weakref Expecting nothing ok Trying: class ExtendedRef(weakref.ref): def __init__(self, ob, callback=None, **annotations): super(ExtendedRef, self).__init__(ob, callback) self.__counter = 0 for k, v in annotations.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) def __call__(self): '''Return a pair containing the referent and the number of times the reference has been called. ''' ob = super(ExtendedRef, self).__call__() if ob is not None: self.__counter += 1 ob = (ob, self.__counter) return ob Expecting nothing ok Trying: class A: # not in docs from here, just testing the ExtendedRef pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: a = A() Expecting nothing ok Trying: r = ExtendedRef(a, foo=1, bar="baz") Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: Expecting: 'baz' ok Trying: r()[1] Expecting: 1 ok Trying: r()[1] Expecting: 2 ok Trying: r()[0] is a Expecting: True ok Trying: import weakref Expecting nothing ok Trying: _id2obj_dict = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() Expecting nothing ok Trying: def remember(obj): oid = id(obj) _id2obj_dict[oid] = obj return oid Expecting nothing ok Trying: def id2obj(oid): return _id2obj_dict[oid] Expecting nothing ok Trying: a = A() # from here, just testing Expecting nothing ok Trying: a_id = remember(a) Expecting nothing ok Trying: id2obj(a_id) is a Expecting: True ok Trying: del a Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: id2obj(a_id) except KeyError: print 'OK' else: print 'WeakValueDictionary error' Expecting: OK ok 110 items had no tests: test.test_weakref test.test_weakref.C test.test_weakref.C.method test.test_weakref.Callable test.test_weakref.Callable.__call__ test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_iters test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_len_cycles test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_len_race test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_popitem test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_setdefault test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_update test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_weak_destroy_and_mutate_while_iterating test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_weak_destroy_while_iterating test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.make_weak_keyed_dict test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.make_weak_valued_dict test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_make_weak_keyed_dict_from_dict test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_make_weak_keyed_dict_from_weak_keyed_dict test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_make_weak_valued_dict_misc test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_threaded_weak_valued_consistency test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_threaded_weak_valued_pop test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_threaded_weak_valued_setdefault test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_bad_delitem test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_cascading_deletes test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_delitem test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_dict_popitem test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_dict_setdefault test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_dict_update test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_iters test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_len_cycles test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_len_race test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keys test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keys_destroy_while_iterating test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_delitem test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_dict_popitem test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_dict_setdefault test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_dict_update test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_iters test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_len_cycles test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_len_race test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_values test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_values_destroy_while_iterating test.test_weakref.Object test.test_weakref.Object.__eq__ test.test_weakref.Object.__hash__ test.test_weakref.Object.__init__ test.test_weakref.Object.__ne__ test.test_weakref.Object.__repr__ test.test_weakref.RefCycle test.test_weakref.RefCycle.__init__ test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.check_basic_callback test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.check_basic_ref test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.check_gc_during_creation test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.check_proxy test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.check_shared_without_callback test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_basic_callback test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_basic_proxy test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_basic_ref test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callable_proxy test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callback_in_cycle_1 test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callback_in_cycle_2 test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callback_in_cycle_3 test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callback_in_cycle_4 test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callback_in_cycle_resurrection test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callbacks_on_callback test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callbacks_protected test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_classes test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_constructor_kwargs test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_equality test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_gc_during_proxy_creation test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_gc_during_ref_creation test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_getweakrefcount test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_getweakrefs test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_hashing test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_init test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_multiple_callbacks test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_multiple_selfref_callbacks test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_newstyle_number_ops test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_bool test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_deletion test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_div test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_index test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_ref test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_reuse test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_unicode test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_ref_created_during_del test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_ref_reuse test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_sf_bug_840829 test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_shared_proxy_without_callback test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_shared_ref_without_callback test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_trashcan_16602 test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase.test_subclass_refs test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase.test_subclass_refs_dont_conflate_callbacks test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase.test_subclass_refs_dont_replace_standard_refs test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase.test_subclass_refs_with_cycle test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase.test_subclass_refs_with_slots test.test_weakref.TestBase test.test_weakref.TestBase.callback test.test_weakref.TestBase.setUp test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase._reference test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase._reference test.test_weakref.collect_in_thread test.test_weakref.create_bound_method test.test_weakref.create_function test.test_weakref.create_unbound_method test.test_weakref.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 32 tests in test.test_weakref.__test__.libreftest 32 tests in 111 items. 32 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_weakref) ... 32 tests with zero failures 0:10:47 load avg: 0.39 [386/403/54] test_weakset PASS: test_add (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_and (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_clear (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_constructor_identity (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_contains (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_copy (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_difference (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_discard (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_eq (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_gc (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_gt (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_hash (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_iand (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_init (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_inplace_on_self (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_ior (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_isdisjoint (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_isub (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_ixor (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_len (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_len_cycles (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_len_race (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_lt (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_methods (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_ne (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_new_or_init (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_or (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_pop (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_remove (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_sub (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_sub_and_super (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_subclass_with_custom_hash (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_symmetric_difference (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_symmetric_difference_update (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_union (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_update (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_update_set (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_weak_destroy_and_mutate_while_iterating (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_weak_destroy_while_iterating (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_xor (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 43 tests in 0.273s OK 0:10:47 load avg: 0.39 [387/403/54] test_whichdb PASS: test_whichdb_dbhash (test.test_whichdb.WhichDBTestCase) PASS: test_whichdb_dbm (test.test_whichdb.WhichDBTestCase) PASS: test_whichdb_dumbdbm (test.test_whichdb.WhichDBTestCase) PASS: test_whichdb_gdbm (test.test_whichdb.WhichDBTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.001s OK 0:10:47 load avg: 0.39 [388/403/54] test_winreg test_winreg skipped -- No module named _winreg 0:10:48 load avg: 0.39 [389/403/54] test_winsound -- test_winreg skipped test_winsound skipped -- Use of the `audio' resource not enabled 0:10:48 load avg: 0.39 [390/403/54] test_with -- test_winsound skipped (resource denied) PASS: testAssignmentToEmptyTupleError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testAssignmentToNoneError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testAssignmentToTupleContainingNoneError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testAssignmentToTupleOnlyContainingNoneError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testEnterAttributeError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testEnterThrows (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testExitAttributeError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testExitThrows (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testNameError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testBoundGenerator (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testInlineGeneratorBoundSyntax (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testInlineGeneratorBoundToDottedVariable (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testInlineGeneratorBoundToExistingVariable (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testInlineGeneratorSyntax (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testNestedSingleStatements (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testUnboundGenerator (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testMultipleArgBound (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testMultipleArgUnbound (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testSingleArgBoundToMultipleElementTupleError (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testSingleArgBoundToNonTuple (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testSingleArgBoundToSingleElementParenthesizedList (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testSingleArgInlineGeneratorSyntax (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testSingleArgUnbound (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testErrorsInBool (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testExceptionNormalized (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testMultipleResourcesInSingleStatement (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testNestedExceptionAfterInnerStatement (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testNestedExceptionBeforeInnerStatement (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testNestedSingleStatements (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testRaisedGeneratorExit1 (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testRaisedGeneratorExit2 (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testRaisedStopIteration1 (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testRaisedStopIteration2 (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testRaisedStopIteration3 (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testSingleResource (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testWithBreak (test.test_with.NonLocalFlowControlTestCase) PASS: testWithContinue (test.test_with.NonLocalFlowControlTestCase) PASS: testWithRaise (test.test_with.NonLocalFlowControlTestCase) PASS: testWithReturn (test.test_with.NonLocalFlowControlTestCase) PASS: testWithYield (test.test_with.NonLocalFlowControlTestCase) PASS: testMultipleComplexTargets (test.test_with.AssignmentTargetTestCase) PASS: testSingleComplexTarget (test.test_with.AssignmentTargetTestCase) PASS: testExitFalseDoesntSwallowException (test.test_with.ExitSwallowsExceptionTestCase) PASS: testExitTrueSwallowsException (test.test_with.ExitSwallowsExceptionTestCase) PASS: testEnterReturnsTuple (test.test_with.NestedWith) PASS: testExceptionInEnter (test.test_with.NestedWith) PASS: testExceptionInExit (test.test_with.NestedWith) PASS: testExceptionInExprList (test.test_with.NestedWith) PASS: testNoExceptions (test.test_with.NestedWith) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 49 tests in 0.002s OK 0:10:48 load avg: 0.39 [391/403/54] test_wsgiref 0:10:48 load avg: 0.39 [392/403/55] test_xdrlib -- test_wsgiref failed PASS: test_xdr (test.test_xdrlib.XDRTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK PASS: test_double (test.test_xdrlib.ConversionErrorTest) PASS: test_float (test.test_xdrlib.ConversionErrorTest) PASS: test_pack_int (test.test_xdrlib.ConversionErrorTest) PASS: test_pack_uint (test.test_xdrlib.ConversionErrorTest) PASS: test_uhyper (test.test_xdrlib.ConversionErrorTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.000s OK 0:10:48 load avg: 0.39 [393/403/55] test_xml_etree PASS: test_sanity (test.test_xml_etree.ModuleTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_negative_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_range (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_single_index (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_negative_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_range (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_single_index (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_cyclic_gc (test.test_xml_etree.BasicElementTest) PASS: test_get_keyword_args (test.test_xml_etree.BasicElementTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_xml_etree.BasicElementTest) PASS: test_ass_subscr (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_element_get_tail (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_element_get_text (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_element_iter (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_extend_mutable_list (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_extend_mutable_list2 (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_recursive_repr (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_remove_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_subscr (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_find_with_error (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_find_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findall_with_error (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findall_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findtext_with_error (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findtext_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_attrib (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_cdata (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_custom_builder (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_doctype_public (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_entity (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_file_init (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_getchildren (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_html_empty_elems_serialization (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_interface (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_issue18347 (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_iterparse (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_makeelement (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_methods (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_namespace (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_parsefile (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_parseliteral (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_path_cache (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_processinginstruction (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_qname (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_set_attribute (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_simpleops (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_writefile (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_writestring (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_xpath_tokenizer (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_read_from_stringio (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_read_from_user_reader (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_tostringlist_invariant (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_file (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_filename (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_stringio (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_user_writer (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_error_code (test.test_xml_etree.ParseErrorTest) PASS: test_error_position (test.test_xml_etree.ParseErrorTest) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.ParseErrorTest) PASS: test_xinclude (test.test_xml_etree.XIncludeTest) PASS: test_xinclude_default (test.test_xml_etree.XIncludeTest) PASS: test_xinclude_failures (test.test_xml_etree.XIncludeTest) PASS: test_Element_subclass_constructor (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) PASS: test_Element_subclass_new_method (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) PASS: test_Element_subclass_trivial (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) PASS: test_istype (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) PASS: test_bad_find (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_find_simple (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_find_through_ElementTree (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_find_xpath (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_findall (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_simplefind (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_test_find_with_ns (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_corners (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_getiterator (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_iter_by_tag (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_doctype (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) PASS: test_dummy_builder (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) PASS: test_element_factory (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) PASS: test_element_factory_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) PASS: test_treebuilder_elementfactory_none (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) PASS: test_constructor_args (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) PASS: test_doctype_warning (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) PASS: test_subclass_doctype (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) PASS: test_bug_1534630 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200708_close (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200708_newline (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_default_namespace (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_element_comment (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_element_insert (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_iter_comment (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_register_namespace (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit21 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit25 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit28 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit39 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit54 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit55 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit60 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit62 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit63 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkitX1 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue10777 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue3151 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue6233 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue6565 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 117 tests in 0.247s OK 0:10:48 load avg: 0.39 [394/403/55] test_xml_etree_c PASS: test_del_attribute (test.test_xml_etree_c.MiscTests) SKIP: test_length_overflow (test.test_xml_etree_c.MiscTests) 'not enough free memory, need at least 2 GB' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK (skipped=1) PASS: test_sanity (test.test_xml_etree.ModuleTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_negative_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_range (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_single_index (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_negative_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_range (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_single_index (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) SKIP: test_cyclic_gc (test.test_xml_etree.BasicElementTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_get_keyword_args (test.test_xml_etree.BasicElementTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_weakref (test.test_xml_etree.BasicElementTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_ass_subscr (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_element_get_tail (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_element_get_text (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_element_iter (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_extend_mutable_list (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_extend_mutable_list2 (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_recursive_repr (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) SKIP: test_remove_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_subscr (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_find_with_error (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_find_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findall_with_error (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findall_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findtext_with_error (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findtext_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_attrib (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_cdata (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_custom_builder (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_doctype_public (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_entity (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_file_init (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_getchildren (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_html_empty_elems_serialization (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_interface (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_issue18347 (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_iterparse (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_makeelement (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_methods (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_namespace (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_parsefile (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_parseliteral (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_path_cache (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_processinginstruction (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_qname (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_set_attribute (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_simpleops (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_writefile (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_writestring (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_xpath_tokenizer (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_read_from_stringio (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_read_from_user_reader (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_tostringlist_invariant (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_file (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_filename (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_stringio (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_user_writer (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) SKIP: test_error_code (test.test_xml_etree.ParseErrorTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_error_position (test.test_xml_etree.ParseErrorTest) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.ParseErrorTest) PASS: test_xinclude (test.test_xml_etree.XIncludeTest) PASS: test_xinclude_default (test.test_xml_etree.XIncludeTest) PASS: test_xinclude_failures (test.test_xml_etree.XIncludeTest) SKIP: test_Element_subclass_constructor (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_Element_subclass_new_method (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_Element_subclass_trivial (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_istype (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) PASS: test_bad_find (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_find_simple (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_find_through_ElementTree (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_find_xpath (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_findall (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) SKIP: test_simplefind (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_test_find_with_ns (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_corners (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_getiterator (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_iter_by_tag (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) SKIP: test_doctype (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_dummy_builder (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) SKIP: test_element_factory (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_element_factory_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_treebuilder_elementfactory_none (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_constructor_args (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_doctype_warning (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_subclass_doctype (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_bug_1534630 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200708_close (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200708_newline (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_default_namespace (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_element_comment (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_element_insert (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_iter_comment (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_register_namespace (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit21 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit25 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit28 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit39 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit54 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit55 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit60 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit62 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit63 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkitX1 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue10777 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue3151 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue6233 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue6565 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) SKIP: test_correct_import_pyET (test.test_xml_etree.NoAcceleratorTest) 'only for the Python version' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 118 tests in 0.021s OK (skipped=19) 0:10:48 load avg: 0.39 [395/403/55] test_xmllib test_xmllib skipped -- No module named xmllib 0:10:48 load avg: 0.39 [396/403/55] test_xmlrpc -- test_xmllib skipped 0:10:48 load avg: 0.39 [397/403/56] test_xpickle -- test_xmlrpc failed PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_float (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_long (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_float (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_long (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 506 tests in 0.132s OK (skipped=388) 0:10:49 load avg: 0.39 [398/403/56] test_xrange PASS: test_pickling (test.test_xrange.XrangeTest) PASS: test_range_iterators (test.test_xrange.XrangeTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_xrange.XrangeTest) PASS: test_xrange (test.test_xrange.XrangeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.116s OK 0:10:49 load avg: 0.39 [399/403/56] test_zipfile PASS: test_absolute_arcnames (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_add_file_before_1980 (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_append_to_concatenated_zip_file (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) test_append_to_non_zip_file (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Test appending to an existing file that is not a zipfile. test_append_to_zip_file (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Test appending to an existing zipfile. test_close (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Check that the zipfile is closed after the 'with' block. test_close_on_exception (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Check that the zipfile is closed if an exception is raised in the PASS: test_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_extract (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_extract_all (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_extract_hackers_arcnames (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) SKIP: test_extract_unicode_filenames (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) 'No Unicode filesystem semantics on this platform.' PASS: test_ignores_newline_at_end (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_ignores_stuff_appended_past_comments (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_iterlines_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_iterlines_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) test_low_compression (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Check for cases where compressed data is larger than original. PASS: test_open_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_open_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_open_via_zip_info (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) test_per_file_compression (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Check that files within a Zip archive can have different PASS: test_random_open_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_random_open_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_read_concatenated_zip_file (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_readline_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_readline_read_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_readline_read_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_readline_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_readlines_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_readlines_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_universal_readaheads (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) test_write_default_name (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Check that calling ZipFile.write without arcname specified test_write_to_readonly (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Check that trying to call write() on a readonly ZipFile object PASS: test_writestr_compression (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_writestr_permissions (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_absolute_arcnames (test.test_zipfile.TestZip64InSmallFiles) PASS: test_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestZip64InSmallFiles) PASS: test_large_file_exception (test.test_zipfile.TestZip64InSmallFiles) PASS: test_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestZip64InSmallFiles) PASS: test_too_many_files (test.test_zipfile.TestZip64InSmallFiles) PASS: test_too_many_files_append (test.test_zipfile.TestZip64InSmallFiles) test_bad_compression_mode (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that bad compression methods passed to are test_bad_constructor_mode (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that bad modes passed to ZipFile constructor are caught. test_bad_open_mode (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that bad modes passed to are caught. PASS: test_change_comment_in_empty_archive (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_change_comment_in_nonempty_archive (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_close_erroneous_file (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_closed_zip_raises_RuntimeError (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Verify that testzip() doesn't swallow inappropriate exceptions. test_comments (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that comments on the archive are handled properly. PASS: test_create_non_existent_file_for_append (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_create_zipinfo_before_1980 (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_damaged_zipfile (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that zipfiles with missing bytes at the end raise BadZipFile. PASS: test_empty_file_raises_BadZipFile (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_empty_zipfile (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_is_zip_erroneous_file (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that is_zipfile() correctly identifies non-zip files. test_is_zip_valid_file (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that is_zipfile() correctly identifies zip files. PASS: test_non_existent_file_raises_IOError (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_null_byte_in_filename (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that a filename containing a null byte is properly PASS: test_open_empty_file (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_open_non_existent_item (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that attempting to call open() for an item that doesn't test_read0 (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that calling read(0) on a ZipExtFile object returns an empty PASS: test_read_return_size_deflated (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_read_return_size_stored (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_read_with_bad_crc_deflated (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_read_with_bad_crc_stored (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_struct_sizes (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that ZIP internal structure sizes are calculated correctly. PASS: test_testzip_with_bad_crc_deflated (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_testzip_with_bad_crc_stored (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_unicode_filenames (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_unsupported_compression (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_zipfile_with_short_extra_field (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: If an extra field in the header is less than 4 bytes, skip it. PASS: test_write_non_pyfile (test.test_zipfile.PyZipFileTests) PASS: test_write_pyfile (test.test_zipfile.PyZipFileTests) PASS: test_write_python_directory (test.test_zipfile.PyZipFileTests) PASS: test_write_python_package (test.test_zipfile.PyZipFileTests) PASS: test_bad_password (test.test_zipfile.DecryptionTests) PASS: test_good_password (test.test_zipfile.DecryptionTests) PASS: test_no_password (test.test_zipfile.DecryptionTests) PASS: test_different_file (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_interleaved (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_many_opens (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_read_after_close (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_read_after_write (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_same_file (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_write_after_read (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_bug_6050 (test.test_zipfile.TestWithDirectory) PASS: test_extract_dir (test.test_zipfile.TestWithDirectory) PASS: test_write_dir (test.test_zipfile.TestWithDirectory) PASS: test_writestr_dir (test.test_zipfile.TestWithDirectory) PASS: test_iterlines_deflated (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_iterlines_stored (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_read_deflated (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_read_stored (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_readline_deflated (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_readline_read_deflated (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_readline_read_stored (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_readline_stored (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_readlines_deflated (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_readlines_stored (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithRandomBinaryFiles) PASS: test_open_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithRandomBinaryFiles) PASS: test_open_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithRandomBinaryFiles) PASS: test_random_open_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithRandomBinaryFiles) PASS: test_random_open_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithRandomBinaryFiles) PASS: test_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithRandomBinaryFiles) PASS: test_create_command (test.test_zipfile.CommandLineTest) PASS: test_extract_command (test.test_zipfile.CommandLineTest) PASS: test_list_command (test.test_zipfile.CommandLineTest) PASS: test_test_command (test.test_zipfile.CommandLineTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 110 tests in 1.177s OK (skipped=1) 0:10:50 load avg: 0.39 [400/403/56] test_zipfile64 test_zipfile64 skipped -- test requires loads of disk-space bytes and a long time to run 0:10:50 load avg: 0.39 [401/403/56] test_zipimport -- test_zipfile64 skipped (resource denied) PASS: testAFakeZlib (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadMTime (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadMagic (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadMagic2 (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBoth (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testDeepPackage (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) testDoctestFile (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) ... Trying: log.append(True) Expecting nothing ok 1 items passed all tests: 1 tests in xyz.txt 1 tests in 1 items. 1 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. ok PASS: testDoctestSuite (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testEmptyPy (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testGetCompiledSource (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testGetData (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testGetSource (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testImport_WithStuff (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testImporterAttr (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testPackage (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testPy (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testPyc (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testTraceback (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testZipImporterMethods (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testZipImporterMethodsInSubDirectory (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testAFakeZlib (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadMTime (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadMagic (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadMagic2 (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBoth (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testDeepPackage (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) testDoctestFile (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) ... Trying: log.append(True) Expecting nothing ok 1 items passed all tests: 1 tests in xyz.txt 1 tests in 1 items. 1 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. ok PASS: testDoctestSuite (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testEmptyPy (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testGetCompiledSource (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testGetData (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testGetSource (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testImport_WithStuff (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testImporterAttr (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testPackage (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testPy (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testPyc (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testTraceback (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testZipImporterMethods (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testZipImporterMethodsInSubDirectory (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadArgs (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) PASS: testEmptyFile (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) PASS: testEmptyFilename (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) PASS: testFileUnreadable (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) PASS: testFilenameTooLong (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) PASS: testNoFile (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) PASS: testNotZipFile (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 47 tests in 0.016s OK 0:10:50 load avg: 0.39 [402/403/56] test_zipimport_support test_doctest_issue4197 (test.test_zipimport_support.ZipSupportTests) ... Contents of '/var/volatile/tmp/tmphhMxwa/': File Name Modified Size 2018-02-13 02:19:42 86722 2018-02-13 02:19:42 269 2018-02-13 02:19:42 1041 2018-02-13 02:19:42 227 Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.SampleClass Trying: print 1 Expecting: 1 ok Trying: sc = SampleClass(3) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in range(10): sc = sc.double() print sc.get(), Expecting: 6 12 24 48 96 192 384 768 1536 3072 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 3 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.NestedClass Trying: x = SampleClass.NestedClass(5) Expecting nothing ok Trying: y = x.square() Expecting nothing ok Trying: print y.get() Expecting: 25 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 3 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.__init__ Trying: print SampleClass.NestedClass().get() Expecting: 0 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.__init__ Trying: print SampleClass(12).get() Expecting: 12 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.a_classmethod Trying: print SampleClass.a_classmethod(10) Expecting: 12 ok Trying: print SampleClass(0).a_classmethod(10) Expecting: 12 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 2 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest Trying: print SampleClass(22).a_property Expecting: 22 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.a_staticmethod Trying: print SampleClass.a_staticmethod(10) Expecting: 11 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.double Trying: print SampleClass(12).double().get() Expecting: 24 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.get Trying: print SampleClass(-5).get() Expecting: -5 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass Trying: print '1\n2\n3' Expecting: 1 2 3 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.__init__ Trying: print SampleNewStyleClass(12).get() Expecting: 12 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.double Trying: print SampleNewStyleClass(12).double().get() Expecting: 24 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.get Trying: print SampleNewStyleClass(-5).get() Expecting: -5 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.old_test1 Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={'x': 42}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.runstring(r''' >>> x = x * 2 >>> print x 42 ''', 'XYZ') Expecting: ********************************************************************** Line 3, in XYZ Failed example: print x Expected: 42 Got: 84 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: t.runstring(">>> x = x * 2\n>>> print x\n84\n", 'example2') Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: t.summarize() Expecting: ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in XYZ ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. TestResults(failed=1, attempted=4) ok Trying: t.summarize(verbose=1) Expecting: 1 items passed all tests: 2 tests in example2 ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in XYZ 4 tests in 2 items. 3 passed and 1 failed. ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. TestResults(failed=1, attempted=4) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 6 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.old_test2 Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=1) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = r''' # just an example >>> x = 1 + 2 >>> x 3 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.runstring(test, "Example") Expecting: Running string Example Trying: x = 1 + 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: x Expecting: 3 ok 0 of 2 examples failed in string Example TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 4 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.old_test3 Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def _f(): '''Trivial docstring example. >>> assert 2 == 2 ''' return 32 Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.rundoc(_f) # expect 0 failures in 1 example Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 4 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.old_test4 Trying: import types Expecting nothing ok Trying: m1 = types.ModuleType('_m1') Expecting nothing ok Trying: m2 = types.ModuleType('_m2') Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_data = """ def _f(): '''>>> assert 1 == 1 ''' def g(): '''>>> assert 2 != 1 ''' class H: '''>>> assert 2 > 1 ''' def bar(self): '''>>> assert 1 < 2 ''' """ Expecting nothing ok Trying: exec test_data in m1.__dict__ Expecting nothing ok Trying: exec test_data in m2.__dict__ Expecting nothing ok Trying: m1.__dict__.update({"f2": m2._f, "g2": m2.g, "h2": m2.H}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test", m1) # f2 and g2 and h2 skipped Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4) ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test_pvt") # None are skipped. Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=8) ok Trying: doctest.testmod(m1, verbose=False) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 13 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.sample_func Trying: print sample_func(22) Expecting: 44 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_DocTest Trying: docstring = ''' >>> print 12 12 Non-example text. >>> print 'another\example' another example ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: globs = {} # globals to run the test in. Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'some_file', 20) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print test Expecting: ok Trying: len(test.examples) Expecting: 2 ok Trying: e1, e2 = test.examples Expecting nothing ok Trying: (e1.source, e1.want, e1.lineno) Expecting: ('print 12\n', '12\n', 1) ok Trying: (e2.source, e2.want, e2.lineno) Expecting: ("print 'another\\example'\n", 'another\nexample\n', 6) ok Trying: (, test.filename, test.lineno) Expecting: ('some_test', 'some_file', 20) ok Trying: test.lineno + e1.lineno Expecting: 21 ok Trying: test.lineno + e2.lineno Expecting: 26 ok Trying: docstring = r''' >>> print 'bad\nindentation' bad indentation ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 4 of the docstring for some_test has inconsistent leading whitespace: 'indentation' ok Trying: docstring = r''' >>> print ('bad indentation', ... 2) ('bad', 'indentation') ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 2 of the docstring for some_test has inconsistent leading whitespace: '... 2)' ok Trying: docstring = '>>>print 1\n1' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 1 of the docstring for some_test lacks blank after >>>: '>>>print 1' ok Trying: docstring = '>>> if 1:\n...print 1\n1' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 2 of the docstring for some_test lacks blank after ...: '...print 1' ok Trying: docstring = ''' >>> print 12 12 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'some_test', 20) Expecting nothing ok Trying: same_test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'some_test', 20) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test == same_test Expecting: True ok Trying: test != same_test Expecting: False ok Trying: hash(test) == hash(same_test) Expecting: True ok Trying: docstring = ''' >>> print 42 42 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: other_test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'other_test', 'other_file', 10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test == other_test Expecting: False ok Trying: test != other_test Expecting: True ok Trying: DocTestCase = doctest.DocTestCase Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_case = DocTestCase(test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: same_test_case = DocTestCase(same_test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: other_test_case = DocTestCase(other_test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_case == same_test_case Expecting: True ok Trying: test_case != same_test_case Expecting: False ok Trying: hash(test_case) == hash(same_test_case) Expecting: True ok Trying: test == other_test_case Expecting: False ok Trying: test != other_test_case Expecting: True ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 39 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_DocTestParser Trying: s = ''' >>> x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected >>> if 1: ... print x ... print y 2 3 Some text. >>> x+y 5 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: for piece in parser.parse(s): if isinstance(piece, doctest.Example): print 'Example:', (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno) else: print ' Text:', `piece` Expecting: Text: '\n' Example: ('x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected\n', '', 1) Text: '' Example: ('if 1:\n print x\n print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2) Text: '\nSome text.\n' Example: ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9) Text: '' ok Trying: for piece in parser.get_examples(s): print (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno) Expecting: ('x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected\n', '', 1) ('if 1:\n print x\n print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2) ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9) ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(s, {}, 'name', 'filename', lineno=5) Expecting nothing ok Trying: (, test.filename, test.lineno) Expecting: ('name', 'filename', 5) ok Trying: for piece in test.examples: print (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno) Expecting: ('x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected\n', '', 1) ('if 1:\n print x\n print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2) ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 7 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.basics Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 14 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Trying: x = 12 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x Expecting: 14 ********************************************************************** File ..., line 4, in f Failed example: print x Expected: 14 Got: 12 Trying: x//2 Expecting: 6 ok TestResults(failed=1, attempted=3) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 6 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.exceptions Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x//0 Traceback (most recent call last): ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print 'pre-exception output', x//0 pre-exception output Traceback (most recent call last): ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 4, in f Failed example: print 'pre-exception output', x//0 Exception raised: ... ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'multi\nline\nmessage' Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: multi line message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'message' Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: wrong message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: raise ValueError, 'message' Expected: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: wrong message Got: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: message TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: wrong message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') Traceback (most recent call last): httplib.HTTPException: message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 4, in f Failed example: raise HTTPException('message') Expected: Traceback (most recent call last): httplib.HTTPException: message Got: Traceback (most recent call last): ... HTTPException: message TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') Traceback (most recent call last): HTTPException: message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): HTTPException: message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: wrong type ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Expected: Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: wrong type Got: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: message TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from Queue import Empty >>> raise Empty() #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from Queue import Empty >>> raise Empty() #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> 1//0 0 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: 1//0 Exception raised: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 39 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.option_directives Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # should fail: no ellipsis [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # should fail: no ellipsis Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> # should fail: no ellipsis >>> print range(10) # doctest: -ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 6, in f Failed example: print range(10) # doctest: -ELLIPSIS Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ********************************************************************** File ..., line 8, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=2, attempted=3) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should succeed ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should succeed ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS,+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should succeed ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> for x in range(10): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... print x, 0 1 2 ... 9 >>> for x in range(10): ... print x, # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0 1 2 ... 9 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' Should fail (option directive not on the last line): >>> for x in range(10): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... print x, # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0 1 2...9 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: s = '>>> print 12 #doctest: +BADOPTION' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 1 of the doctest for s has an invalid option: '+BADOPTION' ok Trying: s = '>>> print 12 #doctest: ELLIPSIS' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 1 of the doctest for s has an invalid option: 'ELLIPSIS' ok Trying: s = '>>> # doctest: +ELLIPSIS' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 0 of the doctest for s has an option directive on a line with no example: '# doctest: +ELLIPSIS' ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 33 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.optionflags Trying: def f(x): '>>> True\n1\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: True Expected: 1 Got: True TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> print "a\\n\\nb"\na\n\nb\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print "a\n\nb" Expected: a b Got: a b TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> print 1, 2, 3\n 1 2\n 3' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print 1, 2, 3 Expected: 1 2 3 Got: 1 2 3 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: print range(20) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> print range(15)\n[0, 1, 2, ..., 14]\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(15) Expected: [0, 1, 2, ..., 14] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.ELLIPSIS Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: for i in range(100): print i**2, #doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: 0 1...4...9 16 ... 36 49 64 ... 9801 ok Trying: for i in range(21): #doctest: +ELLIPSIS print i, Expecting: 0 1 2 ...1...2...0 ok Trying: print range(20) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS Expecting: [0, 1, ..., 18, 19] ok Trying: print range(20) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: [0, 1, ..., 18, 19] ok Trying: import random Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print '\n'.join('abcdefg') a B c d f g h ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print '\n'.join('abcdefg') Expected: a B c d f g h Got: a b c d e f g TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_UDIFF Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print '\n'.join('abcdefg') Differences (unified diff with -expected +actual): @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ a -B +b c d +e f g -h TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_CDIFF Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print '\n'.join('abcdefg') Differences (context diff with expected followed by actual): *************** *** 1,7 **** a ! B c d f g - h --- 1,7 ---- a ! b c d + e f g TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print "a b c d e f g h i j k l m" a b c d e f g h i j k 1 m ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_NDIFF Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print "a b c d e f g h i j k l m" Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual): - a b c d e f g h i j k 1 m ? ^ + a b c d e f g h i j k l m ? + ++ ^ TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print 1 # first success 1 >>> print 2 # first failure 200 >>> print 3 # second failure 300 >>> print 4 # second success 4 >>> print 5 # third failure 500 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 5, in f Failed example: print 2 # first failure Expected: 200 Got: 2 TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5) ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Trying: print 1 # first success Expecting: 1 ok Trying: print 2 # first failure Expecting: 200 ********************************************************************** File ..., line 5, in f Failed example: print 2 # first failure Expected: 200 Got: 2 TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print 1 # first success 1 >>> raise ValueError(2) # first failure 200 >>> print 3 # second failure 300 >>> print 4 # second success 4 >>> print 5 # third failure 500 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 5, in f Failed example: raise ValueError(2) # first failure Exception raised: ... ValueError: 2 TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5) ok Trying: unlikely = "UNLIKELY_OPTION_NAME" Expecting nothing ok Trying: unlikely in doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME Expecting: False ok Trying: new_flag_value = doctest.register_optionflag(unlikely) Expecting nothing ok Trying: unlikely in doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME Expecting: True ok Trying: redundant_flag_value = doctest.register_optionflag(unlikely) Expecting nothing ok Trying: redundant_flag_value == new_flag_value Expecting: True ok Trying: del doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME[unlikely] Expecting nothing ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 59 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.verbose_flag Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True).run(test) Expecting: Trying: x = 12 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x Expecting: 12 ok Trying: x//2 Expecting: 6 ok TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: old_argv = sys.argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.argv = ['test'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner().run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: sys.argv = ['test', '-v'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner().run(test) Expecting: Trying: x = 12 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x Expecting: 12 ok Trying: x//2 Expecting: 6 ok TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: sys.argv = old_argv Expecting nothing ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 9 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_Example Trying: example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: (example.source, example.want, example.exc_msg, example.lineno, example.indent, example.options) Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n', None, 0, 0, {}) ok Trying: exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list' Expecting nothing ok Trying: example = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg, lineno=5, indent=4, options={doctest.ELLIPSIS: True}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: (example.source, example.want, example.exc_msg, example.lineno, example.indent, example.options) Expecting: ('[].pop()\n', '', 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n', 5, 4, {8: True}) ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1\n', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1;\nprint 2', '1\n2\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('', '') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('\n', '') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print', '') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print\n', '') ok Trying: exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = 'ValueError: 1\n 2' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('raise ValueError("1\n 2")', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'ValueError: 1\n 2\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = 'ValueError: 1\n 2\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('raise ValueError("1\n 2")', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'ValueError: 1\n 2\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = '' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('raise X()', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: '\n' ok Trying: example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: same_example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: other_example = doctest.Example('print 42', '42\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: example == same_example Expecting: True ok Trying: example != same_example Expecting: False ok Trying: hash(example) == hash(same_example) Expecting: True ok Trying: example == other_example Expecting: False ok Trying: example != other_example Expecting: True ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 44 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_debug Trying: s = ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: import tempfile Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput(['next', 'print x', 'continue']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: doctest.debug_src(s) finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: > (1)() (Pdb) next 12 --Return-- > (1)()->None (Pdb) print x 12 (Pdb) continue ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 5 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace Trying: doc = ''' >>> x = 42 >>> raise Exception('clé') Traceback (most recent call last): Exception: clé >>> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, {}, "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: import tempfile Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'print x', # print data defined by the example 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: --Return-- > (1)()->None -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) print x 42 (Pdb) continue TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: def calls_set_trace(): y=2 import pdb; pdb.set_trace() Expecting nothing ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> x=1 >>> calls_set_trace() ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'print y', # print data defined in the function 'up', # out of function 'print x', # print data defined by the example 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: --Return-- > (3)calls_set_trace()->None -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) print y 2 (Pdb) up > (1)() -> calls_set_trace() (Pdb) print x 1 (Pdb) continue TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> def f(x): ... g(x*2) >>> def g(x): ... print x+3 ... import pdb; pdb.set_trace() >>> f(3) ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'list', # list source from example 2 'next', # return from g() 'list', # list source from example 1 'next', # return from f() 'list', # list source from example 3 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: --Return-- > (3)g()->None -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) list 1 def g(x): 2 print x+3 3 -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() [EOF] (Pdb) next --Return-- > (2)f()->None -> g(x*2) (Pdb) list 1 def f(x): 2 -> g(x*2) [EOF] (Pdb) next --Return-- > (1)()->None -> f(3) (Pdb) list 1 -> f(3) [EOF] (Pdb) continue ********************************************************************** File "foo-bä", line 7, in foo-bär@baz Failed example: f(3) Expected nothing Got: 9 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=3) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 19 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested Trying: class C(object): def calls_set_trace(self): y = 1 import pdb; pdb.set_trace() self.f1() y = 2 def f1(self): x = 1 self.f2() x = 2 def f2(self): z = 1 z = 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: calls_set_trace = C().calls_set_trace Expecting nothing ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> a = 1 >>> calls_set_trace() ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'print y', # print data defined in the function 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'print z', 'up', 'print x', 'up', 'print y', 'up', 'print foo', 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: > (5)calls_set_trace() -> self.f1() (Pdb) print y 1 (Pdb) step --Call-- > (7)f1() -> def f1(self): (Pdb) step > (8)f1() -> x = 1 (Pdb) step > (9)f1() -> self.f2() (Pdb) step --Call-- > (11)f2() -> def f2(self): (Pdb) step > (12)f2() -> z = 1 (Pdb) step > (13)f2() -> z = 2 (Pdb) print z 1 (Pdb) up > (9)f1() -> self.f2() (Pdb) print x 1 (Pdb) up > (5)calls_set_trace() -> self.f1() (Pdb) print y 1 (Pdb) up > (1)() -> calls_set_trace() (Pdb) print foo *** NameError: name 'foo' is not defined (Pdb) continue TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 9 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_testsource Trying: import test_zipped_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: name = 'test_zipped_doctest.sample_func' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print doctest.testsource(test_zipped_doctest, name) Expecting: # Blah blah # print sample_func(22) # Expected: ## 44 # # Yee ha! ok Trying: name = 'test_zipped_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print doctest.testsource(test_zipped_doctest, name) Expecting: print '1\n2\n3' # Expected: ## 1 ## 2 ## 3 ok Trying: name = 'test_zipped_doctest.SampleClass.a_classmethod' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print doctest.testsource(test_zipped_doctest, name) Expecting: print SampleClass.a_classmethod(10) # Expected: ## 12 print SampleClass(0).a_classmethod(10) # Expected: ## 12 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 7 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_trailing_space_in_test Trying: x, y = 'foo', '' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x, y Expecting: foo ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 2 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_DocTestSuite Trying: import unittest Expecting nothing ok Trying: import sample_zipped_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite(sample_zipped_doctest) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest_no_doctests') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: try: doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest_no_docstrings') except ValueError as e: error = e Expecting nothing ok Trying: print(error.args[1]) Expecting: has no docstrings ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest_no_docstrings', test_finder=finder) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = sample_zipped_doctest.test_suite() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest', globs={}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest', extraglobs={'y': 1}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest', optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: def setUp(t): import test_zipped_doctest test_zipped_doctest.sillySetup = True Expecting nothing ok Trying: def tearDown(t): import test_zipped_doctest del test_zipped_doctest.sillySetup Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest', setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: import test_zipped_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_zipped_doctest.sillySetup Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sillySetup' ok Trying: def setUp(test): test.globs['y'] = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest', setUp=setUp) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 30 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_DocTestFinder Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() Expecting nothing ok Trying: import test_zipped_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: old = test_zipped_doctest.__file__ Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_zipped_doctest.__file__ = 'test_doctest.pyc' Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = finder.find(sample_func) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print tests # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: [] ok Trying: tests[0].filename # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: '' ok Trying: test_zipped_doctest.__file__ = old Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = tests[0].examples[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: (e.source, e.want, e.lineno) Expecting: ('print sample_func(22)\n', '44\n', 3) ok Trying: def no_docstring(v): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: finder.find(no_docstring) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def no_docstring(v): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: excl_empty_finder = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=True) Expecting nothing ok Trying: excl_empty_finder.find(no_docstring) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def no_examples(v): ''' no doctest examples ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: finder.find(no_examples) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: [] ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = finder.find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass 3 SampleClass.NestedClass 1 SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 SampleClass.__init__ 2 SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 SampleClass.a_property 1 SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 SampleClass.double 1 SampleClass.get ok Trying: tests = finder.find(SampleNewStyleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 1 SampleNewStyleClass 1 SampleNewStyleClass.__init__ 1 SampleNewStyleClass.double 1 SampleNewStyleClass.get ok Trying: import types Expecting nothing ok Trying: m = types.ModuleType('some_module') Expecting nothing ok Trying: def triple(val): ''' >>> print triple(11) 33 ''' return val*3 Expecting nothing ok Trying: m.__dict__.update({ 'sample_func': sample_func, 'SampleClass': SampleClass, '__doc__': ''' Module docstring. >>> print 'module' module ''', '__test__': { 'd': '>>> print 6\n6\n>>> print 7\n7\n', 'c': triple}}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() Expecting nothing ok Trying: import test_zipped_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = finder.find(m, module=test_zipped_doctest) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 1 some_module 3 some_module.SampleClass 3 some_module.SampleClass.NestedClass 1 some_module.SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 some_module.SampleClass.__init__ 2 some_module.SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 some_module.SampleClass.a_property 1 some_module.SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 some_module.SampleClass.double 1 some_module.SampleClass.get 1 some_module.__test__.c 2 some_module.__test__.d 1 some_module.sample_func ok Trying: from test import doctest_aliases Expecting nothing ok Trying: assert doctest_aliases.TwoNames.f Expecting nothing ok Trying: assert doctest_aliases.TwoNames.g Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = excl_empty_finder.find(doctest_aliases) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print len(tests) Expecting: 2 ok Trying: print tests[0].name Expecting: test.doctest_aliases.TwoNames ok Trying: tests[1].name.split('.')[-1] in ['f', 'g'] Expecting: True ok Trying: tests = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass 3 SampleClass.NestedClass 1 SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 SampleClass.__init__ 2 SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 SampleClass.a_property 1 SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 SampleClass.double 1 SampleClass.get ok Trying: tests = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=False).find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass 3 SampleClass.NestedClass 1 SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 0 SampleClass.NestedClass.get 0 SampleClass.NestedClass.square 1 SampleClass.__init__ 2 SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 SampleClass.a_property 1 SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 SampleClass.double 1 SampleClass.get ok Trying: tests = doctest.DocTestFinder(recurse=False).find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 some text >>> # examples are not created for comments & bare prompts. >>> ... >>> for x in range(10): ... print x, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: [e.lineno for e in test.examples] Expecting: [1, 9, 12] ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 46 tests with zero failures ok FAIL: test_doctest_main_issue4197 (test.test_zipimport_support.ZipSupportTests) ... Expected line File "/var/volatile/tmp/tmpW3I0CQ/", line 2, in __main__.Test Got stdout: ********************************************************************** File "/var/volatile/tmp/tmpW3I0CQ/", line 2, in __main__.Test Failed example: 'line 2' Expected nothing Got: 'line 2' ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 1 in __main__.Test ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. Expected line File "/var/volatile/tmp/tmpW3I0CQ/", line 2, in __main__.Test Got stdout: ********************************************************************** File "/var/volatile/tmp/tmpW3I0CQ/", line 2, in __main__.Test Failed example: 'line 2' Expected nothing Got: 'line 2' ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 1 in __main__.Test ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. ok PASS: test_inspect_getsource_issue4223 (test.test_zipimport_support.ZipSupportTests) PASS: test_pdb_issue4201 (test.test_zipimport_support.ZipSupportTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.177s OK 0:10:51 load avg: 0.44 [403/403/56] test_zlib test_abcdefghijklmnop (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test issue1202 compliance: signed crc32, adler32 in 2.x PASS: test_adler32empty (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_adler32start (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_crc32empty (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_crc32start (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_negative_crc_iv_input (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_penguins (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_same_as_binascii_crc32 (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_big_buffer (test.test_zlib.ChecksumBigBufferTestCase) PASS: test_badcompressobj (test.test_zlib.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_baddecompressobj (test.test_zlib.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_badlevel (test.test_zlib.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_decompressobj_badflush (test.test_zlib.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_zlib.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_64bit_compress (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_big_compress_buffer (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_big_decompress_buffer (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_custom_bufsize (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_incomplete_stream (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_large_bufsize (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_speech (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_speech128 (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_64bit_compress (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_badcompresscopy (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_baddecompresscopy (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_big_compress_buffer (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_big_decompress_buffer (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_clear_unconsumed_tail (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_compresscopy (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_compressincremental (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_compressoptions (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_compresspickle (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompimax (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompinc (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompincflush (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompress_incomplete_stream (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompress_unused_data (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompresscopy (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompressmaxlen (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompressmaxlenflush (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompresspickle (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_empty_flush (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_flush_custom_length (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_flush_large_length (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_flush_with_freed_input (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_flushes (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_large_unconsumed_tail (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_large_unused_data (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_maxlen_custom (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_maxlen_large (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_maxlenmisc (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_odd_flush (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_pair (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_wbits (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 54 tests in 0.804s OK 294 tests OK. 56 tests failed: test__osx_support test_aifc test_array test_binhex test_class test_cmath test_cmd_line test_code test_codecs test_ctypes test_deque test_distutils test_docxmlrpc test_email test_email_renamed test_ensurepip test_exceptions test_fcntl test_filecmp test_fileinput test_fileio test_future_builtins test_httpservers test_import test_macpath test_macurl2path test_memoryio test_modulefinder test_multiprocessing test_netrc test_nntplib test_ntpath test_parser test_poll test_py3kwarn test_pyclbr test_regrtest test_socket test_sqlite test_ssl test_str test_struct test_sundry test_symtable test_sys test_sysconfig test_test_support test_timeit test_trace test_traceback test_unicode test_urllib2 test_urllib2_localnet test_userstring test_wsgiref test_xmlrpc 53 tests skipped: test_aepack test_al test_applesingle test_bsddb185 test_bsddb3 test_capi test_cd test_cl test_codecmaps_cn test_codecmaps_hk test_codecmaps_jp test_codecmaps_kr test_codecmaps_tw test_curses test_dl test_fpformat test_gdb test_getargs2 test_gl test_idle test_imageop test_imgfile test_kqueue test_linuxaudiodev test_macos test_macostools test_mhlib test_msilib test_multifile test_ossaudiodev test_pep277 test_scriptpackages test_smtpnet test_socketserver test_spwd test_startfile test_strtod test_structmembers test_sunaudiodev test_tcl test_timeout test_tk test_tools test_ttk_guionly test_ttk_textonly test_turtle test_unicode_file test_urllib2net test_urllibnet test_winreg test_winsound test_xmllib test_zipfile64 17 skips unexpected on linux2: test_capi test_fpformat test_gdb test_getargs2 test_idle test_mhlib test_multifile test_spwd test_strtod test_structmembers test_tcl test_tk test_tools test_ttk_guionly test_ttk_textonly test_turtle test_xmllib Total duration: 10 min 52 sec Tests result: FAILURE python -Wd -3 -E -tt /usr/lib/python2.7/test/ -l -v == CPython 2.7.14 (default, Jan 30 2018, 14:09:17) [GCC 7.3.0] == Linux-4.12.19-yocto-standard-x86_64-with-glibc2.2.5 little-endian == /var/volatile/tmp/test_python_2706 == CPU count: 4 Run tests sequentially 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 1/403] test_grammar PASS: testBackslash (test.test_grammar.TokenTests) PASS: testFloats (test.test_grammar.TokenTests) PASS: testLongIntegers (test.test_grammar.TokenTests) PASS: testPlainIntegers (test.test_grammar.TokenTests) PASS: testStringLiterals (test.test_grammar.TokenTests) PASS: test_float_exponent_tokenization (test.test_grammar.TokenTests) PASS: testAdditiveOps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testAssert (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testAssert2 (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testAtoms (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testBinaryMaskOps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testBreakStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testClassdef (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testComparison (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testComprehensionSpecials (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testContinueStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testDelStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testDictcomps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testEvalInput (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testExec (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testExprStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testFor (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testFuncdef (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testGenexps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testGlobal (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testIf (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testIfElseExpr (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testImport (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testLambdef (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testListcomps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testMultiplicativeOps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testPassStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testPrintStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testRaise (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testReturn (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testSelectors (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testShiftOps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testSimpleStmt (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testSuite (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testTest (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testTry (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testUnaryOps (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testWhile (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: testYield (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: test_break_continue_loop (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: test_paren_evaluation (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) PASS: test_with_statement (test.test_grammar.GrammarTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 47 tests in 0.003s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 2/403] test_opcodes PASS: test_compare_function_objects (test.test_opcodes.OpcodeTest) PASS: test_modulo_of_string_subclasses (test.test_opcodes.OpcodeTest) PASS: test_raise_class_exceptions (test.test_opcodes.OpcodeTest) PASS: test_try_inside_for_loop (test.test_opcodes.OpcodeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 3/403] test_dict PASS: test_bad_key (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_bool (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_clear (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_dictitems_contains_use_after_free (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_empty_presized_dict_in_freelist (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_equal_operator_modifying_operand (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_fromkeys (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_fromkeys_operator_modifying_dict_operand (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_fromkeys_operator_modifying_set_operand (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_get (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_init_use_after_free (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_items (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_keys (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_le (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_literal_constructor (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_missing (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_mutatingiteration (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_oob_indexing_dictiter_iternextitem (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_resize1 (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_resize2 (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_setdefault_atomic (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_track_dynamic (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_track_literals (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_track_subtypes (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_tuple_keyerror (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_update (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_values (test.test_dict.DictTest) PASS: test_bool (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_items (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_keys (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_len (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_pop (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_update (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_values (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_write (test.test_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_bool (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_items (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_keys (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_len (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_pop (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_update (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_values (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_write (test.test_dict.SubclassMappingTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 67 tests in 0.104s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 4/403] test_builtin PASS: test_execfile (test.test_builtin.TestExecFile) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK PASS: test_abs (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_all (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_any (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_apply (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_bin (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_bytearray_translate (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_callable (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_chr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_coerce (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_compile (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_delattr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_dir (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_divmod (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_eval (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_filter (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_filter_subclasses (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_general_eval (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_getattr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_hasattr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_hex (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_id (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_import (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_input_and_raw_input (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_intern (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_isinstance (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_issubclass (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_iter (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_map (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_max (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_min (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_neg (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_next (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_oct (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_open (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_ord (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_pow (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_range (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_reload (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_round (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_round_large (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_setattr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_sum (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_type (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_unichr (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_vars (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_zip (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) PASS: test_baddecorator (test.test_builtin.TestSorted) PASS: test_basic (test.test_builtin.TestSorted) PASS: test_inputtypes (test.test_builtin.TestSorted) PASS: test_bad_args (test.test_builtin.TestType) PASS: test_bad_slots (test.test_builtin.TestType) PASS: test_new_type (test.test_builtin.TestType) PASS: test_type_doc (test.test_builtin.TestType) PASS: test_type_name (test.test_builtin.TestType) PASS: test_type_new_keywords (test.test_builtin.TestType) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 61 tests in 0.007s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 5/403] test_exceptions PASS: testAttributes (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testDeprecatedMessageAttribute (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testInfiniteRecursion (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testKeywordArgs (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testPickleMessageAttribute (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testRaising (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testRegularMessageAttribute (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testReload (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) FAIL: testSettingException (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testSlicing (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testSyntaxErrorMessage (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testUnicodeChangeAttributes (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: testUnicodeStrUsage (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: test_WindowsError (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: test_assert_with_tuple_arg (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: test_bad_exception_clearing (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: test_badisinstance (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: test_new_returns_invalid_instance (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) PASS: test_unicode_errors_no_object (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) test_0_args (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for Exception with 0 args test_0_args_with_overridden___str__ (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for exceptions with 0 args and overridden __str__ test_1_arg (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for Exceptions with 1 arg test_1_arg_with_overridden___str__ (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for exceptions with overridden __str__ and 1 arg test_builtin_exceptions (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for built-in exceptions FAIL: test_exception_with_doc (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) test_many_args (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for Exceptions with many args test_many_args_with_overridden___str__ (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: Check same msg for exceptions with overridden __str__ and many args PASS: test_unhandled (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) PASS: test_unraisable (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) ====================================================================== ERROR: testSettingException (test.test_exceptions.ExceptionTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 191, in testSettingException test_capi1() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 165, in test_capi1 import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_exception_with_doc (test.test_exceptions.TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 614, in test_exception_with_doc import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 29 tests in 0.008s FAILED (errors=2) 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 6/403/1] test_types -- test_exceptions failed PASS: test_boolean_ops (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_buffers (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_comparisons (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_float__format__ (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_float__format__locale (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_float_constructor (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_float_to_string (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_floats (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_format_spec_errors (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_int__format__ (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_int__format__locale (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_internal_sizes (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_long__format__ (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_long_integers (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_normal_integers (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_numeric_types (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_strings (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_truth_values (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_type_function (test.test_types.TypesTests) PASS: test_zero_division (test.test_types.TypesTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 20 tests in 0.005s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 7/403/1] test_unittest PASS: testBufferCatchFailfast (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testCatchBreakInstallsHandler (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testHelpAndUnknown (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testRunTestsOldRunnerClass (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testRunTestsRunnerClass (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testRunTestsRunnerInstance (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testVerbosity (unittest.test.test_program.TestCommandLineArgs) PASS: testNoExit (unittest.test.test_program.Test_TestProgram) PASS: test_Exit (unittest.test.test_program.Test_TestProgram) PASS: test_ExitAsDefault (unittest.test.test_program.Test_TestProgram) PASS: test_NonExit (unittest.test.test_program.Test_TestProgram) PASS: test_discovery_from_dotted_path (unittest.test.test_program.Test_TestProgram) PASS: testCleanUp (unittest.test.test_runner.TestCleanUp) PASS: testCleanUpWithErrors (unittest.test.test_runner.TestCleanUp) PASS: testCleanupInRun (unittest.test.test_runner.TestCleanUp) PASS: testTestCaseDebugExecutesCleanups (unittest.test.test_runner.TestCleanUp) PASS: testBufferAndFailfast (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: testRunnerRegistersResult (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_init (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_multiple_inheritance (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_pickle_unpickle (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_resultclass (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_startTestRun_stopTestRun_called (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_works_with_result_without_startTestRun_stopTestRun (unittest.test.test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner) PASS: test_decorated_skip (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_expected_failure (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_skip_class (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_skip_doesnt_run_setup (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_skip_non_unittest_class_new_style (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_skip_non_unittest_class_old_style (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_skipping (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_skipping_decorators (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: test_unexpected_success (unittest.test.test_skipping.Test_TestSkipping) PASS: testAddTypeEqualityFunc (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAsertEqualSingleLine (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertDictContainsSubset (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertDictEqualTruncates (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertEqual (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertEqual_diffThreshold (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertIn (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertIs (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertIsInstance (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertIsNone (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertIsNot (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertItemsEqual (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertMultiLineEqual (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertMultiLineEqualTruncates (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertNotIsInstance (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertNotRaisesRegexp (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRaisesCallable (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRaisesContext (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRaisesExcValue (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRaisesRegexp (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRaisesRegexpInvalidRegexp (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRaisesRegexpMismatch (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertRegexpMatches (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertSequenceEqualMaxDiff (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testAssertSetEqual (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testDeepcopy (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testEquality (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testInequality (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testKeyboardInterrupt (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) testPendingDeprecationMethodNames (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: Test fail* methods pending deprecation, they will warn in 3.2. PASS: testPickle (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) testShortDescriptionWithMultiLineDocstring (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: Tests shortDescription() for a method with a longer docstring. testShortDescriptionWithOneLineDocstring (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: Tests shortDescription() for a method with a docstring. PASS: testShortDescriptionWithoutDocstring (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) testSynonymAssertMethodNames (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: Test undocumented method name synonyms. PASS: testSystemExit (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: testTruncateMessage (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_countTestCases (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_defaultTestResult (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_eq (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_failureException__default (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_failureException__subclassing__explicit_raise (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_failureException__subclassing__implicit_raise (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_hash (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_id (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_init__no_test_name (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_init__test_name__invalid (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_init__test_name__valid (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_ne (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run__uses_defaultTestResult (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_setUp (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_setUp_default_result (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_tearDown (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_tearDown_default_result (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_test (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_test_default_result (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__failure_in_test (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__failure_in_test_default_result (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order_default_result (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_setUp (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_tearDown (unittest.test.test_case.Test_TestCase) PASS: test_addTest__TestCase (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_addTest__TestSuite (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_addTest__casesuiteclass (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_addTest__noncallable (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_addTest__noniterable (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_addTests (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_addTests__string (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_basetestsuite (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_countTestCases_nested (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_countTestCases_simple (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_countTestCases_zero_nested (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_countTestCases_zero_simple (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_eq (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_function_in_suite (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_init__TestSuite_instances_in_tests (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_init__empty_tests (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_init__tests_from_any_iterable (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_init__tests_optional (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_iter (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_ne (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_overriding_call (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_run (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_run__empty_suite (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_run__requires_result (unittest.test.test_suite.Test_TestSuite) PASS: test_command_line_handling_do_discovery_calls_loader (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_command_line_handling_do_discovery_too_many_arguments (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_command_line_handling_do_discovery_uses_default_loader (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_command_line_handling_parseArgs (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_detect_module_clash (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_discover (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_discover_with_modules_that_fail_to_import (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_discovery_from_dotted_path (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_find_tests (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_find_tests_with_package (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_get_name_from_path (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: test_module_symlink_ok (unittest.test.test_discovery.TestDiscovery) PASS: testAlmostEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertDictContainsSubset (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertDictEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertFalse (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertGreater (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertGreaterEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertIn (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertIs (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertIsNone (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertIsNot (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertIsNotNone (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertLess (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertLessEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertMultiLineEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertNotIn (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertSequenceEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertSetEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertTrue (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testDefault (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testNotAlmostEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testNotEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: test_baseAssertEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: test_formatMessage_unicode_error (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: test_formatMsg (unittest.test.test_assertions.TestLongMessage) PASS: testAssertNotRegexpMatches (unittest.test.test_assertions.Test_Assertions) PASS: test_AlmostEqual (unittest.test.test_assertions.Test_Assertions) PASS: test_AmostEqualWithDelta (unittest.test.test_assertions.Test_Assertions) PASS: test_assertRaises (unittest.test.test_assertions.Test_Assertions) PASS: testHandlerReplacedButCalled (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testInstallHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testInterruptCaught (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testMainInstallsHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testRegisterResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testRemoveHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testRemoveHandlerAsDecorator (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testRemoveResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testRunner (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testSecondInterrupt (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testTwoResults (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testWeakReferences (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreak) PASS: testHandlerReplacedButCalled (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testInstallHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testInterruptCaught (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testMainInstallsHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testRegisterResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testRemoveHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testRemoveHandlerAsDecorator (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testRemoveResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testRunner (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testSecondInterrupt (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testTwoResults (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testWeakReferences (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakDefaultIntHandler) PASS: testHandlerReplacedButCalled (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testInstallHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testInterruptCaught (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testMainInstallsHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testRegisterResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testRemoveHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testRemoveHandlerAsDecorator (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testRemoveResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testRunner (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testSecondInterrupt (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testTwoResults (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) PASS: testWeakReferences (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalDefault) SKIP: testHandlerReplacedButCalled (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) 'test requires SIGINT to not be ignored' PASS: testInstallHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testInterruptCaught (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testMainInstallsHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testRegisterResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testRemoveHandler (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testRemoveHandlerAsDecorator (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testRemoveResult (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testRunner (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) SKIP: testSecondInterrupt (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) 'test requires SIGINT to not be ignored' PASS: testTwoResults (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: testWeakReferences (unittest.test.test_break.TestBreakSignalIgnored) PASS: test_class_not_setup_or_torndown_when_skipped (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_class_not_torndown_when_setup_fails (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_error_in_setup_module (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_error_in_setupclass (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_error_in_teardown_class (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_error_in_teardown_module (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_setup_class (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_setup_module (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_setup_teardown_order_with_pathological_suite (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_skiptest_in_setupclass (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_skiptest_in_setupmodule (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_suite_debug_executes_setups_and_teardowns (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_suite_debug_propagates_exceptions (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_teardown_class (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_teardown_class_two_classes (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_teardown_module (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_testcase_with_missing_module (unittest.test.test_setups.TestSetups) PASS: test_countTestCases (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_id (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_setUp (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_tearDown (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__error_in_test (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_run_call_order__failure_in_test (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_shortDescription__no_docstring (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: test_shortDescription__singleline_docstring (unittest.test.test_functiontestcase.Test_FunctionTestCase) PASS: testBufferOutputAddErrorOrFailure (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testBufferOutputOff (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testBufferOutputStartTestAddSuccess (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testBufferSetUpModule (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testBufferSetupClass (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testBufferTearDownClass (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testBufferTearDownModule (unittest.test.test_result.TestOutputBuffering) PASS: testOldResultWithRunner (unittest.test.test_result.Test_OldTestResult) PASS: testOldTestResult (unittest.test.test_result.Test_OldTestResult) PASS: testOldTestResultClass (unittest.test.test_result.Test_OldTestResult) PASS: testOldTestTesultSetup (unittest.test.test_result.Test_OldTestResult) PASS: testFailFast (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: testFailFastSetByRunner (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) testGetDescriptionWithMultiLineDocstring (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: Tests getDescription() for a method with a longer docstring. testGetDescriptionWithOneLineDocstring (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: Tests getDescription() for a method with a docstring. PASS: testGetDescriptionWithoutDocstring (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: testStackFrameTrimming (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_addError (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_addFailure (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_addSuccess (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_init (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_startTest (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_startTestRun_stopTestRun (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_stop (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_stopTest (unittest.test.test_result.Test_TestResult) PASS: test_getTestCaseNames (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_getTestCaseNames__inheritance (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_getTestCaseNames__no_tests (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_getTestCaseNames__not_a_TestCase (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromModule__TestCase_subclass (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromModule__faulty_load_tests (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromModule__load_tests (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromModule__no_TestCase_instances (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromModule__no_TestCase_tests (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromModule__not_a_module (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__callable__TestCase_instance (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__callable__TestCase_instance_ProperSuiteClass (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__callable__TestSuite (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__callable__wrong_type (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__empty_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__function_with_different_name_than_method (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__malformed_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__module_not_loaded (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_TestCase_subclass (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_TestSuite (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_bad_object (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_empty_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_invalid_testmethod (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_malformed_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_not_a_module (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_testmethod (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_testmethod_ProperSuiteClass (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__relative_unknown_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__unknown_attr_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromName__unknown_module_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__callable__TestCase_instance (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__callable__TestSuite (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__callable__call_staticmethod (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__callable__wrong_type (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__empty_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__empty_name_list (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__malformed_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__module_not_loaded (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_TestCase_subclass (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_TestSuite (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_bad_object (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_empty_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_empty_name_list (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_invalid_testmethod (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_malformed_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_not_a_module (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__relative_testmethod (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__unknown_attr_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__unknown_module_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__unknown_name_relative_1 (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromNames__unknown_name_relative_2 (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromTestCase (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromTestCase__TestSuite_subclass (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromTestCase__default_method_name (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_loadTestsFromTestCase__no_matches (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__None (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__default_value (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__getTestCaseNames (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__loadTestsFromModule (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__loadTestsFromName (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__loadTestsFromNames (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_sortTestMethodsUsing__loadTestsFromTestCase (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_suiteClass__default_value (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_suiteClass__loadTestsFromModule (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_suiteClass__loadTestsFromName (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_suiteClass__loadTestsFromNames (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_suiteClass__loadTestsFromTestCase (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_testMethodPrefix__default_value (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_testMethodPrefix__loadTestsFromModule (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_testMethodPrefix__loadTestsFromName (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_testMethodPrefix__loadTestsFromNames (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) PASS: test_testMethodPrefix__loadTestsFromTestCase (unittest.test.test_loader.Test_TestLoader) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 328 tests in 0.084s OK (skipped=2) 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 8/403/1] test_doctest Trying: runner = DebugRunner(verbose=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = DocTestParser().get_doctest('>>> raise KeyError\n42', {}, 'foo', '', 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: except UnexpectedException, failure: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: failure.test is test Expecting: True ok Trying: failure.example.want Expecting: '42\n' ok Trying: exc_info = failure.exc_info Expecting nothing ok Trying: raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2] Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError ok Trying: test = DocTestParser().get_doctest(''' >>> x = 1 >>> x 2 ''', {}, 'foo', '', 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: except DocTestFailure, failure: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: failure.test is test Expecting: True ok Trying: failure.example.want Expecting: '2\n' ok Trying: Expecting: '1\n' ok Trying: del test.globs['__builtins__'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: test.globs Expecting: {'x': 1} ok Trying: test = DocTestParser().get_doctest(''' >>> x = 2 >>> raise KeyError ''', {}, 'foo', '', 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnexpectedException: ok Trying: del test.globs['__builtins__'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: test.globs Expecting: {'x': 2} ok Trying: test = DocTestParser().get_doctest(''' >>> x = 2 ''', {}, 'foo', '', 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: test.globs Expecting: {} ok Trying: test = DocTestParser().get_doctest('>>> raise KeyError\n42', {}, 'foo', '', 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: case = DocTestCase(test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: case.debug() except UnexpectedException, failure: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: failure.test is test Expecting: True ok Trying: failure.example.want Expecting: '42\n' ok Trying: exc_info = failure.exc_info Expecting nothing ok Trying: raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2] Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError ok Trying: test = DocTestParser().get_doctest(''' >>> x = 1 >>> x 2 ''', {}, 'foo', '', 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: case = DocTestCase(test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: case.debug() except DocTestFailure, failure: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: failure.test is test Expecting: True ok Trying: failure.example.want Expecting: '2\n' ok Trying: Expecting: '1\n' ok Trying: tests = DocTestFinder().find(_TestClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: runner = DocTestRunner(verbose=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests.sort(key = lambda test: Expecting nothing ok Trying: for test in tests: print, '->', Expecting: _TestClass -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) _TestClass.__init__ -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) _TestClass.get -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) _TestClass.square -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: runner.summarize(verbose=1) Expecting: 4 items passed all tests: 2 tests in _TestClass 2 tests in _TestClass.__init__ 2 tests in _TestClass.get 1 tests in _TestClass.square 7 tests in 4 items. 7 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. TestResults(failed=0, attempted=7) ok Trying: runner.tries Expecting: 7 ok Trying: runner.failures Expecting: 0 ok Trying: _TestClass(13).get() + _TestClass(-12).get() Expecting: 1 ok Trying: hex(_TestClass(13).square().get()) Expecting: '0xa9' ok Trying: t = _TestClass(123) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print t.get() Expecting: 123 ok Trying: x = _TestClass(-42) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x.get() Expecting: -42 ok Trying: _TestClass(13).square().get() Expecting: 169 ok Trying: print 'foo\n\nbar\n' Expecting: foo bar ok Trying: 4 == 4 Expecting: 1 ok Trying: 4 == 4 Expecting: True ok Trying: 4 > 4 Expecting: 0 ok Trying: 4 > 4 Expecting: False ok Trying: print range(1000) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: [0, 1, 2, ..., 999] ok Trying: x = 1; y = 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: x + y, x * y Expecting: (3, 2) ok Trying: print range(30) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29] ok Trying: _ellipsis_match('aa...aa', 'aaa') Expecting: False ok Trying: text = ''' Here are examples of simple math. Python has super accurate integer addition >>> 2 + 2 5 And very friendly error messages: >>> 1/0 To Infinity And Beyond You can use logic if you want: >>> if 0: ... blah ... blah ... Ho hum ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print script_from_examples(text) Expecting: # Here are examples of simple math. # # Python has super accurate integer addition # 2 + 2 # Expected: ## 5 # # And very friendly error messages: # 1/0 # Expected: ## To Infinity ## And ## Beyond # # You can use logic if you want: # if 0: blah blah # # Ho hum ok Trying: import doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: old = doctest._unittest_reportflags Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(REPORT_NDIFF | REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE) == old Expecting: True ok Trying: doctest._unittest_reportflags == (REPORT_NDIFF | REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE) Expecting: True ok Trying: doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(ELLIPSIS) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('Only reporting flags allowed', 8) ok Trying: doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(old) == (REPORT_NDIFF | REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE) Expecting: True ok 115 items had no tests: doctest doctest.DebugRunner.report_failure doctest.DebugRunner.report_unexpected_exception doctest.DocFileCase doctest.DocFileCase.__str__ doctest.DocFileCase.format_failure doctest.DocFileSuite doctest.DocFileTest doctest.DocTest doctest.DocTest.__cmp__ doctest.DocTest.__eq__ doctest.DocTest.__hash__ doctest.DocTest.__init__ doctest.DocTest.__ne__ doctest.DocTest.__repr__ doctest.DocTestCase doctest.DocTestCase.__eq__ doctest.DocTestCase.__hash__ doctest.DocTestCase.__init__ doctest.DocTestCase.__ne__ doctest.DocTestCase.__repr__ doctest.DocTestCase.format_failure doctest.DocTestCase.runTest doctest.DocTestCase.setUp doctest.DocTestCase.shortDescription doctest.DocTestCase.tearDown doctest.DocTestFailure doctest.DocTestFailure.__init__ doctest.DocTestFailure.__str__ doctest.DocTestFinder doctest.DocTestFinder.__init__ doctest.DocTestFinder._find doctest.DocTestFinder._find_lineno doctest.DocTestFinder._from_module doctest.DocTestFinder._get_test doctest.DocTestFinder.find doctest.DocTestParser doctest.DocTestParser._check_prefix doctest.DocTestParser._check_prompt_blank doctest.DocTestParser._find_options doctest.DocTestParser._min_indent doctest.DocTestParser._parse_example doctest.DocTestParser.get_doctest doctest.DocTestParser.get_examples doctest.DocTestParser.parse doctest.DocTestRunner._DocTestRunner__patched_linecache_getlines doctest.DocTestRunner._DocTestRunner__record_outcome doctest.DocTestRunner._DocTestRunner__run doctest.DocTestRunner.__init__ doctest.DocTestRunner._failure_header doctest.DocTestRunner.merge doctest.DocTestRunner.report_failure doctest.DocTestRunner.report_start doctest.DocTestRunner.report_success doctest.DocTestRunner.report_unexpected_exception doctest.DocTestRunner.summarize doctest.DocTestSuite doctest.Example doctest.Example.__eq__ doctest.Example.__hash__ doctest.Example.__init__ doctest.Example.__ne__ doctest.OutputChecker doctest.OutputChecker._do_a_fancy_diff doctest.OutputChecker.check_output doctest.OutputChecker.output_difference doctest.SkipDocTestCase doctest.SkipDocTestCase.__init__ doctest.SkipDocTestCase.setUp doctest.SkipDocTestCase.shortDescription doctest.SkipDocTestCase.test_skip doctest.TestResults doctest.TestResults.__dict__ doctest.TestResults.attempted doctest.TestResults.failed doctest.Tester doctest.Tester.__init__ doctest.Tester.merge doctest.Tester.run__test__ doctest.Tester.rundict doctest.Tester.rundoc doctest.Tester.runstring doctest.Tester.summarize doctest.UnexpectedException doctest.UnexpectedException.__init__ doctest.UnexpectedException.__str__ doctest._OutputRedirectingPdb doctest._OutputRedirectingPdb.__init__ doctest._OutputRedirectingPdb.set_continue doctest._OutputRedirectingPdb.set_trace doctest._OutputRedirectingPdb.trace_dispatch doctest._SpoofOut doctest._SpoofOut.getvalue doctest._SpoofOut.truncate doctest._comment_line doctest._exception_traceback doctest._extract_future_flags doctest._indent doctest._load_testfile doctest._module_relative_path doctest._normalize_module doctest._strip_exception_details doctest._test doctest.debug doctest.debug_script doctest.debug_src doctest.register_optionflag doctest.run_docstring_examples doctest.testfile doctest.testmod doctest.testsource 15 items passed all tests: 21 tests in doctest.DebugRunner 13 tests in doctest.DocTestCase.debug 7 tests in doctest.DocTestRunner 2 tests in doctest._TestClass 2 tests in doctest._TestClass.__init__ 2 tests in doctest._TestClass.get 1 tests in doctest._TestClass.square 1 tests in doctest.__test__.blank lines 4 tests in doctest.__test__.bool-int equivalence 1 tests in doctest.__test__.ellipsis 2 tests in doctest.__test__.string 1 tests in doctest.__test__.whitespace normalization 1 tests in doctest._ellipsis_match 2 tests in doctest.script_from_examples 6 tests in doctest.set_unittest_reportflags 66 tests in 130 items. 66 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (doctest) ... 66 tests with zero failures Trying: print 1 Expecting: 1 ok Trying: sc = SampleClass(3) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in range(10): sc = sc.double() print sc.get(), Expecting: 6 12 24 48 96 192 384 768 1536 3072 ok Trying: x = SampleClass.NestedClass(5) Expecting nothing ok Trying: y = x.square() Expecting nothing ok Trying: print y.get() Expecting: 25 ok Trying: print SampleClass.NestedClass().get() Expecting: 0 ok Trying: print SampleClass(12).get() Expecting: 12 ok Trying: print SampleClass.a_classmethod(10) Expecting: 12 ok Trying: print SampleClass(0).a_classmethod(10) Expecting: 12 ok Trying: print SampleClass(22).a_property Expecting: 22 ok Trying: print SampleClass.a_staticmethod(10) Expecting: 11 ok Trying: print SampleClass(12).double().get() Expecting: 24 ok Trying: print SampleClass(-5).get() Expecting: -5 ok Trying: print '1\n2\n3' Expecting: 1 2 3 ok Trying: print SampleNewStyleClass(12).get() Expecting: 12 ok Trying: print SampleNewStyleClass(12).double().get() Expecting: 24 ok Trying: print SampleNewStyleClass(-5).get() Expecting: -5 ok Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={'x': 42}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.runstring(r''' >>> x = x * 2 >>> print x 42 ''', 'XYZ') Expecting: ********************************************************************** Line 3, in XYZ Failed example: print x Expected: 42 Got: 84 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: t.runstring(">>> x = x * 2\n>>> print x\n84\n", 'example2') Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: t.summarize() Expecting: ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in XYZ ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. TestResults(failed=1, attempted=4) ok Trying: t.summarize(verbose=1) Expecting: 1 items passed all tests: 2 tests in example2 ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in XYZ 4 tests in 2 items. 3 passed and 1 failed. ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. TestResults(failed=1, attempted=4) ok Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=1) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = r''' # just an example >>> x = 1 + 2 >>> x 3 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.runstring(test, "Example") Expecting: Running string Example Trying: x = 1 + 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: x Expecting: 3 ok 0 of 2 examples failed in string Example TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def _f(): '''Trivial docstring example. >>> assert 2 == 2 ''' return 32 Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.rundoc(_f) # expect 0 failures in 1 example Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: import types Expecting nothing ok Trying: m1 = types.ModuleType('_m1') Expecting nothing ok Trying: m2 = types.ModuleType('_m2') Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_data = """ def _f(): '''>>> assert 1 == 1 ''' def g(): '''>>> assert 2 != 1 ''' class H: '''>>> assert 2 > 1 ''' def bar(self): '''>>> assert 1 < 2 ''' """ Expecting nothing ok Trying: exec test_data in m1.__dict__ Expecting nothing ok Trying: exec test_data in m2.__dict__ Expecting nothing ok Trying: m1.__dict__.update({"f2": m2._f, "g2": m2.g, "h2": m2.H}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test", m1) # f2 and g2 and h2 skipped Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4) ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test_pvt") # None are skipped. Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=8) ok Trying: doctest.testmod(m1, verbose=False) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4) ok Trying: print sample_func(22) Expecting: 44 ok Trying: import unittest Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: import unittest Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt', package='test') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: import unittest, pkgutil, test Expecting nothing ok Trying: added_loader = False Expecting nothing ok Trying: if not hasattr(test, '__loader__'): test.__loader__ = pkgutil.get_loader(test) added_loader = True Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt', package='test') finally: if added_loader: del test.__loader__ Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('../test/test_doctest.txt') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: import types, os.path, test.test_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: save_argv = sys.argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.argv = [test.test_doctest.__file__] Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', package=types.ModuleType('__main__')) Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.argv = save_argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_doctest_path = os.path.abspath(test.test_doctest.__file__) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_pkg_path = os.path.split(test_doctest_path)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_file = os.path.join(test_pkg_path, 'test_doctest.txt') Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite(test_file, module_relative=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite(test_file, module_relative=False, package='test') Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Package may only be specified for module-relative paths. ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt', globs={'favorite_color': 'blue'}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt', optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE, globs={'favorite_color': 'blue'}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: def setUp(t): import test.test_doctest test.test_doctest.sillySetup = True Expecting nothing ok Trying: def tearDown(t): import test.test_doctest del test.test_doctest.sillySetup Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt', setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: import test.test_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: test.test_doctest.sillySetup Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sillySetup' ok Trying: def setUp(test): test.globs['favorite_color'] = 'blue' Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', setUp=setUp) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest3.txt') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', 'test_doctest2.txt', 'test_doctest4.txt', encoding='utf-8') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: docstring = ''' >>> print 12 12 Non-example text. >>> print 'another\example' another example ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: globs = {} # globals to run the test in. Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'some_file', 20) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print test Expecting: ok Trying: len(test.examples) Expecting: 2 ok Trying: e1, e2 = test.examples Expecting nothing ok Trying: (e1.source, e1.want, e1.lineno) Expecting: ('print 12\n', '12\n', 1) ok Trying: (e2.source, e2.want, e2.lineno) Expecting: ("print 'another\\example'\n", 'another\nexample\n', 6) ok Trying: (, test.filename, test.lineno) Expecting: ('some_test', 'some_file', 20) ok Trying: test.lineno + e1.lineno Expecting: 21 ok Trying: test.lineno + e2.lineno Expecting: 26 ok Trying: docstring = r''' >>> print 'bad\nindentation' bad indentation ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 4 of the docstring for some_test has inconsistent leading whitespace: 'indentation' ok Trying: docstring = r''' >>> print ('bad indentation', ... 2) ('bad', 'indentation') ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 2 of the docstring for some_test has inconsistent leading whitespace: '... 2)' ok Trying: docstring = '>>>print 1\n1' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 1 of the docstring for some_test lacks blank after >>>: '>>>print 1' ok Trying: docstring = '>>> if 1:\n...print 1\n1' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 2 of the docstring for some_test lacks blank after ...: '...print 1' ok Trying: docstring = ''' >>> print 12 12 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'some_test', 20) Expecting nothing ok Trying: same_test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'some_test', 20) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test == same_test Expecting: True ok Trying: test != same_test Expecting: False ok Trying: hash(test) == hash(same_test) Expecting: True ok Trying: docstring = ''' >>> print 42 42 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: other_test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'other_test', 'other_file', 10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test == other_test Expecting: False ok Trying: test != other_test Expecting: True ok Trying: DocTestCase = doctest.DocTestCase Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_case = DocTestCase(test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: same_test_case = DocTestCase(same_test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: other_test_case = DocTestCase(other_test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_case == same_test_case Expecting: True ok Trying: test_case != same_test_case Expecting: False ok Trying: hash(test_case) == hash(same_test_case) Expecting: True ok Trying: test == other_test_case Expecting: False ok Trying: test != other_test_case Expecting: True ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() Expecting nothing ok Trying: import test.test_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: old = test.test_doctest.__file__ Expecting nothing ok Trying: test.test_doctest.__file__ = 'test_doctest.pyc' Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = finder.find(sample_func) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print tests # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: [] ok Trying: tests[0].filename # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: '' ok Trying: test.test_doctest.__file__ = old Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = tests[0].examples[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: (e.source, e.want, e.lineno) Expecting: ('print sample_func(22)\n', '44\n', 3) ok Trying: def no_docstring(v): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: finder.find(no_docstring) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def no_docstring(v): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: excl_empty_finder = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=True) Expecting nothing ok Trying: excl_empty_finder.find(no_docstring) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def no_examples(v): ''' no doctest examples ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: finder.find(no_examples) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: [] ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = finder.find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass 3 SampleClass.NestedClass 1 SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 SampleClass.__init__ 2 SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 SampleClass.a_property 1 SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 SampleClass.double 1 SampleClass.get ok Trying: tests = finder.find(SampleNewStyleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 1 SampleNewStyleClass 1 SampleNewStyleClass.__init__ 1 SampleNewStyleClass.double 1 SampleNewStyleClass.get ok Trying: import types Expecting nothing ok Trying: m = types.ModuleType('some_module') Expecting nothing ok Trying: def triple(val): ''' >>> print triple(11) 33 ''' return val*3 Expecting nothing ok Trying: m.__dict__.update({ 'sample_func': sample_func, 'SampleClass': SampleClass, '__doc__': ''' Module docstring. >>> print 'module' module ''', '__test__': { 'd': '>>> print 6\n6\n>>> print 7\n7\n', 'c': triple}}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() Expecting nothing ok Trying: import test.test_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = finder.find(m, module=test.test_doctest) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 1 some_module 3 some_module.SampleClass 3 some_module.SampleClass.NestedClass 1 some_module.SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 some_module.SampleClass.__init__ 2 some_module.SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 some_module.SampleClass.a_property 1 some_module.SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 some_module.SampleClass.double 1 some_module.SampleClass.get 1 some_module.__test__.c 2 some_module.__test__.d 1 some_module.sample_func ok Trying: from test import doctest_aliases Expecting nothing ok Trying: assert doctest_aliases.TwoNames.f Expecting nothing ok Trying: assert doctest_aliases.TwoNames.g Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = excl_empty_finder.find(doctest_aliases) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print len(tests) Expecting: 2 ok Trying: print tests[0].name Expecting: test.doctest_aliases.TwoNames ok Trying: tests[1].name.split('.')[-1] in ['f', 'g'] Expecting: True ok Trying: tests = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass 3 SampleClass.NestedClass 1 SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 SampleClass.__init__ 2 SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 SampleClass.a_property 1 SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 SampleClass.double 1 SampleClass.get ok Trying: tests = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=False).find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass 3 SampleClass.NestedClass 1 SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 0 SampleClass.NestedClass.get 0 SampleClass.NestedClass.square 1 SampleClass.__init__ 2 SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 SampleClass.a_property 1 SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 SampleClass.double 1 SampleClass.get ok Trying: tests = doctest.DocTestFinder(recurse=False).find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 some text >>> # examples are not created for comments & bare prompts. >>> ... >>> for x in range(10): ... print x, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: [e.lineno for e in test.examples] Expecting: [1, 9, 12] ok Trying: s = ''' >>> x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected >>> if 1: ... print x ... print y 2 3 Some text. >>> x+y 5 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: for piece in parser.parse(s): if isinstance(piece, doctest.Example): print 'Example:', (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno) else: print ' Text:', `piece` Expecting: Text: '\n' Example: ('x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected\n', '', 1) Text: '' Example: ('if 1:\n print x\n print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2) Text: '\nSome text.\n' Example: ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9) Text: '' ok Trying: for piece in parser.get_examples(s): print (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno) Expecting: ('x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected\n', '', 1) ('if 1:\n print x\n print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2) ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9) ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(s, {}, 'name', 'filename', lineno=5) Expecting nothing ok Trying: (, test.filename, test.lineno) Expecting: ('name', 'filename', 5) ok Trying: for piece in test.examples: print (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno) Expecting: ('x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected\n', '', 1) ('if 1:\n print x\n print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2) ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9) ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 14 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Trying: x = 12 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x Expecting: 14 ********************************************************************** File ..., line 4, in f Failed example: print x Expected: 14 Got: 12 Trying: x//2 Expecting: 6 ok TestResults(failed=1, attempted=3) ok Trying: import sys Expecting nothing ok Trying: orig_displayhook = sys.displayhook Expecting nothing ok Trying: def my_displayhook(x): print('hi!') Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.displayhook = my_displayhook Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): ''' >>> 3 3 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: r = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: post_displayhook = sys.displayhook Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.displayhook = orig_displayhook Expecting nothing ok Trying: r Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: post_displayhook is my_displayhook Expecting: True ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x//0 Traceback (most recent call last): ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print 'pre-exception output', x//0 pre-exception output Traceback (most recent call last): ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 4, in f Failed example: print 'pre-exception output', x//0 Exception raised: ... ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'multi\nline\nmessage' Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: multi line message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'message' Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: wrong message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: raise ValueError, 'message' Expected: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: wrong message Got: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: message TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: wrong message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') Traceback (most recent call last): httplib.HTTPException: message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 4, in f Failed example: raise HTTPException('message') Expected: Traceback (most recent call last): httplib.HTTPException: message Got: Traceback (most recent call last): ... HTTPException: message TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') Traceback (most recent call last): HTTPException: message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): HTTPException: message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: wrong type ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Expected: Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: wrong type Got: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: message TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from Queue import Empty >>> raise Empty() #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from Queue import Empty >>> raise Empty() #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> 1//0 0 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: 1//0 Exception raised: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # should fail: no ellipsis [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # should fail: no ellipsis Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> # should fail: no ellipsis >>> print range(10) # doctest: -ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 6, in f Failed example: print range(10) # doctest: -ELLIPSIS Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ********************************************************************** File ..., line 8, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=2, attempted=3) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should succeed ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should succeed ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS,+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should succeed ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> for x in range(10): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... print x, 0 1 2 ... 9 >>> for x in range(10): ... print x, # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0 1 2 ... 9 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' Should fail (option directive not on the last line): >>> for x in range(10): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... print x, # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0 1 2...9 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: s = '>>> print 12 #doctest: +BADOPTION' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 1 of the doctest for s has an invalid option: '+BADOPTION' ok Trying: s = '>>> print 12 #doctest: ELLIPSIS' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 1 of the doctest for s has an invalid option: 'ELLIPSIS' ok Trying: s = '>>> # doctest: +ELLIPSIS' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 0 of the doctest for s has an option directive on a line with no example: '# doctest: +ELLIPSIS' ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> True\n1\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: True Expected: 1 Got: True TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> print "a\\n\\nb"\na\n\nb\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print "a\n\nb" Expected: a b Got: a b TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> print 1, 2, 3\n 1 2\n 3' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print 1, 2, 3 Expected: 1 2 3 Got: 1 2 3 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: print range(20) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> print range(15)\n[0, 1, 2, ..., 14]\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(15) Expected: [0, 1, 2, ..., 14] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.ELLIPSIS Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: for i in range(100): print i**2, #doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: 0 1...4...9 16 ... 36 49 64 ... 9801 ok Trying: for i in range(21): #doctest: +ELLIPSIS print i, Expecting: 0 1 2 ...1...2...0 ok Trying: print range(20) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS Expecting: [0, 1, ..., 18, 19] ok Trying: print range(20) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: [0, 1, ..., 18, 19] ok Trying: import random Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print '\n'.join('abcdefg') a B c d f g h ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print '\n'.join('abcdefg') Expected: a B c d f g h Got: a b c d e f g TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_UDIFF Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print '\n'.join('abcdefg') Differences (unified diff with -expected +actual): @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ a -B +b c d +e f g -h TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_CDIFF Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print '\n'.join('abcdefg') Differences (context diff with expected followed by actual): *************** *** 1,7 **** a ! B c d f g - h --- 1,7 ---- a ! b c d + e f g TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print "a b c d e f g h i j k l m" a b c d e f g h i j k 1 m ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_NDIFF Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print "a b c d e f g h i j k l m" Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual): - a b c d e f g h i j k 1 m ? ^ + a b c d e f g h i j k l m ? + ++ ^ TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print 1 # first success 1 >>> print 2 # first failure 200 >>> print 3 # second failure 300 >>> print 4 # second success 4 >>> print 5 # third failure 500 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 5, in f Failed example: print 2 # first failure Expected: 200 Got: 2 TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5) ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Trying: print 1 # first success Expecting: 1 ok Trying: print 2 # first failure Expecting: 200 ********************************************************************** File ..., line 5, in f Failed example: print 2 # first failure Expected: 200 Got: 2 TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print 1 # first success 1 >>> raise ValueError(2) # first failure 200 >>> print 3 # second failure 300 >>> print 4 # second success 4 >>> print 5 # third failure 500 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 5, in f Failed example: raise ValueError(2) # first failure Exception raised: ... ValueError: 2 TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5) ok Trying: unlikely = "UNLIKELY_OPTION_NAME" Expecting nothing ok Trying: unlikely in doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME Expecting: False ok Trying: new_flag_value = doctest.register_optionflag(unlikely) Expecting nothing ok Trying: unlikely in doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME Expecting: True ok Trying: redundant_flag_value = doctest.register_optionflag(unlikely) Expecting nothing ok Trying: redundant_flag_value == new_flag_value Expecting: True ok Trying: del doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME[unlikely] Expecting nothing ok Trying: u'\xe9' Expecting: u'\xe9' ok Trying: print u'abc' Expecting: abc ok Trying: print u'\xe9'.encode('utf-8') Expecting: é ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True).run(test) Expecting: Trying: x = 12 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x Expecting: 12 ok Trying: x//2 Expecting: 6 ok TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: old_argv = sys.argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.argv = ['test'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner().run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: sys.argv = ['test', '-v'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner().run(test) Expecting: Trying: x = 12 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x Expecting: 12 ok Trying: x//2 Expecting: 6 ok TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: sys.argv = old_argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: import unittest Expecting nothing ok Trying: import test.sample_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite(test.sample_doctest) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest_no_doctests') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: try: doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest_no_docstrings') except ValueError as e: error = e Expecting nothing ok Trying: print(error.args[1]) Expecting: has no docstrings ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest_no_docstrings', test_finder=finder) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = test.sample_doctest.test_suite() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', globs={}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', extraglobs={'y': 1}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: def setUp(t): import test.test_doctest test.test_doctest.sillySetup = True Expecting nothing ok Trying: def tearDown(t): import test.test_doctest del test.test_doctest.sillySetup Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: import test.test_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: test.test_doctest.sillySetup Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sillySetup' ok Trying: def setUp(test): test.globs['y'] = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', setUp=setUp) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: (example.source, example.want, example.exc_msg, example.lineno, example.indent, example.options) Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n', None, 0, 0, {}) ok Trying: exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list' Expecting nothing ok Trying: example = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg, lineno=5, indent=4, options={doctest.ELLIPSIS: True}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: (example.source, example.want, example.exc_msg, example.lineno, example.indent, example.options) Expecting: ('[].pop()\n', '', 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n', 5, 4, {8: True}) ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1\n', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1;\nprint 2', '1\n2\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('', '') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('\n', '') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print', '') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print\n', '') ok Trying: exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = 'ValueError: 1\n 2' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('raise ValueError("1\n 2")', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'ValueError: 1\n 2\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = 'ValueError: 1\n 2\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('raise ValueError("1\n 2")', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'ValueError: 1\n 2\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = '' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('raise X()', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: '\n' ok Trying: example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: same_example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: other_example = doctest.Example('print 42', '42\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: example == same_example Expecting: True ok Trying: example != same_example Expecting: False ok Trying: hash(example) == hash(same_example) Expecting: True ok Trying: example == other_example Expecting: False ok Trying: example != other_example Expecting: True ok Trying: s = ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: import tempfile Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput(['next', 'print x', 'continue']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: doctest.debug_src(s) finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: > (1)() (Pdb) next 12 --Return-- > (1)()->None (Pdb) print x 12 (Pdb) continue ok Trying: import tempfile, os Expecting nothing ok Trying: fn = tempfile.mktemp() Expecting nothing ok Trying: with open(fn, 'wb') as f: f.write('Test:\r\n\r\n >>> x = 1 + 1\r\n\r\nDone.\r\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile(fn, module_relative=False, verbose=False) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: os.remove(fn) Expecting nothing ok Trying: fn = tempfile.mktemp() Expecting nothing ok Trying: with open(fn, 'wb') as f: f.write('Test:\n\n >>> x = 1 + 1\n\nDone.\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile(fn, module_relative=False, verbose=False) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: os.remove(fn) Expecting nothing ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> x = 42 >>> raise Exception('clé') Traceback (most recent call last): Exception: clé >>> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, {}, "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: import tempfile Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'print x', # print data defined by the example 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: --Return-- > (1)()->None -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) print x 42 (Pdb) continue TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: def calls_set_trace(): y=2 import pdb; pdb.set_trace() Expecting nothing ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> x=1 >>> calls_set_trace() ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'print y', # print data defined in the function 'up', # out of function 'print x', # print data defined by the example 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: --Return-- > (3)calls_set_trace()->None -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) print y 2 (Pdb) up > (1)() -> calls_set_trace() (Pdb) print x 1 (Pdb) continue TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> def f(x): ... g(x*2) >>> def g(x): ... print x+3 ... import pdb; pdb.set_trace() >>> f(3) ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'list', # list source from example 2 'next', # return from g() 'list', # list source from example 1 'next', # return from f() 'list', # list source from example 3 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: --Return-- > (3)g()->None -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) list 1 def g(x): 2 print x+3 3 -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() [EOF] (Pdb) next --Return-- > (2)f()->None -> g(x*2) (Pdb) list 1 def f(x): 2 -> g(x*2) [EOF] (Pdb) next --Return-- > (1)()->None -> f(3) (Pdb) list 1 -> f(3) [EOF] (Pdb) continue ********************************************************************** File "foo-bä", line 7, in foo-bär@baz Failed example: f(3) Expected nothing Got: 9 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=3) ok Trying: class C(object): def calls_set_trace(self): y = 1 import pdb; pdb.set_trace() self.f1() y = 2 def f1(self): x = 1 self.f2() x = 2 def f2(self): z = 1 z = 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: calls_set_trace = C().calls_set_trace Expecting nothing ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> a = 1 >>> calls_set_trace() ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'print y', # print data defined in the function 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'print z', 'up', 'print x', 'up', 'print y', 'up', 'print foo', 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: > (5)calls_set_trace() -> self.f1() (Pdb) print y 1 (Pdb) step --Call-- > (7)f1() -> def f1(self): (Pdb) step > (8)f1() -> x = 1 (Pdb) step > (9)f1() -> self.f2() (Pdb) step --Call-- > (11)f2() -> def f2(self): (Pdb) step > (12)f2() -> z = 1 (Pdb) step > (13)f2() -> z = 2 (Pdb) print z 1 (Pdb) up > (9)f1() -> self.f2() (Pdb) print x 1 (Pdb) up > (5)calls_set_trace() -> self.f1() (Pdb) print y 1 (Pdb) up > (1)() -> calls_set_trace() (Pdb) print foo *** NameError: name 'foo' is not defined (Pdb) continue TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: save_argv = sys.argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: if '-v' in sys.argv: sys.argv = [arg for arg in save_argv if arg != '-v'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File "...", line 6, in test_doctest.txt Failed example: favorite_color Exception raised: ... NameError: name 'favorite_color' is not defined ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in test_doctest.txt ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: globs = {'favorite_color': 'blue'} Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', globs=globs) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: extraglobs = {'favorite_color': 'red'} Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', globs=globs, extraglobs=extraglobs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File "...", line 6, in test_doctest.txt Failed example: favorite_color Expected: 'blue' Got: 'red' ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in test_doctest.txt ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', globs=globs, module_relative='test') Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', globs=globs, verbose=True) Expecting: Trying: favorite_color Expecting: 'blue' ok Trying: if 1: print 'a' print print 'b' Expecting: a b ok 1 items passed all tests: 2 tests in test_doctest.txt 2 tests in 1 items. 2 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', name='newname') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File "...", line 6, in newname ... TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', report=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File "...", line 6, in test_doctest.txt Failed example: favorite_color Exception raised: ... NameError: name 'favorite_color' is not defined TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', raise_on_error=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): UnexpectedException: ... ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest4.txt') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File "...", line 7, in test_doctest4.txt Failed example: u'...' Expected: u'f\xf6\xf6' Got: u'f\xc3\xb6\xc3\xb6' ********************************************************************** ... ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 2 of 4 in test_doctest4.txt ***Test Failed*** 2 failures. TestResults(failed=2, attempted=4) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest4.txt', encoding='utf-8') Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4) ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest._encoding, saved_encoding = 'utf-8', doctest._encoding Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.testfile('test_doctest4.txt', encoding='utf-8', verbose=True) Expecting: Trying: u'föö' Expecting: u'f\xf6\xf6' ok Trying: u'bąr' Expecting: u'b\u0105r' ok Trying: 'föö' Expecting: 'f\xc3\xb6\xc3\xb6' ok Trying: 'bąr' Expecting: 'b\xc4\x85r' ok 1 items passed all tests: 4 tests in test_doctest4.txt 4 tests in 1 items. 4 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4) ok Trying: doctest._encoding = saved_encoding Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.master = None # Reset master. Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.argv = save_argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: import test.test_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: name = 'test.test_doctest.sample_func' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print doctest.testsource(test.test_doctest, name) Expecting: # Blah blah # print sample_func(22) # Expected: ## 44 # # Yee ha! ok Trying: name = 'test.test_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print doctest.testsource(test.test_doctest, name) Expecting: print '1\n2\n3' # Expected: ## 1 ## 2 ## 3 ok Trying: name = 'test.test_doctest.SampleClass.a_classmethod' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print doctest.testsource(test.test_doctest, name) Expecting: print SampleClass.a_classmethod(10) # Expected: ## 12 print SampleClass(0).a_classmethod(10) # Expected: ## 12 ok Trying: x, y = 'foo', '' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x, y Expecting: foo ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE) Expecting nothing ok Trying: import unittest Expecting nothing ok Trying: result = Expecting nothing ok Trying: print result.failures[0][1] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Traceback ... Failed example: favorite_color ... Failed example: if 1: ... ok Trying: old = doctest.set_unittest_reportflags( doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE) Expecting nothing ok Trying: result = Expecting nothing ok Trying: print result.failures[0][1] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Traceback ... Failed example: favorite_color Exception raised: ... NameError: name 'favorite_color' is not defined ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE | doctest.REPORT_NDIFF) Expecting nothing ok Trying: result = Expecting nothing ok Trying: print result.failures[0][1] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Traceback ... Failed example: favorite_color ... Failed example: if 1: print 'a' print print 'b' Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual): a - + b ok Trying: ignored = doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(old) Expecting nothing ok 9 items had no tests: test.test_doctest test.test_doctest.SampleClass.NestedClass.get test.test_doctest.SampleClass.NestedClass.square test.test_doctest._FakeInput test.test_doctest._FakeInput.__init__ test.test_doctest._FakeInput.readline test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner test.test_doctest.test_coverage test.test_doctest.test_main 39 items passed all tests: 3 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass 3 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.NestedClass 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.__init__ 2 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.a_property 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.double 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleClass.get 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass.__init__ 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass.double 1 tests in test.test_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass.get 6 tests in test.test_doctest.old_test1 4 tests in test.test_doctest.old_test2 4 tests in test.test_doctest.old_test3 13 tests in test.test_doctest.old_test4 1 tests in test.test_doctest.sample_func 40 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocFileSuite 39 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTest 46 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestFinder 7 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestParser 6 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.basics 11 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.displayhook 39 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.exceptions 33 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.option_directives 59 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.optionflags 3 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.test_unicode_output 9 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestRunner.verbose_flag 30 tests in test.test_doctest.test_DocTestSuite 44 tests in test.test_doctest.test_Example 5 tests in test.test_doctest.test_debug 9 tests in test.test_doctest.test_lineendings 19 tests in test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace 9 tests in test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested 29 tests in test.test_doctest.test_testfile 7 tests in test.test_doctest.test_testsource 2 tests in test.test_doctest.test_trailing_space_in_test 11 tests in test.test_doctest.test_unittest_reportflags 503 tests in 48 items. 503 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_doctest) ... 503 tests with zero failures 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 9/403/1] test_doctest2 Trying: print 'yup' # 1 Expecting: yup ok Trying: print C() # 2 Expecting: 42 ok Trying: print "In D!" # 5 Expecting: In D! ok Trying: print 3 # 6 Expecting: 3 ok Trying: print C() # 3 Expecting: 42 ok Trying: print C() # 4 Expecting: 42 ok Trying: print C.clsm(22) # 18 Expecting: 22 ok Trying: print C().clsm(23) # 19 Expecting: 23 ok Trying: c = C() # 7 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.x = 12 # 8 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.x # 9 Expecting: -12 ok Trying: c = C() # 10 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.x = 12 # 11 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.x # 12 Expecting: -12 ok Trying: print C.statm() # 16 Expecting: 666 ok Trying: print C().statm() # 17 Expecting: 666 ok Trying: c = C() # 13 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.x = 12 # 14 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.x # 15 Expecting: -12 ok 1 items had no tests: test.test_doctest2.test_main 11 items passed all tests: 1 tests in test.test_doctest2 1 tests in test.test_doctest2.C 1 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.D 1 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.D.nested 1 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.__init__ 1 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.__str__ 2 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.clsm 3 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.getx 3 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.setx 2 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.statm 3 tests in test.test_doctest2.C.x 19 tests in 12 items. 19 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_doctest2) ... 19 tests with zero failures 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 10/403/1] test_MimeWriter PASS: test (test.test_MimeWriter.MimewriterTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 11/403/1] test_SimpleHTTPServer PASS: test_queryArguments (test.test_SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandlerTestCase) PASS: test_startWithDoubleSlash (test.test_SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandlerTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 12/403/1] test_StringIO PASS: test_closed_flag (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_reads (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_reads_from_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_writes (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_writes_to_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestStringIO) PASS: test_array_support (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_closed_flag (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_reads (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_reads_from_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_writes (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) PASS: test_writes_to_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestcStringIO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 25 tests in 0.063s OK PASS: test_closed_flag (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_reads (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_reads_from_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_writes (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_writes_to_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestBufferStringIO) PASS: test_array_support (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_closed_flag (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_reads (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_reads_from_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_writes (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) PASS: test_writes_to_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestBuffercStringIO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 25 tests in 0.063s OK PASS: test_array_support (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_closed_flag (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_reads (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_reads_from_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_writes (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) PASS: test_writes_to_large_stream (test.test_StringIO.TestMemoryviewcStringIO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.031s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 13/403/1] test___all__ test_all (test.test___all__.AllTest) ... BaseHTTPServer CGIHTTPServer ConfigParser Cookie DocXMLRPCServer HTMLParser MimeWriter Queue SimpleHTTPServer SimpleXMLRPCServer SocketServer StringIO UserDict UserList UserString _LWPCookieJar _MozillaCookieJar _abcoll _pyio _strptime _sysconfigdata _threading_local _weakrefset abc anydbm argparse ast asynchat asyncore atexit audiodev base64 bdb bisect bsddb bsddb.db bsddb.dbobj bsddb.dbrecio bsddb.dbshelve bsddb.dbtables bsddb.dbutils bsddb.test bsddb.test.test_all bsddb.test.test_associate bsddb.test.test_basics bsddb.test.test_compare bsddb.test.test_compat bsddb.test.test_cursor_pget_bug bsddb.test.test_db bsddb.test.test_dbenv bsddb.test.test_dbobj bsddb.test.test_dbshelve bsddb.test.test_dbtables bsddb.test.test_distributed_transactions bsddb.test.test_early_close bsddb.test.test_fileid bsddb.test.test_get_none bsddb.test.test_join bsddb.test.test_lock bsddb.test.test_misc bsddb.test.test_pickle bsddb.test.test_queue bsddb.test.test_recno bsddb.test.test_replication bsddb.test.test_sequence bsddb.test.test_thread cProfile calendar cgi chunk cmd code codecs codeop collections colorsys commands compileall compiler compiler.ast compiler.consts compiler.future compiler.misc compiler.pyassem compiler.pycodegen compiler.symbols compiler.syntax compiler.transformer compiler.visitor contextlib cookielib copy copy_reg csv ctypes ctypes._endian ctypes.macholib ctypes.macholib.dyld ctypes.macholib.dylib ctypes.macholib.framework ctypes.test ctypes.test.runtests ctypes.test.test_anon ctypes.test.test_array_in_pointer ctypes.test.test_arrays ctypes.test.test_as_parameter ctypes.test.test_bitfields ctypes.test.test_buffers ctypes.test.test_byteswap ctypes.test.test_callbacks ctypes.test.test_cast ctypes.test.test_cfuncs ctypes.test.test_checkretval ctypes.test.test_delattr ctypes.test.test_errno ctypes.test.test_find ctypes.test.test_frombuffer ctypes.test.test_funcptr ctypes.test.test_functions ctypes.test.test_incomplete ctypes.test.test_init ctypes.test.test_internals ctypes.test.test_keeprefs ctypes.test.test_libc ctypes.test.test_loading ctypes.test.test_macholib ctypes.test.test_memfunctions ctypes.test.test_numbers ctypes.test.test_objects ctypes.test.test_parameters ctypes.test.test_pep3118 ctypes.test.test_pickling ctypes.test.test_pointers ctypes.test.test_prototypes ctypes.test.test_python_api ctypes.test.test_random_things ctypes.test.test_refcounts ctypes.test.test_repr ctypes.test.test_returnfuncptrs ctypes.test.test_simplesubclasses ctypes.test.test_sizes ctypes.test.test_slicing ctypes.test.test_stringptr ctypes.test.test_strings ctypes.test.test_struct_fields ctypes.test.test_structures ctypes.test.test_unaligned_structures ctypes.test.test_unicode ctypes.test.test_values ctypes.test.test_varsize_struct ctypes.test.test_win32 ctypes.test.test_wintypes ctypes.util ctypes.wintypes curses curses.ascii curses.has_key curses.panel curses.textpad curses.wrapper dbhash decimal difflib dircache dis distutils distutils.archive_util distutils.bcppcompiler distutils.ccompiler distutils.cmd distutils.command distutils.command.bdist distutils.command.bdist_dumb distutils.command.bdist_msi distutils.command.bdist_rpm distutils.command.bdist_wininst distutils.command.build_clib distutils.command.build_ext distutils.command.build_py distutils.command.build_scripts distutils.command.check distutils.command.clean distutils.command.config distutils.command.install distutils.command.install_data distutils.command.install_egg_info distutils.command.install_headers distutils.command.install_lib distutils.command.install_scripts distutils.command.register distutils.command.sdist distutils.command.upload distutils.config distutils.core distutils.cygwinccompiler distutils.debug distutils.dep_util distutils.dir_util distutils.dist distutils.emxccompiler distutils.errors distutils.extension distutils.fancy_getopt distutils.file_util distutils.filelist distutils.log distutils.msvc9compiler distutils.msvccompiler distutils.spawn distutils.sysconfig distutils.tests distutils.tests.setuptools_build_ext distutils.tests.setuptools_extension distutils.tests.test_archive_util distutils.tests.test_bdist distutils.tests.test_bdist_dumb distutils.tests.test_bdist_msi distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm distutils.tests.test_bdist_wininst distutils.tests.test_build distutils.tests.test_build_clib distutils.tests.test_build_ext distutils.tests.test_build_py distutils.tests.test_build_scripts distutils.tests.test_ccompiler distutils.tests.test_check distutils.tests.test_clean distutils.tests.test_cmd distutils.tests.test_config distutils.tests.test_config_cmd distutils.tests.test_core distutils.tests.test_dep_util distutils.tests.test_dir_util distutils.tests.test_dist distutils.tests.test_file_util distutils.tests.test_filelist distutils.tests.test_install distutils.tests.test_install_data distutils.tests.test_install_headers distutils.tests.test_install_lib distutils.tests.test_install_scripts distutils.tests.test_msvc9compiler distutils.tests.test_register distutils.tests.test_sdist distutils.tests.test_spawn distutils.tests.test_sysconfig distutils.tests.test_text_file distutils.tests.test_unixccompiler distutils.tests.test_upload distutils.tests.test_util distutils.tests.test_version distutils.tests.test_versionpredicate distutils.text_file distutils.unixccompiler distutils.util distutils.version distutils.versionpredicate doctest dumbdbm dummy_thread dummy_threading email email._parseaddr email.base64mime email.charset email.encoders email.errors email.feedparser email.generator email.header email.iterators email.message email.mime email.mime.application email.mime.base email.mime.image email.mime.message email.mime.multipart email.mime.nonmultipart email.mime.text email.parser email.quoprimime email.test email.test.test_email email.test.test_email_codecs email.test.test_email_codecs_renamed email.test.test_email_renamed email.test.test_email_torture email.utils encodings encodings.aliases encodings.ascii encodings.base64_codec encodings.big5 encodings.big5hkscs encodings.bz2_codec encodings.charmap encodings.cp037 encodings.cp1006 encodings.cp1026 encodings.cp1140 encodings.cp1250 encodings.cp1251 encodings.cp1252 encodings.cp1253 encodings.cp1254 encodings.cp1255 encodings.cp1256 encodings.cp1257 encodings.cp1258 encodings.cp424 encodings.cp437 encodings.cp500 encodings.cp720 encodings.cp737 encodings.cp775 encodings.cp850 encodings.cp852 encodings.cp855 encodings.cp856 encodings.cp857 encodings.cp858 encodings.cp860 encodings.cp861 encodings.cp862 encodings.cp863 encodings.cp864 encodings.cp865 encodings.cp866 encodings.cp869 encodings.cp874 encodings.cp875 encodings.cp932 encodings.cp949 encodings.cp950 encodings.euc_jis_2004 encodings.euc_jisx0213 encodings.euc_jp encodings.euc_kr encodings.gb18030 encodings.gb2312 encodings.gbk encodings.hex_codec encodings.hp_roman8 encodings.hz encodings.idna encodings.iso2022_jp encodings.iso2022_jp_1 encodings.iso2022_jp_2 encodings.iso2022_jp_2004 encodings.iso2022_jp_3 encodings.iso2022_jp_ext encodings.iso2022_kr encodings.iso8859_1 encodings.iso8859_10 encodings.iso8859_11 encodings.iso8859_13 encodings.iso8859_14 encodings.iso8859_15 encodings.iso8859_16 encodings.iso8859_2 encodings.iso8859_3 encodings.iso8859_4 encodings.iso8859_5 encodings.iso8859_6 encodings.iso8859_7 encodings.iso8859_8 encodings.iso8859_9 encodings.johab encodings.koi8_r encodings.koi8_u encodings.latin_1 encodings.mac_arabic encodings.mac_centeuro encodings.mac_croatian encodings.mac_cyrillic encodings.mac_farsi encodings.mac_greek encodings.mac_iceland encodings.mac_latin2 encodings.mac_roman encodings.mac_romanian encodings.mac_turkish encodings.mbcs encodings.palmos encodings.ptcp154 encodings.punycode encodings.quopri_codec encodings.raw_unicode_escape encodings.rot_13 encodings.shift_jis encodings.shift_jis_2004 encodings.shift_jisx0213 encodings.string_escape encodings.tis_620 encodings.undefined encodings.unicode_escape encodings.unicode_internal encodings.utf_16 encodings.utf_16_be encodings.utf_16_le encodings.utf_32 encodings.utf_32_be encodings.utf_32_le encodings.utf_7 encodings.utf_8 encodings.utf_8_sig encodings.uu_codec encodings.zlib_codec fnmatch formatter fractions ftplib functools genericpath getopt getpass gettext glob gzip hashlib heapq hmac hotshot hotshot.log hotshot.stats hotshot.stones htmlentitydefs htmllib httplib idlelib idlelib.AutoComplete idlelib.AutoCompleteWindow idlelib.AutoExpand idlelib.Bindings idlelib.CallTipWindow idlelib.CallTips idlelib.ClassBrowser idlelib.CodeContext idlelib.ColorDelegator idlelib.Debugger idlelib.Delegator idlelib.EditorWindow idlelib.FileList idlelib.FormatParagraph idlelib.GrepDialog idlelib.HyperParser idlelib.IOBinding idlelib.IdleHistory idlelib.MultiCall idlelib.MultiStatusBar idlelib.ObjectBrowser idlelib.OutputWindow idlelib.ParenMatch idlelib.PathBrowser idlelib.Percolator idlelib.PyParse idlelib.PyShell idlelib.RemoteDebugger idlelib.RemoteObjectBrowser idlelib.ReplaceDialog idlelib.RstripExtension idlelib.ScriptBinding idlelib.ScrolledList idlelib.SearchDialog idlelib.SearchDialogBase idlelib.SearchEngine idlelib.StackViewer idlelib.ToolTip idlelib.TreeWidget idlelib.UndoDelegator idlelib.WidgetRedirector idlelib.WindowList idlelib.ZoomHeight idlelib.aboutDialog idlelib.configDialog idlelib.configHandler idlelib.configHelpSourceEdit idlelib.configSectionNameDialog idlelib.dynOptionMenuWidget idlelib.idle idlelib.idle_test idlelib.idle_test.htest idlelib.idle_test.mock_idle idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk idlelib.idle_test.test_autocomplete idlelib.idle_test.test_autoexpand idlelib.idle_test.test_calltips idlelib.idle_test.test_config_name idlelib.idle_test.test_configdialog idlelib.idle_test.test_delegator idlelib.idle_test.test_editmenu idlelib.idle_test.test_formatparagraph idlelib.idle_test.test_grep idlelib.idle_test.test_helpabout idlelib.idle_test.test_hyperparser idlelib.idle_test.test_idlehistory idlelib.idle_test.test_io idlelib.idle_test.test_parenmatch idlelib.idle_test.test_pathbrowser idlelib.idle_test.test_rstrip idlelib.idle_test.test_searchdialogbase idlelib.idle_test.test_searchengine idlelib.idle_test.test_text idlelib.idle_test.test_textview idlelib.idle_test.test_warning idlelib.idle_test.test_widgetredir idlelib.idlever idlelib.keybindingDialog idlelib.macosxSupport idlelib.rpc idlelib.tabbedpages idlelib.textView imaplib imghdr importlib inspect io json json.decoder json.encoder json.scanner json.tests json.tests.test_check_circular json.tests.test_decode json.tests.test_default json.tests.test_dump json.tests.test_encode_basestring_ascii json.tests.test_fail json.tests.test_float json.tests.test_indent json.tests.test_pass1 json.tests.test_pass2 json.tests.test_pass3 json.tests.test_recursion json.tests.test_scanstring json.tests.test_separators json.tests.test_speedups json.tests.test_tool json.tests.test_unicode json.tool keyword lib2to3 lib2to3.__main__ lib2to3.btm_matcher lib2to3.btm_utils lib2to3.fixer_base lib2to3.fixer_util lib2to3.fixes lib2to3.fixes.fix_apply lib2to3.fixes.fix_asserts lib2to3.fixes.fix_basestring lib2to3.fixes.fix_buffer lib2to3.fixes.fix_dict lib2to3.fixes.fix_except lib2to3.fixes.fix_exec lib2to3.fixes.fix_execfile lib2to3.fixes.fix_exitfunc lib2to3.fixes.fix_filter lib2to3.fixes.fix_funcattrs lib2to3.fixes.fix_future lib2to3.fixes.fix_getcwdu lib2to3.fixes.fix_has_key lib2to3.fixes.fix_idioms lib2to3.fixes.fix_import lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports2 lib2to3.fixes.fix_input lib2to3.fixes.fix_intern lib2to3.fixes.fix_isinstance lib2to3.fixes.fix_itertools lib2to3.fixes.fix_itertools_imports lib2to3.fixes.fix_long lib2to3.fixes.fix_map lib2to3.fixes.fix_metaclass lib2to3.fixes.fix_methodattrs lib2to3.fixes.fix_ne lib2to3.fixes.fix_next lib2to3.fixes.fix_nonzero lib2to3.fixes.fix_numliterals lib2to3.fixes.fix_operator lib2to3.fixes.fix_paren lib2to3.fixes.fix_print lib2to3.fixes.fix_raise lib2to3.fixes.fix_raw_input lib2to3.fixes.fix_reduce lib2to3.fixes.fix_renames lib2to3.fixes.fix_repr lib2to3.fixes.fix_set_literal lib2to3.fixes.fix_standarderror lib2to3.fixes.fix_sys_exc lib2to3.fixes.fix_throw lib2to3.fixes.fix_tuple_params lib2to3.fixes.fix_types lib2to3.fixes.fix_unicode lib2to3.fixes.fix_urllib lib2to3.fixes.fix_ws_comma lib2to3.fixes.fix_xrange lib2to3.fixes.fix_xreadlines lib2to3.fixes.fix_zip lib2to3.main lib2to3.patcomp lib2to3.pgen2 lib2to3.pgen2.conv lib2to3.pgen2.driver lib2to3.pgen2.grammar lib2to3.pgen2.literals lib2to3.pgen2.parse lib2to3.pgen2.pgen lib2to3.pgen2.token lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize lib2to3.pygram lib2to3.pytree lib2to3.refactor lib2to3.tests lib2to3.tests.pytree_idempotency lib2to3.tests.test_all_fixers lib2to3.tests.test_fixers lib2to3.tests.test_main lib2to3.tests.test_parser lib2to3.tests.test_pytree lib2to3.tests.test_refactor lib2to3.tests.test_util linecache locale logging logging.config logging.handlers mailbox markupbase md5 mimetools mimetypes multiprocessing multiprocessing.connection multiprocessing.dummy multiprocessing.dummy.connection multiprocessing.forking multiprocessing.heap multiprocessing.managers multiprocessing.pool multiprocessing.process multiprocessing.queues multiprocessing.reduction multiprocessing.sharedctypes multiprocessing.synchronize multiprocessing.util mutex new nntplib numbers opcode optparse os pdb pickle pickletools pipes pkgutil platform plistlib popen2 poplib posixpath pprint profile pstats pty py_compile pydoc pydoc_data pydoc_data.topics quopri random re repr rfc822 rlcompleter robotparser runpy sets sgmllib sha shelve shlex shutil site sitecustomize smtpd smtplib sndhdr socket sre sre_compile sre_constants sre_parse ssl stat string stringold stringprep struct subprocess sunau sunaudio symbol sysconfig tarfile telnetlib tempfile test test.__main__ test._mock_backport test.audiotests test.autotest test.bad_coding test.bad_coding2 test.bad_coding3 test.badsyntax_future3 test.badsyntax_future4 test.badsyntax_future5 test.badsyntax_future6 test.badsyntax_future7 test.badsyntax_future8 test.badsyntax_future9 test.badsyntax_nocaret test.bisect test.curses_tests test.doctest_aliases test.double_const test.fork_wait test.gdb_sample test.infinite_reload test.inspect_fodder test.inspect_fodder2 test.list_tests test.lock_tests test.make_ssl_certs test.mapping_tests test.mp_fork_bomb test.multibytecodec_support test.outstanding_bugs test.pickletester test.profilee test.pyclbr_input test.pydoc_mod test.pydocfodder test.pystone test.pythoninfo test.re_tests test.regrtest test.relimport test.reperf test.sample_doctest test.sample_doctest_no_docstrings test.sample_doctest_no_doctests test.script_helper test.seq_tests test.sortperf test.ssl_servers test.ssltests test.string_tests test.symlink_support test.test_MimeWriter test.test_SimpleHTTPServer test.test_StringIO test.test___all__ test.test___future__ test.test__locale test.test__osx_support test.test_abc test.test_abstract_numbers test.test_aepack test.test_aifc test.test_al test.test_anydbm test.test_applesingle test.test_argparse test.test_array test.test_ascii_formatd test.test_ast test.test_asynchat test.test_asyncore test.test_atexit test.test_audioop test.test_augassign test.test_base64 test.test_bastion test.test_bigaddrspace test.test_bigmem test.test_binascii test.test_binhex test.test_binop test.test_bisect test.test_bool test.test_bsddb test.test_bsddb185 test.test_bsddb3 test.test_buffer test.test_bufio test.test_builtin test.test_bytes test.test_bz2 test.test_calendar test.test_call test.test_capi test.test_cd test.test_cfgparser test.test_cgi test.test_charmapcodec test.test_cl test.test_class test.test_cmath test.test_cmd test.test_cmd_line test.test_cmd_line_script test.test_code test.test_codeccallbacks test.test_codecencodings_cn test.test_codecencodings_hk test.test_codecencodings_iso2022 test.test_codecencodings_jp test.test_codecencodings_kr test.test_codecencodings_tw test.test_codecmaps_cn test.test_codecmaps_hk test.test_codecmaps_jp test.test_codecmaps_kr test.test_codecmaps_tw test.test_codecs test.test_codeop test.test_coercion test.test_collections test.test_colorsys test.test_commands test.test_compare test.test_compile test.test_compileall test.test_compiler test.test_complex test.test_complex_args test.test_contains test.test_contextlib test.test_cookie test.test_cookielib test.test_copy test.test_copy_reg test.test_cpickle test.test_cprofile test.test_crypt test.test_csv test.test_ctypes test.test_curses test.test_datetime test.test_dbm test.test_decimal test.test_decorators test.test_defaultdict test.test_deque test.test_descr test.test_descrtut test.test_dict test.test_dictcomps test.test_dictviews test.test_difflib test.test_dircache test.test_dis test.test_distutils test.test_dl test.test_doctest test.test_doctest2 test.test_docxmlrpc test.test_dumbdbm test.test_dummy_thread test.test_dummy_threading test.test_email test.test_email_codecs test.test_email_renamed test.test_ensurepip test.test_enumerate test.test_eof test.test_epoll test.test_errno test.test_exception_variations test.test_exceptions test.test_extcall test.test_fcntl test.test_file test.test_file2k test.test_file_eintr test.test_filecmp test.test_fileinput test.test_fileio test.test_float test.test_fnmatch test.test_fork1 test.test_format test.test_fpformat test.test_fractions test.test_frozen test.test_ftplib test.test_funcattrs test.test_functools test.test_future test.test_future1 test.test_future2 test.test_future3 test.test_future4 test.test_future5 test.test_future_builtins test.test_gc test.test_gdb test.test_gdbm test.test_generators test.test_genericpath test.test_genexps test.test_getargs test.test_getargs2 test.test_getopt test.test_gettext test.test_gl test.test_glob test.test_global test.test_grammar test.test_grp test.test_gzip test.test_hash test.test_hashlib test.test_heapq test.test_hmac test.test_hotshot test.test_htmllib test.test_htmlparser test.test_httplib test.test_httpservers test.test_idle test.test_imageop test.test_imaplib test.test_imgfile test.test_imghdr test.test_imp test.test_import test.test_import_magic test.test_importhooks test.test_importlib test.test_index test.test_inspect test.test_int test.test_int_literal test.test_io test.test_ioctl test.test_isinstance test.test_iter test.test_iterlen test.test_itertools test.test_json test.test_kqueue test.test_largefile test.test_lib2to3 test.test_linecache test.test_linuxaudiodev test.test_list test.test_locale test.test_logging test.test_long test.test_long_future test.test_longexp test.test_macos test.test_macostools test.test_macpath test.test_macurl2path test.test_mailbox test.test_marshal test.test_math test.test_md5 test.test_memoryio test.test_memoryview test.test_mhlib test.test_mimetools test.test_mimetypes test.test_minidom test.test_mmap test.test_module test.test_modulefinder test.test_msilib test.test_multibytecodec test.test_multifile test.test_multiprocessing test.test_mutants test.test_mutex test.test_netrc test.test_new test.test_nis test.test_nntplib test.test_normalization test.test_ntpath test.test_old_mailbox test.test_opcodes test.test_openpty test.test_operator test.test_optparse test.test_ordered_dict test.test_os test.test_ossaudiodev test.test_parser test.test_pdb test.test_peepholer test.test_pep247 test.test_pep277 test.test_pep352 test.test_pickle test.test_pickletools test.test_pipes test.test_pkg test.test_pkgimport test.test_pkgutil test.test_platform test.test_plistlib test.test_poll test.test_popen test.test_popen2 test.test_poplib test.test_posix test.test_posixpath test.test_pow test.test_pprint test.test_print test.test_profile test.test_property test.test_pstats test.test_pty test.test_pwd test.test_py3kwarn test.test_py_compile test.test_pyclbr test.test_pydoc test.test_pyexpat test.test_queue test.test_quopri test.test_random test.test_re test.test_readline test.test_regrtest test.test_repr test.test_resource test.test_rfc822 test.test_richcmp test.test_rlcompleter test.test_robotparser test.test_runpy test.test_sax test.test_scope test.test_scriptpackages test.test_select test.test_set test.test_setcomps test.test_sets test.test_sgmllib test.test_sha test.test_shelve test.test_shlex test.test_shutil test.test_signal test.test_site test.test_slice test.test_smtplib test.test_smtpnet test.test_socket test.test_socketserver test.test_softspace test.test_sort test.test_source_encoding test.test_spwd test.test_sqlite test.test_ssl test.test_startfile test.test_stat test.test_str test.test_strftime test.test_string test.test_stringprep test.test_strop test.test_strptime test.test_strtod test.test_struct test.test_structmembers test.test_structseq test.test_subprocess test.test_sunau test.test_sunaudiodev test.test_sundry test.test_support test.test_symtable test.test_syntax test.test_sys test.test_sys_setprofile test.test_sys_settrace test.test_sysconfig test.test_tarfile test.test_tcl test.test_telnetlib test.test_tempfile test.test_test_support test.test_textwrap test.test_thread test.test_threaded_import test.test_threadedtempfile test.test_threading test.test_threading_local test.test_threadsignals test.test_time test.test_timeit test.test_timeout test.test_tk test.test_tokenize test.test_tools test.test_trace test.test_traceback test.test_transformer test.test_ttk_guionly test.test_ttk_textonly test.test_tuple test.test_turtle test.test_typechecks test.test_types test.test_ucn test.test_unary test.test_undocumented_details test.test_unicode test.test_unicode_file test.test_unicodedata test.test_unittest test.test_univnewlines test.test_univnewlines2k test.test_unpack test.test_urllib test.test_urllib2 test.test_urllib2_localnet test.test_urllib2net test.test_urllibnet test.test_urlparse test.test_userdict test.test_userlist test.test_userstring test.test_uu test.test_uuid test.test_wait3 test.test_wait4 test.test_warnings test.test_wave test.test_weakref test.test_weakset test.test_whichdb test.test_winreg test.test_winsound test.test_with test.test_wsgiref test.test_xdrlib test.test_xml_etree test.test_xml_etree_c test.test_xmllib test.test_xmlrpc test.test_xpickle test.test_xrange test.test_zipfile test.test_zipfile64 test.test_zipimport test.test_zipimport_support test.test_zlib test.testall test.testcodec test.tf_inherit_check test.threaded_import_hangers test.time_hashlib test.tracedmodules test.tracedmodules.testmod test.warning_tests test.win_console_handler test.xmltests textwrap threading toaiff token tokenize traceback tty types unittest unittest.__main__ unittest.loader unittest.main unittest.result unittest.runner unittest.signals unittest.suite unittest.test unittest.test.dummy unittest.test.test_assertions unittest.test.test_break unittest.test.test_case unittest.test.test_discovery unittest.test.test_functiontestcase unittest.test.test_loader unittest.test.test_program unittest.test.test_result unittest.test.test_runner unittest.test.test_setups unittest.test.test_skipping unittest.test.test_suite unittest.util urllib urllib2 urlparse uu uuid warnings wave weakref whichdb xdrlib xml xml.dom xml.dom.NodeFilter xml.dom.domreg xml.dom.expatbuilder xml.dom.minicompat xml.dom.minidom xml.dom.pulldom xml.dom.xmlbuilder xml.etree xml.etree.ElementInclude xml.etree.ElementPath xml.etree.ElementTree xml.etree.cElementTree xml.parsers xml.parsers.expat xml.sax xml.sax._exceptions xml.sax.expatreader xml.sax.handler xml.sax.saxutils xml.sax.xmlreader zipfile Following modules have no __all__ and have been ignored: ['DocXMLRPCServer', 'HTMLParser', 'SimpleXMLRPCServer', 'UserDict', 'UserList', '_LWPCookieJar', '_MozillaCookieJar', '_sysconfigdata', 'abc', 'anydbm', 'ast', 'asynchat', 'asyncore', 'bisect', 'bsddb', 'bsddb.db', 'bsddb.dbobj', 'bsddb.dbrecio', 'bsddb.dbshelve', 'bsddb.dbtables', 'bsddb.dbutils', 'bsddb.test', 'bsddb.test.test_all', 'bsddb.test.test_associate', 'bsddb.test.test_basics', 'bsddb.test.test_compare', 'bsddb.test.test_compat', 'bsddb.test.test_cursor_pget_bug', 'bsddb.test.test_db', 'bsddb.test.test_dbenv', 'bsddb.test.test_dbobj', 'bsddb.test.test_dbshelve', 'bsddb.test.test_dbtables', 'bsddb.test.test_distributed_transactions', 'bsddb.test.test_early_close', 'bsddb.test.test_fileid', 'bsddb.test.test_get_none', 'bsddb.test.test_join', 'bsddb.test.test_lock', 'bsddb.test.test_misc', 'bsddb.test.test_pickle', 'bsddb.test.test_queue', 'bsddb.test.test_recno', 'bsddb.test.test_replication', 'bsddb.test.test_sequence', 'bsddb.test.test_thread', 'chunk', 'compiler', 'compiler.ast', 'compiler.consts', 'compiler.future', 'compiler.misc', 'compiler.pyassem', 'compiler.pycodegen', 'compiler.symbols', 'compiler.syntax', 'compiler.transformer', 'compiler.visitor', 'ctypes', 'ctypes._endian', 'ctypes.macholib', 'ctypes.test', 'ctypes.test.runtests', 'ctypes.test.test_anon', 'ctypes.test.test_array_in_pointer', 'ctypes.test.test_arrays', 'ctypes.test.test_as_parameter', 'ctypes.test.test_bitfields', 'ctypes.test.test_buffers', 'ctypes.test.test_byteswap', 'ctypes.test.test_callbacks', 'ctypes.test.test_cast', 'ctypes.test.test_cfuncs', 'ctypes.test.test_checkretval', 'ctypes.test.test_delattr', 'ctypes.test.test_errno', 'ctypes.test.test_find', 'ctypes.test.test_frombuffer', 'ctypes.test.test_funcptr', 'ctypes.test.test_functions', 'ctypes.test.test_incomplete', 'ctypes.test.test_init', 'ctypes.test.test_internals', 'ctypes.test.test_keeprefs', 'ctypes.test.test_libc', 'ctypes.test.test_loading', 'ctypes.test.test_macholib', 'ctypes.test.test_memfunctions', 'ctypes.test.test_numbers', 'ctypes.test.test_objects', 'ctypes.test.test_parameters', 'ctypes.test.test_pep3118', 'ctypes.test.test_pickling', 'ctypes.test.test_pointers', 'ctypes.test.test_prototypes', 'ctypes.test.test_python_api', 'ctypes.test.test_random_things', 'ctypes.test.test_refcounts', 'ctypes.test.test_repr', 'ctypes.test.test_returnfuncptrs', 'ctypes.test.test_simplesubclasses', 'ctypes.test.test_sizes', 'ctypes.test.test_slicing', 'ctypes.test.test_stringptr', 'ctypes.test.test_strings', 'ctypes.test.test_struct_fields', 'ctypes.test.test_structures', 'ctypes.test.test_unaligned_structures', 'ctypes.test.test_unicode', 'ctypes.test.test_values', 'ctypes.test.test_varsize_struct', 'ctypes.test.test_win32', 'ctypes.test.test_wintypes', 'ctypes.util', 'curses', 'curses.ascii', 'curses.has_key', 'curses.panel', 'curses.textpad', 'curses.wrapper', 'distutils', 'distutils.archive_util', 'distutils.bcppcompiler', 'distutils.ccompiler', 'distutils.cmd', 'distutils.command.bdist', 'distutils.command.bdist_dumb', 'distutils.command.bdist_msi', 'distutils.command.bdist_rpm', 'distutils.command.bdist_wininst', '', 'distutils.command.build_clib', 'distutils.command.build_ext', 'distutils.command.build_py', 'distutils.command.build_scripts', 'distutils.command.check', 'distutils.command.clean', 'distutils.command.config', 'distutils.command.install', 'distutils.command.install_data', 'distutils.command.install_egg_info', 'distutils.command.install_headers', 'distutils.command.install_lib', 'distutils.command.install_scripts', 'distutils.command.register', 'distutils.command.sdist', 'distutils.command.upload', 'distutils.config', 'distutils.core', 'distutils.cygwinccompiler', 'distutils.debug', 'distutils.dep_util', 'distutils.dir_util', 'distutils.dist', 'distutils.emxccompiler', 'distutils.errors', 'distutils.extension', 'distutils.fancy_getopt', 'distutils.file_util', 'distutils.filelist', 'distutils.log', 'distutils.msvc9compiler', 'distutils.msvccompiler', 'distutils.spawn', 'distutils.sysconfig', 'distutils.tests', 'distutils.tests.setuptools_build_ext', 'distutils.tests.setuptools_extension', '', 'distutils.tests.test_archive_util', 'distutils.tests.test_bdist', 'distutils.tests.test_bdist_dumb', 'distutils.tests.test_bdist_msi', 'distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm', 'distutils.tests.test_bdist_wininst', 'distutils.tests.test_build', 'distutils.tests.test_build_clib', 'distutils.tests.test_build_ext', 'distutils.tests.test_build_py', 'distutils.tests.test_build_scripts', 'distutils.tests.test_ccompiler', 'distutils.tests.test_check', 'distutils.tests.test_clean', 'distutils.tests.test_cmd', 'distutils.tests.test_config', 'distutils.tests.test_config_cmd', 'distutils.tests.test_core', 'distutils.tests.test_dep_util', 'distutils.tests.test_dir_util', 'distutils.tests.test_dist', 'distutils.tests.test_file_util', 'distutils.tests.test_filelist', 'distutils.tests.test_install', 'distutils.tests.test_install_data', 'distutils.tests.test_install_headers', 'distutils.tests.test_install_lib', 'distutils.tests.test_install_scripts', 'distutils.tests.test_msvc9compiler', 'distutils.tests.test_register', 'distutils.tests.test_sdist', 'distutils.tests.test_spawn', 'distutils.tests.test_sysconfig', 'distutils.tests.test_text_file', 'distutils.tests.test_unixccompiler', 'distutils.tests.test_upload', 'distutils.tests.test_util', 'distutils.tests.test_version', 'distutils.tests.test_versionpredicate', 'distutils.text_file', 'distutils.unixccompiler', 'distutils.util', 'distutils.version', 'distutils.versionpredicate', 'dumbdbm', 'email.errors', 'email.mime', 'email.test', 'email.test.test_email', 'email.test.test_email_codecs', 'email.test.test_email_codecs_renamed', 'email.test.test_email_renamed', 'email.test.test_email_torture', 'encodings', 'encodings.aliases', 'encodings.ascii', 'encodings.base64_codec', 'encodings.big5', 'encodings.big5hkscs', 'encodings.bz2_codec', 'encodings.charmap', 'encodings.cp037', 'encodings.cp1006', 'encodings.cp1026', 'encodings.cp1140', 'encodings.cp1250', 'encodings.cp1251', 'encodings.cp1252', 'encodings.cp1253', 'encodings.cp1254', 'encodings.cp1255', 'encodings.cp1256', 'encodings.cp1257', 'encodings.cp1258', 'encodings.cp424', 'encodings.cp437', 'encodings.cp500', 'encodings.cp720', 'encodings.cp737', 'encodings.cp775', 'encodings.cp850', 'encodings.cp852', 'encodings.cp855', 'encodings.cp856', 'encodings.cp857', 'encodings.cp858', 'encodings.cp860', 'encodings.cp861', 'encodings.cp862', 'encodings.cp863', 'encodings.cp864', 'encodings.cp865', 'encodings.cp866', 'encodings.cp869', 'encodings.cp874', 'encodings.cp875', 'encodings.cp932', 'encodings.cp949', 'encodings.cp950', 'encodings.euc_jis_2004', 'encodings.euc_jisx0213', 'encodings.euc_jp', 'encodings.euc_kr', 'encodings.gb18030', 'encodings.gb2312', 'encodings.gbk', 'encodings.hex_codec', 'encodings.hp_roman8', 'encodings.hz', 'encodings.idna', 'encodings.iso2022_jp', 'encodings.iso2022_jp_1', 'encodings.iso2022_jp_2', 'encodings.iso2022_jp_2004', 'encodings.iso2022_jp_3', 'encodings.iso2022_jp_ext', 'encodings.iso2022_kr', 'encodings.iso8859_1', 'encodings.iso8859_10', 'encodings.iso8859_11', 'encodings.iso8859_13', 'encodings.iso8859_14', 'encodings.iso8859_15', 'encodings.iso8859_16', 'encodings.iso8859_2', 'encodings.iso8859_3', 'encodings.iso8859_4', 'encodings.iso8859_5', 'encodings.iso8859_6', 'encodings.iso8859_7', 'encodings.iso8859_8', 'encodings.iso8859_9', 'encodings.johab', 'encodings.koi8_r', 'encodings.koi8_u', 'encodings.latin_1', 'encodings.mac_arabic', 'encodings.mac_centeuro', 'encodings.mac_croatian', 'encodings.mac_cyrillic', 'encodings.mac_farsi', 'encodings.mac_greek', 'encodings.mac_iceland', 'encodings.mac_latin2', 'encodings.mac_roman', 'encodings.mac_romanian', 'encodings.mac_turkish', 'encodings.mbcs', 'encodings.palmos', 'encodings.ptcp154', 'encodings.punycode', 'encodings.quopri_codec', 'encodings.raw_unicode_escape', 'encodings.rot_13', 'encodings.shift_jis', 'encodings.shift_jis_2004', 'encodings.shift_jisx0213', 'encodings.string_escape', 'encodings.tis_620', 'encodings.undefined', 'encodings.unicode_escape', 'encodings.unicode_internal', 'encodings.utf_16', 'encodings.utf_16_be', 'encodings.utf_16_le', 'encodings.utf_32', 'encodings.utf_32_be', 'encodings.utf_32_le', 'encodings.utf_7', 'encodings.utf_8', 'encodings.utf_8_sig', 'encodings.uu_codec', 'encodings.zlib_codec', 'formatter', 'functools', 'hmac', 'hotshot', 'hotshot.stats', 'hotshot.stones', 'htmlentitydefs', 'idlelib', 'idlelib.AutoCompleteWindow', 'idlelib.AutoExpand', 'idlelib.Bindings', 'idlelib.CallTipWindow', 'idlelib.CallTips', 'idlelib.ClassBrowser', 'idlelib.CodeContext', 'idlelib.ColorDelegator', 'idlelib.Debugger', 'idlelib.Delegator', 'idlelib.EditorWindow', 'idlelib.FileList', 'idlelib.FormatParagraph', 'idlelib.GrepDialog', 'idlelib.HyperParser', 'idlelib.IOBinding', 'idlelib.IdleHistory', 'idlelib.MultiCall', 'idlelib.MultiStatusBar', 'idlelib.ObjectBrowser', 'idlelib.OutputWindow', 'idlelib.ParenMatch', 'idlelib.PathBrowser', 'idlelib.Percolator', 'idlelib.PyParse', 'idlelib.PyShell', 'idlelib.RemoteDebugger', 'idlelib.RemoteObjectBrowser', 'idlelib.ReplaceDialog', 'idlelib.RstripExtension', 'idlelib.ScriptBinding', 'idlelib.ScrolledList', 'idlelib.SearchDialog', 'idlelib.SearchDialogBase', 'idlelib.SearchEngine', 'idlelib.StackViewer', 'idlelib.ToolTip', 'idlelib.TreeWidget', 'idlelib.UndoDelegator', 'idlelib.WidgetRedirector', 'idlelib.WindowList', 'idlelib.ZoomHeight', 'idlelib.aboutDialog', 'idlelib.configDialog', 'idlelib.configHandler', 'idlelib.configHelpSourceEdit', 'idlelib.configSectionNameDialog', 'idlelib.dynOptionMenuWidget', '', 'idlelib.idle', 'idlelib.idle_test', 'idlelib.idle_test.htest', 'idlelib.idle_test.mock_idle', 'idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_autocomplete', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_autoexpand', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_calltips', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_config_name', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_configdialog', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_delegator', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_editmenu', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_formatparagraph', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_grep', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_helpabout', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_hyperparser', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_idlehistory', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_io', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_parenmatch', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_pathbrowser', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_rstrip', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_searchdialogbase', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_searchengine', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_text', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_textview', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_warning', 'idlelib.idle_test.test_widgetredir', 'idlelib.idlever', 'idlelib.keybindingDialog', 'idlelib.macosxSupport', 'idlelib.rpc', '', 'idlelib.tabbedpages', 'idlelib.textView', 'importlib', 'inspect', 'json.encoder', 'json.tests', 'json.tests.test_check_circular', 'json.tests.test_decode', 'json.tests.test_default', 'json.tests.test_dump', 'json.tests.test_encode_basestring_ascii', 'json.tests.test_fail', 'json.tests.test_float', 'json.tests.test_indent', 'json.tests.test_pass1', 'json.tests.test_pass2', 'json.tests.test_pass3', 'json.tests.test_recursion', 'json.tests.test_scanstring', 'json.tests.test_separators', 'json.tests.test_speedups', 'json.tests.test_tool', 'json.tests.test_unicode', 'json.tool', 'lib2to3', 'lib2to3.__main__', 'lib2to3.btm_matcher', 'lib2to3.btm_utils', 'lib2to3.fixer_base', 'lib2to3.fixer_util', 'lib2to3.fixes', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_apply', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_asserts', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_basestring', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_buffer', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_dict', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_except', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_exec', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_execfile', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_exitfunc', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_filter', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_funcattrs', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_future', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_getcwdu', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_has_key', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_idioms', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_import', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports2', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_input', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_intern', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_isinstance', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_itertools', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_itertools_imports', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_long', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_map', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_metaclass', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_methodattrs', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_ne', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_next', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_nonzero', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_numliterals', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_operator', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_paren', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_print', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_raise', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_raw_input', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_reduce', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_renames', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_repr', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_set_literal', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_standarderror', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_sys_exc', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_throw', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_tuple_params', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_types', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_unicode', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_urllib', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_ws_comma', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_xrange', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_xreadlines', 'lib2to3.fixes.fix_zip', 'lib2to3.main', 'lib2to3.patcomp', 'lib2to3.pgen2', 'lib2to3.pgen2.conv', 'lib2to3.pgen2.grammar', 'lib2to3.pgen2.literals', 'lib2to3.pgen2.parse', 'lib2to3.pgen2.pgen', 'lib2to3.pgen2.token', 'lib2to3.pygram', 'lib2to3.pytree', 'lib2to3.refactor', 'lib2to3.tests', 'lib2to3.tests.pytree_idempotency', '', 'lib2to3.tests.test_all_fixers', 'lib2to3.tests.test_fixers', 'lib2to3.tests.test_main', 'lib2to3.tests.test_parser', 'lib2to3.tests.test_pytree', 'lib2to3.tests.test_refactor', 'lib2to3.tests.test_util', 'logging.config', 'logging.handlers', 'markupbase', 'md5', 'mutex', 'new', 'platform', 'pydoc', 'pydoc_data', 'pydoc_data.topics', 'sha', 'site', 'sitecustomize', 'sre_compile', 'sre_constants', 'sre_parse', 'ssl', 'stat', 'string', 'stringold', 'stringprep', 'struct', 'sunau', 'sunaudio', 'symbol', 'sysconfig', 'test', 'test.__main__', 'test.audiotests', 'test.autotest', 'test.bad_coding', 'test.bad_coding2', 'test.bad_coding3', 'test.badsyntax_future3', 'test.badsyntax_future4', 'test.badsyntax_future5', 'test.badsyntax_future6', 'test.badsyntax_future7', 'test.badsyntax_future8', 'test.badsyntax_future9', 'test.badsyntax_nocaret', 'test.bisect', 'test.curses_tests', 'test.doctest_aliases', 'test.double_const', 'test.fork_wait', 'test.gdb_sample', 'test.infinite_reload', 'test.inspect_fodder', 'test.inspect_fodder2', 'test.list_tests', 'test.lock_tests', 'test.make_ssl_certs', 'test.mapping_tests', 'test.mp_fork_bomb', 'test.multibytecodec_support', 'test.outstanding_bugs', 'test.pickletester', 'test.profilee', 'test.pyclbr_input', 'test.pydoc_mod', 'test.pydocfodder', 'test.pystone', 'test.pythoninfo', 'test.re_tests', 'test.regrtest', 'test.relimport', 'test.reperf', 'test.sample_doctest', 'test.sample_doctest_no_docstrings', 'test.sample_doctest_no_doctests', 'test.script_helper', 'test.seq_tests', 'test.sortperf', 'test.ssl_servers', 'test.ssltests', 'test.string_tests', '', 'test.symlink_support', 'test.test_MimeWriter', 'test.test_SimpleHTTPServer', 'test.test_StringIO', 'test.test___all__', 'test.test___future__', 'test.test__locale', 'test.test__osx_support', 'test.test_abc', 'test.test_abstract_numbers', 'test.test_aepack', 'test.test_aifc', 'test.test_al', 'test.test_anydbm', 'test.test_applesingle', 'test.test_argparse', 'test.test_array', 'test.test_ascii_formatd', 'test.test_ast', 'test.test_asynchat', 'test.test_asyncore', 'test.test_atexit', 'test.test_audioop', 'test.test_augassign', 'test.test_base64', 'test.test_bastion', 'test.test_bigaddrspace', 'test.test_bigmem', 'test.test_binascii', 'test.test_binhex', 'test.test_binop', 'test.test_bisect', 'test.test_bool', 'test.test_bsddb', 'test.test_bsddb185', 'test.test_bsddb3', 'test.test_buffer', 'test.test_bufio', 'test.test_builtin', 'test.test_bytes', 'test.test_bz2', 'test.test_calendar', 'test.test_call', 'test.test_capi', 'test.test_cd', 'test.test_cfgparser', 'test.test_cgi', 'test.test_charmapcodec', 'test.test_cl', 'test.test_class', 'test.test_cmath', 'test.test_cmd', 'test.test_cmd_line', 'test.test_cmd_line_script', 'test.test_code', 'test.test_codeccallbacks', 'test.test_codecencodings_cn', 'test.test_codecencodings_hk', 'test.test_codecencodings_iso2022', 'test.test_codecencodings_jp', 'test.test_codecencodings_kr', 'test.test_codecencodings_tw', 'test.test_codecmaps_cn', 'test.test_codecmaps_hk', 'test.test_codecmaps_jp', 'test.test_codecmaps_kr', 'test.test_codecmaps_tw', 'test.test_codecs', 'test.test_codeop', 'test.test_coercion', 'test.test_collections', 'test.test_colorsys', 'test.test_commands', 'test.test_compare', 'test.test_compile', 'test.test_compileall', 'test.test_compiler', 'test.test_complex', 'test.test_complex_args', 'test.test_contains', 'test.test_contextlib', 'test.test_cookie', 'test.test_cookielib', 'test.test_copy', 'test.test_copy_reg', 'test.test_cpickle', 'test.test_cprofile', 'test.test_crypt', 'test.test_csv', 'test.test_ctypes', 'test.test_curses', 'test.test_datetime', 'test.test_dbm', 'test.test_decimal', 'test.test_decorators', 'test.test_defaultdict', 'test.test_deque', 'test.test_descr', 'test.test_descrtut', 'test.test_dict', 'test.test_dictcomps', 'test.test_dictviews', 'test.test_difflib', 'test.test_dircache', 'test.test_dis', 'test.test_distutils', 'test.test_dl', 'test.test_doctest', 'test.test_doctest2', 'test.test_docxmlrpc', 'test.test_dumbdbm', 'test.test_dummy_thread', 'test.test_dummy_threading', 'test.test_email', 'test.test_email_codecs', 'test.test_email_renamed', 'test.test_ensurepip', 'test.test_enumerate', 'test.test_eof', 'test.test_epoll', 'test.test_errno', 'test.test_exception_variations', 'test.test_exceptions', 'test.test_extcall', 'test.test_fcntl', 'test.test_file', 'test.test_file2k', 'test.test_file_eintr', 'test.test_filecmp', 'test.test_fileinput', 'test.test_fileio', 'test.test_float', 'test.test_fnmatch', 'test.test_fork1', 'test.test_format', 'test.test_fpformat', 'test.test_fractions', 'test.test_frozen', 'test.test_ftplib', 'test.test_funcattrs', 'test.test_functools', 'test.test_future', 'test.test_future1', 'test.test_future2', 'test.test_future3', 'test.test_future4', 'test.test_future5', 'test.test_future_builtins', 'test.test_gc', 'test.test_gdb', 'test.test_gdbm', 'test.test_generators', 'test.test_genericpath', 'test.test_genexps', 'test.test_getargs', 'test.test_getargs2', 'test.test_getopt', 'test.test_gettext', 'test.test_gl', 'test.test_glob', 'test.test_global', 'test.test_grammar', 'test.test_grp', 'test.test_gzip', 'test.test_hash', 'test.test_hashlib', 'test.test_heapq', 'test.test_hmac', 'test.test_hotshot', 'test.test_htmllib', 'test.test_htmlparser', 'test.test_httplib', 'test.test_httpservers', 'test.test_idle', 'test.test_imageop', 'test.test_imaplib', 'test.test_imgfile', 'test.test_imghdr', 'test.test_imp', 'test.test_import', 'test.test_import_magic', 'test.test_importhooks', 'test.test_importlib', 'test.test_index', 'test.test_inspect', 'test.test_int', 'test.test_int_literal', 'test.test_io', 'test.test_ioctl', 'test.test_isinstance', 'test.test_iter', 'test.test_iterlen', 'test.test_itertools', 'test.test_json', 'test.test_kqueue', 'test.test_largefile', 'test.test_lib2to3', 'test.test_linecache', 'test.test_linuxaudiodev', 'test.test_list', 'test.test_locale', 'test.test_logging', 'test.test_long', 'test.test_long_future', 'test.test_longexp', 'test.test_macos', 'test.test_macostools', 'test.test_macpath', 'test.test_macurl2path', 'test.test_mailbox', 'test.test_marshal', 'test.test_math', 'test.test_md5', 'test.test_memoryio', 'test.test_memoryview', 'test.test_mhlib', 'test.test_mimetools', 'test.test_mimetypes', 'test.test_minidom', 'test.test_mmap', 'test.test_module', 'test.test_modulefinder', 'test.test_msilib', 'test.test_multibytecodec', 'test.test_multifile', 'test.test_multiprocessing', 'test.test_mutants', 'test.test_mutex', 'test.test_netrc', 'test.test_new', 'test.test_nis', 'test.test_nntplib', 'test.test_normalization', 'test.test_ntpath', 'test.test_old_mailbox', 'test.test_opcodes', 'test.test_openpty', 'test.test_operator', 'test.test_optparse', 'test.test_ordered_dict', 'test.test_os', 'test.test_ossaudiodev', 'test.test_parser', 'test.test_pdb', 'test.test_peepholer', 'test.test_pep247', 'test.test_pep277', 'test.test_pep352', 'test.test_pickle', 'test.test_pickletools', 'test.test_pipes', 'test.test_pkg', 'test.test_pkgimport', 'test.test_pkgutil', 'test.test_platform', 'test.test_plistlib', 'test.test_poll', 'test.test_popen', 'test.test_popen2', 'test.test_poplib', 'test.test_posix', 'test.test_posixpath', 'test.test_pow', 'test.test_pprint', 'test.test_print', 'test.test_profile', 'test.test_property', 'test.test_pstats', 'test.test_pty', 'test.test_pwd', 'test.test_py3kwarn', 'test.test_py_compile', 'test.test_pyclbr', 'test.test_pydoc', 'test.test_pyexpat', 'test.test_queue', 'test.test_quopri', 'test.test_random', 'test.test_re', 'test.test_readline', 'test.test_regrtest', 'test.test_repr', 'test.test_resource', 'test.test_rfc822', 'test.test_richcmp', 'test.test_rlcompleter', 'test.test_robotparser', 'test.test_runpy', 'test.test_sax', 'test.test_scope', 'test.test_scriptpackages', 'test.test_select', 'test.test_set', 'test.test_setcomps', 'test.test_sets', 'test.test_sgmllib', 'test.test_sha', 'test.test_shelve', 'test.test_shlex', 'test.test_shutil', 'test.test_signal', 'test.test_site', 'test.test_slice', 'test.test_smtplib', 'test.test_smtpnet', 'test.test_socket', 'test.test_socketserver', 'test.test_softspace', 'test.test_sort', 'test.test_source_encoding', 'test.test_spwd', 'test.test_sqlite', 'test.test_ssl', 'test.test_startfile', 'test.test_stat', 'test.test_str', 'test.test_strftime', 'test.test_string', 'test.test_stringprep', 'test.test_strop', 'test.test_strptime', 'test.test_strtod', 'test.test_struct', 'test.test_structmembers', 'test.test_structseq', 'test.test_subprocess', 'test.test_sunau', 'test.test_sunaudiodev', 'test.test_sundry', 'test.test_support', 'test.test_symtable', 'test.test_syntax', 'test.test_sys', 'test.test_sys_setprofile', 'test.test_sys_settrace', 'test.test_sysconfig', 'test.test_tarfile', 'test.test_tcl', 'test.test_telnetlib', 'test.test_tempfile', 'test.test_test_support', 'test.test_textwrap', 'test.test_thread', 'test.test_threaded_import', 'test.test_threadedtempfile', 'test.test_threading', 'test.test_threading_local', 'test.test_threadsignals', 'test.test_time', 'test.test_timeit', 'test.test_timeout', 'test.test_tk', 'test.test_tokenize', 'test.test_tools', 'test.test_trace', 'test.test_traceback', 'test.test_transformer', 'test.test_ttk_guionly', 'test.test_ttk_textonly', 'test.test_tuple', 'test.test_turtle', 'test.test_typechecks', 'test.test_types', 'test.test_ucn', 'test.test_unary', 'test.test_undocumented_details', 'test.test_unicode', 'test.test_unicode_file', 'test.test_unicodedata', 'test.test_unittest', 'test.test_univnewlines', 'test.test_univnewlines2k', 'test.test_unpack', 'test.test_urllib', 'test.test_urllib2', 'test.test_urllib2_localnet', 'test.test_urllib2net', 'test.test_urllibnet', 'test.test_urlparse', 'test.test_userdict', 'test.test_userlist', 'test.test_userstring', 'test.test_uu', 'test.test_uuid', 'test.test_wait3', 'test.test_wait4', 'test.test_warnings', 'test.test_wave', 'test.test_weakref', 'test.test_weakset', 'test.test_whichdb', 'test.test_winreg', 'test.test_winsound', 'test.test_with', 'test.test_wsgiref', 'test.test_xdrlib', 'test.test_xml_etree', 'test.test_xml_etree_c', 'test.test_xmllib', 'test.test_xmlrpc', 'test.test_xpickle', 'test.test_xrange', 'test.test_zipfile', 'test.test_zipfile64', 'test.test_zipimport', 'test.test_zipimport_support', 'test.test_zlib', 'test.testall', 'test.testcodec', 'test.tf_inherit_check', 'test.threaded_import_hangers', 'test.time_hashlib', 'test.tracedmodules', 'test.tracedmodules.testmod', 'test.warning_tests', 'test.win_console_handler', 'test.xmltests', 'token', 'unittest.__main__', '', 'unittest.loader', 'unittest.main', 'unittest.result', 'unittest.runner', 'unittest.signals', 'unittest.suite', 'unittest.test', 'unittest.test.dummy', '', 'unittest.test.test_assertions', 'unittest.test.test_break', 'unittest.test.test_case', 'unittest.test.test_discovery', 'unittest.test.test_functiontestcase', 'unittest.test.test_loader', 'unittest.test.test_program', 'unittest.test.test_result', 'unittest.test.test_runner', 'unittest.test.test_setups', 'unittest.test.test_skipping', 'unittest.test.test_suite', 'unittest.util', 'urllib2', 'uuid', 'whichdb', 'xml.dom', 'xml.dom.NodeFilter', 'xml.dom.domreg', 'xml.dom.expatbuilder', 'xml.dom.minidom', 'xml.dom.pulldom', 'xml.etree', 'xml.etree.ElementInclude', 'xml.etree.ElementPath', 'xml.etree.cElementTree', 'xml.parsers', 'xml.parsers.expat', 'xml.sax', 'xml.sax._exceptions', 'xml.sax.expatreader', 'xml.sax.handler', 'xml.sax.saxutils', 'xml.sax.xmlreader'] Following modules failed to be imported: ['ctypes.wintypes', 'idlelib.AutoComplete'] ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.099s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 14/403/1] test___future__ PASS: test_attributes (test.test___future__.FutureTest) PASS: test_names (test.test___future__.FutureTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 15/403/1] test__locale PASS: test_float_parsing (test.test__locale._LocaleTests) PASS: test_lc_numeric_basic (test.test__locale._LocaleTests) PASS: test_lc_numeric_localeconv (test.test__locale._LocaleTests) PASS: test_lc_numeric_nl_langinfo (test.test__locale._LocaleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 16/403/1] test__osx_support 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 17/403/2] test_abc -- test__osx_support failed PASS: test_abstractmethod_basics (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_abstractmethod_integration (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_abstractproperty_basics (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_all_new_methods_are_called (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_cache_leak (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_isinstance_class (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_isinstance_invalidation (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_register_non_class (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_registration_basics (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_registration_builtins (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_registration_edge_cases (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_registration_transitiveness (test.test_abc.TestABC) PASS: test_subclass_oldstyle_class (test.test_abc.TestABC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.025s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 18/403/2] test_abstract_numbers PASS: test_complex (test.test_abstract_numbers.TestNumbers) PASS: test_float (test.test_abstract_numbers.TestNumbers) PASS: test_int (test.test_abstract_numbers.TestNumbers) PASS: test_long (test.test_abstract_numbers.TestNumbers) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 19/403/2] test_aepack test_aepack skipped -- No module named aetypes 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 20/403/2] test_aifc -- test_aepack skipped 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 21/403/3] test_al -- test_aifc failed test_al skipped -- No module named al 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 22/403/3] test_anydbm -- test_al skipped PASS: test_anydbm_creation (test.test_anydbm.AnyDBMTestCase) PASS: test_anydbm_keys (test.test_anydbm.AnyDBMTestCase) PASS: test_anydbm_modification (test.test_anydbm.AnyDBMTestCase) PASS: test_anydbm_read (test.test_anydbm.AnyDBMTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 23/403/3] test_applesingle test_applesingle skipped -- No module named MacOS 0:00:00 load avg: 0.44 [ 24/403/3] test_argparse -- test_applesingle skipped PASS: test (test.test_argparse.TestActionRegistration) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestActionUserDefined) PASS: test_dest (test.test_argparse.TestActionsReturned) PASS: test_misc (test.test_argparse.TestActionsReturned) PASS: test_nargs_1_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_1_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_1_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_1_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_1_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_2_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_2_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_2_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_2_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_2_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_3_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_3_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_3_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_3_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_3_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_None_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_None_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_None_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_None_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_None_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_oneormore_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_oneormore_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_oneormore_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_oneormore_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_oneormore_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_optional_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_optional_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_optional_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_optional_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_optional_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_parser_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_parser_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_parser_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_parser_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_parser_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_remainder_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_remainder_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_remainder_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_remainder_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_remainder_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_zeroormore_metavar_length0 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_zeroormore_metavar_length1 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_zeroormore_metavar_length2 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_zeroormore_metavar_length3 (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_nargs_zeroormore_metavar_string (test.test_argparse.TestAddArgumentMetavar) PASS: test_dest (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_help (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_help_alternate_prefix_chars (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_help_extra_prefix_chars (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_parse_args (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_parse_args_failures (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_parse_known_args (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_parser_command_help (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_subparser1_help (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_subparser2_help (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_subparser_title_help (test.test_argparse.TestAddSubparsers) PASS: test_argument_error (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentError) PASS: test_argument_type_error (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentTypeError) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFile) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestArgumentsFromFileConverter) PASS: test_bad_type (test.test_argparse.TestConflictHandling) PASS: test_conflict_error (test.test_argparse.TestConflictHandling) PASS: test_resolve_error (test.test_argparse.TestConflictHandling) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments) PASS: test_argparse_module_encoding (test.test_argparse.TestEncoding) PASS: test_test_argparse_module_encoding (test.test_argparse.TestEncoding) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeDefaults) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeR) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRB) PASS: test_r (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRepr) PASS: test_wb_1 (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeRepr) SKIP: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' SKIP: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeW) 'non-root user required' PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestFileTypeWB) PASS: test_get_default (test.test_argparse.TestGetDefault) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpArgumentDefaults) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerOptionals) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpBiggerPositionals) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNoHelpOptional) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpNone) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpOnlyUserGroups) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawDescription) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRawText) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpReformatting) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpRequiredOptional) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersOrdering) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptional) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressPositional) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpSuppressUsage) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpTupleMetavar) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsage) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProg) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansion) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionAction) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpVersionOptional) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingLongNames) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestHelpWrappingShortNames) PASS: test (test.test_argparse.TestImportStar) PASS: test_all_exports_everything_but_modules (test.test_argparse.TestImportStar) PASS: test_invalid_action (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_invalid_keyword_arguments (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_invalid_option_strings (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_invalid_type (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_missing_destination (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_more_than_one_argument_actions (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_multiple_dest (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_no_argument_actions (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_no_argument_no_const_actions (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_parsers_action_missing_params (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_required_const_actions (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_required_positional (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_user_defined_action (test.test_argparse.TestInvalidArgumentConstructors) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent) PASS: test_help (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrors) PASS: test_invalid_add_argument (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrors) PASS: test_invalid_add_argument_group (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrors) PASS: test_help (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrorsParent) PASS: test_invalid_add_argument (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrorsParent) PASS: test_invalid_add_argument_group (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrorsParent) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveInGroup) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLong) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple) PASS: test_failures_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_failures_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_help_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_help_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_successes_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_successes_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_usage_when_not_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_usage_when_required (test.test_argparse.TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_argparse.TestNamespace) PASS: test_equality (test.test_argparse.TestNamespace) PASS: test_equality_returns_notimplemeted (test.test_argparse.TestNamespace) PASS: test_empty (test.test_argparse.TestNamespaceContainsSimple) PASS: test_non_empty (test.test_argparse.TestNamespaceContainsSimple) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsRemainder) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionLike) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConst) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionCount) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreConst) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsChoices) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDest) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) PASS: test_alternate_help_version (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_help_version_extra_arguments (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_no_help (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_version (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_version_action (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_version_format (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_version_no_help (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargs3) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumeric) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsRequired) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsShortLong) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDash) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashLong) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash) PASS: test_conflicting_parents (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_conflicting_parents_mutex (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_groups_parents (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_multiple_parents (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_multiple_parents_mutex (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_parent_help (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_same_argument_name_parents (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_single_granparent_mutex (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_single_parent (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_single_parent_mutex (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_subparser_parents (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_subparser_parents_mutex (test.test_argparse.TestParentParsers) PASS: test_arguments_list (test.test_argparse.TestParseKnownArgs) PASS: test_arguments_list_positional (test.test_argparse.TestParseKnownArgs) PASS: test_arguments_tuple (test.test_argparse.TestParseKnownArgs) PASS: test_arguments_tuple_positional (test.test_argparse.TestParseKnownArgs) PASS: test_mixed (test.test_argparse.TestParseKnownArgs) PASS: test_optionals (test.test_argparse.TestParseKnownArgs) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefault42) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestParserDefaultSuppress) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsActionAppend) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesInt) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsChoicesString) PASS: test_group_first (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsGroups) PASS: test_interleaved_groups (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsGroups) PASS: test_nongroup_first (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsGroups) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2None) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2Optional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNone1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptional1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments) PASS: test_set_defaults_no_args (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_set_defaults_on_parent_and_subparser (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_set_defaults_parents (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_set_defaults_same_as_add_argument (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_set_defaults_same_as_add_argument_group (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_set_defaults_subparsers (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_set_defaults_with_args (test.test_argparse.TestSetDefaults) PASS: test_format_help (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_format_usage (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_format_version (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_print_file_help (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_print_file_usage (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_print_file_version (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_print_help (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_print_usage (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_print_version (test.test_argparse.TestShortColumns) PASS: test_argument (test.test_argparse.TestStrings) PASS: test_namespace (test.test_argparse.TestStrings) PASS: test_optional (test.test_argparse.TestStrings) PASS: test_parser (test.test_argparse.TestStrings) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeCallable) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeClassicClass) PASS: test_type_function_call_only_once (test.test_argparse.TestTypeFunctionCallOnlyOnce) PASS: test_issue_15906 (test.test_argparse.TestTypeFunctionCalledOnDefault) PASS: test_no_double_type_conversion_of_default (test.test_argparse.TestTypeFunctionCalledOnDefault) PASS: test_type_function_call_with_non_string_default (test.test_argparse.TestTypeFunctionCalledOnDefault) PASS: test_type_function_call_with_string_default (test.test_argparse.TestTypeFunctionCalledOnDefault) PASS: test (test.test_argparse.TestTypeRegistration) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_many_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_no_groups_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_one_group_listargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) PASS: test_successes_one_group_sysargs (test.test_argparse.TestTypeUserDefined) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1628 tests in 0.821s OK (skipped=12) 0:00:01 load avg: 0.44 [ 25/403/3] test_array PASS: test_bad_constructor (test.test_array.MiscTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_array.MiscTest) PASS: test_unicode_constructor (test.test_array.MiscTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_nounicode (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_subbclassing (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.CharacterTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.ByteTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.ShortTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.IntTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.LongTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) FAIL: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) PASS: test_unicode_typecode (test.test_array.UnicodeTypecodeTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.FloatTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_alloc_overflow (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_assignment (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_buffer_info (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_bug_782369 (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_byteswap (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_iterable_argument (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_coveritertraverse (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_extslice (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_filewrite (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_fromfile_ioerror (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_iterationcontains (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_pickle_for_empty_array (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_tofromfile (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_tofromlist (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_tofromstring (test.test_array.DoubleTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_array.DoubleTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1017, in test_sizeof_with_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize + buffer_size) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedByteTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1023, in test_sizeof_without_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1017, in test_sizeof_with_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize + buffer_size) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedShortTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1023, in test_sizeof_without_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1017, in test_sizeof_with_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize + buffer_size) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedIntTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1023, in test_sizeof_without_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_with_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1017, in test_sizeof_with_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize + buffer_size) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof_without_buffer (test.test_array.UnsignedLongTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1023, in test_sizeof_without_buffer test_support.check_sizeof(self, a, basesize) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 554 tests in 0.185s FAILED (errors=8) 0:00:02 load avg: 0.44 [ 26/403/4] test_ascii_formatd -- test_array failed PASS: test_format_deprecation (test.test_ascii_formatd.FormatDeprecationTests) PASS: test_format (test.test_ascii_formatd.FormatTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:02 load avg: 0.44 [ 27/403/4] test_ast PASS: test_AST_objects (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_arguments (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_base_classes (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_classattrs (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_field_attr_existence (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_field_attr_writable (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_from_import (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_invalid_identitifer (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_invalid_string (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_module (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_no_fields (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_nodeclasses (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_non_interned_future_from_ast (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_slice (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_snippets (test.test_ast.AST_Tests) PASS: test_copy_location (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_dump (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_fix_missing_locations (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_get_docstring (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_increment_lineno (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_iter_child_nodes (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_iter_fields (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_literal_eval (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_literal_eval_issue4907 (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) PASS: test_parse (test.test_ast.ASTHelpers_Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 0.044s OK 0:00:02 load avg: 0.44 [ 28/403/4] test_asynchat PASS: test_close_when_done (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_empty_line (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_line_terminator1 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_line_terminator2 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_line_terminator3 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_none_terminator (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_numeric_terminator1 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_numeric_terminator2 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_simple_producer (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_string_producer (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat) PASS: test_close_when_done (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_empty_line (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_line_terminator1 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_line_terminator2 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_line_terminator3 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_none_terminator (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_numeric_terminator1 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_numeric_terminator2 (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_simple_producer (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_string_producer (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchat_WithPoll) PASS: test_blockingioerror (test.test_asynchat.TestAsynchatMocked) PASS: test_find_prefix_at_end (test.test_asynchat.TestHelperFunctions) PASS: test_basic (test.test_asynchat.TestFifo) PASS: test_given_list (test.test_asynchat.TestFifo) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 24 tests in 1.421s OK 0:00:03 load avg: 0.41 [ 29/403/4] test_asyncore PASS: test_closeall (test.test_asyncore.HelperFunctionTests) PASS: test_closeall_default (test.test_asyncore.HelperFunctionTests) PASS: test_compact_traceback (test.test_asyncore.HelperFunctionTests) PASS: test_readwrite (test.test_asyncore.HelperFunctionTests) PASS: test_readwriteexc (test.test_asyncore.HelperFunctionTests) PASS: test_basic (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_issue_8594 (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_log (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_log_info (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_repr (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_strerror (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_unhandled (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherTests) PASS: test_send (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherWithSendTests) PASS: test_send (test.test_asyncore.DispatcherWithSendTests_UsePoll) PASS: test_bind (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_connection_attributes (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_create_socket (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_accept (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_close (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_connect (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_error (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_expt (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_read (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_handle_write (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_quick_connect (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_set_reuse_addr (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UseSelect) PASS: test_bind (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_connection_attributes (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_create_socket (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_accept (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_close (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_connect (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_error (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_expt (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_read (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_handle_write (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_quick_connect (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_set_reuse_addr (test.test_asyncore.TestAPI_UsePoll) PASS: test_close_twice (test.test_asyncore.FileWrapperTest) PASS: test_dispatcher (test.test_asyncore.FileWrapperTest) PASS: test_recv (test.test_asyncore.FileWrapperTest) PASS: test_send (test.test_asyncore.FileWrapperTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 42 tests in 1.292s OK 0:00:04 load avg: 0.41 [ 30/403/4] test_atexit PASS: test_args (test.test_atexit.TestCase) PASS: test_badargs (test.test_atexit.TestCase) PASS: test_exit (test.test_atexit.TestCase) PASS: test_order (test.test_atexit.TestCase) PASS: test_raise (test.test_atexit.TestCase) PASS: test_sys_override (test.test_atexit.TestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:04 load avg: 0.41 [ 31/403/4] test_audioop PASS: test_add (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_adpcm2lin (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_alaw2lin (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_avg (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_avgpp (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_bias (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_cross (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_findfactor (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_findfit (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_findmax (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_getsample (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_invalid_adpcm_state (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_issue7673 (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_lin2adpcm (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_lin2alaw (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_lin2lin (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_lin2ulaw (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_max (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_maxpp (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_minmax (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_mul (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_negativelen (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_ratecv (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_rms (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_tomono (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_tostereo (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_ulaw2lin (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) PASS: test_wrongsize (test.test_audioop.TestAudioop) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 29 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:04 load avg: 0.41 [ 32/403/4] test_augassign PASS: testBasic (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) PASS: testCustomMethods1 (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) PASS: testCustomMethods2 (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) PASS: testInDict (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) PASS: testInList (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) PASS: testSequences (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) PASS: test_with_unpacking (test.test_augassign.AugAssignTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 33/403/4] test_base64 PASS: test_b16decode (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b16encode (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b32decode (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b32decode_casefold (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b32decode_error (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b32encode (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b64decode (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b64decode_invalid_chars (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b64decode_padding_error (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_b64encode (test.test_base64.BaseXYTestCase) PASS: test_decode (test.test_base64.LegacyBase64TestCase) PASS: test_decodestring (test.test_base64.LegacyBase64TestCase) PASS: test_encode (test.test_base64.LegacyBase64TestCase) PASS: test_encodestring (test.test_base64.LegacyBase64TestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 14 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 34/403/4] test_bastion 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 35/403/4] test_bigaddrspace PASS: test_concat (test.test_bigaddrspace.StrTest) PASS: test_optimized_concat (test.test_bigaddrspace.StrTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 36/403/4] test_bigmem PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_center (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_center_unicode (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_concat (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_decode (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_decodeascii (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_encode (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_encode_raw_unicode_escape (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_encode_utf32 (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_encode_utf7 (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_endswith (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_isalnum (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_isalpha (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_isdigit (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_islower (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_isspace (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_istitle (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_isupper (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_lower (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_lstrip (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_repr_large (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_repr_small (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_rfind (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_rstrip (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_slice_and_getitem (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_split_large (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_split_small (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_splitlines (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_startswith (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_title (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_translate (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_unicode_repr (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_unicode_repr_oflw (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_upper (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_bigmem.StrTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_concat_large (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_concat_small (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_from_2G_generator (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_from_almost_2G_generator (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_index_and_slice (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_repeat_large (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_repeat_large_2 (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_repeat_small (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_repr_large (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_repr_small (test.test_bigmem.TupleTest) PASS: test_append (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_concat_large (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_concat_small (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_extend_large (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_extend_small (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_index_and_slice (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_inplace_concat_large (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_inplace_concat_small (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_inplace_repeat_large (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_inplace_repeat_small (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_repeat_large (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_repeat_small (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_repr_large (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_repr_small (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_sort (test.test_bigmem.ListTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_bigmem.BufferTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 89 tests in 0.035s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 37/403/4] test_binascii PASS: test_base64invalid (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64valid (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc32 (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc_hqx (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_functions (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_hex (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_hqx (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_qp (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_returned_value (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_uu (test.test_binascii.BinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64invalid (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64valid (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc32 (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc_hqx (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_functions (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_hex (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_hqx (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_qp (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_returned_value (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_uu (test.test_binascii.ArrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64invalid (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64valid (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc32 (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc_hqx (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_functions (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_hex (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_hqx (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_qp (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_returned_value (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_uu (test.test_binascii.BytearrayBinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64invalid (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_base64valid (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc32 (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_crc_hqx (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_functions (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_hex (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_hqx (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_qp (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_returned_value (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) PASS: test_uu (test.test_binascii.MemoryviewBinASCIITest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 48 tests in 0.004s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 38/403/4] test_binhex 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 39/403/5] test_binop -- test_binhex failed PASS: test_add (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_div (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_eq (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_floordiv (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_future_div (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_gcd (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_mul (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) PASS: test_sub (test.test_binop.RatTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 40/403/5] test_bisect PASS: test_backcompatibility (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_keyword_args (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_large_pyrange (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_large_range (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_negative_lo (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_optionalSlicing (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_precomputed (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_random (test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython) PASS: test_backcompatibility (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_keyword_args (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_large_pyrange (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_large_range (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_negative_lo (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_optionalSlicing (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_precomputed (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_random (test.test_bisect.TestBisectC) PASS: test_backcompatibility (test.test_bisect.TestInsortPython) PASS: test_listDerived (test.test_bisect.TestInsortPython) PASS: test_vsBuiltinSort (test.test_bisect.TestInsortPython) PASS: test_backcompatibility (test.test_bisect.TestInsortC) PASS: test_listDerived (test.test_bisect.TestInsortC) PASS: test_vsBuiltinSort (test.test_bisect.TestInsortC) PASS: test_arg_parsing (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_cmp_err (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_get_only (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_len_only (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_non_sequence (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_arg_parsing (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_cmp_err (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_get_only (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_len_only (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_non_sequence (test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 32 tests in 0.015s OK Trying: grades = "FEDCBA" Expecting nothing ok Trying: breakpoints = [30, 44, 66, 75, 85] Expecting nothing ok Trying: from bisect import bisect Expecting nothing ok Trying: def grade(total): return grades[bisect(breakpoints, total)] Expecting nothing ok Trying: grade(66) Expecting: 'C' ok Trying: map(grade, [33, 99, 77, 44, 12, 88]) Expecting: ['E', 'A', 'B', 'D', 'F', 'A'] ok 39 items had no tests: test.test_bisect test.test_bisect.CmpErr test.test_bisect.CmpErr.__cmp__ test.test_bisect.GetOnly test.test_bisect.GetOnly.__getitem__ test.test_bisect.LenOnly test.test_bisect.LenOnly.__len__ test.test_bisect.Range test.test_bisect.Range.__getitem__ test.test_bisect.Range.__init__ test.test_bisect.Range.__len__ test.test_bisect.Range.insert test.test_bisect.TestBisect test.test_bisect.TestBisect.setUp test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_backcompatibility test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_keyword_args test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_large_pyrange test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_large_range test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_negative_lo test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_optionalSlicing test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_precomputed test.test_bisect.TestBisect.test_random test.test_bisect.TestBisectC test.test_bisect.TestBisectPython test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandling test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandling.test_arg_parsing test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandling.test_cmp_err test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandling.test_get_only test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandling.test_len_only test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandling.test_non_sequence test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingC test.test_bisect.TestErrorHandlingPython test.test_bisect.TestInsort test.test_bisect.TestInsort.test_backcompatibility test.test_bisect.TestInsort.test_listDerived test.test_bisect.TestInsort.test_vsBuiltinSort test.test_bisect.TestInsortC test.test_bisect.TestInsortPython test.test_bisect.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 6 tests in test.test_bisect.__test__.libreftest 6 tests in 40 items. 6 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_bisect) ... 6 tests with zero failures 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 41/403/5] test_bool PASS: test_boolean (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_callable (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_convert (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_convert_to_bool (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_cpickle (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_fileclosed (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_float (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_hasattr (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_haskey (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_int (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_isinstance (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_issubclass (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_long (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_marshal (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_math (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_mixedpickle (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_operator (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_picklevalues (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_print (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_str (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_string (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_bool.BoolTest) PASS: test_types (test.test_bool.BoolTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 42/403/5] test_bsddb PASS: test__no_deadlock_first (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_change (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_clear (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_close_and_reopen (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_first_next_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_first_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_for_cursor_memleak (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_get (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_iter_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_iter_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_iteritems_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_iteritems_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_keyordering (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_last_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_len (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_mapping_iteration_methods (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_previous_last_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_set_location (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test_update (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree) PASS: test__no_deadlock_first (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_change (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_clear (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_close_and_reopen (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_first_next_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_first_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_for_cursor_memleak (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_get (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_iter_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_iter_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_iteritems_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_iteritems_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_last_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_len (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_mapping_iteration_methods (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_previous_last_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_set_location (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test_update (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable) PASS: test__no_deadlock_first (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_change (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_clear (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_first_next_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_first_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_for_cursor_memleak (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_get (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_iter_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_iter_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_iteritems_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_iteritems_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_keyordering (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_last_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_len (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_mapping_iteration_methods (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_previous_last_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_set_location (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test_update (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory) PASS: test__no_deadlock_first (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_change (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_clear (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_first_next_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_first_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_for_cursor_memleak (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_get (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_iter_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_iter_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_iteritems_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_iteritems_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_last_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_len (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_mapping_iteration_methods (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_previous_last_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_set_location (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test_update (test.test_bsddb.TestHashTable_InMemory) PASS: test__no_deadlock_first (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_change (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_clear (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_first_next_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_first_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_for_cursor_memleak (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_get (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_iter_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_iter_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_iteritems_abort_on_changed_size (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_iteritems_while_modifying_values (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_keyordering (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_last_while_deleting (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_len (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_mapping_iteration_methods (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_previous_last_looping (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_set_location (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) PASS: test_update (test.test_bsddb.TestBTree_InMemory_Truncate) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 120 tests in 0.026s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 43/403/5] test_bsddb185 test_bsddb185 skipped -- No module named bsddb185 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 44/403/5] test_bsddb3 -- test_bsddb185 skipped test_bsddb3 skipped -- Use of the `bsddb' resource not enabled 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 45/403/5] test_buffer -- test_bsddb3 skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_copy (test.test_buffer.BufferTests) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_buffer.BufferTests) PASS: test_large_buffer_size_and_offset (test.test_buffer.BufferTests) PASS: test_newbuffer_interface (test.test_buffer.BufferTests) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_buffer.BufferTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 46/403/5] test_bufio PASS: test_nullpat (test.test_bufio.CBufferSizeTest) PASS: test_primepat (test.test_bufio.CBufferSizeTest) PASS: test_nullpat (test.test_bufio.PyBufferSizeTest) PASS: test_primepat (test.test_bufio.PyBufferSizeTest) PASS: test_nullpat (test.test_bufio.BuiltinBufferSizeTest) PASS: test_primepat (test.test_bufio.BuiltinBufferSizeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.208s OK 0:00:05 load avg: 0.41 [ 47/403/5] test_bytes PASS: test_alloc (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_append (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_basics (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_bytearray_api (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_compare_to_str (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_concat (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_constructor_type_errors (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_constructor_value_errors (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_copied (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_decode (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_empty_bytearray (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_empty_sequence (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_endswith (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_exhausted_iterator (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_find_etc_raise_correct_error_messages (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_from_index (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_from_int (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_from_list (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_from_ssize (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_fromhex (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_iconcat (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_init_alloc (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_irepeat (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_irepeat_1char (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_nohash (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_none_arguments (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_nosort (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_ord (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_partition (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_partition_bytearray_doesnt_share_nullstring (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_regexps (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_repeat_1char (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_resize_forbidden (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_reversed (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_rfind (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_rpartition (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_rsplit_string_error (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_rsplit_unicodewhitespace (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_setslice_trap (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_split_string_error (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_split_unicodewhitespace (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_startswith (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_strip_bytearray (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_strip_string_error (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayTest) PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_center (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_fixtype (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_isalnum (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_isalpha (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_isdigit (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_islower (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_isspace (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_istitle (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_isupper (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_lower (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) SKIP: test_replace_overflow (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_rfind (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_rsplit (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_splitlines (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_strip_whitespace (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_title (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_upper (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_bytes.ByteArrayAsStringTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_bytes.ByteArraySubclassTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_bytes.ByteArraySubclassTest) PASS: test_init_override (test.test_bytes.ByteArraySubclassTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_bytes.ByteArraySubclassTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_bytes.ByteArraySubclassTest) PASS: test_returns_new_copy (test.test_bytes.BytearrayPEP3137Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 105 tests in 0.429s OK (skipped=1) 0:00:06 load avg: 0.41 [ 48/403/5] test_bz2 PASS: testBug1191043 (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testClosedIteratorDeadlock (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testContextProtocol (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testInitNonExistentFile (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testIterator (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testMixedIterationReads (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testModeU (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testOpenDel (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testOpenNonexistent (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testRead (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testRead0 (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testRead100 (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testReadChunk10 (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testReadLine (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testReadLines (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testSeekBackwards (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testSeekBackwardsFromEnd (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testSeekForward (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testSeekPostEnd (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testSeekPostEndTwice (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testSeekPreStart (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testThreading (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testUniversalNewlinesCRLF (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testUniversalNewlinesLF (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testWrite (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testWriteChunks10 (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testWriteLines (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testWriteMethodsOnReadOnlyFile (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testXReadLines (test.test_bz2.BZ2FileTest) PASS: testBigmem (test.test_bz2.BZ2CompressorTest) PASS: testCompress (test.test_bz2.BZ2CompressorTest) PASS: testCompressChunks10 (test.test_bz2.BZ2CompressorTest) PASS: testCompressEmptyString (test.test_bz2.BZ2CompressorTest) SKIP: testBigmem (test.test_bz2.BZ2DecompressorTest) 'Test needs 5GB of memory to run.' PASS: testDecompress (test.test_bz2.BZ2DecompressorTest) PASS: testDecompressChunks10 (test.test_bz2.BZ2DecompressorTest) PASS: testDecompressUnusedData (test.test_bz2.BZ2DecompressorTest) PASS: testEOFError (test.test_bz2.BZ2DecompressorTest) PASS: test_Constructor (test.test_bz2.BZ2DecompressorTest) PASS: testCompress (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) PASS: testCompressBigmem (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) PASS: testCompressEmptyString (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) PASS: testDecompress (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) SKIP: testDecompressBigmem (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) 'Test needs 5GB of memory to run.' PASS: testDecompressEmpty (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) PASS: testDecompressIncomplete (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) PASS: testDecompressToEmptyString (test.test_bz2.FuncTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 47 tests in 0.432s OK (skipped=2) 0:00:06 load avg: 0.41 [ 49/403/5] test_calendar PASS: test_output (test.test_calendar.OutputTestCase) PASS: test_output_htmlcalendar (test.test_calendar.OutputTestCase) PASS: test_output_textcalendar (test.test_calendar.OutputTestCase) PASS: test_days (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_enumerateweekdays (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_isleap (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_itermonthdates (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_itermonthdays (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_itermonthdays2 (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_localecalendars (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_months (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_setfirstweekday (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase) PASS: test_april (test.test_calendar.MondayTestCase) PASS: test_december (test.test_calendar.MondayTestCase) PASS: test_february (test.test_calendar.MondayTestCase) PASS: test_april (test.test_calendar.SundayTestCase) PASS: test_december (test.test_calendar.SundayTestCase) PASS: test_february (test.test_calendar.SundayTestCase) PASS: test_december (test.test_calendar.MonthRangeTestCase) PASS: test_february_leap (test.test_calendar.MonthRangeTestCase) PASS: test_february_nonleap (test.test_calendar.MonthRangeTestCase) PASS: test_january (test.test_calendar.MonthRangeTestCase) PASS: test_thirteenth_month (test.test_calendar.MonthRangeTestCase) PASS: test_zeroth_month (test.test_calendar.MonthRangeTestCase) PASS: test_no_leapdays (test.test_calendar.LeapdaysTestCase) PASS: test_no_leapdays_upper_boundary (test.test_calendar.LeapdaysTestCase) PASS: test_no_range (test.test_calendar.LeapdaysTestCase) PASS: test_one_leapday_lower_boundary (test.test_calendar.LeapdaysTestCase) PASS: test_several_leapyears_in_range (test.test_calendar.LeapdaysTestCase) PASS: test_help (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_html_output_current_year (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_html_output_year_css (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_html_output_year_encoding (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_arguments (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_encoding (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_lines (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_locale (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_months (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_spacing (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_type (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_option_width (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_output_current_year (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_output_month (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) PASS: test_output_year (test.test_calendar.CommandLineTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 44 tests in 0.652s OK 0:00:07 load avg: 0.41 [ 50/403/5] test_call PASS: test_oldargs0_0 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_0_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_0_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_1 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_1_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_1_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_2 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_2_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs0_2_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_0 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_0_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_0_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_1 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_1_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_1_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_2 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_2_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_oldargs1_2_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs0 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs0_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs0_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs1 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs1_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs1_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs2 (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs2_ext (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) PASS: test_varargs2_kw (test.test_call.CFunctionCalls) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 27 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:07 load avg: 0.41 [ 51/403/5] test_capi test_capi skipped -- No module named _testcapi 0:00:07 load avg: 0.41 [ 52/403/5] test_cd -- test_capi skipped test_cd skipped -- No module named cd 0:00:07 load avg: 0.41 [ 53/403/5] test_cfgparser -- test_cd skipped PASS: test_basic (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_boolean (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_default_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_interpolation_missing_value (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_items (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_parse_errors (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_query_errors (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_read_returns_file_list (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_nonstring_types (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_string_types (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_unicode (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_weird_errors (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_cfgparser.ConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_basic (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_boolean (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_default_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_dominating_multiline_values (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_parse_errors (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_query_errors (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_read_returns_file_list (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_set_string_types (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_set_unicode (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_weird_errors (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_cfgparser.MultilineValuesTestCase) PASS: test_basic (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_boolean (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_default_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_items (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_parse_errors (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_query_errors (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_read_returns_file_list (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_nonstring_types (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_string_types (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_unicode (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_weird_errors (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_cfgparser.RawConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_add_section_default_1 (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_add_section_default_2 (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_basic (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_boolean (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_default_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_interpolation_missing_value (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_items (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_parse_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_query_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_read_returns_file_list (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_safe_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_malformatted_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_nonstring_types (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_string_types (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_set_unicode (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_weird_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCase) PASS: test_add_section_default_1 (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_add_section_default_2 (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_basic (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_boolean (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_default_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_interpolation_missing_value (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_items (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_parse_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_query_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_read_returns_file_list (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_safe_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_set_malformatted_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_set_nonstring_types (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_set_string_types (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_set_unicode (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_weird_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_write (test.test_cfgparser.SafeConfigParserTestCaseNoValue) PASS: test_basic (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_boolean (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_default_case_sensitivity (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_interpolation (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_items (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_parse_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_query_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_read_returns_file_list (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_set_nonstring_types (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_set_string_types (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_set_unicode (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_sorted (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_weird_errors (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_cfgparser.SortedTestCase) PASS: test_none_as_value_stringified (test.test_cfgparser.Issue7005TestCase) PASS: test_none_as_value_stringified_raw (test.test_cfgparser.Issue7005TestCase) PASS: test_issue_12717 (test.test_cfgparser.TestChainMap) PASS: test_duplicatesectionerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_interpolationdeptherror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_interpolationerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_interpolationmissingoptionerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_interpolationsyntaxerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_missingsectionheadererror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_nooptionerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_nosectionerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) PASS: test_parsingerror (test.test_cfgparser.ExceptionPicklingTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 107 tests in 0.076s OK 0:00:07 load avg: 0.41 [ 54/403/5] test_cgi PASS: testQSAndFormData (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: testQSAndFormDataFile (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: testQSAndUrlEncode (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_deprecated_parse_qs (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_deprecated_parse_qsl (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_escape (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_fieldstorage_invalid (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_fieldstorage_multipart (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_fieldstorage_multipart_maxline (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_fieldstorage_readline (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_log (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_parse_header (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_strict (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) PASS: test_weird_formcontentdict (test.test_cgi.CgiTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 14 tests in 0.010s OK 0:00:07 load avg: 0.41 [ 55/403/5] test_charmapcodec PASS: test_constructorx (test.test_charmapcodec.CharmapCodecTest) PASS: test_constructory (test.test_charmapcodec.CharmapCodecTest) PASS: test_encodex (test.test_charmapcodec.CharmapCodecTest) PASS: test_maptoundefined (test.test_charmapcodec.CharmapCodecTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:07 load avg: 0.41 [ 56/403/5] test_cl test_cl skipped -- No module named cl 0:00:07 load avg: 0.41 [ 57/403/5] test_class -- test_cl skipped PASS: testAttrSlots (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testBadTypeReturned (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testBinaryOps (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testDel (test.test_class.ClassTests) FAIL: testDelItem (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testForExceptionsRaisedInInstanceGetattr2 (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testGetSetAndDel (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testHashComparisonOfMethods (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testHashStuff (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testInit (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testListAndDictOps (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testMisc (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testMixIntsAndLongs (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testSFBug532646 (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testSetattrNonStringName (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testSetattrWrapperNameIntern (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testSetattrWrapperNameUnicode (test.test_class.ClassTests) PASS: testUnaryOps (test.test_class.ClassTests) ====================================================================== ERROR: testDelItem (test.test_class.ClassTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 361, in testDelItem from _testcapi import sequence_delitem ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 18 tests in 0.010s FAILED (errors=1) 0:00:07 load avg: 0.41 [ 58/403/6] test_cmath -- test_class failed PASS: test_abs (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_cmath_matches_math (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_input_type (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_isinf (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_isnan (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_phase (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_polar (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) FAIL: test_polar_errno (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_rect (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_specific_values (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) PASS: test_user_object (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_polar_errno (test.test_cmath.CMathTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 388, in test_polar_errno from _testcapi import set_errno ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.021s FAILED (errors=1) 0:00:07 load avg: 0.41 [ 59/403/7] test_cmd -- test_cmath failed Trying: mycmd = samplecmdclass() Expecting nothing ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("") Expecting: (None, None, '') ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("?") Expecting: ('help', '', 'help ') ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("?help") Expecting: ('help', 'help', 'help help') ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("!") Expecting: ('shell', '', 'shell ') ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("!command") Expecting: ('shell', 'command', 'shell command') ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("func") Expecting: ('func', '', 'func') ok Trying: mycmd.parseline("func arg1") Expecting: ('func', 'arg1', 'func arg1') ok Trying: mycmd.onecmd("") Expecting nothing ok Trying: mycmd.onecmd("add 4 5") Expecting: 9 ok Trying: mycmd.onecmd("") Expecting: 9 ok Trying: mycmd.onecmd("test") Expecting: *** Unknown syntax: test ok Trying: mycmd.emptyline() Expecting: *** Unknown syntax: test ok Trying: mycmd.default("default") Expecting: *** Unknown syntax: default ok Trying: mycmd.completedefault() Expecting: This is the completedefault methode ok Trying: mycmd.completenames("a") Expecting: ['add'] ok Trying: mycmd.completenames("12") Expecting: [] ok Trying: mycmd.completenames("help") Expecting: ['help'] ok Trying: mycmd.complete_help("a") Expecting: ['add'] ok Trying: mycmd.complete_help("he") Expecting: ['help'] ok Trying: mycmd.complete_help("12") Expecting: [] ok Trying: sorted(mycmd.complete_help("")) Expecting: ['add', 'exit', 'help', 'shell'] ok Trying: mycmd.do_help("testet") Expecting: *** No help on testet ok Trying: mycmd.do_help("add") Expecting: help text for add ok Trying: mycmd.onecmd("help add") Expecting: help text for add ok Trying: mycmd.do_help("") Expecting: Documented commands (type help ): ======================================== add help Undocumented commands: ====================== exit shell ok Trying: mycmd.print_topics("header", ["command1", "command2"], 2 ,10) Expecting: header ====== command1 command2 ok Trying: mycmd.columnize([str(i) for i in xrange(20)]) Expecting: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ok Trying: mycmd.columnize([str(i) for i in xrange(20)], 10) Expecting: 0 7 14 1 8 15 2 9 16 3 10 17 4 11 18 5 12 19 6 13 ok Trying: mycmd.use_rawinput=0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: mycmd.cmdqueue=["", "add", "add 4 5", "help", "help add","exit"] Expecting nothing ok Trying: mycmd.cmdloop() Expecting: Hello from preloop help text for add *** invalid number of arguments 9 Documented commands (type help ): ======================================== add help Undocumented commands: ====================== exit shell help text for add Hello from postloop ok 19 items had no tests: test.test_cmd test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.simplecmd test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.simplecmd.do_EOF test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.simplecmd.do_print test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.simplecmd2 test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.simplecmd2.do_EOF test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.test_file_with_missing_final_nl test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput.test_input_reset_at_EOF test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.complete_command test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.completedefault test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.do_add test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.do_exit test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.do_shell test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.help_add test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.postloop test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass.preloop test.test_cmd.test_coverage test.test_cmd.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 32 tests in test.test_cmd.samplecmdclass 32 tests in 20 items. 32 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_cmd) ... 32 tests with zero failures PASS: test_file_with_missing_final_nl (test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput) PASS: test_input_reset_at_EOF (test.test_cmd.TestAlternateInput) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:07 load avg: 0.41 [ 60/403/7] test_cmd_line PASS: test_del___main__ (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_directories (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_hash_randomization (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_optimize (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_q (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_run_code (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) FAIL: test_run_module (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) FAIL: test_run_module_bug1764407 (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_site_flag (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_unknown_options (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_usage (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_version (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) ====================================================================== FAIL: test_run_module (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 67, in test_run_module 0) AssertionError: 1 != 0 ====================================================================== FAIL: test_run_module_bug1764407 (test.test_cmd_line.CmdLineTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 77, in test_run_module_bug1764407 self.assertTrue(data.startswith('1 loop')) AssertionError: False is not true ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.162s FAILED (failures=2) 0:00:07 load avg: 0.41 [ 61/403/8] test_cmd_line_script -- test_cmd_line failed FAIL: test_basic_script (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpPY528b/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpPY528b/' __package__==None sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpPY528b/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpPY528b/' __package__==None sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpPY528b/' ok PASS: test_dash_m_error_code_is_one (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_dash_m_errors (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_dash_m_init_traceback (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) PASS: test_dash_m_main_traceback (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) FAIL: test_directory (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpi9okRJ': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpi9okRJ/' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpi9okRJ' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpi9okRJ/' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpi9okRJ' ok FAIL: test_directory_compiled (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpCTbQIy': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpCTbQIy/__main__.pyc' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpCTbQIy' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpCTbQIy/__main__.pyc' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpCTbQIy' ok FAIL: test_directory_error (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpGSBwdE': /usr/bin/python: can't find '__main__' module in '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpGSBwdE' Expected output: "can't find '__main__' module in '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpGSBwdE'" ok FAIL: test_module_in_package (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpr56kZd/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpr56kZd/test_pkg/' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpr56kZd/test_pkg/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpr56kZd/test_pkg/' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpr56kZd/test_pkg/' ok FAIL: test_module_in_package_in_zipfile (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpA2Iz8Z/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpA2Iz8Z/' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpA2Iz8Z/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpA2Iz8Z/' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpA2Iz8Z/' ok FAIL: test_module_in_subpackage_in_zipfile (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpEKxV0Q/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpEKxV0Q/' __package__=='test_pkg.test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpEKxV0Q/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpEKxV0Q/' __package__=='test_pkg.test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpEKxV0Q/' ok FAIL: test_package (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpN4ag11/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpN4ag11/test_pkg/' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpN4ag11/test_pkg/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpN4ag11/test_pkg/' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpN4ag11/test_pkg/' ok FAIL: test_package_compiled (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpINyuwz/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpINyuwz/test_pkg/__main__.pyc' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpINyuwz/test_pkg/__main__.pyc' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpINyuwz/test_pkg/__main__.pyc' __package__=='test_pkg' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpINyuwz/test_pkg/__main__.pyc' ok FAIL: test_package_error (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp0hxkLR/': /usr/bin/python: No module named test_pkg.__main__; 'test_pkg' is a package and cannot be directly executed Expected output: "'test_pkg' is a package and cannot be directly executed" ok FAIL: test_package_recursion (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpBqzjv9/': /usr/bin/python: Cannot use package as __main__ module; 'test_pkg' is a package and cannot be directly executed Expected output: "Cannot use package as __main__ module; 'test_pkg' is a package and cannot be directly executed" ok FAIL: test_script_compiled (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp0CWBdy/script.pyc': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp0CWBdy/script.pyc' __package__==None sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp0CWBdy/script.pyc' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp0CWBdy/script.pyc' __package__==None sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmp0CWBdy/script.pyc' ok FAIL: test_zipfile (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpu3Qtge/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpu3Qtge/' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpu3Qtge/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpu3Qtge/' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpu3Qtge/' ok FAIL: test_zipfile_compiled (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpdjyL_u/': __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpdjyL_u/' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpdjyL_u/' Expected output: __file__=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpdjyL_u/' __package__=='' sys.argv[0]=='/var/volatile/tmp/tmpdjyL_u/' ok FAIL: test_zipfile_error (test.test_cmd_line_script.CmdLineTest) ... Output from test script '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpb8XvHh/': /usr/bin/python: can't find '__main__' module in '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpb8XvHh/' Expected output: "can't find '__main__' module in '/var/volatile/tmp/tmpb8XvHh/'" ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 19 tests in 0.225s OK 0:00:08 load avg: 0.41 [ 62/403/8] test_code Trying: def f(x): def g(y): return x + y return g Expecting nothing ok Trying: dump(f.func_code) Expecting: name: f argcount: 1 names: () varnames: ('x', 'g') cellvars: ('x',) freevars: () nlocals: 2 flags: 3 consts: ('None', '') ok Trying: dump(f(4).func_code) Expecting: name: g argcount: 1 names: () varnames: ('y',) cellvars: () freevars: ('x',) nlocals: 1 flags: 19 consts: ('None',) ok Trying: def h(x, y): a = x + y b = x - y c = a * b return c Expecting nothing ok Trying: dump(h.func_code) Expecting: name: h argcount: 2 names: () varnames: ('x', 'y', 'a', 'b', 'c') cellvars: () freevars: () nlocals: 5 flags: 67 consts: ('None',) ok Trying: def attrs(obj): print obj.attr1 print obj.attr2 print obj.attr3 Expecting nothing ok Trying: dump(attrs.func_code) Expecting: name: attrs argcount: 1 names: ('attr1', 'attr2', 'attr3') varnames: ('obj',) cellvars: () freevars: () nlocals: 1 flags: 67 consts: ('None',) ok Trying: def optimize_away(): 'doc string' 'not a docstring' 53 53L Expecting nothing ok Trying: dump(optimize_away.func_code) Expecting: name: optimize_away argcount: 0 names: () varnames: () cellvars: () freevars: () nlocals: 0 flags: 67 consts: ("'doc string'", 'None') ok 16 items had no tests: test.test_code.CodeConstsTest test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.assertIsInterned test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.assertIsNotInterned test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.find_const test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.test_interned_string test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.test_interned_string_default test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.test_interned_string_in_tuple test.test_code.CodeConstsTest.test_interned_string_with_null test.test_code.CodeTest test.test_code.CodeTest.test_newempty test.test_code.CodeWeakRefTest test.test_code.CodeWeakRefTest.test_basic test.test_code.consts test.test_code.dump test.test_code.isinterned test.test_code.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 9 tests in test.test_code 9 tests in 17 items. 9 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_code) ... 9 tests with zero failures FAIL: test_newempty (test.test_code.CodeTest) PASS: test_interned_string (test.test_code.CodeConstsTest) PASS: test_interned_string_default (test.test_code.CodeConstsTest) PASS: test_interned_string_in_tuple (test.test_code.CodeConstsTest) PASS: test_interned_string_with_null (test.test_code.CodeConstsTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_code.CodeWeakRefTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_newempty (test.test_code.CodeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 109, in test_newempty import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s FAILED (errors=1) 0:00:08 load avg: 0.41 [ 63/403/9] test_codeccallbacks -- test_code failed PASS: test_backslashescape (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badandgoodbackslashreplaceexceptions (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badandgoodignoreexceptions (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badandgoodreplaceexceptions (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badandgoodstrictexceptions (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badandgoodxmlcharrefreplaceexceptions (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badhandlerresults (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badlookupcall (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_badregistercall (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_bug828737 (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_callbacks (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_charmapencode (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_decodehelper (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_decodeunicodeinternal (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_decoding_callbacks (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_encodehelper (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_fake_error_class (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_longstrings (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_lookup (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_translatehelper (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_unencodablereplacement (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_unicodedecodeerror (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_unicodeencodeerror (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_unicodetranslateerror (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_uninamereplace (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_unknownhandler (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_xmlcharnamereplace (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace_with_surrogates (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) PASS: test_xmlcharrefvalues (test.test_codeccallbacks.CodecCallbackTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 30 tests in 0.007s OK 0:00:08 load avg: 0.41 [ 64/403/9] test_codecencodings_cn PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) SKIP: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) 'encoding contains full ISO 10646 map' PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) SKIP: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB18030) 'encoding contains full ISO 10646 map' PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GB2312) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_GBK) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_cn.Test_HZ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 60 tests in 0.165s OK (skipped=2) 0:00:08 load avg: 0.41 [ 65/403/9] test_codecencodings_hk PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_hk.Test_Big5HKSCS) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.006s OK 0:00:08 load avg: 0.41 [ 66/403/9] test_codecencodings_iso2022 PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_JP2) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) SKIP: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) 'iso2022_kr.txt cannot be used to test "chunk coding"' PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_iso2022.Test_ISO2022_KR) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 45 tests in 0.164s OK (skipped=1) 0:00:08 load avg: 0.45 [ 67/403/9] test_codecencodings_jp PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_CP932) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JISX0213) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_EUC_JP_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJISX0213) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_jp.Test_SJIS_COMPAT) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 75 tests in 0.302s OK 0:00:08 load avg: 0.45 [ 68/403/9] test_codecencodings_kr PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_CP949) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_EUCKR) PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_kr.Test_JOHAB) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 45 tests in 0.095s OK 0:00:09 load avg: 0.45 [ 69/403/9] test_codecencodings_tw PASS: test_callback_None_index (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_callback_backward_index (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_callback_forward_index (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_callback_index_outofbound (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_callback_long_index (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_callback_wrong_objects (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_chunkcoding (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_customreplace_encode (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_errorhandle (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_incrementaldecoder (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_error_callback (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_streamreader (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_streamwriter (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) PASS: test_xmlcharrefreplace (test.test_codecencodings_tw.Test_Big5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.036s OK 0:00:09 load avg: 0.45 [ 70/403/9] test_codecmaps_cn test_codecmaps_cn skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled 0:00:09 load avg: 0.45 [ 71/403/9] test_codecmaps_hk -- test_codecmaps_cn skipped (resource denied) test_codecmaps_hk skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled 0:00:09 load avg: 0.45 [ 72/403/9] test_codecmaps_jp -- test_codecmaps_hk skipped (resource denied) test_codecmaps_jp skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled 0:00:09 load avg: 0.45 [ 73/403/9] test_codecmaps_kr -- test_codecmaps_jp skipped (resource denied) test_codecmaps_kr skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled 0:00:09 load avg: 0.45 [ 74/403/9] test_codecmaps_tw -- test_codecmaps_kr skipped (resource denied) test_codecmaps_tw skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled 0:00:09 load avg: 0.45 [ 75/403/9] test_codecs -- test_codecmaps_tw skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_badbom (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_handlers (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_issue8941 (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_only_one_bom (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF32Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_issue8941 (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_simple (test.test_codecs.UTF32LETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_issue8941 (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_simple (test.test_codecs.UTF32BETest) PASS: test_badbom (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_bug691291 (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_handlers (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_only_one_bom (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF16Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF16LETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF16BETest) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF8Test) PASS: test_bom (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_bug1601501 (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_stream_bare (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_stream_bom (test.test_codecs.UTF8SigTest) PASS: test_ascii (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_a (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_bug1098990_b (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_bug1175396 (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_lone_surrogates (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_mixed_readline_and_read (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_nonbmp (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_partial (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_readlinequeue (test.test_codecs.UTF7Test) PASS: test_bad_args (test.test_codecs.UTF16ExTest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.UTF16ExTest) PASS: test_array (test.test_codecs.ReadBufferTest) PASS: test_bad_args (test.test_codecs.ReadBufferTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_codecs.ReadBufferTest) PASS: test_bad_args (test.test_codecs.CharBufferTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_codecs.CharBufferTest) PASS: test_string (test.test_codecs.CharBufferTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_codecs.EscapeDecodeTest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_codecs.EscapeDecodeTest) PASS: test_escape (test.test_codecs.EscapeDecodeTest) PASS: test_raw (test.test_codecs.EscapeDecodeTest) PASS: test_recoding (test.test_codecs.RecodingTest) PASS: test_decode (test.test_codecs.PunycodeTest) PASS: test_encode (test.test_codecs.PunycodeTest) PASS: test_bug1251300 (test.test_codecs.UnicodeInternalTest) PASS: test_decode_callback (test.test_codecs.UnicodeInternalTest) PASS: test_decode_error_attributes (test.test_codecs.UnicodeInternalTest) PASS: test_encode_length (test.test_codecs.UnicodeInternalTest) PASS: test_nameprep (test.test_codecs.NameprepTest) PASS: test_builtin_decode (test.test_codecs.IDNACodecTest) PASS: test_builtin_encode (test.test_codecs.IDNACodecTest) PASS: test_incremental_decode (test.test_codecs.IDNACodecTest) PASS: test_incremental_encode (test.test_codecs.IDNACodecTest) PASS: test_stream (test.test_codecs.IDNACodecTest) PASS: test_all (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_decode (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_encode (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_getdecoder (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_getencoder (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_getreader (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_getwriter (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_lookup (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) SKIP: test_lookup_issue1813 (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) 'test needs Turkish locale' PASS: test_register (test.test_codecs.CodecsModuleTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_codecs.StreamReaderTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_codecs.EncodedFileTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_codecs.Str2StrTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_codecs.Str2StrTest) PASS: test_bad_decode_args (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) PASS: test_bad_encode_args (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) PASS: test_basics (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) FAIL: test_basics_capi (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) PASS: test_encoding_map_type_initialized (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) PASS: test_seek (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) PASS: test_basics (test.test_codecs.BasicStrTest) PASS: test_decode_with_int2int_map (test.test_codecs.CharmapTest) PASS: test_decode_with_int2str_map (test.test_codecs.CharmapTest) PASS: test_decode_with_string_map (test.test_codecs.CharmapTest) PASS: test_encodedfile (test.test_codecs.WithStmtTest) PASS: test_streamreaderwriter (test.test_codecs.WithStmtTest) PASS: test_decode_errors (test.test_codecs.UnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_codecs.UnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_escape_decode (test.test_codecs.UnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_escape_encode (test.test_codecs.UnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_raw_decode (test.test_codecs.UnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_raw_encode (test.test_codecs.UnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_decode_errors (test.test_codecs.RawUnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_codecs.RawUnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_escape_decode (test.test_codecs.RawUnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_escape_encode (test.test_codecs.RawUnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_raw_decode (test.test_codecs.RawUnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_raw_encode (test.test_codecs.RawUnicodeEscapeTest) PASS: test_seek0 (test.test_codecs.BomTest) PASS: test_quopri_stateless (test.test_codecs.TransformCodecTest) PASS: test_uu_invalid (test.test_codecs.TransformCodecTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_basics_capi (test.test_codecs.BasicUnicodeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1717, in test_basics_capi from _testcapi import codec_incrementalencoder, codec_incrementaldecoder ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 155 tests in 0.507s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=1) 0:00:09 load avg: 0.45 [ 76/403/10] test_codeop -- test_codecs failed PASS: test_filename (test.test_codeop.CodeopTests) PASS: test_incomplete (test.test_codeop.CodeopTests) PASS: test_invalid (test.test_codeop.CodeopTests) PASS: test_valid (test.test_codeop.CodeopTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.004s OK 0:00:09 load avg: 0.45 [ 77/403/10] test_coercion PASS: test_cmptypes (test.test_coercion.CoercionTest) PASS: test_infinite_rec_classic_classes (test.test_coercion.CoercionTest) PASS: test_infix_binops (test.test_coercion.CoercionTest) PASS: test_prefix_binops (test.test_coercion.CoercionTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.015s OK 0:00:09 load avg: 0.45 [ 78/403/10] test_collections PASS: test_copy (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_factory (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_factory_doc_attr (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_instance (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_name_conflicts (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_name_fixer (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_odd_sizes (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_pickling_bug_18015 (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) PASS: test_tupleness (test.test_collections.TestNamedTuple) Counter (collections) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter __add__ (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.__add__ __and__ (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.__and__ __init__ (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.__init__ __or__ (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.__or__ __sub__ (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.__sub__ elements (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.elements most_common (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.most_common subtract (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.subtract update (collections.Counter) PASS: Doctest: collections.Counter.update namedtuple (collections) PASS: Doctest: collections.namedtuple PASS: test_Callable (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_Container (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_Hashable (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_Iterable (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_Iterator (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_Sized (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_direct_subclassing (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_registration (test.test_collections.TestOneTrickPonyABCs) PASS: test_Mapping (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_MutableMapping (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_MutableSequence (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_MutableSet (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_Sequence (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_Set (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_Set_interoperability_with_real_sets (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_hash_Set (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_issue16373 (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_issue8750 (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_issue_4920 (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_issue_5647 (test.test_collections.TestCollectionABCs) PASS: test_basics (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_conversions (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_copy_subclass (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_copying (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_init (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_invariant_for_the_in_operator (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_multiset_operations (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_subtract (test.test_collections.TestCounter) PASS: test_update (test.test_collections.TestCounter) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 50 tests in 0.207s OK Trying: c = Counter('abcdeabcdabcaba') # count elements from a string Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.most_common(3) # three most common elements Expecting: [('a', 5), ('b', 4), ('c', 3)] ok Trying: sorted(c) # list all unique elements Expecting: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] ok Trying: ''.join(sorted(c.elements())) # list elements with repetitions Expecting: 'aaaaabbbbcccdde' ok Trying: sum(c.values()) # total of all counts Expecting: 15 ok Trying: c['a'] # count of letter 'a' Expecting: 5 ok Trying: for elem in 'shazam': # update counts from an iterable c[elem] += 1 # by adding 1 to each element's count Expecting nothing ok Trying: c['a'] # now there are seven 'a' Expecting: 7 ok Trying: del c['b'] # remove all 'b' Expecting nothing ok Trying: c['b'] # now there are zero 'b' Expecting: 0 ok Trying: d = Counter('simsalabim') # make another counter Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.update(d) # add in the second counter Expecting nothing ok Trying: c['a'] # now there are nine 'a' Expecting: 9 ok Trying: c.clear() # empty the counter Expecting nothing ok Trying: c Expecting: Counter() ok Trying: c = Counter('aaabbc') Expecting nothing ok Trying: c['b'] -= 2 # reduce the count of 'b' by two Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.most_common() # 'b' is still in, but its count is zero Expecting: [('a', 3), ('c', 1), ('b', 0)] ok Trying: Counter('abbb') + Counter('bcc') Expecting: Counter({'b': 4, 'c': 2, 'a': 1}) ok Trying: Counter('abbb') & Counter('bcc') Expecting: Counter({'b': 1}) ok Trying: c = Counter() # a new, empty counter Expecting nothing ok Trying: c = Counter('gallahad') # a new counter from an iterable Expecting nothing ok Trying: c = Counter({'a': 4, 'b': 2}) # a new counter from a mapping Expecting nothing ok Trying: c = Counter(a=4, b=2) # a new counter from keyword args Expecting nothing ok Trying: Counter('abbb') | Counter('bcc') Expecting: Counter({'b': 3, 'c': 2, 'a': 1}) ok Trying: Counter('abbbc') - Counter('bccd') Expecting: Counter({'b': 2, 'a': 1}) ok Trying: c = Counter('ABCABC') Expecting nothing ok Trying: sorted(c.elements()) Expecting: ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'] ok Trying: prime_factors = Counter({2: 2, 3: 3, 17: 1}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: product = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: for factor in prime_factors.elements(): # loop over factors product *= factor # and multiply them Expecting nothing ok Trying: product Expecting: 1836 ok Trying: Counter('abcdeabcdabcaba').most_common(3) Expecting: [('a', 5), ('b', 4), ('c', 3)] ok Trying: c = Counter('which') Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.subtract('witch') # subtract elements from another iterable Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.subtract(Counter('watch')) # subtract elements from another counter Expecting nothing ok Trying: c['h'] # 2 in which, minus 1 in witch, minus 1 in watch Expecting: 0 ok Trying: c['w'] # 1 in which, minus 1 in witch, minus 1 in watch Expecting: -1 ok Trying: c = Counter('which') Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.update('witch') # add elements from another iterable Expecting nothing ok Trying: d = Counter('watch') Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.update(d) # add elements from another counter Expecting nothing ok Trying: c['h'] # four 'h' in which, witch, and watch Expecting: 4 ok Trying: Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Point.__doc__ # docstring for the new class Expecting: 'Point(x, y)' ok Trying: p = Point(11, y=22) # instantiate with positional args or keywords Expecting nothing ok Trying: p[0] + p[1] # indexable like a plain tuple Expecting: 33 ok Trying: x, y = p # unpack like a regular tuple Expecting nothing ok Trying: x, y Expecting: (11, 22) ok Trying: p.x + p.y # fields also accessible by name Expecting: 33 ok Trying: d = p._asdict() # convert to a dictionary Expecting nothing ok Trying: d['x'] Expecting: 11 ok Trying: Point(**d) # convert from a dictionary Expecting: Point(x=11, y=22) ok Trying: p._replace(x=100) # _replace() is like str.replace() but targets named fields Expecting: Point(x=100, y=22) ok 34 items had no tests: collections collections.Counter.__delitem__ collections.Counter.__missing__ collections.Counter.__reduce__ collections.Counter.__repr__ collections.Counter.copy collections.Counter.fromkeys collections.OrderedDict collections.OrderedDict.__delitem__ collections.OrderedDict.__eq__ collections.OrderedDict.__init__ collections.OrderedDict.__iter__ collections.OrderedDict.__ne__ collections.OrderedDict.__reduce__ collections.OrderedDict.__repr__ collections.OrderedDict.__reversed__ collections.OrderedDict.__setitem__ collections.OrderedDict.clear collections.OrderedDict.copy collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys collections.OrderedDict.items collections.OrderedDict.iteritems collections.OrderedDict.iterkeys collections.OrderedDict.itervalues collections.OrderedDict.keys collections.OrderedDict.pop collections.OrderedDict.popitem collections.OrderedDict.setdefault collections.OrderedDict.values collections.OrderedDict.viewitems collections.OrderedDict.viewkeys collections.OrderedDict.viewvalues collections.defaultdict collections.deque 11 items passed all tests: 18 tests in collections.Counter 1 tests in collections.Counter.__add__ 1 tests in collections.Counter.__and__ 4 tests in collections.Counter.__init__ 1 tests in collections.Counter.__or__ 1 tests in collections.Counter.__sub__ 6 tests in collections.Counter.elements 1 tests in collections.Counter.most_common 5 tests in collections.Counter.subtract 5 tests in collections.Counter.update 11 tests in collections.namedtuple 54 tests in 45 items. 54 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (collections) ... 54 tests with zero failures 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 79/403/10] test_colorsys PASS: test_hls_roundtrip (test.test_colorsys.ColorsysTest) PASS: test_hls_values (test.test_colorsys.ColorsysTest) PASS: test_hsv_roundtrip (test.test_colorsys.ColorsysTest) PASS: test_hsv_values (test.test_colorsys.ColorsysTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.003s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 80/403/10] test_commands PASS: test_getoutput (test.test_commands.CommandTests) PASS: test_getstatus (test.test_commands.CommandTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.008s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 81/403/10] test_compare PASS: test_comparisons (test.test_compare.ComparisonTest) PASS: test_id_comparisons (test.test_compare.ComparisonTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 82/403/10] test_compile PASS: test_32_63_bit_values (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_argument_handling (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_argument_order (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_compile_ast (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_complex_args (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_debug_assignment (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_duplicate_global_local (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_empty (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_exec_functional_style (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_exec_with_general_mapping_for_locals (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_extended_arg (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_float_literals (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_for_distinct_code_objects (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_import (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_indentation (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_lambda_doc (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_leading_newlines (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_literals_with_leading_zeroes (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_mangling (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_nested_qualified_exec (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_no_ending_newline (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_none_assignment (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_none_keyword_arg (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_null_terminated (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_other_newlines (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_sequence_unpacking_error (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_subscripts (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_syntax_error (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_unary_minus (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_yet_more_evil_still_undecodable (test.test_compile.TestSpecifics) PASS: test_and (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_and_or (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_binop (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_chained_comparison (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_dont_merge_constants (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_func_and (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_if_else (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_merge_constants (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) PASS: test_or (test.test_compile.TestStackSize) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 40 tests in 0.042s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 83/403/10] test_compileall PASS: test_compile_files (test.test_compileall.CompileallTests) PASS: test_magic_number (test.test_compileall.CompileallTests) PASS: test_mtime (test.test_compileall.CompileallTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 84/403/10] test_compiler PASS: testCompileLibrary (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testDefaultArgs (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testDictComp (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testDictLiteral (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testDocstrings (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testFlatten (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testGenExp (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testGlobal (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testKeywordAfterStarargs (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testLineNo (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testNestedScope (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testNewClassSyntax (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testPrintFunction (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testSetComp (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testSetLiteral (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testSourceCodeEncodingsError (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testTryExceptFinally (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testWith (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testWithAss (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testWithMult (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) PASS: testYieldExpr (test.test_compiler.CompilerTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 21 tests in 0.028s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 85/403/10] test_complex PASS: test_abs (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_boolcontext (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_coerce (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_conjugate (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_constructor_special_numbers (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_div (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_divmod (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_file (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_floordiv (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_getnewargs (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_mod (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_neg (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_no_implicit_coerce (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_plus_minus_0j (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_pow (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_repr_roundtrip (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_richcompare (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_richcompare_boundaries (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) PASS: test_truediv (test.test_complex.ComplexTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 25 tests in 0.120s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 86/403/10] test_complex_args PASS: test_func_1 (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_func_2 (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_func_3 (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_func_complex (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_func_parens_no_unpacking (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_lambda_1 (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_lambda_2 (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_lambda_3 (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_lambda_complex (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) PASS: test_lambda_parens_no_unpacking (test.test_complex_args.ComplexArgsTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 87/403/10] test_contains PASS: test_builtin_sequence_types (test.test_contains.TestContains) PASS: test_char_in_unicode (test.test_contains.TestContains) PASS: test_common_tests (test.test_contains.TestContains) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 88/403/10] test_contextlib PASS: test_closing (test.test_contextlib.ClosingTestCase) PASS: test_closing_error (test.test_contextlib.ClosingTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_attribs (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_doc_attrib (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_except (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_finally (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_no_reraise (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_plain (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_contextmanager_trap_yield_after_throw (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: test_keywords (test.test_contextlib.ContextManagerTestCase) PASS: testWithOpen (test.test_contextlib.FileContextTestCase) PASS: testWithBoundedSemaphore (test.test_contextlib.LockContextTestCase) PASS: testWithCondition (test.test_contextlib.LockContextTestCase) PASS: testWithLock (test.test_contextlib.LockContextTestCase) PASS: testWithRLock (test.test_contextlib.LockContextTestCase) PASS: testWithSemaphore (test.test_contextlib.LockContextTestCase) PASS: test_nested (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) PASS: test_nested_b_swallows (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) PASS: test_nested_break (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) PASS: test_nested_cleanup (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) PASS: test_nested_continue (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) PASS: test_nested_return (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) PASS: test_nested_right_exception (test.test_contextlib.NestedTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 23 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 89/403/10] test_cookie PASS: test_bad_attrs (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_basic (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_extended_encode (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_extra_spaces (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_invalid_cookies (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_load (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_quoted_meta (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_secure_httponly_false_if_not_present (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_secure_httponly_true_if_have_value (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_secure_httponly_true_if_present (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) PASS: test_set_secure_httponly_attrs (test.test_cookie.CookieTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.002s OK Trying: import Cookie Expecting nothing ok Trying: C = Cookie.SimpleCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C = Cookie.SerialCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["fig"] = "newton" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["sugar"] = "wafer" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C.output() Expecting: 'Set-Cookie: fig=newton\r\nSet-Cookie: sugar=wafer' ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["rocky"] = "road" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["rocky"]["path"] = "/cookie" Expecting nothing ok Trying: print C.output(header="Cookie:") Expecting: Cookie: rocky=road; Path=/cookie ok Trying: print C.output(attrs=[], header="Cookie:") Expecting: Cookie: rocky=road ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C.load("chips=ahoy; vienna=finger") Expecting nothing ok Trying: C.output() Expecting: 'Set-Cookie: chips=ahoy\r\nSet-Cookie: vienna=finger' ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C.load('keebler="E=everybody; L=\\"Loves\\"; fudge=\\012;";') Expecting nothing ok Trying: print C Expecting: Set-Cookie: keebler="E=everybody; L=\"Loves\"; fudge=\012;" ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["oreo"] = "doublestuff" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["oreo"]["path"] = "/" Expecting nothing ok Trying: print C Expecting: Set-Cookie: oreo=doublestuff; Path=/ ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["twix"] = "none for you" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["twix"].value Expecting: 'none for you' ok Trying: C = Cookie.SimpleCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["number"] = 7 Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["string"] = "seven" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["number"].value Expecting: '7' ok Trying: C["string"].value Expecting: 'seven' ok Trying: C.output() Expecting: 'Set-Cookie: number=7\r\nSet-Cookie: string=seven' ok Trying: C = Cookie.SerialCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["number"] = 7 Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["string"] = "seven" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["number"].value Expecting: 7 ok Trying: C["string"].value Expecting: 'seven' ok Trying: C.output() Expecting: 'Set-Cookie: number="I7\\012."\r\nSet-Cookie: string="S\'seven\'\\012p1\\012."' ok Trying: C = Cookie.SmartCookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["number"] = 7 Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["string"] = "seven" Expecting nothing ok Trying: C["number"].value Expecting: 7 ok Trying: C["string"].value Expecting: 'seven' ok Trying: C.output() Expecting: 'Set-Cookie: number="I7\\012."\r\nSet-Cookie: string=seven' ok Trying: C = Cookie.Cookie() Expecting nothing ok Trying: print C.__class__.__name__ Expecting: SmartCookie ok 36 items had no tests: Cookie.BaseCookie Cookie.BaseCookie._BaseCookie__ParseString Cookie.BaseCookie._BaseCookie__set Cookie.BaseCookie.__init__ Cookie.BaseCookie.__repr__ Cookie.BaseCookie.__setitem__ Cookie.BaseCookie.__str__ Cookie.BaseCookie.js_output Cookie.BaseCookie.load Cookie.BaseCookie.value_decode Cookie.BaseCookie.value_encode Cookie.CookieError Cookie.Morsel Cookie.Morsel.OutputString Cookie.Morsel.__init__ Cookie.Morsel.__repr__ Cookie.Morsel.__setitem__ Cookie.Morsel.__str__ Cookie.Morsel.isReservedKey Cookie.Morsel.js_output Cookie.Morsel.set Cookie.SerialCookie Cookie.SerialCookie.__init__ Cookie.SerialCookie.value_decode Cookie.SerialCookie.value_encode Cookie.SimpleCookie Cookie.SimpleCookie.value_decode Cookie.SimpleCookie.value_encode Cookie.SmartCookie Cookie.SmartCookie.__init__ Cookie.SmartCookie.value_decode Cookie.SmartCookie.value_encode Cookie._getdate Cookie._quote Cookie._test Cookie._unquote 1 items passed all tests: 46 tests in Cookie 46 tests in 37 items. 46 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (Cookie) ... 46 tests with zero failures 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 90/403/10] test_cookielib PASS: test_http2time (test.test_cookielib.DateTimeTests) PASS: test_http2time_formats (test.test_cookielib.DateTimeTests) PASS: test_http2time_garbage (test.test_cookielib.DateTimeTests) PASS: test_time2isoz (test.test_cookielib.DateTimeTests) PASS: test_time2netscape (test.test_cookielib.DateTimeTests) PASS: test_join_header_words (test.test_cookielib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_parse_ns_headers_expires (test.test_cookielib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_parse_ns_headers_special_names (test.test_cookielib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_parse_ns_headers_version (test.test_cookielib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_cookielib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_split_header_words (test.test_cookielib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_Cookie_iterator (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_bad_cookie_header (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_default_path (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_default_path_with_query (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_domain_allow (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_domain_block (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_domain_match (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_domain_mirror (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_domain_return_ok (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_escape_path (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_expires (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_is_HDN (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_missing_final_slash (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_missing_value (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_no_return_comment (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_ns_parser (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_ns_parser_special_names (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_parse_ns_headers (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_path_mirror (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_port_mirror (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_quote_cookie_value (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_reach (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_request_host (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_request_path (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_request_port (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_rfc2109_handling (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_secure (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_strict_domain (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_two_component_domain_ns (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_two_component_domain_rfc2965 (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_wrong_domain (test.test_cookielib.CookieTests) PASS: test_bad_magic (test.test_cookielib.FileCookieJarTests) PASS: test_lwp_valueless_cookie (test.test_cookielib.FileCookieJarTests) PASS: test_empty_path (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_ietf_example_1 (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_ietf_example_2 (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_intranet_domains_2965 (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_intranet_domains_ns (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_mozilla (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_netscape_example_1 (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_netscape_example_2 (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_netscape_misc (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_rejection (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_session_cookies (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) PASS: test_url_encoding (test.test_cookielib.LWPCookieTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 56 tests in 0.027s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 91/403/10] test_copy PASS: test_copy_atomic (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_basic (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_bytearray (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_cant (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_copy (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_dict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_frozenset (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_function (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_inst_copy (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_inst_getinitargs (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_inst_getstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_inst_getstate_setstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_inst_setstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_inst_vanilla (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_list (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_list_subclass (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_reduce (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_reduce_ex (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_registry (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_set (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_slots (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_tuple (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_tuple_subclass (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_weakkeydict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_weakref (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_copy_weakvaluedict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_atomic (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_basic (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_bound_method (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_cant (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_deepcopy (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_dict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_dict_subclass (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_function (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_inst_deepcopy (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_inst_getinitargs (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_inst_getstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_inst_getstate_setstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_inst_setstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_inst_vanilla (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_issubclass (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_keepalive (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_list (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_list_subclass (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_memo (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_reduce (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_reduce_ex (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_reflexive_dict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_reflexive_inst (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_reflexive_list (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_reflexive_tuple (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_registry (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_slots (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_tuple (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_tuple_subclass (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_weakkeydict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_weakref (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_deepcopy_weakvaluedict (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_getstate_exc (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reconstruct_nostate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reconstruct_reflexive (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reconstruct_state (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reconstruct_state_setstate (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reconstruct_string (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reduce_4tuple (test.test_copy.TestCopy) PASS: test_reduce_5tuple (test.test_copy.TestCopy) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 67 tests in 0.003s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 92/403/10] test_copy_reg PASS: test_bool (test.test_copy_reg.CopyRegTestCase) PASS: test_class (test.test_copy_reg.CopyRegTestCase) PASS: test_extension_registry (test.test_copy_reg.CopyRegTestCase) PASS: test_noncallable_constructor (test.test_copy_reg.CopyRegTestCase) PASS: test_noncallable_reduce (test.test_copy_reg.CopyRegTestCase) PASS: test_slotnames (test.test_copy_reg.CopyRegTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:10 load avg: 0.45 [ 93/403/10] test_cpickle PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_input (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_mark (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_stack (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_binget (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_callapi (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_correctly_quoted_string (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_dump_closed_file (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_dup (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_garyp (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_highest_protocol (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_incomplete_input (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_insecure_strings (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance_error (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_closed_file (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_from_and_dump_to_file (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_from_canned_string (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_str (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_load_unicode (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_long_binget (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_maxint64 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_misc_get (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_restricted (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_truncated_data (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_mark (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_stack (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_binget (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_correctly_quoted_string (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_dup (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_garyp (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_insecure_strings (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance_error (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_from_canned_string (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_str (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_unicode (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_long_binget (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_maxint64 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_misc_get (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_truncated_data (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_mark (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_stack (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_binget (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_correctly_quoted_string (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_dup (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_garyp (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_insecure_strings (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance_error (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_from_canned_string (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_str (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_unicode (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_long_binget (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_maxint64 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_misc_get (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_truncated_data (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_mark (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_stack (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_binget (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_correctly_quoted_string (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_dup (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_garyp (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_insecure_strings (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance_error (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_from_canned_string (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_str (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_unicode (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_long_binget (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_maxint64 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_misc_get (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_truncated_data (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCUnpicklerTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerListTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_nonrecursive_deep (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.cStringIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_nonrecursive_deep (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.BytesIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_nonrecursive_deep (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_cpickle.FileIOCPicklerFastTests) PASS: test_issue2702 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleDeepRecursive) PASS: test_issue3179 (test.test_cpickle.cPickleDeepRecursive) PASS: test_clear_pickler_memo (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_multiple_unpicklings_seekable (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_multiple_unpicklings_unseekable (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_priming_pickler_memo (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_priming_unpickler_memo (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_reusing_unpickler_objects (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_unpickling_buffering_readline (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_huge_strlist (test.test_cpickle.cPickleBigmemPickleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 683 tests in 0.746s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.45 [ 94/403/10] test_cprofile PASS: test_bad_counter_during_dealloc (test.test_cprofile.CProfileTest) PASS: test_calling_conventions (test.test_cprofile.CProfileTest) PASS: test_cprofile (test.test_cprofile.CProfileTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.45 [ 95/403/10] test_crypt test_crypt (test.test_crypt.CryptTestCase) ... Test encryption: abeTm2pJKypwA ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:11 load avg: 0.45 [ 96/403/10] test_csv PASS: test_char_write (test.test_csv.TestArrayWrites) PASS: test_double_write (test.test_csv.TestArrayWrites) PASS: test_float_write (test.test_csv.TestArrayWrites) PASS: test_int_write (test.test_csv.TestArrayWrites) PASS: test_blankline (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_dubious_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_empty_fields (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_inline_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_inline_quotes (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_lone_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_newlines (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_null (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quote_and_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quote_fieldsep (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quoted (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quoted_nl (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quoted_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quoted_quotes (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quotes (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_quotes_and_more (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_simple (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_simple_writer (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_single (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_single_quoted_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_single_writer (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_singlequoted (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_singlequoted_left_empty (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_singlequoted_right_empty (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_space_and_quote (test.test_csv.TestDialectExcel) PASS: test_bad_dialect (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_dialect_apply (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_incomplete_dialect (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_register_kwargs (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_registry (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_registry_badargs (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_space_dialect (test.test_csv.TestDialectRegistry) PASS: test_delimiter (test.test_csv.TestDialectValidity) PASS: test_lineterminator (test.test_csv.TestDialectValidity) PASS: test_quoting (test.test_csv.TestDialectValidity) PASS: test_read_dict_fieldnames_chain (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_dict_fieldnames_from_file (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_dict_fields (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_dict_no_fieldnames (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_long (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_long_with_rest (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_long_with_rest_no_fieldnames (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_multi (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_semi_sep (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_short (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_read_with_blanks (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_write_fields_not_in_fieldnames (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_write_no_fields (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_write_simple_dict (test.test_csv.TestDictFields) PASS: test_escape_fieldsep (test.test_csv.TestEscapedExcel) PASS: test_read_escape_fieldsep (test.test_csv.TestEscapedExcel) SKIP: test_create_read (test.test_csv.TestLeaks) 'requires sys.gettotalrefcount()' SKIP: test_create_write (test.test_csv.TestLeaks) 'requires sys.gettotalrefcount()' SKIP: test_read (test.test_csv.TestLeaks) 'requires sys.gettotalrefcount()' SKIP: test_write (test.test_csv.TestLeaks) 'requires sys.gettotalrefcount()' PASS: test_read_escape_fieldsep (test.test_csv.TestQuotedEscapedExcel) PASS: test_write_escape_fieldsep (test.test_csv.TestQuotedEscapedExcel) PASS: test_delimiters (test.test_csv.TestSniffer) PASS: test_doublequote (test.test_csv.TestSniffer) PASS: test_has_header (test.test_csv.TestSniffer) PASS: test_has_header_regex_special_delimiter (test.test_csv.TestSniffer) PASS: test_sniff (test.test_csv.TestSniffer) PASS: test_read_bigfield (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_read_eof (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_read_eol (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_read_escape (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_read_linenum (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_read_oddinputs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_read_quoting (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_reader_arg_valid (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_reader_attrs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_reader_dialect_attrs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_reader_kw_attrs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_roundtrip_quoteed_newlines (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_write_arg_valid (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_write_bigfield (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_write_escape (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_write_float (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_write_quoting (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_writer_arg_valid (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_writer_attrs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_writer_dialect_attrs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_writer_kw_attrs (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) PASS: test_writerows (test.test_csv.Test_Csv) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 88 tests in 0.014s OK (skipped=4) 0:00:11 load avg: 0.45 [ 97/403/10] test_ctypes 0:00:11 load avg: 0.45 [ 98/403/11] test_curses -- test_ctypes failed test_curses skipped -- Use of the `curses' resource not enabled 0:00:11 load avg: 0.45 [ 99/403/11] test_datetime -- test_curses skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_bug_1028306 (test.test_datetime.Oddballs) PASS: test_backdoor_resistance (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_bad_constructor_arguments (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_basic_attributes (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_bool (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_computations (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_ctime (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_extreme_ordinals (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_extreme_timedelta (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_format (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_harmful_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_harmless_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_hash_equality (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_insane_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_iso_long_years (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_isocalendar (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_isoformat (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_mixed_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_ordinal_conversions (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_date (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_replace (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_resolution_info (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_strftime_out_of_range (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_subclass_date (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_timetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_today (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_weekday (test.test_datetime.TestDate) PASS: test_delta_non_days_ignored (test.test_datetime.TestDateOnly) PASS: test_astimezone (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_backdoor_resistance (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_bad_constructor_arguments (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_basic_attributes (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_basic_attributes_nonzero (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_bool (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_combine (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_computations (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_ctime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_extract (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_extreme_ordinals (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_extreme_timedelta (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_format (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_harmful_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_harmless_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_hash_equality (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_insane_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_insane_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_iso_long_years (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_isocalendar (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_isoformat (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_microsecond_rounding (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_mixed_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_more_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_more_ctime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_more_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_more_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_more_timetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_negative_float_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_negative_float_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_ordinal_conversions (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_date (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_datetime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_replace (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_resolution_info (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_strftime_out_of_range (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_strftime_with_bad_tzname_replace (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_strptime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_subclass_date (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_subclass_datetime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_timetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_today (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_tz_independent_comparing (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_utcnow (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_weekday (test.test_datetime.TestDateTime) PASS: test_argument_passing (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_astimezone (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_aware_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_aware_subtract (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_backdoor_resistance (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_bad_constructor_arguments (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_bad_tzinfo_classes (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_basic_attributes (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_basic_attributes_nonzero (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_bool (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_combine (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_computations (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_ctime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_even_more_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_extract (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_extreme_hashes (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_extreme_ordinals (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_extreme_timedelta (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_format (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_harmful_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_harmless_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_hash_equality (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_insane_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_insane_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_iso_long_years (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_isocalendar (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_isoformat (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_microsecond_rounding (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_mixed_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_astimezone (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_compare (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_ctime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_timetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_negative_float_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_negative_float_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_ordinal_conversions (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_date (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_datetime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_replace (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_resolution_info (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_strftime_out_of_range (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_strftime_with_bad_tzname_replace (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_strptime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_subclass_date (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_subclass_datetime (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_subclass_datetimetz (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_timetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_today (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_trivial (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tz_aware_arithmetic (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tz_independent_comparing (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_classes (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_fromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_isoformat (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_now (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_timetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_utcnow (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_utc_offset_out_of_bounds (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_utcfromtimestamp (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_utcnow (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_utctimetuple (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_weekday (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_zones (test.test_datetime.TestDateTimeTZ) PASS: test_constants (test.test_datetime.TestModule) PASS: test_non_abstractness (test.test_datetime.TestTZInfo) PASS: test_normal (test.test_datetime.TestTZInfo) PASS: test_pickling_base (test.test_datetime.TestTZInfo) PASS: test_pickling_subclass (test.test_datetime.TestTZInfo) PASS: test_subclass_must_override (test.test_datetime.TestTZInfo) PASS: test_1653736 (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_backdoor_resistance (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_bad_constructor_arguments (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_basic_attributes (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_basic_attributes_nonzero (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_bool (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_comparing (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_format (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_harmful_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_harmless_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_hash_equality (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_isoformat (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_time (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_replace (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_repr (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_resolution_info (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_str (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_subclass_time (test.test_datetime.TestTime) PASS: test_basic_attributes (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_bool (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_carries (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_compare (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_computations (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_disallowed_computations (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_harmful_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_harmless_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_hash_equality (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_massive_normalization (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_microsecond_rounding (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_resolution_info (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_str (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_subclass_timedelta (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_total_seconds (test.test_datetime.TestTimeDelta) PASS: test_1653736 (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_argument_passing (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_aware_compare (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_backdoor_resistance (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_bad_constructor_arguments (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_bad_tzinfo_classes (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_basic_attributes (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_basic_attributes_nonzero (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_bool (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_comparing (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_empty (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_format (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_harmful_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_harmless_mixed_comparison (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_hash_edge_cases (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_hash_equality (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_isoformat (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_mixed_compare (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_more_bool (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_pickling_subclass_time (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_replace (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_repr (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_resolution_info (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_str (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_strftime (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_subclass_time (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_subclass_timetz (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_tzinfo_classes (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_utc_offset_out_of_bounds (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_zones (test.test_datetime.TestTimeTZ) PASS: test_bogus_dst (test.test_datetime.TestTimezoneConversions) PASS: test_easy (test.test_datetime.TestTimezoneConversions) PASS: test_fromutc (test.test_datetime.TestTimezoneConversions) PASS: test_tricky (test.test_datetime.TestTimezoneConversions) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 240 tests in 0.673s OK 0:00:12 load avg: 0.45 [100/403/11] test_dbm PASS: test_keys (test.test_dbm.DbmTestCase) PASS: test_modes (test.test_dbm.DbmTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:12 load avg: 0.45 [101/403/11] test_decimal PASS: test_explicit_context_create_decimal (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_empty (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_Decimal (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_None (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_bool (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_float (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_int (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_string (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_explicit_from_tuples (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_unicode_digits (test.test_decimal.DecimalExplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_implicit_from_Decimal (test.test_decimal.DecimalImplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_implicit_from_None (test.test_decimal.DecimalImplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_implicit_from_float (test.test_decimal.DecimalImplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_implicit_from_int (test.test_decimal.DecimalImplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_implicit_from_string (test.test_decimal.DecimalImplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_rop (test.test_decimal.DecimalImplicitConstructionTest) PASS: test_addition (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_copy_sign (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_division (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_floor_div_module (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_floor_division (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_module (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_multiplication (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_nan_comparisons (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_powering (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_subtraction (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_unary_operators (test.test_decimal.DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest) PASS: test_formatting (test.test_decimal.DecimalFormatTest) PASS: test_n_format (test.test_decimal.DecimalFormatTest) SKIP: test_wide_char_separator_decimal_point (test.test_decimal.DecimalFormatTest) "inappropriate decimal point separator('.' not '\\xd9\\xab')" PASS: test_threading (test.test_decimal.DecimalUseOfContextTest) PASS: test_as_nonzero (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_as_tuple (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_comparison_operators (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_conversions_from_int (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_copy_and_deepcopy_methods (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_decimal_float_comparison (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_eval_round_trip (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_hash_method (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_immutability_operations (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_implicit_context (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_min_and_max_methods (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_nan_to_float (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_snan_to_float (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_tonum_methods (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_tostring_methods (test.test_decimal.DecimalUsabilityTest) PASS: test_abc (test.test_decimal.DecimalPythonAPItests) PASS: test_create_decimal_from_float (test.test_decimal.DecimalPythonAPItests) PASS: test_from_float (test.test_decimal.DecimalPythonAPItests) PASS: test_int (test.test_decimal.DecimalPythonAPItests) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_decimal.DecimalPythonAPItests) PASS: test_trunc (test.test_decimal.DecimalPythonAPItests) PASS: test_abs (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_add (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_compare (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_compare_signal (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_compare_total (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_compare_total_mag (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_copy (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_copy_abs (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_copy_decimal (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_copy_negate (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_copy_sign (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_divide (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_divide_int (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_divmod (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_equality_with_other_types (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_exp (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_fma (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_finite (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_infinite (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_nan (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_normal (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_qnan (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_signed (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_snan (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_subnormal (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_is_zero (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_ln (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_log10 (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_logb (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_logical_and (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_logical_invert (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_logical_or (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_logical_xor (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_max (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_max_mag (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_min (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_min_mag (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_minus (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_multiply (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_next_minus (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_next_plus (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_next_toward (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_normalize (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_number_class (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_plus (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_power (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_quantize (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_remainder (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_remainder_near (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_rotate (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_same_quantum (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_scaleb (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_shift (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_sqrt (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_subtract (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_to_eng_string (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_to_integral_exact (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_to_integral_value (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_to_sci_string (test.test_decimal.ContextAPItests) PASS: test_abs (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_add (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_and (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_base (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_clamp (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_class (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_comparetotal (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_comparetotmag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_copyabs (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_copynegate (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_copysign (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddAbs (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddAdd (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddAnd (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddBase (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCanonical (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddClass (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCompare (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCompareSig (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCompareTotal (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCompareTotalMag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCopy (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCopyAbs (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCopyNegate (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddCopySign (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddDivide (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddDivideInt (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddEncode (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddFMA (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddInvert (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddLogB (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddMax (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddMaxMag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddMin (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddMinMag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddMinus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddMultiply (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddNextMinus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddNextPlus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddNextToward (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddOr (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddPlus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddQuantize (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddReduce (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddRemainder (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddRemainderNear (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddRotate (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddSameQuantum (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddScaleB (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddShift (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddSubtract (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddToIntegral (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ddXor (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_decDouble (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_decQuad (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_decSingle (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_divide (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_divideint (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqAbs (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqAdd (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqAnd (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqBase (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCanonical (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqClass (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCompare (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCompareSig (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCompareTotal (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCompareTotalMag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCopy (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCopyAbs (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCopyNegate (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqCopySign (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqDivide (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqDivideInt (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqEncode (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqFMA (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqInvert (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqLogB (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqMax (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqMaxMag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqMin (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqMinMag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqMinus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqMultiply (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqNextMinus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqNextPlus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqNextToward (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqOr (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqPlus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqQuantize (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqReduce (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqRemainder (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqRemainderNear (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqRotate (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqSameQuantum (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqScaleB (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqShift (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqSubtract (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqToIntegral (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dqXor (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dsBase (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_dsEncode (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_exp (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_extra (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_fma (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_inexact (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_invert (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_ln (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_log10 (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_logb (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_max (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_maxmag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_min (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_minmag (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_minus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_multiply (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_nextminus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_nextplus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_nexttoward (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_or (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_plus (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_power (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_powersqrt (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_quantize (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_randomBound32 (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_randoms (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_remainder (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_remainderNear (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_rescale (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_rotate (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_rounding (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_samequantum (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_scaleb (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_shift (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_squareroot (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_subtract (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_testall (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_tointegral (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_tointegralx (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_xor (test.test_decimal.DecimalTest) PASS: test_localcontext (test.test_decimal.WithStatementTest) PASS: test_localcontextarg (test.test_decimal.WithStatementTest) PASS: test_flags_irrelevant (test.test_decimal.ContextFlags) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 259 tests in 0.627s OK (skipped=1) Trying: from decimal import * Expecting nothing ok Trying: setcontext(ExtendedContext) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Decimal(0) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: Decimal('1') Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: Decimal('-.0123') Expecting: Decimal('-0.0123') ok Trying: Decimal(123456) Expecting: Decimal('123456') ok Trying: Decimal('123.45e12345678901234567890') Expecting: Decimal('1.2345E+12345678901234567892') ok Trying: Decimal('1.33') + Decimal('1.27') Expecting: Decimal('2.60') ok Trying: Decimal('12.34') + Decimal('3.87') - Decimal('18.41') Expecting: Decimal('-2.20') ok Trying: dig = Decimal(1) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print dig / Decimal(3) Expecting: 0.333333333 ok Trying: getcontext().prec = 18 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print dig / Decimal(3) Expecting: 0.333333333333333333 ok Trying: print dig.sqrt() Expecting: 1 ok Trying: print Decimal(3).sqrt() Expecting: 1.73205080756887729 ok Trying: print Decimal(3) ** 123 Expecting: 4.85192780976896427E+58 ok Trying: inf = Decimal(1) / Decimal(0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print inf Expecting: Infinity ok Trying: neginf = Decimal(-1) / Decimal(0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print neginf Expecting: -Infinity ok Trying: print neginf + inf Expecting: NaN ok Trying: print neginf * inf Expecting: -Infinity ok Trying: print dig / 0 Expecting: Infinity ok Trying: getcontext().traps[DivisionByZero] = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print dig / 0 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ... ... DivisionByZero: x / 0 ok Trying: c = Context() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.traps[InvalidOperation] = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 0 ok Trying: c.divide(Decimal(0), Decimal(0)) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: c.traps[InvalidOperation] = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 1 ok Trying: c.flags[InvalidOperation] = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 0 ok Trying: print c.divide(Decimal(0), Decimal(0)) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ... ... InvalidOperation: 0 / 0 ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 1 ok Trying: c.flags[InvalidOperation] = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.traps[InvalidOperation] = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.divide(Decimal(0), Decimal(0)) Expecting: NaN ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 1 ok Trying: ExtendedContext.abs(Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.abs(Decimal('-100')) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.abs(Decimal('101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('101.5') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.abs(Decimal('-101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('101.5') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.abs(-1) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.add(Decimal('12'), Decimal('7.00')) Expecting: Decimal('19.00') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.add(Decimal('1E+2'), Decimal('1.01E+4')) Expecting: Decimal('1.02E+4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.add(1, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.add(Decimal(8), 5) Expecting: Decimal('13') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.add(5, 5) Expecting: Decimal('10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.canonical(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: Decimal('2.50') ok Trying:'2.1'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying:'2.1'), Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying:'2.1'), Decimal('2.10')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying:'3'), Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying:'2.1'), Decimal('-3')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying:'-3'), Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying:, 2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying:, 2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying:, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.compare_signal(Decimal('2.1'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: c.compare_signal(Decimal('2.1'), Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: c.flags[InvalidOperation] = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 0 ok Trying: c.compare_signal(Decimal('NaN'), Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 1 ok Trying: c.flags[InvalidOperation] = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 0 ok Trying: c.compare_signal(Decimal('sNaN'), Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: print c.flags[InvalidOperation] Expecting: 1 ok Trying: c.compare_signal(-1, 2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: c.compare_signal(Decimal(-1), 2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: c.compare_signal(-1, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal('12.73'), Decimal('127.9')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal('-127'), Decimal('12')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal('12.30'), Decimal('12.3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal('12.30'), Decimal('12.30')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal('12.3'), Decimal('12.300')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal('12.3'), Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(1, 2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(Decimal(1), 2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.compare_total(1, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_abs(Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_abs(Decimal('-100')) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_abs(-1) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_decimal(Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_decimal(Decimal('-1.00')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.00') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_decimal(1) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_negate(Decimal('101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('-101.5') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_negate(Decimal('-101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('101.5') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_negate(1) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(Decimal( '1.50'), Decimal('7.33')) Expecting: Decimal('1.50') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(Decimal('-1.50'), Decimal('7.33')) Expecting: Decimal('1.50') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(Decimal( '1.50'), Decimal('-7.33')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.50') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(Decimal('-1.50'), Decimal('-7.33')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.50') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(1, -2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(Decimal(1), -2) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.copy_sign(1, Decimal(-2)) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: context = Context(prec=5, rounding=ROUND_DOWN) Expecting nothing ok Trying: context.create_decimal_from_float(3.1415926535897932) Expecting: Decimal('3.1415') ok Trying: context = Context(prec=5, traps=[Inexact]) Expecting nothing ok Trying: context.create_decimal_from_float(3.1415926535897932) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... Inexact: None ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('1'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('0.333333333') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('2'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('0.666666667') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('5'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('2.5') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('1'), Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('0.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('12'), Decimal('12')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('8.00'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('4.00') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('2.400'), Decimal('2.0')) Expecting: Decimal('1.20') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('1000'), Decimal('100')) Expecting: Decimal('10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('1000'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1000') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal('2.40E+6'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('1.20E+6') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(5, 5) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(Decimal(5), 5) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide(5, Decimal(5)) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide_int(Decimal('2'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide_int(Decimal('10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide_int(Decimal('1'), Decimal('0.3')) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide_int(10, 3) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide_int(Decimal(10), 3) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divide_int(10, Decimal(3)) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divmod(Decimal(8), Decimal(3)) Expecting: (Decimal('2'), Decimal('2')) ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divmod(Decimal(8), Decimal(4)) Expecting: (Decimal('2'), Decimal('0')) ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divmod(8, 4) Expecting: (Decimal('2'), Decimal('0')) ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divmod(Decimal(8), 4) Expecting: (Decimal('2'), Decimal('0')) ok Trying: ExtendedContext.divmod(8, Decimal(4)) Expecting: (Decimal('2'), Decimal('0')) ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.exp(Decimal('-Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: c.exp(Decimal('-1')) Expecting: Decimal('0.367879441') ok Trying: c.exp(Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: c.exp(Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.71828183') ok Trying: c.exp(Decimal('0.693147181')) Expecting: Decimal('2.00000000') ok Trying: c.exp(Decimal('+Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('Infinity') ok Trying: c.exp(10) Expecting: Decimal('22026.4658') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.fma(Decimal('3'), Decimal('5'), Decimal('7')) Expecting: Decimal('22') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.fma(Decimal('3'), Decimal('-5'), Decimal('7')) Expecting: Decimal('-8') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.fma(Decimal('888565290'), Decimal('1557.96930'), Decimal('-86087.7578')) Expecting: Decimal('1.38435736E+12') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.fma(1, 3, 4) Expecting: Decimal('7') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.fma(1, Decimal(3), 4) Expecting: Decimal('7') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.fma(1, 3, Decimal(4)) Expecting: Decimal('7') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_canonical(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_finite(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_finite(Decimal('-0.3')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_finite(Decimal('0')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_finite(Decimal('Inf')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_finite(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_finite(1) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_infinite(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_infinite(Decimal('-Inf')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_infinite(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_infinite(1) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_nan(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_nan(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_nan(Decimal('-sNaN')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_nan(1) Expecting: False ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.is_normal(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: True ok Trying: c.is_normal(Decimal('0.1E-999')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_normal(Decimal('0.00')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_normal(Decimal('-Inf')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_normal(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_normal(1) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_qnan(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_qnan(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_qnan(Decimal('sNaN')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_qnan(1) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_signed(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_signed(Decimal('-12')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_signed(Decimal('-0')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_signed(8) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_signed(-8) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_snan(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_snan(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_snan(Decimal('sNaN')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_snan(1) Expecting: False ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.is_subnormal(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_subnormal(Decimal('0.1E-999')) Expecting: True ok Trying: c.is_subnormal(Decimal('0.00')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_subnormal(Decimal('-Inf')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_subnormal(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: False ok Trying: c.is_subnormal(1) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_zero(Decimal('0')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_zero(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_zero(Decimal('-0E+2')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_zero(1) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.is_zero(0) Expecting: True ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.ln(Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: c.ln(Decimal('1.000')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: c.ln(Decimal('2.71828183')) Expecting: Decimal('1.00000000') ok Trying: c.ln(Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('2.30258509') ok Trying: c.ln(Decimal('+Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('Infinity') ok Trying: c.ln(1) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('0.001')) Expecting: Decimal('-3') ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('1.000')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('0.301029996') ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('70')) Expecting: Decimal('1.84509804') ok Trying: c.log10(Decimal('+Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('Infinity') ok Trying: c.log10(0) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: c.log10(1) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(Decimal('250')) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(Decimal('0.03')) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(1) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(10) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logb(100) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal('1'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal('1'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal('1100'), Decimal('1010')) Expecting: Decimal('1000') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal('1111'), Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(110, 1101) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(Decimal(110), 1101) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_and(110, Decimal(1101)) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_invert(Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('111111111') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_invert(Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('111111110') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_invert(Decimal('111111111')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_invert(Decimal('101010101')) Expecting: Decimal('10101010') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_invert(1101) Expecting: Decimal('111110010') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal('1'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal('1'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal('1100'), Decimal('1010')) Expecting: Decimal('1110') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal('1110'), Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('1110') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(110, 1101) Expecting: Decimal('1111') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(Decimal(110), 1101) Expecting: Decimal('1111') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_or(110, Decimal(1101)) Expecting: Decimal('1111') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal('1'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal('1'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal('1100'), Decimal('1010')) Expecting: Decimal('110') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal('1111'), Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('1101') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(110, 1101) Expecting: Decimal('1011') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(Decimal(110), 1101) Expecting: Decimal('1011') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.logical_xor(110, Decimal(1101)) Expecting: Decimal('1011') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(Decimal('3'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(Decimal('-10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(Decimal('1.0'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(Decimal('7'), Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: Decimal('7') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(1, 2) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(Decimal(1), 2) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max(1, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max_mag(Decimal('7'), Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: Decimal('7') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max_mag(Decimal('7'), Decimal('-10')) Expecting: Decimal('-10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max_mag(1, -2) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max_mag(Decimal(1), -2) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.max_mag(1, Decimal(-2)) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(Decimal('3'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(Decimal('-10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(Decimal('1.0'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1.0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(Decimal('7'), Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: Decimal('7') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(1, 2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(Decimal(1), 2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min(1, Decimal(29)) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min_mag(Decimal('3'), Decimal('-2')) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min_mag(Decimal('-3'), Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: Decimal('-3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min_mag(1, -2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min_mag(Decimal(1), -2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.min_mag(1, Decimal(-2)) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.minus(Decimal('1.3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.minus(Decimal('-1.3')) Expecting: Decimal('1.3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.minus(1) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(Decimal('1.20'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('3.60') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(Decimal('7'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('21') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(Decimal('0.9'), Decimal('0.8')) Expecting: Decimal('0.72') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(Decimal('0.9'), Decimal('-0')) Expecting: Decimal('-0.0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(Decimal('654321'), Decimal('654321')) Expecting: Decimal('4.28135971E+11') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(7, 7) Expecting: Decimal('49') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(Decimal(7), 7) Expecting: Decimal('49') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.multiply(7, Decimal(7)) Expecting: Decimal('49') ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: ExtendedContext.next_minus(Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('0.999999999') ok Trying: c.next_minus(Decimal('1E-1007')) Expecting: Decimal('0E-1007') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.next_minus(Decimal('-1.00000003')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.00000004') ok Trying: c.next_minus(Decimal('Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('9.99999999E+999') ok Trying: c.next_minus(1) Expecting: Decimal('0.999999999') ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: ExtendedContext.next_plus(Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1.00000001') ok Trying: c.next_plus(Decimal('-1E-1007')) Expecting: Decimal('-0E-1007') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.next_plus(Decimal('-1.00000003')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.00000002') ok Trying: c.next_plus(Decimal('-Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('-9.99999999E+999') ok Trying: c.next_plus(1) Expecting: Decimal('1.00000001') ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('1'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('1.00000001') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('-1E-1007'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('-0E-1007') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('-1.00000003'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.00000002') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('1'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('0.999999999') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('1E-1007'), Decimal('-100')) Expecting: Decimal('0E-1007') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('-1.00000003'), Decimal('-10')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.00000004') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal('0.00'), Decimal('-0.0000')) Expecting: Decimal('-0.00') ok Trying: c.next_toward(0, 1) Expecting: Decimal('1E-1007') ok Trying: c.next_toward(Decimal(0), 1) Expecting: Decimal('1E-1007') ok Trying: c.next_toward(0, Decimal(1)) Expecting: Decimal('1E-1007') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(Decimal('-2.0')) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(Decimal('1.200')) Expecting: Decimal('1.2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(Decimal('-120')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.2E+2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(Decimal('120.00')) Expecting: Decimal('1.2E+2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(Decimal('0.00')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.normalize(6) Expecting: Decimal('6') ok Trying: c = Context(ExtendedContext) Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('Infinity')) Expecting: '+Infinity' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('1E-10')) Expecting: '+Normal' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('2.50')) Expecting: '+Normal' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('0.1E-999')) Expecting: '+Subnormal' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('0')) Expecting: '+Zero' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('-0')) Expecting: '-Zero' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('-0.1E-999')) Expecting: '-Subnormal' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('-1E-10')) Expecting: '-Normal' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('-2.50')) Expecting: '-Normal' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('-Infinity')) Expecting: '-Infinity' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('NaN')) Expecting: 'NaN' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('-NaN')) Expecting: 'NaN' ok Trying: c.number_class(Decimal('sNaN')) Expecting: 'sNaN' ok Trying: c.number_class(123) Expecting: '+Normal' ok Trying:'1.3')) Expecting: Decimal('1.3') ok Trying:'-1.3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1.3') ok Trying: Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: c = ExtendedContext.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emin = -999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.Emax = 999 Expecting nothing ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('2'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('8') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-2'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-8') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('2'), Decimal('-3')) Expecting: Decimal('0.125') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('1.7'), Decimal('8')) Expecting: Decimal('69.7575744') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('10'), Decimal('0.301029996')) Expecting: Decimal('2.00000000') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('Infinity'), Decimal('-1')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('Infinity'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('Infinity'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('Infinity') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-Infinity'), Decimal('-1')) Expecting: Decimal('-0') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-Infinity'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-Infinity'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-Infinity'), Decimal('2')) Expecting: Decimal('Infinity') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('3'), Decimal('7'), Decimal('16')) Expecting: Decimal('11') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-3'), Decimal('7'), Decimal('16')) Expecting: Decimal('-11') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-3'), Decimal('8'), Decimal('16')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('3'), Decimal('7'), Decimal('-16')) Expecting: Decimal('11') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('23E12345'), Decimal('67E189'), Decimal('123456789')) Expecting: Decimal('11729830') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-0'), Decimal('17'), Decimal('1729')) Expecting: Decimal('-0') ok Trying: c.power(Decimal('-23'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('65537')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.power(7, 7) Expecting: Decimal('823543') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.power(Decimal(7), 7) Expecting: Decimal('823543') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.power(7, Decimal(7), 2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('0.001')) Expecting: Decimal('2.170') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('0.01')) Expecting: Decimal('2.17') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('0.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('1e+0')) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('1e+1')) Expecting: Decimal('0E+1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('-Inf'), Decimal('Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('2'), Decimal('Infinity')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('-0.1'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('-0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('-0'), Decimal('1e+5')) Expecting: Decimal('-0E+5') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('+35236450.6'), Decimal('1e-2')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('-35236450.6'), Decimal('1e-2')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('217'), Decimal('1e-1')) Expecting: Decimal('217.0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('217'), Decimal('1e-0')) Expecting: Decimal('217') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('217'), Decimal('1e+1')) Expecting: Decimal('2.2E+2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal('217'), Decimal('1e+2')) Expecting: Decimal('2E+2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(1, 2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(Decimal(1), 2) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.quantize(1, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.radix() Expecting: Decimal('10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal('2.1'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('2.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal('10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal('-10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal('10.2'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('0.2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal('10'), Decimal('0.3')) Expecting: Decimal('0.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal('3.6'), Decimal('1.3')) Expecting: Decimal('1.0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(22, 6) Expecting: Decimal('4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(Decimal(22), 6) Expecting: Decimal('4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder(22, Decimal(6)) Expecting: Decimal('4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('2.1'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-0.9') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('10'), Decimal('6')) Expecting: Decimal('-2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('-10'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('-1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('10.2'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('0.2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('10'), Decimal('0.3')) Expecting: Decimal('0.1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal('3.6'), Decimal('1.3')) Expecting: Decimal('-0.3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(3, 11) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(Decimal(3), 11) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.remainder_near(3, Decimal(11)) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(Decimal('34'), Decimal('8')) Expecting: Decimal('400000003') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(Decimal('12'), Decimal('9')) Expecting: Decimal('12') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(Decimal('123456789'), Decimal('-2')) Expecting: Decimal('891234567') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(Decimal('123456789'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('123456789') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(Decimal('123456789'), Decimal('+2')) Expecting: Decimal('345678912') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(1333333, 1) Expecting: Decimal('13333330') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(Decimal(1333333), 1) Expecting: Decimal('13333330') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.rotate(1333333, Decimal(1)) Expecting: Decimal('13333330') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('0.001')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('0.01')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(Decimal('2.17'), Decimal('1')) Expecting: False ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(Decimal('Inf'), Decimal('-Inf')) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(10000, -1) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(Decimal(10000), -1) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.same_quantum(10000, Decimal(-1)) Expecting: True ok Trying: ExtendedContext.scaleb(Decimal('7.50'), Decimal('-2')) Expecting: Decimal('0.0750') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.scaleb(Decimal('7.50'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('7.50') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.scaleb(Decimal('7.50'), Decimal('3')) Expecting: Decimal('7.50E+3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.scaleb(1, 4) Expecting: Decimal('1E+4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.scaleb(Decimal(1), 4) Expecting: Decimal('1E+4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.scaleb(1, Decimal(4)) Expecting: Decimal('1E+4') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(Decimal('34'), Decimal('8')) Expecting: Decimal('400000000') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(Decimal('12'), Decimal('9')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(Decimal('123456789'), Decimal('-2')) Expecting: Decimal('1234567') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(Decimal('123456789'), Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('123456789') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(Decimal('123456789'), Decimal('+2')) Expecting: Decimal('345678900') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(88888888, 2) Expecting: Decimal('888888800') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(Decimal(88888888), 2) Expecting: Decimal('888888800') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.shift(88888888, Decimal(2)) Expecting: Decimal('888888800') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('0')) Expecting: Decimal('0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('-0')) Expecting: Decimal('-0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('0.39')) Expecting: Decimal('0.624499800') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('100')) Expecting: Decimal('10') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('1')) Expecting: Decimal('1') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('1.0')) Expecting: Decimal('1.0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('1.00')) Expecting: Decimal('1.0') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('7')) Expecting: Decimal('2.64575131') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(Decimal('10')) Expecting: Decimal('3.16227766') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.sqrt(2) Expecting: Decimal('1.41421356') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.prec Expecting: 9 ok Trying: ExtendedContext.subtract(Decimal('1.3'), Decimal('1.07')) Expecting: Decimal('0.23') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.subtract(Decimal('1.3'), Decimal('1.30')) Expecting: Decimal('0.00') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.subtract(Decimal('1.3'), Decimal('2.07')) Expecting: Decimal('-0.77') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.subtract(8, 5) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.subtract(Decimal(8), 5) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.subtract(8, Decimal(5)) Expecting: Decimal('3') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('123E+1')) Expecting: '1.23E+3' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('123E+3')) Expecting: '123E+3' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('123E-10')) Expecting: '12.3E-9' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('-123E-12')) Expecting: '-123E-12' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('7E-7')) Expecting: '700E-9' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('7E+1')) Expecting: '70' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_eng_string(Decimal('0E+1')) Expecting: '0.00E+3' ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('100')) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('100.0')) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('102') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('-101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('-102') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('10E+5')) Expecting: Decimal('1.0E+6') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('7.89E+77')) Expecting: Decimal('7.89E+77') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_value(Decimal('-Inf')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('2.1')) Expecting: Decimal('2') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('100')) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('100.0')) Expecting: Decimal('100') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('102') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('-101.5')) Expecting: Decimal('-102') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('10E+5')) Expecting: Decimal('1.0E+6') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('7.89E+77')) Expecting: Decimal('7.89E+77') ok Trying: ExtendedContext.to_integral_exact(Decimal('-Inf')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: Decimal('3.14') # string input Expecting: Decimal('3.14') ok Trying: Decimal((0, (3, 1, 4), -2)) # tuple (sign, digit_tuple, exponent) Expecting: Decimal('3.14') ok Trying: Decimal(314) # int or long Expecting: Decimal('314') ok Trying: Decimal(Decimal(314)) # another decimal instance Expecting: Decimal('314') ok Trying: Decimal(' 3.14 \n') # leading and trailing whitespace okay Expecting: Decimal('3.14') ok Trying: Decimal.from_float(0.1) Expecting: Decimal('0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625') ok Trying: Decimal.from_float(float('nan')) Expecting: Decimal('NaN') ok Trying: Decimal.from_float(float('inf')) Expecting: Decimal('Infinity') ok Trying: Decimal.from_float(-float('inf')) Expecting: Decimal('-Infinity') ok Trying: Decimal.from_float(-0.0) Expecting: Decimal('-0') ok Trying: _decimal_lshift_exact(3, 4) Expecting: 30000 ok Trying: _decimal_lshift_exact(300, -999999999) # returns None Expecting nothing ok Trying: setcontext(DefaultContext) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print getcontext().prec Expecting: 28 ok Trying: with localcontext(): ctx = getcontext() ctx.prec += 2 print ctx.prec Expecting: 30 ok Trying: with localcontext(ExtendedContext): print getcontext().prec Expecting: 9 ok Trying: print getcontext().prec Expecting: 28 ok 189 items had no tests: decimal.Clamped decimal.Context decimal.Context.Etiny decimal.Context.Etop decimal.Context.__init__ decimal.Context.__repr__ decimal.Context._apply decimal.Context._ignore_all_flags decimal.Context._ignore_flags decimal.Context._raise_error decimal.Context._regard_flags decimal.Context._set_rounding decimal.Context._shallow_copy decimal.Context.clear_flags decimal.Context.compare_total_mag decimal.Context.copy decimal.Context.create_decimal decimal.Context.to_sci_string decimal.ConversionSyntax decimal.ConversionSyntax.handle decimal.Decimal decimal.Decimal.__abs__ decimal.Decimal.__complex__ decimal.Decimal.__copy__ decimal.Decimal.__deepcopy__ decimal.Decimal.__div__ decimal.Decimal.__divmod__ decimal.Decimal.__eq__ decimal.Decimal.__float__ decimal.Decimal.__floordiv__ decimal.Decimal.__format__ decimal.Decimal.__ge__ decimal.Decimal.__gt__ decimal.Decimal.__hash__ decimal.Decimal.__int__ decimal.Decimal.__le__ decimal.Decimal.__long__ decimal.Decimal.__lt__ decimal.Decimal.__mod__ decimal.Decimal.__ne__ decimal.Decimal.__neg__ decimal.Decimal.__nonzero__ decimal.Decimal.__pos__ decimal.Decimal.__pow__ decimal.Decimal.__radd__ decimal.Decimal.__rdivmod__ decimal.Decimal.__reduce__ decimal.Decimal.__repr__ decimal.Decimal.__rfloordiv__ decimal.Decimal.__rmod__ decimal.Decimal.__rmul__ decimal.Decimal.__rpow__ decimal.Decimal.__rsub__ decimal.Decimal.__rtruediv__ decimal.Decimal.__str__ decimal.Decimal.__sub__ decimal.Decimal._check_nans decimal.Decimal._cmp decimal.Decimal._compare_check_nans decimal.Decimal._divide decimal.Decimal._fill_logical decimal.Decimal._fix decimal.Decimal._fix_nan decimal.Decimal._iseven decimal.Decimal._isinfinity decimal.Decimal._isinteger decimal.Decimal._islogical decimal.Decimal._isnan decimal.Decimal._ln_exp_bound decimal.Decimal._log10_exp_bound decimal.Decimal._power_exact decimal.Decimal._power_modulo decimal.Decimal._rescale decimal.Decimal._round decimal.Decimal._round_05up decimal.Decimal._round_ceiling decimal.Decimal._round_down decimal.Decimal._round_floor decimal.Decimal._round_half_down decimal.Decimal._round_half_even decimal.Decimal._round_half_up decimal.Decimal._round_up decimal.Decimal.adjusted decimal.Decimal.as_tuple decimal.Decimal.canonical decimal.Decimal.compare_signal decimal.Decimal.compare_total decimal.Decimal.compare_total_mag decimal.Decimal.conjugate decimal.Decimal.copy_abs decimal.Decimal.copy_negate decimal.Decimal.copy_sign decimal.Decimal.exp decimal.Decimal.fma decimal.Decimal.imag decimal.Decimal.is_canonical decimal.Decimal.is_finite decimal.Decimal.is_infinite decimal.Decimal.is_nan decimal.Decimal.is_normal decimal.Decimal.is_qnan decimal.Decimal.is_signed decimal.Decimal.is_snan decimal.Decimal.is_subnormal decimal.Decimal.is_zero decimal.Decimal.ln decimal.Decimal.log10 decimal.Decimal.logb decimal.Decimal.logical_and decimal.Decimal.logical_invert decimal.Decimal.logical_or decimal.Decimal.logical_xor decimal.Decimal.max decimal.Decimal.max_mag decimal.Decimal.min decimal.Decimal.min_mag decimal.Decimal.next_minus decimal.Decimal.next_plus decimal.Decimal.next_toward decimal.Decimal.normalize decimal.Decimal.number_class decimal.Decimal.quantize decimal.Decimal.radix decimal.Decimal.real decimal.Decimal.remainder_near decimal.Decimal.rotate decimal.Decimal.same_quantum decimal.Decimal.scaleb decimal.Decimal.shift decimal.Decimal.sqrt decimal.Decimal.to_eng_string decimal.Decimal.to_integral decimal.Decimal.to_integral_exact decimal.DecimalException decimal.DecimalException.handle decimal.DecimalTuple decimal.DecimalTuple.__dict__ decimal.DecimalTuple.digits decimal.DecimalTuple.exponent decimal.DecimalTuple.sign decimal.DivisionByZero decimal.DivisionByZero.handle decimal.DivisionImpossible decimal.DivisionImpossible.handle decimal.DivisionUndefined decimal.DivisionUndefined.handle decimal.Inexact decimal.InvalidContext decimal.InvalidContext.handle decimal.InvalidOperation decimal.InvalidOperation.handle decimal.Overflow decimal.Overflow.handle decimal.Rounded decimal.Subnormal decimal.Underflow decimal._ContextManager decimal._ContextManager.__enter__ decimal._ContextManager.__exit__ decimal._ContextManager.__init__ decimal._Log10Memoize decimal._Log10Memoize.__init__ decimal._Log10Memoize.getdigits decimal._WorkRep decimal._WorkRep.__init__ decimal._WorkRep.__str__ decimal._convert_other decimal._dec_from_triple decimal._dexp decimal._div_nearest decimal._dlog decimal._dlog10 decimal._dpower decimal._format_align decimal._format_number decimal._format_sign decimal._group_lengths decimal._iexp decimal._ilog decimal._insert_thousands_sep decimal._log10_lb decimal._nbits decimal._normalize decimal._parse_format_specifier decimal._rshift_nearest decimal._sqrt_nearest decimal.getcontext decimal.setcontext 64 items passed all tests: 39 tests in decimal 5 tests in decimal.Context.abs 5 tests in decimal.Context.add 1 tests in decimal.Context.canonical 9 tests in 14 tests in decimal.Context.compare_signal 9 tests in decimal.Context.compare_total 3 tests in decimal.Context.copy_abs 3 tests in decimal.Context.copy_decimal 3 tests in decimal.Context.copy_negate 7 tests in decimal.Context.copy_sign 4 tests in decimal.Context.create_decimal_from_float 13 tests in decimal.Context.divide 6 tests in decimal.Context.divide_int 5 tests in decimal.Context.divmod 10 tests in decimal.Context.exp 6 tests in decimal.Context.fma 1 tests in decimal.Context.is_canonical 6 tests in decimal.Context.is_finite 4 tests in decimal.Context.is_infinite 4 tests in decimal.Context.is_nan 9 tests in decimal.Context.is_normal 4 tests in decimal.Context.is_qnan 5 tests in decimal.Context.is_signed 4 tests in decimal.Context.is_snan 9 tests in decimal.Context.is_subnormal 5 tests in decimal.Context.is_zero 9 tests in decimal.Context.ln 12 tests in decimal.Context.log10 7 tests in decimal.Context.logb 9 tests in decimal.Context.logical_and 5 tests in decimal.Context.logical_invert 9 tests in decimal.Context.logical_or 9 tests in decimal.Context.logical_xor 7 tests in decimal.Context.max 5 tests in decimal.Context.max_mag 7 tests in decimal.Context.min 5 tests in decimal.Context.min_mag 3 tests in decimal.Context.minus 8 tests in decimal.Context.multiply 8 tests in decimal.Context.next_minus 8 tests in decimal.Context.next_plus 13 tests in decimal.Context.next_toward 7 tests in decimal.Context.normalize 17 tests in decimal.Context.number_class 3 tests in 26 tests in decimal.Context.power 18 tests in decimal.Context.quantize 1 tests in decimal.Context.radix 9 tests in decimal.Context.remainder 10 tests in decimal.Context.remainder_near 8 tests in decimal.Context.rotate 7 tests in decimal.Context.same_quantum 6 tests in decimal.Context.scaleb 8 tests in decimal.Context.shift 11 tests in decimal.Context.sqrt 6 tests in decimal.Context.subtract 7 tests in decimal.Context.to_eng_string 8 tests in decimal.Context.to_integral 8 tests in decimal.Context.to_integral_exact 5 tests in decimal.Decimal.__new__ 5 tests in decimal.Decimal.from_float 2 tests in decimal._decimal_lshift_exact 5 tests in decimal.localcontext 494 tests in 253 items. 494 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (decimal) ... 494 tests with zero failures 0:00:13 load avg: 0.45 [102/403/11] test_decorators PASS: test_argforms (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_dbcheck (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_dotted (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_double (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_errors (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_eval_order (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_memoize (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_order (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_single (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) PASS: test_staticmethod_function (test.test_decorators.TestDecorators) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.001s OK PASS: test_double (test.test_decorators.TestClassDecorators) PASS: test_order (test.test_decorators.TestClassDecorators) PASS: test_simple (test.test_decorators.TestClassDecorators) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:13 load avg: 0.45 [103/403/11] test_defaultdict PASS: test_basic (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_callable_arg (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_copy (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_keyerror_without_factory (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_missing (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_print (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_recursive_repr (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_repr (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) PASS: test_shallow_copy (test.test_defaultdict.TestDefaultDict) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:13 load avg: 0.45 [104/403/11] test_deque PASS: test_basics (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_big_queue_popleft (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_big_queue_popright (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_big_stack_left (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_big_stack_right (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_clear (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_comparisons (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_copy (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_count (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_extend (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_extendleft (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_gc_doesnt_blowup (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_hash (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_init (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_len (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_long_steadystate_queue_popleft (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_long_steadystate_queue_popright (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_maxlen (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_maxlen_attribute (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_maxlen_zero (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_print (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_remove (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_repr (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_reversed (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_rotate (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_roundtrip_iter_init (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_deque.TestBasic) FAIL: test_sizeof (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_underflow (test.test_deque.TestBasic) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_deque.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_iter_with_altered_data (test.test_deque.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_runtime_error_on_empty_deque (test.test_deque.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_basics (test.test_deque.TestSubclass) PASS: test_copy_pickle (test.test_deque.TestSubclass) PASS: test_strange_subclass (test.test_deque.TestSubclass) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_deque.TestSubclass) SKIP: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_deque.TestSubclassWithKwargs) "Exhausted deque iterator doesn't free a deque" PASS: test_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_deque.TestSubclassWithKwargs) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof (test.test_deque.TestBasic) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 530, in test_sizeof check(deque(), basesize + blocksize) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 45 tests in 1.319s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=1) 0:00:14 load avg: 0.50 [105/403/12] test_descr -- test_deque failed PASS: test_pytype_long_ready (test.test_descr.PTypesLongInitTest) PASS: test_complexes (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_dicts (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_floats (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_ints (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_lists (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_longs (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_spam_dicts (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_spam_lists (test.test_descr.OperatorsTest) PASS: test_abstractmethods (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_altmro (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_assign_slice (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) test_bad_new (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) ... expected failure PASS: test_basic_inheritance (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_binary_operator_override (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_buffer_inheritance (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_builtin_bases (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_carloverre (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_classic (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_classic_comparisons (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_classmethod_copy_pickle (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_classmethods (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_classmethods_in_c (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_coercions (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_compattr (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_consistency_with_epg (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_copy_setstate (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_cycle_through_dict (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_deepcopy_recursive (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_delete_hook (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_descrdoc (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_diamond_inheritance (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_dict_constructors (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_dir (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_doc_descriptor (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_dynamics (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_errors (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_evil_type_name (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_ex5_from_c3_switch (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_file_fault (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_funny_new (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_getattr_hooks (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_hash_inheritance (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_imul_bug (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_init (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_ipow (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_isinst_isclass (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_keyword_arguments (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_keywords (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_metaclass_cmp (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_meth_class_get (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_method_wrapper (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_methods (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_mixing_slot_wrappers (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_module_subclasses (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_monotonicity (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_mro_disagreement (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_multiple_inheritance (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_mutable_bases (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_mutable_bases_catch_mro_conflict (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_mutable_bases_with_failing_mro (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_mutable_names (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_newslots (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_not_implemented (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_object_class (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_object_new (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_overloading (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_pickle_slots (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_pickles (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_properties (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_properties_doc_attrib (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_properties_plus (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_property_copy_pickle (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_proxy_call (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_proxy_super (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_python_dicts (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_python_lists (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_recursions_1 (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_recursions_2 (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_recursive_call (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_repr_as_str (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) test_restored_object_new (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) ... expected failure PASS: test_rich_comparisons (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_rmul (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_set_and_no_get (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_set_class (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_set_dict (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_slices (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_slots (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_slots_descriptor (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_slots_multiple_inheritance (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_slots_special (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_slots_trash (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_special_method_lookup (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_specials (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_staticmethod_copy_pickle (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_staticmethods (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_staticmethods_in_c (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_str_of_str_subclass (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_str_operations (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_str_subclass_as_dict_key (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_subclass_propagation (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_subclass_right_op (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_subtype_resurrection (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_supers (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_testcapi_no_segfault (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_type___getattribute__ (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_unicode_slots (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_uninitialized_modules (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_unsubclassable_types (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_vicious_descriptor_nonsense (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_weakref_segfault (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_weakrefs (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_wrapper_segfault (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods) PASS: test_dict_type_with_metaclass (test.test_descr.DictProxyTests) PASS: test_iter_items (test.test_descr.DictProxyTests) PASS: test_iter_keys (test.test_descr.DictProxyTests) PASS: test_iter_values (test.test_descr.DictProxyTests) PASS: test_repr (test.test_descr.DictProxyTests) PASS: test_issue24097 (test.test_descr.PicklingTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 121 tests in 0.956s OK (expected failures=2) 0:00:15 load avg: 0.50 [106/403/12] test_descrtut Trying: print defaultdict # show our type Expecting: ok Trying: print type(defaultdict) # its metatype Expecting: ok Trying: a = defaultdict(default=0.0) # create an instance Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a # show the instance Expecting: {} ok Trying: print type(a) # show its type Expecting: ok Trying: print a.__class__ # show its class Expecting: ok Trying: print type(a) is a.__class__ # its type is its class Expecting: True ok Trying: a[1] = 3.25 # modify the instance Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a # show the new value Expecting: {1: 3.25} ok Trying: print a[1] # show the new item Expecting: 3.25 ok Trying: print a[0] # a non-existent item Expecting: 0.0 ok Trying: a.merge({1:100, 2:200}) # use a dict method Expecting nothing ok Trying: print sortdict(a) # show the result Expecting: {1: 3.25, 2: 200} ok Trying: def sorted(seq): seq.sort(key=str) return seq Expecting nothing ok Trying: print sorted(a.keys()) Expecting: [1, 2] ok Trying: exec "x = 3; print x" in a Expecting: 3 ok Trying: print sorted(a.keys()) Expecting: [1, 2, '__builtins__', 'x'] ok Trying: print a['x'] Expecting: 3 ok Trying: a.default = -1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a["noway"] Expecting: -1 ok Trying: a.default = -1000 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a["noway"] Expecting: -1000 ok Trying: 'default' in dir(a) Expecting: True ok Trying: a.x1 = 100 Expecting nothing ok Trying: a.x2 = 200 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a.x1 Expecting: 100 ok Trying: d = dir(a) Expecting nothing ok Trying: 'default' in d and 'x1' in d and 'x2' in d Expecting: True ok Trying: print sortdict(a.__dict__) Expecting: {'default': -1000, 'x1': 100, 'x2': 200} ok Trying: a = defaultdict2(default=0.0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: a[1] Expecting: 0.0 ok Trying: a.default = -1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: a[1] Expecting: -1 ok Trying: a.x1 = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? AttributeError: 'defaultdict2' object has no attribute 'x1' ok Trying: type([]) Expecting: ok Trying: [].__class__ Expecting: ok Trying: list Expecting: ok Trying: isinstance([], list) Expecting: True ok Trying: isinstance([], dict) Expecting: False ok Trying: isinstance([], object) Expecting: True ok Trying: [].__methods__ Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute '__methods__' ok Trying: pprint.pprint(dir(list)) # like list.__dict__.keys(), but sorted Expecting: ['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__delslice__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getslice__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__iadd__', '__imul__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__reversed__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__setslice__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove', 'reverse', 'sort'] ok Trying: a = ['tic', 'tac'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: list.__len__(a) # same as len(a) Expecting: 2 ok Trying: a.__len__() # ditto Expecting: 2 ok Trying: list.append(a, 'toe') # same as a.append('toe') Expecting nothing ok Trying: a Expecting: ['tic', 'tac', 'toe'] ok Trying: class C: @staticmethod def foo(x, y): print "staticmethod", x, y Expecting nothing ok Trying:, 2) Expecting: staticmethod 1 2 ok Trying: c = C() Expecting nothing ok Trying:, 2) Expecting: staticmethod 1 2 ok Trying: class C: @classmethod def foo(cls, y): print "classmethod", cls, y Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: classmethod test.test_descrtut.C 1 ok Trying: c = C() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: classmethod test.test_descrtut.C 1 ok Trying: class D(C): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: classmethod test.test_descrtut.D 1 ok Trying: d = D() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: classmethod test.test_descrtut.D 1 ok Trying: class E(C): @classmethod def foo(cls, y): # override print " called" Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: called classmethod test.test_descrtut.C 1 ok Trying: e = E() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: called classmethod test.test_descrtut.C 1 ok Trying: class property(object): def __init__(self, get, set=None): self.__get = get self.__set = set def __get__(self, inst, type=None): return self.__get(inst) def __set__(self, inst, value): if self.__set is None: raise AttributeError, "this attribute is read-only" return self.__set(inst, value) Expecting nothing ok Trying: class C(object): def __init__(self): self.__x = 0 def getx(self): return self.__x def setx(self, x): if x < 0: x = 0 self.__x = x x = property(getx, setx) Expecting nothing ok Trying: a = C() Expecting nothing ok Trying: a.x = 10 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a.x Expecting: 10 ok Trying: a.x = -10 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a.x Expecting: 0 ok Trying: del property # unmask the builtin Expecting nothing ok Trying: property Expecting: ok Trying: class C(object): def __init__(self): self.__x = 0 def getx(self): return self.__x def setx(self, x): if x < 0: x = 0 self.__x = x x = property(getx, setx) Expecting nothing ok Trying: a = C() Expecting nothing ok Trying: a.x = 10 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a.x Expecting: 10 ok Trying: a.x = -10 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print a.x Expecting: 0 ok Trying: class A: # classic class def save(self): print "called" Expecting nothing ok Trying: class B(A): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: class C(A): def save(self): print "called" Expecting nothing ok Trying: class D(B, C): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: D().save() Expecting: called ok Trying: class A(object): # new class def save(self): print "called" Expecting nothing ok Trying: class B(A): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: class C(A): def save(self): print "called" Expecting nothing ok Trying: class D(B, C): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: D().save() Expecting: called ok Trying: print D().m() # "DCBA" Expecting: DCBA ok Trying: class A: def foo(self): print "called" Expecting nothing ok Trying: class B(A): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: class C(A): def foo(self): Expecting nothing ok Trying: C().foo() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: unbound method foo() must be called with B instance as first argument (got C instance instead) ok Trying: class C(A): def foo(self): Expecting nothing ok Trying: C().foo() Expecting: called ok 20 items had no tests: test.test_descrtut test.test_descrtut.A test.test_descrtut.A.m test.test_descrtut.B test.test_descrtut.B.m test.test_descrtut.C test.test_descrtut.C.m test.test_descrtut.D test.test_descrtut.D.m test.test_descrtut.defaultdict test.test_descrtut.defaultdict.__getitem__ test.test_descrtut.defaultdict.__init__ test.test_descrtut.defaultdict.get test.test_descrtut.defaultdict.merge test.test_descrtut.defaultdict2 test.test_descrtut.defaultdict2.__getitem__ test.test_descrtut.defaultdict2.__init__ test.test_descrtut.defaultdict2.get test.test_descrtut.defaultdict2.merge test.test_descrtut.test_main 8 items passed all tests: 29 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut1 5 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut2 13 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut3 16 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut4 15 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut5 10 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut6 1 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut7 6 tests in test.test_descrtut.__test__.tut8 95 tests in 28 items. 95 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_descrtut) ... 95 tests with zero failures 0:00:15 load avg: 0.50 [107/403/12] test_dictcomps PASS: test_basics (test.test_dictcomps.DictComprehensionTest) PASS: test_global_visibility (test.test_dictcomps.DictComprehensionTest) PASS: test_illegal_assignment (test.test_dictcomps.DictComprehensionTest) PASS: test_local_visibility (test.test_dictcomps.DictComprehensionTest) PASS: test_scope_isolation (test.test_dictcomps.DictComprehensionTest) PASS: test_scope_isolation_from_global (test.test_dictcomps.DictComprehensionTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:15 load avg: 0.50 [108/403/12] test_dictviews PASS: test_abc_registry (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_constructors_not_callable (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_dict_items (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_dict_keys (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_dict_mixed_keys_items (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_dict_repr (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_dict_values (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_items_set_operations (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_keys_set_operations (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) PASS: test_recursive_repr (test.test_dictviews.DictSetTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:15 load avg: 0.50 [109/403/12] test_difflib PASS: test_one_delete (test.test_difflib.TestWithAscii) PASS: test_one_insert (test.test_difflib.TestWithAscii) PASS: test_one_insert_homogenous_sequence (test.test_difflib.TestAutojunk) PASS: test_html_diff (test.test_difflib.TestSFpatches) PASS: test_recursion_limit (test.test_difflib.TestSFpatches) PASS: test_added_tab_hint (test.test_difflib.TestSFbugs) PASS: test_comparing_empty_lists (test.test_difflib.TestSFbugs) PASS: test_matching_blocks_cache (test.test_difflib.TestSFbugs) PASS: test_ratio_for_null_seqn (test.test_difflib.TestSFbugs) PASS: test_no_trailing_tab_on_empty_filedate (test.test_difflib.TestOutputFormat) PASS: test_range_format_context (test.test_difflib.TestOutputFormat) PASS: test_range_format_unified (test.test_difflib.TestOutputFormat) PASS: test_tab_delimiter (test.test_difflib.TestOutputFormat) Differ (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.Differ _fancy_replace (difflib.Differ) PASS: Doctest: difflib.Differ._fancy_replace _qformat (difflib.Differ) PASS: Doctest: difflib.Differ._qformat compare (difflib.Differ) PASS: Doctest: IS_CHARACTER_JUNK (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.IS_CHARACTER_JUNK IS_LINE_JUNK (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.IS_LINE_JUNK SequenceMatcher (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher find_longest_match (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.find_longest_match get_grouped_opcodes (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.get_grouped_opcodes get_matching_blocks (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.get_matching_blocks get_opcodes (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.get_opcodes ratio (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.ratio set_seq1 (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.set_seq1 set_seq2 (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.set_seq2 set_seqs (difflib.SequenceMatcher) PASS: Doctest: difflib.SequenceMatcher.set_seqs _count_leading (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib._count_leading context_diff (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.context_diff get_close_matches (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.get_close_matches ndiff (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.ndiff restore (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.restore unified_diff (difflib) PASS: Doctest: difflib.unified_diff ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 34 tests in 0.343s OK 0:00:16 load avg: 0.50 [110/403/12] test_dircache PASS: test_annotate (test.test_dircache.DircacheTests) PASS: test_listdir (test.test_dircache.DircacheTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 1.002s OK 0:00:17 load avg: 0.50 [111/403/12] test_dis PASS: test_big_linenos (test.test_dis.DisTests) PASS: test_boundaries (test.test_dis.DisTests) PASS: test_bug_1333982 (test.test_dis.DisTests) PASS: test_bug_708901 (test.test_dis.DisTests) PASS: test_dis (test.test_dis.DisTests) PASS: test_opmap (test.test_dis.DisTests) PASS: test_opname (test.test_dis.DisTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.096s OK 0:00:17 load avg: 0.50 [112/403/12] test_distutils PASS: test_copy_file (distutils.tests.test_file_util.FileUtilTestCase) PASS: test_copy_file_hard_link (distutils.tests.test_file_util.FileUtilTestCase) PASS: test_copy_file_hard_link_failure (distutils.tests.test_file_util.FileUtilTestCase) PASS: test_move_file_verbosity (distutils.tests.test_file_util.FileUtilTestCase) PASS: test_write_file (distutils.tests.test_file_util.FileUtilTestCase) PASS: test_announce (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_command_packages_cmdline (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_command_packages_configfile (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_command_packages_unspecified (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_debug_mode (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_empty_options (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_find_config_files_disable (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_get_command_packages (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_write_pkg_file (distutils.tests.test_dist.DistributionTestCase) PASS: test_classifier (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_custom_pydistutils (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_download_url (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_fix_help_options (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_long_description (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_obsoletes (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_obsoletes_illegal (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_provides (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_provides_illegal (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_read_metadata (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_requires (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_requires_illegal (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_show_help (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_simple_metadata (distutils.tests.test_dist.MetadataTestCase) PASS: test_cmp (distutils.tests.test_version.VersionTestCase) PASS: test_cmp_strict (distutils.tests.test_version.VersionTestCase) PASS: test_prerelease (distutils.tests.test_version.VersionTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_bdist_dumb.BuildDumbTestCase) PASS: test_simple_built (distutils.tests.test_bdist_dumb.BuildDumbTestCase) PASS: test_copy_tree_skips_nfs_temp_files (distutils.tests.test_dir_util.DirUtilTestCase) PASS: test_copy_tree_verbosity (distutils.tests.test_dir_util.DirUtilTestCase) PASS: test_create_tree_verbosity (distutils.tests.test_dir_util.DirUtilTestCase) PASS: test_ensure_relative (distutils.tests.test_dir_util.DirUtilTestCase) PASS: test_mkpath_remove_tree_verbosity (distutils.tests.test_dir_util.DirUtilTestCase) PASS: test_mkpath_with_custom_mode (distutils.tests.test_dir_util.DirUtilTestCase) PASS: test_class (distutils.tests.test_text_file.TextFileTestCase) PASS: test_byte_compile (distutils.tests.test_install_lib.InstallLibTestCase) PASS: test_dont_write_bytecode (distutils.tests.test_install_lib.InstallLibTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_install_lib.InstallLibTestCase) PASS: test_get_inputs (distutils.tests.test_install_lib.InstallLibTestCase) PASS: test_get_outputs (distutils.tests.test_install_lib.InstallLibTestCase) PASS: test_build (distutils.tests.test_build_scripts.BuildScriptsTestCase) PASS: test_default_settings (distutils.tests.test_build_scripts.BuildScriptsTestCase) PASS: test_version_int (distutils.tests.test_build_scripts.BuildScriptsTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_build.BuildTestCase) PASS: test_build_ext (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_build_ext_inplace (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) SKIP: test_build_ext_path_cross_platform (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) 'these tests require Windows' PASS: test_build_ext_path_with_os_sep (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_check_extensions_list (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_compiler_option (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) SKIP: test_deployment_target_default (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) 'test only relevant for MacOSX' SKIP: test_deployment_target_higher_ok (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) 'test only relevant for MacOSX' SKIP: test_deployment_target_too_low (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) 'test only relevant for MacOSX' PASS: test_ext_fullpath (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_get_outputs (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_get_source_files (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) SKIP: test_setuptools_compat (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) 'No module named setuptools_build_ext' PASS: test_solaris_enable_shared (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_user_site (distutils.tests.test_build_ext.BuildExtTestCase) PASS: test_debug_mode (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_handle_extra_path (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_home_installation_scheme (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_record (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_record_extensions (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_user_site (distutils.tests.test_install.InstallTestCase) PASS: test_debug_mode (distutils.tests.test_core.CoreTestCase) PASS: test_run_setup_provides_file (distutils.tests.test_core.CoreTestCase) PASS: test_run_setup_uses_current_dir (distutils.tests.test_core.CoreTestCase) SKIP: test_no_compiler (distutils.tests.test_msvc9compiler.msvc9compilerTestCase) 'These tests are only for win32' SKIP: test_reg_class (distutils.tests.test_msvc9compiler.msvc9compilerTestCase) 'These tests are only for win32' SKIP: test_remove_entire_manifest (distutils.tests.test_msvc9compiler.msvc9compilerTestCase) 'These tests are only for win32' SKIP: test_remove_visual_c_ref (distutils.tests.test_msvc9compiler.msvc9compilerTestCase) 'These tests are only for win32' PASS: test_simple_run (distutils.tests.test_install_headers.InstallHeadersTestCase) PASS: test_check_metadata_deprecated (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) PASS: test_create_pypirc (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) PASS: test_password_not_in_file (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) PASS: test_password_reset (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) SKIP: test_register_invalid_long_description (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) 'needs docutils' PASS: test_registering (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) PASS: test_server_empty_registration (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) PASS: test_server_registration (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) SKIP: test_strict (distutils.tests.test_register.RegisterTestCase) 'needs docutils' PASS: test_server_empty_registration (distutils.tests.test_config.PyPIRCCommandTestCase) PASS: test_server_registration (distutils.tests.test_config.PyPIRCCommandTestCase) SKIP: test_minimal (distutils.tests.test_bdist_msi.BDistMSITestCase) 'these tests require Windows' FAIL: test_no_optimize_flag (distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm.BuildRpmTestCase) FAIL: test_quiet (distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm.BuildRpmTestCase) PASS: test_clean (distutils.tests.test_config_cmd.ConfigTestCase) PASS: test_dump_file (distutils.tests.test_config_cmd.ConfigTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_config_cmd.ConfigTestCase) PASS: test_search_cpp (distutils.tests.test_config_cmd.ConfigTestCase) PASS: test_customize_compiler (distutils.tests.test_ccompiler.CCompilerTestCase) PASS: test_debug_print (distutils.tests.test_ccompiler.CCompilerTestCase) PASS: test_gen_lib_options (distutils.tests.test_ccompiler.CCompilerTestCase) PASS: test_newer (distutils.tests.test_dep_util.DepUtilTestCase) PASS: test_newer_group (distutils.tests.test_dep_util.DepUtilTestCase) PASS: test_newer_pairwise (distutils.tests.test_dep_util.DepUtilTestCase) PASS: test_simple_run (distutils.tests.test_install_data.InstallDataTestCase) PASS: test_formats (distutils.tests.test_bdist.BuildTestCase) PASS: test_skip_build (distutils.tests.test_bdist.BuildTestCase) PASS: test_build_libraries (distutils.tests.test_build_clib.BuildCLibTestCase) PASS: test_check_library_dist (distutils.tests.test_build_clib.BuildCLibTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_build_clib.BuildCLibTestCase) PASS: test_get_source_files (distutils.tests.test_build_clib.BuildCLibTestCase) PASS: test_run (distutils.tests.test_build_clib.BuildCLibTestCase) PASS: test_dont_write_bytecode (distutils.tests.test_util.UtilTestCase) PASS: test_grok_environment_error (distutils.tests.test_util.UtilTestCase) PASS: test_check_archive_formats (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) SKIP: test_compress_deprecated (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) 'The compress program is required' PASS: test_make_archive (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) PASS: test_make_archive_cwd (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) PASS: test_make_archive_owner_group (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) PASS: test_make_tarball (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) PASS: test_make_tarball_unicode (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) SKIP: test_make_tarball_unicode_extended (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) 'File system cannot handle this filename' SKIP: test_make_tarball_unicode_latin1 (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) 'File system cannot handle this filename' PASS: test_make_zipfile (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) PASS: test_tarfile_root_owner (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) PASS: test_tarfile_vs_tar (distutils.tests.test_archive_util.ArchiveUtilTestCase) VersionPredicate (distutils.versionpredicate) PASS: Doctest: distutils.versionpredicate.VersionPredicate split_provision (distutils.versionpredicate) PASS: Doctest: distutils.versionpredicate.split_provision PASS: test_get_exe_bytes (distutils.tests.test_bdist_wininst.BuildWinInstTestCase) PASS: test_debug_print (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_exclude_pattern (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_glob_to_re (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_include_pattern (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_process_template (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_process_template_line (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_remove_duplicates (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_set_allfiles (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_translate_pattern (distutils.tests.test_filelist.FileListTestCase) PASS: test_customize_compiler_before_get_config_vars (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_get_python_inc (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_get_python_lib (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_parse_makefile_base (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_parse_makefile_literal_dollar (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_sysconfig_compiler_vars (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_sysconfig_module (distutils.tests.test_sysconfig.SysconfigTestCase) PASS: test_check_all (distutils.tests.test_check.CheckTestCase) SKIP: test_check_document (distutils.tests.test_check.CheckTestCase) "won't test without docutils" PASS: test_check_metadata (distutils.tests.test_check.CheckTestCase) SKIP: test_check_restructuredtext (distutils.tests.test_check.CheckTestCase) "won't test without docutils" SKIP: test_check_restructuredtext_with_syntax_highlight (distutils.tests.test_check.CheckTestCase) "won't test without docutils" PASS: test_simple_run (distutils.tests.test_clean.cleanTestCase) PASS: test_dir_in_package_data (distutils.tests.test_build_py.BuildPyTestCase) PASS: test_dont_write_bytecode (distutils.tests.test_build_py.BuildPyTestCase) PASS: test_empty_package_dir (distutils.tests.test_build_py.BuildPyTestCase) PASS: test_package_data (distutils.tests.test_build_py.BuildPyTestCase) PASS: test_add_defaults (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_check_metadata_deprecated (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_get_file_list (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_template_unknown_command (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_template_wrong_arguments (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) SKIP: test_invalid_template_wrong_path (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) 'test relevant for Windows only' PASS: test_make_distribution (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_make_distribution_owner_group (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_manifest_comments (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_manifest_marker (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_manual_manifest (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_metadata_check_option (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_prune_file_list (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_server_empty_registration (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_server_registration (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_show_formats (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_unicode_metadata_tgz (distutils.tests.test_sdist.SDistTestCase) PASS: test_debug_print (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) PASS: test_dump_options (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) PASS: test_ensure_dirname (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) PASS: test_ensure_filename (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) PASS: test_ensure_string (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) PASS: test_ensure_string_list (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) PASS: test_make_file (distutils.tests.test_cmd.CommandTestCase) SKIP: test_osx_cc_overrides_ldshared (distutils.tests.test_unixccompiler.UnixCCompilerTestCase) 'test only relevant for OS X' SKIP: test_osx_explicit_ldshared (distutils.tests.test_unixccompiler.UnixCCompilerTestCase) 'test only relevant for OS X' PASS: test_runtime_libdir_option (distutils.tests.test_unixccompiler.UnixCCompilerTestCase) PASS: test_finalize_options (distutils.tests.test_upload.uploadTestCase) PASS: test_saved_password (distutils.tests.test_upload.uploadTestCase) PASS: test_server_empty_registration (distutils.tests.test_upload.uploadTestCase) PASS: test_server_registration (distutils.tests.test_upload.uploadTestCase) PASS: test_upload (distutils.tests.test_upload.uploadTestCase) PASS: test_upload_fails (distutils.tests.test_upload.uploadTestCase) PASS: test_nt_quote_args (distutils.tests.test_spawn.SpawnTestCase) PASS: test_spawn (distutils.tests.test_spawn.SpawnTestCase) PASS: test_default_settings (distutils.tests.test_install_scripts.InstallScriptsTestCase) PASS: test_installation (distutils.tests.test_install_scripts.InstallScriptsTestCase) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_no_optimize_flag (distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm.BuildRpmTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/tests/", line 125, in test_no_optimize_flag File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/command/", line 375, in run raise DistutilsExecError("Failed to execute: %s" % repr(q_cmd)) DistutilsExecError: Failed to execute: "rpm -q --qf '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.src.rpm %{arch}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}.rpm\\n' --specfile 'build/bdist.linux-x86_64/rpm/SPECS/foo.spec'" ====================================================================== ERROR: test_quiet (distutils.tests.test_bdist_rpm.BuildRpmTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/tests/", line 82, in test_quiet File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/command/", line 375, in run raise DistutilsExecError("Failed to execute: %s" % repr(q_cmd)) DistutilsExecError: Failed to execute: "rpm -q --qf '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.src.rpm %{arch}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}.rpm\\n' --specfile 'build/bdist.linux-x86_64/rpm/SPECS/foo.spec'" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 194 tests in 0.345s FAILED (errors=2, skipped=21) 0:00:17 load avg: 0.50 [113/403/13] test_dl -- test_distutils failed test_dl skipped -- No module named dl 0:00:17 load avg: 0.50 [114/403/13] test_docxmlrpc -- test_dl skipped 0:00:17 load avg: 0.50 [115/403/14] test_dumbdbm -- test_docxmlrpc failed PASS: test_close_twice (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_dumbdbm_creation (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_dumbdbm_creation_mode (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_dumbdbm_keys (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_dumbdbm_modification (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_dumbdbm_read (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_eval (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_line_endings (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_random (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_readonly_files (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) PASS: test_write_write_read (test.test_dumbdbm.DumbDBMTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 11 tests in 0.014s OK 0:00:17 load avg: 0.50 [116/403/14] test_dummy_thread *** Using as _thread module *** PASS: test_cond_acquire_fail (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_cond_acquire_success (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_improper_release (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_initlock (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_release (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) test_uncond_acquire_blocking (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) ... *** Waiting for thread to release the lock (approx. 0 sec.) *** done ok PASS: test_uncond_acquire_return_val (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_uncond_acquire_success (test.test_dummy_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_LockType (test.test_dummy_thread.MiscTests) PASS: test_exit (test.test_dummy_thread.MiscTests) PASS: test_ident (test.test_dummy_thread.MiscTests) PASS: test_interrupt_in_main (test.test_dummy_thread.MiscTests) PASS: test_interrupt_main (test.test_dummy_thread.MiscTests) PASS: test_arg_passing (test.test_dummy_thread.ThreadTests) test_multi_creation (test.test_dummy_thread.ThreadTests) ... *** Testing multiple thread creation (will take approx. 0 to 5 sec.) *** done ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:17 load avg: 0.50 [117/403/14] test_dummy_threading test_tasks (test.test_dummy_threading.DummyThreadingTestCase) ... task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running task will run for 0 sec 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running waiting for all tasks to complete all tasks done ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.001s OK 0:00:17 load avg: 0.50 [118/403/14] test_email PASS: test_decode (email.test.test_email.TestBase64) PASS: test_encode (email.test.test_email.TestBase64) PASS: test_header_encode (email.test.test_email.TestBase64) PASS: test_len (email.test.test_email.TestBase64) PASS: test_body_encode (email.test.test_email.TestCharset) PASS: test_codecs_aliases_accepted (email.test.test_email.TestCharset) PASS: test_idempotent (email.test.test_email.TestCharset) PASS: test_unicode_charset_name (email.test.test_email.TestCharset) PASS: test_default_cte (email.test.test_email.TestEncoders) PASS: test_encode7or8bit (email.test.test_email.TestEncoders) PASS: test_encode_empty_payload (email.test.test_email.TestEncoders) PASS: test_long_lines (email.test.test_email.TestFeedParsers) PASS: test_newlines (email.test.test_email.TestFeedParsers) PASS: test_dont_mangle_from (email.test.test_email.TestFromMangling) PASS: test_mangle_from_in_preamble_and_epilog (email.test.test_email.TestFromMangling) PASS: test_mangled_from (email.test.test_email.TestFromMangling) PASS: test_ascii_add_header (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_bad_8bit_header (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_broken_base64_header (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_encode_unaliased_charset (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_encoded_adjacent_nonencoded (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_explicit_maxlinelen (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_header_ctor_default_args (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_header_needs_no_decoding (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_long (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_multilingual (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_nonascii_add_header_via_triple (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_simple (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_simple_surprise (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_string_charset (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_us_ascii_header (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_utf8_shortest (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_whitespace_eater (email.test.test_email.TestHeader) PASS: test_MIME_digest (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_MIME_digest_with_part_headers (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_content_type (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_dsn (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_long_header (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_message_external_body_idempotent (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_mixed_with_image (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_more_rfc2231_parameters (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_multipart_no_parts (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_multipart_one_part (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_multipart_report (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_nested_multipart_mixeds (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_no_start_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_parse_text_message (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_parse_untyped_message (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_parser (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_preamble_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_rfc2231_charset (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_simple_multipart (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_text_plain_in_a_multipart_digest (email.test.test_email.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_body_line_iterator (email.test.test_email.TestIterators) test_pushCR_LF (email.test.test_email.TestIterators) PASS: FeedParser BufferedSubFile.push() assumed it received complete PASS: test_push_random (email.test.test_email.TestIterators) PASS: test_typed_subpart_iterator (email.test.test_email.TestIterators) PASS: test_typed_subpart_iterator_default_type (email.test.test_email.TestIterators) PASS: test_another_long_almost_unsplittable_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_another_long_multiline_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_header_splitter (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_8bit_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_8bit_header_no_charset (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_field_name (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_header_encode (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_header_encode_with_tab_continuation (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_line_after_append (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_lines_with_different_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_nonstring (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_received_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_to_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_unbreakable_lines_with_continuation (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_no_semis_header_splitter (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_no_split_long_header (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_shorter_line_with_append (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_split_long_continuation (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_splitting_first_line_only_is_long (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_splitting_multiple_long_lines (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_string_headerinst_eq (email.test.test_email.TestLongHeaders) FAIL: test_add_header (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) FAIL: test_checkSetMinor (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) FAIL: test_encoding (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) FAIL: test_guess_minor_type (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) PASS: test_add_header (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_checkSetMinor (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_encoding (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_guess_minor_type (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_bad_multipart (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_multipart_constructor (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_type (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_type_non_parsed (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_type_with_explicit_container_type (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_dsn (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_generate (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_mime_attachments_in_constructor (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_no_nl_preamble (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_parse_message_rfc822 (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_type_error (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_valid_argument (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_7bit_unicode_input (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_7bit_unicode_input_no_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_8bit_unicode_input (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_8bit_unicode_input_no_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_payload (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_types (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEText) PASS: test__contains__ (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_as_string (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_bad_param (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_bogus_filename (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_broken_base64_payload (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_decode_bogus_uu_payload_quietly (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_decoded_generator (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_del_param (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_del_param_on_other_header (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_embedded_header_via_Header_rejected (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_embedded_header_via_string_rejected (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_all (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_charsets (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_error (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_explicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_implicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_text_plain_explicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_text_plain_implicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_missing (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_missing_with_default_type (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_error (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_explicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_implicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_text_plain_explicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_text_plain_implicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_missing (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_missing_with_default_type (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_explicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_implicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_text_plain_explicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_text_plain_implicit (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_missing (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_missing_with_default_type (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_decoded_payload (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_decoded_uu_payload (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_filename (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_filename_with_name_parameter (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_funky_continuation_lines (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_liberal (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_with_quotes (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_with_semis_in_quotes (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_params (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_getset_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_has_key (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_make_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_message_rfc822_only (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_missing_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_missing_filename (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_replace_header (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_charset_from_string (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_param (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_payload_with_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_type (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_type_on_other_header (email.test.test_email.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test__all__ (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_charset_richcomparisons (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_charsets_case_insensitive (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_escape_backslashes (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_escape_dump (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_fix_eols (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_formatdate (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_formatdate_localtime (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_formatdate_usegmt (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_get_body_encoding_with_bogus_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_get_body_encoding_with_uppercase_charset (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_getaddresses (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) test_getaddresses_embedded_comment (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: Test proper handling of a nested comment PASS: test_getaddresses_nasty (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_make_msgid_collisions (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_file (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_file_with_class (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_string (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_string_with_class (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_mktime_tz (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_multiline_from_comment (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_name_with_dot (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_noquote_dump (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parseaddr_empty (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parseaddr_preserves_quoted_pairs_in_addresses (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_acceptable_to_time_functions (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_compact (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_compact_no_dayofweek (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_no_dayofweek (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_none (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) test_parsedate_y2k (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: Test for parsing a date with a two-digit year. PASS: test_partial_falls_inside_message_delivery_status (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_quote_dump (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_utils_quote_unquote (email.test.test_email.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_boundary_in_non_multipart (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_boundary_with_leading_space (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_boundary_without_trailing_newline (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_double_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_empty_multipart_idempotent (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_hierarchy (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_message_external_body (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_nested_inner_contains_outer_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_nested_with_same_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_no_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_no_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_one_part_in_a_multipart (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_preamble (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_nl_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_epilogue (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_preamble (email.test.test_email.TestMultipart) PASS: test_first_line_is_continuation_header (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_invalid_content_type (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_lying_multipart (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_missing_start_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_multipart_no_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_no_separating_blank_line (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_no_start_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_parse_missing_minor_type (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_same_boundary_inner_outer (email.test.test_email.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_CRLFLF_at_end_of_part (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_crlf_separation (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_header_parser (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_multipart_digest_with_extra_mime_headers (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_rfc2822_header_syntax (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_rfc2822_one_character_header (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_rfc2822_space_not_allowed_in_header (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_strip_line_feed_and_carriage_return_in_headers (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_three_lines (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_whitespace_continuation (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_whitespace_continuation_last_header (email.test.test_email.TestParsers) PASS: test_body_quopri_check (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_body_quopri_len (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_decode (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_encode (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_header_encode (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_header_quopri_check (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_header_quopri_len (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_quote_unquote_idempotent (email.test.test_email.TestQuopri) PASS: test_rfc2047_B_bad_padding (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_rfc2047_Q_invalid_digits (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_rfc2047_multiline (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_rfc2047_with_whitespace (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_rfc2047_without_whitespace (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_whitespace_eater_unicode (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_whitespace_eater_unicode_2 (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_del_param (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_get_param (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_character_in_charset (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_character_in_filename (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_encoding_in_charset (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_encoding_in_filename (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_encoded_then_unencoded_segments (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_get_content_charset (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_extended_values (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_boundary (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_charset (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_filename (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_filename_encoded (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_partly_encoded (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_partly_nonencoded (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_single_tick_in_filename (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_single_tick_in_filename_extended (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_tick_attack (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_tick_attack_extended (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_unencoded_then_encoded_segments (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_unknown_encoding (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_set_param (email.test.test_email.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_long_headers_as_string (email.test.test_email.TestSigned) PASS: test_long_headers_flatten (email.test.test_email.TestSigned) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_add_header (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 995, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ====================================================================== ERROR: test_checkSetMinor (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 995, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ====================================================================== ERROR: test_encoding (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 995, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ====================================================================== ERROR: test_guess_minor_type (email.test.test_email.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 995, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 276 tests in 6.014s FAILED (errors=4) 0:00:24 load avg: 0.42 [119/403/15] test_email_codecs -- test_email failed PASS: test_japanese_codecs (email.test.test_email_codecs.TestEmailAsianCodecs) PASS: test_payload_encoding (email.test.test_email_codecs.TestEmailAsianCodecs) PASS: test_japanese_codecs (email.test.test_email_codecs_renamed.TestEmailAsianCodecs) PASS: test_payload_encoding (email.test.test_email_codecs_renamed.TestEmailAsianCodecs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:24 load avg: 0.42 [120/403/15] test_email_renamed PASS: test_decode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestBase64) PASS: test_encode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestBase64) PASS: test_header_encode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestBase64) PASS: test_len (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestBase64) PASS: test_body_encode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestCharset) PASS: test_idempotent (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestCharset) PASS: test_unicode_charset_name (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestCharset) PASS: test_default_cte (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestEncoders) PASS: test_encode_empty_payload (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestEncoders) PASS: test_dont_mangle_from (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestFromMangling) PASS: test_mangled_from (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestFromMangling) PASS: test_bad_8bit_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_broken_base64_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_encoded_adjacent_nonencoded (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_explicit_maxlinelen (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_header_ctor_default_args (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_header_needs_no_decoding (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_long (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_multilingual (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_simple (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_simple_surprise (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_string_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_us_ascii_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_utf8_shortest (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_whitespace_eater (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestHeader) PASS: test_MIME_digest (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_MIME_digest_with_part_headers (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_content_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_dsn (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_long_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_message_external_body_idempotent (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_mixed_with_image (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_more_rfc2231_parameters (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_multipart_no_parts (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_multipart_one_part (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_multipart_report (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_nested_multipart_mixeds (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_no_start_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_parse_text_message (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_parse_untyped_message (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_parser (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_preamble_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_rfc2231_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_simple_multipart (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_text_plain_in_a_multipart_digest (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIdempotent) PASS: test_body_line_iterator (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIterators) PASS: test_typed_subpart_iterator (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIterators) PASS: test_typed_subpart_iterator_default_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestIterators) PASS: test_another_long_almost_unsplittable_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_another_long_multiline_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_header_splitter (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_8bit_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_8bit_header_no_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_field_name (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_header_encode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_header_encode_with_tab_continuation (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_line_after_append (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_lines_with_different_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_nonstring (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_received_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_to_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_long_unbreakable_lines_with_continuation (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_no_semis_header_splitter (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_no_split_long_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_shorter_line_with_append (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_split_long_continuation (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_splitting_first_line_only_is_long (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_splitting_multiple_long_lines (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_string_headerinst_eq (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestLongHeaders) PASS: test_binary_body_with_encode_7or8bit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEApplication) PASS: test_binary_body_with_encode_noop (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEApplication) PASS: test_body (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEApplication) PASS: test_headers (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEApplication) FAIL: test_add_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) FAIL: test_checkSetMinor (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) FAIL: test_encoding (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) FAIL: test_guess_minor_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) PASS: test_add_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_checkSetMinor (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_encoding (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_guess_minor_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEImage) PASS: test_bad_multipart (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_type_non_parsed (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_default_type_with_explicit_container_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_dsn (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_generate (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_mime_attachments_in_constructor (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_no_nl_preamble (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_parse_message_rfc822 (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_type_error (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_valid_argument (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEMessage) PASS: test_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_payload (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEText) PASS: test_types (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEText) PASS: test__contains__ (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_as_string (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_bad_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_bogus_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_broken_base64_payload (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_decoded_generator (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_del_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_del_param_on_other_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_all (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_charsets (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_error (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_explicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_implicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_text_plain_explicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_from_message_text_plain_implicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_missing (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_maintype_missing_with_default_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_error (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_explicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_implicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_text_plain_explicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_from_message_text_plain_implicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_missing (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_subtype_missing_with_default_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_explicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_implicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_text_plain_explicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_from_message_text_plain_implicit (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_missing (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_content_type_missing_with_default_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_decoded_payload (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_decoded_uu_payload (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_filename_with_name_parameter (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_funky_continuation_lines (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_liberal (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_param_with_semis_in_quotes (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_get_params (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_getset_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_has_key (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_missing_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_missing_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_replace_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_charset_from_string (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_payload_with_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test_set_type_on_other_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMessageAPI) PASS: test__all__ (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_charset_richcomparisons (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_charsets_case_insensitive (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_escape_backslashes (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_escape_dump (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_fix_eols (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_formatdate (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_formatdate_localtime (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_formatdate_usegmt (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_get_body_encoding_with_bogus_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_get_body_encoding_with_uppercase_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_getaddresses (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) test_getaddresses_embedded_comment (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: Test proper handling of a nested comment PASS: test_getaddresses_nasty (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_file (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_file_with_class (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_string (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_message_from_string_with_class (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_multiline_from_comment (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_name_with_dot (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_noquote_dump (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parseaddr_empty (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_acceptable_to_time_functions (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_compact (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_compact_no_dayofweek (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_no_dayofweek (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_parsedate_none (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_partial_falls_inside_message_delivery_status (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_quote_dump (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_utils_quote_unquote (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_boundary_in_non_multipart (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_boundary_with_leading_space (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_boundary_without_trailing_newline (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_double_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_empty_multipart_idempotent (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_hierarchy (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_message_external_body (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_nested_inner_contains_outer_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_nested_with_same_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_no_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_no_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_one_part_in_a_multipart (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_preamble (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_nl_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_epilogue (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_preamble (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMultipart) PASS: test_first_line_is_continuation_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_invalid_content_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_lying_multipart (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_missing_start_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_multipart_no_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_no_separating_blank_line (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_no_start_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_parse_missing_minor_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_same_boundary_inner_outer (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestNonConformant) PASS: test_crlf_separation (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_header_parser (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_multipart_digest_with_extra_mime_headers (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_rfc2822_header_syntax (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_rfc2822_one_character_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_rfc2822_space_not_allowed_in_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_strip_line_feed_and_carriage_return_in_headers (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_three_lines (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_whitespace_continuation (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_whitespace_continuation_last_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestParsers) PASS: test_body_quopri_check (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_body_quopri_len (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_decode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_encode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_header_encode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_header_quopri_check (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_header_quopri_len (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_quote_unquote_idempotent (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestQuopri) PASS: test_rfc2047_missing_whitespace (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_rfc2047_multiline (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_rfc2047_with_whitespace (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_whitespace_eater_unicode (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_whitespace_eater_unicode_2 (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2047) PASS: test_del_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_get_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_character_in_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_character_in_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_encoding_in_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_bad_encoding_in_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_encoded_then_unencoded_segments (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_get_content_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_extended_values (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_boundary (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_charset (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_filename_encoded (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_partly_encoded (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_partly_nonencoded (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_single_tick_in_filename (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_single_tick_in_filename_extended (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_tick_attack (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_tick_attack_extended (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_unencoded_then_encoded_segments (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_rfc2231_unknown_encoding (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) PASS: test_set_param (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestRFC2231) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_add_header (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 904, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ====================================================================== ERROR: test_checkSetMinor (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 904, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ====================================================================== ERROR: test_encoding (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 904, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ====================================================================== ERROR: test_guess_minor_type (email.test.test_email_renamed.TestMIMEAudio) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/test/", line 904, in setUp self._au = MIMEAudio(self._audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 68, in __init__ _subtype = _whatsnd(_audiodata) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/email/mime/", line 35, in _whatsnd res = testfn(hdr, fakefile) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 59, in test_aifc import aifc ImportError: No module named aifc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 249 tests in 0.065s FAILED (errors=4) 0:00:24 load avg: 0.42 [121/403/16] test_ensurepip -- test_email_renamed failed 0:00:24 load avg: 0.42 [122/403/17] test_enumerate -- test_ensurepip failed PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateStartTestCase) PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.EnumerateTestCase) PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.SubclassTestCase) PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.TestBig) PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.TestEmpty) PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.TestLongStart) PASS: test_args (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_bug1229429 (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_classic_class (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_gc (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_len (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_objmethods (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_simple (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_xrange_optimization (test.test_enumerate.TestReversed) PASS: test_argumentcheck (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_basicfunction (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_getitemseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_illformediterable (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_iteratorgenerator (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_iteratorseqn (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_noniterable (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) PASS: test_tuple_reuse (test.test_enumerate.TestStart) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 71 tests in 0.016s OK 0:00:24 load avg: 0.42 [123/403/17] test_eof PASS: test_EOFC (test.test_eof.EOFTestCase) PASS: test_EOFS (test.test_eof.EOFTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:24 load avg: 0.42 [124/403/17] test_epoll PASS: test_add (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) PASS: test_badcreate (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) PASS: test_control_and_wait (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) PASS: test_create (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) PASS: test_errors (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) PASS: test_fromfd (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) PASS: test_unregister_closed (test.test_epoll.TestEPoll) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 2.105s OK 0:00:26 load avg: 0.42 [125/403/17] test_errno PASS: test_for_improper_attributes (test.test_errno.ErrnoAttributeTests) PASS: test_using_errorcode (test.test_errno.ErrnoAttributeTests) PASS: test_attributes_in_errorcode (test.test_errno.ErrorcodeTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:26 load avg: 0.42 [126/403/17] test_exception_variations PASS: test_nested (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_nested_else (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_else (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_else_finally (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_else_finally_no_exception (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_else_no_exception (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_finally (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_finally_no_exception (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_except_no_exception (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_try_finally_no_exception (test.test_exception_variations.ExceptionTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 11 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:26 load avg: 0.42 [127/403/17] test_extcall Trying: from UserList import UserList Expecting nothing ok Trying: from UserDict import UserDict Expecting nothing ok Trying: def e(a,b): print a, b Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(*a, **k): print a, test_support.sortdict(k) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def g(x, *y, **z): print x, y, test_support.sortdict(z) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def h(j=1, a=2, h=3): print j, a, h Expecting nothing ok Trying: f() Expecting: () {} ok Trying: f(1) Expecting: (1,) {} ok Trying: f(1, 2) Expecting: (1, 2) {} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3) Expecting: (1, 2, 3) {} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, *(4, 5)) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) {} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, *[4, 5]) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) {} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, *UserList([4, 5])) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) {} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, **{'a':4, 'b':5}) Expecting: (1, 2, 3) {'a': 4, 'b': 5} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, *[4, 5], **{'a':6, 'b':7}) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) {'a': 6, 'b': 7} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, x=4, y=5, *(6, 7), **{'a':8, 'b': 9}) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 6, 7) {'a': 8, 'b': 9, 'x': 4, 'y': 5} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, **UserDict(a=4, b=5)) Expecting: (1, 2, 3) {'a': 4, 'b': 5} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, *(4, 5), **UserDict(a=6, b=7)) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) {'a': 6, 'b': 7} ok Trying: f(1, 2, 3, x=4, y=5, *(6, 7), **UserDict(a=8, b=9)) Expecting: (1, 2, 3, 6, 7) {'a': 8, 'b': 9, 'x': 4, 'y': 5} ok Trying: e(c=4) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: e() got an unexpected keyword argument 'c' ok Trying: g() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: g() takes at least 1 argument (0 given) ok Trying: g(*()) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: g() takes at least 1 argument (0 given) ok Trying: g(*(), **{}) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: g() takes at least 1 argument (0 given) ok Trying: g(1) Expecting: 1 () {} ok Trying: g(1, 2) Expecting: 1 (2,) {} ok Trying: g(1, 2, 3) Expecting: 1 (2, 3) {} ok Trying: g(1, 2, 3, *(4, 5)) Expecting: 1 (2, 3, 4, 5) {} ok Trying: class Nothing: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: g(*Nothing()) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: g() argument after * must be an iterable, not instance ok Trying: class Nothing: def __len__(self): return 5 Expecting nothing ok Trying: g(*Nothing()) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: g() argument after * must be an iterable, not instance ok Trying: class Nothing(): def __len__(self): return 5 def __getitem__(self, i): if i<3: return i else: raise IndexError(i) Expecting nothing ok Trying: g(*Nothing()) Expecting: 0 (1, 2) {} ok Trying: class Nothing: def __init__(self): self.c = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self.c == 4: raise StopIteration c = self.c self.c += 1 return c Expecting nothing ok Trying: g(*Nothing()) Expecting: 0 (1, 2, 3) {} ok Trying: def broken(): raise TypeError("myerror") Expecting nothing ok Trying: g(*(broken() for i in range(1))) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: myerror ok Trying: d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} Expecting nothing ok Trying: d2 = d.copy() Expecting nothing ok Trying: g(1, d=4, **d) Expecting: 1 () {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4} ok Trying: d == d2 Expecting: True ok Trying: def saboteur(**kw): kw['x'] = 'm' return kw Expecting nothing ok Trying: d = {} Expecting nothing ok Trying: kw = saboteur(a=1, **d) Expecting nothing ok Trying: d Expecting: {} ok Trying: g(1, 2, 3, **{'x': 4, 'y': 5}) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: g() got multiple values for keyword argument 'x' ok Trying: f(**{1:2}) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: f() keywords must be strings ok Trying: h(**{'e': 2}) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() got an unexpected keyword argument 'e' ok Trying: h(*h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() argument after * must be an iterable, not function ok Trying: h(1, *h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() argument after * must be an iterable, not function ok Trying: dir(*h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: dir() argument after * must be an iterable, not function ok Trying: None(*h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: NoneType object argument after * must be an iterable, not function ok Trying: h(**h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() argument after ** must be a mapping, not function ok Trying: h(**[]) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() argument after ** must be a mapping, not list ok Trying: h(a=1, **h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() argument after ** must be a mapping, not function ok Trying: h(a=1, **[]) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: h() argument after ** must be a mapping, not list ok Trying: dir(**h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: dir() argument after ** must be a mapping, not function ok Trying: None(**h) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: NoneType object argument after ** must be a mapping, not function ok Trying: dir(b=1, **{'b': 1}) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: dir() got multiple values for keyword argument 'b' ok Trying: def f2(*a, **b): return a, b Expecting nothing ok Trying: d = {} Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in xrange(512): key = 'k%d' % i d[key] = i Expecting nothing ok Trying: a, b = f2(1, *(2,3), **d) Expecting nothing ok Trying: len(a), len(b), b == d Expecting: (3, 512, True) ok Trying: class Foo: def method(self, arg1, arg2): return arg1+arg2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = Foo() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Foo.method(*(x, 1, 2)) Expecting: 3 ok Trying: Foo.method(x, *(1, 2)) Expecting: 3 ok Trying: Foo.method(*(1, 2, 3)) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: unbound method method() must be called with Foo instance as first argument (got int instance instead) ok Trying: Foo.method(1, *[2, 3]) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: unbound method method() must be called with Foo instance as first argument (got int instance instead) ok Trying: try: silence = id(1, *{}) True except: False Expecting: True ok Trying: id(1, **{'foo': 1}) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: id() takes no keyword arguments ok Trying: class Name(str): def __eq__(self, other): try: del x[self] except KeyError: pass return str.__eq__(self, other) def __hash__(self): return str.__hash__(self) Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = {Name("a"):1, Name("b"):2} Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(a, b): print a,b Expecting nothing ok Trying: f(**x) Expecting: 1 2 ok Trying: def f(a, b): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: f(b=1) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: f() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) ok Trying: def f(a): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: f(6, a=4, *(1, 2, 3)) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: f() takes exactly 1 argument (5 given) ok 3 items had no tests: test.test_extcall.ExtCallTest test.test_extcall.ExtCallTest.test_unicode_keywords test.test_extcall.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 80 tests in test.test_extcall 80 tests in 4 items. 80 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_extcall) ... 80 tests with zero failures PASS: test_unicode_keywords (test.test_extcall.ExtCallTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:26 load avg: 0.42 [128/403/17] test_fcntl struct.pack: '\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' PASS: test_fcntl_64_bit (test.test_fcntl.TestFcntl) PASS: test_fcntl_bad_file (test.test_fcntl.TestFcntl) FAIL: test_fcntl_bad_file_overflow (test.test_fcntl.TestFcntl) PASS: test_fcntl_file_descriptor (test.test_fcntl.TestFcntl) test_fcntl_fileno (test.test_fcntl.TestFcntl) ... Status from fcntl with O_NONBLOCK: 0 String from fcntl with F_SETLKW: '\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' ok ====================================================================== ERROR: test_fcntl_bad_file_overflow (test.test_fcntl.TestFcntl) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 102, in test_fcntl_bad_file_overflow from _testcapi import INT_MAX, INT_MIN ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.000s FAILED (errors=1) 0:00:26 load avg: 0.42 [129/403/18] test_file -- test_fcntl failed PASS: testAttributes (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testErrors (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testMethods (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testReadWhenWriting (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testReadinto (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testReadinto_text (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testWeakRefs (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesIntegers (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesIntegersUserList (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesNonString (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesUserList (test.test_file.CAutoFileTests) PASS: testAttributes (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testErrors (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testMethods (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testReadWhenWriting (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testReadinto (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testReadinto_text (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testWeakRefs (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesIntegers (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesIntegersUserList (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesNonString (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesUserList (test.test_file.PyAutoFileTests) PASS: testBadModeArgument (test.test_file.COtherFileTests) PASS: testIteration (test.test_file.COtherFileTests) PASS: testModeStrings (test.test_file.COtherFileTests) PASS: testSetBufferSize (test.test_file.COtherFileTests) PASS: testTruncateOnWindows (test.test_file.COtherFileTests) PASS: testBadModeArgument (test.test_file.PyOtherFileTests) PASS: testIteration (test.test_file.PyOtherFileTests) PASS: testModeStrings (test.test_file.PyOtherFileTests) PASS: testSetBufferSize (test.test_file.PyOtherFileTests) PASS: testTruncateOnWindows (test.test_file.PyOtherFileTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 32 tests in 0.048s OK 0:00:26 load avg: 0.42 [130/403/18] test_file2k PASS: testAttributes (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrors (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testIssue5677 (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testMethods (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testNastyWritelinesGenerator (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testReadWhenWriting (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testReadinto (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testRepr (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWeakRefs (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesBuffer (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesIntegers (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesIntegersUserList (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesNonString (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesUserList (test.test_file2k.AutoFileTests) PASS: testBadModeArgument (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testIteration (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testModeStrings (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testOpenDir (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testSetBufferSize (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testStdinSeek (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testStdinTruncate (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testTruncateOnWindows (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testUnicodeOpen (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: test_very_long_line (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: test_write_full (test.test_file2k.OtherFileTests) PASS: testExit (test.test_file2k.FileSubclassTests) test_close_open (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... 44711 0.0000 ok test_close_open_flush (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 21475 5.8254 ok test_close_open_isatty (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 20997 5.3008 ok test_close_open_iter (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 17133 2.0604 ok test_close_open_print (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 20377 31.9674 ok test_close_open_print_buffered (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 17678 17.6038 ok test_close_open_read (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 20743 3.4952 ok test_close_open_readinto (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 18276 5.0175 ok test_close_open_readline (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 19072 7.3721 ok test_close_open_readlines (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 19538 6.5616 ok test_close_open_seek (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 19632 5.0937 ok test_close_open_tell (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 20834 5.6206 ok test_close_open_truncate (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 21859 50.1807 ok test_close_open_write (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... Q 20966 4.3737 ok test_close_open_writelines (test.test_file2k.FileThreadingTests) ... 38010 0.0000 ok test_readall (test.test_file2k.TestFileSignalEINTR) PASS: Unbounded must handle signals and not lose data. test_readinto (test.test_file2k.TestFileSignalEINTR) PASS: file.readinto must handle signals and not lose data. test_readline (test.test_file2k.TestFileSignalEINTR) PASS: file.readline must handle signals and not lose data. PASS: test_readline_with_universal_newlines (test.test_file2k.TestFileSignalEINTR) test_readlines (test.test_file2k.TestFileSignalEINTR) PASS: file.readlines must handle signals and not lose data. PASS: test_readlines_with_universal_newlines (test.test_file2k.TestFileSignalEINTR) PASS: test_del_stdout_before_print (test.test_file2k.StdoutTests) PASS: test_move_stdout_on_write (test.test_file2k.StdoutTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_file2k.StdoutTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 50 tests in 5.171s OK 0:00:31 load avg: 0.55 [131/403/18] test_file_eintr test_readall (test.test_file_eintr.TestBufferedIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: must handle signals and not lose data. test_readline (test.test_file_eintr.TestBufferedIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readline() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readlines (test.test_file_eintr.TestBufferedIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readlines() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readall (test.test_file_eintr.TestTextIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: read() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readline (test.test_file_eintr.TestTextIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readline() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readlines (test.test_file_eintr.TestTextIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readlines() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readall (test.test_file_eintr.TestFileIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readall() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readline (test.test_file_eintr.TestFileIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readline() must handle signals and not lose data. test_readlines (test.test_file_eintr.TestFileIOSignalInterrupt) PASS: readlines() must handle signals and not lose data. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.761s OK 0:00:32 load avg: 0.55 [132/403/18] test_filecmp 0:00:32 load avg: 0.55 [133/403/19] test_fileinput -- test_filecmp failed 0:00:32 load avg: 0.55 [134/403/20] test_fileio -- test_fileinput failed PASS: testAttributes (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClose (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedFileno (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedIsatty (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedRead (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedReadable (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedReadall (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedReadinto (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedSeek (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedSeekable (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedTell (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedTruncate (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedWritable (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrnoOnClosedWrite (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testErrors (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testMethods (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testOpenDirFD (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testOpendir (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testReadinto (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testRepr (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testSeekTell (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWeakRefs (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesError (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesList (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testWritelinesUserList (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: test_none_args (test.test_fileio.AutoFileTests) PASS: testAbles (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) SKIP: testAblesOnTTY (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) 'need /dev/tty' PASS: testAppend (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testBadModeArgument (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testBytesOpen (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testConstructorHandlesNULChars (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testInvalidFd (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) FAIL: testInvalidFd_overflow (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testInvalidInit (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testInvalidModeStrings (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testModeStrings (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testTruncate (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testTruncateOnWindows (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testUnclosedFDOnException (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testUnicodeOpen (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: testWarnings (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) PASS: test_surrogates (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) ====================================================================== ERROR: testInvalidFd_overflow (test.test_fileio.OtherFileTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 379, in testInvalidFd_overflow import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 43 tests in 0.012s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=1) 0:00:32 load avg: 0.55 [135/403/21] test_float -- test_fileio failed PASS: test_conversion_to_int (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_float (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_float_buffer (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_float_mod (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_float_pow (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_float_with_comma (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_floatasratio (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_floatconversion (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_is_integer (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_non_numeric_input_types (test.test_float.GeneralFloatCases) PASS: test_getformat (test.test_float.FormatFunctionsTestCase) PASS: test_setformat (test.test_float.FormatFunctionsTestCase) PASS: test_double_specials_dont_unpack (test.test_float.UnknownFormatTestCase) PASS: test_float_specials_dont_unpack (test.test_float.UnknownFormatTestCase) PASS: test_double_specials_do_unpack (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_float_specials_do_unpack (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_format (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_format_testfile (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_issue5864 (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_negative_zero (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_underflow_sign (test.test_float.IEEEFormatTestCase) PASS: test_repr (test.test_float.ReprTestCase) SKIP: test_short_repr (test.test_float.ReprTestCase) 'applies only when using short float repr style' PASS: test_format_specials (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) SKIP: test_halfway_cases (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) 'test applies only when using short float repr style' PASS: test_inf_nan (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) PASS: test_large_n (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) SKIP: test_previous_round_bugs (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) 'test applies only when using short float repr style' PASS: test_second_argument_type (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) PASS: test_small_n (test.test_float.RoundTestCase) PASS: test_hash_inf (test.test_float.InfNanTest) PASS: test_inf_as_str (test.test_float.InfNanTest) PASS: test_inf_from_str (test.test_float.InfNanTest) PASS: test_nan_as_str (test.test_float.InfNanTest) PASS: test_nan_from_str (test.test_float.InfNanTest) PASS: test_ends (test.test_float.HexFloatTestCase) PASS: test_from_hex (test.test_float.HexFloatTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_inputs (test.test_float.HexFloatTestCase) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_float.HexFloatTestCase) PASS: test_whitespace (test.test_float.HexFloatTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 41 tests in 0.069s OK (skipped=3) 0:00:32 load avg: 0.55 [136/403/21] test_fnmatch PASS: test_cache_clearing (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_case (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_fnmatch (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_fnmatchcase (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_mix_unicode_str (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_sep (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_fnmatch.FnmatchTestCase) PASS: test_translate (test.test_fnmatch.TranslateTestCase) PASS: test_case (test.test_fnmatch.FilterTestCase) PASS: test_filter (test.test_fnmatch.FilterTestCase) PASS: test_mix_bytes_str (test.test_fnmatch.FilterTestCase) PASS: test_sep (test.test_fnmatch.FilterTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.014s OK 0:00:33 load avg: 0.55 [137/403/21] test_fork1 PASS: test_import_lock_fork (test.test_fork1.ForkTest) PASS: test_wait (test.test_fork1.ForkTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 7.025s OK 0:00:40 load avg: 0.46 [138/403/21] test_format test_format (test.test_format.FormatTest) ... '%.1d' % (1,) =? '1' ... yes u'%.1d' % (1,) =? '1' ... yes '%.*d' % (9223372036854775807, 1) works? ... overflow (this is fine) u'%.*d' % (9223372036854775807, 1) works? ... overflow (this is fine) '%.100d' % (1,) =? '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ... yes u'%.100d' % (1,) =? '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ... yes '%#.117x' % (1,) =? '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ... overflow (this is fine) u'%#.117x' % (1,) =? '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ... overflow (this is fine) '%#.118x' % (1,) =? '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ... overflow (this is fine) u'%#.118x' % (1,) =? '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ... overflow (this is fine) '%f' % (1.0,) =? '1.000000' ... yes u'%f' % (1.0,) =? '1.000000' ... yes '%#.*g' % (109, -3.3333333333333334e+48) works? ... yes u'%#.*g' % (109, -3.3333333333333334e+48) works? ... yes '%#.*g' % (110, -3.3333333333333334e+48) works? ... yes u'%#.*g' % (110, -3.3333333333333334e+48) works? ... yes '%#.*g' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes u'%#.*g' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes '%12.*f' % (123456, 1.0) works? ... yes u'%12.*f' % (123456, 1.0) works? ... yes '%#.*g' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes u'%#.*g' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes '%#.*G' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes u'%#.*G' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes '%#.*f' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes u'%#.*f' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes '%#.*F' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes u'%#.*F' % (110, -3.3333333333333332e+99) works? ... yes '%x' % 10L =? 'a' ... yes u'%x' % 10L =? 'a' ... yes '%x' % 100000000000L =? '174876e800' ... yes u'%x' % 100000000000L =? '174876e800' ... yes '%o' % 10L =? '12' ... yes u'%o' % 10L =? '12' ... yes '%o' % 100000000000L =? '1351035564000' ... yes u'%o' % 100000000000L =? '1351035564000' ... yes '%d' % 10L =? '10' ... yes u'%d' % 10L =? '10' ... yes '%d' % 100000000000L =? '100000000000' ... yes u'%d' % 100000000000L =? '100000000000' ... yes '%d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%5d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%5d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%31d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%31d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%32d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' -123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%32d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' -123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%-32d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890 ' ... yes u'%-32d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890 ' ... yes '%032d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-0123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%032d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-0123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%-032d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890 ' ... yes u'%-032d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-123456789012345678901234567890 ' ... yes '%034d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-000123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%034d' % -123456789012345678901234567890L =? '-000123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%034d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '0000123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%034d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '0000123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%0+34d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '+000123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%0+34d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '+000123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%+34d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' +123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%+34d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' +123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%34d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' 123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%34d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' 123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%.2d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%.2d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%.30d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%.30d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%.31d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '0123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%.31d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? '0123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%32.31d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' 0123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes u'%32.31d' % 123456789012345678901234567890L =? ' 0123456789012345678901234567890' ... yes '%d' % 1.2345678901234568e+29 =? '123456________________________' ... yes u'%d' % 1.2345678901234568e+29 =? '123456________________________' ... yes '%x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%5x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%5x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%22x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%22x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%23x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? ' -1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%23x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? ' -1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%-23x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345 ' ... yes u'%-23x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345 ' ... yes '%023x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-01234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%023x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-01234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%-023x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345 ' ... yes u'%-023x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-1234567890abcdef12345 ' ... yes '%025x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-0001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%025x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-0001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%025x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '00001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%025x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '00001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%0+25x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%0+25x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%+25x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' +1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%+25x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' +1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%25x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' 1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%25x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' 1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%.2x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%.2x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%.21x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%.21x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%.22x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '01234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%.22x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '01234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%23.22x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' 01234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%23.22x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' 01234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%-23.22x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '01234567890abcdef12345 ' ... yes u'%-23.22x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '01234567890abcdef12345 ' ... yes '%X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '1234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '0X1234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '0X1234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '0x1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%#x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '0x1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%#x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-0x1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%#x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-0x1234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%#.23x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-0x001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%#.23x' % -1375488932362216742658885L =? '-0x001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%#+.23x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0x001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%#+.23x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0x001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%# .23x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' 0x001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes u'%# .23x' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' 0x001234567890abcdef12345' ... yes '%#+.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#+.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#-+.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#-+.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#-+26.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#-+26.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#-+27.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345 ' ... yes u'%#-+27.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X001234567890ABCDEF12345 ' ... yes '%#+27.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' +0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#+27.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' +0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#+027.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X0001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#+027.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? '+0X0001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%#+27.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' +0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes u'%#+27.23X' % 1375488932362216742658885L =? ' +0X001234567890ABCDEF12345' ... yes '%x' % 1.3754889323622168e+24 =? '123456_______________' ... yes u'%x' % 1.3754889323622168e+24 =? '123456_______________' ... yes '%o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%5o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%5o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%33o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%33o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%34o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' -12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%34o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' -12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%-34o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes u'%-34o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes '%034o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%034o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%-034o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes u'%-034o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-12345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes '%036o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-00012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%036o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-00012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%036o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '000012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%036o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '000012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%0+36o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+00012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%0+36o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+00012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%+36o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' +12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%+36o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' +12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%36o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' 12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%36o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' 12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%.2o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%.2o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%.32o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%.32o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%34.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' 012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%34.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' 012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%-34.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes u'%-34.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes '%o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '12345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#.34o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#.34o' % -12935167030485801517351291832L =? '-0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#+.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#+.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%# .34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' 0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%# .34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' 0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#+.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#+.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#-+.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#-+.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#-+37.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes u'%#-+37.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '+0012345670123456701234567012345670 ' ... yes '%#+37.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' +0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#+37.34o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? ' +0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%#.32o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%#.32o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%034.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%034.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%0#34.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes u'%0#34.33o' % 12935167030485801517351291832L =? '0012345670123456701234567012345670' ... yes '%o' % 1.2935167030485802e+28 =? '123456__________________________' ... yes u'%o' % 1.2935167030485802e+28 =? '123456__________________________' ... yes '%d' % 42 =? '42' ... yes u'%d' % 42 =? '42' ... yes '%d' % -42 =? '-42' ... yes u'%d' % -42 =? '-42' ... yes '%d' % 42L =? '42' ... yes u'%d' % 42L =? '42' ... yes '%d' % -42L =? '-42' ... yes u'%d' % -42L =? '-42' ... yes '%d' % 42.0 =? '42' ... yes u'%d' % 42.0 =? '42' ... yes '%#x' % 1 =? '0x1' ... yes u'%#x' % 1 =? '0x1' ... yes '%#x' % 1L =? '0x1' ... yes u'%#x' % 1L =? '0x1' ... yes '%#X' % 1 =? '0X1' ... yes u'%#X' % 1 =? '0X1' ... yes '%#X' % 1L =? '0X1' ... yes u'%#X' % 1L =? '0X1' ... yes '%#x' % 1.0 =? '0x1' ... yes u'%#x' % 1.0 =? '0x1' ... yes '%#o' % 1 =? '01' ... yes u'%#o' % 1 =? '01' ... yes '%#o' % 1L =? '01' ... yes u'%#o' % 1L =? '01' ... yes '%#o' % 0 =? '0' ... yes u'%#o' % 0 =? '0' ... yes '%#o' % 0L =? '0' ... yes u'%#o' % 0L =? '0' ... yes '%o' % 0 =? '0' ... yes u'%o' % 0 =? '0' ... yes '%o' % 0L =? '0' ... yes u'%o' % 0L =? '0' ... yes '%d' % 0 =? '0' ... yes u'%d' % 0 =? '0' ... yes '%d' % 0L =? '0' ... yes u'%d' % 0L =? '0' ... yes '%#x' % 0 =? '0x0' ... yes u'%#x' % 0 =? '0x0' ... yes '%#x' % 0L =? '0x0' ... yes u'%#x' % 0L =? '0x0' ... yes '%#X' % 0 =? '0X0' ... yes u'%#X' % 0 =? '0X0' ... yes '%#X' % 0L =? '0X0' ... yes u'%#X' % 0L =? '0X0' ... yes '%x' % 66 =? '42' ... yes u'%x' % 66 =? '42' ... yes '%x' % -66 =? '-42' ... yes u'%x' % -66 =? '-42' ... yes '%x' % 66L =? '42' ... yes u'%x' % 66L =? '42' ... yes '%x' % -66L =? '-42' ... yes u'%x' % -66L =? '-42' ... yes '%x' % 66.0 =? '42' ... yes u'%x' % 66.0 =? '42' ... yes '%o' % 34 =? '42' ... yes u'%o' % 34 =? '42' ... yes '%o' % -34 =? '-42' ... yes u'%o' % -34 =? '-42' ... yes '%o' % 34L =? '42' ... yes u'%o' % 34L =? '42' ... yes '%o' % -34L =? '-42' ... yes u'%o' % -34L =? '-42' ... yes '%o' % 34.0 =? '42' ... yes u'%o' % 34.0 =? '42' ... yes '%g' % 1.1000000000000001 =? '1.1' ... yes '%#g' % 1.1000000000000001 =? '1.10000' ... yes '%x' % =? '0' ... yes u'%x' % =? '0' ... yes Testing exceptions 'abc %a' % 1 works? ... yes u'abc %\u3000' % 1 works? ... yes '%d' % '1' works? ... yes '%g' % '1' works? ... yes 'no format' % '1' works? ... yes 'no format' % u'1' works? ... yes u'no format' % '1' works? ... yes u'no format' % u'1' works? ... yes '%o' % 0L works? ... yes ok PASS: test_invalid_special_methods (test.test_format.FormatTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.003s OK 0:00:40 load avg: 0.46 [139/403/21] test_fpformat test_fpformat skipped -- No module named fpformat 0:00:40 load avg: 0.46 [140/403/21] test_fractions -- test_fpformat skipped PASS: testApproximateCos1 (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testApproximatePi (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testArithmetic (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testBigComplexComparisons (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testBigFloatComparisons (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testComparisons (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testComparisonsDummyFloat (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testComparisonsDummyRational (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testConversions (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testFromDecimal (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testFromFloat (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testFromString (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testHash (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testImmutable (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testInit (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testInitFromDecimal (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testInitFromFloat (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testLimitDenominator (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testMixedArithmetic (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testMixedEqual (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testMixedLess (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testMixedLessEqual (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testMixingWithDecimal (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testStringification (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: test_copy_deepcopy_pickle (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: test_slots (test.test_fractions.FractionTest) PASS: testMisc (test.test_fractions.GcdTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 27 tests in 0.005s OK 0:00:40 load avg: 0.46 [141/403/21] test_frozen PASS: test_frozen (test.test_frozen.FrozenTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:40 load avg: 0.46 [142/403/21] test_ftplib PASS: test_acct (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_all_errors (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_delete (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_dir (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_getwelcome (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_line_too_long (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_login (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_makepasv (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_makeport (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_mkd (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_nlst (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_pwd (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_quit (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_rename (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_retrbinary (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_retrbinary_rest (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_retrlines (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_retrlines_too_long (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_rmd (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_sanitize (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_set_pasv (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_size (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_storbinary (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_storbinary_rest (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_storlines (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_storlines_too_long (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: test_voidcmd (test.test_ftplib.TestFTPClass) PASS: testTimeoutConnect (test.test_ftplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutDefault (test.test_ftplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutDifferentOrder (test.test_ftplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutDirectAccess (test.test_ftplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutNone (test.test_ftplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutValue (test.test_ftplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: test_af (test.test_ftplib.TestIPv6Environment) PASS: test_makepasv (test.test_ftplib.TestIPv6Environment) PASS: test_makeport (test.test_ftplib.TestIPv6Environment) PASS: test_transfer (test.test_ftplib.TestIPv6Environment) PASS: test_acct (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_all_errors (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_delete (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_dir (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_getwelcome (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_line_too_long (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_login (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_makepasv (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_makeport (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_mkd (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_nlst (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_pwd (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_quit (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_rename (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_retrbinary (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_retrbinary_rest (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_retrlines (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_retrlines_too_long (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_rmd (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_sanitize (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_set_pasv (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_size (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_storbinary (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_storbinary_rest (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_storlines (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_storlines_too_long (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_voidcmd (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) PASS: test_auth_issued_twice (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) PASS: test_auth_ssl (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) PASS: test_check_hostname (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) PASS: test_context (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) PASS: test_control_connection (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) PASS: test_data_connection (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) PASS: test_login (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 75 tests in 2.059s OK 0:00:42 load avg: 0.46 [143/403/21] test_funcattrs PASS: test_blank_func_defaults (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_copying_func_code (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_dir_includes_correct_attrs (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_duplicate_function_equality (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_empty_cell (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_func_closure (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_func_code (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_func_default_args (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_func_globals (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_func_name (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_module (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionPropertiesTest) PASS: test_im_class (test.test_funcattrs.InstancemethodAttrTest) PASS: test_im_func (test.test_funcattrs.InstancemethodAttrTest) PASS: test_im_func_non_method (test.test_funcattrs.InstancemethodAttrTest) PASS: test_im_self (test.test_funcattrs.InstancemethodAttrTest) PASS: test_implicit_method_properties (test.test_funcattrs.InstancemethodAttrTest) PASS: test_delete_unknown_attr (test.test_funcattrs.ArbitraryFunctionAttrTest) PASS: test_set_attr (test.test_funcattrs.ArbitraryFunctionAttrTest) PASS: test_setting_attrs_duplicates (test.test_funcattrs.ArbitraryFunctionAttrTest) PASS: test_unset_attr (test.test_funcattrs.ArbitraryFunctionAttrTest) PASS: test_delete_func_dict (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDictsTest) PASS: test_func_as_dict_key (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDictsTest) PASS: test_setting_dict_to_invalid (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDictsTest) PASS: test_setting_dict_to_valid (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDictsTest) PASS: test_unassigned_dict (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDictsTest) PASS: test_delete_docstring (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDocstringTest) PASS: test_set_docstring_attr (test.test_funcattrs.FunctionDocstringTest) PASS: test_func_attribute (test.test_funcattrs.StaticMethodAttrsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 28 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:42 load avg: 0.46 [144/403/21] test_functools PASS: test_arg_combinations (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_argument_checking (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_attributes (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_basic_examples (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_copy (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_error_propagation (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_keyword (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_kw_combinations (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_no_side_effects (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_positional (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_protection_of_callers_dict_argument (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_recursive_pickle (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_setstate (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_setstate_errors (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_setstate_refcount (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_setstate_subclasses (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_with_bound_and_unbound_methods (test.test_functools.TestPartial) PASS: test_arg_combinations (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_argument_checking (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_attributes (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_basic_examples (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_copy (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_error_propagation (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_keyword (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_kw_combinations (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_no_side_effects (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_positional (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_protection_of_callers_dict_argument (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_recursive_pickle (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_setstate (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_setstate_errors (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_setstate_refcount (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_setstate_subclasses (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_with_bound_and_unbound_methods (test.test_functools.TestPartialSubclass) PASS: test_arg_combinations (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_argument_checking (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_basic_examples (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_copy (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_error_propagation (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_keyword (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_kw_combinations (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_no_side_effects (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_positional (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_protection_of_callers_dict_argument (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_with_bound_and_unbound_methods (test.test_functools.TestPythonPartial) PASS: test_builtin_update (test.test_functools.TestUpdateWrapper) PASS: test_default_update (test.test_functools.TestUpdateWrapper) PASS: test_default_update_doc (test.test_functools.TestUpdateWrapper) PASS: test_no_update (test.test_functools.TestUpdateWrapper) PASS: test_selective_update (test.test_functools.TestUpdateWrapper) PASS: test_bug_10042 (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_no_operations_defined (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_total_ordering_ge (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_total_ordering_gt (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_total_ordering_le (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_total_ordering_lt (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_total_ordering_no_overwrite (test.test_functools.TestTotalOrdering) PASS: test_builtin_update (test.test_functools.TestWraps) PASS: test_default_update (test.test_functools.TestWraps) PASS: test_default_update_doc (test.test_functools.TestWraps) PASS: test_no_update (test.test_functools.TestWraps) PASS: test_selective_update (test.test_functools.TestWraps) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_functools.TestReduce) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 70 tests in 0.013s OK 0:00:42 load avg: 0.46 [145/403/21] test_future PASS: test_badfuture3 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_badfuture4 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_badfuture5 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_badfuture6 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_badfuture7 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_badfuture8 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_badfuture9 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_future1 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_future2 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_future3 (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_multiple_features (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_parserhack (test.test_future.FutureTest) PASS: test_unicode_literals_exec (test.test_future.FutureTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:42 load avg: 0.46 [146/403/21] test_future3 PASS: test_floor_div_operator (test.test_future3.TestFuture) PASS: test_nested_scopes (test.test_future3.TestFuture) PASS: test_true_div_as_default (test.test_future3.TestFuture) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:42 load avg: 0.46 [147/403/21] test_future4 PASS: test_unicode_strings (test.test_future4.TestFuture) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:42 load avg: 0.46 [148/403/21] test_future5 PASS: test_print_function (test.test_future5.TestMultipleFeatures) PASS: test_unicode_literals (test.test_future5.TestMultipleFeatures) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:42 load avg: 0.46 [149/403/21] test_future_builtins 0:00:42 load avg: 0.46 [150/403/22] test_gc -- test_future_builtins failed PASS: test_boom (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_boom2 (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_boom2_new (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_boom_new (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_bug1055820b (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_class (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_collect_generations (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_del (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_del_newclass (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_dict (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_finalizer (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_finalizer_newclass (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_frame (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_function (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_get_count (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_get_referents (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_instance (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_is_tracked (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_list (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_method (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_newinstance (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_newstyleclass (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_saveall (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_trashcan (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_trashcan_threads (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_tuple (test.test_gc.GCTests) PASS: test_bug1055820c (test.test_gc.GCTogglingTests) PASS: test_bug1055820d (test.test_gc.GCTogglingTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 28 tests in 2.431s OK restoring automatic collection 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [151/403/22] test_gdb test_gdb skipped -- test_gdb only works on source builds at the moment. 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [152/403/22] test_gdbm -- test_gdb skipped PASS: test_error_conditions (test.test_gdbm.TestGdbm) PASS: test_flags (test.test_gdbm.TestGdbm) PASS: test_key_methods (test.test_gdbm.TestGdbm) PASS: test_reorganize (test.test_gdbm.TestGdbm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [153/403/22] test_generators Trying: for c in conjoin([lambda: iter((0, 1))] * 3): print c Expecting: [0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 1] [0, 1, 0] [0, 1, 1] [1, 0, 0] [1, 0, 1] [1, 1, 0] [1, 1, 1] ok Trying: def gencopy(iterator): for x in iterator: yield x[:] Expecting nothing ok Trying: for n in range(10): all = list(gencopy(conjoin([lambda: iter((0, 1))] * n))) print n, len(all), all[0] == [0] * n, all[-1] == [1] * n Expecting: 0 1 True True 1 2 True True 2 4 True True 3 8 True True 4 16 True True 5 32 True True 6 64 True True 7 128 True True 8 256 True True 9 512 True True ok Trying: q = Queens(8) Expecting nothing ok Trying: LIMIT = 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: count = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: for row2col in q.solve(): count += 1 if count <= LIMIT: print "Solution", count q.printsolution(row2col) Expecting: Solution 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Q| | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | |Q| | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | |Q| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | |Q| | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | |Q| | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | |Q| | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | |Q| | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | |Q| | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Solution 2 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Q| | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | |Q| | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | |Q| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | |Q| | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | |Q| | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | |Q| | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | |Q| | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | |Q| | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ok Trying: print count, "solutions in all." Expecting: 92 solutions in all. ok Trying: k = Knights(10, 10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: LIMIT = 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: count = 0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: for x in k.solve(): count += 1 if count <= LIMIT: print "Solution", count k.printsolution(x) else: break Expecting: Solution 1 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 1| 58| 27| 34| 3| 40| 29| 10| 5| 8| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 26| 35| 2| 57| 28| 33| 4| 7| 30| 11| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 59|100| 73| 36| 41| 56| 39| 32| 9| 6| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 74| 25| 60| 55| 72| 37| 42| 49| 12| 31| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 61| 86| 99| 76| 63| 52| 47| 38| 43| 50| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 24| 75| 62| 85| 54| 71| 64| 51| 48| 13| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 87| 98| 91| 80| 77| 84| 53| 46| 65| 44| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 90| 23| 88| 95| 70| 79| 68| 83| 14| 17| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 97| 92| 21| 78| 81| 94| 19| 16| 45| 66| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 22| 89| 96| 93| 20| 69| 82| 67| 18| 15| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Solution 2 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 1| 58| 27| 34| 3| 40| 29| 10| 5| 8| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 26| 35| 2| 57| 28| 33| 4| 7| 30| 11| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 59|100| 73| 36| 41| 56| 39| 32| 9| 6| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 74| 25| 60| 55| 72| 37| 42| 49| 12| 31| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 61| 86| 99| 76| 63| 52| 47| 38| 43| 50| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 24| 75| 62| 85| 54| 71| 64| 51| 48| 13| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 87| 98| 89| 80| 77| 84| 53| 46| 65| 44| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 90| 23| 92| 95| 70| 79| 68| 83| 14| 17| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 97| 88| 21| 78| 81| 94| 19| 16| 45| 66| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 22| 91| 96| 93| 20| 69| 82| 67| 18| 15| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ ok Trying: def f(): print (yield 1) yield 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: g.send(42) Expecting: 42 2 ok Trying: f().send("foo") Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator ok Trying: def f(): yield Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(f()) Expecting: [None] ok Trying: list((yield 21) for i in range(4)) Expecting: [21, None, 21, None, 21, None, 21, None] ok Trying: def f(): list(i for i in [(yield 26)]) Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def coroutine(seq): count = 0 while count < 200: count += yield seq.append(count) Expecting nothing ok Trying: seq = [] Expecting nothing ok Trying: c = coroutine(seq) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: print seq Expecting: [] ok Trying: c.send(10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print seq Expecting: [10] ok Trying: c.send(10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print seq Expecting: [10, 20] ok Trying: c.send(10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print seq Expecting: [10, 20, 30] ok Trying: f=lambda: (yield 1),(yield 2) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: 'yield' outside function ok Trying: def f(): return lambda x=(yield): 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: 'return' with argument inside generator (, line 1) ok Trying: def f(): x = yield = y Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: assignment to yield expression not possible ok Trying: def f(): (yield bar) = y Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to yield expression ok Trying: def f(): (yield bar) += y Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to yield expression ok Trying: def f(): while True: try: print (yield) except ValueError,v: print "caught ValueError (%s)" % (v), Expecting nothing ok Trying: import sys Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError) # type only Expecting: caught ValueError () ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError("xyz")) # value only Expecting: caught ValueError (xyz) ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError, ValueError(1)) # value+matching type Expecting: caught ValueError (1) ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError, TypeError(1)) # mismatched type, rewrapped Expecting: caught ValueError (1) ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError, ValueError(1), None) # explicit None traceback Expecting: caught ValueError (1) ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError(1), "foo") # bad args Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: instance exception may not have a separate value ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError, "foo", 23) # bad args Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: throw() third argument must be a traceback object ok Trying: def throw(g,exc): try: raise exc except: g.throw(*sys.exc_info()) Expecting nothing ok Trying: throw(g,ValueError) # do it with traceback included Expecting: caught ValueError () ok Trying: g.send(1) Expecting: 1 ok Trying: throw(g,TypeError) # terminate the generator Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError ok Trying: print g.gi_frame Expecting: None ok Trying: g.send(2) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... StopIteration ok Trying: g.throw(ValueError,6) # throw on closed generator Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 6 ok Trying: f().throw(ValueError,7) # throw on just-opened generator Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 7 ok Trying: f().throw("abc") # throw on just-opened generator Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: exceptions must be classes, or instances, not str ok Trying: def f(): try: yield except GeneratorExit: print "exiting" Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.close() Expecting: exiting ok Trying: g.close() # should be no-op now Expecting nothing ok Trying: f().close() # close on just-opened generator should be fine Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): yield # an even simpler generator Expecting nothing ok Trying: f().close() # close before opening Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.close() # close normally Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): try: yield finally: print "exiting" Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: del g Expecting: exiting ok Trying: class context(object): def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, *args): print 'exiting' Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): with context(): yield Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: del g Expecting: exiting ok Trying: def f(): try: yield except Exception: print 'except' finally: print 'finally' Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: del g Expecting: finally ok Trying: def f(): try: yield except GeneratorExit: yield "foo!" Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.close() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: generator ignored GeneratorExit ok Trying: g.close() Expecting nothing ok Trying: import sys, StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: old, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, StringIO.StringIO() Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: del g Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stderr.getvalue().startswith( "Exception RuntimeError: 'generator ignored GeneratorExit' in " ) Expecting: True ok Trying: sys.stderr = old Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): try: yield except GeneratorExit: raise TypeError("fie!") Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.close() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: fie! ok Trying: def f(): x += yield Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): x = yield Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): lambda x=(yield): 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): x=(i for i in (yield) if (yield)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(d): d[(yield "a")] = d[(yield "b")] = 27 Expecting nothing ok Trying: data = [1,2] Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f(data) Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(g) Expecting: ok Trying: g.send(None) Expecting: 'a' ok Trying: data Expecting: [1, 2] ok Trying: g.send(0) Expecting: 'b' ok Trying: data Expecting: [27, 2] ok Trying: try: g.send(1) except StopIteration: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: data Expecting: [27, 27] ok Trying: def g(): for i in range(3): yield None yield None return Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g()) Expecting: [None, None, None, None] ok Trying: def g(): yield 1 try: raise StopIteration except: yield 2 yield 3 Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g()) Expecting: [1, 2, 3] ok Trying: def gcomb(x, k): "Generate all combinations of k elements from list x." if k > len(x): return if k == 0: yield [] else: first, rest = x[0], x[1:] # A combination does or doesn't contain first. # If it does, the remainder is a k-1 comb of rest. for c in gcomb(rest, k-1): c.insert(0, first) yield c # If it doesn't contain first, it's a k comb of rest. for c in gcomb(rest, k): yield c Expecting nothing ok Trying: seq = range(1, 5) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for k in range(len(seq) + 2): print "%d-combs of %s:" % (k, seq) for c in gcomb(seq, k): print " ", c Expecting: 0-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]: [] 1-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]: [1] [2] [3] [4] 2-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]: [1, 2] [1, 3] [1, 4] [2, 3] [2, 4] [3, 4] 3-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]: [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 4] [1, 3, 4] [2, 3, 4] 4-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]: [1, 2, 3, 4] 5-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]: ok Trying: def g(): yield 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(g) Expecting: ok Trying: i = g() Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(i) Expecting: ok Trying: [s for s in dir(i) if not s.startswith('_')] Expecting: ['close', 'gi_code', 'gi_frame', 'gi_running', 'next', 'send', 'throw'] ok Trying: from test.test_support import HAVE_DOCSTRINGS Expecting nothing ok Trying: print( if HAVE_DOCSTRINGS else ' -> the next value, or raise StopIteration') Expecting: -> the next value, or raise StopIteration ok Trying: iter(i) is i Expecting: True ok Trying: import types Expecting nothing ok Trying: isinstance(i, types.GeneratorType) Expecting: True ok Trying: i.gi_running Expecting: 0 ok Trying: type(i.gi_frame) Expecting: ok Trying: i.gi_running = 42 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: readonly attribute ok Trying: def g(): yield me.gi_running Expecting nothing ok Trying: me = g() Expecting nothing ok Trying: me.gi_running Expecting: 0 ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: me.gi_running Expecting: 0 ok Trying: class disjointSet: def __init__(self, name): = name self.parent = None self.generator = self.generate() def generate(self): while not self.parent: yield self for x in self.parent.generator: yield x def find(self): return def union(self, parent): if self.parent: raise ValueError("Sorry, I'm not a root!") self.parent = parent def __str__(self): return Expecting nothing ok Trying: names = "ABCDEFGHIJKLM" Expecting nothing ok Trying: sets = [disjointSet(name) for name in names] Expecting nothing ok Trying: roots = sets[:] Expecting nothing ok Trying: import random Expecting nothing ok Trying: gen = random.WichmannHill(42) Expecting nothing ok Trying: while 1: for s in sets: print "%s->%s" % (s, s.find()), print if len(roots) > 1: s1 = gen.choice(roots) roots.remove(s1) s2 = gen.choice(roots) s1.union(s2) print "merged", s1, "into", s2 else: break Expecting: A->A B->B C->C D->D E->E F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->K L->L M->M merged D into G A->A B->B C->C D->G E->E F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->K L->L M->M merged C into F A->A B->B C->F D->G E->E F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->K L->L M->M merged L into A A->A B->B C->F D->G E->E F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->K L->A M->M merged H into E A->A B->B C->F D->G E->E F->F G->G H->E I->I J->J K->K L->A M->M merged B into E A->A B->E C->F D->G E->E F->F G->G H->E I->I J->J K->K L->A M->M merged J into G A->A B->E C->F D->G E->E F->F G->G H->E I->I J->G K->K L->A M->M merged E into G A->A B->G C->F D->G E->G F->F G->G H->G I->I J->G K->K L->A M->M merged M into G A->A B->G C->F D->G E->G F->F G->G H->G I->I J->G K->K L->A M->G merged I into K A->A B->G C->F D->G E->G F->F G->G H->G I->K J->G K->K L->A M->G merged K into A A->A B->G C->F D->G E->G F->F G->G H->G I->A J->G K->A L->A M->G merged F into A A->A B->G C->A D->G E->G F->A G->G H->G I->A J->G K->A L->A M->G merged A into G A->G B->G C->G D->G E->G F->G G->G H->G I->G J->G K->G L->G M->G ok Trying: def firstn(g, n): return [ for i in range(n)] Expecting nothing ok Trying: def intsfrom(i): while 1: yield i i += 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: firstn(intsfrom(5), 7) Expecting: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] ok Trying: def exclude_multiples(n, ints): for i in ints: if i % n: yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: firstn(exclude_multiples(3, intsfrom(1)), 6) Expecting: [1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8] ok Trying: def sieve(ints): prime = yield prime not_divisible_by_prime = exclude_multiples(prime, ints) for p in sieve(not_divisible_by_prime): yield p Expecting nothing ok Trying: primes = sieve(intsfrom(2)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: firstn(primes, 20) Expecting: [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71] ok Trying: def times(n, g): for i in g: yield n * i Expecting nothing ok Trying: firstn(times(10, intsfrom(1)), 10) Expecting: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100] ok Trying: def merge(g, h): ng = nh = while 1: if ng < nh: yield ng ng = elif ng > nh: yield nh nh = else: yield ng ng = nh = Expecting nothing ok Trying: def m235(): yield 1 me_times2 = times(2, m235()) me_times3 = times(3, m235()) me_times5 = times(5, m235()) for i in merge(merge(me_times2, me_times3), me_times5): yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: result = m235() Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in range(3): print firstn(result, 15) Expecting: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24] [25, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 54, 60, 64, 72, 75, 80] [81, 90, 96, 100, 108, 120, 125, 128, 135, 144, 150, 160, 162, 180, 192] ok Trying: class LazyList: def __init__(self, g): self.sofar = [] self.fetch = def __getitem__(self, i): sofar, fetch = self.sofar, self.fetch while i >= len(sofar): sofar.append(fetch()) return sofar[i] Expecting nothing ok Trying: def m235(): yield 1 # Gack: m235 below actually refers to a LazyList. me_times2 = times(2, m235) me_times3 = times(3, m235) me_times5 = times(5, m235) for i in merge(merge(me_times2, me_times3), me_times5): yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: m235 = LazyList(m235()) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in range(5): print [m235[j] for j in range(15*i, 15*(i+1))] Expecting: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24] [25, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 54, 60, 64, 72, 75, 80] [81, 90, 96, 100, 108, 120, 125, 128, 135, 144, 150, 160, 162, 180, 192] [200, 216, 225, 240, 243, 250, 256, 270, 288, 300, 320, 324, 360, 375, 384] [400, 405, 432, 450, 480, 486, 500, 512, 540, 576, 600, 625, 640, 648, 675] ok Trying: def fibgen(a, b): def sum(g, h): while 1: yield + def tail(g): # throw first away for x in g: yield x yield a yield b for s in sum(iter(fib), tail(iter(fib))): yield s Expecting nothing ok Trying: fib = LazyList(fibgen(1, 2)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: firstn(iter(fib), 17) Expecting: [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584] ok Trying: from itertools import tee Expecting nothing ok Trying: def m235(): def _m235(): yield 1 for n in merge(times(2, m2), merge(times(3, m3), times(5, m5))): yield n m1 = _m235() m2, m3, m5, mRes = tee(m1, 4) return mRes Expecting nothing ok Trying: it = m235() Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in range(5): print firstn(it, 15) Expecting: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24] [25, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 54, 60, 64, 72, 75, 80] [81, 90, 96, 100, 108, 120, 125, 128, 135, 144, 150, 160, 162, 180, 192] [200, 216, 225, 240, 243, 250, 256, 270, 288, 300, 320, 324, 360, 375, 384] [400, 405, 432, 450, 480, 486, 500, 512, 540, 576, 600, 625, 640, 648, 675] ok Trying: def fib(): def _isum(g, h): while 1: yield + def _fib(): yield 1 yield 2 # throw first away for res in _isum(fibHead, fibTail): yield res realfib = _fib() fibHead, fibTail, fibRes = tee(realfib, 3) return fibRes Expecting nothing ok Trying: firstn(fib(), 17) Expecting: [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584] ok Trying: def g(): i = yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: me = g() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 2, in g ValueError: generator already executing ok Trying: def f1(): try: return except: yield 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print list(f1()) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def f2(): try: raise StopIteration except: yield 42 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print list(f2()) Expecting: [42] ok Trying: def f(): return 1//0 Expecting nothing ok Trying: def g(): yield f() # the zero division exception propagates yield 42 # and we'll never get here Expecting nothing ok Trying: k = g() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "", line 2, in g File "", line 2, in f ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero ok Trying: # and the generator cannot be resumed Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? StopIteration ok Trying: def f(): try: yield 1 try: yield 2 1//0 yield 3 # never get here except ZeroDivisionError: yield 4 yield 5 raise except: yield 6 yield 7 # the "raise" above stops this except: yield 8 yield 9 try: x = 12 finally: yield 10 yield 11 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print list(f()) Expecting: [1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11] ok Trying: class Tree: def __init__(self, label, left=None, right=None): self.label = label self.left = left self.right = right def __repr__(self, level=0, indent=" "): s = level*indent + repr(self.label) if self.left: s = s + "\n" + self.left.__repr__(level+1, indent) if self.right: s = s + "\n" + self.right.__repr__(level+1, indent) return s def __iter__(self): return inorder(self) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def tree(list): n = len(list) if n == 0: return [] i = n // 2 return Tree(list[i], tree(list[:i]), tree(list[i+1:])) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = tree("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") Expecting nothing ok Trying: def inorder(t): if t: for x in inorder(t.left): yield x yield t.label for x in inorder(t.right): yield x Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = tree("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") Expecting nothing ok Trying: for x in t: print x, Expecting: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ok Trying: def inorder(node): stack = [] while node: while node.left: stack.append(node) node = node.left yield node.label while not node.right: try: node = stack.pop() except IndexError: return yield node.label node = node.right Expecting nothing ok Trying: for x in t: print x, Expecting: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ok Trying: import itertools Expecting nothing ok Trying: def leak(): class gen: def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): return self.item g = gen() head, tail = itertools.tee(g) g.item = head return head Expecting nothing ok Trying: it = leak() Expecting nothing ok Trying: item = Expecting nothing ok Trying: def leak(): def gen(): while True: yield g g = gen() Expecting nothing ok Trying: leak() Expecting nothing ok Trying: import sys, StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: old = sys.stderr Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: sys.stderr = StringIO.StringIO() class Leaker: def __del__(self): raise RuntimeError l = Leaker() del l err = sys.stderr.getvalue().strip() err.startswith( "Exception RuntimeError: RuntimeError() in <" ) err.endswith("> ignored") len(err.splitlines()) finally: sys.stderr = old Expecting: True True 1 ok Trying: def f(): return 22 yield 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): .. SyntaxError: 'return' with argument inside generator (, line 3) ok Trying: def f(): yield 1 return 22 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): .. SyntaxError: 'return' with argument inside generator (, line 3) ok Trying: def f(): yield 1 return None Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): .. SyntaxError: 'return' with argument inside generator (, line 3) ok Trying: def f(): yield 1 return Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): try: yield 1 finally: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): try: try: 1//0 except ZeroDivisionError: yield 666 except: pass finally: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(): try: try: yield 12 1//0 except ZeroDivisionError: yield 666 except: try: x = 12 finally: yield 12 except: return Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(f()) Expecting: [12, 666] ok Trying: def f(): yield Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if 0: yield Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if 0: yield 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if "": yield None Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): return try: if x==4: pass elif 0: try: 1//0 except SyntaxError: pass else: if 0: while 12: x += 1 yield 2 # don't blink f(a, b, c, d, e) else: pass except: x = 1 return Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if 0: def g(): yield 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if 0: class C: def __init__(self): yield 1 def f(self): yield 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if 0: return if 0: yield 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(f()) Expecting: ok Trying: def f(): if 0: lambda x: x # shouldn't trigger here return # or here def f(i): return 2*i # or here if 0: return 3 # but *this* sucks (line 8) if 0: yield 2 # because it's a generator (line 10) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): SyntaxError: 'return' with argument inside generator (, line 10) ok Trying: def f(): for i in range(3): try: continue finally: yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: print Expecting: 0 ok Trying: print Expecting: 1 ok Trying: print Expecting: 2 ok Trying: print Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): StopIteration ok Trying: def f(): yield 5 Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.gi_code is f.func_code Expecting: True ok Trying: Expecting: 5 ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): StopIteration ok Trying: g.gi_code is f.func_code Expecting: True ok Trying: def f(): yield 5 Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: g.__name__ Expecting: 'f' ok Trying: repr(g) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: '' ok Trying: x = lambda: (yield 1) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(x()) Expecting: [1] ok Trying: x = lambda: ((yield 1), (yield 2)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(x()) Expecting: [1, 2] ok Trying: def f(): yield 1 yield 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in f(): print i Expecting: 1 2 ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: Expecting: 2 ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "", line 2, in g StopIteration ok Trying: def f(): yield 1 return yield 2 # never reached Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "", line 3, in f StopIteration ok Trying: # once stopped, can't be resumed Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? StopIteration ok Trying: def f(): yield 1 raise StopIteration yield 2 # never reached Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = f() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? StopIteration ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? StopIteration ok Trying: def g1(): try: return except: yield 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g1()) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def g2(): try: raise StopIteration except: yield 42 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print list(g2()) Expecting: [42] ok Trying: def g3(): try: return finally: yield 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g3()) Expecting: [1] ok Trying: def yrange(n): for i in range(n): yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(yrange(5)) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] ok Trying: def creator(): r = yrange(5) print "creator", return r Expecting nothing ok Trying: def caller(): r = creator() for i in r: print "caller", i Expecting nothing ok Trying: caller() Expecting: creator 0 caller 1 caller 2 caller 3 caller 4 ok Trying: def zrange(n): for i in yrange(n): yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(zrange(5)) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] ok Trying: import weakref Expecting nothing ok Trying: def gen(): yield 'foo!' Expecting nothing ok Trying: wr = weakref.ref(gen) Expecting nothing ok Trying: wr() is gen Expecting: True ok Trying: p = weakref.proxy(gen) Expecting nothing ok Trying: gi = gen() Expecting nothing ok Trying: wr = weakref.ref(gi) Expecting nothing ok Trying: wr() is gi Expecting: True ok Trying: p = weakref.proxy(gi) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(p) Expecting: ['foo!'] ok 16 items had no tests: test.test_generators test.test_generators.Knights test.test_generators.Knights.__init__ test.test_generators.Knights._init_board test.test_generators.Knights.coords2index test.test_generators.Knights.index2coords test.test_generators.Knights.printsolution test.test_generators.Knights.solve test.test_generators.Queens test.test_generators.Queens.__init__ test.test_generators.Queens.printsolution test.test_generators.Queens.solve test.test_generators.conjoin test.test_generators.flat_conjoin test.test_generators.simple_conjoin test.test_generators.test_main 9 items passed all tests: 12 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.conjoin 104 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.coroutine 32 tests in 27 tests in 22 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.pep 9 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.refleaks 45 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.syntax 29 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.tut 10 tests in test.test_generators.__test__.weakref 290 tests in 25 items. 290 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_generators) ... 290 tests with zero failures 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [154/403/22] test_genericpath PASS: test_commonprefix (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) PASS: test_exists (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) PASS: test_getsize (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) PASS: test_isdir (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) PASS: test_isfile (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) PASS: test_no_argument (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) PASS: test_time (test.test_genericpath.GenericTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [155/403/22] test_genexps Trying: sum(i*i for i in range(100) if i&1 == 1) Expecting: 166650 ok Trying: list((i,j) for i in range(3) for j in range(4) ) Expecting: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)] ok Trying: list((i,j) for i in range(4) for j in range(i) ) Expecting: [(1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1), (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2)] ok Trying: i = 20 Expecting nothing ok Trying: sum(i*i for i in range(100)) Expecting: 328350 ok Trying: i Expecting: 20 ok Trying: g = (i*i for i in range(4)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: type(g) Expecting: ok Trying: list(g) Expecting: [0, 1, 4, 9] ok Trying: g = (i*i for i in range(3)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 0 ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: Expecting: 4 ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in -toplevel- StopIteration ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in -toplevel- StopIteration ok Trying: list(g) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def f(n): return (i*i for i in xrange(n)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(f(10)) Expecting: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81] ok Trying: def f(n): return ((i,j) for i in xrange(3) for j in xrange(n)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(f(4)) Expecting: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)] ok Trying: def f(n): return ((i,j) for i in xrange(3) for j in xrange(4) if j in xrange(n)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(f(4)) Expecting: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)] ok Trying: list(f(2)) Expecting: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1)] ok Trying: def f(n): return i*i for i in xrange(n) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: invalid syntax ok Trying: dict(a = i for i in xrange(10)) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: invalid syntax ok Trying: dict(a = (i for i in xrange(10))) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: {'a': at ...>} ok Trying: x=10 Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = (i*i for i in range(x)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = 5 Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g) Expecting: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81] ok Trying: (i for i in 6) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in -toplevel- (i for i in 6) TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable ok Trying: include = (2,4,6,8) Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = (i*i for i in range(10) if i in include) Expecting nothing ok Trying: include = (1,3,5,7,9) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g) Expecting: [1, 9, 25, 49, 81] ok Trying: g = ((i,j) for i in range(3) for j in range(x)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = 4 Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(g) Expecting: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)] ok Trying: tupleids = map(id, ((i,i) for i in xrange(10))) Expecting nothing ok Trying: int(max(tupleids) - min(tupleids)) Expecting: 0 ok Trying: (y for y in (1,2)) = 10 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to generator expression ok Trying: (y for y in (1,2)) += 10 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to generator expression ok Trying: yrange = lambda n: (i for i in xrange(n)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(yrange(10)) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ok Trying: def creator(): r = yrange(5) print "creator", return r Expecting nothing ok Trying: def caller(): r = creator() for i in r: print "caller", i Expecting nothing ok Trying: caller() Expecting: creator 0 caller 1 caller 2 caller 3 caller 4 ok Trying: def zrange(n): for i in yrange(n): yield i Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(zrange(5)) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] ok Trying: g = ( for i in xrange(10)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: me = g Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in -toplevel- File "", line 1, in g = ( for i in xrange(10)) ValueError: generator already executing ok Trying: g = (10 // i for i in (5, 0, 2)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 2 ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in -toplevel- File "", line 1, in g = (10 // i for i in (5, 0, 2)) ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero ok Trying: Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in -toplevel- StopIteration ok Trying: list(None for i in xrange(10)) Expecting: [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None] ok Trying: g = (i*i for i in range(3)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: expected = set(['gi_frame', 'gi_running', 'next']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: set(attr for attr in dir(g) if not attr.startswith('__')) >= expected Expecting: True ok Trying: from test.test_support import HAVE_DOCSTRINGS Expecting nothing ok Trying: print( if HAVE_DOCSTRINGS else ' -> the next value, or raise StopIteration') Expecting: -> the next value, or raise StopIteration ok Trying: import types Expecting nothing ok Trying: isinstance(g, types.GeneratorType) Expecting: True ok Trying: iter(g) is g Expecting: True ok Trying: g = (me.gi_running for i in (0,1)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: me = g Expecting nothing ok Trying: me.gi_running Expecting: 0 ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: me.gi_running Expecting: 0 ok Trying: import weakref Expecting nothing ok Trying: g = (i*i for i in range(4)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: wr = weakref.ref(g) Expecting nothing ok Trying: wr() is g Expecting: True ok Trying: p = weakref.proxy(g) Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(p) Expecting: [0, 1, 4, 9] ok 2 items had no tests: test.test_genexps test.test_genexps.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 76 tests in test.test_genexps.__test__.doctests 76 tests in 3 items. 76 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_genexps) ... 76 tests with zero failures 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [156/403/22] test_getargs PASS: test_with_marshal (test.test_getargs.GetArgsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [157/403/22] test_getargs2 test_getargs2 skipped -- No module named _testcapi 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [158/403/22] test_getopt -- test_getargs2 skipped PASS: test_do_longs (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) PASS: test_do_shorts (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) PASS: test_getopt (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) PASS: test_gnu_getopt (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) PASS: test_issue4629 (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) test_libref_examples (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) ... Trying: import getopt Expecting nothing ok Trying: args = '-a -b -cfoo -d bar a1 a2'.split() Expecting nothing ok Trying: args Expecting: ['-a', '-b', '-cfoo', '-d', 'bar', 'a1', 'a2'] ok Trying: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'abc:d:') Expecting nothing ok Trying: optlist Expecting: [('-a', ''), ('-b', ''), ('-c', 'foo'), ('-d', 'bar')] ok Trying: args Expecting: ['a1', 'a2'] ok Trying: s = '--condition=foo --testing --output-file abc.def -x a1 a2' Expecting nothing ok Trying: args = s.split() Expecting nothing ok Trying: args Expecting: ['--condition=foo', '--testing', '--output-file', 'abc.def', '-x', 'a1', 'a2'] ok Trying: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'x', [ 'condition=', 'output-file=', 'testing']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: optlist Expecting: [('--condition', 'foo'), ('--testing', ''), ('--output-file', 'abc.def'), ('-x', '')] ok Trying: args Expecting: ['a1', 'a2'] ok 1 items passed all tests: 12 tests in libreftest 12 tests in 1 items. 12 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (libreftest) ... 12 tests with zero failures ok PASS: test_long_has_args (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) PASS: test_short_has_arg (test.test_getopt.GetoptTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [159/403/22] test_gettext PASS: test_plural_form_error_issue17898 (test.test_gettext.GNUTranslationParsingTest) PASS: test_cache (test.test_gettext.GettextCacheTestCase) PASS: test_double_quotes (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase1) PASS: test_multiline_strings (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase1) PASS: test_some_translations (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase1) PASS: test_the_alternative_interface (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase1) PASS: test_triple_double_quotes (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase1) PASS: test_triple_single_quotes (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase1) PASS: test_bindtextdomain (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_double_quotes (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_multiline_strings (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_some_translations (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_textdomain (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_triple_double_quotes (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_triple_single_quotes (test.test_gettext.GettextTestCase2) PASS: test_ar (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_chained_comparison (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_cs (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_de (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_decimal_number (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_division (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_fr (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_gd (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_gd2 (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_syntax (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_ja (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_lt (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_lv (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_nested_condition_operator (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_pl (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_plural_forms1 (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_plural_forms2 (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_plural_number (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_ro (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_ru (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_security (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_sl (test.test_gettext.PluralFormsTestCase) PASS: test_unicode_msgid (test.test_gettext.UnicodeTranslationsTest) PASS: test_unicode_msgstr (test.test_gettext.UnicodeTranslationsTest) PASS: test_weird_metadata (test.test_gettext.WeirdMetadataTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 40 tests in 0.014s OK 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [160/403/22] test_gl test_gl skipped -- No module named gl 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [161/403/22] test_glob -- test_gl skipped PASS: test_glob_broken_symlinks (test.test_glob.GlobTests) PASS: test_glob_directory_names (test.test_glob.GlobTests) PASS: test_glob_directory_with_trailing_slash (test.test_glob.GlobTests) PASS: test_glob_literal (test.test_glob.GlobTests) SKIP: test_glob_magic_in_drive (test.test_glob.GlobTests) 'Win32 specific test' PASS: test_glob_nested_directory (test.test_glob.GlobTests) PASS: test_glob_one_directory (test.test_glob.GlobTests) PASS: test_glob_symlinks (test.test_glob.GlobTests) PASS: test_glob_unicode_directory_with_trailing_slash (test.test_glob.GlobTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.008s OK (skipped=1) 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [162/403/22] test_global PASS: test1 (test.test_global.GlobalTests) PASS: test2 (test.test_global.GlobalTests) PASS: test3 (test.test_global.GlobalTests) PASS: test4 (test.test_global.GlobalTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [163/403/22] test_grp PASS: test_errors (test.test_grp.GroupDatabaseTestCase) PASS: test_values (test.test_grp.GroupDatabaseTestCase) PASS: test_values_extended (test.test_grp.GroupDatabaseTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.002s OK 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [164/403/22] test_gzip PASS: test_1647484 (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_append (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_buffered_reader (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_fileobj_from_fdopen (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_io_on_closed_object (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_many_append (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_metadata (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_mode (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_mtime (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_read (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_read_universal_newlines (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_read_with_extra (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_readline (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_seek_read (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_seek_whence (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_seek_write (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) SKIP: test_unicode_filename (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) 'Requires unicode filenames support' PASS: test_with_open (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_write (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_write_incompatible_type (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_write_memoryview (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) PASS: test_zero_padded_file (test.test_gzip.TestGzip) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 23 tests in 0.028s OK (skipped=1) 0:00:45 load avg: 0.51 [165/403/22] test_hash PASS: test_coerced_floats (test.test_hash.HashEqualityTestCase) PASS: test_coerced_integers (test.test_hash.HashEqualityTestCase) PASS: test_numeric_literals (test.test_hash.HashEqualityTestCase) PASS: test_default_hash (test.test_hash.HashInheritanceTestCase) PASS: test_error_hash (test.test_hash.HashInheritanceTestCase) PASS: test_fixed_hash (test.test_hash.HashInheritanceTestCase) PASS: test_hashable (test.test_hash.HashInheritanceTestCase) PASS: test_not_hashable (test.test_hash.HashInheritanceTestCase) PASS: test_hashes (test.test_hash.HashBuiltinsTestCase) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_hash.StrHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_fixed_hash (test.test_hash.StrHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_null_hash (test.test_hash.StrHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_randomized_hash (test.test_hash.StrHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_hash.UnicodeHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_fixed_hash (test.test_hash.UnicodeHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_null_hash (test.test_hash.UnicodeHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_randomized_hash (test.test_hash.UnicodeHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_hash.BufferHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_fixed_hash (test.test_hash.BufferHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_null_hash (test.test_hash.BufferHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_randomized_hash (test.test_hash.BufferHashRandomizationTests) PASS: test_randomized_hash (test.test_hash.DatetimeDateTests) PASS: test_randomized_hash (test.test_hash.DatetimeDatetimeTests) PASS: test_randomized_hash (test.test_hash.DatetimeTimeTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 24 tests in 0.173s OK 0:00:46 load avg: 0.51 [166/403/22] test_hashlib PASS: test_algorithms_attribute (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_algorithms_available (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_algorithms_guaranteed (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_md5_0 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_md5_1 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_md5_2 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_md5_huge (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_md5_huge_update (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_md5_uintmax (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha1_0 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha1_1 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha1_2 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha1_3 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha1_huge (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha1_huge_update (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha224_0 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha224_1 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha224_2 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha224_3 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha256_0 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha256_1 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha256_2 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha256_3 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha384_0 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha384_1 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha384_2 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha384_3 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha512_0 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha512_1 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha512_2 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_case_sha512_3 (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_get_builtin_constructor (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_hash_array (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_hexdigest (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_large_update (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_threaded_hashing (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_unknown_hash (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) PASS: test_pbkdf2_hmac (test.test_hashlib.KDFTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 39 tests in 0.068s OK 0:00:46 load avg: 0.51 [167/403/22] test_heapq PASS: test_c_functions (test.test_heapq.TestModules) PASS: test_py_functions (test.test_heapq.TestModules) PASS: test_comparison_operator (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_heapify (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_heappushpop (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_heapsort (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_merge (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_merge_does_not_suppress_index_error (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_merge_stability (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_naive_nbest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_nbest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_nbest_with_pushpop (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_nlargest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_nsmallest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_push_pop (test.test_heapq.TestHeapPython) PASS: test_comparison_operator (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_heapify (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_heappushpop (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_heapsort (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_merge (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_merge_does_not_suppress_index_error (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_merge_stability (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_naive_nbest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_nbest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_nbest_with_pushpop (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_nlargest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_nsmallest (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_push_pop (test.test_heapq.TestHeapC) PASS: test_arg_parsing (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_get_only (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_heappop_mutating_heap (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_heappush_mutating_heap (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_iterable_args (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_len_only (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_non_sequence (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingPython) PASS: test_arg_parsing (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_get_only (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_heappop_mutating_heap (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_heappush_mutating_heap (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_iterable_args (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_len_only (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) PASS: test_non_sequence (test.test_heapq.TestErrorHandlingC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 42 tests in 0.351s OK 0:00:46 load avg: 0.51 [168/403/22] test_hmac PASS: test_legacy_block_size_warnings (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_md5_vectors (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_sha224_rfc4231 (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_sha256_rfc4231 (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_sha384_rfc4231 (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_sha512_rfc4231 (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_sha_vectors (test.test_hmac.TestVectorsTestCase) PASS: test_normal (test.test_hmac.ConstructorTestCase) PASS: test_withmodule (test.test_hmac.ConstructorTestCase) PASS: test_withtext (test.test_hmac.ConstructorTestCase) PASS: test_default_is_md5 (test.test_hmac.SanityTestCase) PASS: test_exercise_all_methods (test.test_hmac.SanityTestCase) PASS: test_attributes (test.test_hmac.CopyTestCase) PASS: test_equality (test.test_hmac.CopyTestCase) PASS: test_realcopy (test.test_hmac.CopyTestCase) PASS: test_compare_digest (test.test_hmac.CompareDigestTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 16 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:46 load avg: 0.51 [169/403/22] test_hotshot PASS: test_addinfo (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) PASS: test_bad_sys_path (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) PASS: test_large_info (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) PASS: test_line_numbers (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) PASS: test_load_stats (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) PASS: test_logreader_eof_error (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) PASS: test_start_stop (test.test_hotshot.HotShotTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.015s OK 0:00:46 load avg: 0.51 [170/403/22] test_htmllib PASS: test_anchor_collection (test.test_htmllib.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_decl_collection (test.test_htmllib.HTMLParserTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:46 load avg: 0.51 [171/403/22] test_htmlparser PASS: test_bad_nesting (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_bare_ampersands (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_bare_pointy_brackets (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_broken_invalid_end_tag (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_buffer_artefacts (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_cdata_content (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_cdata_with_closing_tags (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_declaration_junk_chars (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_get_starttag_text (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_declarations (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_end_tags (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_malformatted_charref (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_processing_instruction_only (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_simple_html (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_slashes_in_starttag (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_startendtag (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_starttag_end_boundary (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_starttag_junk_chars (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_unclosed_entityref (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_unescape_function (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_valid_doctypes (test.test_htmlparser.HTMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_adjacent_attributes (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_attr_entity_replacement (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_attr_funky_names (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_attr_nonascii (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_attr_syntax (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_attr_values (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_broken_comments (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_broken_condcoms (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_comments (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_condcoms (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_end_tag_in_attribute_value (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_entities_in_attribute_value (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_entityrefs_in_attributes (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_javascript_attribute_value (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_malformed_adjacent_attributes (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_malformed_attributes (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) PASS: test_missing_attribute_value (test.test_htmlparser.AttributesTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 38 tests in 0.024s OK 0:00:46 load avg: 0.51 [172/403/22] test_httplib PASS: test_auto_headers (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_blank_line_forms (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_content_length_0 (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_from_line (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_invalid_headers (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_ipv6host_header (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_malformed_headers_coped_with (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_malformed_truncation (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_parse_all_octets (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_putheader (test.test_httplib.HeaderTests) PASS: test_responses (test.test_httplib.OfflineTest) PASS: test_bad_status_repr (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_chunked (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_chunked_head (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_early_eof (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_epipe (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_error_leak (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_filenoattr (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_host_port (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_incomplete_read (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_negative_content_length (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_overflowing_chunked_line (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_overflowing_header_line (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) SKIP: test_overflowing_status_line (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) 'disabled for HTTP 0.9 support' PASS: test_partial_reads (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_partial_reads_incomplete_body (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_partial_reads_no_content_length (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_proxy_tunnel_without_status_line (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_read_head (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_response_headers (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_send (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_send_file (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_send_tempfile (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_status_lines (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) PASS: test_too_many_headers (test.test_httplib.BasicTest) testTimeoutAttribute (test.test_httplib.TimeoutTest) PASS: This will prove that the timeout gets through PASS: testHTTPConnection (test.test_httplib.HTTPTest) PASS: testHTTPWithConnectHostPort (test.test_httplib.HTTPTest) PASS: test_attributes (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) PASS: test_host_port (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) test_local_bad_hostname (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) ... server (('', 41257):41257 ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256)): [13/Feb/2018 02:20:30] code 404, message File not found server (('', 41257):41257 ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256)): [13/Feb/2018 02:20:30] "GET /nonexistent HTTP/1.1" 404 - stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread ok test_local_good_hostname (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) ... server (('', 43477):43477 ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256)): [13/Feb/2018 02:20:31] code 404, message File not found server (('', 43477):43477 ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256)): [13/Feb/2018 02:20:31] "GET /nonexistent HTTP/1.1" 404 - stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread ok test_local_unknown_cert (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) ... stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread ok SKIP: test_networked (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_networked_bad_cert (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_networked_good_cert (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_networked_noverification (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_networked_trusted_by_default_cert (test.test_httplib.HTTPSTest) "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" PASS: testHTTPConnectionSourceAddress (test.test_httplib.SourceAddressTest) PASS: testHTTPSConnectionSourceAddress (test.test_httplib.SourceAddressTest) PASS: test_connect (test.test_httplib.TunnelTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 51 tests in 0.119s OK (skipped=6) 0:00:46 load avg: 0.51 [173/403/22] test_httpservers 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [174/403/23] test_idle -- test_httpservers failed test_idle skipped -- No module named _tkinter 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [175/403/23] test_imageop -- test_idle skipped test_imageop skipped -- No module named imageop 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [176/403/23] test_imaplib -- test_imageop skipped PASS: test_that_Time2Internaldate_returns_a_result (test.test_imaplib.TestImaplib) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [177/403/23] test_imgfile test_imgfile skipped -- No module named imgfile 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [178/403/23] test_imghdr -- test_imgfile skipped PASS: test_bad_args (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_closed_file (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_data (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_file_pos (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_invalid_headers (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_missing_file (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_output_stream (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_register_test (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) PASS: test_unseekable (test.test_imghdr.TestImghdr) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [179/403/23] test_imp PASS: test_builtin (test.test_imp.ReloadTests) PASS: test_extension (test.test_imp.ReloadTests) PASS: test_source (test.test_imp.ReloadTests) PASS: testLock (test.test_imp.LockTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.001s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [180/403/23] test_import PASS: test_bug7732 (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_case_sensitivity (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_double_const (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_execute_bit_not_copied (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_failing_import_sticks (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_failing_reload (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_fromlist_type (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_imp_module (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_import (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_import_by_filename (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_import_in_del_does_not_crash (test.test_import.ImportTests) FAIL: test_import_initless_directory_warning (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_import_name_binding (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_infinite_reload (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_module_with_large_stack (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_pyc_mtime (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_replace_parent_in_sys_modules (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_rewrite_pyc_with_read_only_source (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_timestamp_overflow (test.test_import.ImportTests) PASS: test_basics (test.test_import.PycRewritingTests) PASS: test_foreign_code (test.test_import.PycRewritingTests) PASS: test_incorrect_code_name (test.test_import.PycRewritingTests) PASS: test_module_without_source (test.test_import.PycRewritingTests) PASS: test_trailing_slash (test.test_import.PathsTests) PASS: test_absolute_import_without_future (test.test_import.RelativeImportTests) PASS: test_issue3221 (test.test_import.RelativeImportTests) PASS: test_relimport_star (test.test_import.RelativeImportTests) PASS: test_symlinked_dir_importable (test.test_import.TestSymbolicallyLinkedPackage) ====================================================================== FAIL: test_import_initless_directory_warning (test.test_import.ImportTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 304, in test_import_initless_directory_warning self.assertRaises(ImportError, __import__, "site-packages") File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 24, in __exit__ File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 961, in _filterwarnings missing[0]) AssertionError: filter ('', ImportWarning) did not catch any warning ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 28 tests in 0.085s FAILED (failures=1) 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [181/403/24] test_import_magic -- test_import failed PASS: test_magic_number (test.test_import_magic.MagicNumberTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [182/403/24] test_importhooks PASS: testBlocker (test.test_importhooks.ImportHooksTestCase) PASS: testImpWrapper (test.test_importhooks.ImportHooksTestCase) PASS: testMetaPath (test.test_importhooks.ImportHooksTestCase) PASS: testPathHook (test.test_importhooks.ImportHooksTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.008s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [183/403/24] test_importlib PASS: test_absolute_import_with_package (test.test_importlib.ImportModuleTests) PASS: test_absolute_package_import (test.test_importlib.ImportModuleTests) PASS: test_deep_relative_package_import (test.test_importlib.ImportModuleTests) PASS: test_module_import (test.test_importlib.ImportModuleTests) PASS: test_relative_import_wo_package (test.test_importlib.ImportModuleTests) PASS: test_shallow_relative_package_import (test.test_importlib.ImportModuleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [184/403/24] test_index PASS: test_basic (test.test_index.BaseTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.BaseTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.BaseTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.BaseTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.BaseTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_inplace_repeat (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_setdelitem (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.ListTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.TupleTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.ByteArrayTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.StringTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.UnicodeTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) SKIP: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) 'test fails for ClassicSeq' PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.ClassicSeqTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.NewSeqTestCase) PASS: test_xrange (test.test_index.XRangeTestCase) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_index.OverflowTestCase) PASS: test_getitem_classic (test.test_index.OverflowTestCase) PASS: test_large_longs (test.test_index.OverflowTestCase) PASS: test_sequence_repeat (test.test_index.OverflowTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 68 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=1) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) SKIP: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) 'test fails for ClassicSeq' PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.ClassicSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_error (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_index (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_slice (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532a (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_slice_bug7532b (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_subclasses (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) PASS: test_wrappers (test.test_index.NewSeqDeprecatedTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 16 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=1) 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [185/403/24] test_inspect PASS: test_replacing_decorator (test.test_inspect.TestDecorators) PASS: test_wrapped_decorator (test.test_inspect.TestDecorators) PASS: test_cleandoc (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getclasses (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getcomments (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getdoc (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getfile (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getfunctions (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getmodule (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getmodule_recursion (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getsource (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: test_getsourcefile (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) test_proceed_with_fake_filename (test.test_inspect.TestRetrievingSourceCode) PASS: doctest monkeypatches linecache to enable inspection PASS: test_anonymous (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_lambda_in_list (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_manyargs (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_oneline_lambda (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_onelinefunc (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_threeline_lambda (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_twoline_indented_lambda (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_twolinefunc (test.test_inspect.TestOneliners) PASS: test_findsource_binary (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_findsource_code_in_linecache (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_findsource_without_filename (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_method_in_dynamic_class (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_multiline_sig (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_nested_class (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_one_liner_dedent_non_name (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_one_liner_followed_by_non_name (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_with_comment (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_with_comment_instead_of_docstring (test.test_inspect.TestBuggyCases) PASS: test_abuse_done (test.test_inspect.TestInterpreterStack) PASS: test_frame (test.test_inspect.TestInterpreterStack) PASS: test_previous_frame (test.test_inspect.TestInterpreterStack) PASS: test_stack (test.test_inspect.TestInterpreterStack) PASS: test_trace (test.test_inspect.TestInterpreterStack) PASS: test_classic_mro (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: test_classify_builtin_types (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) test_classify_newstyle (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: Just like test_classify_oldstyle, but for a new-style class. test_classify_oldstyle (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: classify_class_attrs finds static methods, class methods, PASS: test_getargspec (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: test_getargspec_method (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: test_getargspec_sublistofone (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: test_getmembers_method (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: test_newstyle_mro (test.test_inspect.TestClassesAndFunctions) PASS: test_excluding_predicates (test.test_inspect.TestPredicates) PASS: test_get_slot_members (test.test_inspect.TestPredicates) PASS: test_isabstract (test.test_inspect.TestPredicates) PASS: test_isclass (test.test_inspect.TestPredicates) PASS: test_isroutine (test.test_inspect.TestPredicates) PASS: test_sixteen (test.test_inspect.TestPredicates) PASS: test_errors (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_multiple_features (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_plain (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_tupleargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_varargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_varkw (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_varkw_only (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctions) PASS: test_errors (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_multiple_features (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_plain (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_tupleargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_varargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_varkw (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_varkw_only (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsFunctionsCellVars) PASS: test_errors (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_multiple_features (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_plain (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_tupleargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_varargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_varkw (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_varkw_only (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsMethods) PASS: test_errors (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) PASS: test_multiple_features (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) PASS: test_plain (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) PASS: test_tupleargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) PASS: test_varargs (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) PASS: test_varkw (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) PASS: test_varkw_only (test.test_inspect.TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 79 tests in 0.039s OK 0:00:47 load avg: 0.51 [186/403/24] test_int PASS: test_basic (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_bit_length (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_error_on_bytearray_for_x (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_error_on_invalid_int_bases (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_error_on_string_base (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_error_on_string_float_for_x (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_float_conversion (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_int_buffer (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_intconversion (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_keyword_args (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_no_args (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_small_ints (test.test_int.IntTestCases) PASS: test_valid_non_numeric_input_types_for_x (test.test_int.IntTestCases) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.302s OK 0:00:48 load avg: 0.51 [187/403/24] test_int_literal PASS: test_bin_baseline (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_bin_unsigned (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_hex_baseline (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_hex_unsigned (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_oct_baseline (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_oct_baseline_new (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_oct_unsigned (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) PASS: test_oct_unsigned_new (test.test_int_literal.TestHexOctBin) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.000s OK 0:00:48 load avg: 0.51 [188/403/24] test_io PASS: test_BufferedIOBase_destructor (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_IOBase_destructor (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_IOBase_finalize (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_RawIOBase_destructor (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_RawIOBase_read (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_TextIOBase_destructor (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_append_mode_tell (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_array_writes (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_buffered_file_io (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_buffered_readinto_mixin (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_close_flushes (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_closefd (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_closefd_attr (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_fileio_closefd (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_garbage_collection (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_invalid_newline (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_invalid_operations (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_large_file_ops (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_next_nonsizeable (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_no_closefd_with_filename (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_nonbuffered_textio (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_open_handles_NUL_chars (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_raw_bytes_io (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_raw_file_io (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_read_closed (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_readline_nonsizeable (test.test_io.CIOTest) SKIP: test_unbounded_file (test.test_io.CIOTest) 'test can only run in a 32-bit address space' PASS: test_with_open (test.test_io.CIOTest) PASS: test_BufferedIOBase_destructor (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_IOBase_destructor (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_RawIOBase_destructor (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_RawIOBase_read (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_TextIOBase_destructor (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_append_mode_tell (test.test_io.PyIOTest) SKIP: test_array_writes (test.test_io.PyIOTest) u'len(array.array) returns number of elements rather than bytelength' PASS: test_buffered_file_io (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_buffered_readinto_mixin (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_close_flushes (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_closefd (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_closefd_attr (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_fileio_closefd (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_garbage_collection (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_invalid_newline (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_invalid_operations (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_large_file_ops (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_next_nonsizeable (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_no_closefd_with_filename (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_nonbuffered_textio (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_open_handles_NUL_chars (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_raw_bytes_io (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_raw_file_io (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_read_closed (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_readline_nonsizeable (test.test_io.PyIOTest) SKIP: test_unbounded_file (test.test_io.PyIOTest) 'test can only run in a 32-bit address space' PASS: test_with_open (test.test_io.PyIOTest) PASS: test_args_error (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_buffering (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_garbage_collection (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_initialization (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io_read (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_no_extraneous_read (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read_all (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read_non_blocking (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read_past_eof (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_sizeof (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) SKIP: test_threads (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) "resource u'cpu' is not enabled" PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.CBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_buffering (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_no_extraneous_read (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read_all (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read_non_blocking (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_read_past_eof (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) SKIP: test_threads (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) "resource u'cpu' is not enabled" PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.PyBufferedReaderTest) PASS: test_args_error (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_detach_flush (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_garbage_collection (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_initialization (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_max_buffer_size_deprecation (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_sizeof (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) SKIP: test_threads (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) "resource u'cpu' is not enabled" PASS: test_truncate (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_and_rewind (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_non_blocking (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_overflow (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writelines_userlist (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes_and_flushes (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes_and_seeks (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes_and_truncates (test.test_io.CBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_detach_flush (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_max_buffer_size_deprecation (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) SKIP: test_threads (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) "resource u'cpu' is not enabled" PASS: test_truncate (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_and_rewind (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_non_blocking (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_write_overflow (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writelines_userlist (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes_and_flushes (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes_and_seeks (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_writes_and_truncates (test.test_io.PyBufferedWriterTest) PASS: test_close_and_closed (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor_max_buffer_size_deprecation (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_not_readable (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_not_writeable (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_peek (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_readable (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_reader_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_reader_writer_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_seekable (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_weakref_clearing (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_writeable (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_writer_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_close_and_closed (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor_max_buffer_size_deprecation (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_not_readable (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_constructor_with_not_writeable (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_peek (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_readable (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_reader_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_reader_writer_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_seekable (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_weakref_clearing (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_writeable (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_writer_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRWPairTest) PASS: test_args_error (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_buffering (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_detach_flush (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_peek (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_read (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_readinto (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_garbage_collection (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_initialization (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_interleaved_read_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_interleaved_readline_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_max_buffer_size_deprecation (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io_read (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_no_extraneous_read (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_all (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_and_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_non_blocking (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_past_eof (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_seek_and_tell (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_sizeof (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) SKIP: test_threads (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) "resource u'cpu' is not enabled" PASS: test_truncate (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_truncate_after_read_or_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_after_readahead (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_and_rewind (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_error_on_close (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_non_blocking (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_overflow (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_rewind_write (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writelines_userlist (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_flushes (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_peek (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_read1s (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_readintos (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_reads (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_seeks (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_truncates (test.test_io.CBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_buffering (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_close_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_detach_flush (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_peek (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_read (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_readinto (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_and_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_interleaved_read_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_interleaved_readline_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_max_buffer_size_deprecation (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_misbehaved_io (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_no_extraneous_read (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_all (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_and_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_non_blocking (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_read_past_eof (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_seek_and_tell (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) SKIP: test_threads (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) "resource u'cpu' is not enabled" PASS: test_truncate (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_truncate_after_read_or_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_after_readahead (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_and_rewind (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_non_blocking (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_overflow (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_write_rewind_write (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writelines_userlist (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_flushes (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_peek (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_read1s (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_readintos (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_reads (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_seeks (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_writes_and_truncates (test.test_io.PyBufferedRandomTest) PASS: test_decoder (test.test_io.StatefulIncrementalDecoderTest) PASS: test_newline_bytes (test.test_io.CIncrementalNewlineDecoderTest) PASS: test_newline_decoder (test.test_io.CIncrementalNewlineDecoderTest) PASS: test_newline_bytes (test.test_io.PyIncrementalNewlineDecoderTest) PASS: test_newline_decoder (test.test_io.PyIncrementalNewlineDecoderTest) PASS: test_append_bom (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_basic_io (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoded_writes (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoding_errors_reading (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoding_errors_writing (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_errors_property (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_garbage_collection (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_illegal_decoder (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_initialization (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_1 (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_2 (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_3 (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_4 (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_5 (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue2282 (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_line_buffering (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_newlines (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_newlines_input (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_newlines_output (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_non_text_encoding_codecs_are_rejected (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_read_by_chunk (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_read_nonbytes (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_read_one_by_one (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_rwpair_cleared_before_textio (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seek_and_tell (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seek_bom (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seeking (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seeking_too (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_telling (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_threads_write (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_unreadable (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_writelines_userlist (test.test_io.CTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_append_bom (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_basic_io (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_destructor (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoded_writes (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoding_errors_reading (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_encoding_errors_writing (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_error_through_destructor (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_errors_property (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_flush_error_on_close (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_illegal_decoder (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_1 (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_2 (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_3 (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_4 (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue1395_5 (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_issue2282 (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_line_buffering (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_multi_close (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_newlines (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_newlines_input (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_newlines_output (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_non_text_encoding_codecs_are_rejected (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_override_destructor (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_read_by_chunk (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_read_nonbytes (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_read_one_by_one (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_readonly_attributes (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seek_and_tell (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seek_bom (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seeking (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_seeking_too (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_telling (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_threads_write (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_unreadable (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test_writelines_userlist (test.test_io.PyTextIOWrapperTest) PASS: test___all__ (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_abc_inheritance (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_abc_inheritance_official (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_abcs (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_attributes (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_blockingioerror (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_io_after_close (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_nonblock_pipe_write_bigbuf (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test_nonblock_pipe_write_smallbuf (test.test_io.CMiscIOTest) PASS: test___all__ (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_abc_inheritance (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_abc_inheritance_official (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_abcs (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_attributes (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_blockingioerror (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_io_after_close (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_nonblock_pipe_write_bigbuf (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_nonblock_pipe_write_smallbuf (test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest) PASS: test_interrupted_write_buffered (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupted_write_text (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupted_write_unbuffered (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_read_retry_buffered (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_read_retry_text (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_write_retry_buffered (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_write_retry_text (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_reentrant_write_buffered (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_reentrant_write_text (test.test_io.CSignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupted_write_buffered (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupted_write_text (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupted_write_unbuffered (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_read_retry_buffered (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_read_retry_text (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_write_retry_buffered (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) PASS: test_interrupterd_write_retry_text (test.test_io.PySignalsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 471 tests in 29.174s OK (skipped=9) 0:01:17 load avg: 0.36 [189/403/24] test_ioctl PASS: test_ioctl (test.test_ioctl.IoctlTests) PASS: test_ioctl_mutate (test.test_ioctl.IoctlTests) PASS: test_ioctl_mutate_1024 (test.test_ioctl.IoctlTests) PASS: test_ioctl_mutate_2048 (test.test_ioctl.IoctlTests) PASS: test_ioctl_signed_unsigned_code_param (test.test_ioctl.IoctlTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.000s OK 0:01:17 load avg: 0.36 [190/403/24] test_isinstance PASS: test_bases_raises_other_than_attribute_error (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceExceptions) PASS: test_class_has_no_bases (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceExceptions) PASS: test_dont_mask_non_attribute_error (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceExceptions) PASS: test_mask_attribute_error (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceExceptions) PASS: test_dont_mask_non_attribute_error (test.test_isinstance.TestIsSubclassExceptions) PASS: test_dont_mask_non_attribute_error_in_cls_arg (test.test_isinstance.TestIsSubclassExceptions) PASS: test_mask_attribute_error (test.test_isinstance.TestIsSubclassExceptions) PASS: test_mask_attribute_error_in_cls_arg (test.test_isinstance.TestIsSubclassExceptions) PASS: test_isinstance_abstract (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) PASS: test_isinstance_normal (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) PASS: test_isinstance_recursion_limit (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) PASS: test_subclass_abstract (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) PASS: test_subclass_normal (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) PASS: test_subclass_recursion_limit (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) PASS: test_subclass_tuple (test.test_isinstance.TestIsInstanceIsSubclass) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.008s OK 0:01:17 load avg: 0.36 [191/403/24] test_iter PASS: test_3720 (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_builtin_filter (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_builtin_list (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_builtin_map (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_builtin_max_min (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_builtin_tuple (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_builtin_zip (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_countOf (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_deprecated_builtin_reduce (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_exception_function (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_exception_sequence (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_extending_list_with_iterator_does_not_segfault (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_in_and_not_in (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_indexOf (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_basic (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_big_range (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_callable (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_class_for (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_class_iter (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_dict (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_empty (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_file (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_for_loop (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_function (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_function_stop (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_idempotency (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_independence (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_string (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_tuple (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_unicode (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_iter_xrange (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_mutating_seq_class_exhausted_iter (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_nested_comprehensions_for (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_nested_comprehensions_iter (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_new_style_iter_class (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_ref_counting_behavior (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_seq_class_for (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_seq_class_iter (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_callable (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_dict (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_enumerate (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_list (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_range (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_sequence (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_string (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_tuple (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_sinkstate_yield (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_stop_sequence (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_unicode_join_endcase (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_unpack_iter (test.test_iter.TestCase) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_iter.TestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 52 tests in 0.050s OK 0:01:17 load avg: 0.36 [192/403/24] test_iterlen PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestRepeat) PASS: test_no_len_for_infinite_repeat (test.test_iterlen.TestRepeat) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestXrange) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestXrangeCustomReversed) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestTuple) PASS: test_immutable_during_iteration (test.test_iterlen.TestDeque) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestDeque) PASS: test_immutable_during_iteration (test.test_iterlen.TestDequeReversed) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestDequeReversed) PASS: test_immutable_during_iteration (test.test_iterlen.TestDictKeys) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestDictKeys) PASS: test_immutable_during_iteration (test.test_iterlen.TestDictItems) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestDictItems) PASS: test_immutable_during_iteration (test.test_iterlen.TestDictValues) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestDictValues) PASS: test_immutable_during_iteration (test.test_iterlen.TestSet) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestSet) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestList) PASS: test_mutation (test.test_iterlen.TestList) PASS: test_invariant (test.test_iterlen.TestListReversed) PASS: test_mutation (test.test_iterlen.TestListReversed) PASS: test_invalid_hint (test.test_iterlen.TestLengthHintExceptions) PASS: test_issue1242657 (test.test_iterlen.TestLengthHintExceptions) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 23 tests in 0.001s OK 0:01:17 load avg: 0.36 [193/403/24] test_itertools PASS: test_StopIteration (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bug_7244 (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_chain (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_chain_from_iterable (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinations (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinations_overflow (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinations_tuple_reuse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinations_with_replacement (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinations_with_replacement_overflow (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinations_with_replacement_tuple_reuse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_combinatorics (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_compress (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_count (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_count_with_stride (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_cycle (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_dropwhile (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_groupby (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_ifilter (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_ifilterfalse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_imap (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_islice (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_izip (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_izip_longest_tuple_reuse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_izip_tuple_reuse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_iziplongest (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_permutations (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_permutations_overflow (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_permutations_tuple_reuse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_product (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_product_overflow (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_product_tuple_reuse (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_repeat_with_negative_times (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_starmap (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_takewhile (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_tee (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_tee_del_backward (test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps) PASS: test_chain (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_compress (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_cycle (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_dropwhile (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_groupby (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_ifilter (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_ifilterfalse (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_imap (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_islice (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_izip (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_iziplongest (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_product (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_starmap (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_takewhile (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_tee (test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_chain (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_chain_from_iterable (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_combinations (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_combinations_with_replacement (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_compress (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_count (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_cycle (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_dropwhile (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_groupby (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_ifilter (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_ifilterfalse (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_imap (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_islice (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_issue2246 (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_izip (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_izip_longest (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_permutations (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_product (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_starmap (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_takewhile (test.test_itertools.TestGC) PASS: test_long_chain_of_empty_iterables (test.test_itertools.RegressionTests) PASS: test_sf_793826 (test.test_itertools.RegressionTests) PASS: test_sf_950057 (test.test_itertools.RegressionTests) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_itertools.LengthTransparency) PASS: test_keywords_in_subclass (test.test_itertools.SubclassWithKwargsTest) PASS: test_chain (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_chain_from_iterable (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_combinations (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_combinations_with_replacement (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_compress (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_count (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_cycle (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_dropwhile (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_groupby (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_ifilter (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_ifilterfalse (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_imap (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_islice (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_izip (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_izip_longest (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_permutations (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_product (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_stapmap (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) PASS: test_takewhile (test.test_itertools.TestExamples) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 98 tests in 1.933s OK Trying: amounts = [120.15, 764.05, 823.14] Expecting nothing ok Trying: for checknum, amount in izip(count(1200), amounts): print 'Check %d is for $%.2f' % (checknum, amount) Expecting: Check 1200 is for $120.15 Check 1201 is for $764.05 Check 1202 is for $823.14 ok Trying: import operator Expecting nothing ok Trying: for cube in imap(operator.pow, xrange(1,4), repeat(3)): print cube Expecting: 1 8 27 ok Trying: reportlines = ['EuroPython', 'Roster', '', 'alex', '', 'laura', '', 'martin', '', 'walter', '', 'samuele'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: for name in islice(reportlines, 3, None, 2): print name.title() Expecting: Alex Laura Martin Walter Samuele ok Trying: from operator import itemgetter Expecting nothing ok Trying: d = dict(a=1, b=2, c=1, d=2, e=1, f=2, g=3) Expecting nothing ok Trying: di = sorted(sorted(d.iteritems()), key=itemgetter(1)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for k, g in groupby(di, itemgetter(1)): print k, map(itemgetter(0), g) Expecting: 1 ['a', 'c', 'e'] 2 ['b', 'd', 'f'] 3 ['g'] ok Trying: data = [ 1, 4,5,6, 10, 15,16,17,18, 22, 25,26,27,28] Expecting nothing ok Trying: for k, g in groupby(enumerate(data), lambda t:t[0]-t[1]): print map(operator.itemgetter(1), g) Expecting: [1] [4, 5, 6] [10] [15, 16, 17, 18] [22] [25, 26, 27, 28] ok Trying: def take(n, iterable): "Return first n items of the iterable as a list" return list(islice(iterable, n)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def enumerate(iterable, start=0): return izip(count(start), iterable) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def tabulate(function, start=0): "Return function(0), function(1), ..." return imap(function, count(start)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def nth(iterable, n, default=None): "Returns the nth item or a default value" return next(islice(iterable, n, None), default) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def all_equal(iterable): "Returns True if all the elements are equal to each other" g = groupby(iterable) return next(g, True) and not next(g, False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def quantify(iterable, pred=bool): "Count how many times the predicate is true" return sum(imap(pred, iterable)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def padnone(iterable): "Returns the sequence elements and then returns None indefinitely" return chain(iterable, repeat(None)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def ncycles(iterable, n): "Returns the sequence elements n times" return chain(*repeat(iterable, n)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def dotproduct(vec1, vec2): return sum(imap(operator.mul, vec1, vec2)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def flatten(listOfLists): return list(chain.from_iterable(listOfLists)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def repeatfunc(func, times=None, *args): "Repeat calls to func with specified arguments." " Example: repeatfunc(random.random)" if times is None: return starmap(func, repeat(args)) else: return starmap(func, repeat(args, times)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def pairwise(iterable): "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..." a, b = tee(iterable) for elem in b: break return izip(a, b) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def grouper(n, iterable, fillvalue=None): "grouper(3, 'ABCDEFG', 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx" args = [iter(iterable)] * n return izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def roundrobin(*iterables): "roundrobin('ABC', 'D', 'EF') --> A D E B F C" # Recipe credited to George Sakkis pending = len(iterables) nexts = cycle(iter(it).next for it in iterables) while pending: try: for next in nexts: yield next() except StopIteration: pending -= 1 nexts = cycle(islice(nexts, pending)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def powerset(iterable): "powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)" s = list(iterable) return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1)) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def unique_everseen(iterable, key=None): "List unique elements, preserving order. Remember all elements ever seen." # unique_everseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB') --> A B C D # unique_everseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower) --> A B C D seen = set() seen_add = seen.add if key is None: for element in iterable: if element not in seen: seen_add(element) yield element else: for element in iterable: k = key(element) if k not in seen: seen_add(k) yield element Expecting nothing ok Trying: def unique_justseen(iterable, key=None): "List unique elements, preserving order. Remember only the element just seen." # unique_justseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB') --> A B C D A B # unique_justseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower) --> A B C A D return imap(next, imap(itemgetter(1), groupby(iterable, key))) Expecting nothing ok Trying: take(10, count()) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ok Trying: list(enumerate('abc')) Expecting: [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c')] ok Trying: list(islice(tabulate(lambda x: 2*x), 4)) Expecting: [0, 2, 4, 6] ok Trying: nth('abcde', 3) Expecting: 'd' ok Trying: nth('abcde', 9) is None Expecting: True ok Trying: [all_equal(s) for s in ('', 'A', 'AAAA', 'AAAB', 'AAABA')] Expecting: [True, True, True, False, False] ok Trying: quantify(xrange(99), lambda x: x%2==0) Expecting: 50 ok Trying: a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flatten(a) Expecting: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ok Trying: list(repeatfunc(pow, 5, 2, 3)) Expecting: [8, 8, 8, 8, 8] ok Trying: import random Expecting nothing ok Trying: take(5, imap(int, repeatfunc(random.random))) Expecting: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ok Trying: list(pairwise('abcd')) Expecting: [('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd')] ok Trying: list(pairwise([])) Expecting: [] ok Trying: list(pairwise('a')) Expecting: [] ok Trying: list(islice(padnone('abc'), 0, 6)) Expecting: ['a', 'b', 'c', None, None, None] ok Trying: list(ncycles('abc', 3)) Expecting: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'] ok Trying: dotproduct([1,2,3], [4,5,6]) Expecting: 32 ok Trying: list(grouper(3, 'abcdefg', 'x')) Expecting: [('a', 'b', 'c'), ('d', 'e', 'f'), ('g', 'x', 'x')] ok Trying: list(roundrobin('abc', 'd', 'ef')) Expecting: ['a', 'd', 'e', 'b', 'f', 'c'] ok Trying: list(powerset([1,2,3])) Expecting: [(), (1,), (2,), (3,), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 2, 3)] ok Trying: all(len(list(powerset(range(n)))) == 2**n for n in range(18)) Expecting: True ok Trying: list(powerset('abcde')) == sorted(sorted(set(powerset('abcde'))), key=len) Expecting: True ok Trying: list(unique_everseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB')) Expecting: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] ok Trying: list(unique_everseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower)) Expecting: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] ok Trying: list(unique_justseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB')) Expecting: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'A', 'B'] ok Trying: list(unique_justseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower)) Expecting: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'D'] ok 141 items had no tests: test.test_itertools test.test_itertools.E test.test_itertools.E.__init__ test.test_itertools.E.__iter__ test.test_itertools.G test.test_itertools.G.__getitem__ test.test_itertools.G.__init__ test.test_itertools.I test.test_itertools.I.__init__ test.test_itertools.I.__iter__ test.test_itertools.Ig test.test_itertools.Ig.__init__ test.test_itertools.Ig.__iter__ test.test_itertools.L test.test_itertools.LengthTransparency test.test_itertools.LengthTransparency.test_repeat test.test_itertools.N test.test_itertools.N.__init__ test.test_itertools.N.__iter__ test.test_itertools.R test.test_itertools.RegressionTests test.test_itertools.RegressionTests.test_long_chain_of_empty_iterables test.test_itertools.RegressionTests.test_sf_793826 test.test_itertools.RegressionTests.test_sf_950057 test.test_itertools.S test.test_itertools.S.__init__ test.test_itertools.S.__iter__ test.test_itertools.StopNow test.test_itertools.StopNow.__iter__ test.test_itertools.SubclassWithKwargsTest test.test_itertools.SubclassWithKwargsTest.test_keywords_in_subclass test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_StopIteration test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_bug_7244 test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_chain test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_chain_from_iterable test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_combinations test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_combinations_tuple_reuse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_combinations_with_replacement test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_combinations_with_replacement_tuple_reuse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_combinatorics test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_compress test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_count test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_count_with_stride test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_cycle test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_dropwhile test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_groupby test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_ifilter test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_ifilterfalse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_imap test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_islice test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_izip test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_izip_longest_tuple_reuse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_izip_tuple_reuse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_iziplongest test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_permutations test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_permutations_tuple_reuse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_product test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_product_tuple_reuse test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_repeat test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_repeat_with_negative_times test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_starmap test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_takewhile test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_tee test.test_itertools.TestBasicOps.test_tee_del_backward test.test_itertools.TestExamples test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_chain test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_chain_from_iterable test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_combinations test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_combinations_with_replacement test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_compress test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_count test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_cycle test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_dropwhile test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_groupby test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_ifilter test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_ifilterfalse test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_imap test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_islice test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_izip test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_izip_longest test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_permutations test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_product test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_repeat test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_stapmap test.test_itertools.TestExamples.test_takewhile test.test_itertools.TestGC test.test_itertools.TestGC.makecycle test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_chain test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_chain_from_iterable test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_combinations test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_combinations_with_replacement test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_compress test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_count test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_cycle test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_dropwhile test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_groupby test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_ifilter test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_ifilterfalse test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_imap test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_islice test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_issue2246 test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_izip test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_izip_longest test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_permutations test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_product test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_repeat test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_starmap test.test_itertools.TestGC.test_takewhile test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_chain test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_compress test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_cycle test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_dropwhile test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_groupby test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_ifilter test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_ifilterfalse test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_imap test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_islice test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_izip test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_iziplongest test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_product test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_starmap test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_takewhile test.test_itertools.TestVariousIteratorArgs.test_tee test.test_itertools.X test.test_itertools.X.__init__ test.test_itertools.errfunc test.test_itertools.fact test.test_itertools.gen3 test.test_itertools.isEven test.test_itertools.isOdd test.test_itertools.onearg test.test_itertools.take test.test_itertools.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 56 tests in test.test_itertools.__test__.libreftest 56 tests in 142 items. 56 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_itertools) ... 56 tests with zero failures 0:01:19 load avg: 0.41 [194/403/24] test_json json () PASS: Doctest: json encode (json.encoder.JSONEncoder) PASS: Doctest: json.encoder.JSONEncoder.encode PASS: test_pyjson (json.tests.TestPyTest) PASS: test_cjson (json.tests.TestCTest) PASS: test_separators (json.tests.test_separators.TestCSeparators) PASS: test_separators (json.tests.test_separators.TestPySeparators) PASS: test_allow_nan (json.tests.test_float.TestCFloat) PASS: test_float_subclasses_use_float_repr (json.tests.test_float.TestCFloat) PASS: test_floats (json.tests.test_float.TestCFloat) PASS: test_ints (json.tests.test_float.TestCFloat) PASS: test_out_of_range (json.tests.test_float.TestCFloat) PASS: test_allow_nan (json.tests.test_float.TestPyFloat) PASS: test_float_subclasses_use_float_repr (json.tests.test_float.TestPyFloat) PASS: test_floats (json.tests.test_float.TestPyFloat) PASS: test_ints (json.tests.test_float.TestPyFloat) PASS: test_out_of_range (json.tests.test_float.TestPyFloat) PASS: test_parse (json.tests.test_pass1.TestCPass1) PASS: test_parse (json.tests.test_pass1.TestPyPass1) PASS: test_infile_outfile (json.tests.test_tool.TestTool) PASS: test_infile_stdout (json.tests.test_tool.TestTool) PASS: test_stdin_stdout (json.tests.test_tool.TestTool) PASS: test_parse (json.tests.test_pass3.TestCPass3) PASS: test_parse (json.tests.test_pass3.TestPyPass3) PASS: test_dump (json.tests.test_dump.TestCDump) PASS: test_dumps (json.tests.test_dump.TestCDump) PASS: test_encode_mutated (json.tests.test_dump.TestCDump) PASS: test_encode_truefalse (json.tests.test_dump.TestCDump) PASS: test_dump (json.tests.test_dump.TestPyDump) PASS: test_dumps (json.tests.test_dump.TestPyDump) PASS: test_encode_mutated (json.tests.test_dump.TestPyDump) PASS: test_encode_truefalse (json.tests.test_dump.TestPyDump) PASS: test_circular_composite (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestCCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_default (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestCCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_dict (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestCCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_list (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestCCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_off_default (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestCCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_composite (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestPyCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_default (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestPyCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_dict (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestPyCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_list (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestPyCheckCircular) PASS: test_circular_off_default (json.tests.test_check_circular.TestPyCheckCircular) PASS: test_failures (json.tests.test_fail.TestCFail) PASS: test_non_string_keys_dict (json.tests.test_fail.TestCFail) PASS: test_failures (json.tests.test_fail.TestPyFail) PASS: test_non_string_keys_dict (json.tests.test_fail.TestPyFail) PASS: test_bad_encoding (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_big_unicode_decode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_big_unicode_encode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_default_encoding (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_encoding1 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_encoding2 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_encoding3 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_encoding4 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_encoding5 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_encoding6 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_object_pairs_hook_with_unicode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_unicode_decode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_unicode_preservation (json.tests.test_unicode.TestCUnicode) PASS: test_bad_encoding (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_big_unicode_decode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_big_unicode_encode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_default_encoding (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_encoding1 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_encoding2 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_encoding3 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_encoding4 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_encoding5 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_encoding6 (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_object_pairs_hook_with_unicode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_unicode_decode (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_unicode_preservation (json.tests.test_unicode.TestPyUnicode) PASS: test_decimal (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_decoder_optimizations (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_empty_objects (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_extra_data (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_float (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_invalid_escape (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_negative_index (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_object_pairs_hook (json.tests.test_decode.TestCDecode) PASS: test_decimal (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_decoder_optimizations (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_empty_objects (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_extra_data (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_float (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_invalid_escape (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_negative_index (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_object_pairs_hook (json.tests.test_decode.TestPyDecode) PASS: test_bad_bool_args (json.tests.test_speedups.TestDecode) PASS: test_make_scanner (json.tests.test_speedups.TestDecode) PASS: test_bad_bool_args (json.tests.test_speedups.TestEncode) PASS: test_bad_encoding (json.tests.test_speedups.TestEncode) PASS: test_make_encoder (json.tests.test_speedups.TestEncode) PASS: test_encode_basestring_ascii (json.tests.test_speedups.TestSpeedups) PASS: test_scanstring (json.tests.test_speedups.TestSpeedups) PASS: test_defaultrecursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestCRecursion) PASS: test_dictrecursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestCRecursion) PASS: test_endless_recursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestCRecursion) PASS: test_highly_nested_objects_decoding (json.tests.test_recursion.TestCRecursion) PASS: test_highly_nested_objects_encoding (json.tests.test_recursion.TestCRecursion) PASS: test_listrecursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestCRecursion) PASS: test_defaultrecursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestPyRecursion) PASS: test_dictrecursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestPyRecursion) PASS: test_endless_recursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestPyRecursion) PASS: test_highly_nested_objects_decoding (json.tests.test_recursion.TestPyRecursion) PASS: test_highly_nested_objects_encoding (json.tests.test_recursion.TestPyRecursion) PASS: test_listrecursion (json.tests.test_recursion.TestPyRecursion) PASS: test_indent (json.tests.test_indent.TestCIndent) PASS: test_indent0 (json.tests.test_indent.TestCIndent) PASS: test_indent (json.tests.test_indent.TestPyIndent) PASS: test_indent0 (json.tests.test_indent.TestPyIndent) PASS: test_encode_basestring_ascii (json.tests.test_encode_basestring_ascii.TestCEncodeBasestringAscii) PASS: test_ordered_dict (json.tests.test_encode_basestring_ascii.TestCEncodeBasestringAscii) PASS: test_encode_basestring_ascii (json.tests.test_encode_basestring_ascii.TestPyEncodeBasestringAscii) PASS: test_ordered_dict (json.tests.test_encode_basestring_ascii.TestPyEncodeBasestringAscii) PASS: test_parse (json.tests.test_pass2.TestCPass2) PASS: test_parse (json.tests.test_pass2.TestPyPass2) PASS: test_bad_escapes (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestCScanstring) PASS: test_issue3623 (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestCScanstring) PASS: test_overflow (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestCScanstring) PASS: test_scanstring (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestCScanstring) PASS: test_surrogates (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestCScanstring) PASS: test_bad_escapes (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestPyScanstring) PASS: test_issue3623 (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestPyScanstring) PASS: test_overflow (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestPyScanstring) PASS: test_scanstring (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestPyScanstring) PASS: test_surrogates (json.tests.test_scanstring.TestPyScanstring) PASS: test_default (json.tests.test_default.TestCDefault) PASS: test_default (json.tests.test_default.TestPyDefault) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 128 tests in 0.872s OK 0:01:20 load avg: 0.41 [195/403/24] test_kqueue test_kqueue skipped -- test works only on BSD 0:01:20 load avg: 0.41 [196/403/24] test_largefile -- test_kqueue skipped test_seek (test.test_largefile.CLargeFileTest) ... create large file via seek (may be sparse file) ... check file size with os.fstat ok test_osstat (test.test_largefile.CLargeFileTest) ... check file size with os.stat ok test_seek_read (test.test_largefile.CLargeFileTest) ... play around with seek() and read() with the built largefile ok test_lseek (test.test_largefile.CLargeFileTest) ... play around with os.lseek() with the built largefile ok test_truncate (test.test_largefile.CLargeFileTest) ... try truncate ok PASS: test_seekable (test.test_largefile.CLargeFileTest) test_seek (test.test_largefile.PyLargeFileTest) ... create large file via seek (may be sparse file) ... check file size with os.fstat ok test_osstat (test.test_largefile.PyLargeFileTest) ... check file size with os.stat ok test_seek_read (test.test_largefile.PyLargeFileTest) ... play around with seek() and read() with the built largefile ok test_lseek (test.test_largefile.PyLargeFileTest) ... play around with os.lseek() with the built largefile ok test_truncate (test.test_largefile.PyLargeFileTest) ... try truncate ok PASS: test_seekable (test.test_largefile.PyLargeFileTest) test_seek (test.test_largefile.BuiltinLargeFileTest) ... create large file via seek (may be sparse file) ... check file size with os.fstat ok test_osstat (test.test_largefile.BuiltinLargeFileTest) ... check file size with os.stat ok test_seek_read (test.test_largefile.BuiltinLargeFileTest) ... play around with seek() and read() with the built largefile ok test_lseek (test.test_largefile.BuiltinLargeFileTest) ... play around with os.lseek() with the built largefile ok test_truncate (test.test_largefile.BuiltinLargeFileTest) ... try truncate ok SKIP: test_seekable (test.test_largefile.BuiltinLargeFileTest) "builtin file doesn't have seekable()" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 18 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=1) 0:01:20 load avg: 0.41 [197/403/24] test_lib2to3 PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_call (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_complex_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_complex_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_complex_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_dotted_name (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_extreme (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_space_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_space_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_subscript (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_6b (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_7 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_8 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_unchanged_9 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_weird_comments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_apply) PASS: test_deprecated_names (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_asserts) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_asserts) PASS: test_variants (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_asserts) PASS: test_basestring (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_basestring) PASS: test_buffer (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_buffer) PASS: test_slicing (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_buffer) PASS: test_01 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_02 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_03 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_04 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_05 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_06 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_07 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_08 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_09 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_10 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_11 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_12 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_13 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_14 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_15 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_16 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_17 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_18 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_19 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_20 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_21 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_22 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_23 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_24 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_25 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_26 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_27 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_28 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_29 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_30 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_31 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_32 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_trailing_comment (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_dict) PASS: test_bare_except (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_bare_except_and_else_finally (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_list_unpack (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_multi_class (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_multi_fixed_excepts_before_bare_except (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_one_line_suites (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_simple_no_space_before_target (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_tuple_unpack (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_unchanged_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_unchanged_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_unchanged_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_weird_target_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_weird_target_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_weird_target_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_except) PASS: test_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_complex_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_complex_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_unchanged_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_unchanged_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_unchanged_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_unchanged_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_with_globals (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_with_globals_locals (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exec) PASS: test_conversion (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_execfile) PASS: test_spacing (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_execfile) PASS: test_comments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_complex_expression (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_in_a_function (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_names_import (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_no_sys_import (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_exitfunc) PASS: test_filter_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_filter) PASS: test_filter_nochange (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_filter) PASS: test_future_builtins (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_filter) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_filter) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_funcattrs) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_funcattrs) PASS: test_future (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_future) PASS: test_run_order (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_future) PASS: test_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_getcwdu) PASS: test_comment (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_getcwdu) PASS: test_indentation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_getcwdu) PASS: test_multilation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_getcwdu) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_getcwdu) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_10 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_11 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_7 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_8 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_9 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_has_key) PASS: test_eq_expression (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_eq_reverse (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_eq_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_is_expression (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_is_not_expression (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_is_not_reverse (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_is_not_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_is_reverse (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_is_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_ne_expression (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_ne_reverse (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_ne_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_sort_list_call (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_sort_simple_expr (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_sort_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_type_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_while (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_while_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_idioms) PASS: test_already_relative_import (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_comments_and_indent (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_dotted_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_dotted_import (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_dotted_import_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_files_checked (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_from_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_import (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_import_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_import_from_package (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_in_package (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_local_and_absolute (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_not_in_package (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_prefix (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_with_absolute_import_enabled (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_import) PASS: test_import_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_import_from_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_import_module (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_import_module_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_import_module_usage (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_multiple_imports (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_multiple_imports_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_star (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports) PASS: test_import_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports2) PASS: test_import_from_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports2) PASS: test_import_module (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports2) PASS: test_import_module_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports2) PASS: test_import_module_usage (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports2) PASS: test_star (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports2) PASS: test_after_local_imports_refactoring (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_import_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_import_from_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_import_module (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_import_module_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_import_module_usage (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_star (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_imports_fixer_order) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test_idempotency (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test_trailing_comment (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_input) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_intern) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_intern) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_intern) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_isinstance) PASS: test_remove_multiple_items (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_isinstance) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_isinstance) PASS: test_0 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_qualified (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_run_order (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_space_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_space_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools) PASS: test_comments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_ifilter_and_zip_longest (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_import_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_import_star (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_none (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_reduced (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_itertools_imports) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_long) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_long) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_long) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_long) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_long) PASS: test_None_with_multiple_arguments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_map) PASS: test_future_builtins (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_map) PASS: test_map_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_map) PASS: test_map_nochange (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_map) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_map) PASS: test_trailing_comment (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_map) PASS: test_comments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_metaclass) PASS: test_meta (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_metaclass) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_metaclass) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_methodattrs) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_methodattrs) PASS: test_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_ne) PASS: test_chained (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_ne) PASS: test_no_spaces (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_ne) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_assign_to_next (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_assign_to_next_in_list (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_assign_to_next_in_tuple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_builtin_assign (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_builtin_assign_in_list (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_builtin_assign_in_tuple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_method_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_method_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_method_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_method_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_method_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_noncall_access_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_noncall_access_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_noncall_access_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_prefix_preservation_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_prefix_preservation_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_prefix_preservation_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_prefix_preservation_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_prefix_preservation_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_prefix_preservation_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_assign_list_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_assign_list_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_assign_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_assign_tuple_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_assign_tuple_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_for_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_for_tuple_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_for_tuple_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_funcdef_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_funcdef_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_global_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_global_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_from_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_from_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_from_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_shadowing_import_from_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_next) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_nonzero) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_nonzero) PASS: test_unchanged_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_nonzero) PASS: test_unchanged_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_nonzero) PASS: test_unchanged_func (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_nonzero) PASS: test_comments_and_spacing (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_long_hex (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_long_int_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_long_int_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_octal_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_complex_bare (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_complex_float (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_complex_int (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_exp (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_float (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_hex (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_int (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_unchanged_octal (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_numliterals) PASS: test_bare_isCallable (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_bare_operator_irepeat (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_bare_operator_isMappingType (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_bare_operator_isNumberType (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_bare_operator_isSequenceType (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_bare_operator_repeat (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_bare_sequenceIncludes (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_irepeat (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_isCallable (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_isMappingType (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_isNumberType (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_isSequenceType (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_repeat (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_operator_sequenceIncludes (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_operator) PASS: test_0 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_unchanged_0 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_unchanged_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_unchanged_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_unchanged_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_unchanged_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_paren) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_idempotency (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_idempotency_print_as_function (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_no_trailing_comma (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_spaces_before_file (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_trailing_comma_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_trailing_comma_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_trailing_comma_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_tuple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_vargs_without_trailing_comma (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_with_future_print_function (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_with_trailing_comma (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_print) PASS: test_None_value (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_string_exc (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_string_exc_val (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_string_exc_val_tb (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tb_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tb_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tb_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tb_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tb_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tb_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tuple_detection (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tuple_exc_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tuple_exc_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_tuple_value (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_with_comments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raise) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_8 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_raw_input) PASS: test_bug_7253 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_reduce) PASS: test_call_with_lambda (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_reduce) PASS: test_simple_call (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_reduce) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_reduce) PASS: test_import_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_renames) PASS: test_import_from_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_renames) PASS: test_import_module_usage (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_renames) PASS: test_complex (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_nested_tuples (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_simple_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_simple_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_tuple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_repr) PASS: test_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_set_literal) PASS: test_comments (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_set_literal) PASS: test_listcomps (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_set_literal) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_set_literal) PASS: test_whitespace (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_set_literal) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_standarderror) PASS: test_0 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_sys_exc) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_sys_exc) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_sys_exc) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_sys_exc) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_sys_exc) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_sys_exc) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_7 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_tb_8 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_untouched_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_untouched_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_untouched_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_warn_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_warn_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_warn_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_throw) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_docstring (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_keywords (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_nested_multi_use (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_no_change (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_one_tuple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_parens_single_arg (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_simple_multi_use (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_lambda_simple_reverse (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_multi_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_multi_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_semicolon (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_unchanged_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_unchanged_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_unchanged_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_varargs (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_tuple_params) PASS: test_basic_types_convert (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_types) PASS: test_bytes_literal_escape_u (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_native_literal_escape_u (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_native_unicode_literal_escape_u (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_unichr (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_unicode_call (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_unicode_literal_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_unicode_literal_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_unicode_literal_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_unicode_literal_escape_u (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_whitespace (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_unicode) PASS: test_import_from (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_import_from_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_import_module (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_import_module_as (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_import_module_usage (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_indented (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_star (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_urllib) PASS: test_in_consuming_context (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_in_contains_test (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_prefix_preservation (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_range_in_for (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_single_arg (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_three_args (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_two_args (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_wrap_in_list (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_xrange_in_for (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange) PASS: test_double_transform (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xrange_with_reduce) PASS: test_attr_ref (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xreadlines) PASS: test_call (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xreadlines) PASS: test_unchanged (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_xreadlines) PASS: test_future_builtins (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_zip) PASS: test_zip_basic (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_zip) PASS: test_zip_nochange (lib2to3.tests.test_fixers.Test_zip) PASS: test_changed (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_deprecated_prefix_methods (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_depth (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_get_suffix (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_instantiate_base (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_constructor_prefix (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_equality (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_next_sibling (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_prefix (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_prev_sibling (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_repr (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_str (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaf_str_numeric_value (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_leaves (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_append_child (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_constructor_prefix (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_equality (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_insert_child (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_next_sibling (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_prefix (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_prev_sibling (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_recursive_equality (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_repr (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_set_child (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_node_str (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_post_order (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_pre_order (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_remove (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_remove_parentless (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_replace (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_replace_with_list (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestNodes) PASS: test_basic_patterns (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestPatterns) PASS: test_generate_matches (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestPatterns) PASS: test_has_key_example (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestPatterns) PASS: test_wildcard (lib2to3.tests.test_pytree.TestPatterns) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_Attr) PASS: test_returns (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_Attr) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_Call) PASS: test (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_Name) PASS: test_in_function (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_does_tree_import) PASS: test_class_def (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_for (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_for_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_from_import (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_from_import_as (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_from_import_as_with_package (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_from_import_with_package (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_function_def (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_if (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_if_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_import_as (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_import_as_with_package (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_invalid_assignments (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_list_assignment (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_simple_assignment (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_simple_import (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_simple_import_with_package (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_try_except (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_try_except_finally (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_try_except_finally_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_try_except_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_tuple_assignment (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_while (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_while_nested (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_binding) PASS: test_nothing (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_indentation) PASS: test_simple (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_find_indentation) PASS: test_invalid (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_is_list) PASS: test_valid (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_is_list) PASS: test_invalid (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_is_tuple) PASS: test_valid (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_is_tuple) PASS: test_after_docstring (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_touch_import) PASS: test_after_imports (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_touch_import) PASS: test_beginning (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_touch_import) PASS: test_from_import (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_touch_import) PASS: test_name_import (lib2to3.tests.test_util.Test_touch_import) PASS: test_bom (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_crlf_newlines (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_detect_future_features (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_explicit (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_false_file_encoding (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_file_encoding (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_fixer_loading (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_fixer_loading_helpers (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_get_headnode_dict (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_naughty_fixers (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_print_function_option (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_refactor_dir (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_refactor_docstring (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_refactor_file (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_refactor_file_write_unchanged_file (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_refactor_stdin (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_refactor_string (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_write_unchanged_files_option (lib2to3.tests.test_refactor.TestRefactoringTool) PASS: test_new_syntax (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestClassDef) PASS: test_formfeed (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestDriver) PASS: test_new (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestExcept) PASS: test_old (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestExcept) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_5 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_6 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_7 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_8 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestFunctionAnnotations) PASS: test_multiline_bytes_literals (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestLiterals) PASS: test_multiline_bytes_tripquote_literals (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestLiterals) PASS: test_multiline_str_literals (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestLiterals) PASS: test_matrix_multiplication_operator (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestMatrixMultiplication) PASS: test_new_binary_notation (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestNumericLiterals) PASS: test_new_octal_notation (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestNumericLiterals) PASS: test_all_project_files (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestParserIdempotency) PASS: test_extended_unpacking (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestParserIdempotency) PASS: test_load_grammar_from_pickle (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestPgen2Caching) PASS: test_load_grammar_from_subprocess (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestPgen2Caching) PASS: test_load_grammar_from_txt_file (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestPgen2Caching) PASS: test_2x_style_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_2x_style_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_2x_style_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_2x_style_invalid_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_3x_style (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_3x_style_invalid_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_3x_style_invalid_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_3x_style_invalid_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_3x_style_invalid_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestRaiseChanges) PASS: test_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestSetLiteral) PASS: test_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestSetLiteral) PASS: test_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestSetLiteral) PASS: test_4 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestSetLiteral) PASS: test_argument_unpacking_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_argument_unpacking_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_argument_unpacking_3 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_dict_display_1 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_dict_display_2 (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_double_star_dict_literal (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_double_star_dict_literal_after_keywords (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_list_display (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_mid_positional_star (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_set_display (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestUnpackingGeneralizations) PASS: test_matrix_multiplication_operator (lib2to3.tests.test_parser.TestYieldFrom) test_filename_changing_on_output_single_dir (lib2to3.tests.test_main.TestMain) PASS: 2to3 a single directory with a new output dir and suffix. test_filename_changing_on_output_single_file (lib2to3.tests.test_main.TestMain) PASS: 2to3 a single file with a new output dir. test_filename_changing_on_output_two_files (lib2to3.tests.test_main.TestMain) PASS: 2to3 two files in one directory with a new output dir. PASS: test_unencodable_diff (lib2to3.tests.test_main.TestMain) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 602 tests in 9.469s OK 0:01:30 load avg: 0.50 [198/403/24] test_linecache PASS: test_checkcache (test.test_linecache.LineCacheTests) PASS: test_clearcache (test.test_linecache.LineCacheTests) PASS: test_getline (test.test_linecache.LineCacheTests) PASS: test_memoryerror (test.test_linecache.LineCacheTests) PASS: test_no_ending_newline (test.test_linecache.LineCacheTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.002s OK 0:01:30 load avg: 0.50 [199/403/24] test_linuxaudiodev test_linuxaudiodev skipped -- Use of the `audio' resource not enabled 0:01:30 load avg: 0.50 [200/403/24] test_list -- test_linuxaudiodev skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_addmul (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_append (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_bigrepeat (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_constructor_exception_handling (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_constructors (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_contains_fake (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_contains_order (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_exhausted_iterator (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_extendedslicing (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_getitemoverwriteiter (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_identity (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_minmax (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_print (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_reversed (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_set_subscript (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_slice (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_sort (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_list.ListTest) PASS: test_truth (test.test_list.ListTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 42 tests in 0.108s OK 0:01:30 load avg: 0.50 [201/403/24] test_locale PASS: test_getpreferredencoding (test.test_locale.TestMiscellaneous) SKIP: test_getsetlocale_issue1813 (test.test_locale.TestMiscellaneous) 'test needs Turkish locale' PASS: test_normalize_issue12752 (test.test_locale.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_setlocale_category (test.test_locale.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_setlocale_unicode (test.test_locale.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_strcoll_3303 (test.test_locale.TestMiscellaneous) PASS: test_onlyOnePattern (test.test_locale.TestFormatPatternArg) PASS: test_mapping (test.test_locale.TestLocaleFormatString) PASS: test_percent_escape (test.test_locale.TestLocaleFormatString) PASS: test_complex_formatting (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_currency (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_grouping (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_integer_grouping (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_integer_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_padding (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_simple (test.test_locale.TestEnUSNumberFormatting) PASS: test_grouping (test.test_locale.TestCNumberFormatting) PASS: test_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestCNumberFormatting) PASS: test_currency (test.test_locale.TestFrFRNumberFormatting) PASS: test_decimal_point (test.test_locale.TestFrFRNumberFormatting) PASS: test_grouping (test.test_locale.TestFrFRNumberFormatting) PASS: test_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestFrFRNumberFormatting) PASS: test_integer_grouping (test.test_locale.TestFrFRNumberFormatting) PASS: test_integer_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestFrFRNumberFormatting) test_complex_formatting (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_grouping (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_integer_grouping (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_integer_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_padding (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_simple (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_isalnum (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_isalpha (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_islower (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_isspace (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_isupper (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_lower (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_split (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_strip (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok test_upper (test.test_locale.TestStringMethods) ... testing with "en_US.UTF-8"...ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 41 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=1) 0:01:30 load avg: 0.50 [202/403/24] test_logging PASS: test_flat (test.test_logging.BuiltinLevelsTest) PASS: test_invalid_name (test.test_logging.BuiltinLevelsTest) PASS: test_nested_explicit (test.test_logging.BuiltinLevelsTest) PASS: test_nested_inherited (test.test_logging.BuiltinLevelsTest) PASS: test_nested_with_virtual_parent (test.test_logging.BuiltinLevelsTest) PASS: test_filter (test.test_logging.BasicFilterTest) PASS: test_handler_filter (test.test_logging.CustomLevelsAndFiltersTest) PASS: test_logger_filter (test.test_logging.CustomLevelsAndFiltersTest) PASS: test_specific_filters (test.test_logging.CustomLevelsAndFiltersTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_logging.MemoryHandlerTest) PASS: test_config0_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config1_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config2_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config3_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config4_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config5_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config6_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_config7_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_logger_disabling (test.test_logging.ConfigFileTest) PASS: test_output (test.test_logging.SocketHandlerTest) PASS: test_persistent_loggers (test.test_logging.MemoryTest) PASS: test_encoding_cyrillic_unicode (test.test_logging.EncodingTest) PASS: test_encoding_plain_file (test.test_logging.EncodingTest) PASS: test_encoding_utf16_unicode (test.test_logging.EncodingTest) PASS: test_warnings (test.test_logging.WarningsTest) PASS: test_config0_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config11_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config12_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config13_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config1_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config2_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config2a_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config2b_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config3_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config4_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config4a_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config5_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config6_failure (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config7_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config_10_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config_8_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_config_9_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_listen_config_10_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_listen_config_1_ok (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_out_of_order (test.test_logging.ConfigDictTest) PASS: test_manager_loggerclass (test.test_logging.ManagerTest) PASS: test_child_loggers (test.test_logging.ChildLoggerTest) PASS: test_race (test.test_logging.HandlerTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 48 tests in 10.329s OK 0:01:41 load avg: 0.42 [203/403/24] test_long PASS: test_auto_overflow (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_bit_length (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_bitop_identities (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_conversion (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_division (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_float_conversion (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_float_overflow (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_huge_lshift_of_zero (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_issue9869 (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_karatsuba (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_keyword_args (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_logs (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_long (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_lshift_of_zero (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_misc (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_mixed_compares (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_nan_inf (test.test_long.LongTest) PASS: test_no_args (test.test_long.LongTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 19 tests in 0.639s OK 0:01:41 load avg: 0.42 [204/403/24] test_long_future PASS: test (test.test_long_future.TrueDivisionTests) PASS: test_correctly_rounded_true_division (test.test_long_future.TrueDivisionTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.727s OK 0:01:42 load avg: 0.42 [205/403/24] test_longexp PASS: test_longexp (test.test_longexp.LongExpText) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.053s OK 0:01:42 load avg: 0.42 [206/403/24] test_macos test_macos skipped -- No module named MacOS 0:01:42 load avg: 0.42 [207/403/24] test_macostools -- test_macos skipped test_macostools skipped -- No module named MacOS 0:01:42 load avg: 0.42 [208/403/24] test_macpath -- test_macostools skipped 0:01:42 load avg: 0.42 [209/403/25] test_macurl2path -- test_macpath failed 0:01:42 load avg: 0.42 [210/403/26] test_mailbox -- test_macurl2path failed PASS: test_notimplemented (test.test_mailbox.TestMailboxSuperclass) PASS: test_add (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_add_MM (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_add_StringIO (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_add_and_remove_folders (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_add_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_clean (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_clear (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_consistent_factory (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_contains (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_create_tmp (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_directory_in_folder (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_discard (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_dump_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_file_permissions (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_folder (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_folder_file_perms (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get_MM (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get_file_can_be_closed_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get_folder (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_get_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_initialize_existing (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_initialize_new (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_items (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_iter (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_iteritems (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_iterkeys (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_itervalues (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_keys (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_len (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_list_folders (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_lock_unlock (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_lookup (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_pop (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_popitem_and_flush_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_refresh (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_refresh_after_safety_period (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_remove (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_reread (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_set_MM (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_set_item (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_update (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_values (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildir) PASS: test_add (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add_StringIO (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add_and_close (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add_doesnt_rewrite (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add_from_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add_mbox_or_mmdf_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_clear (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_contains (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_discard (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_dump_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_file_perms (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_get (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_get_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_get_file_can_be_closed_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_get_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_get_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_items (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_iter (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_iteritems (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_iterkeys (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_itervalues (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_keys (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_len (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_lock_conflict (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_lock_unlock (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_message_separator (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_open_close_open (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_permissions_after_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_pop (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_popitem_and_flush_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_relock (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_remove (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_set_item (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_terminating_newline (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_update (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_values (test.test_mailbox.TestMbox) PASS: test_add (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add_StringIO (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add_and_close (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add_doesnt_rewrite (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add_from_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add_mbox_or_mmdf_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_clear (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_contains (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_discard (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_dump_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_get (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_get_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_get_file_can_be_closed_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_get_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_get_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_items (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_iter (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_iteritems (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_iterkeys (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_itervalues (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_keys (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_len (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_lock_conflict (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_lock_unlock (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_open_close_open (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_permissions_after_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_pop (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_popitem_and_flush_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_relock (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_remove (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_set_item (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_update (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_values (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDF) PASS: test_add (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_add_StringIO (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_add_and_remove_folders (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_add_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_clear (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_contains (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_discard (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_dump_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_get (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_get_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_get_file_can_be_closed_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_get_folder (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_get_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_get_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_issue2625 (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_issue7627 (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_items (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_iter (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_iteritems (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_iterkeys (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_itervalues (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_keys (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_len (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_list_folders (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_lock_unlock (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_pack (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_pop (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_popitem_and_flush_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_remove (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_sequences (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_set_item (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_update (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_values (test.test_mailbox.TestMH) PASS: test_add (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_add_StringIO (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_add_doesnt_rewrite (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_add_file (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_clear (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_contains (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_discard (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_dump_message (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_get (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_get_file (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_get_file_can_be_closed_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_get_message (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_get_string (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_items (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_iter (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_iteritems (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_iterkeys (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_itervalues (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_keys (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_labels (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_len (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_lock_unlock (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_permissions_after_flush (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_pop (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_popitem_and_flush_twice (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_remove (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_set_item (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_update (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_values (test.test_mailbox.TestBabyl) PASS: test_become_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_explain_to (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_initialize_incorrectly (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_eMM (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_nothing (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMessage) PASS: test_become_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_date (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_explain_to (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_flags (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_info (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_info_and_flags (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_initialize_incorrectly (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_eMM (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_nothing (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_subdir (test.test_mailbox.TestMaildirMessage) PASS: test_become_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_explain_to (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_flags (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_from (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_initialize_incorrectly (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_eMM (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_nothing (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_unixfrom (test.test_mailbox.TestMboxMessage) PASS: test_become_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_explain_to (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_initialize_incorrectly (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_eMM (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_nothing (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_sequences (test.test_mailbox.TestMHMessage) PASS: test_become_message (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_explain_to (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_initialize_incorrectly (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_eMM (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_file (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_nothing (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_string (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_labels (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_visible (test.test_mailbox.TestBabylMessage) PASS: test_become_message (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_explain_to (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_flags (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_from (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_initialize_incorrectly (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_eMM (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_file (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_nothing (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_string (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_initialize_with_unixfrom (test.test_mailbox.TestMMDFMessage) PASS: test_babyl_to_babyl (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_babyl_to_maildir (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_babyl_to_mboxmmdf (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_babyl_to_mh (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_maildir_to_babyl (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_maildir_to_maildir (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_maildir_to_mboxmmdf (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_maildir_to_mh (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mboxmmdf_to_babyl (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mboxmmdf_to_maildir (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mboxmmdf_to_mboxmmdf (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mboxmmdf_to_mh (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mh_to_babyl (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mh_to_maildir (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mh_to_mboxmmdf (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_mh_to_mh (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_plain_to_x (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_x_to_invalid (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_x_to_plain (test.test_mailbox.TestMessageConversion) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_initialize (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_read (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_readline (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_seek_and_tell (test.test_mailbox.TestProxyFile) PASS: test_close (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) PASS: test_initialize (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) PASS: test_read (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) PASS: test_readline (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) PASS: test_seek_and_tell (test.test_mailbox.TestPartialFile) test_empty_maildir (test.test_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: Test an empty maildir mailbox PASS: test_nonempty_maildir_both (test.test_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_nonempty_maildir_cur (test.test_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_nonempty_maildir_new (test.test_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_unix_mbox (test.test_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 303 tests in 0.178s OK 0:01:43 load avg: 0.42 [211/403/26] test_marshal PASS: test_bool (test.test_marshal.IntTestCase) PASS: test_int64 (test.test_marshal.IntTestCase) PASS: test_ints (test.test_marshal.IntTestCase) PASS: test_floats (test.test_marshal.FloatTestCase) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_marshal.StringTestCase) PASS: test_string (test.test_marshal.StringTestCase) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_marshal.StringTestCase) PASS: test_code (test.test_marshal.CodeTestCase) PASS: test_dict (test.test_marshal.ContainerTestCase) PASS: test_list (test.test_marshal.ContainerTestCase) PASS: test_sets (test.test_marshal.ContainerTestCase) PASS: test_tuple (test.test_marshal.ContainerTestCase) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_marshal.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_bug_5888452 (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_exact_type_match (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_fuzz (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_longs (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_large_marshal (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_loads_recursion (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_patch_873224 (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_recursion_limit (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_version_argument (test.test_marshal.BugsTestCase) PASS: test_bytearray (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) PASS: test_frozenset (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) PASS: test_list (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) PASS: test_set (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) PASS: test_string (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) PASS: test_tuple (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_marshal.LargeValuesTestCase) SKIP: test_read_last_object_from_file (test.test_marshal.CAPI_TestCase) 'requires _testcapi' SKIP: test_read_long_from_file (test.test_marshal.CAPI_TestCase) 'requires _testcapi' SKIP: test_read_object_from_file (test.test_marshal.CAPI_TestCase) 'requires _testcapi' SKIP: test_read_short_from_file (test.test_marshal.CAPI_TestCase) 'requires _testcapi' SKIP: test_write_long_to_file (test.test_marshal.CAPI_TestCase) 'requires _testcapi' SKIP: test_write_object_to_file (test.test_marshal.CAPI_TestCase) 'requires _testcapi' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 35 tests in 0.020s OK (skipped=6) 0:01:43 load avg: 0.42 [212/403/26] test_math PASS: testAcos (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testAcosh (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testAsin (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testAsinh (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testAtan (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testAtan2 (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testAtanh (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testCeil (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testConstants (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testCopysign (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testCos (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testCosh (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testDegrees (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testExp (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testFabs (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testFactorial (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testFloor (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testFmod (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testFrexp (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testFsum (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testHypot (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testIsinf (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testIsnan (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testLdexp (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testLog (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testLog10 (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testLog1p (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testModf (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testPow (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testRadians (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testSin (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testSinh (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testSqrt (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testTan (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: testTanh (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: test_mtestfile (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: test_testfile (test.test_math.MathTests) PASS: test_trunc (test.test_math.MathTests) /usr/lib/python2.7/test/ieee754.txt PASS: Doctest: ieee754.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 40 tests in 0.521s OK 0:01:43 load avg: 0.47 [213/403/26] test_md5 PASS: test_basics (test.test_md5.MD5_Test) PASS: test_hexdigest (test.test_md5.MD5_Test) PASS: test_large_update (test.test_md5.MD5_Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK 0:01:43 load avg: 0.47 [214/403/26] test_memoryio PASS: testInit (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: testRead (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: testReadNoArgs (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: testSeek (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: testTell (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_bytes_array (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_flags (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_instance_dict_leak (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_issue5449 (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_overseek (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_relative_seek (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_seek (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_tell (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_memoryio.PyBytesIOTest) PASS: testInit (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: testRead (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: testReadNoArgs (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: testSeek (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: testTell (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_flags (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_instance_dict_leak (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_issue5265 (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_lone_surrogates (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_cr (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_crlf (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_default (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_empty (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_lf (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_none (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_newlines_property (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_overseek (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_relative_seek (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_seek (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_tell (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_textio_properties (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOTest) PASS: testInit (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: testRead (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: testReadNoArgs (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: testSeek (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: testTell (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) SKIP: test_bytes_array (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) u'array.array() does not have the new buffer API' PASS: test_detach (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_flags (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_getstate (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_instance_dict_leak (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_issue5449 (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_overseek (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_read1 (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_readinto (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_relative_seek (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_seek (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_setstate (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) FAIL: test_sizeof (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_tell (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) PASS: testInit (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: testRead (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: testReadNoArgs (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: testSeek (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: testTell (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_detach (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_flags (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_flush (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_getstate (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_getvalue (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_instance_dict_leak (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_issue5265 (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_iterator (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_lone_surrogates (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_cr (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_crlf (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_default (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_empty (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_lf (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newline_none (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_newlines_property (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_overseek (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_readline (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_relative_seek (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_seek (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_setstate (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_tell (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_textio_properties (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_truncate (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_widechar (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_writelines_error (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOTest) PASS: test_issue5265 (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_cr (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_crlf (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_default (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_empty (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_lf (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_none (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newlines_property (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_relative_seek (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_textio_properties (test.test_memoryio.PyStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_issue5265 (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_cr (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_crlf (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_default (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_empty (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_lf (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newline_none (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_newlines_property (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_relative_seek (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) PASS: test_textio_properties (test.test_memoryio.CStringIOPickleTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof (test.test_memoryio.CBytesIOTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 706, in test_sizeof check(io.BytesIO(), basesize ) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 156 tests in 0.023s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=1) 0:01:43 load avg: 0.47 [215/403/27] test_memoryview -- test_memoryio failed PASS: test_attributes_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_attributes_writable (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_gc (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_iter (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_setitem_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_setitem_writable (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_tobytes (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_tolist (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_writable_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceSliceTest) PASS: test_attributes_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_attributes_writable (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_gc (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_iter (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_refs (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_setitem_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_setitem_writable (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_tobytes (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_tolist (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_writable_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemorySliceTest) PASS: test_attributes_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_attributes_writable (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_compare (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_gc (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_iter (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_setitem_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_setitem_writable (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_tobytes (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_tolist (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_writable_readonly (test.test_memoryview.BytesMemoryviewTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_memoryview.OtherTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_memoryview.OtherTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 43 tests in 0.110s OK 0:01:44 load avg: 0.47 [216/403/27] test_mhlib test_mhlib skipped -- No module named mhlib 0:01:44 load avg: 0.47 [217/403/27] test_mimetools -- test_mhlib skipped PASS: test_boundary (test.test_mimetools.MimeToolsTest) PASS: test_decodeencode (test.test_mimetools.MimeToolsTest) PASS: test_message (test.test_mimetools.MimeToolsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.002s OK 0:01:44 load avg: 0.47 [218/403/27] test_mimetypes PASS: test_data_urls (test.test_mimetypes.MimeTypesTestCase) PASS: test_default_data (test.test_mimetypes.MimeTypesTestCase) PASS: test_file_parsing (test.test_mimetypes.MimeTypesTestCase) PASS: test_guess_all_types (test.test_mimetypes.MimeTypesTestCase) PASS: test_non_standard_types (test.test_mimetypes.MimeTypesTestCase) SKIP: test_non_latin_extension (test.test_mimetypes.Win32MimeTypesTestCase) 'Windows only' SKIP: test_non_latin_type (test.test_mimetypes.Win32MimeTypesTestCase) 'Windows only' SKIP: test_registry_parsing (test.test_mimetypes.Win32MimeTypesTestCase) 'Windows only' SKIP: test_registry_read_error (test.test_mimetypes.Win32MimeTypesTestCase) 'Windows only' SKIP: test_type_map_values (test.test_mimetypes.Win32MimeTypesTestCase) 'Windows only' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=5) 0:01:44 load avg: 0.47 [219/403/27] test_minidom PASS: testAAA (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testAAB (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testAddAttr (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testAltNewline (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testAppendChild (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testAppendChildFragment (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testAttributeRepr (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testBug0777884 (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testBug1433694 (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testChangeAttr (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneAttributeDeep (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneAttributeShallow (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneDocumentDeep (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneDocumentShallow (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneDocumentTypeDeepNotOk (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneDocumentTypeDeepOk (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneDocumentTypeShallowNotOk (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneDocumentTypeShallowOk (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneElementDeep (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testCloneElementShallow (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testClonePIDeep (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testClonePIShallow (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testDeepcopiedDocument (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testDeleteAttr (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testElement (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testElementReprAndStr (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testElementReprAndStrUnicode (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testElementReprAndStrUnicodeNS (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testEmptyXMLNSValue (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testEncodings (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testGetElementsByTagName (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testGetElementsByTagNameNS (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testGetEmptyNodeListFromElementsByTagNameNS (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testImportDocumentDeep (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testImportDocumentShallow (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testImportDocumentTypeDeep (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testImportDocumentTypeShallow (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testInsertBefore (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testInsertBeforeFragment (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testLegalChildren (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNamedNodeMapSetItem (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNodeListItem (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNonZero (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalize (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalizeCombineAndNextSibling (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalizeDeleteAndCombine (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalizeDeleteWithNextSibling (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalizeDeleteWithPrevSibling (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalizeDeleteWithTwoNonTextSiblings (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testNormalizeRecursion (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testParents (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testParseFromFile (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testPatch1094164 (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testPickledDocument (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testProcessingInstruction (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRemoveAttr (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRemoveAttrNS (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRemoveAttributeNode (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRemoveNamedItem (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRemoveNamedItemNS (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRenameAttribute (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRenameElement (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testRenameOther (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testReplaceChildFragment (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testReplaceWholeText (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSAX2DOM (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSchemaType (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSerializeCommentNodeWithDoubleHyphen (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSetIdAttribute (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSetIdAttributeNS (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSetIdAttributeNode (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testSiblings (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testTooManyDocumentElements (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testUnlink (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testUserData (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testWholeText (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: testWriteXML (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: test_toprettyxml_preserves_content_of_text_node (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: test_toprettyxml_with_adjacent_text_nodes (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) PASS: test_toprettyxml_with_text_nodes (test.test_minidom.MinidomTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 80 tests in 0.016s OK 0:01:44 load avg: 0.47 [220/403/27] test_mmap PASS: test_access_parameter (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_anonymous (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_bad_file_desc (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_basic (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) SKIP: test_crasher_on_windows (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) 'requires Windows' PASS: test_double_close (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_empty_file (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_entire_file (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_error (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_find_end (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) SKIP: test_invalid_descriptor (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) 'requires Windows' PASS: test_io_methods (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_length_0_large_offset (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_length_0_offset (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_move (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_offset (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_prot_readonly (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_resize_past_pos (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_rfind (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) SKIP: test_sizeof (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) 'requires Windows' PASS: test_subclass (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) SKIP: test_tagname (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) 'requires Windows' PASS: test_tougher_find (test.test_mmap.MmapTests) PASS: test_around_2GB (test.test_mmap.LargeMmapTests) PASS: test_around_4GB (test.test_mmap.LargeMmapTests) PASS: test_large_filesize (test.test_mmap.LargeMmapTests) PASS: test_large_offset (test.test_mmap.LargeMmapTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 29 tests in 0.021s OK (skipped=4) 0:01:44 load avg: 0.47 [221/403/27] test_module PASS: test_ascii_docstring (test.test_module.ModuleTests) PASS: test_clear_dict_in_ref_cycle (test.test_module.ModuleTests) test_dont_clear_dict (test.test_module.ModuleTests) ... expected failure PASS: test_no_docstring (test.test_module.ModuleTests) PASS: test_reinit (test.test_module.ModuleTests) PASS: test_unicode_docstring (test.test_module.ModuleTests) PASS: test_uninitialized (test.test_module.ModuleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.112s OK (expected failures=1) 0:01:44 load avg: 0.47 [222/403/27] test_modulefinder 0:01:44 load avg: 0.47 [223/403/28] test_msilib -- test_modulefinder failed test_msilib skipped -- No module named msilib 0:01:44 load avg: 0.47 [224/403/28] test_multibytecodec -- test_msilib skipped PASS: test_encode (test.test_multibytecodec.TestHZStateful) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_multibytecodec.TestHZStateful) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_final (test.test_multibytecodec.TestHZStateful) PASS: test_encode (test.test_multibytecodec.TestStateful) PASS: test_incrementalencoder (test.test_multibytecodec.TestStateful) PASS: test_incrementalencoder_final (test.test_multibytecodec.TestStateful) PASS: test_bug1572832 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_ISO2022) PASS: test_g2 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_ISO2022) PASS: test_iso2022_jp_g0 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_ISO2022) PASS: test_dbcs (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalDecoder) PASS: test_dbcs_keep_buffer (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalDecoder) PASS: test_iso2022 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalDecoder) PASS: test_issue5640 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalEncoder) PASS: test_stateful (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalEncoder) PASS: test_stateful_keep_buffer (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalEncoder) PASS: test_stateless (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_IncrementalEncoder) PASS: test_codingspec (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_MultibyteCodec) PASS: test_errorcallback_custom_ignore (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_MultibyteCodec) PASS: test_errorcallback_longindex (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_MultibyteCodec) PASS: test_init_segfault (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_MultibyteCodec) PASS: test_nullcoding (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_MultibyteCodec) PASS: test_str_decode (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_MultibyteCodec) PASS: test_bug1728403 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_StreamReader) PASS: test_gb18030 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_StreamWriter) PASS: test_streamwriter_strwrite (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_StreamWriter) PASS: test_utf_8 (test.test_multibytecodec.Test_StreamWriter) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 0.810s OK 0:01:45 load avg: 0.47 [225/403/28] test_multifile test_multifile skipped -- No module named multifile 0:01:45 load avg: 0.47 [226/403/28] test_multiprocessing -- test_multifile skipped PASS: test_array (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestArray) PASS: test_array_accepts_long (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestArray) PASS: test_array_from_size (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestArray) PASS: test_getobj_getlock_obj (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestArray) PASS: test_rawarray (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestArray) PASS: test_notify (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestCondition) PASS: test_notify_all (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestCondition) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestCondition) PASS: test_connection (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_duplex_false (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_fd_transfer (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_large_fd_transfer (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_missing_fd_transfer (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_sendbytes (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_spawn_close (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestConnection) PASS: test_event (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestEvent) PASS: test_finalize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestFinalize) PASS: test_thread_safety (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestFinalize) PASS: test_free_from_gc (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestHeap) PASS: test_heap (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestHeap) PASS: test_import (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestImportStar) PASS: test_issue14725 (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestListenerClient) PASS: test_listener_client (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestListenerClient) PASS: test_lock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestLock) PASS: test_lock_context (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestLock) PASS: test_rlock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestLock) PASS: test_enable_logging (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestLogging) PASS: test_level (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestLogging) FAIL: test_rapid_restart (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestManagerRestart) PASS: test_poll_eintr (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPollEintr) PASS: test_apply (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_async (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_async_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_empty_iterable (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_imap (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_imap_handle_iterable_exception (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_imap_unordered (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_imap_unordered_handle_iterable_exception (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_make_pool (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_map (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_map_chunksize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_map_unplicklable (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_release_task_refs (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_terminate (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPool) PASS: test_unpickleable_result (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPoolWorkerErrors) PASS: test_pool_worker_lifetime (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPoolWorkerLifetime) PASS: test_pool_worker_lifetime_early_close (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestPoolWorkerLifetime) PASS: test_active_children (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_cpu_count (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_current (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_lose_target_ref (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_process (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_recursion (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_sys_exit (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_terminate (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestProcess) PASS: test_fork (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) PASS: test_get (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) PASS: test_no_import_lock_contention (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) PASS: test_put (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) SKIP: test_qsize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) 'qsize method not implemented' PASS: test_queue_feeder_donot_stop_onexc (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) PASS: test_task_done (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestQueue) PASS: test_bounded_semaphore (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSemaphore) PASS: test_semaphore (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSemaphore) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSemaphore) PASS: test_copy (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSharedCTypes) PASS: test_sharedctypes (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSharedCTypes) PASS: test_synchronize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSharedCTypes) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestSubclassingProcess) PASS: test_getobj_getlock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestValue) PASS: test_rawvalue (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestValue) PASS: test_value (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestValue) PASS: test_notify (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestCondition) PASS: test_notify_all (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestCondition) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestCondition) PASS: test_connection (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) PASS: test_duplex_false (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) SKIP: test_fd_transfer (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) 'only makes sense with processes' SKIP: test_large_fd_transfer (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) 'only makes sense with processes' SKIP: test_missing_fd_transfer (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) 'only makes sense with processes' SKIP: test_sendbytes (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) 'test not appropriate for threads' PASS: test_spawn_close (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestConnection) PASS: test_event (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestEvent) PASS: test_issue14725 (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestListenerClient) PASS: test_listener_client (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestListenerClient) PASS: test_lock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestLock) PASS: test_lock_context (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestLock) PASS: test_rlock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestLock) FAIL: test_rapid_restart (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestManagerRestart) PASS: test_apply (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_async (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_async_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_empty_iterable (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_imap (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_imap_handle_iterable_exception (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_imap_unordered (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_imap_unordered_handle_iterable_exception (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_make_pool (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_map (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_map_chunksize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) SKIP: test_map_unplicklable (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) 'test not appropriate for threads' PASS: test_release_task_refs (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_terminate (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestPool) PASS: test_active_children (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) PASS: test_cpu_count (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) SKIP: test_current (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) 'test not appropriate for threads' PASS: test_lose_target_ref (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) PASS: test_process (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) PASS: test_recursion (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) SKIP: test_sys_exit (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) 'test not appropriate for threads' SKIP: test_terminate (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestProcess) 'test not appropriate for threads' PASS: test_fork (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) PASS: test_get (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) PASS: test_no_import_lock_contention (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) PASS: test_put (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) PASS: test_qsize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) SKIP: test_queue_feeder_donot_stop_onexc (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) 'test not appropriate for threads' PASS: test_task_done (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestQueue) PASS: test_bounded_semaphore (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestSemaphore) PASS: test_semaphore (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestSemaphore) SKIP: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestSemaphore) 'test not appropriate for threads' PASS: test_notify (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestCondition) PASS: test_notify_all (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestCondition) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestCondition) PASS: test_dict (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestContainers) PASS: test_list (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestContainers) PASS: test_namespace (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestContainers) PASS: test_event (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestEvent) PASS: test_lock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestLock) PASS: test_lock_context (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestLock) PASS: test_rlock (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestLock) FAIL: test_rapid_restart (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestManagerRestart) PASS: test_mymanager (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestMyManager) PASS: test_apply (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_async (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_async_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_empty_iterable (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_imap (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) SKIP: test_imap_handle_iterable_exception (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) 'test not appropriate for manager' PASS: test_imap_unordered (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) SKIP: test_imap_unordered_handle_iterable_exception (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) 'test not appropriate for manager' PASS: test_make_pool (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_map (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_map_chunksize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_map_unplicklable (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_release_task_refs (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_terminate (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestPool) PASS: test_fork (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) PASS: test_get (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) PASS: test_no_import_lock_contention (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) PASS: test_put (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) PASS: test_qsize (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) SKIP: test_queue_feeder_donot_stop_onexc (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) 'test not appropriate for manager' PASS: test_task_done (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestQueue) FAIL: test_remote (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestRemoteManager) PASS: test_bounded_semaphore (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestSemaphore) PASS: test_semaphore (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestSemaphore) SKIP: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestSemaphore) 'test not appropriate for manager' PASS: test_number_of_objects (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestZZZNumberOfObjects) PASS: test_answer_challenge_auth_failure (test.test_multiprocessing.OtherTest) PASS: test_deliver_challenge_auth_failure (test.test_multiprocessing.OtherTest) PASS: test_invalid_handles (test.test_multiprocessing.TestInvalidHandle) PASS: test_manager_initializer (test.test_multiprocessing.TestInitializers) PASS: test_pool_initializer (test.test_multiprocessing.TestInitializers) PASS: test_flushing (test.test_multiprocessing.TestStdinBadfiledescriptor) PASS: test_pool_in_process (test.test_multiprocessing.TestStdinBadfiledescriptor) PASS: test_queue_in_process (test.test_multiprocessing.TestStdinBadfiledescriptor) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_multiprocessing.TestTimeouts) PASS: test_noforkbomb (test.test_multiprocessing.TestNoForkBomb) PASS: test_flags (test.test_multiprocessing.TestFlags) PASS: test_lock (test.test_multiprocessing.TestForkAwareThreadLock) PASS: test_ignore (test.test_multiprocessing.TestIgnoreEINTR) PASS: test_ignore_listener (test.test_multiprocessing.TestIgnoreEINTR) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_rapid_restart (test.test_multiprocessing.WithProcessesTestManagerRestart) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1588, in test_rapid_restart queue = manager.get_queue() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 667, in temp token, exp = self._create(typeid, *args, **kwds) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 565, in _create conn = self._Client(self._address, authkey=self._authkey) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 476, in XmlClient import xmlrpclib ImportError: No module named xmlrpclib ====================================================================== ERROR: test_rapid_restart (test.test_multiprocessing.WithThreadsTestManagerRestart) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1588, in test_rapid_restart queue = manager.get_queue() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 667, in temp token, exp = self._create(typeid, *args, **kwds) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 565, in _create conn = self._Client(self._address, authkey=self._authkey) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 476, in XmlClient import xmlrpclib ImportError: No module named xmlrpclib ====================================================================== ERROR: test_rapid_restart (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestManagerRestart) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1588, in test_rapid_restart queue = manager.get_queue() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 667, in temp token, exp = self._create(typeid, *args, **kwds) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 565, in _create conn = self._Client(self._address, authkey=self._authkey) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 476, in XmlClient import xmlrpclib ImportError: No module named xmlrpclib ====================================================================== ERROR: test_remote (test.test_multiprocessing.WithManagerTestRemoteManager) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1551, in test_remote manager2.connect() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 500, in connect conn = Client(self._address, authkey=self._authkey) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 476, in XmlClient import xmlrpclib ImportError: No module named xmlrpclib ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 173 tests in 21.318s FAILED (errors=4, skipped=15) 0:02:07 load avg: 0.40 [227/403/29] test_mutants -- test_multiprocessing failed trying w/ lengths 43 44 trying w/ lengths 57 56 trying w/ lengths 3 2 trying w/ lengths 1 4 trying w/ lengths 58 55 trying w/ lengths 4 4 . trying w/ lengths 54 55 trying w/ lengths 46 45 trying w/ lengths 58 57 trying w/ lengths 27 24 trying w/ lengths 31 25 trying w/ lengths 58 65 trying w/ lengths 1 1 . trying w/ lengths 40 37 trying w/ lengths 48 44 trying w/ lengths 47 48 trying w/ lengths 8 9 trying w/ lengths 37 35 trying w/ lengths 27 26 trying w/ lengths 29 30 trying w/ lengths 31 27 trying w/ lengths 49 46 trying w/ lengths 62 58 trying w/ lengths 15 14 trying w/ lengths 40 46 trying w/ lengths 45 44 trying w/ lengths 44 42 trying w/ lengths 33 35 trying w/ lengths 11 9 trying w/ lengths 24 24 . trying w/ lengths 41 38 trying w/ lengths 48 50 trying w/ lengths 30 31 trying w/ lengths 13 14 trying w/ lengths 27 29 trying w/ lengths 7 9 trying w/ lengths 58 62 trying w/ lengths 12 11 trying w/ lengths 32 31 trying w/ lengths 27 28 trying w/ lengths 40 45 trying w/ lengths 33 34 trying w/ lengths 26 21 trying w/ lengths 40 38 trying w/ lengths 7 5 trying w/ lengths 33 33 . trying w/ lengths 32 33 trying w/ lengths 25 23 trying w/ lengths 2 2 . trying w/ lengths 20 17 trying w/ lengths 20 22 trying w/ lengths 36 34 trying w/ lengths 42 38 trying w/ lengths 54 49 trying w/ lengths 66 60 trying w/ lengths 44 39 trying w/ lengths 2 1 trying w/ lengths 20 21 trying w/ lengths 7 9 trying w/ lengths 59 57 trying w/ lengths 43 42 trying w/ lengths 1 1 . trying w/ lengths 31 30 trying w/ lengths 56 58 trying w/ lengths 49 43 trying w/ lengths 17 17 . trying w/ lengths 60 62 trying w/ lengths 10 9 trying w/ lengths 36 35 trying w/ lengths 3 2 trying w/ lengths 19 16 trying w/ lengths 1 1 . trying w/ lengths 16 13 trying w/ lengths 51 44 trying w/ lengths 45 48 trying w/ lengths 41 38 trying w/ lengths 24 22 trying w/ lengths 33 29 trying w/ lengths 43 40 trying w/ lengths 38 34 trying w/ lengths 39 39 . trying w/ lengths 61 67 trying w/ lengths 53 55 trying w/ lengths 21 21 . . . trying w/ lengths 41 42 trying w/ lengths 63 64 trying w/ lengths 15 12 trying w/ lengths 25 33 trying w/ lengths 32 35 trying w/ lengths 56 64 trying w/ lengths 40 41 trying w/ lengths 61 67 trying w/ lengths 29 26 trying w/ lengths 33 35 trying w/ lengths 34 31 trying w/ lengths 32 35 trying w/ lengths 15 15 . trying w/ lengths 22 21 trying w/ lengths 5 6 trying w/ lengths 26 25 0:02:07 load avg: 0.40 [228/403/29] test_mutex PASS: test_lock_and_unlock (test.test_mutex.MutexTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:02:07 load avg: 0.40 [229/403/29] test_netrc 0:02:07 load avg: 0.40 [230/403/30] test_new -- test_netrc failed PASS: test_code (test.test_new.NewTest) PASS: test_function (test.test_new.NewTest) PASS: test_scope (test.test_new.NewTest) PASS: test_spam (test.test_new.NewTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.000s OK 0:02:07 load avg: 0.40 [231/403/30] test_nis SKIP: test_maps (test.test_nis.NisTests) 'No NIS master found for any map' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.001s OK (skipped=1) 0:02:07 load avg: 0.40 [232/403/30] test_nntplib PASS: test_too_long_line (test.test_nntplib.EvilServerTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.101s OK FAIL: test_basic_connect (test.test_nntplib.ServerTests) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_basic_connect (test.test_nntplib.ServerTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 55, in test_basic_connect nntp = nntplib.NNTP('localhost', self.port) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 146, in __init__ import netrc ImportError: No module named netrc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.104s FAILED (errors=1) 0:02:07 load avg: 0.40 [233/403/31] test_normalization -- test_nntplib failed PASS: test_bug_834676 (test.test_normalization.NormalizationTest) SKIP: test_main (test.test_normalization.NormalizationTest) "Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK (skipped=1) 0:02:07 load avg: 0.40 [234/403/31] test_ntpath 0:02:07 load avg: 0.40 [235/403/32] test_old_mailbox -- test_ntpath failed test_empty_maildir (test.test_old_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: Test an empty maildir mailbox PASS: test_nonempty_maildir_both (test.test_old_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_nonempty_maildir_cur (test.test_old_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_nonempty_maildir_new (test.test_old_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_unix_mbox (test.test_old_mailbox.MaildirTestCase) PASS: test_from_regex (test.test_old_mailbox.MboxTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK 0:02:07 load avg: 0.40 [236/403/32] test_openpty PASS: test (test.test_openpty.OpenptyTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:02:08 load avg: 0.40 [237/403/32] test_operator PASS: test_abs (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_add (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_attrgetter (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_bitwise_and (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_bitwise_or (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_bitwise_xor (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_concat (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_contains (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_countOf (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_div (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_eq (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_floordiv (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_ge (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_gt (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_indexOf (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_inplace (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_invert (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_is (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_isCallable (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_isMappingType (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_isNumberType (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_isSequenceType (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_is_not (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_itemgetter (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_le (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_lshift (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_lt (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_methodcaller (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_mod (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_mul (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_ne (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_neg (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_pos (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_pow (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_rshift (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_sub (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_truediv (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) PASS: test_truth (test.test_operator.OperatorTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 45 tests in 0.002s OK 0:02:08 load avg: 0.40 [238/403/32] test_optparse PASS: test_bool_default (test.test_optparse.TestBool) PASS: test_bool_false (test.test_optparse.TestBool) PASS: test_bool_flicker_on_and_off (test.test_optparse.TestBool) PASS: test_bool_true (test.test_optparse.TestBool) PASS: test_callback (test.test_optparse.TestCallback) PASS: test_callback_help (test.test_optparse.TestCallback) PASS: test_abbrev_callback_expansion (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackCheckAbbrev) PASS: test_callback_extra_args (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackExtraArgs) PASS: test_many_args (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackManyArgs) PASS: test_callback_meddle_args (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackMeddleArgs) PASS: test_callback_meddle_args_separator (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackMeddleArgs) PASS: test_consume_separator_stop_at_option (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackVarArgs) PASS: test_positional_arg_and_variable_args (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackVarArgs) PASS: test_stop_at_invalid_option (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackVarArgs) PASS: test_stop_at_option (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackVarArgs) PASS: test_variable_args (test.test_optparse.TestCallbackVarArgs) PASS: test_add_choice_option (test.test_optparse.TestChoice) PASS: test_invalid_choice (test.test_optparse.TestChoice) PASS: test_valid_choice (test.test_optparse.TestChoice) PASS: test_conflict_error (test.test_optparse.TestConflict) PASS: test_conflict_error_group (test.test_optparse.TestConflict) PASS: test_no_such_conflict_handler (test.test_optparse.TestConflict) PASS: test_conflict_override_args (test.test_optparse.TestConflictOverride) PASS: test_conflict_override_help (test.test_optparse.TestConflictOverride) PASS: test_conflict_override_opts (test.test_optparse.TestConflictOverride) PASS: test_conflict_resolve (test.test_optparse.TestConflictResolve) PASS: test_conflict_resolve_help (test.test_optparse.TestConflictResolve) PASS: test_conflict_resolve_long_opt (test.test_optparse.TestConflictResolve) PASS: test_conflict_resolve_long_opts (test.test_optparse.TestConflictResolve) PASS: test_conflict_resolve_short_opt (test.test_optparse.TestConflictResolve) PASS: test_conflict_default (test.test_optparse.TestConflictingDefaults) PASS: test_conflict_default_none (test.test_optparse.TestConflictingDefaults) PASS: test_count_interspersed_args (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_no_interspersed_args (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_no_such_option (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_one (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_option_no_value (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_override_amount (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_override_quiet (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_overriding (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_overriding_default (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_three (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_three_apart (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_count_with_default (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_empty (test.test_optparse.TestCount) PASS: test_basic_defaults (test.test_optparse.TestDefaultValues) PASS: test_mixed_defaults_post (test.test_optparse.TestDefaultValues) PASS: test_mixed_defaults_pre (test.test_optparse.TestDefaultValues) PASS: test_process_default (test.test_optparse.TestDefaultValues) PASS: test_alt_expand (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_default_none_1 (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_default_none_2 (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_float_default (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_no_default (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_no_expand (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_option_default (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_parser_default_1 (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_parser_default_2 (test.test_optparse.TestExpandDefaults) PASS: test_extend_add_action (test.test_optparse.TestExtendAddActions) PASS: test_extend_add_action_normal (test.test_optparse.TestExtendAddActions) PASS: test_filetype_noexist (test.test_optparse.TestExtendAddTypes) PASS: test_filetype_notfile (test.test_optparse.TestExtendAddTypes) PASS: test_filetype_ok (test.test_optparse.TestExtendAddTypes) PASS: test_help (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_help_description_groups (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_help_long_opts_first (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_help_old_usage (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_help_title_formatter (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_help_unicode (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_help_unicode_description (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_wrap_columns (test.test_optparse.TestHelp) PASS: test_match_abbrev (test.test_optparse.TestMatchAbbrev) PASS: test_match_abbrev_error (test.test_optparse.TestMatchAbbrev) PASS: test_nargs_invalid_float_value (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgs) PASS: test_nargs_long_opt (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgs) PASS: test_nargs_required_values (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgs) PASS: test_nargs_with_positional_args (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgs) PASS: test_nargs_append (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgsAppend) PASS: test_nargs_append_const (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgsAppend) PASS: test_nargs_append_required_values (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgsAppend) PASS: test_nargs_append_simple (test.test_optparse.TestMultipleArgsAppend) PASS: test_action_invalid (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_attr_invalid (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_bad_choices_list (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_callback_args_no_tuple (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_callback_kwargs_no_dict (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_callback_not_callable (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_callback_args_for_action (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_callback_for_action (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_callback_kwargs_for_action (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_choices_for_type (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_choices_list (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_const_for_action (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_nargs_for_action (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_no_type_for_action (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_opt_string_empty (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_opt_string_long_invalid (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_opt_string_short_invalid (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_opt_string_too_short (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_type_invalid (test.test_optparse.TestOptionChecks) PASS: test_add_group_invalid_arguments (test.test_optparse.TestOptionGroup) PASS: test_add_group_no_group (test.test_optparse.TestOptionGroup) PASS: test_add_group_wrong_parser (test.test_optparse.TestOptionGroup) PASS: test_group_manipulate (test.test_optparse.TestOptionGroup) PASS: test_option_group_create_instance (test.test_optparse.TestOptionGroup) PASS: test_add_option_invalid_arguments (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_add_option_no_Option (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_get_option (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_get_option_equals (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_has_option (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_refleak (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_remove_long_opt (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_remove_nonexistent (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_remove_short_opt (test.test_optparse.TestOptionParser) PASS: test_basics (test.test_optparse.TestOptionValues) PASS: test_numeric_options (test.test_optparse.TestParseNumber) PASS: test_parse_num_fail (test.test_optparse.TestParseNumber) PASS: test_parse_num_ok (test.test_optparse.TestParseNumber) PASS: test_custom_progname (test.test_optparse.TestProgName) PASS: test_default_progname (test.test_optparse.TestProgName) PASS: test_abbrev_long_option (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_add_option_accepts_unicode (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_ambiguous_option (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_combined_single_invalid_option (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_defaults (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_empty (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_hyphen_becomes_positional_arg (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_invalid_integer (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_long_invalid_integer (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_long_option_append (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_long_option_argument_joined (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_long_option_argument_split (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_long_option_short_option (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_no_append_versus_append (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_no_such_option (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_option_argument_joined (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_option_argument_joined_integer (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_option_argument_split (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_option_argument_split_negative_integer (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_option_consumes_optionlike_string (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_required_value (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_short_and_long_option_split (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_short_option_consumes_separator (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_short_option_joined_and_separator (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_short_option_split_long_option_append (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_short_option_split_one_positional_arg (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_shortopt_empty_longopt_append (test.test_optparse.TestStandard) PASS: test_new_type_object (test.test_optparse.TestTypeAliases) PASS: test_old_type_object (test.test_optparse.TestTypeAliases) PASS: test_str_aliases_string (test.test_optparse.TestTypeAliases) PASS: test_no_version (test.test_optparse.TestVersion) PASS: test_version (test.test_optparse.TestVersion) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 152 tests in 0.024s OK 0:02:08 load avg: 0.40 [239/403/32] test_ordered_dict PASS: test_abc (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_clear (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_copying (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_equality (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_init (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_iterators (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_override_update (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_pop (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_reduce_not_too_fat (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_reinsert (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_repr (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_repr_recursive (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_update (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_views (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_yaml_linkage (test.test_ordered_dict.TestOrderedDict) PASS: test_bool (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_items (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_keys (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_len (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_pop (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_update (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_values (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_write (test.test_ordered_dict.GeneralMappingTests) PASS: test_bool (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_items (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_keys (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_len (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_pop (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_update (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_values (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) PASS: test_write (test.test_ordered_dict.SubclassMappingTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 48 tests in 0.402s OK 0:02:08 load avg: 0.45 [240/403/32] test_os PASS: test_access (test.test_os.FileTests) PASS: test_closerange (test.test_os.FileTests) PASS: test_rename (test.test_os.FileTests) PASS: test_tempnam (test.test_os.TemporaryFileTests) PASS: test_tmpfile (test.test_os.TemporaryFileTests) PASS: test_tmpnam (test.test_os.TemporaryFileTests) SKIP: test_1565150 (test.test_os.StatAttributeTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_1686475 (test.test_os.StatAttributeTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_large_time (test.test_os.StatAttributeTests) 'Win32 specific tests' PASS: test_stat_attributes (test.test_os.StatAttributeTests) PASS: test_statvfs_attributes (test.test_os.StatAttributeTests) PASS: test_utime_dir (test.test_os.StatAttributeTests) PASS: test_bool (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_items (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_keys (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_len (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_pop (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_unset_error (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_update (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_update2 (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_values (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_write (test.test_os.EnvironTests) PASS: test_traversal (test.test_os.WalkTests) PASS: test_makedir (test.test_os.MakedirTests) PASS: test_devnull (test.test_os.DevNullTests) PASS: test_urandom_length (test.test_os.URandomTests) PASS: test_urandom_subprocess (test.test_os.URandomTests) PASS: test_urandom_value (test.test_os.URandomTests) SKIP: test_urandom_failure (test.test_os.URandomFDTests) 'getentropy() does not use a file descriptor' PASS: test_execve_invalid_env (test.test_os.ExecTests) PASS: test_execvpe_with_bad_arglist (test.test_os.ExecTests) SKIP: test_chdir (test.test_os.Win32ErrorTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_chmod (test.test_os.Win32ErrorTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_mkdir (test.test_os.Win32ErrorTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_remove (test.test_os.Win32ErrorTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_rename (test.test_os.Win32ErrorTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_utime (test.test_os.Win32ErrorTests) 'Win32 specific tests' PASS: test_closerange (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_dup (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_dup2 (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fchdir (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fchmod (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fchown (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fdatasync (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fdopen (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fpathconf (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fstat (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fstatvfs (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_fsync (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_ftruncate (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_isatty (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_lseek (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_read (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_tcgetpgrp (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_tcsetpgrpt (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_ttyname (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_write (test.test_os.TestInvalidFD) PASS: test_setegid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_seteuid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_setgid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_setregid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_setregid_neg1 (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_setreuid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_setreuid_neg1 (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) PASS: test_setuid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) SKIP: test_CTRL_BREAK_EVENT (test.test_os.Win32KillTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_CTRL_C_EVENT (test.test_os.Win32KillTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_kill_int (test.test_os.Win32KillTests) 'Win32 specific tests' SKIP: test_kill_sigterm (test.test_os.Win32KillTests) 'Win32 specific tests' PASS: test_spawnve_invalid_env (test.test_os.SpawnTests) PASS: test_spawnvpe_invalid_env (test.test_os.SpawnTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 77 tests in 0.112s OK (skipped=14) 0:02:08 load avg: 0.45 [241/403/32] test_ossaudiodev test_ossaudiodev skipped -- Use of the `audio' resource not enabled 0:02:08 load avg: 0.45 [242/403/32] test_parser -- test_ossaudiodev skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_assert (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_basic_import_statement (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_class_defs (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_except_clause (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_expressions (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_flags_passed (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_function_defs (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_import_from_statement (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_pep263 (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_position (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_print (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_relative_imports (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_simple_assignments (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_simple_augmented_assignments (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_simple_expression (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_try_stmt (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_with (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_yield_statement (test.test_parser.RoundtripLegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_a_comma_comma_c (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_encoding (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_operator (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_terminal (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_yield_1 (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_yield_2 (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_junk (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_malformed_global (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_missing_import_source (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_print_chevron_comma (test.test_parser.IllegalSyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_compile_badunicode (test.test_parser.CompileTestCase) PASS: test_compile_error (test.test_parser.CompileTestCase) PASS: test_compile_expr (test.test_parser.CompileTestCase) PASS: test_compile_suite (test.test_parser.CompileTestCase) PASS: test_issue_9011 (test.test_parser.CompileTestCase) PASS: test_deeply_nested_list (test.test_parser.ParserStackLimitTestCase) PASS: test_trigger_memory_error (test.test_parser.ParserStackLimitTestCase) PASS: test_copy_pickle (test.test_parser.STObjectTestCase) FAIL: test_sizeof (test.test_parser.STObjectTestCase) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_sizeof (test.test_parser.STObjectTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 711, in test_sizeof check_st_sizeof(parser.expr('2 + 3')) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 709, in check_st_sizeof sizeofchildren(st.totuple())) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 37 tests in 0.024s FAILED (errors=1) 0:02:08 load avg: 0.45 [243/403/33] test_pdb -- test_parser failed Trying: def test_function(): import pdb; pdb.Pdb().set_trace() print(1) print(2) print(3) print(4) Expecting nothing ok Trying: from bdb import Breakpoint Expecting nothing ok Trying: = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: Breakpoint.bplist = {} Expecting nothing ok Trying: Breakpoint.bpbynumber = [None] Expecting nothing ok Trying: with PdbTestInput([ # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 'break 3', 'disable 1', 'ignore 1 10', 'condition 1 1 < 2', 'break 4', 'break 4', 'break', 'clear 3', 'break', 'condition 1', 'enable 1', 'clear 1', 'commands 2', 'print 42', 'end', 'continue', # will stop at breakpoint 2 (line 4) 'clear', # clear all! 'y', 'tbreak 5', 'continue', # will stop at temporary breakpoint 'break', # make sure breakpoint is gone 'continue', ]): test_function() Expecting: > (3)test_function() -> print(1) (Pdb) break 3 Breakpoint 1 at :3 (Pdb) disable 1 (Pdb) ignore 1 10 Will ignore next 10 crossings of breakpoint 1. (Pdb) condition 1 1 < 2 (Pdb) break 4 Breakpoint 2 at :4 (Pdb) break 4 Breakpoint 3 at :4 (Pdb) break Num Type Disp Enb Where 1 breakpoint keep no at :3 stop only if 1 < 2 ignore next 10 hits 2 breakpoint keep yes at :4 3 breakpoint keep yes at :4 (Pdb) clear 3 Deleted breakpoint 3 (Pdb) break Num Type Disp Enb Where 1 breakpoint keep no at :3 stop only if 1 < 2 ignore next 10 hits 2 breakpoint keep yes at :4 (Pdb) condition 1 Breakpoint 1 is now unconditional. (Pdb) enable 1 (Pdb) clear 1 Deleted breakpoint 1 (Pdb) commands 2 (com) print 42 (com) end (Pdb) continue 1 42 > (4)test_function() -> print(2) (Pdb) clear Clear all breaks? y (Pdb) tbreak 5 Breakpoint 4 at :5 (Pdb) continue 2 Deleted breakpoint 4 > (5)test_function() -> print(3) (Pdb) break (Pdb) continue 3 4 ok Trying: def test_function(): import pdb, sys; inst = pdb.Pdb() inst.set_trace() inst.botframe = sys._getframe() # hackery to get the right botframe print(1) print(2) print(3) print(4) Expecting nothing ok Trying: from bdb import Breakpoint Expecting nothing ok Trying: = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: Breakpoint.bplist = {} Expecting nothing ok Trying: Breakpoint.bpbynumber = [None] Expecting nothing ok Trying: with PdbTestInput([ 'next', 'break 7', 'continue', 'next', 'continue', 'continue', ]): test_function() Expecting: > (4)test_function() -> inst.botframe = sys._getframe() # hackery to get the right botframe (Pdb) next > (5)test_function() -> print(1) (Pdb) break 7 Breakpoint 1 at :7 (Pdb) continue 1 2 > (7)test_function() -> print(3) (Pdb) next 3 > (8)test_function() -> print(4) (Pdb) continue 4 ok Trying: def test_function(foo, bar): import pdb; pdb.Pdb().set_trace() pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: with PdbTestInput([ 'foo', 'bar', 'for i in range(5): write(i)', 'continue', ]): test_function(1, None) Expecting: > (3)test_function() -> pass (Pdb) foo 1 (Pdb) bar (Pdb) for i in range(5): write(i) 0 1 2 3 4 (Pdb) continue ok Trying: def skip_module(): import string import pdb; pdb.Pdb(skip=['string*']).set_trace() string.lower('FOO') Expecting nothing ok Trying: with PdbTestInput([ 'step', 'continue', ]): skip_module() Expecting: > (4)skip_module() -> string.lower('FOO') (Pdb) step --Return-- > (4)skip_module()->None -> string.lower('FOO') (Pdb) continue ok Trying: def skip_module(): def callback(): return None import pdb; pdb.Pdb(skip=['module_to_skip*']).set_trace() mod.foo_pony(callback) Expecting nothing ok Trying: with PdbTestInput([ 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'continue', ]): skip_module() pass # provides something to "step" to Expecting: > (5)skip_module() -> mod.foo_pony(callback) (Pdb) step --Call-- > (2)callback() -> def callback(): (Pdb) step > (3)callback() -> return None (Pdb) step --Return-- > (3)callback()->None -> return None (Pdb) step --Return-- > (5)skip_module()->None -> mod.foo_pony(callback) (Pdb) step > (10)() -> pass # provides something to "step" to (Pdb) continue ok 13 items had no tests: test.test_pdb test.test_pdb.ModuleInitTester test.test_pdb.ModuleInitTester.test_filename_correct test.test_pdb.PdbTestCase test.test_pdb.PdbTestCase.run_pdb test.test_pdb.PdbTestCase.test_issue13183 test.test_pdb.PdbTestCase.test_issue16180 test.test_pdb.PdbTestInput test.test_pdb.PdbTestInput.__enter__ test.test_pdb.PdbTestInput.__exit__ test.test_pdb.PdbTestInput.__init__ test.test_pdb.test_main test.test_pdb.write 5 items passed all tests: 6 tests in test.test_pdb.test_pdb_breakpoint_commands 6 tests in test.test_pdb.test_pdb_continue_in_bottomframe 2 tests in test.test_pdb.test_pdb_displayhook 2 tests in test.test_pdb.test_pdb_skip_modules 2 tests in test.test_pdb.test_pdb_skip_modules_with_callback 18 tests in 18 items. 18 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_pdb) ... 18 tests with zero failures PASS: test_issue13183 (test.test_pdb.PdbTestCase) PASS: test_issue16180 (test.test_pdb.PdbTestCase) PASS: test_filename_correct (test.test_pdb.ModuleInitTester) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.063s OK 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [244/403/33] test_peepholer PASS: test_binary_subscr_on_unicode (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_elim_extra_return (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_elim_inversion_of_is_or_in (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_elim_jump_after_return1 (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_elim_jump_after_return2 (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_elim_jump_to_return (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_folding_of_binops_on_constants (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_folding_of_tuples_of_constants (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_folding_of_unaryops_on_constants (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_none_as_constant (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_pack_unpack (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_unot (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) PASS: test_while_one (test.test_peepholer.TestTranforms) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.004s OK 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [245/403/33] test_pep247 PASS: test_hmac (test.test_pep247.Pep247Test) PASS: test_md5 (test.test_pep247.Pep247Test) PASS: test_sha (test.test_pep247.Pep247Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [246/403/33] test_pep277 test_pep277 skipped -- only NT+ and systems with Unicode-friendly filesystem encoding 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [247/403/33] test_pep352 -- test_pep277 skipped PASS: test_builtins_new_style (test.test_pep352.ExceptionClassTests) PASS: test_inheritance (test.test_pep352.ExceptionClassTests) PASS: test_interface_multi_arg (test.test_pep352.ExceptionClassTests) PASS: test_interface_no_arg (test.test_pep352.ExceptionClassTests) PASS: test_interface_single_arg (test.test_pep352.ExceptionClassTests) PASS: test_message_deprecation (test.test_pep352.ExceptionClassTests) PASS: test_catch_string (test.test_pep352.UsageTests) PASS: test_raise_classic (test.test_pep352.UsageTests) PASS: test_raise_new_style_non_exception (test.test_pep352.UsageTests) PASS: test_raise_string (test.test_pep352.UsageTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.003s OK 0:02:09 load avg: 0.45 [248/403/33] test_pickle PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_bad_input (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_bad_mark (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_bad_stack (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_binget (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_callapi (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_correctly_quoted_string (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_dump_closed_file (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_dup (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_garyp (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_highest_protocol (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_incomplete_input (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_insecure_strings (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance_error (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_closed_file (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_from_and_dump_to_file (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_from_canned_string (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_str (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_load_unicode (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_long_binget (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_maxint64 (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_misc_get (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_restricted (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_truncated_data (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_pickle.PickleTests) PASS: test_bad_mark (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_stack (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_binget (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_correctly_quoted_string (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_dup (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_garyp (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_get (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_insecure_strings (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_classic_instance_error (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_from_canned_string (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_str (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_load_unicode (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_long_binget (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_maxint64 (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_misc_get (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_truncated_data (test.test_pickle.UnpicklerTests) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_pickle.PicklerTests) PASS: test_persistence (test.test_pickle.PersPicklerTests) PASS: test_clear_pickler_memo (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_multiple_unpicklings_seekable (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_multiple_unpicklings_unseekable (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_priming_pickler_memo (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_priming_unpickler_memo (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_reusing_unpickler_objects (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_unpickling_buffering_readline (test.test_pickle.PicklerUnpicklerObjectTests) PASS: test_huge_strlist (test.test_pickle.PickleBigmemPickleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 171 tests in 0.858s OK Trying: decode_long('') Expecting: 0L ok Trying: decode_long("\xff\x00") Expecting: 255L ok Trying: decode_long("\xff\x7f") Expecting: 32767L ok Trying: decode_long("\x00\xff") Expecting: -256L ok Trying: decode_long("\x00\x80") Expecting: -32768L ok Trying: decode_long("\x80") Expecting: -128L ok Trying: decode_long("\x7f") Expecting: 127L ok Trying: encode_long(0L) Expecting: '' ok Trying: encode_long(255L) Expecting: '\xff\x00' ok Trying: encode_long(32767L) Expecting: '\xff\x7f' ok Trying: encode_long(-256L) Expecting: '\x00\xff' ok Trying: encode_long(-32768L) Expecting: '\x00\x80' ok Trying: encode_long(-128L) Expecting: '\x80' ok Trying: encode_long(127L) Expecting: '\x7f' ok 101 items had no tests: pickle pickle.PickleError pickle.Pickler pickle.Pickler.__init__ pickle.Pickler._batch_appends pickle.Pickler._batch_setitems pickle.Pickler.clear_memo pickle.Pickler.dump pickle.Pickler.get pickle.Pickler.memoize pickle.Pickler.persistent_id pickle.Pickler.put pickle.Pickler.save_bool pickle.Pickler.save_dict pickle.Pickler.save_empty_tuple pickle.Pickler.save_float pickle.Pickler.save_global pickle.Pickler.save_inst pickle.Pickler.save_int pickle.Pickler.save_list pickle.Pickler.save_long pickle.Pickler.save_none pickle.Pickler.save_pers pickle.Pickler.save_reduce pickle.Pickler.save_string pickle.Pickler.save_tuple pickle.Pickler.save_unicode pickle.PicklingError pickle.Unpickler pickle.Unpickler.__init__ pickle.Unpickler._instantiate pickle.Unpickler.find_class pickle.Unpickler.get_extension pickle.Unpickler.load pickle.Unpickler.load_append pickle.Unpickler.load_appends pickle.Unpickler.load_binfloat pickle.Unpickler.load_binget pickle.Unpickler.load_binint pickle.Unpickler.load_binint1 pickle.Unpickler.load_binint2 pickle.Unpickler.load_binpersid pickle.Unpickler.load_binput pickle.Unpickler.load_binstring pickle.Unpickler.load_binunicode pickle.Unpickler.load_build pickle.Unpickler.load_dict pickle.Unpickler.load_dup pickle.Unpickler.load_empty_dictionary pickle.Unpickler.load_empty_list pickle.Unpickler.load_empty_tuple pickle.Unpickler.load_eof pickle.Unpickler.load_ext1 pickle.Unpickler.load_ext2 pickle.Unpickler.load_ext4 pickle.Unpickler.load_false pickle.Unpickler.load_float pickle.Unpickler.load_get pickle.Unpickler.load_global pickle.Unpickler.load_inst pickle.Unpickler.load_int pickle.Unpickler.load_list pickle.Unpickler.load_long pickle.Unpickler.load_long1 pickle.Unpickler.load_long4 pickle.Unpickler.load_long_binget pickle.Unpickler.load_long_binput pickle.Unpickler.load_mark pickle.Unpickler.load_newobj pickle.Unpickler.load_none pickle.Unpickler.load_obj pickle.Unpickler.load_persid pickle.Unpickler.load_pop pickle.Unpickler.load_pop_mark pickle.Unpickler.load_proto pickle.Unpickler.load_put pickle.Unpickler.load_reduce pickle.Unpickler.load_setitem pickle.Unpickler.load_setitems pickle.Unpickler.load_short_binstring pickle.Unpickler.load_stop pickle.Unpickler.load_string pickle.Unpickler.load_true pickle.Unpickler.load_tuple pickle.Unpickler.load_tuple1 pickle.Unpickler.load_tuple2 pickle.Unpickler.load_tuple3 pickle.Unpickler.load_unicode pickle.Unpickler.marker pickle.UnpicklingError pickle._EmptyClass pickle._Stop pickle._Stop.__init__ pickle._keep_alive pickle._test pickle.dump pickle.dumps pickle.load pickle.loads pickle.whichmodule 2 items passed all tests: 7 tests in pickle.decode_long 7 tests in pickle.encode_long 14 tests in 103 items. 14 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (pickle) ... 14 tests with zero failures 0:02:10 load avg: 0.45 [249/403/33] test_pickletools PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_bad_input (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_callapi (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_dump_closed_file (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_float (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_highest_protocol (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_incomplete_input (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_ints (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_load_closed_file (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_load_from_and_dump_to_file (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_long (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_misc (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_proto (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_restricted (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_pickletools.OptimizedPickleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 67 tests in 0.129s OK Trying: import pickle Expecting nothing ok Trying: from StringIO import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: f = StringIO() Expecting nothing ok Trying: p = pickle.Pickler(f, 2) Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = [1, 2, 3] Expecting nothing ok Trying: p.dump(x) Expecting nothing ok Trying: p.dump(x) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting nothing ok Trying: memo = {} Expecting nothing ok Trying: dis(f, memo=memo) Expecting: 0: \x80 PROTO 2 2: ] EMPTY_LIST 3: q BINPUT 0 5: ( MARK 6: K BININT1 1 8: K BININT1 2 10: K BININT1 3 12: e APPENDS (MARK at 5) 13: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 2 ok Trying: dis(f, memo=memo) Expecting: 14: \x80 PROTO 2 16: h BINGET 0 18: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 2 ok Trying: import pickle Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = [1, 2, (3, 4), {'abc': u"def"}] Expecting nothing ok Trying: pkl = pickle.dumps(x, 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: dis(pkl) Expecting: 0: ( MARK 1: l LIST (MARK at 0) 2: p PUT 0 5: I INT 1 8: a APPEND 9: I INT 2 12: a APPEND 13: ( MARK 14: I INT 3 17: I INT 4 20: t TUPLE (MARK at 13) 21: p PUT 1 24: a APPEND 25: ( MARK 26: d DICT (MARK at 25) 27: p PUT 2 30: S STRING 'abc' 37: p PUT 3 40: V UNICODE u'def' 45: p PUT 4 48: s SETITEM 49: a APPEND 50: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 ok Trying: pkl = pickle.dumps(x, 1) Expecting nothing ok Trying: dis(pkl) Expecting: 0: ] EMPTY_LIST 1: q BINPUT 0 3: ( MARK 4: K BININT1 1 6: K BININT1 2 8: ( MARK 9: K BININT1 3 11: K BININT1 4 13: t TUPLE (MARK at 8) 14: q BINPUT 1 16: } EMPTY_DICT 17: q BINPUT 2 19: U SHORT_BINSTRING 'abc' 24: q BINPUT 3 26: X BINUNICODE u'def' 34: q BINPUT 4 36: s SETITEM 37: e APPENDS (MARK at 3) 38: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 1 ok Trying: import pickletools Expecting nothing ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(pickletools.dis, 0)) Expecting: 0: c GLOBAL 'pickletools dis' 17: p PUT 0 20: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 ok Trying: from pickletools import _Example Expecting nothing ok Trying: x = [_Example(42)] * 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(x, 0)) Expecting: 0: ( MARK 1: l LIST (MARK at 0) 2: p PUT 0 5: ( MARK 6: i INST 'pickletools _Example' (MARK at 5) 28: p PUT 1 31: ( MARK 32: d DICT (MARK at 31) 33: p PUT 2 36: S STRING 'value' 45: p PUT 3 48: I INT 42 52: s SETITEM 53: b BUILD 54: a APPEND 55: g GET 1 58: a APPEND 59: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(x, 1)) Expecting: 0: ] EMPTY_LIST 1: q BINPUT 0 3: ( MARK 4: ( MARK 5: c GLOBAL 'pickletools _Example' 27: q BINPUT 1 29: o OBJ (MARK at 4) 30: q BINPUT 2 32: } EMPTY_DICT 33: q BINPUT 3 35: U SHORT_BINSTRING 'value' 42: q BINPUT 4 44: K BININT1 42 46: s SETITEM 47: b BUILD 48: h BINGET 2 50: e APPENDS (MARK at 3) 51: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 1 ok Trying: L = [] Expecting nothing ok Trying: T = L, Expecting nothing ok Trying: L.append(T) Expecting nothing ok Trying: L[0] is T Expecting: True ok Trying: T[0] is L Expecting: True ok Trying: L[0][0] is L Expecting: True ok Trying: T[0][0] is T Expecting: True ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(L, 0)) Expecting: 0: ( MARK 1: l LIST (MARK at 0) 2: p PUT 0 5: ( MARK 6: g GET 0 9: t TUPLE (MARK at 5) 10: p PUT 1 13: a APPEND 14: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(L, 1)) Expecting: 0: ] EMPTY_LIST 1: q BINPUT 0 3: ( MARK 4: h BINGET 0 6: t TUPLE (MARK at 3) 7: q BINPUT 1 9: a APPEND 10: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 1 ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(T, 0)) Expecting: 0: ( MARK 1: ( MARK 2: l LIST (MARK at 1) 3: p PUT 0 6: ( MARK 7: g GET 0 10: t TUPLE (MARK at 6) 11: p PUT 1 14: a APPEND 15: 0 POP 16: 0 POP (MARK at 0) 17: g GET 1 20: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(T, 1)) Expecting: 0: ( MARK 1: ] EMPTY_LIST 2: q BINPUT 0 4: ( MARK 5: h BINGET 0 7: t TUPLE (MARK at 4) 8: q BINPUT 1 10: a APPEND 11: 1 POP_MARK (MARK at 0) 12: h BINGET 1 14: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 1 ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(L, 2)) Expecting: 0: \x80 PROTO 2 2: ] EMPTY_LIST 3: q BINPUT 0 5: h BINGET 0 7: \x85 TUPLE1 8: q BINPUT 1 10: a APPEND 11: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 2 ok Trying: dis(pickle.dumps(T, 2)) Expecting: 0: \x80 PROTO 2 2: ] EMPTY_LIST 3: q BINPUT 0 5: h BINGET 0 7: \x85 TUPLE1 8: q BINPUT 1 10: a APPEND 11: 0 POP 12: h BINGET 1 14: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 2 ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_decimalnl_long(StringIO.StringIO("1234\n56")) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: trailing 'L' required in '1234' ok Trying: read_decimalnl_long(StringIO.StringIO("1234L\n56")) Expecting: 1234L ok Trying: read_decimalnl_long(StringIO.StringIO("123456789012345678901234L\n6")) Expecting: 123456789012345678901234L ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_decimalnl_short(StringIO.StringIO("1234\n56")) Expecting: 1234 ok Trying: read_decimalnl_short(StringIO.StringIO("1234L\n56")) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: trailing 'L' not allowed in '1234L' ok Trying: import StringIO, struct Expecting nothing ok Trying: raw = struct.pack(">d", -1.25) Expecting nothing ok Trying: raw Expecting: '\xbf\xf4\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' ok Trying: read_float8(StringIO.StringIO(raw + "\n")) Expecting: -1.25 ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_floatnl(StringIO.StringIO("-1.25\n6")) Expecting: -1.25 ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_int4(StringIO.StringIO('\xff\x00\x00\x00')) Expecting: 255 ok Trying: read_int4(StringIO.StringIO('\x00\x00\x00\x80')) == -(2**31) Expecting: True ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x00")) Expecting: 0L ok Trying: read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\xff\x00")) Expecting: 255L ok Trying: read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\xff\x7f")) Expecting: 32767L ok Trying: read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\xff")) Expecting: -256L ok Trying: read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x80")) Expecting: -32768L ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00")) Expecting: 255L ok Trying: read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\xff\x7f")) Expecting: 32767L ok Trying: read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff")) Expecting: -256L ok Trying: read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80")) Expecting: -32768L ok Trying: read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x00\x00\x00\x00")) Expecting: 0L ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_string1(StringIO.StringIO("\x00")) Expecting: '' ok Trying: read_string1(StringIO.StringIO("\x03abcdef")) Expecting: 'abc' ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_string4(StringIO.StringIO("\x00\x00\x00\x00abc")) Expecting: '' ok Trying: read_string4(StringIO.StringIO("\x03\x00\x00\x00abcdef")) Expecting: 'abc' ok Trying: read_string4(StringIO.StringIO("\x00\x00\x00\x03abcdef")) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: expected 50331648 bytes in a string4, but only 6 remain ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("'abcd'\nefg\n")) Expecting: 'abcd' ok Trying: read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("\n")) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: no string quotes around '' ok Trying: read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("\n"), stripquotes=False) Expecting: '' ok Trying: read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("''\n")) Expecting: '' ok Trying: read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO('"abcd"')) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: no newline found when trying to read stringnl ok Trying: read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO(r"'a\n\\b\x00c\td'" + "\n'e'")) Expecting: 'a\n\\b\x00c\td' ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_stringnl_noescape_pair(StringIO.StringIO("Queue\nEmpty\njunk")) Expecting: 'Queue Empty' ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_uint1(StringIO.StringIO('\xff')) Expecting: 255 ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_uint2(StringIO.StringIO('\xff\x00')) Expecting: 255 ok Trying: read_uint2(StringIO.StringIO('\xff\xff')) Expecting: 65535 ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: s = u'abcd\uabcd' Expecting nothing ok Trying: enc = s.encode('utf-8') Expecting nothing ok Trying: enc Expecting: 'abcd\xea\xaf\x8d' ok Trying: n = chr(len(enc)) + chr(0) * 3 # little-endian 4-byte length Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = read_unicodestring4(StringIO.StringIO(n + enc + 'junk')) Expecting nothing ok Trying: s == t Expecting: True ok Trying: read_unicodestring4(StringIO.StringIO(n + enc[:-1])) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: expected 7 bytes in a unicodestring4, but only 6 remain ok Trying: import StringIO Expecting nothing ok Trying: read_unicodestringnl(StringIO.StringIO("abc\uabcd\njunk")) Expecting: u'abc\uabcd' ok 15 items had no tests: pickletools pickletools.ArgumentDescriptor pickletools.ArgumentDescriptor.__init__ pickletools.OpcodeInfo pickletools.OpcodeInfo.__init__ pickletools.StackObject pickletools.StackObject.__init__ pickletools.StackObject.__repr__ pickletools._Example pickletools._Example.__init__ pickletools._test pickletools.dis pickletools.genops pickletools.optimize pickletools.read_stringnl_noescape 17 items passed all tests: 11 tests in pickletools.__test__.disassembler_memo_test 25 tests in pickletools.__test__.disassembler_test 4 tests in pickletools.read_decimalnl_long 3 tests in pickletools.read_decimalnl_short 4 tests in pickletools.read_float8 2 tests in pickletools.read_floatnl 3 tests in pickletools.read_int4 6 tests in pickletools.read_long1 6 tests in pickletools.read_long4 3 tests in pickletools.read_string1 4 tests in pickletools.read_string4 7 tests in pickletools.read_stringnl 2 tests in pickletools.read_stringnl_noescape_pair 2 tests in pickletools.read_uint1 3 tests in pickletools.read_uint2 8 tests in pickletools.read_unicodestring4 2 tests in pickletools.read_unicodestringnl 95 tests in 32 items. 95 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (pickletools) ... 95 tests with zero failures 0:02:10 load avg: 0.45 [250/403/33] test_pipes PASS: testBadAppendOptions (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testBadOpenMode (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testBadPrependOptions (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testClone (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testEmptyPipeline1 (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testEmptyPipeline2 (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testEmptyPipeline3 (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testQuoting (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testReadOpenSink (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testRepr (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testSetDebug (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testSimplePipe1 (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testSimplePipe2 (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testSimplePipe3 (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) PASS: testWriteOpenSource (test.test_pipes.SimplePipeTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.024s OK 0:02:10 load avg: 0.45 [251/403/33] test_pkg PASS: test_1 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_2 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_3 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_4 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_5 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_6 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_7 (test.test_pkg.Test) PASS: test_8 (test.test_pkg.Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.006s OK 0:02:10 load avg: 0.45 [252/403/33] test_pkgimport PASS: test_package_import__semantics (test.test_pkgimport.TestImport) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:02:10 load avg: 0.45 [253/403/33] test_pkgutil PASS: test_getdata_filesys (test.test_pkgutil.PkgutilTests) PASS: test_getdata_zipfile (test.test_pkgutil.PkgutilTests) PASS: test_unreadable_dir_on_syspath (test.test_pkgutil.PkgutilTests) PASS: test_alreadyloaded (test.test_pkgutil.PkgutilPEP302Tests) PASS: test_getdata_pep302 (test.test_pkgutil.PkgutilPEP302Tests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.001s OK 0:02:10 load avg: 0.45 [254/403/33] test_platform PASS: test_architecture (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_architecture_via_symlink (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_dist (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_java_ver (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_libc_ver (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_mac_ver (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) SKIP: test_mac_ver_with_fork (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) 'OSX only test' PASS: test_machine (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_node (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_parse_release_file (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_platform (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_processor (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_release (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_sys_version (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_system (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_system_alias (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_uname (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) SKIP: test_uname_win32_ARCHITEW6432 (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) 'windows only test' PASS: test_version (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) PASS: test_win32_ver (test.test_platform.PlatformTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 20 tests in 0.048s OK (skipped=2) 0:02:10 load avg: 0.45 [255/403/33] test_plistlib PASS: test_appleformatting (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_appleformattingfromliteral (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_controlcharacters (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_create (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_cstringio (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_indentation_array (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_indentation_dict (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_indentation_dict_mix (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_io (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_nondictroot (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_string (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) PASS: test_stringio (test.test_plistlib.TestPlistlib) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.006s OK 0:02:10 load avg: 0.45 [256/403/33] test_poll PASS: test_poll1 (test.test_poll.PollTests) PASS: test_poll2 (test.test_poll.PollTests) PASS: test_poll3 (test.test_poll.PollTests) FAIL: test_poll_c_limits (test.test_poll.PollTests) PASS: test_threaded_poll (test.test_poll.PollTests) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_poll_c_limits (test.test_poll.PollTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 169, in test_poll_c_limits from _testcapi import USHRT_MAX, INT_MAX, UINT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 10.533s FAILED (errors=1) 0:02:21 load avg: 0.38 [257/403/34] test_popen -- test_poll failed PASS: test_popen (test.test_popen.PopenTest) PASS: test_return_code (test.test_popen.PopenTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.050s OK 0:02:21 load avg: 0.38 [258/403/34] test_popen2 PASS: test_os_popen2 (test.test_popen2.Popen2Test) PASS: test_os_popen3 (test.test_popen2.Popen2Test) PASS: test_os_popen4 (test.test_popen2.Popen2Test) PASS: test_popen2 (test.test_popen2.Popen2Test) PASS: test_popen3 (test.test_popen2.Popen2Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.073s OK 0:02:21 load avg: 0.38 [259/403/34] test_poplib PASS: test_dele (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_getwelcome (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_list (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_noop (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_pass_ (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_retr (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_rpop (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_stat (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_too_long_lines (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_top (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_uidl (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: test_user (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3Class) PASS: testTimeoutDefault (test.test_poplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutNone (test.test_poplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: testTimeoutValue (test.test_poplib.TestTimeouts) PASS: test__all__ (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_dele (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_getwelcome (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_list (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_noop (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_pass_ (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_retr (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_rpop (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_stat (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_too_long_lines (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_top (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_uidl (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) PASS: test_user (test.test_poplib.TestPOP3_SSLClass) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 30 tests in 2.164s OK 0:02:23 load avg: 0.35 [260/403/34] test_posix PASS: testNoArgFunctions (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_access (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_chdir (test.test_posix.PosixTester) SKIP: test_chflags (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'test needs os.chflags()' PASS: test_chown (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_confstr (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_dup (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_dup2 (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_fchown (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_fdopen (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_fdopen_directory (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_fdopen_keeps_fd_open_on_errors (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_fstat (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_fstatvfs (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_ftruncate (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_getcwd_long_pathnames (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_getgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_getresgid (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_getresuid (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_initgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester) SKIP: test_lchflags_regular_file (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'test needs os.lchflags()' SKIP: test_lchflags_symlink (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'test needs os.lchflags()' PASS: test_lchown (test.test_posix.PosixTester) SKIP: test_lsdir (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'test needs posix.lsdir()' PASS: test_makedev (test.test_posix.PosixTester) SKIP: test_osexlock (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'test needs posix.O_EXLOCK' SKIP: test_osshlock (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'test needs posix.O_SHLOCK' PASS: test_path_with_null_byte (test.test_posix.PosixTester) SKIP: test_path_with_null_unicode (test.test_posix.PosixTester) 'Requires unicode filenames support' PASS: test_pipe (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_putenv (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_setresgid (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_setresgid_exception (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_setresuid (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_setresuid_exception (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_stat (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_statvfs (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_strerror (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_tempnam (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_tmpfile (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_umask (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_utime (test.test_posix.PosixTester) PASS: test_initgroups (test.test_posix.PosixGroupsTester) PASS: test_setgroups (test.test_posix.PosixGroupsTester) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 44 tests in 0.012s OK (skipped=7) 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [261/403/34] test_posixpath PASS: test_basename (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_dirname (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_expanduser (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) SKIP: test_expandvars_nonascii_word (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) 'Needs non-ASCII word characters' PASS: test_isabs (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_islink (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_ismount (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_ismount_different_device (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_ismount_directory_not_readable (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_ismount_non_existent (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_ismount_symlinks (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_normpath (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_basic (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_curdir (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_deep_recursion (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_pardir (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_repeated_indirect_symlinks (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_resolve_before_normalizing (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_resolve_first (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_resolve_parents (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_realpath_symlink_loops (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_relpath (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_samefile (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_samestat (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_splitext (test.test_posixpath.PosixPathTest) PASS: test_abspath (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_abspath_issue3426 (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_commonprefix (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_exists (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_expandvars (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) SKIP: test_expandvars_nonascii (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) 'need test_support.FS_NONASCII' PASS: test_getsize (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_isdir (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_isfile (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_no_argument (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_nonascii_abspath (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_normcase (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_normpath_issue5827 (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_realpath (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_splitdrive (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) PASS: test_time (test.test_posixpath.PosixCommonTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 43 tests in 0.006s OK (skipped=2) 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [262/403/34] test_pow PASS: test_bug643260 (test.test_pow.PowTest) PASS: test_bug705231 (test.test_pow.PowTest) PASS: test_other (test.test_pow.PowTest) PASS: test_powfloat (test.test_pow.PowTest) PASS: test_powint (test.test_pow.PowTest) PASS: test_powlong (test.test_pow.PowTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.087s OK 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [263/403/34] test_pprint PASS: test_basic (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_basic_line_wrap (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_depth (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_knotted (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_nested_indentations (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_same_as_repr (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_set_of_sets_reprs (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_set_reprs (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_sorted_dict (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_subclassing (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) PASS: test_unreadable (test.test_pprint.QueryTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 11 tests in 0.016s OK 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [264/403/34] test_print PASS: test_mixed_args (test.test_print.TestPrint) PASS: test_print (test.test_print.TestPrint) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.001s OK 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [265/403/34] test_profile PASS: test_calling_conventions (test.test_profile.ProfileTest) PASS: test_cprofile (test.test_profile.ProfileTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.004s OK 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [266/403/34] test_property PASS: test_property_decorator_baseclass (test.test_property.PropertyTests) PASS: test_property_decorator_baseclass_doc (test.test_property.PropertyTests) PASS: test_property_decorator_doc (test.test_property.PropertyTests) PASS: test_property_decorator_subclass (test.test_property.PropertyTests) PASS: test_property_decorator_subclass_doc (test.test_property.PropertyTests) PASS: test_property_getter_doc_override (test.test_property.PropertyTests) PASS: test_docstring_copy (test.test_property.PropertySubclassTests) PASS: test_property_new_getter_new_docstring (test.test_property.PropertySubclassTests) PASS: test_property_setter_copies_getter_docstring (test.test_property.PropertySubclassTests) PASS: test_slots_docstring_copy_exception (test.test_property.PropertySubclassTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.001s OK 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [267/403/34] test_pstats test_combine_results (test.test_pstats.AddCallersTestCase) PASS: pstats.add_callers should combine the call results of both target ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [268/403/34] test_pty test__copy_eof_on_all (test.test_pty.SmallPtyTests) PASS: Test the empty read EOF case on both master_fd and stdin. test__copy_to_each (test.test_pty.SmallPtyTests) PASS: Test the normal data case on both master_fd and stdin. test_basic (test.test_pty.PtyTest) ... Calling master_open() Got master_fd '15', slave_name '/dev/pts/3' Calling slave_open('/dev/pts/3') Got slave_fd '16' Writing to slave_fd Writing chunked output ok test_fork (test.test_pty.PtyTest) ... calling pty.fork() Waiting for child (4189) to finish. Child (4189) exited with status 4 (1024). ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.007s OK 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [269/403/34] test_pwd PASS: test_errors (test.test_pwd.PwdTest) PASS: test_values (test.test_pwd.PwdTest) PASS: test_values_extended (test.test_pwd.PwdTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.001s OK 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [270/403/34] test_py3kwarn PASS: test_backquote (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_buffer (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_builtin_function_or_method_comparisons (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_cell_inequality_comparisons (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_code_inequality_comparisons (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_dict_inequality_comparisons (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_file_xreadlines (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_forbidden_names (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_frame_attributes (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_hash_inheritance (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_methods_members (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_nonascii_bytes_literals (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_object_inequality_comparisons (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_operator (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_paren_arg_names (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_slice_methods (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_softspace (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_sort_cmp_arg (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_sys_exc_clear (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_tuple_parameter_unpacking (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_type_inequality_comparisons (test.test_py3kwarn.TestPy3KWarnings) PASS: test_mutablestring_removal (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) PASS: test_optional_module_removals (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) FAIL: test_os_path_walk (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) FAIL: test_platform_independent_removals (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) PASS: test_platform_specific_removals (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) PASS: test_reduce_move (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_os_path_walk (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 417, in test_os_path_walk mod = __import__(path_mod) ImportError: No module named ntpath ====================================================================== FAIL: test_platform_independent_removals (test.test_py3kwarn.TestStdlibRemovals) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 401, in test_platform_independent_removals self.check_removal(module_name) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 389, in check_removal "ImportError.".format(module_name)) AssertionError: Non-optional module imputil raised an ImportError. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 27 tests in 0.006s FAILED (failures=1, errors=1) 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [271/403/35] test_py_compile -- test_py3kwarn failed PASS: test_absolute_path (test.test_py_compile.PyCompileTests) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_py_compile.PyCompileTests) PASS: test_relative_path (test.test_py_compile.PyCompileTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.001s OK 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [272/403/35] test_pyclbr 0:02:24 load avg: 0.35 [273/403/36] test_pydoc -- test_pyclbr failed PASS: test_getpager_with_stdin_none (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_html_doc (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_input_strip (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_issue8225 (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_mixed_case_module_names_are_lower_cased (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_non_str_name (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_not_here (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_stripid (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_synopsis (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_synopsis_sourceless_empty_doc (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_text_doc (test.test_pydoc.PydocDocTest) PASS: test_apropos_with_bad_package (test.test_pydoc.PydocImportTest) PASS: test_apropos_with_unreadable_dir (test.test_pydoc.PydocImportTest) PASS: test_badimport (test.test_pydoc.PydocImportTest) PASS: test_class (test.test_pydoc.TestDescriptions) PASS: test_classic_class (test.test_pydoc.TestDescriptions) PASS: test_module (test.test_pydoc.TestDescriptions) PASS: test_namedtuple_public_underscore (test.test_pydoc.TestDescriptions) PASS: test_encode (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_htmlpage (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_pipepager (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_plainpager (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_render_doc (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_tempfilepager (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_ttypager (test.test_pydoc.TestUnicode) PASS: test_builtin (test.test_pydoc.TestHelper) PASS: test_keywords (test.test_pydoc.TestHelper) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 27 tests in 0.179s OK 0:02:25 load avg: 0.35 [274/403/36] test_pyexpat PASS: test_buffer_text (test.test_pyexpat.SetAttributeTest) PASS: test_invalid_attributes (test.test_pyexpat.SetAttributeTest) PASS: test_namespace_prefixes (test.test_pyexpat.SetAttributeTest) PASS: test_ordered_attributes (test.test_pyexpat.SetAttributeTest) PASS: test_returns_unicode (test.test_pyexpat.SetAttributeTest) PASS: test_specified_attributes (test.test_pyexpat.SetAttributeTest) PASS: test_parse_again (test.test_pyexpat.ParseTest) PASS: test_parse_file (test.test_pyexpat.ParseTest) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_pyexpat.ParseTest) PASS: test_utf8 (test.test_pyexpat.ParseTest) PASS: test_illegal (test.test_pyexpat.NamespaceSeparatorTest) PASS: test_legal (test.test_pyexpat.NamespaceSeparatorTest) PASS: test_zero_length (test.test_pyexpat.NamespaceSeparatorTest) PASS: test (test.test_pyexpat.InterningTest) PASS: test1 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test2 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test3 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test4 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test5 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test6 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test7 (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test_buffering_enabled (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test_default_to_disabled (test.test_pyexpat.BufferTextTest) PASS: test (test.test_pyexpat.HandlerExceptionTest) PASS: test (test.test_pyexpat.PositionTest) PASS: test_parse_only_xml_data (test.test_pyexpat.sf1296433Test) PASS: test_1000_bytes (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test_1025_bytes (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test_change_size_1 (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test_change_size_2 (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test_disabling_buffer (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test_unchanged_size (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test_wrong_size (test.test_pyexpat.ChardataBufferTest) PASS: test1 (test.test_pyexpat.MalformedInputText) PASS: test2 (test.test_pyexpat.MalformedInputText) PASS: test_ignore_use_foreign_dtd (test.test_pyexpat.ForeignDTDTests) PASS: test_use_foreign_dtd (test.test_pyexpat.ForeignDTDTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 37 tests in 0.002s OK 0:02:25 load avg: 0.35 [275/403/36] test_queue PASS: test_queue_join (test.test_queue.QueueTest) PASS: test_queue_task_done (test.test_queue.QueueTest) PASS: test_simple_queue (test.test_queue.QueueTest) PASS: test_queue_join (test.test_queue.LifoQueueTest) PASS: test_queue_task_done (test.test_queue.LifoQueueTest) PASS: test_simple_queue (test.test_queue.LifoQueueTest) PASS: test_queue_join (test.test_queue.PriorityQueueTest) PASS: test_queue_task_done (test.test_queue.PriorityQueueTest) PASS: test_simple_queue (test.test_queue.PriorityQueueTest) PASS: test_failing_queue (test.test_queue.FailingQueueTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 3.601s OK 0:02:28 load avg: 0.32 [276/403/36] test_quopri PASS: test_decode (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_decode_header (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_decodestring (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_embedded_ws (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_encode (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_encode_header (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_encodestring (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_idempotent_string (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_scriptdecode (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) PASS: test_scriptencode (test.test_quopri.QuopriTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.035s OK 0:02:29 load avg: 0.32 [277/403/36] test_random PASS: test_autoseed (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bigrand (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bug_1727780 (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_gauss (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_gauss_with_whseed (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_jumpahead (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_jumpahead_produces_valid_state (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_distribution (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_inputs (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_on_dicts (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_saverestore (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_seedargs (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_setstate_first_arg (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_strong_jumpahead (test.test_random.WichmannHill_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_53_bits_per_float (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_autoseed (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bigrand (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bigrand_ranges (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bug_1727780 (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_gauss (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_genrandbits (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_jumpahead (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_jumpahead_produces_valid_state (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_long_seed (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_randbelow_logic (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_randrange_bug_1590891 (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_rangelimits (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_referenceImplementation (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_distribution (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_inputs (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_on_dicts (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_saverestore (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_seedargs (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_setstate_first_arg (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_setstate_middle_arg (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_strong_reference_implementation (test.test_random.MersenneTwister_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_avg_std (test.test_random.TestDistributions) PASS: test_constant (test.test_random.TestDistributions) PASS: test_von_mises_large_kappa (test.test_random.TestDistributions) PASS: test_von_mises_range (test.test_random.TestDistributions) PASS: test_zeroinputs (test.test_random.TestDistributions) PASS: testMagicConstants (test.test_random.TestModule) PASS: test__all__ (test.test_random.TestModule) PASS: test_random_subclass_with_kwargs (test.test_random.TestModule) PASS: test_53_bits_per_float (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_autoseed (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bigrand (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bigrand_ranges (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_bug_1727780 (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_gauss (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_genrandbits (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_jumpahead (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_jumpahead_produces_valid_state (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_randbelow_logic (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_rangelimits (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_distribution (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_inputs (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_sample_on_dicts (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_saverestore (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) PASS: test_seedargs (test.test_random.SystemRandom_TestBasicOps) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 66 tests in 0.351s OK 0:02:29 load avg: 0.32 [278/403/36] test_re PASS: test_anyall (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_backref_group_name_in_exception (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_basic_re_sub (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_big_codesize (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bigcharset (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_113254 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_1140 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_114660 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_117612 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_13899 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_1661 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_2537 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_3629 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_418626 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_448951 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_449000 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_449964 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_462270 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_527371 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_545855 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_581080 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_612074 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_6561 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_725106 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_725149 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_764548 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_817234 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_926075 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_bug_931848 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_category (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_compile (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_constants (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_dealloc (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_debug_flag (test.test_re.ReTests) test_dollar_matches_twice (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: $ matches the end of string, and just before the terminating PASS: test_empty_array (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_expand (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_finditer (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_flags (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_getattr (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_getlower (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_group_name_in_exception (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_groupdict (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_ignore_case (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_ignore_case_range (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_ignore_case_set (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_inline_flags (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_issue17998 (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_keyword_parameters (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_large_search (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_large_subn (test.test_re.ReTests) SKIP: test_locale_caching (test.test_re.ReTests) 'test needs en_US.iso88591 locale' PASS: test_lookahead (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_lookbehind (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_match_group_takes_long (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_not_literal (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_other_escapes (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_qualified_re_split (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_qualified_re_sub (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_escape (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_escape_byte (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_escape_non_ascii (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_escape_non_ascii_bytes (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_findall (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_groupref (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_groupref_exists (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_match (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_split (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_re_subn (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_repeat_minmax (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_repeat_minmax_overflow (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_repeat_minmax_overflow_maxrepeat (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_scanner (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_search_coverage (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_search_star_plus (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_special_escapes (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_sre_character_class_literals (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_sre_character_literals (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_stack_overflow (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_string_boundaries (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_sub_template_numeric_escape (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_symbolic_groups (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_symbolic_refs (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_unlimited_zero_width_repeat (test.test_re.ReTests) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_re.ReTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 86 tests in 0.207s OK (skipped=1) Running re_tests test suite 0:02:29 load avg: 0.32 [279/403/36] test_readline PASS: testHistoryUpdates (test.test_readline.TestHistoryManipulation) PASS: test_init (test.test_readline.TestReadline) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.014s OK 0:02:29 load avg: 0.32 [280/403/36] test_regrtest PASS: test_module_autotest (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) PASS: test_module_from_test_autotest (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) PASS: test_module_regrtest (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) PASS: test_module_test (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) SKIP: test_pcbuild_rt (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) 'Windows only' PASS: test_script_autotest (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) PASS: test_script_regrtest (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) SKIP: test_tools_buildbot_test (test.test_regrtest.ProgramsTestCase) 'test.bat script is not installed' FAIL: test_coverage (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_crashed (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_env_changed (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_failing_test (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_forever (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_fromfile (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) SKIP: test_huntrleaks (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) 'need a debug build' PASS: test_interrupted (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_list_cases (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_list_tests (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_matchfile (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_random (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_resources (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_slow_interrupted (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) PASS: test_slowest (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) ====================================================================== FAIL: test_coverage (test.test_regrtest.ArgsTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 444, in test_coverage output = self.run_tests("--coverage", test) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 317, in run_tests return self.run_python(cmdargs, **kw) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 198, in run_python proc = self.run_command(args, **kw) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 193, in run_command AssertionError: Command ['/usr/bin/python', '-m', 'test', '--testdir=/tmp/tmpbDd0cC', '--coverage', 'test_regrtest_coverage'] failed with exit code 1 stdout: --- --- stderr: --- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 174, in _run_module_as_main "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 72, in _run_code exec code in run_globals File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 3, in regrtest.main_in_temp_cwd() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 2024, in main_in_temp_cwd main() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 595, in main import trace ImportError: No module named trace --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 23 tests in 0.959s FAILED (failures=1, skipped=3) 0:02:30 load avg: 0.32 [281/403/37] test_repr -- test_regrtest failed PASS: test_buffer (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_builtin_function (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_cell (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_container (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_descriptors (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_file (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_instance (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_lambda (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_nesting (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_numbers (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_string (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_tuple (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_unsortable (test.test_repr.ReprTests) PASS: test_xrange (test.test_repr.ReprTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 14 tests in 0.001s OK SKIP: test_builtin_function (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) 'needs a built-in function with a really long name' PASS: test_class (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) PASS: test_instance (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) PASS: test_method (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) PASS: test_module (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) SKIP: test_object (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) 'need a suitable object' PASS: test_type (test.test_repr.LongReprTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 0:02:30 load avg: 0.32 [282/403/37] test_resource PASS: test_args (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) PASS: test_fsize_enforced (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) PASS: test_fsize_ismax (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) PASS: test_fsize_toobig (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) PASS: test_getrusage (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) PASS: test_setrusage_refcount (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.044s OK 0:02:31 load avg: 0.32 [283/403/37] test_rfc822 PASS: test_2getaddrlist (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_addr_ipquad (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_basic (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_bogus_to_header (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_commas_in_full_name (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_doublecomment (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_get (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_headers (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_iter (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_parseaddr (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_quote_unquote (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_quoted_name (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_rfc2822_phrases (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) PASS: test_twisted (test.test_rfc822.MessageTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.002s OK 0:02:31 load avg: 0.32 [284/403/37] test_richcmp PASS: test_mixed (test.test_richcmp.VectorTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_richcmp.NumberTest) PASS: test_values (test.test_richcmp.NumberTest) PASS: test_misbehavin (test.test_richcmp.MiscTest) PASS: test_not (test.test_richcmp.MiscTest) PASS: test_recursion (test.test_richcmp.MiscTest) PASS: test_badentry (test.test_richcmp.ListTest) PASS: test_coverage (test.test_richcmp.ListTest) PASS: test_goodentry (test.test_richcmp.ListTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.004s OK PASS: test_dicts (test.test_richcmp.DictTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:02:31 load avg: 0.32 [285/403/37] test_rlcompleter PASS: test_attr_matches (test.test_rlcompleter.TestRlcompleter) PASS: test_excessive_getattr (test.test_rlcompleter.TestRlcompleter) PASS: test_global_matches (test.test_rlcompleter.TestRlcompleter) PASS: test_namespace (test.test_rlcompleter.TestRlcompleter) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.002s OK 0:02:31 load avg: 0.32 [286/403/37] test_robotparser PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.UserAgentWildcardTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.UserAgentWildcardTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.RejectAllRobotsTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.RejectAllRobotsTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.UserAgentOrderingTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.UserAgentOrderingTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.UserAgentGoogleMobileTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.UserAgentGoogleMobileTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.GoogleURLOrderingTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.GoogleURLOrderingTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.DisallowQueryStringTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.DisallowQueryStringTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.UseFirstUserAgentWildcardTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.UseFirstUserAgentWildcardTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.EmptyQueryStringTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.EmptyQueryStringTest) PASS: test_bad_urls (test.test_robotparser.DefaultEntryTest) PASS: test_good_urls (test.test_robotparser.DefaultEntryTest) PASS: testPasswordProtectedSite (test.test_robotparser.PasswordProtectedSiteTestCase) skipped "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 19 tests in 75.032s OK (skipped=1) 0:03:46 load avg: 0.09 [287/403/37] test_runpy -- test_robotparser passed in 1 min 15 sec PASS: test_run_code (test.test_runpy.RunModuleCodeTest) PASS: test_run_module_code (test.test_runpy.RunModuleCodeTest) test_explicit_relative_import (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) ... Testing relative imports at depth: 2 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpdVbWzv Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpdVbWzv Next level in: /tmp/tmpdVbWzv/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpdVbWzv/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpdVbWzv/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpdVbWzv/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpdVbWzv/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added sibling module: /tmp/tmpdVbWzv/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added uncle package: /tmp/tmpdVbWzv/__runpy_pkg__/uncle Added cousin package: /tmp/tmpdVbWzv/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin Added nephew module: /tmp/tmpdVbWzv/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing relative imports at depth: 3 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5 Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5 Next level in: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added sibling module: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added uncle package: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle Added cousin package: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin Added nephew module: /tmp/tmpkgv8R5/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing relative imports at depth: 4 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpxavdsB Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpxavdsB Next level in: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added sibling module: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added uncle package: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle Added cousin package: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin Added nephew module: /tmp/tmpxavdsB/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully ok PASS: test_invalid_names (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) PASS: test_library_module (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) test_main_relative_import (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) ... Testing main relative imports at depth: 2 Package tree in: /tmp/tmp0yoDeM Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmp0yoDeM Next level in: /tmp/tmp0yoDeM/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp0yoDeM/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmp0yoDeM/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp0yoDeM/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmp0yoDeM/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added sibling module: /tmp/tmp0yoDeM/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added uncle package: /tmp/tmp0yoDeM/__runpy_pkg__/uncle Added cousin package: /tmp/tmp0yoDeM/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin Added nephew module: /tmp/tmp0yoDeM/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing main relative imports at depth: 3 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH Next level in: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added sibling module: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added uncle package: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle Added cousin package: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin Added nephew module: /tmp/tmpo2LpsH/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing main relative imports at depth: 4 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O Next level in: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added sibling module: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Added uncle package: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle Added cousin package: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin Added nephew module: /tmp/tmpnEHW2O/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/uncle/cousin/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully ok test_run_module (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) ... Testing package depth: 0 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpWVNY6j Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpWVNY6j Created: /tmp/tmpWVNY6j/ Running from source: runpy_test Running from compiled: runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing package depth: 1 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpo2oQE_ Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpo2oQE_ Next level in: /tmp/tmpo2oQE_/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpo2oQE_/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpo2oQE_/__runpy_pkg__/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing package depth: 2 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpTVXLDG Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpTVXLDG Next level in: /tmp/tmpTVXLDG/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpTVXLDG/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpTVXLDG/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpTVXLDG/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpTVXLDG/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully Testing package depth: 3 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpST05_Q Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpST05_Q Next level in: /tmp/tmpST05_Q/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpST05_Q/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpST05_Q/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpST05_Q/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpST05_Q/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpST05_Q/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpST05_Q/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.runpy_test Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Module executed successfully ok test_run_package (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) ... Testing package depth: 1 Package tree in: /tmp/tmp6wmH_f Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmp6wmH_f Next level in: /tmp/tmp6wmH_f/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp6wmH_f/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmp6wmH_f/__runpy_pkg__/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__ Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Package executed successfully Testing package depth: 2 Package tree in: /tmp/tmp8LDBqi Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmp8LDBqi Next level in: /tmp/tmp8LDBqi/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp8LDBqi/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmp8LDBqi/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp8LDBqi/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmp8LDBqi/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__ Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Package executed successfully Testing package depth: 3 Package tree in: /tmp/tmpZ5sQsM Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpZ5sQsM Next level in: /tmp/tmpZ5sQsM/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpZ5sQsM/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpZ5sQsM/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpZ5sQsM/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Next level in: /tmp/tmpZ5sQsM/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpZ5sQsM/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpZ5sQsM/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/__runpy_pkg__/ Running from source: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__ Running from compiled: __runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Package executed successfully ok test_run_package_init_exceptions (test.test_runpy.RunModuleTest) ... Package tree in: /tmp/tmpSppIRO Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpSppIRO Next level in: /tmp/tmpSppIRO/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpSppIRO/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpSppIRO/__runpy_pkg__/ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Package tree in: /tmp/tmppcvNzD Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmppcvNzD Next level in: /tmp/tmppcvNzD/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmppcvNzD/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmppcvNzD/__runpy_pkg__/ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Package tree in: /tmp/tmp2O_fZt Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmp2O_fZt Next level in: /tmp/tmp2O_fZt/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmp2O_fZt/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmp2O_fZt/__runpy_pkg__/ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree Package tree in: /tmp/tmpfk2s_g Updated sys.path: /tmp/tmpfk2s_g Next level in: /tmp/tmpfk2s_g/__runpy_pkg__ Created: /tmp/tmpfk2s_g/__runpy_pkg__/ Created: /tmp/tmpfk2s_g/__runpy_pkg__/ Removed sys.modules entries Removed sys.path entry Removed package tree ok PASS: test_basic_script (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_directory (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_directory_compiled (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_directory_error (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_main_recursion_error (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_script_compiled (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_zipfile (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_zipfile_compiled (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) PASS: test_zipfile_error (test.test_runpy.RunPathTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 18 tests in 0.991s OK 0:03:47 load avg: 0.09 [288/403/37] test_sax PASS: test_make_parser2 (test.test_sax.MakeParserTest) PASS: test_parseString_bytes (test.test_sax.ParseTest) PASS: test_parse_InputSource (test.test_sax.ParseTest) PASS: test_parse_bytes (test.test_sax.ParseTest) PASS: test_parse_close_source (test.test_sax.ParseTest) PASS: test_double_quoteattr (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_escape_all (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_escape_basic (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_escape_extra (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_make_parser (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_quoteattr_basic (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_single_double_quoteattr (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_single_quoteattr (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_unescape_all (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_unescape_amp_extra (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_unescape_basic (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_unescape_extra (test.test_sax.SaxutilsTest) PASS: test_binary_file (test.test_sax.PrepareInputSourceTest) PASS: test_byte_stream (test.test_sax.PrepareInputSourceTest) PASS: test_string (test.test_sax.PrepareInputSourceTest) PASS: test_system_id (test.test_sax.PrepareInputSourceTest) PASS: test_1463026_1 (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_2 (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_3 (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_5027_1 (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_5027_2 (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_no_close_file (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_attr_escape (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_basic (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_content (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_content_escape (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_encoding (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_encoding_bytes (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_fragment (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_ignorable (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_ns (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_pi (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_unencodable (test.test_sax.StringXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_1 (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_2 (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_3 (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_5027_1 (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_5027_2 (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_no_close_file (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_attr_escape (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_basic (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_content (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_content_escape (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_encoding (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_encoding_bytes (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_fragment (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_ignorable (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_ns (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_pi (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_unencodable (test.test_sax.BytesIOXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_1 (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_2 (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_1463026_3 (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_5027_1 (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_5027_2 (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_no_close_file (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_attr_escape (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_basic (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_content (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_content_escape (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_encoding (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_encoding_bytes (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_fragment (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_ignorable (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_ns (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_pi (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_xmlgen_unencodable (test.test_sax.WriterXmlgenTest) PASS: test_expat_attrs_empty (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_attrs_wattr (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_binary_file (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_dtdhandler (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_entityresolver (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) SKIP: test_expat_file_unicode (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) 'Requires unicode filenames support' PASS: test_expat_incremental (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_incremental_reset (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_inpsource_byte_stream (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_inpsource_filename (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_inpsource_sysid (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) SKIP: test_expat_inpsource_sysid_unicode (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) 'Requires unicode filenames support' PASS: test_expat_locator_noinfo (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_locator_withinfo (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) SKIP: test_expat_locator_withinfo_unicode (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) 'Requires unicode filenames support' PASS: test_expat_nsattrs_empty (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_nsattrs_wattr (test.test_sax.ExpatReaderTest) PASS: test_expat_incomplete (test.test_sax.ErrorReportingTest) PASS: test_expat_inpsource_location (test.test_sax.ErrorReportingTest) PASS: test_sax_parse_exception_str (test.test_sax.ErrorReportingTest) PASS: test_attrs_empty (test.test_sax.XmlReaderTest) PASS: test_attrs_wattr (test.test_sax.XmlReaderTest) PASS: test_nsattrs_empty (test.test_sax.XmlReaderTest) PASS: test_nsattrs_wattr (test.test_sax.XmlReaderTest) PASS: test_sf_1511497 (test.test_sax.XmlReaderTest) PASS: test_sf_1513611 (test.test_sax.XmlReaderTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 98 tests in 0.022s OK (skipped=3) 0:03:47 load avg: 0.09 [289/403/37] test_scope PASS: testBoundAndFree (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testClassAndGlobal (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testComplexDefinitions (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testEvalExecFreeVars (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testEvalFreeVars (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testExtraNesting (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testFreeVarInMethod (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testFreeingCell (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testGlobalInParallelNestedFunctions (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testInteractionWithTraceFunc (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testLambdas (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testLeaks (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testListCompLocalVars (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testLocalsClass (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testLocalsClass_WithTrace (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testLocalsFunction (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testMixedFreevarsAndCellvars (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testNearestEnclosingScope (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testNestingGlobalNoFree (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testNestingPlusFreeRefToGlobal (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testNestingThroughClass (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testRecursion (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testScopeOfGlobalStmt (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testSimpleAndRebinding (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testSimpleNesting (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testTopIsNotSignificant (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testUnboundLocal (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) PASS: testUnoptimizedNamespaces (test.test_scope.ScopeTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 28 tests in 0.002s OK 0:03:47 load avg: 0.09 [290/403/37] test_scriptpackages test_scriptpackages skipped -- No module named aetools 0:03:47 load avg: 0.09 [291/403/37] test_select -- test_scriptpackages skipped PASS: test_error_conditions (test.test_select.SelectTestCase) PASS: test_returned_list_identity (test.test_select.SelectTestCase) test_select (test.test_select.SelectTestCase) ... timeout = 0 timeout = 1 'testing...\n' timeout = 2 'testing...\n' timeout = 4 'testing...\n' timeout = 8 'testing...\n' timeout = 16 'testing...\n' timeout = None 'testing...\n' timeout = None 'testing...\n' timeout = None 'testing...\n' timeout = None 'testing...\n' timeout = None 'testing...\n' timeout = None '' EOF ok PASS: test_select_mutated (test.test_select.SelectTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 11.034s OK 0:03:58 load avg: 0.07 [292/403/37] test_set PASS: test_add (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_and (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_badcmp (test.test_set.TestSet) SKIP: test_c_api (test.test_set.TestSet) 'C API test only available in a debug build' PASS: test_clear (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_compare (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_constructor_identity (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_contains (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_cyclical_print (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_cyclical_repr (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_discard (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_do_not_rehash_dict_keys (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_equality (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_gc (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_hash (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_iand (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_init (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_inplace_on_self (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_ior (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_isub (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_ixor (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_len (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_new_or_init (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_or (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_pop (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_remove (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_remove_keyerror_set (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_remove_keyerror_unpacking (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_setOfFrozensets (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_set_literal_evaluation_order (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_set_literal_insertion_order (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_sub (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_sub_and_super (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_subclass_with_custom_hash (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_symmetric_difference_update (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_uniquification (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_xor (test.test_set.TestSet) PASS: test_add (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_and (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_badcmp (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) SKIP: test_c_api (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) 'C API test only available in a debug build' PASS: test_clear (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_compare (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_constructor_identity (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_contains (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_cyclical_print (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_cyclical_repr (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_discard (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_do_not_rehash_dict_keys (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_equality (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_gc (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_hash (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_iand (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_init (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_inplace_on_self (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_ior (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_isub (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_ixor (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_len (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_new_or_init (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_or (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_pop (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_remove (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_remove_keyerror_set (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_remove_keyerror_unpacking (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_setOfFrozensets (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_set_literal_evaluation_order (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_set_literal_insertion_order (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_sub (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_sub_and_super (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_subclass_with_custom_hash (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_symmetric_difference_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_uniquification (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_xor (test.test_set.TestSetSubclass) PASS: test_add (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_and (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_badcmp (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) SKIP: test_c_api (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) 'C API test only available in a debug build' PASS: test_clear (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_compare (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_constructor_identity (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_contains (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_cyclical_print (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_cyclical_repr (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_discard (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_do_not_rehash_dict_keys (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_equality (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_gc (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_hash (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_iand (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_init (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_inplace_on_self (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_ior (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_isub (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_ixor (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) test_keywords_in_subclass (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: SF bug #1486663 -- this used to erroneously raise a TypeError PASS: test_len (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_new_or_init (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_or (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_pop (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_remove (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_remove_keyerror_set (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_remove_keyerror_unpacking (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_setOfFrozensets (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_set_literal_evaluation_order (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_set_literal_insertion_order (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_sub (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_sub_and_super (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_subclass_with_custom_hash (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_symmetric_difference_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_uniquification (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_xor (test.test_set.TestSetSubclassWithKeywordArgs) PASS: test_and (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_badcmp (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_compare (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_constructor_identity (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_contains (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_cyclical_print (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_cyclical_repr (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_do_not_rehash_dict_keys (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_equality (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_frozen_as_dictkey (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_gc (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_hash (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_hash_caching (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_hash_effectiveness (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_init (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_len (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_new_or_init (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_or (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_setOfFrozensets (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_singleton_empty_frozenset (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_sub (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_sub_and_super (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_subclass_with_custom_hash (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_uniquification (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_xor (test.test_set.TestFrozenSet) PASS: test_and (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_badcmp (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_compare (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_constructor_identity (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_container_iterator (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_contains (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_cyclical_print (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_cyclical_repr (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_deepcopy (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_do_not_rehash_dict_keys (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_equality (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_frozen_as_dictkey (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_gc (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_hash (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_hash_caching (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_hash_effectiveness (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_init (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_len (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_nested_empty_constructor (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_new_or_init (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_or (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_setOfFrozensets (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_singleton_empty_frozenset (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_sub (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_sub_and_super (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_subclass_with_custom_hash (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_uniquification (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_xor (test.test_set.TestFrozenSetSubclass) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_set.TestSetOfSets) PASS: test_changingSizeWhileIterating (test.test_set.TestExceptionPropagation) PASS: test_instanceWithException (test.test_set.TestExceptionPropagation) PASS: test_instancesWithoutException (test.test_set.TestExceptionPropagation) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_isdisjoint_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_length (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_print (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_repr (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_in (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_isdisjoint_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_length (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_not_in (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_print (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_repr (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_in (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_isdisjoint_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_length (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_not_in (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_print (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_repr (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_isdisjoint_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_length (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_print (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_repr (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_isdisjoint (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_set.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_eq (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_subset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_superset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_isdisjoint_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_isdisjoint_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_isdisjoint_subset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_isdisjoint_superset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_subset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_superset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_overlap (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_subset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_superset (test.test_set.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_difference_method_call (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_subset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_superset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_method_call (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_subset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_superset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_method_call (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_subset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_superset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_method_call (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_overlap (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_subset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_superset (test.test_set.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_add_absent (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_add_present (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_add_until_full (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_clear (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_discard_absent (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_discard_present (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_pop (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_remove_absent (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_remove_present (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_remove_until_empty (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_update_empty_tuple (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_update_unit_tuple_non_overlap (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_update_unit_tuple_overlap (test.test_set.TestMutate) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_set.TestSubsetEqualEmpty) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_set.TestSubsetEqualNonEmpty) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_set.TestSubsetEmptyNonEmpty) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_set.TestSubsetPartial) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_set.TestSubsetNonOverlap) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_union (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_update (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_update_operator (test.test_set.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingEmpty) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingEmpty) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingSingleton) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingSingleton) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingTriple) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingTriple) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingTuple) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingTuple) PASS: test_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingNested) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_set.TestCopyingNested) PASS: test_binopsVsSubsets (test.test_set.TestIdentities) PASS: test_commutativity (test.test_set.TestIdentities) PASS: test_exclusion (test.test_set.TestIdentities) PASS: test_summations (test.test_set.TestIdentities) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_set.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_inline_methods (test.test_set.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_inplace_methods (test.test_set.TestVariousIteratorArgs) PASS: test_cube (test.test_set.TestGraphs) PASS: test_cuboctahedron (test.test_set.TestGraphs) PASS: test_8420_set_merge (test.test_set.TestWeirdBugs) PASS: test_iter_and_mutate (test.test_set.TestWeirdBugs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 463 tests in 0.536s OK (skipped=3) 0:03:59 load avg: 0.07 [293/403/37] test_setcomps Trying: sum({i*i for i in range(100) if i&1 == 1}) Expecting: 166650 ok Trying: {2*y + x + 1 for x in (0,) for y in (1,)} Expecting: set([3]) ok Trying: list(sorted({(i,j) for i in range(3) for j in range(4)})) Expecting: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)] ok Trying: list(sorted({(i,j) for i in range(4) for j in range(i)})) Expecting: [(1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1), (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2)] ok Trying: i = 20 Expecting nothing ok Trying: sum({i*i for i in range(100)}) Expecting: 328350 ok Trying: i Expecting: 20 ok Trying: {y for y in (1,2)} = 10 # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: ... ok Trying: {y for y in (1,2)} += 10 # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: ... ok Trying: def srange(n): return {i for i in range(n)} Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(sorted(srange(10))) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ok Trying: lrange = lambda n: {i for i in range(n)} Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(sorted(lrange(10))) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ok Trying: def grange(n): for x in {i for i in range(n)}: yield x Expecting nothing ok Trying: list(sorted(grange(5))) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] ok Trying: {None for i in range(10)} Expecting: set([None]) ok Trying: items = {(lambda i=i: i) for i in range(5)} Expecting nothing ok Trying: {x() for x in items} == set(range(5)) Expecting: True ok Trying: items = {(lambda: i) for i in range(5)} Expecting nothing ok Trying: {x() for x in items} Expecting: set([4]) ok Trying: items = {(lambda: i) for i in range(5)} Expecting nothing ok Trying: i = 20 Expecting nothing ok Trying: {x() for x in items} Expecting: set([4]) ok Trying: items = {(lambda: y) for i in range(5)} Expecting nothing ok Trying: y = 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: {x() for x in items} Expecting: set([2]) ok Trying: def test_func(): items = {(lambda i=i: i) for i in range(5)} return {x() for x in items} Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_func() == set(range(5)) Expecting: True ok Trying: def test_func(): items = {(lambda: i) for i in range(5)} return {x() for x in items} Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_func() Expecting: set([4]) ok Trying: def test_func(): items = {(lambda: i) for i in range(5)} i = 20 return {x() for x in items} Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_func() Expecting: set([4]) ok Trying: def test_func(): items = {(lambda: y) for i in range(5)} y = 2 return {x() for x in items} Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_func() Expecting: set([2]) ok 2 items had no tests: test.test_setcomps test.test_setcomps.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 34 tests in test.test_setcomps.__test__.doctests 34 tests in 3 items. 34 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_setcomps) ... 34 tests with zero failures 0:03:59 load avg: 0.07 [294/403/37] test_sets PASS: test_constructor (test.test_sets.TestSetOfSets) PASS: test_instanceWithException (test.test_sets.TestExceptionPropagation) PASS: test_instancesWithoutException (test.test_sets.TestExceptionPropagation) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_length (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_repr (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsEmpty) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_in (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_length (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_not_in (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_repr (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsSingleton) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_in (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_length (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_not_in (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_repr (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTuple) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_difference_rev (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_empty_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_equivalent_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_intersection_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_length (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_pickling (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_repr (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_equality (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_intersection (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_symmetric_difference (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_self_union (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_union_empty (test.test_sets.TestBasicOpsTriple) PASS: test_cmp (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_eq (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_inplace_on_self (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_overlap (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_subset (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_intersection_superset (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_overlap (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_subset (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_superset (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_overlap (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_subset (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_union_superset (test.test_sets.TestBinaryOps) PASS: test_difference_method_call (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_subset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_difference_superset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_method_call (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_subset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_intersection_superset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_method_call (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_subset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_sym_difference_superset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_method_call (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_overlap (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_subset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_union_superset (test.test_sets.TestUpdateOps) PASS: test_add_absent (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_add_present (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_add_until_full (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_clear (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_discard_absent (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_discard_present (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_pop (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_remove_absent (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_remove_present (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_remove_until_empty (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_update_empty_tuple (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_update_unit_tuple_non_overlap (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_update_unit_tuple_overlap (test.test_sets.TestMutate) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_sets.TestSubsetEqualEmpty) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_sets.TestSubsetEqualNonEmpty) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_sets.TestSubsetEmptyNonEmpty) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_sets.TestSubsetPartial) PASS: test_issubset (test.test_sets.TestSubsetNonOverlap) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsNumeric) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsDict) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsOperator) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsTuple) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsString) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsGenerator) PASS: test_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_eq_ne (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_ge_gt_le_lt (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_intersection_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_sym_difference (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_sym_difference_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_sym_difference_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_union (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_union_update (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_union_update_operator (test.test_sets.TestOnlySetsofSets) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingEmpty) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingEmpty) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingSingleton) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingSingleton) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingTriple) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingTriple) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingTuple) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingTuple) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingNested) PASS: test_deep_copy (test.test_sets.TestCopyingNested) PASS: test_binopsVsSubsets (test.test_sets.TestIdentities) PASS: test_cardinality_relations (test.test_sets.TestIdentities) PASS: test_commutativity (test.test_sets.TestIdentities) PASS: test_exclusion (test.test_sets.TestIdentities) PASS: test_reflexsive_relations (test.test_sets.TestIdentities) PASS: test_summations (test.test_sets.TestIdentities) libreftest (test.test_sets.__test__) PASS: Doctest: test.test_sets.__test__.libreftest ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 243 tests in 0.009s OK 0:03:59 load avg: 0.07 [295/403/37] test_sgmllib PASS: test_attr_funky_names (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_attr_syntax (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_attr_value_ip6_url (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_attr_values (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) test_attr_values_entities (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: Substitution of entities and charrefs in attribute values PASS: test_bad_nesting (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_bare_ampersands (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_bare_pointy_brackets (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_cdata_content (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_convert_overrides (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_declaration_junk_chars (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_doctype_decl_external (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_doctype_decl_internal (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_enumerated_attr_type (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_get_starttag_text (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_illegal_declarations (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_only_decode_ascii (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: test_processing_instruction_only (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) test_quotes_in_unquoted_attrs (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: Be sure quotes in unquoted attributes are made part of the value PASS: test_read_chunks (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) test_underscore_in_attrname (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: Make sure attribute names with underscores are accepted test_underscore_in_tagname (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: Make sure tag names with underscores are accepted PASS: test_weird_starttags (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) test_xhtml_empty_tag (test.test_sgmllib.SGMLParserTestCase) PASS: Handling of XHTML-style empty start tags ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 24 tests in 0.008s OK 0:03:59 load avg: 0.07 [296/403/37] test_sha PASS: test_case_1 (test.test_sha.SHATestCase) PASS: test_case_2 (test.test_sha.SHATestCase) PASS: test_case_3 (test.test_sha.SHATestCase) PASS: test_case_4 (test.test_sha.SHATestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.002s OK 0:03:59 load avg: 0.07 [297/403/37] test_shelve PASS: test_bool (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_get (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_items (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_keys (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_len (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_pop (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_read (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_update (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_values (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_write (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiFileShelve) PASS: test_bool (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_get (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_items (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_keys (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_len (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_pop (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_read (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_update (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_values (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_write (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryFileShelve) PASS: test_bool (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_get (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_items (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_keys (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_len (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_pop (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_read (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_update (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_values (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_write (test.test_shelve.TestProto2FileShelve) PASS: test_bool (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_get (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_items (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_keys (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_len (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_pop (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_read (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_update (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_values (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_write (test.test_shelve.TestAsciiMemShelve) PASS: test_bool (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_get (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_items (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_keys (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_len (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_pop (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_read (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_update (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_values (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_write (test.test_shelve.TestBinaryMemShelve) PASS: test_bool (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_get (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_items (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_keys (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_len (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_pop (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_read (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_update (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_values (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_write (test.test_shelve.TestProto2MemShelve) PASS: test_ascii_file_shelf (test.test_shelve.TestCase) PASS: test_binary_file_shelf (test.test_shelve.TestCase) PASS: test_close (test.test_shelve.TestCase) PASS: test_in_memory_shelf (test.test_shelve.TestCase) PASS: test_mutable_entry (test.test_shelve.TestCase) PASS: test_proto2_file_shelf (test.test_shelve.TestCase) PASS: test_writeback_also_writes_immediately (test.test_shelve.TestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 91 tests in 0.023s OK 0:03:59 load avg: 0.07 [298/403/37] test_shlex testCompat (test.test_shlex.ShlexTest) PASS: Test compatibility interface testEmptyStringHandling (test.test_shlex.ShlexTest) PASS: Test that parsing of empty strings is correctly handled. testSplitPosix (test.test_shlex.ShlexTest) PASS: Test data splitting with posix parser ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.004s OK 0:03:59 load avg: 0.07 [299/403/37] test_shutil PASS: test_copyfile_named_pipe (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) SKIP: test_copystat_handles_harmless_chflags_errors (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) 'requires os.chflags, EOPNOTSUPP & ENOTSUP' PASS: test_copytree_named_pipe (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_copytree_simple (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_copytree_with_exclude (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_dont_copy_file_onto_link_to_itself (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_archive (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_archive_cwd (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_archive_owner_group (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_tarball (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_tarfile_in_curdir (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_zipfile (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_make_zipfile_in_curdir (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) SKIP: test_on_error (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) "This test can't be run reliably as root (issue #1076467)." PASS: test_register_archive_format (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_rmtree_dont_delete_file (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_rmtree_errors (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_rmtree_on_symlink (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_tarfile_root_owner (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_tarfile_vs_tar (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) PASS: test_unzip_zipfile (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) SKIP: test_zipfile_vs_zip (test.test_shutil.TestShutil) 'Need the zip command to run' PASS: test_destinsrc_false_negative (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_destinsrc_false_positive (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_dont_move_dir_in_itself (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_existing_file_inside_dest_dir (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_dir (test.test_shutil.TestMove) SKIP: test_move_dir_altsep_to_dir (test.test_shutil.TestMove) 'requires os.path.altsep' PASS: test_move_dir_other_fs (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_dir_sep_to_dir (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_dir_to_dir (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_dir_to_dir_other_fs (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_file (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_file_other_fs (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_file_to_dir (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_file_to_dir_other_fs (test.test_shutil.TestMove) PASS: test_move_dir_caseinsensitive (test.test_shutil.TestCopyFile) PASS: test_w_dest_close_fails (test.test_shutil.TestCopyFile) PASS: test_w_dest_open_fails (test.test_shutil.TestCopyFile) PASS: test_w_source_close_fails (test.test_shutil.TestCopyFile) PASS: test_w_source_open_fails (test.test_shutil.TestCopyFile) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 41 tests in 0.031s OK (skipped=4) 0:03:59 load avg: 0.07 [300/403/37] test_signal PASS: test_getsignal (test.test_signal.BasicSignalTests) PASS: test_out_of_range_signal_number_raises_error (test.test_signal.BasicSignalTests) PASS: test_setting_signal_handler_to_none_raises_error (test.test_signal.BasicSignalTests) PASS: test_main (test.test_signal.InterProcessSignalTests) PASS: test_invalid_fd (test.test_signal.WakeupFDTests) PASS: test_wakeup_fd_during (test.test_signal.WakeupSignalTests) PASS: test_wakeup_fd_early (test.test_signal.WakeupSignalTests) test_siginterrupt_off (test.test_signal.SiginterruptTest) PASS: If a signal handler is installed and siginterrupt is called with test_siginterrupt_on (test.test_signal.SiginterruptTest) PASS: If a signal handler is installed and siginterrupt is called with test_without_siginterrupt (test.test_signal.SiginterruptTest) PASS: If a signal handler is installed and siginterrupt is not called PASS: test_itimer_exc (test.test_signal.ItimerTest) test_itimer_prof (test.test_signal.ItimerTest) ... ('SIGPROF handler invoked', (27, )) ok test_itimer_real (test.test_signal.ItimerTest) ... call pause()... ('SIGALRM handler invoked', (14, )) ok test_itimer_virtual (test.test_signal.ItimerTest) ... ('SIGVTALRM handler invoked', (26, )) ('SIGVTALRM handler invoked', (26, )) ('SIGVTALRM handler invoked', (26, )) last SIGVTALRM handler call ('SIGVTALRM handler invoked', (26, )) ok test_setitimer_tiny (test.test_signal.ItimerTest) ... ('SIGALRM handler invoked', (14, )) ok SKIP: test_issue9324 (test.test_signal.WindowsSignalTests) 'Windows specific' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 16 tests in 7.305s OK (skipped=1) 0:04:07 load avg: 0.06 [301/403/37] test_site PASS: test_addpackage (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_addpackage_import_bad_exec (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_addpackage_import_bad_pth_file (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_addpackage_import_bad_syntax (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_addsitedir (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_getsitepackages (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_getuserbase (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_getusersitepackages (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_init_pathinfo (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_makepath (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_s_option (test.test_site.HelperFunctionsTests) PASS: test_abs__file__ (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) SKIP: test_add_build_dir (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) 'test not implemented' PASS: test_aliasing_mbcs (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) PASS: test_no_duplicate_paths (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) PASS: test_setdefaultencoding_removed (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) PASS: test_setting_copyright (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) PASS: test_setting_help (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) PASS: test_setting_quit (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) PASS: test_sitecustomize_executed (test.test_site.ImportSideEffectTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 20 tests in 0.058s OK (skipped=1) 0:04:07 load avg: 0.06 [302/403/37] test_slice PASS: test_cmp (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_cycle (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_indices (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_members (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_slice.SliceTest) PASS: test_setslice_without_getslice (test.test_slice.SliceTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.065s OK 0:04:07 load avg: 0.06 [303/403/37] test_smtplib PASS: testBasic1 (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) PASS: testBasic2 (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) PASS: testLocalHostName (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutDefault (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutNone (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutValue (test.test_smtplib.GeneralTests) PASS: testBasic (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testHELP (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testNOOP (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testNotImplemented (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testRSET (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testSecondHELO (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testSend (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testVRFY (test.test_smtplib.DebuggingServerTests) PASS: testNonnumericPort (test.test_smtplib.NonConnectingTests) PASS: testNotConnected (test.test_smtplib.NonConnectingTests) PASS: testFailingHELO (test.test_smtplib.BadHELOServerTests) PASS: testAUTH_CRAM_MD5 (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testAUTH_LOGIN (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testAUTH_PLAIN (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testBasic (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testEHLO (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testEXPN (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testVRFY (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: test_quit_resets_greeting (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests) PASS: testLineTooLong (test.test_smtplib.TooLongLineTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 115.409s OK 0:06:02 load avg: 0.01 [304/403/37] test_smtpnet -- test_smtplib passed in 1 min 55 sec test_smtpnet skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled 0:06:03 load avg: 0.01 [305/403/37] test_socket -- test_smtpnet skipped (resource denied) PASS: testCrucialConstants (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testDefaultTimeout (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testGetServBy (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testGetSockOpt (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testGetaddrinfo (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testHostnameRes (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testIPv4_inet_aton_fourbytes (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testIPv4toString (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testIPv6toString (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testInterpreterCrash (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testNewAttributes (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testNtoH (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testNtoHErrors (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testRefCountGetNameInfo (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testSendAfterClose (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testSendtoErrors (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testSetSockOpt (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testSockName (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testSocketError (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testStringToIPv4 (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testStringToIPv6 (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_csocket_repr (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_flowinfo (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_getsockaddrarg (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_listen_backlog (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) FAIL: test_listen_backlog_overflow (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_sendall_interrupted (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_sendall_interrupted_with_timeout (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) SKIP: test_sock_ioctl (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) 'Windows specific' PASS: test_weakref (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: test_weakref__sock (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) PASS: testDup (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testFromFd (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testOverFlowRecv (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testOverFlowRecvFrom (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testRecv (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testRecvFrom (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testSendAll (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) PASS: testShutdown (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) FAIL: testShutdown_overflow (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) ERROR PASS: testClose (test.test_socket.TCPCloserTest) PASS: testInterruptedTimeout (test.test_socket.TCPTimeoutTest) PASS: testTCPTimeout (test.test_socket.TCPTimeoutTest) PASS: testTimeoutZero (test.test_socket.TCPTimeoutTest) PASS: testExceptionTree (test.test_socket.TestExceptions) PASS: testRecvFromIntoArray (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvFromIntoBytearray (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvFromIntoEmptyBuffer (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvFromIntoMemoryview (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvFromIntoSmallBuffer (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvIntoArray (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvIntoBytearray (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testRecvIntoMemoryview (test.test_socket.BufferIOTest) PASS: testDup (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testFromFd (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testOverFlowRecv (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testOverFlowRecvFrom (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testRecv (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testRecvFrom (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testSendAll (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) PASS: testShutdown (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) FAIL: testShutdown_overflow (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) ERROR PASS: testRecvFrom (test.test_socket.BasicUDPTest) PASS: testRecvFromNegative (test.test_socket.BasicUDPTest) PASS: testSendtoAndRecv (test.test_socket.BasicUDPTest) PASS: testTimeoutZero (test.test_socket.UDPTimeoutTest) PASS: testUDPTimeout (test.test_socket.UDPTimeoutTest) PASS: testAccept (test.test_socket.NonBlockingTCPTests) PASS: testConnect (test.test_socket.NonBlockingTCPTests) PASS: testRecv (test.test_socket.NonBlockingTCPTests) PASS: testSetBlocking (test.test_socket.NonBlockingTCPTests) FAIL: testSetBlocking_overflow (test.test_socket.NonBlockingTCPTests) PASS: testClosedAttr (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testFullRead (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadline (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterRead (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterReadNoNewline (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testSmallRead (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testUnbufferedRead (test.test_socket.FileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: test_default (test.test_socket.FileObjectInterruptedTestCase) PASS: test_no_buffer (test.test_socket.FileObjectInterruptedTestCase) PASS: test_with_1k_buffer (test.test_socket.FileObjectInterruptedTestCase) PASS: testClosedAttr (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testFullRead (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadline (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterRead (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterReadNoNewline (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testSmallRead (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testUnbufferedRead (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testUnbufferedReadline (test.test_socket.UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testClosedAttr (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testFullRead (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testLinebufferedWrite (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadline (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterRead (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterReadNoNewline (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testSmallRead (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testUnbufferedRead (test.test_socket.LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testClosedAttr (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testFullRead (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadline (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterRead (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testReadlineAfterReadNoNewline (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testSmallRead (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testUnbufferedRead (test.test_socket.SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase) PASS: testClose (test.test_socket.Urllib2FileobjectTest) PASS: test_connect (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionNoServer) PASS: test_create_connection (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionNoServer) PASS: test_create_connection_timeout (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionNoServer) PASS: testFamily (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionAttributesTest) PASS: testSourceAddress (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionAttributesTest) PASS: testTimeoutDefault (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionAttributesTest) PASS: testTimeoutNone (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionAttributesTest) PASS: testTimeoutValueNamed (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionAttributesTest) PASS: testTimeoutValueNonamed (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionAttributesTest) PASS: testInsideTimeout (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionBehaviourTest) PASS: testOutsideTimeout (test.test_socket.NetworkConnectionBehaviourTest) PASS: testRecv (test.test_socket.BasicSocketPairTest) PASS: testSend (test.test_socket.BasicSocketPairTest) SKIP: testLinuxAbstractNamespace (test.test_socket.TestLinuxAbstractNamespace) 'Linux specific test' SKIP: testMaxName (test.test_socket.TestLinuxAbstractNamespace) 'Linux specific test' SKIP: testNameOverflow (test.test_socket.TestLinuxAbstractNamespace) 'Linux specific test' SKIP: testRDM (test.test_socket.TIPCTest) "TIPC module is not loaded, please 'sudo modprobe tipc'" SKIP: testStream (test.test_socket.TIPCThreadableTest) "TIPC module is not loaded, please 'sudo modprobe tipc'" ====================================================================== ERROR: test_listen_backlog_overflow (test.test_socket.GeneralModuleTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 756, in test_listen_backlog_overflow import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: testShutdown_overflow (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 148, in _tearDown AssertionError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: testShutdown_overflow (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 148, in _tearDown AssertionError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: testSetBlocking_overflow (test.test_socket.NonBlockingTCPTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 971, in testSetBlocking_overflow import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== FAIL: testShutdown_overflow (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 855, in testShutdown self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) AssertionError: '' != 'Michael Gilfix was here\n' ====================================================================== FAIL: testShutdown_overflow (test.test_socket.BasicTCPTest2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 855, in testShutdown self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) AssertionError: '' != 'Michael Gilfix was here\n' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 124 tests in 35.917s FAILED (failures=2, errors=4, skipped=6) 0:06:39 load avg: 0.00 [306/403/38] test_socketserver -- test_socket failed in 36 sec test_socketserver skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled 0:06:39 load avg: 0.00 [307/403/38] test_softspace -- test_socketserver skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_bug_480215 (test.test_softspace.SoftspaceTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:06:39 load avg: 0.00 [308/403/38] test_sort testStressfully (test.test_sort.TestBase) ... Testing size 0 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 1 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 2 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 3 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 3 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 4 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 5 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 7 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 8 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 9 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 15 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 16 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 17 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 31 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 32 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 33 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(1) Complains(18) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 63 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 64 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(28) Complains(30) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 65 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 127 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 128 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(28) Complains(23) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 129 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(60) Complains(61) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 255 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(101) Complains(96) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 256 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(180) Complains(170) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 257 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(193) Complains(183) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 511 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(194) Complains(205) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 512 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(127) Complains(87) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 513 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(235) Complains(203) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 10 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation checking stability Testing size 100 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(11) Complains(38) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability Testing size 1000 checking identity checking reversed checking random permutation checking reversed via function Checking against an insane comparison function. If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault. checking an insane function left some permutation complaining at Complains(195) Complains(280) checking exception during sort left some permutation checking stability ok PASS: test_badcmp_with_key (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_baddecorator (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_cmp_and_key_combination (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_decorated (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_key_with_exception (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_key_with_mutating_del (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_key_with_mutating_del_and_exception (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_key_with_mutation (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_reverse_stability (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_stability (test.test_sort.TestDecorateSortUndecorate) PASS: test_bug453523 (test.test_sort.TestBugs) PASS: test_cmpNone (test.test_sort.TestBugs) PASS: test_undetected_mutation (test.test_sort.TestBugs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.048s OK 0:06:39 load avg: 0.00 [309/403/38] test_source_encoding PASS: test_bad_coding (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_bad_coding2 (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_compilestring (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_error_from_string (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_error_message (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_issue3297 (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_issue7820 (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_non_unicode_codec (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_pep263 (test.test_source_encoding.MiscSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_double_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_double_coding_same_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_first_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_first_non_utf8_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_second_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_second_non_utf8_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_utf8_bom (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_utf8_bom_and_utf8_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.BytesSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_double_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_double_coding_same_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_first_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_first_non_utf8_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_second_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_second_non_utf8_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_utf8_bom (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) PASS: test_utf8_bom_and_utf8_coding_line (test.test_source_encoding.FileSourceEncodingTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 25 tests in 0.104s OK 0:06:39 load avg: 0.00 [310/403/38] test_spwd test_spwd skipped -- No module named spwd 0:06:39 load avg: 0.00 [311/403/38] test_sqlite -- test_spwd skipped 0:06:39 load avg: 0.00 [312/403/39] test_ssl -- test_sqlite failed test_ssl: testing with 'OpenSSL 1.0.2m 2 Nov 2017' (1, 0, 2, 13, 15) under 'Linux-4.12.19-yocto-standard-x86_64-with-glibc2.2.5' HAS_SNI = True OP_ALL = 0x800003ff OP_NO_TLSv1_1 = 0x10000000 PASS: test__create_stdlib_context (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test__https_verify_certificates (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test__https_verify_envvar (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_cert_store_stats (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_check_hostname (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_ciphers (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_create_default_context (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_get_ca_certs (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_load_cert_chain (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_load_default_certs (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_load_default_certs_env (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) SKIP: test_load_default_certs_env_windows (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) 'Windows specific' PASS: test_load_dh_params (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_load_verify_cadata (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_load_verify_locations (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_options (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_protocol (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_session_stats (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_set_default_verify_paths (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_set_ecdh_curve (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_sni_callback (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_sni_callback_refcycle (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_verify_flags (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_verify_mode (test.test_ssl.ContextTests) PASS: test_sslwrap_simple (test.test_ssl.BasicTests) PASS: test_DER_to_PEM (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_asn1object (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_cert_time_to_seconds (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) SKIP: test_cert_time_to_seconds_locale (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) 'locale-specific month name needs to be different from C locale' SKIP: test_cert_time_to_seconds_timezone (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) 'local time needs to be different from UTC' PASS: test_constants (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) test_empty_cert (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: Wrapping with an empty cert file SKIP: test_enum_certificates (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) 'Windows specific' SKIP: test_enum_crls (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) 'Windows specific' PASS: test_errors (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_get_default_verify_paths (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) test_malformed_cert (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: Wrapping with a badly formatted certificate (syntax error) test_malformed_key (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: Wrapping with a badly formatted key (syntax error) PASS: test_match_hostname (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_openssl_version (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_parse_all_sans (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) test_parse_cert (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) ... {'issuer': ((('countryName', u'XY'),), (('localityName', u'Castle Anthrax'),), (('organizationName', u'Python Software Foundation'),), (('commonName', u'localhost'),)), 'notAfter': 'Oct 5 23:01:56 2020 GMT', 'notBefore': u'Oct 8 23:01:56 2010 GMT', 'serialNumber': u'D7C7381919AFC24E', 'subject': ((('countryName', u'XY'),), (('localityName', u'Castle Anthrax'),), (('organizationName', u'Python Software Foundation'),), (('commonName', u'localhost'),)), 'subjectAltName': (('DNS', 'localhost'),), 'version': 3L} {'OCSP': (u'',), 'caIssuers': (u'',), 'crlDistributionPoints': (u'',), 'issuer': ((('countryName', u'US'),), (('organizationName', u'VeriSign, Inc.'),), (('organizationalUnitName', u'VeriSign Trust Network'),), (('organizationalUnitName', u'Terms of use at (c)10'),), (('commonName', u'VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3'),)), 'notAfter': 'Sep 20 23:59:59 2012 GMT', 'notBefore': u'Sep 21 00:00:00 2011 GMT', 'serialNumber': u'2EE6EA7640A075CEE5005F4D7C79549A', 'subject': ((('countryName', u'FI'),), (('stateOrProvinceName', u'Espoo'),), (('localityName', u'Espoo'),), (('organizationName', u'Nokia'),), (('organizationalUnitName', u'BI'),), (('commonName', u''),)), 'subjectAltName': (('DNS', ''), ('DNS', '')), 'version': 3L} ok test_parse_cert_CVE_2013_4238 (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) ... {'issuer': ((('countryName', u'US'),), (('stateOrProvinceName', u'Oregon'),), (('localityName', u'Beaverton'),), (('organizationName', u'Python Software Foundation'),), (('organizationalUnitName', u'Python Core Development'),), (('commonName', u'\'),), (('emailAddress', u''),)), 'notAfter': 'Aug 7 13:12:52 2013 GMT', 'notBefore': u'Aug 7 13:11:52 2013 GMT', 'serialNumber': u'00', 'subject': ((('countryName', u'US'),), (('stateOrProvinceName', u'Oregon'),), (('localityName', u'Beaverton'),), (('organizationName', u'Python Software Foundation'),), (('organizationalUnitName', u'Python Core Development'),), (('commonName', u'\'),), (('emailAddress', u''),)), 'subjectAltName': (('DNS', '\'), ('email', '\'), ('URI', '\x00'), ('IP Address', ''), ('IP Address', '2001:DB8:0:0:0:0:0:1\n')), 'version': 3L} ok PASS: test_purpose_enum (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) test_random (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) ... RAND_status is 1 (sufficient randomness) ok PASS: test_refcycle (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_server_side (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_tls_unique_channel_binding (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_unknown_channel_binding (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_unsupported_dtls (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_wrapped_unconnected (test.test_ssl.BasicSocketTests) PASS: test_lib_reason (test.test_ssl.SSLErrorTests) PASS: test_str (test.test_ssl.SSLErrorTests) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_ssl.SSLErrorTests) test_alpn_protocols (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 57726) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 34266) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 56668) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 51608) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok test_asyncore_server (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Check the example asyncore integration. ... server: new connection from client: sending 'FOO\n'... server: read 'FOO\n' from client client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. client: connection closed. cleanup: stopping server. cleanup: joining server thread. server: read 'over\n' from client server: closed connection server: read '' from client cleanup: successfully joined. ok test_check_hostname (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 57034) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None server: new connection from ('', 60792) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None ok test_compression (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 38920) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. got compression: None ok test_compression_disabled (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 43186) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok test_crl_check (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 52158) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None server: new connection from ('', 49506) server: bad connection attempt from ('', 49506): Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1680, in wrap_conn self.sock, server_side=True) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 363, in wrap_socket _context=self) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 611, in __init__ self.do_handshake() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 840, in do_handshake self._sslobj.do_handshake() SSLError: [SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_UNKNOWN_CA] tlsv1 alert unknown ca (_ssl.c:661) server: new connection from ('', 43388) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None ok SKIP: test_default_ciphers (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) 'no DES cipher available' test_default_ecdh_curve (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 57910) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None ok test_dh_params (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 33510) server: connection cipher is now ('DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok PASS: test_do_handshake_enotconn (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) test_echo (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Basic test of an SSL client connecting to a server ... server: new connection from ('', 59924) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 57154) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 37976) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 47150) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok test_getpeercert (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... {'issuer': ((('countryName', u'XY'),), (('localityName', u'Castle Anthrax'),), (('organizationName', u'Python Software Foundation'),), (('commonName', u'localhost'),)), 'notAfter': 'Oct 5 23:01:56 2020 GMT', 'notBefore': u'Oct 8 23:01:56 2010 GMT', 'serialNumber': u'D7C7381919AFC24E', 'subject': ((('countryName', u'XY'),), (('localityName', u'Castle Anthrax'),), (('organizationName', u'Python Software Foundation'),), (('commonName', u'localhost'),)), 'subjectAltName': (('DNS', 'localhost'),), 'version': 3L} Connection cipher is ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256). ok PASS: test_getpeercert_enotconn (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) PASS: test_handshake_timeout (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) test_npn_protocols (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 42134) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now http/1.1 client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 48826) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now http/1.1 client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 52664) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now spdy/2 client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. server: new connection from ('', 50188) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now abc client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok test_protocol_sslv2 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) SKIP: Connecting to an SSLv2 server with various client options 'OpenSSL is compiled without SSLv2 support' test_protocol_sslv23 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Connecting to an SSLv23 server with various client options ... PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_NONE PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_NONE PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_OPTIONAL PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_OPTIONAL PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_REQUIRED PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_REQUIRED PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLS} CERT_NONE ok test_protocol_sslv3 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) SKIP: Connecting to an SSLv3 server with various client options 'OpenSSL is compiled without SSLv3 support' test_protocol_tlsv1 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Connecting to a TLSv1 server with various client options ... PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1 CERT_NONE PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1 CERT_OPTIONAL PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1 CERT_REQUIRED {PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLSv1} CERT_NONE ok test_protocol_tlsv1_1 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Connecting to a TLSv1.1 server with various client options. ... PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1 CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1} CERT_NONE PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1} CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1} CERT_NONE ok test_protocol_tlsv1_2 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Connecting to a TLSv1.2 server with various client options. ... PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLS->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2} CERT_NONE PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2->PROTOCOL_TLS CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2} CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2->PROTOCOL_TLSv1} CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2} CERT_NONE {PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2->PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1} CERT_NONE ok PASS: test_read_write_after_close_raises_valuerror (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) test_recv_send (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Test recv(), send() and friends. ... server: new connection from ('', 33442) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None ok test_recv_zero (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 46668) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None ok test_rude_shutdown (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) PASS: A brutal shutdown of an SSL server should raise an OSError test_selected_alpn_protocol (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 48566) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok test_selected_alpn_protocol_if_server_uses_alpn (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 42262) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok test_selected_npn_protocol (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 50432) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: sending 'FOO\n'... client: read 'foo\n' client: closing connection. ok PASS: test_server_accept (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) test_sni_callback (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... server: new connection from ('', 56948) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None server: new connection from ('', 57856) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None server: new connection from ('', 52124) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None ok PASS: test_sni_callback_alert (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) PASS: test_sni_callback_raising (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) PASS: test_sni_callback_wrong_return_type (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) test_socketserver (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Using a SocketServer to create and manage SSL connections. ... ERROR stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread test_starttls (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Switching from clear text to encrypted and back again. ... client: sending 'msg 1'... server: new connection from ('', 40072) server: read 'msg 1' (unencrypted), sending back 'msg 1' (unencrypted)... client: read 'msg 1' from server client: sending 'MSG 2'... server: read 'MSG 2' (unencrypted), sending back 'msg 2' (unencrypted)... client: read 'msg 2' from server client: sending 'STARTTLS'... server: read STARTTLS from client, sending OK... client: read 'ok' from server, starting TLS... server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None client: sending 'MSG 3'... server: read 'MSG 3' (encrypted), sending back 'msg 3' (encrypted)... client: read 'msg 3' from server client: sending 'msg 4'... server: read 'msg 4' (encrypted), sending back 'msg 4' (encrypted)... client: read 'msg 4' from server client: sending 'ENDTLS'... server: read ENDTLS from client, sending OK... client: read 'ok' from server, ending TLS... server: connection is now unencrypted... client: sending 'msg 5'... server: read 'msg 5' (unencrypted), sending back 'msg 5' (unencrypted)... client: read 'msg 5' from server client: sending 'msg 6'... server: read 'msg 6' (unencrypted), sending back 'msg 6' (unencrypted)... client: read 'msg 6' from server client: closing connection. server: client closed connection ok test_tls_unique_channel_binding (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Test tls-unique channel binding. ... server: new connection from ('', 55930) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None got channel binding data: '\x04\xd2\xf9\x1e\xf4\xb6\x90?\xf7EX@' server: new connection from ('', 55932) server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 256) server: selected protocol is now None got another channel binding data: '&vJ\xe5+\xc8$\xf0\x84\x11=d' ok PASS: test_version_basic (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) test_wrong_cert (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Connecting when the server rejects the client's certificate ... SSLError is SSLError(1, u'[SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_UNKNOWN_CA] tlsv1 alert unknown ca (_ssl.c:661)') ok ====================================================================== ERROR: test_socketserver (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) Using a SocketServer to create and manage SSL connections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 2505, in test_socketserver f = urllib2.urlopen(url, context=context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen return, data, timeout) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 429, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 447, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1241, in https_open context=self._context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1198, in do_open raise URLError(err) URLError: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 94 tests in 0.988s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=8) 0:06:40 load avg: 0.00 [313/403/40] test_startfile -- test_ssl failed test_startfile skipped -- module 'os' has no attribute 'startfile' 0:06:40 load avg: 0.00 [314/403/40] test_stat -- test_startfile skipped PASS: test_devices (test.test_stat.TestFilemode) PASS: test_directory (test.test_stat.TestFilemode) PASS: test_fifo (test.test_stat.TestFilemode) PASS: test_link (test.test_stat.TestFilemode) PASS: test_mode (test.test_stat.TestFilemode) PASS: test_module_attributes (test.test_stat.TestFilemode) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s OK 0:06:40 load avg: 0.00 [315/403/40] test_str PASS: test___contains__ (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test__format__ (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_basic_creation (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_buffer_is_readonly (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_bug1001011 (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_center (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_conversion (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_encode_and_decode_kwargs (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_encoding_decoding (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_endswith (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_str.StrTest) SKIP: test_expandtabs_overflows_gracefully (test.test_str.StrTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_find_etc_raise_correct_error_messages (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_fixtype (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_floatformatting (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_format_auto_numbering (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_format_c_overflow (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_format_huge_item_number (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_format_huge_precision (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_format_huge_width (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_formatting (test.test_str.StrTest) FAIL: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_str.StrTest) FAIL: test_formatting_huge_precision (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_formatting_huge_width (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_inplace_rewrites (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_isalnum (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_isalpha (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_isdigit (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_islower (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_isspace (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_issue28598_strsubclass_rhs (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_istitle (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_isupper (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_lower (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_none_arguments (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_partition (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_str.StrTest) SKIP: test_replace_overflow (test.test_str.StrTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_rfind (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_rpartition (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_rsplit (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_slice (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_splitlines (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_startswith (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_startswith_endswith_errors (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_strip_whitespace (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_title (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_upper (test.test_str.StrTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_str.StrTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_str.StrTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1178, in test_formatting_c_limits from _testcapi import PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, INT_MAX, UINT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_formatting_huge_precision (test.test_str.StrTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 43, in test_formatting_huge_precision from _testcapi import INT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 65 tests in 0.358s FAILED (errors=2, skipped=2) 0:06:41 load avg: 0.00 [316/403/41] test_strftime -- test_str failed test_strftime (test.test_strftime.StrftimeTest) ... strftime test for Tue Feb 13 02:26:25 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) Strftime test, platform: linux2, Python version: 2.7.14 strftime test for Fri Oct 21 12:51:25 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Oct 22 11:52:34 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Oct 23 10:53:43 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Oct 24 09:54:52 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Oct 25 08:56:01 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Oct 26 07:57:10 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Oct 27 06:58:19 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Oct 28 05:59:28 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Oct 29 05:00:37 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Oct 30 04:01:46 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Oct 31 03:02:55 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Nov 1 02:04:04 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Nov 01 02:04:04 2016, but got Tue Nov 1 02:04:04 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 2 01:05:13 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Nov 02 01:05:13 2016, but got Wed Nov 2 01:05:13 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 3 00:06:22 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Nov 03 00:06:22 2016, but got Thu Nov 3 00:06:22 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 3 23:07:31 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Nov 03 23:07:31 2016, but got Thu Nov 3 23:07:31 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Nov 4 22:08:40 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Nov 04 22:08:40 2016, but got Fri Nov 4 22:08:40 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Nov 5 21:09:49 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Nov 05 21:09:49 2016, but got Sat Nov 5 21:09:49 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Nov 6 20:10:58 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Nov 06 20:10:58 2016, but got Sun Nov 6 20:10:58 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Nov 7 19:12:07 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Nov 07 19:12:07 2016, but got Mon Nov 7 19:12:07 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Nov 8 18:13:16 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Nov 08 18:13:16 2016, but got Tue Nov 8 18:13:16 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 9 17:14:25 2016 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Nov 09 17:14:25 2016, but got Wed Nov 9 17:14:25 2016 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 10 16:15:34 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Nov 11 15:16:43 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Nov 12 14:17:52 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Nov 13 13:19:01 2016 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Jan 25 10:46:25 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Jan 26 09:47:34 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Jan 27 08:48:43 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Jan 28 07:49:52 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Jan 29 06:51:01 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Jan 30 05:52:10 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Jan 31 04:53:19 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Feb 1 03:54:28 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Feb 01 03:54:28 2017, but got Wed Feb 1 03:54:28 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Feb 2 02:55:37 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Feb 02 02:55:37 2017, but got Thu Feb 2 02:55:37 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Feb 3 01:56:46 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Feb 03 01:56:46 2017, but got Fri Feb 3 01:56:46 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Feb 4 00:57:55 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Feb 04 00:57:55 2017, but got Sat Feb 4 00:57:55 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Feb 4 23:59:04 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Feb 04 23:59:04 2017, but got Sat Feb 4 23:59:04 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Feb 5 23:00:13 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Feb 05 23:00:13 2017, but got Sun Feb 5 23:00:13 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Feb 6 22:01:22 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Feb 06 22:01:22 2017, but got Mon Feb 6 22:01:22 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Feb 7 21:02:31 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Feb 07 21:02:31 2017, but got Tue Feb 7 21:02:31 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Feb 8 20:03:40 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Feb 08 20:03:40 2017, but got Wed Feb 8 20:03:40 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Feb 9 19:04:49 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Feb 09 19:04:49 2017, but got Thu Feb 9 19:04:49 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Feb 10 18:05:58 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Feb 11 17:07:07 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Feb 12 16:08:16 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Feb 13 15:09:25 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Feb 14 14:10:34 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Feb 15 13:11:43 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Feb 16 12:12:52 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Feb 17 11:14:01 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon May 1 08:41:25 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon May 01 08:41:25 2017, but got Mon May 1 08:41:25 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 2 07:42:34 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue May 02 07:42:34 2017, but got Tue May 2 07:42:34 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed May 3 06:43:43 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed May 03 06:43:43 2017, but got Wed May 3 06:43:43 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu May 4 05:44:52 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu May 04 05:44:52 2017, but got Thu May 4 05:44:52 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri May 5 04:46:01 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri May 05 04:46:01 2017, but got Fri May 5 04:46:01 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat May 6 03:47:10 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat May 06 03:47:10 2017, but got Sat May 6 03:47:10 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun May 7 02:48:19 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun May 07 02:48:19 2017, but got Sun May 7 02:48:19 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon May 8 01:49:28 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon May 08 01:49:28 2017, but got Mon May 8 01:49:28 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 9 00:50:37 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue May 09 00:50:37 2017, but got Tue May 9 00:50:37 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 9 23:51:46 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue May 09 23:51:46 2017, but got Tue May 9 23:51:46 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed May 10 22:52:55 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu May 11 21:54:04 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri May 12 20:55:13 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat May 13 19:56:22 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun May 14 18:57:31 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon May 15 17:58:40 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 16 16:59:49 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed May 17 16:00:58 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu May 18 15:02:07 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri May 19 14:03:16 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat May 20 13:04:25 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun May 21 12:05:34 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon May 22 11:06:43 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 23 10:07:52 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed May 24 09:09:01 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Aug 5 06:36:25 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Aug 05 06:36:25 2017, but got Sat Aug 5 06:36:25 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Aug 6 05:37:34 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Aug 06 05:37:34 2017, but got Sun Aug 6 05:37:34 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Aug 7 04:38:43 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Aug 07 04:38:43 2017, but got Mon Aug 7 04:38:43 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Aug 8 03:39:52 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Aug 08 03:39:52 2017, but got Tue Aug 8 03:39:52 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Aug 9 02:41:01 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Aug 09 02:41:01 2017, but got Wed Aug 9 02:41:01 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Aug 10 01:42:10 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Aug 11 00:43:19 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Aug 11 23:44:28 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Aug 12 22:45:37 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Aug 13 21:46:46 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Aug 14 20:47:55 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Aug 15 19:49:04 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Aug 16 18:50:13 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Aug 17 17:51:22 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Aug 18 16:52:31 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Aug 19 15:53:40 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Aug 20 14:54:49 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Aug 21 13:55:58 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Aug 22 12:57:07 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Aug 23 11:58:16 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Aug 24 10:59:25 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Aug 25 10:00:34 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Aug 26 09:01:43 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Aug 27 08:02:52 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Aug 28 07:04:01 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 9 04:31:25 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Nov 09 04:31:25 2017, but got Thu Nov 9 04:31:25 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Nov 10 03:32:34 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Nov 11 02:33:43 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Nov 12 01:34:52 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Nov 13 00:36:01 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Nov 13 23:37:10 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Nov 14 22:38:19 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 15 21:39:28 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 16 20:40:37 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Nov 17 19:41:46 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Nov 18 18:42:55 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Nov 19 17:44:04 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Nov 20 16:45:13 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Nov 21 15:46:22 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 22 14:47:31 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 23 13:48:40 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Nov 24 12:49:49 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Nov 25 11:50:58 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Nov 26 10:52:07 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Nov 27 09:53:16 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Nov 28 08:54:25 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 29 07:55:34 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 30 06:56:43 2017 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Dec 1 05:57:52 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Dec 01 05:57:52 2017, but got Fri Dec 1 05:57:52 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Dec 2 04:59:01 2017 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Dec 02 04:59:01 2017, but got Sat Dec 2 04:59:01 2017 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Feb 13 02:26:25 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Feb 14 01:27:34 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Feb 15 00:28:43 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Feb 15 23:29:52 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Feb 16 22:31:01 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Feb 17 21:32:10 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Feb 18 20:33:19 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Feb 19 19:34:28 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Feb 20 18:35:37 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Feb 21 17:36:46 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Feb 22 16:37:55 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Feb 23 15:39:04 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Feb 24 14:40:13 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Feb 25 13:41:22 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Feb 26 12:42:31 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Feb 27 11:43:40 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Feb 28 10:44:49 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Mar 1 09:45:58 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Mar 01 09:45:58 2018, but got Thu Mar 1 09:45:58 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Mar 2 08:47:07 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Mar 02 08:47:07 2018, but got Fri Mar 2 08:47:07 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Mar 3 07:48:16 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Mar 03 07:48:16 2018, but got Sat Mar 3 07:48:16 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Mar 4 06:49:25 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Mar 04 06:49:25 2018, but got Sun Mar 4 06:49:25 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Mar 5 05:50:34 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Mar 05 05:50:34 2018, but got Mon Mar 5 05:50:34 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Mar 6 04:51:43 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Mar 06 04:51:43 2018, but got Tue Mar 6 04:51:43 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Mar 7 03:52:52 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Mar 07 03:52:52 2018, but got Wed Mar 7 03:52:52 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Mar 8 02:54:01 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Mar 08 02:54:01 2018, but got Thu Mar 8 02:54:01 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun May 20 00:21:25 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun May 20 23:22:34 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon May 21 22:23:43 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 22 21:24:52 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed May 23 20:26:01 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu May 24 19:27:10 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri May 25 18:28:19 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat May 26 17:29:28 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun May 27 16:30:37 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon May 28 15:31:46 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue May 29 14:32:55 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed May 30 13:34:04 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu May 31 12:35:13 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Jun 1 11:36:22 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Jun 01 11:36:22 2018, but got Fri Jun 1 11:36:22 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Jun 2 10:37:31 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Jun 02 10:37:31 2018, but got Sat Jun 2 10:37:31 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Jun 3 09:38:40 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Jun 03 09:38:40 2018, but got Sun Jun 3 09:38:40 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Jun 4 08:39:49 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Jun 04 08:39:49 2018, but got Mon Jun 4 08:39:49 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Jun 5 07:40:58 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Jun 05 07:40:58 2018, but got Tue Jun 5 07:40:58 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Jun 6 06:42:07 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Jun 06 06:42:07 2018, but got Wed Jun 6 06:42:07 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Jun 7 05:43:16 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Jun 07 05:43:16 2018, but got Thu Jun 7 05:43:16 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Jun 8 04:44:25 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Jun 08 04:44:25 2018, but got Fri Jun 8 04:44:25 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Jun 9 03:45:34 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Jun 09 03:45:34 2018, but got Sat Jun 9 03:45:34 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Jun 10 02:46:43 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Jun 11 01:47:52 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Jun 12 00:49:01 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Aug 23 22:16:25 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Aug 24 21:17:34 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Aug 25 20:18:43 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Aug 26 19:19:52 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Aug 27 18:21:01 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Aug 28 17:22:10 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Aug 29 16:23:19 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Aug 30 15:24:28 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Aug 31 14:25:37 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Sep 1 13:26:46 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Sep 01 13:26:46 2018, but got Sat Sep 1 13:26:46 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Sep 2 12:27:55 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Sep 02 12:27:55 2018, but got Sun Sep 2 12:27:55 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Sep 3 11:29:04 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Sep 03 11:29:04 2018, but got Mon Sep 3 11:29:04 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Sep 4 10:30:13 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Sep 04 10:30:13 2018, but got Tue Sep 4 10:30:13 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Sep 5 09:31:22 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Sep 05 09:31:22 2018, but got Wed Sep 5 09:31:22 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Sep 6 08:32:31 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Sep 06 08:32:31 2018, but got Thu Sep 6 08:32:31 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Sep 7 07:33:40 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Sep 07 07:33:40 2018, but got Fri Sep 7 07:33:40 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Sep 8 06:34:49 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Sep 08 06:34:49 2018, but got Sat Sep 8 06:34:49 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Sep 9 05:35:58 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Sep 09 05:35:58 2018, but got Sun Sep 9 05:35:58 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Sep 10 04:37:07 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Sep 11 03:38:16 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Sep 12 02:39:25 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Sep 13 01:40:34 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Sep 14 00:41:43 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Sep 14 23:42:52 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Sep 15 22:44:01 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Nov 27 20:11:25 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Nov 28 19:12:34 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Nov 29 18:13:43 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Nov 30 17:14:52 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Dec 1 16:16:01 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Dec 01 16:16:01 2018, but got Sat Dec 1 16:16:01 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Dec 2 15:17:10 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Dec 02 15:17:10 2018, but got Sun Dec 2 15:17:10 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Dec 3 14:18:19 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Dec 03 14:18:19 2018, but got Mon Dec 3 14:18:19 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Dec 4 13:19:28 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Dec 04 13:19:28 2018, but got Tue Dec 4 13:19:28 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Dec 5 12:20:37 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Dec 05 12:20:37 2018, but got Wed Dec 5 12:20:37 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Dec 6 11:21:46 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Dec 06 11:21:46 2018, but got Thu Dec 6 11:21:46 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Dec 7 10:22:55 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Dec 07 10:22:55 2018, but got Fri Dec 7 10:22:55 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Dec 8 09:24:04 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Dec 08 09:24:04 2018, but got Sat Dec 8 09:24:04 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Dec 9 08:25:13 2018 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Dec 09 08:25:13 2018, but got Sun Dec 9 08:25:13 2018 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Dec 10 07:26:22 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Dec 11 06:27:31 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Dec 12 05:28:40 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Dec 13 04:29:49 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Dec 14 03:30:58 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Dec 15 02:32:07 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Dec 16 01:33:16 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Dec 17 00:34:25 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Dec 17 23:35:34 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Dec 18 22:36:43 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Dec 19 21:37:52 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Dec 20 20:39:01 2018 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Mar 3 18:06:25 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sun Mar 03 18:06:25 2019, but got Sun Mar 3 18:06:25 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Mar 4 17:07:34 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Mon Mar 04 17:07:34 2019, but got Mon Mar 4 17:07:34 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Mar 5 16:08:43 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Tue Mar 05 16:08:43 2019, but got Tue Mar 5 16:08:43 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Mar 6 15:09:52 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Wed Mar 06 15:09:52 2019, but got Wed Mar 6 15:09:52 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Mar 7 14:11:01 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Thu Mar 07 14:11:01 2019, but got Thu Mar 7 14:11:01 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Mar 8 13:12:10 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Fri Mar 08 13:12:10 2019, but got Fri Mar 8 13:12:10 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Mar 9 12:13:19 2019 Conflict for nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format): Expected Sat Mar 09 12:13:19 2019, but got Sat Mar 9 12:13:19 2019 Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Mar 10 11:14:28 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Mar 11 10:15:37 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Mar 12 09:16:46 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Mar 13 08:17:55 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Mar 14 07:19:04 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Mar 15 06:20:13 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Mar 16 05:21:22 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Mar 17 04:22:31 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Mar 18 03:23:40 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Mar 19 02:24:49 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Wed Mar 20 01:25:58 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Mar 21 00:27:07 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Thu Mar 21 23:28:16 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Fri Mar 22 22:29:25 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sat Mar 23 21:30:34 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Sun Mar 24 20:31:43 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Mon Mar 25 19:32:52 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) strftime test for Tue Mar 26 18:34:01 2019 Supports nonstandard '%c' format (near-asctime() format) Supports nonstandard '%x' format (%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%Z' format (time zone name) Supports nonstandard '%D' format (mm/dd/yy) Supports nonstandard '%e' format (day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)) Supports nonstandard '%h' format (abbreviated month name) Supports nonstandard '%k' format (hour, blank padded ( 0-23)) Supports nonstandard '%n' format (newline character) Supports nonstandard '%r' format (%I:%M:%S %p) Supports nonstandard '%R' format (%H:%M) Supports nonstandard '%s' format (seconds since the Epoch in UCT) Supports nonstandard '%t' format (tab character) Supports nonstandard '%T' format (%H:%M:%S) Supports nonstandard '%3y' format (year without century rendered using fieldwidth) ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.192s OK 0:06:41 load avg: 0.00 [317/403/41] test_string PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_center (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_fixtype (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_lower (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_maketrans (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_string.StringTest) SKIP: test_replace_overflow (test.test_string.StringTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_rfind (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_rsplit (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_strip_whitespace (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_translate (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_upper (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_string.StringTest) PASS: test_atof (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_atoi (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_atol (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_attrs (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_capwords (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_format_keyword_arguments (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_formatter (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_maketrans (test.test_string.ModuleTest) PASS: test_builtin (test.test_string.BytesAliasTest) PASS: test_syntax (test.test_string.BytesAliasTest) PASS: test_SafeTemplate (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_braced_override (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_braced_override_safe (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_delimiter_override (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_escapes (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_idpattern_override (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_invalid_placeholders (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_keyword_arguments (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_keyword_arguments_safe (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_pattern_override (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_percents (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_regular_templates (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_regular_templates_with_braces (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_stringification (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_tupleargs (test.test_string.TestTemplate) PASS: test_unicode_values (test.test_string.TestTemplate) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 51 tests in 0.323s OK (skipped=1) 0:06:41 load avg: 0.00 [318/403/41] test_stringprep PASS: test (test.test_stringprep.StringprepTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:06:41 load avg: 0.00 [319/403/41] test_strop PASS: test_atof (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_atoi (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_atol (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_data_attributes (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) SKIP: test_expandtabs_overflow (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) 'only for 32-bit' PASS: test_find (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_join (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_lower (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_lstrip (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_maketrans (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_replace (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_rfind (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_rstrip (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_split (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_strip (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_stropjoin_huge_list (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_stropjoin_huge_tup (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) SKIP: test_stropreplace_overflow (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) 'only for 32-bit' PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_translate (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) PASS: test_upper (test.test_strop.StropFunctionTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 22 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 0:06:41 load avg: 0.00 [320/403/41] test_strptime PASS: test_basic (test.test_strptime.getlang_Tests) PASS: test_am_pm (test.test_strptime.LocaleTime_Tests) PASS: test_date_time (test.test_strptime.LocaleTime_Tests) PASS: test_lang (test.test_strptime.LocaleTime_Tests) PASS: test_month (test.test_strptime.LocaleTime_Tests) PASS: test_timezone (test.test_strptime.LocaleTime_Tests) PASS: test_weekday (test.test_strptime.LocaleTime_Tests) PASS: test_blankpattern (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_compile (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_locale_data_w_regex_metacharacters (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_matching_with_escapes (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_pattern (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_pattern_escaping (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_whitespace_substitution (test.test_strptime.TimeRETests) PASS: test_ValueError (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) SKIP: test_bad_timezone (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) 'need non-UTC/GMT timezone' PASS: test_caseinsensitive (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_date (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_date_time (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_day (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_defaults (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_escaping (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_feb29_on_leap_year_without_year (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_fraction (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_hour (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_julian (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_mar1_comes_after_feb29_even_when_omitting_the_year (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_minute (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_month (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_percent (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_second (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_time (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_timezone (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_unconverteddata (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_weekday (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_year (test.test_strptime.StrptimeTests) PASS: test_twelve_noon_midnight (test.test_strptime.Strptime12AMPMTests) PASS: test_all_julian_days (test.test_strptime.JulianTests) PASS: test_day_of_week_calculation (test.test_strptime.CalculationTests) PASS: test_gregorian_calculation (test.test_strptime.CalculationTests) PASS: test_julian_calculation (test.test_strptime.CalculationTests) PASS: test_week_0 (test.test_strptime.CalculationTests) PASS: test_week_of_year_and_day_of_week_calculation (test.test_strptime.CalculationTests) PASS: test_TimeRE_recreation_locale (test.test_strptime.CacheTests) SKIP: test_TimeRE_recreation_timezone (test.test_strptime.CacheTests) 'tzset required' PASS: test_new_localetime (test.test_strptime.CacheTests) PASS: test_regex_cleanup (test.test_strptime.CacheTests) PASS: test_time_re_recreation (test.test_strptime.CacheTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 48 tests in 0.023s OK (skipped=2) 0:06:42 load avg: 0.00 [321/403/41] test_strtod test_strtod skipped -- correctly-rounded string->float conversions not available on this system 0:06:42 load avg: 0.00 [322/403/41] test_struct -- test_strtod skipped PASS: test_1530559 (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_705836 (test.test_struct.StructTest) FAIL: test__sizeof__ (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_bool (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_calcsize (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_consistence (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_count_overflow (test.test_struct.StructTest) SKIP: test_crasher (test.test_struct.StructTest) 'Specific to 32bit machines' PASS: test_integers (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_isbigendian (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_new_features (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_p_code (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_pack_into (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_pack_into_array (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_pack_into_fn (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_pack_into_memoryview (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_transitiveness (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_unicode_format (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_unpack_from (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_unpack_with_buffer (test.test_struct.StructTest) PASS: test_unpack_with_memoryview (test.test_struct.StructTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test__sizeof__ (test.test_struct.StructTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 575, in test__sizeof__ self.check_sizeof(code, 1) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 570, in check_sizeof support.check_sizeof(self, struct.Struct(format_str), totalsize) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/support/", line 1267, in check_sizeof import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 21 tests in 0.339s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=1) 0:06:42 load avg: 0.00 [323/403/42] test_structmembers -- test_struct failed test_structmembers skipped -- No module named _testcapi 0:06:42 load avg: 0.00 [324/403/42] test_structseq -- test_structmembers skipped PASS: test_cmp (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_concat (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_eviltuple (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_fields (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) PASS: test_tuple (test.test_structseq.StructSeqTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.003s OK 0:06:42 load avg: 0.00 [325/403/42] test_subprocess PASS: test_call_kwargs (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_call_seq (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_check_call_nonzero (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_check_call_zero (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_check_output (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_check_output_nonzero (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_check_output_stderr (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_check_output_stdout_arg (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_epipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_epipe_only_stdin (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_pipe_buf (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_pipe_fd_leak (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_returns (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_stderr (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_stdin (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_communicate_stdout (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_double_close_on_error (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_env (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_executable_with_cwd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_executable_without_cwd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) test_failed_child_execute_fd_leak (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: Test for the fork() failure fd leak reported in issue16327. PASS: test_handles_closed_on_exception (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_bufsize (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_cmd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_env (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_leaking_fds_on_error (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_list2cmdline (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_no_leaking (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_poll (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stderr_filedes (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stderr_fileobj (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stderr_none (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stderr_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stderr_redirect_with_no_stdout_redirect (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdin_filedes (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdin_fileobj (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdin_none (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdin_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_filedes (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_filedes_of_stdout (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_fileobj (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_none (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_stderr_file (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_stdout_stderr_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_universal_newlines (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_universal_newlines_communicate (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_wait (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_writes_before_communicate (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCase) PASS: test_args_string (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_call_string (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fd_0 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fd_1 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fd_2 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fds_0_1 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fds_0_1_2 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fds_0_2 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_close_fds_1_2 (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_kill (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_kill_dead (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_leak_fast_process_del_killed (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_pipe_cloexec (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_preexec (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) test_preexec_errpipe_does_not_double_close_pipes (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: Issue16140: Don't double close pipes on preexec error. PASS: test_run_abort (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_send_signal (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_send_signal_dead (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_shell_sequence (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_shell_string (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_specific_shell (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) test_stopped (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) SKIP: Test wait() behavior when waitpid returns WIFSTOPPED; issue29335. 'need _testcapi.W_STOPCODE' PASS: test_swap_fds (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_terminate (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_terminate_dead (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_wait_when_sigchild_ignored (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) PASS: test_zombie_fast_process_del (test.test_subprocess.POSIXProcessTestCase) SKIP: test_call_string (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_close_fds (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_creationflags (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_invalid_args (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_kill (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_kill_dead (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_send_signal (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_send_signal_dead (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_shell_sequence (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_shell_string (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_startupinfo (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_terminate (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' SKIP: test_terminate_dead (test.test_subprocess.Win32ProcessTestCase) 'Windows specific tests' PASS: test_call_kwargs (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_call_seq (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_check_call_nonzero (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_check_call_zero (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_check_output (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_check_output_nonzero (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_check_output_stderr (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_check_output_stdout_arg (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_epipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_epipe_only_stdin (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_pipe_buf (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_pipe_fd_leak (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_returns (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_stderr (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_stdin (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_communicate_stdout (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_double_close_on_error (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_env (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_executable_with_cwd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_executable_without_cwd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) test_failed_child_execute_fd_leak (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: Test for the fork() failure fd leak reported in issue16327. PASS: test_handles_closed_on_exception (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_invalid_args (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_invalid_bufsize (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_invalid_cmd (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_invalid_env (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_leaking_fds_on_error (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_list2cmdline (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_no_leaking (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_poll (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stderr_filedes (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stderr_fileobj (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stderr_none (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stderr_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stderr_redirect_with_no_stdout_redirect (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdin_filedes (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdin_fileobj (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdin_none (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdin_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_filedes (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_filedes_of_stdout (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_fileobj (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_none (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_stderr_file (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_stdout_stderr_pipe (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_universal_newlines (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_universal_newlines_communicate (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_wait (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_writes_before_communicate (test.test_subprocess.ProcessTestCaseNoPoll) PASS: test_eintr_retry_call (test.test_subprocess.HelperFunctionTests) SKIP: test_noshell_sequence_with_spaces (test.test_subprocess.CommandsWithSpaces) 'mswindows only' SKIP: test_noshell_string_with_spaces (test.test_subprocess.CommandsWithSpaces) 'mswindows only' SKIP: test_shell_sequence_with_spaces (test.test_subprocess.CommandsWithSpaces) 'mswindows only' SKIP: test_shell_string_with_spaces (test.test_subprocess.CommandsWithSpaces) 'mswindows only' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 151 tests in 26.095s OK (skipped=18) 0:07:08 load avg: 0.13 [326/403/42] test_sunau PASS: test_close (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_unseekable_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_unseekable_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_unseekable_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM8Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM16Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_unseekable_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_unseekable_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_unseekable_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_sunau.SunauPCM32Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_unseekable_incompleted_write (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_unseekable_overflowed_write (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_unseekable_write (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_sunau.SunauULAWTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 70 tests in 0.014s OK 0:07:08 load avg: 0.13 [327/403/42] test_sunaudiodev test_sunaudiodev skipped -- No module named sunaudiodev 0:07:08 load avg: 0.13 [328/403/42] test_sundry -- test_sunaudiodev skipped FAIL: test_at_least_import_untested_modules (test.test_sundry.TestUntestedModules) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_at_least_import_untested_modules (test.test_sundry.TestUntestedModules) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 14, in test_at_least_import_untested_modules import cgitb ImportError: No module named cgitb ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s FAILED (errors=1) 0:07:09 load avg: 0.13 [329/403/43] test_symtable -- test_sundry failed 0:07:09 load avg: 0.13 [330/403/44] test_syntax -- test_symtable failed PASS: test_assign_call (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_assign_del (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_bad_outdent (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_break_outside_loop (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_delete_deref (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_global_err_then_warn (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_kwargs_last (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_no_indent (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_paren_arg_with_default (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) PASS: test_unexpected_indent (test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.002s OK Trying: def f(x): global x Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): SyntaxError: name 'x' is local and global (, line 1) ok Trying: obj.None = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: None = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: () = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to () ok Trying: f() = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: del f() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't delete function call ok Trying: a + 1 = 2 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to operator ok Trying: (x for x in x) = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to generator expression ok Trying: 1 = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to literal ok Trying: "abc" = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to literal ok Trying: `1` = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to repr ok Trying: (a, "b", c) = (1, 2, 3) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to literal ok Trying: [a, b, c + 1] = [1, 2, 3] Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to operator ok Trying: a if 1 else b = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to conditional expression ok Trying: def f(None=1): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: def f(x, y=1, z): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument ok Trying: def f(x, None): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: def f(*None): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: def f(**None): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: def None(x): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: def f(it, *varargs): return list(it) Expecting nothing ok Trying: L = range(10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: f(x for x in L) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ok Trying: f(x for x in L, 1) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized if not sole argument ok Trying: f((x for x in L), 1) Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ok Trying: f(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11, i12, i13, i14, i15, i16, i17, i18, i19, i20, i21, i22, i23, i24, i25, i26, i27, i28, i29, i30, i31, i32, i33, i34, i35, i36, i37, i38, i39, i40, i41, i42, i43, i44, i45, i46, i47, i48, i49, i50, i51, i52, i53, i54, i55, i56, i57, i58, i59, i60, i61, i62, i63, i64, i65, i66, i67, i68, i69, i70, i71, i72, i73, i74, i75, i76, i77, i78, i79, i80, i81, i82, i83, i84, i85, i86, i87, i88, i89, i90, i91, i92, i93, i94, i95, i96, i97, i98, i99, i100, i101, i102, i103, i104, i105, i106, i107, i108, i109, i110, i111, i112, i113, i114, i115, i116, i117, i118, i119, i120, i121, i122, i123, i124, i125, i126, i127, i128, i129, i130, i131, i132, i133, i134, i135, i136, i137, i138, i139, i140, i141, i142, i143, i144, i145, i146, i147, i148, i149, i150, i151, i152, i153, i154, i155, i156, i157, i158, i159, i160, i161, i162, i163, i164, i165, i166, i167, i168, i169, i170, i171, i172, i173, i174, i175, i176, i177, i178, i179, i180, i181, i182, i183, i184, i185, i186, i187, i188, i189, i190, i191, i192, i193, i194, i195, i196, i197, i198, i199, i200, i201, i202, i203, i204, i205, i206, i207, i208, i209, i210, i211, i212, i213, i214, i215, i216, i217, i218, i219, i220, i221, i222, i223, i224, i225, i226, i227, i228, i229, i230, i231, i232, i233, i234, i235, i236, i237, i238, i239, i240, i241, i242, i243, i244, i245, i246, i247, i248, i249, i250, i251, i252, i253, i254, i255) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: more than 255 arguments ok Trying: f(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11, i12, i13, i14, i15, i16, i17, i18, i19, i20, i21, i22, i23, i24, i25, i26, i27, i28, i29, i30, i31, i32, i33, i34, i35, i36, i37, i38, i39, i40, i41, i42, i43, i44, i45, i46, i47, i48, i49, i50, i51, i52, i53, i54, i55, i56, i57, i58, i59, i60, i61, i62, i63, i64, i65, i66, i67, i68, i69, i70, i71, i72, i73, i74, i75, i76, i77, i78, i79, i80, i81, i82, i83, i84, i85, i86, i87, i88, i89, i90, i91, i92, i93, i94, i95, i96, i97, i98, i99, i100, i101, i102, i103, i104, i105, i106, i107, i108, i109, i110, i111, i112, i113, i114, i115, i116, i117, i118, i119, i120, i121, i122, i123, i124, i125, i126, i127, i128, i129, i130, i131, i132, i133, i134, i135, i136, i137, i138, i139, i140, i141, i142, i143, i144, i145, i146, i147, i148, i149, i150, i151, i152, i153, i154, i155, i156, i157, i158, i159, i160, i161, i162, i163, i164, i165, i166, i167, i168, i169, i170, i171, i172, i173, i174, i175, i176, i177, i178, i179, i180, i181, i182, i183, i184, i185, i186, i187, i188, i189, i190, i191, i192, i193, i194, i195, i196, i197, i198, i199, i200, i201, i202, i203, i204, i205, i206, i207, i208, i209, i210, i211, i212, i213, i214, i215, i216, i217, i218, i219, i220, i221, i222, i223, i224, i225, i226, i227, i228, i229, i230, i231, i232, i233, i234, i235, i236, i237, i238, i239, i240, i241, i242, i243, (x for x in i244), i245, i246, i247, i248, i249, i250, i251, i252=1, i253=1, i254=1, i255=1) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: more than 255 arguments ok Trying: f(lambda x: x[0] = 3) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: lambda cannot contain assignment ok Trying: f(x()=2) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression ok Trying: f(a or b=1) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression ok Trying: f(x.y=1) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression ok Trying: (x for x in x) += 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to generator expression ok Trying: None += 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: cannot assign to None ok Trying: f() += 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: def test(): try: pass finally: for abc in range(10): continue print abc Expecting nothing ok Trying: test() Expecting: 9 ok Trying: def test(): for abc in range(10): try: pass finally: continue Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 6 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause ok Trying: def test(): for abc in range(10): try: pass finally: try: continue except: pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 6 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause ok Trying: def foo(): try: pass finally: continue Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 5 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause ok Trying: def foo(): for a in (): try: pass finally: continue Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 6 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause ok Trying: def foo(): for a in (): try: pass finally: try: continue finally: pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 7 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause ok Trying: def foo(): for a in (): try: pass finally: try: pass except: continue Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 8 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause ok Trying: try: print 1 break print 2 finally: print 3 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 3 SyntaxError: 'break' outside loop ok Trying: while 1: while 2: while 3: while 4: while 5: while 6: while 8: while 9: while 10: while 11: while 12: while 13: while 14: while 15: while 16: while 17: while 18: while 19: while 20: while 21: while 22: break Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: too many statically nested blocks ok Trying: if 1: x() = 1 elif 1: pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 2 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: if 1: pass elif 1: x() = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 4 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: if 1: x() = 1 elif 1: pass else: pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 2 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: if 1: pass elif 1: x() = 1 else: pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 4 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: if 1: pass elif 1: pass else: x() = 1 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 6 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call ok Trying: f(a=23, a=234) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: keyword argument repeated ok Trying: del () Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't delete () ok Trying: {1, 2, 3} = 42 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to literal ok Trying: def f(*xx, **__debug__): pass Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): SyntaxError: cannot assign to __debug__ ok 13 items had no tests: test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase._check_error test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_assign_call test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_assign_del test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_bad_outdent test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_break_outside_loop test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_delete_deref test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_global_err_then_warn test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_kwargs_last test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_no_indent test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_paren_arg_with_default test.test_syntax.SyntaxTestCase.test_unexpected_indent test.test_syntax.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 53 tests in test.test_syntax 53 tests in 14 items. 53 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_syntax) ... 53 tests with zero failures 0:07:09 load avg: 0.13 [331/403/44] test_sys SKIP: test_43581 (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) 'stdout/stderr encoding is not set' PASS: test_attributes (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_call_tracing (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_clear_type_cache (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_current_frames (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_custom_displayhook (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_dlopenflags (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_exc_clear (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_executable (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_exit (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_getdefaultencoding (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_getframe (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) SKIP: test_getwindowsversion (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) "module 'sys' has no attribute 'getwindowsversion'" PASS: test_ioencoding (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_lost_displayhook (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_original_displayhook (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_original_excepthook (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_recursionlimit (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_refcount (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_setcheckinterval (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) PASS: test_sys_flags (test.test_sys.SysModuleTest) FAIL: test_default (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) FAIL: test_errors (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) FAIL: test_gc_head_size (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) FAIL: test_objecttypes (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) FAIL: test_pythontypes (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) FAIL: test_slots (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_default (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 496, in setUp import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_errors (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 496, in setUp import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_gc_head_size (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 496, in setUp import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_objecttypes (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 496, in setUp import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_pythontypes (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 496, in setUp import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_slots (test.test_sys.SizeofTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 496, in setUp import _testcapi ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 27 tests in 0.123s FAILED (errors=6, skipped=2) 0:07:09 load avg: 0.13 [332/403/45] test_sys_setprofile -- test_sys failed PASS: test_empty (test.test_sys_setprofile.TestGetProfile) PASS: test_setget (test.test_sys_setprofile.TestGetProfile) PASS: test_caught_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_caught_nested_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_distant_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_exception_in_except_clause (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_exception_propagation (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_generator (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_nested_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_raise (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_raise_reraise (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_raise_twice (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_simple (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_stop_iteration (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileHookTestCase) PASS: test_basic_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileSimulatorTestCase) PASS: test_caught_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileSimulatorTestCase) PASS: test_distant_exception (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileSimulatorTestCase) PASS: test_simple (test.test_sys_setprofile.ProfileSimulatorTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 19 tests in 0.001s OK 0:07:09 load avg: 0.13 [333/403/45] test_sys_settrace PASS: test_01_basic (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_02_arigo (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_03_one_instr (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_04_no_pop_blocks (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_05_no_pop_tops (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_06_call (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_07_raise (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_08_settrace_and_return (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_09_settrace_and_raise (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_10_ireturn (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_11_tightloop (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_12_tighterloop (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_13_genexp (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_14_onliner_if (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_15_loops (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_16_blank_lines (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_17_none_f_trace (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_set_and_retrieve_func (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_set_and_retrieve_none (test.test_sys_settrace.TraceTestCase) PASS: test_call (test.test_sys_settrace.RaisingTraceFuncTestCase) PASS: test_exception (test.test_sys_settrace.RaisingTraceFuncTestCase) PASS: test_line (test.test_sys_settrace.RaisingTraceFuncTestCase) PASS: test_return (test.test_sys_settrace.RaisingTraceFuncTestCase) PASS: test_trash_stack (test.test_sys_settrace.RaisingTraceFuncTestCase) PASS: test_01_jump_simple_forwards (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_02_jump_simple_backwards (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_03_jump_out_of_block_forwards (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_04_jump_out_of_block_backwards (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_05_jump_to_codeless_line (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_06_jump_to_same_line (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_07_jump_in_nested_finally (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_08_no_jump_too_far_forwards (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_09_no_jump_too_far_backwards (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_10_no_jump_to_except_1 (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_11_no_jump_to_except_2 (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_12_no_jump_to_except_3 (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_13_no_jump_to_except_4 (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_14_no_jump_forwards_into_block (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_15_no_jump_backwards_into_block (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_16_no_jump_into_finally_block (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_17_no_jump_out_of_finally_block (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_18_no_jump_to_non_integers (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_19_no_jump_without_trace_function (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_20_large_function (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_jump_across_with (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_jump_infinite_while_loop (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) PASS: test_jump_to_firstlineno (test.test_sys_settrace.JumpTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 47 tests in 0.033s OK 0:07:09 load avg: 0.13 [334/403/45] test_sysconfig 0:07:09 load avg: 0.13 [335/403/46] test_tarfile -- test_sysconfig failed PASS: test_fileobj_iter (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_link1 (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_link2 (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_readlines (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_regular_file (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_seek (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_symlink1 (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_symlink2 (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_issue14160 (test.test_tarfile.UstarReadTest) PASS: test_check_members (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_empty_name_attribute (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_empty_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_extract_hardlink (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_extractall (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) SKIP: test_fail_comp (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) 'needs a gz or bz2 mode' PASS: test_fileobj_with_offset (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_find_members (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_ignore_zeros (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_illegal_mode_arg (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_init_close_fobj (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_no_name_argument (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_no_name_attribute (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_non_existent_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_null_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_parallel_iteration (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_premature_end_of_archive (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_v7_dirtype (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_xstar_type (test.test_tarfile.MiscReadTest) PASS: test_compare_members (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_empty_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_regular_file (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_ignore_zeros (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_non_existent_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_null_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_premature_end_of_archive (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_provoke_stream_error (test.test_tarfile.StreamReadTest) PASS: test_detect_file (test.test_tarfile.DetectReadTest) PASS: test_detect_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.DetectReadTest) PASS: test_detect_stream_bz2 (test.test_tarfile.DetectReadTest) PASS: test_find_blktype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_chrtype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_conttype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_dirtype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_dirtype_with_size (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_fifotype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_lnktype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_pax_umlauts (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_regtype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_regtype_oldv7 (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_sparse (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_symtype (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_umlauts (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_find_ustar_longname (test.test_tarfile.MemberReadTest) PASS: test_header_offset (test.test_tarfile.GNUReadTest) PASS: test_read_longlink (test.test_tarfile.GNUReadTest) PASS: test_read_longname (test.test_tarfile.GNUReadTest) PASS: test_sparse_file (test.test_tarfile.GNUReadTest) PASS: test_truncated_longname (test.test_tarfile.GNUReadTest) PASS: test_header_offset (test.test_tarfile.PaxReadTest) PASS: test_pax_global_headers (test.test_tarfile.PaxReadTest) PASS: test_pax_number_fields (test.test_tarfile.PaxReadTest) PASS: test_read_longlink (test.test_tarfile.PaxReadTest) PASS: test_read_longname (test.test_tarfile.PaxReadTest) PASS: test_truncated_longname (test.test_tarfile.PaxReadTest) PASS: test_list (test.test_tarfile.ListTest) PASS: test_list_verbose (test.test_tarfile.ListTest) PASS: test_100_char_name (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_abs_pathnames (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_add_self (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_directory_size (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_exclude (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_broken_symlinks (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_hardlinks (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_symlinks (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_file_size (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_fileobj_no_close (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_filter (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_link_size (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_open_nonwritable_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_pathnames (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_symlink_size (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_tar_size (test.test_tarfile.WriteTest) PASS: test_file_mode (test.test_tarfile.StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_fileobj_no_close (test.test_tarfile.StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_issue13639 (test.test_tarfile.StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_stream_padding (test.test_tarfile.StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_longlink_1023 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longlink_1024 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longlink_1025 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longname_1023 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longname_1024 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longname_1025 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longnamelink_1023 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longnamelink_1024 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longnamelink_1025 (test.test_tarfile.GNUWriteTest) PASS: test_longlink_1023 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longlink_1024 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longlink_1025 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longname_1023 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longname_1024 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longname_1025 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longnamelink_1023 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longnamelink_1024 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_longnamelink_1025 (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_pax_extended_header (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_pax_global_header (test.test_tarfile.PaxWriteTest) PASS: test_iso8859_1_filename (test.test_tarfile.UstarUnicodeTest) PASS: test_uname_unicode (test.test_tarfile.UstarUnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_argument (test.test_tarfile.UstarUnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_filename_error (test.test_tarfile.UstarUnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf7_filename (test.test_tarfile.UstarUnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf8_filename (test.test_tarfile.UstarUnicodeTest) PASS: test_iso8859_1_filename (test.test_tarfile.GNUUnicodeTest) PASS: test_uname_unicode (test.test_tarfile.GNUUnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_argument (test.test_tarfile.GNUUnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_filename_error (test.test_tarfile.GNUUnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf7_filename (test.test_tarfile.GNUUnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf8_filename (test.test_tarfile.GNUUnicodeTest) PASS: test_error_handler_utf8 (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_error_handlers (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_iso8859_1_filename (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_uname_unicode (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_argument (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_filename_error (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf7_filename (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf8_filename (test.test_tarfile.PaxUnicodeTest) PASS: test_append_bz2 (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_append_gz (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_empty (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_empty_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_existing (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_incomplete (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_invalid (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_non_existing (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_null (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_premature_eof (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_trailing_garbage (test.test_tarfile.AppendTest) PASS: test_gnu_limits (test.test_tarfile.LimitsTest) PASS: test_pax_limits (test.test_tarfile.LimitsTest) PASS: test_ustar_limits (test.test_tarfile.LimitsTest) PASS: test_read_number_fields (test.test_tarfile.MiscTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tarfile.ContextManagerTest) PASS: test_closed (test.test_tarfile.ContextManagerTest) PASS: test_eof (test.test_tarfile.ContextManagerTest) PASS: test_exception (test.test_tarfile.ContextManagerTest) PASS: test_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.ContextManagerTest) PASS: test_no_eof (test.test_tarfile.ContextManagerTest) PASS: test_add_hardlink (test.test_tarfile.HardlinkTest) PASS: test_add_twice (test.test_tarfile.HardlinkTest) PASS: test_dereference_hardlink (test.test_tarfile.HardlinkTest) PASS: test_check_members (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_empty_name_attribute (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_empty_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_extract_hardlink (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_extractall (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_fail_comp (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_with_offset (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_find_members (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_ignore_zeros (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_illegal_mode_arg (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_init_close_fobj (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_no_name_argument (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_no_name_attribute (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_non_existent_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_null_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_parallel_iteration (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_premature_end_of_archive (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_v7_dirtype (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_xstar_type (test.test_tarfile.GzipMiscReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_iter (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_link1 (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_link2 (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_readlines (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_regular_file (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_seek (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_symlink1 (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_symlink2 (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_issue14160 (test.test_tarfile.GzipUstarReadTest) PASS: test_compare_members (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_empty_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_regular_file (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_ignore_zeros (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_non_existent_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_null_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_premature_end_of_archive (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_provoke_stream_error (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamReadTest) PASS: test_list (test.test_tarfile.GzipListTest) PASS: test_list_verbose (test.test_tarfile.GzipListTest) PASS: test_100_char_name (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_abs_pathnames (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_add_self (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_directory_size (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_exclude (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_broken_symlinks (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_hardlinks (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_symlinks (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_file_size (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_fileobj_no_close (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_filter (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_link_size (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_open_nonwritable_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_pathnames (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_symlink_size (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_tar_size (test.test_tarfile.GzipWriteTest) PASS: test_file_mode (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamWriteTest) PASS: test_fileobj_no_close (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamWriteTest) PASS: test_issue13639 (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamWriteTest) PASS: test_stream_padding (test.test_tarfile.GzipStreamWriteTest) PASS: test_check_members (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_empty_name_attribute (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_empty_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_extract_hardlink (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_extractall (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_fail_comp (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_with_offset (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_find_members (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_ignore_zeros (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_illegal_mode_arg (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_init_close_fobj (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_no_name_argument (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_no_name_attribute (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_non_existent_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_null_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_parallel_iteration (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_premature_end_of_archive (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_v7_dirtype (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_xstar_type (test.test_tarfile.Bz2MiscReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_iter (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_link1 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_link2 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_readlines (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_regular_file (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_seek (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_symlink1 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_symlink2 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_issue14160 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2UstarReadTest) PASS: test_compare_members (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_empty_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_fileobj_regular_file (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_ignore_zeros (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_non_existent_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_null_tarfile (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_premature_end_of_archive (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_provoke_stream_error (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamReadTest) PASS: test_list (test.test_tarfile.Bz2ListTest) PASS: test_list_verbose (test.test_tarfile.Bz2ListTest) PASS: test_100_char_name (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_abs_pathnames (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_add_self (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_cwd (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_directory_size (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_exclude (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_broken_symlinks (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_hardlinks (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_extractall_symlinks (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_file_size (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_fileobj_no_close (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_filter (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_link_size (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_open_nonwritable_fileobj (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_pathnames (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_symlink_size (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_tar_size (test.test_tarfile.Bz2WriteTest) PASS: test_file_mode (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_fileobj_no_close (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_issue13639 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_stream_padding (test.test_tarfile.Bz2StreamWriteTest) PASS: test_partial_input (test.test_tarfile.Bz2PartialReadTest) PASS: test_partial_input_bz2 (test.test_tarfile.Bz2PartialReadTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 272 tests in 0.938s OK (skipped=1) 0:07:10 load avg: 0.13 [336/403/46] test_tcl test_tcl skipped -- No module named _tkinter 0:07:10 load avg: 0.13 [337/403/46] test_telnetlib -- test_tcl skipped PASS: testBasic (test.test_telnetlib.GeneralTests) PASS: testGetters (test.test_telnetlib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutDefault (test.test_telnetlib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutNone (test.test_telnetlib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutOpen (test.test_telnetlib.GeneralTests) PASS: testTimeoutValue (test.test_telnetlib.GeneralTests) PASS: test_read_all_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_all_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_all_C (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_eager_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_eager_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_lazy_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_lazy_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_some_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_some_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_some_C (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_until_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_until_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) test_read_until_with_poll (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: Use select.poll() to implement telnet.read_until(). test_read_until_with_select (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: Use to implement telnet.read_until(). PASS: test_read_very_eager_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_very_eager_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_very_lazy_A (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_read_very_lazy_B (test.test_telnetlib.ReadTests) PASS: test_IAC_commands (test.test_telnetlib.OptionTests) PASS: test_SB_commands (test.test_telnetlib.OptionTests) PASS: test_expect_A (test.test_telnetlib.ExpectTests) PASS: test_expect_B (test.test_telnetlib.ExpectTests) test_expect_with_poll (test.test_telnetlib.ExpectTests) PASS: Use select.poll() to implement telnet.expect(). test_expect_with_select (test.test_telnetlib.ExpectTests) PASS: Use to implement telnet.expect(). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 30 tests in 4.889s OK 0:07:15 load avg: 0.12 [338/403/46] test_tempfile PASS: test_exports (test.test_tempfile.test_exports) PASS: test_get_six_char_str (test.test_tempfile.test__RandomNameSequence) PASS: test_many (test.test_tempfile.test__RandomNameSequence) PASS: test_process_awareness (test.test_tempfile.test__RandomNameSequence) PASS: test_supports_iter (test.test_tempfile.test__RandomNameSequence) PASS: test_nonempty_list (test.test_tempfile.test__candidate_tempdir_list) PASS: test_wanted_dirs (test.test_tempfile.test__candidate_tempdir_list) PASS: test_no_files_left_behind (test.test_tempfile.TestGetDefaultTempdir) PASS: test_retval (test.test_tempfile.test__get_candidate_names) PASS: test_same_thing (test.test_tempfile.test__get_candidate_names) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_basic_many (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_choose_directory (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_collision_with_existing_directory (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_collision_with_existing_file (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_file_mode (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_noinherit (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_non_directory (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) PASS: test_nonexisting_directory (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) SKIP: test_read_only_directory (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) "can't set the directory read-only" SKIP: test_textmode (test.test_tempfile.test__mkstemp_inner) 'text mode not available' PASS: test_sane_template (test.test_tempfile.test_gettempprefix) PASS: test_usable_template (test.test_tempfile.test_gettempprefix) PASS: test_directory_exists (test.test_tempfile.test_gettempdir) PASS: test_directory_writable (test.test_tempfile.test_gettempdir) PASS: test_same_thing (test.test_tempfile.test_gettempdir) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test_mkstemp) PASS: test_choose_directory (test.test_tempfile.test_mkstemp) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_basic_many (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_choose_directory (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_collision_with_existing_directory (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_collision_with_existing_file (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_mode (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_non_directory (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) PASS: test_nonexisting_directory (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) SKIP: test_read_only_directory (test.test_tempfile.test_mkdtemp) "can't set the directory read-only" PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test_mktemp) PASS: test_many (test.test_tempfile.test_mktemp) PASS: test_bad_mode (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_context_manager (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_creates_named (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_del_on_close (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_dis_del_on_close (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_multiple_close (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_no_leak_fd (test.test_tempfile.test_NamedTemporaryFile) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_bound_methods (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_context_manager_after_rollover (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_context_manager_before_rollover (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_context_manager_during_rollover (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_del_on_close (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_multiple_close_after_rollover (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_multiple_close_before_rollover (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_properties (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_rewrite_small (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_sparse (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_write_sequential (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_writelines (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_writelines_sequential (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_xreadlines (test.test_tempfile.test_SpooledTemporaryFile) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tempfile.test_TemporaryFile) PASS: test_has_no_name (test.test_tempfile.test_TemporaryFile) PASS: test_multiple_close (test.test_tempfile.test_TemporaryFile) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 66 tests in 0.037s OK (skipped=3) 0:07:15 load avg: 0.12 [339/403/46] test_test_support PASS: test_CleanImport (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_DirsOnSysPath (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_HOST (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_bind_port (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_captured_stderr (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_captured_stdin (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_captured_stdout (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_change_cwd (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) test_change_cwd__chdir_warning (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Check the warning message when os.chdir() fails. test_change_cwd__non_existent_dir (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test passing a non-existent directory. test_change_cwd__non_existent_dir__quiet_true (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test passing a non-existent directory with quiet=True. PASS: test_check_syntax_error (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_find_unused_port (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_forget (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_gc_collect (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_get_attribute (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) SKIP: test_get_original_stdout (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) 'failing buildbots' PASS: test_import_fresh_module (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_import_module (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_make_bad_fd (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_python_is_optimized (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_rmtree (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_sortdict (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_swap_attr (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_swap_item (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: test_temp_cwd (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) test_temp_cwd__name_none (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test passing None to temp_cwd(). test_temp_dir (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test that temp_dir() creates and destroys its directory. test_temp_dir__existing_dir__quiet_default (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test passing a directory that already exists. test_temp_dir__existing_dir__quiet_true (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test passing a directory that already exists with quiet=True. test_temp_dir__path_none (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) PASS: Test passing no path. PASS: test_unlink (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) FAIL: test_unload (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_unload (test.test_test_support.TestSupport) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 51, in test_unload import sched ImportError: No module named sched ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 33 tests in 0.070s FAILED (errors=1, skipped=1) 0:07:15 load avg: 0.12 [340/403/47] test_textwrap -- test_test_support failed PASS: test_bad_width (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_break_on_hyphens (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_false (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_false_whitespace_only (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_false_whitespace_only_with_indent (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_leading_whitespace (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_whitespace_indent (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_whitespace_line (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_whitespace_only (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_drop_whitespace_whitespace_only_with_indent (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_em_dash (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_empty_string (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_empty_string_with_initial_indent (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_fix_sentence_endings (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_funky_hyphens (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_funky_parens (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_hyphenated (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_hyphenated_numbers (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_no_split_at_umlaut (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_punct_hyphens (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_simple (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_split (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_umlaut_followed_by_dash (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_unix_options (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_whitespace (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_wrap_short (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_wrap_short_1line (test.test_textwrap.WrapTestCase) PASS: test_break_long (test.test_textwrap.LongWordTestCase) PASS: test_nobreak_long (test.test_textwrap.LongWordTestCase) PASS: test_fill (test.test_textwrap.IndentTestCases) PASS: test_initial_indent (test.test_textwrap.IndentTestCases) PASS: test_subsequent_indent (test.test_textwrap.IndentTestCases) PASS: test_dedent_even (test.test_textwrap.DedentTestCase) PASS: test_dedent_nomargin (test.test_textwrap.DedentTestCase) PASS: test_dedent_preserve_internal_tabs (test.test_textwrap.DedentTestCase) PASS: test_dedent_preserve_margin_tabs (test.test_textwrap.DedentTestCase) PASS: test_dedent_uneven (test.test_textwrap.DedentTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 38 tests in 0.006s OK 0:07:16 load avg: 0.12 [341/403/47] test_thread PASS: test__count (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) test_nt_and_posix_stack_size (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) ... caught expected ValueError setting stack_size(4096) successfully set stack_size(262144) successfully set stack_size(1048576) successfully set stack_size(0) trying stack_size = (262144) creating task 1 creating task 2 creating task 3 creating task 4 creating task 5 task 2 will run for 54.0us creating task 6 creating task 7 creating task 8 creating task 9 task 1 will run for 5.0us creating task 10 task 4 will run for 95.0us task 2 done task 3 will run for 25.0us task 5 will run for 22.0us waiting for all tasks to complete task 6 will run for 89.0us task 1 done task 8 will run for 67.0us task 9 will run for 8.0us task 7 will run for 94.0us task 10 will run for 64.0us task 5 done task 3 done task 9 done task 4 done task 6 done task 8 done task 10 done task 7 done all tasks done trying stack_size = (1048576) creating task 1 creating task 2 creating task 3 task 2 will run for 19.0us task 1 will run for 89.0us task 3 will run for 79.0us creating task 4 creating task 5 creating task 6 task 4 will run for 62.0us creating task 7 task 5 will run for 31.0us task 6 will run for 23.0us task 2 done creating task 8 task 7 will run for 54.0us task 8 will run for 59.0us creating task 9 creating task 10 task 3 done task 5 done task 1 done task 9 will run for 53.0us waiting for all tasks to complete task 10 will run for 47.0us task 6 done task 4 done task 7 done task 8 done task 9 done task 10 done all tasks done ok PASS: test_save_exception_state_on_error (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) PASS: test_stack_size (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) test_starting_threads (test.test_thread.ThreadRunningTests) ... creating task 1 creating task 2 creating task 3 task 1 will run for 9.0us task 2 will run for 63.0us creating task 4 task 3 will run for 47.0us creating task 5 creating task 6 creating task 7 task 4 will run for 57.0us task 5 will run for 74.0us task 1 done creating task 8 task 6 will run for 19.0us task 7 will run for 32.0us task 3 done task 8 will run for 47.0us creating task 9 task 2 done creating task 10 task 9 will run for 77.0us waiting for tasks to complete... task 10 will run for 29.0us task 6 done task 4 done task 5 done task 7 done task 8 done task 10 done task 9 done all tasks done ok test_barrier (test.test_thread.BarrierTest) ... waiting for tasks to end task 2 will run for 20.0us task 5 will run for 59.0us task 6 will run for 96.0us task 0 will run for 0.0us task 4 will run for 30.0us task 8 will run for 70.0us task 9 will run for 65.0us task 7 will run for 52.0us task 0 entering 0 task 3 will run for 15.0us task 1 will run for 82.0us task 2 entering 0 task 4 entering 0 task 5 entering 0 task 8 entering 0 task 7 entering 0 task 3 entering 0 task 9 entering 0 task 6 entering 0 task 1 entering 0 task 1 leaving barrier task 1 will run for 5.0us task 0 leaving barrier task 2 leaving barrier task 4 leaving barrier task 5 leaving barrier task 8 leaving barrier task 7 leaving barrier task 0 will run for 0.0us task 3 leaving barrier task 9 leaving barrier task 6 leaving barrier task 2 will run for 20.0us task 4 will run for 69.0us task 5 will run for 22.0us task 8 will run for 80.0us task 7 will run for 70.0us task 1 entering 1 task 0 entering 1 task 3 will run for 19.0us task 9 will run for 9.0us task 6 will run for 75.0us task 2 entering 1 task 5 entering 1 task 9 entering 1 task 4 entering 1 task 3 entering 1 task 8 entering 1 task 7 entering 1 task 6 entering 1 task 6 leaving barrier task 6 will run for 98.0us task 1 leaving barrier task 0 leaving barrier task 2 leaving barrier task 5 leaving barrier task 9 leaving barrier task 4 leaving barrier task 3 leaving barrier task 7 leaving barrier task 1 will run for 56.0us task 8 leaving barrier task 0 will run for 0.0us task 2 will run for 46.0us task 5 will run for 71.0us task 9 will run for 98.0us task 4 will run for 29.0us task 3 will run for 78.0us task 7 will run for 81.0us task 8 will run for 34.0us task 0 entering 2 task 6 entering 2 task 1 entering 2 task 4 entering 2 task 8 entering 2 task 2 entering 2 task 5 entering 2 task 7 entering 2 task 3 entering 2 task 9 entering 2 task 9 leaving barrier task 0 leaving barrier task 6 leaving barrier task 1 leaving barrier task 4 leaving barrier task 8 leaving barrier task 2 leaving barrier task 5 leaving barrier task 7 leaving barrier task 3 leaving barrier tasks done ok PASS: test_acquire_contended (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_acquire_destroy (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_acquire_release (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_different_thread (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_reacquire (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_thread_leak (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_with (test.test_thread.LockTests) PASS: test_forkinthread (test.test_thread.TestForkInThread) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 17 tests in 0.251s OK 0:07:16 load avg: 0.12 [342/403/47] test_threaded_import FAIL: Trying 20 threads ... OK. FAIL: Trying 50 threads ... OK. FAIL: Trying 20 threads ... OK. FAIL: Trying 50 threads ... OK. FAIL: Trying 20 threads ... OK. FAIL: Trying 50 threads ... OK. FAIL: testing import hangers ... OK. 0:07:16 load avg: 0.12 [343/403/47] test_threadedtempfile PASS: test_main (test.test_threadedtempfile.ThreadedTempFileTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.066s OK 0:07:16 load avg: 0.12 [344/403/47] test_threading PASS: test_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_acquire_destroy (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_acquire_release (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_different_thread (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_reacquire (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_thread_leak (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test_with (test.test_threading.LockTests) PASS: test__is_owned (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_acquire_destroy (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_acquire_release (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_different_thread (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_reacquire (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_release_unacquired (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_thread_leak (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_with (test.test_threading.RLockTests) PASS: test_is_set (test.test_threading.EventTests) PASS: test_notify (test.test_threading.EventTests) PASS: test_reset_internal_locks (test.test_threading.EventTests) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_threading.EventTests) PASS: test__is_owned (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_acquire_destroy (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_acquire_release (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_different_thread (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_reacquire (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_release_unacquired (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_thread_leak (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_with (test.test_threading.ConditionAsRLockTests) PASS: test_acquire (test.test_threading.ConditionTests) PASS: test_notify (test.test_threading.ConditionTests) PASS: test_timeout (test.test_threading.ConditionTests) PASS: test_unacquired_notify (test.test_threading.ConditionTests) PASS: test_unacquired_wait (test.test_threading.ConditionTests) PASS: test_acquire (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_acquire_destroy (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_default_value (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_release_unacquired (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_try_acquire (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_with (test.test_threading.SemaphoreTests) PASS: test_acquire (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_acquire_destroy (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_default_value (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) SKIP: test_recursion_limit (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) 'test macosx problem' PASS: test_release_unacquired (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_try_acquire (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_try_acquire_contended (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_with (test.test_threading.BoundedSemaphoreTests) PASS: test_BoundedSemaphore_limit (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) test_PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) ... started worker thread trying nonsensical thread id waiting for worker thread to get started verifying worker hasn't exited attempting to raise asynch exception in worker waiting for worker to say it caught the exception all OK -- joining worker ok PASS: test_dummy_thread_after_fork (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_enumerate_after_join (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_finalize_runnning_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_finalize_with_trace (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_foreign_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_ident_of_no_threading_threads (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_is_alive_after_fork (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_join_nondaemon_on_shutdown (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_limbo_cleanup (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) PASS: test_no_refcycle_through_target (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) test_various_ops (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) ... task will run for 19.0 usec 1 tasks are running task will run for 1.9 usec 2 tasks are running task done task is finished. 1 tasks are running task will run for 94.0 usec donetask will run for 24.7 usec 2 tasks are running is finished. 1 tasks are running task will run for 98.6 usec 2task tasks are runningtask will run for 47.3 usec done 3 task will run for 58.7 usec tasks are running task will run for 4.9 usec is finished. 2 tasks are runningtask task done task will run for 36.8 usec 3 donetasks are running task will run for 79.3 usec is finished. 2 tasks are runningwaiting for all tasks to complete is finished. 1 tasks are running task 2 done tasks are running 3 tasks are running is finished. 2 tasks are running task done is finished. 1 tasks are running 2 tasks are running task done3 tasks are running is finished. 2 tasks are running task done is finished. 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running all tasks done ok test_various_ops_large_stack (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) ... with 1MB thread stack size... task will run for 37.9 usec 1 tasks are running task will run for 34.6 usec 2 tasks are running task will run for 72.2 usec task 3 task done tasks are running is finished. 2 tasks are running donetask will run for 13.7 usec 3 task donetask will run for 26.0 usec tasks are running is finished. 2 tasks are running task is finished. 1 tasks are running 2 tasks are running done task will run for 73.9 usec task will run for 62.9 usec is finished. 1 tasks are running 2 task tasks are running done task will run for 16.5 usec 3 tasks are running is finished. 2 tasks are running tasktask 3 task will run for 29.1 usec tasks are running done is finished. 2 tasks are running done3 task will run for 36.7 usec tasks are running waiting for all tasks to complete task is finished. 2 tasks are running task done3 tasks are runningdone is finished. 2 tasks are running is finished. 1 tasks are running task done is finished. 0 tasks are running all tasks done ok test_various_ops_small_stack (test.test_threading.ThreadTests) ... with 256kB thread stack size... task will run for 67.3 usec 1 tasks are runningtask will run for 94.9 usec 2 tasks are running task will run for 14.3 usec task3 tasks are running done task will run for 19.1 usec tasktask is finished. 2 tasks are running task will run for 11.0 usec done done is finished. 1 tasks are running task will run for 27.4 usec 2 task will run for 63.1 usec tasks are runningtask will run for 29.5 usec is finished. 1 tasks are running task will run for 94.5 usec task done 2 tasks are running task will run for 27.0 usec waiting for all tasks to complete is finished. 1 tasks are running task done 2 tasks are running is finished. 1 tasks are running 2 tasks are running 3 tasks are running task done is finished. 2 tasks are running 3 tasks are running task done is finished. 2 tasks are running task3 tasks are running done is finished. 2 tasks are running task task done is finished. 1 tasks are running done is finished. 0 tasks are running all tasks done ok PASS: test_1_join_on_shutdown (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) PASS: test_2_join_in_forked_process (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) PASS: test_3_join_in_forked_from_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) PASS: test_4_joining_across_fork_in_worker_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) PASS: test_5_clear_waiter_locks_to_avoid_crash (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) SKIP: test_frame_tstate_tracing (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) 'need _testcapi module' PASS: test_reinit_tls_after_fork (test.test_threading.ThreadJoinOnShutdown) PASS: test_daemonize_active_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) PASS: test_joining_current_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) PASS: test_joining_inactive_thread (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) PASS: test_print_exception (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) PASS: test_print_exception_stderr_is_none_1 (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) PASS: test_print_exception_stderr_is_none_2 (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) PASS: test_start_thread_again (test.test_threading.ThreadingExceptionTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 91 tests in 2.940s OK (skipped=2) 0:07:19 load avg: 0.11 [345/403/47] test_threading_local _threading_local () PASS: Doctest: _threading_local PASS: test_arguments (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_cycle_collection (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_derived (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_derived_cycle_dealloc (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_dict_attribute (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_dict_attribute_subclass (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_local_refs (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_threading_local (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_threading_local_subclass (test.test_threading_local.ThreadLocalTest) PASS: test_arguments (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_derived (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_derived_cycle_dealloc (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_dict_attribute (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_dict_attribute_subclass (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_local_refs (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_threading_local (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) PASS: test_threading_local_subclass (test.test_threading_local.PyThreadingLocalTest) _threading_local () PASS: Doctest: _threading_local ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 19 tests in 0.563s OK 0:07:20 load avg: 0.11 [346/403/47] test_threadsignals PASS: test_signals (test.test_threadsignals.ThreadSignals) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:07:20 load avg: 0.11 [347/403/47] test_time PASS: test_asctime (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_clock (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_conversions (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_ctime_without_arg (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_data_attributes (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_default_values_for_zero (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_gmtime_without_arg (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_insane_timestamps (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_localtime_without_arg (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_mktime (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_sleep (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_strftime (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_strftime_bounds_checking (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) PASS: test_strptime (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) SKIP: test_tzset (test.test_time.TimeTestCase) 'time module has no attribute tzset' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 1.211s OK (skipped=1) 0:07:21 load avg: 0.11 [348/403/47] test_timeit 0:07:21 load avg: 0.11 [349/403/48] test_timeout -- test_timeit failed test_timeout skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled 0:07:21 load avg: 0.11 [350/403/48] test_tk -- test_timeout skipped (resource denied) test_tk skipped -- No module named _tkinter 0:07:21 load avg: 0.11 [351/403/48] test_tokenize -- test_tk skipped PASS: test_additive (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_comparison (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_float (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_function (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_int (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_long (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_method (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_multiplicative (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_pathological_trailing_whitespace (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_selector (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_shift (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_string (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_tabs (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) PASS: test_unary (test.test_tokenize.TokenizeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.003s OK PASS: test_backslash_continuation (test.test_tokenize.UntokenizeTest) PASS: test_bad_input_order (test.test_tokenize.UntokenizeTest) PASS: test_iter_compat (test.test_tokenize.UntokenizeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.000s OK PASS: test_backslash_continuation (test.test_tokenize.TestRoundtrip) PASS: test_continuation (test.test_tokenize.TestRoundtrip) PASS: test_indentation_semantics_retained (test.test_tokenize.TestRoundtrip) PASS: test_random_files (test.test_tokenize.TestRoundtrip) PASS: test_roundtrip (test.test_tokenize.TestRoundtrip) PASS: test_string_concatenation (test.test_tokenize.TestRoundtrip) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.185s OK PASS: test_decistmt (test.test_tokenize.TestMisc) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK 0:07:22 load avg: 0.11 [352/403/48] test_tools test_tools skipped -- test irrelevant for an installed Python 0:07:22 load avg: 0.11 [353/403/48] test_trace -- test_tools skipped 0:07:22 load avg: 0.11 [354/403/49] test_traceback -- test_trace failed PASS: test_bad_indentation (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_base_exception (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_bug737473 (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_caret (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_format_exception_only_bad__str__ (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_nocaret (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_string_exception1 (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_string_exception2 (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_without_exception (test.test_traceback.TracebackCases) PASS: test_format_stack (test.test_traceback.TracebackFormatTests) PASS: test_print_stack (test.test_traceback.TracebackFormatTests) FAIL: test_traceback_format (test.test_traceback.TracebackFormatTests) PASS: test_extract_stack (test.test_traceback.MiscTracebackCases) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_traceback_format (test.test_traceback.TracebackFormatTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 186, in test_traceback_format from _testcapi import traceback_print ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 14 tests in 4.011s FAILED (errors=1) 0:07:26 load avg: 0.10 [355/403/50] test_transformer -- test_traceback failed testMultipleLHS (test.test_transformer.Tests) PASS: Test multiple targets on the left hand side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.003s OK 0:07:26 load avg: 0.10 [356/403/50] test_ttk_guionly test_ttk_guionly skipped -- No module named _tkinter 0:07:26 load avg: 0.10 [357/403/50] test_ttk_textonly -- test_ttk_guionly skipped test_ttk_textonly skipped -- No module named _tkinter 0:07:26 load avg: 0.10 [358/403/50] test_tuple -- test_ttk_textonly skipped PASS: test_addmul (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_bigrepeat (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_bug7466 (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_constructors (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_contains_fake (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_contains_order (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_getitemoverwriteiter (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_minmax (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_track_dynamic (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_track_literals (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_track_subtypes (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_truth (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) PASS: test_tupleresizebug (test.test_tuple.TupleTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 4.311s OK 0:07:30 load avg: 0.17 [359/403/50] test_turtle test_turtle skipped -- No module named _tkinter 0:07:30 load avg: 0.17 [360/403/50] test_typechecks -- test_turtle skipped PASS: testIsInstanceActual (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) PASS: testIsInstanceBuiltin (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) PASS: testIsSubclassActual (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) PASS: testIsSubclassBuiltin (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) PASS: testIsSubclassInternal (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) PASS: testSubclassBehavior (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) PASS: test_oldstyle (test.test_typechecks.TypeChecksTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.000s OK 0:07:30 load avg: 0.17 [361/403/50] test_ucn PASS: test_ascii_letters (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) PASS: test_bmp_characters (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) PASS: test_cjk_unified_ideographs (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) PASS: test_errors (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) PASS: test_general (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) PASS: test_hangul_syllables (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) SKIP: test_issue16335 (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) 'needs UINT_MAX < SIZE_MAX' PASS: test_misc_symbols (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) PASS: test_strict_eror_handling (test.test_ucn.UnicodeNamesTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.144s OK (skipped=1) 0:07:31 load avg: 0.17 [362/403/50] test_unary PASS: test_bad_types (test.test_unary.UnaryOpTestCase) PASS: test_invert (test.test_unary.UnaryOpTestCase) PASS: test_negation_of_exponentiation (test.test_unary.UnaryOpTestCase) PASS: test_negative (test.test_unary.UnaryOpTestCase) PASS: test_no_overflow (test.test_unary.UnaryOpTestCase) PASS: test_positive (test.test_unary.UnaryOpTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.000s OK 0:07:31 load avg: 0.17 [363/403/50] test_undocumented_details PASS: test_cell_comparisons (test.test_undocumented_details.TestImplementationComparisons) PASS: test_type_comparisons (test.test_undocumented_details.TestImplementationComparisons) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK 0:07:31 load avg: 0.17 [364/403/50] test_unicode FAIL: test_encode_decimal (test.test_unicode.CAPITest) FAIL: test_encode_decimal_with_surrogates (test.test_unicode.CAPITest) PASS: test_from_format (test.test_unicode.CAPITest) PASS: test___contains__ (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test__format__ (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_bug1001011 (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_capitalize_wide_build (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_center (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_codecs (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_codecs_charmap (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_codecs_errors (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_codecs_idna (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_codecs_utf7 (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_codecs_utf8 (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_comparison (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_concatenation (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_conversion (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_endswith (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_expandtabs_overflows_gracefully (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_find_etc_raise_correct_error_messages (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_fixtype (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_floatformatting (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format_auto_numbering (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format_float (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format_huge_item_number (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format_huge_precision (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format_huge_width (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_format_subclass (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_formatting (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) FAIL: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_formatting_huge_precision (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) FAIL: test_formatting_huge_precision_c_limits (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_formatting_huge_width (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_inplace_rewrites (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_isalnum (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isalnum_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_isalpha (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isalpha_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_isdecimal (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isdecimal_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_isdigit (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isdigit_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_islower (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_islower_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_isnumeric (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isnumeric_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_isspace (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isspace_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_issue8271 (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_istitle (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_istitle_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_isupper (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_isupper_non_bmp (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_join (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_literals (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_lower (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_mul (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_none_arguments (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_partition (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_printing (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_raiseMemError (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_replace_overflow (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_repr (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_rfind (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_rpartition (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_rsplit (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_slice (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_splitlines (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_startswith (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_startswith_endswith_errors (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_strip_whitespace (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_surrogates (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' SKIP: test_swapcase (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' SKIP: test_title (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_translate (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_ucs4 (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_unicode_repr (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) SKIP: test_upper (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) 'requires wide build' PASS: test_utf8_decode_invalid_sequences (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_utf8_decode_valid_sequences (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_encode_decimal (test.test_unicode.CAPITest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1829, in test_encode_decimal from _testcapi import unicode_encodedecimal ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_encode_decimal_with_surrogates (test.test_unicode.CAPITest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1855, in test_encode_decimal_with_surrogates from _testcapi import unicode_encodedecimal ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1178, in test_formatting_c_limits from _testcapi import PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, INT_MAX, UINT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_formatting_huge_precision_c_limits (test.test_unicode.UnicodeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 657, in test_formatting_huge_precision_c_limits from _testcapi import INT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 99 tests in 0.880s FAILED (errors=4, skipped=17) 0:07:32 load avg: 0.17 [365/403/51] test_unicode_file -- test_unicode failed test_unicode_file skipped -- No Unicode filesystem semantics on this platform. 0:07:32 load avg: 0.17 [366/403/51] test_unicodedata -- test_unicode_file skipped PASS: test_bug_1704793 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_bug_4971 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_bug_5828 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_decimal_numeric_consistent (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_digit_numeric_consistent (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_failed_import_during_compiling (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_linebreak_7643 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_ucd_510 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMiscTest) PASS: test_method_checksum (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeMethodsTest) PASS: test_bidirectional (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_category (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_combining (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_decimal (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_decomposition (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_digit (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_east_asian_width (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_function_checksum (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_issue10254 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_mirrored (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_normalize (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_numeric (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) PASS: test_pr29 (test.test_unicodedata.UnicodeFunctionsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 22 tests in 0.598s OK 0:07:33 load avg: 0.17 [367/403/51] test_univnewlines PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.CTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.CTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.CTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.CTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestLFNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_tell (test.test_univnewlines.CTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_tell (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.CTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.CTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.CTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.CTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines.PyTestMixedNewlines) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 34 tests in 0.011s OK 0:07:33 load avg: 0.17 [368/403/51] test_univnewlines2k PASS: test_execfile (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestNativeNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestNativeNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestNativeNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestNativeNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestNativeNewlines) PASS: test_execfile (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRNewlines) PASS: test_execfile (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestLFNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestLFNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestLFNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestLFNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestLFNewlines) PASS: test_execfile (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_tell (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestCRLFNewlines) PASS: test_execfile (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_read (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_readline (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestMixedNewlines) PASS: test_seek (test.test_univnewlines2k.TestMixedNewlines) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 26 tests in 0.003s OK 0:07:33 load avg: 0.17 [369/403/51] test_unpack Trying: t = (1, 2, 3) Expecting nothing ok Trying: a, b, c = t Expecting nothing ok Trying: a == 1 and b == 2 and c == 3 Expecting: True ok Trying: l = [4, 5, 6] Expecting nothing ok Trying: a, b, c = l Expecting nothing ok Trying: a == 4 and b == 5 and c == 6 Expecting: True ok Trying: a, b, c = 7, 8, 9 Expecting nothing ok Trying: a == 7 and b == 8 and c == 9 Expecting: True ok Trying: a, b, c = 'one' Expecting nothing ok Trying: a == 'o' and b == 'n' and c == 'e' Expecting: True ok Trying: class Seq: def __getitem__(self, i): if i >= 0 and i < 3: return i raise IndexError Expecting nothing ok Trying: a, b, c = Seq() Expecting nothing ok Trying: a == 0 and b == 1 and c == 2 Expecting: True ok Trying: st = (99,) Expecting nothing ok Trying: sl = [100] Expecting nothing ok Trying: a, = st Expecting nothing ok Trying: a Expecting: 99 ok Trying: b, = sl Expecting nothing ok Trying: b Expecting: 100 ok Trying: a, b, c = 7 Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable ok Trying: a, b = t Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: too many values to unpack ok Trying: a, b = l Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: too many values to unpack ok Trying: a, b, c, d = Seq() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: need more than 3 values to unpack ok Trying: a, b = Seq() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: too many values to unpack ok Trying: class BozoError(Exception): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: class BadSeq: def __getitem__(self, i): if i >= 0 and i < 3: return i elif i == 3: raise BozoError else: raise IndexError Expecting nothing ok Trying: a, b, c, d, e = BadSeq() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... BozoError ok Trying: a, b, c = BadSeq() Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... BozoError ok 2 items had no tests: test.test_unpack test.test_unpack.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 28 tests in test.test_unpack.__test__.doctests 28 tests in 3 items. 28 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_unpack) ... 28 tests with zero failures 0:07:33 load avg: 0.17 [370/403/51] test_urllib PASS: test_close (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_fileno (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_getcode (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_geturl (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_info (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_interface (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_iter (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_readline (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_readlines (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_relativelocalfile (test.test_urllib.urlopen_FileTests) PASS: test_empty_socket (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_ftp_nonexisting (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_invalid_redirect (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_missing_localfile (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_read (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_read_bogus (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_redirect_limit_independent (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_url_fragment (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_userpass_inurl (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_userpass_with_spaces_inurl (test.test_urllib.urlopen_HttpTests) PASS: test_basic (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_FileTests) PASS: test_copy (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_FileTests) PASS: test_reporthook (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_FileTests) PASS: test_reporthook_0_bytes (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_FileTests) PASS: test_reporthook_5_bytes (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_FileTests) PASS: test_reporthook_8193_bytes (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_FileTests) PASS: test_short_content_raises_ContentTooShortError (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_HttpTests) PASS: test_short_content_raises_ContentTooShortError_without_reporthook (test.test_urllib.urlretrieve_HttpTests) PASS: test_getproxies_environment_keep_no_proxies (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests) PASS: test_proxy_bypass_environment_host_match (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests) PASS: test_proxy_cgi_ignore (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests) PASS: test_default_quoting (test.test_urllib.QuotingTests) PASS: test_default_safe (test.test_urllib.QuotingTests) PASS: test_never_quote (test.test_urllib.QuotingTests) PASS: test_quoting_plus (test.test_urllib.QuotingTests) PASS: test_quoting_space (test.test_urllib.QuotingTests) PASS: test_safe (test.test_urllib.QuotingTests) PASS: test_unquote_with_unicode (test.test_urllib.UnquotingTests) PASS: test_unquoting (test.test_urllib.UnquotingTests) PASS: test_unquoting_badpercent (test.test_urllib.UnquotingTests) PASS: test_unquoting_mixed_case (test.test_urllib.UnquotingTests) PASS: test_unquoting_parts (test.test_urllib.UnquotingTests) PASS: test_unquoting_plus (test.test_urllib.UnquotingTests) PASS: test_doseq (test.test_urllib.urlencode_Tests) PASS: test_quoting (test.test_urllib.urlencode_Tests) PASS: test_using_mapping (test.test_urllib.urlencode_Tests) PASS: test_using_sequence (test.test_urllib.urlencode_Tests) PASS: test_basic (test.test_urllib.Pathname_Tests) SKIP: test_ntpath (test.test_urllib.Pathname_Tests) 'test specific to the nturl2path library' PASS: test_quoting (test.test_urllib.Pathname_Tests) PASS: test_splitattr (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splithost (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splitnport (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splitpasswd (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splitport (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splitquery (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splittag (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splittype (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splituser (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_splitvalue (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_toBytes (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_unwrap (test.test_urllib.Utility_Tests) PASS: test_quoted_open (test.test_urllib.URLopener_Tests) PASS: test_getproxies_environment_keep_no_proxies (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests) PASS: test_proxy_bypass_environment_host_match (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests) PASS: test_proxy_cgi_ignore (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests) PASS: test_getproxies_environment_prefer_lowercase (test.test_urllib.ProxyTests_withOrderedEnv) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 68 tests in 0.012s OK (skipped=1) 0:07:33 load avg: 0.17 [371/403/51] test_urllib2 Trying: err = urllib2.HTTPError(msg='something bad happened', url=None, code=None, hdrs=None, fp=None) Expecting nothing ok Trying: assert hasattr(err, 'reason') Expecting nothing ok Trying: err.reason Expecting: 'something bad happened' ok Trying: mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr() Expecting nothing ok Trying: add = mgr.add_password Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("Some Realm", "", "joe", "password") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("Some Realm", "", "ni", "ni") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("c", "", "foo", "ni") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("c", "", "bar", "nini") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("b", "", "first", "blah") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("b", "", "second", "spam") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("a", "", "1", "a") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("Some Realm", "", "3", "c") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("Some Realm", "", "4", "d") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("Some Realm", "", "5", "e") Expecting nothing ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('joe', 'password') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('joe', 'password') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('joe', 'password') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('joe', 'password') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('joe', 'password') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("c", "") Expecting: ('foo', 'ni') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("c", "") Expecting: ('bar', 'nini') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("b", "") Expecting: ('second', 'spam') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("a", "") Expecting: ('1', 'a') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("a", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('3', 'c') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('3', 'c') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('4', 'd') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") Expecting: ('5', 'e') ok Trying: mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr() Expecting nothing ok Trying: add = mgr.add_password Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("f", "", "10", "j") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("g", "", "11", "k") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("h", "", "12", "l") Expecting nothing ok Trying: add("i", "", "13", "m") Expecting nothing ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("f", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("f", "") Expecting: ('10', 'j') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("f", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("f", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("f", "") Expecting: ('10', 'j') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("f", "") Expecting: ('10', 'j') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("g", "") Expecting: ('11', 'k') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("g", "") Expecting: ('11', 'k') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("g", "") Expecting: ('11', 'k') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("h", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("h", "") Expecting: ('12', 'l') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("h", "") Expecting: ('12', 'l') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("i", "") Expecting: ('13', 'm') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("i", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("i", "") Expecting: ('13', 'm') ok Trying: mgr.find_user_password("i", "") Expecting: (None, None) ok Trying: url = "" Expecting nothing ok Trying: Request(url, headers={"Spam-eggs": "blah"}).headers["Spam-eggs"] Expecting: 'blah' ok Trying: Request(url, headers={"spam-EggS": "blah"}).headers["Spam-eggs"] Expecting: 'blah' ok Trying: url = "" Expecting nothing ok Trying: r = Request(url, headers={"Spam-eggs": "blah"}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: r.has_header("Spam-eggs") Expecting: True ok Trying: r.header_items() Expecting: [('Spam-eggs', 'blah')] ok Trying: r.add_header("Foo-Bar", "baz") Expecting nothing ok Trying: items = r.header_items() Expecting nothing ok Trying: items.sort() Expecting nothing ok Trying: items Expecting: [('Foo-bar', 'baz'), ('Spam-eggs', 'blah')] ok Trying: r.has_header("Not-there") Expecting: False ok Trying: print r.get_header("Not-there") Expecting: None ok Trying: r.get_header("Not-there", "default") Expecting: 'default' ok 105 items had no tests: test.test_urllib2 test.test_urllib2.FakeMethod test.test_urllib2.FakeMethod.__call__ test.test_urllib2.FakeMethod.__init__ test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests._test_basic_auth test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_basic_and_digest_auth_handlers test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_basic_auth test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_basic_auth_with_single_quoted_realm test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_basic_auth_with_unquoted_realm test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_cookie_redirect test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_cookies test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_errors test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_file test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_fixpath_in_weirdurls test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_ftp test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_http test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_http_doubleslash test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_invalid_redirect test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_proxy test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_proxy_basic_auth test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_proxy_https test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_proxy_https_proxy_authorization test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_proxy_no_proxy test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_redirect test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_redirect_fragment test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests.test_redirect_no_path test.test_urllib2.MiscTests test.test_urllib2.MiscTests.opener_has_handler test.test_urllib2.MiscTests.test_build_opener test.test_urllib2.MiscTests.test_unsupported_algorithm test.test_urllib2.MockCookieJar test.test_urllib2.MockCookieJar.add_cookie_header test.test_urllib2.MockCookieJar.extract_cookies test.test_urllib2.MockFile test.test_urllib2.MockFile.close test.test_urllib2.MockFile.readline test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.__call__ test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.__init__ test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.close test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.getresponse test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.request test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.set_debuglevel test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPClass.set_tunnel test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPHandler test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPHandler.__init__ test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPHandler.http_open test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPHandler.reset test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPResponse test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPResponse.__init__ test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPSHandler test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPSHandler.__init__ test.test_urllib2.MockHTTPSHandler.https_open test.test_urllib2.MockHandler test.test_urllib2.MockHandler.__init__ test.test_urllib2.MockHandler.__lt__ test.test_urllib2.MockHandler._define_methods test.test_urllib2.MockHandler.add_parent test.test_urllib2.MockHandler.close test.test_urllib2.MockHandler.handle test.test_urllib2.MockHeaders test.test_urllib2.MockHeaders.getheaders test.test_urllib2.MockOpener test.test_urllib2.MockOpener.error test.test_urllib2.MockPasswordManager test.test_urllib2.MockPasswordManager.add_password test.test_urllib2.MockPasswordManager.find_user_password test.test_urllib2.MockResponse test.test_urllib2.MockResponse.__init__ test.test_urllib2.MockResponse.geturl test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_add_non_handler test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_badly_named_methods test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_handled test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_handler_order test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_http_error test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_processors test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests.test_raise test.test_urllib2.RequestTests test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.setUp test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_HTTPError_interface_call test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_add_data test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_get_full_url test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_get_host test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_get_host_unquote test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_get_type test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_method test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_private_attributes test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_proxy test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_selector test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_url_fragment test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_wrapped_url test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests.test_cafile_and_context test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests.test_parse_http_list test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests.test_trivial test.test_urllib2.add_ordered_mock_handlers test.test_urllib2.build_test_opener test.test_urllib2.sanepathname2url test.test_urllib2.test_main 5 items passed all tests: 3 tests in test.test_urllib2.RequestTests.test_HTTPError_interface 27 tests in test.test_urllib2.test_password_manager 22 tests in test.test_urllib2.test_password_manager_default_port 3 tests in test.test_urllib2.test_request_headers_dict 11 tests in test.test_urllib2.test_request_headers_methods 66 tests in 110 items. 66 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_urllib2) ... 66 tests with zero failures Trying: _parse_proxy('file:/') Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: proxy URL with no authority: 'file:/' ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: (None, None, None, '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: (None, None, None, '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: (None, 'joe', 'password', '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: (None, 'joe', 'password', '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: ('http', None, None, '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: ('http', None, None, '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: ('http', 'joe', 'password', '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: ('http', 'joe', 'password', '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: ('ftp', 'joe', 'password', '') ok Trying: _parse_proxy('') Expecting: ('http', 'joe', 'password', '') ok 118 items had no tests: urllib2 urllib2.AbstractBasicAuthHandler urllib2.AbstractBasicAuthHandler.__init__ urllib2.AbstractBasicAuthHandler.http_error_auth_reqed urllib2.AbstractBasicAuthHandler.retry_http_basic_auth urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.__init__ urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.get_algorithm_impls urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.get_authorization urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.get_cnonce urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.get_entity_digest urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.http_error_auth_reqed urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.reset_retry_count urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.retry_http_digest_auth urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler.__init__ urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler.do_open urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler.do_request_ urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler.set_http_debuglevel urllib2.BaseHandler urllib2.BaseHandler.__lt__ urllib2.BaseHandler.add_parent urllib2.BaseHandler.close urllib2.CacheFTPHandler urllib2.CacheFTPHandler.__init__ urllib2.CacheFTPHandler.check_cache urllib2.CacheFTPHandler.clear_cache urllib2.CacheFTPHandler.connect_ftp urllib2.CacheFTPHandler.setMaxConns urllib2.CacheFTPHandler.setTimeout urllib2.FTPHandler urllib2.FTPHandler.connect_ftp urllib2.FTPHandler.ftp_open urllib2.FileHandler urllib2.FileHandler.file_open urllib2.FileHandler.get_names urllib2.FileHandler.open_local_file urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler.http_error_401 urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.__init__ urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.http_request urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.https_response urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler.http_error_default urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler.http_error_401 urllib2.HTTPError urllib2.HTTPError.__init__ urllib2.HTTPError.__str__ urllib2.HTTPError.reason urllib2.HTTPErrorProcessor urllib2.HTTPErrorProcessor.https_response urllib2.HTTPHandler urllib2.HTTPHandler.http_open urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr.__init__ urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr.add_password urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr.find_user_password urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr.is_suburi urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr.reduce_uri urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm.find_user_password urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_307 urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.redirect_request urllib2.HTTPSHandler urllib2.HTTPSHandler.__init__ urllib2.HTTPSHandler.https_open urllib2.OpenerDirector urllib2.OpenerDirector.__init__ urllib2.OpenerDirector._call_chain urllib2.OpenerDirector._open urllib2.OpenerDirector.add_handler urllib2.OpenerDirector.close urllib2.OpenerDirector.error urllib2.ProxyBasicAuthHandler urllib2.ProxyBasicAuthHandler.http_error_407 urllib2.ProxyDigestAuthHandler urllib2.ProxyDigestAuthHandler.http_error_407 urllib2.ProxyHandler urllib2.ProxyHandler.__init__ urllib2.ProxyHandler.proxy_open urllib2.Request urllib2.Request.__getattr__ urllib2.Request.__init__ urllib2.Request.add_data urllib2.Request.add_header urllib2.Request.add_unredirected_header urllib2.Request.get_data urllib2.Request.get_full_url urllib2.Request.get_header urllib2.Request.get_host urllib2.Request.get_method urllib2.Request.get_origin_req_host urllib2.Request.get_selector urllib2.Request.get_type urllib2.Request.has_data urllib2.Request.has_header urllib2.Request.has_proxy urllib2.Request.header_items urllib2.Request.is_unverifiable urllib2.Request.set_proxy urllib2.URLError urllib2.URLError.__init__ urllib2.URLError.__str__ urllib2.UnknownHandler urllib2.UnknownHandler.unknown_open urllib2._safe_gethostbyname urllib2.build_opener urllib2.install_opener urllib2.parse_http_list urllib2.parse_keqv_list urllib2.randombytes urllib2.request_host urllib2.urlopen 1 items passed all tests: 11 tests in urllib2._parse_proxy 11 tests in 119 items. 11 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (urllib2) ... 11 tests with zero failures PASS: test_cafile_and_context (test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests) PASS: test_parse_http_list (test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests) PASS: test_trivial (test.test_urllib2.TrivialTests) PASS: test_add_non_handler (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_badly_named_methods (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_handled (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_handler_order (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_http_error (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_processors (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_raise (test.test_urllib2.OpenerDirectorTests) PASS: test_basic_and_digest_auth_handlers (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_basic_auth (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_basic_auth_with_single_quoted_realm (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_basic_auth_with_unquoted_realm (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_cookie_redirect (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_cookies (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_errors (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_file (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_fixpath_in_weirdurls (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_ftp (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_http (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_http_doubleslash (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_invalid_redirect (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_proxy (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_proxy_basic_auth (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_proxy_https (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_proxy_https_proxy_authorization (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_proxy_no_proxy (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_redirect (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_redirect_fragment (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) FAIL: test_redirect_no_path (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) PASS: test_build_opener (test.test_urllib2.MiscTests) PASS: test_unsupported_algorithm (test.test_urllib2.MiscTests) PASS: test_HTTPError_interface (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_HTTPError_interface_call (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_add_data (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_get_full_url (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_get_host (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_get_host_unquote (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_get_type (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_method (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_private_attributes (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_proxy (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_selector (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_url_fragment (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) PASS: test_wrapped_url (test.test_urllib2.RequestTests) ====================================================================== FAIL: test_redirect_no_path (test.test_urllib2.HandlerTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1054, in test_redirect_no_path fp = urllib2.urlopen("") File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen return, data, timeout) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 429, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 447, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1228, in http_open return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1195, in do_open h.request(req.get_method(), req.get_selector(),, headers) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1049, in request self.assertEqual(url, next(urls)) AssertionError: '' != '/path' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 46 tests in 0.289s FAILED (failures=1) 0:07:33 load avg: 0.16 [372/403/52] test_urllib2_localnet -- test_urllib2 failed PASS: test_basic_auth_httperror (test.test_urllib2_localnet.BasicAuthTests) FAIL: test_basic_auth_success (test.test_urllib2_localnet.BasicAuthTests) PASS: test_proxy_qop_auth_int_works_or_throws_urlerror (test.test_urllib2_localnet.ProxyAuthTests) PASS: test_proxy_qop_auth_works (test.test_urllib2_localnet.ProxyAuthTests) PASS: test_proxy_with_bad_password_raises_httperror (test.test_urllib2_localnet.ProxyAuthTests) PASS: test_proxy_with_no_password_raises_httperror (test.test_urllib2_localnet.ProxyAuthTests) PASS: test_200 (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) PASS: test_200_with_parameters (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) PASS: test_404 (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) SKIP: test_bad_address (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) "Use of the `network' resource not enabled" PASS: test_basic (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) PASS: test_geturl (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) FAIL: test_https (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread FAIL: test_https_sni (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread test_https_with_cadefault (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) ... stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread ok FAIL: test_https_with_cafile (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) stopping HTTPS server joining HTTPS thread PASS: test_info (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) PASS: test_iteration (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) PASS: test_redirection (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) PASS: test_sending_headers (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_https (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 546, in test_https data = self.urlopen("https://localhost:%s/bizarre" % handler.port, context=context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 453, in urlopen f = urllib2.urlopen(url, data, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen return, data, timeout) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 429, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 447, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1241, in https_open context=self._context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1198, in do_open raise URLError(err) URLError: ====================================================================== ERROR: test_https_sni (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 584, in test_https_sni self.urlopen("https://localhost:%s" % handler.port, context=context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 453, in urlopen f = urllib2.urlopen(url, data, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen return, data, timeout) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 429, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 447, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1241, in https_open context=self._context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1198, in do_open raise URLError(err) URLError: ====================================================================== ERROR: test_https_with_cafile (test.test_urllib2_localnet.TestUrlopen) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 553, in test_https_with_cafile cafile=CERT_localhost) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 453, in urlopen f = urllib2.urlopen(url, data, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen return, data, timeout) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 429, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 447, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1241, in https_open context=self._context) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1198, in do_open raise URLError(err) URLError: ====================================================================== FAIL: test_basic_auth_success (test.test_urllib2_localnet.BasicAuthTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 309, in test_basic_auth_success"Basic Auth Failed for url: %s" % self.server_url) AssertionError: Basic Auth Failed for url: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 20 tests in 151.434s FAILED (failures=1, errors=3, skipped=1) 0:10:05 load avg: 0.05 [373/403/53] test_urllib2net -- test_urllib2_localnet failed in 2 min 31 sec test_urllib2net skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled 0:10:05 load avg: 0.05 [374/403/53] test_urllibnet -- test_urllib2net skipped (resource denied) test_urllibnet skipped -- Use of the `network' resource not enabled 0:10:05 load avg: 0.05 [375/403/53] test_urlparse -- test_urllibnet skipped (resource denied) PASS: test_RFC1808 (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_RFC2368 (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_RFC2396 (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_RFC2732 (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_RFC3986 (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_anyscheme (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) test_attributes_bad_port (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: Check handling of non-integer ports. PASS: test_attributes_without_netloc (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_caching (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_http_roundtrips (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_issue14072 (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_noslash (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_portseparator (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_qs (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_qsl (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_roundtrips (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_telurl_params (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_unparse_parse (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_urldefrag (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_urljoins (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_urlsplit_attributes (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) PASS: test_withoutscheme (test.test_urlparse.UrlParseTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 22 tests in 0.005s OK 0:10:05 load avg: 0.05 [376/403/53] test_userdict PASS: test_all (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_bool (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_clear (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_fromkeys (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_get (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_items (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_keys (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_le (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_missing (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_mutatingiteration (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_update (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_values (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_userdict.UserDictTest) PASS: test_all (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_bool (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_clear (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_fromkeys (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_get (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_has_key (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_items (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_keys (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_read (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_update (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_values (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) PASS: test_write (test.test_userdict.UserDictMixinTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 45 tests in 0.278s OK 0:10:05 load avg: 0.05 [377/403/53] test_userlist PASS: test_add_specials (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_addmul (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_append (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_bigrepeat (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_constructor_exception_handling (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_constructors (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_contains (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_contains_fake (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_contains_order (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_exhausted_iterator (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_extend (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_extendedslicing (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_free_after_iterating (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_getitemoverwriteiter (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_getslice (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_init (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_insert (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_len (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_minmax (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_mixedadd (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_mixedcmp (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_pop (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_print (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_radd_specials (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_remove (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_repeat (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_reverse (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_reversed (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_set_subscript (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_slice (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_sort (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) PASS: test_truth (test.test_userlist.UserListTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 43 tests in 0.148s OK 0:10:06 load avg: 0.05 [378/403/53] test_userstring PASS: test___contains__ (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_center (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_encoding_decoding (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_endswith (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_find_etc_raise_correct_error_messages (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_fixtype (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_floatformatting (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_formatting (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) FAIL: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_inplace_rewrites (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_isalnum (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_isalpha (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_isdigit (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_islower (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_isspace (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_istitle (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_isupper (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_lower (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_maketrans (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_none_arguments (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_partition (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) SKIP: test_replace_overflow (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_rfind (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_rpartition (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_rsplit (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_slice (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_splitlines (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_startswith (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_strip_whitespace (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_title (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_translate (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_upper (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) PASS: test___contains__ (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_capitalize (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_center (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_count (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_delitem (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_encoding_decoding (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_endswith (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_expandtabs (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_extended_getslice (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_extended_set_del_slice (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_find (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_find_etc_raise_correct_error_messages (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_fixtype (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_floatformatting (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_formatting (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) FAIL: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_hash (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_iadd (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_immutable (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_imul (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_index (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_inplace_rewrites (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_isalnum (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_isalpha (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_isdigit (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_islower (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_isspace (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_istitle (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_isupper (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_join (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_ljust (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_lower (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_maketrans (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_mul (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_none_arguments (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_partition (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_replace (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) SKIP: test_replace_overflow (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) 'only applies to 32-bit platforms' PASS: test_rfind (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_rindex (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_rjust (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_rpartition (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_rsplit (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_setitem (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_setslice (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_slice (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_split (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_splitlines (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_startswith (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_strip (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_strip_whitespace (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_subscript (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_swapcase (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_title (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_translate (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_upper (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) PASS: test_zfill (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) ====================================================================== ERROR: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_userstring.UserStringTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1178, in test_formatting_c_limits from _testcapi import PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, INT_MAX, UINT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ====================================================================== ERROR: test_formatting_c_limits (test.test_userstring.MutableStringTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/test/", line 1178, in test_formatting_c_limits from _testcapi import PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, INT_MAX, UINT_MAX ImportError: No module named _testcapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 108 tests in 1.287s FAILED (errors=2, skipped=2) 0:10:07 load avg: 0.05 [379/403/54] test_uu -- test_userstring failed PASS: test_decode (test.test_uu.UUTest) PASS: test_encode (test.test_uu.UUTest) PASS: test_garbage_padding (test.test_uu.UUTest) PASS: test_missingbegin (test.test_uu.UUTest) PASS: test_truncatedinput (test.test_uu.UUTest) PASS: test_decode (test.test_uu.UUStdIOTest) PASS: test_encode (test.test_uu.UUStdIOTest) PASS: test_decode (test.test_uu.UUFileTest) PASS: test_decode_filename (test.test_uu.UUFileTest) PASS: test_decodetwice (test.test_uu.UUFileTest) PASS: test_encode (test.test_uu.UUFileTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 11 tests in 0.001s OK 0:10:07 load avg: 0.05 [380/403/54] test_uuid PASS: testIssue8621 (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_UUID (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_exceptions (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_uuid1 (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_uuid3 (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_uuid4 (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) PASS: test_uuid5 (test.test_uuid.TestUUID) SKIP: test_arp_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) 'requires arp' PASS: test_find_mac (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) PASS: test_ifconfig_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) SKIP: test_ipconfig_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) 'requires Windows' SKIP: test_lanscan_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) 'requires lanscan' SKIP: test_netbios_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) 'requires win32wnet' SKIP: test_netstat_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) 'requires netstat' PASS: test_random_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) PASS: test_unixdll_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) SKIP: test_windll_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternals) 'requires Windows' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 18 tests in 0.047s OK (skipped=6) 0:10:07 load avg: 0.05 [381/403/54] test_wait3 PASS: test_wait (test.test_wait3.Wait3Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 6.013s OK 0:10:13 load avg: 0.05 [382/403/54] test_wait4 PASS: test_wait (test.test_wait4.Wait4Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 6.015s OK 0:10:19 load avg: 0.04 [383/403/54] test_warnings PASS: test_always (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_default (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_error (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_filterwarnings (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_ignore (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_inheritance (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_message_matching (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_module (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_once (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_ordering (test.test_warnings.CFilterTests) PASS: test_always (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_default (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_error (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_filterwarnings (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_ignore (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_inheritance (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_message_matching (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_module (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_once (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_ordering (test.test_warnings.PyFilterTests) PASS: test_accelerated (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_bad_str (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_filename (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_message (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_main_with_argv (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_main_with_argv_empty_string (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_main_without_argv (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_not_main (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_stacklevel (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_warn_explicit_type_errors (test.test_warnings.CWarnTests) PASS: test_bad_str (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_filename (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_message (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_main_with_argv (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_main_with_argv_empty_string (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_main_without_argv (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_missing_filename_not_main (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_pure_python (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_stacklevel (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_warn_explicit_type_errors (test.test_warnings.PyWarnTests) PASS: test_improper_input (test.test_warnings.CWCmdLineTests) PASS: test_improper_option (test.test_warnings.CWCmdLineTests) PASS: test_warnings_bootstrap (test.test_warnings.CWCmdLineTests) PASS: test_improper_input (test.test_warnings.PyWCmdLineTests) PASS: test_improper_option (test.test_warnings.PyWCmdLineTests) PASS: test_warnings_bootstrap (test.test_warnings.PyWCmdLineTests) PASS: test_default_action (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_filename_none (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_filter (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_onceregistry (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_show_warning_output (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_showwarning_missing (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_showwarning_not_callable (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_stderr_none (test.test_warnings._WarningsTests) PASS: test_formatwarning (test.test_warnings.CWarningsDisplayTests) PASS: test_formatwarning_unicode_msg (test.test_warnings.CWarningsDisplayTests) PASS: test_formatwarning_unicode_msg_nonascii_fileline (test.test_warnings.CWarningsDisplayTests) SKIP: test_formatwarning_unicode_msg_nonascii_filename (test.test_warnings.CWarningsDisplayTests) 'need test_support.FS_NONASCII' PASS: test_showwarning (test.test_warnings.CWarningsDisplayTests) PASS: test_formatwarning (test.test_warnings.PyWarningsDisplayTests) PASS: test_formatwarning_unicode_msg (test.test_warnings.PyWarningsDisplayTests) PASS: test_formatwarning_unicode_msg_nonascii_fileline (test.test_warnings.PyWarningsDisplayTests) SKIP: test_formatwarning_unicode_msg_nonascii_filename (test.test_warnings.PyWarningsDisplayTests) 'need test_support.FS_NONASCII' PASS: test_showwarning (test.test_warnings.PyWarningsDisplayTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_defaults (test.test_warnings.CCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_recording (test.test_warnings.CCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_reentry_guard (test.test_warnings.CCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_restore (test.test_warnings.CCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_check_warnings (test.test_warnings.CCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_defaults (test.test_warnings.PyCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_recording (test.test_warnings.PyCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_reentry_guard (test.test_warnings.PyCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_catch_warnings_restore (test.test_warnings.PyCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_check_warnings (test.test_warnings.PyCatchWarningTests) PASS: test_comma_separated_warnings (test.test_warnings.CEnvironmentVariableTests) PASS: test_envvar_and_command_line (test.test_warnings.CEnvironmentVariableTests) PASS: test_single_warning (test.test_warnings.CEnvironmentVariableTests) PASS: test_comma_separated_warnings (test.test_warnings.PyEnvironmentVariableTests) PASS: test_envvar_and_command_line (test.test_warnings.PyEnvironmentVariableTests) PASS: test_single_warning (test.test_warnings.PyEnvironmentVariableTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 80 tests in 0.135s OK (skipped=2) 0:10:19 load avg: 0.04 [384/403/54] test_wave PASS: test_close (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM8Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM16Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM24Test) PASS: test_close (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_copy (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_incompleted_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_multiple_writes (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_overflowed_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_read_not_from_start (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_read_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_unseekable_read (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_write (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) PASS: test_write_params (test.test_wave.WavePCM32Test) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 44 tests in 0.009s OK 0:10:20 load avg: 0.04 [385/403/54] test_weakref PASS: test_basic_callback (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_basic_proxy (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_basic_ref (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callable_proxy (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callback_in_cycle_1 (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callback_in_cycle_2 (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callback_in_cycle_3 (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callback_in_cycle_4 (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callback_in_cycle_resurrection (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callbacks_on_callback (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_callbacks_protected (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_classes (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_constructor_kwargs (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_equality (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_gc_during_proxy_creation (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_gc_during_ref_creation (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_getweakrefcount (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_getweakrefs (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_hashing (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_init (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_multiple_callbacks (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_multiple_selfref_callbacks (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_newstyle_number_ops (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_bool (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_deletion (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_div (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_index (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_ref (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_reuse (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_proxy_unicode (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_ref_created_during_del (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_ref_reuse (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_sf_bug_840829 (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_shared_proxy_without_callback (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_shared_ref_without_callback (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_trashcan_16602 (test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase) PASS: test_make_weak_keyed_dict_from_dict (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_make_weak_keyed_dict_from_weak_keyed_dict (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_make_weak_valued_dict_misc (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_threaded_weak_valued_consistency (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_threaded_weak_valued_pop (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_threaded_weak_valued_setdefault (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_bad_delitem (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_cascading_deletes (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_delitem (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_dict_popitem (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_dict_setdefault (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_dict_update (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_iters (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_len_cycles (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keyed_len_race (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keys (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_keys_destroy_while_iterating (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_delitem (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_dict_popitem (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_dict_setdefault (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_dict_update (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_iters (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_len_cycles (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_valued_len_race (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_values (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_weak_values_destroy_while_iterating (test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase) PASS: test_bool (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_get (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_items (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_keys (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_len (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_pop (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_read (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_update (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_values (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_bool (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_constructor (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_get (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_getitem (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_items (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_keys (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_len (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_pop (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_popitem (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_read (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_setdefault (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_update (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_values (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_write (test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase) PASS: test_subclass_refs (test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase) PASS: test_subclass_refs_dont_conflate_callbacks (test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase) PASS: test_subclass_refs_dont_replace_standard_refs (test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase) PASS: test_subclass_refs_with_cycle (test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase) PASS: test_subclass_refs_with_slots (test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 95 tests in 21.944s OK Trying: import weakref Expecting nothing ok Trying: class Dict(dict): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: obj = Dict(red=1, green=2, blue=3) # this object is weak referencable Expecting nothing ok Trying: r = weakref.ref(obj) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print r() is obj Expecting: True ok Trying: import weakref Expecting nothing ok Trying: class Object: pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: o = Object() Expecting nothing ok Trying: r = weakref.ref(o) Expecting nothing ok Trying: o2 = r() Expecting nothing ok Trying: o is o2 Expecting: True ok Trying: del o, o2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print r() Expecting: None ok Trying: import weakref Expecting nothing ok Trying: class ExtendedRef(weakref.ref): def __init__(self, ob, callback=None, **annotations): super(ExtendedRef, self).__init__(ob, callback) self.__counter = 0 for k, v in annotations.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) def __call__(self): '''Return a pair containing the referent and the number of times the reference has been called. ''' ob = super(ExtendedRef, self).__call__() if ob is not None: self.__counter += 1 ob = (ob, self.__counter) return ob Expecting nothing ok Trying: class A: # not in docs from here, just testing the ExtendedRef pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: a = A() Expecting nothing ok Trying: r = ExtendedRef(a, foo=1, bar="baz") Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: 1 ok Trying: Expecting: 'baz' ok Trying: r()[1] Expecting: 1 ok Trying: r()[1] Expecting: 2 ok Trying: r()[0] is a Expecting: True ok Trying: import weakref Expecting nothing ok Trying: _id2obj_dict = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() Expecting nothing ok Trying: def remember(obj): oid = id(obj) _id2obj_dict[oid] = obj return oid Expecting nothing ok Trying: def id2obj(oid): return _id2obj_dict[oid] Expecting nothing ok Trying: a = A() # from here, just testing Expecting nothing ok Trying: a_id = remember(a) Expecting nothing ok Trying: id2obj(a_id) is a Expecting: True ok Trying: del a Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: id2obj(a_id) except KeyError: print 'OK' else: print 'WeakValueDictionary error' Expecting: OK ok 110 items had no tests: test.test_weakref test.test_weakref.C test.test_weakref.C.method test.test_weakref.Callable test.test_weakref.Callable.__call__ test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_iters test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_len_cycles test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_len_race test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_popitem test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_setdefault test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_update test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_weak_destroy_and_mutate_while_iterating test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.check_weak_destroy_while_iterating test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.make_weak_keyed_dict test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.make_weak_valued_dict test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_make_weak_keyed_dict_from_dict test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_make_weak_keyed_dict_from_weak_keyed_dict test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_make_weak_valued_dict_misc test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_threaded_weak_valued_consistency test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_threaded_weak_valued_pop test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_threaded_weak_valued_setdefault test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_bad_delitem test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_cascading_deletes test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_delitem test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_dict_popitem test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_dict_setdefault test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_dict_update test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_iters test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_len_cycles test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_len_race test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keys test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_keys_destroy_while_iterating test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_delitem test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_dict_popitem test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_dict_setdefault test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_dict_update test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_iters test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_len_cycles test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_valued_len_race test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_values test.test_weakref.MappingTestCase.test_weak_values_destroy_while_iterating test.test_weakref.Object test.test_weakref.Object.__eq__ test.test_weakref.Object.__hash__ test.test_weakref.Object.__init__ test.test_weakref.Object.__ne__ test.test_weakref.Object.__repr__ test.test_weakref.RefCycle test.test_weakref.RefCycle.__init__ test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.check_basic_callback test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.check_basic_ref test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.check_gc_during_creation test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.check_proxy test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.check_shared_without_callback test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_basic_callback test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_basic_proxy test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_basic_ref test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callable_proxy test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callback_in_cycle_1 test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callback_in_cycle_2 test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callback_in_cycle_3 test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callback_in_cycle_4 test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callback_in_cycle_resurrection test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callbacks_on_callback test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_callbacks_protected test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_classes test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_constructor_kwargs test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_equality test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_gc_during_proxy_creation test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_gc_during_ref_creation test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_getweakrefcount test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_getweakrefs test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_hashing test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_init test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_multiple_callbacks test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_multiple_selfref_callbacks test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_newstyle_number_ops test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_bool test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_deletion test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_div test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_index test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_ref test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_reuse test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_proxy_unicode test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_ref_created_during_del test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_ref_reuse test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_sf_bug_840829 test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_shared_proxy_without_callback test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_shared_ref_without_callback test.test_weakref.ReferencesTestCase.test_trashcan_16602 test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase.test_subclass_refs test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase.test_subclass_refs_dont_conflate_callbacks test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase.test_subclass_refs_dont_replace_standard_refs test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase.test_subclass_refs_with_cycle test.test_weakref.SubclassableWeakrefTestCase.test_subclass_refs_with_slots test.test_weakref.TestBase test.test_weakref.TestBase.callback test.test_weakref.TestBase.setUp test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase test.test_weakref.WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase._reference test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase test.test_weakref.WeakValueDictionaryTestCase._reference test.test_weakref.collect_in_thread test.test_weakref.create_bound_method test.test_weakref.create_function test.test_weakref.create_unbound_method test.test_weakref.test_main 1 items passed all tests: 32 tests in test.test_weakref.__test__.libreftest 32 tests in 111 items. 32 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. doctest (test.test_weakref) ... 32 tests with zero failures 0:10:42 load avg: 0.31 [386/403/54] test_weakset PASS: test_add (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_and (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_clear (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_constructor_identity (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_contains (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_copy (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_difference (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_difference_update (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_discard (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_eq (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_gc (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_gt (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_hash (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_iand (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_init (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_inplace_on_self (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_intersection (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_intersection_update (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_ior (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_isdisjoint (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_isub (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_ixor (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_len (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_len_cycles (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_len_race (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_lt (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_methods (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_ne (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_new_or_init (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_or (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_pop (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_remove (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_sub (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_sub_and_super (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_subclass_with_custom_hash (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_symmetric_difference (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_symmetric_difference_update (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_union (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_update (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_update_set (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_weak_destroy_and_mutate_while_iterating (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_weak_destroy_while_iterating (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) PASS: test_xor (test.test_weakset.TestWeakSet) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 43 tests in 0.266s OK 0:10:42 load avg: 0.31 [387/403/54] test_whichdb PASS: test_whichdb_dbhash (test.test_whichdb.WhichDBTestCase) PASS: test_whichdb_dbm (test.test_whichdb.WhichDBTestCase) PASS: test_whichdb_dumbdbm (test.test_whichdb.WhichDBTestCase) PASS: test_whichdb_gdbm (test.test_whichdb.WhichDBTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.001s OK 0:10:42 load avg: 0.31 [388/403/54] test_winreg test_winreg skipped -- No module named _winreg 0:10:42 load avg: 0.31 [389/403/54] test_winsound -- test_winreg skipped test_winsound skipped -- Use of the `audio' resource not enabled 0:10:42 load avg: 0.31 [390/403/54] test_with -- test_winsound skipped (resource denied) PASS: testAssignmentToEmptyTupleError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testAssignmentToNoneError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testAssignmentToTupleContainingNoneError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testAssignmentToTupleOnlyContainingNoneError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testEnterAttributeError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testEnterThrows (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testExitAttributeError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testExitThrows (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testNameError (test.test_with.FailureTestCase) PASS: testBoundGenerator (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testInlineGeneratorBoundSyntax (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testInlineGeneratorBoundToDottedVariable (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testInlineGeneratorBoundToExistingVariable (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testInlineGeneratorSyntax (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testNestedSingleStatements (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testUnboundGenerator (test.test_with.NonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testMultipleArgBound (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testMultipleArgUnbound (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testSingleArgBoundToMultipleElementTupleError (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testSingleArgBoundToNonTuple (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testSingleArgBoundToSingleElementParenthesizedList (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testSingleArgInlineGeneratorSyntax (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testSingleArgUnbound (test.test_with.NestedNonexceptionalTestCase) PASS: testErrorsInBool (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testExceptionNormalized (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testMultipleResourcesInSingleStatement (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testNestedExceptionAfterInnerStatement (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testNestedExceptionBeforeInnerStatement (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testNestedSingleStatements (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testRaisedGeneratorExit1 (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testRaisedGeneratorExit2 (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testRaisedStopIteration1 (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testRaisedStopIteration2 (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testRaisedStopIteration3 (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testSingleResource (test.test_with.ExceptionalTestCase) PASS: testWithBreak (test.test_with.NonLocalFlowControlTestCase) PASS: testWithContinue (test.test_with.NonLocalFlowControlTestCase) PASS: testWithRaise (test.test_with.NonLocalFlowControlTestCase) PASS: testWithReturn (test.test_with.NonLocalFlowControlTestCase) PASS: testWithYield (test.test_with.NonLocalFlowControlTestCase) PASS: testMultipleComplexTargets (test.test_with.AssignmentTargetTestCase) PASS: testSingleComplexTarget (test.test_with.AssignmentTargetTestCase) PASS: testExitFalseDoesntSwallowException (test.test_with.ExitSwallowsExceptionTestCase) PASS: testExitTrueSwallowsException (test.test_with.ExitSwallowsExceptionTestCase) PASS: testEnterReturnsTuple (test.test_with.NestedWith) PASS: testExceptionInEnter (test.test_with.NestedWith) PASS: testExceptionInExit (test.test_with.NestedWith) PASS: testExceptionInExprList (test.test_with.NestedWith) PASS: testNoExceptions (test.test_with.NestedWith) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 49 tests in 0.002s OK 0:10:42 load avg: 0.31 [391/403/54] test_wsgiref 0:10:42 load avg: 0.31 [392/403/55] test_xdrlib -- test_wsgiref failed PASS: test_xdr (test.test_xdrlib.XDRTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK PASS: test_double (test.test_xdrlib.ConversionErrorTest) PASS: test_float (test.test_xdrlib.ConversionErrorTest) PASS: test_pack_int (test.test_xdrlib.ConversionErrorTest) PASS: test_pack_uint (test.test_xdrlib.ConversionErrorTest) PASS: test_uhyper (test.test_xdrlib.ConversionErrorTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 5 tests in 0.000s OK 0:10:42 load avg: 0.31 [393/403/55] test_xml_etree PASS: test_sanity (test.test_xml_etree.ModuleTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_negative_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_range (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_single_index (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_negative_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_range (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_single_index (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_cyclic_gc (test.test_xml_etree.BasicElementTest) PASS: test_get_keyword_args (test.test_xml_etree.BasicElementTest) PASS: test_weakref (test.test_xml_etree.BasicElementTest) PASS: test_ass_subscr (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_element_get_tail (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_element_get_text (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_element_iter (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_extend_mutable_list (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_extend_mutable_list2 (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_recursive_repr (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_remove_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_subscr (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_find_with_error (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_find_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findall_with_error (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findall_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findtext_with_error (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findtext_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_attrib (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_cdata (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_custom_builder (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_doctype_public (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_entity (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_file_init (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_getchildren (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_html_empty_elems_serialization (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_interface (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_issue18347 (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_iterparse (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_makeelement (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_methods (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_namespace (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_parsefile (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_parseliteral (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_path_cache (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_processinginstruction (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_qname (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_set_attribute (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_simpleops (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_writefile (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_writestring (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_xpath_tokenizer (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_read_from_stringio (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_read_from_user_reader (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_tostringlist_invariant (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_file (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_filename (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_stringio (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_user_writer (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_error_code (test.test_xml_etree.ParseErrorTest) PASS: test_error_position (test.test_xml_etree.ParseErrorTest) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.ParseErrorTest) PASS: test_xinclude (test.test_xml_etree.XIncludeTest) PASS: test_xinclude_default (test.test_xml_etree.XIncludeTest) PASS: test_xinclude_failures (test.test_xml_etree.XIncludeTest) PASS: test_Element_subclass_constructor (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) PASS: test_Element_subclass_new_method (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) PASS: test_Element_subclass_trivial (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) PASS: test_istype (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) PASS: test_bad_find (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_find_simple (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_find_through_ElementTree (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_find_xpath (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_findall (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_simplefind (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_test_find_with_ns (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_corners (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_getiterator (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_iter_by_tag (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_doctype (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) PASS: test_dummy_builder (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) PASS: test_element_factory (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) PASS: test_element_factory_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) PASS: test_treebuilder_elementfactory_none (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) PASS: test_constructor_args (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) PASS: test_doctype_warning (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) PASS: test_subclass_doctype (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) PASS: test_bug_1534630 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200708_close (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200708_newline (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_default_namespace (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_element_comment (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_element_insert (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_iter_comment (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_register_namespace (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit21 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit25 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit28 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit39 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit54 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit55 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit60 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit62 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit63 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkitX1 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue10777 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue3151 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue6233 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue6565 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 117 tests in 0.237s OK 0:10:43 load avg: 0.31 [394/403/55] test_xml_etree_c PASS: test_del_attribute (test.test_xml_etree_c.MiscTests) SKIP: test_length_overflow (test.test_xml_etree_c.MiscTests) 'not enough free memory, need at least 2 GB' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK (skipped=1) PASS: test_sanity (test.test_xml_etree.ModuleTest) PASS: test_delslice (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_negative_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_range (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_single_index (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_getslice_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_negative_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_range (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_single_index (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) PASS: test_setslice_steps (test.test_xml_etree.ElementSlicingTest) SKIP: test_cyclic_gc (test.test_xml_etree.BasicElementTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_get_keyword_args (test.test_xml_etree.BasicElementTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_weakref (test.test_xml_etree.BasicElementTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_ass_subscr (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_element_get_tail (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_element_get_text (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_element_iter (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_extend_mutable_list (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_extend_mutable_list2 (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_recursive_repr (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) SKIP: test_remove_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_subscr (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementTest) PASS: test_find_with_error (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_find_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findall_with_error (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findall_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findtext_with_error (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_findtext_with_mutating (test.test_xml_etree.BadElementPathTest) PASS: test_attrib (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_cdata (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_custom_builder (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_doctype_public (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_entity (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_file_init (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_getchildren (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_html_empty_elems_serialization (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_interface (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_issue18347 (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_iterparse (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_makeelement (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_methods (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_namespace (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_parsefile (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_parseliteral (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_path_cache (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_processinginstruction (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_qname (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_set_attribute (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_simpleops (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_writefile (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_writestring (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_xpath_tokenizer (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTest) PASS: test_encoding (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_read_from_stringio (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_read_from_user_reader (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_tostringlist_invariant (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_file (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_filename (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_stringio (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) PASS: test_write_to_user_writer (test.test_xml_etree.IOTest) SKIP: test_error_code (test.test_xml_etree.ParseErrorTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_error_position (test.test_xml_etree.ParseErrorTest) PASS: test_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.ParseErrorTest) PASS: test_xinclude (test.test_xml_etree.XIncludeTest) PASS: test_xinclude_default (test.test_xml_etree.XIncludeTest) PASS: test_xinclude_failures (test.test_xml_etree.XIncludeTest) SKIP: test_Element_subclass_constructor (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_Element_subclass_new_method (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_Element_subclass_trivial (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_istype (test.test_xml_etree.ElementTreeTypeTest) PASS: test_bad_find (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_find_simple (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_find_through_ElementTree (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_find_xpath (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_findall (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) SKIP: test_simplefind (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_test_find_with_ns (test.test_xml_etree.ElementFindTest) PASS: test_basic (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_copy (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_corners (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_getiterator (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_iter_by_tag (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) PASS: test_pickle (test.test_xml_etree.ElementIterTest) SKIP: test_doctype (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_dummy_builder (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) SKIP: test_element_factory (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_element_factory_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_treebuilder_elementfactory_none (test.test_xml_etree.TreeBuilderTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_constructor_args (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_doctype_warning (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_subclass (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) 'only for the Python version' SKIP: test_subclass_doctype (test.test_xml_etree.XMLParserTest) 'only for the Python version' PASS: test_bug_1534630 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200708_close (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200708_newline (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_default_namespace (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_element_comment (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_element_insert (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_iter_comment (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_200709_register_namespace (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit21 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit25 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit28 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit39 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit54 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit55 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit60 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit62 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkit63 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_bug_xmltoolkitX1 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue10777 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue3151 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue6233 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) PASS: test_issue6565 (test.test_xml_etree.BugsTest) SKIP: test_correct_import_pyET (test.test_xml_etree.NoAcceleratorTest) 'only for the Python version' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 118 tests in 0.020s OK (skipped=19) 0:10:43 load avg: 0.31 [395/403/55] test_xmllib test_xmllib skipped -- No module named xmllib 0:10:43 load avg: 0.31 [396/403/55] test_xmlrpc -- test_xmllib skipped 0:10:43 load avg: 0.31 [397/403/56] test_xpickle -- test_xmlrpc failed PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_float (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_long (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_xpickle.DumpCPickle_LoadPickle) PASS: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_dynamic_class (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_float (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_global_ext1 (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_global_ext2 (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_global_ext4 (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_long (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_frozenset_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_list_subclass_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_set_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_recursive_tuple_subclass_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) PASS: test_unicode_high_plane (test.test_xpickle.DumpPickle_LoadCPickle) SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.CPicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython24Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython25Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython26Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_appends_on_non_lists (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_attribute_name_interning (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_bad_getattr (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_complex_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_dict_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_float_format (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_getinitargs (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_ints (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_large_pickles (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_list_chunking (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long1 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_long4 (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_many_puts_and_gets (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_metaclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_misc (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_generic (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_list_slots (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_proxies (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_newobj_tuple (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_proto (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_dict_subclass_key (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_list_subclass (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_multi (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_inst (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_recursive_tuple_and_list (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_bad_iterator (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_called (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_calls_base (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_roundtrip_equality (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_setitems_on_non_dicts (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_short_tuples (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_simple_newobj (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_singletons (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_structseq (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" SKIP: test_unicode (test.test_xpickle.PicklePython27Compat) "Use of the `xpickle' resource not enabled" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 506 tests in 0.132s OK (skipped=388) 0:10:43 load avg: 0.31 [398/403/56] test_xrange PASS: test_pickling (test.test_xrange.XrangeTest) PASS: test_range_iterators (test.test_xrange.XrangeTest) PASS: test_repr (test.test_xrange.XrangeTest) PASS: test_xrange (test.test_xrange.XrangeTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.111s OK 0:10:43 load avg: 0.37 [399/403/56] test_zipfile PASS: test_absolute_arcnames (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_add_file_before_1980 (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_append_to_concatenated_zip_file (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) test_append_to_non_zip_file (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Test appending to an existing file that is not a zipfile. test_append_to_zip_file (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Test appending to an existing zipfile. test_close (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Check that the zipfile is closed after the 'with' block. test_close_on_exception (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Check that the zipfile is closed if an exception is raised in the PASS: test_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_extract (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_extract_all (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_extract_hackers_arcnames (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) SKIP: test_extract_unicode_filenames (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) 'No Unicode filesystem semantics on this platform.' PASS: test_ignores_newline_at_end (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_ignores_stuff_appended_past_comments (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_iterlines_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_iterlines_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) test_low_compression (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Check for cases where compressed data is larger than original. PASS: test_open_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_open_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_open_via_zip_info (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) test_per_file_compression (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Check that files within a Zip archive can have different PASS: test_random_open_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_random_open_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_read_concatenated_zip_file (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_readline_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_readline_read_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_readline_read_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_readline_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_readlines_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_readlines_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_universal_readaheads (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) test_write_default_name (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Check that calling ZipFile.write without arcname specified test_write_to_readonly (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: Check that trying to call write() on a readonly ZipFile object PASS: test_writestr_compression (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_writestr_permissions (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithSourceFile) PASS: test_absolute_arcnames (test.test_zipfile.TestZip64InSmallFiles) PASS: test_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestZip64InSmallFiles) PASS: test_large_file_exception (test.test_zipfile.TestZip64InSmallFiles) PASS: test_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestZip64InSmallFiles) PASS: test_too_many_files (test.test_zipfile.TestZip64InSmallFiles) PASS: test_too_many_files_append (test.test_zipfile.TestZip64InSmallFiles) test_bad_compression_mode (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that bad compression methods passed to are test_bad_constructor_mode (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that bad modes passed to ZipFile constructor are caught. test_bad_open_mode (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that bad modes passed to are caught. PASS: test_change_comment_in_empty_archive (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_change_comment_in_nonempty_archive (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_close_erroneous_file (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_closed_zip_raises_RuntimeError (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Verify that testzip() doesn't swallow inappropriate exceptions. test_comments (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that comments on the archive are handled properly. PASS: test_create_non_existent_file_for_append (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_create_zipinfo_before_1980 (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_damaged_zipfile (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that zipfiles with missing bytes at the end raise BadZipFile. PASS: test_empty_file_raises_BadZipFile (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_empty_zipfile (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_is_zip_erroneous_file (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that is_zipfile() correctly identifies non-zip files. test_is_zip_valid_file (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that is_zipfile() correctly identifies zip files. PASS: test_non_existent_file_raises_IOError (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_null_byte_in_filename (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that a filename containing a null byte is properly PASS: test_open_empty_file (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_open_non_existent_item (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that attempting to call open() for an item that doesn't test_read0 (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that calling read(0) on a ZipExtFile object returns an empty PASS: test_read_return_size_deflated (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_read_return_size_stored (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_read_with_bad_crc_deflated (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_read_with_bad_crc_stored (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_struct_sizes (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: Check that ZIP internal structure sizes are calculated correctly. PASS: test_testzip_with_bad_crc_deflated (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_testzip_with_bad_crc_stored (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_unicode_filenames (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: test_unsupported_compression (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) test_zipfile_with_short_extra_field (test.test_zipfile.OtherTests) PASS: If an extra field in the header is less than 4 bytes, skip it. PASS: test_write_non_pyfile (test.test_zipfile.PyZipFileTests) PASS: test_write_pyfile (test.test_zipfile.PyZipFileTests) PASS: test_write_python_directory (test.test_zipfile.PyZipFileTests) PASS: test_write_python_package (test.test_zipfile.PyZipFileTests) PASS: test_bad_password (test.test_zipfile.DecryptionTests) PASS: test_good_password (test.test_zipfile.DecryptionTests) PASS: test_no_password (test.test_zipfile.DecryptionTests) PASS: test_different_file (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_interleaved (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_many_opens (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_read_after_close (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_read_after_write (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_same_file (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_write_after_read (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithMultipleOpens) PASS: test_bug_6050 (test.test_zipfile.TestWithDirectory) PASS: test_extract_dir (test.test_zipfile.TestWithDirectory) PASS: test_write_dir (test.test_zipfile.TestWithDirectory) PASS: test_writestr_dir (test.test_zipfile.TestWithDirectory) PASS: test_iterlines_deflated (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_iterlines_stored (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_read_deflated (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_read_stored (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_readline_deflated (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_readline_read_deflated (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_readline_read_stored (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_readline_stored (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_readlines_deflated (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_readlines_stored (test.test_zipfile.UniversalNewlineTests) PASS: test_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithRandomBinaryFiles) PASS: test_open_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithRandomBinaryFiles) PASS: test_open_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithRandomBinaryFiles) PASS: test_random_open_deflated (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithRandomBinaryFiles) PASS: test_random_open_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithRandomBinaryFiles) PASS: test_stored (test.test_zipfile.TestsWithRandomBinaryFiles) PASS: test_create_command (test.test_zipfile.CommandLineTest) PASS: test_extract_command (test.test_zipfile.CommandLineTest) PASS: test_list_command (test.test_zipfile.CommandLineTest) PASS: test_test_command (test.test_zipfile.CommandLineTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 110 tests in 1.134s OK (skipped=1) 0:10:44 load avg: 0.37 [400/403/56] test_zipfile64 test_zipfile64 skipped -- test requires loads of disk-space bytes and a long time to run 0:10:45 load avg: 0.37 [401/403/56] test_zipimport -- test_zipfile64 skipped (resource denied) PASS: testAFakeZlib (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadMTime (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadMagic (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadMagic2 (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBoth (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testDeepPackage (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) testDoctestFile (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) ... Trying: log.append(True) Expecting nothing ok 1 items passed all tests: 1 tests in xyz.txt 1 tests in 1 items. 1 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. ok PASS: testDoctestSuite (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testEmptyPy (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testGetCompiledSource (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testGetData (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testGetSource (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testImport_WithStuff (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testImporterAttr (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testPackage (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testPy (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testPyc (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testTraceback (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testZipImporterMethods (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testZipImporterMethodsInSubDirectory (test.test_zipimport.UncompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testAFakeZlib (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadMTime (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadMagic (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadMagic2 (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBoth (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testDeepPackage (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) testDoctestFile (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) ... Trying: log.append(True) Expecting nothing ok 1 items passed all tests: 1 tests in xyz.txt 1 tests in 1 items. 1 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. ok PASS: testDoctestSuite (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testEmptyPy (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testGetCompiledSource (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testGetData (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testGetSource (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testImport_WithStuff (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testImporterAttr (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testPackage (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testPy (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testPyc (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testTraceback (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testZipImporterMethods (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testZipImporterMethodsInSubDirectory (test.test_zipimport.CompressedZipImportTestCase) PASS: testBadArgs (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) PASS: testEmptyFile (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) PASS: testEmptyFilename (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) PASS: testFileUnreadable (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) PASS: testFilenameTooLong (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) PASS: testNoFile (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) PASS: testNotZipFile (test.test_zipimport.BadFileZipImportTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 47 tests in 0.018s OK 0:10:45 load avg: 0.37 [402/403/56] test_zipimport_support test_doctest_issue4197 (test.test_zipimport_support.ZipSupportTests) ... Contents of '/var/volatile/tmp/tmp1L6NR2/': File Name Modified Size 2018-02-13 02:30:28 86722 2018-02-13 02:30:28 269 2018-02-13 02:30:28 1041 2018-02-13 02:30:28 227 Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.SampleClass Trying: print 1 Expecting: 1 ok Trying: sc = SampleClass(3) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for i in range(10): sc = sc.double() print sc.get(), Expecting: 6 12 24 48 96 192 384 768 1536 3072 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 3 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.NestedClass Trying: x = SampleClass.NestedClass(5) Expecting nothing ok Trying: y = x.square() Expecting nothing ok Trying: print y.get() Expecting: 25 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 3 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.__init__ Trying: print SampleClass.NestedClass().get() Expecting: 0 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.__init__ Trying: print SampleClass(12).get() Expecting: 12 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.a_classmethod Trying: print SampleClass.a_classmethod(10) Expecting: 12 ok Trying: print SampleClass(0).a_classmethod(10) Expecting: 12 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 2 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest Trying: print SampleClass(22).a_property Expecting: 22 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.a_staticmethod Trying: print SampleClass.a_staticmethod(10) Expecting: 11 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.double Trying: print SampleClass(12).double().get() Expecting: 24 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.get Trying: print SampleClass(-5).get() Expecting: -5 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass Trying: print '1\n2\n3' Expecting: 1 2 3 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.__init__ Trying: print SampleNewStyleClass(12).get() Expecting: 12 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.double Trying: print SampleNewStyleClass(12).double().get() Expecting: 24 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.get Trying: print SampleNewStyleClass(-5).get() Expecting: -5 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.old_test1 Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={'x': 42}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.runstring(r''' >>> x = x * 2 >>> print x 42 ''', 'XYZ') Expecting: ********************************************************************** Line 3, in XYZ Failed example: print x Expected: 42 Got: 84 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: t.runstring(">>> x = x * 2\n>>> print x\n84\n", 'example2') Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: t.summarize() Expecting: ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in XYZ ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. TestResults(failed=1, attempted=4) ok Trying: t.summarize(verbose=1) Expecting: 1 items passed all tests: 2 tests in example2 ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in XYZ 4 tests in 2 items. 3 passed and 1 failed. ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. TestResults(failed=1, attempted=4) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 6 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.old_test2 Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=1) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = r''' # just an example >>> x = 1 + 2 >>> x 3 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.runstring(test, "Example") Expecting: Running string Example Trying: x = 1 + 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: x Expecting: 3 ok 0 of 2 examples failed in string Example TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 4 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.old_test3 Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: def _f(): '''Trivial docstring example. >>> assert 2 == 2 ''' return 32 Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.rundoc(_f) # expect 0 failures in 1 example Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 4 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.old_test4 Trying: import types Expecting nothing ok Trying: m1 = types.ModuleType('_m1') Expecting nothing ok Trying: m2 = types.ModuleType('_m2') Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_data = """ def _f(): '''>>> assert 1 == 1 ''' def g(): '''>>> assert 2 != 1 ''' class H: '''>>> assert 2 > 1 ''' def bar(self): '''>>> assert 1 < 2 ''' """ Expecting nothing ok Trying: exec test_data in m1.__dict__ Expecting nothing ok Trying: exec test_data in m2.__dict__ Expecting nothing ok Trying: m1.__dict__.update({"f2": m2._f, "g2": m2.g, "h2": m2.H}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test", m1) # f2 and g2 and h2 skipped Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4) ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test_pvt") # None are skipped. Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=8) ok Trying: doctest.testmod(m1, verbose=False) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 13 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.sample_func Trying: print sample_func(22) Expecting: 44 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 1 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_DocTest Trying: docstring = ''' >>> print 12 12 Non-example text. >>> print 'another\example' another example ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: globs = {} # globals to run the test in. Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'some_file', 20) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print test Expecting: ok Trying: len(test.examples) Expecting: 2 ok Trying: e1, e2 = test.examples Expecting nothing ok Trying: (e1.source, e1.want, e1.lineno) Expecting: ('print 12\n', '12\n', 1) ok Trying: (e2.source, e2.want, e2.lineno) Expecting: ("print 'another\\example'\n", 'another\nexample\n', 6) ok Trying: (, test.filename, test.lineno) Expecting: ('some_test', 'some_file', 20) ok Trying: test.lineno + e1.lineno Expecting: 21 ok Trying: test.lineno + e2.lineno Expecting: 26 ok Trying: docstring = r''' >>> print 'bad\nindentation' bad indentation ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 4 of the docstring for some_test has inconsistent leading whitespace: 'indentation' ok Trying: docstring = r''' >>> print ('bad indentation', ... 2) ('bad', 'indentation') ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 2 of the docstring for some_test has inconsistent leading whitespace: '... 2)' ok Trying: docstring = '>>>print 1\n1' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 1 of the docstring for some_test lacks blank after >>>: '>>>print 1' ok Trying: docstring = '>>> if 1:\n...print 1\n1' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 2 of the docstring for some_test lacks blank after ...: '...print 1' ok Trying: docstring = ''' >>> print 12 12 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'some_test', 20) Expecting nothing ok Trying: same_test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'some_test', 20) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test == same_test Expecting: True ok Trying: test != same_test Expecting: False ok Trying: hash(test) == hash(same_test) Expecting: True ok Trying: docstring = ''' >>> print 42 42 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: other_test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'other_test', 'other_file', 10) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test == other_test Expecting: False ok Trying: test != other_test Expecting: True ok Trying: DocTestCase = doctest.DocTestCase Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_case = DocTestCase(test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: same_test_case = DocTestCase(same_test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: other_test_case = DocTestCase(other_test) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_case == same_test_case Expecting: True ok Trying: test_case != same_test_case Expecting: False ok Trying: hash(test_case) == hash(same_test_case) Expecting: True ok Trying: test == other_test_case Expecting: False ok Trying: test != other_test_case Expecting: True ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 39 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_DocTestParser Trying: s = ''' >>> x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected >>> if 1: ... print x ... print y 2 3 Some text. >>> x+y 5 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: for piece in parser.parse(s): if isinstance(piece, doctest.Example): print 'Example:', (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno) else: print ' Text:', `piece` Expecting: Text: '\n' Example: ('x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected\n', '', 1) Text: '' Example: ('if 1:\n print x\n print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2) Text: '\nSome text.\n' Example: ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9) Text: '' ok Trying: for piece in parser.get_examples(s): print (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno) Expecting: ('x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected\n', '', 1) ('if 1:\n print x\n print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2) ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9) ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(s, {}, 'name', 'filename', lineno=5) Expecting nothing ok Trying: (, test.filename, test.lineno) Expecting: ('name', 'filename', 5) ok Trying: for piece in test.examples: print (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno) Expecting: ('x, y = 2, 3 # no output expected\n', '', 1) ('if 1:\n print x\n print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2) ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 7 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.basics Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 14 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Trying: x = 12 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x Expecting: 14 ********************************************************************** File ..., line 4, in f Failed example: print x Expected: 14 Got: 12 Trying: x//2 Expecting: 6 ok TestResults(failed=1, attempted=3) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 6 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.exceptions Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x//0 Traceback (most recent call last): ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print 'pre-exception output', x//0 pre-exception output Traceback (most recent call last): ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 4, in f Failed example: print 'pre-exception output', x//0 Exception raised: ... ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'multi\nline\nmessage' Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: multi line message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'message' Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: wrong message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: raise ValueError, 'message' Expected: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: wrong message Got: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: message TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: wrong message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') Traceback (most recent call last): httplib.HTTPException: message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 4, in f Failed example: raise HTTPException('message') Expected: Traceback (most recent call last): httplib.HTTPException: message Got: Traceback (most recent call last): ... HTTPException: message TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') Traceback (most recent call last): HTTPException: message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): HTTPException: message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from httplib import HTTPException >>> raise HTTPException('message') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): message ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: wrong type ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Expected: Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: wrong type Got: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: message TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from Queue import Empty >>> raise Empty() #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> from Queue import Empty >>> raise Empty() #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> 1//0 0 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: 1//0 Exception raised: Traceback (most recent call last): ... ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 39 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.option_directives Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # should fail: no ellipsis [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # should fail: no ellipsis Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> # should fail: no ellipsis >>> print range(10) # doctest: -ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 6, in f Failed example: print range(10) # doctest: -ELLIPSIS Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ********************************************************************** File ..., line 8, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail: no ellipsis Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=2, attempted=3) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should succeed ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should succeed ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS,+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) # Should fail [0, 1, ..., 9] >>> print range(10) # Should succeed ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(10) # Should fail Expected: [0, 1, ..., 9] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print range(10) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [0, 1, ..., 9] ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> for x in range(10): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... print x, 0 1 2 ... 9 >>> for x in range(10): ... print x, # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0 1 2 ... 9 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' Should fail (option directive not on the last line): >>> for x in range(10): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... print x, # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0 1 2...9 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: s = '>>> print 12 #doctest: +BADOPTION' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 1 of the doctest for s has an invalid option: '+BADOPTION' ok Trying: s = '>>> print 12 #doctest: ELLIPSIS' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 1 of the doctest for s has an invalid option: 'ELLIPSIS' ok Trying: s = '>>> # doctest: +ELLIPSIS' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: line 0 of the doctest for s has an option directive on a line with no example: '# doctest: +ELLIPSIS' ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 33 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.optionflags Trying: def f(x): '>>> True\n1\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: True Expected: 1 Got: True TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> print "a\\n\\nb"\na\n\nb\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print "a\n\nb" Expected: a b Got: a b TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> print 1, 2, 3\n 1 2\n 3' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print 1, 2, 3 Expected: 1 2 3 Got: 1 2 3 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: print range(20) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] ok Trying: def f(x): '>>> print range(15)\n[0, 1, 2, ..., 14]\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 2, in f Failed example: print range(15) Expected: [0, 1, 2, ..., 14] Got: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.ELLIPSIS Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1) ok Trying: for i in range(100): print i**2, #doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: 0 1...4...9 16 ... 36 49 64 ... 9801 ok Trying: for i in range(21): #doctest: +ELLIPSIS print i, Expecting: 0 1 2 ...1...2...0 ok Trying: print range(20) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS Expecting: [0, 1, ..., 18, 19] ok Trying: print range(20) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: [0, 1, ..., 18, 19] ok Trying: import random Expecting nothing ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print '\n'.join('abcdefg') a B c d f g h ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print '\n'.join('abcdefg') Expected: a B c d f g h Got: a b c d e f g TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_UDIFF Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print '\n'.join('abcdefg') Differences (unified diff with -expected +actual): @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ a -B +b c d +e f g -h TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_CDIFF Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print '\n'.join('abcdefg') Differences (context diff with expected followed by actual): *************** *** 1,7 **** a ! B c d f g - h --- 1,7 ---- a ! b c d + e f g TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print "a b c d e f g h i j k l m" a b c d e f g h i j k 1 m ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_NDIFF Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 3, in f Failed example: print "a b c d e f g h i j k l m" Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual): - a b c d e f g h i j k 1 m ? ^ + a b c d e f g h i j k l m ? + ++ ^ TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print 1 # first success 1 >>> print 2 # first failure 200 >>> print 3 # second failure 300 >>> print 4 # second success 4 >>> print 5 # third failure 500 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 5, in f Failed example: print 2 # first failure Expected: 200 Got: 2 TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5) ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: Trying: print 1 # first success Expecting: 1 ok Trying: print 2 # first failure Expecting: 200 ********************************************************************** File ..., line 5, in f Failed example: print 2 # first failure Expected: 200 Got: 2 TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5) ok Trying: def f(x): r''' >>> print 1 # first success 1 >>> raise ValueError(2) # first failure 200 >>> print 3 # second failure 300 >>> print 4 # second success 4 >>> print 5 # third failure 500 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: flags = doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: ********************************************************************** File ..., line 5, in f Failed example: raise ValueError(2) # first failure Exception raised: ... ValueError: 2 TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5) ok Trying: unlikely = "UNLIKELY_OPTION_NAME" Expecting nothing ok Trying: unlikely in doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME Expecting: False ok Trying: new_flag_value = doctest.register_optionflag(unlikely) Expecting nothing ok Trying: unlikely in doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME Expecting: True ok Trying: redundant_flag_value = doctest.register_optionflag(unlikely) Expecting nothing ok Trying: redundant_flag_value == new_flag_value Expecting: True ok Trying: del doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME[unlikely] Expecting nothing ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 59 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.verbose_flag Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True).run(test) Expecting: Trying: x = 12 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x Expecting: 12 ok Trying: x//2 Expecting: 6 ok TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: old_argv = sys.argv Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.argv = ['test'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner().run(test) Expecting: TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: sys.argv = ['test', '-v'] Expecting nothing ok Trying: doctest.DocTestRunner().run(test) Expecting: Trying: x = 12 Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x Expecting: 12 ok Trying: x//2 Expecting: 6 ok TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: sys.argv = old_argv Expecting nothing ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 9 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_Example Trying: example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: (example.source, example.want, example.exc_msg, example.lineno, example.indent, example.options) Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n', None, 0, 0, {}) ok Trying: exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list' Expecting nothing ok Trying: example = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg, lineno=5, indent=4, options={doctest.ELLIPSIS: True}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: (example.source, example.want, example.exc_msg, example.lineno, example.indent, example.options) Expecting: ('[].pop()\n', '', 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n', 5, 4, {8: True}) ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1\n', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1;\nprint 2', '1\n2\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('', '') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('\n', '') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print 1\n', '1\n') ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('print', '') Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.source, e.want Expecting: ('print\n', '') ok Trying: exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = 'ValueError: 1\n 2' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('raise ValueError("1\n 2")', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'ValueError: 1\n 2\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = 'ValueError: 1\n 2\n' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('raise ValueError("1\n 2")', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: 'ValueError: 1\n 2\n' ok Trying: exc_msg = '' Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = doctest.Example('raise X()', '', exc_msg) Expecting nothing ok Trying: e.exc_msg Expecting: '\n' ok Trying: example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: same_example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: other_example = doctest.Example('print 42', '42\n') Expecting nothing ok Trying: example == same_example Expecting: True ok Trying: example != same_example Expecting: False ok Trying: hash(example) == hash(same_example) Expecting: True ok Trying: example == other_example Expecting: False ok Trying: example != other_example Expecting: True ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 44 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_debug Trying: s = ''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: import tempfile Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput(['next', 'print x', 'continue']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: doctest.debug_src(s) finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: > (1)() (Pdb) next 12 --Return-- > (1)()->None (Pdb) print x 12 (Pdb) continue ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 5 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace Trying: doc = ''' >>> x = 42 >>> raise Exception('clé') Traceback (most recent call last): Exception: clé >>> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, {}, "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: import tempfile Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'print x', # print data defined by the example 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: --Return-- > (1)()->None -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) print x 42 (Pdb) continue TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3) ok Trying: def calls_set_trace(): y=2 import pdb; pdb.set_trace() Expecting nothing ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> x=1 >>> calls_set_trace() ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'print y', # print data defined in the function 'up', # out of function 'print x', # print data defined by the example 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: --Return-- > (3)calls_set_trace()->None -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) print y 2 (Pdb) up > (1)() -> calls_set_trace() (Pdb) print x 1 (Pdb) continue TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> def f(x): ... g(x*2) >>> def g(x): ... print x+3 ... import pdb; pdb.set_trace() >>> f(3) ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'list', # list source from example 2 'next', # return from g() 'list', # list source from example 1 'next', # return from f() 'list', # list source from example 3 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Expecting: --Return-- > (3)g()->None -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) list 1 def g(x): 2 print x+3 3 -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() [EOF] (Pdb) next --Return-- > (2)f()->None -> g(x*2) (Pdb) list 1 def f(x): 2 -> g(x*2) [EOF] (Pdb) next --Return-- > (1)()->None -> f(3) (Pdb) list 1 -> f(3) [EOF] (Pdb) continue ********************************************************************** File "foo-bä", line 7, in foo-bär@baz Failed example: f(3) Expected nothing Got: 9 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=3) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 19 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested Trying: class C(object): def calls_set_trace(self): y = 1 import pdb; pdb.set_trace() self.f1() y = 2 def f1(self): x = 1 self.f2() x = 2 def f2(self): z = 1 z = 2 Expecting nothing ok Trying: calls_set_trace = C().calls_set_trace Expecting nothing ok Trying: doc = ''' >>> a = 1 >>> calls_set_trace() ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: parser = doctest.DocTestParser() Expecting nothing ok Trying: runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo-bär@baz", "foo-bä", 0) Expecting nothing ok Trying: real_stdin = sys.stdin Expecting nothing ok Trying: sys.stdin = _FakeInput([ 'print y', # print data defined in the function 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'print z', 'up', 'print x', 'up', 'print y', 'up', 'print foo', 'continue', # stop debugging '']) Expecting nothing ok Trying: try: finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin Expecting: > (5)calls_set_trace() -> self.f1() (Pdb) print y 1 (Pdb) step --Call-- > (7)f1() -> def f1(self): (Pdb) step > (8)f1() -> x = 1 (Pdb) step > (9)f1() -> self.f2() (Pdb) step --Call-- > (11)f2() -> def f2(self): (Pdb) step > (12)f2() -> z = 1 (Pdb) step > (13)f2() -> z = 2 (Pdb) print z 1 (Pdb) up > (9)f1() -> self.f2() (Pdb) print x 1 (Pdb) up > (5)calls_set_trace() -> self.f1() (Pdb) print y 1 (Pdb) up > (1)() -> calls_set_trace() (Pdb) print foo *** NameError: name 'foo' is not defined (Pdb) continue TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2) ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 9 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_testsource Trying: import test_zipped_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: name = 'test_zipped_doctest.sample_func' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print doctest.testsource(test_zipped_doctest, name) Expecting: # Blah blah # print sample_func(22) # Expected: ## 44 # # Yee ha! ok Trying: name = 'test_zipped_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print doctest.testsource(test_zipped_doctest, name) Expecting: print '1\n2\n3' # Expected: ## 1 ## 2 ## 3 ok Trying: name = 'test_zipped_doctest.SampleClass.a_classmethod' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print doctest.testsource(test_zipped_doctest, name) Expecting: print SampleClass.a_classmethod(10) # Expected: ## 12 print SampleClass(0).a_classmethod(10) # Expected: ## 12 ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 7 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_trailing_space_in_test Trying: x, y = 'foo', '' Expecting nothing ok Trying: print x, y Expecting: foo ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 2 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_DocTestSuite Trying: import unittest Expecting nothing ok Trying: import sample_zipped_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite(sample_zipped_doctest) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest_no_doctests') Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: try: doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest_no_docstrings') except ValueError as e: error = e Expecting nothing ok Trying: print(error.args[1]) Expecting: has no docstrings ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=False) Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest_no_docstrings', test_finder=finder) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = sample_zipped_doctest.test_suite() Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest', globs={}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest', extraglobs={'y': 1}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest', optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: def setUp(t): import test_zipped_doctest test_zipped_doctest.sillySetup = True Expecting nothing ok Trying: def tearDown(t): import test_zipped_doctest del test_zipped_doctest.sillySetup Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest', setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok Trying: import test_zipped_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_zipped_doctest.sillySetup Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sillySetup' ok Trying: def setUp(test): test.globs['y'] = 1 Expecting nothing ok Trying: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('sample_zipped_doctest', setUp=setUp) Expecting nothing ok Trying: Expecting: ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 30 tests with zero failures Finding tests in test_zipped_doctest.test_DocTestFinder Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() Expecting nothing ok Trying: import test_zipped_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: old = test_zipped_doctest.__file__ Expecting nothing ok Trying: test_zipped_doctest.__file__ = 'test_doctest.pyc' Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = finder.find(sample_func) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print tests # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: [] ok Trying: tests[0].filename # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: '' ok Trying: test_zipped_doctest.__file__ = old Expecting nothing ok Trying: e = tests[0].examples[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: (e.source, e.want, e.lineno) Expecting: ('print sample_func(22)\n', '44\n', 3) ok Trying: def no_docstring(v): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: finder.find(no_docstring) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def no_docstring(v): pass Expecting nothing ok Trying: excl_empty_finder = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=True) Expecting nothing ok Trying: excl_empty_finder.find(no_docstring) Expecting: [] ok Trying: def no_examples(v): ''' no doctest examples ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: finder.find(no_examples) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Expecting: [] ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = finder.find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass 3 SampleClass.NestedClass 1 SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 SampleClass.__init__ 2 SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 SampleClass.a_property 1 SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 SampleClass.double 1 SampleClass.get ok Trying: tests = finder.find(SampleNewStyleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 1 SampleNewStyleClass 1 SampleNewStyleClass.__init__ 1 SampleNewStyleClass.double 1 SampleNewStyleClass.get ok Trying: import types Expecting nothing ok Trying: m = types.ModuleType('some_module') Expecting nothing ok Trying: def triple(val): ''' >>> print triple(11) 33 ''' return val*3 Expecting nothing ok Trying: m.__dict__.update({ 'sample_func': sample_func, 'SampleClass': SampleClass, '__doc__': ''' Module docstring. >>> print 'module' module ''', '__test__': { 'd': '>>> print 6\n6\n>>> print 7\n7\n', 'c': triple}}) Expecting nothing ok Trying: finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() Expecting nothing ok Trying: import test_zipped_doctest Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = finder.find(m, module=test_zipped_doctest) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 1 some_module 3 some_module.SampleClass 3 some_module.SampleClass.NestedClass 1 some_module.SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 some_module.SampleClass.__init__ 2 some_module.SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 some_module.SampleClass.a_property 1 some_module.SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 some_module.SampleClass.double 1 some_module.SampleClass.get 1 some_module.__test__.c 2 some_module.__test__.d 1 some_module.sample_func ok Trying: from test import doctest_aliases Expecting nothing ok Trying: assert doctest_aliases.TwoNames.f Expecting nothing ok Trying: assert doctest_aliases.TwoNames.g Expecting nothing ok Trying: tests = excl_empty_finder.find(doctest_aliases) Expecting nothing ok Trying: print len(tests) Expecting: 2 ok Trying: print tests[0].name Expecting: test.doctest_aliases.TwoNames ok Trying: tests[1].name.split('.')[-1] in ['f', 'g'] Expecting: True ok Trying: tests = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass 3 SampleClass.NestedClass 1 SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 1 SampleClass.__init__ 2 SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 SampleClass.a_property 1 SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 SampleClass.double 1 SampleClass.get ok Trying: tests = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=False).find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass 3 SampleClass.NestedClass 1 SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__ 0 SampleClass.NestedClass.get 0 SampleClass.NestedClass.square 1 SampleClass.__init__ 2 SampleClass.a_classmethod 1 SampleClass.a_property 1 SampleClass.a_staticmethod 1 SampleClass.double 1 SampleClass.get ok Trying: tests = doctest.DocTestFinder(recurse=False).find(SampleClass) Expecting nothing ok Trying: for t in tests: print '%2s %s' % (len(t.examples), Expecting: 3 SampleClass ok Trying: def f(x): ''' >>> x = 12 some text >>> # examples are not created for comments & bare prompts. >>> ... >>> for x in range(10): ... print x, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>> x//2 6 ''' Expecting nothing ok Trying: test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0] Expecting nothing ok Trying: [e.lineno for e in test.examples] Expecting: [1, 9, 12] ok doctest (test_zipped_doctest) ... 46 tests with zero failures ok FAIL: test_doctest_main_issue4197 (test.test_zipimport_support.ZipSupportTests) ... Expected line File "/var/volatile/tmp/tmpoCToXh/", line 2, in __main__.Test Got stdout: ********************************************************************** File "/var/volatile/tmp/tmpoCToXh/", line 2, in __main__.Test Failed example: 'line 2' Expected nothing Got: 'line 2' ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 1 in __main__.Test ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. Expected line File "/var/volatile/tmp/tmpoCToXh/", line 2, in __main__.Test Got stdout: ********************************************************************** File "/var/volatile/tmp/tmpoCToXh/", line 2, in __main__.Test Failed example: 'line 2' Expected nothing Got: 'line 2' ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 1 of 1 in __main__.Test ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. ok PASS: test_inspect_getsource_issue4223 (test.test_zipimport_support.ZipSupportTests) PASS: test_pdb_issue4201 (test.test_zipimport_support.ZipSupportTests) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.178s OK 0:10:45 load avg: 0.37 [403/403/56] test_zlib test_abcdefghijklmnop (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test issue1202 compliance: signed crc32, adler32 in 2.x PASS: test_adler32empty (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_adler32start (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_crc32empty (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_crc32start (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_negative_crc_iv_input (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_penguins (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_same_as_binascii_crc32 (test.test_zlib.ChecksumTestCase) PASS: test_big_buffer (test.test_zlib.ChecksumBigBufferTestCase) PASS: test_badcompressobj (test.test_zlib.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_baddecompressobj (test.test_zlib.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_badlevel (test.test_zlib.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_decompressobj_badflush (test.test_zlib.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_overflow (test.test_zlib.ExceptionTestCase) PASS: test_64bit_compress (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_big_compress_buffer (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_big_decompress_buffer (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_custom_bufsize (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_incomplete_stream (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_large_bufsize (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_speech (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_speech128 (test.test_zlib.CompressTestCase) PASS: test_64bit_compress (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_badcompresscopy (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_baddecompresscopy (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_big_compress_buffer (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_big_decompress_buffer (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_clear_unconsumed_tail (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_compresscopy (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_compressincremental (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_compressoptions (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_compresspickle (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompimax (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompinc (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompincflush (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompress_incomplete_stream (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompress_unused_data (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompresscopy (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompressmaxlen (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompressmaxlenflush (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_decompresspickle (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_empty_flush (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_flush_custom_length (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_flush_large_length (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_flush_with_freed_input (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_flushes (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_large_unconsumed_tail (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_large_unused_data (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_maxlen_custom (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_maxlen_large (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_maxlenmisc (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_odd_flush (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_pair (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) PASS: test_wbits (test.test_zlib.CompressObjectTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 54 tests in 0.797s OK 294 tests OK. 56 tests failed: test__osx_support test_aifc test_array test_binhex test_class test_cmath test_cmd_line test_code test_codecs test_ctypes test_deque test_distutils test_docxmlrpc test_email test_email_renamed test_ensurepip test_exceptions test_fcntl test_filecmp test_fileinput test_fileio test_future_builtins test_httpservers test_import test_macpath test_macurl2path test_memoryio test_modulefinder test_multiprocessing test_netrc test_nntplib test_ntpath test_parser test_poll test_py3kwarn test_pyclbr test_regrtest test_socket test_sqlite test_ssl test_str test_struct test_sundry test_symtable test_sys test_sysconfig test_test_support test_timeit test_trace test_traceback test_unicode test_urllib2 test_urllib2_localnet test_userstring test_wsgiref test_xmlrpc 53 tests skipped: test_aepack test_al test_applesingle test_bsddb185 test_bsddb3 test_capi test_cd test_cl test_codecmaps_cn test_codecmaps_hk test_codecmaps_jp test_codecmaps_kr test_codecmaps_tw test_curses test_dl test_fpformat test_gdb test_getargs2 test_gl test_idle test_imageop test_imgfile test_kqueue test_linuxaudiodev test_macos test_macostools test_mhlib test_msilib test_multifile test_ossaudiodev test_pep277 test_scriptpackages test_smtpnet test_socketserver test_spwd test_startfile test_strtod test_structmembers test_sunaudiodev test_tcl test_timeout test_tk test_tools test_ttk_guionly test_ttk_textonly test_turtle test_unicode_file test_urllib2net test_urllibnet test_winreg test_winsound test_xmllib test_zipfile64 17 skips unexpected on linux2: test_capi test_fpformat test_gdb test_getargs2 test_idle test_mhlib test_multifile test_spwd test_strtod test_structmembers test_tcl test_tk test_tools test_ttk_guionly test_ttk_textonly test_turtle test_xmllib Total duration: 10 min 46 sec Tests result: FAILURE END: /usr/lib/python/ptest 2018-02-13T02:30 2018-02-13T02:30 BEGIN: /usr/lib/quilt/ptest [add-filename-check.test] 6 commands (6 passed, 0 failed) PASS: add-filename-check.test [altered-series.test] 12 commands (12 passed, 0 failed) PASS: altered-series.test [annotate.test] 31 commands (31 passed, 0 failed) PASS: annotate.test [applied.test] 15 commands (15 passed, 0 failed) PASS: applied.test [auto-refresh.test] 14 commands (14 passed, 0 failed) PASS: auto-refresh.test [backup-files.test] 119 commands (119 passed, 0 failed) PASS: backup-files.test [colon-in-patch-name.test] 23 commands (23 passed, 0 failed) PASS: colon-in-patch-name.test [comments.test] 11 commands (11 passed, 0 failed) PASS: comments.test [conflicts.test] 39 commands (39 passed, 0 failed) PASS: conflicts.test [create-delete.test] 19 commands (19 passed, 0 failed) PASS: create-delete.test [dir-a-b.test] 11 commands (11 passed, 0 failed) PASS: dir-a-b.test [dotglob.test] 7 commands (7 passed, 0 failed) PASS: dotglob.test [duplicate-patch-in-series.test] 9 commands (9 passed, 0 failed) PASS: duplicate-patch-in-series.test [edit.test] 30 commands (30 passed, 0 failed) PASS: edit.test [empty-files.test] 40 commands (40 passed, 0 failed) PASS: empty-files.test [empty.test] 10 commands (10 passed, 0 failed) PASS: empty.test [example1.test] 30 commands (30 passed, 0 failed) PASS: example1.test [failbackup.test] 10 commands (10 passed, 0 failed) PASS: failbackup.test [faildiff.test] 15 commands (15 passed, 0 failed) PASS: faildiff.test [failpop.test] 13 commands (13 passed, 0 failed) PASS: failpop.test [fold.test] 11 commands (11 passed, 0 failed) PASS: fold.test [formats.test] 13 commands (13 passed, 0 failed) PASS: formats.test [half-applies.test] 18 commands (18 passed, 0 failed) PASS: half-applies.test [hard-linked-patch.test] 15 commands (15 passed, 0 failed) PASS: hard-linked-patch.test [header.test] 15 commands (15 passed, 0 failed) PASS: header.test [import.test] 83 commands (83 passed, 0 failed) PASS: import.test [import2.test] 40 commands (40 passed, 0 failed) PASS: import2.test [merge.test] 11 commands (11 passed, 0 failed) PASS: merge.test [missing.test] 5 commands (5 passed, 0 failed) PASS: missing.test [new-nosubdir.test] 4 commands (4 passed, 0 failed) PASS: new-nosubdir.test [new.test] 9 commands (9 passed, 0 failed) PASS: new.test [no-file-to-patch.test] 5 commands (5 passed, 0 failed) PASS: no-file-to-patch.test [nolink.test] 28 commands (28 passed, 0 failed) PASS: nolink.test [null-bug.test] 9 commands (9 passed, 0 failed) PASS: null-bug.test [one.test] 44 commands (44 passed, 0 failed) PASS: one.test [patch-wrapper.test] 38 commands (38 passed, 0 failed) PASS: patch-wrapper.test [perms.test] 21 commands (21 passed, 0 failed) PASS: perms.test [project-settings.test] 10 commands (10 passed, 0 failed) PASS: project-settings.test [refresh-z.test] 10 commands (10 passed, 0 failed) PASS: refresh-z.test [refresh.test] 12 commands (12 passed, 0 failed) PASS: refresh.test [refresh_patch_order.test] 20 commands (20 passed, 0 failed) PASS: refresh_patch_order.test [remember-locations.test] 13 commands (13 passed, 0 failed) PASS: remember-locations.test [remove-trailing-ws.test] 44 commands (44 passed, 0 failed) PASS: remove-trailing-ws.test [rename.test] 18 commands (18 passed, 0 failed) PASS: rename.test [revert.test] 27 commands (27 passed, 0 failed) PASS: revert.test [setup.test] 64 commands (64 passed, 0 failed) PASS: setup.test [snapshot.test] 15 commands (15 passed, 0 failed) PASS: snapshot.test [snapshot2.test] 16 commands (16 passed, 0 failed) PASS: snapshot2.test [sort.test] 25 commands (25 passed, 0 failed) PASS: sort.test [space-in-filenames.test] 33 commands (33 passed, 0 failed) PASS: space-in-filenames.test [subdir.test] 18 commands (18 passed, 0 failed) PASS: subdir.test [symlink.test] 49 commands (49 passed, 0 failed) PASS: symlink.test [tester.test] 10 commands (10 passed, 0 failed) PASS: tester.test [three.test] 66 commands (66 passed, 0 failed) PASS: three.test [timestamps.test] 12 commands (12 passed, 0 failed) PASS: timestamps.test [trailing-ws.test] 21 commands (21 passed, 0 failed) PASS: trailing-ws.test [two.test] 57 commands (57 passed, 0 failed) PASS: two.test END: /usr/lib/quilt/ptest 2018-02-13T02:30 2018-02-13T02:30 BEGIN: /usr/lib/sed/ptest make: Entering directory '/usr/lib/sed/ptest/testsuite' PASS: bug-regex7 PASS: bug-regex8 PASS: bug-regex9 PASS: bug-regex10 PASS: bug-regex11 PASS: bug-regex12 PASS: bug-regex13 PASS: bug-regex14 PASS: bug-regex15 PASS: bug-regex16 PASS: bug-regex21 PASS: bug-regex27 PASS: bug-regex28 PASS: tst-pcre PASS: tst-boost PASS: runtests PASS: runptests PASS: tst-rxspencer PASS: tst-regex2 PASS: space PASS: appquit PASS: enable PASS: sep PASS: inclib PASS: 8bit PASS: newjis PASS: xabcx PASS: dollar PASS: noeol PASS: noeolw PASS: modulo PASS: numsub PASS: numsub2 PASS: numsub3 PASS: numsub4 PASS: numsub5 PASS: 0range PASS: bkslashes PASS: head PASS: madding PASS: mac-mf PASS: empty PASS: xbxcx PASS: xbxcx3 PASS: recall PASS: recall2 PASS: xemacs PASS: fasts PASS: uniq PASS: manis PASS: khadafy PASS: linecnt PASS: eval PASS: distrib PASS: 8to7 PASS: y-bracket PASS: y-newline PASS: allsub PASS: cv-vars PASS: classes PASS: middle PASS: bsd PASS: stdin PASS: flipcase PASS: insens PASS: subwrite PASS: writeout PASS: readin PASS: insert PASS: utf8-1 PASS: utf8-2 PASS: utf8-3 PASS: utf8-4 PASS: badenc PASS: inplace-hold PASS: brackets PASS: amp-escape PASS: help PASS: version PASS: file PASS: quiet PASS: factor PASS: binary3 PASS: binary2 PASS: binary PASS: dc =================== All 86 tests passed =================== make: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/sed/ptest/testsuite' END: /usr/lib/sed/ptest 2018-02-13T02:30 2018-02-13T02:30 BEGIN: /usr/lib/slang/ptest make: Entering directory '/usr/lib/slang/ptest/test' /bin/rm -rf tmpfile*.* tmpdir*.* Running tests: Testing argv processing ...Ok Testing argv processing [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing syntax ...Ok Testing syntax [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Short Ciruit Operators ...Ok Testing Short Ciruit Operators [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing _eqs ...Ok Testing _eqs [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing sscanf ...Ok Testing sscanf [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing looping constructs ...Ok Testing looping constructs [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Arithmetic ...Ok Testing Arithmetic [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing array functions ...Ok Testing array functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing string functions ...Ok Testing string functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Binary Strings ...Ok Testing Binary Strings [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing pack and unpack functions ...Ok Testing pack and unpack functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing stdio routines ...Ok Testing stdio routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Associative Arrays ...Ok Testing Associative Arrays [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing recursive function modifications ...Ok Testing recursive function modifications [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing structures ...Ok Testing structures [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing NameSpace routines ...Ok Testing NameSpace routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing path ...Ok Testing path [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing #ifeval ...Ok Testing #ifeval [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Any_Type ...Ok Testing Any_Type [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Matrix Multiplications ...Ok Testing Matrix Multiplications [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing time functions ...Ok Testing time functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing utf8 ...Ok Testing utf8 [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing exceptions ...Ok Testing exceptions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Known Bugs or not yet implemented features: Range arrays of Short, Long, LongLong types converted to Int_Type Known Bugs or not yet implemented features: Range arrays of Short, Long, LongLong types converted to Int_Type PASS: Testing lists ...Ok Testing lists [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing regexp ...Ok Testing regexp [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing method calls ...Ok Testing method calls [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing dereferences ...Ok Testing dereferences [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing NaN and Inf ...Ok Testing NaN and Inf [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing literal integer overflow ...Ok Testing literal integer overflow [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing sorting ...Ok Testing sorting [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing long long ...Ok Testing long long [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing signals ... Pausing for 2 seconds for alarm test. Pausing for 2.5 seconds for setitimer test.. (make detected: skipping test_sigsuspend) Ok Testing signals [UTF-8 mode] ... Pausing for 2 seconds for alarm test. Pausing for 2.5 seconds for setitimer test.. (make detected: skipping test_sigsuspend) Ok PASS: Testing dollar strings ...Ok Testing dollar strings [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing provide and require ...Ok Testing provide and require [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing doc functions ...Ok Testing doc functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing debugger support ...Ok Testing debugger support [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing qualifiers ...Ok Testing qualifiers [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Comparison Operators ...Ok Testing Comparison Operators [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing break and continue N ...Ok Testing break and continue N [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Multiline strings ...Ok Testing Multiline strings [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing stack functions ...Ok Testing stack functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing misc ...Ok Testing misc [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing POSIX I/O routines ...Ok Testing POSIX I/O routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing posdir ...Ok Testing posdir [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing proc ...Ok Testing proc [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Math ...Ok Testing Math [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing autoload ...Ok Testing autoload [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing more NameSpace routines ...Ok Testing more NameSpace routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing slprep ...Ok Testing slprep [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing argv processing ...Ok Testing argv processing [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: argv.slc Testing syntax ...Ok Testing syntax [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: syntax.slc Testing Short Ciruit Operators ...Ok Testing Short Ciruit Operators [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: scircuit.slc Testing _eqs ...Ok Testing _eqs [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: eqs.slc Testing sscanf ...Ok Testing sscanf [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: sscanf.slc Testing looping constructs ...Ok Testing looping constructs [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: loops.slc Testing Arithmetic ...Ok Testing Arithmetic [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: arith.slc Testing array functions ...Ok Testing array functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: array.slc Testing string functions ...Ok Testing string functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: strops.slc Testing Binary Strings ...Ok Testing Binary Strings [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: bstring.slc Testing pack and unpack functions ...Ok Testing pack and unpack functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: pack.slc Testing stdio routines ...Ok Testing stdio routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: stdio.slc Testing Associative Arrays ...Ok Testing Associative Arrays [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: assoc.slc Testing recursive function modifications ...Ok Testing recursive function modifications [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: selfload.slc Testing structures ...Ok Testing structures [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: struct.slc Testing NameSpace routines ...Ok Testing NameSpace routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: nspace.slc Testing path ...Ok Testing path [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: path.slc Testing #ifeval ...Ok Testing #ifeval [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: ifeval.slc Testing Any_Type ...Ok Testing Any_Type [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: anytype.slc Testing Matrix Multiplications ...Ok Testing Matrix Multiplications [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: arrmult.slc Testing time functions ...Ok Testing time functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: time.slc Testing utf8 ...Ok Testing utf8 [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: utf8.slc Testing exceptions ...Ok Testing exceptions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: except.slc Known Bugs or not yet implemented features: Range arrays of Short, Long, LongLong types converted to Int_Type Known Bugs or not yet implemented features: Range arrays of Short, Long, LongLong types converted to Int_Type PASS: bugs.slc Testing lists ...Ok Testing lists [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: list.slc Testing regexp ...Ok Testing regexp [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: regexp.slc Testing method calls ...Ok Testing method calls [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: method.slc Testing dereferences ...Ok Testing dereferences [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: deref.slc Testing NaN and Inf ...Ok Testing NaN and Inf [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: naninf.slc Testing literal integer overflow ...Ok Testing literal integer overflow [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: overflow.slc Testing sorting ...Ok Testing sorting [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: sort.slc Testing long long ...Ok Testing long long [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: longlong.slc Testing signals ... Pausing for 2 seconds for alarm test. Pausing for 2.5 seconds for setitimer test.. (make detected: skipping test_sigsuspend) Ok Testing signals [UTF-8 mode] ... Pausing for 2 seconds for alarm test. Pausing for 2.5 seconds for setitimer test.. (make detected: skipping test_sigsuspend) Ok PASS: signal.slc Testing dollar strings ...Ok Testing dollar strings [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: dollar.slc Testing provide and require ...Ok Testing provide and require [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: req.slc Testing doc functions ...Ok Testing doc functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: docfun.slc Testing debugger support ...Ok Testing debugger support [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: debug.slc Testing qualifiers ...Ok Testing qualifiers [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: qualif.slc Testing Comparison Operators ...Ok Testing Comparison Operators [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: compare.slc Testing break and continue N ...Ok Testing break and continue N [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: break.slc Testing Multiline strings ...Ok Testing Multiline strings [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: multline.slc Testing stack functions ...Ok Testing stack functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: stack.slc Testing misc ...Ok Testing misc [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: misc.slc Testing POSIX I/O routines ...Ok Testing POSIX I/O routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: posixio.slc Testing posdir ...Ok Testing posdir [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: posdir.slc Testing proc ...Ok Testing proc [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: proc.slc Testing Math ...Ok Testing Math [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: math.slc All tests passed. make: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/slang/ptest/test' END: /usr/lib/slang/ptest 2018-02-13T02:31 2018-02-13T02:31 BEGIN: /usr/lib/strace/ptest make: Entering directory '/usr/lib/strace/ptest/tests' SKIP: _newselect.gen.test PASS: accept.gen.test PASS: accept4.gen.test PASS: access.gen.test PASS: acct.gen.test PASS: add_key.gen.test PASS: adjtimex.gen.test PASS: aio.gen.test PASS: alarm.gen.test PASS: bpf.gen.test PASS: bpf-v.gen.test PASS: btrfs.gen.test PASS: chmod.gen.test PASS: chown.gen.test SKIP: chown32.gen.test PASS: chroot.gen.test PASS: clock.gen.test PASS: clock_adjtime.gen.test PASS: clock_nanosleep.gen.test PASS: clock_xettime.gen.test PASS: copy_file_range.gen.test PASS: creat.gen.test PASS: delete_module.gen.test PASS: dup.gen.test PASS: dup2.gen.test PASS: dup3.gen.test PASS: epoll_create.gen.test PASS: epoll_create1.gen.test PASS: epoll_ctl.gen.test PASS: epoll_pwait.gen.test PASS: epoll_wait.gen.test PASS: erestartsys.gen.test PASS: execveat.gen.test PASS: execveat-v.gen.test PASS: faccessat.gen.test SKIP: fadvise64_64.gen.test PASS: fallocate.gen.test PASS: fanotify_init.gen.test PASS: fanotify_mark.gen.test PASS: fchdir.gen.test PASS: fchmod.gen.test PASS: fchmodat.gen.test PASS: fchown.gen.test SKIP: fchown32.gen.test PASS: fchownat.gen.test PASS: fcntl.gen.test SKIP: fcntl64.gen.test PASS: fdatasync.gen.test PASS: file_handle.gen.test PASS: file_ioctl.gen.test PASS: finit_module.gen.test PASS: flock.gen.test PASS: fork-f.gen.test PASS: fstat.gen.test SKIP: fstat64.gen.test SKIP: fstatat64.gen.test PASS: fstatfs.gen.test SKIP: fstatfs64.gen.test PASS: fsync.gen.test PASS: ftruncate.gen.test SKIP: ftruncate64.gen.test PASS: futimesat.gen.test SKIP: get_mempolicy.gen.test PASS: getcpu.gen.test PASS: getcwd.gen.test PASS: getdents.gen.test PASS: getdents64.gen.test PASS: getegid.gen.test SKIP: getegid32.gen.test PASS: geteuid.gen.test SKIP: geteuid32.gen.test PASS: getgid.gen.test SKIP: getgid32.gen.test PASS: getgroups.gen.test SKIP: getgroups32.gen.test PASS: getpeername.gen.test PASS: getpgrp.gen.test PASS: getpid.gen.test PASS: getppid.gen.test PASS: getrandom.gen.test PASS: getresgid.gen.test SKIP: getresgid32.gen.test PASS: getresuid.gen.test SKIP: getresuid32.gen.test PASS: getrlimit.gen.test PASS: getrusage.gen.test PASS: getsid.gen.test PASS: getsockname.gen.test PASS: gettid.gen.test SKIP: getuid32.gen.test SKIP: getxxid.gen.test PASS: group_req.gen.test PASS: inet-cmsg.gen.test PASS: init_module.gen.test PASS: inotify.gen.test PASS: inotify_init1.gen.test --- exp 2018-02-13 02:31:19.903167652 +0000 +++ log 2018-02-13 02:31:19.903167652 +0000 @@ -1,2 +1 @@ -getgid32() = 0 +++ exited with 0 +++ XFAIL: int_0x80.gen.test PASS: ioctl_block.gen.test PASS: ioctl_evdev.gen.test PASS: ioctl_evdev-v.gen.test PASS: ioctl_loop.gen.test PASS: ioctl_loop-v.gen.test PASS: ioctl_mtd.gen.test PASS: ioctl_rtc.gen.test PASS: ioctl_rtc-v.gen.test PASS: ioctl_scsi.gen.test PASS: ioctl_sg_io_v3.gen.test PASS: ioctl_sg_io_v4.gen.test SKIP: ioctl_uffdio.gen.test PASS: ioctl_v4l2.gen.test PASS: ioperm.gen.test PASS: iopl.gen.test PASS: ioprio.gen.test PASS: ip_mreq.gen.test SKIP: ipc.gen.test PASS: ipc_msg.gen.test PASS: ipc_sem.gen.test PASS: ipc_shm.gen.test PASS: kcmp.gen.test PASS: kexec_file_load.gen.test PASS: kexec_load.gen.test PASS: keyctl.gen.test PASS: kill.gen.test PASS: lchown.gen.test SKIP: lchown32.gen.test PASS: link.gen.test PASS: linkat.gen.test PASS: lookup_dcookie.gen.test PASS: lstat.gen.test SKIP: lstat64.gen.test PASS: madvise.gen.test PASS: mbind.gen.test PASS: membarrier.gen.test PASS: memfd_create.gen.test PASS: migrate_pages.gen.test PASS: mincore.gen.test PASS: mkdir.gen.test PASS: mkdirat.gen.test PASS: mknod.gen.test PASS: mknodat.gen.test PASS: mlock.gen.test PASS: mlock2.gen.test PASS: mlockall.gen.test PASS: mmap64.gen.test PASS: mmsg.gen.test PASS: mmsg-silent.gen.test PASS: mmsg_name.gen.test PASS: mmsg_name-v.gen.test PASS: mount.gen.test PASS: move_pages.gen.test PASS: mq.gen.test PASS: mq_sendrecv.gen.test PASS: mq_sendrecv-read.gen.test PASS: mq_sendrecv-write.gen.test PASS: msg_control.gen.test PASS: msg_control-v.gen.test PASS: msg_name.gen.test PASS: munlockall.gen.test PASS: nanosleep.gen.test PASS: net-icmp_filter.gen.test PASS: net-sockaddr.gen.test SKIP: netlink_audit.gen.test SKIP: netlink_crypto.gen.test SKIP: netlink_generic.gen.test SKIP: netlink_kobject_uevent.gen.test SKIP: netlink_netfilter.gen.test PASS: netlink_protocol.gen.test SKIP: netlink_route.gen.test SKIP: netlink_selinux.gen.test SKIP: netlink_xfrm.gen.test PASS: newfstatat.gen.test SKIP: nlattr.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_crypto_user_alg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_br_port_msg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_dcbmsg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_fib_rule_hdr.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_ifaddrlblmsg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_ifaddrmsg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_ifinfomsg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_ifla_brport.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_ifla_port.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_ifla_xdp.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_inet_diag_msg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_inet_diag_req_compat.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_inet_diag_req_v2.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_ndmsg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_ndtmsg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_netconfmsg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_netlink_diag_msg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_nlmsgerr.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_packet_diag_msg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_rtgenmsg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_rtmsg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_smc_diag_msg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_tcamsg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_tcmsg.gen.test SKIP: nlattr_unix_diag_msg.gen.test SKIP: old_mmap.gen.test SKIP: oldfstat.gen.test SKIP: oldlstat.gen.test SKIP: oldstat.gen.test PASS: open.gen.test PASS: openat.gen.test SKIP: osf_utimes.gen.test PASS: pause.gen.test PASS: perf_event_open.gen.test PASS: perf_event_open_nonverbose.gen.test PASS: perf_event_open_unabbrev.gen.test PASS: pipe2.gen.test PASS: pkey_alloc.gen.test PASS: pkey_free.gen.test PASS: pkey_mprotect.gen.test PASS: ppoll.gen.test PASS: ppoll-v.gen.test PASS: pread64-pwrite64.gen.test PASS: preadv.gen.test PASS: preadv-pwritev.gen.test PASS: preadv2-pwritev2.gen.test PASS: printstr.gen.test PASS: printpath-umovestr.gen.test SKIP: printpath-umovestr-peekdata.gen.test PASS: printpath-umovestr-undumpable.gen.test PASS: printstrn-umoven.gen.test SKIP: printstrn-umoven-peekdata.gen.test PASS: printstrn-umoven-undumpable.gen.test PASS: prlimit64.gen.test PASS: process_vm_readv.gen.test PASS: process_vm_writev.gen.test PASS: pselect6.gen.test PASS: ptrace.gen.test PASS: pwritev.gen.test PASS: quotactl.gen.test PASS: quotactl-v.gen.test PASS: quotactl-xfs.gen.test PASS: quotactl-xfs-v.gen.test PASS: read-write.gen.test PASS: readahead.gen.test SKIP: readdir.gen.test PASS: readlink.gen.test PASS: readlinkat.gen.test PASS: reboot.gen.test PASS: recvfrom.gen.test PASS: recvmmsg-timeout.gen.test PASS: recvmsg.gen.test PASS: regex.gen.test PASS: remap_file_pages.gen.test PASS: rename.gen.test PASS: renameat.gen.test PASS: renameat2.gen.test PASS: request_key.gen.test PASS: rmdir.gen.test PASS: rt_sigpending.gen.test PASS: rt_sigprocmask.gen.test PASS: rt_sigqueueinfo.gen.test PASS: rt_sigreturn.gen.test PASS: rt_sigsuspend.gen.test PASS: rt_sigtimedwait.gen.test PASS: rt_tgsigqueueinfo.gen.test PASS: sched.gen.test PASS: sched_get_priority_mxx.gen.test PASS: sched_rr_get_interval.gen.test PASS: sched_xetaffinity.gen.test PASS: sched_xetattr.gen.test PASS: sched_xetparam.gen.test PASS: sched_xetscheduler.gen.test PASS: sched_yield.gen.test PASS: seccomp-filter.gen.test PASS: seccomp-filter-v.gen.test PASS: select.gen.test PASS: semop.gen.test PASS: sendfile.gen.test SKIP: sendfile64.gen.test SKIP: set_mempolicy.gen.test PASS: setdomainname.gen.test PASS: setfsgid.gen.test SKIP: setfsgid32.gen.test PASS: setfsuid.gen.test SKIP: setfsuid32.gen.test PASS: setgid.gen.test SKIP: setgid32.gen.test PASS: setgroups.gen.test SKIP: setgroups32.gen.test PASS: sethostname.gen.test PASS: setns.gen.test PASS: setregid.gen.test SKIP: setregid32.gen.test PASS: setresgid.gen.test SKIP: setresgid32.gen.test PASS: setresuid.gen.test SKIP: setresuid32.gen.test PASS: setreuid.gen.test SKIP: setreuid32.gen.test PASS: setrlimit.gen.test PASS: setuid.gen.test SKIP: setuid32.gen.test PASS: shmxt.gen.test PASS: shutdown.gen.test SKIP: sigaction.gen.test PASS: siginfo.gen.test SKIP: signal.gen.test PASS: signal_receive.gen.test PASS: signalfd4.gen.test SKIP: sigpending.gen.test SKIP: sigprocmask.gen.test SKIP: sigreturn.gen.test SKIP: sigsuspend.gen.test PASS: so_linger.gen.test PASS: so_peercred.gen.test PASS: sock_filter-v.gen.test SKIP: socketcall.gen.test PASS: splice.gen.test PASS: stat.gen.test SKIP: stat64.gen.test PASS: statfs.gen.test SKIP: statfs64.gen.test PASS: statx.gen.test PASS: swap.gen.test SKIP: sxetmask.gen.test PASS: symlink.gen.test PASS: symlinkat.gen.test PASS: sync.gen.test PASS: sync_file_range.gen.test SKIP: sync_file_range2.gen.test PASS: sysinfo.gen.test PASS: syslog.gen.test PASS: tee.gen.test PASS: time.gen.test PASS: timer_create.gen.test PASS: timer_xettime.gen.test PASS: timerfd_xettime.gen.test PASS: times.gen.test PASS: times-fail.gen.test PASS: trace_fstat.gen.test PASS: trace_fstatfs.gen.test PASS: trace_lstat.gen.test PASS: trace_question.gen.test PASS: trace_stat.gen.test PASS: trace_stat_like.gen.test PASS: trace_statfs.gen.test PASS: trace_statfs_like.gen.test PASS: truncate.gen.test SKIP: truncate64.gen.test SKIP: ugetrlimit.gen.test PASS: umask.gen.test SKIP: umoven-illptr.gen.test SKIP: umovestr-illptr.gen.test PASS: umovestr3.gen.test PASS: unlink.gen.test PASS: unlinkat.gen.test PASS: unshare.gen.test PASS: userfaultfd.gen.test PASS: ustat.gen.test PASS: utime.gen.test PASS: utimensat.gen.test PASS: utimes.gen.test PASS: vfork-f.gen.test PASS: vhangup.gen.test PASS: vmsplice.gen.test PASS: wait4.gen.test PASS: wait4-v.gen.test PASS: waitid.gen.test PASS: waitid-v.gen.test SKIP: waitpid.gen.test PASS: xattr.gen.test PASS: xattr-strings.gen.test PASS: xet_robust_list.gen.test PASS: xetitimer.gen.test PASS: xetpgid.gen.test PASS: xetpriority.gen.test PASS: xettimeofday.gen.test PASS: brk.test PASS: btrfs-v.test SKIP: btrfs-vw.test SKIP: btrfs-w.test PASS: caps-abbrev.test PASS: caps.test PASS: eventfd.test PASS: execve-v.test PASS: execve.test PASS: fadvise64.test PASS: futex.test PASS: getuid.test PASS: ioctl.test PASS: ioctl_dm-v.test PASS: ioctl_dm.test PASS: ioctl_loop-nv.test PASS: ioctl_nsfs.test PASS: ioctl_sock_gifconf.test PASS: ipc_msgbuf.test SKIP: llseek.test PASS: lseek.test PASS: mmap.test PASS: net-y-unix.test PASS: net-yy-inet.test SKIP: net-yy-netlink.test SKIP: net-yy-unix.test PASS: net.test SKIP: netlink_sock_diag.test PASS: nsyscalls.test SKIP: oldselect.test PASS: personality.test PASS: pipe.test PASS: poll.test PASS: prctl-arg2-intptr.test PASS: prctl-dumpable.test PASS: prctl-name.test PASS: prctl-no-args.test PASS: prctl-pdeathsig.test PASS: prctl-seccomp-filter-v.test PASS: prctl-seccomp-strict.test PASS: prctl-securebits.test PASS: prctl-tid_address.test PASS: prctl-tsc.test PASS: qual_fault-exit_group.test PASS: readv.test PASS: rt_sigaction.test PASS: scm_rights-fd.test PASS: seccomp-strict.test PASS: sigaltstack.test PASS: sun_path.test PASS: uio.test SKIP: umount.test PASS: umount2.test PASS: umovestr.test PASS: umovestr2.test PASS: uname.test SKIP: unix-pair-send-recv.test PASS: unix-pair-sendto-recvfrom.test PASS: attach-f-p.test PASS: attach-p-cmd.test PASS: bexecve.test PASS: clone_parent.test PASS: clone_ptrace.test PASS: count-f.test PASS: count.test PASS: detach-running.test PASS: detach-sleeping.test PASS: detach-stopped.test PASS: filter-unavailable.test PASS: fflush.test PASS: get_regs.test PASS: interactive_block.test PASS: ksysent.test PASS: opipe.test PASS: options-syntax.test PASS: pc.test PASS: printpath-umovestr-legacy.test PASS: printstrn-umoven-legacy.test PASS: qual_fault-syntax.test PASS: qual_fault.test PASS: qual_inject-error-signal.test PASS: qual_inject-retval.test PASS: qual_inject-signal.test PASS: qual_inject-syntax.test PASS: qual_signal.test PASS: qual_syscall.test PASS: redirect-fds.test PASS: redirect.test PASS: restart_syscall.test PASS: strace-C.test PASS: strace-E.test PASS: strace-S.test PASS: strace-T.test FAIL: strace-V.test PASS: strace-ff.test PASS: strace-r.test PASS: strace-t.test PASS: strace-tt.test PASS: strace-ttt.test PASS: termsig.test PASS: threads-execve.test =================================================== 1 of 371 tests failed (100 tests were not run) Please report to =================================================== make: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/strace/ptest/tests' ERROR: Exit status is 512 END: /usr/lib/strace/ptest 2018-02-13T02:33 2018-02-13T02:33 BEGIN: /usr/lib/tcl/ptest PASS: aaa_exit.test PASS: append.test PASS: appendComp.test PASS: apply.test PASS: assemble.test PASS: assocd.test PASS: async.test PASS: autoMkindex.test PASS: basic.test PASS: binary.test PASS: case.test PASS: chan.test PASS: chanio.test PASS: clock.test PASS: cmdAH.test PASS: cmdIL.test PASS: cmdInfo.test PASS: cmdMZ.test PASS: compExpr-old.test PASS: compExpr.test PASS: compile.test PASS: concat.test PASS: config.test PASS: coroutine.test PASS: dcall.test PASS: dict.test PASS: dstring.test PASS: encoding.test PASS: env.test PASS: error.test PASS: eval.test PASS: event.test PASS: exec.test PASS: execute.test PASS: expr-old.test PASS: expr.test PASS: fCmd.test PASS: fileName.test PASS: fileSystem.test PASS: for-old.test PASS: for.test PASS: foreach.test PASS: format.test PASS: get.test PASS: history.test FAIL: http.test PASS: http11.test PASS: httpold.test PASS: if-old.test PASS: if.test PASS: incr-old.test PASS: incr.test PASS: indexObj.test PASS: info.test PASS: init.test PASS: interp.test PASS: io.test PASS: ioCmd.test PASS: ioTrans.test PASS: iogt.test PASS: join.test PASS: lindex.test PASS: link.test PASS: linsert.test PASS: list.test PASS: listObj.test PASS: llength.test PASS: lmap.test PASS: load.test PASS: lrange.test PASS: lrepeat.test PASS: lreplace.test PASS: lsearch.test PASS: lset.test PASS: lsetComp.test PASS: macOSXFCmd.test PASS: macOSXLoad.test PASS: main.test PASS: mathop.test PASS: misc.test PASS: msgcat.test PASS: namespace-old.test PASS: namespace.test PASS: notify.test PASS: nre.test PASS: obj.test PASS: oo.test PASS: ooNext2.test PASS: opt.test PASS: package.test PASS: parse.test PASS: parseExpr.test PASS: parseOld.test PASS: pid.test PASS: pkgMkIndex.test PASS: platform.test PASS: proc-old.test PASS: proc.test PASS: pwd.test PASS: reg.test PASS: regexp.test PASS: regexpComp.test PASS: registry.test PASS: rename.test PASS: resolver.test PASS: result.test PASS: safe.test PASS: scan.test PASS: security.test PASS: set-old.test PASS: set.test PASS: socket.test PASS: source.test PASS: split.test PASS: stack.test PASS: string.test PASS: stringComp.test PASS: stringObj.test PASS: subst.test PASS: switch.test PASS: tailcall.test PASS: tcltest.test PASS: thread.test PASS: timer.test PASS: tm.test PASS: trace.test PASS: unixFCmd.test PASS: unixFile.test PASS: unixForkEvent.test PASS: unixInit.test PASS: unixNotfy.test PASS: unknown.test PASS: unload.test PASS: uplevel.test PASS: upvar.test PASS: utf.test PASS: util.test PASS: var.test PASS: while-old.test PASS: while.test PASS: winConsole.test PASS: winDde.test PASS: winFCmd.test PASS: winFile.test PASS: winNotify.test PASS: winPipe.test PASS: winTime.test PASS: zlib.test END: /usr/lib/tcl/ptest 2018-02-13T02:40 2018-02-13T02:40 BEGIN: /usr/lib/util-linux/ptest -------------------- util-linux regression tests -------------------- For development purpose only. Don't execute on production system! PASS: bitops: swap bytes PASS: blkdiscard: offsets SKIP: blkid: DM error (missing in PATH: dmsetup) blkid: superblocks probing ... PASS: blkid: adaptec-raid PASS: blkid: bcache-B PASS: blkid: bcache-C PASS: blkid: befs PASS: blkid: bfs PASS: blkid: cramfs PASS: blkid: ddf-raid PASS: blkid: drbdmanage-control-volume PASS: blkid: exfat PASS: blkid: ext2 PASS: blkid: ext3 PASS: blkid: f2fs PASS: blkid: fat PASS: blkid: fat16_noheads PASS: blkid: fat32_label_64MB PASS: blkid: gfs2 PASS: blkid: hfs PASS: blkid: hfsplus PASS: blkid: hpfs PASS: blkid: hpt37x-raid PASS: blkid: hpt45x-raid PASS: blkid: iso-joliet PASS: blkid: iso-rr-joliet PASS: blkid: iso PASS: blkid: isw-raid PASS: blkid: jbd PASS: blkid: jfs PASS: blkid: jmicron-raid PASS: blkid: lsi-raid PASS: blkid: lvm2 PASS: blkid: mdraid PASS: blkid: minix-BE PASS: blkid: minix-LE PASS: blkid: netware PASS: blkid: nilfs2 PASS: blkid: ntfs PASS: blkid: nvidia-raid PASS: blkid: ocfs2 PASS: blkid: promise-raid PASS: blkid: reiser3 PASS: blkid: reiser4 PASS: blkid: romfs PASS: blkid: silicon-raid PASS: blkid: small-fat32 PASS: blkid: swap0 PASS: blkid: swap1 PASS: blkid: tuxonice PASS: blkid: ubi PASS: blkid: ubifs PASS: blkid: udf-cd-nero-6 PASS: blkid: udf-hdd-mkudffs-1.0.0-1 PASS: blkid: udf-hdd-mkudffs-1.0.0-2 PASS: blkid: udf-hdd-mkudffs-1.3-1 PASS: blkid: udf-hdd-mkudffs-1.3-2 PASS: blkid: udf-hdd-mkudffs-1.3-3 PASS: blkid: udf-hdd-mkudffs-1.3-4 PASS: blkid: udf-hdd-mkudffs-1.3-5 PASS: blkid: udf-hdd-mkudffs-1.3-6 PASS: blkid: udf-hdd-udfclient-0.7.5 PASS: blkid: udf-hdd-udfclient-0.7.7 PASS: blkid: udf-hdd-win7 PASS: blkid: udf PASS: blkid: ufs PASS: blkid: via-raid PASS: blkid: vmfs PASS: blkid: vmfs_volume PASS: blkid: xfs-log PASS: blkid: xfs PASS: blkid: zfs ... OK (all 69 sub-tests PASSED) blkid: partitions probing ... PASS: blkid: bsd PASS: blkid: dos+bsd PASS: blkid: gpt PASS: blkid: sgi PASS: blkid: sun ... OK (all 5 sub-tests PASSED) SKIP: blkid: mbr-wholedisk (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) SKIP: blkid: MD raid0 (whole-disks) (missing in PATH: mdadm) SKIP: blkid: MD raid1 (last partition) (missing in PATH: mdadm) SKIP: blkid: MD raid1 (whole-disks) (missing in PATH: mdadm) SKIP: build-sys: config (optional) PASS: cal: 1 month PASS: cal: 1 month with week numbers PASS: cal: 3 months PASS: cal: 3 months with week numbers PASS: cal: Year 2147483646 PASS: cal: Year 2147483646 with week numbers PASS: cal: color PASS: cal: color with week numbers PASS: cal: January 1753 PASS: cal: September 1752 PASS: cal: September 1752 with week numbers PASS: cal: week number given as argument PASS: cal: week number corner cases PASS: cal: year PASS: cal: year with week numbers PASS: col: multibyte input colcrt: functional ... PASS: colcrt: no-options PASS: colcrt: no-underlining PASS: colcrt: half-lines PASS: colcrt: short-options ... OK (all 4 sub-tests PASSED) colcrt: regressions ... PASS: colcrt: crash1 PASS: colcrt: crash2 PASS: colcrt: hang1 ... OK (all 3 sub-tests PASSED) PASS: colrm: basic check column: columnate ... PASS: column: fill-cols-80 PASS: column: fill-cols-50 PASS: column: fill-cols-250 PASS: column: fill-rows-80 PASS: column: fill-rows-50 PASS: column: fill-rows-250 ... OK (all 6 sub-tests PASSED) PASS: column: invalid multibyte PASS: column: multiple files column: table ... PASS: column: default PASS: column: output-separator PASS: column: input-separator PASS: column: long PASS: column: hide PASS: column: headers PASS: column: truncate PASS: column: right PASS: column: wrap PASS: column: order PASS: column: tree ... OK (all 11 sub-tests PASSED) SKIP: cramfs: mkfs doubles (mkfs.cramfs not found) SKIP: cramfs: fsck endianness (mkfs.cramfs not found) SKIP: cramfs: mkfs checksums (mkfs.cramfs not found) SKIP: cramfs: mkfs endianness (mkfs.cramfs not found) PASS: dmesg: colors PASS: dmesg: levels PASS: dmesg: decode PASS: dmesg: delta PASS: dmesg: facilities PASS: dmesg: indentation eject: umount ... SKIP: eject: by-disk (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) SKIP: fdisk: align 512/4K (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) SKIP: fdisk: align 512/4K +alignment_offset (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) SKIP: fdisk: align 512/4K +MD (missing in PATH: mdadm) PASS: fdisk: align 512/512 SKIP: fdisk: align 512/512 +topology (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) PASS: fdisk: nested BSD PASS: fdisk: GPT PASS: fdisk: MBR - id PASS: fdisk: MBR - dos mode PASS: fdisk: MBR - non-dos mode PASS: fdisk: MBR - sort PASS: fdisk: invalid input tests PASS: fdisk: sunlabel tests PASS: fincore: count file contents in core findmnt: filter ... PASS: findmnt: types PASS: findmnt: types-multi PASS: findmnt: types-neg PASS: findmnt: options PASS: findmnt: options-name PASS: findmnt: options-nameval PASS: findmnt: options-nameval-neg PASS: findmnt: options-nameval-multi PASS: findmnt: options-neg PASS: findmnt: options-no PASS: findmnt: options-no-multi ... OK (all 11 sub-tests PASSED) findmnt: outputs ... PASS: findmnt: default PASS: findmnt: kernel PASS: findmnt: force-tree PASS: findmnt: submounts PASS: findmnt: messy-mountinfo ... OK (all 5 sub-tests PASSED) findmnt: target ... PASS: findmnt: root PASS: findmnt: non-root ... OK (all 2 sub-tests PASSED) PASS: fsck: is mounted PASS: getopt: basic getopt: options ... PASS: getopt: alternative_option_clash PASS: getopt: alternative_option_long PASS: getopt: alternative_option_short PASS: getopt: invalid_getopt_option PASS: getopt: invocation_model_one PASS: getopt: invocation_model_three_as_one PASS: getopt: invocation_model_two_as_one PASS: getopt: invocation_without_parameters PASS: getopt: long_option_ambiguous_1 PASS: getopt: longopts PASS: getopt: name_option_long PASS: getopt: name_option_short PASS: getopt: quiet_option_long PASS: getopt: quiet_option_short PASS: getopt: quiet_output_option_long PASS: getopt: quiet_output_option_short PASS: getopt: same_long_short_options PASS: getopt: test_for_enhanced_getopt PASS: getopt: unknown_options PASS: getopt: unquoted_option_bash PASS: getopt: unquoted_option_tcsh PASS: getopt: weird_quoting_bash PASS: getopt: weird_quoting_tcsh PASS: getopt: compatible PASS: getopt: sh PASS: getopt: csh PASS: getopt: no-arguments PASS: getopt: posix_correctly PASS: getopt: non-option ... OK (all 29 sub-tests PASSED) hexdump: format-strings ... PASS: hexdump: empty-format PASS: hexdump: 1b_octal PASS: hexdump: 1b_char PASS: hexdump: canon PASS: hexdump: 2b_dec PASS: hexdump: 2b_octal PASS: hexdump: 2b_hex ... OK (all 7 sub-tests PASSED) hexdump: highlighting ... PASS: hexdump: 1b_octal-1 PASS: hexdump: 1b_octal-2 PASS: hexdump: 1b_octal-3 PASS: hexdump: 1b_octal-4 PASS: hexdump: 1b_octal-5 PASS: hexdump: 1b_octal-6 PASS: hexdump: 1b_octal-7 PASS: hexdump: 1b_octal-8 PASS: hexdump: 1b_octal-9 PASS: hexdump: 1b_char-1 PASS: hexdump: 1b_char-2 PASS: hexdump: 1b_char-3 PASS: hexdump: canon-1 PASS: hexdump: canon-2 PASS: hexdump: 2b_dec-1 PASS: hexdump: 2b_dec-2 PASS: hexdump: 2b_dec-3 PASS: hexdump: 2b_dec-4 PASS: hexdump: 2b_dec-5 PASS: hexdump: 2b_dec-6 PASS: hexdump: 2b_dec-7 PASS: hexdump: 2b_dec-8 PASS: hexdump: 4b_dec-1 PASS: hexdump: 4b_dec-2 PASS: hexdump: 4b_dec-3 PASS: hexdump: 4b_dec-4 PASS: hexdump: 4b_dec-5 PASS: hexdump: 4b_dec-6 PASS: hexdump: 4b_dec-7 ... OK (all 29 sub-tests PASSED) SKIP: hwclock: system to hw (missing in PATH: sntp) PASS: ipcs: headers PASS: ipcs: limits overflow PASS: ipcs: basic limits PASS: ipcs: mk-rm-msg PASS: ipcs: mk-rm-sem PASS: ipcs: mk-rm-shm isosize: print-size ... PASS: isosize: default_output PASS: isosize: sector_output PASS: isosize: divisor_output ... OK (all 3 sub-tests PASSED) FAIL: kill: all_processes (kill/all_processes) FAIL: kill: name_to_number (kill/name_to_number) PASS: kill: options FAIL: kill: print_pid (kill/print_pid) FAIL: kill: queue (kill/queue) SKIP: libfdisk: GPT (test_fdisk_gpt not found) libfdisk: mkpart ... PASS: libfdisk: mbr PASS: libfdisk: mbr-logic PASS: libfdisk: mbr-nopartno PASS: libfdisk: gpt ... OK (all 4 sub-tests PASSED) libfdisk: mkpart-full ... PASS: libfdisk: mbr-primary PASS: libfdisk: mbr-primary-nopartno PASS: libfdisk: mbr-err-primary PASS: libfdisk: mbr-err-nospace PASS: libfdisk: mbr-logical PASS: libfdisk: mbr-nopartno PASS: libfdisk: mbr-err-logical PASS: libfdisk: mbr-space-gap PASS: libfdisk: gpt PASS: libfdisk: gpt-nopartno PASS: libfdisk: gpt-err-overlap PASS: libfdisk: gpt-partno-gap PASS: libfdisk: gpt-space-gap ... OK (all 13 sub-tests PASSED) SKIP: libmount: context (uuidgen not found) SKIP: libmount: context-py (uuidgen not found) SKIP: libmount: context (utab) (uuidgen not found) SKIP: libmount: context-py (utab) (uuidgen not found) SKIP: libmount: debugging (test not compiled) SKIP: libmount: lock (optional) libmount: losetup-loop ... PASS: libmount: file PASS: libmount: file-o-loop PASS: libmount: dev-loop PASS: libmount: o-loop-val PASS: libmount: reuse PASS: libmount: conflict PASS: libmount: o-loop-val-initialized PASS: libmount: o-loop-val-conflict ... OK (all 8 sub-tests PASSED) PASS: libmount: loop overlay SKIP: libmount: options string (test not compiled) SKIP: libmount: table diffs (test not compiled) SKIP: libmount: tab files (test not compiled) SKIP: libmount: tab files-py (pylibmount not compiled) SKIP: libmount: tags (test not compiled) SKIP: libmount: tags-py (pylibmount not compiled) SKIP: libmount: tab update (test not compiled) SKIP: libmount: tab update-py (pylibmount not compiled) SKIP: libmount: utils (test not compiled) libsmartcols: fromfile ... PASS: libsmartcols: tree PASS: libsmartcols: tree-json PASS: libsmartcols: tree-middle PASS: libsmartcols: tree-end PASS: libsmartcols: trunc PASS: libsmartcols: right PASS: libsmartcols: right-maxout PASS: libsmartcols: strictwidth PASS: libsmartcols: noextremes PASS: libsmartcols: hidden PASS: libsmartcols: wrap PASS: libsmartcols: wrap-tree PASS: libsmartcols: wrapnl PASS: libsmartcols: wrapnl-tree PASS: libsmartcols: raw PASS: libsmartcols: export PASS: libsmartcols: column-separator ... OK (all 17 sub-tests PASSED) PASS: libsmartcols: title SKIP: logger: errors (missing in PATH: socat) SKIP: logger: formats (missing in PATH: socat) SKIP: logger: journald (unsupported) SKIP: logger: options (missing in PATH: socat) PASS: login: islocal PASS: login: defs PASS: look: separator losetup: losetup ... PASS: losetup: file-show PASS: losetup: file-offset PASS: losetup: file-sizelimit PASS: losetup: file-section ... OK (all 4 sub-tests PASSED) SKIP: losetup: losetup-blkdev (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) SKIP: losetup: losetup-loop (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) SKIP: lscpu: lscpu (lscpu not found) lsmem: lsmem ... PASS: lsmem: s390-zvm-6g PASS: lsmem: x86_64-16g ... OK (all 2 sub-tests PASSED) PASS: md5: md5 SKIP: minix: mkfs fsck (mkfs.minix not found) SKIP: minix: fsck images (fsck.minix not found) SKIP: minix: mkfs mount (mkfs.minix not found) SKIP: misc: fallocate ('ext3' not supported) misc: flock ... PASS: misc: non-block PASS: misc: no-fork PASS: misc: shared PASS: misc: exclusive PASS: misc: timeout misc: time-check ... OK (diff 3 sec) ... OK (all 6 sub-tests PASSED) PASS: misc: ionice SKIP: misc: line (line not found) PASS: misc: mcookie PASS: misc: rev misc: setarch ... PASS: misc: options PASS: misc: uname26 PASS: misc: uname26-version ... OK (all 3 sub-tests PASSED) PASS: misc: setsid PASS: misc: strtosize PASS: misc: swaplabel FAIL: misc: ul (misc/ul) PASS: misc: whereis PASS: more: regexp PASS: more: squeeze PASS: mount: by devname mount: fs lists ... PASS: mount: one-type PASS: mount: more-types PASS: mount: more-types-fstab PASS: mount: type-pattern PASS: mount: type-pattern-neg ... OK (all 5 sub-tests PASSED) mount: broken fstab ... PASS: mount: mount PASS: mount: mount-all ... OK (all 2 sub-tests PASSED) mount: btrfs (fstab) ... PASS: mount: btrfs PASS: mount: auto ... OK (all 2 sub-tests PASSED) PASS: mount: by devname (fstab) PASS: mount: by devname (fstab label) PASS: mount: by devname (fstab uuid) PASS: mount: by label (fstab) PASS: mount: by label (fstab devname) PASS: mount: by label (fstab uuid) PASS: mount: loop (fstab) PASS: mount: none PASS: mount: by devname (fstab symlink) PASS: mount: by uuid (fstab) PASS: mount: by uuid (fstab devname) PASS: mount: by uuid (fstab label) PASS: mount: by label PASS: mount: move PASS: mount: regular file PASS: mount: remount SKIP: mount: rlimit-fsize (mtab unsupported) mount: shared-subtree ... PASS: mount: make-shared PASS: mount: make-private PASS: mount: make-unbindable PASS: mount: bind-shared PASS: mount: mount-private PASS: mount: mount-private-ro ... OK (all 6 sub-tests PASSED) PASS: mount: call mount. SKIP: mount: umount-all-targets (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) SKIP: mount: umount-recursive (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) PASS: mount: by uuid PASS: namei: basic functionality SKIP: partx: partitions probing (partx not found) SKIP: partx: show images (partx not found) SKIP: paths: built-in (optional) PASS: rename: basic check PASS: rename: exit codes PASS: rename: subdir check PASS: rename: symlink check schedutils: chrt ... PASS: schedutils: fifo PASS: schedutils: batch PASS: schedutils: other PASS: schedutils: rr PASS: schedutils: idle PASS: schedutils: deadline ... OK (all 6 sub-tests PASSED) schedutils: chrt-non-user ... PASS: schedutils: batch-vs-nice ... OK (all 1 sub-tests PASSED) PASS: schedutils: cpuset PASS: script: buffering race script: options ... PASS: script: append PASS: script: force PASS: script: quiet PASS: script: return ... OK (all 4 sub-tests PASSED) PASS: script: race conditions PASS: script: replay SKIP: sfdisk: MBR (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) SKIP: sfdisk: GPT (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) SKIP: sfdisk: movedata (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) SKIP: sfdisk: resize (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) SKIP: sfdisk: GPT (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) SKIP: sfdisk: wipe (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) PASS: sha1: sha1 PASS: swapon: by devname PASS: swapon: fix page size PASS: swapon: fix signature PASS: swapon: by label PASS: swapon: by uuid SKIP: utmp: last (deprecated last) SKIP: utmp: last ipv6 (deprecated last) FAIL: utmp: circle (utmp/utmpdump-circle) FAIL: utmp: subsecond (utmp/utmpdump-subsecond) FAIL: utmp: to binary (utmp/utmpdump-tobin) FAIL: utmp: IPv6 to binary (utmp/utmpdump-tobin-ipv6) FAIL: utmp: to text (utmp/utmpdump-totxt) FAIL: utmp: IPv6 to text (utmp/utmpdump-totxt-ipv6) PASS: uuid: namespace FAIL: uuid: oids (uuid/oids) PASS: uuid: uuid_parser SKIP: uuid: uuidd (uuidd not found) SKIP: uuid: uuidgen (uuidgen not found) PASS: uuid: uuidparse SKIP: wipefs: wipefs (missing scsi_debug module (dry-run)) END: /usr/lib/util-linux/ptest 2018-02-13T02:43 2018-02-13T02:43 BEGIN: /usr/lib/valgrind/ptest PASS: cachegrind/tests/chdir PASS: cachegrind/tests/clreq PASS: cachegrind/tests/dlclose PASS: cachegrind/tests/notpower2 FAIL: cachegrind/tests/wrap5 PASS: callgrind/tests/clreq PASS: callgrind/tests/notpower2-hwpref PASS: callgrind/tests/notpower2-use PASS: callgrind/tests/notpower2-wb PASS: callgrind/tests/notpower2 PASS: callgrind/tests/simwork-both PASS: callgrind/tests/simwork-branch PASS: callgrind/tests/simwork-cache PASS: callgrind/tests/simwork1 PASS: callgrind/tests/simwork2 PASS: callgrind/tests/simwork3 PASS: callgrind/tests/threads-use PASS: callgrind/tests/threads FAIL: drd/tests/annotate_barrier FAIL: drd/tests/annotate_barrier_xml FAIL: drd/tests/annotate_hb_err FAIL: drd/tests/annotate_hb_race PASS: drd/tests/annotate_hbefore PASS: drd/tests/annotate_ignore_read FAIL: drd/tests/annotate_ignore_rw FAIL: drd/tests/annotate_ignore_rw2 FAIL: drd/tests/annotate_ignore_write FAIL: drd/tests/annotate_ignore_write2 PASS: drd/tests/annotate_order_1 PASS: drd/tests/annotate_order_2 PASS: drd/tests/annotate_order_3 FAIL: drd/tests/annotate_publish_hg PASS: drd/tests/annotate_rwlock PASS: drd/tests/annotate_rwlock_hg PASS: drd/tests/annotate_sem PASS: drd/tests/annotate_smart_pointer FAIL: drd/tests/annotate_smart_pointer2 PASS: drd/tests/annotate_spinlock PASS: drd/tests/annotate_static FAIL: drd/tests/annotate_trace_memory FAIL: drd/tests/annotate_trace_memory_xml FAIL: drd/tests/atomic_var FAIL: drd/tests/bar_bad FAIL: drd/tests/bar_bad_xml PASS: drd/tests/bar_trivial PASS: drd/tests/boost_thread PASS: drd/tests/bug-235681 PASS: drd/tests/circular_buffer PASS: drd/tests/concurrent_close PASS: drd/tests/custom_alloc FAIL: drd/tests/custom_alloc_fiw PASS: drd/tests/dlopen FAIL: drd/tests/fp_race PASS: drd/tests/fp_race2 FAIL: drd/tests/fp_race_xml PASS: drd/tests/free_is_write PASS: drd/tests/free_is_write2 PASS: drd/tests/hg01_all_ok PASS: drd/tests/hg02_deadlock FAIL: drd/tests/hg03_inherit FAIL: drd/tests/hg04_race FAIL: drd/tests/hg05_race2 PASS: drd/tests/hg06_readshared FAIL: drd/tests/hold_lock_1 FAIL: drd/tests/hold_lock_2 PASS: drd/tests/linuxthreads_det SKIP: drd/tests/local_static PASS: drd/tests/matinv PASS: drd/tests/memory_allocation PASS: drd/tests/monitor_example PASS: drd/tests/new_delete SKIP: drd/tests/omp_matinv SKIP: drd/tests/omp_matinv_racy SKIP: drd/tests/omp_prime_racy SKIP: drd/tests/omp_printf PASS: drd/tests/pth_barrier PASS: drd/tests/pth_barrier2 PASS: drd/tests/pth_barrier3 FAIL: drd/tests/pth_barrier_race FAIL: drd/tests/pth_barrier_reinit PASS: drd/tests/pth_barrier_thr_cr PASS: drd/tests/pth_broadcast FAIL: drd/tests/pth_cancel_locked PASS: drd/tests/pth_cleanup_handler SKIP: drd/tests/pth_cond_destroy_busy FAIL: drd/tests/pth_cond_race PASS: drd/tests/pth_cond_race2 PASS: drd/tests/pth_cond_race3 PASS: drd/tests/pth_create_chain SKIP: drd/tests/pth_create_glibc_2_0 PASS: drd/tests/pth_detached PASS: drd/tests/pth_detached2 sh: line 1: 2926 Segmentation fault VALGRIND_LIB=/usr/lib/valgrind VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=/usr/lib/valgrind /usr/bin/valgrind --command-line-only=yes --memcheck:leak-check=no --tool=drd ./pth_detached3 > pth_detached3.stdout.out 2> pth_detached3.stderr.out FAIL: drd/tests/pth_detached3 PASS: drd/tests/pth_detached_sem FAIL: drd/tests/pth_inconsistent_cond_wait FAIL: drd/tests/pth_mutex_reinit PASS: drd/tests/pth_once PASS: drd/tests/pth_process_shared_mutex grep: ../../config.h: No such file or directory PASS: drd/tests/pth_spinlock FAIL: drd/tests/pth_uninitialized_cond FAIL: drd/tests/read_and_free_race FAIL: drd/tests/recursive_mutex FAIL: drd/tests/rwlock_race PASS: drd/tests/rwlock_test FAIL: drd/tests/rwlock_type_checking FAIL: drd/tests/sem_as_mutex PASS: drd/tests/sem_as_mutex2 FAIL: drd/tests/sem_as_mutex3 FAIL: drd/tests/sem_open PASS: drd/tests/sem_open2 FAIL: drd/tests/sem_open3 PASS: drd/tests/sem_open_traced PASS: drd/tests/sem_wait PASS: drd/tests/sigalrm PASS: drd/tests/sigaltstack PASS: drd/tests/std_atomic timed out FAIL: drd/tests/std_list PASS: drd/tests/std_string PASS: drd/tests/std_thread FAIL: drd/tests/std_thread2 PASS: drd/tests/str_tester FAIL: drd/tests/tc01_simple_race PASS: drd/tests/tc02_simple_tls PASS: drd/tests/tc03_re_excl FAIL: drd/tests/tc04_free_lock PASS: drd/tests/tc05_simple_race PASS: drd/tests/tc06_two_races PASS: drd/tests/tc07_hbl1 PASS: drd/tests/tc08_hbl2 FAIL: drd/tests/tc09_bad_unlock FAIL: drd/tests/tc10_rec_lock PASS: drd/tests/tc11_XCHG FAIL: drd/tests/tc12_rwl_trivial PASS: drd/tests/tc13_laog1 PASS: drd/tests/tc15_laog_lockdel FAIL: drd/tests/tc16_byterace PASS: drd/tests/tc17_sembar FAIL: drd/tests/tc18_semabuse FAIL: drd/tests/tc19_shadowmem FAIL: drd/tests/tc21_pthonce sh: line 1: 5908 Aborted VALGRIND_LIB=/usr/lib/valgrind VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=/usr/lib/valgrind /usr/bin/valgrind --command-line-only=yes --memcheck:leak-check=no --tool=drd --num-callers=3 -q ./../../helgrind/tests/tc22_exit_w_lock > tc22_exit_w_lock.stdout.out 2> tc22_exit_w_lock.stderr.out FAIL: drd/tests/tc22_exit_w_lock FAIL: drd/tests/tc23_bogus_condwait PASS: drd/tests/tc24_nonzero_sem FAIL: drd/tests/thread_name FAIL: drd/tests/thread_name_xml PASS: drd/tests/threaded-fork-vcs PASS: drd/tests/threaded-fork PASS: drd/tests/tls_threads FAIL: drd/tests/trylock PASS: drd/tests/unit_bitmap PASS: drd/tests/unit_vc PASS: helgrind/tests/annotate_hbefore FAIL: helgrind/tests/annotate_rwlock PASS: helgrind/tests/annotate_smart_pointer FAIL: helgrind/tests/bar_bad PASS: helgrind/tests/bar_trivial PASS: helgrind/tests/cond_init_destroy FAIL: helgrind/tests/cond_timedwait_invalid PASS: helgrind/tests/cond_timedwait_test FAIL: helgrind/tests/free_is_write PASS: helgrind/tests/hg01_all_ok FAIL: helgrind/tests/hg02_deadlock FAIL: helgrind/tests/hg03_inherit FAIL: helgrind/tests/hg04_race FAIL: helgrind/tests/hg05_race2 PASS: helgrind/tests/hg06_readshared FAIL: helgrind/tests/locked_vs_unlocked1_fwd FAIL: helgrind/tests/locked_vs_unlocked1_rev FAIL: helgrind/tests/locked_vs_unlocked2 FAIL: helgrind/tests/locked_vs_unlocked3 FAIL: helgrind/tests/pth_barrier1 FAIL: helgrind/tests/pth_barrier2 FAIL: helgrind/tests/pth_barrier3 SKIP: helgrind/tests/pth_cond_destroy_busy FAIL: helgrind/tests/pth_destroy_cond SKIP: helgrind/tests/pth_spinlock FAIL: helgrind/tests/rwlock_race PASS: helgrind/tests/rwlock_test PASS: helgrind/tests/shmem_abits PASS: helgrind/tests/stackteardown PASS: helgrind/tests/t2t_laog FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc01_simple_race PASS: helgrind/tests/tc02_simple_tls PASS: helgrind/tests/tc03_re_excl PASS: helgrind/tests/tc04_free_lock FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc05_simple_race FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc06_two_races FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc06_two_races_xml PASS: helgrind/tests/tc07_hbl1 PASS: helgrind/tests/tc08_hbl2 FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc09_bad_unlock FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc10_rec_lock PASS: helgrind/tests/tc11_XCHG FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc12_rwl_trivial FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc13_laog1 FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc14_laog_dinphils FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc15_laog_lockdel FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc16_byterace PASS: helgrind/tests/tc17_sembar FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc18_semabuse FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc19_shadowmem FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc20_verifywrap FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc21_pthonce sh: line 1: 9733 Aborted VALGRIND_LIB=/usr/lib/valgrind VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=/usr/lib/valgrind /usr/bin/valgrind --command-line-only=yes --memcheck:leak-check=no --tool=helgrind ./tc22_exit_w_lock > tc22_exit_w_lock.stdout.out 2> tc22_exit_w_lock.stderr.out FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc22_exit_w_lock FAIL: helgrind/tests/tc23_bogus_condwait PASS: helgrind/tests/tc24_nonzero_sem PASS: helgrind/tests/tls_threads Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/alloc-fns-A Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/alloc-fns-B Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/basic Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/basic2 Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/big-alloc PASS: massif/tests/culling1 PASS: massif/tests/culling2 Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/custom_alloc Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/deep-A Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/deep-B Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/deep-C Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/deep-D Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/ignored Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/ignoring Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/insig Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/long-names Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/long-time PASS: massif/tests/malloc_usable Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/mmapunmap Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/new-cpp Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. PASS: massif/tests/no-stack-no-heap Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. PASS: massif/tests/null Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. PASS: massif/tests/one Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/overloaded-new PASS: massif/tests/pages_as_heap Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/peak Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/peak2 Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/realloc Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/thresholds_0_0 Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/thresholds_0_10 Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/thresholds_10_0 Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/thresholds_10_10 Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/thresholds_5_0 Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. FAIL: massif/tests/thresholds_5_10 Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. PASS: massif/tests/zero1 Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./tests/vg_regtest line 617. PASS: massif/tests/zero2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/accounting FAIL: memcheck/tests/addressable PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64/bt_everything PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64/bug132146 PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64/bug279698 PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64/fxsave-amd64 FAIL: memcheck/tests/amd64/insn-bsfl FAIL: memcheck/tests/amd64/insn-pcmpistri FAIL: memcheck/tests/amd64/insn-pmovmskb FAIL: memcheck/tests/amd64/insn_basic PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64/insn_fpu PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64/insn_mmx PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64/insn_sse PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64/insn_sse2 PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64/more_x87_fp FAIL: memcheck/tests/amd64/sh-mem-vec128-plo-no FAIL: memcheck/tests/amd64/sh-mem-vec128-plo-yes FAIL: memcheck/tests/amd64/sh-mem-vec256-plo-no FAIL: memcheck/tests/amd64/sh-mem-vec256-plo-yes PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64/shr_edx PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64/sse_memory FAIL: memcheck/tests/amd64/xor-undef-amd64 PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64/xsave-avx PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64-linux/access_below_sp_1 PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64-linux/access_below_sp_2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/amd64-linux/defcfaexpr PASS: memcheck/tests/amd64-linux/int3-amd64 PASS: memcheck/tests/atomic_incs FAIL: memcheck/tests/badaddrvalue FAIL: memcheck/tests/badfree-2trace FAIL: memcheck/tests/badfree FAIL: memcheck/tests/badfree3 sh: line 1: 12851 Segmentation fault VALGRIND_LIB=/usr/lib/valgrind VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=/usr/lib/valgrind /usr/bin/valgrind --command-line-only=yes --memcheck:leak-check=no --tool=memcheck ./badjump > badjump.stdout.out 2> badjump.stderr.out PASS: memcheck/tests/badjump PASS: memcheck/tests/badjump2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/badloop FAIL: memcheck/tests/badpoll FAIL: memcheck/tests/badrw FAIL: memcheck/tests/big_blocks_freed_list PASS: memcheck/tests/big_debuginfo_symbol PASS: memcheck/tests/brk2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/buflen_check FAIL: memcheck/tests/bug155125 PASS: memcheck/tests/bug287260 PASS: memcheck/tests/bug340392 PASS: memcheck/tests/calloc-overflow FAIL: memcheck/tests/cdebug_zlib FAIL: memcheck/tests/cdebug_zlib_gnu FAIL: memcheck/tests/client-msg-as-xml FAIL: memcheck/tests/client-msg FAIL: memcheck/tests/clientperm FAIL: memcheck/tests/clireq_nofill FAIL: memcheck/tests/clo_redzone_128 PASS: memcheck/tests/clo_redzone_default FAIL: memcheck/tests/cond_ld FAIL: memcheck/tests/cond_st PASS: memcheck/tests/custom-overlap FAIL: memcheck/tests/custom_alloc sh: line 1: 13923 Segmentation fault VALGRIND_LIB=/usr/lib/valgrind VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=/usr/lib/valgrind /usr/bin/valgrind --command-line-only=yes --memcheck:leak-check=no --tool=memcheck -q --num-callers=500 ./deep-backtrace > deep-backtrace.stdout.out 2> deep-backtrace.stderr.out FAIL: memcheck/tests/deep-backtrace FAIL: memcheck/tests/demangle FAIL: memcheck/tests/descr_belowsp FAIL: memcheck/tests/describe-block FAIL: memcheck/tests/doublefree FAIL: memcheck/tests/dw4 FAIL: memcheck/tests/err_disable1 FAIL: memcheck/tests/err_disable2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/err_disable3 FAIL: memcheck/tests/err_disable4 FAIL: memcheck/tests/err_disable_arange1 PASS: memcheck/tests/erringfds PASS: memcheck/tests/error_counts FAIL: memcheck/tests/errs1 FAIL: memcheck/tests/execve1 FAIL: memcheck/tests/execve2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/exitprog PASS: memcheck/tests/file_locking FAIL: memcheck/tests/fprw FAIL: memcheck/tests/fwrite FAIL: memcheck/tests/gone_abrt_xml FAIL: memcheck/tests/holey_buffer_too_small FAIL: memcheck/tests/inits FAIL: memcheck/tests/inline FAIL: memcheck/tests/inlinfo FAIL: memcheck/tests/inlinfosupp FAIL: memcheck/tests/inlinfosuppobj FAIL: memcheck/tests/inltemplate PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-0 PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-autofreepool-0 PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-autofreepool-1 PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-autofreepool-2 PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-autofreepool-4 FAIL: memcheck/tests/leak-autofreepool-5 PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-autofreepool-6 FAIL: memcheck/tests/leak-cases-full FAIL: memcheck/tests/leak-cases-possible PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-cases-summary FAIL: memcheck/tests/leak-cycle FAIL: memcheck/tests/leak-delta PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-pool-0 PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-pool-1 PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-pool-2 PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-pool-3 PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-pool-4 PASS: memcheck/tests/leak-pool-5 FAIL: memcheck/tests/leak-segv-jmp FAIL: memcheck/tests/leak-tree FAIL: memcheck/tests/leak_cpp_interior PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/brk PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/capget PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/getregset PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/ioctl-tiocsig PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/lsframe1 PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/lsframe2 PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/proc-auxv FAIL: memcheck/tests/linux/rfcomm PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/sigqueue PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/stack_changes PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/stack_switch PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/sys-openat PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/syscalls-2007 PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/syslog-syscall PASS: memcheck/tests/linux/timerfd-syscall FAIL: memcheck/tests/linux/with-space FAIL: memcheck/tests/lks FAIL: memcheck/tests/long-supps FAIL: memcheck/tests/long_namespace_xml PASS: memcheck/tests/mallinfo FAIL: memcheck/tests/malloc1 FAIL: memcheck/tests/malloc1_ks_alloc FAIL: memcheck/tests/malloc1_ks_alloc_and_free FAIL: memcheck/tests/malloc1_ks_free PASS: memcheck/tests/malloc1_ks_none FAIL: memcheck/tests/malloc2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/malloc3 PASS: memcheck/tests/malloc_free_fill PASS: memcheck/tests/malloc_usable FAIL: memcheck/tests/manuel1 FAIL: memcheck/tests/manuel2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/manuel3 FAIL: memcheck/tests/match-overrun PASS: memcheck/tests/memalign2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/memalign_test FAIL: memcheck/tests/memcmptest FAIL: memcheck/tests/mempool FAIL: memcheck/tests/mempool2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/metadata FAIL: memcheck/tests/mismatches PASS: memcheck/tests/mmaptest PASS: memcheck/tests/nanoleak2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/nanoleak_supp PASS: memcheck/tests/new_nothrow PASS: memcheck/tests/new_override FAIL: memcheck/tests/noisy_child PASS: memcheck/tests/null_socket FAIL: memcheck/tests/origin1-yes FAIL: memcheck/tests/origin2-not-quite FAIL: memcheck/tests/origin3-no FAIL: memcheck/tests/origin4-many FAIL: memcheck/tests/origin5-bz2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/origin6-fp FAIL: memcheck/tests/overlap FAIL: memcheck/tests/partial_load_dflt FAIL: memcheck/tests/partial_load_ok FAIL: memcheck/tests/partiallydefinedeq PASS: memcheck/tests/pdb-realloc PASS: memcheck/tests/pdb-realloc2 PASS: memcheck/tests/pipe FAIL: memcheck/tests/pointer-trace PASS: memcheck/tests/post-syscall PASS: memcheck/tests/reach_thread_register PASS: memcheck/tests/realloc1 PASS: memcheck/tests/realloc2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/realloc3 FAIL: memcheck/tests/recursive-merge FAIL: memcheck/tests/resvn_stack PASS: memcheck/tests/sbfragment PASS: memcheck/tests/sem FAIL: memcheck/tests/sendmsg PASS: memcheck/tests/sh-mem-random PASS: memcheck/tests/sh-mem PASS: memcheck/tests/sigaltstack PASS: memcheck/tests/sigkill FAIL: memcheck/tests/signal2 PASS: memcheck/tests/sigprocmask FAIL: memcheck/tests/static_malloc PASS: memcheck/tests/stpncpy PASS: memcheck/tests/str_tester FAIL: memcheck/tests/strchr PASS: memcheck/tests/supp-dir FAIL: memcheck/tests/supp1 FAIL: memcheck/tests/supp2 sh: line 1: 20604 Segmentation fault VALGRIND_LIB=/usr/lib/valgrind VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=/usr/lib/valgrind /usr/bin/valgrind --command-line-only=yes --memcheck:leak-check=no --tool=memcheck -q --suppressions=supp_unknown.supp ./supp_unknown > supp_unknown.stdout.out 2> supp_unknown.stderr.out PASS: memcheck/tests/supp_unknown FAIL: memcheck/tests/suppfree FAIL: memcheck/tests/suppfreecollision FAIL: memcheck/tests/supponlyobj FAIL: memcheck/tests/suppvarinfo5 FAIL: memcheck/tests/test-plo-no FAIL: memcheck/tests/test-plo-yes timed out PASS: memcheck/tests/thread_alloca FAIL: memcheck/tests/threadname FAIL: memcheck/tests/threadname_xml FAIL: memcheck/tests/trivialleak FAIL: memcheck/tests/undef_malloc_args PASS: memcheck/tests/unit_libcbase PASS: memcheck/tests/unit_oset FAIL: memcheck/tests/varinfo1 FAIL: memcheck/tests/varinfo2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/varinfo3 FAIL: memcheck/tests/varinfo4 FAIL: memcheck/tests/varinfo5 FAIL: memcheck/tests/varinfo6 FAIL: memcheck/tests/varinforestrict PASS: memcheck/tests/vbit-test/vbit-test FAIL: memcheck/tests/vcpu_bz2 PASS: memcheck/tests/vcpu_fbench PASS: memcheck/tests/vcpu_fnfns PASS: memcheck/tests/wcs FAIL: memcheck/tests/wrap1 FAIL: memcheck/tests/wrap2 FAIL: memcheck/tests/wrap3 FAIL: memcheck/tests/wrap4 FAIL: memcheck/tests/wrap5 FAIL: memcheck/tests/wrap6 FAIL: memcheck/tests/wrap7 FAIL: memcheck/tests/wrap8 PASS: memcheck/tests/wrapmalloc PASS: memcheck/tests/wrapmallocstatic FAIL: memcheck/tests/writev1 FAIL: memcheck/tests/xml1 PASS: none/tests/allexec32 PASS: none/tests/allexec64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/aes PASS: none/tests/amd64/amd64locked PASS: none/tests/amd64/asorep FAIL: none/tests/amd64/avx-1 PASS: none/tests/amd64/avx2-1 PASS: none/tests/amd64/bmi PASS: none/tests/amd64/bt_flags PASS: none/tests/amd64/bug127521-64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/bug132813-amd64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/bug132918 PASS: none/tests/amd64/bug137714-amd64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/bug156404-amd64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/cet_nops PASS: none/tests/amd64/clc PASS: none/tests/amd64/cmpxchg PASS: none/tests/amd64/crc32 timed out FAIL: none/tests/amd64/fb_test_amd64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/fcmovnu PASS: none/tests/amd64/fma PASS: none/tests/amd64/fma4 PASS: none/tests/amd64/fxtract PASS: none/tests/amd64/getseg FAIL: none/tests/amd64/insn_basic PASS: none/tests/amd64/insn_fpu PASS: none/tests/amd64/insn_mmx PASS: none/tests/amd64/insn_pclmulqdq PASS: none/tests/amd64/insn_sse PASS: none/tests/amd64/insn_sse2 PASS: none/tests/amd64/insn_sse3 PASS: none/tests/amd64/insn_ssse3 PASS: none/tests/amd64/jrcxz PASS: none/tests/amd64/looper PASS: none/tests/amd64/loopnel SKIP: none/tests/amd64/lzcnt64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/movbe SKIP: none/tests/amd64/mpx PASS: none/tests/amd64/nan80and64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/nibz_bennee_mmap PASS: none/tests/amd64/pcmpstr64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/pcmpstr64w PASS: none/tests/amd64/pcmpxstrx64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/pcmpxstrx64w PASS: none/tests/amd64/rcl-amd64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/redundantRexW PASS: none/tests/amd64/sbbmisc PASS: none/tests/amd64/shrld PASS: none/tests/amd64/slahf-amd64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/smc1 PASS: none/tests/amd64/sse4-64 PASS: none/tests/amd64/ssse3_misaligned PASS: none/tests/amd64/tm1 PASS: none/tests/amd64/x87trigOOR PASS: none/tests/amd64/xacq_xrel PASS: none/tests/amd64/xadd sh: line 1: 25760 Segmentation fault VALGRIND_LIB=/usr/lib/valgrind VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=/usr/lib/valgrind /usr/bin/valgrind --command-line-only=yes --memcheck:leak-check=no --tool=none -q ./bug345887 > bug345887.stdout.out 2> bug345887.stderr.out FAIL: none/tests/amd64-linux/bug345887 PASS: none/tests/amd64-linux/cet_nops_fs PASS: none/tests/amd64-linux/cet_nops_gs FAIL: none/tests/amd64-linux/map_32bits PASS: none/tests/ansi PASS: none/tests/args PASS: none/tests/async-sigs FAIL: none/tests/bigcode PASS: none/tests/bitfield1 PASS: none/tests/bug129866 PASS: none/tests/bug234814 PASS: none/tests/closeall PASS: none/tests/cmd-with-special PASS: none/tests/cmdline0 PASS: none/tests/cmdline1 PASS: none/tests/cmdline2 PASS: none/tests/cmdline3 PASS: none/tests/cmdline4 PASS: none/tests/cmdline5 PASS: none/tests/cmdline6 PASS: none/tests/coolo_sigaction PASS: none/tests/coolo_strlen PASS: none/tests/discard PASS: none/tests/empty-exe PASS: none/tests/exec-sigmask PASS: none/tests/execve PASS: none/tests/faultstatus PASS: none/tests/fcntl_setown FAIL: none/tests/fdleak_cmsg PASS: none/tests/fdleak_creat PASS: none/tests/fdleak_dup PASS: none/tests/fdleak_dup2 PASS: none/tests/fdleak_fcntl PASS: none/tests/fdleak_ipv4 PASS: none/tests/fdleak_open PASS: none/tests/fdleak_pipe PASS: none/tests/fdleak_socketpair PASS: none/tests/floored PASS: none/tests/fork PASS: none/tests/fucomip PASS: none/tests/gxx304 PASS: none/tests/ifunc vg_regtest: `./../../gdbserver_tests/filter_make_empty' not found or not a file (.) PASS: none/tests/ioctl_moans === Test Summary === TOTAL: 570 PASSED: 299 FAILED: 260 SKIPPED: 11 END: /usr/lib/valgrind/ptest 2018-02-13T02:55 2018-02-13T02:55 BEGIN: /usr/lib/zlib/ptest hello world zlib version 1.2.11 = 0x12b0, compile flags = 0xa9 uncompress(): hello, hello! gzread(): hello, hello! gzgets() after gzseek: hello! inflate(): hello, hello! large_inflate(): OK after inflateSync(): hello, hello! inflate with dictionary: hello, hello! *** zlib test OK *** PASS: zlib hello world zlib version 1.2.11 = 0x12b0, compile flags = 0xa9 uncompress(): hello, hello! gzread(): hello, hello! gzgets() after gzseek: hello! inflate(): hello, hello! large_inflate(): OK after inflateSync(): hello, hello! inflate with dictionary: hello, hello! *** zlib shared test OK *** PASS: zlib shared END: /usr/lib/zlib/ptest 2018-02-13T02:55 STOP: ptest-runner