Bug Triage

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Revision as of 15:36, 28 February 2013 by Dvhart (talk | contribs)
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The output of the bug triage meeting should be that all bugs have an owner, a target milestone, and a priority.

Prior to the meeting, each Product Owner should review their Weekly New and High Bugs and be ready with any opens. An example open would be a bug that may need to change Products.


  • Call facilitator: Jessica Zhang
    • Ensure we keep to the agenda, don't rathole on bug resolution, and stay within our time block.
  • Minute taker: ?
    • [] Need to learn what Dave wants to see as output from this meeting


  • Opens
    • Collect opens
    • Discuss opens
  • Review Queries
    • State number and owner
    • Owner makes any modifications
    • Assign owner, target milestone, and priority.
  • APR 28: go through remaining bugs without target milestones

Bug Criteria

  • Priority-Severity
    • High-Critical: Two Week
    • High: Milestone
    • Medium: Nice to have for milestone, must have for release

Bug Triage Searches

Non-Prioritized Bugs

IDSummary (43 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
8336[internalsolv] Problem when upgrading a package which depends on a new package (old issue #32)minorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
8340libopkg needs a better error reporting mechanism (old issue #63)enhancementUndecidednext-minorAlex StewartACCEPTED
8342[internalsolv] Opkg fails to attempt all satisfying dependencies after installing the first one fails (old issue #85)minorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
8345[internalsolv] Install package(s) only after download of all needed packages. (old issue #116)enhancementUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
8346Check for package list update before downloading (old issue #117)enhancementUndecidednext-minorAlex StewartACCEPTED
8349[internalsolv] dist-upgrade feature (old issue #126)enhancementUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
8350Customisable uid/gid translation during installation (old issue #129)enhancementUndecidednext-minorAlex StewartACCEPTED
8360[internalsolv] Packages fail to install when Recommends can't be installed (old issue #165)minorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
8537Feature request: new libopkg APIenhancementUndecided1.0Alex StewartNEW
8565Add global preinst/postinst hooks to opkgenhancementUndecidednext-minorAlex StewartACCEPTED
8912[internalsolv] opkg remove --autoremove' does not fully uninstall product.minorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
9792[internalsolv] globs don't work on opkg commandsenhancementUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
9938[internalsolv] Upgrade of package with versioned Depends failsminorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
9973When relative paths are not allowed in options show an appropriate error messageenhancementUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED
10277[internalsolv] Package install upgrades provider of virtual dependency incorrectlyminorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
12223opkg marks package as installed despite a dependency failing to installminorUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED
12275[RFE] option to statically link in all shared objects for opkgenhancementUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED
12474If `opkg install file` collides with repo pkg with same name/version, the repo metadata is usednormalUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED
12500[libsolv] Missing leaf dependency gives error on higher dependencies that nothing provides them.enhancementUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED
12797[internalsolv] force-removal-of-dependent-packages flag incorrectly remove Essential package dependenciesnormalUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
13024Add buck-security testsenhancementUndecided---akusterNEW
13197opkg download doesn't download older version of a package if newer version is installednormalUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED
13517meta-ti (a345e0c2) Linux kernel fails to boot on Beagleboard-xM (rev C)criticalUndecided---Denys DmytriyenkoNEW
13519meta-ti (a345e0c2) U-Boot MLO execution fails on Beagleboard-xM (rev C)criticalUndecided---Denys DmytriyenkoNEW
13593Installation of package is slowenhancementUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED
13744Support "porcelain" option to preserve output format for script parsingenhancementUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
13942Debian-Repos: Add support for the 'sources.list' configuration formatenhancementUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED
13943Debian-Repos: Improve update operation for architecture 'all'normalUndecidednext-minorAlex StewartACCEPTED
13944Improve the install operation if 'nodeps' option is usedenhancementUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED
14107The libopkg source should consistently use stdbool for its boolean value implementation, for currency and consistency.enhancementUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED2
14233Improve the time complexity of opkg configure.enhancementUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED
14628opkg incorrectly fails to upgrade packages when an owned file has been transferred to a dependency.normalUndecidednext-minorAlex StewartACCEPTED
14756Download subcommand ignores version constraintsenhancementUndecidednext-minorAlex StewartACCEPTED
14913opkg doesn't work with feed server configured with http->https redirectenhancementUndecidednext-minorAlex StewartACCEPTED
15006Improve performance of the pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate function.enhancementUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED
15160opkg build throws deprecation warnings about several cURL options with libcurl 7.88normalUndecidednext-patchAlex StewartACCEPTED
15200[internalsolv] opkg sometimes SEGFAULTS during list-upgradable operation on ARM32 RPi CM4majorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
15287package in RDEPENDS is not being pulled as dependency before main packagenormalUndecided---Alex StewartNEW
15340'opkg remove' is deleting /lib directory when removing service filenormalUndecided---Alex StewartNEW
15468[opkg-utils] opkg-feed list operation returns no feeds, in all cases.normalUndecided---Alex StewartNEW
15475google-authenticator-libpam recipe does not install the library, only the executable.normalUndecided0.0.0akusterNEW
15581dm-verity-image-initramfs rebuilds unconditionallynormalUndecided0.0.0akusterNEW
15600cargo fails to build for riscv64 targetnormalUndecided0.0.0UnassignedNEW

Non-Targeted Bugs

Low bugs not included.

IDSummary (19 tasks) SeverityPMilestoneAssigneeStatusWhiteboardE
8336[internalsolv] Problem when upgrading a package which depends on a new package (old issue #32)minorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
8342[internalsolv] Opkg fails to attempt all satisfying dependencies after installing the first one fails (old issue #85)minorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
8345[internalsolv] Install package(s) only after download of all needed packages. (old issue #116)enhancementUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
8349[internalsolv] dist-upgrade feature (old issue #126)enhancementUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
8360[internalsolv] Packages fail to install when Recommends can't be installed (old issue #165)minorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
8912[internalsolv] opkg remove --autoremove' does not fully uninstall product.minorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
9792[internalsolv] globs don't work on opkg commandsenhancementUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
9938[internalsolv] Upgrade of package with versioned Depends failsminorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
10277[internalsolv] Package install upgrades provider of virtual dependency incorrectlyminorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
10777[internalsolv] opkg: recommends are too strongnormalMedium+---Alex StewartACCEPTED
12797[internalsolv] force-removal-of-dependent-packages flag incorrectly remove Essential package dependenciesnormalUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
13024Add buck-security testsenhancementUndecided---akusterNEW
13517meta-ti (a345e0c2) Linux kernel fails to boot on Beagleboard-xM (rev C)criticalUndecided---Denys DmytriyenkoNEW
13519meta-ti (a345e0c2) U-Boot MLO execution fails on Beagleboard-xM (rev C)criticalUndecided---Denys DmytriyenkoNEW
13744Support "porcelain" option to preserve output format for script parsingenhancementUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
15200[internalsolv] opkg sometimes SEGFAULTS during list-upgradable operation on ARM32 RPi CM4majorUndecided---Alex StewartACCEPTED
15287package in RDEPENDS is not being pulled as dependency before main packagenormalUndecided---Alex StewartNEW
15340'opkg remove' is deleting /lib directory when removing service filenormalUndecided---Alex StewartNEW
15468[opkg-utils] opkg-feed list operation returns no feeds, in all cases.normalUndecided---Alex StewartNEW

1.2* High Bugs


1.4* High Bugs


1.4* Medium+ Bugs by Owner


1.4* Medium Bugs by Owner


Other High Bugs


Major or Critical


Old Queries